'0 I OUR PRESIDENT AND HIS MESSAGE mown"' Hii' fml Unit in I ho grazing legion Die limn who turrcioiiils In the, homesteader may lie unable to selllc pfrniuiifnlly If only iillJwid in umi tlx' wuno umotint tit pasture liiml (lint his lirotliti, tint holm-slender, In allowed (u line (if arable IbimI. One hutuliid iiikI nix ly ncics nt fill I y iltli una well uiili i id toll, or u much sinaJlcr fliniiiiiil or IrrlKuted hind, may keep a futility In plenty, whertsm ih rit could gel it llvlni: fiuiii one hundred utnl slx ly mris nf ilry piwtluio liiml cnpiiblo of nui or 1 1 iik at tliu outside only oim head nf cattle lu every ten wres. In the litis t en ill trni-ts or the pilbllu iloiniiln have b ii feuicd In by prriwrnn huvliiK no (llli thereto, In direct defiance of the law forbidding Ihn maintenance or constrm tlon of any such unlawful In rlosilio of nubllii liiml. For various IBHSOnS tlll'IC IlllS le'CII little IlltlTflT- ineo ulth such Inclosun III the post, Iml ample notice has now In en glvm, the tresptissers, nnd ull tin- rcsoiim lit till' cominwhd of the Clovernmcnt will htrriitflcr lx used 4t liut u Moo to such trcsiuuwlni:. In view uf tlx' tapiutl Importiiiite of these mullerti, I toinnifjiil thtin lo the rami si consideration of the I'nnifress, ami If thi fnncrciw tlnd illlllruHy In dfitllnK with thi'iii from la-k of thor ouh Mum limine of thi- subject. 1 ," ommend Itinl rlnlon Up iniiOi' for 11 commission of experts r-mlnlly to In vestigate nnil report upon tin- compll rilled questions Involved., 1 (specially urge upon the Congress the need of wise legislation for Alotilm. It In not to our credit un a nation that Alrutka, which him been ount for thirty live years, should mill have H ioor a system of ls ns Is the time. No country, hus u more viilu.tblc posscnilnn In mltiir.il wealth, In nsherlcs. tuis, forests. iuhI In liiml available for certain kinds of farming tnd stock growing. It In ii territory of greut slic nnil varied rutourers, well Mted to support it birce permunont miuiitlun. Alku mcds ft Ki"d lnl unit such provisions for homesteads Anil pre I'liiptlonB a will fniouriii!" jifrmiiiunt cttlcriivnt. Wv nhoulil hiti h-Klnl'f tlon with a vltw nut to thu xloltlni: utiil Jwinflr.nlnif of thr ttrrltury. hut to the hulhlliiK ut f homm Ihtrtln. The hind lAWit iihould b- llhrrul In tyvr. ni n to hold out lnilucMiH'M to the lictual wilier vhom wr iiiont diiilru to xc tiiKu iKivm mtlon ."f the nintry. Thf fiirent or Alimkit nhould he pro tertitl. tnd. n " wronilRry hut ntllj lmKirtnnt mutter, the K"e i'1""' ut the Willie time It Is Imperative thul thw iietlleni thould tm ullowwl li cut timber, under proper rrrulatlotiii, for tUelr own uc. Iiwh Bhould Jw 'D iictt'U to protett the Alankiui Mlmoti fuiherli-A iiK-alnM the itrtnl whlih would ilintroy them They iihould bu pre jerved ii it jHrmancnt lndutry und food nuptily. Their mtniMtemenl .and control nhould bp turned over to the rommti'i'lon or FUh and Kluherlen. Alnnko. hmild huvc a deleeate In thu Con:rt. It would be well U b foil Kreimlonal committee could vlnlt Ala k.i and lnvtKtlirat.1 ItB nrvdA on the K round. in deitllni: with the IndlanA our aim nhould he their ultimate ubiiorptlon Into the bKly of our people, llut In many cnn'A thin ahorptlon mum nnd nhould m very Alow. In portion of the In dian Territory tho mixture of blood hut Rono on at the numo time with proKrctut In wealth and education, no hnt them arc plenty of men with vurylnK deKrem uf purity of Indian Mood wno lire absolutely Indlntlntrulnh itble In point of noclaJ, polltloal, und economlr ability from their whltii annoelateii. There arv other trlbeA w hich Imvn b yet made no perceptible itdvitnic trrward nuch etiuallty. To try to force nuch trlbvji too font In ti prevent their solni? forward at all. Moreover, the tribe li under widely different condition. Where a trlbr haa mode ronnlderablo olvajice and lives on fertile farming noil It IB polble to allot the members lundB In ecvcralty much us Is the cuno with while settlers. Thero nre other tribes where such a roil rue la not desirable. On tho arid prolrlo lands tho effort should be to Induce tho Indians to lead pastoral rather than acrlcultural lives, nnd to penult them to settle In villages ruther th.tn to force them Into Isolation. The liireo Indian schools situated remote from any Indian reservation do a special and peculiar work of great, Importance. Hut, excellent tlioimh these uru, un Immense; amount of ad ditional work must he dono on the res ervations thi-m-iclvcs nmonit the old, nnd abovo all amonir the younif, In