Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 02, 1903, Image 5

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Thieves "Kail Out."
Another morning Hud llio Indians
holding their Kround. Thoy nro woll
Intronclioil mill tlio besieged In thn
Htono Houso can only roiunln cooped
In until rollof shall nrrlvo from the
If thoy nro oven spared thin prlvl
Ioku thoy will fool thankful for It
requires tltno to cnjiimunlanto with
tho mllltnry authorities and than sol
ilium mnvo with deliberation ami pro
paro linfuro thoy movo.
Old ltgau'n massages nro already
cut nut nml lili reinforcement nro
dnubtliwn on tuo road. Wlillo sol
ilium nro preparing "rations" mul
rolling their hlnnkutii nml seeing to
tlinlr equipments generally, lmllnn
warriors nro already In tlio saddle
nml riding night mirl ilny townnl tlio
sent of tliolr enmpnlgn.
If tlin Indlnnn should surmtso tlmt
relief lind bnmi sent for thoy would
hurry tlio II mil nttnek, anil tlio tio
nlogod f It much alnrmeil for fenr
Hint thoy inlKht discover tlio tracks
of Metxgor, who tinil liorno tlio mm
sngo to tlio trnppor. Thnro wnii ntso
nojiio fenr of delay In communlcntlng
with tlio mllltnry pout an tlio trnppor
wnii known to upend n gront deal of
hi 1 1 mo nwny from homo, working
nmong It In traps In tlio rlmrocks.
Wlillo It win considered best that tlio
trnpper rIioiiIiI mnka tlio Journey to
tho fort, yet. Mctzgor hml received In
dtriictlnnii to go, hIiouM ha lio unnbln
to nml llnmniorntny.
Tho besieged determined to die
rnthor tlinn fall Into the hnndB of tho
Bunkos, for thoy knew that Old Hgan
would show no inerey now. having
caught tho Lord of Tho 1)esorl In his
treachery, nml thoy guarded the loop
holes with cIojio scrutiny nover fnll
I n it to neml a liullvt nt tho slightest
exposed portion of nn Indian's liody.
Thoy wero well supplied with pro
vlnlnni, wnter and ninmunllloii. nml
unless nctunlly overpoworol, would
lift nhlo to withstand n slego Indefi
nitely. Tlio Indians wore likewise prepared
for the siege. Besides the pure wnter,
Hint (lowed from the mountnlmi nliovo
tho Hlono llnuie, they had the great
meadows for their stock to unite upon
ami hml the lord's choicest lmllo'-ke
to soUct from when they liernme
hutiRry. To the starving wnrilor
from thn rim rocks and lava beds this
llfo wan truly n dream: plenty to eat
anil drink, only desultory guard duty
Just exciting onough to iitlmulnte
their energy Old Kenn's braves were
In their element. Hut summer ran
nnt last always even with tho snvngJ.
Wlillo hln wnrrlori were reveling In
tho luxury of n hntardles slego nml
thn hope of nn old time assault nml n
division of tho rich booty. Old Rgan
wns scanning tho diert for hln re
inforcements. Intuition admonished
him that delay would not help hln
cauno: Hint tho sooner ho hnd tnken
hi proy and vanished among tho lava
roaks of tho far south, tho bettor.
Ho hml never yet been overtaken by
thn "bluo-blrds" of tho Oreat Kathcr
-,id had no deslro to encounter theio
men of Iron and lend under tho com
mnnd of Oenernl Crook. All who bad
met them no far had been routed dr
ropturMl and Kgnn's sin hnd been
loo numeroun for tho wily chief to
uvon think of falling Into tho hnndn
of tlio government. Ho know full
well that bin enemy wan well equip
ped and that to attack him, armed and
protcctoil as ho wan. that ho must
meet with falluro and a Brent loss,
but when hln hordo of wnrrlorn nnd
nllleg should nrrlvo ho expected by
force of numbers nnd by a slmultnno
0111 attack from nvery direction In
tnko tho Btono House and Its occu
pants nnd ltd treasures, without great
Iom. The known wealth of the placo
mnde It the most coveted plnco In tho
mind of tho savage on the whole
western bonier. Arms and ammuni
tion, provisions, "flro-wntor," gold,
valuables of all kinds, wero magnified
In tho Indian Imagination until even
tho grent wealth of Monto Crista
would not have compnred with that
of tho Lord of Tho Dosert.
Tho same humdrum prccnutlon wnn
prcscrvod by the besieged nnd bo
siegers until nbout two o'clock In tho
afternoon when tho Indians took on
now energy and thero was general
contldenco nnd nctlvlty In their ranks.
Tho outlook who liftil been pieced on
tho peak overlooking tho desert, sig
naled Old Kgnn thnt reinforcements
worn coming.
Tho chief could not resliit climbing
to tho summit of nn ndlolnlng foothill
nnd. looking for himself. IIo was ro
wardod by seeing a cloud of dust fnr
'nut on tho desert to tho Bouth thnt.
