Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 23, 1903, Image 5

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    A PflQTnD 10 1
n i nu i uil ur AN
Itiiv. II. Ktulwrivoll, of Klkliorn, Win., Is pn-tor of tliu Kvansollcal Lutheran
HI, JiiIiii' church n( thai plui'o. Hot. Htiibeiivoll la tliu oji8-Bar ol two bibles
inMinl)l to Min by Ktnpuror SVIMlnin o( (iiirinnny. Ukm tliu lly loaf of ono of
inn umitu mo tiuipvror nun written in liln own luuiilwrltlnK a tnxt.
Till MonoriHl pnstnr, In a recent lolttir to tliu I'uriina Aleillclna Co., of
loiiiimtua, llliln, say t-ont-oriilnif tliulr fainouii catarrh remedy, 1'uruna:
Tlio I'criinn Medicine Co.. Cotumlnn. Ohio.
(Icnllcmcn: "I tin J hemorrhage of the funjrs for a Ion; time, and all de
spaired of me. I took I 'or una and wm cured. It cnvo me strength and cour
age, and made healthy, pure Mood. It Increased my weight, gavo mo a
ncnmiy color, anil reel well. It 11 me best medicine In the world. If every
ono kept I'crimn In the house It would nave nionv from death nvi-rv vrr'
Thousands of xwplo have Catarrh , If you tin not ilorlvo prompt and oat
who would Im surprised lo know It, lw ' luluctory results from the ma of Permit
raumt It linn Ihh-ii called romo otlwr wrllo at onro to Dr. Iliirtinan. trlviiiff a
name than catarrh. Tho fuel In catarrh
la catarrh wherever lucntud; ami
another lint which m ol equally great
Important-it, Is tlMi,l'uru,ia cures catarrh
whemur located.
lull atateiiiuiit ol vjur raen and ho will
! plca-ed to give you his valuahla ad
vice (trails.
Aildrets Dr. Iluttman, 'president of
I no Miirliniin Haliltnrlum, Coluubua, 0.
Variant Ultimate.
"How did that poem of yours turn
"Oh," aiirworod tlio author, "thoro
was tlio illiTnienro of opinion that usu
ally attends tlio production of a master
piece. The tojtlimtter Insisted that It
waq first-class instUir and the editor In
sisted that l( was not."
An Unlucky Number, Sura.
Jack Conrgatuiato mol Mabal has
accepted mo.
Kdlth HeallyT I hops you'ro not
Jack No. Why?
Kdlth Ilecauto you'ro the thirteenth
lie has accepted this season, I beliove.
The Stuart Carnation.
The hrlKht red I'assionata carnation
was tlio Honor of the royal homo of
Short ol lleiklothes.
In soma of the smaller Huislati hotels
visitors are obliged tc And lliolr own
A Plain Warning.
There Is a aewngor steamer on the
J.lbti whero tlio warning against sin-alt.
Ing.lo tho man at the whcol Is dis
plays! in four different languages. version: 'To tlio
helm marine gentleman try conversa
tion not.
IJVnit In (he history of mankind has there burn so nearly a world'
ivldo hrollii'rliood n nl Ibis lime. In fact, this may bo said to he
the iIlslliK'tlvu feature of litis ngi-, ns rompnrid with former aires
evcr coiihl so liuiiiy men ho called truly citizens of the world.
there la more of n cosmopolllnn spirit, more of n bond of union
between tuitions, more of n universal Interest In the doings of men every
where, tlinn In nuy age of the pnst. Wo are coining to understand each
oilier better. The spirit of Hie Occident Is stirring tlio Orient, whllo tlio
wisdom of the Orient la flooding the Occident. Even China la nwakcnlng.
YVhiltcviT we tuny think Of Ilia nhliscs of Hnjelatid's government In India,
lu the end tlio hind of the Hindu will bu trnnaformcd.
There Is moro of n spirit of unity In n religious sense. Christianity Is
being preached In all nntlons, wliliu Christians thcmaclvea nro coming to
see the good that exists In nil religions. Narrowness in every sense Is imnn
lug out. We nro coming mora and more to see the Interests of all tlio races
as Identical. This world-wide upward trend Is the distinctive feature and
the lioM,'ful sign of the present day.
There have been great empires In the past. Ilabylon once dominated all
Western Asia. At n later period Persia exercised the samo rule. Then
Alexander, for a short time, made this territory tributary to Macedon. In a
few centuries Home was (jiieen of everything from Kngtand to Palestine.
