Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 20, 1903, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
HOWAItli A I1IIOWN, rub.
Comprehensive Review ot the Import
lit Happening of the Past Week
Presented In Condensed Farm, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting,
Tlio blockado on Vcnc.uolan potts
nai neon raued.
A Moro stronghold In tlio rhlllp-
pines lias surrendered.
China Is baying arms in violation of
tlio treaty with tlio nines.
, Mrs. Roosevolt Is ill and has
collod all social engagement.
nasi tugar men liave again blocked
tin- pigo ot tlio Philippine tariff bill
An exceedingly rich gold strike has
.-en oiado in Josephine county, ure-
i hill creating a department ot
(. i tmco has boon signed by the presi
i. i L
i bill has been Introduced in tlio
i . sue to prevent haling at tlio Anna
1 lis nival acadomy.
Senator llanna fa again trying to re
vive to ship subsidy bill, bat meets
WIUi CK opposition.
Coalmittces from the Oregon and
Washington legislatures met at OIym
I a aad dlscuised flth laws.
tiaargo Cole, under arrest at Butte
fo; tku recent holdup ot n Burlington
train In Montana, hat confessed. He
implicates a man named Georgo How
ant, ho is still at large.
A campaign agaiqst the "get-rich-qaick"
oflices which do business under
tbt name of turf investment companies
to s-iw being conducted in New York,
as well as in Chicago and St. Louis.
The Newspaper Deadhead.
Why should people ask for free &
nowapapers, asks the Toronto g
i Evening Telegram, anymore than S
they loot lor Irco cigars, free urn
i brellas, free walking sticks, free
j collars, free .cuffs or free beef-
steaks? Every copy of a newe-
5 paper is a product which costs
g money. The tailor, the tobac-
conitt, the gents furnisher or the
) grocer is not called upon to sap-
ply free copies of the product
i which they handle. The people
who aro aggrieved if they cannot
get a freo copy of a newspaper
would not think oi struggling for
i a place on the freo list of a croc-
j ory store, a dry goods store, or
i Duicnor a shop.
It is the principle more than
the cost of the free newspaper
j idea which is repugnant to all
i sound business notions.
Dr. Rocco Brindlsl, for 11 years the
Italian conslnar agent at Boston, has
been appointed by the king of Italy
vice consul for New England.
Father Edumnd Goetz, a tamou
South Alrican astronomer, after 14
months in America, has palled for
France, where he will secure astronom
leal instruments for the first obeerva
tory In boutli Africa.
Reciprocity with Italy and no restrict
tion of immigration to this country were
the keyontes struck by the speakers at
the third annual banquet oi the Italian
chamber oi commerce In New i ork city.
The great prevalence of smallpox in
the ConnellsvIIle, Pa., coke region has
prompted the officials of the II. C.
Frlck coke company to issue an order
calling lor the free vaccination of all
Its employes and their families.
Andrew Uarnegte lias a trust com
pany of bis own in New York to aid
blm In making donations. When he
wants to make a gift he merely notifies
the head of his private - trute company
to credit so-and-so the required amount
and tlio whole matter is oil bis mind
The collier AJax, which arrived in
New York from ban Juan de Porto
Rico, has on board the remains of the
nlno sailors of the battleship Massachu
setts, who were killed in an explosion
In the 12-inch gun turret on tbat ves
sel, bight of the bodies will be for
warded to relatives. The other body,
that of Boastwain Uendrickson, who
had no relatives in the United States.
will be buried at the naval cemetery at
the navy yard at Brooklyn.
Professor II. V. Jenks, of Cornell
university, has been invited by the
Mexican government to go to Mexico to
consult with the authorities there re'
garuing tne establishment oi a new
monetary system. The Cornell trustees
have granted Professor Jenks leave of
absence for one month, and- he will
leave tor Moxico in March.
The sonata has ratified the Alaskan
boundary treaty.
Germany has repudiated her agree
ment in the Venezuelan negotiations.
East St. Louis will erect a separate
building at the tit. Louis fair.
The Park hotel at Coshocton, 0.,
suffered a (35,000 fire loss. Forty
guest had narrow escapes, all getting
nut in thoir night clothes.
The British torpedo boat destroyer
Quail went ashore a week ago near
Point Barin, says a Herald dispatch
from Port of Spain, Trinidad.
The resignation of midshipman Pear
son from the Naval academy at Annap
olis because he was hazed has been re
jected by Superintendent Brownson.
The Washington legislature has In
definitely postponed action on McBrlde's
railroad bill.
Many statos have petitioned for pop
ular election ot senators, but the senate
iodise to act.
The agreemont for an incroaie of
wagea for trainmen and conductors on
the Southwestern railroads has been
signed at St. Louis.
