Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 02, 1903, Image 3

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    Some of (ho Happenings. About Town During tlio I'nst Week.
'I lie llrlgfiUit'Color.
Color In tln rainbow
Color In Ilic (If wi'r
Color In Ihcilewdrop . .
Color In lilt) hIioWI'I' .r1
Color In (lie Mm- nky
Color In (lie niiiiiI
lllil there' nothing like tin-color
hi tin' niliii'r'H nun.
Dr. Lowe ociilti-optlcluii Kukciic. '
It. Nnwlnnd runic up from Hit-,
gene frliliiy In look lifter his lu I !
J'mIn hi'iii.
1)1', I.OWC'H IiihI uIihhi'M hit Mm
Wnl oliliiliiulilc. Hi' iiim'l peddle.
Hen lilm ul hold.
MIhm Mini OmIniuiIci' it'innied to
Hugcim ImhI. Mrlilny after iiCIii'InMiiiih
vImIi. here with Imr pn renin.
Ahnchhoi' lliirlon Mini (iiinllv ol ICu
gunc, wciii v 1 -i 1 1 1 1 1 u: In tlio rll.v litMt
week .returning home Krhlny.
CliuH.Cochruil went ilowil to Kit-1
iri'lll' lllHl TIllll'Hllll.V llllll UNHlHtCll till'
4 1 1 1 regimental IimmiI ul the concert
In tin livening.
I'rniik Whipple Iiiim accepted ii po
sition at, (lie llhickbiitlc. mini' anil 1
went out llii'iv lo coinniclice work I
on (lie iHt ot .liiiiiinr.v.
Cum Unit headache by removing
tnu cause wim n inir ot nr. miwch
Mupcrior giUMHCH. i-oiiHiiu nun upon
tln 'J mill :i tit Sherwood hotel.
Iniiftury tin '.'ml anil -'Inl, two days
only, Dr. Lowe. Kukimio'm well known
ociiin.optlclun will Ih ut tin Slier
wnoil holiO. Don't fall to cull on
lilm mill lnivc li I in ti-nt your cyen fur
kIiihm'h. Consultation frit'.
Otto Drown, who Iiiim Imvii "am
ptitullng wlilxkiTN" for mivornl
niontliH fur .Iuiiicn OhI rainier left IumI
Thursday for Kugene. Oeo. HoIiIiihoii
will probably accept the iohIoii
ll'lt VllCailt.
K. CiunplM'll, of tlm 1'. T. f'o
niovi'il Into IiIh nnw residence on
ItlverMtrcct TncHilny. Although not
yet completed on the exterior, UiIh Ih
n Him residence Mini greatly Improves)
the npeiiruii(c of Hlvcr stnrt. It In
also commodious, modern niul con
venient mill will make them u nice
It Ih announced that tint Southern
I'uclllo Hallway Comiimiy will re
place thu rutin on the main line be
tween Portland mill Han l'rauclsco
with heavy Hteel during the coming
year. The Htcmunldp N'nruioti Isle
nulled from Antwerp NovciiiImt :ui
with a cargo of railM for Portland,
anil during December and January
live more steninciH will follow, the
Mix rurgiK-H approximating :m.ihh
tor.H. (IrniitM I'uhh Observer,
r innr mnr mnnnnr mns trmi v v in
hi...!.. :.. n
V hleli culls to mlml the
Annual I'i'iiMi. We are
iiiiiv iivaieil lo llll all
Ol'lli'lH lu the (Irocery
Line with Clean. Fresh
niul ilp-lo-dale Hoods.
Prices Alimt lie Considered,
Am wu arc lenders In low
I'rlceM, A full lliie of
'I'eiiM,, Coffees, Spleen,
Canned floods of all
klmlH. l'rcsh KruttHiiml
Ushered In I lie New Star,
Tlio ringing of uhiirch Ml Weil mom
day night allil 'I'liiiiHilay morning
awoke Nome of the Mluinberliigpcople
ofourclly to the fact that tin old
t'j,iti teiiu ! . jtl'lmr ' HitvvU'tttl u'mi.
held at tho Christian ehiireli and the
ringing of Ihe Im'II wiim ii pari of the
program oi ine "waicu Hireling.
Ihiroute Home.
If In tuvil of dental work call on
Dr. .Mney In the Knnpp building.
Frank K. Dudley, a prominent In.
Miirmice man of Portland, wiim In the
city Monday.
