NUGG S JtKAT JllR HUNTINO. n ilf. w w w aa jtjig; llll AlnKlrll-IM. MI.IMI'M, & U & 1 Pevoted lo tlie MIiiIiik. Lumbering "d Knriitiug IiitorenWof tliinCoimmmlty, to (iootl Oovcrtiment, nnd Hustling for a Grub Stake COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY g, 1903. VOL. IV NO. 52. Tin1 wenl mi Ike In the l-t'Ituy llllllll III lllllllfilllll llllM I'llllKI'll Wllll- Hjuwtil mnillH'lll III ftoino IliHliinrw uxclli'iiivat iiuloiilylnroltiwctiriivo, lllll III otlH'l1 Illlll'l'H MH Wfll. HInie llll' noWHof IIk HliiUt weiv llwl Klvi'ii Ollt tll l'lltlllll,V llOn' llHH tllH'll I4- luged with letter imMnit forntilhen tic Information i'rirltiije tht Hirlke. 'I'ln riiiiiiiniiv drifted :hki fitii. mill then crown I 101 fit't In tlu foot wall. HUrt-four feel of IIik KM full In fiiiiMMitrnlliiK "iv. with :i fit'l very heavy, the luxl four feel of which I Milht irfllt'iiii anil copper, TI10 drift hii already Ihvii hum inenewl mi tho (nut wnll, a full crew Ik'Iiik Hlettdlly lit work, ri' niaii Hitemetit unite Unit Hit' report re cently circulated to theeffeel Hint 11 hUH ImmI.v f lie' iiillllMK oi'" wum yirn.'U lii thin tlrlfl Willi error. Tlit eoiuwiiy hiw Htrui'k 11 Hplcmllil vein nf frit) mllllliK ore In level Nun I mill !f. lint nut III thW level, mill It W tilt' ihttli' of tin' innnniteinenl that any fab report that Imvi' IHii i'Iivii luted 1m( corrccti-d. fwllnic that the ciimiwiiy Mill MlmiilonllHivHliui'rllH. Tim s lty hit enjoyed a phennmc mil wiieee clnce II"' ni'irmiUalloii of the company. At no lime linn con tldeuet lll Hhakcn III the property, ami tho condition of the mine nt IIiIn time warrant tho eoiiihleuco be- MlllWed. The I'nclllc Miner imlilWhitl at Portland, Waller I". . I. Hani. -ere-Iin v of tho On'uou MIiiIiik HxehmiKe. II tiiakiw Miiiiu rather liohl ehawd. emlH'llHluil by lettern from M'vernl hrokeix In I'orllaml. The NiiHiP't known nothing of the liffHlnt of the Kxt'lmiiK! which the .lonrnal rlw n the Iwiek; hut It Iihm know that In inany wii.vh Mr. Ilanl Iiiih iIoiih liiui-h for the 111I11I11K lutenwln of On-. Kiii. ami that he W iit'iti''l I'v iiihiiv imM'rM, uliiiw liiinirtani'i- In tin- iiiIiiIiik; worhl W far Im- I the poillilee.ortatlou of thi'.lnnr mil. Ill vknv of the fact that tlie TeleKram Wcnlhil In to iiiftloii ami that the pulriiiumi' Mr. Ilanl Iihh wentltlo K''e the Tekuram mvu to lie the flicker, one wouhl Infer tliat the .loiirmil thW on the ImimW that the alleKatloiiH of tlie .loiirmil aiv true might lie willing lo ! UhcoIuiuiim to Mr. Ilanl .ami hl cluing)' If that gentleman uonlil throw 11 little of hW hanl earm-.l inonev that way. It iihimmiii that thvnWa law governing frauilnli-iii miHniriww 111 wirfcuii n ..... ..-,,,, other dtiileK, ami II the nlWgtttltiii ,f. maile Uirougu llio Junnmi iuv cor lit II..I..I utiil lilx l!ieliiiliue rilll i iMMiut oiit of luiMlnewi In nhort order. and In view of the money conxlilern- tlon alhidetl to iM'tween Mr. Iliml, ami the Telegram It would ivlltrl iMhcu ii .. .iwiii "" - linrille the niiiM'r to countenance any (rand. notwItliHtaudhiK the .lour-1 nal'M anxiTtlon. A Chicago dlHiiatch iintlcr .late of . .. .... .i.,.. ii,. ,.i,i M'l,, .lanuary ilatate that I at til I luunp-, ho ne of the Itwtt-knowii pro-1 