Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1903, Image 8

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I'nlted mats office,
Robiir(t,Or.,)i,l 11. IK.
Nplkel. hereby ! 'list In wmnllaiie
with the prnvl.loni of It set nt .-"nitres, of
Jnnol. ISM. entitled. "An set '?;.'. Mis of
Ilmlicr Umlllli ths siaiciof ivyiiornia, we.
ton. N.vad. L.nd 1 Vi,rWXnnJ mVi.?7i;f
o,,4?1&h5l 8. l.o?e?:r,
Cmintr J "!"" "' . omtmi, ha.
,h".iir ISMVrVoMKuSwS
I an.l will offer won! to .l.owih.t ins
fd Mmitht inorevafnab '?' 1 ll' tlrnb.r or
, S'TO lfo
ommlMloncr t K11.
,th.Mh.l.rl J.n..
Mrl I. Ware. U, ft. CSommlnnlancr
ttntt, Or? (ton, on MontTn)-
i! mtnM fti wtlnrftt:
jierman 1. ikiw.oi uiipto iittc, iiti ikiw.oi uoun uniTf. iitkmii,
Ore. , , , , , , .k
Any unit I pcrnni clulralnr .irwly lh
.wi ii.thrib!yi i.n.l.r reaiiMtfd to fli
inihiitrironorUfnr MldMta
day of Jan.,
J. T. na.Don. Reclitcr.
UhIIckI Stto Lnm! Oftlw,
lu lien.liv irlven that In com-,
t.lliinco with the nrovlslotiRoftl.enct
' . , ....l..ul
ill UOIIfTIVK l June ... iii'-. 1
"All net for tl.o m.lo of timber lnnda1
In the Ktiiton 01 uniuonua, ukp ,
fvinln, nmnVnuliltiKton Territory,"
iih v xtcntletl to nil the Public, IjiikI
MiiIcm b.V net of AUKtist 4.1SW, Dnncl
AV. ltlclinnlHon, of St, Hclenn Co. of
I nl.nulila Stnteoiure., una iiuuii.v
MeillntlilaoftlcehlHRWorn Ktntement
..KlSfortht'piirclinHPof theSW ot
KfNoJU, TownalilpSlS,, ofltnnweO
mul will otter proof to ahow
Hint the Inml DoughtlM more vnlu-
little (urltHtlmlwr orntone tl.tintor
UKrlcttlturnl purpowa. nnil to entnb-
Hah Ma clnlm to wilil Iniul U'tonstlio
llOKlatcr mul Receiver of thla olllce ut
Hoar-burg, Oregon, on Wednesilny the
4tli lny 01 .Miircn, nit...
He nnniOH na wltneKhea
It. T. Ilonla, of Mnyger,
K. Slmighter, St Helena. Ore.. J. b.
Illnck, Kttltoti, On-., A. I lliitler, of
i.iKion, ure.
Any mul nil ikthoiiw clnlmliig nil.
vemely tlienbove-ilexcrllieil Innila nn
miiieateil to tile their clnlma In till
office on or lieforv wilil 4tli 1111301
Mnrch, 1903.
1 T. BHtwiER. Register.
United States I-aml Office, ,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 24. 1002. (
Notice is hereby given that in eompli-.
ance w ith the provisions of the act of
Congressol June3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timlK"r lands in the1
States of California, Oregon. Nevada anil
Washington Territory, as extended to
"U1 ,c! .t: I0IM 01 A U
pit4, ISM, Illrain h. wol, ol hngtne,
VU Ul I Mil 1; uioic 01 vy a imo 11110
n.MM.nfflJi iSJllL In, !
vy5 , 8,fn, 'm?t I
No.4102, fortl.e purchase of theN
2? .Kf, A 1 "-- . 4 , 1
28 oxlh, of Range 2 W est and
will oner prooi 10 snow inai. me
land sought is more valuable for its
, , 1 .
iTun'lWni? Mae 'l ' ware V ?
Pnim? lir PnL
limoer or sune man .or ngnrutiura.
on the 12,l...ay oBIar.. 1903. -
T V Parrish of Jeflerson Oreccn '
Nti Martina:rjan,.e0sf iffS SPSS !
tage Urove, Ore., Ray N wilson, 6f Eu
cene. ure,
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
ly the alwye-ilescribeil lands are re-
nurMfil lit me itietr etuiitis lit nits uiiito i
1 , ; 1 ,.,. 1 .. 1 , r ,rw .
on or before said 12th day of Mar., 1903.
J . I. liiiiiHiES, Keeister
United States Land Office,
lloseburg, Otegon, Dec, 24, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in cumuli
ance with the provisions of. the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lanils in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to nil the Public Land States bv act of
August 4. 1802. Rav N. wilson. of En-
gene, County of Lane, State of Oregon
has this day filed in thisoffiee his sworn
statement No. 4163, for the purchase
?ltet!'?ZX.?f ?,ri' ol
jy. .iiioouu . i.iiu in uuer ruut iu
show thattl.Hland soniFlit is more va n-
able forita timber or smnethnn foraori.
cuaurai purposes, ana to estauiisli ins
c aim to said land la-fore.Mnrie L. Ware
u ixininilBBloner ai r.ugene, ure., on
lliui runj llloi.uiu.j ul .'lOILIl, IWO,
He names as witnesses :
J W Parrish. of Jefferson. Ore.. N H
jVi'il"-..- J!?!5' P1"? I
Grove, Ore., Hiram E wood, of Eugene,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or More said 12th day of Mar., 1903.
J.T. BmrxiEs, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dei. 23, 1902.
jtiee Is hereby triven that tn i-nmnll
. ,.iwlth the provisions of the act of
Coneressof June 3. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
Glut.. r.f i", l ; r... ; c i ... v i .
..... w. uutllul IMU, llllfiuil, K, (Hilt.,
and Washington TrritorV,"asexlended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892. Ole Anderson, of Ter
rebonne, County of Red Lake, State of
Vlnn. has this day filed in
this olllce his sworn statement No.
4181, forthenurchaseoftheSW V SEif,
BVIKU'V mlAMnl,K'. II I. (?,.
21 South, of Range 1 yeslJ and will offer
prooi lusnuw uiHiineiano sougnus more
valuable for it) timber or stone than fcr
agricultural purposes, and to establish
tua claim 10 nam land beiore .Mane L.
ware. US Comtnln oner at Eiitrene '
n T..-...1.... mil 1 . ;
yrvKuu. uu lucKiuj, uic iuui uuy ui
Mar.. 10aS.
