I r "" in.. II. S. MINISTER TO ENGLAND Commends Pcruna to All Catarrh Sufferers. "on. -ouls lv. Johnson la Iho son of IJnl'od Males senator from Maryland, Johnson, and United Ktnte Mlnlnlur to KiTOU'ti cuiisiiiuiiufini lawyer mat over In a rocunt lotter from 1000 K Btroot, Vo one should longer suffer from Catarrh when Peruna Is accessible. To my knowledge It my menus ana acquaintances, that It Is humanity to commend Its use to all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the Human lystcm," Louis H. Johnson. ralarrli rul.int., Catarrli Is rapnhlo of changing all the llic-Klvlnir 'ocretlou of tho body Into amldlng fluldit, which deMroy and In tlnno ovcry part they como In eontnit with. Aniillcallmis to tint tilscce ed tiy catarrh ran do llttlo mxxl - - r .,... iMisn-oauio ym. turns, llenco It la that snrglM. ipri.n, atomUorn and Inhalnuts only sr';as toniorary relief. Ho long as ib Minting secretions of catarrh con t to bo formed sc long will tlm nmiiihrnnea contlnuu to ho inflamed, no matter what treatment la turd. Thero li but one remedy that lias tho lUalrablo effect, and that roinotly Is Probably True, nix A sclontlst eays that, In pro portion to Its slzs of body, tho mos quito haa a bollor dovolopod brain than tho a vertigo man. Dlx Well, I don't doubt It. Kvcn at Its present site, tho mosquito la al most aa big a bore as somu inon I know. Chicago Kovti. Mothers will finn Mrs. fVlnilow's Booth nr Byrun the bi.nl rsiuedy to use lor tholi hlldrcu during iho uthlug pcrtcxl. Thoughts Unutterable. "And so you hsvo no swear worda In your language, Sir. OmokuraT" "No, inadaino," tho Jspanceo travel er replied. "Hut, of con roe, you ran think wns thoughts, I supjiose, can't youT" Chi cago Itocord-IIerald. OooJ for Little Polki. Don't lorturn tho chlMreu with llnulilsmt r'lll ikiImhiiI The enly nl, srwsblo lmllro nr llttlo HUM la ('ca.tcti Csililr Csllisltlc. Alt druggliu, tile, 'J6c, Ifcartfesa Pcllow. Wife Bo suro and advortlso for I'ldo in tho morning papers. Noxt day tho wlfo read aa follows lu the nswipaperst "Lost, a mangy lapdog, with ono eyo and no tall. Too fat to walk. An swers to tho namo of Kido, If rutnrnrd luffed, 2 pounds reward," Tit-lilts. RHEUMATISM CANNOT m. nnv effect tho nervous Rheumatism must be treated . through tlte blood, and no remedy brings such prompt nnd lasting; relief as S. S. a It attacks tho disease lu the blood, neutralizes the nclds, and removes nil Irritating or poisonous substances from the system. S. 8. S. strengthens Atid enriches the thin atfid blood, nnd, ns it circu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons nnd ncld deposits are dislodged nnd washed out of the muscles nnd joints, and the sufferer Is happily relieved from the dlscom- tnrta nml utlnrrv nf TJ lir-mnnt isill External remedies nre nil right so far ns they go, but thev don't go fat enough, nnd you can't depend upon them to do the work of a blood purifier, and those who pin their faith to liniments nnd plasters ns cures are bound nhiMimnHn mifferera who write a nhout their case will receive valuabU aid nnd helpful ndvicc from nur physicians, for which no charge la made, wns very dark. In tho closo lone tin We will mail frco our sncctnl hook on Rheumatism, which is the result o der her park pale, nnd within twenty years of practical experience in treating this disease. It contains in coudenseu lonn Uiucli inionuation nnotu WE SWIFT iho Into ftevordy Johnson, who was alio attornoy ncnoral under l'rosldcnt Midland, and who was regarded nt tho I It oil. N. V Mr. Johnion says: has caused relief to so many of rornna. This romody sirlkoi at onro to Hie roots of rntarrh hy restoring to tho capillary vi'Molstheir healthy otas tlclty. I'eruna is not a temporary pfliiiauvo, uin a radical euro. Bund for Dr. Ilartmnii's latest book, sent Irf'.l Inr a kli.tr ll.. 1.1. 1. ml.