.from Its length nlong tlio plain, ho
know a bnnd of his warriors wero
coming In slnglo fllo as rapidly as
their steeds could bring them. A
llttlo Intor nnother cloud of dust from
tho southwest nnnounrcd other rein
forcomonts on tho way, and, though
tho Indians prosorved a sllonco wlillo
In view of tho occupants of tho Stone
House, they could not resist chanting
their war songs In tholr conccnlment.
It was not until tho first wnr P'irty
nrrlvcd that tho whites fully ronllxed
tholr danger. Thoy had folt reason
ably safe ngnliiBt tho onomy In his
for.mcr strongth until relnforcomonts
could nrrlvo from tho fort, but now
that bo was reinforced ho might bo
encouraged to nttack and might sue
coed boforo Biiccor could nrrlvo for
Just nt nightfall nnothor bnnd of
relnforcomonts arrived, and, tho
Indians now becoming moro bold,
rent tho ulr with tliolr wnrwhoops. Hut
tlio now arrivals woro hungry nnd
thirsty, nnd as dnrknoss enmo on tho
Lord of Tho Dosort behold their
cnmpflres -In ovory direction and ho
Baw thorn busily engngod In cooking
and fonstlng upon his, eholrQst beoves,
which had boon fnttoned for Uie pnl
nto's of a dlfforont rnce. Martin Lvlo
was not a cownrd. Ho wns a vlllnln
nnd a thief nnd a drunkard, but with
all of thl- lio was n man of courago
of tho truo Scotch strlpo. When ho
saw his proporty being sacrificed.. h!s
homo surrounded by nn enemy, his
life nnd thnt of his comnnnlons
throntoned, ho roso from his big nrm
chnlr, drcssod nnd armed hlmsolf for
bnttlo and took actlvo command of
his man.
His long bonumbod brnln boenmo
nctlvo. his oyos flnBhed with tho flro
nf axoltomont onco moro and his pnn
dpro'us for.m. as bo moved among his
man, gnvo him tho npnonranco of a
"grizzly." In courngo at least.
nan Follott had been watching tho
proceedings with studious 'sllonce.
Ho enmo to the conclusion that a
crisis wns nt hond. Maotlig tho
Lord of Tho Decorl In tlio front yird
ho told him ho would spcalt with him.
I "Mr. I.ylo," he said, "I think It hlich
uiiio or a iiaiiiomoiii uciwuun u. i
hnvo performed all of my agreements
with you and you havo put mo off
from day to day, and now that I have
no obligations remaining unfulfilled I
demand thnt tlio deads bo signed nnd
Hint you pny tho balance duo mo,"
"Tut, innn, this Is no tlmo for set
tling business affairs, whon our vory
scalps nro quivering on our heads.
There Is plenty or time, Walt until
wo havo repulsed thin bnnd of blood
thirsty savages, which your awkward
ness hns brought to our door, and
then wo will tnlk nbout settlement."
"Hut wo must settle now!" de
manded Kollctt, "You haro thus put
.mo off from tlmo to time nnd I now
must havo n settlement without fur
thfir delay."
"I am n man of fow words, ns you
know, Kollctt," responded hylo, "nnd
I nnswor now, onco nnd for all, wall
until I am ready to settlo."
"So am I n man of fow words nnd
nlso of quirk action, your hordshlp,
n title for which you arc Indebted to
mo, and nnothor moment's delay on
your part will bo thn costliest act of
your life!" said Kollctt In a low, de
termined tono.
Han Kollctt was n man of action
and (if few words, an tho render Is
nwnro, nnd his consclenco did not dic
tate moral means nnd ends. IIo wns
imturully Inclined tho other way. His
i V
Ho gave her hand an assuring clasp.
spirit for rovengo know no bounds.
He hnd already determined his courso
should the Lord delay settlement
He hnd not been asleep all of
these years, cither, In regard to tho
Lord's affairs. He wont straight to
the hiding place of Lylo'ii trcaciry
and helped himself. Ttn thousand
dollars In gold and bank notes be
took and securod safely In a belt al
ready prepared next to his body.
Then llko a coyoto bo skulked away,
passing through tho guard of exult
ant warriors, grown cureless with
confidence In superior numbers, and
stealing ono of tholr best hones
rixln away In the darkness. As their
bloodthirsty war-whoops chlmod In
nbout tho Stonn Houso, ho glanced
back through tho darkness and snld:
"Dovour them. Lord of Tho Desert
nnd nil, hungry pack, I will see thnt
you aro not molested In your work.
Hoforo Hnnuncrsloy reaches tho fort
his tonguo will bo silenced forever,
nnd Dan Kollctt. tho half-breed, will
bo well on his way to whero ho will
llvo tho romalndor of his days In
Mountain Lion nnd Desert Coyoto.
Thero was no tlmo for hesitation
on tho part of tho trnpper. Although
he boro no concern for tho safety of
the Ixird of Tho Desert, under ordi
nary circumstances, ho would not
havo hi m slnln by Indians at tho
prosent tlmo. Ilesldos, thero wero
thoso In his employ who deserved tho
asslstanco of their fcllowmon.
