"TTlCa SOU PUBLICATION. United Rules Unci Ofllce, Rosoburg, Oregon, Dec 23, 1002. lotlco li hereby given that In compll . .fnvlth llio provisions o thoactol Congress of Juno 8, 1878, entitled "An act lor tho sale of timber lands In tlio Btatri of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wnahltmlon Territory." as extended to all tho rnblloLnnd States by net of August 4, 1S92. Olo Anderson, of Tor rcbonno, County of Hod Lake, Btato of illnn. has tbta day filed In tliiai ofllco Ills sworn statement No. 4181, forlhopiirchasoofthoSW X 8KV, DKhi OWH. '-ol 07 ot Bee No. 0, in Tp SI South, of Range 1 West; and will offer proof tosbowtbnt the land sought Is moro rnluablo for Ha timber or atone, than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aald land before Mario u ware, U a Commissioner at hugeno, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 10th day ol Mar., 1003. lis name, mi wltnesaofi . O. S. Teeters, T II Tcrters, of wild- wood, uro., warncr IKatty, u. Mwarus, oi uakiami, urcgon. Any and all persona claiming adverse- ly llio nuovo uescriocu lanus nre re quested to llio thclrelaims in till office on or beforo said 10th day of Mar , 1003. J. T. Brumes, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Dec., 24, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that in compll ance with tho provisions of the act of Connives of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for tho aalo of timber lands In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Land States by act of Aueust 4. 1802. IUv N. Wilson, of Eu- gene. County of Ijine, State of Oregon has this day filed In this office, his sworn statement No. 4163. for tho nurcliase of thoWWSEJl&84 SW1-4 of Sec 1 0. Tp 23 S of R 2 V. and w i 11 offer proof t o snow mat tlin land souglil is more valu able forlts timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before- Mario u Waro US Commissioner ut hiigcne. Ore., on Thursday tno 12th day of March, 1903. He names- witnesses: J V Parrirh, of Jefferson, Ore., N II Martin, James W Ilouck, of Cottage Grove, Ore., Hiram E wood, of Eugene, Ore. Any and all persons clnlming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or beforo said 12th day of Mar., 1003. J.T. HmixjES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 24. 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of CongroMot June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory, as extended to all tho Public Land Stales by act of Ail gust4,1892, Hiram E. wood, of Eugene, Co. of Lane State of Oregon has this day filed in thisoffice hissworn statement No. 4182, for the purchase of the N 4 Sw X A S Nw M of Sec No. 10, Twp. 23 South, of Range 2 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie I- ware. U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday, the 12th day of Mar., 1903. He names as witnesses: J. W. Parrlsh.of Jefferson, Oregon, Nil Martin, James w ilouck, of Cot tage Grove, Ore., Ray N wilson, of Eu gene, Ore. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or beforo said 12th day of Mar., 1903. J.T. Bridges, Recister. 00 lo MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. main street Cottage Grovt;. Ore. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Innil Office. Roseburg, Ore.,Seit IS, 1902. Notice Ih hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June S, lb7S, entitled "An act for the sulc of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by net of August 4, 1S92, Danel W. Richardson, of St, Helens Co. of Columbia State of Ore., has this day filed In this office lilssworn statement No.3u3Sforthepurchascof theSWJj'of Bee No 34, Township 21 S of Range 0 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valu able for Its tlintier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land liefore tbo Register and Receiver of this office at ltosenurg, Oregon, on W ednesday the itii uay oi Jiarcii, 1'JIM. He names as witnesses R. T. Itoals, of Muyger, Ore.. W. F. Slaughter, St Helens. Ore.. J. E. Black, Fulton, Oro., A. L. Butler, of Elkton, Ore. Any nnd nil iersons claiming ad versely thcnbove-descrllied lands an requested to (lie their claims In till office on or before said 4th day ol March, 1903. ' " T, T. Bkidqes, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. " United States Und Ofllce, Roseburg, Oregon, Oct., 10, 1002. Notice is hereby given that in compll unco with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho aalo of timlier lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory,1' as extended to all the Public Und States by act of August 4, 1892. Henry M. Wilson of Eu gene County of Lane, State of Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 3034, for the purchase of the S NW X A W & SW V. ol Sec. No. 12, Township 23 South, of Range 2 West, and will offer proof to show that the land nought la more valuablo for Ua timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land beforo Marie L. Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Ku genu, Oregon, on Wednesday the 7th dav June n Ui ,,,, iuwi lie names na witnessed: Jamea N. Handle, ot Falrmount, Ore., Jamea HofTman, Annie Wilson, of Ku- gene, Oro,, Austin Root, of Springfield, 'regon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly tlio above-dexcribed lands are re quested to file their claims In thisoffice on or before said 7th day of Jan., 1003. J.T. IliiinoEs, Register. the Road real estate bargains of Jerome Knox A Co.. ' . NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United States Land ofllce, Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 23, 1003. Notice la hereby given that In com .n.R hi. . i. r.j .i , At imniivu nun uiu iiivvmiuus vi uiu vi Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An1 Act Tor thoaaloot Timber Lands In tho haa this day Hlel In thisoffice his sworn statement No-. 4358. for the nurchaso of tho E U NW , NW1-4 NW 1-4 A NE 1-4 8W 1-4 of Section No. 38, Township 20 South, of Range 2 West and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuablo for its timber or stone than for agricultural ..urnntn. a,,l 111 nalllldlsll Ilia Claim tn i.t.i ....i i.... t.rin i. ir.m it s States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ,ur io oi umm in mo and Washington TcrAtory?1 as extended ' States of California, Oregon. Nevada and to all tho 1'ublie Land States by act of I ' ! Terrl lory," as extended to August 4, 1892, Nahum T. Wilson, of i tho lnjbllo Uiul Slates by act of A -vZ h .!. c.., nfW cost 4. 1892. Martha V. klncoICreswoll. Commissioner atEugene.IanoCo., Ore. Ij'OKenc, Orwn, on Wednesday, tho on Tuesday tho 7th day of April.lWW. 1 31;t day of Dee., 1002. Ho names as witnesses: He names as witnesses: Nil Martin, ol Cottage Orovo, Lane, . Bond, of hugeno, Lane Co., Co., Ore., J W Parrlsh, A J Shumakcr, 9-. James llotunan, ol hugene. Lane II II Reeves, of Jefferson, Marion Co. Ore. Any and all pcisons claiming ad versely tho abovo-dcecribed lands are ronuestcd to file their claims in this office on or beforo said 7th day of April, J.T. Brumes, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I.and Office, Rosoburg, Ore , Jan. 15, 1003. Notico is hereby given that in compll- Congress of Juiio 3, 1S7S, entitled "An . .V . . J.. . ' . .... Act tor mo sale oi limner llanos in tne Statea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,,' as extended to all tho Public Und States by act of August 4, 1892, John Kestlv, of Eugene. County ol Une, State ot Oregon lias Uiis dav tlle.1 in this office hls?wornstatementNo.4300,forthepur- chase ol the lots 2, 3, S A 9oi Seo No. 0, is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes nnil to es tablish his claim to said Und beforo Marie L. Ware. U. S. Commissioner ut Eugene Oregon, on Tuesday tho 31st day of Mar., 1903. He namt as witnesses: u'nit.n. n iv.-1 f r..nrA Ore., Mert James Mclilin, George Whit ney, William Whitney, ol June, Lano Co, Ore. Any and all tiersons claiming adverse ly the aliove-describvd lands are re quested to tilo their claims in this office on or before said 31st day ol Mar., 10u3. J.T. Briihies. Register. NOTICE FOR ITBLICATION. I'ntteil States Lnnd Office. Roseburjr. Ore.. Oct., St. 1902. Notice Is hereby civon Unit in com-. pllance with the provisions of the ActofConcrwa of June 3, 1S7S. en- tnied "An Act for the wile of TIiiiIkt Lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevndn, und WnHhiiiKton TfH rltorj-," a extended to all tho I'u'-'to Ijtnd Statea liy act of Aucuat 4. l2 Ora Wilson. if Eusene, County of Lane, State of Oregon, lniH tliM day tileil In" thin ottice her nvnni statement No 372Sfor the purclm-o of the NW K SE ( & Lotn 1. 10 & 11 of Section No. SU. Township 1 South of Range 1 West nnd will offer proof to show that the lnnd sought Isnioreynlimbleforlt timber firMtimo thnii inr nfrioiiltiirjil imr. " v V" .v":":" " ''"iTJ'.m'I' .rMni r w it tYnnmlssloner Ztl&w. Oregonon Jloimoytlie l-'tli clay ot January, ,..i,: . ..".,"..""? " it. a. iiiisiiiii, oz ivugt'iie, uregon, J. W. Parrlsh, of Jefferson, Marion Co.. Ore., J. D. I'almer. N. H. Mar- " A'nr a 1 . Aiw and all tiersoiis claiming nil. versely the abovcMlescrllH.-d lands nre requested to tile their claims In thla office on or before said 12th day o January 1903. .1. T. ItitiiKiKs. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, Rosebure. Orecon. Dee .24.1902. Notice is hereby given that in com States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory " as ex- tended to all the Public Und States bv actof August 4, 1892. Mattis Momb. of Mirth. County nf i-ino Ktnt nf fir., mi,, I. o a 1 1 1 1 u ii '. .. :n ikt. nm.. .1. , 1 . , - swornstatement No. 4101 for the our. 5j,a,s &M NS y A. W Y, NE A rjy.pi jj oi oec io. za, p V3, boutli. of Range No.3 West: and will offer proof toshow that the land sought is moreval- uablefor its timber or stone than for an- rleilllllral rillrnlua nnil tn ..lalillali l.la claim to said land .HfnrB Marin I. Vro tt o V,... r'-r " 7 u a wijiuiissiuner nt r,ugene, ure. gon, on Thursday, the 12th day of Marcii, 1UU3 lie names as witnesses; Martin Haai-enson. of Eui?pnn. uinn Co., Ore., Charley Olson, of Cottage ' Grove. Lane Co.. Ore.. Martin Olson, of Blue River. Lane Co.. Ore.. Peder Ophus.of Blue River. LaneCo.,Ore. Any anu an peraonsclalmlng adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of Mar., 1903. J. T. Bruk.es, Register. NOTICE TOn PUBLICATION. United Stale Land Office, . , Roaeburg, Ore., Jan. e, 1SU8. Notice la hereby given that In compliance Wlththe DFOVIalnn nf fhn i.t tit 1'nn.rounf June . 3, . 1S78, entitled "An Act for uuo o, enuiieii -An Act lor fornla, Oregon, Neratla, "nM'"nonyBtate of Call- and Waihlnvton Tir. riiorv. as exiena a extended to all the Public Land fclatea by act of Augutl 4.1N3, John II hT,'i?i,.0.!.uiS5,elCo.,.. J.ie. S.uieof Oregon, & thu day nled In thl office hi nominate, m??V,';oi,h.?)n.h"0''neBy.KW, nri,.f.. V,V "?"' 'ownsnip o ?h., .i8 1 1 "tl !'" ffr proof to howr that the land (ought la more valuable for ll timber or stone than fnr a(rrliniltiiriil hiiffm and lo establish bl claim to said land before Marie L. Ware. I' 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Orgfon, on Tueaday the 21th day of March, lie name aa wltnea: Jamea N. Handle, of Fair mount, Lane Co., Ore., Austin Root, of Springfield , Une Co., Ore. Jim Iseavey, Jctse Seavey, of Eugene, Lane Co., Any and all peraonsclalmlng adversely the above described land are requested to file lulriialmln ihl ofllce on or oefoieaald24tb viini jsn. J. T. Bxidsm, lies-liter. I NOTICB FOR I'UnMCATION. United State Urnl OHiee, Ilowbunr, Ore, Nolle I. l,.ri. .. .J-J- Willi llie r.roTllun of lue actof Cnnsiu.nl iifla .in .1..1 ..."'itvt : isei land sought Is more valnatiln far Ir. Hmid. tlmberl.ndilu h. ii.C.: .Ti'riM." ? "".V" '" .n?JSW "'.?." Iended'nfilMh. Wi'i"? '"W'''"" " ! Towmh'p No mTiV.7,o I STa, d will offer Sluui law will aoofhl Is more t'ouiitv -at ' Mni, B' Si'V"" "'I'oriland, , valuable for II Umber or alone than for agrl hasThf. !, nil. iJ?Kn'8".'? ol "ron, cullural purpose., and to eaiabllsh her claim to raVnf vn 9Z11 r .? ofllce lils sworn itate-1 said land beforo Marie h. Ware. U S. Com 4 8 m in,'SL,7e ,!;.rc,i,.? fur the H U SB i mlsaloner at Kugene, Oregon, on Monday, the S'."1!0,?! '.h.n f0? agrlcullnral purposes, and to establish hi claim to said land before Marie I.. Ware, V. 8. Commissioner at Kugene, So? Cn Mondy lU day of January; iifiFi,,0M.W wltnee: vuum ltie. ol Anio, Ore.. Herman T. uhu,'1'.Hi.81'l,'S'c,ll' Orove.oTe., t W hllson, of Kuitene. Oregon. ' abo?w, I?r1"i e''ln advercly the timiVi.fnflW. .Un. reouMled to die iayol Uiu'lSx. n orb'or1'l 61" J.T. Ilutxiu, Itegliter. I . J. ... NOTICK M)K rUHUOATlON. United States Land Office, Rosobunr. Oreiron. Oct.. 0. 1D02. Notice, is hereby given that In compll- 1.1 .-..' i , t . 1 t an with the provisions of the ac ot CongrcM of J.tno 3, 878, enti led ''An I County of Lano. Slate of Oregon, ! baa this day tiled In this office his sworn etniuiui'ut 4iu. oui f t iur uiu mirvtinrv vii tho NSSKW AN, SWI otSoctlon No. l-ld....l.luAtL...ll. 1 . (t tt. and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuablo for Its timber or ttono man lor agricultural purposes.amt ' to establish his claim to said land before! l Mario L Ware. 1 S Commissioner at ia);. vre., nimna a. caiianian. oi vros- well. Lane Co. . Ore.. James N. Handle ol Fatrmount, Ijtnc Co., Ore. Any and all ersona claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are re quested to tilo their claims in this otllco on or before said 31st day of Dec., 1802. J. T. Briihies, Register. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Unci Office, Roscbure. Oreiron. Dec. 12. 1002. Notice is hercoy given that in compll- anco with the provisions of tho act of lVn.NU. nf lnn. V 1 fi?4 nt.tltln.1 "In .... act for tho sale ol timber lands in the o(, California, Oregon, Nevada, f m,,,,,tln?,n T""1,'"'' -"extmleij U V10 l. ""'l-?'"1 .Sta.,ca l,'n.ct f V'?!",1 4' An,,"!W C!?.vr" o Coburg, County o Lane, State J Oregon, has this day file.! In thisoffice hl wor" .,.n,eJ'.cnxt..-, liSl.'x-..h will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuablo for Us timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes and to establish Ins claim to said lam: before Marie L. Waro. U . S. Commis sioner at Eugene, 1 ' . day. tho 2nd day ot " r !" , Ifo names as wltr.rs o Martin HaaKcns.v. .i I iiut . Co.. Oregon, Martn. vi )'' p bus, of Blue River l " ' n Dal, of Cottage Otx int im., ore. Any ami all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this officii on or beforo said 2nd day of Mar.. 1003. J. T. Brumes. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, Roseburg, Ore., Dec. IS, 1902. Notico is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act : Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "A: act for the sale of timber lands In tin States of California, 0,-voii, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as ex tended to all the Public Und States by act of August 4, 1S92, Edith M. Phillip, of Cottage tirove, O unty of Une, State of Ore., has this day filed in thisof fice her swornstutement No. 4157for the purchase of the NW Jf Sec No. 2: in Tp. 22Sof Range No. 2 w. and willoffei proof to show that the hind sought is . ..I.,.. I.I.. .. .' i .:...!. . i .iiail ,or a,.ril.11itrnl tummse and to . " i . . . ... cfiiiiiiisii hi r ciiiim id tftiiii innti iMinr Mane L. ware, U. S. Cominissioncr at M.fflV0 Ml" She names as witnesses. Frank B. Phillips, Joseph E. Young, John D. Palmer. Frank D. W heeler, of i,,,... ( -,.... irv. n, Anvand alt persons clairr.ini? nilvc ne. ly the above described lands are re- 'A? fi,e .'W.e.IS'"!' on or before said I4th dav of March, 1903. J. T. Brumes. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 United States Und Office, iioseourg, uregon, uec. 17, i Notice Is Jiereby give ance Willi me provu iongresaol Junes, to all the Public Und States by act of August 4 1S02, Mannie D. Bissell of Lugene, County of Une, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office h a sworn statement No. 4IB2. for . . . . , , till' miriilin b nf tlin Kk Kl I -A rl Kant No. 32. Township 20. South, of Ranee 6 West, and will offer proof to show tliat i" ianu Miugni is more vainauie lor ua timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie L. W are. U S. fVim inllmlrinPP at Vnir.ni. Orcwvnn on Saturday, the 7lh dav nt Mar.. 1003. j-reiaeu. -v uaiucsiiB wiuienura: l" - Shell, M. S. Barker, bSs isamer, oi Eugene, Une Co, L.narles Wlltse, bprlngticld, Une Co Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversi ly the above-described lands are ri quested tofile tlieir claims in this nffie on or before oaid 7th day of Mar., 1903 j. t .iiiuDOKs. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Bute Land Office, Ftniehnrr. Ore. Ih llm Notice I hereby given that In compliance wllh the provlionof the act ol Congre of JUneS. 1878. entitled "In act tnr lit ulrnif timber land In the Slate of California. Oregon. Nevada and Waihlnvtnn Trrltnrv " mm mm. I tended toall the Public Land Bute by act of auiuii irxrt, nariea ,v. ixiwe, 01 nngene. County of Lane. Stale of Oregon, ha Ihl iunir 01 day filed In Ihl. office hi worn tatement No SIZI, for Ihe purchase of the Lot It, 20, 21 & 22 of and will offer proof to how that the land unght I more valuable for tu timber or Hone than for agricultural purpose, and to estate to salil land before Marie L nare u. B. comraimoner at Kugene, gon, on Monday, the6ih day of April, 1WH. oro- Uenameca wllneaaes: JJ. II. Martin, J. w. Parrlsh, John D. Palmer, J. E.Young, of Cottage Qrove, Lane Co., Ore- Anyand alljiersona claiming adveriely the aboveleerlbed land are requested to nie ineir ciaima in tniaonii-eon or before said 61b uay 01 April, law. J T Hhikim, Kegliter, NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION Unites) Slate Und Office, Koseburir.Ore.. th. ran. Notice I hereby gUen tbatln ramijllance with tlie provisions of ibe act of Congre of Junes, IMS, entitled "An act for the rale of iiwuer lanus in ine Miaies or California, Ore . on, Nevada, and washlnKionTerrltorr," ex tended toall the Public Land Slates by act of August 4. IW2. laurs A 1jvcm nf Vm.... County of Une, vtata of Ore., haa thl day 29. nesses: N. II. Martin, J. w. I'arolsh, John I). I'almer. K. 1 Ulltiir. .if fAittmmtt (irnvm. Iiia.nn niic names as witnesses: Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe ave-deaerlbed lands are requealed to ale tnelrclalraslnthl ofllcn on or before said 6th viaihiiiimi, t jiKiuuc, jteguter, Wo have on hanu . larRo stock of grades 1 '1 and 3. Ut us muko yo ...-u,,v.. uviui jiik, wi-jiuiK niiu rustic in special prices. Uootii-Kei LvlLuMuattCo. NOTICE FOR PUlllilCATION. United States Und Olllce, Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 0, 1002. Notice la horeby given that In com pliance with tho provisions of tho act of Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor tho saloot timber lands In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terrltory,,raa extended to all tho Public Land Stales by act of All gust 4. 1802, Iuln l. Bond, of Eu gene. County of Lane. Stato of Oregon has this day tiled in this otllco her sworn statement No. 3618 for the purchase ol llio Si NK HA 8W NW 1-4 of See No. a, In Township 23 South, of Rango2 W. and will oiler lirtvit lu lmn- (lint tlin Inmt , sought Is inoro valuablo for Its timber or stone man tor agricultural purposes, and to establish her-clalm to said land beforo Mario It. Ware, V a Commisslnner at Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday tho 31st nay oi wee., iiir.', she names as witnesses : tit V CI, l.il.. ...m.iii. .N,iiiiiiii, ..miiim rviii, of Creswell, Oregon, James N Randlo ol Fairniount, Ore., James Hoffman, of r.ngene, vire. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly tho abovo-descrtbed lands tiro re quested to lilo their claims In this olllce on or beforo said 31st day of Dec., 1002. J. T. BiitiHiRS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the calo of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, nnil Washington Territory, us extended to all the Public Und States by act of Au gust 4. 1892, Annie Wilson, of Eu gene. County of Lane, State of Oregon has this day tiled in this office IiIb suoiii statement N'o. 3033, for the purchase of theWUSE 1-4 E, wl-4 of Section No. 12 Township 23, South, of liiiugo 2 Westnnd will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim be fore .Vario L Waro, U. s. Commissioner, at Eugene, Ijine Co. Ore , on Wednes- .' thp""h '.ir -' ' . 'V- I1H n, ' ' 'in - 1. . I lrn i ing.ieLt 'W'i1'. .i-.t iii, . I'm? ! ..t .- I. A 0 u an .,ftuifi (.itiiiiiiug adverse ly the iibove-tlcscrlbod lauds are re quested to file tlieir cliiiins in this oII'ick on or before said 7th dav of Jan., 1903. J. T. Briihies. Register. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION United States Und Office, Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 20. 1003. Notico is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for tho sale of Timber Unds In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to nit the Public Land States by act of August 4, IF92, Gideon L. Mediu ms of Eugene, Co. of Une, State ot Ore gun has this day tiled in this office his sit orn statement No. 4314, for tho pur chase of the E& SW 1-4 A W ), SE 1-4 of Sec 8 in Township 20 South, of R 2 W and will offer prool to show that the land sought Is more valuablo for its limber or stone thnn for agricultural purposes.und to establish his claim to sani luiul before Marie I.. Waro. U. S. ; r i. ..i p . I uiHu.icniui.ur tu cununv. italic v.o. ure Bon. on Tuesday the 7tli day of April Ho name. witnesses Archibald J. Sliumaker, J W Parrish, of Jefferson, Ore., N II Martin, Herman i now, oi Loltago tirove, IjineUo.. Ore Anv n,l nil i,.r..,. ..Ii....n . n.i versely the utiovc-devcrlbed landsaru le quested to llio their claims In this office " r Mo 'H!,' A.-r,, 1901. J. T. Brumes Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Sltn Land Offlcr. RiMljurtf. Org.. Hint 91 loir. Xotlc ll herebr rlTn ihmt In Mniilliniv I Wllh the nrorlftloni nf lh arlnf CmwrM nt usdiDn, enmmi -An .ei lor ine Mieoi Rwnl wfll offer proof tothow th.t the lnl &Vm&SSL hUcL.mtould Urol Uforetlie Kxluer and "l1! L,hi J"!? ,K."Mbu.ri Oregon, "".""AB"P." "V",""n no ii.uir, wiiurM:i ; ullll.m V I II I - 1 f II ?;Tll c. Tjrrell, George' F, McCllnlock, ol ' Tuj.la, ill perwn. cUlmlng ,lrMr Ih. bormncribei Una re reqontel to nlethelr W'n,, J"1" mco on or beloro i.l.l ami d.jr ot lr., 1908. J. T. Budges, Regliler. """'""""J0!.... IlaasinrKiEiH, Caihler. The First National Bui OF COTTAGB GrOVH, ORIS. Paid ii Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available any .ilarn n theUni ted States SHANAFELT'S Photograph Gallery SOW OI'EW New backgrounds and acces- sories1. Best Lenses and Cameras. 15 years experience 8 years in Portland. Nothing but first-class work. All work guaranteed Lowest prices, call and examine work. Opposite Masonic hall. West side, Cottage Grove. L. T. HARRIS Attorney and Oounselor-at-Law Special attention glren lo the law of Mine. First National Rank Building. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, Rosoburg, Ore., Jan, PJth, 1003. Notico la hereby given that In com pllanco with tho provisions of tho act ol Congress of Juno 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the saloof timber lands In tho States ol California, Oregon, Nuviula and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Puhllo Und States bv act of Au gust 4, 1892, William Mctliieou, ot Cot tage drove. Cool Lane, StatootOre., bus this day filed In this offlco hl sworn statement No. 421W, for the purchase ol the NE 1-4 ot Section No. 32 In Town ship No. Ill 8. Ram.ni No. 2 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is mora valuablo for Its HiiiIht or stone, than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud More the Register and Reeelvcrnf tbta otllco at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the i m nay oi April, awi. Ho names aa witnesses : Herman T. Dow. Uconro W. McQueen O. A. Contra, Joseph Schlee, ol Cottage urine, ijino lo.. Urriwu. Any and all personsclatmliig adverse ly the alHivc-dcacrllicd lauds are ro- i.uostcd to llio their claims In this office on or before said 7tn day of Apr.. ItHVl J.T. IIhiihies, Register. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. United States Und Oltice, Roseburg Ore., Out. II, 1902. Notico is hereby uiven that in com pllanco with tho provisions ol the act of liongicsso! Juno 3. is.s entitled "An act for tho sale of limber lauds tu the Mates ot California. Oregon, Nevada, mid Washington Territory." as extended toall the Public Land Slates hv act ol August 4, 1892. Peter liiirkhart of Bloomer, County ot I'IiIiiihumi, Stale of Wis,, has this day tiled In this otllco Ills sKorn statement No. 3IKW, for tho purchase of the S W lj of Section No. 10, Township 20 South, of Range 9 West and will offer pitHif to show that the land souglil Is mure valuable for its timlier orst'-ne than agricultural puristies, and ,o oslahli-li his claim to said land tieforo the lieu' ''rand Riwlverol this olllce nl Itose I. Oregon, on TIiiiimIhv the Will dn 'eb., IIKXI. I ' e names as n lluesses : 'Wlllani MiHiro Itii-ebnrg. Ore., Niek x.' re, wallon tire., nun ..i Sulpher Springs, Ore., Diirch, of Roseburg Ore. Any unit all htsoiis I'liiimiiigii.lvetse ly llio nlKivc-dosrrllH-d lauds are n' iliiested lo tile their claims in tills olllce on or before said 20 day of Feb., 1903. J.T. Hhiihikh. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United stale Und Office, Ito-etnir. Ore., Oct. II, hut. Notlre It hereby given that In complunr with the rmvitlnn, of the eetnf CongreM of JnneS, UTS, entlile.1 "An set forthe Mleot Umber Undi In the Stsleeof C'slllornU. Oie gon, NeratU, end WsRhlngton Territory." at eilemled to all the lliblle lnd Stale by set olAugutl 4, ISM, Allien II llnirey.ot Eugene. County of Ine. Slate of Oregon, ha this day tiled In Ihl offlre hi iworn ttate ment No 36. (nr llio i'urrhav of llio Ilf HW ii ofeetlonNo 10 Townihlp No SIS, lUugeNo. s Meet, ami will offer iiroot lo how that the Und sought I more valuable for It Umber or lone than for agricultural iiurrNwea, and to etabtlh hi claim In aalil Und before Marie I, Mare, V 8. t'ommUaloner at En gene, Oregon, on Monday, Ihe &lh day ot Jan.. lie name as wltnea-e: ItermanT. How, of Cottage Grove, Oregon 11. 11. Unvev. ol Euirene.Oreoii. Jtwetib Kehlee ol Collage drove. Ore., William Wllte.ol Alno, Any ami nil ivenumf rUlmlniz ailrerlr the abovo ltrltsmt Unda are rriueitM to (lie tbelrclalmt In thu office on or before ald Mb ilarolJan.,lMM. J. T. Ilmtxiiu, Kegliter. J. 0. JOHNSON anil F. .(I EBV (tomtys and Counsclors-at-Law 6lec!al attention glren to Mlnltir.Cori-oratlon anil Mercantllu Law. Offlre over Oarman & Hemenway'iitore. COTTAGE GUOVE, ORE TICKETS TO AND I'ROit ALL POINTS EAST VIA GREAT NORTHERN Kail way. Short 1,1 ite TO St. I'aut, Oitlutli, Mliinrtijiolln, Chlcauo, AND POINTS HAST. Through I'nlaett and Tmirint SleepcrH Uining und llnll'et Niiiokinit Lihrarv Cam. DAIt.V TRAI NH j HA BT TI M K : For Raltn, I'oldera and Kull Inforina tlon re(!ardini: Ticket Route, call on or iiiiurtt J. W. I'I1AI.0.V,T. I'. A. II. DICKSON, C. T. A 122 3d St., Portland Ore, A. II, O. DKNNISTON., O. W. I'. A. Seattle Wash 2 first Aran le. viiit DR. JORDAN'S aniar? MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1 091 MARKET tU SAN FIMNCIIC0, 0AL l ( SUuiasaamaUkl A umatrul HtiKtmr VUUerm. lVeihaiea. or aayora tract- lb olUMt'&pclllsloB lbs Paolo Coaak KsUblUli.dMvsani. DB. JORDAN-PRIVATE OlSfASH Tsnsf sai and asilddla I ra.k""J1 " 1'in-srln , fiom ih meet ot youlblul limiv ( ... K.......;u.-:'..-:T'.,:'..u'"'?'r . . - - v.-,'i.t.ivi.i a.vn, , i ,y. si,,. I pnlrne,, Last HssUa n all llscomb'l ' rmeille,ofrutciira va power.the Iloclor ( lias so arranasd 1,1s Irealmen t ll'af It will I ""'J &ll.T,,"1'" r.ll.f. but p.rm..,,t ' !.",. b"! Is well. known to baaJ.lr.iS I 1(1"" 1'iijwian and Burteon, rre-amlnMt ' F lu tUsspscrally-Olaeaiaea sr y,""1"" . ii.. :..i.n. !,T '""rjufny araalcsied Irom ' TrUtlSB ftll.l hv an I.... . . . ' . I '' for Itiipturti. X quick aim round l eurttor Pile, flsanrai and ri.lulw.hy JJr. Jordan' ipsclal palnles mtbou. ' EVKIt-T Hl.n.,l.ln.lii...lll 1 our kantil opinion of iilsconiplslnl. . J .9.u?rT'J,t.'' -"foirj 'Jf ouav in ( S?;;!!!!f1."l,.!, ,KK ndtrictlyrriTl. OJUROJC9 VXUY BKAHONADlji Tralmu tnaraanallvnpnwf.il.. Wrll fiir Hook, l-IIir.ooi-UT or' ' OR. JORDAN CO.. 1051 Marts 1 It, , r. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. United SUitea Land Office, Rosoburg, Oro,, Jan. If). 1903. Notico Is hereby given Unit In com- Iillanco Willi llio provlsluiiol thu act ot 'oiiktressot,luno3, I87S, entitled "An net (or the sale ol iIiiiIkt lands In thu States ol California, (begun, Nevada, mid Washington Territory ."iib extended to all thu Puhllo bind Slates by actof August 4, 1892, Mrs, Tlllu Edward, ot Oakland. County of Douchis. Statu of Ore,, has this day tiled In tills olllce her sworn statement No, 4.11(1 for thu purchase of tho lots ft, tl, to A 10 ol Sea Mi. IH I n Tonnship No. 23 H, ltilllgo No 1 W. und will offer proof to show thill tho laud sought Is moro valuable fur III limber or nloue than (or iigrleiiltiira purposes, and to establish her claim t( said laud before. LDeiiimtck at Oak land, Ore., on Satuiday, llio ltlh, day Ol April, IWKI, She names as Unesses i O. Edwiuds. Ililwar llone.j)! Oakland, (lie., Dan Hrumtiaiigh.oIColtagutlrovr, Ore., Ceo. Rlggs,o( Eugene, Ore. Any and all jmrsons claiming adverse ly the nbovu-'ilescrllHHl lauds are io iiiestel to tile their claims In this office on or before said ltlh day of Apr,, 19037 J.T. Hiiiihikh. Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I.and Olllce, Roseburg, Oiegon, Oct. 22, 1002 Notice Is hereby uiveu that In emu pllanco with the provisions ut the act ol CoiiLTKMof June 3. IS7S, entitled "An act (or the sale of timber lands In the in the States ol Ciilifomiii, Oregon N'livnila. nnd W'niililtlntnii Territory, in extended to all the Public I.and States bviietot Almost 4. 1892. Ardella Mar tin.ot Cottage tirove, Co, of Une, Slate ol Oregon, has this day filed III this olllce tier sworn siiiieineni iMi, .ii.'.i, lor inn iiurchase ol the NE l-l of Sec linn No. 30, Township 2:1, Smith, of ttiiuge 1 West, and will offer prool to show that, thu land sought is inure valuable (or Its timber or stone that for I agricultural purisnnw, and to eslabllsli her claim 'tn said laud lu-foie Marie L. Ware, I . S, t'ouiiiiisalniivr at hu geiuv Oiegon, on Miuidiiv, the 12th lav of Jan., 100.1. She nauiiw hs wllncp-ex: tt S lliiilnn. On, WIIniiii. of ItilLfelie. Matjiii,iUtV.i.,Marllii, Cufage (Inive, Une Peter ., Kn..Ore".,'J W l'nrrl.h, ol Juffi'tson, Ma . rum Co., Ore. Any anil all persons claiming adverse- ly thu alHive.ilescrilied lands are te iiuested tolllu their claims In this olllce on or before mild l'.'lli day of Jan., 1003. I T. HiiiiMigs. Reglstct. NOTICE FOR ITIILK'ATION. 1'nlti'd Stntert Lund Ollltv. RoM'ImrK. Ore., Oct. 1, 11H)-'. Notico la hervltv irlven Hint In com lilhinco with tho iirovNIoiiH of the Act of I'oiiKrt'HH ol J iiiic'II, 1STS, en titled "All Act for tho aalo of Timber Ijinda In the StittoN of t'nl furnlii Oregon, Nevmlii mill WiiHhlliKtoii Territory," iih oxtendiil to nil the I'ltlille Iuiil StutOH liy net of AiikuhI 4. 1.S1I2, Jikm V. l'lirrlah. ot del- feraon. County ot Marlon, State of Oregon, I111M thin day tiled tn OiIh olllco Ida Hworn Htateiuent No. it''J7 for tho iiurcliiiHO of the Lota I, !. a & 7 of Sivtlun No. JMITowiihIiIii t South of Rniw 1 Went and will offer proof to hIiiiw that tho laud hoiikIU Ih moro valu able for Ita tlinlier or mono than fur UKriciiltiiral purpOHeH, and to CNtah I In tt Ida claim to wild laud liefon' .Marie L. Ware, 1. S. ('ouiuihudiiucr, atlCiiKene, Ori'KOU on .Moniluy the ll'th day of Jauuury. lint!. Ho iinmcH iih wUiii'mm'h: N. II. .Martin, of Cottnue drove, Liinoro., On1., Ora WIIhoii, of Lu Ki'ne, Lano Co., Ore., ,1. W. Ilouck, of Cottago tirove, UineCo., On'., It. H. IIiiHtou, ot LiiKene, Lano Co, On. Any and nil ihthoiih clalnilni; nil verxely tho alioviMleHcrllied IiiiiiIh an rtiiueHteil to tilo their claliiiH In tills otllco on or lieforo aald L'th iluv of Jiuuiary, WKl. J. T. IIiiiiiokh. ItcglNti'r. NOTICK FOR I'UIII.IOATION. Uniteil Hate l.uml Ollli-n, Ronehtirif, Ore., Ilee. SI, llMK. Notico ia hereliy uiven that in com pliance with tho provisions of tho act of -'onsreM of Juno 3. 1878. entitled "an act (or tho aalo of timlier land in thu tjtatex of California, OrcKon, Nevadu, and WiuhiiiKton," anoxtemlt'd toall thu I'll 1)1 10 Uiml hliiteH by net ol AU,'iiat 4, 18U.'. Theresa SI. Jackson, of Kimono. County of Lane, Btato of Ore, haa tills day Hied in thla ofllco hor eworn atalo ment No. 4100, for the purchano of tho K M Hi: 1-4. 8K K NK 1-1 A Iit I of See no. i), lowntiuii z south, ot Itunt'o 1 It',.-, nn.i ..,111 ..ir... . . . ... r the Haines nn witnepscH lliiniel II. Ilrilinhiiuifh. of ('nltnuii ttroe, iiKim ui., i renun, KnliiH. Kelly of Iviigenu, Ijhiu Co.. Oregon, llonico I'. .MiiitKroii, oi .viiircnlii, . une t;o., Oie, Ahriihiim I.. Kelly, of Kuirene. i.mii, fi tyrennii, Any mid all persona eliiiuiluif ndverae. , uiu Hniivi-Mnni-rnu'ii iiiii, ih nre re iiieeled tolllu their clainii. Ii, thlsolliue on or uoioroHiiiil .'1st ilny of Jlnr., IK):t J. T. HiiiiiiiKN RiKister. NOTICK KOR PUHMCATION. Unltiil Htiiti s I,und Olllce, Ro-ehurg Ore., Jan. IB. IflOCI. Notice is herehy uiven ilmi in ....... iillanco with Ihe provisions of Ih,, m.t ,,t Congre- of .lime 3, 1878, entitled "An Statos of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," UH ..XI0,.,i ' cdto all thel'uhllo Un.rfitaies hy 11.1, lM IIIU pilllT 111 IIIIIIIMr lllllllu Is. (I... yi nuguji i, low. jcbb tifavoy. ol J... '.yA K"8c.n". County of ui uregon, tins una , y fl w( In this ofllco lis sworn ui,,i..... V. 1205. forthoiurcluiHoof tho W '4 HV 1 . Kh my no. i vrowSshp'or, South, of Raniro ! w.i ... .i '7! r,m.r r.f . "l. " V. ". Wl" sought Is moro valuahle for its timber or stono than lot agrlculturul niimoscM andtoostah sh lilu ,.l,, ,. AT1" Imfnrn l I ii,..".." ""'lUII . , ,,,, u, B (Joilllllls. HOIUUIU'M nil Wit!108fi08!' .TfttiicH N irtiniiii. t.-..t. . . nn. firn a .i T. ' '""'lount, Lano Lano Co re. .1, u.....'!...11''. . Seavoy, of KtiRono; lin, Co.' "oft J"n renuesloil to fllo tholr claims in this oflfco on or beforo said aitltu'iy oVMar., w,.'i,... . "7,1. . "' v'.' ro J.T. Unwcuts, RcglBtor. For n bad tastn In ll,,. ....... ,i few doses of Cha ,h r.u V".. '? and Uvcr Tablet. I i'V oS" "'fi' .