Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 19, 1902, Image 8

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,' , United States Lami Office,
' IWaeburtf. Oregon. Sent. 24. 1008.
Notice If hereby given t lint In compll
NOTICE tOll PUlll.lCA'
United States Land OIHee,
Knaclmnf. Ommn. Oct.. I). 1002.
Notictf I hereby given that In oomplb
NOT1U1. tXJll
nnro with tho provlaiona of tlio net of ' mice with tliu provisions of tho nctol
OonurcM of Juno 3. 1S78. entitled "An
net lor the salo ot timber lamia in tlio
United States Until Olllce,
Koaeblirn, Oregon. Oct V. 1002.
Notice la hereby given that in com-iillniu-cwlth
tho-provlslona, i( the nut ol
Congress of June it, 1878. entitled "An
net (or the side of tliuher lands In the
States of Ciilifornln, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Toirilorv," as oxte ded to
nil thi' Public l-ainl Stale liv net of An
Hjfu s.
New backgrounds and ncccs-
Best Lenses nnd Cameras,
Portland. Nothing
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. West
Hide, Cottage Grove.
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
net for the aalo of limber land In the
State of California, Oregon, Nevada. , Stntes otCllforiiiit, Oregon, Nevada and
nml Washington Ti rritory, 'na extended Washington TYrrltorv, na extended tu
to nil the I'lilillc I-iikI Slale by net of all the Public Laud Slates bv actof An-
Augiiet4, l. William I.. Find homo, of trust 4. Martha V. Klng.otCrv swell, giisi 4. 8l2. Inln U. Hond. of Ku
Portland Count v of MiiIuioiiihIi Stale of County ol l.aiic, State of Oregon, Bene. Omiiitv el Imwv, State of Oregon
vtrrguu uai urn v ' on una uav men in ttiiauiiico ins aworn una tins uav moil In thlaoltleo ner aworn
tills ottlcv nt cTrani siaicn.em ,o. , statement .No. 3tn . tor the putchnso ol statement. No,
3M2, for iliepureliaHrutthc Finrtlonal the XS Sli't A N't SV ofSoetton No. St XK A r
HWli of Section Xi. 2ulii TowntliluSl., 2 Tow nship 3d South, of Kajjge 2 H'wl, Townsliln 3:1
Small, of Kange 8 Wnf, and will oiler- nml will irw proof to chow that tholand will offer ixwf to show Hint the Innd
pioof toahow that thelnnd sought is more! sought la more valuable for ita timber or sought I more, vnlunblo for Ita timber or
limine tor ua iimoer or atone man icr ; siono man lor agricultural purposc,niui atone than for agricultural purposes, and
agnctiiiuini iur(ai-n.-s. aim iu t-sini.usn iu enatMisai oia claim lo saio. mnu ucioru
ini elmm t said land lnr the He- Marie I. Wnre, V8 Cummlloncr nt
ister nnd Kwiver of this olllce at Kost- Kugene, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
Permanent Cure
but first-class ' '""V. Orevon. on Momlny, thetfth dnyof ,11m. tuy of !)., HK2
Dnix UalnTQw,
llimut Khin,
Vnlll Whim lml OBVcr,
Hiwcbari;. Ore . lMolr2, mt.
Nullre li hereby glTtn that In eomplUnr
Htththr proTttlnn of h art of nwuffwui
Jun J. tt?. osiiUed "An AM tor
IheMleof TlmWr LaihU In the Stl otCntl
fornla, OrvgiHi. Nevada, an.l VahtnKton 1r
rtrr. a exiendM to all the labile ImuA
Slain bj act ot Attgutl 4. laM. Frank I).
WhwJor, of Collage Grove Co of Lane, iNaleot
Orvon. haa till lay nle.1 In thli oflVee hi
euorn auiement No, for the imrvhave t
ihSK V, .if Aw-ikin Nn . Tonnihfii ItSimlh.
T-, j : . l rt-- InrKanpe 5 Wert aud will offer imH.f to ahow
Paid f) Capital, $25,OO0.0O ibatibe land aouiiht la more finable for Ita
ilmtier or atone than for arrtealtural pnrpos
The "First National Bank
Mr.. 11XB.
Henry C l'rmlhome, Janm S. Tyr
rell, l-ydia C. Tyrrell, nnd George
McClintock nil of rortlnod, Oregon.
Any nnd all ersona clniming ndvera
ly the abora doecrilied Unils are r :
l'uetel to file thflr claim! in thil office
on or More eahl Stli dny ot Mar , IPOS
J. T. Hrhmks, Regiater.
Money tn loan on approved eetirity.
Kxclunges h11, nvnilnble nnv ,luce
n thoUnlte.1 Stnlea
visit OR. JORDAN'S
HMa &UU u4 limiij
In lb WorkL
mmiferWilvUarWittora. 3
M'enkna'aaea.oranjeontraet. .
ed dbease(rIUTl7rairedbr 0
the oldl bpeeUJbs oa the radfle
Uouu KitablUiedtarean, f
tuaf tae and mMdle '
arvd men wha ara fciirrirln
frun, Iha Hrrt, of routhful ludw- r
crriania or 'af . i malurar j
raata. Kr',ii..iidri;nH lrblllty,lm- f
IHiienv.. lc llNHHUUll UimII lucoBiplI- .
,.itli; NeritiNl..rrt.feM, lr.lnltir- $
rhfen. UwiiwrrllfTM, ilret. I'rninfMi)
f t flnnf nr. ele. Il n t'oa.bliiatlna of
rr i ,,( k cflrili. . it. Mm- Doctor r
J- i iila tr. ..inti t llial It wtl. Mot A
iii'i k r . 1 Mt'oi dlnta n it, f, but oermaiient r
r n In.- huitur dtwa li'il efaJtit lufvrfarM a
mil irl, hut la well lih-irn tn b a (Mir and
and lo etblth bt HmLmi to ald land before
Marie U uate. I . 9. i omnlaaioner at hunene,
Oreiron.on11iurdaTthe tMhdar ol January,
lie naiaeaaa wltneaaef
J. F.. Youflit. F. R l hilli. Kllla Koblnaon.
Jon lalner, of Cotlaaoi. oe. Lane Co . Ore.
Anramt all portom clatmlniE adverse tr t be
atpave deeeribed Ululi are requeteH to Ale
their Hatua In lata ofnve on or aofote aal.l 164h
lav of JaBoarjr r.V
T. Hmihib. HwHter.
He imiuea as witnesjea
Inln II. Iloml. of Knceiie. Iino Co..
Ore., Jnmea llotriimu, of Kngene, Iwino
Lo., vlie., hiuinn t-nltinmn, ol Urea
, well, lino Co , Ore., Jnmea X, Handle,
ol falriiHMint, li ne Lo., tire.
, Any nnd all permma eliiimlng ndverae
iv the Mliove-tlwriKil Inmla nre
iiio?tiil to Hie their elniina tn Ihla olliiv
inn or ueloru anul Xl,i ilnv ol Deo., Wrj.
J. T. llHIlHiKa, Kegiater.
Unltinl Stntes Ijiml Ullitv,
Koaebiinr. Ortvon. tV-t.. 10. lOttt.
