Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 02, 1903, Image 7

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Aro Novcr Without Pcruna in the House for
Catarrhal Diseases,
Under ilato ol January 10, 1807, Dr. In a loiter dated January 1, 1000,
Ilartman rccolvrd tlm following lotion! Mr. Atkinson rays, after flva years' ex-
"My wlfs lind (won siiffutliiK from a I pviluncu with l'crinm;
coniillcHtlon ol dlienica (or tlio past 2fi I will ever contlnno to speak a Rood
ji-ar. I word for Pcrunn. In my round ns a
"llorcniolinil Imfllcd tlio (kill of , traveling nmn I om a walking ndver
omoof tlio most noted physicians, tlnement for I'crunn and havo Induced
Ono of l.ur worst trouble, mi cl.ronlo; W people ft"" .1"'
constipation of Hm.l ,.,.' .UndlnR. J 5uft ?.m" I 1UW-U J?.
Him who wo passim? inro inn mm
most critical orlod In tlio Ilia of n
woman chango of I lie. In June,
180D, I "wroto to you about lior cam.
You auvlscu a courro 01 roruna anu
Manalln, which wo at (iiicocoinmoiioxl,
.ndhavoto say U completely cured
her. Hho firmly lollevca that .0
would have iKtn dead only for tl.oso
wnn.lorful remedies,
"About the Mine tlma I wrote you
about my own caio of catarrh, which
hid Un of 25 mars' ntundlnir. At
timet 1 wis almost pait going. I coin-
inencou to uso lornim acciiriiinu; w your.
Instructions mid contlnuoil Its ueo foi
.1 4 - ....I It I... ,..n..t.,t..l.. I
uuu, 11 nip miu b mo iuiiiji,u,v7
cured me. 1
Your remedies doall that you claim giving n full tUtement of your case and
for them, and even more Catarrh , l0 wI l)0 pleased to glvo you his valu
cannot exist wliero I'eruna Is taken 1 .1,,.. .,ii, ,kii.
according to directions. Success to "dvlce Kratls.
you and your remedies." Addrons Dr. Hartmnn, president of
John O. Atkinson, 'tlio llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
I'ncrry Is Htcrnal.
Who Is there who dares to say that
when old ago la reached thero Is not
as much laid by In that soul wrapped
In Its weary body ns thero was In tho
Infant full uf latent power! WVj know
not whero tlio Infant's forces como
from, nor whero tho dying man's en
ergy coos, to, but If nnturo tenches us
anything It teaches us that forces
such as theso nro eternal In tho snmo
sonso that matter Is cternnl and spaco
endless, Prank Holies.
Towne It's a slmmo tho way theso
big corporations put tho scruws on
tho pooplo.
Hrowno Never mind they'll have
a hot tlmo In tho next world.
Towno If I could bollovo thnt
thcro'd bo somo consolation In thai
thought, but corporations, you know
linvo no souls. l'hllndolphla Press.
Just a Small Matter.
As Morgan and Oaten closed a llttlo
deal John said to l'lorp: '"Pears to
mo Pvo got a fow dollars coming."
and Plerp. reaching down In his Jeans,
brought up a handful of checks and
paid tho dlfforonco right thero. It
wasn't much; only elghtoen million
Their Opinion of the War.
Tho following conversation was
overheard In a South Afrlcnn block
houso noor tho cIobo of tho Uonr war:
First soldlor "Say, d'yo think wo
shall bo homo for tho coronation?
Second Boldlor "Coronation bo
blowodl Wo Bhnll bo lucky If
wo nro homo In tlmo for tho resurrec
tion." pOK OUT
When the cold wave flap is up, f reeling weather is on the way. Winter
Is here In earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh
rtturn-bHndinjr hendaches and neuralgia, thick mucous dischargea
Eom the nose ami throat, a hacking courU and pnln in the , clies . bad
taste m ine luouwi, cuu
most 8 cken tig- ana disgusting 01 mi compiaiu. - "Tl" , r,ii
wnal defilement anil mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while
In the company 01 otners.
In spite of nil efforts to prevent it,
the filthy secretions ami mucous mat
ter find their way into the Stomach
ind arc distributed by the blood to
very nook and corner of the system;
the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact
tvery organ and pntt of the body, be
come infected with the catnrrhal
poison. This dlscnse is rarely, if ever,
tven in its earliest stages, a purely local
disease or simple inflammation of the
nose anil throat, and this is whysprays,
washes, powders and the various In-
1. .11.... ...ivixroa fnil In cure. Hercdltv
Is sometimes bnck of it parents liave
It and so do llicir cuimrcn
t nnd so do their children.
