Bohemia Nugget iiowaiui iimnvH. robs. COTTAGE GROVE . . OREGON. EVENTS OFTHE DAY Comnrthnlve Review of the Import- nt Happenings ol the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Alost Likely to Prove Interesting. The cool etrlko commission bus near ly completed Ita work. The trlnlol Major Glenn la nearly ovor ana It is nicely mo court win acquit lilm. Marconi will chargo ono cent a word (or tho transralsslcn of wireless mcs' eagea actoaa the ocean. Teller liaa been olectod to congress by Colorado Democrats, but the Repub- Means Kill not oppose it. Tlio bouso has passed llio agricul tural bill. It carrlos an appropriation ol $300,000 for free seeds. The coal miners' convention, In sea Inn at Indiananolls. voted down n proposition to endorse socialism. Bowen la confident that ho will soon bo ablo to reach satisfactory terms with Groat Britain and Gormany. Senator Mitchell was 111 for teveral days tho latter part of lastjweek and unable to attend to ma routine uuues. Great Britain liaa entered a protest oontnit tho Cuban reciprocity treaty. claiming it will hurt the sugar Indue tiy. Tine Fuh Slang baa been proclaimed emperor of China in opposition to the Droecnt ruler and will begin a war to kill off all foreigners. After thrco years' delay, tho treaty nrnvldinc for the filing of the Alaskan boundary, has been signed by the TInlteJ States and Great Britain. - vero earthquakes shook South Can-Una and Georgia. Pernor Chamberlain baa signed the l'ortland charter bill. Germana say Venciuolana began the recent fight at Fort ban Carlos. A driving snow storm in Central Kansas baa demoralized business. An explosion of dynamite in a tunnel at Pittsburg resulted In lour deal lis. A wealthy JcrsoyCity produce merch ant was doped and robbed ol fii.uuu. Ex-Governor Charles R. Ingersoll, of Connecticut, is critically ill. lie is 81 years old. The bill providing for a fire boat at Portland liaa been passed by ooin houses of the legislature. Action baa been brought in New- York to havo tho famous "Flaliron" building declared a nuisance. At Olympia Friday the vote for een ator stood: Ankeny 55. Preston 44, Wilson 9, Turner 22, scattering 0, total 130. The vote for senator at Salem Frl day stood: Fulton 29, Geer 15, Wood 13, scattering 10, absent and paired 17, total 00. It is said that President Roosevelt has turned againtt the admission of Oklahoma. New Mexico and Arizona because of a suspicion of jobbery. Coal miners arejdemanding the gov rnment ownership of mines. A bljzzard in tho western part of Colorado baa blockaded a:: railroad traffic. Mild weather and free imports have caused the price of coal to drop slightly in New York. An Illinois Central train ran into an open switch at Memphis, Tenn., fatal ly injuring three trainmen. A Chicago & Great Western train was wrecked at Freeport, III., and three men killed and 15 others injured. The second ballot for senator at Olympia resulted as follows: Ankeny 50. Preston 42. Wilion 12. Allen 5, Crow 4, Graves 1, Turner 22, total 130. The third ballot for senator at Olym pia resulted as follows: Ankeny 62, Preston 41, Wilson 11, Turner 22, 6harp 5, Allen 3, Crow 1, Sanders 1, total 136. The third ballot for senator at Salem txd- Fulton 32. Geer 17, Wood 17, :'ittock 4. Williams 3, Mills 2, W,J absent rion, Carey, Hermann, Hall, Barrett, Paxton, one each, ., tal 00. The second ballot (or senator at Salem stood: Fulton 31, Geer 18, Wood 17. Plttock 5, George 4, WiJ Hams 2, Mills 2, Llntblcum, Wolvor- ton, Carey, Hermann, Cako, Fenton, Kundret one each, nsbent 4, total 00. The agricultural aproprlatlon bill carries (6,238,800, an increase o( (20, 000, but (400,000 less than tho esti mates. A movement baa been started in In dianapolis to buy a residence to bo pre sented to John Mitchell, president of the MIneworkora' union. The number of striking garment workers In Vienna has increased to 10, 000. It la expected that the employers will be obliged to caplatulate. Mayor Wells, of St. Louis, has sus pended Patrick It. f ltzglon, tho city registrar, who Is charged with corruptly contracting (or city printing and bind ing. President Roosevelt will speak at the bl-centenaryof John Wesley in New York on 'February 25. The American Federation of Labor will begin a campaign in (avor o( child, labor laws and tho bill making eight hours n day's work on government con tracts. It will Investigate the charges of Inhumanity to Porto Itlcan laborers In Hawaii. Tho Spanish minister of marine be gan action in Edinburg, Scotland, to recover (375,000 from the Clydebank englncerlng'and shipbuilding company because of tho company's failure to de liver in contract time four torpedo boat destroyers which had been intondod (or pee during tho Spanish-A merluan war. a Watery waste. Southern Oregon Streams on a Rampage, Owing to Heavy Rains. Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 20. Tho ro- cont warm and heavy ralna havo caused tho greatest Hoods that Southern .Ore gon has known for many years. Tho Itogtio river reached tho highest point in this city Saturday night that it has reached alnco 1800, when tho brldgo spanning it hero was washed away. No trains have boon able to reach hero from tho north or south slnco Saturday morning, and nono are expected befoio aomo timo today. Much damage baa boon dono tho Southern Pacific all through this section of tho stato. Improvement at Ashland. Ashland. Or.. Jan. 20. Tho storm and Hood situation liaa greatly im proved in Southern Oregon tho past 24 hours. Tho temperature (ell lato last nlsht and the rains abated in tho valleys, whllo In the mountains what precipitation tlioro was camo in tho form of snow. Streams Immediately began to (all, and tliey havo been grad ually teccdlng from their Hood stago during the day, so that little' further damage la expected to result from high water In this ration. In this county mncii damago has been suffered by county roads and bridges. Still Riling at Salem. Salem. Or., Jan. 20. The Wlllam et'e river lat night registered 23 feet above tho low water mark and was still rising. This is tho highest stago the river has attained this year, and there la occasion for alarm. If the present moderate weather continues for a few days a further rito of prob ably (our feet is expected In tl.o stage o( tho river. It will bo at least 24 hours longer before tho effect of the recent rains on tho river's stage will bo exhausted, and until then the stream will not recede. RAN INTO A WASHOUT. Engineer and Fireman Lose Their Lives In an O. R. & N. Wreck. Pendleton, Or., Jan. 20. Passenger train No. 0, on the O. R. & N., which left Portland at S:15 Saturday night and passed through Pendleton at 4:45 Sunday morning, ran into a washout on a fill 24 miles east of Bingham Springs. Tho englno was thrown into Meacham creek in six or eight feet of water and on top of it were piled the baggage and mail cars and the chair car. The engineer, Thomas Patty, and fireman, William Milllgan, were killed almost instantly. William Maxwell, of Portland, a passenger, was seriously injured, but aside from this tho Injur ies were slight. The wreck was caused by a washout about two miles east of the new steel uridge which lias been built on Meacb am creak. The heavy snows on the mountains have been melted by a ehl nook, and tho waters were raging. No. 23 freight train pissed over this par ticular piece of road a few hours before .So. 0 and reported everything O. K. RICH STRIKE IN MONTANA. Free Qold Bearing Ledge 3,000 Feet Long Which Yields $5 a Pan. Butte, Mont., Jan. 27. A special to tho Miner from Weiser, Idaho, says advices Just received 'there tell of a most wonderful strike of gold made on the Big creek about two and a half miles east of Profile gap. The nearest settlement is a place called Golden on the Big creek. A letter from reliable parties at Thunder mountain rays that Edward Stamley and Edward II. Martin and several others have located 10 claims on a massive porphyrized quartz dyke which measures 3,000 feet In length and is impregnated with par tides of gold. A ledge 250 feet In width accompanies the porphyry dyke and it is also highly aurifercus. Rough pan assays made of the ledge show the poorest specimens to assay (5 in free gold. Other specimens show yellow metal to the naked eye. Old pros pectors declare the discovery f urpasses anything within their knowledge and that (1,000,000 worth o( ore ia in plain sight. Better Than Marconi. Berlin, Jan. 27. Professor Ferdi nand Braun, of Slrassburg university, whose application of Leyden Jars in propagating electric wavos is said to have enabled Marconi to telerapb with out wires across tho Atlantic, has an nonnced that he has discovered s. meth od of producin electric energy of unlim ited volume, and projecting it into space In the form of electric waves, to any desiied distance. The now method secures greater accuracy of transmis sion through a more perfect attuuement of the transmitters and receivers. Edward Pleases the Germans. London, Jan. 27. The invitation extended by King Edward to the Ger- in ambassador here, Count Wolff- Metternich, to dine at Windsor castlo tomorrow, Emperor William's birth day, has aroused considerable interest. It Is tho first timo that Emperor Wil liam's birthday has been (orma'ly ob served by the British court, and there fore tho king a action has given much satisfaction at Berlin, where it is re garded as emphasizing tho friendship between the. two countries. Wrecked by