dians. The llrst and moht Important step toward the absorption of the Indian Li to teach him to earn his llvlnBi yet It Is not necessarily 1o bo absumed that In each community all Indians must become either tlllcns of tho soil or stock raisers. Their Industries may properly be diversified, nrul those who show special desire or adupUtblllty for Indus, trial or even commercial pursuits Bhould bo encouraged so far as prac ticable to follow out each his own bent. Kvcry effort should, bo made to de velop tho Indian aUmic tho linen of natural aptitude, nnd lo cncouraKO tho existing natlvv Industrie peculiar to certain tribes, such, a the various klndH of bimktrt weaving, canoe build ing, smith work, and blanket work. Above nfl, tho Indian boys and Blrl should be given confident command of colloquial Kngllsh, and should ordinar ily lio prepiirvd for a vigorous strugglo with tho conditions under which ther t.iwmin iiva miiier tlin n for Immediate nbsorptlon Into some more nisiiiy - velopcd community. Tim niMi'lntu who rrtnresent the Oov eminent lu dealing w-.lth tho Indians work under hunt conditions, nnd" also under conditions whWth render It easy to do wrong nnd very difficult to detect wrong. Consequently they should bo limply paid on tho into hand, and on the other hand a particularly high standard ot conduct should bo de manded from them, 'jtnd where mis conduct can ho proved' tho punishment should bo exemplary. In no department of governmental work In recent yenrs hus thero been greater success than In thnt of giving scientific uld to the- farming popula tlon, thereby showing tliem how most elllclontly to help tliemst lves, There Is no need of Insisting upon Its Impor tance, for tho welfato of Jtho Xurmer Is fundamentally iiocemary to the wel fare of tho ltemihlla as. jv wholo. In (iddltion to such Vt'ork ns Qiiurnntlno ngaliiHt animal unit vcgotablo plagues, and warring ngnltist thorn when hero Introduced, much elflcl unt help has been rendered to the mrmer by the Introduction of nt w pit ints specially fitted for cultivation und cr thq peculiar conditions oxlstln) r Jn illfteront por tiona of tho co untry. Now cereals hava been established In the seml-arld AVtsl. For Instniiic, tho piacticnblllty of i ml ui In; tlin iN'St types of inacn riml wheat in riglunn of mi annual ritlnfiill if only ten Inches or thore ulioulii linn heeii tonrllislvely ilemon strntid. ThtiMiiih the Introduction of new rices In Nun Inbuilt nnd Texas lln prndili'tlnu of rice III Ihl loiinlry has been miide to about i.i'jal the hmiie ilt'iniind. lu the lloiithwent tho inmnl hlllly of iegrswlni: nvcr-storkeil range Ifiiul has turn ilemonstriiled: In the North many new fonute crop have been Introductd, while lu the Hunt It has bien shown that some uf our ilioliint fruits can be nloied nnd shipped III such a way ns to find a ptnlltiible miirket abroad. I again recommend to the favorable i ininlderiitlon of tlin I'ongiiM the pluns of Ihn Miulthsiiiil'in lustlttitloii for making the Muneum under It charge worthy nf the Nation, and for preserv ing at Urn N.i.lloniil Oipltnt not only ifcoriln of the vanishing rate of men but of Hi" animals of this continent which, like the buffalo, will soon be ( niiio extinct unless specimens fiuin wtili h their representatives way b reiiewtd are sought In their unlive re gion and UMlnlAliieil there In safety. Tho iJlstrlet of Columbia Is the only purl of our territory Im which the Na tional Oovcrmucnt oxtrelses lout! or mutilt'ipnl runctlons, und whem In con pi'iUciitti th Rovernrnent Iiuji a fni liiind In reftrenco to icruln type of sihUI ntid economic legislation which must be iswiitlnlly local or inunlt Ipnl In their cliAravter. The tlnveriimeiit should see to It for Instance that th" hygienic (tinl snnllury leglslntlun uf- fe!tlng Wnshlligton In of a high ehnr niler. Tho evils of slum dwellings, whether In the hpn of crowded and cmiKiKtid tcnemcnt'lmuso dlntrlets oi of the b.ick-nlley type, should never be permitted to grow up In Washington. The city should be a model In every respect for all the eltles of the country The charitable und correctional sys tern of the iJlstrlc-t should reielve tun sldrlitllon at thr hamls of the Congress to the end thHt they may emlmdy the n suits of the most udvaliced thought 'n these tl Ids, Moreover, while Wnsh Ington Is not a great Industrial city, there Is some Industrialism here, and our labor legislation, while It would not be Important In Itself, inlKht be made a model for the rest of the na tion. W should ixiss, for Instance, a wl emplnyrr's-llAbltlty uet for the