Ho announced his intention at onco
upon tho arrival of Mctzger of going
to tho fort but thought best to tako
a fow hours sleep boforo sturtlng out
on so fatiguing a Journey. Ileforo
lying down, however, all preparations
wero mado so that upon his waking
ho would bo nblo to Btart at onco on
his mission. It was his purpose to
start beforo daylight that ho might
got beyond tho rlmrocks to tho south
boforo dawn so that the scouts of
Kgan, should they bo watching tho
desert might not discover him.
In the preparations for tho Journey
ha hnd nn nblo assistant In tho per-.
son or uortha I.ylo. Her companion
ship, however, wns moro valuablo to
tho trapper than hor assistance Ho
had grown accustomod to doing
ovorythlng hlmsolf and did not foci
safe In depondlng upon others.
Everything dono by Uortha wag olther
superintended or Inspoctcd by him, to
his satisfaction and generally to her
rmbarfassmont. Women think they
know how to do things themselves,
and Ilertlia was no oxcoptlon.
Hut still thoy did not quarrel. The
man of tho desort know how ho want
ed things arranged and tho woman
from Edlnburg only desired to please
him. Wlillo ho was practically a child
of tho desert, yot ho was Intelligent
nnd hnd not bocomo ono-sldod In his
vlows. Ho saw tho value of woman's
companionship, felt Its lnllucnco nnd
had often chldcd hlmsolf since nor
tha's arrival for permitting his am
bition to rlso In certain directions.
"Cnlm, my boy," ho would Ray. "You
nro only a trnpper mnko your living
In ronmlng tho desort and climbing
tho rlmrocks nnd trapping wild ani
mals and Bklnnlng thorn. Sho Is ro
flnod. 8ho Is wqnlthy. Whllo sho Is
thrown In your company under most
unfortunata circumstances, sho could
not bo othorwlso that grateful, she
will always bo grateful will regnrd
you as n prcsorvor and friend, but
nothing moro, my boy. Do not build
op fnlso hopes, young man. Remain
Within your bounds and you will not
como to grlof. So lot tho mattor
Thus would reason this man of tho
frontier whon nature awakened his
heart to lovo.
After .making preparations for tho
trip ho had given Instructions to
his companions concerning their ac
tion In his absonco. Ho suspected
thnt Indian Bcouts might visit his
nboda and Impressed upon his friends
tho Importnnco of not bolng discov
ered. -"I think this period of Isola
tion Is drawing nenr to a oloso," ho
snld. "I oxpect In tho visit of Gen
orat Crook nnd his men not only to
put a stop to Rgan's deviltry In this
country but to soa tho hord of Tho
Dosort reduced to a commoner, and
SCO tho real lord and the lady In
iM ft
stalled In tlfelr proper tntlon.,,
Hut tlmo wns limited nnd tho discus
sion was cut short by tho trapper hid
ding them a warm fnrowoll nnd going
to his quarters for a short sloop, tils
glnnco. however, wnndorod to tho
face of Uortha as ho drow tho curtain
bohlnd him and ho saw a flush on hor
cheek that brought ono to his own
thnt wns soon hidden In tho dim light
of his own cell-like apartments.
As wns his custom tho trnppor
wakened on tlmo, and drcssod hlm
solf noiselessly to prevent disturbing
tho other slcopora. Ho came forth
quietly and was about to tako up tho
equipments of his Journey whan ho
wns astonished by finding Uortlin
awaiting him.
"You, up tool" ho exclaimed In a
low tono,
"Yes, I wished to speak with you
beforo you left," sho replied, "I had
a dream It Is a foolish thing I
know but I laid down only for a few
moments, nnd I had such a vivid
dream, and It seemed so real, that I
could not resist tolling It to you. Of
course thero Is nothing In dreams, but
It may put you on your guard thoro
may bo dangor you know."
"Does n coyoto over attack a lion
a mountain lion 7" Inquired Derthn.
"No," - replied tho trnppor, "not
slnglo handed; n pack might attack
ono under proper conditions If thoy
woro cornored, or hungry nnd they
thought thoy might benefit by It with
out too much risk."
"It wns a foolish dream, I know,"
sho snld, "but I will bo brief: I saw
a mountain lion, such as you caught
In your trap, on a long Journoy. It
climbed nmong tho rlmrocks, than I
passed along through canyons, and
thon crossed stretches of tho plains. It
seemed to bo vory tired, but It was
Intent on its trip, and plodded on.
Ilohlnd It enmo a coyoto Just llko
tho coyotes you capture, except Its
hair was dark; It was almost black
It would trail along the rocks behind
tho lion and then cut across a near
way and Ho In wait for the Hon;
then It would skulk away on tho ap
proach of tho lion, and follow again.
It kept this up oil through the day.