- I , ivrnna I)riii Manufacturing Co.. Co- lumbus. Ohio. If jou ilo not dorlve prompt and sat- iftuiory results Irom tho ueo ol Peru, nu, wrlto at enco to Dr. Ilartrnan. civ. Inn a full statement of your care, and ho will bo pleased to glvo you hla valu ablo advice trails. Addiesn Dr. ilartrnan, President of I mo iianmati fcanltarlum, Columbus, 0. Price ot Victoria Cross. Forty-Doyen pounds was paid recently In I-ondou for a VIctorlaii cross won by -.. m . .. . .... - iiuiiiiur i. Ariuur, n. a,, at tsobastopol 111 lOUO, Caill.i-J rrult. I'OrhapS you hVn boon In tlm hllt of canning your own fruit and think the conscience fund yesterday, but the tho kind you buy at the storo la not carnlnga will show an Increase of only nearly so good. If that la tho caso we U cents and that amount will be deb want you to buy of your dealor a can of Ited to stamps. However, tho U cents .'uiiuiiuio peacnes or ptara or atrawber- nun ur moor mills. univ tho von finost nnd largest fruit Is upod for thin brand and It Is put up In the heavieft and sweetest syrup under a beautiful III no labol embossed in lottora of gold. Thero Is no otiior brand nulla so eoml. . . , , . , I Ilros, packors, Portland, Ore. Watte of Material. Ho (chuckling ovor n loh of ten. kettlo moiullngl Mnrla. I bcllvo spoliod thero wan n good mechanic when I went Into tho law biinlnemi His Wlfo I don't know nhout thai, om you spoiled n goou uacnolor wbon you goi married. Knew the effects. wnni una put ncr in uuen a nor voub stntol" 'I enn't ho sure but I think It's hearing herself talk." BE RUBBED OUT ilt.Mf i.t- 111 f rltm temporary relief because it produces counter Irritation or reduces the iflamniatlon nnd sore, .IPS. Tliitnnenrtnf PTtirnnl treatment ran liavn whatever unon the disease itself, for tlltnumntlntn in nnt a nkln tllannao.but isduetoanoverncldconditionof the blood, nnd the deposit of Irrltatinir matUr or Uric Acid salts or sediment In the muscles and Joints, nnd no amount of rubbing or blistering can dislodge these gritty particles or change the ncld blood, Hhcuuiatlsiuotenbecoraeschronic,andthemus- cIcsnmHointspcnuanently stiff nud uselessand system almost wrecked, because so mucUtimcislostintryingtocureablooddisease witli outside applications or doctoring the skin, Iioutsvllls, Ky.. Haroh HI, 'Oil. dentUmeni I am glad to say that 8. S. 8. has ouracl roa of Rheumatism. About two years ago I Buffered from Rheumatism in my knees and feet, my ankles swelling- so that I oould not put on my shoes, This continued for several months, during1 whtob tlm I waa applylnr liniments and going- by my phystolan's dlreotlona, but derived no benefit, I was told of S. 8. 8, and tried It. I lminedi. ately got relief, and continued th medicine until I waa entirely welL 0108 Floyd St. D, J, DUANE. IU llieev Willi uiotljJl'Ullltiucili, uim mil be nursing a ense ot Rheumatism the greater part of their lives. O. O, O. is II pmciy vcgcmuic ismsujr, - ----- - - - - ----- ----- does not contain any Totaah or mineral 'db to your ladyship last I waa rob ot any kind, nnd can be taken with hod. Lady Ilrowno and I wero, ns Enfptv hv old nnd voiinc. usual, going to tho Duchess of Mout- S, o, a. is n purely vegetaDic remcuy. iiiictunatism, SPEOiHO OO., ATLANTA, CAs I INCH I-ord Ciirznn has been Sj sporlsmnti, or shikari, ns the himself to tho ixipulnr and comparntlvcly rlsklcss sport of snipe-shoot- Ing. Tlmt proved too lame, however, estnlillsli n reputation of n killer of the speclnl ndviiutnges which the Oovemor (lencrnl enn commnnd-lmvo favorably contributed, and Ini Curzoil enn now boast of having bagged ns many tigers ns some of tho best sportsmen who have spent years In tho pursuit of big gnino In India. Lady Curron, too, has nil tho Instincts of n. sportswoman. She has ac companied her turn !i nil on several only on a recent visit of Their Uxcellencles to Hyderabad that she actually loon part in n "kill." True, sho did not handle n gun, but she nscenued tno inncban, or shooting ledge, and