BOHEMIA NUGGET, .: a IWItnr IttmliicxH M('r. C J. Howard . Ilnrton C. V. Ilniwn . .a, .. . Knlerr.l Ml t tn ..l.illri nl (IhIIuk. ltn. Ormiin mHncilinrtii" mall iimI'm. Hiilirlillini rlm, 41,110, In H'Umiri. AilvnrlMi'ft ,1tNt. lii.i kiiiiwi, mimiii 4iillritlliillt TIIIH I'.M'I'.II l hppt cm K I', limit') Aivrllaluic Aicurnr, llt.iiilivt MtIiM K rliftii.,Hii Kmii'lwo, rnllfiirnU wiim .iii r.di fur mWfifllflnjr run Ih iitmlit fur II I'KIDAV, I'ltlltHtAMV G, KJO.V llolmon, the so-culli'd li in ill llii Mcrrlninc inililuiii, I in h tesi)titi Im omitiilvloii In ( I it tr. s. n w I i mi oilier rcnvoii tluiii lie vhh r fused further leave of iilucnrc, met had to go (o ivurk or rcs'Kii linn nlwny.s appealed lo hqiiio th i In wiih n wirt ul inflated licit). SCHOOL NOTUS. AN INCIDI ;N I' I OK lilt! HOYS At tin liciil of mi 1 1 1 1 1 1) t r I 1 1 r ill piti'lliii'lil lii urn1 nl l In' kii'mi "Ion In New Vni l( ( ll.v In n iiiiin Willi mi i. IuIcithiIiik lilHtnr.v. IIIh curirr nf' uuiim ii nun iiiiiMiriiuoii in Hie k I ii ii 4 dplrll tlmt wIiim In I lie IiiihIiichm yi'irn mm nil NOTES FROM THE BOWLING ALLEY. There U n little .slnrv In inmtlier Column, from I lie jienof Hev. V 1'. Anderson, iiulilUheil In Kpwnrth Herald, thntli rcspeclliilly refertcil to the boys mill ulrlt of thin eliv While It H nut Inllinnted Unit (In boys ami glrli of thin section nre any worse In itny rc.icct, or con slilcr the icipouitblllly of nil Imiiest mill IndtisUinUH life innr " lightlv thin do the hoys mid iith in other location, it will do no liiirm in. I cud the HttlcHtorv. It shows Unit the nppeiil of the honest, willing liny or twin, will succeed. Some nvenuc ol Industry will ocn to him, If he persevcrs. He may not get what he most desires to start with. The first position may not l,r cntlrelv to his liking, hut it Is u foothold on the ladder to success, If he will put .up a cliccrlul lace anil nlm liiKh- One's success in the various vocMllons in life depends largely upon one's desire and en ergy to succeed. The target shooter does not alwoys get his niiiKC at the first shot, hut by eiirclul training of his sights he will eventually hit the hulls eye. A L'ood rlllc. a steady Imud and n well trained eye ore essential to the target shooter. A good charnclcr, sternly habits, and n true estimate of the value of one's present po Hitiiiu. in the race for advancement, nre csculial reuls!lcs to one who would succeed. Collnuc, ilrovi', I'rb. 4, IJKil. Tin' following Im tli rvpnrt of I lie puhllf wIioiiIh of HiIh rily for t Im inoiilli of Jiiiiiuir.v: To In I riimllint'ut As NiiiiiImt In n t i-in 1 1 1 1 it-c Hs4 Ai.rnKiiiniy jfiit Tolnl iliiyw " vthliif loilit.v. Only h few ni Im iippi'invd nl HiIh hIiiii' ' UirVtlllt fur II iiomIIIoii, i phtrn fur von," uriillly kiiIiI l lie iiifuumiT. "Hull I'vi' rit lo Iiiivii ii phti'i'. HrMlMli'i4 llii-iiiiiii. ".My family will Mtllll HllAxM Ufi Hllllll'tllllll! to do, ! Look nil inn. tIiIiikm Iiiivii Kolic imnliiHt nil", lint through no fault f ...7;CI mllli'. Am I itili-triiHiiokliur fellow? niiHi-nt ;wt " Union lad. ltf.1 II Im very lunch ilfxIrYil Hull w,oi;iit wIIImhhIhI. In lim liiK pupil In liool nit limn. Tin iiiiiiiIh'i' of CIHWM of liiitillni'MM mIimiIiI Im rcilni'i'iO one hull. Mtekui'MM mi imhimIh for Hie ihimiImt utnliHvnl piiplU, liinveiier tlii'inrrutM tui help tin- work very iiiueliiky not cUHmIiiIiik