He names aa witnesses .
U. 8. Teelern, T II Tertere, of wil.I
woal. Oro., wanierlUotty. 0. Kdwanle.
of Oakland. Oregon.
Anvamlall neraona claiming nrfvera
ly the above tlenoribed lands arc r
nn-utaul tntHatlmlrolatniB tntlili nfrtnU
on or befoie said 10th day of Mar . 1903. 1
u. i. iittiiwcB, JvcKiBier,
United Biatei Land Office,
IRoKburg, Ore., , 1S02,
Notice li hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provUlom ol the act of Congreti of
June 3, IMS. e.itlited "An Act for ibe laleof
Timber Landi Ii. the Biateiof California, Ore.
gon, Nevada and Waihlngion Territory," ai
extended to all ibe rublloLand bllc. by act
of Auguit 4, 1I, Ada felli, of Eugene,
County of Une, Slate of Oregon, bai tbii
dar rlleil In thli office her sworn itateuent No
Slv, for the imnhaie ol the NK ti
of Section No. 10, Town.bip South, ul
Hinge 2 Went and will offer iruof to .how
thai lbs land sought I. more valuable for Its
timber or .tone than tor agricultural puroo'ei his claim lu .aid land before
MarleJ. Ware, U. H. Uorotnli.loner at Kugene,
Oregon on Monday the lGih day of Feb, 1M!,
She uamea as witneei:
J nine. N. Handle, of Kalrmount, Ore, An.tln
Hoot, of Bprlnsfleld, Ore., Elizabeth Lacker,
Iula li. Bond, of Eugene, Ore.
Any and all perujn. claiming adrertelr the
abovo described land, are requested to flle
llislr claims In thli office on or before laid Mlh
ilay of rebruary, l0,
J.T. Bbiimju. Begiiter.
United SUitee. Und office,
Rosobnni. Ore.. .Inn. 88. 103.
Notice In hcieby given I1"1' in com
plinncc will, the provisions of tl.o act ol I
longrcssof J.11.0'3, 1878. entitled "An
Act Tor tl.o mile o( Timber l-ands In tl.o
kii ni iftlf. ,,u NVV. i
0 fXAlW;eiS2!
J'",;,!" "T,, 1 " If, nP. ,,f
AJ, .. J tins U iL T ! V Ll
omX', St e ol Ore
'"K" f y ""ll.illii thlanrTtiv Ma sworn
, i M . "led In ' ',VfV...l1..-.. i.f
f , p U VW ' U NW1.4 N W " -4 X K
I i 1 nf i .vllo . No 3S.
1-4 M M of J 'V'w5
Jn.?wtiiPnflSp 2 tl fftUt th ,
, . 2 k.ritt.Ki.. frtr it
I U,Xr or .toi.o tlisn for ric.ltl.r.l
I purposes, n o cstHblish Ills clslm to
V .,', ,r ' m,-!,, i, 're U s '
said .ano" tK'loro Mane 1. nre u o
I (inintisioner at hucenc. Iineco., lire.
onT.iesilay tl. 7tli lay ol April, 1P03.
lie i.anira as wiinesces;
N II Martin, of Cottngo drove, tano
Co., Ore., J V Parrlali, A J Sl.umaker,
H II Keeves, of Jeflerson, Marion Co.
Ore. I
Any anil all pet eons claiming ml
Tersely tbe alwvclescrlbwl lanils arc
reoiiestetl to
111c ineir c.a.n.s it.
otlico on or before sal.l 7tl. .lay ot April,
J.T. llaitxiKS, Krgittcr.
U lilted States Und,
Kosebtir);, Ore., Jan. lb, UXXI.
Notiro is hereby civen that in con.ili
ance with tl.o provisions of the act of
CoiiKress ol June 3. 187S, entitled "An
Act lor ll.c sale of Timber Ijiii(s It. th
sutes of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory,,' ns extended
to all the Public Uiiul States by act of
August 4, 1892, John Kestly, of
Eugene, County of Lane, State ol this davrileil in this office
is more valuable for its timber or stono
than for agricultural purposes and to es-
Marie 1
his claim to said land before
Marie L. Ware, V. S. Commissioner at
Eugene Oregon, on Tuesday the
day of Mar., HX.
He names as witnesses:
William R. Parker, ot Zion. Lano Co..
' Ore., Mcklin, Ueorge
! ney, William Whitney, of June, Lano
' Co, Ore.
1 Any and all (wrsons claiming adverse
ly the lands are re
' quested to tile their claims in this
I on or before said 3tst day of Mar., 19u3.
J. T. Bkiixies. Register.
I'nlted States Ijuul Olllce,
Roseliunr. Ore.. Oct.. 23. 1902.
Notice la liervb3 given that In coin-
- Jpllnmv with the provisions of the
ct ,l( (.(m).nM of June 3, 187S. ell-
"' ,A" ut U,r the "n'1' ' Tlmler
I-mula In the Stntes ot C.llifornln.
Orv-rnn. Nevntln. nnd Wiiahlnirtoii
Tei ritl)ry. na cxtenileil to all the
p,,- ,u. ijnuistntes by net of August
4. 1Sw2 On. Wilson.
..r 1..
c'on;Uy ,)f IjUK. stnte of Oregon!
,, ,, , t,,H ()lw
in." mis imv tiieii 111 nits iniiee
' "ltemit No 372for the
purchnse of the NW i SE K & I.ots 1.
g Tto' '! And' will
oHr, l'- to hiv that the hllul
":' IL'K' '"2 '"n"" V'
poses, mul to establish her claim to
. i,i i.,,i iu.r,.M. r... t ivn. t u
Commissioner at" Eugene. Oregon'on
3Iommv ,. i2th dny ot .lamiury.
1 '
She names as witnessed
R. S. Huston, of Eugene, Oregon,
J. W. I'arrish, of Jefferson, Marlon
Co.. Ore., J. I). Partner, N. H. .Mar
tin, of Cottage drove. Lane Co.. Ore.
An.v and all iersons claiming nil
verse'3 theabove-descrilied laiuls are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 12th ilnj o
Jmiur3 1903,
.1. T. ISmtxiKs. Register.
United States Iinil Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Dei. 24,1902.
