Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 12, 1902, Image 2

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    Bphemia Nugget
M W IIKNIIV, IMIlor nnd roir
I rirc In Chicago Hotel Causes Death of
Fourteen People,
Ghlcneo. Doc. 0. Fouilocn men mot
I death by suffocation this morn Ins In n
llro which occurred at 0 o'clock in tho
, Lincoln hotel, 170 Madison Street.
PVPNTS flP THF HAViThlrtcon ot those who loit their lives
' v wore stifled whllo lying In tholr bods,
. .... ...., . .i.. ,..,' Ono victim was taken from tho build'
H;:-Vlri- rnj,d Pom,. Moat tho ambulance on tho way to tho hot-
Chief Executive Delivers
Annual Message
Likely to Prove Interesting.
IVonMont Rooaovolt has announced
that ho will wind Barrett to Japan.
A riot In tho Fronch chamber o
deputies had to bo suppressed by
' soldiers.
Tho postofllco department hag Itfgun
leaning tho 8-ccnt stumps bearing tho
Martha Washington face.
Italy alto has claims agalnBt Vene
zuela and has ordered two cruisers to
that country to enforce her demands.
A violent storm which swept tho
coast ol Nova Scotia cauted many
marine disasters and Bomo loss of life,
A Mexican scout was captured by
Yaqut Indians, his foot cut of! and then
compelled to walk, lie fell dead after
100 yards.
The anthracite minors claim that tho
coal companies keep them continually
in debt and are thus ablo to enforce all
Jnstico Holmes, tho now member of
the United States supreme court, has
taken tho oath ol office and entered into
his now duties.
There is much suffering in London
on account of the tovere cold weather.
Folly hall a million are without em
ployment in the United Kingdom and
many of them have no food or protec
tion from the cold.
Kins Edward will visit Iroland next
Another St. Louis boodler has been
Ex-Speaker Reed's condition
mains unchanged.
Two German warships have arrived
in Venezuelan waters.
rroslclent Roosevelt will visit tbo
Northwest next May.
A general exchange of troops in the
Philippines has been ordered
King Alfonso is having a great deal
of trouble in securing cabinet.
Blacklisted miners told tho strike
commission their side of the trouble.
Tho anthracite coal trust is negotiat.
Ing for tho purchaseof tho independent
Fire In'Cleveland, Ohio, resulted in
the death'ot threo firemen and a heavy
property loss.
At least 25,000 took advanage of the
low passenger rates from the East and
located in California during September
and October.
Emperor William, In an address to
workmen, denounced socialism and
warned them to have nothing to do
with: Its duUt lues. f'"" ..V'
Ex-Speaker Thomas B. Keed is 'criti
cally 111.
Tbq Cuban reciprocity treaty Is sure
of being ratified by the senate.
Mr. "Buck, United States minister to
Japan, died very suddenly of apoplexy.
The men who held up and robbed the
Bridger, Montana, bank have been
Tho German reichstag was the sceno
of more rioting during a debate on the
tariff question.
Senator Mitchell and Commissioner
Hermann deny the prevalence of land
frauds in Oregon.
An oflort will bo made to raise seve
ral Spanish gunboats sunk in Lanao
lake, Mindanao island, in 1808.
Tho senate committee on military
Coronor Treflgor, aftor inspecting the
building, United A'Ub-IUnUJhlef Mush
am In declaring that tho building was
a veritable trap, and never should havo
been uecd for hotol purposes. Chief
Musham declared that thero were such
wido cracks In tho floors that tho smoko
poured through tho building in clouds,
rendorlng escape extremely difficult for
thoso on tho upper floors.
Thero was no flro oicapo on tho front
ol tho building, although ono was In
process of construction. Tho scaffold
ing was up, and from it dangled several
ropes, down which a number of people
slid to tho pavement after all cscapo by
tlio stairway hut lecn cut oil.
Tho hotel was four stories In hotght.
and contained an unusual number ofl
rooms for n hotel of its sizo. After- Sj
wants uniot aiusnam declared that
they were tho smallest rooms ho had
over eoen in any building. Had there
been fewer partitions, ho declared, tho
chances of life for those sleeping on tho
upper floors of the hotel would have
been greatly Increased
F. A. Smih, proprietor of tho hotel,
declared tliat there, wero, as nearly as
ho could judge without his books, about
125 neonlo in tlio hotel. It was. in
fact, filled to Its utmost, and many np-1&
pllcants for rooms wero turned away
last night with tlio information that
they could not bo accommodated
Mint Clerk Weber discovered the smoko
pouring through the halls shortly be
fore 0 o'clock, and did his best to alarm
the guests, but the smoko was so dense,
and increased ro rapidly that he was
ablo to arouse only a small number,
and he was then compelled to grope his
way to the street to avoid suffocation
Tho guests came down the one stair
way of the building in all stages of un
dress, and several leaped from the
windows ol the second story and escap
ed without serious injury,
The firemen, who arrived with great
promptness, saved many lives by carry
ing people down ladders from the
windows. The smoke on tho inside of
the building was so thick that tho fire
men were unablo to do more than to
take the people out of the windows.