awaited the arrival of Mr. Htrlpes. Usually tho miichnn Is used hy solitary sportsmen who have had khubbcr (news) of n tiger who has been causing hiivoe among the cattle, nnd. possibly, among tho natives In n district. A kid Is tied to tho foot of the tree to which tho maclian is alllxed, and' tho sportsman sits over It until the blent Ings of tho animal ntlrncts the tiger. On tho tatter's npproach tho sports man, of course, has him nt n distinct fall to kill, lu tho rnso of tho Viceroy's shoot the beaters did all that was necessary in driving tho tiger within uno of (lie accompanying Illustrations depicts the method of conveyance by which I.ord and Ijidy Curzoii traversed the Jungle. A number of streams nhound In tho Nizam's big gnmo with befitting dignity necessitated the elaborate chair arrangement. It also minimized tho risk of either coming to grief through tho worst of lndlnnjiests snakes. This method of progres sion Is made as com fori n tile ns it can possibly bo by reason of the remark ably wcll-hnlauccd stride which generations of practice have taught the car riers to adopt. A sensntlonal Incident wns reported connection with n recent shoot A gun which wns being handed to Lord Cunton accidentally exploded lu both barrels. Luckily no one was hurt, but how narrow was the Viceroy's escape inny lie Judged from the fact that a nolo was blown In his helmet. An Inch or so lower nnd tho bullet would have pierced Ills brnln. Apart from this Incident the shoot fell to Lord Curzou's gun or, to bo correct, three tigers and a tigress. Our first Illustration reveals the vanquishing Viceroy. Lady Curzon. and tho largest of the spoils. The tiger measured 10 feet and the tigress 8 feet CAItllYINa LOUD AND LADY CUItZON -THnOUOII THE JUNGLE HE PROVED HIS HONESTY. Thouuh IIli Krauil Vi but Fourteen Cent, lie I'ald for It. I The Clrent Vnrtliern imssnni-pr dennrt. Itllent rpcrlvi-il nnnlhpr mnlrlliiitlnn In quiets the tensing, nagging conscience of n North Dakota farmer and stock man, which will compensate tho pas senger department for the trouble of making out and cancelling n ticket and auditing the 14-ccut account. it wns iubi amy liitii u iiiriiiur lit INK ny IwUou, 1'lerco county. N. It was last May that a farmer living I uviuiu IU fjU U UVVUO, t II itiij- seven miles cast, to look at a bunch of yearlings that he' knew were for sale. He hnd planned to make the trip In n buggy, but It happened that when he was ready to go there was some work on the farm that needed to be done, so he set his hired ruati nt It and do cklcu to go on inc raliroau. He paid 81 cents for a ticket from the Junction to Leeds, Intending to walk from there to the farm where the cattle were pastured. Hut on the train he met an acquaintance, who told him tlmt It would be nearer to go to Nllcs and walk back from there. So when the train reached Leeds ho stayed lu bis scat. This farmer really had no Intention of beating tho railroad out of the 14 cent faro for the four and two-thirds miles of ride between Leeds and Nllcs. The railroad beat Itself. Tho conductor of the train got off on the station plat form at Leeds, yelled "all aboard," and gave tho signal to go ahead. Nobody cot aboard and the conductor did not think of going through the train again to collect fares. Bo the Itllgby Junction man rode on to Nllcs without paying for hla ride, e rounu tue uuncu ot ycanings ana bought them (cost him something llko ?203), nnd then mndo arrangements for driving them homo. It happened, therc- fore, that he did not have a chnnco to squaro himself with tho road on his return trip. He dismissed the matter from his mind for a time, but every now and then It would occur to blm that he was a poor class leader lu the clinch If ho took an underhand ndvnnt age of "Jim Hill." It took hi in four months to arrive nt the conclusion that tho only way out of the dllllculty wns to repay the com pany for (he