Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1903, Image 1

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Od is
iK-voietl In tlit Mining, Lumbering unci I'nriiiiiiK Interests of thin Coiiiiiiumty. to C.ood (JovcrnmeiU. and Hustling for a Grill) Slake.
NO. 4
mining news.
I.o Hoy.
Wink Is Ki'lnt: HlcHillly on nnd
the ore Ih Hdtlng benvlcr mnl
richer with ciicll fool Kiiliicd In lie
tunnel. The nitre li lonietvlmi
Hhiirt on ptovlnimtH mnl other tup
piled, lint ate llvlim In hopes llnit
the lontl will he opened ii In it few
diiys. A sttike hilt leeently been
tiinile which cieales eutli'inl'itni in
the operators. In ililfiiii4 on t in
main holy of rich :ilcuu lliey hiive
suddenly broke inion large hoilv of
Ileinilltc 01c which linn die repu
Intion of nlwnyn luring foutxl in
rich inlnci.
J.I, I.eHoy, president ol the I.c
Koy Mining Co.. returned from a
several weeks trip, Wednesday
morning Mr. I.e Roy reports tho
sale of stock most fluttering and
nays Dint the prospects of stock
sales mnl the condition of the mine
were never brighter than now.
W. J. Winter, the well known
placer miner ol Woldo, writes to
the Oriints I'ass Courier relative to
the stntcmeiit made, that the
millets tlier used to throw away
the platinum caught with the gold
in the sluice boxes because they
did not know what it was as fol
lows: 'I'or J3 'years we have been
finding considerable 'inutilities of
platinum in our tiunnul deun-iips
mnl lliat without making miv; and all of
Hint time we knew that it wim
platinum. Until recent years there
was 110 market for it. About in
years ago we sent about nine
ounces of it to San I', never
tcCtfiviiiK a cent for it. They did
tint consider the matter of Milliciciit
importance to report to us what
they did with it. Twenty yens
ago the oe Smith gulch yielded
nice lots of it, hut us you s.iv. we
threw it away. We knew what it
was. however."
Another important strike' his
been made by a piospoctor mimed
Chandler 011 llca'ver creek.
taryofCow creek. It i 11 yt
vein on south extension J.i
nctta, the property of C Oliug
house. The ore Is free mlHiiiK ""'I
prospects so well thai all who have
seen it believe that Chaudlei has
struck a big thing. Olendale News.
Dr. Martin Damomette, nne nf
the incorporators and stockholders
of the cdinpany owning what is
known as the Whale mine west of
Ashlnml, liasjust returned to l'ort
laud from Alaskn. To n press cor
resKiiiilcut he tells the stoty of an
island ucnr Juneau where theie is a
mountain 4.500 feet high sitnplv
seamed with gold, both placer unit
ilart.r Dnmourelte will not give,
the location of the place and is en
deavoring to keep it secret until he
can return there in the spring. He
brings specimens of the rock which
"are very rich. Tidings.
The arrest of Peter Peterson, a
miner and employe of the Columbia
mine of Sumplcr recently brings to
light the most gigantic orc-thlcv-ing
scheme in mining annuls of the
west. Peterson is charged with
taking 150 pounds of ore from the
Columbia inii'e which lie sold in
Sumpter for $10 per-pouml About
forty pounds of this 01c wns re
covered by officers making the ar
rest and is now in the possession of
the sheriff of this county and is eas
ily worth Iroin $50 to $60 per pound
About three months ago the mana
ger of the Columbia mine became'
suspicious of miucrsiind he employed
a detective who spent three mouths
in the mine and discovered that
there wns an organized gang of
thieves who had been at work for
the past three years stealing . ore 1
from the Columbia, North Pole,
Red Hoy, Golconda, Ilouauz.ii, I
Paychct ami other mines. They!
sold ore at the uniform price of $10 1
per pound, regardless of assay j
value. The ore taken is what is
known as specimen ore, that is!
used by jewelers for ornamental
purposes. It Is estimated that ore
taken irom the loiumoin mine
alone 's worth $10,000 and the
least estimate placed 011 specimens
taken from all the mines is $100,
000. The specimens were sent all
over the United States. At the
present time there is 300 pounds
known to be in Portland. There
is also a lot in San I'rnnclsco. War
rants are out for six more men and
the officers hope to capture several
more within the next 24 hours,
Maker City, dispatch Jan. 30.