pectoralu the lllark 11111m over which t country he Iiiih hunted gold for 17, yeaiv, Htruek a 'letlge of great rich-, liexH anil after 1(1 mlnutex tit Htratlon of ilcllght fell tlead XllfU 11 I illxpaluh to the Tribune from Itou balx, H. D. An oxiimlmithm mutle later by phyMlelmiH hIiowciI a blood vexxel in the bruin to lmvc'beeii ruptiiivd. ArtlcleM ol Incorporation weiv lllctl In I'.ugene .Inn. 0 by two new mining couipauleH to oiH'rate on proH-rtlea actUlivd In lllue Itlver Mining Dlxtrlct known ax theSuuxet group. The nainu of the new organ UatloiiH are the l.'ilbii MIiich Co. and the Olatou Promoting Co. T. S. Cogawell, Otto Olxton and C. A. Hardy aiv the Incorporator. The capital Mtock of the Hint, named W$t,. (hh),(HK) ami the other f.-Jfl.otHl. The (Irlxily Mining Company have thlx wix-k oieneil up the coinpany'M heaihiuarleiH next tloor to WHImoh'm reHtiiuruut, whuro they aiv alivady traiiHiietlng hiixluoMH. The eoinpany own hoiiib of the bet ground In llo hoinla ami will bo looked after by mining men who huvo nny acijimliit anco with the dlxtrlct. i huh: Just opened in the "WnlUer HniltHiig near Depot on South Side ol' Main Street. We will snppl.v yon with Menla or Short Orders at anv time- We ly only the freshest and l)e'.st the market ftf fords tind prepare in any style yon desire. MILLtilt OOWDY, l.t Poor Vit nt Point gniith Hl'lo iif Main Btrcot. anechil lviuieHt Dr. Lowe tho .nculo-optleluii will bo hi . Cotlago rflrovoHaturday .inn. tiio.'itn, NIIW VHAU'SI'lltfllVIIIIIS. How tln Churches Honored the llvcnt j InlvrentliiK I'mgrnm nnd Wntcli ' 1 I'mtlciC ! II. 1:. 1 lll'licil. Will Ii' no wutch parly wim held lit the MclhoilUl l".il iiinl church New Year eve, till' Her lev mi (lie I'Vt'lilllK of the llrnl ilnv ol llii' Miiithful vcnr'aml wlllbe ailileil to IhollHl n we more thmi maile 1111 for any him- crcpeticy 011 llio eve. lr. Foul ile- llvereil a Hplemllit leelure on oillxm ami The New Oregon, Moth - which u'mm highly iiiiiii'liili'il hv a hirge amlleuce. A irogram coUHlxtlug of I iih 1 r 11 11 it'll 1 11 1 miwlc, HougH ami reel tathimt wan mImu rcmleretl, afler which a li(iiiiiliilMUi'r wuKHrcitil. I 11111X11 AN I'lll'IH'll. At the ChrlHtlmi cliurcli u large aiulleiice of ohl anil young gatheivd on the eve of the eventful tlay, to waleh the old fellow k aud the hoy 01 im Hll' nun III" "I'll tvurii iiiiii of eventful jeaivi yea ceiilurleH of them. Mix" Dolly llnwkju had her Mtaff of .llinlorn there who weru well tlrllled III ll cleverly iremivd jirognim that fiirnlxli"il mmiHcincnl for all. I'l'Mlllilll.ANII I'llKNUVTCIIIAX. A line dinner wax xiri'ad on New Venr'x day and Itev, lin k lead In an ahle aihlremt commemorative of the day. AproKram parllrliateil la by the lnt talent In Hi" church HOtletleM; wiih iviiiIi'IihI mid nearly the entire afternoon wax taken up In llx reudl thin and in nhort aihlrexwx hy the inemlHTH. AMONtl till! I.ODOIIS. MOIIKII.S WOOIIMMN. The Cot tnge drove Camp No. HI'JI held an Installation ami ineetlugln the I. o. o. 1'. hall and currhxl out a very xmvtwfiil nnd Interextlug pro- gram on the night of Jan. ti. A xKf'h ivlallve to the order of M. V. . wan dellveivd hy .1. W. Sliiiniinix, Niate itepuly of Ore;tiu. The Inxlnl- Intlou of oltlceiM