Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 02, 1903, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
LBS W. lIEKIXf, Itilltor and Trop'r.
Comprehensive Review ot the Import-
t ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form Most
Likely to I'rove Interesting.
W. 3. Uryon Is In Mexico City talk
ing silver.
Railroad collision In Ontario kills
flvo persons.
I,nko sailors starving, on an Ice
bound vessel.
Orsbnm Boll says bo has Invented
a flying machine.
Bnowslldo burlos bunkb.ouso, with
18 men nt Nelson.
Calmness of a Spokano priest saves
nanlc In a cuurcn nrc.
Blizzard sweeps over tho Mississippi
Valloy to tho uuir amies.
Dead Astoria Hccordcr Is found to
bo short In his accounts.
Holiday trado exceeded In most re-
snocts all previous rccoras.
Bhlp narrowly missed wrecking
Morrison-street bridge, rortiana.
Special Commlsfllonor Arntl, of
Janan. pledges am lor mvo run.
noprcscntatlvo Jones Introduces bill
to open uoiviuo jnumu
Oregon Water rower & Railway
ComDany sued ror siu.uuu uuums-
Florco galo sweeps over Denmark
and causes wrecKs nnu iua u.
Secretary Chamberlain arrives In
South Africa and aavises ncim
Crown Princess of Saxony and her
brothor may seek reruge in mo umu-u
ODDOncnts of reduced Philippine
. . . i .... I.n.l In. ma.
tarm ana oi reciprocuj u
form a comoinauon.
I vniumu wmw-. -
bltrato tho Venezuelan dispute, and It
will go to Tho Hague iriDunau
Many disastrous and fatal railroad
Negro Murderer hanged by a mob
In Kansas.
Dclegato from the Philippines ex
plains their needs.
British sea captain murdered by na.
Uvea of New Hebrides.
George Carter shoots his wife and
then kills hlmsoit at Eugene.
FIro destroys city hall and city re
cords or Mnriborougn, mass.
Jealous lover lies In wait and shoots
young woman near uauer iuy.
President Roosevelt advises Castro
to appeal to Tho Hague triounai.
Pretender to throne of Morocco
wishes to mako war on Christians
Great Increase In trado with the
Island possessions ot the United
Crrlstmaa Is generously observed
cmong the Inmates of tho state Insti
tutions at Salem.
The popo takes steps to arrange
legal separation ol urown i-nnce auu
Prlnccss ot saxony.
V.,ncF fcfllfhrAnil -ItinnncPfl be im
plicated In tho Almira tragedy, Is
killed at Keller, wasn.
rrl. n I . . Mnnn, PliplBttnnii with
his family at tho White House Instead
of at his old home at oyster uay.
Cab drivers of St Louis are all on
Out of B70 drivers In the city, 390 are
out. They will anve inuepenueui
carriages until the ywln their de
Bubonic plague bas broken out on the
Pacific coast ol Mexico.
Ex- United States Senator Dwight M.
Sabln., of Minnesota, is dead.
Ihe food supply hag begun to grow
short in Caracas, in consequence of th6
The federal supreme court has decid
ed that death on the gallows Invali
dates insurance policies.
Senator Bacon declares that the
United States will have to fight to up
hold the Monroo doctrine.
Trains throughout the Middle West
are delayed from 10 to 12 bonrs on ac
count of severe snow storms.
Fire in the piano factory ol Ernest
Gabler Bros., New York, destroyed half
a million dollars worth of property.
A train wreck on the Monon road in
Indiana resulted in the death of two
men and the serious injury of ttvo
For the last five months the internal
vevonue receipts have shown a decrease
ot $20,903,470, as compared with tho
corresponding period in 1001.
Eight-hour bill reported favorably
to the Senate.
Ten persons killed in wreck on the
Southern Pacific.
German Socialists preparing for
bitter election fight.
Jeffries falls to knock out Butte
miner In four rounds.
Portland labor leaders plan to form
a Coast organization.
Humperts, the great French swin
dler, captured In Madrid.
Funeral services of Mrs. Grant at
Washington and New York.
Senator Morgan warns Congress
that both Isthmian canal routes may
be lost
Bill to open tho south half of the
Colvillo reservation Introduced In
Blizzard In Rocky Mountain and
prairie states blockades railroads and
kills Uvostock.
Washington Lewis and Clark Com
mission rocommondB a state appro
priation of $100,000,
Holiday trade the moBt active on
Kaiser Wllhelm -welcomes Ambas
sador Tower.
Anarchist kills slater anarchist who
rejected his love.
Terrible blizzard blocks railroads
in Wyoming and Colorado.
Ooneral Increase In railroad rates
to be mado at New York.
Twenty-Eight Dead Mangled Passengers
Suffer from Cold Alio.
London, Ont., Dec 31. A frightful
collision occurred n short dlstnnco
from tho little station of Wnnstend.
Ont., on the Samla branch ot (ho
Grand Trunk Railroad, last night.
Tho express was running nearly two
hours late, and was making fast time.
Tho freight was endeavoring to mako
a Biding to got clear of tho express,
but failed by n minute or two.