In the treatment of Catarrh, nn-
leptlc nnd soothing washes arc good
head and throat, but tins is 11 e eic .t
nermnnentlv. the blooa musi oe puiiwwu
of foul secretions, and the remedy to
oi uu . ,
most delicate constitution. It cures , Ca arr h mi I s mos "WJg
nd cases apparently ncumble and ":h to M " tt taw
Md oar physicians will advise you without charge.
John (). Atkinson,
IJox 37a. Independence, Mo,
Wlion old Biro comoii on. catarrhal
1 lfM.m,a jvfttttA aim. flvilnmlfl f-Atjirrll
y . :.
""'.'y"" r-r
This axplnlns why l'oruna baabecorno
jo '"dl'peniuiblo to old pooplo. I'eruna
' f1!d. I'eiuna I. tlio only
remedy yet dovlocd that meets tl.eso
raK oxuMy.
Fticli cases cannot bo treated locally!
nothing hut an effoctlvo systomlc remo-
dy could euro tliuin. This Is oxactly .
- i'.
If you do not rorolvo prompt and
I.- I .1." - I fl I
iwiniiaciory ri'Buiis ironi 1110 utu 01 ,
rutin, u-rltn At mint tn fir. Hrnttnsn. I
Language of Parrots.
Do parrots understand what they
sayi a scientist relates tnat no nns.'i . ,
a Hrnilllnn nnrmi wlileli I a fluent. ' employed by Charles T. Yerkcs and
and accomplished speaker. A gray .
and nccompllsliod speaker. A gray .
parrot was Introduced on day, but the
llrazlllan hautlly declined to havo
anything to say to the gray. Then
neighbor who hns Just been given 0
nnwly Imported green llrazlllan
lirought tlio newcomer to cnll. Tlio
moment tho parrots caught sight ot
each other they broVo Into a torrent
of apparently nrtlculata language,
consisting, ng It seemed, ot questions
and answers, but what tho languago
was no ono present could tell. Tho
owner of tho first parrot had novcr
during tho years It had lived with
him henrd It speak tho Htrango
tongun. Tho two parrots talked to
each other without ceasing nil tho
tlmo they woro togothor, and n fow
dnya later, whon they met again, ex
actly tho samo thing happened. Was
tho first parrot, long exiled from Its
native forests, asking eagerly for news
ot Its peoplo?
As to the Manner of Ills doing.
"And must I walk tho planks?" falt
ered tho captlvo.
"Cortnlnly," replied tho smart Cor
sair, with n frown. "You don't sup
pose I'm going to supply you with an
automobile, do you?"
Piracy Is oasontlally, an unprogros
slvo Industry. It doos not respond to
tho modern Bplrlt. Automobllo Mag
nilno. Ilanklng Rule of Paris,
Tho Hank of Franco can compel Its
customers to rccclvo one-fifth of
monoy drawn In gold.
. f,,it,r f nef.
T.totr. V11.. Tiltroli 0. 1001
aentlomem-I bsdalltha symptoms
that aeoompany this dlsoass, suoh as
rauous dropplntr In ths throat, . con
stant dsslre to hawk and spit, fooling
of dryness tn tha throat, oough and
plttlnir upon rUInc In the morning-,
soabs forming- In tha nose, whtoh re
quired ration effort to blow out, some
times o'auslng the nose to bleed and
loavlng- me with a slok headache. I
bad thus suffered for nvo years.
I eommenoed to take B. 0. B. and
after Z had taken three large bottles,
I noticed a change for the better.
Thus onoouraged,! continued to take
It and In a. short while waa entirely
Mlu ami IwTno B Si. ItiohmondTva.
1 ana vmo 01 " 1"oumo '
for cleansing purpos es ore earing the
oured. JUDSON A. uuliLiAm.
- . 7
uu i...v. .v..-. - - - - - - - -
ncconipiisu whs is 0. 0. 0. w
. R Qoi purjflcri n restores
ccompiiau mho ia a. a. w. "" -
enunt ns a uioou puniier. iwi
s blood to n natural, neaitiiy state anu
UU iwu V
the catnrrhal poison ana eiieie maiicr
are carried out of the system through the
proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the
ii Ho irnml niinllties. and when
rich, pure blood reaches the Inflamed
Tlio first scientific society was estab
lished by Or. Franklin.
