Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 30, 1903, Image 3

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    Hum ,ti. ii.
TIiIh fir tlun IiiimJiimI t'Xieilclii'i'd il
Hll'UU tlf lllgll Wlltl'l', IIOL NIII'IIIIHNI'll
mIuco llio curly iiIiii'IIcm. Itmv liver
WIIH IMullIK, lll(eWll' tlltll.'llllHl Kuril.
Considerable illinium' wim dune In
IhoHoiilhein I'liclllc linn iii'iir NiikI
liuw, iih well iin other imiIiiIm ulmig
lint line liel ween lielenilil I'nrlliiinl.
The ). V. H. H. ( o'h roadbed Im'Ihitii
lie ro mill Bohemia wim uIhii inn
rildtirnhly ititinuKfil mill Huperln
tclidcnt Murphy states dial IL will Ixj
Homo llltlii tlmu Imloru trnlllc can hit
I'mIiiIiIImIiuiI again, although h crow
ut iiioii Ih nlrriuly nt work. 'I'lio How
river bridge, on this llnu wiih iiIho
ihinuwil, lint not Hiirlouidy. The
Cnltugu drove Lumber L'o'h ilitiu on
Mushy crook wiih materially weak
ened, mill u delay In oiwrulloiiH of
(Iin mill will occur. Tim raclfle
U'liulKtr Co. ol tliU plueo Miiffcroil
MIIIIIU lOHH III piling timbers Oil ItOW
river mill Count l'ork, unil whllo
they will I hi Hovural dollars out ol
pocket mill considerable time lout
thoy will Ut able to pick tlio iiiohI ol
tliu timbers up iH'tweon this point
ami Wnlker, unil In view ol tlio fact
tliut tliey liiiil mi liniiiuimo run ol
log boomed above Latham, which
wiin itxpcctMl to go out nlmoHt nny
inoinent, tint company ffols well
pleuwtl In getting out iih well iih It
Has Tiik Aok.m'v.
tlco. W. Harney ol this city, Iiuh
nccitrod tint agency lor tint MurHlmll
Chemical Co's household goods. The
joiiipany makes n specialty of groc
eries unil Mr. Ilnriiey In how pre
pared to hIxiw NiinipleM ot IiIn goods
III lots of from $1 up, t lint have llie
merit of ipmllly, iptiuillty anil price,
lie will canvitH the town anil then
will appoint a local nuenl. No money
will Ihi received by Mr. Harney until
lie Iiiih taken your onler, lllleil II ami
mailo tlm ilellvery at younloor. The
tens, entices, spices anil extracts are
mild to Ihi the Ih'hI on the market.
I'aii.kii To Out llniti:.
Thf .lesslc Shirley I'ompany booked
to iip(Hiir here lanl Monila.v iiUthl
w cru delayed on aeroiitii ot the high
water mul MmuiKer Hohh Muueae
declared the play otfnl the lni iu
tneilt returning the renem-il sent
wiles, The ailvance sale wan one ol
the Iswl lu tliu htHtory ol thelnmlne-H
III (IiIn town, showing that the
Hoplc hen appreciate tint booking
ol a kooiI company, mul inncli ills
appointment wiih occiimIoiiciI, which
Chii only Ih Htibitueil by .Munugcr
IIiinh assigning mi early ilate tor the
Wim. LK-rritK To Mi:n Only.
Itev. (leo. II. l'oese, ot the Metho
dist lipiHcopiil church of thin clt.
will deliver a lecture next SiiihIi
afternoon at the church to men only.
Ilev, I-Ym Iiiih ilellven'il the lecture
to law mul cutl'tiHlaHtlc mulleiicen
lit Tacouia, Wash., Untie. Mont., Al
bany, tliv., an well an at other liu
portmit polntN throughout the
country, rilid ban many fa
voruble crltlclHiiiH, mul he will no
ilotlbl In' listened to Sunday after
noon by it large audience.
Wiionii Nahii.