Hut all lliese empires were hut narrow compared to the world of to-day.
They wcio held together by forco. Now the bond Is more of good will and
interest. Then It was the conquest of all smaller nations by the larger.
Now It Is a democracy of nations. Then, at the most, Hie union took In n
row hundred million people. Now It extends to a billion and a half. Then
tliero was no cohesive power, no permanent union, no union at all. In fact,
except that of the sword. Now there la mutual understanding, trade rela
tions, constant travel, tho railroad, the telegraph, the steamship and a certain
universal good will.
All of this has made a revolution In International relations. Different
siaies no longer distrust each other as formerly. Arbitration Is coming
moro ami moro Into vogue. What heforo was left to the sword Is now
edict! by tho court.
Herein Is presaged the end of war. It la possible that the world lias seen
Its hut great conflict. If not, one or two moro must end the chapter. The
conscience of the nations will no longer permit any great amount of blood
shed. The vast commercial Interests that are now stronger than any one
or two governments bn the globe, will not allow themselves to bo disturbed
hy any extended struggles. There will still he, of course, a few little wars
among the smaller and less advanced nations, petty revolutions and the like,
llltlc tllaturhancea on tho ragged edgea of humanity. Thcac, too. must grad
ually disappear as civilization ami consolidation extend their bounds. Bo
It Is not at all tho dream of an enthusiast to predict that tho present cen
tury will see the final ending of war upon the planet
Ho all the Industrial Injustice, governmental corruption, and moral and
aoolal evils that seem to flourish, are rather local lu their nature and will
be sloughed off lu time hy the healthy body of the whole humanity. These
are transitory eruptions, rather than permanent blemishes. The trcud of
tho entire raco Is ouward and the mighty momentum of tho mass will sweep
out of the way every petty local barrier. The hope no longer lodges In any
particular nation, but rather In every nation. Kvcu If tho Anglo-Saxon
should fnller. the Hlnv. the Teuton, the Latin and the Oriental would move
forward. The falling apart of tho entire Ilrltlsh empire would not check
the progress for n day. The many smaller streams arc" now uniting In ono
great river, whose force Is irresistible. Thcro may be eddies and becalmed
apacea, but the current sweeps on.
To tho man with the larger view no age In history ever seemed so honeful
of better things ns does this. Never were such vast forces In motion, never
was such rapid progress made. Hclenco, Invention, commerce, rcllgloua and
sociological .Investigations, all are helng pressed more generally and with
more results thau ever before. Tho wars for liberty have left ua with tbeir
bleaslngs. Never did lalior produce so abundantly, never were the rnmfnrt.
of life moro generally diffused. Tho press Is educating the world Tho
spirit of truth Is abroad. Inspired hy the heights Hint have been won H.o
vanguarda are pushlug on to still higher helghta. Having tasted nollttrnl
liberty the masses aro moving for economic liberty. The picture la not all
bright, by any meant, but It la growing brighter, and the fact that so many
are aware Just what produces tho dark places Is hopeful that the colort
may bo better blended and tho defects removed. Denver News.
Orowlna Herb. In the Windows for
Winter Use.
American housewives may well take fln 1 Imprlsonment-preferably m-
bad. If the law would only set nnart
one day a week for the consumption of
onions and forbid It. under penalty of
a lesson from tue roreign coiouics tu
our cities. A walk through one of
Platinum rarely occurs In' nuggets, those colonies In summer shows many
though once In a while a ' lump of It Is
found ; tho biggest on record, about the
lie ol a tumtiler, being now preserved
In the Dresden museum, Porno time
ago John M. Davidson of Rochester. N
Y., found the metal In two Motaroitea
an Interesting discovery, Inasmuch
as It proved that platinum exists In
other worlds than ours.
window sills and fire cscapci dotted
with growing herbs. Even In winter
the green thlngt peep and peer agalnat
tho panes. Sometimes the herb pot Is
prlsonmcnt-nt all other times It would
w a uoon to the world. The onion
hater would at least know when to
tak to tho woods and how long to
stay there.
As for banishing the onion from the
kitchen, that would be a crime. Thcro
Drought Their Seats.
in ma goon old t unci) ouu years ago
there w.ero no teats in tho Parisian
schools except stools (or the toachora.
