Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1903, Image 7

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    Aching Joints
In tliu flngurH, loon, itrniH, mill
othur inrln or tlio Itudy, nru JoIiiIh
tlmt urn Iiilluiiii'il mill mwoIIuii liy
rliuuiiiiitlaiii Hint ncld viiiiilltlnii
of tin) lilooil which ulR'ctH llio intin
olt'M (ilnrfT
HiiU'ororH ilroml to movo, !
tiiiilly iiflcr HlttliiK or lylntf loiit;,
mill lliulr condition In commonly
woreo In wot vvuntlior.
"It tins been a long time since wo have
lire II without lluml'a Hrsninrllla, Mv
father thinks he niulil mil Im without It.
Il linn lirru troubled Willi rlietinmllam
since ha win n liy, mill llnud'a Hnnmpn
rllln la lli only nii-illi'lnn ho inn Ink Hint
will enable him In tnlm Ida place In Hie
field." Mim Purr, Hldnry, lown.
Hood's Sarsapnrllla
antl Piila
Itcmovo tlm ciiiiho of i'IkiiiiiiiiIIhiii
mill rtiro tho iIImi'iiho no outwnril
niillciitlnii can. Tnkii thum.
Ilconomy In lists.
When eggs aro oipoiilavi', It In nail
to rnmmnlHir tlmt It In not iierrsr-ary 16
IkiII n wholn egg to got n yolk without
hrtaklrg tlm latter lor garnishing.
Ncparittti llm wliltn nml yolk without
breaking tlm lutliT iiinl pouch It linnl
In smIIimI walnr. Tlm wliltn la saved
tor gtsilng or iiinrltimii), etc.
Cause and l!lfcct.
"I uiiilimtniiil Im Is married nml linn
recently roinoliitormislilnrahlomonoy."
"Whlrn was cause and which effect?"
An Unlimited Supply.
"Kvcrylhliig la getting dearer," aalil
tlm apprehensive iltlrcn.
"No," answered tlm iniin who had
Ihi'h reading nlxitit "How to Uln-tnii-vmit
tho Trusts," "ndvlro la as clirnp
n ever." Washington Kar.
All Bodily Aches
iwewiMj rukk vinc or aimints anohata
What More Could lie Ask.
"Hut can you provldu for my daught
er proiirly7" naked tho father.
"Certainly," replied thu youth from
Kuropo. "I tan provldu her with n
title, can't 17" Chicago 1'oat.
pOK OUT FORjro-j
k -warn. A siPikTr I', I HB
When the cold wave flnr; Is up, freiMlnp; weather Is on the way. Winter
Is here In earnest, and with It nil the miserable symptoms ot Catarrh
return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges
lom the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad
incir. In tin- m no th frtld hrrntli. nausea and all that makes Catarrh the
most sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feeling of per.
tonal defilement nnd mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while
In the company of others.
In spite of all efforts to prevent It,
the filthy secretions and mucous mat
ter find their way into the Stomach
tud nre distributed by the blood to
tvery nook and corner of the system;
the Stomnch and Kidneys, in fact
tvery organ and pait of the body, be
come infected with the catarrhal
poison. This disease Is rarely, if ever,
even in itscarllest stages, n purely local
llsease or simple inflammation of the
aosenud throat, nml this is why sprays,
washes, powders and the. various In
haling mixtures tail tocure. Heredity
Is sometimes back of it parents have
It nnd so do their children,
in t1i treatment of Catarrh, anti
septic and soothing washes nre good for cleansing purposes or clearing the
head nnd throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh
permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load
of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is 8. S. S, which has
membrane nnd is carried through the circulation to nil the Catarrh infected
portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the
patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints.
S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy nnd contains nothing that could injure the
most delicate constitution, It cures Catarrh In its most aggravated forma,
and cases apparently Incurable nnd hopeleBS. Write us If you have Catarrh,
nnd our physicians will ndvise you without charge.
The llaslllsk.