Notice ia hereby given that In omipli-am-e
with the proviaiona of the net of
Uongreaa ol June a. is,!. entllKM an
act for the ante of timber Innda in the
States of California. Oregon. Nevada
ami VitahitigtonTerritory,"na extendi!
to nil the I'll III ic ltnil Mutes hv nett'
Angiial 4. 18112. Ilenrv M. Vil.n of Ku
geiieConntv of Umo, State of Oregon ha
this dav tiled in tlna olliee bin tmorii
ctjitmiu'iit No. 3tl34, for the inirehaaeot
tlie . 4 ail X
of bee. No. 12, Township 23 South, of
liango 2 West, unit will offer proof to
aoow mm ine mnu fongiii la more
vuliiuble for Ita ti in tier or atone than for
MgriciHtuml ptirtioses, and lo eetubhsh
Ida cliiin to saiil land before Mario I.
Ware, l;. H. Coniniiseioner at Ku
gen.., Oiegon, on Wednesday tlio 7tli dav
of Jail, WX.
He muoa na witnesses :
JaintH X Itandle, of Knirmotmt. Oie
in and Kii'
Ui iila "O... 'i 2larn of lrn. Q
. ntvi' tl.tirmv1 If emiltr red frwa a
I tiia nvatetn i i'out tin liv rif JJe, rur.. A
Tt-tiaara r"i if Iivib Kvnrt. ftnrflr.1
I eitr for Uii.liir. A quirk an,1 raNelerd i
' l"llra KlKkiir ai.,1 FUInli,bT
, Dr. J .t'Lui'a "peiat jlnti inetbntla. A
l. y:ix M.1N aiinliltictaoaaUJreeejTa'
lonr. n'-attioii.i'i.iif Jilacnti plaint. A
nil .r. in a IVblTiriS CU2X b w
A m. v.- M- - e a,i ,,ttkr
f t i iu i n I III- K andatr
en irui:s mitr siuse
B Trvuimenioeranaallv or by
write fur nnnk. Mm.
United sutw IjihiI Otllee,
KosolMirg, Ore , Nov. 10, 1902.
, Xotire is herobr eiveu that in etvmnli- '
anee Willi tlie provision ot the act oi James Hoffman, Annie Wilson, of Ku
Congreea of Juim S, 1S7.S entitleil "An glie, Oih., Aiisllii Hoot, of Springlletd
Art for the aale of I inilaw Ijuxla in the uresou.
States of California, Oregon, Nenwla, Any ami all jwtmmm elaliiiiiig adverse-
i anil WaahingtnN Territorv,,' aaextetMletl y tlio uia)venerribel lamia are re
load the l'nblie IjihI Stntw by aet of j qmMed to tile their claims in this office
Augu-t 4, INK, Nila llhlisofi Koe, ol i " or oure hhi .hi iiav w Jan., imo.
i Eugene. County of Lane, Slate of j J. T. Uhiimjks. Kegiater.
I Oregon Iihs thia day tiled in this office
I hla sworn statement .u. HvSs, tor the
inirohase of the X K '4 . of Section No. 34,
Tow nship22 South, of ltance 1 W and will
( offer proof to show that the land mnglit
j la more valuable for its timber or atone
I than for agricultural purpoeen nnd to es
tablish hi claim tu aani land before
! Marie I Ware, U. S. CoiiunliMiuner at
I Kngene Oregon, on Saturdnv the 14th
day of Feb., 1908.
He name aa witneaee
trlrtly rrirata.
teller. i
.ooimr nis '
IfAliniAflL. ll.iunriu fa vn&Ki i
boolctormen.) Caller wrlta
I'llitLSl StHtOH I-IIIIll Olllce.
Uoliirjr. Ore., Oct. 2:, 1002.
Xotkf In lHtvby K'ven tlint In coin
plliuiee with the proviHtoiiM of tlie
Act of f 'oiiKiveet tif .Tune :t. ls"s. en
titled "An Act for the mile of TIihIkt
Iannis lu thf Stilted tif CnlifiirnlH.
Orcuou, Neviidii nml WiihIiIiikUiii
T......I.....' .. ... .. ..11 t...
, , ,, , , l i sc-t.i,., ,, n c ivii.ifr,! . fill inir
Mary Amlereon. Matt Anderaon, of hti- 4 w. rnrriah. id .lef-
igene. iiv8to.,t)re. fervon. Ctiuntv of Marion. State of
AnyainUllrwiiBc aiiiiintfadveree- 0 ,lllM v , , ,
,iy the abovelewribe,! I.fl are re- oin wtutmnent No. .1727
uiieelod to file heir .cIiim it i this otflc for tlle ,,llrcImKe of tho L()tH
.ii nv.c " '"";" "i n, .), li it 7 of Section No,
to catablialt her claim to said hind before
Marie L. Want, U a Commlaaioner nt
hitgene, Or'ton. on Wcdneaday the Dial
nay ol iH-c., lltni.
tihei tiatrrni&awltneaaca:
l.'i.n,,.. V U.ill. M...II,,. v kl..
of Cix-awell. Oregon, .inmea X Itnudlu o
Kalinionnt, Ore, Jnmea Hoffman, ot
hugetie, Ore.
Any nnd all (wraona claiming ndverae
Iv the iilHivo-dcscrilxil Inmla nre !
iMid lo Die their claliua lu this, office
hi or ovtoro anitt .list unv oi iitv., lltrj.
.1. T. llminiKs, Itcglater.
XOriCK KOK 1'1'ltliICATlOX.
United Slates Uind Otllce.
Uoaebnrg, Oregon. Oct. 10. 1002.
Notice la hereby given that in com
(dlanra with the provlaiona of the net of
Axinureaaoi juinj;i, i, eniiueti .n
act for tho sale of timber land lu the
c. ..r ,..n(.....t.. i. v....n.i..
i mill? Ill VIIIIIVll llltl. M1 kwii. . villi, ll.
nnd Wnahlngton Territory," aaextended
to illltlie rublicljinil Slates by act of An-
uust 4. 1802. Ann o Wilson, of Ku
gene, County of Lane, Stale ol Oregon,
haa tfita ilav tiled In this nHlce hiaauorn
atalwucnt No. 3033, for the purchase of
theWSK 1-4 awl-4 oi evtlou
.No. 12 lownaliip 2il, Soulli, oi liaugc it
West a ml will offer proof to show that the
laud acught i more valuable for Ita
timber or atone than for agricultural
mrpoacs, ami to establish his claim In
ure . arte I. Wnre. V. a. Commissioner
at Kngene, I.ane Co. Ore , on Wodnoa-
dav the 71 It unv oi January, iajK.
lie lumen a witneeaea :
James, X. Itiuullc. of Kairmoitnt Ore
gon, Austin UimtjOtapringfield, Oregon
James iioiiiuan, ol I'.ugcne, nregou
Henry M. t ilfon, of Kngene, Oregon.
Ani ami all iierawia claiming adverse
Iv the alovessleertueH lamia ate re-
oueateil to file thMr eJniws in ibis olliee
on or liefore mkl "ill day ul Jan., llHW.
J. I. llmiRiaw. Jtesiater.
.1091 Maraat(t.a.r.
J. T, liaiDOB. Itegietor.
fnlleil Elatea Laud OrBee,
Kowburir, Ore., , tMH.
