Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 19, 1902, Image 3

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    .....m. ......... """eiiiiiBiiiiHaM
Sonic of the llnppculiiKii AIkiIiI Town During lliu l'nnt Week,
iir. i.uui' iM'iiiii.iiiii'iiin-r,uKiiiic.
VlMIIIK IVMH It lllll'tl.lllllllll IIIIM-
wuiKi'f Miimlii.v.
Itl'hll'llllll'l' lilt- ) !ll If fllfllMI'KllllH.
I. vtiixo.N. 'I'lic .letvi'ler. I
re tr mr vets mmms mr ranr e ir tq
M...M :.. n
ii nit' i mill' iv
b'Vl I leer mum In (mm In
Allncnil HprhiK Iiih) .M 1 1 1 1 1 .
l.l.illl'H', kciiIm' iiihI HiIIiIivii'm
Ihiihi'miii (In' IIi'iimiiii l)rn('i'HH(iiii'.
Ali'M. 'iilp, tlm Wllthviinil iim.
iiiInIivhm, h vImIUiix her mIhIit Mi-m.
ContM fur it few iIii.vm.
r.uch tiiniii.v iiiiiklhu iiiiihiiia iiir
Iiiimch ill llnkln it HiIhIiivv will ixt.
eelveii IimiiiIhiiiiii' IIMKI I'l.loinh.r. Ill 17
Cllll III II. '. MmiIhI'M'm MOW HtfH'lt
mill wi' tin' Uncut line nf Jewelry In
i. mi. Ami
h'i'Hiill 1 jo
,Whlrh rutin tu in I f it I llii'
Alliilinl I'riixl. Wi' mi1
i.imv iitpiuviI In Mil nil
Unler In tin- (IriM-i-r.v
I.lno with Clt'iin. I'ichIi
mill ii i-1 1 - lit I UiiihIm,
I'rlcea Munt lie ConnlilercJ.
An tve lire Ia'kIith In low
Price. A full line nf "
'IVllH, Cllffl'l'M, Nll('l'H,
Cmiticil IIooiIh' of nil
klmlH. I'ivhIi I'riiltMiiinI
Al Clmrehlll minle ii trip to Kuki'Iio
Kliioetit kIonm for u'clilltiKiiVMiitH
at II. ('. .MiiiIhch'h.
Itev. II I III 1114 1 1 ii returned from
town. t'.'-lt
Cull unil hit 1 ln iim'KaliiH tlmt I
Inive to offer .vim for .'Ml ila.v.H
IMVIIMIIN, Till" .lowcier.
A ureal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x.' 1- hi iiilncrH cauiK
iiiiwn fiuin tin' iiiiiM tin- Hint 01 die
week mnl will ii'iiiiiln In the elty ilur
tnic tlix winter.
' (li't tliul ilnrlliik' IiiihIiiiihI of yoiirM
11 llni' new I'reniM lirlar pipit for
ClirlHtiniiH, I'Mni' llni' fni'Niili' nl' I In
IIi'iihiiii llriii Co'h Mtorc.
Toilet win, hliuvliiK M'Im, nlovc Mllll
hiihilltfivhlcf hiixcN, worll Iiiixi-h run)
vitriolic ntlii-r beautiful nrtlclen for
,. ClirlHtiniiH kHIm at tlio llciiHon ilnijr.
. , Co'h Htiitv.
.Mr. Ilnel.ct. of IViiiih) Ivnnln, with
-..bin family urrlvftl in onr town hint
. ,'wii'k. Tho.v 11 iv ilrllk-lilcil with IIiIh
Vi'ouiitr.v ami will maki thin their
future homt'.
.' Ili' v. John OawMon, of ItowlmrK.
will linlil I In' ivpilnr UplHropal mit
vliv In tln .Miicoiilr halloa Tnemhi.v
"I'Vi'iilnit Itii' !tril at 7:.'U p. in. all am
..eiirillitll.v Invlli'il to iittcml.
liny llii' IIi'mI .Ioiu'h I'aililiwk Co'm
Split, Kxtrai'tH, 'I'i'iim mnl Coffivx.
t.Cliniiiil In- Im'HI. AhI. WIiii'Iitm Can 1 1
'Ml ore for our clwiiiiiliin LxIiiii'Im. ; lli'mitlfiil allismiH for
,AImoX X ItliMiil of KhiimI I'orfiv L'.V ulftx nt tlu IIi'iihiiii Drill,'
INT ImiiiihI. I Mrn. .1. V. Clemi-nt U nlowly iv
.1. V. Iliurlx from Wnliliiiton, 1 i-ovriliiu; nftor it wvi'iv xpcll of nli'li-
who Iiiih Imvii vImIIIiik lilfit'oliHi.MrH. 1 niwi".
iioimiiii. f i mr ' ',"'.' " Mr. (J Ilawli'.v n'tnrni'il to Iiit
iim III ixii mill III" .mil.,,, , "mi 1 Mil,. (!..,.,. f.. ,1,,..- vl-ll
will n-tiirn In 11 mIioiI tlini- to t'ot-ii '
H'iio Hntnnlay.
lll'V. Jlct'k WIIH II pilHlU'IIKIT o Mil
K'i'iii' TiicHilny.
