j as UK ApVkltTIAINU MKIIIUM. a NEAT JOII I'lttNTtNO. 5 Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering nncl Panning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake VOL., IV. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. NO. 48. NUGGET mfti . . . Suitable Gifts. Iti our Large Stock of Goods we carry Suitable GiftH for Husband, Wife, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter. CHRISTMAS TOYS gifts. Christmas will soon he here. No better evidence of it can be found than in our Toy Department, which is more complete this year than ever before. A LOOK THROUGH OUR STORE Will make grown folks long to be children again. Everything; in the way of Mechanical and Musical toys. We cant begin to enumerate them. Bring in the Little Folks to See Them S'l.rcl.ii.scN may foe made now and left with us for future delivery. EAKIN & BRISTOW. DOLLS. We have the Largest Stock of Dolls ever brought to Cottage Grove. In this Stock will be found ev ery style of doll man ufactured and from the largest to the .sin allest. We do not in tend to car ry one of these over the Holidays, Conseqenty they will be sold cheaper than dolls were ever sold on the Pt'icific Coast. feSi Mines and Mining I "bovorod to B'6hcrlx Notes nnd jUbr Itbms of cfeneretf ryorasTVo Mining Mon.v 1 with throe hundred anil llfty to fourl huudml feet In tlu Krcntent ilepth , yet attained, froeinllllno; ore lMHcnrce, , Mining Stock Of ISohcmlu llclow wo rIvo 11 llnl o( tin1 IciiiIiiik inlnlni; coinpiilllcN of t lie lliilicnilu Mining IHxtrk't anil tin- market price of thu xtock ot the Hiinii'. Thoiv art) An SITUATION IN OKliOON. Interesting Letter Prom V. Hard to a Colorado Paper. J. l'orthind. On., Nov. 11). WO; Editor Dally Mlntliir llccord, Colo- Hume, l'"vyr. Hint nrv not , rai hitIiikh.' Colora.lu: cIiiiIihI In tlio lint yet I m vi) not Im-n (imllti'il Intentionally, while there aru othcrx that urv new cnuipuulcN ami will Im added tn tho lint a wo nocuru Hit) nwiwary data: Orvrfim HocurltleM V f I ou Oregon & Colorado Mining Co. .H) VoHIIVlUM !IS HunrW '''IS llohemla tlold .Mining Co :eiJ Ooldon HIIiHr. ST. Hiawatha ID (,'ryntal CoiiHolldntcd ai I.nItoy IS .Star 1" lol.l Hill & Jlolicinlii ... K May ltd wit i (Jolcoddu O.'i JiiiIhoii Hock O.'i lllvorHlde 10 North Kalrvlow 02i Oront Kantoru V: Lucky Boy" Incorporates Tho I.ueky Hoy Mining Co. Iiiih re contly been Incorporated (or f 1,000,. 000. Thu IioIiIIiirh olthlH well-known company, In tho IIIiio Itlver Mlnliitf DlHtrlct ot Lane county lire con tddurod flrut cIiihh and have paid their former ownero an Iiuiuciiho amoiiiit ot money In clear prolltx. TIiIh Ih not thn only KooilmlnliiK proerty In tho lllno Itlver DlHtrlct cither. Like Ilohenilii only Icxx exteimlve, thu lllno Itlver Mining DlHtrlct eon- talliHiiiany line procrtlei that are hound to iiiako their owihth rich whon tho necewmry capital In fort II coming to prnMirly dovelop them. Not only Im that dlntrlct Ichh exten hIvo hut the proHpectH for Kccurlng traiiHporlatlou tor tho Innnenwi iiantltleH ot rich oro of tho camp are not hrlght, at leant (or tho imwnt. On tho other hand, train IoiuIh of rich oro will lo rolling down from old llohumla, within tho next ten or twelvo mouthH, on tho Oregon and Houth-KaHtoru, and tho camp will rapidly iikhiiiiio tho proportloim ot a Crlpplo Crook No. - and Cottngo Orovo will hooii Ihtoiiio a rich and populoitH city. Notice Of Stockhohlers ileetlnff. Notlco Ih hereby given that the an. inuil nuvtlpg of tho HtocklmlderH ot tho lllnwathn Mining and Milling Company will ho held at tho com pauy'H ollleo la tho Flan building, at Cottago drove, Ori-gou, on tho Uth ,.iy of l)oceiulK'r, A, 1). 