Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 30, 1903, Image 5

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    nnrn n nn
A Tale of tho Early Setllarsi
of Louisiana,
We tvliii I urn imr ojoa ivcatwnnl ntil
Itrtiolilluic the "Hlnr of Umpire" netting
nllllil Hie golden (voters uf tll I'nrlflr,
Sihlln llii fill. I nf ii r iiiithin' banner nl
liioa'l rn wrn i I In' continent, urn prone 1
look itiiii I lie Mill.')- of tin Mlaalaalppl ii
n ri'iiluii ulil In clvillintltiii. Vol. limn
nflir 111 ii Atlantic shore worn gemmed
Mllli cities mil thriving villages, Urn
lllcitt valley nf In. uild-rnntlnriit wna n
vnt s.illlu.ii. uiikiiimn In imr forefathers,
1 .nil If nflcr cidleiio mill school, govern
ment mnl courts. ... Idle iiml lin r.-ln-,
had allien mnl lluuilahcd In lln' Atlmilli!
colonies, the ri'il inmi IiiiiiIimI hi gaunt
III I In- forest, mill ilriivn hi conne over
Ilio bosom nf lin. iiri'iil Father of Waters,
tmintdcilod hy I In' i,ilcfnnil In v mlt r.
In tin. nil Ml" nf lin- sixteen iinlury,
liol.l mnl hardy hnnd of ' adventurous
klilvlita mnl warriors, led by Hernando it
Holn, nl tliu hay nf Hmitii Hilrl(il,
III Florida, mnl, In nil lln pride mi I imnip
ii f itlorhm iirrny, ataried off through Hi"
ili'i'li forest In quest uf thOto fabled
lilies whore iintnlil Kul'l nn sited llii'lr
fouling. (In tin')' iviiil, meeting nml
overcoming iihalnt-te liiiiuincriible, mnl,
At li'liillli, n mini mnl weary remnant of
the once proud Inmi ,H tin nil til rest ii'i
the hank of llu mlithly rlwr. A little
f urllicr mi, they went llirmiiili tin- wilds
of A rW it n xi n, hut tln ka m stern, dork
forest, Willi Its areuging horde uf ri'.l
men. mi't llii'iu nt cur) step, mil lln-jr
in liu' Imrk In the .Mississippi, where ln
Hutu laid down mil died. Ill Hicot.
linrd li.'iirt linn broken. The remnant nf
Ida f-u haatlly conalriicted n few rude
tiwiI. nml aullod ilnnn Hit. rlvrr, fob
Ion. v ln t-iiraoa nf III.' Indiana.
' thla, tin. ureal valley remained
tin'. M by Ilio whlto nun for n cell
I" . n half, win n, III .Inly, til'.'l, n
. nl uf liiirimi nn.l ('umnllnn,
under Juliet nml Marquette, rcnrhi-0 ih
luiik uf the Blent rltcr. They hail come
from Ilio Ht. Lawrence, mnl Im.l won
dered tlir.niKli the mat aitlltinlea of tho
Mnunicc nml tho Wnhsah. They Honied
iluwn na far n the nnitilh nf the Ar
kaiisas, where, hnvlug nimle Ihriiiiclti
urn that the Mississippi i-mpt liil Inln the
Gulf (if Men l.o, they ri'tnrni'il tu their
people In Canada. Great rejoicings were
held orer the repnrta theae ttdunttmra
brotlilht with them; yet Juliet mnl Mar
quette IhiIIi ille.l ere tho white innll again
sought the Father nt Water.
He veil yenra later, the celebrated I.a
Halle, nt the henil nf forty aolillera nn.l n
few tiiiiuka, fonn.l the mighty rlrer, nml
After recrosslng the Atlantic, nn.l return
lui with inure nlil, ijinl after .nluj
thluiixh mlveiilurea nlmixt lu. riilll.le. he
fairly cmniuen. imI a roloiiy In Loulalana.
In 1IW7. he waa aaaaatluateil by lilt own
companion", ami the tew white turn left
were little better than mere hanilful
of wan.lerera In the wlhlrrniwi.
A few year Inter, cnine tlm mm whets
namra are rherlaheil nt nmnns thiuo who
urfereil the unwt ami wurke.l the moat
faithfully for Hit nohlo home of tho
Hon In. Moat prnmlm-nt amonz them
were the two brother, Iherilllo an I
llleiltrllle, tho latter of whom wa the
fnumler of the rlly of New Orlean, an.)
for many year coventor of the colony.
Kroin thla time really coiiiinenrnl the
growth of Iullnna,
Till territory wn luhahlte.1 hy niimer
out trll.u of In.llnua, more mimeroua,
perlmpa, than In any other aectlnu of the
country. Koine of them "ere mere fam
lllr, InalKlllllonnt In their enpnelty na ill
tlnctlre tribe, but yet apenklnK nil I. II. .ill
peculiar to themaelre, rherlahlni their
own eirltolre trmlltlon, mnl cxcrclaluj
II the rliihta of lu.lepenili lit powera. Hut
the prlurlpnl trlhea In the aoiilhern coun
try were three In number the Nntehen,
the ChiK-tnwa, mil the Chh-knanna, ami
with theae nn.l the hih.k, .11.1 tho
l'retich of that prrlo. ha in mo.tly to
It waa In the aiimmer of IT37 that we
Introiluco our remlera to a plcaanut home
on the hnnka of the Mlaalaalppl, Koine
forty mile nlxiro where the city of llim.u
Ilouge now ntnnila. the Mnriiula Ilrlnn Kt.