Notice la hereby given lhat in rwrnpllaiiee
with the nrorUlona of the aet of Cooereaa of
June 3. 18)8. entitled "An Aet for the aaleof
Timber Lamli In the Vlateaof California, Ore.
gon, NeTada and Wanhttiftton Terr1lorjr,M a
extended to all the PuWie l-aml Ha tea by aet
of Auguit 4, lsfi Ada Isella, of Kngene,
County of Lane, State of Oregon, haa thta
day fifed In thla olliee her iwom autemeut No
aooS. for the purchate of the Nt! W
of gorilon No. 14, Townahip a fouUi, of
Itarige t Vt and will offer proof to ahow
thai the land sought l more raluable for Ita
timber or atone than for Aarleultund prarposea
and lo establlab bla via I m to aald land before
Marls I. Ware, U H ('onmlaiifltiar at Kngene.
llrprnnnriMiiniUclh lAk it.r n( Pah VCkal
nape aa wltneaaea: I
Jniuea N. Handle, of Falrinonnt. Ore, Aoatln I
r.mii, .if HprlngfleW, Ore., Eliiabeih uwkey,
1 ula H. Bond, ul Kngene. Ore.
Any and ail pereon claiming adversely tbe .
abiiv,- ileaeribod land" are reqneated to ale )
their slalmi in thli ofbee on or before aald 14th ,
day uf February, 1908.
J. T. HRinosa. lleslMer.
UnTiedSuteii ihdliiTricF;
Koseburg. Ore., Nov. 13, 1902.
1 30, Towtinhln 23 .South of ltdiiRU 1
j Went and will offer proof to hIiow
I that the laud nought U more valu
nlrle for itr) timber or xtone than for
i iiurieimurm iuqrts-e,-',.i,iO-e,tn"-!- iinaio- -iiuijaiiv. aiav au
j Ilslt lit- clulm to snhl lnnil More
v..i.- i- t,T... i,.B .Knf In .vninll- i:iirie la. v nre, L . .1. tOllltllllSHlOlier,
Uuileil Staleri Laiul office,
Koseburg, Ore.. Nov. tt, 1WXK.
Notice is heieibv giten llial in eom-
pliance with tho provisions of the act of
( ongreao of Jiiue.1, 1S78, entitleil "An
Act for the aale of Timber IjiihIs in the
;ttes of California. Oregon. Nevada.
and Washington Territory ," na extended
loan the l'ollie iand stntes by aut ol
August 4, 1S92, Ambrose I.. Woodard of
Cottage tlrove.Countv of Ijine. Slate of
Oregon haa this day in thiaoffice his
sworn statement No. 34, for the pur
chase of the W W of Sec. No. 20,
Townahili 21 South, of llnnge 3 West
mid will offer proof to ahow that the
lami sought is more vainauie lor ita
limber or atone than for agricultural
nuriKwes. and to establish hia claim to
gaid land before tho Kegialer and lie
eeiver of tliisotllce at Kwebitrg, Ore. on
Friday the22nd day of May, I'.HW.
neiiHiiicofla witneaeea:
Asthmalcne Brine , Imtant Relief
In alt Cases.
Tlvrtia nothing like Astliniiilcne. ll biinga
Inalatil lellel, even In the wolsl vans. Iieiuta
when all else bills
)The UP, C. F.WI.I.I.S of Villa lildge, III..
My: "Yourtilnl bottle of Aalhtiinlciui lecelvcd
In good condition . 1 cannot tell von how thank
ful 1 feel for the good derived from II. 1 wua a
alave. chained wlih putrid tore, tin oat iliidiiatliimi
tor It n year. 1 deaialttvil td ever being em I'd.. I
saw your ndveltlreiiieul for Iha ettie of tills
ilicmlful mid toriueiillng disease, aalhmn, and
thought you hadoveisKikcu oiirscll, but resolved
logivo it a trial. Toinv aiirnriae the tilalncled
Jllkea ehaiiii. Send men fulbalitnl bottle."
A e want to send lo everv aulTerer a li lid treatment of Aallimaleiie.
similar to the one Hint cnnil Mr. Wells. We'll send It by mail TOST.
PAID. Absolutely Frt-o of Charge, to auv aufferer who will wrllo for
It, even on a portal, Never mind, though you nre despairing, however
had youreasv, Aatliinaleue will ivlleveiiuilenre. Tliu worse vourcaao
thu moro glad we are to send It. Do hot delav. Write nt once, ml.
drtalng nit. TA FT I1KOS." MFDICIXK CO., 70 Knst KlOlh Ht., a
N. Y. City. Sold by all Druggist. A
$ ", liTTCk'"
P I """if!
Ullileil Stales Umd Offlc
United Stales lain. I Ollliv,
ItiMohurg Ore., O it. II. UK.
Notice la hereby given llial in coin
Idlulice with the provisions of the net of
Congress of June 3.188 emilliM "An
act lor the aaleof timber lands in thu
Stales of California, Oiegou, Nevndii,
mid Washington Territory." na extended
tonll the I'ubllc Uiml shuh, hv net of
Atiguat 4, 1892. I'eler iiiirkbail, f. ..i f.i.i
I 11101,1111:1. vimilir Ul 1 lllllin-'Hii. n u 1
1' hum in una 'gon, una thla day hum iu tills olliee her
it No. 30K8. for aworn atatemciit Xo. 3022. for tlie 1111
01 w . H 14 01 Chun' ot thi'S'4 S 1-1 A SV 1-4 Si; 1-1
lti.-'biirg. Ore Oct. 1). IIH):
Notice la hereliy given thai In com
pliance witn tlie provisions ol the act ol
Congress of June 3, IhTH, entitled 'An
act for the aalo of liinlici lamia in the
Slides 01 I iillloiiiia, Oiegon, .Nevada,
ami Washington leirtlory, na ex
tcndcil lo nil llie I'lilillc IjiiiiI Hlatea lie
I net of August 4, 1802. tlnrrie M. Hovey
I of Kugcne, County of Line, Stuteol Or'
of Wla.. has thla day
nlliee bis s'Aoriastateincn
the nurchase
Section Xo. Ill, Township 20 South, of 1 ol Section Xo. 12 III Tn 20 s. Itaime
ItangiiO West and will offer iiriKif to West, mid will offer proof to show Ilia
how Unit the land sought a more
valuable for ita timber or st- ue than or
agricultural purposes, nml ,0 establish
ma ciaiiii 10 emu lauo tH'ioio llie iicg
islerand Iteeeiverof Una olliee at Itoee
burg, Oregon, on Thursday the 2illh dny
1 i-en., llJ.
He ;iaines as witnesses:
William Mtwre ltieliirg. Ore.. Nick
Moore, Walton Ore., Sun Carpenter,
f Sulpher Springs, Ore., leter A.
Dureli, of Kostdnirg Ore.
Any and all oetsons elaiiiiiiiin.lierae.
ly the alsiveileai'rilnnl lauds ate re-
the land sought ia nunc valuable for ita
timber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, and In e-Ublish her claim lo
: mid 'and iK'fore Marie l Wine, V. S
Commlaaioner at Kngene, (begun,
1 011 .Monday, llieoth day of Jan , UK".
I She naines as.w linesies :
Herman T. Dow, Collage liiove. Ore,
AlK'rl 0. Hnuty, ol Kugcne, Die., Joa
eph selilce. Joecph K. Young, jf Col
j luge tiiove. Ore.
1 Any nod all persona claiming ad-
versely the alrove-ileavnlHM lands ate
imiiici,hI to Hie their claims In Hits
-Heeled lo rile their claims in this olllce lollke on or Ufoie aald ftth ilav of Jan.,
on or before, said 20 day of Feb., 190ft. i 90R.