11HW, at tho hour Of 10 iv- . 'r tlio purpoHool oloctlngaboaril ofdln-ctorn for the uuHUIng ,ve(ir, anil for thotraiiHactlon of hucIi other biiHlueHH iiHjnny prot orly coino letoro tho meeting. TIiIh notlw Ih nent you In nceord anco ylth tfm by.lawH of tho coin pimjC Diitod at Cottngo Orove, Oregon, thlH lHt day of l)ocenilor, A. I)., 11)02. J. C, Joiinhon, Hoc. and TmiH. lu o ling thucut-i)tUiaTO.aMliel ta m n njIw u , MIIIk Tnemlny, loorgoVnugli T 1 Tho fn!0 ,., ttago drove Hllpped ainlfelll 1,10 ,m) miiimi. Dear Sir A writer In a mvatnuui- Ix-i'ot the lUt'ord about Oregon given UHHomevery Inten-Mtlng factM, and otter HiigKCHtlouM which might Ik- followed and would tieiiKix'at In'iie lTrtVfheMtnlo. One hundred and nine million dob lam, principally gold, produced lu Orrgou, nceorillng to Hulled Htnten and geologtcnl bulletliiH, and tlio recon I of the hint thrco yenrM hIiowm IncreiiHed average. That houuiIh pi-el ly good. Hut the writer calln um uiiMHliackH, but we don't like to have outxIilci-M call um iiiokhIiucUm. Wo are like thu man who went homo with a lit of ilcHpondcncy plainly xcen by hltt good wife, who In her dinlre to Mhar hlri burdeiiH, nnVed the trouble. John Joiich hud called him altar, hut what do you care about what that low down brute nay, It Inn't to, nnd no body iK'lleven him, yen, 'int he told the truth. Tho rcanou correct factn relative to our annual production cannot. Ih1 obtained are varloun. Klrnt, inoKt. of our ltent producing inlnen aru owned by iion-rcMlilcutM. Second, there In no home market, not a cuntoiu nmelter la the ntate. Third, dlxpOHltlou to fear lutrunlou from the outnldc; don't know why, ex cept that they are afraid that Home body cIno will maku a cent, not real Ixlng the publicity of our production attractH mining money. Tho writer In quite right, wlicn ho lettl tin down cany, ntatlng that placer mining In where wo m-olvod our mining eilucatlou, mid we are pleaM'd to uotu that ho hii.vh that It In deiuouHtrated that Oregon Iiiih great poHHlhlllttcn an a ipiartx mln lugntato. NowtOHliow you we aro not no nlow after all, wu do nut have to compare ournclvcH wttli the l'orto KIcuiih or KlllpluoH, bifiuiHo they do not at onco fall Into our cuntomn, wo coino doner to home, right to your very door. An tlio true Unsure velnn and IcdgCH of (piartx have exlnteil all them) yearn lu Oregon, wherowas tho gold pnn loiiH to the lnt ten yearn? lu your givat mining ntate Colo rado. Where did tho runll go In 1II01-1INK!, to Creedo or Cripple Crook? To Creedo, Why? Ileeaune It wan a Hllver camp and nllvcr wan ourhiM and amtiltlon. Why didn't many ot your inluem tent their on' lor gold nnd other motaln they contained? UvcaUHo nllver wiih good enough (or thum; and lantly, how i-ame Cripple Civek opoueil and no well develooil? llecmiHo by tho downfall ot nllver men wore comiH'lled to hunt for gold. Wo are not driven to hunt for any thing In Oregon; natural n'ourcen ot every naturo nmllo tioforo on nearly got oft tho nubjoot. Our placvrmlnen aiv Ht 111 producing mlllloun of good, puro gold that payn one hundivd coutn on tho dollar. Our iiuiirtz uiluenr which wu know mont atiout, aru producing, tint wo admit that ItMinfaucyt oxldliod ore or Whllo I.UOUIl 1 ... with hU left hand on tho wiw which , cropitlngn from which perhapn tho cut tlirougu tno nauii iciivhik pmcer mrt iiiih