Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 02, 1903, Image 1

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    S5 l l IN $8
Iv. w w sS
2ISS 3 5?S
1MB AHU.IITIhIMi ill iM, fj
& & $4
Ihnoted I" Ha Minim;. I.tinilwrfiig nml 1'iinulng Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for n Grnh Stake.
NO. 51.
Mines aBd Mimpq
Dovoroil To Dbhentln Noroj nnd
ltbrng o' tfoncrtxt Intor'ojrro Mirvlnrf, Morv.
BOHEMIA DISTRICT.Ii'"'H.v In Douglas; It laps over the
I range lulu IIoiikImm. Two wagon
The (Iroal llolicuila Alining
In Christinas IMIlloii 01
livening Telegram.
Them urn perhaps few mining men
tlutl huvo visited the llohcuiln Mln
1 r i wr Dint rlet who lire not ugreed Hint
time will hIiow thin to bo one of the
very best emupH In Oregon, If not on
the entire I'nclllc coiihI. What lit-)
lentlon this district Iiiih received In
the past wiiHilue to the production j
oi it iitw much minims proiincerH iih
Hid lleleim nnil Muslck mines. In!
u.e opinion of exH.rH the production
of even t Ih-mo prnN-rtlcs Iiiih
liiin-l.v IH-Kiin. ()HrntloiiH In the
piwt have heon hugely coiillneil to
the milling of free gold ore. MM the
free gold ore of thin Is llmlteil. Ilo
hemht Im cwiitlully n smelting cmnp,
iiml time will ileinoiiMtriilu that the
production of free gold, iim large iih It
Iiiih Isiui, will Ihi hut iih it drop In the
bucket compared with the returns
from the lme. ores iih hooii iim ivilue
tlon works nru eHtiilillHlieil unil
trmiHportutlon fnclllt Ich provhleil
Already thu district Iiiih tl inking
of ilotcus of more llcli'iius nnil Mil
nick1. 'I'lie piwl yenr Iiiih Ihvii ile
vottsl largely to ilevelopnient work.
A few properties have touiiil It
prolltahle IohIiIp om even with the
heavy hnnillcap the ciimp Iiiih Ihx-ii
uniler through It h hick of truiiMpor
tatlon fnellltleH. Om wuh hiuileil
over roui;li iiionntnln roniln it iIIm.
tuncc of .'I" mllen to 1'ottiinu drove,
unit then) lomleil oiiciii-h anil hIiIpihmI
to HiuelterH inmiy liuuil rv-t mlleH iIIm
tant. Anil yet with all thin exH'iiMe
there Iiiih iHt'ii prollt In Hhlpplnu; mv
-a moht uloinent teHtlinimlnl to the
rlchmwH of tho calnp. In mlilltlon to !
the oret. hIiIpimmI the iiiIIIm of the
Helena, MiiHlck, Champion, Nooinlay
itml SlockH-llarloiv iiiIiich have
pouniletl out coiiMlilerithlu five koM.
tut the ilnyn of louK-illHtauce om
frelKhtliiK In the llohcmlaillHtrlct an'
numlH-reil. Already the nhrlll whlMt le
til the Iron liorHtt can Ih heard among
the gold-ribbed IiIIIh of llohemla.
The Oregon & .SoutheiiHteru railroad
Ih piiHhlng Into the camp from Cot
tage drove, on the line of the South
ern Pacific, an rapidly ah the condl
HniiM will permit. Ton iiiIIch of (IiIh
road Iiiih Int'ii in operation for wv
eral moutliH, Five iuIIch more N
graded mid ready for the I rack,
while cotiHlderable more of therlglu
of way Iiuh Ikvii cleared. Ity Hprlug.
.ii mucN will In oHrittiou. anil !
early In the Hummer of l!Mi:i traliiH
will Ihi Keen at the head of Chainnlou
bitHln, the projected termlniiH of the
road, :w mlleH dlHtance from Cottage
Drove. The completion of thin road
will mark n new epoch In the hlntory
of llohemla. It will Inaugurate a
new era of nctlvlty and production.