Those who were not able to resell the
windows in a few minutes after the
fire broke out were suffocated. Thefiro
itself amonnted to very little. A por-
tion of the third and second Doors was
burned, and the blaze was extinguished
within 40 minutes after the first alarm
As soon as the smoke permitted the
firemen to live inside the building, a
careful search was mado of all the
rooms, with the result that 13 men
were Jound to have been stifled before
they had been able to leave their beds
All of the dead had rooms on the third
and fourth Moor.
Favors Revision ol Tariff on Some Plan
Whkh Will Not Disturb tho Country
Heartily Commends Action TaVen
In Irrigation Matter Alaska Should
tie Qlvcn Needed Laws.
S! tl..,,..
lYrfect public land law.
Proteet f nine on lortit rerT.
Give Alaska needed legislation.
Create a jeretat j- ot commerce.
Kiteml treo rural mail delivery.
Establish reciprocity with Cut.
I rrlKalton act should receive attention
Organised capital and organised labor
must wort together (or the good ot the
international arbitration should bo
A general taffihouM be at the head
ot the arm?.
iltlr-lnos areenjojlnr greater liberty
than ever before.
Control ot corporations should be In
the hamti ot the government.
llulld up navy so ai to be able to treat
Monroe doctrine aa cardinal feature ot
ourtoraltn policy.
Kevle tariff laws to the extent ot bus
iness demands, but do not Jeopardise
the worklngman or country in general.
All tuture financial legislation should
look to an Interchangeable currency,
convertible Into gold at tho will ot (ho
Strike Commission Listening to Evidence
of Men Themselves.
Scran ton, Pa., Dec. 5. At yester
day's session of the Anthracite strike
commission the representatives of tho
mineworkers continued to call witness
es, mostly practical mineworkers, who
told their story of conditions as they
exist in the Ilazleton, or middle, coal
fields, The miners tried to show by
these witnesses that the Coxe and other
companies had violated the agreement
entered into by both sides when the
commission was appointed, that the
Washington, Dec. 3. President
Roosevelt's annual address to congress
wns read in both houses yesterday.
Following is a synopsis of the docu
To tho senate and house of ropreeenta
ho still continue in a period ol tin
bounded prosperity. This prosperity
Is not the creature ol law, but un
doubtedly the laws nndor which we work
have been instrumental in creating tho
conditions which mado it possible, and
by unwise legislation it would be easy
enough to destroy it. There will un
doubtedly , be periods of depression.
lbo ware will recede, but the tide will
advance. This nation is seated on
continent flanked by two great oceans.
It Is composed ol men the descendants
of pioneers, or, in a sense, pioneers
themselves; ot men winnowed out
from among the nations of the old
world by the energy, boldness and love
of adventure found in tholr own eager
hearts, bach a nation, so placed, will
surely wrest success from fortune.
In my message to the present con
gress at its first session I disensesd at
length tho question of the regulation of
those big corporations which are popu
iarly known as trusts.
our aim Is not to do away with cor
porations: on the contrary, these big
aggregations are an inevitable dovel
opment ot modern industrialism, and
tho effort to destroy them would be
futile unless accomplished in ways that
would work the utmost mischief to the
entire body politic.
I believe that monopolies, unjust
disci iminations, which prevent or crip
ple competition, fraudulent overcapl
taiization, and othor evils In trust or
ganizations and practices which inlur
iously affect Interstate trade, can bo
prevented under the power of congress
given their old places back where they
had not already been filled. Somo of
the witnesses called testified that they
were not given back: their old places,
and maintained that the men promin
ent in the union in tho various localities
during the strike were discriminated
affairs will report in favor of the bouse azalnst. The commission has decided
bill reorganizing the militia and piac- to invite the mine inspectors to appear
strikers should return to work and be I to "regulate commerco with foreign na.
liftfnrA thftm. twwjltlfA fhfi mttipri aeaarf
I that the workmen fear to inform tho
ing it on the same footing with the
regular army.