wiim then wltnewetl by over a humlntl lu-ople. (it'orgi1 Coiner. V. C; llert Mcllole. W. A: Joe linker, banker: N. U. Compton, clerk; ifeo. Ilerry Sentry: Oxwir McDole. Wa chmaa: I'riink llcuilervou, iuau ager fur three yearn; Ductorx Wall and Amlerxon, I'liyrlchinx. After completing the program couxlHtlng of limtriiiiiunttil muxleamlnrltatlimH le hungry crowtl ivpaln-tl to the ilhiulng hall when' they did them- m - Ivch proud with the contetitM of the table. k. nr r, The K. of 1'.' I.oilge No. 4 of thW ..11. ...... , I Vim, im inn-f IV I-'. II. Itoxetihiirg. V.C.j Frank Joi- ' dan. I: lleo. Wall. K. of It. ,V ; .). s. ! Metlley. M. of K: C. .1. Howard, M. of A: . It. Diitton. 1. t ; D. Itvnnett, ": Alter liiHtiillatlou, the ban- ( ((mri WUM m tlll.M H.,.M enjoieil a Miibxtanthil aptvad and Htnoke. i;mami'MI:nt I. o. o. K. CumxI I'nrk ICucmnpmeul No. 10 I. m-io. u. r. win nieei una momii every " VIIHTT...!.., .......... ......f, I Willi ill'AL 111.111,11 llll iiin'iinxn will la every other Wislnexday. Twenty- eight memburri have alivady la-en In itiated, anil much luteivxt la taken. ItCIIMU.N INHTAI.I.. The lledmeti of thlx city held In Htallatlon aa followa Momlny night, ll. A. WIIImoii, prophet; Dr Anderaou. S; tieo. Coiner, S. s: Fred HartelH, .1: S; It. W. Veatch, It. Scribe; .1. F. Mil ler. K. of W. i:. r. Kiv the well known mining iniiu wiih In thecjty thlx week. Jim .lennlugM left for a few day vlxlt In the hllla Thurxday afternoon. Long & lllnghmu thl wivk re ceived an order for I.WHi.OOO feet of lumber. HUMS PUOAl SILK CRIU!K. .Ian. 7. 1IKI2. Mix. Kuiniii Iliiinewonil aud fauilly of Doivuu lvturned homehixt Friday afler a week' vlxlt with ri'latlvea hero. Kliucr Culdwell iviurned homo Sunday afler a two week' vlxlt at Fox Valley. Tliox. itluluirdHou who ha lavn ao very 111 Ix aleadlly Improving In health under the clllelcnt caiv of Dr. Itohlnaoii of yourtowli. Thoxe on the lck Hat hint week weiv: Mr. L. Single, Mr, tieo. Thoinpaon and Mr. Ida Caldwell. Win. Medley hud the mlxfortune to loxo one of hi team of horae laxt Satuftlay night. NellleCoiuer hoartlcil the one p. m. t I'll t ii laat Sunday for- Portland where ahe expect to iiiukea tay of alx mouth. Aren't you all glad you live In Ore gon? While the lillzxnidx rago ami iuv freezing to death In the eaat, llower are blooming lu the yard and our blackberry patch la white With bloHaoin, ami by tho way wo hud Hlrawberry. xhorlcuke the other night for wuppcr, Who wouldn't like to llvo In t)regon? Professor Hurt G. Wilder, of Cor nell University, 1ms only recently presented a paper on the "relation of mail to the npe." It is uow up to the professor to determine the relation of some men to the hog. Mining Stock Of llolicmla,' wi'Klv.'iill-tof Ihi- li'iiilllixl I'lMh-i-'lat.. of ix-inl-r Huh lh' mbilm, ciiiiiMi.teM of Hit' lloli.'inht HoiUlKTIl Pacific wmb. out n circular Mlntlitf DlHtrlft mill (he market inlet' of tho Mtot'k of tin' Mime. Tlii'if are womo, however, thnt ah' not In clmh'il In Hie llt yet -lime not Ihhmi oinltleil IlilcnlloiiMlly, while there arc other that are new compunleH . wenre me neciwnry oaia Oivjiihi Kcimrltlo Co " SI IHI , Oregon & Cohinulo Mining Co, Ml I Vexuvlu :ir Muni-lxe... lloheiula Hold .Milling Co.: (Itllllfll .SIIlM'f Vl lllawalha - Hi 1 ryatHl t'oimolhlnleil 20 l'n.v Star ir, liohl lllll &, lloln'lilM... ir j,ynw,.r tlolcDilda 0." ( jIHjMIII1 jt,M,j. II.