ride, and tlmt Is why Gen eral Passenger Agent Whitney received 1-1 cetits In stamps. St. Paul Pioneer Press. A PURSE FOR HIGHWAYMEN. Highway Itobucry Very Prevalent in lsiisland a Century Alio. Tho frequency of highway robberies I only n ccutury ngo sounds surprising to tho present generation. lloraco Walpolo, In n lotter to a friend, re counts an adventuro of this kind which befell hi m and his friend and neighbor, Lady Drowne, In tho autumn of 1781. Tlio nlclit I bail tlm bnnor nf writ. rose at soven o'clock. Tho oveulng yards of tho gate, a black uguro on uuiui U1 uvvm-i-u mu cuuao ana mo ucagu on my siue.- Viceroy of India ho has become rt great term Is In the UnsL At first ho confined nnd hood His Excellency sought to lilir game. Toward tills the fates nnd of his shooting expeditious, but It was ndviintncre. and only n bungler can range. preserves, nnd the negotiations of theso currying of Their Uxcellencles In tho In the Iudlnn papers na occurring in wns eminently successful. Tour tigers I suspected It was a highwayman, and so I found did Lady Ilrowne, for sho wns speaking and stopped. To divert her fenrs I was Just going to say, "Is not that the apothecary go ing io i no iiuciiessy ' when I heard a volco cry. "Stop!" and the figure camo back to the chaise. I had the presence of mind before I let down the glass to take out my watch and stuff It within my waist coat, under my arm. Ho said, "Your purses and watches!" I replied, "My watch is not In my pocket." "Then your purse." I gave It to him; it had nine guineas. It was so dark that I could not see his hand, but felt him take It. He then asked for Lady Browne's purse, nnd said, "Don't bo frightened; I will do you no hurt." I said, "No; you won't frighten the lady." Ho replied, "No; I glvo you my word I will do no hurt." Lady Ilrowne gave him her purse and was going to add her watch, but he said, "I am much obliged to you. I wish you good nlghtl" Then ho pulled off his hat nnd rode away. "Well," wild I, "Lady Ilrowne, you will not be nfrald of being robbed an other time, for you see there Is noth- lug In It "Oh, hut I am!" sold she. "And now I am lu terrors lest he should return, for I havo given him a purse vritb my old bad money that I carrr on nur. pose." "Ho certainly will not open It direct ly," I said, "nnd nt worst ho can only wait for us nt our returu; but I will send my servant bnck for a horso and a blunderbuss," which I did. Strnlnlnic tho Ijnnguairc. An amusing liberty which a native of Muscle Shoals took with a word In our language comes out lu a storv told in the Now York Times. A man borrowed the nntlve's horso without stopping to nsk permission.-In the course-of a few days the aulm.il was returned, but tho native did not take a kindly view of tlie matter, nnd concluded to Imvo legal redress. Ho announced his intention of having the offender arrested. -wnnt will you have him arrested for? he wns asked. "For horse-stealing, of course." "How cau you make tiorse-steallnir out of It, when he returned the horso?" "Ain't It stealing If be brought Mm bnck?" 'I'm not a lawyer, but I don't see bow- It can be." "All right, thenj I'll havo 'Ira arrested; for usury." "I don'f seo how you can make usury out of It, cither." "Why, hang It all! he used Mm, didn't ho? Yes, sir, he used Mm three or four days, an' used Mm mighty hard, too, by tho looks of Mm." Chlcniro Analu. "Morrison has luvcuted a pad for wrupplng around the feet wheu ono has tho gout." "Theu ho should put It on tho market In Chicago." "And why?" "llccntiso thero are moro footnads thero than nnywhero else." When n mother calls her loys to set up lu tho morning, sho has so much sympathy for them that sho Mover calls good and loud till tho sixth, time, dUftlSUa 'vfeQtADLft FLY."" Modern Benefice Uapiatna nb w Worm jxvumH n runt A few yotra ago n queer worm Slscorcred in South America that ap parently niineu iiscu nnu oceatne a , plant, a stalk springing out of Its head. while tho body formed the root. Th ilory seemed io rank with tho wonder 'fill talcs of the fifteenth century, In ) which travelers assured their credulous listeners of a plant In Central Asia Tibet, to be exact which produced mall Iambs, which calmly proceeded to graze when they fell to tho earth from the branches. Theflfteenth century writers did not tell us whether these lambs grew on pen vines or on mint talks, but then medieval science wax rarely explicit. Modem science Is moro exacting, and when n traveler comes home with a story which Is a llttlo dif ficult to believe he Is icqulrcd to pro duce evidence. Over at the National Museum tho inquirer may be shown plenty of evidence In the shnpo of a box full of queer dried roots, with long stems, and these roots are In the form of worms, locusts nnd other small crea tures. Modern science goes further, however, and refuses to believe even what It sees. So when this apparently Indis putable evidence of animal life turned to vegetable was placed before It, science, still skeptical, got out her microscope and discovered that the plant that so mysteriously sprang from the head of the poor Insect wns nothing of natural growth from the creature Itself, but a fungus that sapped the life of its victim as It flourished Its branches of false pretense In the air, The seed of the fungus, which Is found the "world over, sometimes finds successful lodgment In or about the bead of sonic worm. It docs not kill at once, but tnkes root and sprouts, In shape not unlike a horn, to the great Inconvenience of the caterpillar. The born continues to grow, and the unhap py insect finds Itself less able to eat. It buries Itself In despair, pcrbnp: and the root, a veritable Jack the Giant Killer, waves' triumphant over bis vic tim. The horn grows to the surface and forms a bulbous seed-pod, which bursts to scatter further dread and mischief among Insect tribes. The root of the fungus, secure In the body of Its vic tim, Alls all the body, preserving the outlines, while absorbing the poor cat erplllar completely. Tho transformed worm Is now hard and dry, like a root. and Is a gennlne curiosity to look at. Nor are larvae the only forms this fungus attacks. The museum shows a common blnck wasp mud dauber which has the fatal stems growing from his bead, and a seventeen-year locust Is also anions the contents of this box of insect tragetlles. Cordyccps, or torrubla, to give this pirate his scientific name, Is found In bis largest size In New Zealand and China, beslcies South America, altbougl; he Is known In all countries nnd has rel atives In tho United States. The Agrl cultural Department some years ago tried to make blm and his extensive family of cousin-fungi, large and small. useful by setting them to destroying In sects Injurious to crops, but the attempt failed. Cordyceps refuses to be of serv ice to society; be Is a freebooter, and goes only ylere be will. In China cordyceps chlncsls is dug up bodily, branches and all, tied in bunches with red thread and sold ns a cure for throat diseases. Hut the Chi nese will use anything on earth as med icine, Insects especially, and to theui every man who searches for entomolog ical specimens Is n "medicine man." The first record made of this freak In any scientific- work Is In a letter of Dr. William Wat Bon, F. It. S., In the "Philo sophical Transactions," London, 1TC3. where he writes thus to the ttoynl So ciety concerning "The Vegetable Kiy:" "The vegetable fly Is found In the i Island of Dowilnlca and (excepting that It has no w'tags) resembles tho drone, both In size nnd color, more than any other Engllj Insect. In the month of Mny It buries Itself In the earth and begins to vegetate. By the latter end of July the trOe Is arrived at Its full growth and- ncscmblcs a coral branch, and Is about three Inches high, nnd bears several UtUe pods, which, drop