Hut at night It grow mora bold and It
again hid behind tho rocks on the
trail. As tho Hon approached, tired
and leg-weary, tho coyoto attacked It
from tho rear and tho Hon turned and
a great fight ensued, and In tho midst
of tho fight I know It Is foolish, but
It was so exciting my heart leaped
Into my throat anff I wakened tho
mountnln Hon changed Into your own
person and tho desert coyoto assumed
tho form of Dan Kollctt, and you and
bo were In desperate combat among
tho rocks and cliffs of tho far away
"Never fear little Her Miss Lylo,
Dan Kollott Is surrounded In the
Stone Houso by Indians and I will bo
on my guard against all enemies to
mankind that roam tho desert," and
buckling his revolvers about his
waist, and throwing tho other equip
ments of his Journoy across his shoul
der, ho took her hand nnd giving It
an assuring clasp, stepped out Into
tho darkness, taking a courso to tho
Dcrtha looked forward with alarm
and dread. Sho Imagined that some
thing terrible would happen. Hut
under tho theory of modern Intelli
gence sho would try to dlsabuso her
mind of evil omens and Imagine that
all would como out right.
Tbo trapper looked upon the mat
ter differently. Ho thought moro
about tho dreamer than tho dream.
As ho picked his wajr over tho plains
and among the rocks, her form be
came moro beautiful to him and her
words of friendship echoed and re
echoed In his ears. And whllo ho
did not bcllevo that thero was any
significance In drenms, yet he did not
forget tho warning of tho fair frlond,
nnd kept a more guarded lookout for
his safety than ever beforo.
His trip so far had bcon an une
ventful ono. Night and day he
pushed on, only sleeping a few hours
nt a tlmo and stopping a few minutes
to lunch. Tho distance now did not
dlvldo him far from the" fort. It was
tho last evening of his Journoy when
ho discovered fresh tracks of a horse
which had preceded him on tho trail.
Tho tracks led toward tho fort and
he concluded that It was mado by
somcoao going to tho fort. Thero
woro no shoes on tho animal's feet,
but tho soldiers frequently pressed
tho plains horses Into sorvlco and
thoro wns no reason to suspect any
thing out of the ordinary from a moro
horse's track.
Hut, as the reader knows. Ham
mcrsloy was beset by ono of tho most
unscrupulous villains of tho plains.
Tho trapper had only used ordinary
enro on his trip from, homo, whllo
Kollctt had bcon on tho scent llko a
hungry wolf. Although compelled to
go long distances out of his way on
account of bolng mounted, to get
around tho numerous walls of rlm
rocks, ho had gotten tho trapper's
courso and was determined to head
him off ore ho should reach the fort,
and kill him to prevent the Lord of
Tho Desert from receiving aid. Ho
hnd no hatred for Hammorsloy, but
ho would havo sacrificed a bosom
friend to gratify his rovongoful spirit.
He hnd already discovered tho trap
por'fl approach and had preceded him
to a point nenr tho fort whoro ho ox
pectod to htdo nmong the boulders
nnd stop tho trnppor forovor from tho
desort trail. Hiding his liorso In a
gulch In tho background ho secreted
himself near tho trail and waited tho
tipproach of tho trapper.
Whon ho wns within a fow paces
Follott leveled his revolver and when
tho trnpper approached within a fow
fcot of him tho scoundrel pulled tho
trlggor. nut fortunately tho porcus
slon cap did not explode. Drawlno
his knlfo hurriedly tho would-bo as
saBsIn rushed upon his intended vie
tlm from behind llko nn Infuriated
tlgor, The noise of the hammer of tho
revolvor had aroused tho trapper from
his modltatlon nnd whon Kollott
rushed upon him ho dropped tho
bundle from hlB shoulder and turning
received his assailant In nn unexpect
ed mnnnor. Ho seized the halt-breo!
by tho updrawn wrist with one hand
nnd by tho throat with tho othor nnd
thon a hand to hand struggle between
two of tho most determined men of
the desert followed.
Hammersjey discovers a fresh track.
(Tabs continued.)
T7T was not that Mr, Hozcmnn was
II He simply wanted to avoid giving
distress concerning n tnnttcr Hint sho could hardly bo expected to compre
hend, Ho ho told Kryc he would he delighted to Join him on the fishing trip
Hint gentleman hnd planned and he concocted tho harmless fiction for Mrs.
Ilozemnn's sntlsfnctlon thnt calmed the trouble
"It's n nuisance," he snld to Mrs. Hozctnnn, "but I supposo I havo to do It.
We're too henvlly Interested In Hint stock to run tbo risk of nny funny busi
ness nnd Wllllum thinks that one of us ought to go down on the quiet and
see after things,"
"Why doesn't Williams go himself, thenr asked Mrs. Hozcman. "They
seem to want to put everything on you Just because they know how simple
you nre,"
"I guess they don't know anything of tho kind," said Hozcman, rather In
dignantly. "I'erhnps they don't. They're not ns well acquainted with you As I am."
"They're all tied up," said Hozcman. "They Just can't go."