.oiiceis tiereov eiven inai in com-
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
ZV'.": "V" ,
and M asltlngton territory." as ex
teiidetl to all the Public Land States by
unuiauxiin i, tow., jtauts jiomu, ot
...irui. iu niv OI Lane oiaie oi ure.
s, msinnunr uiru in un. uuncino
.... - - " ...
chase of the SE K of NAV 5j
of Section No. 28. Tn 23. Soutli
SSSfT&r? "?-rs".'-?!r
toshow that the land sought is moroval
uablefor its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Marie L Ware
U S Commissioner at Eugene, Ore.
gon, on Thursday, the 12th day ot
March, 1903
Marl?ar.ot-E..gene. uine
w. , i.ic-., vimitcr utniJll, Ol lyUliage
(irove, une Co., Ore., Martin Olson, of
Blue River, Lane Co., Ore., Peder
Ophus, of Blue River. LaneCo., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
the above-described lands are re
l.v the alove-described
quested to file their claii
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 12th day of Mar., 1903.
J. T. Bripoes, Register.
United Slates Land Office,
RoMburg, Ore., Jan. , 1KB.
Notice Is herebrslven that in pnmiillanri.
Hllhlbc iirorlilona of the act of Congreiiof
June 3, .7S, entitled "An Act for
loeaaieot umber Lanat in me biatei ol t;au
fornia, Oregon. Nerada, and Waihlngton Ter
W by" of AucuV,' Tim.Tol.
oearey, ot tuj ene.u. of Lane, mate or Oregon,
.h.'." 'aynled In this office his sworn stale.
oiKtnge 2 weit and will offur proof 10 ihow
l.h' tl10 Jn,l oufht li more vluble Ut lu
iimoer or none man lor arricuiiurai nurpoe
and lo ettablUh bit claim to raI4 Und before
Marie L. Ware. V. 8. Commissioner at Kuicene.
Oregon, on Tuesday the 21th day of March,
He names aa wllneues:
James N. Haudle, of Kalrmount, Lane Co.,
Ore., Auitlnltoot,of Springfield, Lane Co., Ore.,
f iiu rovcj, rfrse Dearer, oi cugvnei iane to.,
Any and til persons claiming adversely the
aboTe described lands are reousted to flle
d.y0t March iw
thplr rlilmi In thin nffirn nn m fntm uld lllh
1. T. llaiboii, Itegl.ler.
I'nlted States Land Office,
g. Orej
Oct. 13. IHlf.
Notice ll herebr given that In eomtillant-e
wlthtlw,. ..I Ilia net of Cnn..,l
Junes, le.Vs.suihle.1 -An act for the .ale ol
timber lands In the State, of California, Ore
gon, Neiada, and a.bliigton Territory." a.
extended toallthi. Public Und Slate, by ait
of Auguit 4, 10VJ, William 8. llllbertof Portland,
County of HultnoDiah, State of Oregon
ha.thf.davllleillnthl. office hi. .worn .late:
mnt Nn. aild for the ourrhau! for the H U HK IJ .
cnasooi me lots 2, s, s . uoi reo .o. o, nu sworn statement o. 412,, lor tne
TowiisliinWSoutli.ofUangelWandwill mirchase of theN . NWf A S NWi
, Ore.. . offer proof to show that the land sought u Sec 8, T. 22 South, ot It 2 v. and
4BKSWiofBeciloiiNo.8, Town.hlp &B...SluJ!i,Jn!iM' t ' Monday, the
Itauge 8 e.t and will offer prooi to .how that MShV.iVa,l;..
tbe fand wight l more valuable for It. timber, i'VT.,lfn iK,ni.h j..h t,
ur.ione man lor agricultural )uriHe., anu lu .
fiWbU.h bl. claim lo .aid land before Marie
icuitnrat purtiobc., ana to .
L. Ware, U. a, Comml.sloner at Eugene,
Oregon, uu Monday tbe Mb day of January,
lie name, as
William Wltte, ol Amos, Ore., Herman T,
low. Joseph Bchfoe, of Cottage Urove, Ore., L.
W hltson, of Eugene, Oregon.
Any and all iwrson. claiming advenely the
above described lands ar requested to file
tbelrrlalmiln Ihl.omceon or before laid Ctb
day of Jan., 1903.
J.T. Bgiutiti, Register.
United Slates bind Olllce,
Roseburg. Oregon. Del.. 0. 1002.
io n, i.T I U. . ,.
"' " ' ", ''" '
l"K?T? i V" S.'i8' 11
Notice Is hereby given thai In cotnpll-
the net ot I
entitled "ah
t tor ll.c sale ot timber land In tl.o
8U.olC.Hf.,rnU,OrW.n. Nevada and
Washington Territory,"' as extended to
t"oPublle Ui.l States by act ot An
gust 4. l.2, Martha V. KlnglofCriswcll.
County ot Une, State ot Oregon.
ling tills dav flint In tl.lsofttco Ms som
stMemcnt .Vo. StH7, tor tl.o m.rel.sro ol
tlio Nt 8K AN, SWtj, otSwtlon Xo.
2Towni.lili.a3Soiilli.otWo 2 West.
"l H'f llvlliM thclrtiui
vuuuiu is nioro vHiiiHuiu lor iifl 1 1 nun-r ui
fton. U.S., for Mricullnr.; iinn Mjinl
m wm . ..
Mr n I. Wnre, I? S C0..1111 ssioner l
n.'. wi .... ....
Orecon, on Wednesday, the
31st day otD.v., 11X12.
Ho usiiK'K as ltlu!n:
Iula II. Ikiiul, ot Kugeue, 1-ane Co..
Ore., lloiruian, of K.iireue,
Co., Ore., Kn.n.a N. Salttma.i, of Ores
well, Lane Co , Ore., James N. Itnmlle,
ot Fairmoi.nt, Co., Ore.
Any 11. .! all persons elaimini; alverse
iy tile abovo-tlescrlhol laiuls are ic
'queslnl to tllo their claims in Ihlsolllie
on or letore sall 31st lav ot Dee., HHt"-'.
J. T. Hkiihiks. Hejlsler.
United States Imih', Oltiee,
1U......M n.w. 1 KkV.
Notico is hereby given that in eompli-
nnee with the provisions of tl.euclol
Congresji of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
m-t for the sale of tin.lier uinls in Iho
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevadji,
nnd Washington Territorv,"asexteuded
to all the Public 1-ai.d Slates by act of
August 4, 1892. Andrew Clnven
( Coburs, County ot Lane, Statu
of Oregon, has this iluv tllwl In thisoflleo
wti offer nroof is more valuable for its timber
nr stone than for agricultural nurnoses,
and to establish Ins chum to said land
before Marie L. Ware. U . S. Coni.nis
sioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Mon
itav. the 2nd day ot Mar., 1903.
lie names as witnesses :
Martin Ilaagenson. of Eugene,
Co.. Oregon, Martin Olson, Petler Op
bus, ot lllue River, Lami Co., Ore., John
Dal. of Cottage Grove, Iine Co.. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this office,
on or lieforc said 2nd day ot Mar.. 1903.