I. II. lllughuni left hint ThnrHilay
morning for u visit over ChrlMtniitM
with IiIm family at Portland, return
ix tlw flrnt of the wtvk,
John Cnrdwell. of UiIm ell v. who
Iiiim Ik-cii nerloiiHly III for Home wekM,
In reiiorlcd In ii dauireroiiM eonillllon
aml.hlM recovery Im coiiMldered very
Lot I ami the wcMt half of lot 'J of
liliK'k 1, In I'crkln'H addition wiim re
cently purehiiMed liy llerinaii Itti
iloljih. It wiim formerly lheproM'rty
of J. P. nml Clara Taylor.
FOIt HAI,I-II actTMof hmikI.v himii
hot tout laud with Mtm'k and Im
lirovementM, H. inllen Ironi Cottage
drove. Tor further lutoriuatlou call
on the owner. ('. W. (Iii.iihiit.
The JcmmIi' Shirley will
apH-ar here for one tilht only, that
of .1 Hillary Ltlth and none of the play
KoIiik iH'ople of our city can afford to
iiiImm thin ooiiortunltv of enlovlnir n
Whllo tlm iM-ople of the middle went k""11"
.. K.. ul.ll.A.I.... H. ...... I I.. (I.... .. .
m. m.T.Ti.i.M hi fin .win -' niiim-i Harney I'ayiie, one or the pioneer
iiiki iiioiiBimiK uiroiiK" iiio ieiiM.. iiealerMliiMportlnujcoodMiit Hiixem!.
miiow dr Mm. t he iM-ople of till- fa- MHt WM.k ,H,oWmI of hi- luten-Mt In
yorcd Mt-ct on of t he countrv areen- the liiiMlneMM to hi- partner V. II.
loylmt liiiliiiy MprltiK llko da.VM ami Kay. and will retliv from active liu
lotij of thoni. It Im true that we have H,UWH (or the pn-Hciit.
IMIU (JIIIM llVfl, IHHIH llltH( m,-11-l
Mr. (I
D. HeiiKen, wi'lvlnry of the
MecurllleM Co,, wum In the
city litMt Siiudny and .Monday. They
am iiiukliiK a pleaMiuv tour of the
went ami are now curoutii home via
Portland to which place they went
TucHilay. Hlnce IchvIiik their home
lu New York they have torn iim fur
Mouth iim the City of Mexico and have
hud a very enjoyable trip thu- far,
.Mr. HeiiKen Im necretary of the Or
K'on Kit 1 1 rl tie- Co. and IioIiIm coir
Mhlerahle Mtock la It. It Im iiecdlcHM
to Mtnte that he Iiiim ureat Iioiivm lu
the future of llohemla.
Wanted To Kill His Wife.
MlloC. Hunt, who wum brought lu
from near PIcuMiiut Hill I'rlday even
I my Iy Sheriff Wlthvt-M mid Dcjiuty
Ilrown ami placed lu jail to w ex
amined for liiMiinlty had hi- hcarliiK
lieforc .IiuIbu Kliiculd ycMterdny fore
noon uud the fnctM brought out were
to the effect that I lord wum luteiiHoly
JealoiiM of hi- wlfuand hud threatened
her life. The whole matter wiim
Mettled liy Mr. Hard iikivi'Iiik to take
the afternoon train for Tucoma,
where he ha- relative-. AcconlliiKl.v
he wum accompanied to the depot by
Deputy .Sheriff Down ami left for the
Hound city. ltelMter.
Culled Hta'ti'M Land Office,
ltOMi'liurr. f)ro , 1IKU.
.Votlco Im hureliy kIvcii thai In com
pliance with (hcirovlloiiM Of the act
Of Coiikivmm of Juno !l, IM7X, entitled
!rAn act for tlio Miilyftf timber IhiiiIm
In thi' Htate- of Cullforuia, Oregon,
N'ovudit. ami VllHlllulloaTerrltorv.,
iim extended to all the Public J,nml
'MtatoM ny act or aukiimi j, isfc.,
John Crowley. orCollaKe drove, Co,
offline, Htate of Onwui Iiiim HiIm
day filed In llil-orflcirhl-Hwoni Htate
nient No,:i77, for tho purciia-e of the
hotM i a & i;i & hk y,H y. & nxv ),
HKWofHiH-No. II, Twp, 2? H. of llaile
'J VvcmI and will offer proof to
mIiow that the laud MiMiuht Im more
valuable for Km timber or -lone than
foruurlculturul purpOHiv. and to cm- I
IuIiIImIi IiIm claim to miiIiI land before i
Marie I. Ware. r.H.CoinialMMhaieratl
KliKene, Oreoii, on Wclue(av, thu I
Kith day of I'i'li,, llxi'l,
He name- iim wImicmwm
William VmiKordeu, Joiiu VuiiKor
den, Zeno Karl, of CottaK'' "rove. Ore.,
AllH-rt AnderMOii, of Dor'-nu, Oregon.