The future great milling districts
of Oregon will be lilue River ami
Jloliemia. They will boom them
Helves and the adjacent country be
cause their richness will warrant it.
There will he no Inflation about it
but the mines will speak for them
selves if given n chance Rugeiie
A Census Show the Population of tlio
Town to ho 1 401.
Tin' NllKKi'l In Indebted I" Tllins.
Medle.v 11111I Mini'iii-.v A. II. King for
tho fulliMvliiK I'cnxii nl tin ell; mid
oilier Items of Inlenwl which up
penrM Mow. Tin Keiilleiueli nri
coiiihIiiiI mid wen cni'cftil In Ihelr
emiviiH mid there ImhiiiiiII cIiuiii-i fur
error III Hie ii'Imii I. mm IiiIIhwh:
A direful m-cimiM count mIiiiwmh
population of Mil.1, Alnli T.'il. I't-
llllllfM 11.11, I'lllllllCII Illllll'l I .veins s.
Number of iVHlilcin-e pnipi-rlli's itUi.
IIoihcIiiiIiIi-h III.'-. Keiitel'H UMI. with
iiveniKi i-enl of $7 inr mouth.
Niuuliei bu-liiexH liniiKCri .Vt. I on
Nel'Viillve enlllilitle ol IneleiiM of
IiiihIiich.. nr cent liii-iva-i of
trill cHtitte trmiMlei'Mbll pereeill.
llotelH, r,; NnlooiiM, (I; gnu-erles. I;
ilryuoods, tlj rcnlcMtnte olllevs, l!j res
tiiiirriutM, II; liuki-rles, 1; butelicr
shops, !i; ilmi stores, II; Jewelers, 3;
burlier HhopM, :i; iiHHiiy olllecM, 1'; mil
linery MtonH, :ij Imrdwun. :i; livery
studies, feed store, 1: shoo-nmkerH,
2; photo galleries, i; pliyNlclmiH, 0;
dentists, a; fiirnlliire. 'J; "ml timid, I;
wagon Mliop, 1; tailors, 2; ojier't
Iioiimi. 1; cliiirchfH, 4; Mecret society
IihIIn, :i; pnlillc ncIiooI, 1; harness
Nhop, I; lihickMiulthslnips, l;nittloim,
bunk. I: bo wllng alley, I; hook storu
1; iiiiinIi Mlon-, 1; attorneys, II; saw
mill, 1 ; Hiinli ami door factory, l;con-
firlloner.v, !l; main nlll.-i of I hi in Ik-r
eiimpanleH; termlmiM of Oregon mid
HoiitheaHteru railroad.
Minim; ollleeri: U Itoy .Mltiliignud
.Milling-'o: lllawatlin M. and .M. Co.;
Urlnly M. ami II. Co.; CryHtal M.nnd
.M. Co.; .IiiiIhoii Hock .M. and .M. Co.
l-Vb. :i. j5o:i.
Who Hiild It don't miiow In Wcntern
Oremni'.' Ilavo you had your fine
wiihIiciI Mr. I-Mltor-.
Tho IiIkIi watern of our Inst frvMhel
took nut all the hrldgcH between here
and town, wi Hie nccfiuary Hhopplin;
I'M-umloiiH in ii m t Im mailn on foot.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrx. Dow ICHtc
a Kill bab.v, lat WedlifHilay, .Ian. -J.s.
The hiimv Hlnrm ciinwd it gnal
eoiiimolloii ninonir our raucherH
ciinliiKJhem lo lite to the IiIIIn In
M'lirch of Ihelr eittle which wcn-'mi
the uill raiiKC.