The railroad, now principally en
gaged In logging operatloiiH, will
carry more pivcloiiH curgocH, and
thoiiHiiiulH of toiiM of whipping ore
will llud Uh wny to the Hiuelter. A
local Hiuelter and reduction workn
will follow. I'laiiH for thene enter
prlneH art! already H'rfected.
Ah nlivady Intimated, while the
camp ban iiiailo no givat record In
production iliiiing the piiHt year, It i
iiiih ny no niemiH neen title, it em
ployed more men than during any
prevloiiH yenrof Uh hlntory. More
Intelligent ilevelopnient work wuh
done. All operatloiiH wereeomlucted
tvlthaneye to the futuix' all In an
ticipation of the early completion of
the rallrord mid the UHHurauce of
niemiH of communication. TIioiim
nuiln of toim of rich ore liavelKvu
blocked out, and large iiuuutltlcH
luivo been piled up on ilumpH, All
t IiIh niemiH an enoriuouH amount of
work, while It tclht no Htor.v of pro
dilution. The work done thin year,
however, will count iih hooii iih Hie
trmiHpotiat'ou facllltleH, ho long
needed, are a reality. Then Ihe oul
put ol llolieiula .till be a different
i'liau lloheiula thuiv Ih ihi better
tliulieivd or better wateivd mlnliig
cmnp on the Ameiican continent,
Tlio tlmlier Hiipply Ih ample for mln.
lag operatloiiH for -yeai-n to come,
StreaniH are uuinerouH, while pctvn.
nlnl HprlngH ai-e to be foimil on every
hand, Added to thexe nil Important
fiictorn, the tuountaluH are high mid
nteep, which pertnltH of the develop'
mcnt of propertloH at the
lowest I
'posHlblo cunt. Nearly alt the- mlneHgivat Inclination of the mountain,
nre tunneling proponlttonn, n nltu-; Tlie now Levuer air eompivHnor
atUm that cnriicH inueh weight with ! mid dtilln aiv working fully up to
mining men. In nhort, llohemla Ih the exptHiatlinm and tunneling In
un Ideal mining enmp, and uh noon eounequeutly progrcnHlng rapidly,
lis tho railroad now building Into ThOHe Interented In the Le Hoy Com
tlio hill- reiichon Uh dentlnatlou the puny In thin city are pleiwed over the
output of precloiiH metaU will nstou Into dovelopmentH at the mine nnd
Uh tho world. would bo reluctant to part with
Uoho nln DlntrHt Hot In thoCahv stock oven though offered more than
ponin uiouutatnn, partly In Luuo and tho market price.
I rimilH lend toll. Over .'WOO mining
locations have Ihi'ii nindc In It. Till'
fnriilittloti In eruptive nnil volcanic,
iiml the section Iium liirii greatly dis
turbed iitnl broken.
While past operation were eon
llneil largely to n 1'i'lt about right
inlleM long nnil hIx nilli'H wlile, the
camp Im Is-glnnlng to sprciul, nnil
hooii It will lie In touch with the
lllnu River district. 10 miles north.
The ledges nre trurcnbld on the
surface mid traverse the entire dls
trlcl from nortlieiiHt to southwest.
Their isTinuuency Iiiih In-vii proven
wherever liny depth Iiiih Ihtii ob-
It Iiiih Ihhmi proven In the
( Mustek. Oregon, Colorado, Vesuvius,
i.. ii.... ir. .!..,. v.. . i. ..I.. .....i
of other proiH'rtlc Ah u
- .I,., I.,... ,,vl,lli.ll n,lll iollllll
on the Hiirfnce, Hiilphlilert IncreiiHinK
with ilepth anil theon lut'omlnj; al
inoMt entui'ly hum. at a ilepth of
from .'UNI to UK) feet.
The principal metalM fonml are
K'old, Mllver, coikt, leiol iiml Iron.