There wns n dreadful crash, the
locamotlvo reared up and fell over In
a ditch, tho baggage-car of the ox
prooa telescoped the smoker, and In
an Instant tho shrieks nnd cries of
tho wounded and dying filled the nlr.
Tho loss of life is 28. Tho Injured
numbered many more, nnd many of
these may die. Several of tho dead
wore horribly mutilated. Heads wore
cut off logs wore wrenched from their
bodies, nnd the level Btrelch ot snow
beenmo srlmson with tho blood of tho
Operator Is Blamed.
Tho responsibility for tho nccldcnt
has not been definitely fixed, but It Is
believed to have been due to a tele
graph operator's error. Tho opera
tor nt ono of the stations whoro the
two trains stopped gavo nn order to
the freight to pass No. 5, tho Pacific
express, nt Wnnstend. In tho system
of the Grand Trunk this order should
havo been duplicated, n copy being
given to tho conductor and engineer
of tho express. Instead of this the
conductor ot the express received a
clearance order, telling him that ho
might run through. The freight train
In the meantlmo had stopped at Wan
stead to sidetrack, and wns telescop
ed by the express. Tho blinding
storm which was raging rendered ob
jects Invlslblo at tne distance oi
Tho oporator nt Wanstead Is not
am ,v n nliit lmt last even
ing he happened to bo In the office for
a short time. Ho was going out of
tho door when he heard the telegraph
Instrument click nnd Immediately call
repeatedly tho message: "stop ro,
Qtnn Vn R Snlvlnf? n Intern.
nnimtn, rlnalifwl fnr thn door, anil
he closed It behind him ho heard the
crash ot tho collision up the track.
Said to Be the Plan ot New Aspirant to
Throne of Morocco.
London. Dec. 29. The correspond'
ence of tho Times at Fez. Morocco,
describes tho situation as having be
come very serious, owing to a large
increase In the numocr ot me preien
der's followers whom tho government
troons are too weak to attack, item-
forcements amounting to 12,000 men,
he says, will leavo tomorrow and an
additional force of regular cavalry
has been called out.
Many tribes not already In rebellion
sro wavering and are ready to Join
tho rebels in the event of a serious
government defeat The pretender Is
fully summed with evorytmng neces
sary and has distributed his forces
over a district where they can oe coi
lected or dlsnersed very quickly.
The Times' correspondent ndds that
the pretender s position Is a very
strong one. Ho professes not to
claim the throne for himself, but de
sires' to overthrow the' Sultan on ac
count of bis European tendencies. If
successful! Uio pretender proposes
that the rebels shall nominate a new
Sultan from the Shehlflan family who
would promise to continue tho war
against the Christians.
Disclosure of Horrible Customs In Japan
A "Prison Editor."
Victoria. B. C Dec. 31. Corrcs-
pondenco of the Associated Press re
ceived from Yokohama by the steam
er Tartar tonight included details of
a horrible baby-farming conspiracy in
Osaka. An elderly woman, her mar
rled daughter, husband and two others
have been arresed for Infanticide, and
It Is learned since that they started
operations by killing 300 children,, SO
this year.
The Japan Times has an account
of how a Japanese of Kocbl was mar
rled to a corpse. His bride-elect, the
daughter of KIntara Sawada, com
mltted suloidc on the eve of her mar
riage. The body was recovered, and
at the request of the dead woman's
parents, the ceremony took place be
tween the living and the dead.
The Kobe Chronicle publishes a
lengthy account telling of the "pri
son editor" employed by Japanese
papers whose duties are to be lm
prisoned in case a verdict Is given
against the paper he is supposed to
edit, for libel or other offenses.
Dolly Earlc's Suicide.
Philadelphia, Dec. 31. -Dolly Earl, a
member of tho "Merry Widows"' com
pany, playing at a burlesque house
here, committed suicide tonight In her
dressing-room by swallowing carbolic
acid. She left the following note, ad
dressed to J. A, Falllnger, Rochester,
N. Y.: .
"Forgive me, all. Can't stand
Miss Earl was about 30 years old
Her home is said to be In. Oklahoma.
Sho was formerly a, member of the
"Runaway Girl' company, which
stranded hero about two weeks ago.
California Likes Rain.
San Francisco, Doc, 31. The rain
storm which visited California on
Christmas night proved to be of enor
mous benefit to growing crops, and
the prospects for a fine harvest of
grain and fruit were never better. Tho
winter has been a mild one, free from
severe frosts, and with Just enough
rain to promise good . spring crops.
Tho weather Is now delightful. The
temperature Is In the neighborhood of
00 decrees. The tourist travel to
California has been unusually heavy
this winter.
Benjamin II. Calef Dead.
New York. Dec. 31, Benjamin H.
Calef. an accountant, died In his homo
at East Orange after a long Illness.
Ho was associated with Jay Gould
and General Grenvlllo M. Dodge In
western railroad enterprises; had been
special and private accountant for tho
lato Georgo M. Pullman and Robert T.
Lincoln, and was an executor of tho
Pullman estate. He lived In Chicago"
until ho removed to East Orange, 10
years ago. His widow and three
children survive him.