Tlm anclonls doscrlhod tho basilisk
na a sorpoiit which con hi kill by Ita
Tory giawo. 11 nvml III a desert bo-
ciiiimi lla broitth destroyed nil vozola
tlon, lima making n desert ol any place
liilinlilloil by It. A Imalllak was sal
to Im vi) caused a ilomlly nostllonco I
lloinu iltirliiK tho tlmo of l'opu Ioo
Why Ureen Leaves.
"After nil, I'at'a lorn for hla natlvo
lain la hut natural patriotism."
"Mnylxi. Hut It'a llttlo ovonlon
when It loads 1 1 1 in to IhiIIuvo that thn
leaves r green In lionor of Iroland.
Now York Times.
Nn the llfiundln. tleen.
I'reahlolgh Hay, Haltmnn, I ilon'
ftf.jil uiirv utdlt I mil trnlnir In mv lmrtfi
Kaltuian llrncB up, ohl tiinti, 01 tho
....... .. - w.. ... " nY...n ...
your death liistt-nd of to your berth.
fc , . - I . T,
ikAfe.iitifutrii Mill llilliV vfill rn unllil. In
ouw sora iiniun.
Ilaelly llsblalned.
Watta Uvor notlca how klnJIy an
anillunca takes to Jokea about pollcsmon
or nlKiut women tlmt la. tho moil do?
I'm u I mlil It'a Imil sign.
l'otta Don't worry. It la humnii
naliifti to enjoy rrliiK ono'a hoaw
Hindu fun of. linllaiioll I'roaa.
Vour Dealer
Will tull you If ho haa ovor maJo tho
romi arlon that tho puroat, atrongeat
ami moat aromatic anlooa for nalo by
any II rm In thn Northwoat aro callixl
Molioixilo. II Im ilonan't IivIIoyo It,
Juat nak him to aeml to Wadliaina k
Kerr Jlror.. rnrtlnnd. for a tamnlo tin
of any raiinly ho may poloct, anil wo'U
liank on hla luilKineiil In lavor ol Iono
k)Io. Ilo auro you thla hrtnd from
your urocor.
I'rtachtr Alio a I'hyalclan,
Tho Itnv. Chnrlva A. Trotmnn, paator
of tho Church of thn ltndromor, Ht
Ixiula, la nlao a practlclnz phyalclan
hnvhiK rrgular olllco hour a during tho
Molliiri will nnd lira. (Vlntlow'a Booth'
Ina Hyrup thn twal renicly to u lor their
jhlldrtm durluc tlis uctliint; erlol.
Carefully ContUcred,
illaa Oldun I don't auppoiw jou
ovor think of marrying.
Mr. Kuni!D Oh, yet; It'a thinking
ol It mat kvttpa mo n uacnvior.
A Threadbare Compensation.
"8h lau't at nil handaomo."
"Hut aho'a very Rood."
"Dear mo; that'a what they alwaya
A "Dead Cinch."
"You colli'KO mon mim to tiko Ufa
protty oaay."
"Yen; even when wo grailuato wo do
It by drgrcoa."
Jcruaalem Artichoke.
Tho Jonifftloin artichoke hat no con
noctlon whntovvr with tho holy city of
tho Jon a. It la a acloa of aumlowor,
When Iron Melts.
Tlm hiat nf a common coal lira la I.
HO drercoa. but It Ukea 3,470 degrece
to mult iron.
An Habitual Oftcndcr.
JniiRlca I understand ho'a a Rolf on
thuaiast. lloa ho broken any rocordtT
Waniiloa No, ho novcr broaka any
thing but tho Babbath. Now lork
Uarltv Amnnr Womri
Thero may bo tome husbands who
may Im llllotl nun envy rfiiuniney rcau
II. .1 IIia .Iaji.i tTt.ilanrltnlv In wlilrli tlm
czarina la raid to bo load a hor to pro-
11 1 1 i.i- 1 ..
tvrvu riiriue lur iuii)( poriuua uuu 11,
ft... ..... mi nf iTiin.l. fVrtnl.ilv Imr
nlli:rd lunula might tako a more acute
and objectionable lor in.
Qrcat Odds.
