Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 28, 1902, Image 1

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Duvotetl to llie Milling, Lumbering mid I'nrniiiij; IntercHtsof thin Community, to Good Oovcriimoitt, and Hustling for n Grub Stake.
NO. 46.
i ,
Mines apdMmiBQ
HrT5 of Joncrj IntbKojrib Mirtnf Mrv
. ii 1 1.1 nil,,,, ihiii 1 in 1 m Mwitiwi 1
l.cKny Co. A1vc llemluunrlora.
Tin U'lto.v AIImIiik ctimpitu.v Iiiim
removed IIn licuiiiiiirtch (ri)in llii'
room formerly occupied hy t Iint In
til" l''llill lilillijlnif In llii rnoin In tlln
hiiiiio IiiiIIiIIiik fiiiiucll.v occupied li.v
tin Oivkoii Ac Mouih-KiiNlorn It. It. In
the reur n( tlic I111II1II11K. K11I11I1
Vliliilt'. the newly elected HiTiftar.v,
Iiiim heeu ilul.v limiitllciliiud Imoii hiintl
lltlll IttlimillllKtlltlllMlllllftMllI IllMI'IMII't
itniiM mill (ilillxliiif milliner.
At milieu tlitiiKK 'nro iiniKicMH.
Inic hi tin' moot hiiIIm(ii'ih',v manner
(41 till' oHId'CM mid Mtockltoldcix of
t lit company.
Till' 1 1114 1 It tUIIIH'l, tl I II tit which till'
new nlr drill I now at vorl, Ih In
iilioiit loo feel with tin full fiuvoftlii'
drill In (imi'tr.. I'i-iikivmn Im Ih-Iiik
Hindi at the ruto of from lire to ton
fii't pur day anil 1 1 it inw Uiyuer
drill Im i'oiiiIiik (idly ui to tin expoo
IntloiiM of tin company.
Ontt ot llit icroutont rti'omniciiihi
tloiiM of Lolloy Mtoi'k at flu pnuitt
time Im the fuel thnt all of In tun
ployii'M of tin1 i'onitany i r IiivwIIiik
tin MiiriliiM of lliclr t'HinliiKM In Mock
of tin rouiHiny al prevailing price.
TIiIm furl HMakH voIiiiiiiim for I liti-nii-imuyV
proic,i'ly for no oim knn
liottor llian employee, how a prop
rt,v Im Ih'Imic niHlliiitiHl or how vwllnr
how poorly It In f-limvlnif tip. Miui.v
of tlic employee art old. c.crli'iioiil
mliihur int'it ami their reeuiiinii'iiiln
tlon Im worth moiv than nti.vthh.K
ol foiild In, wlii'ii ho lake every
thing Into t'oiiHltltrnllon. If llu-y an
wIIIIiik to Htuktt their hunl-onructl
ilollarHou Utility Htook, IIh uvenufe'
IllVHHtor rt'rtaluly hIioiiIiI not Itivttatt
In tlolliK likewise.
Vt prwlli-t another rlM In l-t'lloy
Mtoi'k within a very Mhort tlini. tlm
lo litany tauiM.
. Illawathn Alining And Milling Co.
At tint hiliuarti'rM oltlit of tin
illHwatha MIiiIiik nnd Mlllliie 'om
pany In HiIm city theivlM on exhl-;
hit Ion a tint' wttnple of fi-mlllln; i
on In which the koIiI Im plainly vUl
hle to the naked tyt. TIiIm on wiim'
taken from tin UiIk on tlw WIwhii-I
mIii within a foot ot'tlii Miirfaiv, hy
.Snpt. J. I'. ItUMMt'll, and Im a tint
MHinpU of fiw-inllllnK t"V Tliln,
Iwlfit whm litHt mttntly tnirwl up by
.Mr. IttiHMoll, ami Iiiim pro vim I to Ik
fait In width nnd a t'oiitlnuatlon ;
ot the rich VtMiivluM, Mtinlck ami '
Hiimnilt ItMjjfw. whkdi Join tot'theri
upon t iiim proMri.v. t netv im aiMOj
on exhibition a kiviii iimntny ot
tin rlult Kold'hoarlltK iiiai lxfiom the.