District of Columbia, and wu need sudi an net In our navy-yards. Hallrond iotiiiaules In the District ought to b leiiulred by law in block their frogs. The safcty-appllnnce law, for the better protection of the lives and limbs of railway employees, which was passed 1 1) 1SS3. went Into full effect on August I. ISO). It has resulted lu averting thousands of casualties. Kx- ! perlenee shows, however, Jhe necessity uf additional legislation to perfect this iitw. A bill to provide for this passed the Hrmttu at the lust w-snlon. It Is to be hoiicd that some such measure may now he enacted Into law. There Ut a. growing tetidemy to pro vide for the nubllrittlon of masses of loi unietit for which there 1 no publlu demand and for tho printing of .which there Is no rea.1 necessity. I-arce num bers of volmnnrt r turned out by th Uovernincnt printing presses for which there I no Justification. Nothing should be printed by any of the De triments uiiIcm It contains some thing of permanent value, and the Congress could with advantage cut down very materially on all the print ing which It has now become custom ary! to provide The excessive cost of Oovrrnment printing I a strong argu ment Hgnlnst the position of those who ire Inclined on abstract grounds to nd vixwte the flovernment's doing uny work whleh can with propriety be loft :n private hands. (ratifying progress has been made luring the year In the extension of the merit system of making appointments in the Government service. It should be extended hy law to the District of 'olumblH. It Li much to be desired that our consular system be establish ed by Inw on a basis providing for ippolntmcnt and promotion only In onseiiuentv of proved fitness. Through u wise provision of the Con ares nt Its lost session the White House, which hsl become disfigured by Incongruous additions and changus, m now been restored to, what It was planned to be by Washington. In making the restorations thi utmost cure hav been exercised to come as near a possible to the early plnn and to supplement these plans by a enreful study of such building as Hint of the University of Virginia, which was built by Jefferson. Tho White House I the property of the Nation, and so far as Im compatible with living therein It should be kept as It originally was, tor the same reasons that wo keep Mount Vernon as It originally was. The lately simplicity of Its architec ture Is an expression of the character of the period In which It wns built, and I In accord with the purposes It was designed to nerve. It Is a good thing to preserve such building as historic monuments which keep alive our sense i f continuity with tho Nation's past. r The reports of the several Executive Department nro submitted to tho Con gress with this communication. TIIKODOHU ltOOSHVErT. Whlto House, December. 1003. Coughing Spell Caused Death. Harry Duckwcll.aged 35 years, choked lo death early yesterday morning nt his home, lu the presence of his wife and hlld. He contracted n slight cold n lew days ngo and jwld but little attention to it. Yestcrdny morning he wns slcieil with n fit of coughing which continued fur koine time. Ills wife sent for n phy sician hut before he could arrive another coughing spell ciime on, and Duckwcll illcd from suffocation. Ht. Louis Globe Democrat, December I, loot, llallnrd's Horehoiliid Syrup wQiild have saved hliu. 25c, Boc and Ji.oo nt "Vincent Drug Co. WALTON. Kil Whltnkor, who has boon In tho lodging camps of Gardiner nil summer, rottmiod homo todny. Ohns. Knwloi-nnd brldolmvo gono to lioueekooplug in thu Morodit Ii lioueo. Tho Lynns boys uro omitting anil Volling In lota ot logs nowadays. Lsvi Vaughn, who lias n big contra ct, ia hav ing n lot cut on Mr. Atkinsons much. Minn Noru Kabortson U tenuhliig llio Notl soliool, - Mr. Dungs paseod through thU plnco yodtorday, headed toward tho buy, lio remarked that tho "wenthor wns lino and tho woods good." Wonder what ho meant, must hnvo boon male- ing fun of ue. ' Mrs. h. Ullstrup, 370 Sixth stroot.l solo ngont for Hugone, tor Dr. Swan a famous Vastilos, tho novor-falllng romody for nil forms .of omalo woak- Jj'ob," ' d&wtf. NOTE8 OF NOTADLE8. It Is reported that Mnrconl of wire Irs telegraphy funic Is to bo given a (Ilia by King Victor lOiiminnuel. (leorgo 12. Adams, n lawyer, ex-con-incssmnii nnd n resident of Chicago, lain been mnilo overseer of Harvard college. Hiunucl Hawkins Napier, who has just been burled In Upper Ottawa, wns tlin discoverer of the largest nugget of piiro gold which tho world tin ever known. Jniucs Lester, horn lo John nnd Vlda llrnnnan