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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
BOHEMIA NUQGET. C. J. Howard Btrton C. Y. Drown Editor . Dullness Mfc'r. entered at the ponofflee l Cottage QroTe, Ortton si Second Class mill matter. JnbserlptLn prlee, I.BO, Advertising rtaUe ranf. upplltatUn, In dvnc. known upon Tilts PAPKIl ll kant on 111 at K. C. Drake' Advertising Arencr, 04 and M Merchants KX' rhsnre.Ksn Francisco, Calllornla. where (on iracis lor eaverusing can oe roeae lor 11. Friday, January aE, 1903. Who will be state senator? It is rcgretable that this city cannot be provided with a sewer' age system. Salem is in the midst of bcr liar vest now. She has a good crop every other year. How about the introduction of a fire drill in the public schools. It should be done and no delay should be incurred. A bill is now before the legisla ture which calls for a state hop in snector. It is now in line to have a louse inspector. Muddy streets, are the order of the dav now. but they could be helped if the crosswalks were higher and n the city could see its way clear to take up the sewerage prop osition. Lieut. Gov. J. H. Tillman, after having committed murder, should at least have the manhood to re sign the lieutenant governorship of South Carolina. An assassin should not be allowed to hold office for a single day. One of Lane county's pioneer women, Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson, has surrendered her noble life and has passed beyond the death cloud. Each year the number of sturdy men and women who breasted the trials of early pioneering in the west is diminishing, and in a few years only a record of heroic deeds and hardships will be left to be speak for the noble band that brought Oregon belore the world. It is gratifying to note that the suggestion made by the Nugget last week regarding the necessity of a tire drill in the public schools of this city: was taken to kindly by Professoi Briggs and his stafT of teachers. Professor Briggs has realizetLthe-need-for sometime, but in the execution of other matters demanding his attention had de layed taking the matter up. In thanking the Nugget for the sug gestion he stated that it would have his attention this week and an efiective system be put into service immediately. SCHOOL NOTES. The public school will give an entertainment at Martin's hall Saturday evening February aS, the tunas to be ustd in securing a reference library and supplement ary reading lor pupils. The exer cises will be literary and musical and a treat is in store for those who wilt attend. The enrollment has reached 409, nn increase of 106 or 33 per cent as compared with an increase of 15 per cent in the Eugene schools. The town does crow. Fire drills will be a feature the work from this tune on Though the teachers have been in structed in the matter heretofore no drills have been engaged 111. The school is very much in need ol a good drum and this is very much needed in fire drill. Have we not a good looking man who will undertake to supply the school with the article? Mrs. Bond was called to Drain Saturday, the 17th on work with the otwg Ladies Association HARM NOTES. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. Coming. Ono mUrlit not oxiect. much eu tlniRlnKin from college 111011, who nro not mrrlculturnl men, recording farm II to, hut Dr. .), (I. Schurnmn. pivwldent of Cornell unlvornlty, In a went Interview nltl tlmt his own exerlcnco led him to nympftthlte deeply with a farmer' llfo mid work. Ills father mid IiIh niuvHtorn (or many Kvnomtlimn were tanners. Ills own family ntv farmers. Ho himself wax drought up oil n farm niul lie knows tho meaning and realities of farm life. Ho believes the of J tanner nro the backbone of the country, me most conservative citum we have, the people of tho most solid character. In the cities families go to wed In two or three generations, and the cities would ko to destruc tion but for their continuous re ciierntlou by the eonilii? of youhk iiu:i and women from the farms. The hoio of the I'nlted States, there fore. Is In the fanning; population. In the education of the farmers Dr. Sehummi wild ho was vltnllv Inter ested. Ho knows that the urcnutin- tlon of agricultural education Is more dltllcult than the onriiuliiitlon of eiiKlneortiiK education anil the mechanic arts. The farmer stands nearer tiian any other man to tut ture's source of supply. His bust 1108S cannot lie syndicated. The In leon W. .'ishburn with Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company conies to the opera house Saturday evening Jan 2-1, when the patrons of that popular house will see that time-honored play In all its siiierlor attractiveness, "t'ncle Tom ' Is the hero of this purposeful story, which Is portrayed by Thos. Dins Stetson's original I'nclo Tom. probably the best known Impersonator of this celebrated character In the world. There will lie two Topslcs mid two Marks In this great double east. The work of coniietent ployors Is further enhanced by lionutlful stage settings niul new electrical devices. Col. Sawyer's :elebrated pack of Siberian bloodhounds Is one of the features with this company, as well as the prlie Shetland ponies. New and novel features are Introduced by the Creole Ladle Quartette; John Lenry, champion buck and wing daucer, assisted by the Mississippi fnger, Lu Octette. "Thel.oneStnr" quintette in sujierb vocalizations and the grotesque Limber Lee. The imrade will lie well worth going to see. BERG BROS. A.SSA.YI3STG-. New outfit and up-to-date meth ods assaying, or complete analysis of ores. Clorination, cyanide and working tests made. All work done In ilit plicate, and correct returns guar ontced. Mail orders promptly nt tended to. CURRENTJ'RICES. SlMI'lfKCOLDS, teaao to bu titmilo. If ul all proloiiKCi iliu Bufest wny i to pul tliem inkle, u. Hit) very Ixitimiliiir. Uulliinl'a Hum- hound syrup slops, scold niul remove iliecsusoul eoliU. S5c, 60u umt il.OO 001110 mi ai'w tin UruB store. .NOTICtifOn rUULICATION. Unltcl Si. in Umt onto., Itoseblirg, Orrion, Oct, is, iwl Nntlrall hMlhv l.n ..! It. M...n..ll.n with the pnnlitini of the an ot Conirtus ol June I, Ufa, rntltleil "An Act forth tale ot 1 imwrr u nii in in mates ol California, ore roil. Nevada, ami Wsihlnt,.t,,.,. e-itende.1 to all the r-ublldaml states by art ot August 4. 1.. turner Majr.ot llariUbiirit, 2nr ol I.lnn. Slate ot Oregon, has this day Rle.1 Inlhlt office his sworn ilaleineul " 1 o. J offer nrool tothow that the land sought la mure valuable tor Its tlmbcror stone ihaiitorsgrlrul. NO.JTV tlonNo. M.tovrnt! lor the purchase ot the tninas, 1 SV I of teo. 21 8, range 3 west, and will dividual must nlways play the most nil 101 mill liliri 11111,111111 lir. tCIHir- ' in,.! nut noma 1.1 hu l. I iiinn thouglit that was one reason j !.d&Uf wiiy 1 ne proper nrovis 011 tor t 10 Miene eilucatlon of young men anil women for farm life Is really so dltllcult. Very wasteful methods are mip. sued lu harvesting wheat In Califor nia and the wheat tlelds there are given over to large bands of sheep Immediately after harvest to net ns gleanem. Oremn. nn lha Hth dar ol January, imi, lie netue as witnesses ' JamceN. Kandle.otKalrmoiiul, UneCo.. Ore . 1. 