, ,. . . mine Inspectors of dangerous
The house committee on approprla- fc h , L ,
tfi-tnta tints a rv rorul nn tlm nanainn annrru
priation bill. It appropriates 1139,
847,600, which is $5,730 more than for
the current year.
The official vote of California on
governor, as announced by the secre
tary oi state, is: Pardee, .Republican,
140,380; Lane, Democrat, 143,783.
Pardee's plurality, 2,553.
or un
the inspectors are usually accompanied
in the mines by some representative of
the company, who may cause the roan's
discharge. This is a new point before
tbo commission.
Prance will
ons orders.
expel many more reiig-
The Chinese government is planning
a steamship line to the Pacific coast.
It is announced that President Roose
velt contemplates a hunting trip in
Alaska next spring.
The prospects are that Oklahoma
only will be admitted as a state at this
session of congress.
An unsuccessful attompt was made
to blow up a train in which the em
peror of Japan was riding.
The bank at Bridger, Carbon county,
Montana, was held up by three masked
robbers and (10,000 secured.
Tho opinion ot the press all over tho
world is that the president's message
il ono ol the ablest ever delivered by
any president or monarch,
A bill Iibb been introducod into con
gicss amondlng tho irrigation law. It
would permit reclamation and pur
chase under cash entry law, also allow
the leasing of water power developed
by the government.
The United States will not mix with
Venezuela a financial affairs in tho pro
posed new loan.
A bill has been Introduced in con
gress which, if passed, will have the
effect of abolishing tlio office of com
roanding gouoral of tho army, now held
by Gonoral Miles. It creates a general
staff corps to act with the secretary of
Daring November the public debt
was lowored a trifle under a hall mil
lion dollars.
Tho International copyright treaty
with Spain has been restored to full
effect by tho exchange of diplomatic
Proceedings of the Senate.
Washington, Dec. 5. The senate was
in session today one hour and nvo min
ntes most of which time wns spont be
hind closed doors. Alter the reception
of a numer of bills and petitions, Mr.
Beveridge had read tho resolution
adopted by the delegates to the Oklabo
ma non-partisan convention favoring
tho admission of Oklahoma and Indian
Territory as ono state, and opposing the
bouse omnibus statehood bill. Tho
senate then went into executivo ses
sion, and at 1:50 adjourned until
No More Outside Aid.
Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 0. The Nlntl
District executivo board of tho United
Mineworkers met here today, when it
was officially announced that the dls
trict would not receive any mora aid
from the bituminous men for tho min
ors yot idle owing to the recent strike,
Secretary Hartley reported that there
were between 8,000 and 0,000 men and
boys out of work In Schuylkill. North
umberland, Columbia and Dauphin
counties, comprising the district. Each
local is at present looking after idle
To Investigate Pensions.
Washington, Dec, 0. A Joint reso.
lutlon providing for n commission to
investigate the pension Jaws has been
Introduced in tho senate by Scott, of
west Virginia. The resolution nro-
vldea that the commission shall con
slst ot two senators and two members
of tho house. It is gi von authority to
make inquiry Into the advisability of a
provision for pensions for all persons Sold standard.
tions and among the several states.
If it prove impossible to enact a law
that will regulate 'these corporations,
then, assuredly, we should not shrink
trom amending the constitution so as
fo secure beyond peradventuie the pow.
er sought.
Stability of economic policy must al
ways bo the prime economic need of
this country. This stability should
not be fossilization. The country has
acquiesced in the wisdom of the pro
tective taritl principle. It Is exceed
ingly undesirable that this system
should be .destroyed or that there
should be violent and radical changes
therein. Our past experience shows
that great prosperity in this country
has always come nnder a protective
tariff; and that the country cannot
prosper under fitful tariff changes at
short intervals. It is most earnestly
to bo wished that we could treat the
tariff from tho standpoint solely of our
business needs. Ihe well being of the
wage earner, like the well being of the
tiller of the soil, should be treated as
an essential in shaping our whole
economic policy. There must never be
any change which will jeopardize the
standard of comfort, the standard of
wages of the American wageworker.
One way In which the readlustment
sought can be reached is by reciprocity
treaties. They can bo used to widen
our marxets and to give a greater field
for tho activities of our producers, on
the one hand, and on the other hand
to secure in practical shape the lower
ing ot duties when they are no longer
needed for protection among our own
people or when the minimum of dam
age done may be disregarded for the
sake of tho maximum of good accomp
It would be both unwise and un
necessary at this time to attempt to
reconstruct our financial system, which
has been tho growth jot a century; but
somo additional legislation is, I think.
desirable It Is suggested that all
future legislation on tlio subject should
bo with a view of encouraging the use
of such Instrumsntallties as will auto
matically supply every legitimate de
mand of productive industries and of
commerce, not only in tho amount,
but in tho character of circulation: and
ol making all kinds of money Inter
changeable, and, at tho will of the
holder, convertible into the established
to solvo on linos ot sanity and far
sighted common sense as well as de
votion to tho tight. This Is nn era ot
federation and combination.