In the private collection of George
Frederick Kunz, now on exhibition in
New York, is a pure diamond imbedded
' n tho center of a 40-pound meteorite.
Last Obstacle In Way ot Deschutes Irrl
gallon Project Removed.
Washington, Feb. 17. President
Roosevelt this afternoon advltod Rep-
rossnlatlvo Moody that ho today a'
proved the map and contract with the
state of Oregon permanently segregate
ing 84,707 acrea ot land In the IVa.
chutes vnlloy, which It la proposed
shall bo reclaimed under the Carey act
by the Pilot Butte development com
pany, ot which A. M. Drako is presl
This action ends the long contro
versy, and so far as the general govern'
mont is concerned, gives this company
the right to proceed with the immediate
construction of lis irrigation system
according to tho approved plana. Gov
ernment officials hero regatd this a
the most Important and most premising
Carey act proposition In tlio state, and
eoo no resaon wh the project shout
not be carried through in the 10 years
Allowed by law to successful comple
Under the terms of tho contract with
tlio stato, tho Pilot Butto company
will bo allowed to charge an annual
wator rental of (1 per acre, the lien of
the company amounting to ( S4S,oa
This case Is tho first one in Oregon
nnder tho Carey act to bo approved by
the president. It has been hung up In
the land office since early last summer
Representative Moody throughout the
cession has been urging immediate ac
tion on all Carey act cassa In Ocrgon,
but it waa not until Commissioner
Richards took hold that ho was able to
get this case "jarred loose."
Strike of British Columbia .Miners Is Be
coming Serious.
Victoria, B. C, Feb. 17. The strike
hich has been declared in the coal
mines of the Crows' Nest coal company.
t i-ernie, Michel, Mornsey and Coal
creek will, it is feared, be almost as
grave in its indirect as in its direct
effects, which threaten to coe every
smelter in tli Kootenai and Boundary
countries. Recently the miners of
Nanalmo affiliated with the Wet-tern
Federation ot miners, in direct antagon
ism to Ralph Smith, M. P., who warned
them that in so doing they would lie
imperilling the good relations which
have existod between them and the new
anconver coal company. It is now
considered likely that if the strike is
not settled In Ferule, not only will
there be great suffering there, but the
miners of Nanalmo may be called out.
This would paralyze the coal trade ot
San Francisco. Tho situation is viewed
ith the greatest apprehension and coal
retailers are hurrying scows to Nanalmo
to insure a good reserve supply in case
ot trouble.
A special dispatch from Fernio says
tho strike situation Is not changed and
there is likely to bo a long struggle
The miners are determined that the
union shall be recognized, and the
manager of the coal company is abao-
lutey opposed to meeting them.
deputation consisting of three miners
from Morrlssey, Michel and Coal creek
tried to pre.-ent their grievances before
Manager Tonkin, but he refused to lis
ten. He will meet them individually
but not collectively. Manager Tonkin
saya the miners are making better
wages than in any other place in
Report on Klamath Treaty Lllesavlng
Station for Tillamook Bay.
Washintgon, Feb. 17. Represents
the Moody this morning secured a fa'
vorable leport nn his bill introduced
yesterday providing for ratifying the
Klamath Indian treaty. He will try
to mve it pat in tne Indian appropria
tion mil now in conference.
The omnibus public building bill re
ported to the house today carries $100.
000 each for the buildings at Tacoma
and Spokane, with which to begin con'
straction when plans have been com
At the request of Senator Mitchell, a
bill was Introduced in the senate todav
authorizing the establismbent of a lite
saving station at the entrance of Tilla-
mook bay.
Representative Jones today escured
an amendment to the sundry civil bill
appropriating $22,000 for a lighthouse
at Muckilteo point, near Everett.
By request of Represetative Jones.
deputy United States marshal is here
after to be stationed at North Yakima
to prevent sales of liquor to Indians on
tne reservation.
Senator Mitchell continues to im
prove, uaa weatner. however, me-
vents nlB going ont.
Coaling Stations In Cuba.
Havana, Feb. 17. President Palma
s ready to sign the naval coaling eta
tions argeement on receipt of President
Rooeavelt's approval of certain minor
changes. If a reply is received in time,
Minister Squiers will call for New York
this afternoon carrying with him the
igned agreement for President Rooso-
elt's Bingature. The object of Mr.
timers' visit to Washintgon is to con
fer with the authorities with reference
to the permanent treaty between the
two countries which will cover the eov
ereignty of the Isle ot Pines.
Ladrones Driven Back.
Manila, Feb. 14. A hundred la'
drones attacked the town of Nanian,
Island ot Mindora. yesterday. The
constabulary repulsed them after a scat
tering hght, which lasted several hours.
during which one la'drons was killed
and ono wounded. Twenty womon and
children living in tho town were in
jured. Inspector Crockett, with a largo
force of mounted constabulary, has
Bwept through Northern Rlzal and
Southern Balacan, where ladroones have
been operating, but he failed to find a
truce of them.