Robbers. Trinidad, Colo., Jan. 27. A Color ado & Southern passenger train waB wrecked last night four miles south of Watorville, N. M., under circumstances Indicating an attempt at train robbery The train was running at a high rato of epeed when the wreck occurred. Tho ougliie, express car and smoker turned over. Four passengers were injured. two of whom may die. All of tho pas sengers were shaken up. Coal Prices Tumbling, Now York, Jan. 27. There has been further break in the price of inde pendent coal, in some casos as low aa(7 ton f. o, u. being nekod, while no dealer was willing to buy at a higher prlco than (8 a ton. In order to gat the embargo, ordered a few days ago, laicen on, tome oi me independent operators whoso coal is carried by the Lehigh valley railroad, wore telling their coal at anything above (4 a ton at tho collieries for delivery at points between New York and tho collieries. TERA1S OF TREATY UNITED STATES WILL PAY RUNT OP $250,000 A YEAR. Has Practically n Perpetual Lease, with Full Control ol SIx-AUIe Strip -Ports at Both Entrances Will 11c Guarded by United States Colombia at first Asked $650,000 a Year. Washington, Jan. 24. Yesterday's meeting ol tho cabinet was ono ol tho most Important hold In several weeks. Subjects ol great moment were dis cussed fully, tho session continuing for two hours. All tho members of tho cabinet woro present. Secretary Hay presented n dralt of tho Panama canal treaty, and both tho president and his associates In tho cabinet expressed satisfaction with the results achieved through tho long and dtlllcult negotia tion. Th treaty la identical with that drawn by tliia government several months ago and at that time submitted to the Colombian government, with the single exception ot tho amount of an nuity to bo paid Colombia for tho right of way. This government proposed an annuity ol (100,000, whllo Colombia demanded (050,000. Tho Colombian government's demand was bated, It is raid, upon the oscertaiued returns from tho Panama railroad conipny in duties, etc , which Colombia did not desire to havo seduced. During the several months of nego tiations, Colombia agreed to all points in tho treaty proposed by the United States with tho oxception of the annui ty. That has been the point of differ ence for many weeks, and at one timo it threatened to break off negotiations entirely. Secretary Hay communicat ed directly witli tho Colombian govern ment, intimating that como agreement must be reached scon, as the United States desired to enter on the construc tion of tho canal, if it were toAfi con structed by the Panama route. For teveral days active efforts havo been making to secure an agreement until finally they wore successful. The Colombian government, through Mr. Herran, charge d'affaires here, agreed tcaaccept an annuity oi (250,- 000. This was entirely satisfactory to tho president and Secretary Hay, and, while it is a larger amount than was offered at first, it is believed by ad ministration officials that the senate will undoubtedly accept tho figure named in the treaty, particularly after it is maJo clear that a lesser amount would deprive Colombia of Income which sbd is now actually receiving. All other points than this one ol money compensation remain as they stood in the original draft of the treaty. and are completely satisfactory to th United States government. The United States will havo control ot the canal practically in perpetuity, as required by the Spooner act, this result having been attained by the adoption of a plan for a lease of 100 years, renewable at the pleasure of the United States, Colombia having nothing to say about extension. The matter cl police and judicial control ia settled by a scheme ot joint action, although it especially la aaiured that no citizen of the United States will be tried by any other than hip own courts. Control of tho waters of the ports of Colon and Panama is vested in the United States just as far as may be necessary for the operation cf the canal, and it is assured that our extra territorial Jurisdiction will be unques tioned as to waters and streams per taining to the canal. All port dues on vjssels passing through the canal are to go to the United States by way of offset to tbe annuity payments. Soon Ready for Business. New York, Jan. 26. Marconi ar rived hero today. He says that his system will be ready for commercial nee by tho public in an exceedingly short time, within two or three months at least. This statement was made at the office of the Marconi Wireless Telegraphy company ot America, at the cloto of a meeting of tho board of directors, called Jn order that Marconi might personally acquaint the members of the board with the result of his re cent experiments and