Ill-foot liiljie on tin original Hia
watha claim and Home of the ilirom
PomhI iptartx, of which theiv iMahottt
tfl IucIium In HiIm leilxi. TIiIm- tleuom
poMCil ttiartiE lM iiiltt rich In K'tld,
"which can Ih ivadlly pannt'tl out.
Supplliw for tin winter are Mint
hiirrlt'il Into camp and unite a force
wilt In cinployiii iltirliiK tlie entire
winter nxtciitlltiK the varloilM tuniielM
on the property.
'llto Sunrise AtlnliiK Company.
I'm'llli Uliwr Nv IV
.lohii It. Htfifen. foreman of
Knurlne. Comiiauy. came out Hum
week, and will return to IiImoIiII t
In Camilla for the whiter. llecarrlcM I
with him Home hciiutlfiilHpcclutciiM of
milling ore tiikea front the Ioiik tun
nel of the KtinriM property, which
tunnel Iiiim recently heen nccuivly
tliuhereil. For over two montliM the.
full force of the ineii employed have
been at work hulldliiK'i broad and
Htihrttatitlal wiikou road from tint'
cotnpanyV inUlHlte down the niouti-'
lulu about three itillek to connect
with tlm new railroad when It
reiu'hoM the ttonrcHt point to tin)'
property at the warehoiiM'. TIiIm
road Ih now nluumt completctl, and
the IIiiIhIiIiu; touchcM will liepnt on It .
the llt'Mt HihiK In the HprhtK. ho iim to
facilitate tint piimhiikc of Hit heavy1
machinery to be put up for Hie re-'
'dilution of the ImuieiiHt' IioiIIcm of ore
now brought to llRht by the opcr-i
lit ti iiim of HiIm company. Th(Kivater
part ot the company 'm work will he i
cloxuil down from now until early.
MprliiK. when the new concentration
plant win lie uiHtuiicu, ami active
' inntiiui'w, iinu lllili'
woik will hebcKunnnd
and enei'Kutl
kept continually going. When, luj
IlllOlllcr MCIIHOII. Illin voillillli,) Kl'in
Into full Hwlng, It wilt he but unhurt
tlnui tlieivafter when tllvldentlH will i
accrue to the tortunnli- Hhuivholdei'H
In HiIh excellent property.
Important Notice.
Any iiei'xon lilrlutf n nlnnle netit
litiKK.v iiuil' ullowliiK liioio tlmn two
icfHonn to rltlu In hiuiiu lit one time
tvill lie churni'il ilouliU nrku iiutl m,v
jill (hinuiiiert to the hunt?'. The
uihovo iiipllen to nil IiiicUh, currhiKen
til- HprlUK wiikoiih. Only two pei
hoiih nlloweil to rlile In out wnt ut ii
Cull ill lit 11. 0. MhiIhcii'h IH'WHtolt
ivuiIhcc the lino line of liullt'ti' nnil
Kont'n watcht'H -t'-'-tt
An Hathnntc of Cost, Nccclpts
TIiIm Mtmnlard iiiik rallrontl, of
I wlilcli over fourteen iiiIIi-m havt al
ready Ihi'ii completed, Im thirty-Mix
nilliM la length, (xli'Millnjc from tlic
1 lint of (ho .Southern I'ltellle railroad
CottiiKti drove, Oregon, to tin
I lliihctnlit Mining District, and will
, (iii'iiIhIi a mtit'h needed outlet for Hit
rich furmlng I'oiitltry In tlm valley,
and alio Hut argu Itiinln'r and lulu
lug Interi-MlM naturally trllmtiiry to
tin Mm on tht hlghorlciflH.
Kcouoiny III oHiratlaic I'XiH'tiwM Im
Insured hy tin iIi.vhIi'iiI coihIIiIoiih of
the country, accurate Miirvo.vH nhow
lug a I'outliinally nwcndlnu grade
from Cottage llrovt to tin' mini,
llllll MM tin great I M 1 1 K of lilt tolllmgt
will In outgoing ore anil 1 11 1 1 1 1 i-. the
I ruin IooiIm will lie determined hy tin
uiiniU'r of empty earn the engine
rail haul on tht return trip.
I'rtwliltiiit (Icorgc W. CroMhy. In IiIm
letter nf .Inly Pith. 11102. make the
following Mlatt'itM'iit:
"('niiplyliiK M'lth your rtMiuwl, I
Hike pIxuMtmt In riaumunlt'iitlUK
tliH'iit fautM t'OilrurnlliK the ()nKou V
Sdiiilieiinterii Ittdlrnail toHt'ther with
I'liiiwrvHtlvo iKllmaU' of tht I'ltrnliiK
rapni'lt.r of tit. proHrty.