Vnrn frmn wioil tmlii Is now an ar
ticle of t-oimncrco In (Jcrtnnny.
Imlln rubber and Kiittn porclia trees
Imvu been discovered In Orinaii Now
Tlio first woman telegraphic opera
tor was Hiiriih 0, Haglcy, of Lowell,
.Mnss., 1SIII.
Tlio Chinese Kovcrnmcnt has taken
t J111 first steps toward tlio organization
of n patent system.
Financial students In tlio Treasury
predict tlint lliero will bo 1,000,000,000
In Kold In the Treasury within tlio next
live years.
llcr puppy having died, a fox terrier
at Twickenham Is now contentedly act
ing as foster mother to a couplo of
youiiK kittens,
Kidder The proverb, "Jivery do has
Its day," doesn't ko In Algiers. Easly
Why? Kidder l'or the very koo1 rea
huii Hint there every dey has his dou.
Two Itoman coins, one a silver token
of Domltlun, A. 1). HI M, and tlio other
11 britMS piece of Trajan, A. I). OS, Imvo
been unearthed In Oowcato Hill, Ion
dun. The .Mexican (lorernuicnt 1ms pur
eluised the major purt of tho recent
lamin nf I iii iTori'ii nli' ltntlroud Com
pany's bonds, thus obtalnlnK tho con
trolling Interest In the road.
Slnrc 18M) the population of the
world lins doubled; Its Indebtedness,
chlelly for war purposes, has quadru
pled. It was cliflit billions fifty ycaM
obo; It Is thirty-two billions to-day.
I'rlnco Krederlck Leoiwld, who mar
ried a sister of tlio Herman Empress,
nnil Is known as a stronir pro-Kocr, bns
lilted nil his men servants ot his pal
ace near 1'otsib.m with Hoer uniforms
and slouch hats.
I'ostmoBter Hubbard, of Iloston, fur
nishes Rood evidence that tho recent
political campaign aroused consider
nliln Interest In Mnnnrlillnclts. Nearly
twice as much campalKn literature was
handled as was ever liefore known in
his olllco.
. minion uuuar umn m...-. ........j
llko leaves In a book made a pllo -'75
.. - ...I ...llltn,, Ai.
levt uirii. iiiuubuum ...... .v.. .
lm Itu itrlrn which tfurone nnnualll
Inrs, the prlco which Europe annually
pays for armaments In time of pence,
eual a pile of dollar bills over Ufty
two miles high.
Cornell's entry of a crew for the
Henley regnttn has Inspired the orgnu
Izntlnn of the Cornell Club of London
Scvcuty-tlve former students of Cornell
iittti-xmltv (mm inlned. Titer are most
ly electrical or mechanical engineers
the new electrical establishments there.
tlio new electrical csiouiisin
y j chapellc, who died
, ; ' K wnH
Tlll.n,'r washln
J,ord Tut'cr fl ""11,n
recently in
manager of
'ashlngtou when
!rHttilnt Lincoln wis assassinated.
and was one of the first to reach the
Mn nf ihit wounded President He
was 73 years old, and bad been In tho
show business for fifty years. lie was
burled at Oreat Hcnd, l'a., wuere uis
daughter resides.
iinnr-nti (MlllcH. who has been chosen
Hnenker of tho newly elected Vlctorlau
ttnrllntm.tir. In Australia, was first
plff-twt to that body In 1859 as a lain
era" candidate, he being then hut 23
years old. Ever since that time he has
been n leading parliamentary figure.
Mr. Olllles, who was iorn in uiasgow
sixty-nine years ago, Is the first Scotch
man to occunv the Speaker's chair. He
hns declined to be knighted.
"Vnmimnntitansl." which Is Snmonn
tnr tho "home of the Blueing bird," Is
the name given to her new rcsldenco
in 11. n Hnnin Cruz mountains or Call
fnrnln l.v Mrs. Hobcrt Louis Steven
Tin. snot Is In ono or the quietest
parts ot the great bluo mountains and
muti like the old home In Valllma.