"Why didn't you tell them you Just couldn't go? Are they going to pay
your excuses'"
"Y-c-s oh, yes, of course. Yes, they'll pny all expenses."
"How long will It take" she asked presently. "Colorado seems like the
other end of the earth. Won't It be bard on you 7"
"Oh, no," replied Hozcman, Incautiously. "It will be rather pleasant tbnn
otherwise. I'm to play tourist, you know."
"How long"
Trobnbly eight or ten days."
Mrs. Hozcman thought n few moments nnd then said abruptly: "Ellen
can come and stay with the children. I'll go with you."
"Hut, my dear," remonstrated Hozcman, "that would be Impossible."
"Well cr a trip of that sort, you know a business trip."
"I thought you were going to play tourist."
"Ho I am, but cr well, you know. If you get Into a suspicions crowd of
rough men and they drop to the fact that you "
"William Hozcuisn," said bis wife. Impressively, "Is there put down that
paper now nnd look at me Is there any reason why I should not go
with you? If thero Is, tell It to me now without any beating about tbo
Hozcman does not lack presence of mind Id the faco of ordinary emergen
cies, but her eye was upon him and seemed to search bis souL He laid
down bis paper and Involuntarily wiped his forehead with his table nap
kin. "Why, no, my dear," be stammered, "there's no reason. If you would
like to come I'll be glad to havo you."
Then that's settled," said Mrs. Hozcman, shortly.
Hozcman docs not yet see his way out of the tangle. Cincinnati Enquirer.
CclMtUI 0U the Worth of 1IU Money
Krerr Time.
"A Chlnnnian nt the telephone Is a
funny thing." rcmnrked a long dis
tance telephone operator In tbo Denver
News a few days ago. "You sec. it Is
Impossible to tell whether one person
or hnlf n dozen are talking, and we
often becomo mixed up In listening to
them. When one Is speaking It seems
as If half a dozen are talking, nnd
wo often Imagine the wires aro out of
order. To make matters worse, the
Chinese delight In talking ns fast as
nml wo never know whether
the Chinaman at this end of tho wire
Is talking or If It Is the one at the
other end. After tho conservation Is
ended the Chink walks out of tbo
booth with a solf-satlsflcd smllo on his
face, and pays for a three minutes'
talk. We havo lately discovered that
ho Invariably says os much during
that time as could bnve been said by
a whlto man In fifteen minutes."
To bo sure, tho telephono company
Is not really "out" nnythlng by the
transactions, as It Is paid by the min
ute, but. nevertheless. In the case of
Chinamen, the company would be tho
gnlner by chnrglng for volume Instead
of time. A Chinaman always begins
his talk In l'ldgln-Engllsh; be says:
"Hello. Is this Sam Llug? 1 bcttee
you don't know-yl hi kl yl be yay bo
benno ne," nnd so on, nnd It sound on
the wires ns if several persons were nt
An amusing Incident occurred In the
Denver office of the company last
week. The long distance operator nt
Colorado Springs called Denver over
ono wlro aud Informed the local otflco
that another wire was out of order.
An Investigation resulted In a report
being mado to tbo effect that the wire
was crossed with a dozen others, and
that It would be Impossible to use It
until tho trouble could bo located. An
Inspector asserted that ho believed the
wire was crossed with ono connecting
with tho Tower of Babel, and tho
"hello girls" upstairs were ready to
agreo with him when a Chinaman
walked out of a booth, glared around
tbo room for a minute, nnd then said:
"Mo notteo pay when big fool mon
key with me nnd call mo names alleo
sameo me nottee know any bettee. Mo
wnntcc talk to Sara Lee, Trlnldnd. not
Mcllcnns mans and gals In Denvel."
And tho mystery was explained.
What had been mistaken for a crossed
wire was only two Cblnnmen, ono In
Denver nnd ono In Trinidad, each ono
trying to get his money's worth of
conversation at so much per minute.
The Mongolian received nn npnlogy,
nnd wns onco more allowed to enter
the booth, whero be talked to his
frleud, Sam Lee, In Trinidad. Sam
Leo Is agent for tho Six Companies of
San Kranclsco. and furnishes laundry
men and merchandise for Chinamen
all over the United States, no aver
ages Uve talks to Denver each week,
and wero bis conversations carried on
In English his business would bo very
profitable. Bam, however, Is too wlso
to talk English when ho has to pay,
and converses In the languago of tho
Klowcry Kingdom. In this manner be
saves a great deal of money.
Touching Incident that Was Vf Itneeeed
oil a liner Street.
A touching llttlo Incident happened
tho other day ou ono of Philadelphia's
busiest streets, and It caused even
thoso who scoff at religion to show
respect. A blind negro, with a singu
larly expresslvo face, had a cornet,
upon which ho played with great feel
ing soma of tho best knowu church
hymns. "Jesus, Lover of My Soul,"
"Hock of Ages," "Lead, Kindly Light,"
followed each other with much ap
proval from tho audlenco of passers
by who bad stopped.