LumI week tlm "mako-tip" man on
the Nugget forms lu replacing Home
"pulled" Kit turn Irom the Wynne
Hardware t'o's inl, Inadvertantly
replaced the letter to reail Vtatcli
Hard ware l'o. The. ad lain a con
spicuous place anil no iloiilit whs
noticed not only by Mr. Wynne, the
jiinnugfi'. bill by othurM, hence
thin correction. The ad on the local
pugo reads correctly, this week. II
vou don't iH'lleve It JtiNt glance at It.
Do yon like miiow In Oregon?
Ant yon nlckV Benson Drug Co,
will lllf .your prcHcrlptlim,
l)r Macey In home again and ready
lot IhihIiichn,
H. .1. MclA'litieu Iiiih koiii' In the
t'limiiplou mine to work.
Ili'iiriou llruu ( o,, the popular pie
MTlpllou drug Hlore,
Try the llorw'Mlioe restaurant for
lli'Ht-cliiHH well baked bread. 2 t 2
(Jco. O. Walker, of Walker Mtatlon
wan In Cottage Urovo TttcHday.
Owing to tho Illicit wntsr tliu city
wan without electric lights hiHt
Hattirday nlKht,
II. I'. Joiich Iiiih accented iiuohHIoii
with I.oiik It HIiiKlmm lu their olllce
in iiiih city.
You have a coiikL? IIciimoii Drill;
Co. lIciiHoa DrtiK Co. Iiiih ti eolith
remedy that will curult.
Ilerltcrt llutton. thu notiular In-
Hiirance man, wiih iIoIiik IiumIiichu In
iiiih city Matuniay.
There wiih h chmico for anyone to
uul too much water lu their whlxkey
Tlio Telcurmn HtuU'H that the river
at Portland hcwui to fall at noon
It Ih announced thatCluiH. I'nlton
Iiiih ualncd one vote Irom (leer In thu
race lor U. H. Mcnator.
Tom Wheeler laUdy of Hnitlnaw
Iiiih moved to town mid Ih Iioiiho-
kivplnit on Himtli Unil Htrect.
J. H. MathewH. Hon ot Hunt. 0.
MathewH of iheOreKouSt-ciirltleHt'o., i
went to the iiilneH Maturiluy.
r ttsts mnr trmnmir ut rmnr a vr)
Wt wftiit Jill the
IvtfH, Uirttcr iittl
1'anii I'roilticlH wc
cm Kl't
I'aid for all pro
duce. We also have
the cheapest line of
iresh goods in the
city. Get)our prices
e Skillmaii & Benson.
Caiuuuuj..p.8.b. ftJUUUUULU
I)r. I.owo octilo-oiitlclan KtiKvno.
Attorney J. t .IoIiiihoii wiwn vlnl
tor to UtiKcno Innt Wednesday.
Krenh bread mcclved at the Home
HIkh) rcHtauratit every day. 2 t2
llirrv Kuowlton wiih on tlio Hick
lint Hfvernt tlnyn thin week.
Uvery lady Ih partial to delicate
ticrlumu mm nanny uniet uruciea.
The bent place lu the city to KCt tliu
Ix'Ht Ih Hciihoii DrUK Co.
Hni until v wim il red letter day
I anions the inerchmitH ot thin cltv for
, . ,, . a. . a , I IIIUHIt e OiniOOer llllllin. .umij inmn
Joe l.a.Mol. an old time miner o" i. -n. mi,.l
.ii.. -i.., ,.. .. i - i... .,,."---
IIIIH ilinil lei in III IH' Bn II IIIIIIIUK Illl'l , it
many vUliorH lii our city. i Jack KloplciiHteln and Henry
' f..tif-i.,l in ttu Ii.IIh HiIm
HerlHTl I-IkIi an iiHMajer mid ! w ,. l(,r a h,w WM-kM vIMt hen-ami
inelaliirKlHl of IIiiKrne, cune up to ... ,.. .. ti. vallev.
(leo. II. Ilrown. brother olMrH. bv
W. Henry, vlnlteil here thin week, re
tiirnlmc the latter part of the wi-ek
The following tCMtlinonlol Ih ii re
Hill t of ii trial ot the MurHhull Chemi
cal Coinpany'H coffee, for which Oeo.
W. Harney, of thin city, Ih anetil:
.Marnliall Cliemlral Co.
