Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 13, 1903, Image 1

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5iS d ft fl
Devoted m tilt Mining, Lumbering and Panning lutcrc.itsof this Community, to Ool Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 5
Great Improvements in Store for Bohemia Work is to be Com- j
pletod by July 1 The Estimated Cost is $100,000.
Our reputation g$
for selling only l$j
The following Is taken from n report sent nut by the secretary ol distance of about citit miles, and tints avoid the mountain roads in
the Oregon Sccurilici Co . to Its stockholder under dnle of Jan. ay. trniitnrt.itloii.
which was handed to tile Nugget ly one of the stockholder: "These improvement!! will involve on expense of approximately
"The Htipcrlutemlcut was authorized to proceed nt once with the f, 100.000 Mr Mathews assures the board that he can have them all
following Improvements: completed by July tst. When completed, the properties will be on a
"To move, at the curliest possible date, the Helena nnd Musiek permanent basis, and production can be carried on without interruption.
stamp mills from their present location to the point where the Champion Development work and equipment for production can then le enlarged
mill is located, and to loin them with the Cliamoion. mukinir one thirtv-I upon from tune to lime, to the utmost limit of the properties.
stamp mill, at n point where ocrations can be conducted through the "'"be board is unanimously agreed on the policy of resuming divi
entire year. Instead of three ten-stamp mills widely separated, two of Mends in Inly of the present year, and maintaining a reasonable quar
wlilch arc quite Impossible of operation during the snow season. Twelve !' dividend thereafter, until such time as the property is fully
concentrating tables will be added to the present equipment. The great ' equipped for production on a very large fcr-Ie."
saving or labor and cost ofsupcrintenilcncc, and the increase of produc-1 Superintendent Mathews ol this great company returned from his
tlonarc obvious. In the meantime, to continue the running of the I eastern trip where he went to meet with the directors of the company at
Champion mill nt full capacity, and push development of the tunnels ' ? meeting where the above improvement!! were outlined, last Mou-
with the utmost eutrgy
To construct ndnm, sons to secure abundant water power, and to
crec. an electric plant of a minimum capacity of 1,000 horse power,
suflicicu: to operate the stamp mill and concentrators, and to furnish
power and llgut lor all puroscH, on the various properties ol the com
tl.ty and is now nt the
This sets forth only a portion of the work already outlined for Bo
livmin District this season. Already the LcKoy Mining Co. are making
plans that will scedily make the property a revenue earner. The Hia
watha coplc contemplate the erection of a mill this season, likewise the
while extensive work is leing planned for the Crystal
ll. I.... I.. ..!-!-... I.. .1...... ..f J UUSOII KOCK
I ft jr 111; mvi iiuui in lu i.w mi mnvil I III .ai.ini 11. 111 1. vtiw ui ,
future growth, it being the intention to increase the number of stamp "'"'iuk U.o.
usranidly as possible, until a plant ofonc hundred stamps is in operation. ifro, evcry MMtrce'comes word that prospects are particularly
10 oonsiruci n wagon roan lenuiug irom uic v-uninpiou oasm iu might Tor llolieinia and Cottage Grove, and already the spirit of rustle
meet the Oregon & Southeastern railroad nt or near the Wnrchouse, a and hustle is in evidence.
p i
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7 iftX
Perhaps no company in Hohemia Mining District has gained a
more rapid reputation ns n coming producer than has the company rep
resented In the nbov; outline map.
This company was incorporated under the laws ol the btnte 01 Ore
gon, November 26, 1901, with a capitalization of $150,000, divided
into i,$oo,ooo shares of the par value of 10 cents per share, fully paid
up and nonassessable. The company has rapidly grown iu influence
and popularity, until now it not only enjoys the confidence of the people
nt home, who ore iu a position to keep in touch with every move on the
part of the corporation, and who collectively own ninny thousand shares
of its stock, but has also been favorably commented upon by mining
men from abroad who have had occasion to visit the district.
Thcjiidson Rock Mining Company consists ofn group of nine
claims, composing what is known as thejudson Rock Group nnd are
situated on the western slope of Fair view mountain, iu the liohemin
Mining District, iu Lane county, Oregon, and directly iu line with the
famous Musiek lode with nn elevation of three thousand feet nnd ex
tending down to Fnlrview creek, where the mill sites of the company
are located, which gives a vertical depth of one thousand feet below the
By referring to the outline above it will be seen that these claims
arc contiguous and can be worked from one common point, embrncing
about 180 acres of mineral land. On these claims are two parallel true
fissure veins running the entire length of the group of clnims, which
assay from $ia-to $40 per ton at the surface ami increase in value ns
depth is attained.
There is an nbundance of wood and water on this group of claims
for mining and milling purposes, nnd said group is accessible by a good
wagon road nnd about two miles from the terminus of the Oregon nnd
Southeastern railroad, now under construction from Cottage Grove,
Oregon, to said point.
This group of clnims is situated about 2,000 feet below the summit
of the mountains nnd is consequently below the snow Hue, which prac
tically renders the same accessible nnd capable of being worked the
year round.
This group ol claims being situated on the slope of the mountain,
can be successfully worked by tunnels iu such manner thnt a depth of
more than one thousand feet can be attained without the use of expen
sive hoisting machinery, and in consequence thereof enn be worked nnd
developed without any great expense.