ping off, bojome worms, nnd from thence flics like the English catcrpll lars." Dr.AvatsoB1, like a true slcentist, says a writer In the Washington Star, wns skeptical about the accuracy of these , observations, although It Is doubtful If I bo ever learned itic exact nature of this remarkable "fly." It was left for nlne tcentli century scientists to classify and label cordycqps and his large and Inter esting family, and so destroy another traveler a tale. The Uroakfltst Food Family. John Spratt 'will cat no fat, Nor will hd touch tbo lean. He acorna to oat of any meat; He Uvea upon Foodlne. Sut Mrs. Spnttt will none of that; Foodlne aim canuot eat. Her special iish is for a dish Of Bxpurgatted Wheat. To Wllllnnt Spratt that food la flat Oa which his mater dotes. Ills favorite .feed his special need Is Enta Elaapa Oats. But sister iM can't see how Will Can touch Mich tasteless food. As breakfast i tare It can't compare, She says, wflth Shredded Wood. Now, none of these T.enndcr please; He feeds udon Dath Mitts. While sister J kne Improves her brain With Cero-Cirapo-Orlts. Lycurgus vote!' for Father's Oats; Progglne appeals to May; Tho Junior Jo tin subsists upon Unecda II a j la Hay, Corrected Whaait for llttlo Pete; Flaked Pln for Dot; while "Hub," The Infant Stl ratt, is waxing fat ' On Battle ttrcek Near-Grub. Chicago TrU'mne. If n boy Is' good enough to help his mother with libe dishes, sho, should re ciprocate and ralso no objection If he Hhuta the do) irs nnd pulls down the curtains whlhi- engaged In doing It. If there Is rinythlne In the supersti tion that rh throwing brings good, luck, It Is a Tomler It Is not thrown , I utter tho heal eo at a funeral wona " 1 htve ken! Aver'a, Cherrv Pec toral In my house for a great many it is tne tost mea cine in the world (or coughs and colds." wiuitms, Attics, ti. y. ' All serious lung irouuius Dcgin witn a tickling In the throat. You can stop this at Brst in a single night with Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Use It also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, I and for coughs of all kinds. Ttru t ISc. ttc. V. All cnrtC- Connlt t"' riortor. If he titi Uk It, than d he ri. It h tell, yon not to uk It. th.n dWt Uke It. II knowi. Lnn It with Mm. w r wllunr. Not as Considerate as lie Might De. "He's a good friend of yours, ian't 1107" "Oh, only medium." "What do you morn by medium?" "Oh, he listens while I tell him all of my troabtos, but he also wants me I to listen while he tolls me all of bis." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of He Had It. "Yes; it's FuIIerton's hobby that advice is cheap and within tho reach of every porson." "What does he mean, anyhow?" "What ho says, I suppose. lie's a Rcmr.dentlal divorce lawyer." Pointer. The beggar had a notice np, "Deaf and Dumb," and tho passing philan thropist stopped in front of blm. "I'd like to glvo this man some thing," he said, to his companion, "but how am I to know be is deaf and dumb? "Head tbo notice," wh leper ed the beggar cautiously. Chama. The best way to cure indigextlon is to remove its camo. This is best done by tho prompt u;e of Dr. Angutt Koenig's Hamburg Drops, which rcgu lato the stomach in an effectual man ner. (Jetting Dack. "Do you enjoy walking?" "Immensely." "Good. Then I'll take you for a ride in the country in my automobile." PIso'a Cure 1) rood couch medicine. It has cured cuiirhs and colds for forty years. At druggists, 25 cents. No dive Away. Father No, Johnnie, yon can't have another piece of pie. Son O, pleaeo. papal I won't tell mamma, honest! Detroit Free Frees. rlTQ PenDancunr curen Ko flu or otmataee I I I O after tint -W. ttftof Pr. K11b'i Grrat Nf m Satortr. SrndrorFUEBS-i-OOtrlalbottUandtrat, tea. Dm.CaKUKLUJ-Mli.rch3urMl4tlphi,I1 Puzzled. A tiny little city boy on a visit to his grandmother in the country saw her plucking a ben. lie looked into her face and said: "Do