'.Mi Hiihii Wiu iitr," II yvIIMh; iciiiciiiIiciciI render nf till' NllKM'W Hint Milui'lhluK over In n tVi'IU'"t 111(11 lllriini Nhnoli, of Oiil.luud, H'Iiii wtn u in ldiiK In I In- Alcxuudcr V riiiiiplii'll inlllri ui'ir ruiiiHini'li, wit uttyluld while nil I lie mail lie iH'li'li Ciiliwlni'li mill IIiIh city, aluil (lifuitRli tlii' cheat mill rnlilii'il nf nil tiro iiiiiiii'.v on III imtmiiii, niiiiii' i'7. When funnel by r Ili rnmlMlili- mi Impo nf III ifeovery win ontcrf ulned. (i wiw liriiiiKlit too, hiiwpvvr.iiml tnudo ii Klali'lliKiil. In I In effort Hint lie mm overtaken uy two men, onu Wllltu unit mm dui'Ii complected, who nffi'iwl tu dell lilin 11 K"oil wnlrli cheit). lie hniked nl the wutcli unil tnoh out IiIh iiioiii'.v to lin.v It, lull I t'tliltlgnil IiIn mltnl. He hum t hull Wnliliecl unit Hie motie.v titlit'ii friiui III in, Un Imil n revolver, ntul lit tempted to lle II, It wmh iiIhoIiiIuhi from lilin ntul ilie dnrk euniplecieil ilinil abut IiIiii. AUIioiikIi wverul nr ttwU Werv iiinde, owtltK to III muub I'ullMfliitUt eiiiullthin lie fulled to Identify the peipoiintuiwnl tliecrlme. nllllninrh from tlie ilcwl'lplhin lie Whim-i I i i ii Mi i cm, - Tlie leKillnr lie el ln i iT Hie ivIiIhI elilli lielil ill Hie Imll ' ilomhiy evenliiK mill n iniilo liilcieni Inn mill Jul 1,1 m'mhIoii coillil Hot linve liien lielil, Tlie teuiilnlloil iillilllier of lliciubcix milt KUiwIm Were prcwiil mill Hie I'olileNl fin linuiii'M wiik n lively one, ivhiiIUiik III Hie I rd ivw 1 11 1 1 1 Mr won liy .Mt'M Mil'lclliiu mnl Hie roliMoluttimliy MImh i:illeHii'viirl. It wiik HioiikIiI for n (line Hint I'Yllllli IttlW'llIllll'K wiih koIiih III (III llllllM'lf proud unit bienl; the i-11'unl liy lielnit Hm fliHl xentli'inmi to win Hint llolioiti, Mlnee lite iiraiiiilKutliiii of tlie club, hut lie lutil n lnol hulf liolfrimil fnlleil lutitnil Hie ci.velcd trophy. Iteniilntliiii reliVHlniie'iilH wi'iv xerveil hy Hie ciimmltlce, Mm. AlinuiiK mnl .Mix. Henry, lo which nil Mil miiple Jiwtli e. The KUeHt of t lie club wen- MIhh .Muinl lllnlr, .Mr. nnil Mm. Ilrlntow, Mr. Jim llniiienwii.v. Mr. Andrew llneh mnl Mr. t:. I,. Itiilney. Won 'Viik I'mxtK. vvirvreTsvvinsvsvsvTunsez 6 Skilliiiaii & i 2 He g 3 Nuperlllli'lldcht .Limes Hem'K, from Hie Ij'lloy .MIiiIiik 1 'i , iieeoiiipmileil I iv IiIh wife, Kpenl Hie week III IIiIm ft . mitk i; i-oit I'Diilication. Wc wntit lo ccitii pure I'riivs mi L'leun, 2 I f mill Dulled Htnti Laud Hlflei', Ibwehurg, Ore . IVb. 7. I00H. nonce 14 iiHreny (riven Hint In emit- 1V ft. Metlllt. of Illiif.Ulitilti U'iru ' reKlMlereil ill tlie I'ortliuicl till week, i I'Hitiice with Urn provision of the Met of . II. I.rittiem, vbdlcd ' Vh" I Ii Im week IIickuchI of Hie Hotel l'er- 1 KIIIN, I (illOMilliS. One price to all. A full line of Vegeta bles nhvn.vs in wlock. Produce Wanted. ISJLSUJJ." " J 1ftJUUJLSL2J.i i i i i ('. V. Jfllrhell, the mining mini. wiih In Col time llrote tlilx wevk. I'. SI. linker, of Itoivnii, pnhl the N'njtHft olHceaenll Momliiy. Alloniey I'. Ij. Hliy vlxltnl J'ort , In ml HiIh week. Xext week Tlitiiwhiy, I'rlilny mnl io noon or rsniiiriiiiiiy, rel.nli,27tii A l olliiite Urovr .Voiiiik limn lilt" I IllMt I'lilTleil off Hie urine ut n innk guv.. It Wiw thoiiKht l.ythe olllwrH , ,, ,.,,,, M(lll.n inht .,.r,,mv, Mr tlmt tliu' liml the rlht men. At tlie ; W t,.nil,.M iH winner, lie tin.,. Dr. I.owe oinilo-optlelim Ktineiii1 I'tili lirwul iwi'lveil nt tlie Iloiw time the men wmv- liroiiKht iH-forn youiiK Shook for lileiitllleutlon n