Mrs. Stevenson had n house-warming
uarty at Vnnumnnutnngi recently,
where sho made welcome all tlio leau
Inn social nnd literary lights of San
Iteports from Italy stnto that the
phylloxera Is working ravages among
1.. .-it.nvnrila nf that couulrv. nnd thnt . .... j
n.nrn will lie an unprecedented ile
um ml for American vines wun wuicn
i n,nfi thn old ones. It Is reported that
rww iirntrlnres In Italr havo been Invad
ed by this Insect, ana tnat noi icss innu
750,000 acres of vlnelnnd havo been en-
limit- ilxatrnved. The nhvlloxcni Invad
ed Italy lu 1870, nine years nfter Its
first Incursion Into Prance. ncn ais-
covereil In Franco It was noticed that
It did not Injure American vines that
had been planted thero.
Buperstltlons Attached to ManyThlnse
Apparently Home Out.
Some ot tho most weird and curious
i-Amntires nro associated with possess
ions which appear to have no other
purpose than to bring misfortune nud
trouble on those who own them. A
tragic luatnncc ot this Is related In con
nection with tho Llndsey family.
Arr-nrdllli: to tllO lCKClld. Collll Lind-
sey, a former enrl of Iliilcnrres, was
quietly eating uis nrcaurast wnon no
.imi.M Imvo been awnltlnc his brldo at
the altar. When reminded of tho fact
ho hurried oft to tho church and, for
,.!,! nt- thn Indlsnensablo ring, borrow
ed ono from a friend which ho duly
placed on tho bride's fiugcr.
At the conclusion or tue ceremony
tll0 110vjy made countess took a glanco
th(J rUl8 u on Bcelng tliat ,t boro
At the conclusion of the ceremony
a grinning ueu.u.
(amtcu away. iuu uii-muiii uuiura
i,or to such an extent mat on recover-
1 . ,
1 1 conclouaness. sho
oxurcsscd her
-.... thttt Bho ,v,
conviction that sho was destined to die
... " ,
within twelve months. Ana euro
onouirh In less than that period her
lifn nirin tn nn end.
Napoleon III. was tho possessor ot
' that thse ring, should be 'to.
I S,0Ted from his finger, but tho Prince
Tmn.rtni refused to imvo them.
l Thcy wcro acc0rdiuely burled with
his father nt Chlsclhurst, and, o fnr
from rcKflrdlntf theui from tlio snmo
point of view as the prince, the Em
peror's domestic retainers firmly be
lieved tliut ho would coma lo An un
timely end for dlscnrdlng tlio rings,
And when, In 1870, tho unfortunate
oung man met Ills death nt tho hands
of tho Zulus, against whom he wni
fighting for England, they saw In this
deplorable event the realization of
their fears,
One of tho best-known public men
In New Zealand, n wenlthy resident of
lloklnngl, North Island, recently trav-
eldo all tlio way lo Ht. Louis In o fruit
less endeavor to have nn Idol cremated
which had cast an evil spell over him.
The heathen Idol had come to hi in as
part of a legacy from his grandfather,
to whom It had been presented by a
Mnorl chief. Hald Its owner: "I Imvo
traveled 10,000 miles with tlio Image,
nd It has brought disaster after disas
ter upon me, I hnvo orten cniieavor
cd to destroy It, but without avail.
"I onco throw It under a train, and.
In running to get out of tho way, fell
nd broke one of my fingers. Then I
was arrested for endangering the lives
of passengers. When In London three
months ago I threw It Into tlio Tliames,
anil a drunken sailor who Untied It out
brought It back to my rooms, and In
his rage nt not receiving o reword al
most bent mo to death.
"Whllo In Ban Francisco I tried to
chop It to pieces with nn ax, when tho
ax. rebounding, struck me on tlio lore-
head with almost fatal effect. The.
wood Is so hard that nn ordinary Are
will not destroy It, and I nm ofrnld to
get rid of It otherwise because of the
evil results."
The Imago was a crude figure In rose
wood and ebony, and about two feet
long. Palling to get It cremated In 8t.
Louis, Its owner started for New York,
where he was determined to have It
destroyed at whatever cost.
Hurled In the shadow or Diamond
Head volcano, at Honolulu, Is a violin
known as the "violin of death." In the
spneo of a few months two persons
who had owned It took their own lives
and a third mysteriously disappeared.