Tho odda against a whist player hold
ing all the trumps aro 168,7o3,38U,
BUD to 1.
Queen Uahlblts tlantame.
Klght vnrletlea of bantams are being
oihlhlted by the Qneon of Kugtand at
a show at IlainstaLlo.
Saturday the Day for Tlrca.
In lindon there aro nioro Area on
Paturday than on any other day In tho
Manchester, Va., March 0, 1001.
Oentlamoni-Z had all tha symptoms
that aooompany this dlaease, suoh aa
mucus dropping; In tha throat, a con
stant daeire to hawk and spit, foeltnr
of dryneaa in tha throat, cough and
eplttlnir upon rising; In tha morning;,
souls forming; In tha nosa, whloh re
quired rauou sffort to blow out, some
times oauatng; tha nosa to bleed and
leaving; ma with a sick headaehe.X
had thus aufferad for Ave years.
I commenced to take S. a. S, and
after I had taken three large bottles,
I noticed a ohang-e for the better.
Thus encouraged,! oonttnuedto take
it and In a abort while wae entirely
oured. JUDBOK A. BEL1.AM.
Main and Vine Bte., Blehmond, Va.
no equal as a moon puriucr.. u restores
the blood to a natural, healthy stato and
the catarrhal poison and effete matter
arc carried out of the system through the
proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the
brood all its good qualities, and when
rich, mire blood reaches the inflamed
Hon. Datld Mcoklion Is well known,
out America, ffo began his political earner by sorving four consecuttvo tormi
as Mayor of the town In which ho lives, during which tlmo bo became widely
known as the lounuor ol the Meokleon Hank, ol napoleon. Ohio, lie was
elected to tho Filly-filth congress by a
liHigwi icador ol Ills paity In bis section
Only ono Haw marred tho otherwiso
man. Catarrh with Its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, was his only
unconquered loo. 1-or thirty years ho
personal enemy. At last I'eruna came
lowing letter to Dr. Hartman aa tho result:
" have used several bottles ot
tiled thereby (rem my catarrh ot
lleve that If I use It a shott time
cate the disease of thirty years' standing. David Meeklson, Member
of Congress.
The season ot catching cold Is upon
up. The cough and tho ancczo and tho
nasal twang are to bo heard on every
hand. Tho origin of chronic catarrh,
tho most common and dreadful of dis
eases, Is a cold.
This Is tho way tho chronic catarrh
goncrallr beclns. A porran catches
cold, which hangs on longer than usual.
The cold gonerally starls n tho head
and throat. Then follows bunsitivenesa
of tho air passages which incllno ono
to catch cold vory easily. At last the
person haa a cold all the while, seem
ingly, mora or less discharge from tho
nose, hawking, spitting, frequent clear
ing of tho throat, nostrils stopped up,
full feeling In the head, and sore, in
flamed throat.
The best tlmo to treat catarrh Is at
be very beginning. A bottle of I'eru
na properly need, nevor falls to cure a
common cold, thus preventing chronic
Ask your druggist tor a free
Olive Tree.
An olive tree yields aiz pounds of
ollvoa when It Is three years old. At
tho age ol fifty It yields from twenty
two to twenty-alx pounds.
Petroleum (or Rheumatism.
Whon netroloum was first diKCorored
In this country, it was called rock oil,
and was sold in small vials as a specific
for rheumatism.
Mrs. Hlank Is your husband going
to Mrs. Jason's funeral?
Mrs. Dash Decidedly not. Slio did
not return my last call. Baltimore
in Prohibition Kansas, Tool
An Atrlilann hllahnml hovered at
death's door so long his wife remarked
alio supposed lie was Having nis usual
trouble finding tho koyhole. Atchison
Deceitful Appearance.
"Jaysmlth fairly worships his wife,"
,bl Pnadlrlc. "and vet ha won't fflvo
her enouiih money to dress herself prop
"It Isn't always tho most devout wor
lilppor that puts tho most money on
I10 collection nlate." replied Keod-
Ick. Town Topics.
How to Discourage Treating.
Gayboy Have a drink with me?