HiroiiK of em lteil men wen nenr nl liuiel. ami It Im hmIiI tlmt If he linil m-oxtilWMl hlx iiHMiillitntH In the men lii'fnre tllm, there would hnvit lieell n neek Mtretehlnn tliero mnl then. I.iihI Siimliiy it yomiK Inillmi by the inline of Htlferil Kuril, who wiih horn mnl nilfd not fur from t'omxtock, Imp. IHimleil thlx wny, fomlfix from the SI Mm iwrvntlnn, on n vIhII to mi undo nenr CoiihIucK. lie mut ('. Wolfer of thin elty on the Htnut, who tixthleil Mr mmiy .venrn nenr Hie yoiitiK liellitn'x old home, mnl m-ox-nlM'd him. In cotiverniitlon I'em h'fem'il to HieHhook hIiooIIiik mnl MHkeil Mr. Wolfer If he reinemliereil It. In Hi mveoiitlon Hint followeil the Imllmi Ntntml tluil, the men who were enpt urvil nml taken liefore Nhook tor lilentlllrntlon were the men who illil the deed, lie went on to Htnte tlmt the white inmi died Koine time iiko nt Slli'lr,. hut Ix-lnre 1 1 U ilenth he lvhem4i tin- M'eue of the NhootliiK mlmlltliiK Hint lie mid the hnlMirt'iHl were the crH.rittorM of Hie rrltnv. Yoiiiik Kern hiiIi. tlmt the Imlf, or Koine miy ipmrtiT Imwl In now lit Slletz, and think. Aotiuir Nhook (lend. The Un.' 'iiiira Mtniluht and N worth. the ,ii tviitlonof the prov'illlnK attonie., Mr. .slniok In nllve mid at IiIh le.ini' In Oakland, ulthoitKh hU henlili I Kreatly ItnpiilriMl. Ii i. In Tin: It.r:. AymillK KUIltleineilHHtd lo Ih-IoiikIo pcneil to lie mnliliiif ii trip to Port land, and hearliiK iiliiml ainaxk hull to Im helll at Mnleiii, wvnred Ilia hit vIcph of Mth. Pel Nmifnril, of thin elty and I'lvnted h eimtume, repiiMen t Uik a HpanlHh ravallere. Of coitruhe did not nxiKM't to win it pilws In fact know imtliliiK aliottt one Iwlnit of. Mlino reHtminint everyday Krldiiy and to noon of Knrtirday Kelt, the .Till and !Mtli. !r. howo I'.iiKene'H well known octiln-optlclnii will lie In t'nttnxt' Orovc. Make it note of I IiIh iih ho will not mall any nniioni mont vavtln. Kvery iM'i'finiie 'im. lady Ih partial to delicate mid dainty toilet artlcliM, I'he lieMt lilaii- In tho elt.v to itet the Into Ih ItH'iiMini IlniKCo. Itepnlr work Ih IihIiik done on Hie O. & H. K. rnllroiul, lint wvern! dayH futvd, when It wiiHiiiitinutired lliatl,',,,),.,,",!!,!,,,, "" """"" in . imnwi I in Ill-lllfO. I'oriLllino worn, and that he liml won a ilna'tt pIclureH of hlmwlf In eontiime, and one Iiirxe hIms appropriately framed, he wan Indeed HiirprlHed, and It cer tainly rellcctM credit upon tho de- hIkiii'I- of tho continue. I)i:i.i ati: )i'i:iiATio.s. Iloht. .MrCnlllMter. of CiTHWell, who Iiiih had Imnnlrcil evmhfhl all liU life ami licca almoHt totnlly lillnil for tlie piiHt ten , earn niidcrwenta delicate oiH'riitlon at the hamlH of Dim. An- lerMon and lloMiner tlilx wii'k. The oH'rallon coiiHlnted of mnkhiK artl llclal wlmloWH or pnpllx In the even lielow. Mr. .McfiilllHter lx at the Kiiywr hoiioe ami In mtich plcnncd with IiIh Improved condition, nl Hioimh he Im not allowed the line of IiIh eyeM to any extent iw yet. IHn ri'T. Heo. o. Walker met with a wrloun accident at the Walker llriw. Haw mill at Anlaiif hiMt Monday. In workliiK with n lirond-axe, tho In xtrnment penetrated hlMfooljllMt Ih low Hie ankle hone, rutting the artery. He licenme very weak from Iomm of lihiuil Ih'Ioiv Dr. Anilci'Mon ar- Mliie print limp of any townxhlp in Itoxeliiirtf, orcKoii l.nnil iiixirici, Hhon Inir all vacant lamlH for Wictx, encli. If you want any Information from Hie I'. N. 1-iinil (llllce. iiiIiIivmh, Title Himrantw V Loan t'o.. Uoxe- luiru, )ii'. I.VJacreM of hill laud. (Ml Improved . ncruM corn laud, hotixe, new Intrii, milk Iioiim', orchard - acrex, - nillcx north of CottitKe I rove, $V.M), caxli. (live poxwHHlon .Mn.v 1. 