Tho pupils sat on bundles of straw
hlch I hoy brought along.
u in. Duiutiiiuv, in, ' 1 - . . - -
an old tin con or cracked pitcher. Oft- j " oecn poeta wuo have aung Its
cner It Is a box of handy site, and ( praises, but perhaps some of the prose
somehow the box herbs always seem rhapsodies aro Just as eloquent. Kor
tho most luxuriant Dill Is there, and . instance. If you want to crush your
mint and fennel, balm, tweet basil. uriBuuor nno regards your dish of
sweet marjoram, thyme lutieca, an , ' " a supercilious eye. Just
Iho flavorous tribe. Parsley may be as mm ir lie knows that the onion
bought fresh the year round from tho it caned the rose among roots."
corner grocer, so It It seldom Been In
the boxes. It may bo that aupcratl
Eating Dicers,
A Constant Drain
Upon tho System
tlon haa as much to do with that at
convenience. In the folklore of vari
ous lands parsley root Is endowed with
malign powers. Ill luck comet to wno-1
ever pulls It up save wiiu me n-ii .
hand walking backward, and to carry
a growlug root from one homestead to (
another It a turo inviiauon 10 mis
A cook worth tho nnmo knowt that
green herbs are innnneiy ueucr tor
seasoning than dry ones, even when
iho drv ones are freshly grown. First-
And a source of worry, anxiety and endless trouble to those wba are afflicted cIobs marketmcn also rccognlzo tho
with them, particularly so when located upon the lower extremities whore fact by offering, along with costly
me circuiatioii is weaie nuu slUKK"". A gangrenous eating ulcer upon tuo prng Iamb, pots of tender, growing
leg is n frightful sight, niul ns tha poison burrows deeper and deeper into the ,unt to sauce tho roast Ono of these
Unue beneath nnd the sore continues to spread, one can almost sec the flesh mnt pot,,, properly tended, will grow
melting away ntid feel the strength goinif out with the Blckeulng discharges. for years and supply an ordinary
Great ruunlng sores and deep ofTcnsive ulcers often develop trout a simple mcn. Mint grows rapidly and tho
boll, swollen gland, bruise or pimple mil are a threatening danger always, uccr for frequent plucking. Stnlks
because while all such sores nrc not cancerous, a crrcat many are. and this n t iimviii to t-rnw mora
ahouldmake you suspicioutof all chronic slow-healing ulcers and sores, par ,inn ,ix inches high. If they are not
Ucularly if cancer runs in your family, l'ace sores arc common and cause tho newled in tbcm oft and dry In a thady
i ! Aftlf llllll ir lla tnnu. !. lt.tll -
! v o mm nitiiDui
It there would be no gastronomic art;'
that "Its presence lends color and en-
chantment to the modest dish. Its ab
sence reduces the rarest dainty to
hopeless Insipidity and the diner to de
spair." It Is quite possible that your haughty
neighbor may decline to follow this
hint and may show algus of not being
plunged Into despair pending the ad
dition of onions to Ills own menu. The
autl-onlonlst Is a stiff-necked party.
l'rovldcuce Journal.
greatest annoyance because they are
so persistent and unsightly nnd de
tract from one's appearance.
Middle flged nnd old people and
those whose blood is contaminated
and tainted with the germs and poison
of malatla or some previous sickness,
or excessive use of mercury, nre the
chief sufferers from chronic sores and
ulcers. While the blood remains in
this unhealthy, polluted condition
healing is simply impossible and the
tore will continue to grow nnd spread
in spite of washes and salves or any
superficial or surface treatment, for
the sore is but tlw outward sign of
Valdosta, Oa., Bsptsmbsr, 1000,
Swift Dnootflo Co., Atlanta, Oa.
Star Olrsi Somsthlntr Ilka a rlsluo
earn on lay lnstsp, vry small at
first, not at all painful, but at It
Brow larger and began to pain tas X
ooniultod a doctor, but In splto of
all ha eould do Ui aor got worat
and beran to dtiohre thsu other
aorea oiut until the whole top of
my foot waa ons large mass of BOrss
and I oould not walk. Thtninyhui
band, who had bsen eursd of Sorof
ult by tho uio of B, 0, S., aatd h
believed it wonld eura ins. I beran
taklnr it and eight bottlet oured
moj my foot healed up nloely. I be.
Have I would have been a orlppla
for life but for B. B. S.
