Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 21, 1902, Image 3

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    Soma lit Iho Happenings About
Dr. l.uV( iu'illi)-(iillclMll lOuui'lii'.
1 1 ii II 1 itiinh' IiiiiiiIIi'I'i'IiIi'Im ill the
(nil Dir. .'Ird.
..,.11 . II .. M...I......U .... Mt..r..i
anil hii I In' llm-nt line of Jcwelrv In
(own. l:Mt
I'Olt NAI.U-I'lfl.v heiul of
mIiitii, or will I rude for i-iilllu.
.1. II.
1 1 n winy,
Mn. .Imiiii'h Onli'iuuler wiim vIhIHmk
her ilinwlilrr Nlliu Ml Kiik t !
IImI of (lie week.
MImm Floli'lit'ii lliiriii'M, of Kiwim'i
1m In tlm cll.v HiIm H'll'li Hie khohI of
.Mm. ). f). .MH'lolhin.
.Ml'H I'M .lOIII'H ll('l'OIIIlllllll'll llIT
IiiihIihiiiI Iii I'oiim IIiIh vii'I whore
hIh' will ri'iimlii with lilni dnrliur tin
Ocoi'Ki' I'ni'kcr'M unit In
n III veil Ml
lliiii ll.v bin wi-ok for ii v m wiin ncr,
moii wlilln Mim. I'liiLcr vImIIm frlt'ildM
mnl rvhitlvn In Albiiny
Ui'iii'K" Mi'()inrii mnl wife cii'
piiHwimiTM In I'.imcno bint Hiiturdii.v ,
where Mm. MctJiittMi tiiiult llniil proof ,
nn nil excellent pkii' of IIiiiIht bind.
Iti'v. .lolin DiiWMini, of ItoM'liin-K, !
will hold thi' ri'Kiiliir Hnlnenpiil net-
vli-i'M In (In MiimoiiIc hull on H Iny
Nov IHIth ill 11 n. m. Alt lift" Invited ,
In iilli'inl.
The AmIiIiiiiiI Noriiuil footlmll ti'iim
piiMw-il throiiKh hero IiimI I'rldii.v nf-ti-runnii
I'lironti' to Kiwi'iie where
, they were to ino't the Hum-no hlh
Mchool toitui on tlu Krlilliiiu.
Tin' recent I'ontlnuoiiM hcnv.v rnliiM
i-uuwil the river to rise i-iinliii-riible
the tlMt of the week, mid noine of the
old reMlilentei'M weni fenrdll of high
water thin curl' In the winter.
SiiH'rlnteiiilenl Murphy arrived In
town from the ent IiimI TIiiimiIii.v
lliDriilnir where he Iiiim been fornev.
ernl wn'kM In the IntereMtM of the
Orvjjnn and KiiiithciiKtcrn rnllroiid.
The I, mile tlnllil of the EnlHt-opitl
clinrvli will Ktvea hnndkeivlilff fair
on W'ciIiiiwIm.v I hi. :ird In the after
noon mid evening nt MiiHIii'm hull.
No iiiIiiiImnIoii. Everybody cordially
.I.A. Aivhllinld Willi the lililiwlliu
Ormilte Co.. I'nrlhihd. (ire.. Iiiim
eret'ted a line Kranlle moniiineiii
at the Krnven ol l). I. Knox and
Howard Miller. In the I. . . I',
The diK'tor'M lMMt efforlM will come
tn tiunght uiiIohm IiIm prewrlpllon Im
mvnrntely eonipoiindeil from dnm
of known purity mid MtreiiKth. Take
your pnwrlptloiiM to the IteiiMini
DriiK i'o'm Mtore.
The fall dlwlpllnary order of wr-vk-e
will Im iimciI next Sunday morn
ing; at the MethodlMt llplwol'iil
'liurt'li. The iiiiirnln and eveulnir
MUhJeeU are: "TheTrlnlty of Prayer"
and "Death Nm'MMiiry to l.lfe."
(leo. M. (loodale.n repreMentatUe
-of the (tnlti-d Stati'M luveMlnr puli
IIhIiiiI at lloMtou. Miimm., wiim In the
rltv ii portion of IiimI week In the In
tereMtM of that iuiM'r. lie left fur hi
home at Man I rauclMi'o IiimI Friday.
The almoMphere Iiiim iH-enqulteehl I
durliiK the (ore part of the week and
It Im generally thought that hiiow
Iiiih Im-cii fallliitf III the Hohemla
inoiintnltiM. However, tin' telephone
ImiIowii and the weather up there
van only bo Hawled at.
