Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1903, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
lilhrAlll) IIItOM'V, I'ubs.
Comprehensive Rolew of the Import
nt Happenings ot the Put Week,
Presented In Condenicd Form, Moit
Likely to Prove Interesting,
Kx-Bocretnry of tho Navy Iong shows
Improvement nml may rocovor.
afpcnnlor Mitchell It sowly recovering
lyTiri lila sovoro attack 01 Illness.
' Dinger Hermann hasjturncd over tlio
general land office to Ills euoceesor.
New York Aasay Office Ablate, with Mil
llona In Ilulllon on Hand.
A Manila official is short $8,000 In
lila accotinta and lias fled to Japan.
Now York, Feb. 3. Fire broke out
today In a laboratory In the second
tory ot tho United States assay olllco,
which Is next door to the United Slates
tubtreasury, and destroyed a portion of
tlio root and uppor story ana eomo oi
tho apparatus. Chief Assayor Torrey
fald tho loss on tho building would bo
nominal. Ho thought tho business ot
tho nssav ofllce. which amounted to
about 78 assays a day, would not to In-
.l. m. twi that ntirlff I Saturday,
acid, which is usod In testing bullion, Tho voto Hilton 35, Geer JO, Wood
was tho cause of tho Are. scattering 18, absent and paired 8,
An alarm was turned In and tho 65 present but not voting 1.
government employes In tho building I Tho Senate-Among the bills passed
Washington Legislature Selects the Man
from Walla Walla.
Olympla, Jan. 30, Lovl Ankony, ot
Walla Walla, booamo United Stales
senator from Washington yestordar, ro
celvlne 00 rates nn tlm l.ltli Inlnl 1ml.
mils oi jmr-on.nco mat are ikike imro. ... ... , ,. ,.
. ...... ....... 1 iu nvtivn vt U IV n uvu n i ii
uucea ana ac ea upon .n uom nouses llng WM mcro,y R rotmMU).( ,,ul u
brought with It moro oratory ot an ox,
Measures Signed by the Governor
Progress ol the Uallotlng for United
States Senator.
planatory nahiro than has ever Wtforo
l)eon heard at Olympla on tho last bal
lot of a senatorial contest. Tho sudden
tieatii oi Jonn ti. Allen, who In years
gone by had fought fierce political hot-
lies on this field with tho man now en
joying tho plaudits that go to tho
He Has Delivered an Ultimatum-It Allies
nm on i-reicreniiai treatment All i,,01l f g
umcr ircunor nations will llelallcd '
Together to lintcr Protest-Situation
Is Urave,
Washington, Feb. 3, Tho Kuropcan
allies havo not yet answered Mr.
lloweu's proposition, niado several
days ago, that thero shall lio no prefer
hastened lo savo tho millions of trees- was ono reUtlng to licenses for selling victor, throw a sombre enoll over tho "" ' cl,m" "''. OxMi Brit
was about inioxicaiing liquors acu ono to provide . . . ,,,., , nl and Italy against Venezuela ovoi
Atll.M ... v. ..iv . ... .
hm in tl,lr ram. Them
$40,000,000 lii bullion In tbo vaults 'or transfer of prisoners from tho pcnl
ml .Imiii si.R00.000 Ivlno outside In tentlary to tho asylum.
varlnn. ntt of tho hiill.llnu. Thai Tho House Committee on education
Tho railroad connecting Havana and tl.SOO.000 and aliout 1 100.000 in melt- rePled In favor of senato bill appro-
Santiago la completed and opened to elate, as well as tho books of account P'laitng $10,000 for Eastern Oiegon
Tho French charhbor of deputies is
unanimously in favor of a largo stand
ing army.
Joan J tiles Jntwerand, tho new French
ambassador tojtho United States, has
arrived In Washington.
Oro assaying as high as (50,000a ton
has Just been discovered in Chleken
creek district, near Dawson.
The United States will buy from
Spain tho heavy guns now in place in
tho fortifications ot I'orto Kico.
An amendment to the constitution
has been Introduced in congress prohib
iting tho holding of a fortune exceeding
$10,000.000 1)1 any one individual In
the United States.
Colonel David Phillips Jones, chief
engineer ol the United btates navy, re
tired, is dead. Ho was prominently
known throughout the United States as
the father of modern engineering in tho
Appropriation for Dalles-Celilo canal
cannot be made this session of congress.
Tho Graceland, N. J., death list
from the train wreck now numbers S3.
Russia and Austria are preparing to
force Turkey to grant reforms in Mace
Loo S. Overman, Democrat, has been
elocted United Slates senator from
North Carolina.
It Is said that the United States is
negotiating for seveeral war vessels now
being built for Chile.