1' Ml TTini. The chmit.v hull to lieKlveli Uy T K. Itlclmrdhi.il at the opera house I'rhln.v iiIkIiI will Ihmi huccoxm mid Ih worthy of your iiatronnKO. It lx xlven for a kooiI cm ik'. We hell a nice can of Snlinon for toe, a can of Oysters for toe, a can of S.mttnes for sc. Skilltiinn & llcn.toti. I'urllmiil may net the Natlnnnl TeacherH AHxoclatloti for 1001. well in l'ottiif Ifonxe. Kt! anilBsili Dr I.owe tin I oeitlo-opllel'iii will lx- urove at tla1 Hlierwooil him Hiire. Dr I.owe can refer yon to many of the hex! t'lllreitx of Cottiixe drove who are thurotudily Mitlxlleil with IiIm ihiHutn. lie can xnllxfy you. .MININH HTOCK I'MIt HAM: Ant- one wlxhlinc to buy xtock In the fnl- lowing co m i in ii lex: l'iiov. Illn wiithu.l'ryHtal t'onxolldHted. OreKon HeenrllleH fo., .Tliilxon Itixk, all of Ilolietula, will flml It to their ailvn timo to ut- or adilrexx K. U. Ubv, I'ottnxe Orore, Oil-. Htnte .it Ciillfiirniii, llreuiin. NeVHila. iiii.l U'mliliiKton Territurv," hx ex tMi'lfxl to nil the 1'iihlic I,bimI Mlntcn liy set nf AilKUHt I IHfl'J, i.ny H. I'ottx, of I'.iiXeilc, l!ri. of Irfine, Mime ofOro., hm till dHy filed la linn olfice lii xwrn xlHteinent No. 4110, lor lln- pinclixi'e 01 inn A iv (il m-cllon Un. 211 Tmii xlilp No. 21 8. liiuige No. 7 VVI mnl Hill olfer nrrjof to xhow tlm tin- limit oiiKlil fx more vhIiihIiIo fur lt I II...1U.. ... ..... .1.-.. 4..- I-...I. . ktii.u.fi 1,,'ro, ""it" fc.ixn inr iiKririiiLiiriii HIHInll tiffffMiAtfHl (i uI:mI,UmI. I.U ..I...... ... ! tal( ifiiid Ix-fore t:. K. IfHMnI, V . CoimnlMio-iHr at Drain, DoiikInx Co.. I Oie.,inTli(irJny, the 80lli dsv of Apr, i 1908. i lie imini'X Htwltiieieii : 1 l'hilllp ruron, JMeoli .lapcr. I.. K. Hull, .Vatliaiilul I., .Moody, of Kiikimih, , llie Ore. Any and all pcrimin clafmini; ail 1 vnrwly the alxive-diwribeil lamlx nr- renuetted to file their claitna in tin-. ollliwjjiior before xaid auth day of Apr., i IU08. .J. T. IImidoe. Itegintcr The only llrxt-claxH, lireail In town, nt the reMtaunat. fnwh baked lliuve Shoe 2 t -J H VIl! I lilt IH tiK' YlUit It If." HtlMlU II t a xlxicr town vnx heiv laxt Suinlat . j ,.llt Wulker Station, nidexx ami In tho evclllllic Hlterlutvluitheiird j compllciitloiix arle he will iKMironud the koxh'I propounded, took im-cii ahrahi la a few wcekx. xhmtowalk homo with oife of r.n-l j. u.t0y, pivxldcnt of the Ia taite Uroto'x fair diitiKhtcrx The j I toy Mining (''ompiiny, left thlx wivk ho rxo lay wext icni-x Hie mill I 'r " exteiuled trip north. and ax the couple Kitlned tie. , ... - - Ho Mure and attend the grand churlty Imll to Ik'kIvcii at the oera Iioiim' l rlday nlk'ht. Ilenxon Di'iikCo., the popular pn- xcriptioa itriiK hioiv. Mrx. Vch Wnllace and dmmhter iv turned Monday Irom n neveral wcekx vlxlt In Calllnruhi. raci-. mnl ax foot lirldtfe not far from their dextl nation, a xtop wax tuuile. and mat lerx of vital lutcrcxt to yomiK henrtx en- dlxuxi'(. CliariniHl by the How of I'ouverxatloli the youiiK mwiiIii from the dlxtatit town leaned bent lly tipon tlie rallltiKof the hrhlKc. '1'liere wan a creaklutf of limber the rnll parleil tho xwala foil. He hit the cool and exlillleratltixt waterM ol Mill cieok with a lotnl xplaxh. And the lollllllltlc Hell wax broken. A wlxer but wetter younic iiiaucrawliHl out and went on a. xtlll hunt forn Innteru, toetiable him tollud IiIm Imt It ix inlxhty rlxky buxlmxx to de x'ud on tho rallltiK of a foot hrhljc. 