J. I. Hhiihiks, llegirler
J. T. IIhiihik. Iteglalcr.
Unlte.1 state Un.l Olllce,
lio-eburg. Ore., Oct. 0. 1102.
Notice i hereby given that 111 coin-
lilianee with the ptovialona of tho net of
Congress of June 3, ln78, juititled ".mi
net foi the aale of timlier lands in the
Slates of California. Oietiou. Nevada.
and Washington," naextemleil tonll the
Public I .and States hv act of August 4,
lath!. Kmiiia N. Sallxman. ofCreaHell.
Countv of lane, State ol Oregon, haa
this day riled iu this office her suorit
statement No. 3019, for llie purchase ol
the S ), Si: 1-4 AS J, SW 1-4 of Seetiou
No. 2, Townshiii 23 South, of Kauge 2
West, and "ill offer proof to sIiom
thai the lain! sought ia more valuable
for iia timlair or atone than for agri
cultural purposea, and lu establish her
claim 10 salt! laial iieiore .Marie 1,. w are
NOTICK 1011 l'l'lll.ICATION.
I'liited Stale. Uud OIIW.
Koavbiirg. Oe., Nov. Atli. 1902.
Notice is licrehv given that in eom
pi la lice itb the prnvielnlt of tlle act of
I ongreaa of .lime 3. l7, entitled "Ai
net for the sale ol iiniU'i 1 .1 lata 111 I he
Mat' of Lnlifoi ma, Oregon, Xevnda and
Washington Ten itory," as extended lo
all the Public Liml Stale by act of Au
gust 1, 1MI2, Hlaine II. Ilovev, of Ktigene,
County of line. State of Oiegon, baa
una nay men 111 una ollleo Iila aworn
statement No. 31. for the puruhaae ol
the NW I 4 ol -cetlon Xo. II iu Towii
ehip Xo. 2.; 1. Kauge No. 8 W. and will
oiler piiMil to slmw thai thu land sought
la more valuable for ita timber or atone
than for agricliitural punas, and In
esianiisn 111a claim 10 sain lanil belon
Unlteil StatoH IjiiiiI Offkv,
Koheliurg:, Oru., , 1002.
Notice Iri linriliv Ldven tlint In crirn
idlulice with the imvluiiiin .iftiw. vorly the alx)veil8toril)eil Inndeare 10
of CoiiKivxH of Juno 3, 1878, eiititleil ! l"terl to Ml tlifir claimu in this office
Ail act Inr the mile of timber Inmla 0,1 ur e're guiu tun uay 01 reu., ivua.
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congreseof June 3, 1878. entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Land-: in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," aa ex
tended to all the Public Land States, by
act of August 4, 1S92, .fames W. Seavey,
of Kngene, Co. of l-ane, State of Ore
gon has thin day filed in thla office his
sworn statement No. 8042, for the put -uhaaeof
the WJ4W l-2of Section No. 32
in Township 23 South, of Range 1 Watt
and will offer proof to show that the
land aooght ia more valuable for ita
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to eatablieli hia claim to
aald land before Marie 1.. Ware, U. S.
Commissioner at Eugene, Lane Co. Ore
gon, on Wedmodav the 11th day of Feb.
lie namea aa witneaeea:
Austin Koot, of Springfield, Lane Co.,
Ore , James Ba:idle,of Falrniount, Lane
Co., Ore., John Seavey, Jeaee Seavey, of
Kngene, I-ano Co., Oregon.
Any and all perrons claiming ad
111 tuehtatcH of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and WaHlilngrton Territory," '
ioi exiuiiueti 10 1111 wo. i'ubllc Laud
States by act of AltKiiat 4. 1802,
.liilni Crowley, of Kusviie, Countv j
of Lane, State of Oreiiou nan thin
day filed In this office hlHNwriru Htato-
liiiiiKiEa Kegiater.
Uniteil StateB Land Office,
Koeeburg. .Ore., Nov. 10, 1902.
Notice ia hereby niven that in com-
' lilianee with the proviajon of the act of
SKknfSeeNo (1 Twii S uf itiiiur,. I --'ugreaa 01 .nine .1, jois, eniuieu --.n
2 uCr . , i v. V:' "I !i?" I -or tlie ale of timlyer landa in the
fur ,i.Kri,,itnri .... vi an me ru oi ic ijitxi Mates uy actot
jnetit No.:iU77, for the purehune of the!
I...IM 12 & 13 & NK HWy. Si NW H
tabllah Ills claim to mild laud lH-foro
i August 4, 1802, Alice M, Croner, of
uouniy oi Jaane, stale ol
Ainric i. uiim i k riiiiiiiiuui,,.ia...i ' '"b"''
Kukoiio. Oreson. on Wedneailav the 1 , " ".' . ,Ia'."lSl 0,"ce
10th .lay t.f TW. V.m. ' her aworn atnU-mont No. 302? for the
He iiaineH uk w-ltneMa. ,,: G"rc'!i'.k,,T0, ,,,e. U I'H?' Beotli"'
William Vaiii? Vanjtoi- rV;.2i",1To.l1,"i '''' f.B' H,4nea
.len,Zeiioi:Bil,off,lt,Keiroy..fc..'a",a wllr l)roof ,ow. tl'.'"
Alla-rt Andera in. of 1 joiviiil On-tr.7i llu,,,, Ht3'K't ' '."ore valuable for Hi
at tiiiKcne, Oroiion on Monday the
12th day of January, 1903.
He iiauii'H na wltnesstti:
N. H. ilartln, of Cottaiio Grove
Lane Co., Ore., Ora WIIkoii, of En
irunc. Lane Co.. Ore., J. W. Houck
of CottaKt; Orove, Initio Co., Ore., It,
S. Huston, of Kiij-X'lie, I-ane Co. Ore
Any and all iaTHona clnlinlnir ail
vuraely tho aboviMlescrlla'd IiuiiIh are
n-iueHtvd to file their claims; In thla
olliee on or la'fore mild 12tlt dav tif
January, 1003.
J. T. Hhioobh, KejjlHter.
notuJiTkok I'i'BLlcAfTotr
Unlle.1 stalea Land OfBee.
Itneeburi. Ore. til. llaU
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
Hiththe prorliloni of the act of ConKreea of
JnneS, 1H7S, entitleil "An art for the aaleof
timber landa In the state of California. Oregon.
Nerada and Waihlncrton Territory." aa ex
tended to all the llibllplanil state bract of
Angott 4. isvj, (.nariea w Lsiwe, ot r.ugene.
Coontr of fjine. Htate of Oreaon. haa Ihla
day filed In thla office hia aworn euteinent No
arse, tor tne purenaaeot ine ivte 11, ao, vi ataoi
esae. noein lownenip mbb, naogo .101 r,
and wilt offer proof to ahow that the land
soQKht la more valuable for Ita Umber or atone
than fur agrieultnral purpoeea, and to eatab-4
Ilah hia claim to aald land before Marie L
Ware r. S. Oomrnlaafoner at Eugene, Ore
gon, on Monday, the 6th day of April. I'JUfl.
Henameaaa witnaaaea:
N. II. Martin, J. W. i'arrl.h, John I). Palmer,
J. K. xoung. ol cottage orore. uneco., ore-
Any and allpereoiia claiming adversely the
abme-deacrlbed landa are requeiitei) to file
theirolatmaln thla offiee on or before aald etb
day ol April, 1KB.