work at Wellfleet. Hurrying Coal Trial. Chicago, Jan. 20. The fight of the Indicted coal men to clear themselves of guilt cf "conspiracy to do an lilt gal act injurjuos to public trade" was rx-gun ueiore juuge norion late touay. Motion to quash in behalf of each of the 18 corporations composing the asso ciation were quickly overruled and pleas of "not guilty" entered. A stip ulation cf facts was then presented to tho court, and it was announced that a date for the hoaring of tho argument and taking of briefs would bo fixed early this week. Whole dun Crew Now Dead. San Juan, P. R., Jan 20. Alexander Newton DaBeett, of Durham, N. C.,and Ja-nes Garfield Patterson, of Pittsburg, landsmen of tho battleship Massachu setts, who wre injured by tho explo sion January 10 ot the powder charge of an eight-inch gun, died in tho mill tarv hospital here last night. The body of Dasfcott will be embalmed and shipped to the United States. Patter son's body will probably bo buried hero. They were the last survivors of tho gun s crew of nine men. Change of Engineers. Washington, Jan. 20. Captain W. W. Harts, formerly local engineer In tho Colombia river district, and who made the plan for the opening of tho Columbia river by means of canals and locks, between Tho Dalles and Celilo, but who has been for the past year and a half on duty In the Philippines, has been ordered to- Portland, to re lieve Captain William O. Langfltt. Captain Langfltt is ordered to Wash ington when relieved. Cattle Without Food In Montana. Great Falls, Mont., Jan, 20, Report comes (rom Popular that the range in the northorn part of the stato is in vory bad condition and that stock aro dying for lack o grass, Tiie snow baa crushed the grass and cattle are unablo to do any picking. Unless a thaw comes at once there will be great loss within tho next few days. CANAL TRUATY SldNliD. Colombia at Last Agrees, Ohlng United States Full Mice Control. Washington, Jan. 23. The treaty between tlio United States ami Colom bia (or tho construction o( tho Panama canal by tho United States was signed yesterday In this city. No details of tho signing o( tho treaty were obtainable, but nt the presidential reception at tho Whllo House last night tho nows that tho treaty was an accom plished fact nt last leaked out. I-ntcr the news was confirmed In official quar ters. It had bion Intended not to mako tho signing ol tho canal treaty public until today, but tho nwa apparently was too good (or somo o( tho friends ol tho canal to keep. Foara bad been entortanled until this week that Coloin bla would not bo willing to nccedo to tho wishes of tbo United States In tho matter and that recourse to tho Nlcarn gna canal project might bo forced on tho government of tho United binies But this week events took a nitre favorable turn, and Colombia transmit ted Instructions to Dr. Herran, Its rep rosentatlvo in tho United States, that made possible a conclusion ol tho long negotiations. The principal obstacle for somo timo to tho conclusion of tho treaty, It Is understood, has been tho price that tho United States was to pay In tho shane ot a cash Payment ami by way of annual rental for tho strip ot territory along each aula ol tlio canal right of way. It could not bo learned last night what was tho price finally agreed upon. Somo timo ago there was a bitch over tho question of the extent to which control by tho United States ovor this strip of land should go, Colombia ob jecting on tho ground that tho provis ions required in the treaty by tho Unit ed Statea would mean a relinquishment ol covoroignty by Colombia over part other territory; but this matter was amicably settled, ac was a difference as to the llfetimo of tho loaso ot tho strip of land In question, tho final result being a practical cession In perpetuity to the United States for canal purposes and incldontal police control and pro tection ol tho canal right ol way. AMENDS PHILIPPINE TARIFF. Senate Committee (lives Heed to Sugar and Tobacco Men. Washington, Jan. 24. Tho senate committee on the Philippines today authorized n favorahlo report on the Philippine tariff bill, which recently pasted the house, but with important amendments. The bouse bill carried a more uniform reduction of the tariff on Philippine goods imported Into the United States, making tho rato only 25 per cent of the rates imposed by the Dingley law. The ecnate committee amended the bill so as to provide for tho admission ot all Philippine produtod articles free of duty except sugar and tobacco, and on these two commodities fixed the tariff at 60 per cent of the Dingley schedules. This change was made to meet the objections of tho sugar and tobacco producers of this country, who have claimed that a duty ot only 