neon wanueo nan iu tho llttlo linger. Dr. Wudo diHHed , t rilt.tc,U,0 attention ot thu native the hand and thlnkn ho will boablo, ' . . , .. . Htm.k ,VM toimvolt though Mr. Vuughn may , "ilner, but wnun tninBtnak t,nc novor have more timn i pariuu uho way io ot tho sovercd llngorn. Drain Non- through. n irell. HulphldcH, the natlvo Is dlntrlct that I am tnmlllnr though toiiH of high grade ore In J watting for the miner to come and take It out. Thine H'ople are work ing up and not down. Yen, without doubt, the future ol Oregon mining Hen lu I In quurtx inlncH, If eiiHtcni mining men unit money let It alone long enough, wh inny lie driven to It. Deep inlnUigU getting to In.1 the word. Therv-arou numlH-r ot companion In the- Htntc eltlicr now driving or preparing t dodivp work, and It wo don't nliow you Homethlng In tho howoU ot tUw grand inoiintnlim It will lie tunny. Hantern Oregon (linker City and Sumpter), Wen tern Oregon (llo- hemla-?ottiige d rove), Moutlieni On- gou (drnutn Pann anil (lolil Hill) an- iharlng nllke lu receiving their nlmre of new, progrennlve, Intelligent ile- velopnient work now golnjj op, and uulexn I mlnlead, a largo nmelter In lielng built lu Maker City, another one at Wnldo In Southern Oregon, alno a railroad from Iloheuila. And In coiicIuhIou, myjrlcnd, thin writer Invlten you to come, bring your money, lie lair, miuare men, help and nhan' la the development ot tho ntate that Iiiih moru to nhow from iiurfuctt down than can Im found clHcwhen) lu the L'nlted Statcn. Como prvpnnil to take your nharo ot tho country (eany to get), but don't come to take or exn.vt to run thv people for wo wont run. h J. Hahh. QARMAN & HEMENWAY Leaders in Merchandising. HRtSTMA Santa Claus has filled our store full ot his prettiest Christmas Goods. He has left us so much that we can please everybody . Tho Oregon Mining Exchange. Among the rvHolutloun panned by tho board of trado yenterday tho ono commending and endomlng tho Ore gon Mining Kxchaugu, and ItcHjicak lug for It public coulldenco ami pu trouugc, In cnHVlally denervlng of a hearty wcond. The Kxchaugo In au Inntltutlon that, If projierly appn elated and encouraged, will Ins of great value to Portland. Tho devel opment of the Htntcn rant mineral rcHourccH Ih but Junt fairly lieguu. Urcnt mineral IIoIiIh lie nouth, vant amlHouthennt, and I'ortlaud, an tho Htato'n inctropolln and commercial center, hIioiiIiI alno 1m Itn prlnclpnl mining exchange center, tho place where ownera, luventom and lu iiulrern can meet and obtain Intorma tiiiu, lint, buy and wll nliaren, and traunact IiuhIiichh relating to I'aclllc uorthwent inluen. Thun an Intercut lu our tulueral lvnourccn In awakened anil grown, not only here, but It ox tendn, oxpaudn ami bringn capital Inln who wloh to Invent In mlnen hither. It alno mitten Portland with tho mining regloun. Tho Kxchango 1h Junt tho medium that In needed for tliew purpiWH. It In a thoroughly reliable Institution, Itn luemlMirnhlp being coinponed of well-known, n putablo mining and other bunluoHH men. It In Important to Portland that It nliall micceed and 1hcoiuo noted iih the principal Inntltutlon of Itn kind lit thin region Evening Telegram. A T1MKI.Y SUGGESTION. This Is tho xeuson ot tho year when tho prudent and careful lionsowife. re plonlslioii her nupjily ot Clininborlnln's Couuli Hemcdy. It In certain to bo neeihV.I buforu tho winter in ovor, nnd results uro much more prompt nnd Dittletuetory when It is kept at liiind mid given an noon an tho cold la commoted