Jullen hail loeateil hlmaelf, ami erectvil n
liouae. Ho wn now pnat the prime of
life, liurlnir been aome live on the
run. I throuuh the aei'on.l half eeuliiry of
hla life, ami hint left I'mine out of (itiro
Manual for tho aoelety ho wn ohllKoil
ti inlncle with there. Unlike niuat of
i. loan who rnmo to the now homo lu the
. It wllilerneaa, he waa wenlthy, lto
' il left hla wife In the tomb of her mi
ceitnra, nml her ilenth wna n aeiere blow
upon. Ill ii.ihlo henrt.
Money wna potent, even In the wll.ler
ne, mnl the mniiiul. hml the moat
numptuoo nee lu the country. Ni-nr
hi ratnte, tho Krent river mmle n avtcep
to tho weatwnrtl, nml hi linum wna built
upon n anuill trlbutnry alri'iiui, whleh run
nearly aotilh from It miurce, mnl nt n
illatnnco of nearly two mile fiom tho
Hero ho nml hi fnmlly Ille.l, with aitch
of hi ilinuoatlea na were lli'i'.k'.l uhotit
lilm. The liouae fnce.1 to tho weat, helm!
about ten ro.U from the river. Next were
two hull.llUK, olio upon tho north nn.l
tho other upon tho aouth of the main
liouae, nn.l eiull nbout twenty feet ilia
t ii tit. Theao were for the resilience of tliu
blnek alnvea. Then bark of nil theae, nn.l
illatnnt forty feet, were two moru hull. I
Inm. ono of thrill, twenty feet fjiinre,
win for tho Ktnble, mnl the other, lifty
feet (quart1, waa for tho ueiiernl aloro
liouao of provlaloiia for both mnn ami
benat. In front of the mnln ilwelllnut
exlenileil u beautiful ifnnlcn nlmoat to
tho liver, OuUl.lo of all, wna n alout,
bnrrlemle, romplt'tely I'lirlotlnjr tho
(rrniiu.l on wiiieh atoml tho bullilliiisa nml
moat of tho pinion. It wna funnel of
poata ilrlven llriuly Into tho froinnl, nt
tho illatnnco of a foot npnrt nml twetvo
feet liluli, nml then theao intervnla wcro
tllthtly lllletl with other ttprliiht tlmbera,
firmly fnatenoil In their plucea by trnn.1
versi! glrlha nn.l (tout wooilen pint.
Thero wero ininieroua loop or iiort'Iiolou
tlir.niKli thla bnrrlemle, which could bo
openeil or cloned nt plenaurn,
Tho whole liouteholil of tho mnrquls
conalateil of fifty-two persona. Thoro
wero hlinaelf mnl two children, nml ono
nephew) elitlit mnlo whlto aervnnta
live femiilo wlilteal twenty-Ova blnclt
mnlca, nml ten feniulea of tlio name dusky
hue. Anil now, considering that Ut,
Jullen hail arma nml iiinu'iunltloii In
plenty, wo tnny supposo Hint ho Iiml lit
tlo to four from tho roil neighbor who
prowled nbout Ills promises. Anil yet ho
Iiml ono protection that ought to hnvo
been more powerful than nil olso, nml
Hint was tho perfect honor ami genulno
kindness with which ha troutoil nil the
Indians with whom ho enmo lu contact.
I,nto ono nfternoon, tho mnrquls wont
put Into ono of hla fields that Iny upon
tho rich bottom of tlio Walnut Itlvor.
Tho Mnrquls Bt. Jullen was a tall man,
with a (light tendency to stoop In his
gait, though thU wu tnoro tho result of
n luil'lt nf deep thought which ho hnd
I intitrncleil than uf nny iihjslcnl cnusc.
Ills linlr waa gray -a dark, granlto-llko
gray, mid he wore It long over hi ahoiil
tiers, whither It depended III lonaeiy How
i lug curl. Ill feature wore very rpgu
In r mnl limitlanmi', but pale nml thought'
I till. Ilia dies was mostly of black vol
. it't, mi. I a few iiriimiienls of Jet. Ilv
una, In (null, n uuhlo-tnokliig mull, mil
Jiiat aiiili mi olio a the common clasa
tumid lovo to nhoy ami Instinctively rn
apeel. Heiieo hla aervunta wero fondly
n t tu Ileal to lilm, and III alnvea lured
lie hml nearly gullied the southern
edge of the eoiae, when ho wns startled
from hli reverie by hearing a crsahlng
atiuiid nimiiig the dry atleka near lilm. He
slopped quickly, ami on tho Instant his
pistol wna In hla limid. He had time to
see n dark object glide from the pnlh in
front of him lownrda the rlrer, nnd he
liiiuii'illiitely resolved Hint this was some
thing which wished to eat-apo him. An
other thing, alaii, occurred to Id mind,
mid Hull wna Hint no man rniiltl eacapo
by the way the myallc object had taken;
for mil over l reel fr.ini the path lu
that section wna n deep, wltlu tlltili,
which ho had rniiaed In be dug for tlm
liurpoae of draining a pleco of wet laud
beyond tho hlekury wood.
' Tlie iiuirqilla attipped, and aa ho did ao,
il tall, ponerfiil man alepped back lu Ilio
path. It wna nil Indian, who atnod near
ly n head tsller than Ht. Julian, and
whoso form wns straight ami muscular.
"How?" uttered tho marquis, atepplng
bnck nml lowering the inuislo of hla pla
till; "what tinea the Htiltig Herprnt hero?"
"He la only lu the path whleh hi whlto
brother lin made through tho foreat,"
returned the red man, alcudltig proudly
"Hut wherefore art thou In hla pathl"
"The Htuiig Berpent la on hi way to
111 people.'