J. T. Bkiduks. Register.
United States U.nd,
Roseburg. Ore., Dec. 18, 1902.
Notice is hcrebv riven that 11. coir
Plionee with the provisions of the act
Congress of June 3. 1S78, entitle.1 ".
..... fcr.i.- ...i..i J, i..l i tl
act (or the sale of timber lands in tl
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land Slates bv
aetot August 4, 1S92, Edith M. Phillips
ol (.Ajttace Urove. L untv ol line
s tali To 0. .Tslhis.Uy d eil .n tins" No. 4lo7fr the
proof to show that the land sought is
f?1" ? '' -
establish her claim to raid land before
Marie L. ware, U.S. Commissioner at
Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday the 14th
nay ol .Marcli, r.iU3.
She names as witnesses.
Frank 11. Phillips, Joseph E. Young
John D. Palmer, Frank 1). Winder, ot
Cottage urove, Iine Co., Ore.
Any and nil persons claiming
ly the above ilescrilied lands are re'
quested to file their claims In this office
on or ueiore sain utti tiav ol .Marcn
J. T. IlimxiKH. Reoibtik.
Uniletl States Und Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 17. 1902.
Notie is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act o
r-.. t.. - m-c .. . ... i .. . ..
,.,,, ,i, i ',i,i ' u-.t . ,i,
act for thesaloof timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
"""I Washington Territory." asexlendeil
to all the Public Land fc
States by act of
August 4, 1B92, Manuie D. Bisoell of
l-.ugene, County ot Itne, State
Oregon has this day Hied in this
ofnce , morn statement No. 4152. for
nurehasa oftheSK W KF 1.4 of See
?" '-.qr Kricult.,ral
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before .Marie 1.. Ware, U
b. Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon
on Saturday, the 7th day of Mar., 1903,
lie names as w.meses:
L. L. Shell. M. 8. Barker. W. V
Barker, of Eugene. Lane Co.. Ore.. Wiltae." Springfield, LaneCo
Any and all persons claimim; advem
ly the above-described lands are n
quested In Hie their claims in this offir
on or before said 7th day of Mar., 1903
J. I .llHiixiKH. Kegister,
United 8Utei Land omce,
ICotUiburr. Ore. Ih. law
Notice li hereby clren that In romnllin'r
with the prorliionaof the act of Conureii of
June 3, 187. entitled "An art for the rule of
umber ini in tne BUtet 01 California, Oregon.
tendeil toall Itae I'uWlc Land gtalei hr act of
stiuk bimi BninRion lernwjry," ai ex
iciiucu utBii idq rumiQ Lamnu eimics
Auzoit 4. 1892. Charlei W. Lowe, of
anion i, isn, unartes w. Lowe, of Knzcne,
County of Lane, titate of Oregon, has this
day filed In thli office hU iworn atatement No
tor ine pnrcnaaeoi tne ut i4,2U,2i&2zof
Sec. No ft In Townihlp No238, ftange No 1 W
and will offer proof to chow that the land
snugni 11 more vaiuaoie lor in umDer or Hone
than for agricultural purposes, and to entab-
iffi hi.
claim to ald land before Marie L
re u. o. uommiMioner t Kueene,
ton. on Monday. tbeCth Iyol April, vm.
8. Commlasloner at Eugene, Oro
hsiudhih wiuitracc
N. II. Martin. J. W. Farriih. Jnhn I). I'.lmr
T V V..II. .it PntlaN t.n. IX..'
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
ttuuvo-ueN-riaxrij iu are rc'jueucu w nie
thelrclalmsln Uils office on or before said 6th
df of April, 1900.
JTBripoch. Kegister.
United State. Land Offlie,
Itowburg.Ore., th, lwJ.
Notice ll hereby ghen that In compliance
with the tirovi.lona of the act of (Vrnvr... .f
June 3, 1878. entitled "An act lor the sale of
nmuer lanu. in inemaie. or California, Ore.
gon. Nevada, and wathlngton Territory," ai ex
tended toall the Public Land Slate, by act of
August i, 1S7J, Laura A. l,owe, ot Eugene,
usu.l i, lura A. lwe, OI r.tlgenc
WlWLZ.'ZSZi ZVLZL"'.e.-:.'
Tliwii.hlt, Noa H Itatitfe fci l .iiil will ...
J?"',1 "J3. .7;' Vil un.t 1 i.
J'Xih 2 fu -U. tTmlliV ii ??tJn? K. t, T.h
u'l't ',",''u. AuT ,Vh
M.lail before Marie L. Ware.U B. Lorn.
forthe purchawof IheHKU of Hectlon No6, In
v . .7i V,i',i.o iirnV. nV...... 1
Anv and all liemon. claiming adveraelv the
abo.e-dekcribeil land, are reque.ted to file
their claim, in tnu omen on or before .aid (tb
das of Aorll. 19un.
J T, BsiiioE..Itegliter.
to show that the land
W'u have on liuuii a large stwk of
kiln-dried flooritnr, cellinif and rustic in
grades 1 2 and 3, Let ua make yo
special prices.
Bootii-Kki LY'Limnis Co.
United State bind Olllce,
Roseburg, Oregon. Oct t, 1002.
Notice is l.crel.y given Hint In com-
t.linucc will, tbo liri.vlslmis ot ll.o not ot
(.engross 01 .nine a, 1878, entitled "At.
not tor ll.o sale ot Umber lands lit ll.o
1 Slates otC.ditorn,,,, Oregon. Nevada ami
1 ashlugtou Terrltory,'raa extended lo
till tl.o Public bind St. lea by net of At-
'gust 4. 1S02. lulii 11. Bond, ot En-
' Km. Oonnlv ot Une. State ot Oregon
Tins tills .lnv llll In tl. s otlloo tier sworn
stnlemcnt So. 3618 for tl.o pnrelmse ot tl.o
Sl, NK l4oi S, NV 14 of See No. '., Ill
Town.l.l,. 23 lt....Ko2 W. .....I
will offer proof to nhow Mint Iho I.viul
fuuuiii ib uiurv VHiunuioior us iiiiuht it
;nlhn tor .oirlcnl.ursl l-nr.Hws. ml
to establish her claim to said land before
Marie nre, V s Commissioner at
Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday the 31st
day of Dec., 1902.
she names a witnesses :
Emma N Saltx.nan. Martha V. King,
of Creswell, Oregon, James N liandle ot
Fairmoui.t, Ore., James, ot
Eugene, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described laiuls are io
queslnl to flle their claims In this office
on or before said 31st day ot Dec., 1902.