The last victim of this weird instru
ment, says the Loudon Tlt-Ults, was
Ocorgo H. Hcott, a sergeant of the
United States army, Sixty-sixth Coast
Artillery. This victim killed himself
nt the barracks at Camp McKIoley,
but n few days beforo doing so he real
ized the evil Influence oi the violin and
burled It as abovo stated.
Jonee" U'u Family Spur that
Kept Him Iluatllnc.
Tlio theory as expressed by Tenny
son that "nothing walks with aimless
feet" Is now nnd then curiously corrob
Looking back over my life," re
marked a man who would probably be
an ethical professor If he were not an
Insurance agent, "I find that one of
tbe strongest Influences for good that
I was subjected to lu my character
molding years emanated from the most
worthless citizen In our village. Every
body called him 'the lazy man' or 'Old
Jones.' He seemed to have always
been old nud to have always been lazy.
Not that he was a dissipated man be
was simply lazy, and sponged bis way
through Ilfo without labor. Ills wires
people helped him; his own people
helped him; tbe neighbors and the
townspeople helped him; somebody al
ways helped 'Old Jones.' Occasional
ly he would fish n little or go off into
the woods and hunt a little, but gener
ally he Just SHt around at home, at
tho village grocery or ot the postotuce.
Sometimes he would sit on a rail fence
along tho road for half a day at a time
doing nothing.
Well, Blr, 'Old Jones' regulated my
childhood. My father and mother kept
him constantly before me and my
brothers. Every tendency to Idleness
or shirking was thus commented on:
Look out, now; you ore getting Just
like old Jones.' The boy who was In
clined to Bleep Into wns accosted:
Come, Old Jones, get right up break-
fust Is ready.' Old Jones was the fain
lly spur, and It worked llko a charm.
All of my father's four boys are ener
getic, Industrious, successful men.
"Now I'm past -10," continued tnc in
surnnee agent, neordlng to the Detroit
Preo Press, "but 'Old Jones' Is still
with me the poor old fellow died not
long ago. my sister wrote me. hen
ever I feel a trltle lazy or find myself
dawdling at my day's toll some Inward
monitor says clenrly, 'I-ook out, now;
you're getting Just like Old Jones,' nnd
then I buckle to with n win. ncniiy i
owo lazy Old Jones a great debt ho
helped me to success. rcxt time I go
back to the old town. If Old Jones
hnsn't a respectable tombstono I'm go
Ing to sco that he has one. Yes, sir, I
owo It to him."
Celestial Wonder.
Tho appearance of a new star In the
constellation Perseus and Its rapid ex
pansion into a nebula, which has been
going on for somo time past, bavo
rovlved among astronomers tho the
ory that somo nebulao may bo formed
by explosion, writes a contriDutor to
Success. About 1870 Professor lllckcr
ton, of Canterbury College, Now Zen
land, showed that If two stars should
grazo ono another tho abraded parts,
If relatively small, would hnvo so high
a temperature that they would at once
becomo nebulous, and that tho nebula
so formed would under certain condi
tions, contlnuo to expand until diss),
pa ted tn space. The present expanding
nebula has been growing at tho ex
traordinary rato of several thousand
miles a secoud, and Is, In many ways,
ono of tho greatest celestial wonders of
tho time.
"Wliut Ileally Happens,
A new definition of absent-mindedness,
which Is humor If not psychology,
nppcars In tho Indianapolis Nows In
this dialogue:
"Pn, what does 'absent-minded'
"My boy, that's easy. Did you ever
stop to think J"
"Aud your thoughU ran onl"
"Well, ant's It."
"Aro they lovers J"
"Yes; didn't ypu notice how hard
It was to get them to talk to each oth
er at dinner"
Mrs. Anderson, a prominent
society woman of Jacksonville,
Flo., daughter of Recorder of
Deeds, West, says :
"There arc but few wives and
mothers who havo not at times en
dured agonies and such pain as only
women know of. I wish such women
knew the value of Lydln K. IMnk
linm'ft Vegetable Compound. It
la a remarkable medicine, different la
action from any other I ever knew and
thoroughly reliable. O
"I have seen oases where women
doctored for years without permanent
benefit who were cured In less than
three months after taking your Vege
table Compound, while others who
were chronic and Incurable came out
cured, happy, and In perfect health
after a thorough treatment with this
medicine, I hove never used It myself
without gaining- great benefit. A
few doses restores my strength and
appetite, and tones up the entire
system. Your medicine has been tried
and found true, hence I fully endorse
it." Mna. IL A. Akdeiwo.h. 235 Wash
ington 8t., Jacksonville, Fla. Jjooo
Mtlt Ifrljlnal ofatw tuUimrlal pmlngtaif
lflftu tajtmt e producid.