Six hundred thousand shares of the capital stock of this company
have been set aside for treasury stock and the proceeds of the sale of the
same can only be used for the purpose of development nnd improvement
of the claims and property of the company.
The claims of which this group is formed were located some six or
seven years ago by different parties, and while no particular amount of
development work was done, the assessments were worked each year
nnd not a claim is to be found iu the group that did not have some work
on it nnd in every instance n good showing had been made. When the
Tudsou Rock Company was formed nnd the property purchased, it was
not done in a hap-hnzzard way, but by good, cool judgment, as the
outcome of this article will show.
A systematic plan of work was laid out and operations imuiedi-
ately begun. Tiols were purchased, supplies of all kinds were hauled
iu, bunk and cook houses, blacksmith shop, power house and other
buildings were immediately erected on the lower claim the one which
crosses I'airvlew creek, the Pilot Hoy and upon which is situated a
splendid mill site. At the same time, n crew of men were nt work on
tin wagon road to intersects with the main road to Cottage Grove. As
soon ns these exterior necessaries were provided, work was commenced
on the tipper tunnel on the Pilot Boy. While driving on this tunnel
which is now some 400 feet iu, n fine cropping of free milling ore was
discovered on the Oversight, and n crosscut was then made. In doing
this instead of one v in two were crosscut, one seven feet and the other
five and one-half feet wide. . Both of these veins when broken into were
extremely rich running $179 per ton gold, and $2.70 silver. Pans and
pans of this ore was taken out thnt was literally filled with gold.
While one crew was working on the the crosscut, another was set
to work on what is known ns the lower tunnel on the Pilot Boy with
the view of drifting on the lower ledge and ultimately breaking int
the rich free ore shute on the Oversight nt n far greater depth. This
work was pushed last summer and nt the present time the lower tunnel
is iu 350 feet, with nn assay value of $188.09 gold, $1,05 silver. This
week the company closed a contract for 200 feet more on this tunnel
which is calculated to break into the rich shute. The upper tunnel on
the Pilot Boy has been driven 400 feet. This tunnel is also dumping
ore that will pay dividends ns soon ns the company is properly equipped
with' reduction machinery, the assay value by John McVisher, of San
Francisco, being $151.60 gold, $2.40 silver.
In estimating the true value of the Judson Rock property it must
be remembered that there is not a claim in the group that has not been
thoroughly opened up and its true merits known. Nearly $12,000 has
been spent iu this way. Each of the claims has made a good showing,
especially is this true of the Pilot Boy and Oversight, while the Three
Brothers has immense bodies of base ore.
The stock of this company when first put on the market was placed
at 2 cents. The first block was snapped up in a hurry aud the board
then placed the stock nt 5 cents nt which price it has met with ready
takers. Now the management has raised the stock to 10 cents its par
value, feeling justified on the grounds that ore is nlrendy blocked out
and on the dump, to pay a dividend the moment the stamp do their
It is the expectation of the company to put a mill on the property
by the middle of the summer.
The property is well located, well watered and wooded, extremely
rich in ore, close proximity to the terminus of the O. & S. E. Ry. Co.,
and its improvements are of the substantial lasting kind; while its min
eral showings nre all that can be desired,
The officers of this company nreasfollows: President.J. B. Reefer;3
vice president, B. Lurch; secretary, J. M. Sherwood; treasurer, D. P.
Patterson. Directors, W. H. Blair, C. B. Clement, J. M. Sherwood,
A. D. I.eRoy, John Currnu, D. P. Patterson and J. B. Keefer.
The comnnnv has ooened ur office rooms in the Finn block' and the
secretary is now busy nt the new quarters with the routine of business
ot each day.
3 SHOP, the Host Values Hi
M in Footwear is fe?
Ij SALE "' ratnllihl
"Sj LOTS are the
CUT very lowest in
SALE Grove.
is well known
PRICES t all
AND just set out
MARKED i ""rk-
DOWN 1 lwn
some very desirable lots that !
we are offering for less than j
a cost. j
? Eakin & BriMtow. !
Lend Us Your Ear
hat we may tell you we are
offering the biggest bargains
in odds aud ends, out of our large
stock, ever ottered in Lane County.
A; "n.--...,, ii : - tfl
Come in and examine our goods.
We can save you money. You'll
have to hurry; the discount is mov
ing them fast.
j During the Past few months a great many odds aud ends have 3
fc: accumulated among our stock and these muat be closed out at
EI once to make room for our Spring Goods. You can find excep- 3
ZZ tional Values iu ZS
2E If You. are looking for Bargains now is 3
zz the tune to find them at Z3
Cottage Grove
Directly opposite the Depot for permanent Location
I We have opened up in
With a full Stock of Tailor
Made Men's and Boys'
of the best Wo-ikmanship, Finest Patterns and in Great Variety.
"We Invite Your Closest Inspection .
and assure you that we will and can easily
give you better values and at lower prices
than any house in Oregon for reason we will
explain to you personally.
We also have a full and
complete line of Ladies' Tai
lor made clothing and sam
ples of Dress Goods.
Moderate Prices For Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
SlUUatns it Ratscb