Almond II. nway wiim on the'
head coach when the p.iMHeiwr wan
wrecked down near CreMwell hiMt ,
Sunday, earoute to Kukcuc. but mum. ,
tnliHHl no HcrloiiM Injuries V did
..... ...i.,. 1 1 1. .1 ii'.id iriiiiii, ,
i.... ..ii.. .... 'i.,'. i .inv imt Niiiiiu.ue H .
uiiiMt luive Im-cii onliUMlneMM ofMome
Ji.n nr iiiuiHier ,
Mi.rt or anointr.
Albany and Oregon ngilln played
a tie Kaiim of foot bull at Albany hiMt ,
Satiirdny afternoon althoiiKh It Im i
Miild that the unlveMlty ho.VHhad the
Im'mI of It from Mtnrt to IIiiImIi mid
kept the pk-Mkln In Albany territory ;
diirlnc the entlin Kiime. It will no n i
bard matter to decide to whom be- ,
lotiKM the chiiiuplnnMlilii t IiIm year, '
tlirce. IcaillM iiiiviiik lien nir iiimi
l.iiMt. Saturday wiim pay day at
both the llooth-Kcllv iiiIIIm nt Saul
nawand tluiHiiw iiiIIIm at Conmtock,
mid the boyM were all lu town for a
Jolly good tlinc. lu fact the town
1111 U full of iii'onle mid Momeofthe
,k Id were full of town Ih-Iow they ,
ef t. Vid they were neither nolny or
iMofderly. which fact Im probiv'ily 1
due largelv to tne inci unu we nave
a uiiiMluill who uudeMtmiilM IiIm
IiumIiicmm ami iIocm not nhlrk IiIm duty.
The venerable John W. Kelly, who
Iiiim been Hojoiirnlnn lu HiIm city for n
fewdiVM. Hliook the diiHt from IiIm
feet IiimI ThllMilay and left for Kit
Irene where ho thouirht tlieiv wiim a
uiucli Ix'tter 0Hnlu(r for n llMt-chiMM
finii'utmticr than theiv Im hciv, and
oruiM iiicoiiiini.
Tom Medley returned Inline tluMlMt
of the week from an extended trip
down tho valley where he Iiiim Im-cii
fnrHoino time In the IntcivMlM of an
eiiMteru corrcHpondence Mchool. Ho
reportH coiiMlderable hiicccmm In IiIm
work down tho valloy anilexpectM to
nitiirn mooii and continue IiIm Inborn.
lledeclureH that the correMpondoiit
fnim llohemhi In lnnt week'H paper
wred In iiuiUIuk the Htatenieut that
bo hud returned to lloheinla for the
winter, unil Intimated that they
would have to got through the win
ter without, him.
(leorgo Comei-H wiim a lileiiHunt
culler at UiIh ollice IiihI Mondny,
im.vhiK- the wheinwltli neccMHiiry to
....I lilm la irooil Hiuuiliug on our
HUbHcrliitlon bpokH for tho next your.
".USS. 8 .K'ttM
wmitlie"NiiBUUt" nnd diM'Mnotox-
.. vif, , -lu uMo" on t m
t o now rullroad for the pant two or
....... ,..() and him been doing
milto well. hnvliiK from ' t' forty
r g ihvr lx avdcM .luring HiIm time. nil ,
w i im werout work on tliocx-
eiimo iiH t in road work Im all coin-
nloHo'l oxcopt at ft couplo of roeUciitH
lit which bhiHtlng w now neiug none.
t en mi rn m on hand for tho
track laylnK to HiIm point mnl that iv
ffmuommoncod laying ho
Monrtiiy (UpUo tho ilrUxlluK rain.
wheiiia rem kciiiiih iiuiu ih- ivhiioiimu to the proinptlinrM ornratl-appi-eclated.
Mr. .lohn . Kelly tmj,, Unynri t,e Almlulity for IiIm
formerly edited the Drain Nonpareil ,(, ,UhhIiikm .lurliur the piiMl
but hcciiim to have oiitKrown the vnu. w B),j(j nMWinble ut the
town, and Im now looklnir for nioro 1,ouml of womIiIii to render thnnkM-
Town DurliiK llio 1'ant Week.
I'liici'iil kIhmm for wi'ililliiKlirt'Hi'iilM
ill It. ('. .MiiiIwii'h. 12-11
Attorney Yiiiihk minimi IhihIiii'mh
,r'l' KWin. We. H.IM.V.
"r'iinill iiiiilci'u ciir lor .Vic
Slorc M iIimiix 1'iiMt iiiiMioitli'i.
lien Lurch wiim a county hciiI
lor Wt-dui'sduy.
I.iuIIcm" nIiimm Mini nIIiiik'm 3.V ii
I'll I'M iIiiom I'liHl nf ioMliilllri' till'
N'i'W Hloif.
'. II. VntiHenhiirir Iiiim turn unite
hi'iIoiinI.v III HiIm wtvk mill I under h
iii.vmiciiiii h riirv.