"How Klrm a Foundation, Ye Saints
of tho Lord," seemed to conclude the
program, but beforo Its last notes
sounded n dignified-looking whlto
clergyman, with silver balr and a gen
whnt Is vulgnrly known ns henpecked
Mrs. Hozomnn nny unnecessary mentnl '
tle smile, stepped to tbo musician's
side and whispered a question or two.
He then turned to the surrounding lis
"Friends," tho clergyman said, "wo
have paused In our busy walk to listen
to music that brings to each of us a
message from God. Surely His spirit
Is with us, though It be on the open
street I nm going to offer Just a word
of prnyer that all may profit from the
Holy thoughts this music has brought
to us." And the clergyman bared his
bead reverently, as did the other men
standing there, and offered a prayer,
simple and earnest.
Then, shaking bands cordially with
the musician, tbe old clergyman was
observed to slip a bill Into bis hands
as he started away rapidly, evidently
desiring to avoid bearing the comment
bis unusual act of benevolence bad
produced. The negro, too, started away
without passing bis bat for any fur
ther coollcctlon.
"Well, I am not much for churches,"
remarked a well-dressed man to bis
companion, according to the Philadel
phia Hccord. "but If I thought that
preacher had a church In Philadelphia
I would go from one to another to And
him. He makes me feel like when I
was a little boy and my mother used
to kneel down beside my bed and pray
for me."
Cut I loth Ways.
"I want my hair cut. and no talk,'
said a 10-stone man. with an I-own-the-carth
air, as be walked Into a
Swindon barber's shop and sat down.
"The " commenced the man in tbe
"No talk, I tell you I" shouted the
heavy man. "Just a plain balr cut
I've read al the papers, and don't
want any news, oiari ngui away.
The man In the apron obeyed.
When he had finished, the man wbo
knew everything rose from bis cbalr
nnd surveyed himself In the glass.
"Great Scottr he exclaimed. "It's
really true, then You barbers can't do
your work properly unless you talk.'
"I don't know," said the man In tbe
apron quietly, "You must ask the
barber. He'll be In presently. I'm tbe
glazier from next door." London An
Lincoln Missed Meeting.
In Lincoln's early political career bo
had occasion to travel quite a distance
to bo In time for a convention In which
he had a deep Interest IIo went to a
livery stable and asked for tho best
borso possible one that was both fast
and fresh. Lincoln reached tbo con
vention too lato to bo of service to
those he bad wished to serve, and
drove back to tho stable, whero he
quietly asked the keeper:
"What do you commonly nso that
horso for?"
"Waal," drawled the dealer, "wo And
him a good borso to draw the hearse
at funerals, ho's bo tractable."
"Too slow for funerals too slow en
tirely!" commented Lincoln, according
to tho Cincinnati Enquirer. "Why,
that horso wouldn't get tho corpse
around In tlmo for tho resurrection I"
New Name tor the United States.
Thero Is a new, namo or term com
ing Into commercial use Usona as an
abbreviated designation of this coun
tryUnited States of North America
which Is technically correct and at the
same tlmo easy to use and remember,
SevcrnI concerns In various lines of
business now bear that title, and Its
uso la destined to grow.
Mattor for tho Union.
Slummer Don't you know that the
wages of sin Is denth?
Doycr Pell I didn't, mum, but If
you'll Jest mention de tnnttcr ter de
wnlkln' delegato o' do Sinners' Union
I hov no doubt dey'lt get better wages!
Surplus Wnter for llattis.
A largo factory In Jena, Germany,
utilizes Its surplus hot water lu such
a way as to afford tho laborers uearli
a thousand baths a-week.
Valuable Animal Dlepoeed nf by Mia
take fnr Five Dollar.
A famous rnco horse, for which an
offer of $1)00 had been refused at tho
recent Hennlug meeting, wns sold for
8 the other dny at n well-known local
auction house, nnd then sold by tho
purchnser for fB. Tho horse In ques
tion belonged to a well-known young
society mnli of Hnltlmore, who entered
the nnlmnl nt the Hcnnlng races.
Tho horse proved valuablo as a fast
runner by winning several races. The
owner was offered $(K)) for tho horse,
which bo refused. Baying that ho
would not take less than $1,000. Ho
then decided to bring tho nnlmnl to
Hnltlmore nnd sell It nt public auction
nt a leading nuctlon stable. After no
tifying his friends who wished to buy
the horse of Ills Intentions the young
man brought the racer to Hnltlmore and
left him with his stable boy, Instruct
ing him to take the horso to tho auc
tion house.