Organized capital and oragntzed
labor nllko should remember that In
tho long run the interest ot each must
bo brought into harmony with tho In
terest ot tho gotteral public; and tho
conduct ot each must conform to tho
fundamental rules of obodionco to tho
law, ot individual freedom and ot us
tlco aud fair dealing toward nil. Ench
should tcmeuiber that In addition to
power it must strive after tho reallin
Hon ol healthy, lofty and generous
Ideals. Every employer, every wago
oarnor, must be guaranteed his liberty
Rural Ireo delivery services is no
tongvr In tho experimental stagot It has
become n llxod policy. The results lol
lowing Its Introduction havo fully hull
fled tho congress In tho large appropria.
Moits made tor Its establishment and
1'ow subjects ot greater Import'
anco have boon taken up by tho con.
gross In recent years than the Inaoutt
ration ol tho system ot nationally aided
Irrigation tor tho arid regions nt tho
far west. A good beginning therein
has been made. Now that this policy
ot national Irrigation has been adopted,
ttto neon ot thorough and Bclonllflo for
est protection will grow more rapidly
than over throughout tho publlo land
Legislation should be provided tor
tho protection ot tho game, and wild
creatines genorally, on tho forest re
serves, Tho senseless slaughter ot
and his right to do as ho iHces with his ,hollu , t ,
who served in the
days or mote.
To Lay Pacific Cable.
San Francisco, Dec, 0. The British
steamer Silvertown, which is to lav thn
cablo between this city and Honolulu.
arrived hero today from London, after
a voyage ot 80 days.
civil war for 00 J'ow to secure fair treatment alike
for labor and capital, how to hold in
check the unscrupulous man, whether
employer or employe, without weak
ening individual Initiative, without
hampering and cramping the industrial
development of the country, is a prob
lem fraught with great difficulties and
one which li of tho highest importance
property or his labor Do long as ho
does not lufringo upon tho rights ot
It Is earnestly hoped that tho secre
tary of commerce may bo created, with
a seat in tho cabinet. The rapid mill
tipllcatlon ot questions affecting labor
and capital, tho growth and complexity
ol tho organizations through which
both labor and capital now find ex
presslon, tho steady tomlency toward
tho employment ot capital In hugo cor
porations, and tho wonderful strides
of this country toward leadership in
tho international business world Justify
an urgent demand (or tlio creation ot
such a position.
I hope soon to submit to tho senato a
reciprocity treaty with Cuba. On May
20 last tho United States kept its prom
ise to the island by formally vacating
Cuban soil and turning Cuba over to
vhoso whom her own pooplo had chosen
as the first otllclals of tho new republic.
Cuba lies at our doors, and whatover
affocts her for good or for ill affects us
also. So much havo our people felt
this that in the l'latt amendment wo
definitely took the ground that Cuba
must hereafter havo closer relations
with us than with any other power.
As civilization grows warfare becomes
leas and less tho normal condition of
foreign relations. Tho last century has
seen a marked diminution of wars be
tween civilized powers; wars with un
civilized powers are largely more mat
tera ol International police duty, csscn
tial for tho welfare of the world
Whenever possible arbitration or somo
similar method should bo employed in
lieu of war to settle dlfficntio between
civilized nations, although as yet the
world has not progressed sulllclnetly to
render It possible or necessarily deslra.
bio to invoke arbitration in every case.
The congress has wisely provided
for building at once an isthmian canal,
If possible at Panama. The attorney
general reports that we can nndoubtod
ly acquire good title from the trench
Panama canal company. Tho work
should be carried out as a continuing
policy without regard to change ot ad
ministration; and it should be begun
nnder circumstances which will make
it a matter of pride for all admlnistra
tions to continue tlio policy,
ui I'orto Klco it is only noccsasry to
say that the prosperity ol tho island
and the wisdom with which it has been
governed have been such as to make it
serve as an example oi an mat is best
in insular administration.