J. T. Ukiihixs. Register.
United States i-aml OllU-e.
Rooeburtt, Oregon, Oct. 10, 11X12.
Notice is hcrebv given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act ot
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lands In the
Stall's ot California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory, " aaexlcndcd
to all the Public Land States bv act ol An
gust 4. 1892. Annie Wilson, of En
gene. County of Ijine, State of Oregon,
has tills .lav tiled in this office his sworn
statement No. 3033, for the purchase of
UieWijSE 1-1 A E, aw 1-4 of Sivtion
No. 12 Township 23, South, of Range 2
Westanil willotfcrprtxif In show that the
land sc.igl.t is more valuable tor its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim N
lore . arie L Ware, U. s. Commissioner,
nt Eugene, l,ane Co. Ore , on Wednes
day the "111 day of January, 1003.
He names its' w itnesses :
James N. Rnndle, of Kairuioiint Ore
gon, Austin RiHt,otsprInglleld, Oregon,
James, ot Eugene. Oregon,
Henry M. Wilson, ol Eugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ubovo-desrrilcd lands are re
quested to flle their ebiinis in this office
on or before said Tl ( day of Jan., 1903.
J. T. Bkiihiks, Register.
United States Und UIHi-i ,
Itosebnrit, Ore., Jan. 20, lls.13.
Notice is herebv given that in comiili
ance with the provisions ot the act of
Congressof June 3, 1S78, eutitleil "An
Act for the sale of Timber IjiihIi- in the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada,
anil Washington Territory," as ex
tended to' all the Public Land States by
act ol August 4, lf llj, tiideon I.. Mcti.n
nis of Eugene, Co. of I .anc. State ol Ore
gon has this day tiled in this office his
sworn statement No. 4344. (nr the pin
chase of the K SV 1-4 & V '8 SE l-4o(
Sit 8 in Township 20 South, nl R 2 V
and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for .Is
tititlier or stone than for agricultural
ptirHises,aiid to establivh his claim to
said land before Marie L. Ware, V. S.
Conimissinner at Eugene, Ime Co. Ore
gon, on Tuesday the Ttb day of April,
He as witnesses:
Arcliilaild J. Shiimaker. J W I'l.rrish.
of Jefferson, Ore., X II Martin, Herman
T Dow, of Cottage t! rove, LaneCo., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the iibove-deM'ribed Inmlsare ie-
quested to file their claims in this office
on or neloru said vtli day ol Apr., 11HJ.I,
J. T. BitilHirH Register.
United Stale. Und Offlie,
Rmeburg, Ore.Hept 11, 1MB.
Notice I. hereby given that In compliance
with the provision, of the act of Congress of
Junes, !., entitled "An act forthe sale of
tlmberland. In IbeHtatesnt California, Oregon,
Nevada, ami Wa.hfngton Territory," as ex.
tended to all the Public I and State, by act of
Auru.t 4. IMrjJilenrrC I'rudbomme. of Port
land. Co. of Multnomah. State of Ore., ha. tbl.
day rlleil In thl. office hi. .worn statement No
aS), for the purchase of the w t,NK',.SK
K i. A NE U SK of hee No 30 In Twp No.3l 8.
It S wand will offer proof tnshow that the land
sought t. more valuable for Its timber or .tone
tnan tor agricultural purpose., anil to c.tabllsb
hi.cla.mtoMid land before the Kcgi.ler and
Receiver of thl. office at llnsehnrv. Oreirrin.
on Monday the 2nd day of March, Iisis.
lie names as;
William K. Prndhomme. Jamca 1. Tvrrcll.
Lydla C. Tyrrell, George F, McCllntock, of
Portland. Ore.
Anrandalt oersons clalminr adieraelr the
a.jrjveleftcrlbe.1 land are reque.ted to fllelhclr
claim. In thl. office on nr before said 2nd dar
of Mar., IWl.
J. T. nsnxiu, Register.
DiawiK IIbistow,
The First National Bank
Paid Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved aecurity
Exchanges sold, available any ,)lace
n theUnlted States
New backgrounds and acces-
cs. Best Lenses and Cameras,
15 years
years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall.
side, Cottage Grove.
For FasliionahU Dressmaking.
United Stales Land Office,
Koschmg, Oil'., .Inn. 121h. 1U03.
Notice la heiobv ulven that In enni-
plbiuci. with tl.u provisions of tin. net of
Congier of Juno .1, 1878, entitled "An
act lor tin. sale oi limner lai.ns in tnu
States nt CalltoriiliOrfgon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," ns extended tn
nil the I'uhlle Land Stales by net ol An 4. 18U2. William McOueen. ot Cot
tage (Irove.Cout Ijih, Btatonf Ore,, has
this day Hied In this officii his sworn
statement No. 4203, for the purchase ot
the NK Mot Section No. 32 111 Town
ship No. 10 S, Range No. 2 W, ami will
offer proof to show that Iho land sought
is more valuable tor Its tlmlior or stout,
than lor agrlch.tiiral purposes, anil U.
establish hie claim to said laud iH'foie
the Register and Receiver o( this olllce
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the
"lb dayot April, 1IHV1.
Ho .mines aa witnesses :
Herman T. Dow, Ocorgo W. Mct'ueen,
0. A. Contra, Joseph Hclilee, ol Cottage, lame Co., Oregon,
Any and all pcrsouaclaiiulug ailveise
ly the alsive-ilesi'rll'eil lanils are rot-nested
to tllo their claims In this office
on or betoresald 7tl. day ot Apr., 1003.
J.T. Bkiimixs, Register.
Unilnl States bind Olllce,
RiMt'hiin- Ore.. Oot. II. UH12.
Notice is hereby given that lu com
pliance will, the provisions nl the art of
Congressol June 8.1878 entitled "All
act (or the saleot limber lands in tl.o
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami Washington Territory," as extemlrif
toall the Public Iptnd Slut" bv art of
August 4, 1R2. 1'eter llurkhart
ot Bloomer, Couutv of Chippewa, Stale
of Wis., has this day lllcd In this
olllce Ills sworn statement No. 31138, for
the purchase ot (lie S W l4 ol
Section No. 10, Tow nship 20 South, of
Range 0 West and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its limber or sl' i.e than or
agricultural pur-Hiscs, and .o establish
his claim to said land lcfore the Reg
ister and Receiver ol this olllce at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Thuri-day the -Hill .lit v
ot Feb.. 1003.