The young man then repaired to tho
place of auction, where tils friends
were congregated, hi tbe rain they
waited for tho appearance of tbo boy
with the steed, but ho did not show up
until tho party had had a wait of
nliout two hours or more. When ho'u ""
did, he did not bnve the horse with 'consists of twenty pnrts of dehydrated
him, but In Its place a check for 0 iam carbonate, Uve of sod um chlo
and a bill of sale. It appears that the fid, one of magnesium sulphate, nve
boy mado a mlstako In tho name of
..... I
Inn iiiif.1 AH fiMtan n n.T fAflV f lin iinraa
liiu uukiiuil Hvunij m ' v tail, v.uu
to tho wrong stnblc, where It was of
fered for sale, bringing 1, with a de
duction of $2 for the auctioneers, leav
ing 0 for tbe former owner of the
horse. After having a heart-to-heart
talk with the boy. In which ho ex-
pressed himself thoroughly, tbe horse's
first owner went to the nuctlon houso
where the valuable horso had been
sold at such n ridiculously low price.
When ho arrived be could do no more
than obtain the name and address of
the man to whom the horso bad been
This well-known young man did not
succeed In finding tbo buyer of his
horse until the next day, and when
be did It was only to find that the
horse bad been sold by the buyer for
a lower price than be had paid for It.
The horse had never been In harness,
and when the gentleman who bought
It harnessed It It kicked up a good
deal, but did not become unmannge-
a ,i. dux a.a nor oecome unuiau.-
able un It the man bad driven t about
five miles from town; then the floor
the harness broken. The purchaser, of
course, did not know that the horse
bad racing qualities, and thought that
be had been bunkoed Into buying a
horse that looked fully 5 years old,
but bad not been broken.
When be found himself suddenly sit
ting In tbo road, with a broken-up run
about bis company and his horse Just
disappearing In a cloud of dust over
a distant hilltop, be can hardly be
blamed for not caring whether he ever
saw the brute again. However, whllo
bus soliloquizing, a man came down
the road In a wagon leading the horse
vuui uo uuu "
chaser was so thoroughly disgusted
with the animal that he sold It to the
man In the wagon for ?3.
When asked If he knew the man to
whom he bad sold the borso he said
that ho had never seen blm before and
did not even think be would recognize
him if he saw blm again.
, , i , , j .
locate his horse for several days, but
llUCle,i1n1ln8 80aSyeL
Tbe Friar Begun It More than a
Century and a Half Ago.
F. M. Blsbee. formerly chief engi
neer of the Tennessee Central railroad,
who has Just returned from an outing
In the Northwest, has been made gen
eral manager of the Los Angeles Land
and Water Company. This corpora-1
tlon owns 1,500 acres of land near Los
Angeles, which seven years ago was
planted In olive trees, and now the
stockholders have commenced to reap
a rich harvest
"Ours Is the most extensive orchard
on the coast" said Mr. Blsbee, "and at
that we have only begun our opera
tlons In that locality. Recently we
purchased 3.QO0 acres additional land
thnt ndjolns the orchard from which
we arc now gathering fruit. Two thou-
Band of these will be planted, and we
think we have one of the best revenue-
producing properties going.
"You can gain some Idea of the ex-
tent of an olive yield wben I tell you
that this year we have shipped from
those 7-year-old trees, 1,200 tons of oil
and 50,000 gallons of pickles, which are
now on tbe market And as tbe trees
grow older tbey bear more heavily. I
have seen one little orchard there the
trees In which were planted In 17C9,
almost 140 years ago, and they aro to-
day bearing magnificently.
"Few people nre awnre of It," con-
tinueu air. unsuce, accorumg to tuo D doct l havo ,ak ft tonc
Nnshvllle News, "but the producing of a adyc0t your bm tcndg to
olives In Callforn a was Introduced by 1 and g0 , dIsm)M ,t from mf
I the friars moro than a century and a mlnd ..
hnlf ago. In those days, when priml- MoraiAdvlco sometimes defsnts Its
tlvo civilization was first blazing Its glvcr,Mc(1ca, Talk.
way along tbe Pacific slope, the friars "
conceived the Idea of establishing ro- A Back-Handed Compliment.
' Hglous posts between Los Angeles nnd Cludcrella bad Just put on the crys
' San Kranclsco Just nbout a day's Jour- tal slipper. "Do you think It makes
ney removed from each other. The
object was to Insure pleasant Instead
of laborious trips when moving up and
down the coast
"Everybody knows that tho friars
were good livers. They liked olives
nnd experimented In planting with tbe
pronounced success which Is yet ap-
lu tho Style.
IIo was a bard worker, but by effort
bo bad secured severnl assistants and
was hnvlng things a llttlo easier, A
friend who hnd not seen him lately
called at his ofllco and found him busy
ns over.
"Hello, old man," greeted bis visitor,
"still doing seven men s work."
"No," responded tho Industrious one,
"I havo seven men doing my work."
"Oho," laughed tbo caller, "so you've
organized a trust, too, have you?"
n-l. . la IMit It mnW.a Uonlf
suirce, but it's somewhat different with
tto itjD
A whlto rust Is an unexplained "dis
ease" of English nnd German gnlvnn.
lzcd Iron that hns duvelopcd within A
year or two.
Tlio Inrgest pendulum ever mndo Is
thnt with which Messrs. Ilcrbt't nnd
Klnmmnrlon hnvo been dcuionstfrttlng
tho earth's rotation In Purls. A tend
ball of fifty-six pounds Is attached to
n fino piano wire nbout !M0 feet long.