25 per cent on tboso articles would result in ruinous competition. AllSSISSIPPI VALLEY EARTHQUAKE. Mysterious Underground Explosion Alakcs Cracks In the Earth. Whitman, Miss., Jan. 24. Two fis sures In the earth about three feel deep and a few Indies wide and running lor a distance ot a quarter of a milo aro the only evidences of a mysterious explo sion which shook this town just bofore daybreak today. Houses were shaken violently and cro.'kery waa broken In aeveral realdencea. A number of per sons, aroused by the explosion, began searching for the cause at da) light. In a meadow they found a crack in the earth's crust about three (eet In depth and two or three inches wide. They followed it foi three-quarters ot a mllo before they reached the end. Later they discovered another fissure of the same description about 70 leet away from the first and parallel with it. An explanation of the explosion Is lacking. Big Tunnel Plan. Chicago, Jan. 24. A broad, well- lighted underground driveway, passing beneath the bed of tho Chicago river and stretching, from tho art lnslltuto to Illinois and St. Clair streets, ia for mally announced to bo tbe plan finally ogreed upon by tbo pare boards of the North and South sides to make tho long-talked-of connection between tin boulevard systems of theso two por tions of the city. A bill authorizing a (2,500,000 bond Issue containing referendum clause will bu prepared by committees from tho two park boards France Hopes lor Reciprocity. - Paris, Jan. 24. M. Jusserand, tho new ambassador of France to the Unit ed States, had a lengthy conference with tho foreign minister, M. Dolrasse, yesterday, at tho latter's residence on rranco-Amerlran affairs tha rcclpro city treaty and Venezuela, The trench officials continue hopeful that the treaty will be ratified. 'lho am bassador Is not likely to tako an acthe part In the Venezuelan negotiations, aa the French claims havo already been arbitrated. M. Juosorond expects to tail on tlio La Touraino today. Will Join Western Body. Uutto, Mont., Jan. 24. President Dan McDonald, of tho American Labor Union, announced today that that body will bo swelled by tho affiliation of 38,000 members of the United Brother hood of Railway employes, with head quarters In Denver. The amalgama tion will mark an epoch in tho history of labor of in the West, mere ia no doubt, says Mr. McDonald) that tbe American Labor Union will grant this charter at on early date. To Become a Coal Hulk. Victoria, Jan. 24. Tho steel bark Baroda, which stranded on August 28 off tbe Oregon coast and waa floated alter much work and baa slnco been lying at San Franciaco.has been pur chased by It. Dunamulr's sons, of tlila city, and will be towed north by the steam collior Tollns on hornext voyage. The Baroda will bo converted into a hulk for the coal carrying trade between the island mines and Vancouver. CREW IS MANGLED TWELVE MEN KILLED IN A COLLISION ON GREAT NORTHERN. Snonplow Telescopes Freight Car Loaded With Workmen In Okanogan County, Washlnglon-Eletcn Alcn are More ur Seriously Hurt Only Two Es caped Injury. Uavonnorth, Wash., Jan. 22. Twolve niou dead and as many more In jured la the result of a rear-end collis ion Unit occurred cm tint Great North ern five miles west ot Chlwaukiim at ft o'clock yesterday morning. An extra (rem Skykomlah loaded with lumber mid three cars containing laborers ran into a rotary snow plow, killing or In juring nit ot tlio 25 workmen. Ten cars arc piled up In a heap, with nine victims ot tho wreck still underneath, rhu names of tho dead aro not obtain able. Tbo engineer, I,. K. Adams, and Fireman Uiwls Pecker, of tho freight, escaped only by a miracle, Tbo box cars that were used for transporting tho crew wero coupled next to tlio uiiglno, with tho ears of lumber following, and when tho clash camo thu lumber tele scoped the lux ours loaded w ith tholr human freight, killing and mangling tho entire crew. Only two escaped, and they were thrown bodily into tho air, landing 30 feet upon an embank ment. Thu men were in tholr bunks and asleep when tho accident occurred. Thoso that escaped had Utile clothing and were nearly chilled to death while waiting for aid. ISLE OF PINES NO AlAN'S LAM). American Residents Say It Is American Won't Pay Taes to Cuba. Havana, Jan. 22. The Americans residing on tho isle ot Pines deny the general assumption ot tho Cuban guv eminent that the United Slates has no special Interest in the Island and la not likely to Insist on tlio eventual owner ship of it. In my event, they seem confident of having thu support of tho United Statcti, if necessary, in their re sistance to being governed and taxed by Cuban officials, pending n settlement ot thu question of ownership of the si and. Tlio