In llnrwliiton, Conn., recent ly, make tho fourth generation now living together In tho sumo houso In which they were horn. Oeiicrnl iritz-IItigh Uc will uinko his homo In Norfolk, Vn In the future. Ill decision In snld to have been tho result of his appointment ns head of tho Jamestown cxixjsltloti. Congressman Candler ot Mississippi tnke nctlro Interest In religious mat tirs. Ho Im spoken from several Washington pulpits aud ivhllo at home during the summer holds revival meet ings. Tho only surviving pensioner of tho war or 1HI2 Is Hiram Crouk, who is pausing tho lust years of n quiet life nt tho homo ot IiIh daughter nt Dunn llrook, about fifteen miles north of I tome, N. Y. Tommy McMnth of Hope, Ark., has accepted a position as telegraph op erator nt Pino Itltiff, Ark. He I only fourteen years old, and Is probably tho jomigest cotton exchange telegrapher In tho United Stales. When tho sultan of Turkey attends a piny, he often lunula the comedian or tho company nn original Joke ot his own, which tho actor gets off In tho course of tho performance. Theso nat urally create much laughter. I 'our of tho oldest men In the senate sit side by side In seats 11, VI, 13 and I I In tho front row of tho Democratic sldo of Hie chamber Mr. I'cttus nnd Mr. Morgan or Alabnmu and Mr. Cock re! I and Mr. Vent of Missouri. Professor Trigg of the University of Chlcugo approves of Mary Mucl-ano and her hook. I lu thinks nil the en lightened should rend It, presumably to become more enlightened. Only tho west, he snys, could have produced such a work and character. Thero Is no fitting monument on the gravu of Salmon 1'. Chuse in Cincin nati. 0.. only n simple stono bearing an Inscription of four lines and recit ing that be was "senator, governor, secntnry of the treasury, chief Justlco if the United States." Ill daughter, who Idolized him. rests beside him. INLAYS AND PLAYERS. Joule De Witt Is singing In llcrlln. Ilnckett Is to produce "Tho lllshop's Move." Lole Puller Is to tour America this season. Marie Corelll' "Temporal rower" has been dramatized. The garden scene of "Faust" Is to be ncted In vaudeville. "My Ijidy Virtue" Is tho title of a new comedy by II. V. Kstnond. Tlie Hoftoiilntis' rcvlvnl of "Itobln Hood" bus met with great success In New YorV 1 truce Mcltnc, who Inst season played Charles Ilnindon with Julia Marlowe In "When Knighthood Wns In Flow er." Is to be Lthel Itnrryinoro's lending man. Miss Agues Ardeck baa been engaged by Itolossy Klrnlfy to play the leading fcmnlu role. Aotidu, In his spectacular revival of "Hound the World In Eighty Days." Iltirr Mcintosh, who wns to havo ap peared nt Mrs. Osborn's playhouso In New York, has canceled his contract nnd announces that he uow retires per manently from the stage. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Cuttings of roses may be mnde as tho wood iH-qulrcH firmness. All wounds on ttees nre the better for being painted, tarred or covered with some substance to keep out wa ter. The red raspberry reproduces Itself hy sending out shoots around the par ent plant. These may be taken up in tlie fall and transplanted. A smalt, thrifty treo with good roots, erpeclally small fibrous ones, when Bet out will be n good bearing treo sooner than n large tree with mutilated roots. Tho roots nro the life of the tree and need tho best attention. In taking up u treo for transplanting caro must bo used to Hccuro ns much of tho roots uninjured ns possible. Cabbages thnt arc growing freely und yet do not head well can have their progress hastened by running n spado under them and slightly lifting them. The object Is to check their growth so that heading Is induced. SHORT STORIES. Tho Island of Nantucket rests on a vast peat formation. It Is said thnt tuoro than 200,000 tel ephones are now In use by formers at their homes About half of Cleveland's 1,000 plants lu the manufacturing district hnvo been fitted with smoke preventers and It Is found that tliey pay for themselves-. (stockyard on mi I nun en so scalo tiro to be built nt Astoria, Ore., for tho pur pose of iiecomiiiodatlug the rapidly growing meat packing trndo of tuut section of the country. Wltnt's In n Name? Kverythiug is iu a name when it comes In Wlleli lTnr,.1 Sntve. It. C. TleWItt X'Pn of Chieniro. discovered some venrs neo how to innkcusnlve troui witch llazel l,ln 's n specific for Piles. I'or blind, bleeding, itching aud protruding Piles, cciemn, cuts, burns, bruises and all skiti !i'sf"?e3' "oWHPs Salve lias no equal, This lias given rise to numerous worth, csa counterfeits. Ask for DcWitfs-the genuine, Corner Drug Wore. HOn8E8 AND HORSEMEN, I -inn Darling jf Chl"KO started thu horses nt thu rcnt ineellrigs ut Plym outh, Ureeu Iiy and Odiirburg. Wis. "J. N. Ilelli'iitij Aurora, 111., has sold tho gray xmiro Krcijucnt. 