Meteor Falls In Utah.
Salt Lake, Feb. 17. A spoclal to the
Tribnue Iiom Bingham,' Utah, rays
mammoth meteor struck the earlh In
the vicinity of this place at 4:45 o'clock
this morning. The falling body when
collided witlr the earth caueod win
dows to rattle and houses to tromble,
while a sound like a mlorhtv clan of
thunder awakened the inhabitants from
their sleep. Peoplo thought there had
been an earthquake and much alarm
was felt for some time. ,
Bills ol Importance That are Being Intro
duced and Acted L'pon In Both Houses
Measure Signed by the Governor
Progress ot the Balloting for United
States Senator.
Tho vote Fulton 32, Gcer 15, Wood
14, Williams 17, scattering 3, absent
ami paired l.
Tho Senate A iolnt resolution was
adopted calling upon congress to order
a constitutional convention lor the pur
pose ot framing an amendment for the
election ot United States senators by
direct veto. To fix salary ot superln
tendent of public instruction at 13,000,
passed. To regulate employment ot fe
males, passed.
Tho House To pay Indian war vet
erans, Indetlnltely postponed. llio
greater part ot tho day waa taken up in
Introducing now bills
Appropriations already provided for
amount to (2.3S6.SU0.82,
Governor Chamberlain vetoed the
bill classing bicycles with horses in tho
statute defining larceny; also tlio ono
to prohibit stock running at largo in
Marion county.
Tho vote Fulton 33, Goer 10, Wood
10, Williams 17, scattering 3, absent S.
The Senate To declare press associa
tions common carriers, defeated. To
provide a matron at the penitentiary,
passed. To repeal law granting rebates
to owners ot wide tired wagons, passed.
Tho House To use convict labor on
public roads, pasted. A 'measure waa
introduced to regulate railroad rates.
To provide a groat seal for the state, re
ferred to a special committee.
The vote Fulton 34, Geer 15, Wood
15, George 13, scattering 6, absent or
paired 7.
The Senate To require district at
torneys to render legal services for
school districts without additional
compensation, passed. To create Baker
county the Eighth judicial district,
passed. To regulate sale of explosives
to children, passed.
The House To appropriate $20,000
for experiment station at Union, passed.
To reguiato chid labor, passed. A reso
lution tbat no bills be introduced
after February 13, except by commit
tees, adopted.
The vote Fulton 33, Geer 15, Wuod
16, George 15, scattering 3, absent and
paired 8,
The Senate To authorizo the con'
structlon of a portage railway between
Uelllo and The Dalles, passed. To in
crease term ot office of assessor to four
years, passed. To make eight hours'
labor a day's work, indefinitely post
The House To create the office ot
commissioner of labor statistics, failed
to pass. To extend Australian ballot
to cities of 2,000 people or over, passed
To authorizo Portland to constuct an
additional ferry, referred to Multno
mah delegation.
A concurrent resolution was adopted
by both houses asking the historical
society to preserve the old blockhouse
on the Grand Ronde reservation,
The vote Fulton 31, Geer 15, Wood
16, George 1, scattering 0, abeent and
paired 8.
The Senate To require sheriffs to
make monthly settlements with county
treasurers, passed. To relocate conn'
ty seat of Wallowa county, passed. To
create county of Stockman, defeated,
The House For a portage road
above The Dalles, passed, 45 to 7. For
a matron at the penitentiary, passed
lo repeal scalp bounty, passed.
Wheat Walla Walla,
76c: blue
stem, 88c; valley, 78Kc
Barley Feed, (23.60 per ton; brew.
ing, $24.
Flour Best grade, $4.30(34.85 : grab'
am, I3.463.86.
Mlllstuffs Bran, $18310 per ton
middlings, $23 24; shorts, $1920
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white. $1.15 & 1.20
gray, (l.lZJ-JQl.IS per cental.
Hay Timothy, I1112; clover,
$890; cheat, (910 per ton.
Potatoes Best Eurbanks,C0376cper
tack; ordinary, 4050c per cental
growers' rices; Merced sweets, (2
2.25 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12c
young, ll12c; hens, 12Jc; turkeys,
live, 1610c; dressed, 1820c; ducks,
(37.60 per dozen; geese, (7(38.60.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 10H&
17Kc; Young America, 17K18c;
factory prices, llHc less.
Butter Fancy creamery. 3032Mc
per pound; extras, 30c; dairy. 203
22c; store, 1518c.
Eggs 2326 per dozen.
Hops Choice, 2227c per pound.