Any mid all per-on- i luiinlnur ad
verMidy the uliovc-de-crllH-ii IuuiIm an' i
riMiue-tcd to tile their chiluiM lu thin
iwron' muIiI llith day of
2 I'oorH West of Dcusoii fJru Co.
The Cheap Store Not cheap in Quality But
good goods at Low Prices.;;
ortice on or
Feb.. IIHKI.
T. IIiiiikikh, Hel-ler.
, New Lodge Instituted.
ocoii-lon- and tliat miiow Iiiim already
l-'eti wrn upon the IiIkIi hill-ur-roundlni;
the valley, yet. one from
the enct can -cimel.v rcallie that II
Im now midwinter ami that Chtl-t-lium
Im piiMt.
Henry Veatch returned .Monday
from CorvalllH where he ami hi- wife
enjoyed Chrl-tmaH with rclutlvcM.
He had hi- Miilendld new U-fever nun
with him but rvportM duck -hootliiK
not K'X'd lu that locality at prc-cut.
,: -Xi ii: -i- it- -Jk- si.- :it - -ii-lt -:i u.r.jto siz Jilait-A---i.-. -ir jA'
Hum u llr-l-ela llueof hluh K'raileKood- In Tinware,
Cutlery, Hhelf ami Heavy Hardware, wiikoiim, Charter
Oak HtoveK and Itaup-M,
Plumbing and Shop Work a Specialty.
jr f. ?r- .7T-17. Tts-.t -tfr tjr ,
Norvnl AtklllM Im lu
the city tlilH
CIiiim. IJetty- wum down from Do
hernia hiMt Hattirday.
H. I.. Itnlney enjoyed Chrl-tma-wlth
hi- folk- in Portluml.
Jainltf Drown, of l.imene, a brother
ot Mi-m. Iav W. Henry. Im vl-ltlnhcre
Al Churchill inade a trip to Kiikviic
thu flrHt of the week.
Hilly HIkkIiim left Weilne-diiy for
llohemla after u -ojoiirn lu till-iiii--
MIhm Delia Durham ivturned Mon
day (veiling from a vlnlt wit 1 frlenilM
jit ItOHebiirK.
A. W. .bilker came down from the
lilll- hiHt Friday where helnnt work
4111 n coutruct for F. J. Hard.
Frank Alll-ou. a brakemuu 011 the
H. P. reNhlliii; at A-blnnd, mid wife,
vlHlted IiIm imreiitH In the city the
tlrHt of the week.
MIhm Anna Dmlerwood and her
mother Mr-. K. .1. Huntley were over
Iroin Divide the Ili'Mt of the week
vl-lthiK relative-here.
MorrlM A. McKlbbeu, who Iiiim Ik on
ut work at Amo- for Home time Iiiim
accepted 11 po-ltlon itt I.ouk & DliiK
limn'H IokkIiik camp a few iiiIIch
MoutheaMt ot the city.
Dave AIIIhoii, a rouduetor 011 the
S. P. Ilvlni; at I tone I hick, uml wife,
Jeft Tut'Hduy for home ufter a few
tluyn vl-lt with hi- pan'iit- mid
brothem In the city.
Ituv. John DilWHon, of Ito'buiK'.
will hold the tvuulur KiiIhcoiiiiI ner-
vlco lu the MiimoiiIc hall 011 TiichiIiiv!
ovealnir Jan. (Ith at 7 -..'III 11. 111. All' 'I'M- u-.h.W l.'rtilnt- m,l ..i.i.i.,..
Jan a mid .1. Dr l.owc, KuireneV well
known oculo-optlvlau will beat the
Sherwood hotel. Don't fall to have
lilm tent your eyw for k'''",,- Ho
leaveM Hiiudny.
The Fraternal Aid Society met at
the I. O. O. V, hall hut Monday even
Imr ami enjoyed 11 uood hocIuI time
with quite a Koodly iiiiml-'r of In
vited KiieMtM, TIiIh tine yotmic order
Im rapidly forKtuu: to the front.
A luiMtlly gotten up dance ut the
Mru hou-e wum one of the uttrnc
A larue deleiratlon of Odd I-VIIowm
came up from Kiikciic TueHduv nfter
110011 for the iurio-e of helping to
liiHtltute mi ICmampinent at thU
place which ivim done that evening,
the work Ik.'Iiik put on by the ICiipMie
A way up time Im n-portol by tho-e
participating lu the orKunliatlon
and a Hplendld loilne wiim dulv or
uaulzed wltli twenty-one new meia
Imtm mil live curd meiuberx. The
new lodw Im culleil CoiiHt Fork K11
cumpmeut No -111 nml Im koIiik to be a
hummer. The olllcerx elected are 11.
