Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 30, 1903, Image 1

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8 ,
M lllf A in I t tI. Ml. nil M S
NO. 3
DiViilnl in tin' Milling, I. nnil. iih: ,i .i Kimiing Inu rc-U of till Community, to Good Government, and Hustling lor a Grub Slake.
' "' " 1 1 - i'iiii Hi. jh 11 air i 111 mil 11 ni "
1 B
1 Jwb?lCp
:: .: mSt LOST PROVINCE B E N ' 'T
Mncnq & Reduction Ccmbsny'
ohema.District Oreqon-
Showing rhe close proximiry of fhe Grizzly Mountain
Group of Mines lofheHelenA Mining property.
One of fhe famous dividend payers of fhe District
Great Reduction Sale
Wc have debided to close out our entire line
of Ladies and Misses
We have sonic Jackets and Coats remaining that we will
Sell for Fifty Cents 011 The Dollar. We will
Also sell mis entire line of
Now is the Time to make your Purchase.
"Money Saved is Money Earned."
The Grizzly Mountain Mining ami Reduction Co' group of fiva
claims, represented by the relief imp above, nre in the heart of the
great llnhcmia District, iu close proximity to the Helena mining prop
erty (now owned by the Oregon Securities Company), one of the fa
mous dividend payers of the district, also to the LcKoy and Champion
The Oregon and South Kist-iu Railway Compuiy. a corporation
org.mi.ed for the express of building a line of from
"Odds and Ends
In Holiday Goods
Sold at Cost Next Week
slope of tlte mountain, the Standard. North Star, Spokane and Grizzly 1
claims were then staked out, and the first cabin built. Thorough pros
pecting of claims was then commenced, and work was ojiened up 011
the ledge which cropped out of the mountain showing a vein of ore 8
feet wide on the surface heavily mineralized with copper and galena. I
Sixty feet of n tunnel was driven at that time in solid high grade cop
per and galena ore, when, as happens to the most of prospectors, em-,
plovment elsewhere had to he secured to get more fun. Is to enable '
Cottage Grove to Ilohemin mines, luving completed eighteen miles of j further development of ihe property,
the road, is under continuous c.Kistructiou to complete the remaining Karly the following spring supplies were purchased and operations
twenty-two miles. The locale I railron! survey crosses the Grizzly 1 recommenced. The ledge was traced a distance of 600 feet of the '
group of mines nnd will airord die ip transportation for the shipment of tunnel. 400 feet west of the tunnel a prospect shaft was sunk in high
ores and supplies, upon completion of the hue, the terminus being in , grade copper and galena ore. Numerous open cuts were made on the
the Champion creek basin and in close touch with the principal mines , ledge each being in ore. A tunnel was driven on the Grizzly claim too ,
of tile district. feet in copper and galena ore. Untitling were erected, consisting of
There is mi abundance of timlwr and water on thU property for all I lxtrading house, bunk bouses, store house, blacksmith nbtip, etc and !
mining and reduction purposes, an I being situated on the slope of the ' the tunnel on the Golden Meece was driven 400 feet east on the ledge, ;
mountain can he successfully worked by tunnels iu such manner, that j proving the value of the property from that staudoiut rrTr:
a depth of 1000 feet can be obtained without the 'use of expensive hoist- Ktit greater depth had to be trained to open up the ore IkxIv to gain " t ,illU, RVI1 ,e, lU lentn. to
ing and pumping machinery, and in consequence thereof the ores may backs, by across cut tunnel 200 feet below the elevation of the tunnel on , 10 eentH. Its pur vnlue on February 1. 1
lie treated without any great expense. ! the Golden b'leece, lapping the ledge below the shaft, and by drifting The compiinvMiiiH enjoyed a Hptondld I
The development work done on this property consists of 800 feet of west to determine the exact direction the ledge takes on that course. TheM,HH(ll H,"tiie nmnngement looks
tunnels beside the numerous ojmjii cuts and prospect shafts disclosing ultimate object being the driving of a tunnel on Champion creek, on the ' IO,.war,i to remarkable rentiltn In the
large bodiesof sulphide ore, carrying gold, silver, copper and lead iu ledge towards the Golden Fleece as the mait: working tunnel, thus1 umUfV ()f development work the
assay value from ?2 to $i8s cr ton The property being fully gaining a depth of 800 feet more, doing away with expensive hoisting t.(iming uiiiiuur.