I. line Im fonnil In M'veral lot'iilltlcM,
I Iiiih iiHMitrlnK lUTeHKlhle Hiixcm iiml
econoinli'itl HineltliiK-
The Itohemla DlHtrlvt Im ho thor
oinrhl.v ilolteil with inotintiiln HakH
itml liilueH anil cm up with ciii-kn
iiml canyoiiH tlmt only the principal
elevalloiiH anil waterwnyH can Ik
mejillolieil. The principal H.akH itml HiIkch are:
(Irlxxly. llroilKe. Kalrvlew, Itohemla,
.lackiiHH, .Monte Itlca. Klephaut,
AilmiiH, JiiiIhoii Hock. (Ilciiwooil,
IIIiiI'm Nent. lohliHon MeniloWH (In
mlHiioiner), anil IIIiIkc Hotel.
Anions the rrevkn Klvi'ii thuillKHlty
of a nmne, nlthoiiKh there nrv many
oIIiith, are: City, (iimnplon, ltorrw
Heaven, I'rank HranH, Windy, tllcn.
wooil. t'hlnii, Sharp'H Martin, (lolilen
'rry. CryHtal, lloliemla.Steamhoat.
.St I'eter, Kalrvlew am) Annie.
The moiiutalUH of lloheiula are
coven-il with inaiiy vnrletlenof vnl
unhle tlmlH-r. AmoiiK the principal
wooiIh uit Mr, tvilar, hemlock,
, Mirmi', and Hiignr pine. The Hinaller
WooiIh aiv ivpn-Hented by the yew,
j laurel, niadrone, luuel and ehlttam-
The rhododeiidriim. mountain balm,
I cynucklc, elk gruHHaud tuotiutltliij
illy add color and beauty to tlicj
ruggiil laudHcape In their projier,
mcumoiim, at tlmcH the atmoHphere
iHing laden with a fragrance Htrong
l.v HiiggeHtlve of the troplcH. HIh)
w hen the liiododeudruiiiH are In I
bloom, however, that the inouiitaliiH 1
are In their bent, preneatlug it picture!
iiiat uiiiHt Ih wen to Ih- appreciated
piioiii'ii'ion ok camp.
It iHilllllcult to cHtlnmle the out
!put of the camp, but the fact that It
' Iiiih already produced over $7i(l,MKI j
i In the face of oliHtaiieH ol every ile-i
Hcrlptlou, Im evidence of IIh meiitH.
1 According to thenioMt coiiHcrvatlve .
CMtlinutcM the production of thepro-j
ilncci'M Ih approxlniated iih IoIIowh: ,
Helena j:UH),tMW; MiiHlck. LtMI.(MHt:
Noonday, $1.0,(MK: ( hamploii.
txx: Knott, ."hmkio: star, ir.,tKH: 1
StockH & Harlow. ir,(MKI: Tom.lohn
hoii. $10.IKI0.
The prcHcut Htamp capacity of the
llohemla DlHtrlct IhIIT HtanipH which
ntv distributed an folio wh: Noonday.
'JO; Helena, 10; MiiHlck, 111; Champion,
10; Star. 5; StockH & Harlow, ft; Tom
.lohiiHou, :i; Cox, '.'; Whipple, .
The Knott, which ban a product of
$:0,uoo to Itn credit, Iiiih no plant of
Uh own.
Telt'plioue nieHHiigCH from Supeiiu
temlnut .Iiiiiich Semv, of the Leltoy
Mining Compnuy, given tho Informa
tion that work nt that camp in pro
grennlug In a very natlnfactory milli
ner mid tlmt recent ilevelopnientn
have proved more natlnfactory' than
wiih even dreaiiied of when thecronn
cut tunnel wan ntarted. Thin tunnel
In now one hundred feet In length nnil
i Ihe fool wall him not yet been
I reached. Thin cronncilt In near the
Interned Inn of neveral large ledgen
and the entire ilintuuce In through
ore, '.'(I feet of which In nald to be
nlmllar In composition mid appear
mice to tlie high grade mv that Iiiih
been nhlpped from the Helena during
thu punt Httmmcr. The cronncut tun
nel In three huudivd feet In from the
mouth of the tunnel i; id Iiiih a verti
cal depth of over u hundred feet
which will bo greatly IncreiiHetl an
the tunnel progivBne, owing to the
I Unrngcd lliirlianii Commit! ;i Double
Murder lit Uugcnc.