U. Hart, V. P.; W. F. Hhminfelt. II.
P.; T.J. Markley. S. W.; .1. H. Clx
iiient, J. W.: H. A. WIIImoii, Scribe;
Fred (la!e, TrciiHiirvr.
Ml Clara MathcH ami her com
pany will open a week m eiiKUKcmeut
at MurtluV Hull Monduy uvciiIiik
Jan. 5th. Till-company ciiJo.vh the
reputation of Im-Iiik the-troiie-tnnil
inoMt complete repretolro orKanlza
Hon now playlnir the went. Thu
play-an' nil new and the unmade
incut carrlcu a complete utfiEueouli
incut Ih-hIiIcm the rcKiilar dratnatlc
company MIhm Mat he- Iiiim a npeclal
coinpuny of vnudevlllo urtlntH to In
troduce high cIuhm Hpi-cIultlcM In-
tweon nctM. tanking theMrformnncc
For the oicnlng iduy next Monday
evening the MathcH Company will
pnwnt tlie new war drama hiicccmm
,nioug the Philippine" a Htcrllng
Uliltol ftMlei! I.nd OHIce, I
HoHfliiirx, Ore, Nov. "th, 11W2. .
Notice In hereby given that in UomplU ,
uiidu with the pioviaions uf the net of :
Contrite of Jiiiiu!), IH78, enlitleil "All I
Act lor the fide of Timber l.iiinl in the I
Stales of CiillfernlH, Ortvm, Nevndii, I
iiiki niisliiniitii lerrltorv. an ex
tended 10 ull the Public Ioid Htule- liv
net of Augiint 4, IH'J!, I luroni-e A.
Parker, of Kitgeiie, Comity of Ijoie,
State of Ore.', hue this diiy jllcd in this
office Ids swftrn rtiilement No .1910, for
the purchuee of thcNW ii of Buctlon No.
12 In Townfliln No. 20 3, IUnc No.2
Wwl, mid will offer jiroul to show tluiti
the hind sought Is more vnlimblc tor its
timber or stone limn for ngric-iill ,
puriHiiM's, and to estnbllth his chdiii to I
Hidd land lx'fore Mnrie L. Ware. '
IJ. S. CoiinniiiKiourrnt Knjjenc. Oregon,
1111 Mondiiv, the 2nd ilny of I'eliinury,
lie iiiiuien as witneiri't-s:
AllM-rt K. Parker, Andrew J. Ciiiziin, ,
AllM rt r Parks, It. (!. Doyle, of Pleas, i
ant Hill, Lane Co., Oregon. I
Any nml all H.'rsoni claiinini; hiI- j
versely the uIwve-defcrilMjd lanils are
rcpiiertfd to file their claims in this
nlfice 011 or before said 2nd day of Jan.,
J.'r.lliio-iKH. IteuiKler.
Lot of Men's lniLs go :t 2R nut ROe
Men's Hoots regular $2.25 ones $1.00
Boys' oote regular 1.75 ones 1.25
Children's Sehool Handkerchiefs 1, 2 & lo.
Famous 7(5 School Shoe 11 to 2 $1.35
Old Lady's Comfort Shoes 1 ,2Z
Good Heavy Lace Shoes A; 1.25
Hoys' Heavy Grain Seamless, worth $L.25 1.1)0
2.00 1.50
" Wool Sox regular 80c ones v. 20e
Men's " " " 35c ones 25c
Hoys' Sweaters worth 75c ; 50c
Regular 00c Men's work shirts 40c
Duck Coats worth $2.25 $1.1)0
Men's Pants worth 1.50 1.15
Ladies' High Cut Storm Shoe (Queen $3.00) 2.40
Ladies, Viei Kid (pat. tip) Latest Style
Regular $2.25 1.85
Ladies' Fleeced Underwear Suit 45c each 23c
Ladies' Union Suits 35a 3 Sutts $1.00
Men's Heavy Wool Underwear worth $1.50 90
Ladies' Hose 4- pair. 25c
Many other Bargains. Come in and see the
OoodS" -
R. WELCH, Manager.
unuea Maiei jjiuo umi-e,
Hlur(i, Ore.. (ct.2. lfJi J v
T fflven that In eompJUjiet ,
Have Dr. I.owe tent your c.vcm for I " ' ....... . .s
gliiMMi-H iTliluy uml .Saturday t IiIm
week Jan 2 mid .'I.