you take off their clothes every night, grandma?" HOWS TUIST We offer Ona nnndredDollarirtim'aMrn. Case o I Cattarrh that can not tie cored by HaUl Catarrh Cure. r. J. uuENEV&co.,Frop., Toledo, O. We thetinderilcniKl.hivaknnwn P.J rh... for the past JSrean, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bmtnels tramatfon. fin ancially- able to carry out anr obligations made vj mcir una. IVKCTCC lauax. Wholesale Drugging, Toledo, ... Wholesale Druggliu, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ti takeulnteraallj-.ectlng-airectly on the bloud and inueoui inrlteeeol theiritem. Price 76c per bottle. Bold brail drugzliti. Tcatltnonlali free. Hall's Family Pllli are the best. An Unfailing Sign. She I knew you would propose to me tonight. He Why? "I saw the moon over my left shoul der." Life. 00000000000000000000000000 ST. JACOBS POSITIVELY CURES Rhcumalism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND PAIN. ooooooecoooooooooooooooooo PAINLESS OIL CONQUER The dUcorery ot new agenti and new methods ot adnilnUterlng the old ageuta uiedln djntlitry for ellmluatlng pain, hai revolutionized practice. 1'Al.NLt.HH PKNTIBTRY trtthuili not an expert uieut, but an al soluto cei'talrity, aa hundreds can tetllly. Don't you lake aiiyrlika. Wo guarantee "NO FAIN." Koth 'phoneti Oregon South 'J2tl; Columbia m. Onn erenlugi till II Bundaya from 0 to li. WISE BROS., Dentists. VOUTI.ANO. JOHN POOL!. PORTLAND, ORU. i wi vi ..ittrnion Birif l est jrtre you tho twit Ujaalni In pollers anil Enrlnea. Windmill. rTuni An J Aeite ralMachltK" ..,,J -nwiae" M. Mntt a specialty, me us belore Miring-, Whether ' yen am Mha win the no aviiij r .el vn4i iiaa or ij) not, we wa to in a ii T ih" umiiu if) otj MONOPOLH otjtj S V. Wa euaranlM them letter thAn inv W . other kind. You can nt I hem (ram IT your dealer. a Wrd ami & Kerr Hro., Portland Or. 9 1 Uim S5) SS)i dKJS'3xIiM)I Costs You Nothing TrteMrh cold roil t enmihtn ror hothlnr, tin nmuli. You ran kp 11 If roa wnl n, hot on mii t rid or It tjr n.ini ),,, t l "h Ilrnpi. Kr.p liOk In th hotlM, mT iMte niet, !ki nw, n m. uu, or honrjr mt m.nlh.,1. K t.t a bol. IMdbr all ariiKliu ami mi. !-tlotieni. Twi bniM a-nt by mall tmipat,! on ri-ctlpi of loc la atamp. Pacific Coast Dlscult Co. Portland, Ore, , r THE BEST mimooF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD BEAR 77113 TPADE MASK TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES ON SALE WERTWHEUt ' caMiocvstntte 3MOWIN6'rUUL UNtCf QARMENTA ANn mataI A.J.TO'ER CO..BOSTON.MASA, .1 If roa lure n't a rttrsUr. beaUhy morement of th4 Dowel ererr dr. you'ro elcfcor will tw. Kmp foot bowel opeo, and be well tore. In ttwibspeof TloleQt nbjalo or pill poison. I tJD erona. Thai lanootbeit. euleib most perfect way ol k9tng Um ton tl clear and clfwta U to us PlM.tt.nt. PAlstahlA. Pntpnt Tfjnv1 TViT Werer Hlckan, Weaken. ct Grtp,lOo, fiOo WrUj tor free same, aod booklet on bealtn. Address lUrilaff Bs4 tafi7. CUut. Ittftl, VwIrtU tSU KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN CLHta WHttit Ail tliif FAILS. Best CaTogb Syrup Tte Ooul. 1 Pr) In tlms. Sold bra rueclitt. 11 11 Proved by Its Loss. Church How do yon snow your wife has got a temper? Gotham Becaure she lost It today. CURITY, Genuine arter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Facsimile Wrapper Below. Terr email and aa easy to take as angut CARTER'S FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS ran BiLiousHESs. FOB TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. IITTLE. IVER PILLS. FOR THE COMPLEXION p l . OBmmVal MUTMVl)OllATVMt. jt i emu I rarely Teire tail &:-ik& 53-tl03. WI115N iTrltlng- to mlrertliere pleaaa inentloa tills paper. DENTISTRY S08, 209,!l". '-'11,31-' -'H 1 "if llldf, ' or. TUM and Wanhlnaton ats. ... m Jp CATHARTIC fefc. tmadi mum ufoitmmo r . . 11)1 .m. j i .tajiim. si B aamaaaaaaaasaaaMaaassss CURE SICK HEADACHE. V V. X. U. No 1 OllUQUN.