Empress Dowager Greets Miles.
Pekln, Dec. 31. The Dowager Em
press and Licutenant-Gonernl Miles
oxchanged flattorlng speeches at to
day's audience, the Dowager assuring
tho General that tho "success ot the
American Army was assured under a
commander so celebrated." 1
New Church at Brownsville A Christmas
Pardon from Oovernor deer Prosper
ous Hop Raisers of Yamhill County
0.rcat Prune Industry at Dallas The
Roscburg Poultry Show.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klllott, ot
Dallas, celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary December 23.
Governor Goer lias granted a full
pardon to Georgo Motor, who was
serving a llfo sentence tor killing Gus
Berry in Portland in 1803.
A night pumpman at tho White
Swan mine, at Baker City, is dead
from falling into an old shaft contain
ing boiling hot water from the oxhaust
of the engine.
Tho Southern Pacific has been peti
tioned by tho Interested residents in the
neighborhood to make somo importaant
changes in its train eorvico on tha
Yamhill division.
The agont of the Oregon rutt com
pany reports good progress in obtaining
llin rlftht nt uav fnr thn nm-VMAtl lod
ging railway up Milton creek, and sur
veyors will bo placed in tuo now at
once to take lovsle.
The net Methodist church at
Brownsvlllo was dedicated last Sunday
morning. Alter the ceremony was
completed tho sum ot $1,200 was
pledged by tho people to pay off the re
maining indebtedness.
J. II. Olds and son, pioneer hop
raiEcs oi Yamhill county, have leased
20 acres near Lafayette and are retting
it out to hops. They contracted their
hops this Tear at 13 cents, but they
won't contract next year's crop.
Tho poultry show at Roseburg bas
closed, and was a great success in every
way. As a novol testimony as to the
climate of Oregon, tho judge ol the
show was furnished with a dish ot
fiesh-plcked raspberries every morning,
Frank Wallsce, a Grant county sheep
man, was recently arrested on a charge
of stealing 28 valuable bucks, but was
subsequently acquitted. lie now
brings suit for $ 10,000 damages against
his accusers, one of whom is cjnnty
stock inspector.
Marion County's delinquent tax
roll for last year Is only $3,000, the
smallest In tho history of the county.
The original tax roll was for $221,000
of tax money.
Burning of a heavy growth of tulles
on the shores of the Lower Klamath
Lake attracted considerable attention
from the neighborhood of Ashland, 70
miles distant The reflection on the
clouds was very brilliant The fires
were started to clear off tho wild bay
lands, while ice and snow would pre
vent spreading.
Salem Is making preparations to
enlarge her city limits.
The superintendent of the Tunnel
ton mines. In the Gold Creek district
has gone to Denver to purchase a
milling plant for the development of
the properties.
A Joint "log-rolling" given by Ash-
land and Phoenix Camps, Woodmen
of the World, was largely attended by
delegations from Southern Oregon
and Northern California, and was a
grand success.
The prune industry around Dallas
is being enlarged this season, as evi-
denced by tho large sales of nnrsery
stock being made. J. B. Nunn, agent
for a Portland nursery, reports having
sold to date over 10,000 prune trees
this fall in the immediate vicinity of
Dallas, witli large orders on hand un
filled. This locality last season bad
very near a full crop of Italians, which
it is c'aimed cannot be said of any
other locality in the world. The trnit
was par excellent, and 50 per cent of
the crop was shipped direct to London,
10 carloads leaving Dallas in a single
Prof. G. L. McKay, head of the
dairy department ot the State Agrl-
cultural College of Iowa, says:
"There Is no question In my mind
but that ualry products and bacon
pork can be produced cheaper In
Oregon than In any other country In
the world." Prof. McKay has visited
Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Ger
many, and Ecngand. and his Invest!
gatlons on this subject make him an
authority unsurpassed.
Wheat Walla Walla, 70c;
stem 78c; valley, 75c.
Barley Feed, $23.60 per ton; brew
ing, $24.00.
Floor Best grade, 3.9004 40; grab.
am, $3.203.60.
Mlllstaffs Bran, $10.00 per ton;
middlings, $23.60; shorts, $10.60;
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white. $1.16(31.17:
gray, $1.1201.15 per cental.
Hay Tlmotby, $1112; clover,
$80.00; cheat, $89 per ton.
Potatoes Best Barbanks, 60070c
per sack; ordinary, 6060c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $1.76(3
f 2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 9c;
young, P10c; hens, 0c; turkeys,
live, 17 18c: dressed, 20-21:
ducks, $77.50 per dozen; geese, $8
Cheese Foil cream, twins, 16KO
17&CJ Young .America, 17K918J4":
factory prices, IQIJc less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 27K30c
per pound; extras, 80c; dairy. 20
22Jfic; store, 16Q18.
Eggs 28 36c per dozen.
Hops New crop, 2326o per pound.
Wool Valley, 12J16c; Eastern
Oregon, 814c; mohair, 2628c.
Beef Gross, cows, 833Ko per
pound: steers, 4c; dressed, 67c.