On July 4 last peace and amnesty
were promulgated In tho Philippine
islands, bomo trouble has since from
time to time threatened with tho Mo.
bammedan Mores, but with the late
insurrectionary Filipinos the war has
entirely closed. Civil government has
now been Introduced. Not only does
each Filipino enjoy such rights of life.
liberty and the pursuit of happiness as
ho has never before known during the
recorded history of the islands, but the
pooplo, taken aa a whole, now enjoy a
measure of self government greater titan
that granted to any other Orientals by
any loreign power, and greater than
that enjoyed by any other Orientals
under their own governments, save
the Japanese alono. Too mucli praise
cannot do given to the army for what
It has dono In the Philippines, both In
warfare and from an administrative
tandpoint, in preparing the way for
civil government; and similar credit
belongs to tho civil authorities for the
way in which they have planted the
ioeaa oi sen government in the ground
inns made ready lor them.
Iho army has been reduced to the
minimum allowed by law. It la very
smau lor the size of the nation, and
most certainly should be kept at the
highest point of efficiency.
A system of maneuvering our army
in bodies of tome little size has been
begun and should be steadily continued.
Without such maneuvers it is follv to
expect that In the event of hostilities
with any serious foe even a small army
corps could be handled with advantage.
uur o uicers and enlisted men are
such that we can heartily take pride in
mem, but they must be thoroughly
trained, both as individuals and in the
mass. In the circumstances of modern
warfaro tbo man must act far morn on
his own individual responsibility than
over before, and the high Individual
efficiency of the unit is of the utmost
I urgently call your attention to the
need oi passing a bill providing for a
general staff and ior the reorganization
of the supply departments on the lines
ot tho bill proposed by tho secretary of
war last year.
For tbo first time in our history
maneuvers on a lager scale are being
iie:u under the Immodlate command of
tho admiral of tho navy. Constantly
Increasing attention is being paid to tho
gunnery ot the navy, but It Is yet far
irom wtiar. u snouin be.
Thero should be no halt in tho work
ot building op the navy, providing
overy year additional fighting craft
we nave uenuorateiy made our own
certain foreign policies which demand
the possession of a first class navv.
The Isthmian canal will greatly in'
crease the efficiency of cur navv if the
navy Is of sufficient size; but if wo have
au inadequate navy, then the building
oi tno canal would bo merely elvintr a
hostage to any other power of superior
strength. The .Monroe doctrlno should
bo treated aa the cardinal feature of
American foreign policy; but it would
bo worse than Idlo to assort It unless
we intondod to back it up, and it can
bo backed up only by a thoroughly good
The striking Increase in the revenues
ot the postofllco department shows
clearly tho prosperity of our people and
the increasing activity of the business
of tho country.
for Instance, a serious count against
our national good senso to permit the
present practice of butchering off such
a stately and beautiful creature as tho
elk tor Its antlers or tusks.
So tar as tltoy are nvallablo for agri
culture, and to whatover extont they
may bo reclaimed under tho national
Irrigation law, the remaining publlo
lands should bo hold rigidly for the
homebulldor, the settler who lives on
his land, ami for no ono else. In their
actual tiso, tho dvsort land law, tho
tlmoer and atono law, and tho com.
mutation clauso ot tho homostead law
havo boon so perverted .from tlio Inten
tion with which they were enacted as
to permit tho acquisition of largo areas
ol tho public domain for othor than
actual settlers and the consequent pre
vention of settlement. Moreover, tlio
approaching exhaustion of tho publlo
rangos lias ot late led to much dlscti
sion as to the best manner ot using
these public lands In tho wost which
are suitable chiefly or only for erazlns.
In vlow ot tho capital Importance of
tueso matters. It might bo woll for
commission ot experts to Investigate
and report upon the complicated quce
lions involved.
i especially urge upon the const-ess
tho need ol wise legislation for Alaska.
It is not to our credit na a nation that
Alaska, which lias been ours for 35
years, snonid still have as poor a sys
tem ot laws as Is the case. It Is a tor
ritory of great size and varied ro
sources, woll fitted to support a largo,
permanent population. Alaska needs
a good land law and such provisions for
homesteads and pre-emptions aa will
encourage permanent settlement. We
should shapo legislation witli a vlow
not to tho exploiting and abandoning of
the territory, but to the building up ol
homes therein. The forests should lw
protected, and. as a secondary, but still
Important matter, the game also. Laws
should bo enacted to protect tho Alas
kan salmon fisheries against tlio greed
which would destroy them. It would
be well if n congressional commltteo
could visit Alaska and investigate its
needs on tho ground.
White House Dec. 2, 1S02.
House Appropriates Nearly $140,000 for
Old So'dlcrs.
Washington, Dec. 8. Tho house Sat
urday pasted the pension appropriation
bill carrying , 1311,000,000 without a
word of debate, and devoted tho re
mainder ot tho day to tho passage of
bills on the calendar, qulto a number of
which wore passed. To prevent tho
passage of a bill to prohibit tho mill.