(Jidteafew of Iliu m-IiooI chlliln-n
his imavolilHlily ahw.'iit on m
coiinl of the ihsp kiiow, and rifiill
IliK I I'll I coIiIm.
haul WisliicMilay niarknl, the list Ii
mile Mtoue In Mr. John IlmnewiiodV
life, and In plt of thi-innd and hiiuw
almiil '.Hot ber iielKhborM ahseinliled
at Iter homo to do honor to Hie oe
ciihIoii. At the noon hour a linimtl
fill feaxt wiim Mpti'ad, coiikIhIIiii; of
turkey, chicken, fruit, imtH, cnndli-M,
ami micli caKw well If anyone can
lical the laillen of Silk Creek on eakeH
or plex, JiiMt trot 'cm out, to which
all did JiiMtlcc. We were then Healed
lo Home due banjo iiiiihIc rendered by
Mchhi-n. Frank Damewood unit linker
SIiikIi, who iiIho favored tin with
Home excellently ivndered hoiiih. All
then lAiltcd In hIiikIii hoiiic ond old
goHHl melodlcM, after which It wiim
Hnie for tho company to dlniwi-w for
their Iioiiicm, each one ivmarklng
what a splendid time they had en
joyed. AmoiiK Hume prownt w
noticed .Mr. and Mm. John Dunie
woodi.Mr. and Mm. l.nwuon fdaKlc,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tucker. Henry
Dnmowood nnd family, linker Single
and family, I'nthi-r llabcoek, Mr. and
Mth. Mui'liin llabcoek and noii, Wal
ter. Mr. mid Mix. Walter Wheeler,
Mr. mid Mi-m. John .McDonald, Mr,
ami Mi-h. C. W. Caldwell and hoii ('
cll, Mi-m. U in. HiimIoii and daiiKhter,
I'rauk Haniewood and a Ki-and-daiiKer
of Mrs. Damrwood.
'TU'repoi-tcd that Clyde llnbeock
Ih III with Mcurlclhia.
"It npppitlH to, vim, when Hit fruit I
lintiUH rlK mnl hwiI tin Hit trvo
Into In l'liriinr.v, in fiirl.v in Murvli.
Tlii-ii tho liliiKHiiuiH Invnk out, nntl j
tho ttxvH itni yellow with Ktilden
kIoIk-h, uml whlto ' wltli orniiBU
lltiworM. It limy 1k Hint n Hurry oil
hiiow Iiiih wliltonoil Hit) iiitiiiutuln I
topH, and thi'ii you liuvi mi urtUtlc;
liackurouiul fur n tropk'iil loiVHt.
Tliu air Im full of hiiiihIiIih, uml liouvy
with triiKruiift iim nlKlit cniiii'H on,
uml tliuu, If tliu moon lio mIiIiiiiIiik,
you may licur at ihIiIiiIkIiI tlirotitilt
oiin wlnilowH, tlio hoiik of the
mockliiK liliil In tliu Hcoutvd khivu,
and ltnuvtr Hit'ini'tl mii hioIihIUmih be
fore. An uxpt'rleni'o llku tlilH In poHMlblu
liny 'winter, and It In worth u Journey
of a HiotiHtuid nillcH, whllu you can
liuvo It, by takliiK tho monlc ShiiHta
ltoiito Hirough the Krand and
pluturoHiitio SUklyou and Shnuta
MouutattiH, to Hoiithoru California.
Completo Information about the
trip, and deaorlptlvo matter, tellhiK
about California, may bo had from
any Houthorn Pncllic Auont or
Hen. I'iih. Afjt. 8. 1'. Co. Linen In
OrtKon, 1'ortlinid,. Oregon."
TIih Icmleiiev of iikiIIcmI ckiic.i Is
liiwnril preventlvr ineHHiiren. Tho bent
Il uhtuflh' world In IhIii idven In
the iihjt-i-t. It In eimler hiiiI lietlor li
ireveni iiiiiii in cine u nnn m- .'!
iIi-iiioikI ruled llnil iiiu-iiiooidn, nne !