'I'he nate Ix lot xafor. 1.MIAKA." Monday iiIkIiV the art loverx ol thlx city were trtmtiil to an exhi bition of "litKara", the tnurveloux pnlntlui; of (' de l.txli Holland. Thlx production of the fmuonx painter held xpelbbolind thoiixatidx of peo ple who viewed It while on exhi bition ut tho Buffalo expoxltlou. It Ih, indeed, a maxlorpleve of art, ami ox one K'i'ex upon tho Kreal water tfuil of NliiKara neon tho uilxtH arlxe from the abyxliunl depthx; ono can almoxt hear the rour of the mlKhly waterx xce tho xtalely Kedmen ol Jixt yearx iiko Mtundlni; with folded araiH and hoavluic IiivumIn, wiiIcIiIiik the I m 1 1 1 it 1 1 xacrlllee pluiijiti down, to be received Into tho toepeo of the ilivat Kather" of tho tribe. Mr. hampuiun lx well vci-hci! In Indian lure, ami la hlx remllllon he aildx many einlielllxhmentM to the clever plot hiy and b'ln out many polntK of Intert'Mt often overlooked by thecax unl obxerver. ItK VPINO Cl.t'll H.STKIITAl.NH. 'I'he laillex of the ( '(it time Hrove lleaillui; rlub I'liiertaiued their hux bandxattho eleKiitil Utile home of Mr. anil Mrx. Ilerlierl I'nklu, on laxl Thurxiliiy eveuliiM:, mid a nioxt en joyable time wax hail by all pivwiut. A xhort but oscellout program wax Klveti by the Inillex, nfler which hov erul now and novel rhihom were played In which prlaox weroawnrdeil tho lined xiicceMxful t'ontexlaiit. lit Iho "penny" iraine .Mf. Jlarlon A'euloh xecurcil theprlne. a boiKitiet of beautiful vloletx, and Mr. Comp ton won the "lexxer token", ltd-' frexhincntx were xerved at a later hour and the uentloinen prexenl vuv tululy did themw'lveK proud im hon orary ineinberx of Iho club, by iIoIiik lull Juxtlco to the xamo. The ovenlujjf wiih a nioxt HUccoHxful one from a Hoclal point of view mnl rolleclx much crodll on the I.uiIIoh HcndliiK ( bib of CottuKU (irove, iih well iih Mr. ami ".Mrx. KakluitH hoxl and liiiHlexx. Cl.OMKII OUT. It. W. Nowlund laxt Mntttrday cIohciI out tho roiualiider of hlx xtock of goods In thlx city, under the Mlctlniioor'H hummer, wielded by Auctioneer W. T. Kuyxc'r. Mr. Now lund Iiiih tunny frlonilH hero who re Hiot to hoo hint ciwt nnclior olxo whoro, but extond to him their bcxt wlxhoxfor fntuiv hiiccoxx. !. Sil 'i-ll-i-lL Ji! Ji! -It lit. Call and see our line of Clean Cut .Axes mid CtossciiI Shavs. j: Tltcy are New ntul tip to date. Wc will be gl(l to ijttolc If prices on nttytliing yon tuny need in our lines. f WVNN'l- IIARDWARIv COMPANY, g- I I.iiiii i i:n With (Iax. j T. K. Caiupbell, Iiiih Juxt luxtulled a ."K-llKht l'arrot kiih machine In hlx hmidxome new roxldonce on Itlver Mtrtvl. The plunt cixt $iV) and It Ix xulil Hint one barrel of itiiHtilluc will fiirulxh IIkIiIm for the rexldeuce for a ' IhtIihI of one year. , You have a coiikIi',' lieiixon Drutc t'o. Ilenxon DrtlK f'o. Iiiih u coimh ivmedythut will curelt. , Try the llorxo Slxi tvxtauraut for, lltvt-chiHX well baked bread. - t -', Who could axk for nicer weather'.' Slonux aiv xtlll ra,'lii In the eax. Dr I.owo'h Klaxxexarogood k1iixxi.'x .loha I'nnner vlxltiil the city thlx wwk. .laxier liatton Wednoxdav. wux In tho city- Are you xlckV Ilenxon will till your prcxcrlptlon. The i-criltch of u liin mnv i'.iiu.. il,.. lox of it limb or even dentil 'wlitm hkKxl I'harlty ball at oivora liottxo Krlduv nlxht Ki'b. I'lnt. Illluardx aivxtlll riiKliu- throiiKh out the east. DritK Co. Prexldctit Itooxevelt Ix phiiiiilnKa hiiutluK tour to Alaxkii. Sl'N TVPK WlllTUIt. The IlIlK "Sun" typewriter. 