"And are there none of thy people with
thenV Hoe the Htung Herpent ho who
aland second among tho Hun of Not
ches wander alone ao far from homej"
"Vua, fr ho I not afraid. He know
the white chief I hi frit nd, and where
fore should hu feurV
"Hut why did you come here?" naked
the marqula, coming more directly to tho
"1 rnmo to guide anmo tradera on their
way to the town of the great white chief,
nn.l my boat la left abovo vthrro the
great river turn toward tho aettlng
ami," miaiveied the Indian.
"Then let my red brulhr rlurn with
me io my home, and thero rut for the
Hut the Indian would not accept the
Imitation. Ho professed to be In baste,
ami In n few moment more, he turned
on hla way, nml wa soon out of alght
Aa tho marqula once more home
ward, he pondered upon this thing. He
knew tho Htung Herpent well. He was
Hie only brother of the tlreat Hun, or
thief, of tho Nntches, and was tho most
noted wnrrlor of tho whole tribe. Thus
far, In all their Intercourse, Ht. Jullen
had found him upright and honorable,
but he well knew how treacherous the
Notches could be. and how the crime of
one white mall agalnat them could be via
ited upon the head of alt with whom
they might come In contact. That Htung
Herprnt ahuuld have come fifty mllea
from hla village to guide a few traders
did not seem probable, snd yet the mar
quis was at a loa for any other causa
of the visit. At all events, he rrsolivd
to Ik) prepared for danger; so when he
reached Ills dwelling, he called bis peo
ple together, mid having Informed them
of what he had seen, he bade them bo on
their guard.
After hating done this, he was about
to turn towards the house, when one of
hla black, a huge tlulneaman of Aabante,
named Tony, camo up to him and spoke.
"Look heah, ma'r, I seed dat ar Injun
when be went down, an' he did hab two
white men with Mm. Hut he's been a
lookln' all 'bout heah ills long while. Die
arternoou I seed hlui on de bill ober heah
by de rattle, an' he was a lookln' sharp
all round. H poao be wants some of your
fnt oxen, cb, tnoa'rl"
"When dl.rhe go down, TonyJ"
"Arly ills morula'."
"Ami when did you see him first on his
return V
"Jus 'bout an hour arttr noon."
"Then see that the doga are confined
among the cattle. The red scamps may
mean mischief."
And with thla, the marqula turned and
went Into the house. He did not wish to
lose nny. of hla cattle, though be would
reinlly hnve given bountifully of them
to those In Hbaolute need,
Ah, Ht. Jullen, watch thy cattle, but
the red man wants them uot. His quest
Is nearer thy heart I
We havo remarked that the Marquis
Rt. Jullen had two children. They were
twins, nnd wero n boy nn.l a girl. Louis
Ht. Jullen had seen, aoventeen yenra of
life, and he hml much of hla futher'a look,
save Hint hla frame never promlsej such
height. Thoao who knew I .mils best,
knew bow noble be nns nt heart, nml
how feurlcta he wns of danger. In the
hour of tho deepest peril, he carried n
steady hum! nnd a cool bend, nnd If he
was more llimi usually moved, It was for
mine loved frit n I who might share Hie
danger with lilm. His linlr, whleh waa
of ii durk golden hue, hung loosely orer
hla shoulders, curling, as did has father's,
nml Ids ejt'S were Inrgo and bright, nnd
of II deep-bluo color.
The slater wna culled tonlse. Not only
wns alio of the aiinic nge, but In every re
spect of fenturu did alio resemble her
brother. Hho m nv hne been n little
smaller, but the difference yn not read
ily noticed. Hho had tho anmo regularity
of feu tore, tho anmo deep golden hnlr,
the enmo brilliant bluo eye, tlio anmo
fnir, open brow, nnd tho anmo nobleneas
nf expression. She was a beautiful girl,
and na sho nml her brother wandered
nbout together, mnuy nnd tunny wero tho
untutored red men who hnd dwelt with a
sort of religious nwo upon Hie fair pic
ture. Wo hnvo also snld that the marqula
hnd n nephew living with him. This wna
Hlmoii I.obols, tho son of Ht. Jullcn's
sister. Ho wns near llve-nnd-thlrty years
of nge, rather below the medium stature
of tnnu, nnd not very perfect In physical
form, Ills shoulders wore heavy, almost
to humplnrss, and his head was thrown
forwnrd Instead of standing erect. His
arms wero very loug, and his legs rather
short mid crooked. Ills hair was black
nnd crisp, aud his eyes also black ami
small; his fnco wn very regular In fca
titro, nnd might hnve been called hand'
aome but for the tendency of tho brow to
promaturo wrinkles, the atranga sharp
noes of tho small black oyes, and tho tin
couth crlsplness of tho hair. lie had
been left an orphan at tho age of twenty,
aud had soon squandered what little pat
rimony was loft him. After this, he had
sought his uncle, who kindly gave him a
homo, Simon was an excellent account
ant, ao when tho marquis resolved to
como to America, he took hla nephew
with him, to help superintend tho busi
ness, nnd also to net aa tutor tor his two
children, for Simon was a good scholar.
It was ou tho second evening after the
marqula had root tho Stung Serpent In
tho wood that the family wore sitting In
ono of the rooms which looked out upon
tho garden. It was towards 8 o'clock,
but thero wcro na lamps lighted, for the
moon wns up, bright and full, In the west,
' nnd her soft beams wero poured Into the
altllng room lu a gentle Hood, which suf
ficed for all purposes of conversation,
Thiia the fnmlly sat, when one of the ser
vants entered and niiiioiineed that a
stranger had arrived and naked for abet
ter and food. Ht. Jullen' answer waa
quickly, (pokem
"(Jim hi ui food, and then conduct lilm
In tlm menntline, lights wero brought,
nnd when the newenmer tillered, tho win
dows hail been closed ami the room was
now brilliantly lighted. He was n tnll,
nobly formed man, not over flve-ond'
twenty, with n profusion of lint-brown
ringlets clustering nbout his high, full
brow, and n sweet smile of gratitude
lighting up his hnndsome fare,
"Hnl n whlto man?" uttered the mar
qula, stnrtlng up. "Welcome, air thrice
welcome! My mind has ao run upon
theao retl dogs, for tho pnat four-and-twelity
hoiira, that I expocted to hao
seen one of them now. And a country
"Ves, sir," apoka the stranger, la a
volco peculiarly nnft nnd pleasant,
"franco la my native land."