K ii K i' n e. Or.. Dee. '.',.
tlcoi'Kf ( nl li'i- killed IiIm wife anil
then commit led Hiilclde 1 1 1 lit lifter
noon. Carter wan .'III yearn old, and
IiIh wifeiilioul theHiime ukc, and the
tniKcdy Ih the rcHiilt of trouhlen
which haverxlHted for Home time,
The HhootliiK wuh wltncHHcd liy
one child nnd n nclKhhor unined
Hohm. Carter came to the hotine
where IiIh wife wuh, and nIic incl htm
In front of the hoiiHt'. which Ih acroHH
the Htivetfrom tlieunlvurHltycampiiH.
They hud Home Mharp woriln for a
few mliiuteri, when Carter KriiHM-(l
IiIh wife and hold her with IiIh left
hand, while with IiIh rlht lie drew
a IW.callhro revolver from IiIh pocket,
prcMHed It nKaliiHtlier head anil pulled
the trl)j(;er. The woman tiled nlmoHt
lUHtautly, and iih hooii iih Carter aw
that he had nccoinpllMlicd lilttpurpoHu
lie placed the nuuile of the weapon
to IiIh temple and lilew out IiIh own
liraliiH. HIh death wiih not liiHtau
taneotiH, and he lingered for 40
mluutcH iH'fore he dlcil.
I'limlly JealoiiHy and doniCHtlc In
felicity were tho eauw of, the trouble.
Carter Iiiih fiviiieutly accuwil- IiIh
wife of unfnlthfulhcHH, and thin went
to an extreme pitch ycHtcrilny, when
they hail a ik row. In which cIiiIih
anil knlvcH were tiwil. The couple
then agreed to Heparate. mid Carter
left the houw, while the three girl
children were wnt to relntlven, they
not being nhle to ngni" iih to their
ciiHtody. Carter went to the office I
of the illntrlct attorney and waute,)
to enter complaint agaliiHt Oraiit
Hylmid for alienating IiIh wife'H af
fectloiiH. Mrn. Carter, on tho other
hand, went to the Hherltf early thin
morning and wanted her himhauil i
iirrenteil on a charge of liiHanlty.
TheHherlff cautloiiiHl her not to go
back to the Iioiim', hut mIic illil not
heed IiIh ml vice, and wiih at home
when her Hponw came t IiIh afternoon
and the tragi-dy wiih enacted. Car
ter wiih a laboring lima, and had
Ihimi at work thin winter cutting
Mlnlne Stock Of Bohemia.
llelow we give a lint of the leading
mining companicH of the lloheiula
.Mining Dintrlct and the market price
of the Htock of the name. There are
Home, however, that are not In
cluded In the IM yet have not lieeu
omitted Intentionally, while there
areotlierH that are new compnulcH
mid will Ih added to the lint iih we
mccuiv the uecenHary data:
Oregon SoeurltleH Co $1 (Mi
Oregon & Colorado Mining Co. .o
VeHuvliiM :i"
Itohemla dold Mining Co mC,
dolden Slipper. av
Hiawatha 10
' ryHlal CoiiHolldatcd -M
lA'ItO.V 1.1
Star 15
dold Hill & lloheiula .'. l.'i
May tin wer -."
dolciidibi o."i
.IuiImoii Kock 0.i
Itlveinhle 10
North Kalrvlew 02
divat F.iiHtern
Notice of Stockholders Aleetlng.
Notice In hereby given tlint there
will Ik- u meet tug of the ntockhohlcis
of thc.TuilHou ltock Mining Company
held at the otllce of.l.S. Medley, at
Cottage drove. LaiieCounty.On'gon,
on Monday theU'dth day of January,
at the hour of one o'clock p. in.
for the purpose of electing a Hoard of
Directum of nald corporation to nerve
mm mail for tlie period of one year
and until their nuccennorn nluill have
been duly elected mid tiualltled and
for tlie traiiHUctlnn of mail other
IiuhIuchh an inny proH'rly come before
mild meeting.
Dnted DecemlierlSth, A. I., 1IKW.
.1. S. Mi:iii.kv, Seeivtary.