He mimes as witnesses:
William Roeliurg. Ore., Nick, Walton Ore., Sun Carpenter,
of Sulpher Springs, Ore., l'eler A.
Ilurch, of Roseburg Ore.
Any and all ersoiis flaituiiiga.tif ise
ly the ulHive-iliwriUil lands are rif
itti'stitl to tile their claims in this olllce
on or More said 2(1 day of Feb., lflVI.
J. T. Bhiiuks. Register.
United Slates Lund Olllce.
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct., 10. HUM.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An
act fi.r the sale ol timla'r lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
und Washington Territory," ns extended
to all the I'll lil If bind Stales bv ucl of
August 4, IMI2, Henry M. Wilson of Eo
geiieCotnitv of luie, State nlOrcgon has
this day tiled ill this olllce his sworn
statement No. 3(134, for the purchase nl
Ibe S Is NW l4 A W i, HW
ot Sec. No. 12. Township 23 South, 01
Range 2 West, and will offer proof to
show that the bind sought is nunc
valuable (or its timber or stone llu.11 (01
agricultural purposes, and lo eslablisli
lils"chliln to said bind Is-fore Marie L.
Ware, IT. S. Coiiiiniiiuor at l-'u-geit",
Oregon, on weduc-dav the 7th tiav
of Jan. ,1003.
He mimes as witnesses:
James N itandle, of Fairiiioiint, Die,
James Hoffman, Annie Wilson, of Eu
gene, Ore., Austin RiMit.of Springlield,
Any and all person claiming adverse
ly the aiiovf -tlcscrilH-d binds are re
ijuostcil to till, their claims in this olllce
011 or before said 7th dav of Jan., HW.
J . T. Bhiihiks, Register.
Short f.luc
SI. Paul, Dul ut 1,
MittneaioIlK, Chlraio,
Through Palace nnd Tourist Sleepers
Dining ami Buffet Smoking
Library Curs.
For Rates, Folders and Full Informa
tion regarding Ticket Routes, call on or
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
A. B, C. DENNISTON., (5. AV. I. A.
2 Pint Avenue. Seattle Wa.h
fvitir DR. JORDAN'S o-igATv
a f TlfiTisatj M
la the W.rli
tirtaiut aUrasaiM la laa otas. A
umiulirMHeMtrtUtlon. $
.;. r aajr eaiatrMt.
sdillsssM,Ballvlrairlbr J
Ilia ollieUJ'loa UteraeUa
uosit ISsUbUakadMaars. S
Tanaiar Bars, and Middle f
s,d si. rbe are .iiffsrlng i
trout tna .rrvet. or youthful India- r
s.viiuna or .iitum in maiiirsr a
' rsara, (rvi,ii.uiidpliTsli'ailbllllx,lis.. V I.s.t If s.liH.d liiiitmKii.
I csiImms: Ki.ernusl..rrl.esi. l-r..liur. ai
rliitrn. ioiMrrlictM,( Ulrvi, Yrumr
ir I'rlMMiinv, el, li it combiiiAtlon of a
rrmtn,utKr .it curnllm po ff, Jh loctir
only ttni linniPiJki n (Iff. but pt-rmftntm
M.i w 11 rniiim in f ruiuiPii, f 1 1 V III ) m
1 mir, . uv twwr uorn 11111 oiftim 10 prriornt a
mir m I-. U welt knuwn to b m Ilr ftnd 0
'l(in nnd biiri-pon. nrMm oiui .
p. 'liliriiiftormn, 0
Ilia i.imiil lliv usubf rs.
Trusses 111 led bran'Kspsrl. Iladleal
enrs for A quick and rndlettt at
urafor riles, rtaanre and risiuias,br f
lit. Jcrd.ui1. special palnlrs. m.tboda, A
i:yi:iir ham aMniriugtoti.wiUrao.tTe':
our h-m'H iriliiloiinf lil.cnniplaliil, 1
lis will UunrmilU a lVlHlrlVM OTTBM s. 9
1 rmArti f.Am V
(in.M.tnii.n I'UKI snd.trlctlrr rival.
Treini.iit pcisonallr er by Isttsr.
Write fr llook, tlixr,ool-lfr or
bank far mta.) Cailerwrtl
DR. JORMN k CO., fell MarM It, CP,
a 11
United Slates Olllce,
Reselling, On.,, , Ian, III, 1003,
Notice Is hereliy given Hint In com
pliance with the ptovlslon of the act ot
Congress of Jiinu 3, 1878, entitled "An
net tor the sale of timber binds lu the
Hlatea ot Calitornlit, O.egou. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
In till tne rutillo l.iti.11 states liy net of
August i, mn, .mis. run. imiwuhh. oi
Oakland, Couutv ol Douglas. Hl.ltuot
Ore., has this day tiled lu tills olllce
Iter sworn siateineui an. 13111 tor tin. of tin. lots ft, ll, 15 ft III ol Hoc
No. 18lu Township No. 23 8, Range No
IN', anil wfll oiler pronl In show that
the (and sought Is inure valuable, (or Hi
timber or alone (or ngrlcult.ira:
purtiiHies, and to eslabllsh her claim ti
said laud Morn, I.Douuutck nl Oak
land, Oro., on Sat.iitlay, the lllh, day
of April, 1003.
Shi. i.i.uies as witnesses:
O. Ednatds, Edgar Rune, nt Oakland,
Oie., Dan Brumbaugh, of Coltagt.Ornve,
Ore., Oeo, Eugene, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming mlvcisc
ly the lauds are 11
t..csteil to tile their claims lu this office
on orbotoru said lllh day of Apr., 1003,
J.T. IliilliiiKs. Register.
United States bind Olllce,
Kiwehurg, Oregon, Oct. 22, 002
Notice is hereby given that in eniu
plliuico with the provisions ot the act til
Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "All
act forthe sale of tlmlier binds In the
In the States ot Calilorula, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washiiiglon Territory, ' as
extended to all the Public Lund Slates
bv act ol August I. 1802. Ardella Mar
tin. ot Cottage Urove, Cu. of bine, Stale
ot Oregon, has this day lllcd In Ibis olllce
lierswo.n statement ,Mi. :ii jrt, lor tne
liurchase ot the NK 1-4 ol Sec
tion No. 30, Township 23, South, of
Range I West, and will offer proof lo
show that the laud sought is more
valuable lor lis tlmla'r or stone that for
iigriciiltuial purposes, and lo establish
her claim lo said In ml hcfoic Marie
L. Wure, I'. S, Coiiiiiilssioner ul Ku
gene, Oregon, on Monday, Ibe I2lh
.lay ol J ItXVI.