piltminiinvMmirlly.. I'lm enrolltwnt Im III inner I linn lor niNt yeur. un ineri'UHii 4 inon tllllll tlllrty-vrvi'll perei'llt. Wiileli ft tliu priiKrniw for the KClinol eiitvrtnliiiiieut for Keuruury When yiMi fn l IIiio iiim) that every tlilim utvw wriinr. tnku n Ihmi nf Cham, iMirliilii'n Hliniiiii'li mill l.iver TiihtetK. They will uleinieu nml lnvlKorntu your moiiiiten, ipninme your uiweu, uive you rt-Unli lor your loml jimI nmku you lee I tlmt III thin olil wnrlil U n ifixxl jiluew to nvu. i iir nniu ny lleimoii Drill; Uo Coltiiuo (J rove, Or. 1.00(11! N0II2S. It is iiunouiiccd that lion, lti'irr j Ilcrnui'iii will be a candidate for 1 coiiKiesimuti. Mr. Hermiinu Ikih filled the ptHition in the MSt nml did ho creditably lo himself ami j state, and if it i the will of ihe ' congressional he do' so ngulii. every voter in the slate shouM support him. Toda tin-, Slate ol Orexon has onlv one man nl W.ishlnKton, who is fannli:it with the work of either legislative, body This is on luiKrtnnt eii"l in the liistory of the state, and it , no time docs Oregon need a dele gation thor uglily acquainted with1 the itemils of duties inciimlei UH)ii its national tepreoentativi-'. than it diK-s at this time. While , we have many good un u -men who will make rapid prosiest. , in the affairs of state vet it i nut I Cousisieiit to overlook the fuel ilmt ; the nmre familiar our delegation is willi ii ilional legislative vvoik.thrl belter for Oregon. Above all inj placing a man in congress, let the! Mule choose a competent, honnrnlile i jind well posted man. KOIIIIHTHIM I.MMt IVIiliiy iiIk'IiI IiuiI an eiitlin- HhiHtle iiiisMIiik at which they put ou the Inlthitor.vniiil iIckiw work, after which they llllcd up on refnwhmeiitH, 'hitrnelerlHtlc of Kiod fellowslilp, at IM WIIIhiiii'm reMtatiraiit. One of the uohle men of the I'orcHt, cllMOovereil tlmt cyMlerM ore n sorl of "costive" luxury. ItlMIMKN. Monilny nlk'lit the Iteilinen met mm iimiimI anil u kooiI turnout wiw the tvHiilt. Several appllcatlonM wen neteil upon anil Initiation work will iiK'iln Ih' the order of the nlht un the rrllH. axwmtiles In weekly coiiii ell. ni'iiiiiiiiin in: i. o. o. r. I.MHt Saturday nllit a larKe nr temlaiiee of the .Siiliordlnnte I.odKe I. 'I. (). K. met In rvKiilar wmmhui. Iiiltlntory, InI, I'iiiI nml Ilril derts-M werveniiferreil Mini oevcrnl appllen- itllllM III1 HOW H'lllllllg. k.cami'ii:nt. Ciieauipiiient, I. O. O. I-'., roast I'tirk I'lneatiipmeiit will meet from now mi each II rut and thl.d WedneH iln.v of each month. WciIiichiIii.v iiIrIiI of (IiIm wis'k they met anil eon ferieil the I'atrlurelial, Ooltlen Itule. ami Itoynl ,1'urple ileum's on live ineinlierH. Itefn'HhtiieiitH wens nerved willed was apprrelated liy the iiiein Ih'I'n iH'fore the clow of the work In Hie we hiiiii hours. rmtKii CONSUMPTION. I YeM. you are, repliiil (lie man uvi'. "lull I have no ilme I eau kIvu run." "llllL in.v wife Mini children nreile im'iiilt'lit upon me, nml will mooii Ih; list the point of Hiifferlui; linlisw I K't taork. In llirre not xoine way In hleh I could lietiHcful anil for which 1 roiilil ns'i'lve a Niilllclent amount rsllh which lo liny lin-ml at least? Tlieii wiih an carncMliittM ol voice luud milliner which dually mailt' ItM ll,'Ml. "What are you willing to do Mhl the iiiuiiukit. ''Au.vlhliiK mid every tiling," n-plleil iitir friend. "Well. I