Dr I.owe the e,e night HHTlnll-t
won't Im' back for Home time. See
lilm Jan the 2 and ,'l miiiv.
DuvIiIhoii will repair your watcheH,
clock- and Jewelry at the lowe-t
prlci'M. All work warranted.
Mr-. Martha Stanton and .Mr-.
Caroline (.'lirl-man left 011 Cliil-lnm-for
PiiMudenn, Cullf., when- they will
visit relative-,
Mr. and Mim. Doc PutteiHon will
Hoon commence hou-ckccplng lu the
Howard lleagle ii'-lileuee near the
PrcHbyterlan cluiivh.
Atty. it. K. Sargent uml F. .1.
Hard, Hecivtary of the mining ex.
change, weiv up from Portland the
flrnt of the week returning home
are Invited to attend.
Our foreman Ilarlou Itrowu wum
laid up nearly all of la-t week with
something hu couldn't dlagno-l-.
Later It vitH found that ho luul Ihhui
enjoying a n-nrcu-e of Hcarletlnn.
llennle Illiigham came up from
Portland the llr-t of the week with
III- fa I her I. II. Illngham and will
euJoy IiIm holiday vacation ut the
iw mill ami logging camp.
"The nicest and plea-antcst inedlclue
TI11IVA IISimI for IlKliirMHllaii nml iiuii.lii,.
1 r,, ,. .-r,. , ... . ' . I tl,... 1.. .......... 1.. ..1. 1..
nun 1- t'imiiioeriaiii'fl i-ioiiiitea unili ',,M" ,p' " 1 i-i-ihiik'hi'miivv
l.lver Tablets," suvs Mvlanl K. GralK, of ulte n number who danced Hie old
Mlddleitrove, N, Y . "They work like 11 y'ar out mid tint new yenr In. An
charm and do not grlpp or have any 1 1 11 - enjoyable "hop" I- reported by thow
jileasant eirect." For sale by llunson nri'wnt
)rli :0o. 1 'j'liere will Ik-Hiiiflul HervlccM ut Hie
..Ti'i'ilil' ".'i' 1? 'i'Ti" "ur M.K.rt"iwli iuxt Sundny morning
!uL r? i l" n V in J Slty 1 111 vIew ' liWU'atlon ut tl.eolllcew
.Sunday uud left for tlio hi Im Monduy u,Hl reucherH iif the Sunday nchool
wlierr tljey will help crii HO u largo to the ilutleH of the cunning year,
tract .of Nor hern Pacltlc tlmlwr land T, . ,nH,nUnt,,m , tllt. Kfm:rt
1111 11 iwwi i) " ikii'K'- 11 mini I.eairue of cei-M w tnkit n n lnr nir
iHiion. A imr v of live erul-eiH Have tlio nervlceM of the evening, Tlu MiilV-
.heenlnthe iIIIm f,r neiirlv two wvkH JlH:t ,,, tllH ,msn..H herrmm wm iK.
jilmtdycrii Hlugtlio Niirtlierii Pncllle ',10 Kpwortli Lengue motto. The
lauilM which llo lietweeii Itow river eliorlter CIiiim. nin.i.rim -tn fM.-..ui.
tlio rvwiit Phlllnnliio dlfllciiltleM.
I Im Htory Im of a young New York
society lady who la order to lie near
her Hohller Mweethcart gin-H to tho
PlilllpiilncM iim a Ited CroHH niime
The play contain- u llla-ral Hhan
ofilramutlc incident, an abundance
of clean comedy uml one of the
pivttlcHt HtorlcH ever told. The
battle Hcene Im one of tlio moat n'Al
l-tlif Htage jilctun'M ever piVHcnteil.
The company Im ut pivncnt playing
c.ugcne, ho notice tlie onlly paiK-r-
for comment.
PrIceH for the engagemeu t 2.V ;n
uml ,U iviitH. SeutH now on nnlent
the New Kru Drug Stoiv.
, fnlleil Hntiei Un.t om,
UowbiirK, Ore.. Oriober at. I'.ny.
finite la neroliy glvrn Hint In inmi.lUiii't)
nlihthu ruvliliiiiif xhv art of Conxru'aof
Ji1""' 1 . J!""; f "lliie.! "An aoi for
ihv anient TlmWr Umla In lh Hutei utCall
f.irnu. Or (on, Nvvaila. anil WmhliiKlim Ter-
riiiirj, n. miriiut'll lu HII U10 TUbllO IJlllll
Hlalu by act of AUKUH 4, UW, Knillk II.
u noelttr. of LiiiiuK Orv i.'. r ijm.