Tho Alabama legislature has passed a
measure foridding the sale of cigarettes
or cigarette papers in tho state.
A collision on a Penneylvania road
resulted in the death of two train men
and the serious injury of three others.
The district supreme court at Wash
ington has decided that a Filipino may
become a naturalized citizen of the
United States.
Envoy Von Sternberg has arrived in
Washington and declares the German
emperor's friendship for the United
States could not be greater.
and records ware hastllv locked nn. I agricultural college. (Jommltteo on
! Tho building used by tho assay office commerce repotted favorably on the
is historic. Before it Ixvan to lo used bouse bill tor the Improvement and uso
as an asfay office, 40 years ago, tt waa 01 "vers,
a government mint, and for a time It I
was tho United States or government
bank. Tho structure is of gray stone
and bricx and very old fashioned.
Tin vote: Fulton 33, Geer 10, Wood
It), scattering 21, absent -I.
I Tho Senate Motion to adjourn until
Monday voted down. A bill waa passed
, prohibiting child labot under certain
ages. A communication waa received
Department Store Darned. Causing Loss from tho governor calling attention to
tne scanuai at tun state prison. A
of $50O,0OO.
Sacramento, Feb. 3,-Tho great do- J"" l to Provldo n
partment storo ot Welnstock, Lnbin &
Co., was destroyed by flrethla morning. I Tho Homo Among the bills intro-
One fireman was killed by a falling
wall. One other fireman was fatally
Injured and several others received
serious Injuries.
The storo was one of tho largest In
California. It waa a four story brick
and cement building, covering a largo
area of ground. An immense stock ot
duced was one providing a matron at
the penitentiary and ono for an eight
hour working day.
The vote: Fulton 33, Geer 16, Wood
17, Williams 10, scattering 11, absent
The Senate A bill was introduced to
and bitterness which has marked tho
closing hotira of tho fight had van
Ishcd before tho shadow of death which
hung heavy over tho hearta of the men
who had stood bv tho dnad leader III
many a similar contest. This almost "" ot 11,0 nmU"
tragic closing of the llfo ot ono who
had mado so much political history In
ashington, coming simultaneously
with the longHleturrod victory of his
rival of many yoara' standing, gave an
intonsely dramatic air to tho situation.
and at the Joint session tumultuous ap
plause for tho living mingled with elo
quent and heartfelt tributes to the
Tho final ballot was: Lovl Ankenv.
00, Harold Preston 0, John L. Wilson
I Jones 1. Georvo Turner 23
Preston and Wllsoa were nut on tho
committee to introduce Ankony, and
all threo made speeches, in which there
was a note of sadness on account ot the
death of John O. Allen.
those ot other nations. Minister llowoii
thinks tho delay should bo construed
in a hopeful light, on tha theory that
tho detay In tho answer of tho powers and miming us No. 7, itiicd ut Vn 11
Indicates that they roaliio tho Imimrt nation nt 3HU t 'clock tills morning
Passenger Trains on Southern Pacllle
Collide, Killing Twenty.
Tucson, ArWiitm, Jiui, 30, Tlio full
uro of Night Operator (leorgo Utougli
nt Valla station to deliver order to
MOHllnmiid trul ii No, 0, known an tho
8unt Limited, cniiHcd a heud-ou col
clock this morning lie-
twoen (ruins No, 7 mid 8, M mile
cast tif'TucHoii mid six mltcit from Villi
'Million, with dlmstrously fat it 1 result
At lust nccmititN SO Itodlc hud Ihi
taken (rum tho iniisa of burned mid
chilrred wreckage mid it In Imlleveil
this iiiimhor will bit dwelled by tho nddl
lion of several more lioforo tlio scare
of the tunglcd mid twisted mutt ol Iron
mid steel shall luivo been thoroughly
Train No. 7, which urlulimlly was
No. 0, but which whs wverul hiitira lute
ilenartment storo cools was carried, as .Iau..!! hA ..l r t.n .t ... in tu.
in addition to being the loading store in er measures acted on were of minor im-
bacramento It tlm a largo business nortance.
throughout Central and Northern Cali
Colonel Welnstock and the company's
directors htve decided to rebuild at
once. Meantime, the debris will be
cleared away and temporary ware rooms
put up. About 400 people have been
thrown out of employment.
The total insurance is estimated by
Colonel Welnstock at about 1300,000.
Loss, probably (500,000.
Native conetaulary defeated a band
surrender. This Is the same band that
defeated the-constabulary recently.
An outbreak in China, more serious
than that of 1000, Is expected at any
The Cuban minister to Spain, Senor
Marchan, has presened his credentials
to the king.
Tho Drnmmond Tobacco company's
box factory at bast fct. Louis burned.