Shu names n witnesses:
It S Muslim, tint Wtlmui, of Eugene,
Ore.,N Mnittn, "I forage tlruve, bine
Co.. Ore.. J W, ol Jeffeisoit, Ma-
I rlou Co., (lie.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tl'ie iitmvf.ilcscrlhcd lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this olllce
011 or liefore mild 12th day ot Jan., 1003.
I T. BatlKiKs, Register.
1'lilteil Stuti'st bind Olllce,
HoM-burK, Ore.. Oct. 'Jil, 1002.
Niillci' la hereby kIvcii Hint In coin
plhti.ct' with the jirovlNltiiiH of the
Act nt ('uiiKnwsi of June 3, ls7 en
titled "All Act tor the suit, nt Timber
binds In the Stntt'H nf Ciillfnriilii,
OreKtin, Nevada and W'riHlilnut nil
Terrlttiry," ua exteltdeil to nil Ihe
Public 1 .11111 1 Stati-H I y act of AiikuhI
4. 1802. JesM) W. Parrlsh. of Jcf.
ferstiu, CiiiiiiI.v of Miirliin. State nf
On'Kiiii. Iii.h this dny Hied In HiIh
olllce Ida atateiuetit .No. ,l,.i
fur the purchase nf the Luta 3,
I. 5. II .V 7 ut Sivtliiit Nn.
!Ul. TiiivumIiIi. 2:1 .Smith nf Rungc I
West anil will idler pruuf to hIiuh
that the land nuiiKht la inure vain-
able fur Km timber or mIuiio lliaitfur
agricultural purposes, and to iwtnb
llsli Ills clnlm to niibl laud IiWihv
Marie L. Wntv, I'. S. ('uiiiiiilloncr.
at Eilueue, Oreu'iu on Moinlni tbe
P.'thtla.v of Jannar.v, imw.
He uaint'H iih wIiiiccm m:
N. II. Mill-till, nl Cuttngt' lil'nie.
IjiiicCo., On'., Ora WIIhuii, ut En
P'lie, Luiic Co., Ore., .1. W. HoiicK.
ut CuttiiKt' (iruve, bine Co., Ore.. It.
S. 1 1 lint 1 111. of EuKt'iie, bine t'u. (Ire.
Any und all x'rxons clnlniliiK ad-verM-l.v
tlie almvt'.ihwilbt'd lauds an
niiucNtcil to Ille their cbiliiix In (liU
olllce on or bclure wild 12th tlai ul
.lauuar.v, 1003.
J. T. It irnin i:h. KckImit
United Stales bind OthV. ,
Roseburg, Ore., Hoc. 21, In, 2
Notice is hereby given 1I1111 111 ra
pliiiiico with the provisions ol the 1
Congress of June 3, 1878, etilllle.1 ' 11
act fin Ihu sale of iIiiiIkt I.iihIs lull.
Stales of California, Oiegou, Nni.
and Washington," iisexleuilcd tnul: '..,
Public bind States by act ol .ingu-l I
1802, Theresa M. Jackson, of Eiigeni
County ol Lane, Stale of Oie, lias iln
day filed in this olllce Iter swoiu sinj.
incut No. 4100, for the iiuiehiise of Iln
E ; BE 1-4, HK NE 1-4 A Lot 1 01 See
No. 0, Townshlii 21 South, of R.uigc I
West, und will offer pioof tn chow
that the laud sought is more valuable
for lis tintlier or slonti that, fur agil-
cultural purpose, and lo estnlillsli lie
claim to said land lielore Marie L. Ware
II. M. Commissioner at Eugene. Orrgon
on Saturday the 21st tiny of Mar., 100:i
Kill! IllllllUa (lag la.' I f I.IUMUU
Daniel II. Brumhaiigh, ot Cottagu
(trove, una bit,, . rcgon. MtlttH. hi-Iv
of Eugene, btno Co., Oregon, lloriice P,
.inttesou, 01 Aiarcoia, Lane 1 ,11., Oie.
Abraham I. . Kelly, ol Eugene, Mine Co
Any and all persona dunning udveise.
ly Hit) alMivo-ilescrllied lands are re
iiieslod to Ille their claims in this olllce
on or Dcloresald 21st day ol Mar., 1003
J. T. BiiiiitiKH Register.
Terrllllc hiiow HtorniH uro" reixirtctl
11 ninny kcciioiih 01 tne cum.
Uniletl States Land Office.
Roseburg Ore,, Jan, 13.100.'),
Notico is hereby given that In com
pi I n nee with tin. provisions of Hid act of
Congressol j uno. i, inn, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds in tin.
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend-
ed to all tl.o rutiiii. i.ann states by act
of August 4, IH02, Jess tieavey, of
(town or city) Eugene, County ot
l.une. Stale nl Oregon, lias this day lllcd
in litis oiuce ins sworn siii.emeut jvo.
4205, (orthu purchase nf Ihe W HE 1-
A HWI-4 ot Hen No. 12, Township 23
eoiKit, oi Hiingu .vest, ami will
offer pnsif to show that the land
sought is niniu valuable for lis timber or
stout, limn lor agricultural purpoHcH,
and to establish his claim to said land
before Mario L, Ware, U, H, Commls
slo erat Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesday
the 24th day of Muich, 1003.
lie names as witnesses!
James N lu. of Fnlrinoiint. I.ann
Co,, Ore,, Austin Root, ot Springlield,
Lano Co. Oie.. .lames Heavcv. John
Seuvey, of Eugene, l.anu Co,, Ore.
Any and till persons claiming ad
versely the above-ilcscilbctl lands are
ron ue ted to 11 1 o their claims In this
oflico on or before said 24th day of Mar,.
, ruin '
1,11ml Officii nt Rosebing, Oregon.
Nov. II), 1002.