'I'lieie Im no maximum freight in
iniMwimer law In Oivkoii- llawil un
what Ihe irnlfle will wimII.v Itcarnuil
alter fxhaimtlvi) Htuily In whleh my
i'imii'IiimIiiiim 11 iv t'lidoi-Mil hy euni-
iH'teiil exM'iln who have illllxently
covered the Krimatl, iim uell iim hy
t'ltivfttl t'oinpiirlMoii with ottier nlml
lur proimrtli'M niuply JtiMtllleM tin
followlnk Mlnlement:
, gotJUtUijM tout auniiiilly iiui tmiH
I daTlyj at H NI.ihki M
I.7WI i-arMloxit.nvt'ritKt'intt;
peri'ar.fh :.T-Ut M
,l.VJfi niix illtiiK iivcnuct
I rate ter ear $l:tJI7 1'J.U.VJ
, rarM tUn, HVtjiiiKi nttt
per ear ? 111.08 I,"i!l '
ITfltiii'M wood.averaKt'ntti'
per ear rflt-llS S.17H W
ts,71tl W
ItMl cnix a.fltn) tonn, at 5
per ton $1!.,ikmi (mi
- yH, ,,ur , mwiu w.v
at f 1. Ill each (at prevail
I live I oua I ra t cM,l ecu t h icr
mile) Slil.smi.on
Kxprt'MM, mall, ha-
KIDit'.titC it.'JHUKI
$ ai.tNKi no
Tolul enrnlnn-M :'ro,"lll M
OI'llll.U'l.MI UM'li.NMIiM.
I'cr aiiniin ? I,.VN (ki
Itcpnli'M of track,
ttrldcH, Mta-
tloiiM. etc lS.WO IHI
Total annual operating
exptniHCM l!l,ft(K) W
nxtm iiuaiiiihm. '
IntcivHt on f:t(K)1- '
000 IiouiIm at ft
percent ? lft.OtHi mt
Sinking fuitil. in
yeai'M, per an.
utini ,WKI IHI
TaxeM, depreclif
Hon, etc. ll.onu (Ml
Total per an
mini $ :ii,.-,iiii no
IntetVHt on pit
fenvd Htock.lH, '
Htteil, (400,(NHl,
at 7 per cent... oo
S flS-KOO (Kl
TotuI IIximI charg
cm, operating,
. . . .
V'1 ' ""'K'"' dll
tlcuilH on com
mon Htock, bet
termciitH, etxten
hIouh mill Hiir
plnH.peraimiun SKIL'.TIII fitt
"Ktirthcr. It Im pivilluteil, without
iltinllllciitloiiH, hy the iiuthorltlcH
tiuotcil, thnt thoiilioVe enruhiKM will
hu reullzeil trom the hcKfuutiiK. In
thin opinion I concur, (lohl, copper
mill Iciiil oivh un now li'elKlitcil out
h.v wiiKoiwit. iieimt ot $M per ton.
I.ok'h cannot ho handled at till.
KtiiKCH, innkhiB nn itll-ilii.v Journey,
churn'o eueh wny.
"When completed the road will
open up uhoilt 75,000 iicivh o( the h
inotiH OrcKOti pine, cedar, yew nnd
hemlock. Iiiuk coveted hy theluniher
men. which will tnkoiVi tottO yenrH
lo I'tit, Ttvti I'xtt'iiMloiiM mid :i
mlliM la IfiiKth r(HMftluOy, will
iiiakt'iNl.iMK) ailltloual luui'M of nlmh
I luc llitilun. ia vii (tit lit. ti I. t f 11 1 luiwirt II.