Veal ixmHC'
Mutton Gross, So per pound;
dressed, 6c.
Lambs Gross. SXc per pound:
dressed, O&c.
Hogs Gross, 63i3B3eper poandi
dressed) 7Q7Xc I
Venezuelan Trouble Will Oo to The Hague
Tribunal tor Settlement.
Washington, Dec. 30, President
Koosovclt will not bo tho nrbltrntor
of the Venezuelan controversy. Tho
wliolo VQxntlous subject will bo refer
red for adjudication to Tlio Hague
Kpltomlied. this wna tho situation
ns It had resolved Itself nt tho con
clusion of tha Cab not meeting yes
terday. Tho meeting wns not so long
as tho sessions usually aro. ah mo
members, oxcopt Secretary Root, wore
present Tho Vonexuclan question
wns tho principal and practically tho
only topic ot goncrnl concern under
consideration. Secretary Hny pre
sented tho results ot his cable corres
pondence with tho governments at
London, Berlin, Homo nnd Cnrncns,
In accordance with tho suggestion
mado by Presldont Roosevelt, through
Secretary Hay, President Castro vim
reported to havo agreed to submit the
difficulties to tho arbitration of tho
tribunal nt Tho Hague. Tho Euro
pean powers not only consented to
submit tho controversy to arbitration,
but while they had expressed n pre
ference for an arbitration to bo' con
ducted by President Roosevelt, they
had assented to his suggestion Hint
tho matter bo reforred to Tho Hague
Tho presentation ot tho enso met
tho hearty approved of tho Cabinet.
No fear Is expressed by tho Adminis
tration that the Monroo Doctrine will
bo brought Into tho controversy In
any manner that might result In nn
embarrassing situation for tho United
Stales. Secretary Hay Is preparing n
noto to tho powers In which tho grati
fication ot this Government Is ex
pressed for tho courso agreed upon.
No Intimation la given ot tho condi
tions which may havo been Imposed
by the European powers or by
President Castro ub precedent to
the arbitration. It Is known that
Great Britain wns willing to submit
the subject to tho arbitration of Presi
dent Roosevelt practically without
conditions, but tho suggestion Is mado
that ono nnd perhnps two ot tho other
rowers Involved proposed somo con
illtlons which might havo proved cm
barrasstng to tho President had ho un
dertaken tho responsibility ot deter-
mlnlnc tho question.
It Is understood that somo monoy
must dsbs. but It Is also known that
tho .mount of cash to bo required of
Venezuela before arbitration Is not
nearly so larco as had been stated
It Is not possible to learn either
whether the allies insist upon apoi
oelf-s from Castro, and while It Is as
sumcd that tho blockade will bo
speedily raised, no arrangements to
that end has yet been maue.
Arizona Takes Precautions, but Does not
Fear Its Spread North.
Nogalea, Ariz., Dec. 30. Doctors
Purdv and Chenoweth. who wore ap
pointed by the Board of Health of
Nogales to investigate mo cneciive-
ncss of measures adopted oy mo nu
thnrltlPK nt Guaymas axalnst tho In
troduction of the disease supposed to
bo bubonic nlacue. now epidemic ai
Mazatlan, hnve returned and say thore
Is no danger of tho disease extending
to Guaymas or points north as long
as tho present vigilance Is continued.
Official telegrams were received
hero today from tho Governor of the
State of SInaloa. who reports the sick
nesa decreasing. Another telegram
from Dr. Fernandez, chief surgeon of
the Eleventh Regiment ot Infantry
stationed at Mazatlan. says:
"Thirty cases of 'bubonic plague'
sent to tho Lazarelo, of which 16 have
died In seven days. Amongst troops
at the barracks not a single case.
Sanitary precautions taken."
Inveitlratlne In Mexico.
Washington, Dec 30. Tho United
States Marine Hospital Service au
thorities havo decided to dispatch an
expert to the coast or tho null or uan
fnraln In Mexico to InVOStlaeo thn ro
nnrta nf thn nnnpflranffl of niacue
nmnnc- thn Immigrant ChlnCBO tliefO.
but no one has oeen uesignatea ior
the service.
Epidemic Is Abating.
Mexico City, Dec. 30. Tho plague
situation Is decidedly Improved at
Mazatlan. Only threo deaths occur
red yesterday, steamers aro sini pre.
vented from touching ai mai pon.
Kansas and Missouri Freeze.
Kansas City, Dec. 30. Advices re
ceived today Indicate severe weather
throughout Kansas and Missouri,
Concordia, Kan., reports zero weather
there, and all along the Missouri i-aci
fic road this samo condition prevails.
Hutchinson, Kan., reports tho coldest
weather In years, the thermometer nt
that point registering five below zero.
At Atchison five below Is recorded.
At Mexico. Mo., a coal famlno con
fronts tho people. Thcro Is no more
coal for salo at any of tho yards nnd
tho thermometer registered, zero last
Blackmailing Scheme Shown Up.