euuipped with track, mine cars, .nr plant, etc., places it beyond the ntli pumping machiuerv. To do that work, which would entail a big
category of the undeveloped punned expense, and the owners not having the necessary means, the Gruzly
The history of the Orizlv group of mines on Grizzly mountain. 1 Kr0up of mines was incorporated under the name of the Grizzly Moun-
iniw known as tlie li KI..l. muhmaijs Mi.Mnii kkivijuliiu.h tain Minim; and Reduction Company with a capitalization ot 51.000,-
1 000 divided into 1,000,000 shares of the par value of $1 each".
Three hundre and fifty thousand shares of the capita' stock has been
set aside for treasury stock, the proceeds of the sauu being used for the
Commencing January 1st our En
tire Stock of Goods, Excepting
Groceries, will be offered at a
Great Reduction.
Leaders in Merchandising.
Card Of Thanks.
CONl'ANV, front the time the tir-i location stakes were s-et to the
present time, is a repetition of all the great properties of the llohcmia
District; haul work, coupled with the unbounded. faith of til.' locators.
The claim known as the Golden Fleece was first located b Henry 1 further development ami imnroveiuent of the property.
Johnson iu the early spring of '08, but nothing was done except the lo- This company is selling a limited amount of its treasury stock to
cation work, until October of that year, when Alfred Johnson, Dan 1 investors at 2$ cents per share to secure funds to further develop and put
Ilyrno and I'. M. llryne, of Idaho, and J. C. Klopfcnstein, of Cottage Uiic necessary plant on .its property, to produce ermauent profits and
Grove, became associated with Hcnrv Johnson for the purpose of devel- dividends to those who invest iu its stocks.
opi ig the claim. There being 11 large amount of vacant ground on that
To tlux-e who mi kindly ni-i-lstisl us
during tile nlokiiwH and In the death
n( our Iwloved husband, boh and
brother and who gave ho fivoly of
' loving nyiupatliy .hi our bourn of
1 sorrowing, we extend our sincere
Mlin. K1.1..V Tayi.oii,
J. 1'. Tavi.oii ami Family.
Some things you dont need, iu the
hardware and home furnishing line
is to be found here. Gas ranges,
oil stoves; pojs, pans and kattles;
bout . 1 1 ry device that
war ever invented and tood the
test of time aiultril is m our
outfitters and shelves. Come an I
see for yoehes.
Compliments Bohemia District.
Tim following uxtrnct rwelvod by
tho llyrnc llroM., of this city, from
llock a. Nuvln, thu well known
Now York mining men, given an Idea
how niHtiTii 111I11I11K men anil
I'lipltnllstH nIm up llolioinlu Mining
DlHtrli't: "Vi liiivn lMM'xoiiiill.v vIhKhI
lliut. m-i-iIoii, and fpt'l I'onllilout that
th lliilii'iuhi Hlxtrli't Is ilintliii'd li
tuki privpih'iiiM uh tin- Kri'littwl lulu
hiK i-i'iitor In tlic world."
nooii uh Hiiltnblc iniit'liliicry can bo1
lirwurcd to trout tho ori-H, and thu
only doxlrv of tho company at tho I
pres., lion Lurch: ttvnx. Doe I l'at
lorHOu; him'., .1. M Shorwood. A coin
inlttoo uppoluti'il to Holts-i priipor
ftlllf-.l lttu ,1't.ul fll V I I ll.t III
present tl.uo Is to noil HUlllclont ntook . . ....,, .... .., ..,... ............