(I. V. Orllllii, of Kiikciic, wan, In
1 li city Momlfiy.
Di'iiiiIm Cooti-r wiim lii from lllm k
lintlc liiHt Momlay. -
41111 Mi'iIiIowh ivtiirni'il hint
lay from KhiiiIiitii On-on.
If In mttl 11I ili'iitiil work rail on
Dr. .Mary In tin- Snapp luillilliii;
AlU-rt .Inllii'r wiim up from Civh-
lie 1 1 .Momlay it'tiinihiK rmwliiy.
Co Hton
liny your holiday wilt nt l'nrlllc
TIiiiImt Co'h wlilli- yon can a
tiiw llrovo with I'tiHrtatloliH of Ii
1 cathnr hciv.
1 1 li'ii. Iz-a rt'lnriicil to thr illy IiihI
. ..-.I.. II. ....I IM.'..t . ill.. H .1,1
nliH.Micii 'of M't't'ral montliH itnrhiK lan Colton faint' ilown from Ito
whlt'h tlnni In- Iiiim Ihtii at work on hi'iala the tlrnt o( tin- wtt-kfora mi
tht ni'W huw mill of the Tiii ki'r!onrn la thlHflty.
I'iiwiT Co., la whlth I.11111; & Himf- .Mrn. c. i:..ii.-h fanii- ilown from
hamof thlHt'lty mvliili'ivHlfil. Snnilny to hm'ihI a fi-w ilayn
An 1'illtor who run a noti-H ami with Iiit tlmiKhtfr.
ipiiTry t'olnmiiivtflvt'il ihi'lollotvlnv:: 1 w s j'hrlHmnn who Iiiih Ikvii vlnlt
- hat uIIh my hi'ii".' Kvrrj iiiorn. K with IiIh tlmichtfr nt Korfim. n
111; I tlml two or thnv I.vIiik' on lliHr, lrn,,( i,,,,,,,. uv,lnt'Hilav.
IIIU'.KH. IIH'H fliril'll till. III'VIT III lll
aKiiln?' Tin' inlltor rrplli'il
Iowh: "Voiir hi'im 11 iv ilcail.
IIH I'll'
I'or watrhrH, i-Iik-Km anil Ji'wt'lry
rail on DuvIiIhoii for kooiI koihIh.
Von will tlml prlrt-H rlu-lit.
, .Mr. mnl .Mix. V. II. AlirmiiH iv
tnrinil Siiinliiy from Kimi'iic wliriv
th"V lilt I Imiiu vtulllmr frli'lllln.
" IIiivIihoii will rrpnlr your wnli liw,
't'lockH ami Ji'wi'lry nt tin- lowt-nt
All work wnrrmititl.
A email row Ih hiiIiI to liuvi' takra
plmv litHtHiimlay ainoiiK thr mrii
t'mployt'il on thf new H. I. nwllrli.
A Willi" iiiuii "truili ii lit i tli"
lirnit witir mttinvcl AVTicirthi' AVIIiilc
.Ian crew iuvhiiIiI to have irhen I1I111
i'Iiiihc anil run I1I111 Into the illteh In ! pr(VH,
winrii ih hevrrni iii'i in inn . ini'i- .... .
ever 110 one wiim wrlounly hurt. , A hiiiuII iUmiohU will wture theartl-
, , , , fleH yoi( ilt-Hlie for XmiiH.
T. k. ItlclianlHon, of the Itlihunl-, I'AVlDHoN.'nie .leweler.
hoii .MiihIc IIoiihi', wan up from ltoe-
Iiur hint Siitunlay anil hIiIim'iI one , , I 'Tl lanl arrlveil home from
of IiIh law Colonial .Wetlham plmiiiH Hi.tirliilii TiieHilay iiIk H unit report
. from IiIh Htoiv hereto that ell v. to' Hie luliu'H In a llourlHlilin; i-oinlKlo 1.
lH'i.eil by .Mr. Arthur I-Vaxcr la hi ,t,.v M, K n,Mvr tlt HiIm
rtf lal there TiieHilay I'venhiK. , 1 1"" plate, went ilown to Crewell Tin--
iiiHtnn iieni Ht nt ieii ih a oeiiiiiiiin one ..... , ,. , ,, .:mVl,rt , Ij-airue.
You want the let the market
iriiliml Htiiien I .iin.l oiii-i',
I Konfliiirjr On-., Oct.. Ml . I1K.
Vol lee l lieit'liy iliiin I Inn in com
jih.:lii'i' MHli llie 1iivI"Iiiiik al lliu net ill
Udiium-wi f .lime if, IH7H, entltlnl "An
net fur the mile nl llnilicr .iimI In tint
Hliiliw nl (.'iillfiirnlii, l)ic(iiiii. N'i'UhIh,
iiihI WimliliijOfin Te'rillnry," 11 exliiml.
i"l in nil lliu 1'iihlle l.iiml Pimm lv net
,'if Aii(iit -I, IMI2, (Jury A. Wonley, I
, (Iiimii or elty) Kiiliiiioinil, County of
I 1 ,11 nr. Htme nl Oievoii. him lliln iluv
III thin olllrti lior Knorn Hliilitineiit No.