"Then welcome agnln," resumed the
boat, shaking the stranger once more by
the hand, ami then conducting lilm to a
Tho conversation turned upon tho nat
ural topics of tho times, but Hlmon Ido!s
did not Join In It. He had made one or
two remarks at tho commencement; but,
suddenly, ho seemed moved by the stran
ger's appearance, and now was engaged
In scanning his countenance. At length,
ho seemed to have arrived at a solution
of the mystery, nnd a dark cloud gathered
orer his feature.
Meanwhile the conversation went on,
and both I,oula and !oulie seemed try
ing to recall soino memory of the past
"How fsr up are you going" asked
the marqula, at length.
"At preaent," returned the etranger, "I
had only thought of aeeklng the dwelling
of the Marquis Hrlon Ht. Jullen."
"A hi" uttered the hoat, elevating his
eyebrows. "Did you ever know me In
Franco J" ,
"Very well."
"Hut-really "
The msrquls wss here Interrupted by
Louis, who at that moment sprang from
his chair.
"Aha!" tho youth cried, "I know yon
"Do you?" said the visitor, arising and
grasping Loul by the hand.
"Ya yea; Ootipart Ht. Dcnlsl"
"Ht. Denis 1" uttered tho old man, atart-
Ing quickly from his chslr and hastening
"Ooupart!" cried Ixmlar, also springing
forward. "Ooupart Ooupart!" she re
peated. "0, It Is-lt Is! Dear, good
Ooupart I"
And as these words fell from her lips,
sho bounded forward and caught the
young man by the hand. Ills eye burned
with a strsnge light as he met her glsd,
Joyous look, and his voice was marked
hy a perceptive tromnlousurss as be saldt
"Yea, Loulae It la your old friend
"Ooupart St. Denial" muttered the
dark-browed nephew, to blmaelf, as he
cast a look of unmistakable hatred to
wards the newcomer.
(To be continued.)
Ticket! Told the Whole Rtorx to Her
In One Qlance.
Tho eharp-nofteil mnn looked dubious
ly nftcr tlio rvtrt-ntlng flguro of tho
stenographer. "I m In- n qunnilnxy
what to d with that girl," bo ald. "I
don't know whether to flro lier or raise
Iht nalary, I tlon't know what to mnko
of her. Sho la the qu.ln.Uwtonco of cither
Innocence or deceit. I can't flguro
which. About two months ago aome
misguided member of n certain bencro
lcnt Hoolety sent tiro two tickets for a
charity ball to l given nt a well-known
hnll In Harlem. I wan suri'rtot'i! to get
tliese tickets, for I anpiiosvd that ev
erybody who knew ino knew my senti
ments In rcgunl to charity.
"I tlon't uvllevo In It. I don't believe
In giving thlnga away. I have to work
for every cent I hnve, ami I expect
other people to do the nanio thing. To
my tiilntl, tliese folks tlmt dance for
charity anil nine for charity and cut nil
sorts of tlldoes for lienevolcut puriioitcH
are only degrading tho tnnsses they are
supposed to U'tieflt. I had expressed
this opinion ho often Hint I wns ammed
tlmt nnyliotly should nsk mo to coun
tenance a lxMievolent scheme by buying
a ticket for n ball. Nnturnlly, I put
them Itvto an envelope, ami handed
Oietn to the stenographer.
"Here, Miss Drew,' I raid. 'You
know whnt to do with these.'
"Yes, air," nhe mild. Thank ou.'
"It struck mo then tlmt there was no
oitiirIoii for her to thnnk me for re
questing her to perform he u. i. i
routine of duller, but I didn't k- i. -he I
mutter n second thought unt.i tin.',
weeks later when n represent.! ' !
tl iKMievolent society called to ' '
$10 for the ball tickets.
" 'Hut I didn't use tho tickets,' I i.Uti.
'I don't liellero In charity.'
" Turdon ''.' he mild, 'they wcro
unil. Here ntv tho numbers sent you
nml here nro tho tickets bearing tho
Kiune number which were taken In at
tlm door. If you didn't want tliem, you
ought to hnvo returned tliem to us nt
once, ns requested In our coinmunlca
Hon to you.'
" 'Hut I did return tliem,' I argued.
Then I culled In Ilio atetvogrnWicr. 'Miss
Drew,' I said, Mliln't I gtfo you two
bnll tickets pomo time ago to bo re
turned to the benevolent society?'
" 'Why, no,' sho said. 'You gave mo
the tickets, but you didn't say anything
nbout returning them. You said I know
what to tlo wlUi them.'
" 'And what did you do?' I asked.
'"I went to tho ball,' said sho. 'I
thought Hint wns what you mount.'
"I was furious, but I saw tlio benevo
lent society hod tlio drop on me, nnd I
paid thorn the $10. Tho worst of It Is
tho girl scorned so sweet and Innocent
nnd sorry that I lmvou't luid tho cour
ago cither to dluchargo her or deduct
tho money from her salary. I con't
mnko up my mind to this day whether
tilio really thought I meant to tnako her
a present, or whether sho notified tho
society to send mo tlio tickets' nnd then
deliberately worked mo for a loug-tlmo.