Loss 100,000.
United States Minister Leishmann
lias returned to his post at Constanti
nople from his vacation.
An English syndicate Sydney, C. I!..
Is abeking C. O. MacDonald's project
for submarine coal mining at South
, The board of engineers which lajt
summer examined the rival canal
schemes at Seattle, has reported ad
versely. A general strike has broken out "in
the town of Iteus, province of Tarra
gona, Spain. Ten thousand worimen
are affected.
William Henry Pickering, assistant
professor of astronomy at Harvard, has
discovered that latitudinal and longitu
dinal measures of the craters of the
moon are greatly affected by the height.
Mrs. Clara Norton Fuller, a proles
slonal pianist of some prominence, was
found dead in her apartments in the
Metropolitan hotel, New York.
Between 4,000 and 5,000 horses in
lirooklvn, N. Y., are being fed on mo
lasses because it Is cheaper and better
than oatr . The work horsefl don't have
time properly to chew oats, and mo
lasses is found to bo more nutritious
and cheaper
Ex-senator John B. Allen, of Seattle,
Is dead.
Tho Kansas legislature has passed i
bill autborlilng the use of voting ma
Four persons'were killed and 11 oth
era Injured in a'trafn wreck near La
Fox, III.
Six persons -were kliledand 20 others
Injured, several fatally, by a boiler ex
plosion jit Aumston, Alabama.
Levi Ankeny was nominated for
senator by a Itepublican caucus in
Olympla. His eloction Is now assured.
The United States has readied an
agreement with Santo Domingo, where
by the disputed claims will boarltrateu
Montana cattlemen say they are
threatened with greater losses , than
usual this year, on account of severe
Rear Admiral Frank Wildes, now at
San Francisco, will be assigned to com
mand the I'uget Sound navy yard when
Admiral Sterling is relieved.
Lincoln's xld homo In" Springfield,
III., from which he went to tho white
Jiouso, narrowly oscAped destruction by
tiro. Tho damage was slight.
Threo men havo been arrested while
attempting to sell postage stamps In
Hartford, Connecticut. The police
think the men are tho ones whoaecured
about! 5,000 worth of gooJa In a
store In Hopo Valley, II, I., a few
weeks ago.
Hero of the Mcrrlmac Resigns from Navy
on Account ol His Eyes.
Washintgon, Feb. 3. Captain Rich
mond 1'. Hobnon, ot Merrimac fame.
has tendered his resignation as a naval
constructor in the navy. For some
time Captain Hobson has sought to be
relieved, but the board before which he
was examined pronounced him fit for
duty, and he was ordered to dnty in
charge of construction work at the
Bremerton navy yard.
It is well known that for some time
Captain Hobson has suffered from. an
affection ot the eyes, he and his lricnds
have declared, incapacitated him from
active duty. A bill to retire him has
Tho House Bills were passed ask
ing congress to enact better land laws
and changing the time of fixing tho tax
levies. A bill was introduced compelb
ing railroads to erect gatos in the city
oi rortiand.
The vote
today stood :
Geer 16, Wood, 17, scattering
absent 3, total 90.
i no senate .Most ol tno day was
taken up in passing charter bills. A
bill was paswd to create a state board
of health. Bills were introduced flx
ing tho salary of state printer; making
eignt Hours a day s work in all occu
nations except domestic and agricul
tural; and a number of unimportant
The Honsc No measure of import'
anco was brought up, the day being
spent in special county legislation and
cnarter bills.
The vote today showed no change,
excepting tne appearance ol George L.
caxer in uie neiu. ine result was as
follows: Fulton 32, Geer 17, Wood 17,
Baker 5. scattering 16, asent 3, total 00.
The House Hale's bill nrovidinz a
, fine and Imprisonment for persons de-
Vcnexuelan Crisis Causes Increase In Ap
propriations for Army.
Washington, Jan. 31. The Vcno-
tuolan situation, especially the nttl
tude of Qermany, was discussed by the
senate committee on military affairs to
day, and the situation influenced the
committee on some matters pertaining
to the army appropriation bill, among
which was tho decision to accept tho
house provision relating to transports
that they be retained in tho service.
mo committee also provided for an
increase of electricians, skilled gun
ners, machinists and others who take
care of and handle guns in the ccacoast
defenrea. Some other additions were
made in the bill with a view of ImproV'
ing me service.
The discussion was general and earn
est, anu tno conclusions readied were
that tbo honor and dignity of the coun
try would bo maintained, and that
liermany shonld not bo allowed to
blun" the government by any attitude
sue mignt assume.
Will Retain Army Transports.