Wool Valley, 12316c: Eastern
Oregon, 814Kc; mohair, 26328c.
iieef uross, cows, 3(33c per
pound; steers, 44c; dressed, 7c,
Veal 7)4mXc.
Motion Gross. 4c per pound:
dressed, 7$c.
Lambs Gross, 4c per pound:
dressed, 7sc.
Hogs Gross, 0)ic per pound:
doing Out to Fight Rcccls.
Caracas, Feb. 12. A force of 2,000
men, with 50 horses and two guns.
under command ot the minister ot war,
eneial lerrera, left Caracas this
morning in the direction of the seaport
of Iflguerote 05 miles east of Caracas.
The object, of the expedition Is to at
tack a body ot 1,500 revolutionists
under General Mdnagas. who Is report
ed to bo too feeble to attack tho gov
ernment torces, but strong enough to
dovaetate the district around Rio Ohlco,
province of Miranda CO miles south
east of Caracas.
Public Building for Oregon City - Light,
houses tor Pacific Coast.
Washington, Fob, 14. Sonator Simon
today reported to tho senate his bill
authorising tho purchase of it site and
tho erection ot n public building at
Oregon City, slto and building to cost
not over $100,000.
Tho sonalo coimncrco commlttceo to
day reported as amendments to the
sundry civil bill several bills that have
previously passed tho mutate, among
them Mug bills appropriating (4,000
for a new building at tho Yaqtllna
light station. (400 for Cape Blanco
light station, (350,000 tor a now light
house in Alaska, and the bills eelnb
lishlng life-saving stations at Capo
Mattery, Wash., and Nome. Alaska.
Senator Foster intends to offer as an
amendment to this same measure his
bill, recently reported, appropriating
i iO.uuu for additional buildings, work
shops, walls, etc., at McNeill's island
pontentlary. Wash., to Increase its
capacity to UOO. Ho may not succeed,
as tho department ot justice does not
approve the expenditures.
A contract was today awarded to
Raymond A. Perry, of San Franlcsoo.
for dredglngTacoma harbor, thoamount
ot the award being (13,524.
Many American and Canadian Fishermen
In Deadly Peril.
Channel, N. F., fob. 14 The rev
enue cutter Souilnohvfrom Boston, has
arrived safely at Port Basque, after a
terrific battle lasting 18 hours with
heavy Arctic ico. The Seminole Ik now
100 miles from tho imprisoned fisher
men in tho Bay of Islands. Between
this point and where a dozen or moro
schooners, some American, are held
fast in the frozen sea, still heavier ice
must bo encountered before tho Semin
ole can succeed in reaching her destin
The Canadians, who for moro than a
month have endeavored In vain to pen
etrate the Icefield, have given up how
ot reaching their countrymen in th
Bay of islanhds. They think it Impos
sible for the Seminolo to force her way
through the pack of Ice, but tho Ameri
cana will make the effort alter coal and
more provisions are added to the reven
nuo cutter's stores.
No word has been received from the
fishermen since one of the tlect which
escaped the Ico stopped at this port and
reported tlio plight of tho others. It is
believed the men on the ill-fated ships
are in danger ot starvation, and grave
fears are entertained that many have
succumbed to the cold. Tho Seminole
carries an extra supply of clothing,
blankets and medicines. She will at
tempt to break up the? ice, about
fleet, but it unable to do this will
to get near enough to the vessels to
move the crews.
Bitter Cold, Deep Drilling Snow and N
Teed tor Cattle or Sheep.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 14. Tli
Btorm that has been raging for several
days has assumed the proportions of
blizzard throughout houthern and West
era Wyoming, and stockmen who are
ranging herds and flocks in regions
where there is little or no feed aro now
greatly alarmed.
In tho western portions of the stato
anow has fallen to a great depth, but
from Evanston east to the Nebraska
line the snowfall has gradually dimln
ished. High winds have accompanied
the storm, and the mow has been piled
np in railroad cuts, greatly to tho delay
of traffic. Tho weather has boon bit
terly cold, and the indications aro for
even colder weather.
In the Red Desert country between
Rawlins and Evaiibton, which is the
most favored ot all the winter ranges 1
trio state, sneep aro dying, the grass
being covered up, and the supply of
sagebrush short. Cattle aro in poor
condition, owing to the long string ol
severe storms, and in sections where
there ia no hay to fed the loss will bo
Stifled by Qa.
Chicago, reb. 14. live men met
death and 10 wore overcome tonight by
the fumes of gas escaping from tho pur
ifying box in tho plant of the North
western gas light and coke company at
Ulua ilsand. The men had been en
gaged in changing the purifying box,
According to the statements of tho men
at the plant, when the men finished the
work of changing the substance in tho
box, thoy did not c!oso tho covers of the
box. When the gas was turned Into
tho box for tho purifying process
overwhelmed the men.