Hut, whatever her motlvo, there Is ono
charltsblo organization Is town tlmt U
now growing fnt off $10 of my hard
earned money." Now York Herald.
Told or Mis WHUril.
Frances Wlllard once, wrote to hor
friend Mrs. llnln, of Kentucky, who
hnd Just lost a daughter: "Dearest
Bister Anna, how much richer are you
than II Hero I sit nlouo without a
child to die, whtlo you nro mother to an
Candor looks with equal fairness at
both sides of a subject. Noah Wobster,
Its 111 il Cotton llrcsat works on n Pint
Cnr, He on I n ConipiinliMi IfrM ut
liny il.OOU Hoililllraiis und Killed
lilulileeii of Tliem.
Tho young inmi, William A. I'ltz
gernlil, who wns recently shot In
(liiuteniiii.'i City by W. (Jixtfrt-y Hun
ter, Jr., son of tho
I'tilti'd Htntcs min
ister, was n dare
devil whoso career
was as pli'ttircsqtio
ns It wns brief. He
wns a soldier of
fortune whom Du
inns could Ii a v o
lllllile tliu hero of
n fiisclmitliig ro
mance. Hit feet
wu. urztiiciiAi.t). inn, ,nrk and
handsome, tho young innii from Mich
igan wns n iiutk-i-nbl.) llguro In any
company. Ills recklessness t-nilenred
h I in to tlio strong men with whom ho
t-niuo In contact In tho Central Ameri
can countries venturesome fellows
who, from tliu during In them, ndmlred
nnd respected the superlative daring In
lilm. One of Ills exploits Is thus de
scribed by a geutleiiinn who know hlm
In Ceiitrnl America:
"In a country where revolutions nro
periodical events, Fitzgerald was not
long lu finding an opiiortutilty of slak
ing his life on a possibility of famo
and fortune. Thu resiles (ien. Vas
qucz wns utnbllluus of deposing Ocu.
Itt-galndo, the President of Honduras,
ami of seating hlinaelf In tho Presi
dential cluilr In Ills stend. He enlist
ed tlio services of Fitzgerald, who wns
then but 21, nnd of n number of mora
or less well-known adventurers, among
them Jeffries, thu now admiral of tbo
Colombian licet; CoL I'etinjpackcr,
now general superintendent of the
Central Itnllroad of Oautctnala; Col.
J. Hnscom Jones, now major general
of artillery In the Onutemalan army,
and Col. Hlchards, recently banished
from Onutcuinla for excessive revo
lutionary propensities. Fitzgerald,
anxious to distinguish himself, and
yielding to his darc-tlevll and Impul
sive Instinct, decided to open hostili
ties Independently of the rest.
"On the 7th of October. 1S0T. with
n company of 13 Americans, Fitzgerald
paddled across the lagoon separating
Puerto Cortex from the mainland, and
nt dead of night entered tbo town. A
rush on tho cuartol, where a garrison
of 300 men was stationed, resulted In
a complete victory for the attacking
party. The 14 Americans bad captured
the town. As the nature of the Central
Americans Is one of general Indiffer
ence and of quick changes In the mat
ter of political convictions, Puerto Cor
tex from a faithful Hcgalada port, be
came In the short space of an hour a
warm Vasquex town. The conquerors
wcro hailed as 'llberjadorcs' and toast
ed In 'aguardiente' and rum. It was
n night of grcnt revelry and of many
'vivas' for Vasquex. In the morning
12 of tho H Americans were so in
toxicated as to bo unable to tell their
own names. It was at this Juncture
Hint word was brought to Fitzgerald,
who had taken up his headquarters In
the ulcade's bouse, that 8,000 men were
on the way to recapture Puerto Cor
tez. Elthor because he himself was
not entirely sober, or else because he
knew the Ilonduran populace to bo
partisans of the upper dog, Fitzgerald
decided to keep to himself the knowl
edge of the Impending attack upon
tbo town. He tried to enlist his 13
men In tho ilefenRO of the place, but
found them all, with one exception,
stupefied with liquor and unnblo to
stand. The exception was Ix-o Christ
mas, n locomotive engineer, now the
chief of police of Tegucigalpa, tho
capital of Honduras. Christmas and
Fitzgerald rode to tho 'freight yards
of tho railroad and thero comman
deered a locomotive and a flat car.
"Puerto Cortex, It must be explained,
Is on a peninsula. Fitzgerald and
Chrlstmns ran the !n-' r.otlv. nnd flat
car up the l.i- l" w 'n-re the strip o;
laud eoiinc'.'ti:,? 'he peuliimila iln
lealijiniitt Is UKti-owcst untl Ihore .iwnlt-
0 tilt srrlvr.1 i t the gtvrntiieiil
trix... Ou ti. - fiat car brvastw"rks
nf u.cir iast- ' i ' er built, within
the lrHiir' uiudo of theso bags
Fltsgtraul took up his position with
four Winchesters and several hun
dred rounds of ammunition. At dawn
the 3,000 men nppearetl, marching In
close formation on the railroad track,
thero being no other trail. Tho tiro
thnt greeted them from the fiat car
cleared tho track lu Dvo seconds, ev
ery mnn taking to cover In the Jun
gle. Until 8 o'clock nt night Fitz
gerald alone held the flower of the
Honduras army nt liny, 'Christmas
loading tho rltlea for him; then, fear
ing an attack en masse under cover
of darkness, tho order to retreat was
given, nnd the locomotive aud flat car
steamed back Into Porto Cortex. Thnt
same night Fitzgerald and Christmas
left In a canoe nnd Puerto Cortex was
retaken. Oen. Drummund, who had
been the nominal head of tho expedi
tion ngalUBt the town, wns captured
nud tnken to San Pedro, but escaped
two weeks later.