Nutli'M Isheinby given Ihi.l tin. follow-lug-m.u.ed
settler bus lllcd liutlro ut his
Inleiitlon to ini.ku lltu.l prooi In mnniiiil
ot his claim, und Unit said prooi will be
l.uuli' beloio MarloL. Wine, U.H. Com Kugene. Oieguii, on Jnmi
aiy 11, HUM. vis: Kdwiinl L. !! Iliuid nn
II. I'.. N, 10171 ll.r till. n l n n m, is
i HE lj ilt I jits II ft I Nee. 18 T. 10 H., R
7 W.
Ili'iiaincs Ihe fiillowlng wlllifsseH in
......... I.U i.oiiIIiiiiiiiin reHlibiltcu lit. Oil
ami cultivation nfsald I11111I, vis:
Edgar W, llosi'ltou, 01 .Mouiiit wte,,
Hylvesler Lewis, of Panther, Ore,,
Cliuii'h A. Htiivens, Waller J, Holland,
ot Crow, On',
J, I. 111111111KS, ticgisicr.
United Ntiites Lund Olllce,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dee. 17, 1002.
Notice Is heiehy given Hint III com.
plliiuce with liie provisions ol the act ot
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act ft.r (hi. sale of timber lands in the
Ntntes ot California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Waslilugtnu Territory," aattxtciidcd
to all the Public bind Htutes by act ot
'August I, 1802, ('buries A. Wlnterineler
ol I'.ngulie t n, 01 1,1.111', mate 01 urn.,
lias tills day lllcd lu this otllcu his sworn
sti.lei.ient No. tint, for tl.u purchase of
the W i, NW li. W iHW ijofHeeNo 10,
tp20boulh, ol Range 7 W. and will offer
priH.I to show that the land sought Is
mote valuable for Its tlmlier or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Marie I.. Ware, U. S. ("nniinlsslopcr
tit Eugene. Oregon, on Monday the
Olh day ot March. 1003.
He uaiiies as witnesses.
(leorge Hunter, ot Eugene, bine Co.,
Ore , James Rauilfe, if t'ltlriiiii.tiil, I .alio
Co., Aire.. Chiole E. KI111.1II, ol Panther,
1 .11 ne (.., Oregon, 1. D. Michael, of
.Mound, bine Co., Ore.
Any and all persons dunning adverse
ly the alHive-ilescrllHil hinds are le
iiic stctl lo Ille Ihrlr claims in this olllrit
on or lieforo said 0th day of Mar., 1003.
J. T. Dhiihikk, lleglsler.
Grocery Store
Curies a full line of Staple
mid I'd 1 icy goods, Grnuite,
Crockery, Tin nnd (.lasswnic,
Vegetables, I-'Iottr, 1'ceil, Oats,
Huy mid everything the
farmer or the housewife, needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange
ll will be u plt'idiuc nl nil
times 10 show our good and
von ate cutiicsilj tri'iicitcd to
rail nnd examine them.
Will inrrl .III Comiff .oil
(11 I'flrm.
(Ut.tXT.s I'.ISS, OltlWOX.
I t.oli. , silver, tHr. tMil, racli II la
I ll.. I.I aliilHIKer; tM
liol.t.Hllver ami (Vpie sad
! Hi, 1. 1, Blhct ami Iswl I.sO
(1m ... Its)
i All work ilum laterally, and straight bit. I.
I ties, or hew Mall oritrfs slleltt.
United States bind Office.
Rii-e lung fire., Jan. 22, 1003.
.Suiicels lieieby gllcn that in cinn
I'lliiiici will, the provisions of Hie net of
(..i,gii-s o .June 3, 1878 "An
ct Ini the rale ol timber hinds in the
Miiii i Cnlifnriiiii, Orcgnn, Nevada and
I. nsliiiigloii Territory," as extended to
nil the Public bind Slides hv net nf An.
gn-t I, lhH2. Rels'ccn Wilson, ol Eugene,
( o. of l.une, Statu of Ore., has this day
lllcd in 11118 011110 her sworn statement
Nn l.'I.H (or tbu purchase of IhefiE 1
NW I.I. SW I.I NUl.j VI.'. i ..i uiu ,:1
ANW 1-4 HE 1-1 ot See No. I) in Tp
No. 21 8., Iliingu No. 1 West, and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought
is more viiluablu tor its limber or stono
than for agricultural pimmies, mid to
establish her claim to said lami More
Mario L. Ware U S Commissioner
tit Eugene. Oregon, on Tuesday, the
7lhtlay ol April, 1IMI3.
She names as witnesses:
Nil Mhrltn. nl (V,i i........
Co., Ore., J. W. Pitriish, A. J. Shu-
'". ..ill ''O1-'''""'. Marlon Co., Ore.,
N. r. W llson. of Eugene, Lane Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly iiin iu, ,..., i..,.. .,u r.. .
' . . ""v. -'.pv.,u,,, iuiiiib are re
iiei,lcd to Ille their claims lu this office
on or befoie said 7tlnhiy of April, 1003.
j. i. I'liuiiiKs, uegister.
United mitten Laud Office,
Rose hiirff, Ore,, Jan. 10, UX)3.
.....uu in icii iiy Hiven mat In com.
nl linen iv Hi I n. nr....iui..
. ... ...... . in, nil in iuL
of Coiikivmh ..f June 3, 1K7N, untitled
"Ait net .for thu Halt- of timber huiilx
in tho Htutcrt of Ciillfurnla, Ori'iron.
NevnillL. mul U'nul. I, ......... ... ..
iih i.xteii.led to all iho Public Land
HtntcH by act of AuiruHt. 4, 1MI2,
C vrI,'V i,(-L'"nl' of Mf.Mlnnvl le. Co
"i . ,11,1 ,,!"" V ""'K'mi hum huh
uui, ."'m'1 ,.l.,'r'l,.""l,;(, IdHHWoriiHtato
huh u."tu VSlS "!; ! I'orchar... of tlx.
M n of See Nn o '1'.. tit u ...
r. ii'. ,. . " iiatiKO
II Wl'Hl It ill le ,,rl., , ?.
allow Ihitt the lunil Houirht Ih inoro
val.mblo for Km timber oi- hIo io .
(V.i.nK.'',',,",",r".1 I""I.kch, to
bllHh hlH chiltii toaald landbeforo
ln.!t',i MU'r J"iilvor at. Roho-
llll I .IT. lll'i'irnn (in U.i i i.... it... ..a..!.
III' lllllllCH IIH WltllCHMCH!
.Itliui'si Nl If,,,, ,11., ...
Lium ',. ' . 'V ' . ""'
fsV... I .'.' """' I t TKII1H, Ol
Crow, Lane Co,. oR, ii,.,,-,... 'w
off ct. .i ne i ," :.r., ",' '".
Apr., 1003. ",l'v
J. T, BiniKigs, Register.
J. T. JIltniOKH, RcKlHter.