thin which ImIii IIh'IIii Kiiaraiitti
ofhti'Ki t'liriiliiKM for 1 lie road fur a
Kt'iiiTiitlou. Tin iiiidcrlylnx null Im a
rich hlauk loam. ViimI tlepoMltH of
Iron urn rwtilrt'd hy Miiivllurn for
lltixhiK oivm Htt'tvai'htHl hy tht nmd,
UM well iim extetiMlve KrilVt'l ImiIm
whlfli tint Koiithi'ru I'tU'lllc railway I
will urn for ImlliiMtliiK their roatl
Im'iIm. They iIi-mIii af,IMHI ivii IohiIm at
oiirt. Tht- eartiliiKM from tlieoe Hiiim
art1 oulMlile of my t'Htlluatit. 'I'lierfnnl
will hi an nutlet fur tin rich farntliiK
country nl the valley It followH and'
will Htlninlale to xieitler proilncthm ,
i.t'n... u'iirl: tiiir fiitlli III till. itli.llliL
and' wl Mun aetlvt operatiottM
over a larKO urea, now iloi tnant. Tin i
ficllltli'M furillMlied h.v HiIm rallrond
itl1 Iiiiit'l t ii til v iiiiui. II tfil-iru I'.ijjrll' I '
" r- f j
IncroaH In our trnttlc. Tlm cntlrt
r-Klon awallM Hu aipletlon of th.
road to make II a Held of thriving In-
Our 'iralllc anil other arrane-
i .l-ivltl. Il. W,,ll.r,i I'nclllc Itiill-,
woy Company nrc In ttver.v way
MatlMfactory and friendly. A new
railway station Im IwIiik Jointly
erected at C'ottiiKi tirovefor tin iim
of the two IhieM.
"At the prwMtlit tllim 10 (now II)
uilleMofthe rouil Hit coinpleted Hud
In operation irinl artt mirulnic "
lirollt ithovt owriituix ixmiimm.
MM, ........ .1 uii.t iclll tut I'
i...n..u..ut i .t, ,.i, ,...ii-, rl,'J
Hot, In every re-M.-t. The eutln
line will Im, laid wlthM- tnd ralU.."
., ' , ...
Morphy. lMacphleau.lexlrleuce,l
railroad man. having hevtt with the
( lili imo .V XorthweMleru railway for!
litany yeai-M la exi-cutlve piMltloiiM.
rewmhloM Cripple t'rvid; In foriiMUloiij
hut U very much lwr In extent.
IthrtM Imi-ii eurefull.v examined hy;
ProfiNuuirJ. S. I tiller, of the I'ntteil
St(ite neilo)ck.'al mtrvey; l'roteiMor
(iinrw Hs Stone, ox-proftMor of
yeoloK)- hi Colonulo college: 1'ro
fiMwor -liilueM I'. Kltnliall, former
dlm'tor of tht I tiltiil Statw mint,
anil many other well known Koolo
kImIm, ami nil pronounce the dlMtrict
to Im of volcanic orlKln ami the vefiiM
true tltwtiivM, liitlliiittiiK iiuIihuhI
ileplh ami Hrmaiicncy of 11m many
Uiluerallwil IioiIIcm which at-MtireM, la
HiIm out ImliiMtry alotii. a contlnu-1 t.ontt.Ht., M the llrnt anil the lioya
ully InereuNfag tonniHje of outgoing n ,, titr level bet. Inline buck
orcHuntl lucomlng freight. The tlln-; K tK.v wvmeil to In unite evenly
trlct coverM m Hptaiv iiiIIcm. The ,Wtchcd althoiiKb Drain out weighed
central portion which will In tapped I ,ir ,((yH ,y Heveral pottnilM. At one
by HiIm rtTlIway now contaltiM S.ihmi' t, the ball wan within three yards
uilnlug clalniM of record. I'or enru-, ,,f Draiu'H goal line but wiim lont on a
IngM hi connection with timber and ! fumble ami united out id danger,
other prodttctH reference Im made to i However the mowt brilliant play ol
the altove letter. the game wiih uiade when but nlxty .
Not only will thin railroad afford KecondM i-enialuiKl. Drain punted to 1
tin I.v outlet torn tllMtrlct remark- tlt, j. fifteen yan line where,
altly rich In natural rcMotirveH. and the Itall wm cught by .laekHoa and
limply able to Mttpport a longer and u long run made arounil the end for
much uioiv expensive line, hut the,,, touchdown. In order to make
trulllc now In Might will be materially thin play In, ran around the entire
lucreufeil with the enlargement of i Drain team, iiuild the wildest cheer
IiiimIiicmm litteivstH tributary to tlitnK f the noembled crowd. Hill
Hue Incident to the fiirnlshlug of rail-'utrn kicked goal. Then wan but
roatl facilities, estimated at not less fortv mi-oiiiIh ivinalnlnu: when, the
than r,li per cent per aniiuin. It will
also be noted Hint Hie net earnings ,
niv entirely out of proportion to the;
llxcd charges anil cost of operation, i
The road Im bonded torn little oven
Ss.otKI a nille and Interest- charge on other touclidowh hail then been an-,
bond Issue amounts to lint $ir,H00 other iiutiute to liave played. !