Tliocxpcrlcnco and testimony
of gome of the most noted women
nt Amerlm rro to Drove, beyond
a question, that I.ydla E. IMnk-
Iiam vctrciamo lionirxmnu m
correct all nuch troublo at onco
lr removing the causo, and ro
sforlng tlio organs to a healthy
and normal condition.
Bacteria of the Mouth.
Prof. Miller, of Berlin, has Isolated
more than 100 different species of bac
teria that grow In tho mouth. Six of
theso find tho conditions so favorable
that ther usually crowd out the
others. Science.
Eat Whatever You Want, Out Oc Sure
and Have Oood Tcctb.
Kow that tho holiday spirit is preva
lent everywhere it Is a gcod time to be
a little selfish and think what would
bo the best present to give to onecelf,
Why Isn't a good ret of teetli one ol
tbe best things you can have In this
Wlso Bros., the famous dentists tr.
the Falling building. Portland. Oregon,
have had a largo run of business during
these holidays, probably somewhat in
consequence of tbe people s special de
sire Just now to make themselves eensl
ble presents.
Why don't you go to this firm belore
tho now year and bavo your teem iook
ed after?
When yon come to think of it, there
is nothing we want more than a sound
sot of teeth. Our health and all our
happiness dopend much upon what we
eat. If wo cannot masticate our icoa
pronerlv we are restricted to only a few
eatables, and even in tbelr case we can
not properly chew and digest our tooa
Not long ago the fear of pain tbe and
great ex)enso of dental work kept near
ly all the ma 'ecs away irom ueniisis
Now it is all different. There is posi
tively no pain wben such dentists as
Wise Brothers do your woik. nice
Brothers' charges, also, are In reality
very inoderato. If your teeth are ap
parently in good order tbe best way Is
to go and have tbem looked over eo as
to be sure that tbey are all right and
In sound condition. If your teeth are
decayed, then the boat way Is not to
lose any more tlmo but go-immediately
and have tho bad ttetn taken out.
Even if you have to get an entire new
eet tbe exnence will be triUtng In com
parison with the great and lasting bene
fits you will derive from having a eet of
teeth that look for all the world like
the natural ones, and which will serve
you in every reapoct nearly as well as
your own that grew in your mourn.
The popularity of this great dental
firm, Wlso Brothers, whose signal suc
cess we have from time to timo noted
cess we nave irom time w lime noteu
in these columns, Is much to be desired.
They havo proved lo everDyouy tnai we
need not suffer any longer with bad
teeth and poor food. We can all eat
what is good for ns, and we all can
afford to havo tbe best teeth In tbe
Extracting teeth without pain was a
short time ago a myth. Mow It Is a
grand reality.
"But there's one good point about
those flats. I understand they do not
object to children there. They lay
special stress on that In their adver
tisement." "No wondor. They realize that any
couple with a child would have to
movo out and find mora room." Phil
adelphia Press.
Mocha and Java.
Not very much pure Mocha and Java
coffee Is brought to this coast. In fact
wo don't believe there is another brand
in the markot, besides Monopole,
which is all pure Mocha and Java. Hut
we know Monopole. As a matter of
fact not evorv ladv likes pure Mocha
and Java, but If you do and are willing,
llko your Eastern frlonds, to pay a
little extra for tbe puro unadulterated
article, you'll find it In Monopole.
Your dealer handles it or knows where
to cet it for you. Wadhama & Kerr
Bros., coffoo roasters, Portland, Oregon
Misfits at the Bargain Sale.
Nell I stopped In at a bargain sale
Belle did you see anything that
lnnVml real chean?
Nell Yes; several men waiting for
their wives.
Health and Reality.
No beauty with pimply skin, dull eyes, bad
breath. Clean your system and keep It cleen
with Cascareta Candy Catharuc. All drug
gists, loo, 25o, Wo.
Willing to Oblige.
Servant There's a gentleman at
the door who says he knew you when
you wore a boy. Master Tell him he
wna verv kind to call. Should I OVOI
happen to bo a boy again I'll lot him
know! Boston Transcript.