W(. fur ihu iiuri'hiiruof the W I
of fei'tliiii N'o, "0, Towimhlp 21)
Kmitli, of IIhiiuu Witt, mnl will
oiler proof to nhow (lint the In ml
hoiikIii In more viilimhle fur il IIiiiImt or
tone 1 1 9 it ti for nurlcultiiriil pinponen,
mnl in enliiMMi Iiit i-liiini to uiil Inml
define .Miirle I.. Wiiru, V. H. Coniinl
clo criit Kiixulie. thi'iton, on TIiiiihiIiiv
the 'JUinl ilny of .liiimiiry., IIHM.
Hlie iiiiiik'K iih wltlii'ffe :
l'loii Wooli'V, of Kiiliiii'iiiiil.l.iine Co,
(lie,, liHtey KiikIiiiiiI. Jiniien Hmllonl.
.lolin Klik, of C'ottiiKv tlrove, I.iiiik ('. ,
Any mnl nil pemoiiH clilmlnn ml
veriicly the iiliove-ilerurllHil liimln nm
rtiiinnteil to Hie their ehiium in thin
olllee on or liefom fttlil 'J'Jnil ilny of .Inn.,
J . T. Uhiimik, ItcuUtiT
Ilicrer mi, Okcim.k
Otlolwr I llh Ilur-'
v,tlrliltiWHnllMi nl IM ArniNimU
MI11I11K Com
iLtiinll Dolii'inlM.
iitlull,f(llit Ii iikI Ihrnlmli IK Itrmn
1:. i. X11111K, lorn imwiii mr tin- nr.n i'i,"Mii i ,
lUTKti IIVAItn OKI" llilieiiilii MIiiIiik in
irld, Ijine mnl IkmikIb-piiiutii.i or yi.ti 1
KpniHR mr. I'NiTrii
Mans l.4m Orcicn At
It'mKHi'itii, Our , Oi lii
irltih !!,
N'dllm In iKrelif Kltrn Hint tlie Alii kimI.i
fliilil MIiiIiik DhiaiMiix nl llolii'inU. iirirai"
Hiriumtloii, aticinll'rii ii'l eiiMIng iio'lur mil
'11 vlrluiiiil llielmii nl tm ohk i,f ori'mm
wllh In prltir-f I'll nUlfe "ml plmc il l.:ilui'
nl Kuiciie. fitin putimr ttri'Knii, milnir hy
lliriniKli hihI mi'ler lit imn r(,'. M. Yimiur.
whiMi, KmiofTlte IiThaIii KiiKrnr. Ijoip rnintr '
oreKim, hiu rlltMt HHiliiminii (r .irm lur Uh'
Oftn ri,iMM,tlilniiMt tfimru 1 Inim, iUhnimI in
Iho ItnliriflU MIiiIiik IHttrli I Ijinr nml I'i.iik 1
laa mioitlea llrrKi'il, mnl .lolintu! by ihu
'III llll III
prl nti1
i 1 jB
Ihlc iflli.
Cniltil KliiU-H IjiikI Olllre,
.Itoneliuiu Ore , Nov. .'), UK)'.'.
Nutlet' In fivrvhy rIvum Unit in eoui
lililllire Willi the pinvliiioim of llie m t of
Ciiniaco-of .IniutH, IH7H i lilllleil "All
et lor tin' rule ol timlier IiiiiiIh lathe
Htiiten of Cnllforiilii, Ori'iton, Nrvmlii nml
WhhIiIiicIoii Territory," n uxtt'iiiltil to
nil the I'nlilie IjiiiiI tjtuten liv net of An-
glut I, IMil!, i:ilu J. WiHHliinl, of CottiiKe
Urove, (To. of Imiiv, Htute of Ore., linn
thin ilny lllitl lii'tliln oirirc he; Huorn
Htntemeiit No. .W.'l, tor the purelini-e ol
the K ' V t of See No. '.'(1 In Tow ii'lnp
No. I'l S., ItiiiiL'i' No. .'I Wert, nml will
oll'iT pnnif to hIiow Unit the liunl coustli!
IH imiiu viilmtlile lor ItH tinnier or ntoiie
t tl H II for iicrii'iiltiinil tiiirnoreH. nml to
ivtnlilinh Iiit elilliu to hiiIiI liunl hefore
the llt'KlHter mnl Iteeciver of thin olllee
nt ItOHeliiirK Oreiioii, on I'rliliiy, tin-
the i'L'iul ilny ol Miiy. ItMKI.
Miu iiiiineH iih uitiiiitt':
W'IIIIiiiii KIiiiIhiII. I In r vi' v Tiivlur.
Williiini ItroHii, Aiiiliriw" I.. WihhIiiiiI.
of Cotlnne (irove. Iine Co., Ore.