- " uiicr im,i in iniw'."". nun uuii-v nur H0rn alateiiicut that tho land aoiiKht la more valuable I N. I for thu iiurchanii oftlioHKI for lis timlier or aloiui than fin mfii NW l-l, HW l-l NKI-4, NK I-l SW 1-4 cultural purpoaea. nml lo t-s-t I l ixl , ln-i AN'W l-l 8K l-l of Sec No. I) In Ti claim to Kiilil luiul hefnie .Miirii- I.. Wiire, No. 21 S., Iliine No. 1 Went, mid will U. S. OoiniulMiioiior ut Kimem., llreiriui, "Ter proof in i-Iiiih Hmt iliu Umi 0uirht oil Hiituriluy thtiSIat day of Mar.. lllOJI. i" mote valuable for ll iiilu., NOriOK I'OR I'UIILIOATION. Lnnd Olllco at Itomduirit, Orciton. Nov, 10, IIKltf. Nollca l hereby nvn that tho fnlloW-lim-nanu'd aettler ha lll niilleo of Ida liileiitlou to make II1111I proof In li;ort ol Ida claim, nnd that aaltl proof will ho iniido heforo MnrlcL. Wnro.U.H. Coui inlaloiier, at Kiinene, Oregon. 011 Jiinu uryil, 1IKW, via: KiIhuuI L. It- Hand on II. H. N, 10171 for the HW ti NK H, N lj HK li A Lotail A I Hee. IH T. Ill H., R 7W. Ilonaiiiea the followlnit wltneaaeH to piovu Ida etuitliHUMis renldeiice uiou mid ciilllvntlnii ut mild land, via: IMlinrW. Ilimelluii, of Mound Oro., Hylvealur l,uwl, of Paiilher, Ore., Churih A. Hlevena. Waller J. Holland, ot Urmv, (lie. ,1. T. lliinmcK, Iti'Klaler. NOTIUK -t)R I'UIII.IOATION. Uulled Btatea Und Ofllco, Roaeliutii, OrcKon, Dee. 17, ItHV.'. Notico la hereby hI von that In com iillnnee with theptovlaloiia of tlin act of Conurean ol Jllllii !t, I87H titled "All act fur the aalo of timlier landa lu the Htnte of California, Oreu'im, Nevada, and ' WnihiiiKtoarerrltorv, ua esleniliil to all the l'llhlltt Luiul Hlntra liy actof AtiKiiat 4, I HI)'.1, ('harlea A. Wlntnrineler o( KiiKono t'o. of mm Kioto ol Ore,, haa thla day tiled In thla olllco Ida awurn atntnmeut No. 4IM, for the iiurchaHO of the W t, NW Jf.W l,HW IjofHioNo 10, tp'.'O Boiith, ol llaniio 7 W. and w III oirer iHMil to aliiiw t lint the lnnd aoiilit la nioto valuablii for Ita Hinder or alono than fur UKriciiltural puriniaea, and to eatahllidi Ida chillii lo Mild hind Mine Marie L. Ware. V. H. (.'iiiiiiiilssliiiirr at KiiKene, Ori'Kun, 011 Monday the Ulli day of March. MM. He mime a uitneaac . (leorne llutitur. of Kuin'lie, Line Co., O10 , Juine Itiiudfii, of I'lilriiiount, Luna Co., Die., Clrnile. K. Hlniiill, of Panther. Lane Co., On-Kuii. I. I). Mlelniel, n( .Muund, Lime Co., Ore. Any and all pcrauiia elaiinlni: advetao ly the alKiveMlescrilxil html aie to iiieated to tile their eUiiiia in IhU olllco on or iMifuroiHild Ulh day of Mar., ItHVt. J. T. lliiiiHia. Ili'tilater, THU OLD KlU.IAIII.lt Grocciw Store Caries n full line of Staple nnd l'nncy Kooda, Ornnltc, Crockery, Tin nnil Cllasswnrc, Vegetables, Flour. 1'ecd, Oats. Hay nml everything the farmer or the liottscwlfu needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will lie a pleasure at all times to show our goods and you nre earnestly iciiicsted to call nnd examine tlicm. Will inert All Coiirllnn in I'rtrr-. GAROUTTE & METCALF. (ttMyofi 10 tt kill mill A (UrtrtiM) COTTAGE GROVE. ORE L. G, HIGGINS, ASSAYER, Olt.t.XTS IM.S.V, o two ox. CHARGES: OoM. Miliar, 0.r. Uad.rarh llnia anitWhar. . Ofil.1,Hllreranl rvni O.il.l, miter aiKl linl Tin 11.01 l.v J lao All ork ili,n ratrfullir, ami Hr.Khl bii.l. UMnriuni Mallurilrsa.l. NOTICK I OR rUIILlCATION. United Statea Land Office, Roaubtirir Orn.. .fan. 'ii uwiv Notice la heieby Riven thai In win iiliiince with the provlaloua of the act of Coiu;rcfof Juno.1, 1H78 entitled "Aa !"r ' '? u,lu .' ,il"U"r ln "'0 Male. i of California, Ori'Kon, Nevada and a.hlntou Tcrritory.a, exlendwl to all the I'uhllc Und Statea by net of An. KU.t 4, 1802. Rebecc, Wllaon.ol Kng.no, Co. of Ijiiic. Stato o Ore.. I.,., ilii. .i.i ,11.1 1.. .1.1. . ir . ' .l.j Ihaii for iigrii'iilturiil purposes, mid lo eatahhal, ., ,., , n,ill( , , Mario I.. Wute U 8 IVn,in,i..u. ' a -inn lioiuilyl at Ijngone. Oregon, on Tuesday, tho til ilny of April, MM. " Hlin iiainen as wittieiwes: N II Martin, of Cotliige (ii,iV0, lano Co. Ore., J. W. I'ariral.. A. j m,u. iiiaker o Jeirro,,, Marlon Co., Ore., N. r . U IIhoii. ol tugeno. I.uno Co., Oro Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho ahove-i escribed hinds are re ciuetled o tile t hell claims In thlsolTIco on or heforo said 7th day of April, lCUl" J. T. l iuiioKs, Register. NOTICE FOR 1'lJHl.lQA'riON. Ulllted HtutcH 1.1111,1 offlco ItOnehlirir, Oi-o,. inVw Notico la hi. lj .. ... s,....V,D0-- InthoHlntCH ofc al lf,r I . (VZ, Nevudit, ami WiiMhim' w .!'. 1 1 n u ..vt,..,.i...i i yiiitiir.y." John Crowley, of Cott in o Orovo V Z' llltV fllliil In tlilu. , "H tlllM' Hhmy that tho la , I S.VMoS liVll1!'""0. I"" Wltlll'HHOHi yob., lUOX loin tiny ot J. T. llmiKucB, RPKiBior. HIh tlmilirlil- (I.... Ifllll'll IllUUII'lllili Htrllioat v it rinir , 110 Htwt DrugCo6'1 10 0m' FrBnl0 Uy ,lu"0 KUOENK, ORE.