HtippoM 1 could Klveyou a place as a Hurt u lackey hoy. Vou will have to do, plenty of work. Home of II very dlHaicns-ahle, and your pay will lie hut hU ilollurH a week." "All rlnlil, Kir. I'll lake Ihejoli, and 1 thank you fur It." Thus hiiinlily did he Ih-kIii. He Mttulieil to iiiaku liluiMcIf iiHcful. lie wm- one ul the llrnt to Ih- on hand In the nuii'iihiK, and often lingered after cIom of liiiurM In iiul everythliiir In erfis't order fur Ihe next day. He did not n ull In lie told what to do. lie could nut have taken a livelier In- tcrcHt hud he Ihsmi one of the proprietors. In unhurt time promo tion came. After a few moiitliH he wiim put In chaw of a delivery ruiile. Some way he found time to do much extra work. ICvery day he brought In new urilers for kooiIm. The Incn-aM' of trade ou IiIh route at tracted attention. I .It He hy little he wiiii IiIm way until he wiim placed at the head of a niimt Important de partment. I'orncvcral years he Iimh drawn a Hillary of eighteen HioiimmiuI ilollurH a year. How Hilly the cry Hiul there an no opporlunltlra for youiiK men In IiiimIiichh! Then' wen' never Ik'Hit opporlunltleM th'iu now. I'iihIi, pluck and a rllit nplrlt an' HieKiTMt ikh'iIm, and are niiiv to win. Itev. William I". AnilerMoli. In ICp worth Herald. The only lli-st-chinM, fnsdi linked lil-ead III town, at Ihe Horw SIiih' n'siaiiriiit. '.' t J COTIAOI! (1K0VI5 IH)VS. I'p lo TlinrHilay McoroM in "leu pins A wailll IiowIIiik I'onlcrit ImjIwis'II the "falM" ami "Iciiiih" Im aiuoiig the coiiiiiik aiiraviioiiM ai Hie alley. Dr. I'alue liolils 'Hid new cDiiiincr- clnl chili liowllnir alley record for "coekeil hat" at HiiKi'iie. wlthaHcora of ul. We have eiioiiKh Kuod howlcrx to Klve the Kiikciic team a red-hol i;ame IH'fore they lake un Hie Salem and Alhany teaiiiH. renins till. IM-Mt ' fur Ihe week. weiv iim follows: Tiiriieii ir,7. Ollkl- moii III'.'. I'arrlMh I Us and Turieii 171. Thin wore will douhtli-HH In- ralwil iM-forn tho wis-k Is over. This week and after, a prlwi of n oowimir iickui win im- awardisi the ihtmoii KiS'lirlliK the IiIIii-mI mire III "ciK'Heu nat, lor llie wirk. iiIho t the one Ktsmrlui; the hlirheHt wore In "leu pliiH," TIiIm uiaki-M :'.IHI tier wis'k nald In pmcM to liuwlers anil Ih well worth trylmc for. The hluhcHt Mconsi In "cuckiMl hat thus far this week are mm follows: Handy SI, Miller r,. W IIIIuiiim S! and ID, lliild :?.) ami 4:1 and Trunk Thotup- hoii .w, 41 and 4.1. Arthur M'onnrd holds the record lor the alley which Ih IVi and Im arviniii kalile wore to In- maile on a n-Kiilatlua ( 12 Inch.) nlley. O'ANCKIt rt lti:!)!! Mr. W. W.l'rlekett, s m ii I, (lM . tliu write. Hrnl. lOtli. IIMH: "I l.ii.l Im-i-h HiilferliiK n'Vernl yeiitH with n ciuieeroii my fiiee, wlilt'll i!iive ine greHt siuiov il lire nml unlM-iirHiile ili'liuiK I whh il'lllif I l.i I hi rit h Siiovt I.iiuiiieiit fur Hire li'H. mid Ihroiicli hii ucciileni, I rulilM-il wine of the liniment on the Hiicer, mid im it khvc iik-hIiiiomi inaimil lellef, I decided to coiitiiiue to lire th liniiiit-nt on the csm-er. In n rhort time the rmieer came out. my fu lienleil up mid llieie in nut the luihlei.t Ki-ur left I hnve implicit fiuth in the ineritM nf thin prepHriiluin. him! it cannot ! t.Mi lilirlilv n-iiiiiriii-ii.iil . 