Any nml nil periotiH rliiliiimn nilverpe
ly llie HlHive-ilm-frilMil IiiikIh nre le-
piertil to llie their elm mi In IIiIh omee
on or I . efi, i e miiil L'.'iiililiiy of Muy, IM).'I.
J.I.I IIIIHIKH, llexii'ler.
Inml Olllre nt Itiipflmri:, Oregon.
Nov. 10, IIKtt.
.Votire iHliert'hy ttlven tlml the follow-
ilnl-lliiliieil pettier Iiiih llleil notire of lliu
Intel tion to tiinke limil pnnif in mipiHirt
of IiIh eluim, nml thnt pnlil proof will lx
liuiile In-fore .Muriel,. Ware, U.S. Coin
iiilliiiirr. at Kiiuene, )regou, on .lunn
nryll, Unix vi: ICiiwioil I.. II llniul on
II. K. X, IOI7r for the SV t4' SK i. X
v SH '., A litn :t A 4 Hee. IK T. 1U S., K
lie nil men tin- fullonini; witneHHes In
nrove Ills eoiiliiiuoiiH rer
mm eiilliviitlou iiihiiiiI liunl. viz
Ivilisnr W . lliiirltiiii. of Mounil Oie.
SylveMcr l.ewli-. of ' I'lintlier, Ore
Cliurrh A. SteveiiH. niter J, llollaml
of Crow , Ore.
J. T. 1Iiiiihii, Hi-Bister.
llflil iiiiIpr mnl rillell i.Imi
hh MliiDml Hiirvi-y Jio lit mi! Iilnu tn im.ii,ii
II tow fiHlilp JM miuiii. rmine Mi. I ttm i-hIi!
(Iciii CnllNilliUleit Olmrtr ( lulin, iinuUtlliif i.l
lliu Mllrle liple iiiIiiImk "Ulin, I'Ulinli.K I'm
llneiir feet thfreef nllli tnrfiKii Krnninl u
lumii iihii Hi aVlnl i.lm mi (Tl In Hilt
untie pxref't n piinlllfl at ximi iicrei with ike
Veturlim Imle mining clnliii, wiilcli ninltlrtliix
rtwli hen-ljr xpnml ulihe (iil(IfniliinK
rUlm, i lalmlliK AM lllirnr feci i,l the milil IikIp
wllh tiirdife iriiiiret n thnwii tnn the nM
flat mnl of ifie Oem milium c laim, rlalnlnn
IIT7I fet nf aalil IinIk wllh anrfare Krnllllil at
hown nn mIiI utile ll i.l. I. Tlip iiiagnttk'
rarlnlliiii la f rnm 3itint k. 21 ilei V, ruin et.
The i Hllile Iwle ! 'Ic- rlll l.ll(,m:
ItVKlnnliiK at eurrier No I a (.not fflj fret lofiir, I
Im'tiee iiiarit et la tni'lie In the KriKiii'l
ti-rllMl 1-it. a Mr W )ii'hia illametcr tar H.
I. lfKW I'.'l M-i. fir II lin hra illanieler Iwata
H I J ilflt W II fret Ixilli farl arHltcrlUitMM HT
1 he mineral inotiumi'iit iTirtivl In aurvvr Nn
llarH7aileif SO mill K 7117 li'ft The',
eetlnn eiirner mi line la-'iMeen aertlont II himi
II. nf lii, rip Wlllami'tip Meriillati.lH-art
HSilaic 1', will w 74(1 II
Tiieniv S UiIpic 1 ml" w fret t turner
mi 2; thpiipv N 111 ili-it . ) feel ti, inriier.
til, tlieiipeaiititlii'leK )' mlti ett lfti fret
tu piirner No I; tlnint' M.mii ,i iictr weat ;mi fet
In forlier No ft: thenep HV iletr t mlti
weal am feet fn turner v t mih! flaep of ljtln
tiltiK, aii.l mi litluJiiK lunlm uf Ihe ciitiillit
wnnitip vpanvnia iiiiiiitn. i lallii, 17 nmtai-rea.
The llPln IinIp laileMTlUil aa folliiwa: lletrth
nliiK al ititncr No 1 (,! i fwt hm I Imhpa
aillari' apt In IllPhet III lh KrolHDl afrllMI .IX.
A Urn Ineliea III illametpr hema mirth al flee
entl II1, frvt. X uliii li Indie tn illatneier
heara ".nth I1, K ''. (e. t ix.tli felanl "rUl I
I IHItT. The'', eellim enrner llween pen i
II alel II Ti MM K 1 . 'enrtaonlhll7iIeit 16 mill
K IWi feel Thence tt. .nl, 7n iIpk .-, mlti y v ;
feel In mi No 2; them ' nn-lli Al cleit K IIM feel
tornr Soil: thenee niwili 77 iIpk' tnltiK vatt I
Ituiir tS'trl: Iheitpe pmiiti .l leK W flsenft to tttr
Nnlaml I'Uiet'f Ikiihiiuk. an.l ntntalnliiK
r..'Uacret. 1
TheOeln hnle faiteM-rtlM',1 an fi,,,wa HeKlti- '
nlnicattiii No 1 tiletiileal with eiir No2 Keen I
hnle alltl with HKtMir uf Ihe Itn-atluri. The'.