Dear KIih: I have uned Home o
your urocerleH mid found everythln
HatiHfactory. Vour "(.'ream Coffee"
I can Illicitly recomuieiiil an beliiL;
HrHt-cliiHH In every rcHpect. It kIvch
the bent ruHUltM mid pleaxeH all.
Youth ltcxHi;tfully,
Ciiah. O. Moniiok,
I'rop. liotiemln HvHtauratit, Cot
tngo Orove, Ore.
J,. I.. D.
Vvery. Texm write, "01 a morn-
but, when tint rlainit. 1 often find
lrn..1.lU..nlBMnllUi.ll,.n ,.f ..I.I I.1..I.
producea n cough, mid i very liaril to
cimioogo ; out innii iuanmyot Hal
lard'n lloreliMiind Byrup will ut once
ilinlcxJce It. mid the trouble In over. 1
know of no medicine lint la canal to it,
and It Ii no plcmant to take. I can moat
cordially recommend it to all peraona,
needing a medicine for throat or lung
trouhlca. I'rlce 28c, Mc, $1.00 bottlea
at Mew bra Drug nlorn.
the Drove tlielatter part of the week
(.'iH'hran It I .under. iiudertakerH
and funeral dlrec torn. Kully eiiilpH-d
to do all kliiiln of mule rlnkhiLr work.
An advance in the price of IiiiiiImt
to f I'J per HXKI feet Ih announced liv
the t'lly Hetall l.innlicr Co. of I'ort
laud. ( laude Clemeiil wiih here HiIh week
attendliiit the mivtlm; ol the Hliare
hiilderH of the .IiiiIhoii HocU MIiiIiikt
I'iiiv driiitH pn-HCrlptloiiH tilled to
the letter alMiilulely pmv ilruuH In
fact th Ih'hI of cwr.vthhik'. HeiiHiui
California Ih now beln bU'HHed
with ii heavy rain, which Ih hailed
with ilcllicht by the uralu KrowerH ot
the Kohleii Htate.
Tlio celebrated l-.tiKcno orvliiHttrn
wiih n Hpleiidld feature of tliu ucKro
tuliiHtrelH kIvom hint Trldry evening
by home talent
AUv. .1. i:. Youuk, V. II. IMillllpH
anil I'. D. Wheeler mk-iiI .Saturday In
KiiKeno on liiiHtneHH counectiil with
their IIiiiIht deal.
We have just received part ol
to bin home at Hlierldan. .vouiiiiic
l.MliicrcH tillable laud, tWI Impnived.
liacreH com land. hon-M'. new barn,
milk hoiiHe, orchard 2 neien. i iiiIIcm
north of Cottiiitf drove, fl'tou.
ciihIi. (live poHHCHHlou May 1. I .
On the nlKhtot January 27 a rear
cud coIHhIoii on the .lemey Central
Itallroad, at (Iracelmid. X. .1., n
Hiilted lu the Iohh ot tweuty-thnr
We sell a nice cm ol Salmon for
loc, n can of Oysters for ioc. a tint
of Sardines for 5c ci
Oeo. Cox, one of the well known
mlnerH ol Hohemln, lu the employ ot
thodrlttly Mountain Mlnlnxriiiul Ite
diictlon Co., arrival InCottatte (lroe
Monday and reportH thcHtorui In thu
IiIHh terrllic.
ServlceH Sunday mornlni; beulnlnt;
til o'clock at the .Memo-
rit-fittmtH jit
illMt ehiireh. Hllbleet 'HIhIiiu: With
,1 . - . r , . ...... rr JCHIIH . l-.veuillir I 111- .1 uiljiimin .
aocxjiuMiipmciH ui luuicui t-uoci.-, Tl0 lmHtr will t,'lve mi addreHH .S1111-
whicll we nb.solutely guarantee. ,j. altcnmon at :i:!10 tu men only on
All we tihk is to uive it a fair trinl. "Koclal ltet;eneratlon. Hoyn u ider
Skillman & Hem.011. fo.iruvn yearn ol aW-will lH-excJiided.
1. ,1. ..'