iliu iniuil iliiiini'ioim i ieii,- I nil nii-ili
cnl men Imve lo ennli-iiil with, eioi I hi I v the ii-i- of Chiiniljerlulii'n
Cniitfli lli-ifit-il v. I'm-
icmillH lion, it cnlilir Inmi h ii iiIIhcIc oi
iniiiii-niii Kni;, mm u iih- in i.nne, Mllie oi un.. iiiih uiih nay
ervisl t Iih t Oil" remedy is tenirl" ri v nicil In tills oflk-H her HWoni Mtate-
ti-odi-ncy of llie-ii illMieH toward pneii- nwul Sit. WH, fortlie piirchiiMiof Hie.
liKiiilu. This hn Uen fi.llv proven hV V, of Hcctloil No. S Towimhlp
li nv thoiiniid of emeu In hh-hjK,,. ifcl H, Ilmip 1 U" and will offer;
lllln remedy Iihm hecti n-,-,1 during the I oroof to nllllW that the himl!
Kieulpiuvnli-ncoof colilxmid icrlp In re -
cent yeiirK, mid csa I lulled upon with
iinpllelt eniiflilence. I'neii.iionia ofu-n
n-iiii iiiiiii iiniiuun-oiii wni-ii iioiinii-
Iter I uppii-lienilfd unlit II m oddi-iily
llKCoverisI llnit lliuie In li-veruiiil dllll
eiilly In lirenthliiK hiiiI piiltm In tliti
i-lient, then II In Million noil thul the
ii.illuiit Ini-i iiiiiiiiinonlii. lie on the rufe
nidi mnl tuku CliHinlmrhiin n ( oiith
in eon -
Itemrilv n n mhiii un tho
IrnvUsl. It ulwnyi. enren. I'or nale by
I.voii" A Appli-KHte, Drain. Ilennoa
I)ru Co., Cotliiiiv Drove.
" "s imcK roTt Tt' hli cation. "
Mini ORIr at lluubiirr. Or.,
1 . , ll"J.
Nulli I' livrrl.y ulieri Hint Ihe lulfuw!'
Iinmv.1 xltlrr ta Siol nolli nihil Intenlloii
tu ninkn Hunt proof In mpporl uf hl eUlm,
ml that ull .tiHil will U luxlt brluia Marie
I, War. II M i-,iiiinilnlnii-r, at Kiit-ix, Or
on Januarr 17, IW1. tli. L'alirlii l atirtl n li. r.
No NiiO, for thM U HK ,, NK I, HK ,( A MKIi
NK I IM-c Oil.. II. I W
lit- name, lfi fullowlnir wlinrwfat,. rri
I Id finitluilulla reaiilein-r ummi anil cillUt,
linn nl ll laml. vll
I I'rrrr ta.ittl, Mailnaw, orr . Jonn nenrr
Un.lrra, I rvljiar, ora . cliarlri rl,Uf, Jun,
' tlnn I'll'. Ol , J a in f. k'flinrOjr.iil ba-lna
, tilt
J. T riKllxjrj.lUnUur
Main atrrtt. Colian llro-r.
I Inivo ntsl Chutiihurliiiu'n t'oiih
Henusly for ii iiiiiiiIht of yemn and have
niihecltiiiicy in t-tiyini. llnit it in iho
lxl reinwly for coh(;Iih, coldn and croup
I la my family. I have
not wnrdn til exprtsM my eonll lenee in
thin reimsly. .Mm. J. A. MiMiie, North
star, Mich. I'or nalo by I.yonn A
Aiilc!ate, Drain. Ileiinon Drug Co.,
('intake i rove.
Kr.lrln at rraxmaM rnaricri.
Atl wnrk fxuaraltlrrd Hrat-laia.
W'n-lifa,(!twli ami Jtwtlrfal Ixiweil I'rlrei
uorrAoi: oiiovi:, oiti:.
ltisnl real mtate buryninn of Jerome
Knox A Co.
Tin r-cniti-h of a pin may chum Hie
Iimih of a limb or even death when blood
iiiioiitnK re'iillH from the injury. All
danger ol Ibin tuny lie Hvoidiil, however,
bv iniiuitlv uiiplyln-.' (;iuinilnrlaln'H
Pain Ikiliii. It l milirrptio and ipuck
liealiiiv; liniment for cum, bruUoH and
linm lor Hide by hycint A Ai,huaie,
Drain. Iteawin Drii Co., CiHIhku
( ,rove.