"Fitzgerald, knowing how much his
head was worth, walked 120 miles Into
Onutcmala. In his tight on tho rail
road track he had killed 13 of tho en
emy and wounded half a hundred.
Improved on Nature.
A year or two after William McKln
loy had begun the practice of the law at
Canton, Ohio, ho distinguished himself
In a humorous fashion In one of bis
first successful cases. As often happens
In court, tho humor was not merely for
the sako of the Joke, but for serious
purpose Edward T. Koe, in "Tho Llfe
Work of William McKlnlcy," tolls the
Tho case was a suit against a sur
geon, whom tho plaintiff charged with
having set his leg so badly that It wns
bowed. McKlnlcy defended tho sur
geon, and found himself pitted against
John McSwcenoy, one of tho most brill
innt lawyers of the Ohio bar.
McSwoeney brought his client Into
court, and had hlm expose tho Injured
limit to the Jury. It was very crooked,
and the enso looked bad for the sur
geon. Hut McKlnlcy had both his eyes
open, ns usual, and fixed tliem keenly
oh the tnnn's other leg.
As soon ns the plaintiff wns turned
over to lilm, he nsketl tint the other leg
should also be linred. Tho plaintiff and
MeHweeney objected rigorously, but
the Judgo ordered It done. Then It ap
peared that his second leg wns still
more crooked Ihnn Hint which the sur
geons hnd set.
"My client seems to hnve done better
by this man thnn nature Itself did,"
said McKlnlcy, "and I move Hint the
suit be dismissed, with a recommenda
tion to the plaintiff Hint he have tho
other leg broken, ami then set by the
surgeon who set Hie first one."
Chastisement by Oramlfnther Merely
Called Forth n "Tlmilk You."
People may ndinlre tlio stolid lifdlf
foreuco and thu unflinching trnlts of
tho American aliorlglnc, tho bulldog
tounclty of tho llrltlsh Hon, or tho res
oluteness of tho piny of endurance by
tho howling dervishes, but nil these,
pnlo Into Insignificance It-sldo the exhi
bition of spunk nud defiance made by
a 4-yenr-old youngster In this city thu
other day. Tho ly Is barely past tho
period of transition from the kilts to
knickerbockers, but he Is wise nnd seri
ous beyond his years. His father Is
ono of the best-known nnd ablest news
paper men In the United States, and
his grandfather Is recognized every
where as one of the most Influential
newspaper managers In the country.
Tho boy's grandmother liad Just re
turned from an out-of-town trip, nnd
tho boy. who has had things almost bis
own way whllo she wns absent, ob
jected to having bis fun Interfered
with by anything so Incidental as her
return. Ho became so fractious, In
fact, that the grandfather, who wor
ships nt the shrine of the youngster
with an Intensity almost as strong as
thu devotion of the theologian to his
Oxford In his college days, found It
necessary to administer a chastise
ment. With his teeth gripped hard nnd fast,
an expression serious enough to appal
any venturesome candidate for In
crease of salary In his olllcc, or to send
chills down the spine of anyone "wnlk
Ing the carpet." the grandfather seized
the boy and began giving hlm some
wholesome corporeal training. Hold
ing the boy's hand he proceeded to tin
work In hand. Five large and resound
ing whacks he delivered to the out
stretched hand with a forco and a
sting calculated to make most Infants
wince. Not so with Henry, however.
Finally, the grandfather himself got
out of breath, and he was certain that
tho youthful victim of the whipping
post plan of inculcating principles was
duly repentant nnd sorrowful.
"Havo you anything to say now,
Henry 7" ho asked.
"Yes. sir," nnswerod the boy meekly.
"What Is It?" asked grandpa, expect
antly. "Thank you, grandpa."
And the diminutive Insurgent chuck
ed his little bands in his pocket, gave
a contemptuous look about him, and
strode away with the air of a general
who has won tho first fight of bis com
palgn, while bis grandfather leaned
bnck against the wall aghast, and con
ceded that 'he didn't need n guidon to
mark where his colors were trailed In
defeat. Washington Post.
Public Speakers Dread the Una Who
Aaka Foot Questtona.
One of tho most effective public
speakers In New York State was tell
ing some of his experiences a few
nights ago.
"I got over stager fright a long tlmo
ago." he said, "but there Is one thing
that nearly always breaks me up, and
that Is tbo fellow who asks a question
nbout something foreign to the line of
argument I am making.
"If a question Is asked on the same
subject It docs not break the thread
of tho discourse. But for a chap to
yell out an Inquiry merely to attract
attention to himself and distract tbo
attention of the audlonco from the
speaker Is a thing I have never been
ablo to meet successfully.
"It Is a hackneyed saying thnt any
fool can ask a question. There Is near
ly always ono fool at a public meeting,
and the bigger the fool be Is the more
consternation he can create.
"I am credited with being quick nt
repartee, and a public speaker must
school himself to that, but tho fool
question usually floors tho best of us
before we can tire back. The best pub
lic speakers usually digest their
thoughts before uttering them, or nt
least stick up a few mental sign
boards except on Impromptu occa
sions, which are rare, between our
selves. "When a speaker has put up his sign
boards and Is making his Jumps from
oue to another, and a fool crosses bis
path It Is disturbing to tho best of us.
The speaker who has his audience with
him can generally rely upon tho audl
onco to squelch the fool, but thnt does
uot prevent tho speaker from becom
ing deflected. Tho fool has one thought
nnd springs It. Tho speaker has a lot
of thoughts to keep track of.