Have 11 llrHt-chiHH llnoof hlch KrndettoodH lu Tltiwnre.
Cutlery, Shelf mul Heavy Hardware, wiiboiih, Charter
Oak Mtoven mm umiKVH,
I'lumblng and Shop Work a Specialty.
.--rr .T.-jc-.T.-Trr7rr ST-""T. -rfrf -.-T-sfrr- T- t- -T" -T- T--T' "T"-.
XKW I'llVHirlAN.
Dr. J. K. lloHiiicr, formerly of I'ark
City, Utah, arrived In thin city late
hint week, and belm? Htrtick with the
apiH'aranco of thu town, decided to
locale, lie ban oiicucd olllco lu the
AIIUoii-MadHen building, mid Ih now
ready to receive pntleiitH, Tlio doc
tor ban for yearn made tlio eye and
throat 11 HHvlalty, mid iihIiIo from
IiIh reRtilar practice, will nlvo direct
attention to bin hhx'IuHIch here.
The NitKirct would like to necum a
live eorrenpondetit from every nect Ion
of No'rtli l.ime county. It will be
only too Kind to ijlvo to each nclKh-
borhood all thu npneo neccHHary to
chronicle the iicwh from each ncctlnn
mid cordially luvlten Hiohu who have
time and a denlro to have their vl
clnlty repreHcnted lu the Nutttrot, to
liuikit It their weekly liiiHlneHH to con.
tribute Ileum of newn.
The NllKKtit Job olllco Iiiih Jttnt coin
pleted an llbiHtrated proHpectim for
thodrlttly Mountain Mlnluirmid He
ductlon Conipany, which la now
ready for illHtrlbutlon nt the com-
pmiy'n nlllceln tliloclty, ThoNuKKot
olllco In well eijnlpped for the pro.
dilution ot hiicIi work, It now havliiK
prenH facllltlen for nil klndn of work
from a lotterhead to a nownimper.
VtiitctiAHKii Saw Mim..
Walker Hron., of Walker Station,
lmvo recently purcliiiHuil tho Moonoy
hiiw mill neiii'Aiilaufon tho Southern
I'aclllc lino a fuw iuIIoh noutli ot tills
city, and at prcHontKcnoruI overhaul,
lmr of tho machinery Ih roIiib on pro
parivtory to Htartlnu 1111 about tho
tlrnt of next month. Tlio mill lins ft
dally capacity ot about 15,000 foot.
T .( IMT.
llotweon CottnKO drove mid Short
rldRCH mill black Hllk umbrella, ltd
tlalH W. II. I), on end of handle. Ito-
turn to W. II. DontilH, lllnckliutto,
Oro., und reelvo roward.
"Tho nicest and plonaiintcat tncdlclno
lhavu nued (or Indigoatlnn 11 ml conatipn
4in la niiiiiiiluirliilti'ii Utoinuch mid
I.Ivor Toblota," aaya Multird (''.Crnltt, of
Mlddlegrove, N, Y , "They work like u
charm and do not grlpo or have any tin-
nloaaant ottoct." I'or snie uy ounaon
Drug Co.
Lndlen try Mm. W. II. OHtnon'n
pluln newlin; mid dreHHinakliitf. I '!
Cltlo lloldcrmati, foreman of Hel
ena Xo. 2. wan lu for n tow dayn thin
deorutt d. McMurtey, preldent
of the Steel Sheet Co.. Una ln-
Hontcd each church In thu city 01
VaiiderKrllt: ra., with u plH) orK"U.
Lnilles Ret your hair switches
iniide nt Mrs. J. .Stonebiug's west
ol bridge. p 5
Hewarit of air dried or halt dry
lloorltiK, cellliiB and runtlc. Tint
Hooth-Kelly I.umlier Co. are uiuMiik
npeclal prlceH on kllu-drled IuiiiIkt.
We LMiarnntee nil our cofTec mul
will cladly return your money' if
you arc not satisfied. Skillman &
W. C. Conner, tho well known
newHiinner man of the l'laimiemer,
accompanied by IiIh wife vlNlted rela-
tlven new rstinuay. mm iuho aiieimeu
tlu l.aiub-l.ewlH wedding.