M if. Joliiiiiini SiHlerlKihn, of Kiir-iiH
Fulls, .Minn., fell u ml dislocated her
nliiiiilder. 8lio liiul u nnincon gut it buck
ill pluce m fuiin iih puMiitilc, but it wiih
quite tote mid pnlncil her very much.
Her voa mentioned Unit he hud hccii
CIniiiilierh.lii'H Pain lliilm nMverlixeil fur
rpr.iiiiH nnil niirvnerH, inn) nhuiiHkcd him
tu linv tier a buttle nt it, which ho did.
It quirk, y icllcved her mid eimhlnl her
to h I cull which mIic hud ool ilonu for
peveiiil iIiivh. Tlie xon wan no inueh
plc.meil wilii thu uilef Itnve tiUniotlier
lluit tut Iiiih bIiico itroimnuiulctl it to
inaiiy otliem. For rule by Lynnn A
Ailcuate, Diiiin, IIiuimiii l)iii:Co.
Vocal Aluslc Lessons.
Minn Kiuiiin A, Ilryan wlnhen toitn
nounce to the people of our city that
after .Ian. Int. HKKI nhu will Ih per
lnuuently located In rooms In tho
Finn building whew who will be
pleaned to moot any ono desiring
vocnl Ichhoiih. TerniH lvaHonable.
Ulue print maim of any township
In KoHchurg, Oregon Land Dintrlct,
showing all vacant lands for Mctn.
each. It you want any luformntlon
from the U.S. Lund otllce, mldi-cns,
Title. (iiuritutco& Loan Co., ltose
burg, Ore.
Keduced Katcn l:rom'Iho float.
L'uder date of DecelulH'r 10th the
Hunt hern I'liiille nmiiIh out u lireular
teller to their ageiilH which ivihIm an
It Iiiih been ileelded to place III
effect on February Ifith, contln-
lug until April lth. IncliiKlve, the
hii me one-way wond cIihh Hettlern'
! raten to all Oregon LIiicm polutn,
and north, an vere In effect during
niontliM of September mid Octolmr
hiHt, viz;
SfZ't.m from .MlMHonrl ltlver polntH
Hloux City to KaiiHitH city IiicIiihIvc.
:y.(M) fidin Ht. LouIh,
?:il.lxfi'otn I'eorla
WMH) from Chicago.
ItateH to 1h no higher from Inter
mediate HtatlllllK.
The rntcH will apply via Jill rotlten
through I'ortlanil. but will not ap
ply vlaKacramento. Tlcketn routed
via I'nlon I'aellle.Oivgou Short Line,
(). II..&N. to rortlainl, will Ih' al
lowed Hto)MverH not to exceed ten
da.VH, at all polnln went of 1'iH'atello,
mid In order to enable Intending wi
llern to look over the Willamette
Valley and Wcntcm Oregon thoroiihly
thin Compnuy nil. allow ah ninny
wtop-ovcrH an ilenlred at Htutloun In
termediate to final rieHtlliatlon of the
ticket, each Htop not to uxceeil ten
I'IiIm aunouncemeut Ih of HHrlnl
IniportauceiiH It limureH the limit
wiry cheap raten and iirrnngementM
to bring a large Immigration to
WcHtcrn Oregon next Hprlug. I'leiine
have your newnpaiKTH give. It publi
city, iih no doubt a great, ninny of
our )coplc who have already moved
to Oregon from the middle Htate
and the cant willadvjMe their frlcniln
ami rtiatlveH who will take advant
age of the low raten to vlnlt Oregon.
Youm truly,
W. K. CO.MA.N. O. I. A.
Try ii fiOt' Imltle oi Herbtne, notice the
iiiiproveinviit cpcedily etfrcted In our
Ajipftile, Kneriry, Strength aiul,iuor.
iv'tl. it the pnlritt.
given fretiloui front IniliU' tlou ami lie-
Ipiibc Soory, Avh. Mo., writtw, Sept.
10th, IIKX). "I ii in bad litMltti. I had
t I.t.. f...- 1" .lll.d
eiuill.111 ...mi'.v ..."
dumb chilli.. Dr. .1. W. Mnry prei-cribed
Herbliie, l cure.1 me in to week'. I
can not icconinieiid it :im- highly. It will
In. til von claim inril." Sold by New
r,nt itiij: rum'.