, lloiuonwii.v t'o'n Htuis-. and the re-
' port wan iii'lod upon (avoi'alil bj
Ihe LcNnv I tho board. Tho ollloo will holltted
' up noxt
to place tho nmohluoi
tho ground.
extended ineiilloii of which will be
taken up in thono I'liliiiiuiM next wtsk,
tho t'oinpau.v Inn ooiuplotoil two mid (
Vocal Lessons,
1 have oiKMiod my Htuillo In tho
front room of tho Perry hhorwood ,
Griffin & Veatch Go
0110-linlf i.iIIoh of Hiiloiulld road from 1 " ro,,m 0 l V
, , , ,, , .. , . 1 ivsldoni'i' 0110 block Houth of city hall,
t lie mint- to tho ItoiiHOii station, bo
nlilox having oiwtod rt larfev two-stoi-.v
bunk and cook houso, mh welt
iiHolhoi- MilMtnntlnl IninrovoinoutH.
week, and nil frleiulM of the! A .tOO-foot contract hi the main work-
Stiici'iiiteiiitut Sour, of the
Ito.v .Mluliuc Co.. Iu 11 loiter to the
Msuvtnr.v'H nillci HiIm clty.HtntoHtluit
they now have 11 full face of ore In
theli' iinfl 011 Ihe foot wnll of the III
foot lodge of gnloiin anil ciippcl' niv
of which mention wiih miulo hoiiio
time nIiioo. SmiipleH of Ihe ore
which hiivo iwntl.v his'ii Hout In uro
of Hileuillit value, ami IiiiiiiIiviIh of
Kiiih are now 011 the dump, ready for
Hhlpiiicht at t In enrlloHi opportunity.
The bo,VH 111 the mine arc now Kiiffcr
lug Inconvenience on account of
HIippllCH. All Olllol' WIIH HOIlt In UII'IIO
two wocKh ago for IivhIi Hiippllon mid
two IoiuIh were iuiiiHslliitol.v iiimlo
rim proHpeolIng work Iiiih bwn very 1 reiuly for Hhlpmout: but owing lo tho
I ,,1'onipHiiy mid vIhIIoi-h to llioelt.v an lug tunnel Iiiih Just been let to strike
onruiiiu.v invileil to cull. HohIiIoh tlic the 11111I11 oiv m'Iuuo. .r 1110 oini'torH
esleilHlve ilevelopuient work which mooting tills week It wiih decided to
Iiiih been under way Ihe p iHt miihoii, iidvunco tho price of tho Htock which
nnd 11111 now ready to rvcelve
dentH hi vocal iuuhIc Will
niivato or ehiMH lesHotiH. Call
Imve voice tented and gut niton.
Misn i:.MMA Uhya.n.
Gentleman requires room (or room
and board) with (pilot family where
there tin no other roomern. Hoply
to oillco of this pajKT. '
"Tlici'e's o rinoe Like EIHM',,
m and there's no cooking like mothers, but i
M if you will stop at the j
lnvcliiliioiit work on the Ilia
wnlha Mt 111 being energetically
piinhed, coupleil with the Into full
work IIiiiIh I ho company In hoiiio JWI
feet 011 the main tunnel, bonlden tho
uuuieroiiH proHpeot holen iiH.vella
other devolopuieiit nnd trnchigH, the
erection of Hiihntnntlal oiitliiillillugH,
tunnel hoiineH mid LV liillen of trull
We lmve opened up in
Cottage Grove
You will be so well pleased that you will come again and
bring your friends. Everything new, neat and clean.
Plastered Rooms Newly Furnished.