Defiance, O., Dec. 30. At least 200
letters from a collecting agency In
New York have come through tho
local postofftce to Defiance people,
The letters state that tho recelpent re
ceived a year previous a certain
amount of Jewelry from a Now York
firm. and. unless the sum duo was re
mitted, suit would be Instituted. Many
of theso letters were addressed to per
sons dead or who had long since mov
ed away. The Postofflco Inspectors
notified the local postmaster. Instruct
ing him to advise the rectpents that
the scheme was blackmailing.
Philippine Veteran Missing.
Denver. Dec. 30. Socond Lleuten
ant William M. Klster. Company M
Eighteenth united states infantry, nas
been missing from Fort Loean for
nearly two weeks. The Donver police
department has been asked to help to
locate him. Lieutenant IClsIer Is 23
years of age. Ho enlisted as a pri
vate In the Sixth Cavalry six years
ago at Philadelphia. Shortly there
after he went with tho battery to tho
Philippines and saw active service
In and about Manila.
Snow Stops Traffic.
Marquette, Mich., Dec. 29. A se
vere blizzard, which has been blowing
for 24 hours, today rendrcd street-car
service temporarily Impossible, and
mado railroad transportation slow
and uncertain.
Fire Proves Expensive.
Blsbeo, Ariz., Dec. 29. A fight In a
disorderly house at Cananca, Mexico,
caused a fire In the placo which To-
suited In the loss of $20,000. During
tho fight a lamp was knocked over and
started the blaze.
II a tit ol Arbitration Mutt lie Fixed Upon
First-Allies May Consent to Ralie the
Blockade, Provided They Can Renew
It It Venezuela Docs Not Pay High
Compliment to Roocvctt.
- -
Washington, Dee. 31. Thcro Is
now In progress nn nctlvo exchange t'
notes between tho allied power,
Venezuela nnd tho United States, riv
spectlug tho method ot submitting to
arbitration tho Issues which have
nrlven between Venezuela nnd tho
nllles. Thn weight of official opinion
hero this afternoon was that several
days nt least must elapse before any
thing In tho nature ot a preliminary
protocol can bo mado ready for sig
nature. German Insistence upon n
prepayment of 10 per cent of hor full
claims before submitting her ense to
arbitration, nnd perhnps President
Castro resistance, tiv meeting what
tho nllles claim ns tho obligations of
honor nro believed to bo now tho
sticking points. But It Is hoped that
theso can bo patted within thn next few
days, and It Is further hoped that
some arrangement will bo made In tha
preliminary protocol for tho raising
or tho blockade, though It Is Intlmnt
rtl that tho allies' ships will bo kept
ready to renew It In case ot nny de
fault on tho part ot Venezuela In her
Washington having been tho pivot
nbout which all tha Denotations havo
turned up to this point. It Is surmised
that It may also bo the scone of the
final net In tho shape of tho slgnnturo
of the protocol, either by tho resident
representatives hero of the; powers In
terested or by special agents sent to
this neutral ground for thu purpose,
An erroneous Idea obtained In soma
quarters as to tho functions of tho
President nnd Secretary Hay In this
matter, and they havo been represent
oil ns endeavoring personally to con
duct tho negntatlons, as drawing up
protocols nnd generally taking n
lending part in all that Is going on. It
Is pointed out nt tho Stato Department
that while ordinarily n mlsunder-
stnudlng on this point would bo trill
Ing, It happens In tho present case
that reports of Bitch activity on the
part ot the United Stntes officials
after tho President had expressly de
clined to assume the duties of arbitra
tion would surely bo III received In
Kuropo nnd might perhaps lend to
somo backward steps that would lie
a matter ot regret to the Government,
which earnestly desires to havo tho
parties reach an honorable settle
ment of their differences.
It is explained at tho Stato Depart
ment that the part of tho United Stato
United States Government usl now
Is that of "good friend" to nil parties'
that It Is not undertaking to draw up
protocols or Impose limitations upon
the parties, but It Is confining Its
ofllces to netting them together nnd
keeping them bo. In this view It will
not bo necessary for our Government
to prescribe how tho Monroo Doctrlno
shall or shall not nguro in tho protn.
cols; It wilt Judgo for Itself by results
how our Interests aro affected, and
will not Indulge In prcmnturo or tin
called-for protests.
As for tha terms of thn arbitration.
It Is stated that they aro In a fair way
speedily to bo ndjustcd. but nothing
can bo said of tho details. It Is pre
sumed that tho allies will agree to
tcrmlnnto tho blockade though no
stipulation baa yet been entered Into
on that point Nothing hns been
heard recently of tho part to bo taken
by United Stntes Minister Bowcn in
tho final settlement, nnd It begins to
ainiear that, after nil. Venezuela will
probably bo represented by ono of her
own people.
Naval Commander Takes Ills Wife to Sea
and Is Ordered Ashore.
Washington, Dec. 31. Commander
John E. Roller, ox-commander of th?
olil gunboat Monocacy, hag readied
this country from tho Asiatic station,
having boen ordered homo by Rear-
Admiral Evans for persistent Infrac
tion of tho rules which prohibit tho
commander of a vessel from permit
ting his wife to mako her homo aboard
the ship. It Is charged that after of
fending In that particular several
times Holler's attention was called to
tho violation of the regulations, but
with no apparent effect. When his
last ofrenso came to tho cars of Rear
Armlral Evans tho latter detached him
and ordered him home.