Washington, Jan. 31. The senate
committee on military affairs today
msilA an ulmrtA ..tvi.t rn,
ladronea and compelled them to Psi we nouseoi representatives, anu faulting a hotel -bill with intent was Perkins' amendment to the army ap-
propnaiion Dili antnorixlng tho secre
tary of war to lease the army transports
or terms oi nve years and to award
contracts for transportation of 'troops
Ho still expects
a favorable reply to his contention, and
bolltivcs that tho questions at Issue, will
bo settled at Washington Mwccit him
self, acting for tho goveruuiunt u( Von
oiucla,and tho representative ot tho
It Is reported that an answer to Mr,
lloweu's demand has beoii received In
Washington, but tlio report cannot lie
on firmed officially, and tho answor,
If received, waa not transmitted to Mr.
Bowon. If the answer did arrive, the
suspicion is that It was unfavorable to
Mr. lloweu's contention, and In viow of
his positive attitude In tho matter, was
not not presented to him, but was with
held by the representatives of the
allies, In order that they might again
impress upon thoir governments the
Importance of tho question before sub
ttlttlng a final nnswer.
It became known today that Mr
Bowen had addressed to tho represents
tlves of tho allies what might bo ro
garded as an ultimatum, as defining
his position. Mr. L'owen dccllnoi
absolutely to discuss tho question, but
it is known that he said to the allies
that If they ersist In their dotnrmina
tlon to receive preferential treatment
he would call together tho other credit
or nations having claims against Vene-
mela, with a view to their making a
formal protest against tho demands of
those who participated in tho blockade.
Tho effect of this would bo that the
other seven creditor nations would bo
lined up against tho three allied pow
ers, with tho result that the settlement
of tho whole matter in all probability
might go to The Hague, if it Is to be
settled at all. This note Is believed to
bo having Its effect In staying the
final determination of the question by
uie anted governments.
Tho conductor mid engineer were film
lulled with iirdorn to paw mi eiistlKiiind
freight train nt Wllinot station. There
was another order ut Vails station ono
to moot train No. H, known ns.tlui Cres
cent (Jlty ex preen, cimtlMiuiid. at r.N
motel. This onler. which was tho im
portiillt one, the operator fulled to do
liver, and the limited pulled out will
the right of way ulid with no orders
concerning No. 8.
lien six union west of Vulls, run
iilug at a speed of 50 miles an hour
and rounding a sharp curve, No. 0
crushed into No. H. running 45 mlloH
an hour. Tho crush mid scenes Imme
diately following were beyond descrlp
tlon. r-o great was tlio Impact from
tho two Hying trains that tho englnoM
reared up Itko tno animals engaged In
combat, mid crushed the hollers like
shells. The cars Immediately in tlm
rear rushed upon the mam of honied
Iron and piled up In an indiscriminate
and frightfully tangled mass.
r Ire broke out at once. The llames
fed hy tlio oil from the broken tanks of
tho engines, quickly ninimuiilcatcd ti
tno cars, ami tno wnoie mast was soon
In llames. Those who wero able to
escape from tho cars In tho rear ol the
trains quickly ramo to tlm rescue Hut
all their efforts went for little, as tho
pile of debris was heated to such n de
giro that tho workers could not ap'
pmacn near enough to do any good
niiune i rom trie iiurning oil and cars
as well aa the escaping steam, blinded
all tho-o who got near the llames.
recently, when it was called up in the
senate by Mr, Morgan it was passed
over on an objection by Mr. Cockrell,
who insisted that, an examining board
having pronounced him fit for duty,
Hobson should not be retired.
In a letter to the secretary of the
navy Hobson sets ont the reasons for
his resignation, tho princpial one being
the bad condition ot bis eyes. It la
understood that Admiral Taylor, the
chief of the bureau of navigation, will
maxe a favorable recomendation on
Captain Hobson's resignation.
Nome Becomes Sub-port.
H asbintgon, Feb. 3. The secretary
ol tne treasry bas Issued an order mak
ing Nome, Alaska, a sub-port of entry.
This action was taken after a thorough
Investigation of the whole subject of
officials in Alaska, and it Is exnectAri
that it will add very materially to the
prosperity of Nome and the whole ter
r I tory. At present all vessels going to
Nome are necessarily subject to many
inconveniences and delays. Under the
new arrangement vessels will enter and
clear and duties will be paid at Nome
the same as at all otber ports of entry.
Trolley Cart Mobbed,
Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 3. Thetrol
ley strike in this city tonight reached
the proportions of a general riot. Every
car sent out Irom the barns was greeted
with a volley of stones at variou
points, and no car escaped without
broken windows. Thousands of people
nued the streets, and the police were
powerless to control the mob, and wero
at length forced to request the company
omciaie to can in the cars. The re
quest was complied with, and the last
car pulled into the barn at 11:15 es
corted by the police.