3:lfiy,, hy l-'lorldn, to Join V. Palmer, Lacrosse, VI. , Tho slnllloii Ilctturton, Hta, )j Oeorgo Wilkes, was, sold recently at Dcs Moines tiy hi. lldrtholomew to W. II. Unit of Holfr, In. IJ. M. Allen llns shipped Dr. N by Himmons, und another green pneer to Terro Ilauto to Join the ruclng division of Hudson !c Uttcomu's stable. Hherwood stotk farm, Sheldon, In., has sold tho two-year-old stallion by Itnrnsey It., 27WJTI, dam Penrl (dnm of Lavlnln, 2:28), by Ashland Pntchen, to Itobcrt Palmer, Ilrltt, la. Teddy Hnl, a four-ycnr-old urn of llrown Hal, can paco tho three-fpinrtcr truck at Hwcll farm In 2:1. or better. Owner George Campbell llrown ex pects him to show nt least 2:12 nt Memphis. Colonel John I. Crclghton has de cided to retire from the trotting horse business nnd to that cud will sell Ash Innd Wilkes, 2:17'4. nil his brood innri s, weanling, yearlings nnd horses lu training. FACTS FROM FRANCE. Thin, inodorous preparation of pe troleum, tar nnd tnr oil ore to be mod for lnying the dust In the environs of Paris. As many of tho Paris hoi-pltnls are not up to modern requirements. It Is proposed to pull them down and build now ones. The cost would be f 1.1.000. 000. Tho French postofDce department ha excluded mourning envelopes from tho mall for tho reason Hint they can bo opened without much chance of de tection. The Tlgaro toys there Is In Paris a night school nt which joung I'rcnch shop usslstnnts arc taught lirltlsh man ners nnd tho art of speaking French llko Englishmen. A Paris milliner has been sued for 20,000 francs on the charge of extor tlou. Plaintiff claims to have paid her 310.000 francs In four Jtnrs nnd that she once charged 100 francs for sewing on n button. As the site Is wonted for n grcatvun derground rnllwny station In Paris, it Is stated thnt tho famous markets known ns the Holies Centrales lire to be moved to the bank of the river Seine near tho Pont Ncuf. THE FASHIONS. Fiuldon has decreed the extensive use of pendant and ball trimmings this season, nnd n great variety Is exhib ited. Seams in slot effect remain the dis tinguishing note In many of tho new skirts nnd Jackets and also In the smart shirt waists. Tlie possibilities of elvct ribbon us nn ornamental feuturo have won for It tho highest popularity iu trlmmlug net. chiffon and light woolens. . Itoulcvard velvet cords are shown in u wide nssortraent of colors, and there Is no more fashionable material for walking or street costume. Embroidery and fancy stlt"hes are the inevitable mark of distinction on overruling from the dalntr stock col lar to tho even daintier hose. There Is a wide assortment of her.Ty textured or "mannish" goods, as they are termed, any of which Is appropri ate for Jacket nnd skirt suits. Tho now drop yokes produce the ef fect of very drooping shoulders nnd nre shown lu many of the newest mod els with tho yoke of nllover lace ex tending over the sleeves. Dellueator. RAM BLES IN RUSSIA. A HuEsIan Journal runs a dally cd umn which Is alleged to he edited by an "Invisible assistant" from the other world. The famines iu the Interior of Russia aro coincident with a decline In the humidity, due In great measure to the destruction of forests. During II. Slpingulne's thirty months' tcuurc of the office of minister of the Interior ln llus&la 00,000 persons were exiled from the chief cities. During tho year 1001 the Rusfctan minister of domains and agriculture sold only 40 per cent of the quantity of forest trees uuthorized by law. Thrco inch quick firing guns of the newest patterns nre to be served out to the Russian artillery in eastern Si beria nt an estimated cost of over $2,000,000. v Seventy-seven Russian officers hve been charged with accepting bribes for granting immunity to couscrlpts pos sessed ot sufficient means to purchass their freedom by tho payment ot black mall. THE ST. LOUIS FAIR. Tho camplug ground for civic and military organisations nt the world's fair has becu laid out to accommodate 10,000 to 12.000 uicu. All lagoon nnd watering work for the world's fair Is to be completed this fall. Macadam roads are bolug built throughout the grounds so thnt bad weather shull not delay work. A space of COO by 700 feet has been allotted to the French government for Its building. Tho building is to be a reproduction of the famous ahd beau tiful Petit Trlauou nt Versailles. Tho