-, 10 is! Illvelxlilc North I'alrvlew (Itval IvtMterit Notice of Stockholder McctliiK. .Notice Ix hereby glvun that thelO will lie a meeting of the xtockhohlerx (nJ.Hi of the. ludxiin lloek Mining Coinpany ni,oimiement W of mvIiiI held at the" olllre of.l.S. Metlh'y, at J (inportauce hk It Inmirex the iietett- Cottagellrove. l.mie(.tinnty.On'g Harv cheap rattM ttml arraiigeiiientH on Monthly the lth tiny of .iHiiuary,' ,,, "i,,.,, iliri!p immigration to 1IHKI. at the hour of one oVIock p. in. j VeHteriiOrngon ixt Hprlnr. I'leax, for the purpoxe of electing a Hoard of . ,llVl. V()1r WH,,H,M.M KVo it pnbll DIltrtoiMof HaldcorporallontoH'rvi) ..ltv ,. ,ubt a irivnt mniiy of inxxiicli for the imtIoiI of one year anil until their xiicccxxiirx xlmll have 'xi'ii duly elcctetl mid tpuilllleil mid for the tranwactlon of ntieh other bUHlnew mx may prox'rly comelM'fon' wild meeting. lliiliil iHremlierlMh. A. I.. 1!-. J. S. Mkiii.kv. Secretary. l)ISI.OvATi:i 1IHK KIIOt'l.DKK. Mn. JiilmmiH Soderhohn, of I'nrw'iix I'hIIh, Minn., fell ami diidocrttctl her t-hoiililer. She had a iiriieou Kl't it bark i.. ..i . .... i.... i, ....... j III IWIT HS P,H MX JI.IWIUH-, ,'..l , nan : ijinle wic and pained her very much. Iter win uifiiliontxl tliHt lie had kmmi I l.aii.iierii. ni. rain nam. auvcriiMj.1 inr ,,,,, ,rou,,,t. lof. K lutls, alio pralii. and mnene.- and a it.keil l. m , , , , j w Mvprirtbtxl to buy her a bottle of it, Inch he .1.1. , , , W(J 'wwk9. t II .pifrkiy iWleve.1 her and enahletl her 'n it I.iglilv. it lll loalwp hich he had not done for "" '.' . . - . .. h s . Mneral day-. The h.ii h ho much) , ' ' ' ' pleixAl will, the relief it gave Ida mother ' rB "'"V Sl"rtf' that he ha nince leeouiinemlerl it to J" many thr. l uf.W W. ,,U.'M' HtvttCK X)it rmLICATlO.v. AppltVte, Drain, iletiwn DrusCo. i 1 Vocal Music l.casotis. Mix Kuiiitu A. Ilrynn wWheH tomi iiounce to the people of our city that nfler .Ian. lat, 1 tKKt ahe will be jht nuincntly ItK-atetl In rooin In the Hun building when- ahe will la ptctiM'tl to meet nny one ilexlrlnir uuxiiiii viictil lexxonx. Term n'tixouabl?. Card Of 1 hanks. J. E. Vonnir. F. B. I'hllllua, Kllla Koulnxm. Ileivln let tlx extend our thatika to'MSi the kind IrleiuW who at) nobly aa- alv.. .Iwrllxxl lalxli are reu.u-.teil to Ik , . , , . ., iii their i-latini In thlaonit on or oefoie .HMh xlxlcd 11 III word, action uml deed, , day of January 1. tliirlng thelllnexa of our ladoved Iiiih- 3Ir !lZ!mm"- KeL"erV band, father ami brother, ami to the I nj- x I INIMI'NT 0 K KTII C. I'. chnn-li we aiv gn-atly thank-! .' , ",, w'i. fill, while to Itev. mid Mm. L. D. ! llcck we nre uver grateful. .Ioxci'iiim: A. Caiiiiwki.i., Dni.i.A CAitnwin.i., ItOHA It. Wll.l.lAM. The habit of drawing piling tim bers through the city streets over the several crosswalks is not con ducive to the best financial inter ests of the city. It costs money to put in said crosswalks and keep them in good repair, and nothing is more wearing upon them than the snaking of such timbers over them. Several dollars can be saved the city each year by