'I'ho tnuchlne Ix ntul ntul ii 1 1 fuel t vi ii nil ii. ii.m .ivi.iui.1. IiikI.v Kood work. One of them Ix an j", exhibition at the company'x Htoiv. Hrove'. l'uiv drtiKH prexcrlptlonx filled to, Hon. the letter nbxolulel.v pure driiKx lu J turned mei in? ixwi ot everyinuiK. ilenxon DrtiKi'o. NKW Sri'KltlXTKNIlUNT II. ii. (Irnhaui, or llutte. Mont.. Iiiih accepted the xitperlutenilency of theLelloy Mlnlnic Co., mid Ix now on tin j 1 t tiui Jiilitmu Sli.u iv f tut f..f !... xni.erli.lemle.it. came out thlx w.vk. 1 "." .K"t Main xtrevj to tho ncconiimnfed by hlx wife, and ,vui il ''' "''''' ''""'"'' b.rn.erl.v occupied remain out for hoiiu four innntlix. ,e Wyn,, liunlwaiv Nm..VA: accepted tho i.Reuc.v for t lip I by promptly implying ChmulH.Tliiln'x riuii miiiii. 1 1 ih antifcptio nnd quick lu'itlliiK Ibiimviit for cuh, bruUex mnl 1'or aiilo by Lyons k Appleeuto, llentton Dn.j- Co,,- Cottni-e .Ii.uiex llemonwav ban n from a vlxlt tu tin. ii!-,,,..,,,, . lcKlxlatuiv. Ho ivportx evervthfni; oulot down theiv, little excitement bollix munlfext reKiirdliiK tho K'tm I torlnl conloxt which wax xtlll driiK KhiKnloiu,'. Itl'.MOVIMI. i i tio.... ii. i ... Kiounil In HiedlxchnrKO of hlx: '" "" '" 'k re uove.i ins i nuuni iiiuiu biiiiv irom tno ivniKer l.adlcH try Mrx. W. It. Oxmon'x plain xewlni; mid divxxinukl..';. ft t II St Vai.d.vtind IIai.i.. The ball kIvcii In honor of St Val enllnex dny. uiderthe mm.uKe.ueut of'l'. K. Itlclmrdxon, nt Murtln'H hall, wax well atlendeil and pronounced u xiiccexx. Wc i-itarautee nil our coffee nml will iilnilly return vonr inoiiev I liy It. W. Xowland, ut tho Inlerxec. Hon of .Mala and Wall Htrcvtx. (loat ralxlnirlx xuld to bo one of the most protltablo brnnohexof xtock ralxlnjj In tho Htnte. von arc not snnsitcd. Motimnti iV Helisott. If you have heailiicho have Dr I.owe text your eyex. You tuny need Klauxex. The I.oiik & lllnnlinm l.umber Company are now loailbm at tho rati) of two car IoiiiIh per day, bo hIiIch HtockliiM: tho yardx. We linve just received part of n aooo Hi shipment of IJnstern coffee, which we nlisolutely Kunmutee. All we nsk'is to pive it n fair trial. SUillinnu & Hcnson. The (), V S. i:. road to llohomlu Ix now In rut.nl. m; order to tho end of the truck, fourteen miles up tho lino' When tho cry of tiro Ih Hounded then vol. huppen to think about la Hiirance. A hint to tho wlxo Ix huIH dent. Tho Oregon Klre Hellef Anxo elation iHMuttml: Ih xafe, ami coxtH about oao-hall tho rate of Htock coin pauloH, l;i,0(H).IKH) biHitrauco lu force. AddlVHX S, K. (leoi-BO, Ilun-ene, 0n Kim, Auent for l-nno County. S t .'I WK.AK AXI) I.OW-Sl'lUITKD. A Correspondent Thus Dtwrrtbou Ills Kxpeilonce. "I can atronj-ly recommeiul Ilerblne 1IHU niltitli'lnn nf rniii.L'ii1iIrt ..lll..n.... r.... if I huilKOKtlon, Iomh of i.ppetlto, xonr tiuto in tliu mouth, ntilnitatlon. Iuu.il :li'hi. ilioHninoxB after nieaU with ilistreudiiiK mental dejiiexloiiH ami low splvltn. Ilerhlno tniisit ho u uuhpio proparatlon for eiwiM such ax mine, lorn few iIdps entlroly iciuovihI my complaint. I wonder at people Koins on sullerinj! or siieiullni: their iiionov on ttorthless tfilnci", when IIciIiIiioIh procurable mnl so cheap. " oOo a bottle at New Km Dm1 Store, ltol.linw I'huno Xo.'iM Ofllce rtiime lfl. " J. E. HOSMER, rilYJICI.vX nml BUltOKO.V Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty. oillco hourn (rum 9 to 11 m from 2 to 5 .on. Bumtiiy (rum 11 to Spin. Oillco In AIIImju llulldlug, Mala spool, C0TTA0K QttOVK, 0HE00N. Oarileii mihIh In bulk al Kiikln & JirlxloWH. It Ix now iiiiuoiineeil that oeean IIiiith nro noon to Imve n nnner printed oil board, dnlly. Hie lie wx of the world lielnjt received by wlrelexx telexraphy. It Ix cxtliniited tlmt fnllv .vvm eattloaro xtarvlnit to deHtti'on the (..inc.