Ury bands trom engaging in competi
tion with private bands, W. A. Smith.
ot Michigan, "mado the point ot no quo
rum, and the house thereupon ad
journed. It was agreed that the Lon
don dock charge bill should be consid
ered and voted upon today.
Un tho call of committees bills were
passed to readjust tho time fur holding
couit in the Western judicial district of
Texas; to confer Jurisdiction upon tho
circuit court and district courts of South
Dakota In certain Indian cases; to
create a new division ot the Western
judicial district of Missouri; to incor
porate tho society of military surgeons;
to Increaeo tho maximum period in
which livestock can be confined in cars
without unloading from 28 to 40 hours
to grant right ol way for telegraph and
telephone linos in Alaska from 80 to
320 acres; to sot aside lands In South
Dakota as a public paik, to bo known
as wind Caro national park; for the
relief ot certain settlers upon the Wis
consin Central railroad and Tho Dalles
military road grants; to incorporate
the general educational board; defining
what shall constitute and nrovid'ng for
assessments on oil mining claims, and
fixing tho punishment for tho larceny
of horses, cattle and other livestock in
Indian Territory.
Americana Would Have to Pay.
New York, Dec. 0. Expertsfamlllar
with the trade of Venozuola, nnder
normal conditions, assert, says a Trib
une dispatch from London, that tho
customs revenues aro dorived chiefly
from imports of flour from Jie United
States and Canada, and exports of coffee
to the eamo markets, and that tho soli
ure ol tho customs for tho settlement of
British and German claims .would in.
volve the payment ot debt through
duties lorlod upon coinmorce from and
with Amorlca.
Telegraph Wires Down and Coiumunlcn.
Hon Difficult Storm Is Ucneral Trent
New lint land to Virginia and Through
out th South All Hut-ope Sulfcrlng
Prom Snow and Cold,
Now York, Doo, 8, A furious storm
ot wind nnd snow has swept tho Atlan
tio coast for two days, nnd Dooms to
havo boon gunornl, not only In tho
now, but also In tho old world. From
Now England on tlio North to VI
glnla on Iho south, tlio galo strewed
tlio coast with wrecks, and, aided by
tho snow, tore down telegraph wires
that communication was seriously In
torrupted. Railroads were also block.
aded by tho snow, which rangos from
four to 13 Inches In depth. As tl
storm advanced, tho cold grew more
severe, and tho wholo seaboard is In tho
grasp ot winter.
Tho cold wttvo has extended to tho
far south, treat being experienced as
far as Mississippi. It was accompan
led uy storms of lain and snow, which
quickly molted and swelled tho rivers
to such a iolnt that they in wimo cjihos
ovorflowcd tholr Imnks nnd drove away
tho (habitants, nnd In ono cntu washed
out a railroad bridge Tho snowfall
and cold weather has been gonoral
throughout Europe, England being cov
erod with four luetics of snow, tho can
als in Holland and tho harbor of Copcn
hagon liuing blocked with Ico, and many
villages In Switzerland being isolated
by tho deep snow.
None of Crew Escaped.
Norfolk, Va.i Doc. 8. Roiiorta
celved In Norfolk tonight are to tho
effect that nono ot tho crew of tho III
la tod schooner Wesloy M. Olor escaped
Only ono chance ol a rescue In known
Tho German steamer Koln, from lire.
men to llalllmoro. reported the crew
of nn abandoned schooner aboard whll
ontorlng tho Capes today.
Tho three-masted schooners lllla
D. Hilton and Melvlllo Phillips and
several smaller craft wore blown ashore
In tho harlior during tho gale, Tl
steamer Underwriter, which was tow
ing the Oler from Nassau, has not yot
been beard from, and fears aro enter
talnod that she foundered In tho gai
Tlia crow ot the schooner Ida Ijiwrcnro
abandoned that vessel In a rudderless
condition off Hatteras early tills morn
ing ami wete rescuod with difficulty I
the llfesavers.
llarrett Is Now Securing Exhibits From
Oriental Countries.
Washington. Dec. 8. When tho
president comes to take un tho ant-stlon
of tho succession to tho vacancy caused
by the death of Minister Iluck, at To
kio. ll is understood that ho will namo
John Barrett, of Oregon, at present
commissioner general ot the St. Louis
exposition to Asia and Australala,.to
lie minister. Mr. llarrett la now some.
where In tho neighborhood of tho
Strnits Settlements. Ho has boon
srorking'to secure a good Asiatic re pro
sentatlon at the St. Iula exposition
and his efforts havo been attended with
success, tor he has Inducod both China
and Japan to embark upon largo gov
ernment exhibits when lliey had docld
ed not to bo represented in that way
He is now bound for Australia, whore
it Is his bnpo to change tho minds of
tho premiers in Australia and New
Cuban Children Set Free.