J T Bbipgh. Ilegltler
ilvilil. Onirim
Any. and all peraoiiK elaliuitiK ad
I timlier or alone than for agricultura
versele the nl.i.v.w.W.HII i..,iu ' purnoaea, ami w (XIBOIiail ner Claim If
reiiuiritedlo filu their clainiH In thla
office on or before aald 10th day of
j'en.. itnui.
. J. T. IIiii'.kiksj, lte:lHtcr.
TTiillwl Stnton lind Ofllco,
KoHoburo;, Orw., til, 1902.
Notice la hereby ltlveil that In crnn,
pllinu'c wltli tho prov IhIdum of tho act
oi t oiifrrvHH oi .nine ;i, jntn, entitled
"An act for tho aaleof timber landa
In the Stiitea of California. Oregon,
iovauii. nun n usiunujii Territory,"
aa extended tonll the I'ubllc I.ninl
Htntea by act of Antrum 4. 1802. Ullra
Irotli Ijtckoy, of Uuiane, Cajuntv of
Lailo, Statu of Oru., haa thlx'tlny
filed In thla ollleo lief aworn tato
inent No. 3970, forthe pni'cliaHo of the
KW K or section Mi. s Towimhlp
No. St 8, ItanffO 1 and will offer
proof to allow that thu laud
HtniKlit la moro valuable for Ita
timber or atone than for agricultural
piu poHCH. mid to catabllali her claim
tfl Hiuil mini oeioru .iiano u. ware,
XT. s. CominlsHlouer at Eugene,
Oregon, on Monday, tlio lfltli day
if l-'eli.. 1003.
Kite nnmcHnH vltiieaw.'H:
Jiiinva N. Handle, of ralrniotint.Oiu,
Aoatln Itoot. of Springfield, Ore.,
Ada Sella, lula 11. Iloud, of KiiKene,
Ora. ...
Any anil nil iverHoiiH ciaimniK an
TorHelv tho abovo-dcacrllieil landa are
requeatod to flic their clnlma In tula
ofllct on or before anld Itlth day of
J. T. Hmnnits, Keater.
sHid laud liefore Marie U wnre, U
S. Cuminiaaioner at Kngene, Ore
gon, on Saturday, the 14lh, day of Feb,
She namea na wjtnoeeefi:
Martin Haaironaon. Tdutt Anderson.
Nlla Hanson Koe, Mary Andergon, of .dav ofAt.rli.i9ut. J t. naiboaa.lteglioir.
II r rt .
r.iigeiie, i.ane ivo,, uio.
Any and nil iierttona claiming adverse
ly the nbove-decrited landa nre io
queateil to file their clniina In this office
on or before aald 14tl day ol Feb., 1003.
United aisles Land OfHce.
HoMburr. Ore.. th. 11102.
- Kotleela hereby given lhat In compliance
wnn tee provikioo, 11 ine act oi i ongreea oi
Junes, law, entitleil "An act for the sale of
timber landa lu the Mates of Calllorula, Ore
gon. Xevada, and WfMblngUmTqfritorr," aex
tended to all tin' I'ubllc Lain! flalea by act of
Augutt 4, law, Iaiura A. Lone, of Kngene,
County of fne, atale of Ore., haa thta day
nted in tbla ofllee her aworn atatemeilt No 3191.
forlhe tiorchaaeiof thekiKi of Heetlon NoS.ln
Tuwruhip So 318, Ilange No 1 w, and will offer
proof to ahow that the land sought la more
valuable for ita timber or atone than for fall
eultural.purposee, and toeatablleh herelalm to
aald land before Marie I- Ware, V 9. Com
misaloner at Eugene, Oregon, on Monday, the
illli day of April., Kan
ahe naiaea aa wltnees:
N. II. Martin, J. W. rarolnh, John I). Palmer,
J.K Inuug, of CiatageUrore, Oregon.
Any and all (tetanus claiming mlretaaly the
abntt-deaerlbed lands are requeale.1 lo file
thelrclahna lu thla oflle' on or before aald tvth
J. T. IluiiioEH. Kegiater.
i United Htutosj Laud Office,
I KoKobtirK,Ore.,Seit.l8, 1902.
Notice Im heixdiy given that lu coni-
plliuiee with the provlaiona of the act
, of CongreMM of Juno 3, 1878. untitled
"An act for the mile of timber landa
lu the Ktntoa of California, Oregon,
1 Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
iih extended to all the i'lilillc Lnnil
Bbv irlven tuat In comollance l.......... , t. .......... i 11.11,1 i, i
with the nrovi.lo it of the act of Conireaaof AllKlint-;. iny., IIHICI
Junes, 17S, entitled "An act for the sale of I W. UIcJliirtlHOll, Ol St, llcleilH Co. Of
nincer landa In the Btatea of California, I
gon, Nutada, and Waahliigton Territory,'
Unllfsl Slatea Land Olllce, Koseburg. Ore.,
, Oct. is. 1902.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance !
William r.lown, Ella J. Woodard. of
Cottnge drove. Ore.
Any nud all pel suns claiming ad
versely the aliove-ileacrllHMl lands aro
reqneated to file their ohdiiiH in this
office on or before said 22nd day of May,
J.T. lluiiaiBs, Krgieter.
Uniteil Statee Und Office,
Koseburg, Oregon, Oct.X, 1902.
Notice ! hereby given that iu com
plianee with the provlaiona ol the act ot
Congrena of JiilieX, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lanu in tne
States) of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," aa ex
tended to all the Public I-and Slatea by
actof Augnat4,IH02. lieo. M Fitzgerald
of Perduo, County of Douglas, State ol
Oregon, haa this' day filed in thla ofllco
hia aworn statement Xo. 3o80 for thu
purchase of theHL, NK y,, l-ote 0 A 7
Of Section No. 80. Township 20. South.
of Kange No. 8 eat ; and will offer proof
toshow that the land sought ia more val
uable for ita timlier or alone than forng
riciiltunil purposes, and to eetahllsli Ida
claim to aald Jand before the Kegiater
and Keeelver of thla office at Koseburg.
Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th day of
.March, 19UK,
He names aa witnesses:
William Moore, of Koseburg, Ore.,
Artliur.Ienkins.of Perdue, Ore., Michenl
Weber, of Siiliihur Snringa. Ore.. Nicho
las Moore, of Walton, Ore.
Any and all iieraonaulaliiiliig adverse
ly the aliove-desoribed landa are" re-
ipieetejl to file their claims in this olflce
n pr lattore aani nth nay oi .Mar., iwn.
J. T. IlitinriKH, Kegiater.
1'nlted HUlea Mud Offli e,
Koseburg, Ore .Sept. Jl, Wtt.
Notice ! herebr irlven lhat In compliance
with the provision! of Ihe actof Congress of
June J, ml", entitled "An aet for the aaleof
timber lamia In tne stateaoHJauiornia. Oregon,
Nevada, and Wathtnglnn Territory," na ex
tended lo all the 1'ublle Landatalea by act of
Anguat 4, law, Henry I'. I'riidhoinine, of i'orl
laud. Co. of Multnomah, state of Ore., haa Ihla
rinvrilMllti thla ollir a hia aurorn statement No
SMD, for Die purchase of the w U SF. yt,HK
K'A.ii NK i4'bF. of j,ee No. !l fn Twp No. 'Jl 8.