Ori'xun. haa llila nay llliil In Dili olllott hli
awoin atattiiuMil No. 37K. for lha miri'liaaeof
IhiiHK), ofHtvllon No. tl, Townahn. 'aHoiith.
of Itanne i Weal nml villi offer proof lo ataow
lliat I lie lain! aouxht u mora valuable for tin
iiimieroraioiio 111-11 lor airrk'nuiiral eurpo.en
anil luyaiabtlali hlai'lalm toaabl land before
oiario i.. iiaie. i'. ci. ( oniniiaaioiier al Kovene,
IjreKun, oiiThiirnlH)-liu- l.Mli ilay of January.
lie naniea ua wttneaiH'a:
i? Yoninf, F. II. l'hUIIni, Kill Itoblnaon,
. n, Hu ,, ,, luii.ic(i 'liv, i.aii0 to., ore.
Anyaml all HraouailalmliiK ailreiaelr Hie
above ileacrlbfil lalola are ri'iii"tet lo llle
llu'lrrlalina In IhiaoflUe on or oefoieaatit 1Mb
ony 01 jnnonry ihki,
T. llnlHiK, llrntaler.
nml Mo-by creek which Im the tract
,f him ni.ttvr parry win iook over.
M I'M, llerthu Htibbiird, who Iiiim
'IkVii vlaltlng here forn few iIii.vh
with hiTHlHtcr Mi'h, Dr Wall ami her
brother Mil Underwood, leftTiieMilay
for her hoine ut Han Jo-e, Cullf. She
bad -topped off hero on her way
lioiuu from Kent tie where -he had
lieu'n to meet her 1iuh1iuiii who arrived
tliero some time ago from tho Valdc-i
country whe.iv he him been several
yoarHimd luvt extviMlve tnlaliu In
tcreHtM. l''rom Scuttle he ivturiw
, homo vln Chleugo, where he mii I h'-i
partner expect to dlHpo-e f their
mlnli g IntereHta forHevenl liitiulivil
Ihou n I dollars.
cliorlHter CIiiih. Cocliran will fuinl-b
ny iiim cliolr Hpeclnl iihihIc for both
Tht olllcern elected by Juventiw
I.odgi. No. -IS, ICnlghtH of Pvthlnn.
of thlMclty, for thueiiMulug term an
uh followM: 0. II. Vundenburg. V. 0.:
K. II, ItoHeiiburg. V. ('.; Krunk Joi
dan. P.; C. J. Howard. M. A,: Dr.
Oeo, Wall, K, of II. & H.; l.'luw.
Ilowen, M. of W. II. Lurch, M. of K,;
.1. H. Medley, M. of I'V, ('Iiiih. Dutton.
1 O.j 1). W. Dennett. O. (I. The In,
Mt-illatlon will be held next Weilne--dny
evening. A lunch will be pn
li'iivd and the uttcmluuco of every
iiiembt r mid nil vhdttug brotherHla
Hiillclte I. '
I'HOl'ltlKTOIta OK
Mat atrest, tlnllai. Ilrnv "-
Keiolrlng-at reaaonablecharxti,
All work guaranteed llrat-vlaaa,
Walchea,Ctookaanit Jewelry al Loweit frlcea
lt.Hilreal estate 1mitiiUh of Jeroiiie
Knox A Co,
Notice fa herebr
wlltt Hie lirorfalona ot Ihe art of Cnnrrvaatif
June, 1178, entitled -'An an for the aaleof
Timber Lanila In the Htaleanf California, Ore
Kou. S'erada, ami wa.liliirton Territory." aa
extended In all tlio fublle Ijind Statea by act
of Auicuat I, mt, John W i tiblt, of Konenr,
Tounty oflne, Hlateol Orriton haa Ihlailay
llleilln thla nfnee Ilia asurn ataiement No.
3771, lnr the imrcbaN- of the NK i
of heetlou No. 3t), Townahlii 38 aouth, of
Hansel et ami will oiler proof to ahowthat
the land aonalit la more valuable forlla timber
or alone than for aicrlenlinral i.ari-iaea and to
f-alabllah hta claim to aalil land before Marie L.
Ware, V. 8. Commlaloner at Kuireiie, Oregon,
on Haiurday the Ul Inlay of January, lttai
lie nameaaawiineea:
tieorice W. Hunter, Charlra II. Pollock, of
Kuicene. Oreiton, Jaiuee .s Lanole, of Kalr
roouut Ore.. Auatln Hoot, olgprlnineld, ore.