1 Morris, nt lUrrl.lmrr. Llun Co., Ore.. Austin Itwt.ot Sprluineld, Une Co.. Ore., (.eoritr . lllinler. ot Kuaene. Ijine Co. Ore. Any and all persons elalmliiir adtertelr Ihe abore-deserlbnl lands are rciueted to flle their rlatnis In ihlsofflee on or belore said ih 1st of Jannarjr, IwB. J. T. llnlMto, Itrtlile The owners of sheen nav live cents er acre for the privilege of running the sheen on them lomrl IK IIXU-ki.i. enough to gut the seattenHl wheat! Trv n fioc liil ..1 11...1.1.!.. 1... heads. The owner of the land Is doubly benefited 1v the concession money anil by the fertility and Im Eugene is making an effort to secure the carriage factory now lo cated at Corvallis. It is gratifying to know that Eugene, each year, opens her eyes a little wider and takes in a more comprehensive view of her position. She is the county seat and metropolis of Lane county, one of the best counties in the broad state of Oregon. Every induce ment should be made by her citi zens to build up her manufacturing interest. When you come down to the gist of the tbiug farming at one end and manufacturing at the other makes up the backbone of progress. Eugene is a "good mixer" in this respect. That the bubonic plague has ex isted in San Francisco for a long time, and that there has been over 80 deaths from it in that city, are facts that nobody who has ex amined the evidence can doubt. Yet the newspapers of that city. tde governor who lately went out of office, and other local ofiic-als, have persistently and positively oeniea me met. buch false reprc sentations tn regard to a matter that the whole country, and par ttcularly this coast, had a right to Know tue exact truth about, is ex tremely reprehensible. The plague is mere, ana in spite ot all these false denials the country knows it. Great care should be taken that it j . uocs nor. appear nere. For one thing, our Chinatown should be cleaned up oftener and more thor oiighly. Telegram. RBAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hinds and King's sares and trans fers for tlie last ten days. In Mc- harland's uth addition to Cottage drove: D. (J. Mcl-'arlaml to Ida M. .Miller, lots 1 and S block 1. I). O.-McFarland to .Mamie II. White lot b!k I. D (i McKarlnnd-to .Mrs Marv Hart lot 4 btk 1. D O McKarlaud to A H rnisou lots r. nndOlilkl. DG McKarland to .Malachl Miller lot 7 blk 1. I) G McFnrland to A H King lots 7 nndS blk 2. Mrs M Cntul J I' Currlii to. I H Vance nnd wife lot 5 blk :t In Currln Dark addition. Mrs C A Perkins to Mrs Simmons lot.1 blk 2 J H I'erkln's addition. Frank Jordou and Ix-na .Ionian to Mrs Simmons 'JO feet on Mnln street. Kdgar King and wife to Oscar Frohmader 4.1 acres tp 20 S It :i W. All that was mortal of Thos. H iungue nas ueen iaia to rest near nis old home at Hillsboro, His coffin was covered with flowers, natures grand tribute, aud the prominent men of the state with bowed heads stood at his coffin side and listened to the last earthly ser vice. The life of Thos. H. Tongue 1 j ; l,criect Propriety be em ulated by the younger generation, As a boy he was poor in purse but rich in ambition and integritv Endowed with many of nature's gifts. He put his ambition and in tegrity to the test and be went up the ladder to prominence and in fluence. Long in the political ser vice of his state at no time has the breath of scandal tainte him. Had life been spared him he no doubt would have ndded more luster to his name; but nature rebelled. It was not to be. He lead a good life. He made 0 good fight, and his name is not nor shall not be sung. Mining Stock Of Bohemia. Below we give a list of the leading mining compnnles of the Bohemia Mining District and the market price of the stock of the same. Thero are some, however, that are not lit eluded in the list yet have not U-en omitted Intentionally, while there are others tlmt are new companies nnd will be added to the list as we secure the necessary data: Oregon Securities Co 91 HO Oregon & Colorado Mining Co. 50 Vesuvius :i3 Sunrise :vjj Uohemlu Gold Mining Co Golden Slipper...... 