It a w ami will offer nroof toahow that the land
toiight It more valuable for Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
niacia.intoaaia tana beioreine iiegiuer anu
itecelver ol tins nnire at ltoaeburir. orciron
on Monday tne 2nd nay ouinrcli, r.".
lie namea aa wiincaaen:
l,n-. ir ,i...ii , ... A. , nu-...ll
Lydla ('. Tyrrell. Oeorgo Y, McCUntocli, of
I'oriiami, ore.
Anvamlall oertuina clalmlnir advcraelv the
allot H-riaaerltiMl land are moneatcd to lileiheir
cUbnt lii llilinfflio mi or laiforeaald 2nd day
or Mar., iwi,
j. T. UKivaxa, itrgitter.
V. S. Commiatjioiier at Kngene, Oreg in. i Marie 1.. wate, U. S, Commiaaioner
UW lfilniftdiiv the olat tiny "I Dee .,1902. 1 H r.iigene. uirgon, on n enneanay, ine
B.a ! t.ta. I talM
Ore-1 UetiiTuiet ai TllisWI i
Heilnan T. Dow, of Cottage ilrove.
lame Co.,Origon, Alla'rt O. Hovey, of
Kngene. IaniuCn Oriiiou, W. M. Wliill,
of Anion, I jiiic Co., Ore, William Oor
dull, of Kugene. latnu Co.. Ore.
Any and nil wrsinclulniiiig adverae-
r Iicti Mm'-'.-An-v-.i I
Janiita X. Knndle. of Filirlliollllt .
gon,. Inmea Hoffman, Inla 11 Itoml "! Eu
gene, Oregon, Martha V. King, of Ciea
weil, regon .
Any andall persons claiming : d verse
Iv the above-deaerilieil lands are re-
iiueetotl to file their clalnik in this olllce
onorlwforeanidSlatihiyof Dec., 1902. ly Ihe alaiyt-deMrilieil landa are i
.1. T. IIkiihikk Kegiater.
iiieatd to flic their claliua in thla office
on or before aald 2Ut day of Jan., lOOK,
J.T. IIniihiks, Keglster.
United Wan- Uud Olllce,
Hiawbnrg, Ore..ot. s. IHat.
Notice la hereby given Inal In oompllanea
lth the urnvlalona of ihe aet of Conareaa of
Jane S, WW. entitleil "An act foi Ihe aale l
TlHiliArlAiida In the stale of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waihliifltoii Territory." aa I
extemiefi to an ine 1'uoue utmi oiaiea ny at
.IIIKUII , 1. , . . TOIMTI.m'IIUj.l,
ofllarrltburg.Cnof Mini, stateofOre, ha thla
JUSfor thepureha.eof tne ri,ot KKl4 ." K '4 , in the States of California, Oregon,
of SB ' of rWtlon No. II, TowiMblp Nevndii, and Waahingloii Territory," u
?A:i!JV V"" i" VHV .u.'"i,i "tt""
liable for Ita Umber or alone than for agrleul. I by act of August 4, IMI2, Arilella Mar
Inral nnriNjaea. and to establlall Ida elatin to tin f IT.illui.ii llrrico f'n. of Ijiii.. Sml..
said land .before Marie I. Ware. I' H. Commla-1 ..rn..,.,,.., i,u- ,l,.v. illu.1 In thi. iil
Cniteil sialea Land lllliee,
KuMburg, Oregon. Oct. 22, 11102
Notice Is hereby given that lu cum-
by actof I plianee uilh the provisions ol the aci of
'"'"bJr. Congreaaid .lime 3. 1N7H, enlllhil "An
act lor llie aale ol umber lamia In Ihe
( NOl'lCK KOlt I'ltlH.ICATION. .
United States t.MIld Ollltn.
Itiiseliing. Ore., St' 1IM12.
Notice la hi'ieli.v given tlutl In coin-
lllllllll" Willi I ii iiiIivIhIiiiis llf tilt!,
iii'1 ort'oiigiivM nl .liitioil, lN78,,t'li
titled "All net for the sale ol llinbt'f
lands In tho Htnles of Ciillliiriiln. Oiv
gon. Xeviulii, nnd Witshliiglnn 'ler
tlloiy." iiHi'Xtenili'd to nil tho Public
l.illid Sillies by net nt August I, 1802,
Mix, Olivia WEitklniilCiiUiittutlioM'
Co. ot I .n lie, Slnte of Ore., bus .till
dny tiled In Ibis ollltt' her a won
Htutcilinilt No, 33118, for the pill t lillnf
of the IJi:of Section No, 31 In
Tt) wiisldp Nil. lit S., Iliinuv No. a W cat
nnd will offer piiuit to show flint tlie
Imiil sought Is uiiiiv valtinbli' fur Ha
tlmlKT or atone lli'iin for iigi'lcullni'itl
iiii'iiihch, nnil to I'stnlillsli her claim
to mild land before the lleulsler and
Keeelver nt Itoseliurg, Oivgon on
Tliiii'sdn.v, the stli ilay of .litiiiiury,
She mimes us wllnesses:
I lei lici t Kilklli, (leo. W. McQueen.
Ilermiiu T. Dow, Joseph Slilee, ol
Cottnge drove, Oiv.
Any nud nil persona claiming nil
versely the above-llescrlla'd lanils are
lvquesteil to file (heir claims In this
a'foiv milii 8lh tin v of
olliee on or
.Inn,, 1INI3.
T, IliiiPiibs, lleglaler.
United States Uiml Office.
Itiisebitig, Ore., Aug. 1ft, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given thai In coin
plhuice Willi the provisions of t he
ad of Cungress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act fur the sale of Titular
l.iiuila In the Stales of Ciilifornln.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Teirltury," as extended tu all tin;
Public Land States by act uf August.
I, 1MI2, John It. DeNettl, uf Stafford,
County of Clackauias, State of Ore
gnu has this day filed lit Ihla office
his Mwurit statetueui Nu, 3213 for Ihe
piilvliiihe uf the S X of Section
No. Ul In Township No. 21 .South uf
Kange Nu. 8 W. and will offer proof
In shuw that the bind sought la
inure vnlnnble fur lis llmls'i- or stone
.Hum for ugrletilturnl plirpipsi's and
loesianiiNii ma ciaiiii to sum lami
iH'folvlbe Keglster tl It 1 lliielver uf
this office a( ItiiMohurg. Ore., tin
Wodiifsdiiy the 31st day of Diceuils'r,
He inline as wlliico-os:
Volue.v Krvlu. Siiiiford .ii'k,.SIliou
It. de Xtil, Portland. Ore.. Ilootli
Jones, ICIktou. Oiv.
Any anil all ih.oiih e In in mar ml-
lersely the above deserilHal lands are
it'iltiestiHl lo tlle thelrehilins la this
office tin or la'foiv mild lllsl day of
lleeemlHT. IIHtf.
.1. T HitiiMiKs. Ilegl sler
I lilted States IjiiiiI Ollltt.
Kof-ebuix. Oiv.. Oct., ail, I Vint.
Nnllce Is hereby given thai In eolii-
pllance wild the provision of tlie
Aet of Cmigrea yf Juno 3. 18?8, ell
::ned "An Ael for tla mile ol 'I1nilsr
Uiiuls in ine States of Callforn a.
Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington
Thi rltory," a extendml lo all tho
I'll ite uimistalea liy act of AtiKiist
ls2 Ora Wilson, of Kiiuonn.