MRS. 0. H. KINO.
some constitutional disorder, n bad
condition of the blood nnd system,
which local remdies cnunot curt.
S, S. 8. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to the
very root of the trouble mid counteracts and removes from the bleod all the
Impurities nnd poisons, nnd gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when tha blood has been purified
ami the system purged ol all morbid,
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, nnd the enting .ulcer or chronic
sore is soon entirely gone.
K. a. H. contains no mineral or poison
place against tho tliuo when more mint
may be needed man mo pot can fur
nish. This applies also to otner nerbs.
Aim In plucking to keep them bunchy
and stocky, so at to furnish many
leaves with the smallest modlucum of
stems. Garden-grown bcrba are per
mitted to bud before cutting down for
drying, but thoso In the herb-window
garden would better not exhaust their
atrength lu the effort to (lower.
Kitchen air It commonly both warm
and molat; hence thlngt grow In it
almost tropically. Qlve tho herbs the
sunniest wludow. It a box can be set
the whole window length all the bet
ter. Ono ttrong clump of each herb
It better than several weak ones. Plant
them ilgzag, up and down the aides of
tho box. If seeds aro sown let It be
lu a smaller box, from which the
strongest plants can bo tot In the win
dow box, which should bo a foot wide
nnd ten Inchct deep Inside. Fill with
in an Inch of the top with very rich
dirt nnd give tho plants monthly a lib
eral watering with liquid ninuure. If
ous drugs of any description, but is guar- that Is out of tho question soap suds,
nntccu a imrciv vegeiauie remeay, a thn illrtlor the better, should lin ,in
blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronio weekly. Tour tho suds around tho
sores aim Ulcers, it you nave a siowucaung Bore,cu nny uiuu, largo or
small, write us about ft, nnd our physicians will advise you without charge.
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free.
PAINIUBSS dentistry
Tlio dlicovory ol now agouti and new
methodaot ailiiiliilttertntt Uio uV agouti
tia id In dentistry for elltitliiulliig imtn,
liM rovulutliiuliruil jiractlio. 1'AINMM
DKNTIriTUY with null not an eiiKirl
niont, but an absolute certainty, as
liunilreili can tcmlfy. Don't you taVo
any rlk. guaruntpo "NO l'AIN "
Iloth 'phonoii Oregon South '."."Jit
Columbia MA. Open eronlngi till V,
I 10 li,
Sunday! Iroiu V t
WISE BROS., Dentists.
roots. Keep the green tops clean by
sprinkling with fresh water at least
every other day.
From such a garden, says the Wash
ington Btnr, ono can gather bouquets
of herbs every day In the year of rich
yet superlatively delicate flavor. Nor
Is that all tho profit sauces, extracts,
delicious drinks may come from It, not
to mention tho delights of watching
and tending a runss of thrifty growth.
80S, 209, 81 1, Vll, Sli. m Falling Hldg
Cor. T14rJ and Yainlngtou bts.
Onion Flnda a Defender.
The onion Is one of thoso strenuous
vegetables about which ono cannot bo
Indifferent One either yearns for It
with a passionate longing or else utter
ly repudiates It and everybody who
has any trafilcklug with It
If one never had to take one's onions
at second hand It would not bo so
An antl-profanlty leaguo has been
formed at Bertha, Neb., which Is quite
unique ns an organization. The con
stitution provides
that tho member
ship Bball bo lim
ited to young
women, nnd that
the chief object of
the league shall
bo to Btop the
wearing habit
among young
The members of
tho order aro to
discourage atten
tions from any
vounir man who
MISS KESSLEB. lnuuee8 ln swear.
Ing. Twenty-six young women have
signed the membership roll thus far.
One enthusiastic member proposed
that the members be prohibited from
speaking to young men who swear,
but this radical Idea was not adopted.
The first president of tho Antl-profan
lty Leaguo Is Miss Florence Kessler,
daughter of the proprietor of a de
partment store at Bertha. The secre
tary Is Mies Blrdlo Carbon.
Miss Gannon, Scc'v Detroit
Amateur Art Association, tells
young women what to do to
avoid pain and suffering caused
by female troubles.