matter Is expected to re ceive imoitaiit consideration in con nection with tho settlement ot thu It ca tion of the coaling stations nnd other (lending questions between Cuba and tho United States. Recently tho American residents ol tho island unitedly notified the alcalde of the Isle ot Pines and tlio Cuban gov ernment ol their intention to resist, by torco it necessary, tho collection of taxes or any assumption ol authority over tho island by thu Cuban govern ment. Tho taxes are now falling duo, and every American has pledged him self not to pay them. The Americans' contention is founded on tlio section ot tho Piatt niuundlnent which expressly o iiits tho Islu ot Pinna from tho boundaries of Cuba ami leaves tho title to It for further adjustment by treaty. Somo 300 Americano ha o slnco tho war taken up their residence in tho lalo of Pines, and It is estimated that 600 Americans havo Interests In the island. Tho American portion of tho population Is not of an adventurous character, but ia large'y vcnmposed ot people of mature years who bare en gaged in the businesi of fruit raising, riieir desiro that tho Island remain American ia not purely senllmontal, since, they claim, as a Cuban posses sion it would receive no moro than 20 per cent tariff preference, while at ter ritoiyot tlio United States the Islands bono for freer trado with America. The government, while acknowledg ing that tho matter of tho ownership ol the island is open, holds that It has do facto control over tho Island for the timo being at least, and that It there fore Is authorized to levy taxes and per form other governmental (unctions. It In bolleved that thu United States will approve of this sitoatoln as against the protests ol tho American residents who refute to pay taxes. Wreckage Coming Ashore. Victoria., B. O., Jan. 22. -Tlio steamer Queen City, (rom tbo wosl coast of Vancouver Island, brings news that a large quantity of now lumber, mostly 12x12 and planking, has drifted ashore at several points. Kstovon point, near Hesquolt, and tho Islands outsldo Kyo quot, aa well bb tho mouth of Quatslno sound, are littered with lumber which has evidently not been long In tho water, and at Hesquolt a lifebuoy with tbo name "Irving" cn it. Union Pacific Strike Spreading. Omaha, Neb.. Jan. 22. Sovunty.fivo men, comprising tho entire torco in tho woodworking and steamfllting depart ments of tlio Union Pacific shops In Omaha, went on strlko today becauso of the inauguration In their departments of tlio plcco system. Theso branches woro not affected by tlio order ot last Julv putting tlio shopmen on tho piece work basis. On tho posting of an order today stating that tho wood workers and steamfltturs would bo paid by tho piece, tliey walked out. Will Pawn the Customs. Tnmlnn .Tun. !i'2.m Tim stntnmnnf. that Mr. Ilowen has boon authorized by President Castro to offer thu Venezue lan customs as a guarantee for tho ful fillment of hie country's obligations la confirmed. The offer has not yet been accepted, but It Is thought horo that It may afford tho opportunity for a wtlliilrau-fil nf thfi hlnckndo. A dis patch to Reutor's telegram company (rom Port of Spain, Trinidad, Bays that inn l.tA.tra.1n innn.,, I,fivn TAn JlOttliy IUU UiUVAHUV M.,.V.U ,,.,w captured slnco the blockade of tho Venezuelan coast began. Sensational Jail Break, Santa Fo. N. M., Jan. 22. Albort Telles, in Jail for murder, and Albort Ilarnpo, imprisoned loraminor ononso, last night overwhelmed anil bound the assistant jailor, VlctorlanoCaeados, seized his revolver, killed Jailer Kpltao do Gallegoa and tlion escaped, A poseo with bloodhounds ia In puieuit. Or.ltMANS SllllLI. A I "OUT. I'lcrct Engagement Between Three War ships nnd Venezuelans. Marlcalbo, Venezuela, Jan. 2!!. Three German warships, miporcd to bo the Panther, Vlnuta and Falko, began shelling tho tort at Sail Carlos nt SitJO o'clock this morning. Tbo fort re turned thu lire. Thu engagement was atlll In progress nt 1 o'clock this ntler noon, Tho correspondent ot tho Associated Press, In n row boat, approached to within three miles ot tho fort nt noon Tho roar of tlio guns was terrific. Thu Panther appeared to ho not moio than M0 yards from tho fort. Tbo guns were being fired every minute. Thu fort could not bo seen (or thu clouds ot smoke, but It waa lilalu that tho Veil emolan gunners wero answering tho Gorman tiro splendidly and with great rapidity. At 1 o'clock In tho afternoon an ez plosion occurred, apparently in the tort, aud a cloud of smoke covered part ot tho ramparts. A number of Indian fishermen were Intercepted ileolng I rein' tho direction nt tbo fort In their dug out canoes. They reported that the amoko seen was Ir- iii tho burning vll livgootSau Carlos, which had been shelled by tho German ships nnd was In Haines. Thu shelling nt San Carina has crrat n.l much excitement allium? tho German i r.xaldimtrt tit ihiit imifI. ulin liavo pro tested against tho action ol tho war ships. SENATORS ELECTED. Various Statea Whose Legislature Hate Agreed on Alen. Stone's Election Pinal. JclTersoii City, Mo., Jan. 2:1 Tbo general arsembly mot In joint session todnv an formally declared former gov ernor William J. Ktono elected United States senator to succeed lion, (leorge G. Vest, alimo term will ezplro next March. In hoiwr of Mr. Vest, who lias been a member ot the national body slnco 180, a salute ot 13 guns was fired. Clarke formally Chosen. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. S3. The legislature In Joint session today elected ox-governoi Ularko to uorcvd Minnior J. K. Junes in tho United States sen ate. The iole was: Clarke, 70; Jones, 65; Remett, (Itep.) 2. Alger Represent Alkhlgan. Lansing, Mich., Jan. 2.1. This legis lature ill joint session at noon ratified the election ot Itmsell A. Algrras fulled States senator to fill the unex pired term ot the lato Senator James McMillan. Hopkins for Illinois. Springfield, III., Jan. 23 Albeit J. Hopkins' election to the United Htntes rennto today was conflrinod by tho two houses ot tbo legislature In Joint Mis sion. Connecticut Sends Piatt. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 23. The gen eral assembly in joint session formally confirmed tho rc-elcctlon of Orvillo II. Piatt as United States senator. T. C. Piatt from New York. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 23 Tho gene ral assembly In joint session today (or tnally elected lbomaa C. Piatt to the United States senate. Fairbanks Irum Indiana. Indianapolis, did., Jan. 23. Unllod States Senator Charles W. Fairbanks was ro-olectod today in joint session of the legislature. Ilanshrough from North Dakota. Bismarck, N. !., Jan. 23. At th Joint session of tho legislature today II. C. Hansbrough was elected United Statea senator. South Dakota Elects Klttrcdge, Pierre, H. I)., Jan. 23. Both bouses in joint session today olected Hon. A. B. Klttrudgu United Statea senator. Americans May Prospect In Siberia Seattle, Jan. 23. Thu right ol Americans to prospect for gold and other minerals in Kastern Siberia has been granted. Within tho area ol 200,000 square miles bordering on 1 leh ring sea and tho Arctic ocean given as a mining, trading and development concession to tho Northwestorn Siberia company, the samn privileges have been extended to lite American ores pec I or s as Russians. Tbo nows of this concession on tho part of tho company camo in a cablegram from John Rlscno, of this city, thu American managing director of tho corporation. Would Exterminate Scgls. Wnal, Inutnn .Tnil. ItimrAQffnf n live i;oiuier today introduced n rosoiu tlon providing for tbo consideration of hla bill for tho extermination of Hi Alaska seal herd, save 1,000 animals, preservod for breeding purposes, unless (Jreat Britain gives assurance of co oporatlou in an effort to put a stop to polaglo sealing, llo hopes lor conoid oration tomorrow, If thu Alaska dolrga to bill Is disposed of in time. Railroaders After Better Wages. Tokepa, Jan. 23. Tbo Kansas City Southern omployes at 1'lttsburg nro tho latest to tako part In tho movomont among Kunsaa rail mad men (or moro wages. A demand for an incronao has been mado and a conference ia being held In Pittsburg with tho officials of the road. Further efforts wire made there today to eottlu tbo controversy betwoon the ttiinta fo and lho conduct ors and trainmen, nut no reoult waa reached. Rumors nro yet current horo that tho Santa lo telegraphers will ask (or more wages. To Open Alaska Coal Lnnd, Washington. Jan. 23, Tbo bouse public lands committee todn authorized Chairman Lacuy to draft a bill provid ing for tho entry o( unaurv.eycd coal lands in Alaska by allowing entries to bo mado ol 320-acro trade, but only in rectangular form, twica as long as wldo, and further providing that audi entrloa shall bo clearly marked when mado, and lio prlvatoiy survoyed prior to sub mitting final proof. Tho coal land laws now extended to Alaska aro piac llcally Inoperatlvo, as tho lands nro un- survoyed. NEWS OF OREGON ITI'MS 01' INTEREST I'ROM ALL PARTS 01' Till! STATU Harney County After (lovernment Irri gation -A RaMill Extermination aoci-ely-A Trusty Skips Out-New Stale Land Agent S. P. Makes n Low Rate un Stock for Breeding. Master Fish Wnidoii H. (1. Van i. i.... ...... In,.. I Hi, i itmrrciriitu slllll ol (103.60 lo the-statu treasury, (.16.1.61 of which represent urn nmuiuit money collected on lis" licenses miring IVcemlier, 1001-'. " represents a line Imposed. Tho Masonic temple