restricting the traffic to certain crossings and designating a certain place on each crossing for the transit, or exacting that the timbers be hauled on trucks. NOTICK 1011 i'Ull LIGATION. United Stntet Lund Oll'ice. Itoefhunr. Oteiwn. Den. .'LlOOi. Notice Is hereby elvcn thnt in com. nliniico with the provinloua of tho net ol Cotutreax of June', 1878, entitled "An art for tlie aule of timber land in the Stiitex of California, Oregon, Navatla, mid Wimlilnulon lerrltoiy, tin ex tended to till the Public IjiihI S tut oh hy nctof AiiRiift 4, lS'.ii', MnttU Monih, of Mirth, County of uine, Slate ot Ore. rou, has thin day filed In thla oll'ice his aworimtateineiit No. 4101 for tho pur chne ,,f the S NIC ),' A NW Nli )', & K y, NW Y, of See No. 38, Tn South, of itiiip,o Nn.:l Wont; iiiHlwilloHerpioof Iobiiow Hint tiic;iniiu wiucnt lamorovai uiiblcfor Its timber or ntonu thmi for rig rlcultiiriil puriioiH,Riid to cdtnlillsh h clniiii to mild umd befoie Miiriu L Ware IT S Coiiiiniaitloticr at 1'iuteiie. Ore, tton, on Thumlny, the l'.'th dny of Miiroh, 1003 lie mmicHtiH witucuxea; Martin IlimKcmton, o( Kucne, Mine Co., Ore., Clmrloy Olson, of CJottngo Orove, umo Co., Ore., Mnrtln OUou, of llluo Klvcr, inno Co,, Ore,, l'edcr Upliiis, of llluo Itivcr, MineCo.,Oro. Any and all persona claiming tulversd ly tho above-described hinds nre re qiioettHl to llio their claims In this olllco on or before mild l'.'th day of Mur., ll)0:i. J, T. lliiniuts, Honlstor. This olllco I In iwelpt of nn Inter esting eommuiitcatlou from Saginaw regarding the organization of tho l'tinuorn' Union Club at Walker, hut too lato for publication. It will up pour next week. licJuccd Kate I'rr tn f he l!at. letter to thell' ngeiilx which remix iim I follow! It Iiiim lii'i'il ikfliled to tilare In effect on rehrunry Kiih, Mm. onllii Ing initll April :mih. Iiu-hixlvc, the wiine one-way waul clnxx Hi-itlcrx' rutin to all Oregon Minx polntH, ami north, an wm' In effect during liinutliH of September anil OcIoIht !nxl, -r. HWi.lM from Mlxfourl Illver ioIii1h HIoiix t It.v to Kiinxan i iiy mciuxive. from Ht. r.oiilx. $81.00 from l'e(rla. im.W from Chfengo. Itaten to he no higher from inler luedhiteMtatlonH. ! TlM' rnten will Mpply via all roiilcM I through I'ortlHiitl, hut will not tip ply via Hacraineilto. Tlckctx routcil via t'lllou I'Hclllfi.Oregoli Short Line. (). It. Ac N. to rortltind, will lie al ' lowed top-overH not to exceed ten I ilnyn, lit all point went of I'ocatc llo. and In order toewitble Intending wi tleiM to look ovpr tlie Wlllmm'tte Valley ami Wwlimi Oregon t horoubl.v itllll fulilpuny will allow mm nmny I Mtoil-ovetx ait ilexln-tl at xlallonx Ii j Icrnieilliite to HnnJ tlextlnntlou of tlie ! tlekft. each Ktop Hot to exceed ten our jK-opIe who have alivady moved to Oregon from the middle xtatex ami tlweaxt wlllfttlclxe their frleiidx and ivlatlvift who will take advnut (w, , tIl. Utw mt :ti ,,, v, onnn, ; Your tnd.v. W. B. t.'OMAN, (1. 