25 Hiawatha 10 ' rystal Consolidated 20 Leltoy ,.. 15 Star 15 Gold Hill & Bohemia 15 Mayflower 25 Golcodda 05 Judson Bock 05 Blverslde 10 North Falrvlew 02 Great Eastern 12 a visit of the llock weens are eaten by them and are kept trom going to seed. It has been found to lie very satlsfaetory tliero mid could be Introduced to ad vantage hi other localities. may tie auie to make ills slicep pay 200 cent on his Investment, but a ttock lu good hands ought to lie able to pasv.a good interest on the Invest ment and something over tor tho owner's trouble. The lambs, whether sold In the market or killed for home consumption, may In con sidered as clear gain. At the National Live Stock Con vention which uillijurned lu ICmixas wits decided that' the l'.MI convention should meet lu Portland. Oregon. This Is a stroke1 of good fortune on tlio jmrt of the Oregon delegation not easily over-1 looked. The convention will bring! many Kople here, of tlicelntvs most deslrabk-. who will look- tin. Mint,. aim us resources cnrelully over. That (sail that Is necessarv. TlieM) selfsame eopIe will do the rest. The mosi 01 mem will eventually locate In Oregon. The new definition of a farm Is V piece of land entirely covered bv a mortgage." Sam heard about some cheap land in an adjoining state ami lie bought an excursion ticket to that place. When ho got there he wrote homo to a friend that he arrived safelv and found plenty of cheap land. He said the people there were living 011 snow balls nnd rabbit tracks, As for the soli It was so poor that the grave vjiriln tlili! ti lu. f,rlll...l V..... ... .............. ..If 1 .7, kill is ,...,..w,vHii:iii rpt-t-uiiy fllecittl In voilr Appetite Kueri:)-, StreiiKth nnd VlKor. Wntch how it hrh-liten tin. anMi. proyenioni 01 tlie laud occasioned by : ..ivM freedom ln Z., " V," Thousands of I Viilitv " mi i Isaac Soorv, Ava. Mo., writes, Sept. 10th. IfXX). "I was in bad health. I Inn! toiimeli trouble for 12 months, also iiiiniu emus, nr. J. W. Mory presort Iwl ,,v,Utc, isL-iiiiM uiii in iuo weeks. I cannot recommend it too lileldv. it will iKiau voii claim for it." Sold bv Kmv r.m i'ru)5 f-iore. VI. vl. O. . .1. . . Tn ! -T- 'T- "V I GROCERIES Economists should start first with the Gro cery List. This store should appeal forcibly to every Money Saver. Here are Pure foods Healthy Flesh mid Hruin Producing Groceries at Prices Particular attention is called ta our oilers Canned Goods, Meats and Vegetables. AT PACIFIC TIMBER CO'S STORE, in Under Odd Fellow's Hall, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. HH. --.1 --:Hr-Hri4 11KST LINIMKXTOX KAKTH. ..."V""',.1.'- llildivin. Cite Water Work. Shiillsbinv, Wis , writes: "I have tilwl ninny kinds of liniment, hut have never received much lienetit until I used Mallard's Snow l.liilmi.iit ' rheumatism ami pnln. I think it the I best liniment on earth. " 3Re. IKVand J1.H0 Isitlle at New Kra Drujt Store. Notice of Stockholders Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a tnwtlng of the stockholders of the Judson Hock .Mining Company held at the otllce of. I. S. Medley, at! Cottage Grove, LaniiCouuty, Orvgon. 1 on Monday the 26th day of January, 1903. at tln hour ot ontf Mlock' p. in. for the purpose of electing n Hoard of Directors of said corporation iomtvo as such for the liorlod of one year and until their successors shall have '.een duly elected mid (iimlttled ami for the transaction of such other business as may p'roerlycomelefore said meeting. Dated DeeemborlStli. A. 1)., 1!I2. J. S. Mkiii.kv, Secretary. a good Judge of nuv eountrv and he has not exaggerated the situation i Huy your toilet articles at Ilensoii very much. In looking up a new ' Hrug f '. A choice line, well selected home it will pay to take a good, 'm tho liest goods ohstiilnable.con long look ls.