United States government life 6vfng station at tho world's fair will stand at tho Inner angle of Arrowhead lake, In the western part of the grounds. Tho lako Is 1,600 feet long and nt th station Is 400 feet wide. Crew Was Rescue,d. Sadltb Ste Marie, Doo. 2 Crow of tho stoamor Hobardwas rosuuod Sun day night aud pulled usboro in a "Boatswains chair," when the etoamer was pounding to pieces on rooks off Mauinlso Point. Two members ot the orow succeedod iu getting it line ashore through tromondous seas and with tho help ot men on shore balauoe ot tho orew win safely landed. A TOBACCO YARN. rtranK'lr W'elnl, (Millr MnrTl Thnt It Happened Tbfla, "Kpcnklng about curious Incidents," remarked one of the hot nlr fraternity, ''remind ino of one flint happened to uio dovn south. Yes; very curious, hut nevertheless u furl." He panned long enough to put a dent In another fellow's paper of "state," then continued: "You see. It wn this wny. I had been bumming th country and taking life easy nnd nlwi anything thnt was isirtable nnd not chained when I land ed In n certain southern lty. It does not mnltir where, mid thought I'd go to work for n change. Don't look at me Unit wny, gentlemen. Necessity didn't (.'(impel me to do so. I only did It ns ii novelty. I know I was dlsgrnctng (ho profession, but my desire to sec how plug tobacco wns manufactured led me to link for u situation so that I could satisfy my curiosity." "And did you actually go to work?" asked n listener. "Yes nnd no. I had been assigned to u rutting machine, nnd ten minutes of it was enough for me." "Wluit wit the matter? Did yi.u re gret what you had done?" "1 certainly did. See thnt stump on my left hand? ' "Yes: we se It. Hut" "Well, that stump was cnil.std by tlie cutter I was operating. It sliced '.rf my finger, and I resigned right th"ii nnd there." "Hut "hat has that to do with th curious Ineldi ut you spoke of?" "I'm etmliig to It- Were you ever In Paris. Ti'S.i- "Yes: know the place well." "And you r. memher that small gro cery near the depot?" "Certainly, hut go on with your she ry." "Well. I wilt in there, nnd .'iftri giving the prcjirletor n hard luck rt-,r;. he bnnd:"' m something to mt nnd plug of I co. I wnndercd (.own tti read, and ....or shaking bunds w.'lli first go-.id in ul I'd hnd In n week I took out that plug to tnke u chew, but after I'd wild, my teeth Into It I struei: something hard nnd couldn't bite It. What do you liilnk it wns?" "A piece of wood or something of that kind." "No. s!r: you are uway off." "Well, what was It?" ' "You may not believe me, gentlemen, hut when I bad cut the plug In half 1 found thu It was tlie piece of finger that I'd lost two years before in tho south!" Ouelil-Star of Hope, Sing Sing. 1 role rnl. IIP ' Shipwrecked Mariner (who has Just sighted lar.di-Hello, Pat! What are jou going to do? Pat Siiure, bedad. Oi'lm going to swim ashore nn' save nolsclf an' thin swim hack an' save you! Rlllpllrnl Humor. "Oh, I beg your pardon!" "What forT "Taking -the ihalr you were about to occupy." "Rut 1 wasn't going to take that chair." "I beg your pardon for begging your pardon." "No; you did exactly right In b"? glug my pardon If you thought you had offended." "Then I beg yonr pardon for begging your pardon for begging your parden." -Chicago Tribune. Sweet Amenities. Tess I nut that pompous Mrs. Jor klus on the strti today, nnd I wns so mortllled. Vnu see. her name wu right on th.' tip of my tougue- .J.psi-Ilnt .run couldn't think of It. eh? Tens Not uf -ill The trouble was that I blurted rfght out. ."How do you do, Mrs. .leiUuhr whef'i might have said Siini-'iliK." "Porklns"" ir s ,m thing else lo make her mud. Philadel phia Press. Comparison. "I suppo.so you like jour nutomublle better thnii yo lid your horse?" hI don't know." ,)itverod the uni'i who Is never truly happy. '"J'jje dilTer. once, so fur ns I have observed. Ie that u horse gets to going und you cam Ftop It, while an automobile stops 11 ml you cau't get It to goiug." Washington Star. rint She Didn't nonnce. "Freddie, wby did you drop the baby on tho floor?" "Ah, I Just wanted to tpst the k' Heard everybody say thnt It was a bouncing baby." Now York Times. Try, Try. Try Attain. To live Is just to strive And strive nnd keep on striving. Who strives shall keep his soul alive; Who strives Bhall by and by arrlr At goals worth reaching. If one should strive ml miss arrlvlnjr. As some have, done, what then? Why. In should strive nnuln. Nor know an end of striving, For life Is alwuyn plainly teachhiR, That who shall criua te strive lluit Im amounted not