ITiiltnl Slale laml outre,
ltMtiitrir,Orc., , uwa.
Nlitlrul livtrby kIm-m that In roln.lltiw
wlthtli iri,t,lntia e( the nrt of Congre of
June S, 1x711 enlltlnl "An Art (or tho taleol
TIiiiUt IjiimU In the Hlatoaol Callfonita, Ore.
Kiin, Npvnila ami Wnihliiitnn TerrltnrT," aa
citemU-d l all tlie 1'ulillc-Uu.l statra by art
ol Auieuat 4, !., Aila (MMIa, ul'lic,
Cnrnilr f Unc, HUttf ' Ori'Ktm, hat tlila I
nU li. HdianiM tifr aunrii itatiniiMit n 1
9m. (or tlie punhwe oi Ihe NE A
I ol Hfi'llun Nil
Itaniii" 1 We.t ami will iirK-r priKil to ahow
that lb laml mi'
I ilmi-troralonothail for
oi't m uivr; , aiungiv lur in
iiral pnrookci ma i-iann ni .am laiui uciure it-., tt u .'.....H.I..I...IAP at Viivmiia.
On-Koiion Momlar the letlulayot lYb, l'.u.
Kht nanu-a aa wunea.ea:
Jamea N. Itaiuth'.nf Kalrinonnl, Ore. An.tiii
Itoot. til HprlnKtleM, lire. Kltiabeth uicke-,
una ii. noun, oi Miicviie. i,re
Any ami all iH-rona clalmlnir ailreraely the
abme ili-ai-nlH-il lamia are recinentiit to tile
Ihelr rlalmi In thh-ot'lceoti or belore aahl ltth
day ol February, I1XH.
i. T. IIhipuu. Kt-glater.
t ruauoATioN.
Ullltlll SlllU'H 1 .11 in I Olllco,
iioaebnris. Urcifon. Dei. '.'3. 1JKW.
jtli-e in lierubv nlven Hint In oonipll-
i ...i wllli Iho uruviHloim of tlieiu-tof
i-U-lIrs (if Culiforniii, OrCKOti, uvucln,
uml WiiKliinutoii Ti rr lory," us extended
,,...,1111.0 I'tiblluU..,.! Stmea by cl of
AllKimt -I, 180'J, Olo All'lemon, of ler-
loboillie, Cmillty of Ited Uko, Stilte of
,,i.... ' ii... . i.i. .i.. nii i,.
Minn. Iuih
tliiti day filed In
nun uim-u me nauu Biini.nii
4181, for lliopnrchiitieof tho 8 K
SKliaWJi, I..U0,V7of8eoNo. 07 In Tp
... In, . i ..i.u.u..rrJ.
thin olllcu liin
Hworn 8li.leii.ent No.
.iouiiiii, ui niiiiKo ii ,, n...,
ttrnilf tORllflu'tllllttllolllllllHOIIirhtlalllOrO
viiluulilo for Ita timber or atone tlinn fcr
.It... ..I ..a..U.a
, and to HUUiii
liia cluim tuMiiid land before Marie u
Oregon, on Tuoeday. the 10th day ol
Ma, 10111
rr 13 t .......
....... I . v vw.
110 nuiiu'B its wmicBsea,
U. 8. Teeters, T II Terteru, of vild
wood. Oro.,wnrner Utility, O, Kilwimls,
of Oaklnii.l, Oregon.
Any mnl iill peraoiiB oliilmlng ndverae
y tlie nbovo deaciibed landa uro r
iliieated to file their cliiima In tlili office
on or before unld 10th day of Mnr , 1(103.
J. T. ltittnaES, Itexister.
Vocal Lessons.
I have opened my studio In tho
front room of tho Terry Sherwood
rcHtdeneo ono lilock south ot city hall,
and am now rondy to receive Btu.
dents In voenl mimic. Will glvo
private or class lessons. Call autl
have voice tested and get rates.
Miss Kmma 11 it VAN,
(lentleman requires room (or room
anil noanij Wlin quionaillliy wnero
... ... ... . . .... ....
tliero are no other roomers,
to olllco of this paper,
, StmVK FPU l'i:ill,ICAT10N.