Pope Admires American Officers.
Romo, Dec. 31. Tho popo today re
ceived In prlvnto audlcnco Common
der William If. Reedor, Chaplain Ed
ward J. Brcnnan nnd Lieutenant
Henry Selgmler, of tho United States
training-ship Hartford. Commander
Recder and Uoutennnt Selgmler wcro
In full uniform. The popo remarked
on tho smartness of tho American
navy uniform, and said ho regretted
tho Hartford was not coming nonror
to Rome. Ho would have enjoyed see
ing moro of tho officers and men. as
ho had tho most pleasant remember
ances ot meeting with Americans.
Damages for a Boycott.
Chicago, Dec. 31. A verdict having
a significant bearing upon tho right
of labor organizations to maintain or
assist In maintaining a boycott was
rendered today In Judgo Vallo's court
whereby Georgo Hlnchcllff wns award
ed $22,000 damagos against the .mem
bers of tho Cnicago Masons' & Build
ers' Association and the Brick Manu
facturers' Association. Hlnchcllff
aBked for $100,000 damages, which ho
alleges he has sustained owing to a
boycott of the product ot his brick
yard at Hobart, Ind on tho part of
tho associations mentioned In 1898,
Starved to Death In Bolivia.
Seattle Dec. 31. News has Just
reached hero that John S. Rouse
starved to death In tho wilds of Con
trol Bolivia In Juno, WOO, whllo on an
exploratlng trip. But ono man of a
nartv of 30 cscaned. Rouso was ono
of the ploncor mining mon of tho
Stato of Washington, coming nrsi 10
Ihln nnrtlnn In 1879. On his last trip
ho was ono of a party representing
tho Bolivian government. His friends
hero will ask tho Department of State
to Investigate his death.
Do Not Pear Oencral Tung,
Pekln. Doc. 31. Officials hero dis
credit the reports that Oenoral Tung
Su Slang and Prince Tuan nro moving
on Slang Fu with troops, Tho mis
sionaries, however, aro said to bo re
tiring from that region.
President and Foreign Ministers Observe
the Day With FeslMile.
Washington, Dec, 20. Bmw, which
began falling latu last night, gavo
Washington a gcnulno Chrlslmns np
pearnnco, Public and prlvnto bust
uess wns practically entirely suspend
ed. Interest centered In thn happen
ings nt tho Whlto House. Early In tho
morning tho President, nnd nil tho
members of his family repaired to tho
library, whore nresents woro exchang
ed nnd many boxes nnd pneknges
which hnd come from out ot town
opened. There woro n largo number
of callers, and many gifts In thu shnpo
of handsome llornl pieces wuro -to
Soon aftor bronkfnst. tho President,
Theodoro, Jr., nnd Lieutenant Fergu
son, or tho Rough Riders, wno is n
Whllo llouso guest, took a long horse
back rldo, returning In time to Join
tho rest of tho family nt lunriieoii
with Cominnnder nnd Mrs. Cowles,
At tho homes nf tho Cabinet ollleors
tho day wns quietly observed, whlln
nnuuiff thn Embassies nnd Legations
elaborate preparations hnd boon lundo
for celebrating, unieini dinner par
ties were given by tho British nnd
Russian Ambassadors. Thn Argen
tine Minuter nnd wife mtvo n chil
dren's parly nt tho Legation, whllo
tho Minister or rem nnu ins wire on
tertnlned n number of Peruvian stu
dents In tho various schools and col-
leceii nf thn United States.
The President nnd Mrs. Roosevelt
entertained a number ot friends nt
dinner. Tho table wns set In tho new
ly furnished stato dining-room. Tho
guests Included Senator and Mrs.
Lodge, John Lodge, Captain and Mrs.
Cowles. John Klllott, of Now York;
Mrs, Charles II. Davis. Miss Davis,
tho Messrs. Davis nnd Robert Fergu
son. At tha Moxtcnn Embassy tha feast
day was celebrated by n supper to
King Edward Plays Lord Bountiful and
The London loor Hare a l-cait.
I.ondon, Dec. 20. King Kdwnrd nnd
Qucnn Alcinndrn spent thn day at
Sandrlnghnm, tills being the first
Christmas their mnjestlcs havu spent
at their favorite resldenco slnco their
nccesslon. Tho royal family, Includ
Ing tho Prlnco of Wales. Princess Vic
toria, tho Duchess of Fife nnd Prince
nnd Princess Chnrlcs of Denmnrk, nt
tonded nn early service at Sandrlng
hnm church, which was beautifully
decornted. Tho King afterwards per
sonnlly directed tho annual dlstrlmi
Hon of tho beef nnd gamo to tho cm
ployes nnd tenants on the Sandrlng
hnm cstntn.