Birctly opposite the Depot for permanent Location
thorough, roHiiltlng In tho tracing of
tho far-fmned VohiivIiin nnd MiihIcU
loilgen on tho property, tho former
trnvernlug tho entire length mid tho
latter running oil the property hoiiio
HOW) feet, while tho Siimtt load hm
been truceil for -."00 feet, tfio throe
forming u Junction near the Internee
tlon of I'ulrvlow mid Illiiwnthu
criHiltH. AtpiOHOiitH crow of men Ik
ut work on 11 now loud UK) feet below
tho main tunnel, which to very Hiitls
factory to tho iiimiiiuoinoiit, ncroHn
cut. having boon iiiado when hi 140
foot, Hhowlng tho lodge to bo twelve
foot from wall to wnll, tho character
of oro being frco milling running 12
to the ton. Tho company Ih now en
deavoring (o supply tho treiiHiiry
with HUlllclont fiuiilH from tho mile of
UjniHiiry Htock to enable tho placing
of a mill In tho early Hprlng, U Iiiih
long Ikjoii conceded that tho Hia
watha will bo a dividend payer an
uncertainly of the condition of I lie
roniln they n ere hold hi thchopcHof Y
better weather. Then oiiine the high
water doing coiiHldorahle ilaiiinuo to;
the (). K. U, lino, and making the j j
upper road uliuont InipiiHHlhle, ho It 1 1
will Htlll iviiulre Hovorul iluyn before i(
tlie boys nt the mine will get their j,
much uis'ded Hiippllen, ( y
Juilson Rock Co, ! ?
Thv .1 uiIhoii Itock .Mining Coiupmiy
hold Uh annual Htockholdom meeting
Monday, .It in. I'O, mid elected the
following board of directors to hold
otllco during the oiiHiilng term: Dr.
.1. II. Keofor, W. II. llhilr, A. 1). Ui
Itoy, .1. .M. Shorwood, (!. II. CIomoutH,
Doc P. PattorHiin, John CuitIu. Tho
liowly elected directum having duly
ipialllled mot TuoHiluy .Ian. '.'7 and
elected the following olllcorn of the
board: Pivh,, )r. .1. II. Kwforj vlco
With n full Stock of Tailor
Made Men's and Hoys'
Conveniently Located, Two blocks West and One Block
North of S. V. Depot.
Win. T. Kayser, Proprietor.
of the best Warknmuship, Pinett Patterns and iu Great Variety.
AVe Invite Your Closest InsiDectioii
and assure you that wc will and can easily
give you better values and at lower prices
' . -1 . than any house in Oregon for reason we will
explain to you dersonally.
Moderate Prices Por Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
Reduced Rates From The liast.
SKUiams & Ratcb.
Under dute of December 10th tho
Southern Pacific nondn out a circular
letter to their agents which reailn as
It has been decided to place hi
effect on February 1Mb, 11RKI, confin
ing until April ;K)th, IncliiHlve, tho
Biinio one-wiiy hccoihI cIiihh Settleiv'
raton to all Oregon Linen polntn,
mid north, as wero In effect during
moiithn of and October
lust, viz:
$23.00 from Missouri Itlver polntH
Sioux City to Kuiihuh City lucliiRlve.
, J30.00 from St. LouIh.
$31.00 from Peoria.
$33.00 from Chicago.
Kates to bo 110 higher from Inter
mediate stations.
Tho ratoH will apply via nil ronton
through Portland, but will not up-
ply via Sacramento. Tickets routed
via Union PaclllcOivgon Short Line,
O. It. & N. to Portland, will bo al
lowed Hton-overn not to exceed ton
days, ut all polntH weHt of Pocatello,
and iu order to enable Intending net
tle rn to look over tho Willamette
Valley mid AVentorn Oregon thorouhly
thin Company will allow uh many
Htop-ovorn an desired at Htatloim In
termediate, to final denthmtlon of the
ticket, onch stop not to exceed ten
I'hln announcement in of special
Importance uh It insures tho necei.
miry cheap rate and iirrniigoinontH
to bring 11 large Immigration to
eatern Oregon next spring, PIciiho
have your npwBpniHjrH give It publi
city, ub no doubt iv great ninny of
our people who lmvo already moved
to Oregon from the middle Mtu
and tho east will advlno tholr friend
mid relatives who will tuko advant
age of the low rates to visit oregou.
Yours' truly,
W. U. ('OMAN, U P. A.