Tho oscillation lasts sixteen seconds.
The explosion motor holds tho palm
for lightness. The best electric motor
with Its storage battery Is stated to
weigh nearly, one hundred pounds to
tho horse power, and the Berpoltbt
steam engine, flashing wator Into
stenm from n coll bolter, nbout four
teen pounds. Hut the Hourdlnux gaso
line engine gives n horse power with
a weight of only eight pounds.
Tho new self-luminous mixture of n
French chemist claimed to rcqulro
". very short exposure to light and
I. .,,(Im I..l1lln(ns ntwl InsitlnrV
'" ' """' -
iKt Ttm w-fill.mivrtfi mn
"-' duioiiui. - uw '
... ,
terlals aro kept nt a whlto bent for
three hours In n muffle from which
the air Is carefully excluded.
In his experiments with various ve
hicles, M. Mlchclln has found that Iron
tires require grentcr motlvo power
tnnn either solid rubber or pneumatic.
uuiuuiumiv lum,...
P" ent grentcr speed with pneumatic
1 per cent less power than
when fitted with solid rubber tires,
topping, the solid tires re-
"ulred an Increaso of 14 per cent In
I bral-los Pwcr
i In the singular failure or inc oiu
windows of York Cathedral, the glass
has lost most of Its transparency, and
In places has becomo so perforated
that It crumbles at the slightest touch.
To stop tho "disease" some glass of
tbe thirteenth and fourteenth centu
ries hns been removed. It Is known
that the hardest cement Is sometimes
aislntegrated by chemical action set
organism, and It Is sup-
J destruction of tbo glass
Owing to the property which alumi
num possesses of producing a very
high temperature when burned with
substances that give off oxygen. It
has lately been employed In Berlin for
making a new detonator, for firing ex
plosives which do not readily respond
to the action of the detonating com
positions hitherto used. The uluml
num Is used In tho shape of a powder
mixed with the other substances till-
I . 1. nAM..a.lj,n nni rtf ,1ntnnn tnm
1 h, h tcmncrature in(,uci,d
pu,vcrlcd aluminum results In
mcclian,cal cncrBy than an
proUuccd wlth compositions not con.
fnlnlnr. nlnm num.
The ndoptlon of- liquid In place of
solid fuel has not taken place so rap
Idly as some experimenters anticipat
ed. In the opinion of Edwin L. Ordo
of tbe British Institution of Mechan
ical Engineers, tho trouble nrlscs from,
the exclusive use In boiler furnaces of
crude oil. which contains a consider-
able percentage of water, 10 per cent,
" , ' . , "... .,,' ,i ,.
tlons necessary for perfect combus-
crude oil shipped from the wells con-
tains as much as 40 per cent of wnter.
nnd when used on shipboard tho con
stant agitation prevents the separation
of this wnter, which consequently en
ters tho furnaces. The experiments of
Dr. Taut show that liquid fuel Is capa
ble of giving 60 per cent more ctll
ciency than tbo best coal.
Ag(J ,s a matter which seems depend
ent on ones point or view, a iow
Yorker Imprisoned In a "tonsorlal stu
dio" fell victim to the garrulousnesa
of the "artist" executioner, and was In
formed that tbe latter, recently mar
ried, was about to set forth on a visit
to the old country. "I suppose you'll
your wife nlong," suggested the
Tctlm, hopelessly. "No, sir, I'm not
going for pleasure this time. I want
to see my father beforo he dies." "Isn't
ue -well?" "Oh, he's well enough; but
0uo never can tell what may happen,
nB-g getting nlong In years." "How
0u g he?" "Korty-nlne."
"Toots. It" Literally.
Onco upon a time a very nsrvous
man called on his physician and asked
him for medical advlco.
"Tako a tonic, and dismiss from your
mlud all that tends to worry you," said
the doctor.
C.rnMl mfinlhi n' thn tintlan
a w from pUylMcau aak.
u t ,t ?18 d ansn,ercd
my foot looic smaller ' sue as-eu, wuu
charming naivete,
"Perhaps," replied the prluc""
I can see right through It."--'
Disconcerted by this back-hrfna. .
compliment, tho poor girl blushed, but
as coionini uutuit-. uu ufi-u-wurK
stockings bad not yet arrived she bad
to bo content with her uudeccptlvo
footgear. Judgo.
Not Well Hecelvcil.
Ida Why aro you pouting, dear?
May Why, Harry said bo believed
bo could learn to lovo me. '
Ida I don't see anything awful in
May Yes; tho Idea of him liavlug to
Some marriages aro failures umitiso
tho: wouiau lu tho enso Is siihpMiis
and soma nre failures because slw
, Isn't.
When a mail -oniplimriit a uurtuin
ShO ISIt't SUtlshed llllll'HS Hln- in, I ItJ
luce him to repeat It ai iw.i
. times.