"I have uover stepped before an nudl
enco In my public career that I did not
woudor right at tho start where tho
fool was. He has not always appeared
to tho audience, but bo Is always pres
ent In mind. I have spoken to other
public speakers on this subject nnd
they all admit tho samo thing." New
York Sun.
Concerning Finger Uowls.
One of tho penalties people havo to
pay for the privilege of meeting English
roynlty Is to be denied tho use of a
finger bowl. It Is a piece of antiquarian
lore and dates bnck to tho time of the
pretender. Then the Jacobites used to
raise their glasses over tho finger bowl
In order to drink to tho king. Tho refer
ence wns obvious, for they meant to
"the king over the wnter," although
they did uot dare say so.
Ilia Ilustuess,
Vji Xfontt "When vou called that
man 'Hubbers' ho didn't seem to ob
ject." Ln Moyno "Of courso not. Ho works
In a Turkish bath." , I
Old Chief Insisted Hint It Was Mlulity
Power Hint Hoisted lilm.
"I wns n clerk In the trader's storo
nt the Pawnee agency for three or
four years," Mild a Detroit grocer tho
other day, "and, of course, I had n
good chance lo study the Indian.
Thero was n chief named Leaning
Tree who never smiled or laughed,
Ho had no curiosity. Ho hntl no In
terest In anything belonging to tho
white man not even whisky. Ho wns
the nearest thing to n stone mnn you
could find, and his Imperturbability
vexed mo. I Hindu up my mind ono
day to arouse Jilm or perish.
"The chief used to come down to
the store every morning nnd sit on nn
empty barrel on tho porch. I put half
apouivlof iiowder under thnt bnrreland
ono summer's morning Leaning Tree
took up his usual roost. I wnltetl
about fifteen minutes nnd then fired
the fuse. Ten minutes later thero
wns nn explosion thnt sent the chief i
twenty feet high and ten roils nwny,
and of course, there wns a rush from
every side to lenrn what had hap
pened. '
"The old chap must have felt his
hnlr curl and lieen greatly mystified,
but he got up without the slightest loss
of dignity nnd when risked to explain
he struck his breast and replied:
" 'Heap lightning heap strike heap
go up, but no heap hurt me! Let mpro
thunder come..
"Ills dignity was a good thing for
me," said the ex-trader, according to
tho Detroit Free Press. "There was
an Investigation, and they would have
made It hot for me, but when tho of
ficers questioned Leaning Tree ho
proudly answered:
" 'No powder no blow up. Light
ning thunder-earthquake big wind.
Hut was I a child to be nfrnld? liar
rcl humph! Powder humph!' "
The automobile has been applied to a
wide variety of uses since It became
popular lu America, but It Is believed
that the city of Cleveland has the only
one which Is used as an animal ambu
lance. Dr. W. II. Htnnlforth, of that
city, has an Infirmary for dogs nnd
cats and makes a specialty of their
treatment. For some time past be has
used an nuto especially designed for
taking patients to nnd from his hospl-
tal Thn rnnr tint-ttnit la fllmllnr In fjf.
.. . . . t. .. 1 ..... .. Mlnnl.,... 1..., I. I
front portion has been enlarged to sus
tain a platform containing a wooden
case, which Is divided Into upper and
lower sections, the upper portion being
used for cats and the lower portion for
dogs. The sides of the case havo silts
protected by wire to admit the air,
while each contains a dish of water.
The portion for the dogs Is divided nlso
Into two sections, so that three or four
canine patients can be taken nt n time.
The accompanying Illustration shows
the doctor making bis rounds In the au
tomobile, with his two pet bulldogs,
who usually accompany him.
Ilctrajred a Woeful Ignorance aa a
Social Uueu.
She looked like "the real thing."
Tho women lu the corridor, who wero
also becomingly groomed, looked after
her enviously as she swished rhythmic
ally past them Into the reception room
at the end of the hall and the men
supplemented this attention with ad
miring nods and sottly modulated
Tho dozen people already gathered
ln tbo reception room reading and
talking were likewise visibly Impress
ed with the general excellence of her
manner and appearance nnd every ono
of them would have been willing to
take oath that there wasn't a kink
In up-to-date life that sho was not
familiar with.
Uy and by the charming creature
began to give evidence of nn uneasi
ness that went n little ways toward
dispelling tho illusion. She looked
doubtfully nbout as It seeking some
thing she wanted badly, but didn't
know how to get. Presently she spied
a little black knob far up on the wall
near tho door and sho stood up on
her tiptoes nnd turned It gingerly. In
an Instnut darkness had settled upon
the face of the reception room and all
who sat therein.
"0-o-oht" squealed the women and
"Thieves!" ejaculated the men. Tho
npothesis of grace nud culture walled
loudest of all.
"What has happened?" sho cried.
"You've turned off tho electric
lights," said a porter who had rushed
In to prevent a possible crime. "What
did you want?"
"I wanted to call a bell boy," sobbed
tho apotheosis, according to tho New
York Times. "I thought thnt was tho
A Dank Officer.
'Thwnt's Michael dola' now, Sirs.
"He's assistant teller In tho bank."
"An' phwnt'a nn assistant teller?"
"Well, the teller tells hlm tho stovo
needs coal, nn' lie assists It In."
Rrooklyn Eagle.
Pa "I've noticed most children pre
fer chocolatu candy to any othor kind.
I wonder why that Is?"
Ma "Doubtless because it makes
their hands nnd faces dirtier than nuy
other klud." Philadelphia Press.
If you argue wlfti a fool, ho will get
tho best of you. Theories lu the hands
of a fool are always Btrongcr thnn
facts In the hnnds of a man of sense.
It Is easier to brug of one's future
thau It Is to boast of one's past.