Robbers' Carriage Found.
Butte, Mont., Feb. 10. The officers
believe that without doubt they have
located the rubber-tired rig need br tho
robbers ol the Burlington train. They
are now diligently searching for tlio
man who hired a carriage at Sloan v
McGorven'x livery stable the night of
the robbery, and returned with it with'
in an hour and a half alter the robljory;
The stable boy said that tho horses
were covered with foam and appeared
to have been driven at breakneck speed
for some time before they were brought
to the stable.
Planned a Massacre.
Salt Lake, Feb. 14, A apeclal tc tho
Herald from Ogden says that as the re'
suit of the general investigation brought
about by the recent attempt of certain
inmatei of the state reform school at
Ogden to burn the buildings, the oil
clals have unearthed a conspiracy
amongs ome of the girl Inmates to poi
Bon Hie teachers and others in author
ity at the school. Tho superintendent
will not disclose tho names of those
Finish Fight for Statehood.
Washington. Feb. 13. Tho friends
of statehood today reached a definite, de
cision to have the omnibus statehood
bill reported as a rider to tho postofllco
appropriation bill. It Is expected that
tills action will Ira taken tomorrow. It
is the nurnose to mako a fight in the
senate to havo tho statehood bill tacked
on to ono of tho appropriation bills,
passagoof which is absolutely necosjary
to tho running of tho government.
Allies Must Return Alt Vessels, War and
Merchant, Seized by Thetn-ltaty and
llermany Secure Better Terms Than
Ureat Britain Other Nations May
Pretest Against Preference.
Washington, Fob. 14. Herlmrt W
llowon, Venezuelan reprm'iitatlvo In
the iaco negotiations nt Wnshingtuiil
today signed with each of tho allien'
reprwentatlvea protocol providing lor
tho Immediate raising of tho blockado
and for tho reterencv ol tho nui'Mlon ol
preferential treatment ot tlm clams ol
tho allien against Yemxucla to The
llaguo arbitration tribunal, l'halliia
formalities occurred at tho British uui'
luitsy. The British protocol mu in
English, tho Italian In Italian, and tho
German in German and English. Mr.
llovton signed in duplicate for Veneiu
oU, Sir Michael Herbert for Great
Britain, Slguor Mayor des Planches lor
Italy and Baron Speck von Stornebrg
for Germany.
Immediately on the signing ot tho
last protocol cables were dispatched to
London, Berlin and Ito'no announcing
tho tact. It is eiixwtod that tho com
manders ot tho blockading Meet within
the noxt 24 hours wilt rocolvo their
orders to withdraw their vessel ut
By tho provisions ot these prelimin
ary protocols, which havo required
more than threo mls ot constant lie-
Rotation, Venezuela makes two distinct
galus, tho immodlatu raising of a block
ade from which she has boon differing
(or some weeks, and tho return of all
vessels, war and merchant, which havo
been captured by the allied Meet.
lirent Britain, Germany and Italy
ach receive ndvanm payments of
5,500 pounds, Great Britain receiving
her payment on tho signing of tho pro
tocol, and Germany and Italy within
30 and 00 days from date. Germany
in addition will receive Ilvii monthly
payments until tho full amount paid
her in udvanco aggregates (340.000.
As a guaranty for the satisfaction of
their claims, Mr. Bowcn pledges the
allies a share with tho other creditor
nations in 30 bepr cent of tin- customs
receipts ol tho two iorta of lj (lu.ivru
and Puerto Cabello. Thi percentage
will bo set aside beginning March 1 and
retained In tho Venezuelan treasury
until The Hague tribunal shall decide
whethor it shall be distributed without
prccedehco among the cUimant'natlons.
or whethor the alllod powers of Great
Britain, Gormany ami Italy shall re
ceive preferential payments.
Italy by her protocol gains immediate
payment of her first class claim with
out further adjudication, r.a soon as the
Joint commission at Caracas shall have
passed on tho remainder of her claims,
fn round uumliers the adjudicated
Italian claimx amount to (500,000,
from which will Ihi subtracted tho (27,
000 to bo paid her in 00 days from the
signing ot her first protocol. The Ital
ian ambassadcr also has secured for his
government the Insertion In tho proto
col oi an agreement that Venezuela will
insert in her treaty with Italy the
"favored nation clause" tmfseased by
other nations. Great Britain has left
her protocol unchanged since it was up
proved by tho London foreign ofllco,
eomo days ago. It Is stlpulatodd by
tho prootcola that tho claims of tho
creditor nations shall lio adjudicated by
joint commissions to consist In each In
stance ot a Venezuelan, a representation
of the claimant ponur ami, in case of a
disagreement, nn umpire to be named
by the president of the United States.