'Joe. WH' nml tl OU. For hhIi hy New Kra DrilK Store. T I -1. BERG BROS. New outfit and up to-date meth ods assaying, or complete analysis of ores Cloriuation, cyanide and working tests made. All work done in du plicate, and correct returns guar anteed. Mail orders promptly at tended to. ' A. H. KING Attorney at Law, c.oTTAin: aitoric. hue. Atmrugraph going the rounds of the newspapers is sending coll chills up the backs of lieer drinkers It runs thus, "According to sta tistics of life insurance companies, n m ill nt so years of age who does not drink beer, may reasonably ex pect lo rench the age of 6i. If he Is a beer drinker he will probably not live over 35. If he is 30 years when he begins to drink beer, he will probably drop off some where between 40 and 45, instead of living to the age of 61, as other wise lie should. The senatorial fight drags ou, as of yore. Thus far exciting inci dents have not been numerous -hardly sufficient to attract the at tention ol the public, generally. It cannot he denied, however that the affair is retarding legislative progress. 1 1 is the duly of the two bodies to elect a senator, whoever he may be, at the earliest moment. The voters demand it, and by virtue of the ballot the legislature has power. Gentlemen, elect a senator. Hon. Hinger Hermann, in ac cordance with his resignation closed his duties as U S laud com missioner lust Saturday and de parted Immediately for Or;gou, af ter ncarlj six years of faithful ser vice. He has many friends in Ore gon who will be pleased to see him, nml who look at the attitude of Secretary Hitchcock toward Mr. Hermann as n direct slap in the face for Oregon, It is announced that the First District Congressional Convention to nominate a candidate to succeed Hon. Thos. H. Tongue will be held in March, Albany has been sug gested ns a proper meeting place. The suggestion is n good one, especially so lu view of its central location, and sho.uhl be acted upon. The house pf representatives is proving itselfa very good working body. The senate, too, is getting ahead with its business expediti ously. The house being the larger body, a better working regime is necessary for It to accomplish as much business ns the smaller branch numerically Mr. It. W, Kviuin, Clinrwiiter, Kim., write: "My hiiidKind lay rick lor three liiiuil Iim ; the iIih'Ioim Htuteil he Iih.I tiiick rtilirillliiiil inn. W11 tiliMllti ml 11 IniIIIi. of lliillard'a Ilorehouiid nvrui. mid 1 II eiited 1 1 1 11 1 . Tlml wn" nix yenm 11 K". mid mnee then uo iiIwiivh kept 11 l.ile III the hoiMe. We cannot do wn hunt it lor cousin and ciiIiIh, it him no ispud." J!k; Me and I.IK) hot tin ill New ICra Drue Stoui ClVMwell. On-.. Fell. :. IIM. Hdltor NiiKwt.t'otlaKVtirove, On'. I leu v Sir: I have, an item which I would like for you to have iim a little Juke 011 a couple of Iio.vh from your town. They came toCn'Hwellon the train a week iik'i to vIhH a couple of lady friends and Intended to catch the train Kolnu Mouth but owing to the wiiHh-outH ou the road the train wiim delayed and the lioyn were com pelled to walk hack to CottiiKcdrovc that nlKht as then- won- no traltiH until next day. You can tlx It up to Hiilt youi-Mclf hut Ik Him1 and give them a Jolly iim they think Uo one j kllOWH It. Ml AUllAl Just opened in the Walker Unilriiujj: near Depot on South Side of Main Street. We will supply you with Meals or Short Orders at any time. We buy only the freshest and best the market af fords find prepare in