When the cr.v of lire Ih Hounded.
then you happen to think about lir
nlirance. A libit to the wine In nlllU
dent. The Oregon l''ltv Itellef Ahho
clntlon In Mutual: Ih nafe, and cohIh
about oae-lia t the rate ot ntock com-
Thu water toho In lleiidlnli glee
Till Main St. looked like the
ntoriiiy nea.
It wiih canned by the In'mitlful
melting nnow
That caused that horrid coldyon
That can bu ciin'd by Morgan and
- m
In casting about for a successor to
Congressman Tongue, tunny re
publicans turned at once to liinger
Hermann and the feeling in favor
of returning him to congress si-cms
to be rapidly gniiting strength. He
served the people well mid faith
fully dining his twelve years ns
representative. Through his ex
perience ns commissioner of the
general land office and his long
trrm in congiess, lie has an exten
sive acquaintance throughout the
country, which together with his
nattttnl ability, gives him a great
deal of influence in Washington.
On this account be is nble to nc
panlcH. i:i,(MM),i)(H) luniiranee lu force. compisi, muci, more for Oregon
AililrvHNS.l. deorge, l.ttgene, Ore- ,.,' ,,, .
J J J ,,, ..., , V ..WM.l. IIM
to represent us at the national
gou, Agent for l.mie County.
1 lie iioneuurg i.iuuiier 111. nun' r ,i is. n lb n inn it is mi.
uureluiHcd from the drent Central 1
Hallroad Co tho town nlte proiwrty
wlilcli the latter recently aci)uireii ut
HoHebttrg. The connlderatlon In
given an SIO.tKM). Campbell k Alex
ander, tho well known Lumbermen
of Cottage drove, are at the head ot
the nuw company.
a nnii'i'v. .inuif DAMPii
Ii rUIi A 1IX A.kA.W&A PI
Iiiu't almil ploi'eof proHrtv to own
efpunlally wlieu Uu-ali'il fiainly- lu
tuwu unit i
U, aiulcome
1 011 a kooiI roail, an llnu onu
mer ilnir what 11 ttova. 11
ronil tu ot claartM Innd ultablo for
fariiitiitf.ilttitiliiK ami Umber. Thvro
lalrlr itooii two room iiuuko anil
out liiilliltutcnoii Ibo plaoo, neverat
lmiiilriil fruit treus. lun sooil oluar
iprlngi, ten or tlftvon acruM ot plow
iaii(l,tuoUKh latKU naw Umber tu
more llian pay fur tlio place ami o er
a tbouaaiul ilollara wortli of ilry Iok
fur atovewoiHl, anil tho whole bual
1101a Ii fenceit anil croaa fencuil with
good rail fences. Anil I am going to
ell till place
within Ike nett ility ilayi, (III find
a buyer.) Tliti place U a bargain at
(iuio.ou, and If you want It you will
"have lu hurry." It will bring a
clean Ihounand dollar before the
uinmer la uver and Ii well worth It
to the right man. He can make It
bring that during tliU year and
have the placo letl. A, proronlllon
to trade for properly tu IhU city
might bo ronalilercd or a propual
Iton to pay part In cord ood to be
delivered here during the ejnuiiier. W. HiNav.
perative that an experienced man
lie chosen from this district to look
after the interests of the state in
congress. Mr. Moody's term as
representative frimthe second dis
trict, expires March 4, and his suc
cessor Mr. Williamson, is a new
man for that office. Senator Si
mon's term in the upper house will
expire March 4th, and he has no
show of re-election. Should anew
man be chosen to succeed Tongue
it will leave Oregon with but one
experienced man in the lower house
to assist him in looking after the
interests of his constituency. This
district lias many men who by
ability are well qualified for n seat
in the national legislature, and we
would not say n word in tlispnrice-
meiit of them; but we hold that the
best interests of the state and dis
trict at this time demand that
Uiuger Hermann be elected. to con
gress to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of Thomas H, Tongue.
Florence West.
Attorney and Gounselor-at-Law
8peclal attention given to the law of Mlnti.
Flrat National Bank llulldlng.
United HtutcM Land Office,
Itowburg,Ore.,8ept.l. lWtt.