Hardhead Certainly. Iloro'a to
Gayboy All, that's good.
Hardhead First-rate. Order anoth
er round if you like. I belong to tho
antj-trcatlng leaguo, and havo promised
not to treat; but there's nothing in tho
rules about accepting treats. Urder
right along, old boy. You pay and I'll
drink. Now York Weokly.
Ills Little Scheme.
He was cutting an Item from the
newspapor. "It tolls liow a houso was
robbed, and I want to show it to my
wife," ho oxplaincd.
"What good will that uoT" a (rloud
"A wholo lot." was tno roply. "You
sw, this houeo was ro'obetl while a man
was at church with ins wile,"
"Say " oxclalmod tha friend, ex
citedly, "you haven't got another
oipy of that paper, have you?" Chi
cago 1'oat.
It was the Card.
Thn wenrv hoiiBokconor tiausod beside
tho baskot of eggs that boro tho card:
'Fresh this morning an cents,"
"Give me a dozon of thoao eggs," elio
said. "I suppo;o you guarantee their
freahnoBa?" I
"WaII. nn antit Din linallallnff 1
Btorekeopor, "Wo wouldn't llko to do
'But tho card savai 'Fresh this
morning.' "
'Yes'm." tho atoorekooner reluctant
ly admitted. "But you see It's tho
card that's fresh not tho eggs."
Cleveland Plain Soalor.
not only In bla own stato, but thronnh
very largo mlajority, and Is tho acknw
01 the stato.
comploto sucrcs of thh rising states'
wagod unsuccessful warfnro against thla
to tho rescue, and he dictated tho fol
Peruna and I feel greatly bene-
the head. I feel encouraged to be
longer I will be fully able to eradi
While many people have been cured
of chronic catarrh by a single bottle of
I'eruna, yet, as a rule, when tho catarrh
becomes thoroughly died more than
one bottle Is necoisaiy to complete 1
euro. I'eruna has cored caces Inntim
crable of catarrh of twenty years' stand'
Ing. It Is tho best, if not the only la
ternal remedy for chronic catarrh In
Hut prevention Is far better than
cure. Kvory person subject to catching
cold should take I'eruna at once at the
slightest symptom of cold or sore throat
at thla season of the year and thus pro
vent what is almost certain to end In
chronic catarrh.
Send for free book on catarrh, en'
titled "tVlntor Catarrh," by Dr. Hart
man. "Health and Beauty" sent free
to women only.
Pc - ru - na almanac.
Mother (loose.
"Mother Goose," who Is probably
more familiar to children than any
i titer porsonago In story books, was a
real person. Mrs. Goose, for that was
her real name, lived with a family
named Fleet, who kept a little store
In Pudding Lano, Boston.
Whistling In Duenoa Ayrea.
Any person caught whistling In the
streets of Buenos Ayres Is liable to be
arreste.d Tho police alone have the
right to whistle.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar 8tgnaturo of
See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Tear small ad aa easy
to take aa eagaxt
1 . onauiira MuatMM)yi,
,uTc 1 Purely VetaMota?g5i
Asijood candy to a
Queen Bee
Cough Drops
ey anil menthol. They
aro pleasant anil ef
fective aa a remeity
lor cougn. aim com..
Try a package. Sold
hy all druggists and
confectioners. Two
packages by mall on
receipt ol lvo.,stampa.
Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co.
Portland, Ore.
lot U'HtS HHtHl
hi ttst inns. - hi
i jrup. Taitea Ooud. Uee
Bold br drueet.ta.
I II rL5 y.
French MAnniAae onoKEns.
Declelon Which (live. Their llnelnees
Lexal Kecoanlllon.
Matrimonial agents In Franco aro
Jubilant The law which up to tho
present has dealt somewhat severely
with them and refused to consider as
binding contracts mada by them la
apparently beginning to take up an
other attitude. At any rate, thla was
tho caao recently when tho Chambre
doe Itoquetes had to consider an ac
tion from Toulouse. Home time hack
a solicitor living In the neighborhood
of that town, engaged tho services of
a local matrimonial agent, who, In
duo course found a aultablo wife for
his client. The marriage took place
and the agent applied for his commis
sion, but tho solicitor did not appear
Inclined to pay the sum agreed upon.