Washington, Dee. 0, Tho 11 Cuban
children who havo been detained in
New York during tbo past rovoral weeks
by tho authorities wereordored released
today by tho treasury department, end
they will Immediately proccod to tho
Point Loma University Brctherhood
school, in California. This decision
was reached after a hearing at the de
partment today. ' Tho meeting was bo-
hind closed doors, but it dovoloped tho
fact that the school is not objectionable
In any way.
Oreat Tunnel Finished.
Oluvoland, O,, Dec. 0. Tho last
spadeful of earth that separated the
workmen engaged In digging the two
soctlons of tho big waterworks tunnel,
100 foet undor Lake lirlo, was removed
today, and, after six years of continu
ous labor, tho tunnel Is practically
complotod. Its purpoeo is to supply
the city with pure water from an Intake
crib five miles outjln Lake Erie. 8)nco
tho work began 60, lives havo boon lost
through exploslpns and other accidents.
Election ot New Colombian Congress Will
Delay Canal Treaty.
Washington, Deo. 8. If United
States Ministor Hart, at Bogota, is cor
rectly Informed, no treaty providing
ior me construction of the Panama
canal can bo ratified by tho Colombian
congress before Jnno 1 next. He has
reported that the' congressional oloc
tions havo lieen called for tho tniddi
of next March, and Colombians hero
say that a poriod of at loast 00 days I
required to assoniblo n newly eloctod
congress, and then somo tlmo must
elapso boforo it Is in working ordor.
Secretary Hay, therofore, has docidod
to allow tho treaty to be ratified In
Washington first, presuming that he
succeeds In negotiating ono, unless tlio
senate interposes an objection, which is
not rinticipated. It Is expected that
early this week Dr. Ilcrran. tho Colom
bian charge here, will bo given all tho
powors necessary for film to sign
Valuable Letter of Washington.
Boston, Dec. -8. A letter of Qoorgo
Washington, written October 20, 186
to bis friend, Patrick Henry, gotomor
of Virginia, was sold at auction at
collector's salo today for $580. the nur.
chasor being a New York man acting as
agem. ino letter is given In full In
Sparks' Jlfo of Washington, and Is of
somo length. Its subject matter relates
to a grant of money by tho Virginia
legislature to Washington In reward for
his services In the Revolution, and his
reiusai oi mo samo.
Wash Off the Uactcrla.
Washington, Doc. 8. Twelve million
bacteria inhabit tho skins of half n
pound of vhorrlos, according to Dr.
Ehriicb, a Gorman sciontist, who lias
made extensive experiments In regard
io mo inieciion oi fruit with hactor a.
Currants como noxt, with 11,000,000
io nan a pound, and cranes next.
with 8,000,000, An account of thoso
experiments has boon trasmitted to tho
stato department by Unllod States Con
sul Clark Marpy, at Berlin. Tlio doctor
urgos that fruit bo cleaned bv oilhor
peeling pr washing boforo it is oaten.
The Colorado Robber-Hunt.
Denver, Deo. 8. A apodal to tho
wows irom La Junta, Colo., sayren tele
phone messgae from the "J. J." rnnnl,
has been rocelved tc the effect that a
posso last night ovortook tho three men
who lobbed the Carlton postofllco and
later shot Shorlff Tate, and In a Lattln
which ensued two of tho robbors' horsos
wore killed, Tho fualtlvos. howovor.
held up a party of hunters, securing
fresh horses, and escaped, Tho posso
is still in pursuit.
Prosperous Southern Oregon Mine Real
Estate Transfers In Marlon County In-creaalng-Agcd
Man 86 Hours With
out Pood or Shelter llenton County
Hog Discovered with Jauadlce,
A poultry show will bo hold In A1
baiiyi)ccauibor 22, 23 nnd 24.
A masked man held up tho post
office nt Sprlngwnter, Clackamas
county, but secured only 00 cents.
Tho Northern mining and milling
I company has been organized nt Oregon
City with n capital stock- ot -i.uuu.uuu.
Tho iKiard ol tttistcori ot tho Oregon
Insnno nsyluin havo addod Dr. A. K.
Tnmlesslo ns a physician to tho medical
staff nt tho asylum.
Tho susxins!oti ot timber land entries
until they ran bo Investigated Is much
broader than at first account given out.