-fore making a change. stoutly on hand for your lnsKvtlon. Cement promises to tnke the place KVKKY oi siunc nun uricK ior all Klllils Ol foiiudatlou work aud to Isj largely used In wall construction. Accord- ,101111? rl M un just opened in the Walker Biuldini; ncur Depot on South Side of Alain Street. We will supply you with Meals or Short Orders at any time. We huy only the freshest and best the market af- I fords and prepare in any style you desire. MILLER & OOWDV, lt Door West otbepot south Sid. u( Main Street, lug to the tigures received bv tin- treasury bureau of statistics, the pro duction of cement In the United States has doubled in live years, the total for 1901 tielng 20,000,000 barrels, as against 10,000.000 In 1897, while during the lierlod from 1KB up to the beginning of 1S90 tho production lind remained practically utatlonary at about 8,noo,000 barrels per milium. The brave man does not like to strike his colors, but the oleo man has to drop his colors or get out of the business. Now for all Inning after the shoddy man Des Moines Homestead. No mini can lie cruel to his stock without ls?Ing cruel to himself. The man who can sleep sound while the sound ot Ills HUffertug stock Is heard all over the neighborhood has his conscience (If he has one) "seared ox If with n hot Iron." There never wbm a truer truism than "The iner cllul man Is merciful to his beast." HOTTLK OP nilAMUl'K. I.A I . s UU L U 1 1 H K M K D V W A It- KANTKD. We euarunleo every linttln nf I'l.nn berlaln's Cough Itemedy nnd will relimd iiiu uiuiiev io anyone who Is not rati fled idler imlnt! two-tlifrdd of tho con tenn. rnls is the Ix-at remedy In the world for lacrippo, coughs, colds, croup and whoopiiiK coiikIi and ia pleaeant nuu cum lu mne. ii prevents anv ten' dency of a cold to result in iineumonlu yon'..& Applegate, Driifn. Ilcnson urug to., uottuge Grove. LODQE NOTES. The following Is the list of newly Installed officers for A. J. Smith I'ost No. 25, G. A- It. and Baker Circle No. 11 of theG. A. It met In lolnt Instal latlon: Com., G. W. Mclteynolds sen vice, K. D. Handy; Jim vice; II. V Adams; adj., O. D. Wheeler; quarter master; II. C. Dutton; chaplain, K, A. Clow; surgeon, Dr. A. T. Ander son; otllcor day, J. IC. Barrett; ofllcer guard, J. W. Trunnell; sargt. major, u, ll. Willard; ijuar. sar. V. E. Miller, Ijidles Circle: I'res., Mrs. L. J. Dut ton; sen vice, Mrs. Allle Hawkins Jun. vice, Mrs. Mary Dickey; sec., Mrs, 1. Miller; treox. Mrs. W. McKlb heu; chap. Mrs. V. Hears; con.. Mrs, O. H. Willard: guard. Mrs. Wlllet. Woodmen of the World are arrang ing for mi Immense log rolling at liugenu the lirst Saturday In April. All the subordinate lodges of tho county will haveu hand lu It, and It Is predicted that they will lie able to handle all kinds and sizes of logs. The number to Imj Initiated Is said to Isj at leaxt 100 mid some CM) members tire exiH-cteu to imj present. On next Wednesday night a full at tendance of the members of Juventils Lodge, No. -18, K. of I, Is expected. Work In tho It. of E. Hring all visit ing brothers, v. H. Vandcnbiirg. The waters have subsided lu nil the streams and tho threatened Hood Is not to bo nt this time. J. E. YOUNG Attorncy-at-Law Ome on Main street, West Bl.le COTTAGK GKOVK, OrK. A. H. KING A ttonicy at JLaiw, UOTTAOIS OltOVK, OIIK, JEROME KNOX Attorney-at-Law Prompt attention ald to Mlnlnc liuilness OoTTAQK GKOVK, OrU. DISLOCATED II Ell 8IIOULDEH. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm. nf Pnnn Kalla. Minn., fell and il!ru-tl 1ipi. anouiuer. rjlie had a aurneon itetit back in place as soon as noaaible. but it was limn eore nnu puineu tier very mud iivr sun menimnefi tlmt tin timi mn Chumberlaiii's i'uin Iialm adverllacd for eprains aud aorenets, and aheaaked him to buy her a bottle of It, which he did. It quickly iclieved lierand enabled her to sleep which the had not done for several usva. The mm was un n,i., pleised with the relief Itgave his mother that ha has ilncn recmnmnmlnil It In many ottiers. tor tale by Lyons A AppleKate, Drain, Uenaon DniirCo. J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-at-Law o o : Oirlce on Main ttreet i COTTAGU GKOVK, ORK. HERBERT LEIGH AHSAYEIt AND METALLUltGIST EUOKXK OlIKOO.V. Ilest qulpiilasaxnfflcln Hie Httte, 8am. ihps uj wan rvveirB i'rfiioii aiieniion. work nir tests made on ore tUmules of one tn fifty oounds to determine Ilia inrKt stilfahla mih. ixls of Ireatment, I'rhcs on aiMillcatlon m I 1 I 1 G3 BARGAINS In our Capes, Coats, Jackets, Furs and Skirts, which will be sold at reduced prices. Also a Ten per cent Discout. In our Clothing which will i.iclude Men's Youth's and Boys' Suits Pants and OVERCOATS. c (MS Jackets, Capes. Ill A HI DL1EN MISSKS niul CHI I Hcmuinvay & Burkholder. VICTORY FOR T. IC. RICHARDSON. The great run on pianos nnd organs at the RielinrtNon Music House in tlie lasd sixty days has been a wonder to ourselves, having sold in ull 35 phitios mid orcuus ns follows: " Kitla O. Hayncs Piano K. J. Daueval Or,'nii Jacob Brown " E. E. nnd J. I). Woodruff Piano W. S. Anderson , . Organ Mrs. G. E. Crouch " Miss Emma G. Ilryan I'iano Samuel G. Whittsett Organ Sherman Spoui; " E. V. Owens " Jessie Cletnms ; Piano W. G. Kelly Orgnn J. V. Lehnhare " E. J. Cox Piano J. S. Chamey ' Organ E. W. Redifer " Azalia Lodge, D. of H. of Gleudate, Ore. . . . , Piano Jasper Patton Organ R. II. Cook " l'lorcnce Andrews .' " I). Murry W. I,. Edwards " Hud Crow P Rogers .'. ' J. A. Chancy ,., M. E.Jtidklns Lillian Carper N. E. Comptou ' A. P. Larson " Hert Wells H. Iloreu " Mary A. Taplln, Siduow, Mich Piano Rem Pate W. C. Johnson Grand Piano Levi Geer pnn liestdes the above list we have sold many small instruments, such as violins, guitars, banjos and mandolins. This leaves our stock compatatively exhausted, nnd leaves our floors vacant and ready to receive a fine cir load ol Needham pianos and organs direct from the New York factory. Our shelving and show window Is also empty, and ready to re ceive a large shipment of stools and scarfs from the Tonk Mfg. Co., of N. Y. With twelve years' continued experience with the Needham goods we have found them the most satis actory, both to ourselves and to. our customers. We earnestly in vitc the intending pur chasers ot pianos especially to see this fine lot of Instruments before purchasilig elsewhere. C K Richardson JVIustc Rouse, ROSEBURG AND COTTAGE GROVE. H. C. MADSEN, WATCllMAKItX. Repairing at reasonable eaartes. All work guaranteed flrst-clasi. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at IVoweit rilrei COTTAGE OHOVE, OIIE. BARKER & PERMAN pnorniETons of THE EXCHANGE"" HKAI.KUH IN KINK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street, Collage drove, "- It Ik tlioutrlit that tli Htrcof pnr Htrlke nt V ntertilir.v. Conn, will muni come to nn end, Iteuil reul i'MhIu liurifiilim of Jt-riiiiif Knox rV Co. NOTICE roll fUIIMOATION. Und oact at Iloieliurg. Ore., ,1. iKf Niiike Is hereby given that it,. JiiV nainr.1 sell er hsi fliert , 1 nil r 1 f '"'("wing. In make rin.l ,"uSiia I,' iV."l,?" oil January No. KMO. fur nr. im nee. 0 in, I..VV'ir:,",.'"!!."!.. .0 nro.. lion ol sal laiul. vu" p nd Dl rerry Cancel, Ksglnaw, o ik Jon ci,. Ore J.,,, k,"T;""' Ore. 1 m 9. .I'f.llaii.osi, Iteglster,