ot Grants Pass, which wan to have been completed tho I.., ..I ll...,,,l-.r I ml''. Is still In mrfc " -- - ' ... . . course ot construction, .and will bn lor several months yet " i'"" "'"'I '" ..ill In, II, e Ismest nt Its kind In lho tale south of Portland. Hd White, a tru-ty convict In llm penitentiary, boa urn away, llo waa son lug n term for burglary In Cool county. He was revolved about live) )eara ago, and had about four ) yet lo serve. By bis good conduct list hud earned tint privileges ol n trusty, and waa employed as assistant druggist. llainey county residents havorleared the way tor government Irrigation. In a roKrt sent to Hecretary Moore, ol tbn Oregon Irtlgiitlon association, In Ixi sent to this government, (acta am given about thn feasibility of Sllvles valley (or a reservoir site. A matter ol 274,210 acres jf land could ho Irrigated or re claimed and Instead ol tho present "Op illation cculd bo mule to stiort 50, 000 (Hipulatlon. The Grand Hondo lumber company, 01 U Grande, Is getting an unusually largo number ol I h rlvr for thu season's drive. '" - "i" Urn facilitated tho w-..s ..! '. " puny will have !V .io i nu i .i, u'o'U the usual season -"' Tint Polk roiiir " " y hus tiled article il imuipoiuiiuu Willi County Clerk Roland. Tbo company I, as a capital stock of (1100. Ita pur h)s Is to oxirato a suburban telephone Hue that will servo Httruns residing In I'o IX loiiiity mid conncci mem wiiii Salem. Thn Southern Pacific has published its new tariff offering reduced rate on pure-bred llwwtmk for breeding pur poles. This applies lu cattle, sheep, giMtl nnd hog III less than carlcad lots, t'bo reduction is not horizontal, but applies in varying degrees In tbo differ ent weights, rlio O. R. A N., thn Northern Pacific, thn Great Northern ami thu Oregon Short Lino will put In thu same rate In n few days, applying to nil Kilnts In Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. Thn citizens ot Culver and Haystack have organised for thu purpose of lid ding that section of tho stato of thn rabbit pest. Tbuorganltatlon Is known as the Haystack Rabbit Rxtoriiilnatlng society. Governor Chn lierlaln has apimlntnd J. W. Morrow, of lleppiicr, Morrow county, to succeed L. II. 1 1 stir as stale land agent. Tho app-ilntment will lakn eftict April 1. Morrow served four terms ut clerk ol Morrow county, and one term us stain senator troin that county. llo has Ik en eminently sue cesilul In business. Senator Pierce has Introduced a bill In tho sciiato for thu pur;), of chang ing thu time ot paying taxes from spring until fall. Under tho terms ot this bill assessments will ba mado ear. ly In thu year and tho taxes aro to Ixi paid in Novumber and lK'cembor ot thu same year. This Is oi:o of n number of hills tkat will be Introduced at this ses sion of the legislature tor thu purpose, ol changing thu timo ot paying taxes. Reports from Kcho ray that a com pany from Seattle, under tho direction ut local engineers, is now surveying tho lino for n propo-ed Irrigation canal from a point on lho Umatilla river aliotil ono mllo nhoto Nolan station, to extend to n body ol vacant land ly ing north ol Kcho. Tho coinpjnv mil npply (cr 26,000 Inches of ii',- ,d will begin operations early spring, Tlio lsudy of land i y tafobrtiah tract, comprising - f near 36,000 ncres, and is of such a character that many of thu most con servative and experienced Irrlgatloulsta belle. vo that ono good soaking during the winter season will produco two good crops of alfalfa without further irrigation. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheal Walla Walla, 73c; blue, stem, H2c; valloy, 70077c. Barloy Feed, (23.60 er ton; brow. liiR, CM. Flour Best grade, (3.1)03 1.20; grah am, (3.2633 60, .Mlllstiiffs Bran, (18I0 por ton; middlings, (23 21; shorts, (10(320, chop, (18, Oats No. 1 whllo, ll.16rjtl.l7Wt gray, (1.12(31.15 percontnl. Hay Timothy, (11(312; clover, (8(21); cboal, (UQI0 per Ion. Polatoea Host Biirbauka, 00376a por sack; ordinary, 4U60u por cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, (2Q 2.26 por cental. Poultry Ghlckoiu, mixed, 10llc; young, 10c; hens, 11I2o; turkeys, live, 13l6o; dressed, 163 0c; ducks, (7(37.60 por dozon; gcosu, (78,60. Chcoso Full cream, twins, 10WQ 17Mo; Young America, 17);18Kci factory prices, llKc loss. Butlor Fancy creamery, S03'liia per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20 22c; store, 1618o. Kggs 22Jtj332ii por dozon. Hops Choice, 2520io por pound. Wool-Vnlloy, 12biC415c! Kastarn Oregon, 8QI4jo; mohair, 20Q28c. Bbo( Groa?. cows. 3fil3?io pound; stcon, -10 lo; dronac-d, 7c. Veal 7S8o. Mutton Grofls. 4o nor nnnnd- droBsud, 7yc. Lambs Gross. 4d ner nnnnll. dressed, 7)(Jc. "" Hogs Gross, OJio nor round ! d rested, 77Jtfo,