Bitter Cold In Nevada.
Fait Lako City, Feb. 10. Bitterly
cold weather prevails ovor Nevada.
Northern Utah, Southern Idaho and
Wostern Wyoming. Wells, Novnda,
reports a tomporaturo of 42 degrees bo-
low zero last night, whllo 33 bolow was
reported at Winnomucca, A nurnborof
freight trainH nro roportod stalled on
sidings ncroHH the Nevada desert, tho
cold having lcen so eitremo tnatit wan
impoHidble for the engine crewa to keep
up sufficient steam. Much loss to live
stock is feared in Wyoming, where con
ditions before the cold wavo wore very
favorable It was 2 dogrees abovo zero
in Salt Lako last night, tho coldest of
tho winter.
Rockefeller Always Quarded,
Lakewood, N. D Fob. 10. John D,
Ilockufoller lias returned to Lake wood
and Is staying with his son-in-law and
daughter, Profesxor and Mrs. Charles
A. Strong, at their cottago on tho Lako
drive. Two watchmen guard tho Strong
cottago at night. A messenger was do
tamed tor nun an hour before lio suc
ceeded In satisfying tho guards that ho
waa not a suspicious person. When
Mr. Rockefeller camo to visit them two
months ago, tho Strongs hired a night
watchman, who lins lic-en on duty regit
larly since then.
Carnegie Offered lo Help.
Washington, Fob. 17. Moved by tlio
spirit in which Horbert W. Hon on has
conducted the peace negotiations at
Washington with tho representatives of
tho allies, and anxious that his nils
fllon should succeed, Andrew Carneglp,
upon hearing of Uermany a action In
demanding a cash payment of 1,718,-
000 bolivars, Instead of tho 5,500
pounds previously promised her, eont
tho following message to Mr. Bowcn
I shall bit glad to hand ovor at onco
(300,000 to moot the Gorman demand
If Venezuela desires it."
Cattle Disease Again.
Washington, Feb. 10. The foot nnd
mouth dlM-aso ban beenrno Horioua again
n Massachusetts, and Vi, Salmon, the
chief of tho bureau of animal Industry,
will return to Boston in a few days to
Investlgato tho situation, Simulating
reports havo reached Secretary WIIhou
regarding fresh outbreaks of tho disease
near Boston, wheru most of tho canes
recenttly havo hecomo concentrated.
and there Is much anxiety over a possi
ble spread of tho disease.
Device to Citch Them and Mukt Them
Harmless Indented by Burling
ton Olllclal.
Omahn, Neb., Feb. 18. W. 3. O.
Kenyoti, general manager of tint
Union Block yards nt Omaha, and
oriuorly general passenger agent ol
tlio Chicago, Burlington A Northern
railway, h patented u dovlco (or thu
Mocking and derailing ot cars to pro
ent accidents nil tho main linen ol
railroads. This now dovlco conslsla ut
n strong steel blink that may Ixt at
tached toeiiroly to tho rail nt tho but
torn of any steep gradtt. It hits u
channel In tho upper surface, so that
the Mango of (ho car wheel will run Into
It and thereby detail n wild or run-aniiy
car. It sometimes lmpHiis that a
heavy train of height car will hioak
In two whllo going up a stvep griido
and Hint portion of tho train not at
tached to Iho engine start I '.nk down
tho grade at terrlllo swl, and usually
crashes Into othor cars back down tho
road, doing liuiuenso damage to thu
ruipaway car and to those standing
till. Thn road bod Is also badly dam
aged In such cases and both freight and
imntongtir traffic delayed until tho truck
is cleared at great oijienso and loss of
All tills damage and lost of money,
lietide serious danger to lldt, can Ixt
avoided by tho use ol M-. Kenyou'a de
railing block, tiecaitso thn run-away car
I thrown from tho track quickly and
cleanly, U'fnro any damguo can Im done
to tho rood Ihm or to other freight and
passenger tialllv.
Mr. Kenyou' device I destined to
liccomo ot groat li'notU to railroad traf
fic all over the world, but moro esmvl-
ally In tho mountainous Hirtlous,
where heavy grades cannot bo avoided,
on which train frequently part under
the great strain neciwiry to carry
them on their way. Exxrlncod rail
road men rccognliu this drealling block
as simple, strong and efleclho.
Storehouse of Arm and Ammunition at
Rock Island tcstru)d.
Rock Island, III., 1'eli. 13. Shop A.
tho prlnclMil storolmuio ol the II ink
Island arsenal, was destroyed by lire
last night, together with Its contents,
which Included cavalry and Infantry
equipment of every ile-crlption, nnd
1,000,000 rounds of Krag-Jorgenren
smoklc-KS ammunition. The content
were north (l,AOO,000. Thn building
was a massive strmtura, three stories
in height, and wa erected 'JO year
ago at a cost of (400,000.