Any anil all iieraona clalralnir ailreraely the
aboe deerlbcl landa are reqnetel to tile
their elalltia In Ihlatifllre on or tMfre mIi! l?lh
ilayot January, lian.
J. T. Iiaitaica. KegUter.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provlalona of the act of Congresa ot
June 3. 1S7S. entitled "An Act for the aaleof
Timber Landa In the Slates of California, Ore. . .
K. N, 10471 for the SV l4' NK $,N eite'ndedtoallthe Public Land States bjraet'
Lund Olficeat I!o;eburir, Oregon.
Nov. 10, 1U0-.'.
Notice i- hereby nlven that the follow-liiK-natiied
sctlier has lllol notice of his
i nt ci tlon to make tinul priwl in siipjxjrt
of hi; claim, and that raid proof will he
made before Marie L. Ware, U.S. Com
iiilesioner, at KiiKcne, Oregon, on Janit
urv II, 10at. vU : KdaidI,.II Hand on
II. K. N. 10471
ar i .i. tu n .t- j . m t hi s ti
7 W.
Ho names the fotlowlni: witnesses lo
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
KdcarW. Hoselton. of Mound Ore..
Sylvester Lewis, of - Panther. Ore.,
Church A. Stevens. Walter J. Holland,
of Crow, Ore.
J. 1. IIHIIXIKS, Register.
United States I.and Office,
Uoseburg Ore., Nov. 3, 1002.
Notiit) is liercbv niven that in tni-
pliaiice with tho provisions of tho act of
Congicieof June 3, 1878 entitled "An
ct for the sale of timber lands in the
is tales of California, Orcuon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all tlio Public Land, States by act of An
Bust 4, 18H2, Klla J. Woodanl, of Cottage
t.rove. Co. of Lane, State of Ore., haa
this day tiled in this office her sworn
stntenient No. 3873, for the purchase of
theKi W ii of See No. 2(1 in Township
No, 21 8.. Kaiiue No. 3 Weet. and will
offer proof to show that tho laud'eoiight
is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpotes, and to
establish her claim to said html before
the lteuisler and Receiver of this otlico
at Itoschurg Oreison. on Fridav, the
the 22nd day of May, 1W3.
sue names as witnesses:
William Kimball, ilurvev Tavlor.
William Drown. Ambrose L. Woixiaid.
of Uottaiie It rove. Lane Uo Ore.
Any anil all persons clnimliijr ailvers
ly Ihe alKive-deecriltHl lands are re-
Utieettl to tile their claims in thisotrice
on or iH'loie sain .'.'naiiHy ot .miiv, iiwi
I fn :.. . t.
i. A. . KiiHtcn, nrgisicr.
I Allison & Hastings,
v We are now Imateil In our
5 Now ipiarterx. opposite the
PoHtotliee, and reHHcttullv
? Solicit the patronage ot nil
y Who tleslrv HrHt-cluH. work.
' HIVE t'8 A CALL.
1 i
United Statea Land Offlce.
ltooeburir, Ore., , larj.
rirtH k
mum VOL' WANT.
in the way of Hardware, Tools and
imblements. you can find at our
store. Are you going mining?
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs.
of Auguat 4. IS?-', Ada Sella, of
County of I-ne. Htate of Oregon,
Eocene. I
haa thla ' '
day iued In thla office her aworn atatement No
im, for tne purcmso ol the M. ,'.
of Section So. 10. Townahlp SS South, of1
Kange 2 Weat and trill offer proof to ahow
that the land aonght la more valuable forlla.
timber or atone than for agricultural purpowa I
and to eatabllah hfa claim to aald land before
JlarleL ware. u. commiaaloner at Ku-ene.
Oregon on Monday the 16th day of Feb. ltxm.
Hhe namea aa wltnesea:
Jamea N. Randle, of Katrmount, Ore, Anatfu
Koot, of Springfield. Ore., Elizabeth lackey,
tola U. Dond, of Eugene. Ore.
Any and all peraona claiming adveraely the
above deacribed landa are requetted to Ale
their elalmi In thla office on or before aald lsth
day of February, 1903.
I. T. Bridge. Keglater.
United Stales Land Office,
Koseburtt Ore., Oct., 31, 11W2.
Notice is hereby niven that lu enai
dhince with the nrovislnnti of the act of
congress ol .nine s, i7H, enlitleil "An
act for the sale ot timber lands In the
States of California. Oreuon. Nevada.
anil asMiniilon Territory," a extend
ed to all the Public Land Stales by ael
of August 4, 181)2. Cary A. Wooley, oi
(town or city) rairmoiint. (.oiinty oi
Imuc, State of Orcifon, has this day llleil
In this otlice her sworn statement No.