auTiimlly, as above. This yearly, The llimlMCon of 17 to 0 doiw not ,
charge will be continually n'ducetl tell the whole story, iim at the end of!
throtiglL. the ivdemptlon- of these ( i,th halves Hie liall wiih Inthehands
IioiiiIm Ity liiveslnientH from the sink- ,,f ,mr )Vm and within a few yardH
lug fund, under which hoiiu oftlie!0f Draiu'H goal. Time alone saved
IioiiiIm have iilmuly been cancelled ' them about ten or twelve points.'
and lvtlivd. nut! there will be a At another time the hull was within
steady and corivspomllng lucivase j Mx feet of Drain's goal line but was
In the value of the Hen of the piv- j lout on a fumble. At no time was
fenvd mid common stocks. i til0 . ., .v. goal In the wllghtest
We have personally visited the Do-1 ,iUnger. the ball Itelttg lit Drain's tei
hemla District, and Identified out- j rltory nearly all of the time.
m'Ivcm with tills railroad projwt af-i 'i,u KMXw was a good one anil
tcr Hie most careful examination, ' clenrlv shows Hint our boys have
hcHi'Vlng that It will commend Iti-clf,
to conservative Investors. We ivconi-i
mend this stock as a perfectly safe
ami exceptionally protltnble
linen & Xavin,
Principal otllce, litis ltrontlway,
New York.
iii-Miieh ot'tiivs! .H.4S Due hnlldhnr.
Worcester, .Mass.,
Portlmid, .Maine.
; 100 Kxchungc St,
A child ot Mi. tico. I . Itoiicun, when
irottt nvr liix ntiititl Satitrihty ttlplit hath,
uteppcd liick auaiiiHtii hot move which
hiiiiiod him severely. Theuhlld una In
L'rt'iit nuuiiv nnd IiIh niother cottltl do
nothlliL' to pacify hint. Iteiiioiiiberiiiu'l
that the hint a bottle nf Chaiuherlaln'f
rant llitltn In the iiouho, Hho tliotiKht
alio would try It. In leas tlniu hitltan
hour after npplyluK it the child waa
tpilet iiixl atilcwp, mid In lean than two
weeks wna well Mra. lloimon is a well
kniiHtt icaident ot Ketlar, Va, l'niii
llalni is tin iint Inept io linilncnt nnd
especially viihiabln for hiirns, cuts,
limine and HprnitiH, Tor sale by Lyons
A Applciriite, Drain, lt'inton DrtiBCo,,
Connie drove.
If vou have n had cold you lived ti
eood reliable medicine llko Uliiiinbef
luin'a Cough ltcmcdylo loosen mid io
llovt It, nnd to allay the irrititt it nntl
liitliiiniiiiitlon nf the throat nnd limps.
I'or sale hy Lyons A Appletrale, Drain,
lleiison Dritj! Oo., t'ottiie Urove.
ColtnKe drove ISoyx CJcnrly Ontclans
'flic Comlnjc .ScliiKililnild.
The Cenlral N'orntal School fit
hall i.'lt'vt'ti, of Drain, whm xlorliHMly
ilfffiili'd 'ty tint IfM'iil ('. .M. A. elevt
In it rod-hot xittne at HiIm place lat
Saturday to lh tune of 1" to 0, lie
fort an ituthiiHlHMllv crowd of ahoiil
llvehtiuilleil M'Ople.
TIiIm wiih the hocoimI xntne of the
wiimoii lK'lwit'll tlxw two tcaiilM. the
II i-m t Im-Iiik playtttl at Drain moiiii
time ao ami rcMlilllim Inn woreol
litotl. I
Tlii'Stnti Nonual li'iiiu arrlvcil on '
thv oik-o'clock tbitn amr wtiv met!
"I tjiodepot by a tl. l.witlon of the!
.('.it. A. hovM who coniliiftixl theitLi
to tlwlr iMiurtor ni the KlKfrwootl
, hotel when they priH-m'iled to adorn '
... ... .