Christmas Christmas Is a question
of tho birth of Christ. Iter. V. W. Mn
son, Independent, Hrooklyn, N. Y.
The True Light The Into light Is
received directly from Christ. llev.
Itcv. Dr. Hollzclaw, Hsptlst, Atlnntn,
Crucifying Christ Anew. There are
many men to-dny who nro crucifying
Christ anew. J. D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
New York.
Love of Ood Tho law of the life of
Jesus Christ wns the lovo of God.
Itcv. W. 0. Itlchnrdson, Ilptseopal,
Law of Service When Christ pro
claimed tho law of service ho wns deal
ing directly with all our Interests.
Itev. Dr. Itnymond, Schenectady, N. Y,
No Arbitrary Limit. We can nil sou
that no arbitrary limit should be set
to tho number of times an offender
should be forgiven. Itev. D, Utter,
Unitarian, Denver, Colo.
The Loftiest Jesus Christ wns tho
loftiest man of the first century, who
urged all men to help one another to
stand up In the kingdom. Itev. F. A.
Gray, Universalis!, Nashua, N. II.
Distinctive Character In religion
the Jew Is to maintain his dlstlnctlvo
character. He must forever retain his
Jewish religious beliefs and practices.
Itcv. Dr. Silverman, Hebrew, New
Personal EITort. The Hlble Is bustd
on the Idea tlmt what Is good emi bo
attained only through personal effort
and can be maintained only by contin
ued effort. Itev. Dr. Mackeuilw, Pres
byterian, New York.
Parity One can not live for char
acter and fall. Purity to the safest
thing In the world. As we keep our
faces toward the Ideals of life that wo
Hnd lu Jesus Christ we shall have vic
tory over ourselves. Itev. Dr. Swift,
Methodist, Chicago, 111.
Our Lord's Advent Mnn wandered
from the house of his Father, God, and
not only deprived himself of spiritual
comforts, but he lost entirely the Im
age of God. Our Lord's advent lmplle.i
the possible restoration of all these.
Itev. George Adams, Methodist, Hrook
lyn, N. Y.
Present Trials Present trials may
be severe and unpleasant, but there Is
an afterward there Is a blessed and
glorious afterward In all of God's,dtal
lngs with his children. Afterward
they will yield the peaceable fruits of
righteousness. Itev. A. II. Coats, Uap
tlst, Akron, Ohio.
The Decalogue The decalogue Is a
revelation of God's will. It Is only
a partial revelation. It does uot set
forth the whole of human duty. It
must be filled up and enlarged by later
Scripture nud the teaching of Jesus.
Itev. Ilobcrt Hnddow, Presbyterian,
Toronto, Canada.
Influence of Hooks The Influence of
books can only bo transitory and not
permanent, because books are Ideas,
and Ideas change. The lutluence of a
life Is permanent, because it is prac
tical and can be applied. You are con
vinced as to Its spiritual power. Iter.
Dr. Itondthalcr, Presbyterian, Indian
npolls, Iud.
At Christmas Time When at Christ
mas time the Christmas gifts and good
will and all the beautiful group of thu
sons of God come to rejoice together
orer the birth of Jesus, and congratu
late one another on the growth of civi
lization, Satan comes nlso In the shape
of a Christmas punch bowl. Iter. Dr.
Hanks, Methodist, New York.
Type of Our Age Tho conspicuous
type of our ago Is the man of millions
who, beginning life In poverty and
privation, has conquered grim fate and
learned to laugh at Impossibilities.
The modern millionaires are the fore
runners of the scientific humanitarian
saviors of tho future. Itev. Henry
Frank, Independent, New York.
The Laws of God Tbe laws of God
are constant aud unchangeable, and
each and every one of us knows what
these laws are. Tbo man who llvi
a life In accordance with them Is II -Ing
n godly life and one free from slf
and tbe man who lives a life such si
this Is the man who Is going to be sav
ed. Kev. II. L. CanUeld, Unlversullst,
Norwalk, Ohio.
A Uroader llusla In dealing with tho
drink problem we must have n broader
basis of charity. We must take n po
sition where moderate drinkers will
stand nud work with us. We must
recognize the truth that the saloon has
a social side which can uot be abol
ished. It Is the only place of recrea
tion that many men have. Itev. J. W.
Lyell, Baptist, Philadelphia, Pa.
Itevcnllng the Father Tho blessed
Savior has como to tbe enrth for tho
express purpose of revealing the Fath
er aud making known thnt side of the
divine which It had otherwise been
Impossible for us to know. Nature,
with her great pauornmu nud resources
of mighty power, bus noiio of these
things that we cry out for. Itev. A. 0.
Gnrrett, bishop of Dallas, Texas.
A More Positive Itellglon I plead
with you for n more positive religion,
for that which was from tho boglu
nlng, which we havo heard, which our
eyes hnve seen, which we have looked
upon and our hands have bandied of
tho Word of Life. Whcro all Is man
ifestation, how can tho manifesting
God bo the unknowable? Itev, Dr.
Chadwlck, Unitarian, Hrooklyn, N. Y.
Plague In India.
Since tbe autumn of 1800 the plague
has been epidemic In India. Olllclnl re-'
ports full far Bhort of tho actunl mor
tality, but It Is known that during tlm
period from Septumbor, ISOtl. to the
end of June, 1001, thero wcro 0,8tM
attacks and 1323,-101 deaths In the popu
lation, which lu 1801 was 287,3I8,0IH,
Cholera Is regarded with fur less fear
than plague, though Hie ravages of the
former disease far oxcei d thono of the
latter. The total deatlm ret- riled from
cholera for the years lsoo. 1M)7, imh,
1800 nnd 1000 were 2.1IMI", v,hi
tuoso from plague wero -lOS.tiiX.