nllvx, ' Indianapolis Journal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digents of all classes of food tones and strengthens (lip stomach and digestive organs. Cures dyspepsia indigestion, stomach troubles, aud makes rich' red blood.Miealth nnd strength. KodOl re builds womout tissues, purities, strength, ens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G. W, Atkinson, of W. Va., savs: I' have used a number of bottles of Kodol aud found it to be a very effective and, in deed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends. Comer Drugstore, NOTED RE FIQHTBR. Cklef llnle, Win twill TeneU AAm, can Methods to Ihe IWIIIsh. Oeorire C Hale, former chief of tw Kwsai City fire department, who lias. IKun lUTlirU lO gO lO LUI1UUII m"i ui unopminio American nicmoos ul hntidllrt fliC8 to tho Ilrltish, Is one of the most nticd flro fighters In tho world. He Is uio the Inventor of most of tho time savng npplnnccs now In genernl use In the flro departments of the world. Chief Hale took a plckul squad of American firemen to the Prht exposl- tlon. where their skill nmaiea the I'nrl' Mans nnd the horde of vlslton at the French capital. Leaving Taris, and his squad spent sir weeks In London. where he opened the eye of the Eng- llsh flremeii. Ho gave exblblOons st the Crystal palace and was offcrea $3,000 to continue them during the summer, but was obliged to decline. Since Chief Hale has been connected with the Kansas City fire department he has perfected fifty different dcvlcen for fire fighting and Are resisting pur poses. Amoi'g hi Inventions nre the quirk hitching harness now In use nil over the world, the water tower, the unhitching nppiirntnr, cellar pipe and the automatic graphophone alarm for private buildings. These devices sim ply carry out his dominant Idea that OMHtaE a HALE. the only way to prevent great losses Is to get quick and effective action on a fire. y.:: ilule It a native of Colton. N. Y. W!i.-:i fourteen years of nge. he went1 to Kninm '.'t. where hr learned the trcdc of machinist. While working at l:!s ir.ule he beinuie 11 member of the o'tn 1 -r lire department as a torch tnj. who rn.vd ahead of the firemen !i ;;iln u 1 j.ht- When the regular paid i'.p:.r:t..ei'.t wag organized ln 1 71. Mr Hnle liecaine engineer of the llrt Ht.-..;i r Si ven years later he was if nl" iKistnnt chief and In 1882 be came .'' which position he retained umil h.i April, when he was retired. Jlr llule b :,fiv three years old. HEADS THE GRAND ARMY. Genrmt Met- art. Who Xuw Lead the Veteran,. if tue Civil War. fi -nrrnl '1 iimmis .1. Stewart, the re-ccuil..- elected commander In chief of the iratl Army f the Republic, was cue of the y 11:11c t hohhers ln the civil war He was .-' hnrt service man, but thnt was not '. f.-.ult. lie was In bis set 'iitteaih .Mil.' when he enlisted in tlie tine Hundred and Thirty-eighth Poivis.flvni't 1 infantry l:i ISIS. Twice befi :e he li.i.l run r.way from home to enll.-t. hut u:n brought hack on both Decisions iiy his father. The third oknkiia:. iitnMAs j. BTEW'irr. time he wa . Mictx'ssful In eluding parenttil vi.- iuuee aud went to the front. (Jeneii l ft. wart Is uu Irishman by jil'rth.' Hi lu t being tlie "place of Id nativity He canie to this country ns a ci)l(d 11 nt yn id'ucatcd In the schools of NorrUtoivu. P.i.' Since the organization of tlie fJroud Army Central Stewart has becu prom lnently Id'entltled with It. He was com mander of Zook post. No. IL of Nor rlstown. iu which town he lives, lie $rus assistant Inspector general In 18S0 and assistant adjutant general to Com mander lu Chief Robert fl; Pentli If) 1SS3 and also to Commander In Chief J. V. S. Gobtu In 1897, James L. Sex ton and W. O. Johtison lu 1S0S and Albert D. Shaw lu 1800. He was Penn sylvania department commander In 1897. In civil life he served as a member Of the Pennsylvania house of S-cpre-seutatlves li 8S5. Hp was elected aecrotary of Internal affair In !SS1 and was re-elected In 1800. He was appointed adjutant general by Gov ernor Hastings In 1803, which post he has filled since. At Drenkfast. "My dear, "why don't you take np French or Latin?' "What for, John?" "Oh, Just to give the English Un guage n rest." New York Tlmca. Wanted to Drown, (Hr Associated Press.) Cuioauo, Dec. 27-James J, Rogers, bplleved to bo an attorney ot Boise, Idaho, jumped Into the river at the footof. Michigan Avenue today but was rescued. Atter being resuscitated Rogers beoamo indignant because his plaus woto lutcrterod with. wmssm0 1F COURT HOUSE RECOlto. w ' 1 1 coovrt doubt. i Estate of Francis R llollonbenV, do- t.M0At