" I can conscientiously recommend
Lytllu K. IMnklmm'H Vcgvtnblo
Compound to those of my slaters
Buffering with frmalo weakness and
the troubles which so often befall
women. I suffered for months with
general weaknest and felt no weary
tliat I had hard work to keen ud. 1
had shooting- pains and waa utterly
miserable. In my distress I was ad
vised to use I.ydlii U. rinUItuiii's
VcectiiMo Coililiounil. and It woa
a red letter day to me when I took the
first dose, for at that time my restora
tion beiran. In six weeks I was a
changed woman, perfectly well In
every respect. I felt so elated and
happy that I want all women who
suffer to get well as I did." Miss
Ouii.A Oanhoit, 319 Jones St., Detroit,
Corresponding' Beo'y Mich. Amateur
Art Association. tSOOOorftltlorlglnalef
aoow IttUrpndiy gtnulfitnm cannot b. prtfticid.
It In clonrlv slioun In liU
rountr lady's letter that Lyilla Ii
'Inkhnm'8 Vegetable) Compound
will surely euro tho sufferings of
women ; nnd when ono considers,
tbatailss Gannon's letter Is only
one of hundreds which we have, the
great virtue of Mm Plnkham'a medi
cine must be admitted by all.
The Weight of Crowds.
The load which is produced bv a
denso crowd of persons Is generally
taken at 80 to 100 pounds Per Eouar'e
foot and is considered to be tho greatest
uniformity distributed load for which a
floor need be proportioned.
Unique Mountains.
There are four unlquo mountains In
Lower California two of alum, one of
alum and sulpur mixed and one of pnre
snlpur. It is estimated that in the
four peaks named there are 100,000,000
tons ol pure alum and 1,000,000 tons
of sulphur.
Tommy Won.
Two brothers went to the same
school. They were absent about a
fortnight, and then one returned alone.
"Where is your brother Thomae?"
asked the master.
"Please, sir, he's laid up with a
sprained arm. We were trving to tee
which could lean out nl the window
fartberest, and Tommy ,u.
When Docs the 5eaion Open.
Clarenco Mlnteahcimer, of tho
Stock oi change, who was bomoanlng
tho exactions Imposed upon the tlmo
of an active broker, said that ho had
hoped bnforo this to have been In tho
Adlrondacks shooting. ,
"It Is to long slnco I have had nn
outing," romarked nick Halstcd, "I
rear tnnt i am very rusty in my
knowlcdgo or tho gamo laws. When
docs tho gamo season open, Clarry?
Hadn't Tried It.
Mrs. Wcddle Was that gentleman
who gave you the cigar a friend of
Weddlo I don't know; I haven't
smoked It yet. New York Time.
Corn on the Cob.
Not many people havo ever had the
chance to eat an ear of roasted corn on
the cob In tlio inlddlo of winter. How
ever, Wadliann A Kerr Bros., wholetale
grocers ol l'ortland. had a small onan
tlty put op under their Monopole brand
and had it shipped to them from the
state of Maino. Tho corn is put up six
or reven ears in a gallon can and whllo
it is much higher in price than tholr
regular Monopole canned corn, there
are many who are willing to pay extra
for such an unusual dainty.
Might Regret It.
Mistress Poor, darling little Top
ty! I'm afraid sho will never recover.
Do you know, Urldgct, I think the
kindest thing would bo to have her
shot and put out of her misery.
Drldget 'Deed ma'am I wouldn't
do that Sho might get better, after
all, an' then ye'd bo sorry yo'd bad
her killed. Punch.
Chopping lllra Off.
Tho Count (passionately) I
2eo vcr-r-reo gr-r-r-r-ound you
Tho Heiress (coldly) I always
ride! Puck.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Couldn't De otherwise.
Miss Slim "Who wrote 'Man Pro
roses?' "
MJss Antique "Probably sorao In
experienced young author." New
York Tribune.
I "I hive used Ayer'a Ilalr Vigor
for thirty ycart. II Is elegant for
I a hllr dreaitnt. and tnr knlnn tliM
Shilr from iplliting at the cinls." 1
J.A.Gruenenfeller,Grantfor-,Ilt. g
- . . .
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting Is done on your
own head. It loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head Is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor In
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, It will stop it.
JI.M a twttlt. All srefilslt.
If voar drnrirUt cannot innntv nn.
aend ua ono dollar and wo will ainreta
vou a bottle, no aura and irlva tlm nam,
of your nearrat einrM onTea. Addresn,
tv. a i cn wu., juowbii, aiasi.
The Low Roof.
Ascum Hardened enso Is ho?
Tufnut Do wolst over. Did yer
notice how baldheaded ho Is?
Ascum Yes.