Drltlsb Warships Durslng Oil,
London, Feb. 3. Exceptional Inter
est Is attached to the departure of the
channel squadron from Portsmouth to
day on a prolonged cruise. For the
first time British battleships have been
luted to consume oil as fuel. These ex
perlments have so far been confined to
small war vessels, but now both the
Hannibal and Mars will ubo petroleum
Instead of coal, while the cruisers Duke
of Edlnburg and Black Prince are simi
larly equipped. The oil is carried In
tanks stowed in the double bottoms of
the ships.
Representative Both's bill to relocate
the county ; seat of Columbia county
was passed this morning.
Representative Mnrpby introduced aland supplies for a similar neriod.
bill creating the Eastern Oregon agri- action la taken to mean that the
Much Snow and Temperature so Low that
Even Eskimos Suffer.
San Francisco, Feb. 2 Alaska Is un
dergoing the severest winter that has
visited the Northern country In 20
years. Eton the Eskimos, who are ac
cultural college, appropriating $40,000 1 mittee favors a continuance of the pros- customed to tho cold, are suffering.
for buildings and 110,000 per annum ent transport service, sending bv com-
lor its maintenance. mercial lines only sncb freight and sud-
A joint memorial was adopted asking Pllc" as transports cannot handle.
congress to call a convention for the I
purpose of framing an amendment to fliiiAiCAns STEAL BULLION.
the federal constitution providing for
election of senators by direct vote of They Break Into Bonded Car and Throw
the people. uui u,uoo in Mivcr Uuiiion.
Uirnauaa, OI UiatSOP, IS in WVOr Oil Alflmnmnln n. 1 Jan "Jt c away witn tne poll tax law now hera n,.rB ,, pi
Torpedo Doat Crushed.
Corfu, Island of Corfu. Feb. 3. The
lirltlsh ciulser Pioneer ran Into a tor
podo boat destroyer near the channel of
Uorlu today and 13 persons are believed
to have been drowned. The torpedo
boat destroyer was the Orwell. She
was cut through at the conning tower
during night naval operations, and her
fore part sank In deep water taking down
15 men. Only two bodies have been
recovered. The after part of the Orwell
has been towed hero.
Orders to Rush Rifles.
Springfield. Mass.. Feb. 3. Orders
have been received at the United States
armory to rush the shipment of 100,000
Krag-Jorgensen rifles to arsenals over
the country. The original cause of the
order was the passage of the militia
bill, but the rush feature of the order
apparently has a special cause. i
on the code of Oregon. The poll tax.
hi now provided, is (I, which la
sesced on every citizen in the state be
tween tbe ages of 21 and 60. Carna
tion's bill la to lepeal this section in
its entirety.
Tbe Senate Knykendall has Intro
duced a bill providing the following
flat salaries: Governor $1,600, secre
tary of state $1,500, state treasurer
$800, superintendent of public instruc
tion 3,UU0. attorney general $3,000.
uj request urownell Introduced a
bill to create a state board of examiners
for tbe purpose of examining and 11
censing tbe practice of osteopathy,
Marsters' bill, to provide for execu,
tlons at the state penitentiary, was
passed Dy unanimous vote
Price's hill appropriating $20,000
lor an Eastern Oregon agricultural col
lege was pasesd.
Wheat Walla Walla, 75c: blue-
stem, 8Gc; valley, 78c.
Barley Feed, $23.60 per ton: brew
mg, 24.
Flour Best grade, $4.30(34.85; grab
am, x3.403.Bq.
Mlllstnffa Bran, $18319 per ton:
miuunngs, 05 z: aborts. 110(320.
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white, - $1.15 a 1.20:
gray, $l.l2jl.l5 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $11012; clover.
iB(3i; cheat, iumiu per ton.
The littlo cod fishing schooner Pearl,
which has arrived from the North,
brings news of the condition of affairs
In tho icebound land. ThePearrcomes
from Unga, Alaska, with 18,000 cod,
fish. Her officers state that tho ther
mometer at Unga fluctuated between 10
and 12 degrees below zero. Snow has
fallen, covering tho ground to a great
depth. Tha white men residing In
Unga were greatly affected by tho cold,
Tex., a United Stales bonded car. in
transit from tbe El Paso smelter to
Chicago, loaded with 600 bare of silver The crow of the Pearl had also suffered
bullion, waa entered by robbers and 80
of the bars stolen.
At Jarilla Junction the broken seal
was discovered, and an investigation
revealed three Jiexlcans In the car.
When an attempt was mado to eject
them they polled knives and a lively
fight took place, In which the crow was
victorious and drove the robbers away.