or,ier confirming nlo ot real p pjjfy. , , Plrker,oni .,. cobso, drdor confirming snlo of leal proporv, Kstati0f Frederick H Dodiou, tie censed, orcr 0f ,nlo of real property. Uunrdlannin of Hcnl P Skinner, n minor, annua roport ot guardian illtd. , "JANsrEns. h B IJown' CM lo Uorntco Inmnn, 000 acres, seo 7, 8 , 17 , r 0 w; WOO. O A O B II Co tot UCooley, 10 acres tto 3, tp 21 s r 3 w 2jj, u Iann to,&ti Lytbll 10.10 , Ji acres, seo 32, tp 17 s r .. ,870. II U Lomley to J N vI)anIi, certain described land seo 23, tp V. r 5w 100. EP Coleman to U Hoplciui, lot 0, blk 2 Colemnn'd add Cobtirg OifcCU UCo' to John CooVy, 40 acres, seo 3, tp 21 r 3 wj 8228. Mary J Rabb to Mrs K O Lnlngot 1, blk 7 Falrmount J175. J D Hownrd to W II Canaday, 257.CQ acres, seo 33, tp 17 0 r 0 w $1000. Ben II Armstrong to Henry K Arm strong, 111121 acres, sees 4, 0, 8 10, 12 24, tp 17 s r 8 w $5000. Susan Level I to Josoph Hayes, 1K0 acres, seo 17, 18, tp 10 a r 1 w 81B0. LOCATIONS. T N Segar locates Mammoth and Jumbo claims, Ilohemla districts. Acme School Report. Report of Acme school for the month ending November 28, 1002. Number of pupils enrollod CO; num ber ot days taught 10; tntnl days at tendance 49; number of visitors 10. The names of pnpils neither absont nor tardy durlug the month nro ns fol lows: Rath Stuoveu, Esther btneven, Fditb Miner, Lyle Philips, Lynn Woodcock, William Kisk, Grant Fink, Thomas Noffsinger, Frank Nolfslnger, May Noffslngor, Martha Kunke, Alfred Funke, Vernon Cashman, Harold Alii son, Edna Allison, Oeorgo Allison, Lloyd Snnbert, Royal Satlbert. For the first time, the Acme school has employed an assistant teacher this year, and Is now using both ot its rooms. Tho directors have recently purchased a dozen patent desks which with those on hand, gives a total seat ing capacity of 80. School officers, parents and other friends of cd oca tlon are Invited tn visit us at any time to criticise or com ment, as their opinions may warrant. Wm. P. Brooks, Principal, IOSE U. SPLAWJf, Asst. IRVINQ. Dec 2. A very pleasant surprise was given to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yates last Friday evening. Those presont were the Mlsson Ruby, Ethel and Ronii Kinyon, Delia Powell, L cy Lord and and Maud Brlggs. Messrs. Chas. and Bruce Powell, Wiley and Henry Max well, Winiford Lord, Albert Kenning and Arthur Yates. The evening wns spent in social chat interspersed with music. Light refreshments were served. Thanksgiving services were held, ut the Christian church on Sunday, pre ceding Thanksgiving day, then on Thanksgiving day at the U. II cbiucl:, Rev. Olson preaching he sermon nthi first named and Rev. Armstrong at the latter. Mrs. R, 13. Bond went to Eugeno on Saturday's afternoon train for a fort nights visit. Mrs. Helen Abbert left here Satur day for Goshen for a short visit. Mrs. A. J. Zumwalt came down from Eugene Sunday for a few days. A. J. Green of Moscow, Idaho, passed through Irving Friday on bis way home from Southern Oregon where be bad been locating a timber claim. Ballard'? tlorehound Syiup Immediately telieves hourseuess, croupy cough, oppressed, rsttling, ret-ieg and difficult breathing. Henry O .b . 1 , druggist, Shullsburg. Wisconsin, m 1 1 May 30, 1901; "I have been selling l.u laru's Horehound syrup for two ye irs and have neyer found n preparation i ,i has given better satisfaction. P- Mtv when I sell a bottle, they come U" k fur niqre. can hqn.es.tly rtccomme. ' ji. 20c, goc nni) t,op at Yincent Hrug v,n, Ctzens Ticket Wins, illv Associated Print ) Salem, th , Dec, 1 After uuo nf the hardest fought political battles iu tho history pf this pjty tho principal leeup being closing ot the city to gambliug, vice and thetiundny closing of saloons, ''citizens" ticket, supported by saloon men carried the day by re-electing all the city officers for the third term. Weather Forecast, (Ry AsaocUted Pt'OH.) Pon.TI.AND, Nov. 29 Westerb Oregon: Partly cloudy. Western Washington: Occasional rain Eastern Oregon: Fair Eastern Washington and Idaho: Iucreaslng cloudiness. GET A SQUARE DEAL Be Suro Ynu Get the Timber Land You aro Sli'iwn- Don't IK Fooled. We aro laud locators Hnd estimator We guarantee that every piece of land phown by u s exactly ca represented und will pay 8100 to any onepf pur customers who finds our locations are not just as wo claim them to bo. Any. one wishing to buy or sell timborland will do well to see us first. James N. Ranuaii, $ Co,, 11-11-lmo Eugene, Ore. Wo are etIU selling furniture. You will soo our now patterns In Nnrt h shew window. Chambers Hardware. dw m