MTttun I'tirnerWlwei'liMtPt II ami II tprflH It I
K Itenraioulh tw ileif .r. nil n y.vmii: thetiee
north 7-iiJeir'Jilinli W I'itiii iiirurNo'i. thentei
1'iirih il li'K KeUKft t"i r N'o: thentvpouth? i
Jpx'JI mln h 1971ft tftei't Ni l.thenre aoutli P1
ileic w fillna topiir NnJ ami plaee iif lieflimf iik I
ami t'tiiitnlnliiir lf!.H12 a. tei
The net area fur whn Ii imaiphi It aii,Ile1 for '
if the MM Oetu fotiaillilate. IjuarU Claim, t
afierexeei'tfnir ihe aaiil ctiiiniet with Ihe Ve
ativlua Itafe, which m!1 eunfllcllnir area fa tint
claimed hv theat.tjllcaiil. la lo.lm aeriia.
Theniillcc lit lcieatloti .,f the MhlMltlelmle la I
of reiiinl In the oMlc of the futility clerk of i
Mtttlaiaa Count, OlTKi'" tu Vol ft luge l'S Iter- 1
unit nt MlnltiK Clalma fr ulil t'onnly, ami la!
alao of reetirtl tn the office of the County 'lerlc
of Lane Cotmly, Oregon, In Vol Noil laxeS'
Iteeonlaof MIiiIiik clalma for Ijiiic onnty. ,
Tne.ntitlee of lKatloii of the lteeilole laot
reiiinl In the ofltee of the county Clerk ol Ijine
I'liuliljr.OtcKoti. In Vol No I .Ke HI llecorJaof .
Mlnlni (Malma foraahl tMtie County, Oreiror..
Tlie notice of location of tlieOcmloile taof
reconl In the olllee of the County Cleric of Lane I
Cotniry, Oregon. In Vol i-aKeaittoftherecviilii
of MlnliiKClallntoj Iino County, Oregon. i
i i.c iitrmtniM Keiivrai rourie or uireciion oi
On account of not having space to display our Cloth
ing, we have concluded to discontinue keeping Clothing
This is no old Shop-worn Stock
But New Up-to-Date Goods
made by the
a. - - '
If 3rou need a New Suit for
Christmas or New
Years, Call and
see our goods
and get
Thin In Hftiujtle of our fltyltr.
The lOiHirc Stock Must e Sold and Will ISc Sold At ( ost.
IitiiiK'ntlv uccitleiilri ocL-ur in tlitil
iHiiiM-hulti. which cHiiPti buriiH. cnU,
fpriilnn iiihI hriiift"; for tn-t in enc-Ji
iii-rH, iijtjiimi i- Mun l.tti int'tit fiiitt for
tunny warn Uvn tin innstHiil fnvorile
iHinifv UMiKtly, L'V, WViim! $1 nt New
l.i.t I'r Ml turt.
the Mid (Jem CinMUlfttpiI (jnartz Claim idn
In norih westerly nt iMiiheiitWrly n rbown
Um ultlollU'Iiil plat
Ihe talil liem ConwilltUtwl fuarti CUlra
rontllrtK with the Veiurlm lfHle a aforevalit
and thu Fawn mini nit claim adjittnt on the
Any aitUalt iH?ron rU lining adrereljr the
tulnhitr irrrtntiil. Voln Iim1 iimmliM hp
rffhlupci UlMiii j any twitlon thereof mi tteK'rltelt platted, ami
Hid viz J applied fur. ate hereby notified that unle
ineir auterw uiaiiRP are uuiy niea aectiruwK
tu law. and the reflation thereunder, Hlthlu
the tlinn prcperlUnt bylaw, with the KegUter
nl the L'nlie-1 Htate Land Ortice at UoteburK
iNjiiclaM Count), Oregon, they will he barred
by the prurlifous of the law In aueh rasei
madeaud provided.
J. T. HailHjM, flglfiter.
l!coItlrtt tnWU-alUm. Octiiber 17. A. I. lWtt.
lste iI laal pubiimnuit. Decem1tr A.l.r.r;.
The priccH for Indk'H mimI outH
wutclu'H, lndh'H and gi'iitH cliafun.
locket h, hnurletH, lirooclit'H, ntli'k
pill, cuff hutloiiH, t'luhlfin fjoodn,
(Ini;er rlnx, etc., will not Ik dnpll
rated. Call and jt prlct'H.
PAVihHON. The .lewt'ler.
S2Q.OO Suits
1 S.OO
SI 6.85
1 5.45
$10.00 Suits will be sold for.
0,00 Suits will be -sold for.
S.00 Suits will be sold for.
' 7.50 Suits will be sold for
.. 7.50
.. G.35
.. 6.4-5
Cottage G-rove, Oregon.