At Dog Canyon Sheriff Hunter saw
threo Mexicans, who took to the brush,
A call to halt was answered by a fusil
lade. A running fight ensued. Hunt
er shot a Mexican through the heart.
Tbe otber two men escaped, but nosses
are after them. Officials are of the
opinion that the bonded car wob entered
by tho robbers Just outside of El I'aso,
who threw the bars out of the car. to
bo gathered up by confederates. Tho
value of the mining bullion is estimated
at $40,000.
Wrecked by Natural das.
Fort Wayne, Ind., Jan. 31. Four
men were killed, one more fatally and
three others seriously injured and a
dozen or more lees severely hurt in an
explosion which wrecked a large section
of the Eckart packing company's plant.
The explosion .occurred half an hour
after operations for the" day had begun
ana is uenevea to have ueen uuo
Tho Pearl had a hard time fighting
her way out of tho Ico. For 10 days
tne schooner lay motionless In an ice
field, 200 miles from Unga. Only by
strenuous enoris was Uanlain Insen
ablo,to free ills vessel from tho pack
ana reach open water.
Sajs 40 Per Cent of Venezuelan Customs
Should Satlify All Nations.
Ports, Jan. 30 Tho attitude ot the
government of Franco relative to the
claims against Venezuela la that the
French claims are In the nature of
first lien on tho customs receipts, and
that under no circumstances are they to
bo subordinated to other claims. This
view has been communicated to the
representatives ol tho allies, fo Mini
ter Ilowen, and to tho slato department
at Washington. For' this reason tho
officials hern express confidence that
no arrangement will be made Iwtwren
Mr. Bowen and the allies contemnlat
Ing giving priority to tlio claims of the
allies over those of Franco and other
powers similarly situated.
It Is said that 40 per cent of tho ens
torns receipts will probably bo sufficient
to satisfy France, tho allies and all
other claimants. Previous to tho
meeting of- Mr. Bowen and tho re pre.
sentatives of the allies, Franco secured
an agreement with Venezuela that the
Ironch claims shall receive treatment
equal to that given to ant othor power.
The view Is held hero that Venozuola
and all others taking part in the nego
nations should take cognizance and
carry ont the agreement. The French
authorities evidently Insist that equal
terms are absolutely Indispensable
New Scheme In Utah.
Bait Lake, Jan. 30. A new nublla
holiday, to bo known as "Health Day.'
Is contemplated hy a bill introduced
in tho houfo today by Representative.
While, ol rlute county. The 1)111 nro
vldea that tho first Monday In Octolier
shall lie set apart by tho governor as a
day upon which the ownor or lessee of
every occupied dwelling house, hotel,
restaurant, church, school bouse, etc.,
shall thoroughly disinfect tho sama
under tho direction of the state lioard
ol health, or tie fined not lets than $50,
The board of health shall determine
the dlsinlectants to lie used, and tho
town or city government is to furnish
them to all persons financially unable
to pay for them.
to an
i'otatoea Best Eurbanks,60Q76c per accumulation of natural gas In the eel
sack; ordinary, 4060c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $2
i.m percental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed.
young, iitgizciuens. iimic: turkevs.
live, ICQlOc; dressed, 1820c; ducks,
tlj.ou per uozen; geese, $78.b0.
Cheoso Fnll cream, twins. 16Jifa
17Mc; Young America. 17K18Kc:
lactory prices, l31fc less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3032Kc
per pound; extras, 3()c; dairy, 20
iiW, store, 1O01BC.
Eggs 26 per dozen.
Hops Choice, 2520.Xc per pound.
Wool Valley, 12Wi6c: Eastern
Oregon, 8l4Kc; mohair, 209 28c.
Beef Gross, cows, 33?ic nor
pound; steers, 44Jfc; dressed, 7c.
Veal 7i8Jic
Mutton Gross, 4c ter pound:
dressed, Iftc,
lambs Gross. 4c per pound:
dressed, 7c.
Hogs Gross, 6io per pound:
dressed, mi He,
lar b neath the section of the factory
destroyed. A score of men were at
work In the several departments of
tuat section of tbe plant.
Judge for tbe Philippines,
Washington, Jan. 31. John M.
McDonough, formerly secretary of state
of New York, has been consulted by
Fresldent Roosevelt with a view to his
appointment to the position of assistant
justice of the supreme court of the
Philippines. The letter written by the
president to Sir. McDonough amounts
practically to an offer of the place If
the latter desires ft. The vacancy
among tbe justices Is caused by tho
promotion of Colonel James t. Umilh.
Urged to De Brutal.