3854, for the nurchaseof the SW 1
of Section No. 2o, Township 20
qoiiiii, oi uanue - esi, anu win
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more vabiuble for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said laud
before Marie L. Waro, U. 5. Coiumis
slo er at Kugene, Orenon, on Thuiedav
the 22nd day of January., 1003.
one names as witnesses :
Lelon Woalcv. nf FalrinniintiLiiiiB f?o.
Ore,. Lowrev Ktnzlsnd. James Kadford.
John Kirk, ot Cottage drove, LauoCo,,
Any and -all persons claiming ad
verselv tho uliove-descrlbed landa are
Ifiincateil lo tile their claims in this
office on or before said 22nd uay ot Jan.,
J . T. liitiiKik-s, Iteuxter.
United States Land Office.
ItoHcburg, Ore., th. 11)02.
Notice la hereby given that In com
pliance with the proviHlonn of the act
ofCongresH of June 3,1878. entitled
"An net for the Hale of timber IuiuIh
In the States ot California, Oregon,
.evnon. nno vtURiungton '.territory.
uh extended to nil the Public Land I
States by net t)f August 4, 1832, Kllin
lieth Lnckey, of Eugene, County of
Lane, State of Ore., Iiiih this day ,
tiled In thla office her nwom Htate-,
inent No. 5970. fortho purchase of the 1
SW of Section No. 8 Towimhlp
No. 23 S, Itange 1 W and will offer
proof to hIiow that the land
nought Ih more valuable for Hh
tliulKT or Htoue than for agricultural
purposes, nml to establish her claim
to Hiiltl land liefore JIurle 1 wan1,
IT. S. Commissioner nt Eugene,
Oregon, on Monday, the Kith day
of Feb.. 1003.
She mimeanH wUiichsoh:
JameH N. Itiuulle, ofEnlrmount.Ore.,
Austin Koot, of Springfield, Ore.,
Ada Sells, lulu It. Itonil, of Kugene,
Any nml al) iiei-HOim clulmlug ad
versely the nbove-deHcrllied lnnda are
requested to tile their claims In this
ftice on or before said lBtli day of
j'eb.. ItKKt.
.1. T. HmiwiKS. Keglster.
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
IVsn't take our word for it, but call and be convinced thai,
Tlie Cash Grroceiy Co.
Oarry the cleanest and most Complete line ol roceties
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
W. S. Chrisman.
Hli Hangs.
The Fashion Stables
(.'brlsipan & BaPsJs, proprietors.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices
(Julteil Staten Laud iitlkv.
Koseburg, Ore., IKf. 11 11)02.
Notice Ih hereby given that thu ap
proved pltit of Survey of Fractional
22 8.. It. I E.
Iiiih lieen received from the Surveyor
f3i.iii.pnl fnp Opi.irnti. ii till mi Miinilnv.
JuuunryLHi, 1003, ut 0 a. in. thctmtiii
..... ...iii i... ,11... 1 1.. ..hi.... .....i
Hill win wt iiivii ill nun 1H11VX-, iiiiii
the laud embraced therein lielnglu
the I'liHCiule Fon'Ht Keservo will be
open to entry only to ihthouh huv
Imr mude nettleineut therein tirlor to
Sei)temler 2S, 180.1, the dute of the
withdrawal from entry ot huIiI land
by order of the l'reHldent of the
United Htutes.
J. T. llmnos, Keglster.
J. H. IloiiTii. Keeelver.
Where the meuls ure well conked and well served and the I til a nre gooil.
And you'll find everything home-like without home Inconveniences.
Come and xtny ns long its possible.
Free to our Commercial Tnidc. Tiy our Sunday Dinner. The best iver
Served in any Hotel la thu City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Blue print tnnim of nny township
In Koseliurg, Oregon Land District,
Ceam to bu slmtile. if at allnroioiimn
Knrabud taste in tlie uioiith lake a ' showing all vacant landa for 50ctH. iThe safest way 'l to put them aaidHu.
few doses of Chiunberlnin's HtoinacJi ' encli. Hyou wnntnny Information : the very bettinnlna:. Ballard's Hore
und ttver Tnbleis. Price 20 ccuo. from the U.S. IjiihI Olllce, uddreHH, hound Syrup stops a cold and remove
Warranted to cure. For sale by Reueon ; Title uunrnntee 5c Loan Co., How- ilie cause uf colits. 25c, 60o mid 1.09
Drug Co. I burg, Ore. bottle at New Kru Drust Store.