Notice In hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlnloiiH of the act
oruongreHH 01 June ;i, ikih, entlthil
"An act for the nale of tlmlicr laiulH
In tlio State of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and WiiHlilugtnii Territory,"
um extended to all the l'uhllc Ijinil
state by net of AligtiHt 1. Dancl
W. ItieharilHoii, ot St, llelelin Co. of
Calumbla State of Ore., ban thin day
tiled in thlH office hlnn worn ntateiiicnt
No.ttVtSfortheiiiirchaHeiif theSWiiof
Siv No :H, TowiiHhlp ill S of Hange I)
i'ki anil win oirer prool to nhow
that the land nought Ih more vain-
able for Itn tlinlH-r iirntoiif than for
agrleiiltiiral purpoHen, and to entab
IImIi IiIh claim to nitlil land Ix-Iore tho
IteglHter and Iti-celver of tliln., nice at
ItoM-liurg.Oregoii.ou Weilnendav thu
4th day ot March. I'.Xl.'l.
He iiamen an wltneweH
It. T. Iloaln, of Mavger. Ore.. W.
I'. . Slaughter, St HeletiH. Ore.. J. B.
Hlack, Pulton, Ore., A. I.. Hutler, of
i:ikton, Oiv.
Any and all (hthoiih claliuliig ad
verwly the ahove-dcHcrllH-il laiulH an
nijiieHteil to file their elalmn In thl
office on or iH'foro mild 4th dav ol
March, HKKJ.
1 T. JIuiiniKH. IteglHter.
United .Stule- Und Olllce,
Itoeeburg, Otiyon, l)n: 21. 1WJ,
Notice ia hereby glvrn that in compli
ance with the iiruvirinnii of the net ot
Conimimol Juuo3, 7S, entitled "An
act fur iho ante of tinilxT liinda in the
Stutpj of California, On giiii. Nevada anil
ut-li 1 ogton lerriturv. extemlMl to
nil the 1'ulilic Ijiinl 8taii" by net of Au
l!iil4, 1802, 1 1 Irani H. .mhI,'o( Kugi-nu,
Co. of I.1111U Slate of (In-con lias thin
Iny tileil ill thin ottlce hip Mworn statement
No. 110'.', for the piitelmne of the N S
Sw A S Ntv t of See No. 10, Twp.
'.';! Smith, of liuiiKC II Went und
will oiler prnol to nhow that the
land nought la inure valuable for Ita
timber or alone than for agriculttiml
miriKMc. and to entublinh lila claim to
aid land before Marie I., ware. V. h'.
CoinmiiH-ioner ut ICiiuene. Orivon,
on Thurailay, the 12th day of Mar., 1003.
llu niimeH ita wltneyroii:
J. W l'urrinli. of Jclferann, Oreiron,
Nil .Martin, Jainea n llouck, ol Cot-
Ihiso lirove, Ure., Ituy N wilnou, of hu-
Cene, Ore .
Any and all person claiiuiiiv- navcnc-
ly the ulwve-deecribed lamia are re-
piealed to tile their claims in this ollice
on or lieforc aaid 12th day of Mnr., 1003.
J. I. oniniiKK, newsier.
ITniteil StiitoH Land Olfice,
Itoeelmrg, Uiegun, Dec., 24, 1002.
Notice is herebv uivun that in coinnli-
nacuwltli the provisions of the uctof
CoiiKrens of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "Au
net for thu Bale ol timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," ns extended
to nil llie ruolic Iiuil states uy uci 01
AiiBUat 4, 1S02. lluy N. wtlaon, of l-.u-
lsenu,.Coiintyof I jane. State of Oregon
tins una nay men in imsouice ins sworn
Htatement No. -1 1 (1:1. for the purchase
of tho H'l, SE 4 AS i SW1-4 ot Sec
10. Tp23Sofn2W.aiiil will oiler proof to
show thai the land nought is nioro valu
able foril tlinlK'r or Mtonothan loragri
cultural iiiirposes, and to establish Mi
eliiiiu to said land lieloru Mnrio l. Ware
US CoinuiiHsiouer at Eugene, Ore., on
rliiiruliiy tne 1 .'Unlay ot Marcli, lms.