' .., . . g 1-
Doreiia. Ore.. Dee. ai. 1002.
Minn Lilly Smith, who has lieen
vlnltlng with her friend Minn Itoxy
Van Scholnck. left for her home In
Crenwell Tuendny the tflrd.
Mr. mid Mrs Bob Martin sient Fri
day tho iilth In the Grove.
Mr. and .Mrs. Wen Chrlnmnn spent
Xman la the drove.
Kvery fourth Sunday llrotherW al
lace preachen la our school limine.
Everybody Invlteil.
Mrs. Daniewood. who has Ikhmi
teaching our school for the pant
three mouths, ban goneto Silk creek
mid Lorano to niond lier vacation.
Our Xuiits tree wiih a grand sue
cenn. The good jieoplo on the river
donated fourteen dollars toward the
tree mid Father mid Mother Santa
Clause vlnlted us bringing the trees
loaded down with candy and poi-
eorn and presents, for the children.
The children, In return, held the large
and uppreclatlve audience spell
bound with their songs, recitations
mid dialogues. In the name of the
children and the different committees
who no nobly worked together to
make everything a success, we desire
to thank the people 'for their contri
butions. "It Is more blessed tu give
than to receive." Our teacher winhen
to thank her pupils and the patrons
of tho school for the (mint If id pres
ents with which they remembered
Sirs. L, I).' Heck's pu(lln In music
gave n successful entertainment at
the I'resbyterlun inaiise Friday even
lug. A Inrge tiumlH'r of parents and
friends assembled to enjoy the mu
sical treat. This was the third re
cital ami while hastily prepared, a
great Improvement was uotlcable
and an IntereHtlngprograni rendered.
From tho tiny totn who played the
two tlrst nninberti to the more ad
vanced pqplln each Interpreted the
mimical thought mid feeling
New Company Organized,
The l'ittsburg Mining nnd Milling
Company, of lloheiula, recently Hied
articles of Incorporation with the
secretary of stiitc. The new 'com
pany Incorporates with a capital of
$150,000.00 and gives us Incorpora
tors W. H. Shane, Frank Fllnher mid
Gustaf (itistafeou. The company
owns property In tho liohenua dis
trict which will lie developed its the
eoinpnny secures the necesHitry funds.
A Springfield Paper.
The ohL Ilrondaxe plant that has
had so many tips nnd downs lit Lane
county Journalism Is to lie moved to
Sprlnglleld where John Kelly and It.
F. Amis are to launch the Springfield
Nonparlol. Register.
We have debided to close out our entire line
of Ladies and Misses
We have some Jackets' and Coats remaining that we will
Sell for Fifty Cents on Tlie Dollar. AVe will
Also sell otts entire line of
Now is the Time to make your Purchase.
"Aloney Saved is Money Earned."
Odds and
In Holiday Goods
Sold at Cost Next Week
Commencing January 1st our En
tire Stock of Goods, Excepting
Groceries, will be offered at a
Great Reduction.
United States Land Office,
Itoselillrj;, Ore..Sept. IS. ML'.
Notice Is lierehy fjtven that in com
pliance With the provisions of the act
of ConjJtiyss of June .J, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in tlie States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4.1S02, Danel
W. Klchnrdnou, of St, Helens Co. of
Calumbln State of Ore., has thin day
tiled in thin office his sworn statement
No. SKIS for the purchase of t he S W K of
Sec No Township -1 S of Itange 0
West and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought Is more valu
able for Its timlier or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said laud before the
Register and Itccelver of this otllce at
IloHcburg, Oregon, on Wednemlny the
4th day of .March, 1003.
He names as witnesses
It. T. Iloals, of Mayger. Ore.. W.
F. Slaughter, St Helens. Ore.. J. E.
Ulack, Fulton. Ore., A. L. llutler, of
Elkton, Ore.
Any and all jiersous claiming ad
versely theabove-dencrilied lands art
requested to tile their claims In thh
office on or liefore said 4th dny ol
March. IIWJI.