Coitiity of Lane, Stale of Oregon.
has this day Med In this ollliv
her sworn statement No 372Mur the
purchase uf the NW s SE f: .V Lots 1,
IDA: II of Section Xo. 3U. ThwiimIiIii
SI South uf Hankie I West and will
offer tirotif t slim- llwt tlui Imiil
soiighi Is more valuabloforlis tlmlair
or stone thmi fur agrlciiltnriil iiur-
luiam.. and to establish her claim to
mild laud before Marie L. Ware, U. S.
oiiiinlssloiier nt Eugene. Onwun uti
Mnudliy the 11' 1 1 1 day of .Innunrv.
She nanti's as wltinvstw:
It. S. Huston, of Etiueiie. Oreuoti.
I. W. Currish, of Jefferson, .Marlon
ti.. oiv.. .i. ii. I'aiiner. N. ll. Mnr-
llu. ol ColtiiKo llrovu, Lnne Co., Ore.
Any andall mrsous clalmlnir ad
versely the lands aw
ii'iiiesli'il to tile their claims In this
nice on or is-iorv sain r.'lh nay or
aiiuary 11108.
.1. T. IIhiiiiikh, UeKlster.
ioneral Kugene, Ixne Co., Oregon, on Salur
day Ihe Ulh day ouan., r,n.
fie naniea as wltneaacs.
Aiitllu Itiait, of B.xl n KlWI.l , Oregon. Jarnea N.
-Handle, of Falrniount, Ore,. Jarnea W. Ilntirlc,
of Collage 0 rove. Ore., (I. W. Hunter, of Ku
gene, ore.
Any and all insraoua claiming adversely the
above-deaerlbeil landa are rouiieated to filed
their claims In thlsoffleeoii or Wore said llth
day of an Itasi.
hurauoru aliitumeiit No. 372A, forlhe
purchase of tlle XI. 1-1 of Sec
tion No. 30, Township 23, South, of
liango 1 eat, and will offer Proof lo
ahow that thu land sought la nunc
valuable for ita timber or stouo that for
agricultural piiran-es, nml to establish
her claim to said land U'foie Marie
L. Ware, C. S, Coiiitinssioner al Ku
gene, Oregon, on Monday, Ihe I2lh
Jay of .Inn., 100.1.
Sim inline na witliessint;
u, i it n iiiiaiou, urn nson. oi r.ugeue.
arebrirlven that IricomriUauae with f in, Mmim uf iit'imu i rniH l.i.nn
thetirovWousof theaelCiigrcaaof Junes. 178, i , . i i arr., lyir,.,,.,,!, u.
entitleil "An Aet fur the aaleof Timber Lamia V""'' ',, arriau, oi jell. isou,.iia
lu llieWaleaof California. Oregon, Nevada.and riou I , Die.
A ll y nun an persona claiming aiivuiae
ly tlio abovu-dottcribed lamia aiu In
tpiualetl Iodic their chiiinain thisnlllec
on or before aald 12111 day of Jan., 1003,
I T. llitiiitiKH. Kegialer.
I'alic.l arale Land onitv.
Kianrburg Oregon, Oet.ifc, llasj.
noiipc ia i.creny given that la rasMpllaner
Ullb the ttot Islon of the aet of CoHunai itt
Jiinen. Inla, ml It led "An Ael for the tat of
Umber lands III IhostatfiHof California. Ore
gon. Ntoo.te and Territory." a.
lemteil In all the nubile Mini slatea by all of
Aiiau.l lib tavj, George W llrrisTlnr, ol Fair.
.. oi iiani'.siaieoiiire. naa inianair nasi
In llilsoniiclilssHornalalMiieiil No. Sals for the
pnri'naw oi ine 't ri hiii fan?, ku si, Ipsa
in rniiae i west, aim am oner prisii to show
that ihelainl sought Is more valuable for III
irisif (o thaw
timlier or alone limn for agrieultnral punsMea
United States IjiiiiI Onb-e.
Iloseburg, Oregon, Oet. u. r.oa
Notice is nereny given mat i use v
WasblnifUan Terrilorr." aa extended to all 1
I'nblle Tamil Blalea by act of August I. latu.
Charles II 1'olloelt, ol Kugcne, County of
Lane stale of Oregiiu haa thla day filed III
ltd office hia aworn atatemeilt No. 11770, for the
purchase of the HE '., of secUou No.
No 3d. TownslilpaSPiiuth, of llaiige 1 West and
and lo establish his claim to said land lieforo
Marlel. ware I'. H. Commissioner at Kugono
oiegon. on aaturilay, the I7ih day ol January,
lie name aa wUlleetee:
All, c. Mailesou, id Irvlrnr. O
'lllig'i of Mabln. (ire., Paidol 11. llruinlMUgh,
. "iwrr iiiiiib. .nr., iiniry .iianeaon, II
i ..ia. ,
Ore , (icorge W .
1. llrilliilMUab.
Henry Maileaon, fif Ij
.Any and all ts raon. elalmhig mlmrtely Iho
Imlorti astllMHl lami ara miunat-wl i,. Ilia tliat
claliua lii this inline on or Injfota said ITth day
iiH.iiiu,. llnia
J. T. llansiaa, lleijsier
lunre vailiaoie lor lis iinna-r or sin
agrlciillural tairisisea, and to a
claim to aald laud before Marli
V. H. Comuiliaioner at Kugene,
Ore- .
extended to all the Pliblle land States bv act
-of August 4, IMC!, William 8. Oilbert of Portland,
County of
men l
Cnliiinbla State of Oiv., lias this day
filed In this offltvliiHHWoru statement
No. 3538for the nurcliaseof thoSW V. of
state or tireeon. kim. n-.i :u 'I'liit-tiuini, si fir iriiium n
hakll,fail.At-lna,l. l.l. .......... ...... I .1. ... .A -',- -'C. "
rnVntK. M yr.i;;: r:.;,Mv:. ;.h.Bi weat ami win oirerproor to snow
A8W8W ii of section No. a. Tounthln As.'ul that tilt' land sollL-llt Is 11
Itange S 1 went and will ofTer proof to show that , able for Ita timber or atone tllllll for
the land so. ightls more valuable for IU Umber I inrclcnltnriil miriwii4.u nml to outnli
or Hone than for agrlciillural purposes, and lo iiK",1-, 'V". I'"rl'OseH. find to (Htlll)-
I'sinuusn ins ciami to ssiu tana beiore Marie 1 imu inn lihiiii in mini jium ui-aiiw ino
L. Ware. V. 8. Coiiimlssloner at Eugene, Keglster 1111(1 It CCD Ivor of tills ollleo lit
isoii. .,., v. ), iiosouurg, Oregon, on wedne. day tlio
neiiameaat witnesaes: -tin nay oi Aiarcu, tiro...
iw"i'!lm VL"il APff' "U'1 '"'rnian T. Jig uaillUH UH vltllfS8CH
-'"" ' "" "i "ui!" nui,uic. j.
Wbltsun. of Kuirene.Oreeon.
AllVandall lieranna rlatmtnir i!fNlw llta
above described lands -are requested to Hie
their claims In this offlna on nrh.rnr.uM ftlh
day of Jan.,SMn.
j.T, jiRUMKa, Keglster
A sis room house In West Cottage
flrove. Inquire at tills ortlct?.
It. T. Uoals. of Mavirer. Oiv.. W.
V. Slaughter, Ht Helena. Oiv.. J. E.
llluck, Fulton, Ore., A. L. Iltitler, of
Elktou, Ore.