1'. A. IK UXWKI.I.. Try it BOeihottle ot Hfrl'ine, notice III" Improvement i.x-eilily cirwiol in your ApiMjllte, Hneruy, Sunmth and Vluor. W'nU'h how it hrlirfilciiii the spirit, civ freedom from 1 Nil wertum anil He hilitv! Immc Sonrr. A-. Mo.. rltw. Sept. 10th. ItKltl. "1 wan in ln I hcttlth. I hail V iiuehnrir. Ore. OftWr. v..i!a I. , r.l.r tflVMti th.t In Mmidlfintw wttti tlie iTiivliloiin ol tht art ot ('oiiarmiit June . l-'s. Mitlll-Hl "An Ael tor Hie Hie ol nnibr Ijindi In th Sulei ftlCall Inrnl. Orvion. Srvuli, ami Wmliliiiltoli Tr rllnrr." ienilJ to all Hie 1'aWlc Uml SItM hy rt ot .Unu.t I, lMt, Frank 1). W hrlbr. ol t'otuge Grove Co. o( lane, Kutenf Ormon. h thin ilay nleil In tlili olHec liU worn lUlement No. STTi. tor llio imrchneol Ihe K 1, tilrvellon No a. Timnilifp Jisxnh, ..fK.ti.M I ivmi ami ulll oirar i.root to ibow ! tht ibe Uml oiKhi Ii more valoable lorlu ,,,nh- ..,i,. fcir airrliiulluriil purtMie ml In etUbllili hll claim IomIiI Unit Ix-fore Marie I.. Ware, V. 8. Commlnloner at Ku-iene, l)re(on,onThurlar Hip IMh day ol January. ItaB. Iltf n.mM aa wtlnaMa Wnrl. " SlillllallHPI. U'ia . writOM: "I 1 1 mo ttie.1 nmny kitiHa of liniment, hut Iiiivd never received much IkmicIH until I used Hallnrd's Snow Liniment for rhcumutliiiii and pains. 1 think it the beat liniment on earth." Sfic, rate mid $1.00 bottle at New Km Drug Store. J. E. YOUNG Jlttoviicy-(tt-Litw Oilloe on Main meet, Weil Side COTTAGK GROVK, OrH. A. II. KING Attorney ail Lnw, aoTVAUK GJtori:, oitu. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakkr. Repairing at reonable enaruei. " All work uranteil Hwl-elaM. WatehM.CIoeVianJ JetlrjrtlAett 1'rtcei uorrAoiv uitovK. oke. BARKER & PERMAN rnofiiiETons ok THE EXCHANGE "7 IU5.U.i:i!S IN KINK WINKS, UQUOKS, CIGARS. Matnitrect. Outturn, (Iruve, ". L. G, HIGGINS, Con uxiOTi Rough Lumber, 7 pep M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Or. For n bud tasto In tho mouth tnko a few doses ot Chimiburlaiu'B Stouuich nnd Liver rer Tablets, l'rico so cents. W'arrunted to euro. Drug Co. For sale hy Heneon Great Reduction Sale Wc have debided to close out our entire line of Ladies and Misses COATS, CAPES, JACKETS AND WEAPS. Wc have some Jaekets unci Coats remaining that we will Sell for Fifty Cents on The Dollar. Wcwill Also sell otts entire line of k a FURS AT COST Now is the Time to make your Purchase. ''Money Saved Odds and In Holiday Goods Sold at Cost Next Week Commencing January 1st our En tire Stock of Goods, Excepting Groceries, will be offered at a Great Reduction. NOTICK KOIt t'l'llLICATIOX. fnlteil Staten Ijintl Office, ltoeburg, On-., Sept. IS. 11)02. i Notice In hereby nlven that In com pllance with the provision of the net I ofComrrosH of June It, l.sTs, entitled; "An act for the wale of tlmlier IiuiiIk la the State of California. Oregon, Nevada, antlWaRhhiKt on Territory," 1 iiHextenihsl to all the I'uhllc I.iinil State by act of August 4. 1MI2, Danel . UlelmrilHon, of St. Heluim Co. of C'alumbla State of Oiv., Iiiih thixilay lllcil In tins office lilHH worn Htateuient No. !V."S for the purchase of theSWJof Stf No !H, TowilHhii. 