I T. lluinoKS, Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosehurg, Oregon, Oct., 10, I90-.
Notice is lierehy given t tint in compli
ance with the provi jioiin of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for (ho side of tinilier luiiilu in the
Stutes of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, an extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Henry M. Wilson of En
geiieCountv of Latie,State of Oregon has
this day tiled in this ottice his sworn
statement No. SB31, for the purchase of
the S j NW 14 & W , SW H
of See. No. 12, Township '.'3 South, of
Range i West, ami will oiler proof tu
show that thu land sought Is mote
valuable for its timber or stone than foi
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Marie L.
Waie, U. S. Commissioner M Eu
genu, Oregon, on weduewlav tho 7th Hay
of Jan., 1003.
He names as witnesses:
.lumen X Itandle. of Falrinount. Ore..
.latues Hoffman, Annie Wilson, of Eu
gene, Oie,, Austin Root, of Springfield,
Any and alt jiersons claiming adverse-
lv tli, abovu-itebcrlbeil lunifs art) m-
Ipiested to tile their claims in this otllce
on or hefoie said 7th iluv of Jan., 1003.
J . T. ItinnuKS, Register.
RANTED, Wo guaraiitee every bottle of Chain
berhiln's Cough Remedy and will refund
the itionov to anyone who is not satis
fled niter using two-thfrds of the con
tents. This is tho best remedy In the
world for lagrlppe, coughs, colds, croup
and whooping cough and is pleasant
and safe to take. It prevents any ten
dency of a cold to result lit pneumonia.
Lyons tc Applegate, Drain, Iten9on
Drug Co., CottagoGrove,
Leaders in Merchandising.
ui 1 i
ii r
Why certainly we don't con
fine ourselves to nails and screws;
hammers and saws; jackplanes and
tacks, useful as they are. Just now
see bur display of shaving, sets,
pocket knives, skates and Christ
mas cutlery, fine enough to please
everybody; his wife and all their
Griffin & Veatch Go
i '"There's Ko Plaice Like Homo"
! 3 and there's no cooking like mothers, but 3
' E: if vou will stop at the 2
Vou w ill be so well pleased that you will come again and 3
bring your friends. Everything new, neat and clean. t3
I Plastered Rooms Newly Furnished,
y- Conveniently Located, Two blocks West aud One llock ZS
ZZ North of S. P. Depot. 3
c M 111. T. Kaiyser, Proprietor. 3
United States Land utllce,
Rosehurg, Ore., Dec. 11 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that the ap
proved plat of Survey of Fractional
22 S.. R. I E.
bus l)eeii received from the Surveyor
General for Oregon, and on Jlondav,
January 211, ltMKt. nt 0 a.m. the said
plat will be Hied In tills otllce, and
the lnnd embraced therein being In
the Cascade Forest Reserve will lie
open to entry only to iwrsons Hav
ing made settlement therein prior to
Septemlier 28, 1893, the date of tlie
withdrawal from entry of mild laud
bv order of the President of the
United States.
J. T. Ilmnm:. Register.
J, H. Hodtii, Receiver.
Read real elate bargains of Jerome
Knox Co.
The peculiar cough which indicated
croup, is usually well known to the
mothers of crottpy children. No time
al,..,,l.l I,- 1,1 In .1... ............... .I.
a,,ut,,u "J ... ,.w tlVM.IllUHIi UI II.
and for this purpose no, nietiuinu has
received more universal approval tnan
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I)u not
waste valuable time In' eXjiurlnientliii;
with untried lemeilles, no inqtter how
highly tliey may be recommended, hut
give this medicine as. directed and all
symptoms of croup will ipiickly disap
pear. For sale Jiy Lvons A Apiilniute,
Drain. Itenson Drug Co., Cutliige
Honry D. Iluldwln, Hunt. City Water
Works, Sliullsburg, Win , writusj.i'I
I have tried many kinds of liniment, but
I have never received much benefit Until
I I used llallnrd's Suow Liniment for
1 rheumatism and pnliis. I think It the
best liniment on earth." Jc, 60omid
11.00 bottle at Now Bra Drugstore. '