Ho first declared that tho amount was
out of proportion with the services
rendered, and subsequently refused to
pay anything whatever, says tho Paris
Messenger. The parties then went to
law, nnd tho local civil court dismissed
tho agents' claim on questions of fact.
He appealed, and tho Appenl Court
nlao decided against him, holding that
money payments for matrimonial ne
gotiations wcro Immoral and Illegal."
Tho plaintiff next appealed on a
point of law to tho Chamhro des
Itequctes, which decided In his favor
and ordored a fresh trial ot tho action
by the Civil Court. A passage In the
speech made by the Advocate General
Is well worth quoting. After showing
that marriage had always been con
sidered as the basis of society, ho said:
How can the fact of facilitating a
marriage, of placing two families In
relationship, of procuring a companion
for tho man who wishes to create a
family bo declared a priori, Ipso facto,
an act contrary to morals, to law and
to public order? The contrary Is the
cose. A priori and on principle. It Is
a meritorious action, and It cannot be
considered too favorably. Must the
naturo of this meritorious and moral
action be changed because the Inter
mediary has not been a disinterested
person? Hy no means. A disinter
ested Intermediary may commit a de
testable action, while nn Interested one
may commit an excellent one. Every
thing depends on the circumstances."
In Hungary the lecal ace of on In.
dividual dates only from baptism.
Froe skin makes the toucbest leather
known In proportion to Its thickness.
Brussels has a church clock wnnml l
- j
atmospheric expansion Induced br the
beat of the sun.
An nrnnirA frM In full luia.lnf. h..
been known to produce fifteen thousand
oranges; a lemon tree six thousand
Forest covers 30 per cent of Russia's
total area, or, In all, 4H,&00,000 acres.
In other words, there ore four acres of
forest to every Inhabitant of Kussla.
A country laborer of Brescia while
cleaning on eel discovered In Its stom
ach a large black pearl, which has
been purchased by a Milan Jeweler for
The Prussian city of Cassel will be a
thousand years old in 1013, while the
French city of Marseilles was founded
more than 2,500 years ago, and Home Is
2.C54 years old.
Candy-makers say that the most prof
itable part of their trade Is In fancy
candles, put up In ornamental boxes.
the box frequently cutting more figure
In the purchase than the goods.
The Japanese cat more fish than any
other people In the world. With them
meat-eating la a foreign Innovation,
confined to the rich, or rather to those
rich people who prefer It to the national
It has often been stated that sixty
miles an hour was the utmost rate at
which a swallow could fly. Itecent ex
perlments between Compelgne and
Antwerp proved that a swallow In a
hurry can cover 128H miles an hour.
The oil glands of the skin are most
numerous In races living under the
tropics, because the oil Is nature's pro
tection against the heat of the sun. In
hot countries Its actlonds often assisted
by the application of vegetable or ani
mal oils.
The relative durability of wood and
Iron Is given strange Illustration by an
old cannon which has stood since 1850
on the high grounds of point Bonlta,
at the entrance of San Francisco bay.
Tho gun has rusted away, while the
wood supports are In a state of perfect
The title of "doctor" was Invented In
the twelfth century and conferred for
the first time upon Iuerlus of the uni
versity of Bologna, states the Meta
physical Magazine. Tho first "doctor
ot medicine" was Gullelmo Gordenlo,
who received the honor from the college
of Aostl, also In Italy, In 1220.
In a recent lecture at Gresham Col
lege, Dr. Symes Thompson, In speak
ing of the effects of climate, remarked
that It bad become necessary to sublet
English government work In Egypt be
cause It was found that the natives
would only work when chastised, and
It was a rule that a British olllcer must
not strike a nattre.
rhoentx, Ariz., the center ot Salt
River valley, was a few years ago a
sagebrush desert It has now twenty
five thousand Inhabitants, with an as
sessed property vatuatlon ot $10,000,-
000. All this Is due to water, which,
brought In canals from streams fed
mainly from San Francisco and other
Arizona reserves, has turned the desert
Into a fertile valley, covered with
ranches and dotted with small towns.