Chlacgo, Jan. 31. Major General
Elwell 8. Otis, In a lecture before the
students In the college of commerce and
administration at the University of
Chicago tonight, declared that promin
ent Filipinos urged him to pat down the
rebellion In the Philippines by devasta
tion and murder.
Cuba Don't Want Spanish Qunz.
Havana, Feb. 2. The interest dis
played hero In tbe claims presented
by tho Spanish minister at Washington
for payment for Spanish guns left in
the Cuban fortress is only lukewarm.
and even if It should appear that the
ownership of the guns is vested In
Spain, it is not probable that tho Cuban
government will consent to pay for
them. Tho guns In question number
40 In all, but all tavo four 11 and 12
Inch Krnpp guns aro considered of too
old a type to be worth purchasing.
Qreat Saving by Free Coal.
Honolulu, Fob. 2. The treasury de
partment at Washington has cabled in
structions to Colloctor of Ports Stacka-
ble to admit coal at this port free of
duty, compliance with tho recent con
gressional act, removing the duty on
foreign coal at all American ports and
receiving centers. Thirty-four cargoes
of coal are now enroute from Newcastle,
N. ti. w., and tbe cabled instructions
of the treasury department will result
In a saving to the shippers of upwards
of $30,000, which would have been col
lected under tho Uingley act.
Operators Close Their Case.
Philadelphia. Feb. 2. With the ex
ception of tho presentation of statistics,
the coal operators have closed thoir case
before tbo Coal btrlke commission and
It Is expected tbo striking miners will
begin calling witnesses In rebuttal to-
ilflv. The minors will t&ko lln three) nr
lour days in rebuttal, alter which tho "" utiuoo ohoku river near onosiiono,
commission will adlourn until tho fol. '",
Murderous Yaqul Indians.
Cananea, Mexico. Jan. 30. News
ban just lseen received horu that the
laquls threo days ago attacked tho
town of San Marclal. tho minlnir center
oi ino state, and almost took possession
of It. Among the dofonders of Han
Marclal against tho Yanuis wero more
than .-u Americans, eight of whom
en kiiiou. it is Biaicu mat there
were a number of Amorlcans on tho
side of tho laquls. Among tho do,
fenders killed hy tho Yauuls was Mr.
McAllister, formerly superintendent of
tne ruertr (Jlloa mine, of this n ace.
Bids for Irrigating Projsct.
Salt Lako, Jan, 30. That the
tlo Irrigation project for Twin Falls,
Idaho, is to ho pushed to early and
rapid completion by tho Uulil-Klmbor
ly syndicate Is shown by an advertise
ment which will appear In a local
paper tomorrow morning. Formal
notlco It given by Manager Flier that
eoalod projiosals will bo received up to
reuruary io ior tho construction ol 80
miles of canal, with masonry, haad
gates, wastogates and cul vorta, and n
At Least Thirty Met Death-Many llodlea
Have Not lleen Rccovered-The Ruins
.Catch l ire and Hum llzpreis Was
Running 611 Miles an Hour Twenty
I'he Injured.
Now York, Jim. l'lm most ap
palling wreck that has occurred In thu
vicinity of this city In inittiy yours, Hut
loss of llfo liolng estimated at not loss
Hum 30 persons, took plant tonight nt
Gracuhuiil, near Wesllleld, N. J,, on
thu Central railroad ol Now Jersey,
when the Royal Bluu Lino ezpiiisn
westbound, plunged at I ip skhI into
the rear ut a local truth.
Sen bodies only havo boon Identi
fied, while HI moro, almost iiiirecognli
ahtfl corpses:, luttn been recovered. In
addition, It Is nlmoitt certain that many
bodies remain In the wrerk.
Immediately after the crash threo ol
tint shattered curs ol (ho local train
took lire, rendering Imposslblu tho res
cue ol many of tho wounded, who Mere
pinned fast In thewreck. Many ImnIIoh
nro M loved to havo been consumed.
On hoard tha llyrr all tho passengers,
though badly shaken up, oxen pod unin
jured, uxcept for trilling bruises.
Tho train which was run Into left
Now York at 6:15, and runs oz press to
lloiindbrook. Beyond, lloiindbrook It
runs as ti total. Thu Itoyal lllutt train
left 1& minutes later, but travels at
higher rate of sxl and makes no
stops except tit Kl Its belli, nml la sched
uled to overtake tho slower train Just
beyond Graceland, where the latter
switchcri from track No. 3 Into track
No. 4 to ittrmit tho Itoyal Illuo to pass.