I tJnlled Hlaten Iwiml Olllo-,
ItoHelnirx, Ore., Hi,
Nnlli-i, U herein- lrlven thai In i-nin
illince with the provMoiiM oftln act
ol ronixreiM ol .nine 3. 1S7S. entllleil
An act for Hie Male of timber InrnlH
In the Htnti-M of California. On-irou,
Nevada, anil aHhliiKluu Territory."
iih cxteinlpil to all the Public ImxhI i
' hiIi l.nekc.v. of Kiikciic. County of
,KOtKlil Is uiiin valuable for ItM
tlmlier or ntonu than for iiKrlciiltural
pnrpow-H, and to eNtabllHli her claim
to miiiii mini iKioa iiarie I wan.
IT. H. CommlHHloiier lit Kiiuene.
OrcKoii, on Mombiy. thcLUHi dny
of Feb.. I1MKI.
She liameMnM wIDii-hhch:
Jalnt-H N. Handle, of I'alriaoiiut.Orv.,
' aiihiui itooi, in niiruiKiiciii, un
1 Ada KellM, lulu II. Itond, of lWm.
Any mid all mi-moiim claiming ad
vtTMely the above-I-McrllHsl laudMaru
rtsiucHted to file their t-laluiH In thU
iflli-n on or before miiIiI !MtU day of
Vb.. 1IKKI.
.1. T. IliiliKir.H. ItcclHtiT.
SOTICK K)lt ft'lll.lCVTIOX.
Hlilleil Htate laiud OIHce,
Itonvburir, Oieirou, Dee.. U. W1.
Notice in heieby ilivrn thai la coiupll-1
unco will, the provi-iiiun ol the act of.
Cotufrena of June S, IS7S, cnliIlt-,1 "An 1
act lor Ihe nuleof tilnN-r lnml in the '
Stalen of California. Ortymi, Nevada,
nnd Warhiuitlon Terrliorr,"ur vxleniUsI
lo all the Public l.jlid Male bv act of
Aiitfnnt -I, XW.V1, Hay N. wllaon, of Kn
ireiie, Coumy of I. hoc. htato of Oregon
bun thin day llltsl in thmotrice his nworn
rtuleiuVnt No. 4 1 IV), fr I lie piirchano
ol the 'H HK l; ,i.S Wl-4 of Sec
10. Tp J3 .-, of It 2 W. and w ill olli-r proof to
how that the laml nonfflit in uioru valu
able for lln tlniU-r or nlonetliaa lomgri-1
cultural liurHivn, and to entahlinh Ilia
claim In mod laud la-fore Marie u Ware 1
V S ConiluiMidoucr at Kiii-ue, Ore., on
TbiirMlay tne 1 .'ihdav of March, lOUl. 1
He uaniuian wiiiieH-,-n:
J W Purri-h, of JeUVrnnii, lire., N 11
Martin, Janien W lloin-k, of Cotlnno
drove, Ore., Hiram K wood, of Ktmi-ne. '
Any and nil perMiun i-laiiidni; adverse
ly Ihe nlnive-dencril til Inuiln an ro
ipienltsl lo lilt Iht-ir claiuin m ibia olHi-c
on or iH-foro mod l-Ili day of Mar., IOT.
J.T. IIiciimIkh. Heifislrr.
AlI!,It'ATI(. riUt I . H. I AT K. N'T.
MlnrrKl Hurwjr No -IV,. '
L'nlte-I State- Uml OIli. e. Kmeburj-. tire ,
J m n i -try , l'.U
Sulclii hrrrtjv Kl.fii tnt In nurtunnr-eof
tin r( t( t'nnjtreM iprivt'l May lo. 1x7.1, K J.