niul bofpro it hui become settled lu tlio ayutuni, In almost every Inutaiico n Bovere cold may bo warded on" by takini; this re in el v freely iih goon as tho II ret Indications of tho cold appears. There Is no danger in glvlnp it to children tor it contains no harmful Bulistunco. It is pleumUit to taku-rlaitlMHlulta umLetiiUl ren'liko It. lHiy It mid you will pet tlio host, It alwava cures l'or salo by Lyons A AiplcKte, Drain, llcnson Drug Co., Cottago Grovo. Bowaro of nlr drlod or half dry flooring, colling and run tic. The llooth-Kelly I.umbor Co. nro making special prlcen on kllu-drled lumber. DON'T FORGET the advantage of early buy ing. You have a better as sortment to make your se lection from and you will al so avoid the rush and crush. Any purchasesyou leave with us we will take good enre of and deliver to j-ou any time you wish. Our Toy Department is tilled with all kinds and descriptions and prices. DOLL BUYERS. Price distinctly low, better line has never been shown. If you Avill compare our price we believe you will find it to your advantage to buy from us. DOLL DEPARTMENT. They are the kind the little girl wants. You can secure whole families of them here. We have all kinds and sizes and our prices are much less than dolls bought on the coast. Practically a new line from one end to the other. You miss it if you do not s.ee our line before buying elsewhere. Our prices are way down. fancy Coilet Goods. We save j'ou the need of shopping. We offer you the pick of every good thing in the market. When once you see our prices you will buy. Very large line to select from. GAMES. All kinds ofgames, old games and new games, for old and young from 5c to $3. ftbotograpb Albums. Good goods not trash. All new bright and clean. No old shelf worn goods and our prices are way down. PICTL'RE DEPARTMENT. We have sold so many that we are nearry out. Mow ever have a few yet and they are all right too. Book Department We have a very large line of book. Juveniles, poems, teachers' Bibles, story books and in fact nearly every thing. Conclusion. We are thoroughly experien ced in buying holiday goods. We know the good things and biry what is wanted. We have never been fooled. Always sold our goods. Try us. I Come ana Sec. J J. C. JOHNSON aid F. .G KliV attorneys and Comiselors-at'law 8oll Kttentlon glrtu la Mining, Cor)ontion ml M.trontll. Lw, onico over (lutuinn A K.menw.jr'tilure, COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. BARKER & PERMAN l'ROl'HIKTOKS OK THE EXCHANGE PEALKUS IN FlNi; .WINESi 'UIQUORS, , CIGARS. Unln.itt.tl, OotUUrov. Why was Lot's wife turn ed into a pillar of salt? Because She stopped to Rubber Neck. Wo have on honu a largo stock ot kiln-dried HoorlnR, celling and rustic In grades 1 2 and 3, Lot ub make yo ipeclal prices. Dootu-Kki ly Lvmukr Co. But she was not to blame, she thought she was passing the NEW ERA DRUG STORE The Kcst Rubber Goods Of all kinds for sale. BARBERS- Wo aro now located In our Now quartern, oppoolto the l'ostolllce, and respectfully Solicit tho putromiKO ot all Who desire Iliut-chiBs work- A LARGE NEW PORCELAIN BATH TUB. UIVE UB A CALL. l J. E. YOUNG Attomey-at-Law Office on MIu itreel.'weil Side COTTAGK GROVK, OrK. A.H.KING Attorney nt Law, COTTAGE (iliO'E, Oil IS. Call at at H. C. Mndrtcn'ri nevHtoa and bco the Hue lino ot Indies' and Kent'H watchi'H 42-4 tj H. C. MADSEN, ' Watchmakkr. Reptilian i rtuoiubl. tbttt . All work guaranteed tlnl-clai. Wte hen, Clock and Jewelrr at Loweil TrlM COT f AGE OKOVE, ORE. 3?