' 1 --i' i-- '" "
th..-comlnKiontMt winch wa- hilled
for o clock.
I I'romptly at two odock. headiHl,
'j '-v " MnrKUerlU I'lMih-r CoV uxtel-
umiuntiiTi wi im ..,..
ceiliMl tit thu ktouiiiI" which are lo-.
HtiMl on tlw vacant lotM four hlm'kMj
Hontliwoit of tl mcIiooI hoiirt1 wlierc,
they waited linpatlcntl.v for the con
trt to commence. The tcHitiMiip-i
IKMirtMl upon the Held Immediately
and prtKivdcd to.jco throunh the
liMtial prellialuary practice which im-- ,
cupletl the time until the name wiim'
calleil. Tom Medley wiim chiMen aM
referee of the watue. t
I'rHlt. klcke.1 off to the local team
rlHW conmienccl
Urnwt. The twuiiM mniiMl to U
""1,t: tU'
' Kl'll IU-III lllCir.lll'1 n, I ,i mi", i
time lint the ('. M. A. Imyn were not
lotiKln llmlluK'" wwik Mpot anil pro-
ceiileil to advance the hall rapidly 1
h.v end ruiiM of Illalrain! Jackhon,'
mooii HCorhiK n touch-down hy putt
Inn .lackHoit throtiKh the lliw- tor u j
llfleen or twentyanl run, amis."!
wax kicked ly Hill,
The hall wiih itKalti put lit play, i
u.i, in fitttlti, In,.. tin lua tutu, .if llli I. I
M. A. lioyM. who. by a brilliant ntIcm
of end rtitlM HilcceeiliMl In nH!urliig an
other touchdown by ltohby lllatr, !
who made a fifty yard nprlnt arounil !
Draiu'H left. TIiIk goal wiu a dltll
cult one to kick ami. 1 1111 mlHeiI It. .
TlniN iHiilwl Hie llixt half mrotvll tin
0 In favor ot tlieC. M. A. twiin.
The Mccond half .vm JitMt iim hotly
l'mn Wiih onio uioiv put in play anil
timo waH eiilled with the ball on
Drain's ten varil line and In the
,ui1m of the C. M. A. boys, who,
would doubtless have sectitvd an-.
one of the Itest teams of their weight
In the state ami no mistake.
A reception was given Drain at Hie
inu,iiit liiill lii the iiviMiliie nt which
Invest-!;iulU(a miwu.,.mv,, wftH ,vw.nt and
I helped enjoy the occasion. The en -
j tortalnuieut consisted of a short pro-'
j gram, ivftVHhiiieiitH served by tlieC.
' Jl- A- girls and a general good Hme
I hv everybody.
(iuUl, Silver. Cur. It. eaeli. .
" I
! LTiV siivSrimi cm,
I (tout, BtUer atut U-ail
-All work done catetnlly. ami tratht bint
ittwi or mum. Matt union nulielteii.
Wu have on haiin n laive stock of
kiln-dried tloorinK. cellliiR and rustic In
grndea 1 'J mid !!. Let in make yo
special prices,
Uootii-Kkii.y LUMiutit Co.
lift blue exerts n direct inrliioiico on
the bowels, liver nnd kidneys, purifying
and strengthening these organs, nnd
maintaining tltuiti in a normal condi
tion of health; thus teuioviiig n com
mon cnitBo of yellow, molhy, greasy
skin, nnd more or less of pimples,
blotches nnd blackheads. 60c at New
Krn Drug store.
Large Line, up-to-date
Goods also samples of
Profit same as our other lines. When you
get a Cloak from us yon get just what you f
pay for. j
We donft magk them up
Grocery Store
Cartes a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite, J
Crockery, Tin and Glassware, i
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats.
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
vou are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will mat All Co)ii)ietlon
in 1' rices.
(IMicwmoii to SMUouut ..l GaroiitW)
Offlce ou Main meet, Wel Sid,
Attorney it Iaiw,
aoTTAOK ojtori:, ouk. :
. !
Onited StHtet Land Oillee,
ltisehiirir. Ore.. Nov. 7th. 1002.
, ,i f. nitalnns of IhtV ,
nude with the roN Isioiis of i HI .