IUnl. theclnlm-aiil, by II. K HrKent,hittKent
Iwr ( tmiimerr ItiiUtlhifr, I'urtl-nul, Oretcn.
tm made apiilleatlita for m ialetii (or the V-
lated Uuarti CUIin. ittuaie in .
llobemU (titiuriranli-nl
Hi) Mining PUirlct. (i.e
. Orviruii. ami .rtnlnir
ant IhiuKlat Couiitlvji, OrvKuu.
or inw e-mwui, uerman. - ununKair, wiuudi
Tell. WlMlloiM'(jiitpnlo.IM.I
with dfcrltl by th ottl
trial Ut, hereHllh i-ttt-ttnl, ami by the HeM
iMtea on ttlr In the utTtr unit it-trglnlcr of
VKHl'Vll'S LoDK: llcKtmilnie at cur No 1,
ultvme th V. s. min uion etM In iu a NoiEW
twsiri "o licit JW m!n e 7fr(l. lhe',fy rnrkt
w II a n-1 ll.t 38 r I w m l-faini 17 Atg 25
nt In u Wl (t, thence i IOiIvm w MI (t toror No
i; ihenre n Mile 4 tnhi wW7ft tocir No3,
thence a itlvg Ace ml n w 7m (t to cor So4,
the nee n ludeie e 7W.2 It lo pur No. I he lice
u ii r IT !- tiiine hvi u io cor .or; inenoeam
ilfK t-'tmln eW (t to cor oj, the plac of Wicin-
iiKKMAN I.O Hi:' HeginnliiK at cr No I.
Hbente the I'.M tn metMln iu a No 29 lr
i 7llvelt7 int'i c 762Z.N(t, tlif L4 kh ror liet
i vera ll and lit Virion ni tra a 18 tie 20
titln t MA U . thviiiN.' 1 10 Avg w Sbi It to rtr No
it; thtiue n M leic 11 inln H UyTftlorur No. H;
I the nit' n 10 dun e x (t locor No -I; thence aNJ
ueK ii t to c'r i me I'lnov oi uegiiinin-
j MOMTINtlALK I.OHK' Henlnnlnit at or No
1. wluMice the U 8 tn in el'd tn m iNo. 2
b4'ar71ileK2mit. etWlS (t; the l4 ko cor bet
acca 11 unit II. t W r lewm bearaa 77 iIck-50
id in w Utti it; tnence a io ivg u an n to cor a
1 No at Ihi'iiee n Kl .lott .t mln w y It to ettr 3:
Nil 3: ttienco ti 10 Aea e 4W It to cor No 4. 1 be lie
J J.".."1
a7fttlftrSH mlno lM(t to cor No 1 the pUceoI.5
Ilpirlnnliie at cor
No 1, i nvnrc u s m m e.t'il In m i No '. ueara
Ii Wiloir 2mln e 8711)11, tuicc cor bet tc 11 ,
ana in Airie w m ocara a urg imn v
1311 ft; ibenco H rain w vj ft toror No. 3:
lucnreu i.i ,;vk 'i" i
IIimiiii i, H mln .VI7.,t ft ti, p,ir So I: thence a 73
ueg iiiih e ,,-si.u 11 it, rur ,v urn
WII.DIinil LODE. nKlnnlnir at ror No I,
nlirnee I' 8 m in ealM In m a No f bear "
ilemi (I. tlie !iec iiir bet K-ca II
ami II t 33 r I o u- m beura 67 ilea" K! in in e
lt-flU ft; thenrea lo ilegw rkxi It to cor No.2j
inenre a woes aa nun w iuw.ii u io t-orno a,
thent-e n tOdeK ulllii t) ft lo lorNn 1, thence n i
HI iIck 41 mln i- U" It to cor No I the place of
beginning. 1
CIIAItl.KS M)IK: llexlnnlmr at cor No 1 I
whence I' 8 m in et',l In in a No -i9 U-ara a 1
deirMmln e T7i It. thei aeecor let acca 11
a mill t M ar le w m bear aTS ileg 31 mln e
-til 1 ft: tliei-ce a ti min w cW.'.Tll to cor No3i
theme 11 drain e607 rt to cor Nol: thence a
wnleir 11 mln e MM.6 It tocorNol.tlienlacool
thence n no ile-r s minw liw it in cor no a;
taatt 13 mln emv ft, the U -we cor bet eo 11
ami ft t -a a r 1 e w m iH-ar. n fi ilea-M mln
oi ilea 0 rain w "Ol f( to cor No It thence n a
mine Wit to cor No ,v thence a so ilcs Mmln e
Hin.oit tocorNol.lhetilaceof benlnnlng.