He naiiii'S as witnesses :
J W l'arrMi, ol Jetreraon, Ore., N II
Martin. James W llouck. of Cottage
(trove, Ore., Hiram E wood, of Eugene,
Any and all persona claiming adverse
ly thu iibove-doscril'cd lands nro re
11 nested to file their claims In this olfice
on or beforo said 12th day of Mar., 1003.
J. T. liuinuES, uegister.
UnltiHlJ!ut08 Land OIBce,
Bosuburg, Oregon, Dec. 23, 1002.
. jliee is herebv eiven that in coinnli
, .iwllli tlio nrovlsions ot thu act of
Congress ol Juno 3, IK78, entitled "An
act lor thu sale of timber lands in the
States of California. Oregon, XvevnUn,
und Wii8liiiii!loii Territory." aa extended
to all thu i'ublio Unul males ny net 01
Auguet 4, 1892. Ole Anderson, of Ter
robonuo, County of Ked Lnko, Stato ol
)linn. lias mis uay nieu 111
this olllco hia sworn statement No
4181. forthemirehnsuofthoSWif 8EK
8EI4' S'y Lot 0 A7 of Sec No. 0, In Tp
21 South, of Ita n go 1 West; und will oiler
prool to aliow that ttifi land eotignt is more
valuable for Its timber or Btono than fur
agricultural purposes, anil to estntmsli
his claim to said land before Marlu L,
wuru, U S Uomniiss oner at f.uguue,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the lOlh day ot
Mar., 1003.
He names as witnesses.
U. 8. Teuters, T II Tertors, of wild
wood. Oro., warnor Btatty, O. Edwards,
of Oakland, Oregon.
Anyiiniiull peraona claiming ndverat
lv thu above deacribed lands aru rf"
queatcd to die their claims in this offlco
on cr ueioru sam luru uuy 01 niur , iuuo,
J, T. Bridges, Register,
Always Keeps You Posted.
Hoys Hoots $1.25
Lntlies' Sliocs .'$.50
Men's Hoots 1.00
Gloves 1.50 ones 1.20
10c : 2oc
Men's Working
Shirts 40c.
You must sec these to
npppreciate their
Closing out Men's
Drawers at 85c.
Wortli GOc.
Ladies' best all Wool
Vests.aworth $1.25 wiil
Close what is left at 75cts
Ladies' Hose
4 pair 25c
Hoys' Corduroy Pants
Small Sizes 40c
Large Sizes 50c
i jStoticji:
The people in Oregon
know a good tiling when
they see it. They are like
Missotirians, you have to
show them. This is what
I am doiujr Making every
article in Plain 1'igures.
I Want You to Know that
I am Underselling every
store in Cottage Grove,
and can safely say you can
save from
IO to 50
Per Cent.
Come Whether you want to
lluy or not.
Itubber Goods
of any kind nt
Cut Prices.
Ladies' Rubbers
at lOc a Pair
Men's All Wool Flannel
Shirts Ji 75 kind nt
Good half Wool Sox toe
Misses' Heavy School
ft .00 atut $1MR
Woman's Shoes
Worth 1.(10
ISO Pair of Fine
Kid Lace Shoes
Cheap at $2.25
My Price $1.50
Boys' Hats 10, IB,
20 and 25 cents.
Men's Hats
SOcts lo $1.00
I have too many
Hats and they
jnust be Sold.
The New Styles for
R. WELCH, Manager
? Ii
J Allison & Hastings,
We are now located in our
4 New (UiirterH, oppoHlte the
2 1'oHtollIce, rtnd reHiiectfiillv
5 .Solicit the pntroniw of nil
ft Who detdro flint-claw work.
i 1 II Li! VL 1
in the way of Hardware, Tools and
imblements, you can find at our
store. Ark you going mining?
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs.