I'or wnichi-, I'liK'kM mnl Jcwi'lr.v
(nil on i in vii ihimi tor ironn ooiim,
Viiii will Hint prlii rlxlit.
' I'or urocrrlt-M ki tothoni'WKXiH'iTv
of Kklllmmi &. Hi'Iimiiii'm nl Cli'ini'iit
oiii Mimiii wcmi oi i lie nrnw
)uvimoii will rvpiilrynurwiitclu-M,
..IhcUm ami lewi-lrv nt the Iowi-mI
, prK'i'H, All work wurriiiili-tl.
We wIhIi to call your attention ton
very Mile line it yuniH JiihI oH'iied.
K.tKlN Ac ItlllMTOW.
I'Olt HAI.i: I'lfty heail pf Mloek
Mhivp, or will trade for entile.
J. W. IUwi.ijy.
T. I'. Kane, mhtIiiI ivprewntntlve
of the I'avllle .Miner. Im la theclly HiIm
week In theluteivMt of that excellent
inliilntr paper.
(leow I'arker'M mother arrived In
the city IiimI week for a vUlt with
her moii while Mm. Parker vIhIIm
frlemlM and rclntlvcM la Albany.
A doctor may dMikc to tell you
where to take your pircrlptloii Im
callHe IiIm unit I vc may be mlMiiniler
Mtood, bic he will lie KHlUllcil K. viiii
brliii: It here. Hciimou Driiu Co.
(Julie a heavy hiiow Im miiIiI to have
fallen In the llohemhi IiIIIm t IiIm week,
which we do not doubt, iim miiow can
lie mi'ii on the IiIIIm three or four
iiiIIcm uorthciiMt of town.
All of our IioIcIm and IoiIkIiik
Iioiiwm have lieeii lllled to oxerllow
IliU HiIm week and Home k'K'mIm have
Imi'U turned away. Collaw Drove
Im cerlalnly hiivhn; Km mIiiiiv of
vImIIiim HiIm fall.
W. H. Lincoln Iiiim JiimI I'liuipleted
a IIibI-cIumm fruit cellar at IiIm home
In the the nortliwcMt part of the city
and Iiiim Hlonil theivla M-veral IiumIi
i'Im uf koimI. ripe houiiiI iippleM which
he ulll offer for Male to thoxe vliliitf
ealliiK orcooklllK appleM.
The celebrated "llootchle
Kontchle" dancer of the "MeKanliiM
WurhlcM" wiH arreMted and lined
thcMiim of twenty pluukMiit HrowiiH
villi' one dav HiIm week, and Mince
that time they have "cut out" Un
objectionable featurcM of the dance.
It Im poMMlble that the IiIk Irriga
tion niccllni; nt Portland HiIm week
hail Monii'tlilnir to do with Hie down
pour of mln throughout the wcHtcru
jiorlliin of Oregon the early p irt of
HiIm week. If t IiIm Ih the effect nnlrrl
Kiitlou lui'Hui; Iiiim on the weather,
they Mluiuld Ih held In the mine bnixli
couuiry of eiiMti't'ii Oregon.
MImm Marguerite I'lMher mid her
couipaay an mIiowIiii: lu the city
HiIm week, commencing. Monday
evening. They have had ipilteKOod
lioilHeM every nlixlit, which kim-m with
out Mii.vlliir. iim HiIm city Im noted far
and wide for the i;ood turnout It
irlve-thi'idioWM thatMton here and
or line l.ere hum ikvii pi. uiy oi u.eui
'"'- l".v l''"""'' IH'Po.
i.nOieM' f 2 mMHm at l :t iIoom eiiMt
Kit tip lave Itrown. who had Imvii
ui from ICiiLfiie on a vUlt to the
wr lerMhonie. wiim one of the nil
hicky out'M aboard the piiMMciwr hiMt
suiulay when It wiim wrecked down CrcHwell. Like otheM that
w,rt, ni,(mrd the head coach, mIip
WHM baillv Hhakcii up mid Homewhat
frlirbtened lint not HvrlniiNlr Injured.
she camo back with the balance of
H. puHxcmri'M on the mIccimt, the
V ,.ur ivnialnlii'; on the track, and
u.,.t ,iown on thedelayeil overland
about one o'clock the next day.
"Pwiih iiilte an exH'rlence for a little
Klrl, nil alone, but hIim didn't Meeui to
lie more frliihteded tlinn did Home of
the older oiicm.
I.iiiIIcm' Iiomc II itiiIh a pair II iIoom
1'iiMt poMtolllce, New stoiv.