It embraces all of Iho offices In Oregon,
Washington and California.
Notlco has been recolvcd nt Albany
from tho postofllco department that the
slto for tho Albany os(o(!lco has boon
leased for 10 years, The building will
bu enlarged and remodeled throughout.
1). A, Applegato has been awarded
tho tontract for carrying tho malls
dally between Ashland and Klamatti
Falls for (4,000. Tho contract begins
DeceniUir 28,, 1002, and runs until
Juno 30, 1000.
A pchonio has been foiled at Hunting
ton to secure several largo tracts ot
publlo lands by fraud, Tho officers
wero watching tho case, and at the
appointed time of hearing tho prin
cipals fulled to show up, having re
ceived notlco thatthoy were being
Tho Wlllamotto uiperand pulp com
pany and tho Crown parwr coinuiny,
of Oregon City, have practically com
plotod arrangements forthe establish
ment ot apparatus ermlltlng them
to n so crudo oil for fuel In their mills.
Contiacts havo been mado with a Call,
fornla company to stipp.y oil.
Much local Interest ls I wing inanl
'oited in tho city elections throughout
tho statu, which occur from Docembor
t to April 1. Sovoral cities have threo
tickets in tlio field.
Hosea Stokes, aged 78 years, became
lost In the woods at Iraking Olass.
Houthern Oregon, where he resides,
and when found had been 60 hours
without food or shelter.
A case ol jaundice has been found In
a hog killed by a Benton county farmer.
Mrs. llrldo Slnnott, widow of the late
N. B. Slnnott, died at her home In The
Dalles Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Blnnplt.
was ono of tho moat widely known
pioneer residents of that section ot tho
Prospects aro von oncouranlns In tha
gold mining district In tho Santiam
country. Considerable dovolopment
work Is being dono and now machinery
installed, a smelter will be shipped
in early noxt summer.
Tho Greenback mine, on Grave creek,
Southern Oregon, has a new 20-starop
mill completed and ready to begin a
much largor business that It has been
ablo to do In tho past. Over 60 tons of
ore will be crushed daily. Nearly 300
people are supported by tho Greenback
mino, tho houses of which have mado a
thriving llttlo town with a store, hall
and schoolhouse. Tho town is known
aa Greenback nnd has recently boon
mado a poatofllce.
Pendleton commenced free rltv mall
delivery December 1. Thora aro four
carriers and threo deliveries of mall a
day will bo made.
The real eatato transfers in Marlon
county during tho past week amounted
to ovor 162,000, which Is tho largest
for a similar poriod in many years.
Activity In real estato has beensteadlly
Increasing for over two years and there
a every Indication that it will train in
intensity during tho next two years,
Whllo thoro la some movement In rltv
property, tlio transfers are nrinclnallv
of farm property.
Wheat WallaWalla. 71ffl73o! hlnx.
stem 7P880ot valloy, 74c.
Barley Feed. 123.60 nap tnni haw
ing, 124.00.
Flour Beat grade. 8.6008.00! trrah.
am, (3,2033.00.
Mllistuffs Bran. 110.00 hAV inn
middlings. 123.60! abort., tio an.
chop, (18.
Oats No,
1 white. (1.16(31. 17Ui
gray, (1.18K1.16 per cental.
.Ii;7 V Tln,othy. (10(911 ; clover.
(0,00; cheat, (8Q0 per ton.
Potatoes Best Bnrbanks. finsun
per sack; ordinary. 60fi66o IU1P f-Antjil.
growers' prices) Merced sweets, (1,76a
2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, (3.00(3
25; perponod. 10o! bona. Hint an
dozen; per ponnd, lOo; springs, (3.00
(93.50 per dozen; fryers, (2,60(93.001
broilers, (2.00B2.60 ducks, (6.000
0.00 per dozen t turkova. Il.n n
dressed, 15c; geese, (0.00(30.60. '
uneose uii cream, twins, WX'
18J4C1 Young America. IRUetnu.
factory prices, 101 Wo leas.
nutter fancy creamery,
w iiuunui extras, auot
922Kci store. 16rai8.
Eggs 25(9300 per dozen.
Hops New crop, 23920c per ponnd.
Wool Valley. 12k(ai6e! R..t..n
Oregon, 6Uiio mohnlr, 2GQ28c.
Beef Gross, cows, 8(330 per
pound; steers, 4o; dressed, 0t37c.
Mutton Gross. Ba
dressed, Oo,
Lambs drnsa qtx
dressed, bKc.
Hogs Gross, WQWo per ponnd,
dressed, 707Hc, '
dairy, 20
par pound