TlltJ DLOOb.
Tho blood Is life. We derive from
the blood Ufa, power, beauty, and rea
son, as the doctors havo been raying
from time Immemorial. A healthy
body, a fresh annoarance. and generally
all the abilities we possess dopend on
that source of life. It is thereforo the
duty of every sensible, man to keep tlx
blood as rmro and normal as possiuio,
Nature. In its infinite wisdom, has
givon ns a thermometer Indlctalng the
state of the blood, which appeals to our
reason by giving notice of Its Impurity.
Small eruptions of tho skin, to which
we scarcely nay any attention, neau-
ache, ringing noises In tho ears, lassi
tude, eleepleisnoss, aro generally a sign
that tho blood is not In its normal
state, but la filled with noxlora tub
stances. These symptoms deservo our
fall attention. If more attention woro
paid to those symptoms, and steps taken
to remove them, then many illnesses
from which we suffer would becomo un-
known, and tho human body would be-
,. .,... ..,,1 l,lll,l, lll.n.
lion therefor should be paid to those I
warning signs, and tho blood can be
purified and poisonous substances re
moved from It by tho nse of Dr. August
Koenlg s Hamburg Drops, discovered
more than 00 years ago.
Fixing the Dlame.
Magistrate Well, Uncle Rastus,
what brought you hero?
Undo uastus Dcm two tug perncc-
mcn by do rallln', yo' honner.
Yes, but didn't liquor have any
thing to do with It?"
Yessah; day wuz bote drunk, yo ,
honner." Chicago Dally News.
Ton Cn Oct Allan's Foot rrtKE.
Writ Allen H. Olmited. IRor. N. Y,. for a
free lembie oi Auen s kooi x.w. 11 cumcnii-
Malm, (wealing, damp, swollen, aching leet.
It maker new or tlffht ahoei rnr. A certain
cure lor Corn and Iinnlom. All drarctitSMU
1U iwa i accept any suu.ii.uic. i
drowth of Electrical Work. J
In 20 years, the number of estab
lishments In the United States mak
ing electrical machinery and supplies
has Increased from 20 to B80. The
annual output has Increased from
S2.600.000 to 191.300.000. The capital
Invested In tho business Is 183,000,000.
rnthT wilt find lira. ?rinj low's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to rue lor their
snlidren aunng tne ueming penw.
A Strong Box.
"Tour father has a strong box at
home, hasn't he, Wlllle7" said me
"Yea'm." reDlled Willie, "tho one
ho keeps the llmburger In." YonkeM l
For bronchial troubles try Tiso's Cure ,
for Consumption. It Is a good cough
medicine. At druggints, price 25 cents. )
A Simple Explanation. j
A man In public life noted for his ,
brusquencss of speech was under In-1
formal discussion In cabinet circles.
"Theie'it onu thing to be Eald In his
favor, however." said Secretary WI1-,
son. "and that Is he never importunes ,
the department to get promotions or
positions for his friends. "That's
readily explained," commented Secre
tary Root; "he hasn't any."
now -a TiiisT
We offer One Ilnndred lJOllaTS Reward for aav
eaaa ot caturrh that can not be cored bjlim't
Catarrh Cere. I
F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. '
We the nnderilraed. hare known F. J. Chener
for the put 13 rean, and bellere him perfect:?
honorable In all Luslntu tramactlons and fln
anclalljr able to carry out any obligations made
by their linn- .
WX3T A Tanx. .
Wholesale Dnirflits, Toledo,
waicino KixxamA Mabtct,
Wholesale DrugjUti, Toledo. O.
Ball's Catarrh Care Is taken lntemallx.actlne
41rectly on the blood and mucoas eartaeetot
theiTttem. Price 7Sc per bottle. Bold brail
ftrofTfrlttt. Teetlrnonlalsfree.
llafl'i Family Fills are tbe beat.
Nothing In It.
"Here's an account of a poet who
committed suicide after having his
verses rejected," said Kindart. "That
should be a lesson to you editors.
"Nonsense!" replied the editor, "It
won't always work. You surely can't
hope to kill off all the poets by reject
ing their verses. That's too much to
expect" Philadelphia Press.
f 1 1 0 after firtt Jtr'. iiMor t)r. Klla.'i Orat Nem
Satfonr. SidforFUEB8-X00trljUaidtnt.