any style you desire. "aULU'.R & (IOWDY, lit IhHir Wet of Popul South mild ol Main Street. fflSBff I u. ii. 11. NOTICI-: FOlt PUIIUCATION. United Stnun Luud Oirice, Honehuri!, Ore., .Ian. 80th, 1003. Notice in hereby given that in compli ance with tliu provlflons of the art oi CotieronH of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act for Ihe unlo of Timlier Laud In tin Slates of California, Oiegnn, Nevada, and W imhinicton Territory. as ex tended to all tho 1'ublio l.iuul Stales by net of AiiKiiat -I, 1892. F.uuiin Woyor, of Mound, County of Lane, Slnto of Ore him this day lllisl in tide olfiee her Kwom idntoinent No. 4370, for the purrhiiKO of the l.oln HA II of BeoNo. '.' In Towimhlp No. 20 S, Unlike No. 7 West, and will oiler pruot iimliuw that tho laud Houitht is more valuiihlo for its Umber or Mono than for puriiosuH, and to establish his claim to hiiiii lanu neiore .mine 1,. nam, I'. S. Commissioner nt Kimono, Oregon, on Wcdiiesilay tho 16th tin v of ipril, 11103. She niiiiioH us witnesses: Frank llollaiitl.Ucoriio Holland, Wal ler Holland, of Crow, I.nno Co.. Oie.. I'M Hosolton, of Mound, UinCo.,Ort). Anv and all persons claiming ad versely tho abovo-tloscribcil Iniulg aro rcpuestcd to lllo their claims in this olficti tin or before said l&thdny of April, !D03. J.T.IIuiiHits, Ileistster. JEROME KNOX Ittoriicij-nf-Law l'rtiia.t Htieiitlmt iM to Mlnlnic Builuet CoTTAGH GKOVH. ORR. J. S. MEDLEY jltlovitey-ut-Laiv o o : Ofllfeou Mln iirl t - CoTTAOit Okovk, Oris. r FURNITURE 5 lCW 1111(1 Second Hand. There is nothing that beautifies home more than good furniture, and nothing that looks worse than a poor grade of furniture. I have a first class line of high grade goods in the new furniture and will make Lower Prices To lluyorH than can bo obtained elsewhere, and to tliOBo W'lahliiKKi'contl hand kooiIh 1 can make prk'OH that are Bttr prlHlntr. 1 keep only tho hlKhcHt Krado of Second Imud goods. KKlflfi Tim BSAIUHS And Ket a Warranted uothliic. Solid Oold Illnir l'rtv. It coats you Tho lialty must bo under 0110 year old. C.J.MILLER. HERBERT LEIGH ASS AY Hit AND MKTAI.M'IKIIKT KlIOUNK OlIKOUX. IM swny onUela the Hale. Sam ltely mall relvu .r..uit alletitlon. work Inn teati made on ore P-initlea of one to ttfiy lwimiilitoilvterniliu' the inooi luttable inelh otlt of trcatmeut. l'rte on application I I Allison k Haste BARBERS. ,i We atv now ltH'iited In our ? Now iiuarters, opposite tho ? l'oslotllce, and respectfully $ Solicit the patroiuw of all ji Who desire lli-st-class work. I A LARGE NEW f PORCELAIN BATH TUB. j U1VK I'S A CAI.k I N0TI0K KOK PUIIUCATION. United States lind Otlice, lloscburg, Ortyon, Dec. 24. 1002. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with tho piovlsinns of the act of Congress ol June 3, lti'S, entitled "An act for tho saloof timber lamia In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada anil Washington Territory,'' as extended to all tho I'ulil.o I.aud Slates by act of An Ktiat4,lK02, Hlraiu K. woikI.o! Kugeno, Co. of Initio Statu of Oregon lina this diiv tiled lut hla olllce hie an orn statement No. 4IU2, for Ihe purchaso of the N l 8w H & S j Nw '4 of Sec No. 10, Twp. 23 South, of ltango 2 WeBt and will olrer proof to show tlmt 1110 land sought is more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to saittlanil before Marie L. ware, U. S. Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Thursdny, the 12th day of Mar., 11)03. lie names as witnesses: .1. W l'urrlsli. of Jefferson. Oiegon. N II Martin, James w llouck, of Cot tage Grovo, Ore., Hay N wllson, of Ku gene, Ore. Any and nil persons claiming adverse W tin. aliove-ilescribed lands are re- mieslod to lllo their claims In this otlice 1 ... -..! 111.1. .1.... .. I M liA.) on or ooioro sum l.tu ui iur,t iwo. J . I. 1IHI1HIKS, liegller. Cnrliott and Jeffries have slcncd articles to tleht 20 rounds for a ptirso of 25,000. The fllit will bo pulled off at Fort Krle, Cftimdit. he man who is properly hqiupped Weather of any kind is the one who live long and be Health- and Happy, doesn't pay to neglect necessities. for will It You Clothing Wants Are nt the head of the lis of vour necessities, fit yon comfortably, Sultsh an I ceounmicallv. We can AT PACIFIC TIMBER CO'S STORE Under Odd Fellow's Hall, 1 COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON In our Capes, Coats, Jackefs, Furs and Skirts, which will be sold at reduced prices. Also a Ten per cent Discout. In our Clothing which will include Men's Youth's and Boys' Suits Pants OVERCOATS. 1 11 a sgi Always Keeps Yoti JPosted. j Hoys Boots $1.LT) Ladies' Shoes 3.50 Men's Boots 1.90 Cloves 1.50 ones 1.20 40e lioc Men's Working Shirts 40c. You jnust see these to apppreciate their Value Closing out Men's Drawers at 35c. Worth GOc. Ladies' best all Wool Vests, auorth $1.25 wiil Close what is left at 75cts Each Ladies' Hose 4 pair 25c Boys' Corduroy Pants Small Sizes 40c Large Sizes 50c I TOTTCJi: The people in Oregon know a K"d thing when theyheeit. They sre like Mt.NOuriaiiN, ou have to show them This is what I am doing Making everv aittcle in Plain Figure-.. I Want You to Know that I am Underselling every store in Cottage Grove, nnd can safely sny you can save from IO to 50 lci; Cent. Come Whether you want (6 Buv or not. KublM'i of any Goods kind nt Cut Prices. Ladies' Rubbers at IOC a Pair Men's All Wool Flannel Shirts Si. 75 kind at 81.45 Good half Wool Sox toe Misses' Heavy School Shoes $t.00 nml Sl.'JB Woman's Shoes fil.'-iii Worth J.CO JUST RECEIVED loO Fair of Fine Kid Lace Shoes My Price $1.50 Boys' Hats 10, Id, 20 and 25 cents. Men's Huts 50cts to 1,00 I have too many H ts and they must he Sold. The New Styles for Spring. R. WELCH, Manager IhKSK n ii i i Tl II 1 ueuer Late i nan never. But good goods never borne too late, and, owing to the delay in the Eastern freights, our Shipment of small goods did not arrive until today, and now that Jhe holidays are over we are willing to make a great sacrifice on these goods in order to make room for another shipment that is to follow. T. K. RICHARDSON, MUSIC STORE. NEEDHAM'S PIANOS WeNeedham because musicians Needham and must have them, and everyone that wants a good piano, a sweet toned piatio, au irtistic piano, a durable piano, they find it under the name of NEEDHAM. Arthur Frazer says the Needliam has as good action as he has ever used, and Mr.Fage. the baritone soloist, says the tone is exquisite, and has placed en order with us for one to be delivered at his home in Philadelphia. In fast the Needham has no rival and that is why we haoe just shipped a car load from the faccory, and our last lot is a lot of beautiee of new and artistic deslcrns. . A.ii r i t , i LT. Ii. 1C11JBIA1CU" v-otuige urove anu Koseourg.