CoiigreaH of J tinea, 1878. eiititliHl An
Notice hereby Biven thnt in coinpll-
Act for the sale of Tiniher Until, in ll
!O.V.i,d ot Califoriihi. Otoon. Nevada, ,
and Wushlntstoii Territory." tin ox-
' tendtHl 10 all the Public Land. State hy
net of August -t. IhSK, l iarenci' a.
Parker, ot Eugene. County of Lane,
State of Ore., litis this day tllixl in this
otrice his sworn stntetiient No . 3010, for
tlio purcltaso 01 ute- ot oecuoti io.
12 in Township No. 20 S, Itiingo No. 2
West, and will oiler proof to show thnt
the land sought is moio valuable for its
timber or stone than for'
I purposes, nnd to establish his clnliii to
' said laud More Marie I.. Wnre,
U. S. Coiniiiisslonerut Kiigetic, Oregon,
on Monthly, the 2nd dny of I cbrutiry,
' 1003.
He names as witnesses :
Albei t K. I'nrker, Andrew J. Cumin,
Albert K. l'arks, It. C. Doyle, ot l'leas
nnt Hill, Lane Co., Oregon.
JlZ "K 31
mniiiwteil to lllii their ulaliits ill lhi
office on or before said 2nd dnv of Jim.,
J.T.Umu(.KS. Itegistei.
We Imve the best lot of nrmeiits
Suits, Jac ets, Coats for Women,
Aliases, Children, Men and Hoys
to be found in town. If you wftttt
the Latest Stj-les you do, if3'out'e
in a norma) state you should see
our assortment of above lines of
goods and also our Winter Under
wear, all m.'ide in the best possible
Reliable Materials, Trim- 3
tiling, etc., Tailored by the Uest Skill.
You will miss it if you buy your Pall or
Winter Outer or Inner Garments without
first seeing these. Our New Stock of
Purs will soon be open for your Inspection.
The Newest thing. We order these any Size
or Color and have them in 2I Hours
for vou. dur Prices are all right, Uniform
Cottage Grove, OrejjoBi. $
The Fashion Stables
-brisman & Banjs, proprietors.
WIi'stc the ihohIs are well coekcl ntul well nerval ami the hetli are jjchhI.
Ami you'll Hml cverythinv: hontc-like without heme, Ineonveiiitiui'tM.
Coiiib ami stay tin Ion as possible.
Klee to our CummercialTnule. Trv our Stiiitlsy Dfitner. The hest ever
Serveil in any llotel in tho'City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
United States lentil Oflice.
Hosebiir,', OreKon, Oct. 10, 1002.
.xoitco li re V K'v .,'"f .Int... :i li7. nutltliil MAii !
HCt for the sale of timber 1 s in the
o Clllj(0.Iliu Oregon. Nevada.
Wnahlnutoii Territory." asexteiulcd
J" '' "'' V11' h ,
W s ''-' . A
, V
mil Stntes hv act of An
Annie Wilson, of Ku-
,ane. Stato of Oregon,
tmatliiu duv Hied in this office Ills sworn
stnteinent No, 3033, for the ptircltaseof
thc'tSK 1-4 & KW uwl-4 of Section
No. 12 Township 23, South, of Itiingo 3
Westand w ill oirer proof to show that the
hind sought is more valuuble for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, mid to establish his claim be
fore . nrle L Wnre, U. s. Commissioner,
at Kttgt'iie, l.nno Co. Ore , on Wednes
day tho 7th tiny of January, 1003,
llo names its witnesses:
.liitiies N. ltnudle, of I'niriuoiiitt Ore
gon. Austin Hoot, of springfield, Oregon.
James Hodman, ot Kugeiio, pregon,
Henry M. Wilson, of Kugene, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming udverse
Iv the nbovo-deeoribed latula are ro-
pttMtiMl to file their claims in this office
'.;oH,erores.ihlJ.hUay of Jnn
tun Tin uny oi Jun.,
.I.T. Uiiidubs. Register.
Buy your BniBH Heed ot hiikln
Eli Bangs.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices
All work gnaranteeU (lrlaH.
,.c, v,,,,.,
J.' K JOHNSON and F. .11 BUY
A ttorneyu and Oouitselurs-ai-law
Special Kttepllon ylreti tttlhilnir.iCorioratIon
atul Mareautllt Lair.
Qtttee orr Oarinan A JUntttwagr'i itotc.
ritoritiBTons or
JUln itreet l'ollg llmm