Thu flame In tho great Institution
endangered properly worth many 1 1 nun
tho amount lost. Thu Urn was under
control by 1 o'clock this morning, at
which hour Major Blunt, the com
mandant, estimated the loss at (l,l00,
000. There were no casualties so far
a known.
Thousand of people stood on thn
rides of the river unit watched the fire.
When tho Maine got beyond tho con
trol of the arsonal lire brigade, an ap
peal for help waa sent to Davenport,
Hock Island, Molina ami He Moines.
Two companies from each ol there near
by cities resionded, Imt by tho time
tuey arrived mo stoichoiist) wa a mass , 111 u projioitMi enlargement ol tho for
of llames, and owing tc tint largo umnniit , est reserve of that slate and so riunier
of ammunition in the building It wa , havo Uen the protest against tba
considitnd dangerous to Kirmlt tlirm to di'partmuiu'a action, that Iteprenonln
approach the building. Atcordingly tivu Jones I considering Ilia advlsahlli
all their efforts were directed toward
preventing tho destruction of other
building of thu plant. In this they
were silccesslul
Palma Agrees with Ills Congress on Ces
sion to the United State.
Havana, Feb. 12. Uthoogh a fairly
uounno understanding ha licen reach
Ml with tho United State reprosunta
tlvcs In regard to coaling stations oi
this island, Pnisldont Palma Is Inclined
to further foul thu public pulso before
committing his gnvornmont to tl
agri-omont. Accordingly, ho hold
conferenco wilh the loading sonator
and representative at tho palaco today
and thu matter was discussed 'with the
rojult that no opposition to the agreo.
ment developed except in minor points,
It Is understood tbat tho naval situ
tion treaty la not Ijendont in any de
gree on tlio confirmation of tho reclpro
city treaty since tho coaling station nr
rangemont la explicitly provided (or
by tlio riatt amondmont.
Smoot Will Demand Scat.
Salt Lako, Feb. 13. Sonator-clect
lined Smoot, of Utah, will, it Is an
iiminced, go to Washington next week
His credentials a senator to succeed
Senator Rawlins will then ho presented
"The protosts against my being seat
cd in tho Scnato will make no differ
onco in my plans." said Sir. Smoot.
"I expect to taku my seat, and do not
anticipate any serious interference.
see no reason why there should Ihi,
mottling can no iirougnt against me
oxcept that I am a member of tho Mor
mon church."
Slgtbce as Commandant.
Washington, Feb. 13. Canlaln
unaries u. bigsneo, who waa in com
mand of tho battleship Maino when
alio was destroyed in tho harbor of Ha
vana, will probably bo assigned to dulv
as commander ot tlio navy yard at
Bremerton, Wash., as tho Buccossor of
Rear Admiral Yatos Stirling, who has
boon ordorod to command tho l'hllin
ilno squadron or the Asiatic Moot. Jt
s expectod that Rear Admiral Stlrllm.
will haul down IiIh Mag at tho Pugot
douiiu navy yarn in nbout n month nnd
proceed to thu Philippines.
Woman Suffrage Defeated.
Butte, Mont.. Feb, 12 A Unburn
special say tho house today killed thu
woman suffrage bill by a vote of 41 to
21. ThlH effoctlvoly dlsjioHes of tho
measure at this session. Tho report of
tho committee rocomnioifdlni.' for n,i.
Bago tho appropriation carrying (35,
000 for tho St. Louis fair was a feature
of tho morning soibIoii of the houso,
Another bill favorably rnnortnil nml
which was adopted was tlio election bill
Introduced by Schwond.
To Raise Minimum Pension.
It, -..1.1 l r .1. .n .....
uasninuioii, rou, ye, A I 111 was
Introduced today by Sonator Burton
providing that henceforth tho minimum
pension uliall be (12. It provides for
tm incroaso to that figure of all hen
ions now bolow that sum, ,
Say Coal Strike Commission Must l lnd
Miner' Union Responsible for Violence
Which I'mcntrd Non-Union Men from
Working -Union Denounced a I'o
ntciiter of Crime and Anarchy.
Philadelphia, Fob. 12. Thn United
Mlnnnorker of Amur lea a an organ
tuition wa severely scored today by
counsel Indole tho nnthracllo coal
strlko commliMloii. Tho nonunion men,
through their attorney, John T. Ijmi.
ban, presented tliolr sldo of tho contra
versy and demanded consideration at
tlio baud ol thn commission, claiming
tho legal right to earn n living a they
might elect without Hut consent or dic
tation ol the union. During hi pre.
suntatlon of tho enso, Mr. Lenahnn do.
iiminced tho union a a (omouter ol
crime and anarchy. Tho main feature,
of his argument v. as thu claim that tho
union hal no legal or moral right In
coerctt miner Into iiioiuhoralilp or to
arrogate to Itself thu authority lo lit
tint wage of uiinoMurktir.