This evening a (might train was
blocked on track No. 4, and tlm local
received orders to proceed on tho ex.
prom track to Duunellen and them
take the outside or No. 4 track. Short
ly alter receiving orders tint train hail
to stop for a hot box, which caused
such delays that when It got under nay
again it was dun at Dnnnellni. Tlm
train had Just started and was moving
slowly, vthen tho Itoyal Blue, traveling
t full speed, which at that point
usually approximates 0i miles an
hour, crashed Into the rear end.
1 lie heavy engine of thu Itoyal llluo
tore Its way Into tho rear end. and at
tho same time drovu the forward end of
that car into tho rear end of the car
ahead, which III turn was driven Into
the third car, and this In turn waa
driven Into the fourth cur from tho
roar. Tho fourth car was only lutrtlally
wrecked, hut the last three wrto torn
to pieces. The engine of the Hoyal
Hlno left the rails and turned over on
Its side, thu engineer and fireman stick
ing to their xsts and going tlown In
tho wreck. They are now M the hos
pital at Plalnfleld. Tlm engineer Is
not believed to have any chaiico rf liv
ing. Just as tho wrerk occurred, an et.
bound train was approaching on track
No, 2. Before It could Ut stooix-d. the
engine crashed into thb wreckage
which had been hurled on tho track,
but It was light stuff and the engine
brushed it aside and crushed part ol It
under the wheels. The train ran its
own longth beyond tlm wreck, titopiied,
ami, alter ascertaining It had sustained
no Injury itoulf, proceeded lo Now
lowing Monday. Tho arguments will
consume the greater part of the week,
commencing February 0.
Explosion In Oil Refinery,
Cleveland, Ohio, Feb, 2. As a result
of an explosion at tho works of tho
Standard oil company today, four men
wore moro or leas Injured, Ono of thorn
probably will die. The others, it Is
thought, may recover. A safety valve
on an oil still blow off and a tromond
ous explosion ,'of gas followed. The
pecuniary loss is slight.
Hurrying Repairs on Warships.
Norfolk, Va., Jan. 30. Hush ordors
woro received at tho navy yard horo
today from Washington to liurry work
on all ships undergoing repairs, Tho
cruiser San Francisco has lioen at tho
yards for some tlmo, and Is being ro-
paired, and an oxtra force of mechanics
was placed aboard hor today to fit her
for sea service, Tho J'ralrie la ordered
to bo ready for service by Saturday of
this week.
Coal Miners Make Strikes More Dlfkult
Wage Conference Called.
Indlanaiiolls, Jan. 20 The United
Mlnuworkers' convention today finished
changing and bringing up to dale the
constitution and by-laws. The Im-
oprtant changes aro:
Tho changing of tho power to vote
strike from two-thirds tho memliorthlp
of thu national oxecutlvo lioard ton full
two-thirds membership of tha organiz
ation; fixing a uniform Initiation fee ol
$10 for miners and $2.60 for boys 1n
tweon 14 and lOyoars of gt ; providing
free admission to thu organization for
lwys that aro orphans of union miners.
and placing a fine of $10 on officers of
local unions that issuo transfer cards
to minora that aro threo months delin
Tho convention adjourned this after
noon. A conference with thu oueratnra
111 lo hold tomorrow.
Allies May Want More.
Berlin, Jan. 20. President Castro'a
offer of 30 per cent of tho customs re
ceipts of Lo Guayia ami I'orto Cabello
as a guarantee of tho payment of tho
foreign claims Is regarded In official
circles hero aa evidence of tho sincerity
of Ills Intention to mako satisfactory
settlement. If the orTer, howevor, In
cludes claims of othor countries bo
sides thoso taking part In tho blockade,
somo doubt Is exnrostod as to !,( ,
30 per cent Is udoqnato. A discussion
Is now proceeding to delermino this
Defeated by Ladrones,
Manila, Jan, 20 It Is rotmrtivl Im
that tho voluntoer forco organltod at
Bollano, I'rovlnco of Zambalcs, for tho
purposo of disposing of tho Ladronea In
that vicinity, lias boon defoatod and
that three Amorlcans. Im ln,ll,, m.
Osborne, a teachor, woro killed. Tho
Ladrones outnumbered tho
surrounded tho latter ami hnlnn.i ii....'
Tho AmerlianB died fighting. Tho dol
laiisoi ma aiiair obtainable are at
presont monger.
Mob Holds Up Cual Train.
Chicago, Jan. 20 A moll nt iibbsIh
600 men, women nml boys hold up a
Chicago A Northwustorn coal train at
tyobstorayoiiuo, on tho Wisconsin di
vision, and carried su tlm ..i...
of five cars before dispersed by tho po-
...... .,, , , utiack, uncoup
ling tho cars and Intimidating tho
train crow. For throo hours traffic was
susiwiidtd, while thu mob Increasod
to moro than 1,000 porsons.