21 S of ltaiw !) Went anil will offer proof to nhow that the lanil noni;lit In more valu able for itH tlmlier or ntoue than for 1 agricultural purposcH, ami to estal) HkIiIiIh claim to wild html before the KeKtxter anil Itwelver of this ollice at ltoK'burr,OreKOti,oii Weilneinlay the -Ithilay of March, 1!K. He name n wltncxM'K It. T. HoaN. of Mayer, Ore.. W. V. Slaughter. St Helen. Oiv.. J. E. Itlack, I'ulton, Ore., A. L. llutler. of Klkton. Oiv. Any ami all ih'ikoiih clalmiui; ail veively thenbovo-iIeHcrllH'il lamlii art rcqiientetl to tile their elaiuiH In thU office on or lieforo Kald 4tli tlay ol March. UKKI. . I T. IIuiikikh, ItcKlxter. NOTICK FOR 1'UULICATION. United States Land Ollice. noseburt;, Oregon, Oct., 10, 1002. , Notice is hereby kIvch that in compli ance with the provisions ot the net of : Cohkiws of June 3, 187S, entitled "An net for tho siiln of timber hituls in tho Btntea of California, Oregon, Noviuln. uml WiiahiiiBton Territory, n extcndiHi to nil tho Public Lnml btntoa by net of Aiigust 4, 18'J2, Henry M. Wilson of Ku lienoCoimtv of Ume, Stntef Oreijon hns this dny tiled in thin ollice hU sworn i Ktiitcnient No. 8(184, for the purchase of 1 the S NW U & W , SW of Sec. No. 12, Townsliip 28 South, ot i ltiuiKO 2 AVet, and will oiler proof to I show that the lnml sotiidit l moro viiluiihlo for Its timber or atone than for iiKrictiltiirnl purposes, nnd lo catnhliuh his claim to wild land before Mario L. I Wiiic. U. S. Commissioner at Ku- l?eii, Oregon, on viHlnulny tho 7th dny ol.ian,, um.i. Ho niiinm n's wltncwses: Jiiinoa N. Unnille. of Kuirmoiiiit. Ore, .Tnmi'H Holl'iuun. Annie Wilson, of lUi Sene, Ote., Austin Hoot, of Springfield, iregon. Any ml till persona claiming adverse Iv tlie tibove-dccriUHl limits nro ro quested to llio their clnlma in thla olllco on or befoie said 7th day of Jan., 1003. J . T. Humous, Hegistor. EVEHV MOTTLE OF OHAMllEn LAIN'S COUGH HEMEDV WAU- ltANTED. Wo guiiinnteo every bottle of Chnm berlalii's Cough Uoiucdy nnd will refund tho money to nnyono who la not antla fleil alter using of tho con tents. Thla Is tho host remedy In tho world for lngrippo, cougha, colifa, croup and whooping cough and la pleasant ami auto to take. It prevents any ten dency ol a cold to result in pneumonia. Lyons & Applegate, Drain, llenson Drug Co., CottngoGrove. is Money Earned. " EAKIN & Ends Leaders in Merchandising. Why certainly we don't con fine ourselves to nails and screws; hammers and saws; jackplanes and tacks, useful as they a're. Just now see our display of shaving sets, pocket knives, skates and Christ mas cutlery, fine enough to please everybody, his wife and all their relatives. g!!r!!r!tf!!r!!f!tri!MU!!f!!mf!!r!!f1!M!M!f!lf1!f1tf!!f!!f!!f!!M!f "There's io lIace Like Home" 3 and there's no cooking like mothers, but 3J if you will stop at the 3 ZZ I KAYSEE HOUSE J E You will be so well pleased that you will come again and bring your friends. Everything new, neat and clean. I Plastered Room's Newly Fiiniislicd. Conveniently Located, Two blocks West and One Block 3 North of S. P. Depot. m zz Win. T. ICaysei Proprietor. 3 iiiiniiiiiiihiiiiiuiiiUiumjiiJiiiiuiiiniuiUiiiiiiiuiiiiUiUR WflW SVIPPUN 0SSEg Boliemia, Oregon. Generail Merchandise, illiners' Tools a nil Ammunition. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Ilqwnro of air drlei), 0 hull tlry iloorlnjr, celling amltl. riiHtlo. Tho Dooth-Kully Limber Co. nro milking special prtcett on klln-drled lumber. BRISTOW. J FOIt SALK (1 acred of sandy loam bQttom Ifinil with Mtock fujd Im provemunts, 2 nillcu from Oottngo Grove. For further Information call on thn owner. C. W. Gii.iibiit. VeahCo 4