The Most Valuable Hook.
The most valuablo work In extstenco
s said to bo a copy of tho Koran now
treasured In tho Mohammedan city of
Isonan-Uuza, Persia. Tho covers, nine
and one-half Inches by four Inches, nru
ot solid gold an eighth of an Inch thick,
whllo precious stones set In symbolic
designs figure In tho center and at
each of tho corners. Tho book Is writ
ten upon parchment, nnd this part ot
tho work Is valued at $125,000.
Forfectlon Is all right as a theory, hut
perfect purity Is seldom found outsldo
tho baking powder advertisements.
My Lungs
"An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Ayer's Cherry Pcctoril and It
cured me promptly."
A. K. Randies, Nokomls, III.
You forgot to buy a bot
tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral when your cold first
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back. on.
Three altflai 25e.. enough for an oHtnarr
eoldi e4eM)o.t rlfnt for broochlU.,
n.... h.rd sold.. .IA.1 SI. mm .ennAmlcl
for caronle ca... and to k.p en
4, U. AIKU W. UWIII, JU...
Motor Car In Scotland.
The motor car terror Is said to have
struck Scotland severely on account of
the number of rich tourists wbo visit
that country. In ono case a heavy
racing automobile, running very rapid
ly at night, plunged Into a flock of
sheep being driven to market, and
killed and mangled quite a number of
BriTi of Onto, prrr or tolsdo,
Lccji Cotnrrr. I
FaiNK J. chemct tnakeaoalh that he fa the
senior parterol the Arm of F. J. C'hkxet & Co.,
doing baalnesa In the city of Toledo, Connty
and state afore tald, and that eald firm will pay
iue sum oi uric nunuubu i' tn lor eacn
and every caae of Catarrh that cannorbo cured
by the use ol Hau's Ciiiaaii Ccaa.
Sworn to before xne and subscribed In ray
preeence, thle.ttideyof becember,A. D. ISM.
I . , . I A'ofarv rublte.
Hair a Catarrh Care la taien Internally and acts
directly on the blood and tnaeona surfaces of
the lyitem. Rend for te.tlmonlala, free.
r. j. unc-icx at vu., loieuo, u.
Bold by drugglats, 75c
UaU'a family Fills are the best
She This ia the restaurant where
one always has to wait so long. I
He You know the reason, don't
you? i
"No; why7" j
"Their prices are so high that they
can't afford to serve any dish without
first looking np the financial rating of
the customer." New Yorker.
For bronchial troubles try Fiso's Cure
for Consumption. It Is a good cough
medicine. At drugglats, price 25 cents.
A Pardonable Mistake.
Stella I came near missing a pro
posal last night.
Bella You did?
Stella Yes. He got down on bis
knees and I thought he was merely
looking for a ping-pong ball. Harper's
CITQ aPertDavaebar Ourea ! fltj or nerrowtca
I I V nr flrat'UT'tJwof Ir. KltB'tGrMt Nern
2ftorr. 8clfor ritBK8-J.00tnsJrUarltrtt.
A Harrowing- Jest.
Thft man at mir hoard incr" hnnu Imp
the remains of a once prosperous pocket
trnm .Mr.K,h Z:rZ::i
since fled.
"Why," we asked" him, "do yon
carry mat ining arounu witn yon tnat
worthless old comb;
And he replied:
"Well, I can't part with it.
more News.
-Bait I
..Scarcely a Day..
Tassei but we are called upon to perform
wme dim cult dental operation that ts
the direct result of neglecting' the teeth.
We cannot urge too strongly the bone tit
and economy of consulting a dentist at
the Tery first sign of tooth trouble. At
the start these troubles are corrected
quickly and at small cost. Our methods
are painless and our work guaranteed
Both 'phones: Oregon South
Columbia V9. Open evenings till V.
Sundays from 9 to U.