Uamblcr Shot At Marshfleld.
mnl will no tlttiilit iiitft nil tin' if
ipiln'iiifiilH tiitvMHitr.v
I.iihI .Monila.v wiih uiy iln.v fur llir
CiiiihI Ktirk I.hiiiIm'I' Co., t lie I'liflllf
TIihIht Co., tilt' llliifkliiillf mint'.
Ilit'O. itS. i:., l.tiniV IIIiikIiiiiii mnl
varliiiiH otliiT ciiinpiitili'M, mnl tin
city wiih lull nf men who llnril up tit
(hit I'i-hL Niitloniil Hunk Iim'IinIi 1 1 it'll'
I'lurkH. Wlit'ii iiIkIiI ninititlii' foivn
In iho lunik I'liiiiplnliit'il of lit'lnt;
wt'iiry mill wi'ilo not wtmiliTiit II
In tlic li'MHl.
niroriiH mr tin' t iiriiinn tiiniifr vim
will fltul It nt I'lU'lllt' 'I'liiilitT Co'h
Al Clmri'lilll mini iluu n from Ito.
Iii'inln tlit llrnt of tin wiik mnl rx
nrlM to ri'iimln In the t'ity until ntlfi-
till' llOllllll.VH.
.1. Ii. I'ltoy wiih ii iiiiHHt'tiKt'r to
lliiwiic 'I'lifHtlity, f.ptflln: to tc i on
ilown tin vitlliy to I'ortliiuil hi'foiv
ivhinillik' to t IiIh t'lty.
MImh Knt If llrimil fiinii' down from
lltllifiiilii tin Hint til tin wtvk mi'l
will vlnlt In thf Olty tin jtiit'Kt of .Mr.
Tlut wlilHt rlnli lii'lil tlit'lr li'iinlnr
iiitftlii nt tin Wooilmi'ii hull IiihI
TiK'xiliiy t'vt'iilii mnl lintl n nitiHt
I'lijoyniili' tlini. Ki'trt'Hiiiiit'iilH wii-i' ,,,,,1 j),. ti v. Vrntch
HtTVl'll O.V till' I'OllllllllItt Wlllt'll HUH
ci inipt iHt-tl of Mik. I'M I.iiiik mill Mi'H.
Win. Onrmiiti. HiichIh of t Ik- t'liili
Ht'l'i' .MImh Itoliy llnlit'l', .MIhk Kllli
Hti'wm t, Mr. Itiilpli Wlilppli' anil Mr.
Otto Itrown. Tim pi-Inn wiim won by
Mlly l.uivh mnl I fit "liooliy" by
Mm. Mi'Ollnn.
Mr. nml Mih. K. II. I'lillllpn vtit
iniHHtnti'rif to l'.iiufiii' Tiii'mIii.v wIioiv
tlii'.v linil IiiihIiu'hh iK'fotv Mnrli I,.'
Willi', 1. S. I.iiiiiI ('oiiinilHHlonor.
Why certainly we don't con
fine ourselves to nails ami screws;
hammers and saws; jackplnues ami
tucks, useful as they are. Just now
see our display of shaving sets,
pocket knives, skates and Christ
mas cutlery, fine enough to please
everybody, his wife and all their
TIiIh ut'fk Iiiih I urn n Homcwhiit I
Hi'rnppy Him nml tin nmivlml nml
polli't' Jililut' lutvc lit-i-n illlli linny I
limkliiK "TtiT nml t'ollt'vtlui; lliu-H of
tin pitrtlt'lpmitH. j
If, von wunt I'liillifH Iii'iihIivh, hull-1
Iii'iimIh'h, mIiii vlntr IiiiihIivh or any
titliOr old klml of liniHlifH nill on tin'
ll.l ..I .! II. l,.l'l.,lln ti'nii i'fllHOII lHIIKlll. UH Hll'V IlllVt'll llllf
tint prUi. on th.-'lliHt hraw. Tin. ""ii' for tlu holiday tritiU.
t'oiiHolatlon wiih Imiili'd li.v lioliby , (IrlicHliyV naw mill whlt;h Iiiih Ihvii
lllalr. Iti'fri'Hhnii'iitH woiv wrved li.v 1 linllillnir In the SIiimIiiw couutry for
a commlttti' nppiiliiteil for that pur- hoiiui tluui will hoiiu Ih In nmnlnir
piiKt nml the uii'iulit'rH mnl KUt'MtH all . ordi'r uh the holler Ih Ik-Iiih pflt In
voti'il It a Hnlt'llillil Hiim-HH. plnOf (IiIh wtfk. It Ih liicntt'ii aliout
.. 1...1 ...n.. i ,1... i .....i.
An i.ffiiit Ih lii.lnir min i iv lint 1 " "" !""
Griffin &
sr. ismm:
Voainh f!n !
uuLUii yy
1 A .MnrHlillelil Saturdiiy nlwlit Jn a
' hack room of a milium "Doe" KiikIu
, n piiinlilor. xliot Tom linker, another
Kiimlilcr to death. Engle, who had
; liet'ii drlnkhijr heavily Iwiiioil over
, the table where linker' wiih and Hhot;
1 him live tliiK-H. When taken to Jail1
Knsle wtltl: "If I killed him I hIiiiII
) die happy.