- in .-ijuiii. nnH-Kiuen nro brlnifhiMT In corn nml hay friwn .W bi'iiHka to keVo their citlle nllv.. The Ioxh will bo Kival. HiindnilH of horxexare ilylnx from ll ffi-ctx of fiituiK xaxe tiniHti. rrexx dlxpntt'h, Keb. II. Colorado Imubx. of tin- whiter fed claxH, are hellhiKt In riilciticont jW.H) per IlKl poutidx. There nro otlter inmiix irom uotormlo which do not hire ho well In the bl city near tho laki'H. It Ix auiioiinctil tlmt the growth of the lieriiiuniiavyix iilarmlUKKuroe. A diffxlon hax lieen (,-lven aKitlnxt tho beef truxt, ami an Injunction Iiiih been Klvea rcHtrahihiK the meat packei-H from coiitlnuluL- their com bination. The Kovernor of New Jcn-ev la a iiH'ent millions Htated Hint 'uiiIihh Kreator harmony wax rextonil lx. tweea capital mid Inbor In this county in the nenr future, the county will lie plunged Into cli II war more dlxnxtroux than miy in the annuls of history. Mrx. Jen 1 1 SliellnU'rin-r. of SiikI iiiiw. vlxl ed her Hixter. MIhh Ilryiin, Inxt Sat unlay. 'I'he home branch of the Oregon icKixuuurc mis voien mi appropri ation of ?lfK),WK) to the Indian war veterans. Iteiireseiitatlvo M Iv hax dls- covpri'd the reason why tunny np iillcatloiiM of veterans of Imllmi wars for ix'iixlonx lire ivjected, and Ix se ' -IliK to have the remedy upplled. Clalnu are ivjivled Ihi'iiiixo thenn'onlxfull to xhow xorvlce, but Mr. Moody Iiiih illx covered that yearx no the recordx in (.uexitou were xtoweil away la tlie arcldvex of the tx'uxlou bureau nml forgotten. He hnx introduced a resolution to linve these recordx phiced lu the war department. When thlx Ix done claims can liu verified and allowed. A similar discovery wax made romirdlnir n-eordx of the Caytise war. The M'iixloa bua-au In HistM on strict compliance with the Inw.dexplteproiiilsexto thecontrary. Spain (lets Damages. Kdlubnrjr, Keb. is. The Court of Sessions todny n wurded the rovern- tuent of Spain ?.W,."hHI la the action bi'KUi. heix .liiuuury LI) by tho Span Ixh minister of Marine, SancheiToca, to recover fNT.l.tl.'W from the Clyde Hank KtiKiuoerliiK A; Ship Uulldlni; Company, liecauxe of tho company's failure to deliver la emit met time four torpedo-boutdestroyers. which hud been Intended for use during the Spanish-American war. In thocoursoof the Judgment, I, oril Klllachy, tho proHidlni; jmlKo, snhl ho thought It more than probable that If Spain. even in thesprinof lSfl", hud been In a position to extablish a really effective blockade la Cuba against tho unloading of munitions of wnr, the Imum-ctlon iulj;ht have lieon crushed and American Interven tion have boon avoided. lie there fore allowed Spain SlWH) per week for tho ISWi wi"0kx' delay. Common Rough Lumber QD.00 l-MR 1. BOOTH-KELLY MILLS, SAGINAW, ORKGON. KOlt SAI.U A thorouirlibred S1U vor-laced Wyandotte cock. Call at this olllce. TESTIMONIAL. The following lestltnoiiiol Is a re sult of a trial of tho -Marshall Chemi cal Company 'h coffee, for which (!eo. W. Harney, of tlils.clty, Ix ajwut: Marshall Choinlral Co. Dear Sbs: I huve used some o your groceries and found ovorythln satisfactory. Your "Civain Coffee" can highly ivcommend ax belutr llrst-dnxs In every tvxpeot. It kIvoh tho host results and pleases all. Yours ltiwpeotfnlly, Cms, O. Mo.Nito.;, I'rop. llohc.nla