The net erea ol the Veauvlna ConeoUdatea
Ou.rti claim la W 15 acrea leielu.tre ol con-,
met lth ihe Faii. A. I. A.,11111 8ld. Idaho,
and lla.el un.nrre) e.1 loJe..and th IUol
aNoluandiballHirtlon otSlldeolma No u
, , Mterlylromea.t line olaald Fawn lode).
?.....,.. ,,ilnn nlaM-liona HI. 11. 11 and Vt I
-.aerlew w (auapended urTr).rhmmnul
- liTt.,.1... tttn n.ielhtaKlt tll
Iltco aud ailJe of m a No. 4W on the north, the
, A'nffl'iyf,
i ...... . ...i l.ula.ti. lliMu.iilh.
, UdlU, l,,l -
UnTTcd State. Land Office,
Koaehurg. Oregon, Oel. ls.IWi
Notloela hereby given that in compliance
with the iirovlaloiia of the aet of Congress ol
June s. IHiB, entitled Au Act for the sale o!
Timber Ijtiul. In the State, ol California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory," as
eitended to all the publleland atatea by act ot
August t, UW, Harney May.ot llarrl.burg.
thla day tiled In thlt office hla aworn ttatemenl
No.S70b tor the lmrcbaae ol Ihe 8W ) ot aec
tlonNo.Sl,townhlii23B, range 3 west, and will
otter proot to ahow mat me lanoaougui is
iw inat the landaouaht la more
valuable lor lta tlmberor atone tbau lor agrlcul
tnrai nnrnnaca. and to establish his claim to sal,
tural purposes, and to establish hla claim to aald
land before Marie L Ware, U 8 Commissioner
at Kugene Oregou, on Thursday the 81 h
day of January, 1S03.
lie names as witnesses! .
Jaraee N. Handle, oIKalr mount. Lane Co., Ore.,
C. 1.. Morris, ol llarrlsburg, Lion Co., Ore.,
Au.tln Itoot, ol SprlnglleW, Lane Co., Ore.,
tleorge W, Hunter, ol tugene, Lane Co. Ore.
Any anil all peraoni claiming adveraely the
in. .mi all neraona I
,w8;,orTbed land, are requested to til
aDOYe-ueaortueu l.ll. am imuwim ,u in.
their claim. In IhU office on or belore said Sth
, their claim, in int. o
I day ot January, 1U03.
J. T. llKiDOti, Restate
1 y
2E If You are looking for Bargains now is
zz the tune to find them at 3
A ... , ,
. .4 Wc ItaVC Onened UI m
.'u.i.iu..u "i
i k
Directly opposite
of tlie best Woakmanship, Finest Patterns and in Great Variety.
We Invite Your Closest Inspection
and assure you that we will and can easily
give you better values and at lower prices
... ' than any house in Oregon for reason we will
explain to you personally.
' Moderate) Prices For Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
fSi r"TTT Dlir r.-trnfofir,.,
tt ior selling oniy
tlte Ucst Values
in Footwear is
well established
LOTS arc the
CU X very lowcstin
SALE Grove,
is well known
AND just set out
MARKED 1 mark.
DOWN ccl t,own
some very desirable lots that
we are offering for less than
Eakin Ac Itvistow.
Lend Us Your
hat we may tell you we are
ofTeriiiK Hie biugest bargains
in odds and ends, out of our large
stock, ever offered iu Lane County.
A Discount of to 50 per cent.
Come in and examine our goods.
Ve can save .ton money. You'll,
have to hurry; the discount is mov
ing Hiem fast.
During the Past few months a great many odds and ends have
accumulated among our stock and these muat be closed out at
once to make room for our Spring Goods, YJU can find excep
tional Values i " ,
the Depot for permanent Location
a full Stock of Tailor
Men's and Boys'
V) 1
1 .3
M !-i
Cottage 6row
& Rated).