A I.UIHHAl, Ori'KIi.
The imtlcrsitiit'd will uivo u free
fciimple of Cliaiiiberluin's Stuimu'h until
iti... .T.y..,u .. 1
l.ltt'i k.iiiivm iu iiiituitv " uittiiii it"
ri'linhlp ri'lmtlv ftir ilifmilpri nf itti'l
f toniiii'li, biliuusiiecis or eonutipatioii. 'd
1 lila la it new ivmetlv iiiul a tttxfl one.
ltctif on I)ni! Co.
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
Pon't take our word for it, but call and he convinced thai
The Casli Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ot roceries
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
Thi .voting pt'ople'H whlnt flub met
nt tint home of Win. Oariiiiiu hint
I'rlilay iivmiliii; and enjoyed it iiiohI
pli'iiHiiut evening at tlmt' popular
iIIvithIoii. MIhh .Stewart, Mr. Oear
Met"li'lhiu mid Mr. Otto llrowu tied
.1. A. Crow wan over from l.oraiie
IiihI. .Saturday ami while In tin-t-lt.v'
culled at t IiIh wint'l tint and left a line
Hample of Winter NellU pearn jjrown
upon IiIh .sIiihIiiw farm. It IhiuviIIi'hh
hi Htiutt inai iiiivv weivtiiuy nppit-
IiiihIiii'hh men of Miikviio to pivHerve
llanir'H park anil prevent It belli);
Hold off In reHlileiice IoIh. A Htoek
company Ih Ih'Iiik orKimUed to
purcluiHe the park and make of It
a futility fair trriitiiiit to be tiHed by
l.iuiti ciiiinl v. TIiIh Ih Inileeil u very
Kilt it I Idea mid Hliould bo elit'OliriiKed i elnteil.
not only ny t lie people oi I'.iiuvne nut ... ii.iUi- ivtmiHtl iionut
of t hu entire eouuty. A kooiI eounty . , L'ViS...? H.S
for the holliluym. She Ih ijnlte eii
thiiHed over Home tt the lCiiHleni Ore-
A blir. ili'Ieeteil loklmr, while liorne urou eltlen, Siimpterln particuhir nml
wandered Into Ihei'lt.v hint Mommy hii.vh It Ih one of tile eomhiK eltlen
fair eneh fall would do wouilei'H for
ihiifouiity mid Uh varied liitlimt iIcm.
from Hiimewliere In the HiirroutidhiK
eoiiulry. He had probablv btra
foundered mid turned out tiC'riiHtle
or din ami Iiiih Hiieeeedeil In iloliw
thu former. I Uh IiooIh had grown to
an euoriniiiiH length and itvembleil
hhow Hhoen or Hled-ruuni'iv. 'I lie
niai'Hliiil took him In, thinking he
eoillil iIIhIohi of him to Home one
who wanted a hoiHoto freight KooiIh
Into llohemlii UiIh wjnter over the
deep hiiow,
Mr. nml Mih. A. D. l-eltoy arrtveti
In the elty hint Satiirilny from ti t Ii urmH Mltw Iteim Hke
trhiHouth whlehthey nmi lij I n ) the w,( Honu ojj.ilent wm
lione t int, t Wi tl prove ueiii'iii-Hii
'h iTltoyV health. The,v had n
of Oregon.
Antlivw llruuil eimue down from
lloliemla the llrnt o the week and
linen not expect re-turn to the ill.
trlet until H iring but will npeml the
winter on the count and at Columbia
river polntH. He rcportH tiveri'thlng
l.lottrlHhliig In HnhemU,
Mrn. Joe linker entertained iv
nuiatier of her lady IrlemlH, Satni'
ilny ntleruoou. The inont of the
time Dciug Hpeui iu iiiHeiiHHiug ino
neeeHHty ot liulleH leirnng to une Uiv
r enlertaltu'il
.1, W. Cook ami wife eaine up tnim
n OHt. enji.v ible trip ifnd vlHliedtnanyl I'ortlat .1 1.14 S.vtwnhv.v and vWte 1
i.Vw ii In Southern Otvgon anil In thu elty the giuwtH of Mi-h .Nweph
i N. ...."...n .. I ,. (Imtllv tliH'ltlliiu l'erkhm. Mr. ('cm Ih an ohl time
to locate liimporarlly -tt Merlin a
i .all village uhout ten irtllin m;rth
of (IrantH I'hhh wheiv the font try
ami ullniatOsHUlted theni liettei'
Hov Htu w" t . t hcBiVw no town that friend Mr Hlmhtt... of the KiMolmrs
.V.nL ,,r.mi ei(mH iiHOiiroYvn little lAimberCo.,who Ih Htytu at the
tdiy of drove. ; "
ivHlilent ot thin city, and Ih one of the
ear r mliicra ot ttie uoiiemta ntHtriet.