London nnd tho south of England
generally enjoyed nn unusually rold
day. In spite of tho low temperature
thcro was tha usual gathering In Unt
tcrsen Pnrk, whom 20 mon who take
their opcu-nlr early morning dip nt
tho year round had their Christmas
cwlm In tho Inko. Silver medals won
presented to severnl among tho bath
ers who had not missed n single day
during tho previous year. Tho Pre
vailing distress nmong tho unemploy
ed brought forth nn unusual number
of charitable dinners In all sections
of Ixindon. especially In the Knit Knd
A sovern gnlo swept tho north roast
of Great Britain nnd caused consider-
nblo dnmnce to sh PR ng nnd wntor
front property on tho Clyde nnd the
President Too Busy to Clay Santa Claus
at Oyster Bay.
Now York, Dec. 26. For the second
time In 16 years, says a Press dls
patch from Oyster Bay, President
Roosevolt did not net as Kris Krlnglc
In porson at tho Covo school, where
his children woro taught prior to his
elevation to tho head of tho Nation
Last year tho Presldont could not
sparo tho tlmo to como hero, nnd this
year events hnvo been pressing too
fast about him to admit of his coming,
Soma days ago Mr. Roosevelt sent
n llttlo Blip of paper boarlng his nu
tograph, which enabled tho principal
to deal moro liberally with her charg
eg-than she had been nble to do ho
foro. Tho sleds, games and dolls
woro more costly than usual and tho
candles In grentor quantity. Thcro
woro two trco Instead of ono, nnd
Miss Provost, tho principal, rend a
letter from President Roosevelt tell
Ing tho boys and girls how sorry ha
was that ha could not no witn mom.
A telegram was sent to tho Presl
dont telling him how much tho chll
drcn appreciated his gifts and wish
Ing him mnny moro years In his pres
ent position.
Death ol Col. Lockwood.
Now York, Dec. 27. Colonel Henry
Clay Lockwood Is dead, In Bollevuo
Hospital, of a short Illness. Ho wob
C3 years old. Colonel Lockwood was
educated for tho bar. and enlisted In
18C2 In tho Union Army. Ho wns bro
voted Major for gallantry at tho
storming of Fort FIshor. .
He was tho author of "Tho Aboli
tion of tho Presidency," In which ho
advocated a plural exccutlvo, to bo
known as tho Eiccutlvo Council,
which should bo chosen In Joint ses
sion by tho two houses of Congress,
and several other works.
Man WhoRobbed ticn. Miles.
Honolulu, Dec, 17, via Victoria, II,
C Dec. 27. Pedro Rodriguez, tho
Porto Rlcan who robbed Goneral
Miles and Colonol and Mrs. Mails,
whllo they wcro In Honolulu en routo
to tho Philippines, has boon found
guilty ot larceny In tho first degroo
and sentenced to threo years' hard la
bor In Oahu Ponltontlnry, Rodriguez
stolo a quantity of clothing belonging
to Mrs. Mnus, also somo Jowelry and
somo valuablo prlvnto papers belong
ing to Oenoral Miles. All havo boon
rccovorcd by tho police.
Searching for Mutineers.
Victoria, B. C Doc. 27, According
to advices received from Honolulu,
tho British cruiser Shcrwntor hns loft
hero for Pltcnlrn and othor southeast
Islands, and will mako n search for
the mutlnoors who loft tho ship Lei
cester Castlo aftor shooting tho cap
tain and killing Socond Mato Dixon,
Tho mutiny occurred 300 miles from
PJtcalrn and it was bollovcd that tho
mutineers might reach that Island, If
they did not porlsh at sen.
Prott Stopped a Warm Heart.
Duluth, Minn,, 28, Ooorgo Plydell,
aged 66, with his arms full of Christ
mas presents for friends and rola
tjvos, foil from oxhautlon when with
Id flvo foot of his homo, and frozo to
death last night. Plydoll lived all
alono In a llttlo hoiiBo near tho har
bor front, wbera ho conducted a con
fectionery and cigar store.
I1L00U FOR l.ll:E.
Death Rclenics One Victim -Stlt Water
Drives Another Crazy, nnd He Jumps
Overboard -I'lght lo the Death for an
Apple-Survivors I'lnally Rescued by a
Passing Steamer,
Victoria, II. 0 Doc. 20. Austra
lian pnpers received by (ho steamer
Moulin toll ot thu torilblo privations
of tho survivors of Ihe wrecked steam,
or Klliigninlto, lost on tho Threo
Kings, n trio or unvoting noignu on;
tho northern oxtitunlly ot Now .ua-
land. Tho blood ot tho unfortunates
woro sucked whllo they slept, tha
stewardess, Minn MrGuIrk, being so
weakened Hint sua died,
On n raft 10 people left tha vessel
nnd woro four dnys with nothing but
two apples and no wntor. Ono nppla
was divided the first day, and thu
second they Indulged In n despornto
IWht for possession of tho other apple.
Threo deaths occurred fiom oxhnus
Hon on the second day, tho bodies
living left until putrlfnctlon sat In be
foro the survivors pushed them Into
tha so.i. Huvornl slatted In drink salt
water, and, .maddened by this, four
Jumped overboard.