The neculiiir cotu:h uhich indicated1
rroup. Is usually well known to the,
muthera of croupy children. Xo time,
should bo lost in the treatment of it. -
und for this purpose no medicine has I
received more universal npprovnl ttinn
Cliamberlain'a Couch Henmly. Do not
waste valuable time in ?xperinieimng
with untried remedies, no mutter how
highly they may bo recom mended, but
give this medicine an directed and nil
symptoms ol croup will quickly disup-
Kar. ror snie uy i.vons ApineKiu,
rain. Uenson Drug Co., Cottiige
dttorneysand Counselors-at-laio
8ieclal attention ilveu to MlniUkT.Corpontlou
and Uercnttle Law,
OtHca over Qarinan A Uamenway'i tort.
United Plain Und Olllce,
IKoiwburu. Ore . , 1WH.
Nottrela hereby given thai In compliance
with the tirovlalona of Ibe act ot Congreaa of
June I. Ufls. emitted "An Aetfor the aaleof
Timber Landa In the Mate of California, Ore.
icon, Nerada and Waahlniton Terrltorr," aa
extended to all the llibllc Land Elatea bract
of Attguat 4, Is.'. Ada belli, of tngpne,
Oountr of Ijtne, Hiate of Oregon, haa thla
day filed In thla office her sworn ataleraent Mi
xm. for the purchase of the NE A
of Section No. 10. Townahlp 'X South, of
Itange 2 wt and win oner proot to nor
that the land aonght Is more valuable for 111
timber or atone than for agricultural purpose
andto etabliah hla claim to aald land before
Marie L Ware, U. 8. Commlaaloner at Eugene,
Oregon ou Monday thelo.htlayof I'eb. 1.
Hhe namea aa v, Itneaea.
Janiea N. Handle, of Katrulount, Ore. Aoatln
Root, of fpttinjfleld, Ore.. Elliabeih Lackey.
Iula K. Hond, of Engene. Ore.
Any and all peraona claiming adversely the
above described landa are requested to flle
their elaf mi In thla office oo or before aatd 10th
day ol February, ItMI.
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Oasli Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ol roceries
in the city. -
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Gash Grocery Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
W. S. Chrisman.
Ei.i Bangs.
The Fashion Stables
l'OR SALE Half interest in1
photograph gallery. Why starve1
by the day, or labor on the farm
for a mere pittance, when you can 1
learn photography and be inde
pendent. Will teach intending
buyer the business. For terms etc.
call on or address. W. F. Shana
felt, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Gbrisroai) &. Banfis, Proprietors.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices
United Stntos Lnnd Olllce,
lUwebun;, Ore., th. 1902.
Notice In hereby Riven tlmt In com
tilluuce with tho nrovUloiiH of the net i
of Congress of June 3, 187. entitled1
"Au net for the snie of tlmlicr hinds i
In tho Stntes of California, OreRon, i
Nevada, ana WiiHiuiiKton Territory.
iih extended to nil tho Public Laud
States by net of August 4, 1SU2, Ellin-
tietn uieuey, oi i.ugeue, uoiiuiy ui
Lane, Stato ot Ore., lms this day
tiled In this olllco her sworn state
inent No. fortho imrchnso ot the
SV K of Section No. 8 Township
No. LNI S, Ilnngu 1 V and will offer
uroof to show that tho lnnd
souRht Is more valtmblo for Its
timber or stone tlmu for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim
to bald latui ueioro .iiurie u. ware,
U. S. Conuulssloncr at Eugene,
Oregon, on Monday, tboSCtli day
ot Keb.. looa.
Sim names ns witnesses:
Janies N. Itandle, of Fnlrmount.Ore.,
Austin Hoot, ol sspringueiti. ure.,
Adit Sells, Iula 11. Bond, ot Eugene.
Ore- ...
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to tile their clnlms lu this
Dtllcoonor before said 20th day of
Feb.. 1003. . , x
J. T. BmuQES. Ueglster.
Office on Main atreet, Wert 81d
At the llUlLmiilb 11UIUL.
Where the nieuU are well cooked and well served and tho beds nre good.
Ami you'll And everything houie-like without homo Inconveniences.
Come and stay aa long aa possible.
rcial Trade. Try our Sunday Dim
Served in any Hotel In the City.
Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best ever
(We OTteRs- svippuv ftovls
Bohemia, Oregon.
General Merchandise,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.