He Ih now In tWtvul t'Htr.te IhihIhohh
In rortlaud. While, here Mr. Cook
had u Hhort vMt with hln-old time
Where the nii'iila me well cooked imtl well aervetl uiul the Intls are jooil.
Anil ytni'll llml everythlni.' Iionifllke without home liieonvenienceu.
Cotiiunnil atny an Jong iih poxatlile.
I'ltv to our Coiiiint'ri'inlTriitle. Try our Sunday Dinner. The beat ever
Seivetl In any 'Hotel in the' City.
N. D. HARDY, Jrgr.
United htntwi Laml OHU-o, -Honeburg,
ore., ikh. . liltt.
Nuilita Ii horcbv iriven ihal ln cuiiU'lUiut
with the pruvUlom of the net of Cnttgreii uf
' JuucS, entitled "An art for the mleof
I Timber ImU lit the Plates of California. Ore
icon. Nevaila, a ml wanhliiKtun Territory," an'
extended tu all the l'nblioljtml States by at t
of Auiust 1, John W. Cubit, of Kugem,
County of I-aiu'. State oi Ore nun has thisday
tlled In lhU oftU- hln nworn ktalemeul No.
j 3771, for the tmroliaMS of the NK
j of Section No. 'JO, Towushlp 2S outh, of
i lUnKe 1 wett and ill offer proof to show that
the land tontrht i more alualtle forju timber
or Ktone than for utrrtculinral iuiriHea and to
' ctablikh liliilalm to vatd land before Marie L,
Ware, l'. . CominlHioner at Kugene, Oregon,
! on Saturday the 17th day of January,
I He name aa wltti eases
Oetrge W Hunter, Charle II. I'olhu'k, of
Kuiiene, O recoil, Jaraei N- liamlle, of rair
mouut Ore.. Austin IUmt, of Sprinntteld, Ore.
Any and all i-emm elaiifttuK attverJy the
above dt'neribe! landi are reqnwt4l to tile
their claim In tlitsomceon jr U'foreald 17th
day ut January, UMl.
J. T. HHiii, Keif Uter.
fc,TIioro's No Place "Like Home" 2
S and there's no cooking like mothers, but
ifvou will stop at the
fc: Yon will be'sti well pleased that you will come ugtiin ntul
fc britiR your friends, Kverything new. neat and clean. 3
Plastered Rooms Newly Fiiniislicii5 :
Conveniently Located, Two blocks West ud. One HJock
' North of S. P. Depot. ' ' ' 3
H Wi. T. Kityser, Proprietor. 3
Cnltetl States Lniitl Olfiee,
litiM'Inirn, On., Nov. 7th, 1IX)2.
Notive in hereby i;iven that in eoiiiili I
untie with thu provlttioiiu of the net of'
Coni;ri'!! of June 3, IS78, entitled "An
Act for thoiiiile ot Timber Uuitlo in thu
Statu of Ciiliforniii, Oitvon, Novndii,.
anil Washington Territory. us e.-
tended to all the I'll III if Unit) States by ,
net of Anoint 4, IS'.)-, Llitreiit-o A,
rurker, of Kiigene, County of lame,
Statu ot Ore., Iiiih thin tlay tl It'll In thin
tiirice liia sworn etntoint'in No. 8910, for
tho piircbuso of theNW 4 of SootlonNo.
12 in Tuwimlilp No. 20 S, Rnnge No. 2
West, anil will oiler proof to oliovv that
the Inntl Koiiht Ih more valuable for itd
timber or Htoiitt than for iigrit'
purpoeei', aiitl to establish his elaini to
saitl laliit More Marie I,, Ware,
U. S. Coiiiniissloneriit Kiigene, Oregon,
on Monthly, the 2ml tlay ot February,
lie names as witneeees:
Albert K. 1'arknr, Antlren J. Ciuztin",
Albert K. Turks, It. C. Doyle, of pleas
ant Hill, Lane Co,, Oiegon.
Any mnl, all persons elaimini; atl
Versyly .ttm' libove-tleserlbeil fittiifa are
rupuestetl to lliu their claims 'in this
office on or before sniil 2ml tiny of Jan.,
V ' tJ.T.HuimiKS. Iteitister.
Civil t nt II. 0. Mnilsen'H new store
nml nee the tine line of hulles' mm
IWiUt's wnteheu. 42-4t
E FOR 30 DAYS j;
To Close out Three Speeinl Lines, Namely:
Men's Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
jE Men's Ladies' and Children's Clothing.
Men's Ladies' and Children's Hats.
1 3 Good lliili An Sewing Machines 3
j Price SB4t.SO SBa.OO i
F'nrs Olieai 3
E: Soili at Cost. 3
Call next door north of Cottage Grove Hotel.
miS. X, K. EfiSlOA. 1
Uhl bANOS.
The ashion Stables
(bi'lsmui) 5. Bnis, Proprietors.
Also own and opperatc the Bohemia
and Black Hutte StaRe Lines
FirstQajs Turnouti, Double or Singh:.
Reasonable Prices.