Tufnut Well, dat's from rldln' so
much In prison vans; It wore nil do
hair oft tho top of his head. Phila
delphia Press.
Foot ol Morrison Strest.
Can rive you the belt bargains in Dollera
and EnElnes, Windmills, rumps and Gene
ral Machinery. Wood Hawlnjr Machines a
apeelaltjr. Bca ua before burins;.
CITQ Ferm&neear Cures slo fits or neTTOtuseei
si I w arurflrat.Ur''i..erir.Klla,sOrtMem
Salmi, towiror VllKKS'OOUullmtlatndtrMt
a. Di.B.ILKua.Uit.uiircb3uriiiUud(hU.ra
Had Seen Better Days.
Kind Lady I suppose you
seen better days?
Tramp Yes'm. One day last week
I got three dinners and ten beers.
Detroit Free Press.
Reasonably Good.
Mrs. Dick Did you and
good sport?
Dick Well, wo dldu'
game; but wo dldn t sbc-t
Joe c
,;;t any
acli otaer
Tho readers of this paper will be. pleased to
jesrn tbat there la at least one dreaded disease
that science haa been ablo to cure In all lu
stages, and that lacatarrh. Ilall'sCatarrh Cue
Is the only positive cure known to tho medical
(raternltr. Catarrh being a constitutional dts-
wise, requires a constitutional treatment.
llall'e Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surface
, - bt -i i - ) a.r l-i I- n i
. .i i-M 1 - ', and . - f.t r
s-'rir''- . hi a I ,i ..o . ,,t. jl n ,
I r j ..a: ' i- iSi-it if v -3 ,rk Tr-.
Htetor, haw r m-icl fu'lti ta its .t it
, . v . a -at hy uCvr Qu. Hundred :jo,r,
nr any case that ft rails to eon. Snd furl.:.
A te.t'acorial. A M-.-aa
I r J. . n.str ;o., tv'f
I do:d I.T dmftltete. 75c.
limit a ajniur Jills are the beat.
Fatberi, Mothers. Sitter Brothers, Fweet
hrt ant Itveri. In't yon wnt a
ii tlijie limit U February 22ntl, 10.
There 1 one ol them glfti laying In, wait
for some lucky one. Why not yout Hend
25c. for sample of goods and particulars
Uncle Sam's York Shop
205 LarklnSt.
San franc! sco.
TOWER'S jarmerOs and
htti are mads of the best
materials In bkxk or yll
for oil kinds of wet work.
Tffi SIGN Or iHc FISH.
All Bodily Aches
Adapted to Flats.
"I see that you bave taken. up the
vertical system of penmanship. Why
aid you do that?
"Oh, haven't you heard? Why, we
are living in a uat now.
She Made lllm.
Mrs. Tower Frankly, John Tower, 1
think you are the meanest man X over
Mr. Tower I wouldn't say tbat,
Gusty; you know you've said hundreds
of timet that you have been the making
ol ine.
Paid Basra to Refuse.
A solicitor for a Wall Btrcet paper
had been trying for a long time to se
cure the signature of Russell Sage to
an advertising contract at a cost of
100 per year, but to no purpose. To
show how diligently be had been work'
Ing, hoping thereby to Induce Mr. Sage
to sign the contract, he said:
"I think, Mr, Sage, you ought to fa
vor mo with this order, for I have been
after you for three years."
Tbo old financier leaned back In his
chair, thought a moment, saya the
Now York Times, and then asked:
"How long havo you been trying to got
this contract, did you say!"
"Three years," hopelessly replied the
"Then, you see," continued Mr, Sage,
"I havo Baved Just 300."
When a woman coiumouces to talk
about a sealskin coat, she might at
well buy ono. It will be among hei
assets sooner or later.
The now Idea In men's clothing
seems to he to havo tbein hang like
gunny tack.
Eccentricities of Blue Blood.
Mrs. Highup Do you believe that
It it true that the Emperor William Is
having the milk from his farm at Pots
dam retailed ln Berlin from wagons
with his name printed on themT
Mrs. Wayupp I shouldn't wonder.
It'a nothing. Why, even my grand
father did the samo thing. New York
Advance of Science.
"My fee for the surgical operation
which la a dangerous onx," said the
eminent expert, "will be (5,000."
"Five thousand dollars? Wliewl"
exclaimed the prospective victim.