On tho third night n steamer wns
sighted nnd tho shipwrecked people
shout il, Tho vcssal lowered a boat,
hut It did not find the raft In tho dark
uesB, nmi tho steamer proceeded, loav
Ing tho unfortunates to their fata.
It wns that night that tha blood-letting
commonced. After tho stew
iirdess, weakened from loss ot blood,
hnd died In tho nrms of tho second
steward, ha began to ravo nnd n few
mlnutoi Inter lowered h'msolf from
tho taft, singing n hymn na hn wont.
Finally, four days nftor they left
thn wreck, 11. M. 8. enguln found tho
drilling raft nnd saved thu few re
maining survivors,
Lift of Victims of Trinidad Train Wreck
drawing Larger.
Trinidad, Col.. Dec. 29. Develop
ments Indlrnln that tho wreck on the
Colorado ft Southern Railroad Just
outslda ot this city Inst night, which
was caused by n collision botwoon a
merchandise freight train nnd n heavl-ly-loadcd
con) train, wns tho most dis
astrous In tho history of tho road
where freight trains nlona woro con
erned. It Is known tonight that at
lenst 10 men woro killed, nnd rumor
hns it Hint severnl moro bodies will
ho unearthed before tho wreckage Is
cleared nwny.
Two unidentified bodies nrn exposed
lo view but hnvo not yot boon remov
ed from tho wreckage
It Is feared that several minor',
who were supposed to bo riding on
tho coal train nnd wora on tho way
o Trinidad to spend Christmas, are
under tho debris. Information recclr
d by friends of different peoplo resid
ing In this city wns to thn effect that
hoy would bo In Trinidad today and
md It la learned that men wcro reen
boarding tho coal train nt Hastings,
Ludlow, Wnlsonhurg and Agultar as
H pulled through. As they paid no
faro thoro Is no record of how many
thero wero on tho train, If any.
Wrecking crows hnvo worked dili
gently all day clearing the tracks and
-uiccerdcd In removing tho wreckage
if thn engines. Tho freight enrs nro
piled In n grent henp on thn right nf
way, nnd It will requlro ntl dny tomor
tow to get things In shnpo for running
trains over thn road nt this point. In
tho meantime nil Colorado & South
ern trains are running over tho tracks
of tho Denver & Rio Grande.
Negro Kills n Officer, and Is Hung to a
Telephone Pole.
Pittsburg. Knns.. Dec. 27. Mont
gomery (lodtey, a Negro, wns takon
from tho Jnll today and lynched by a
mob,, because early this morning ho
ihnt nnd killed Milton Hlnkluy, a po
liceman, whllo tho officer was trying
to protect himself from n crowd ot
unruly Negroes. Tho Negro Jorkod
tho officers pistol from Its scabbard
and shot tho officer with It from be
hind. Two hours later n mob gath
ered and took tha Negro from tho city
Jail, where ho had boon taken aftor
ho was caught, and hnuged him to a
telophnuo polo. As ho was choking
to death ono of tho membors ot tho
mob cut his throat and ended his
Kaiser Has a flood Time.
Borlln, Dec. 29. Emporor William
spent Chrlstmns In his usual way,
His Majost took a walk In tho after
noon In (ho Sans Soucl Pnrk and dis
tributed bright gold pieces fresh from
tho mint among tho gardoncrs and
Aftor dinner at 4 o'clock tho Christ
mas trees wcro lighted In tho Shell
hatl of tho now palace. All tho child
ren of tho tmporlnl family woro pros
ont nnd each had his or hor own tret
of a slzo proportionate to tho child.
Prank of an Earthvuake,
St. Petersburg, Doc. 29. According
to tho latest advices from Andljnn
Russian Control Asia, oarthquako
shocks occur dally, and a particularly
violent series ot shocks during tha
night of Dccombor 22 nnd tho fallow
ing morning set all tha rolling stock
on tho railroad In motion, resulting In
n panic among tho railroad mon, Tho
t raffle is suspended on tho railroad
nnd tho station Is closed. Tha mili
tary authorities aro taking over tha
control of tho lino far somo dlstanco
from Andljan.
Engines Alet nnd Killed Both Crews.
Bnttlo Crook. Mich.. Doc. 29. In
a head-on collision on tho Grand
Trunk Railway near hero. Enclncor
James ICorwIn nnd Fireman Theodoro
Schlubals, of a light onglno, woro In
stantly klllod, and Engineer Brown
and Firomnn Burkhardt, of n freight
train, woro fatally Injured, Tho en
gines collided whllo going at full
speod. Tho light onglno had boon
sont out from Battlo Creek to. moot
and help pull tha frolght train to tho
Popo Leo Takes a Hand.
London, flee 20. 'Plin n
nnnTmt f nt Mm rtnl1 TtCnll t Af
(.w...,(. v w miu 1Hllj till Ml I LUIVgi ULU1Q
as nn outcomo of tho negotiations with
llin Satnn Cnnrf tlin nnnn lina unnt 'n
prolato to aonova to inqulro into tho
circumBiancos or tlio night or tho
Crown Princess of Saxony, with a
View to arranging a separation.