HcHtaurant, Cot- tano tlrovo, Oiv. Tho boat physic. "Unco tritd mil yon will always use cnanibui', n's titoinncli and Liver Tablets," says William A. (iirnrd, I'cnao, Vt. Tlioso Tiihlota iue tliu most prompt, most pleasant and most reliable cathartic In use For sale ny tienson liriig Co,, Cot tiiKO Grove, Or. J. E. YOUNG Mtornej-at-Law Oitlce on Main itrcct, Weil Stite COWAGK GlOVK, OrM. N0T10B KOU I'LULICATION. United Ktaten Uml Ot),. . Ko'burK, Oregon, Dec. 17, nioi' Notice Is hereby iti veil I (ml in coin ilmm with the proviniona ol tl II Jll't ,! CoiiKrewiof June 8, I87N, eiitnh-il "in act for the sale of timber lionl in tl,. HtHte of Califoriifa, OreKon, Ni i.i.l.i and Washington Terrilorv, "m. ext. ii'i. I to all the I'nblic Iinil State liv ic-l Aiieust 4. IBffii. Charlt-K A. Winlfri of Minene Co. of Lane, State nf On- . Iihk this day riled in Iliii offii'i' hie hm..m, stateiuent Xo. -1151 , fur the niircliae m tho W $ NW X, W la SW 14 of See No In. , tpao fcouth, of itanne 7 W. and will irffi-r 1 proof to hIioh that the land sought 1 more valuable for its iimlxr or xtone than lor aiiricoltiiral ptirimx, and Pi j xslablii'h bis claim to said land l-e(.nc Jlario l Ware. V. S. Comims-ioni-r at KiiKene. OreKun, on Monday the Olli day of March, 1003. He 11 amcs as witnetases. Oeorue Hunter, of Kngene, Iaiie Co., Ore , James Kaiidlu, of I-'alrmount, Ijine Co., Ore., Charles H. Sliaull, of Panther, Lane Co., OreKon, 1. D. Michael, of Mound, Lane Co., Ore. Any ami all persons claiming adverse ly me anove-desvrlbMl lands are re (luested to file their claims in this olllce on or beforosaid Oth dav of Mar., 1003. J. T. IliiiiKiKH. Itetfieter, "TIiim'n o VUivv Like Home" find there's no cooking likcimolhiTS, hut if you will stop at the KAYSER HOUSE Vo't will be o well pleated tbatyoti will come rrmIii mid briiiB 10111 frieiiiN. H. . i thing new. neat and clenn ' Plastered Rooms Newly Fiiriiisld, Coiivenlently Located, Two blocks West and One Mock North of S. I. Depot Win. 'I1. K:iysi Proprietor. g, AXnillXfi VOl! WANT; in the way of Htudwure, Teols and itnbleineiiw. you cn find at our store. AKK YOU (HUH MINIJtO? See our Stock of T00U atitflSup pliei lfore-yoii mnk youik pur chases. We Keep everytllutg a Miner needs " BARKER & PERMAN -l'ROI'KIKTOHS OF THE EXCHANGE" -PKAI.KIIH IN FINK- WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Mtnilrrt. CotlaE" Urnir, A MOTllKH'S ltlXOMMKNDATIO.V. I have need Chamberlain's I'ougli Itemedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in sayini; that if is the best remedy forcouphs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my contidenco in this remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For wile by Lyons A Appltft!ate, Dtain. llensoii Dniir Co., Cottage (-rove. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. Retiring at rronble cfiargci. All work gaftrantef! tlrateUss. Vtche, CIot ami Jew el 17 at Lowest Price COTTAGK GUOVE. QUE. "We Suit the Hard to Suit." l'on't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that Tlie Casli Grocery Co. Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ot roceries in the city. We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege tables in seaMJii. The Cash Grocery Co. J, C. YV I luCL.urf riu). W. S. ClIKISMAN. Eli Bangs. The Fashion Stables CORNER MAIN and SECOND STREET, COTTAGE GROVE (;i)i'isimw &. Ban.Ss, proprietors. Also own and opperate'the Bohemia and Black Butte Stage Lines First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single .NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Otlicc, Hosebun? Ore., Jan. 13, 1!HW. Notice is hereby Kiven that in coin iilianee uith the pnivWions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, eiititlitl "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all tlie Public I.hihI Slates bv act of August 4, 18U2. Jess Swivoy, of (town or city) Kngene, County of l.:uie, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this otlice bis sworn stalement No. forthepureliaseolthe V lt SE l- A Iv1, SW1-4 of Sec No. Ii, Township South, of KanKe - AVest, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is moie valuable for its timber or stone tlwn for agricultural piiinoses, and to establl'b his claim to eaiii land before Marie L. Ware, U. S. Cotnmis-sio- er at Kiifiene, Oregon, on Tuesdav tlie -Mth day of March, 1003. Ho names as witnesses: James N Handle, of Ktiirmnuiit, Lane Co.vOre., Austin Hoot, of Springtield, Lane Co, Ore., James Seavey, John Seavey, of Ktigone, Ijiiio Co., Ore. Any and all persons elauniii ad versely the above-described lands are requested to rile their claims in this olhce on or before said 'J-Kh uav of Mar., 1903. J . T. Illinium, llefister NOTICK l'OH rUltl.ICATlON. United States lind Olllce, Uoeeburg, Ore., Dee. 24. 1WM. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of iVmgress of June 3, 187S, entitled ".n act foi tlie sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington," asextended to all the I'ublie Until States by act of August 4, 1SUJ, Theresa M. Jackson, of Lugene, County of Lane, State of Ore, has this day filed in this otlice her sworn state ment No. 4100, for the purchase of the H SK 1-4, SB K NH 1-4 A Lot 1 of Sec No. II, Township -1 South, ot ltange 1 West, and will oiler proof to show that tho laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud liefore Marie L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Saturday the -1st day of Mar., 1003. lie names as witnesses: D.tniel II. llrumbaiigli, of Cottage (trove, Iine Co., i logon, KatuS. Kellv, of Kugeno, Lane Co., Oiegon, Horace 1'. Mattosou. of M n r col u. Lane Co.. Oie.. Abraham I. . Kelly, ot Kugene, uino Co, (vregon, Any tunl nil persons maiming adverse ly tho above-described lands "are ro il uostcil to file their clahm In this otlice on or helorosnld 21st day of Mar., 1003. J. T. lluiuuKH Hegister. Reasonable Prices . YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME nr- UIPERUL HOTEL Where the meals are well cooked and well served and the beds are good. ITS CLKAi THROUGHOUT. And you'll tind everything home-like without home inconveniences. Come and slay as long as possible. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS Ktw to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The beet ever Served in any Hotel m the City. N. D. HARDY, iFgr. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. mtors svippi flovteE I3oliemia, Oregon. General illercliaimlisc, fllinevs' Tools and Ammuiiiioii, Give us a coll and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. You Need, Some things you dont need, in the hardware and home furnishing line is to be fottudl here. Gas ranges, oil stoves; pots.Kpmis and kettles; about every culinary device that was ever invented and stood the test of time and trial is on our ouunterslaud shelves. Come and see for yourselves. L. T: HARRIS j Attorney and Counselor-at-law Special attention given to the law of Mlaei. f First National Hank Untitling. EUUENK, OHE. Griffin & Veatch Go