Any mid all persons claiming ml'
versely the above-descrlbt'd lands on
it-ri nested to llie their claims In thli
office on or liefore aald 4th day ol
March. 1003.
1 T. ilwnuKs, Keglster.
United Btatet Laud Ofllcc.
Itnsebnrir. oreaotl ucl.'ja. liau.
Notice is hereby irtven that tn compliance
with thi! provision of the act of Congress of
June a, isjs, eniiueii "An Art tor uicsuiuoi
Timber bands mine Hiatus oi l auioniia, ore
iron. Nevada, and Waslillirton Territory." as
extended lo all Ihe Public lattid Ntateaby act
of August 4, WH, Ilessle P. Cubit, of Eugene,
Co Duly of Lane, Slate of Oregon, haa this day
tiled In Ihla nlHco her aworn atatemeilt No,
S773 for the purchase ol the K!( li of Section
No. 20 In Township No, 2.1 South of llange No.
1 w, and will oner prool to snow mat trie lann
sought la more valuabje for Its Umber or atone
than for agricultural purpoal and to estab
lish her claim to said land before Marie I.
Saturday the 17th day of aiiuary linn.
sne namea as witnesses:
John W. Cubit. Chnrlra If. Pollock, of Ku.
Sena, Oregon, Jarnea N. Handle, of Falrniount,
re Austin Hoot, of 8prlngrlcld, Ore.
Any and all raont claiming adversely Ihe
above described lands are requesled to tlle
their claims lu this office oil or be I ore aald 17lh
day of January, ltajci.
j t iiKiuuB. neaisier.
LOST A JC. V. watch charm, on
evening of Tlimikaglvlng day. Finder
return ton. v. a nsoira uarier anon
nnd receive rewvrd.
will offer proof toshow Hint the land sought la
luore vailiaoie lor lis iinna-r or siune loan inr
ami to estaousu in
rlo L. ware,
i. Oreiron. on
Saturday the otii nay ouan. nan.
lie iiaincaaswtliiesses
John W. Cubit, ileorge W Hunter, of Eugene,
Ore , Jarnea N. Handle, uf Falrniount, Ore,,
Austin limit, uf Springfield, Ore.
Mir and all persona claiming adversely
the above-deecrlhed landa are requested tu llie
their claims In thla olllce on ur before sold I7tli
day nf January. lH".
J T. IliiiMKa. Keglster.
United Stales Land Office,
Iloseburg, Ore.. Oct. II, 1WU.
Notice la hereby given Hint incompliance
with Ihe provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 187b, emitted "An act forlhe aaleof
timber lands In the Stales of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Publlo Land Males by net
ofAugustt, law, Albert fl. Ilovev, of Kugene,
County of Lane, 'Slate nf Oregon, haa
Ihla day Alad In Ihla offlre his sworn state
ment No. ma. forlhe nurchase of the KU SW l.
of Section No. 10 TowushlpNo. 2.18, HangoNo.
West, ami will oner proof to show that the I
land Bought la more valuable for Ita limber or
stone than for agricultural purMes, and to
establish hit claim to aald Innd before i
Marie L. Ware, U, B. Commissioner at Ku. ;
gene, Oregon, on Monday, tho Mh day nf Jan.,
1903. , .
lie names as witnessea;
llariiian T. Dow. of Cottage Orovu. Oreiron.
11. II. Ilovev. of Kuirene.Oreiroii. Joseph Sclilee.
of Cottage (trove, Ore., William Wlltu, of Amos,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above desbrlbed lands arc requested to file
thefrclahns In thlsoffleeoii or before saldflth
day nf Jan.,
j. i. iiHiiHjm, itegisier.
Ullileil Htnles laind (IIIHu,
HoMblirg. Orexon. Oet. 18. 1MB.
Nolliula hereby alvell that tn comnllanre
with llie provisions of tho act of emigres of
June , IMS. entitleil "All Act forlhe aaleof
Timber Minis lu llie Slates oi camuriila, Ore
i iron. Natalia, and Washington Territnrv." ai
'extended In all the public land ttatea by act of
August 4, WJ. Harney May, of llnrrl.burg,
Cuiinly of I.lnn, mate of Oregon, has
this nayllled liithia nlliee ins sworn tliilemeiil
Nu.STOa inr tho purchase ol Ihe HWIJ olscy
IIoiiNo, SI, township tt 8, range It west, and will
offer proof toshow lhat the land nought Is more
vniuauio lur lis umoeror siouu mail lor agrivlll
llirnl hlsi'liilia losnld
land before Marie L Ware, I 8 Commissioner
nt Eugene Oregon, on Thursday the "th
day of January, list).
He names as witnesses;
Jamee N. Handle, nf Falrmount. Lane Co.. Ore.
C. L. Morris, of llarrlsbiirg, Linn Co., Ore.
Austin iioot,ni sprinKiiuni, taine in,, lire.
Ucnriro W. Hlllller. of hllaenu. lalliu Co. Ore.
Any and all iH-rsoiia claliiihig adverrely tho
abuve-ilcscrlbisl lands are rcfiuested to llie
their claims In this office on or before aald nth
day of January, lll.
J. T. IIkiisjks, Kegltter
It. II. Foster. 318 H. 'M Street, Salt
Lake Citv. writes: "I have been
bothered with dyspepsia or Indigestion
for 21 years, have tried many doctors
without relief, but I have found a cure
iu Ilerblne, I recommend Ittoalliny
friends, who are aflliclcd that way, and
it la curing mem, too. oucaimew r.ra
Drug Store.
United Slates Land Offlre,
Iloseburg. Ore.. Oct. 2'). Hau.
S'ollco Is hurcbv irlven lhat in cotnitllain-n
with the provisions oflho act of Congress of
junoa, ina, eniuieu -Allan ior inesaioof
timlier lands In tlio State of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
exienoeu lo an ine rnniit- isinu rjiaica uy act
of August 4, lwu, Herbert Oordou.of Cottage
drove. County of latne, Stale of Oregon
has thladay filed In tills ofllee his aworn si le
nient No, 'M for the purchase of the NK If
ofSfCtloilNo.aTownslilpNn ziH, lUuiri' No,2
west, aim win oner pnan to snow mat tne land
sought la more valuable for Its 1 1 in Ism- or stone
mail lor ngricuiiorni purposes, aim in rslaln
I Ian his claim to said land ladore Marie L. Ware,
II 8 Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on
Tuesday, tha'Jolh day, of January, IV03.
Henameaaa witnesses.
William T. Gordon, of Kugene, Lane Co , Or.
Herman T. Dow, Joseph Bhlee, of Cottage
drove, Oregon W. M. whltl.of Amos, fane Co.,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requeued to Hia
thelroialms tn this office on or before aald 2Utb
day of January, ItH.
J.T. IlRlfsiu, Regltttr.
Grocery Store
Caries n full line of Staple
nnd Kaucy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin nud Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats.
Hay and everything tho
farmer or the lioitscwifo needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
In exchange.
It will be n pleasure at nil
times to show our gootls nnd .
vott tire earnestly requested- to
call nml examine them.
Will wevt All CamtrtloH '
lu 1'rlcvn. ' ,
(Htiecctsurt tn Hklllman ,ti (iaruuttc)
Main street, Cottage drove. I'rt,
For I ill IV driltrs anil eitrefnllv
iioimded prescrliitlona cull at the
llennon Ilrms r.n'u .n.m