Dr. T P. Wlae Dr. W. A. Wise
WISE BROS., Dentists. .JSiJSSSS'-
Delivered at any Railroad Station
or Boat Landing in Oregon .
Here lea Picture of one ot the moat perfectly finished organs now manufactured,
ltlathol"aclnoQueen.madoepeciallylorElleral'lano Houe. Choice of fancy wal.
nut or aelected oak caws. Fine very large beveled French plate mirror, perfectly
finished! an ornament to any mansion.
Numeroua new and valuable Improvements are embodied In this organ, mating It
at once one of the best and moat durable organa manufactured lu the united Blatea.
l!ullt with epeclal regard to l'acltlo Coast climate.
llesldea tbe regular reed tone, thla tnatrument also has several octaves ot the regu
lar pipe ell'ects, to be fouud In no other .mate.
Special Introductory Offer gSJS'i
utn i1a1Ivai rwrfArt nl full e-uarautecd Oriran. freight pal
will deliver a perfect and fully guaranteed
in-.. in thA HtsitA nl Ore eon for Sid.
The fancier it vies 1X ttf . etc.. on same terms.
L only to the first lou lnstrumeuu.
Portland, Oregon.
Largest, Leading and Most
J51 Washington St.,
lortUnJ, Or,
603 Sprague Ave.,
SpoEane, Wa.h.
Ninth and J Sts Sacramento,
Toot et Morrlaen Street.
The mo.t (Mlcloue canned. Hel them
g from youriiroeer. They are pul up un- S
W iter a .handwime blue label. Aereptnn (
$ auballtuiea WA1JIIAMH A KKIlll 111108.
S Monopole Oroceri, Cortland, Ore.
n'iismntmiifjti ias s$ei aenM
rrobably you have beard ol ine. Now
let me prove to yott that myHeeilaarn
the beat. Write today for Mann's Heed
catalog- for 1913- free on reqnt I am
Portland agent for llurpee. of Philadel
phia "liurpeo'a Pccda (irow 1 villi
send to Farmera. free on rejtie.t, llnr
pee'a Farm Annual for to othara on
recelplof Hw Wrltetoday ponotdclay.
G.S. Mann a seedman
tan Front St., Porllmnd, On.
Satier'e Rape
food at.
I.OOOsGOO Customers
ITciOiVftt rvVoril nf mv SNu'cman nnMrta.
And yet we are rMclnnsTout tor mon. We
dtftrR, br July lit, eVn,ixQ mor ud benca
thlM lUDmsMlcnled offer.
SIO.OO for IOc.
I w win mm men receipt of Ma In BUmr i
Bit niHlWIH, W III 1.1 )Ulf.ULf Ml DJ j
k rtwT wun many larro tam Mrnpiei,
icvNiitej, ootruiCBBes sirirT, iirmiiuk, J
. Jir,a7i,TO.,pOaHl,TfiI7WWUI
n av atari wiut
end thfft
' r Ulnar
ion. to blr.
our Stomach
After I wae led need to try CASOA
IX ETS I will nefer be wit hoot tfaetn Id tbe doom.
Uj llrer u la a ittr bav4 ibepe. ana mr bead
acbed and I bad atoinacn trouble. Now, since Uk
In Caecarete, 1 feel One. Ur wife bee alto Died
tbem witn beneficial remits (or soar stomach.
Jos. Kumuaa, 1X1 Coot-res 6u, fit. Loale, Mo.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good,
0w'- """" wea.ea.or onpe.iociidoo.
... cure constipation. ...
HO'TO-BAC KdLnlCiTKlVii!T.f'
No. 01903.
HEX wTltlnff to atlTertliere please)
mention tnis papers
jo lnirouuce inia urgan, we are
s moat exceptional concea-
i nn r tirlf'A. .ml la.m. mnA
Organ, freight paid, to any railroad atatlon
on raviuent of tS down and SI a month.
Write us today, as this ollwr U limited
Responsible Western Dealers.
6SJ Market St.,
San i'ranclaco.
Xl THAOI UAXK RtOttTflllD -ejlfi