Mr. I.eiiHliaii, In III argument, pro
sontod three projHBltloin. Hit submit
ted that the ooi lou must llnd thn
Culled Mlutiworkcre I()miiIiu for tba
violence and oilier unlawful actr which
deprhed tho nonunion mliiera ol their
lawful right to Hurk; that all authori
ties nrgeo that thu law guarantee to
every man (ho right to work where,
when and for whom ho please, and
that nothing could Justify a finding by
tint commission that nonunion miners
must deal with their employer through
Urn medium ol tlio union or I hi suhjmt
In the slightest degree to thu control or
dictation of Hie union.
Jaine II. Turrvy, nimisol for tlio
Delaware .k Hudson company, claimed
that tho iiiestlon ol recognition ol thu
union was not an issuu before the coin
inlwlon, but he devoted much tlinn In
the eoii'ideratlon o( that demand, lie
asserted that violence and intimidation
were agendo lelnled fur tho promo
Hon ol tho puroe ol tho mlnawork
urs. Regarding thu demand tor an
eight hour working day, Mr. Tnrrey
aid tho evidence shotted that for vari
ous reaxms tho breaker did not aver
ago iiiuio than night hour a day, mi
that tba physical effect of long hour
wore not fait.
Major Kverltt Warren, counsel for
the Hillside Coal Iron nniauy, and
tint Pennsylvania coal roniriy argued
thu demand of tho miner in detail,
and declare 1 thu Socialistic theorlr ol
tho union or somu ol It louder to I
responsible fur unreasonable term
Washington People Misunderstand
Forestry Law.
Washington, Feb. 12. So great ha
become tho opposition In Washington
ly of having forestry official from tin
department sent out to Washington to
nddres Interested communities at mas
meetings, explaining tho forestry policy
and tho Intoutbn of tho department
with regard to Washington forest.
From thu protests rixolved, it I ap
parent that there I a genorol miscon
ception of the forestry Idea, a many of
tho complaint are built in fairs foun
dation and many condition com
plained ol do not and will not exl-t.
It I appsrant from thu protest that
tho lands recently withdrawn are Im
yond doubt forested. Whllo much of
tho land Included In tho limits fo tint
withdrawal! la now settled upon, it Is
not proposed to disturb such settlers
or to in any way curtail their rights.
Use May Be Made of New Vnri.
Artificial Waterway.
Albany, N. V., Feb. 11. Tho que,
tion of thu possibility of practically
ceding a small portion of tho Erie canal
lo tho United Stales government lor
ship canal purposes, In splto ol tho
prohibition of thu stale legislation, la
answered in thoalllrrnativu by Attorney
General Cuneru In an opon letter for
wardod to Major Thomas W. Kymoiin,
head of thu United Stat
corps for thu Buffalo district. The
question urlses in connection with tho
plan of constructing a deep ship canal
from the headwaters ol Nlaunrn rl, i
tho nnvlgablo part farther down
stream. Tho letter cl Aarri nwnv in tit
obnloelcs that nppearod to Ihi Insur
mouniuuie, and assure thu Having of
both moiioy nnd tlmo.
Will Round Up Hostile.
Manila, Fob. 12. Tho L-ovurnmnni !
preparing to thnroimblv
disorderly element in thu provinces ot
liulocan and Rlzal, where thu constab
ulary, In accordance with order ru
colvecl from tho war department, will
bo rulnfonod by Bovoral roi.,i,,,l. i
natlvo scouts. Thn
disaffected provinces aro believed to ox
aggcratu thu number (if hostile, of
whom it is said there nro 2,000 In thu
Meld. More trustworthy
there nro not ovor 600 natives undor
arms. i
Many Want Position. I
Washington, Fob. 12. A it l. .i.
most assured that tho hill creating thn
nuw department of commurrn will l,,..
como u law, President Ilooesvelt Is ru
colvlng pressing requests for appoint
niontfl to positions. It is oxpectid that
aftor tho nondlmr hill I. ...i ..
gross by supplemental legislation, will
,-......, iippriipriuiions lor tho opera
on nnd operating oxpontos and for
hu sa arles, jirovldiiig nt tho nmu
tlmo what thoBo officials shall rocolvo.
To (live Queen Lll $200,000.
WashlnL'tmi.l-' u,..,.. ti
-urn uas introduced an amondmont to
tho sundry civil appropriation hill
ninklng an appropriation of (200,000,
n full Huttsfactlon of all clalnn or pro'
tended c alms ot ox-quoon Mlluokallnl.
of Hawaii, 1