"Why, four centuries ago the royal ex
ecutioners hadn't the nerve to charge
over f 10 for (heir work." Baltimore
A Laudable Ambition,
Aunt Have you no serious purpose
In life?
NIeco Oh, yes. I want to find a
real wicked man and marry him to re
form Mm. New York Journal.
Mothers will Una Mrs. tVlnslow's Sooth.
In? Syrup the tx-st remedy to use tor their
Children during the teething period.
"What's the trouble, Henry?" asked
the wife. "Wasn't tho majority as
large as you expected?"
"I'm not thinking about the elec
tion. Jest," gloomily replied the
statesman, whoso admiring constit
uents bad returned htm to congress
for another term. "You remember
there Is a brand of a 6-cent cigars
named for me? Well, they're selling
them two for 5 cents now." Chicago
Flso's Cure b a remedy forcouehs. colds
and consumption. Try it. Trice 25 cents,
i arugguu.
Tough Leather.
A sign on an East Side shop win
dow reads:
"Fried Shoes." The merchants
name Is Fried, but he forgot to put a
comma after It." New York Times.
"A tape morns eighteen reel Ions; at
leaal eame oa the scene alter mi taking two
CASCAItETS. TUls I am sura haa eiused nr
bad health for the mat three jeara. I am atlll
taklnx Caseareta. the only catbartle worthy ot
DOUoa by sensible people."
ueu. w. uowlks, uatra, miss.
Pleasant. Pmlauble. I 'o lent. Tsste Good. Do
Good, Nerer Sleken. Weekcn. or Gripe. 10c. 2ue,s0o.
Btwtlar CM...?, tttos. SMlml, l. T.rt. S1J
MOaTfl.RlR 801,1 fisrenteed by ill draa-nUMU-DAb
Little Liver Pills.
dust Boar Signature of
ee Pac-Simile Wrapper Below.
Too Realistic Altogether.
Footlight And was tho lighthouse
eoeno roallstlo?
Sue Brette Oh, yes. They had a
real light house at last night's perform
ance, Yonkert Statesman,
Ytirr sstsll and as easy
to take as aogais.
tcTctuH I Purely TegetabltvW
1 1 jaauuuniiuausii- 1 1 "
j Dest Cuuga tJyrap. Tastes Good. Use rP
Prj la time. Sold by drueKt.ts. Is
I The Food Inspectors
! Would be out of a Job It all eatablea
! were aa pure aud healthy as
! ...MONOPOLE...
f (let Monopole Goods ol your grocer.
WADHAMS & KERIt 1U103., fackera.
Ijfc half & century SjP
S Seeds $
s2 hr ttfcn growing f uaou iatrmr Ajfir
MJVA kinder tUiil.eTSrTwtiere, Sold by
lBnmL Ml dwUer. 8fVl Annoijf MB
poetpUd tr to aU ppUcuU. fiaTftff
Costs You Nothing
To catch cold you eel
omeihtujt for no. b log,
ure enouiih. You can
kep It if you want It,
tut you can set rid of It
by utlns (lueon llee
CourIi Drops. Kp
m box lu tu) houtM.
Thy taste nice, loots
nice, are nice. Made
of tiouey and mentlioL
0 Ceou a box. Hold by
all drugtcUia- and con
fectlonere. Twj boxes
en by mall jKMtpald
ou receipt of loc. lu
Pacific Coast
Dlscuit Co.
Portland, Ore
This wondeirui Cbl
nese doctor U called
sreat because be cures
people without opera
tlon that are glren up
to die. lie cures with
those wonderful Chi
nese herbs, roots, buds,
barks and veveiables
tbat are entirely un
known; to medical scl
ThroUKhlhe useof those
barmlca remedies Ibis famous doctor knows
the action 01 over ow uinervnt remeuies, wnien
besucceasfully uses In different diseases, tie
fuarantiH'S to cure raiarrh, asthma. lung,
throat, rheumatism, nervousnesa, stomach.
Itver, kldueys, etct hasbuudreds of testliuou
lats. Charges moderate. Call aud see him.
Patients out of the city write for blanks aud
circulars. 8nd 4 cents In siampe. C'O-NaUL-T
Ul, Third St., Irtland, Oregon, a'
SY9Meutlou pap.r. J
enraln Ibis country.
P. K. U.
Mo. 4-1003.
II KN trrltlne; to ailveitliera please
lueutlou tlila paper.
I axiiiasxisjisaxsxii