Ifo 11U f ncrroenual
Thoughts Unutterable.
"And so you have no swear words
In your language, Mr. Omokurat"
"No, madnme," tho Japanese travel
er replied.
"But, of course, you can think cuss
thouehts. I suppose, can't you?" Chi-
j R rd.nera,d.
'Xho Kind You Havo Always Boufflit lifts borno tlio signa
ture or Clins. H. Fletcher, and lias been matlo under lils
personal supervision for over UO years. Allow no ono
to docclvo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
" Just-as-ROod" nro but Experiments, nnd endanger tho
bcultli of Children Experleuco against Impertinent.
Cnstorln is n harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Taro
corie, JOrops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is lMcnsnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor other Wcotlo
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
Stomach and Uowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's IMeud.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
csiira Your rtorses
PsnsstaN Rbuedv Co., St. 1'aul, Minn.
r . ..h. mmIIh nn 1m that
M laissWlTMrWissW
In Use For Over 30 Years.
of beavta, 1 of dlatemper and S of cbronlc cough. Your l'rnsalan I
V .1 I L . HMtl.lln. In thl. I ntl I
" liMK.T
IM ei Aiornten Birrai.
Can ttre you tha bait Ursnlni In Itelter)
and Knilnei. ttlmlmllU,
lip. lun .wi nmn'
, . ..a A . :
rai Machinery
WixhI rlanlne Machines a
beelaltjr toe lit balere buylns,
j Chicken, Duck and Cleeso fealh-
S crs. Address S
I lOth mmWmvlmSt:,norttantl,Or
tTlf wlf hmd ttmp1 on ii?rfe(bu
eha hu bean takfn GAHCAUKTS mil llmt
here ell dtnappeered. X had bren troubled
with eotntlpillon lor iome time but ttler tell
Ins tbe am Csscuret I bate hail no trouble
with Ihit allmnt. We emnnnt mealc too hlsh.
It of "t ." rnso wahtmsr,
w unuuNiig All, 1 lilH,l,
Good, NtTerSicktn. Wrtken or Gripe. 10c 3&e,Ma
UHltf lte4; Oat -, Cfc)af Hr V. ft. 114
UHaTn RAP loM and rntrantafrrl br alldrnf
LIJll.Toba.oou lUblt.
lil CIHIS WHIKt All ILifc lallS. lJjl
UOI wraia u,rni imw. 1,1
la time. miM PT qraggwa. Ci
An Improvement.
"I hear that Cactus Tint bad
legs cut oft" said Alkali Iko.
"Yes," said Tarantula Tom; "mil
road did It nipped his feet off clean
and sure. He's stumpln' 'round on
wooden pins now."
"How does he like ltr
"Fust-rate. He says he can't got
snakes In his boots now." Judge.
forty yea a?o and after nw years
of use on the eastern coast, Towcr'a
Waterproof Oiled Coats were Introduced
in the West and were called ilidera by
. 1 . A A TVl. -la.L.L..
U pioneers Ww vwovyo. uuo yvapivc
into lrK ttoWTTil UV7 thftt
it id frequent though wrongfully Applied
fA ifm ejirtM iniM i cui wnnL irwe
the rame lower on uve puuoru.
to. wnni n ovt-il
ESTAfluareu ioj. o
Costs You Nothing
To call h rolvou set
a meihlnif fur no hiuit.
auro enough. You can
k-ep it 11 ou waul II,
hut you ran gi-t rlu ot It
by UBln (lurril lire
Couish lr.iis. Kwp
a box In lb houaa.
They taata nice, loot
nice, are nice. Made
ol boner and meMlhol.
5 Centa a box. Kolu by
all druRgiats and urn-re'-tloners.
Twl boxea
aent by mall po.tpald
on receipt or luo. In
Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co.
Portland, Ore.
P. I. O.
Ho. 1-1903.
WHEN writing to adTertlsere pleaae
mention tuls paper.
Signaturo of
Of IIoaTce. Consti
or uiateun wnui
time tiaverured 1 1 liorita 1
IlsiiHiKB Newark NY.
SUKU CO. I'ojtlaud, Ore., Coaat Ageale.
S2 r-.
fcT htra frcwlng Umoci Inmry iB
kind ot sxjU.eTrrywiafre. Bold by i
pcMtmld Tr to HI applicant. nH