Special attention Im called to Hie
'1 hankMglvliiir Herv
J chuivh next T
'I 'hciv will be hh.cIi
ThankMglvlnir MervlccM at tho Motho-
liurMila.v at it a. m
ncolal iiiiihIc. The hum.
tor will Hclect Home Hiiltntile theme
for thcTliiinkHKlvlui; dlMcouive. The
Knwortli lj'iiL'iic Im iiNHlHthnr III the
pri'iinratlonM for the da.VM nervlce. I
tniHt that there will 1m a full ivpre-
Hcntatlou of our coiiKivgation in nt
temlauco iipim the ThiiiikMglvlngday
HurvlecMiiext I liUMda.v at 11 a. in,
Hut olreMpect for the prot'lamiitloiiM
ol tne prcMliient oi our lauii ami tne
iroveruor-of the HtateiiM well an la
n - -.
giving and limine. And a cordial la
vltiitlou Im extended to nil to wor
Hhlp with iim opon that day who may
not bo called to other placen of woi
Hlilp. 11, H, I'lrne. Pantor.
Whist Club Meets.
The whlHt club met at tho Wood
men hull hiMt TiicMday oveiilng nnd
enjoyed an uuiiHUally pleiiHitn't euon
lug. At thoiiMual hour n-fivHlimentH
were Morvcd by Mm. AbrnniM and
Mm. Henry coilimltltHi on mhiuo.
When tho polntM wen' counted up It
wiim found that Mm Henry had woii
tho pii, having Hcoivd tho inoHt
iioiniH. ami .mimm huiioii wiim en-
t,it(1 iji,vcoiiHohitloiiv TlioguontH
tljudnlln Jtalf I, Whipple;
iiv. Hum. Dntton mid MImm llenolt.
Pootbnll (Inme
There will bo n ifd hot football
HiIm a
on tho C M. A, ground hero
thin nftornoon botwi-tintho AhIiIiuui
an ii.iuuhhuui ur o. ... em. n. ..w
chnrged Inn the gaino promlMOM to
,e -wortlt twice Hint iinioiint
Sebiwil tabletH. lend iiciivIIm. ihmih,
Ink. nniHiror anything oIho Iii HiIm
lino at tho Hoiimou Drug t'o'a ntoiv.
imim wiuvur
5 DA V 111 tit
The Nortli-lloiinil PoMciiKer Wrecked
Suiulay Truffle Delayed
24 Hour,
Tho witt'klnx of the piiMenj(cr
about a mile north of U'lilkei'Htatlou
mid about live iiiIIcm north of HiIm
city, hiMt Hunilay on iiHlralKht track
Im iim in.VMlerloiiM.aM It Im remarkitblo
from the fact that but one iiiim wiim
HerloiiMly'hurt and he wiim not on Hu
train at the time of the accident, but
wiilklug Ih'mIiIc the track.
It wviiim that the train, lu charge
of ciurlnocr Klllot and a helper engine
run by Kuglneer I In lu had JiihI got
under good heail way nfter wondlng
up below U'ulker Htatlou mid wiim
Mcannlng the track when llii'itcclilcnl
linppi'iicil and wiiMiit even aware
thai aiiythliig wiim wrong until IiIm
engine lucrciiHfil Km mkiiI on account
of iHroiiilug freed of Km burden of the
load. Then he looked around mid
wiim dliiuhfoiuidi'd on wring HiiIo'h
engine iM'lug dragged mIiIcwImo iutohm
a h him 1 1 culvert which wiim broken
through on account of the criiNhlng
weight of the engine humping along
the IIcm. Then all the coiicIich miivc
the IiimI Pullmnn hIii'mt hurdled the
rallM and rolled down the miiiiiII em
baukuieut a coufllMcd iiiiimm of twlMt-
ed Iron ami broken HiiiImtm. Iloth
the baggage ami mull cum which
bore the brunt of Impart wc rcHinuHh-
ed Into matchwood mid acted iim
cumIiIoiim checking the momentum of
(hone following with the mult that
miiiiiII damage wiim done,
A grout inaiiy of the crew anil pun-
McngciM were badly Mluikeu up mid
Momewhat brulMed and yet only one
mull wiim hurt wrloiiMly and he wiim
dug out of the dirt under the tnickn
of the mull car.
The writer drove down to Hie
Mcene of t lie accident arriving there
JiimI iim a freight engine that had
pulled lu, wiim mi ail lug back to HiIm
city with the pullmnn hIccimt the
only car remaining on t lie! nick. Into
which the ptiHHongcM had Urn
After vlewfng tho wreck one could
Mcan-ely Mleve that all of the pan-
HCligcrM had eM'apel without anyone
iM'lugM'rlouHly hurt. The track and
grade were torn up for a illHtaucc of
xoverul hundred firt and the IioIiht
engine and baggage and mall cum
were badly wrecked and lying iutomm
the track, while m-veral of the
coachi-M had left the track mid were
lying lu the ditch.
Am the Itoxehurg wn-cker wiim al
ready at work on n freight wreck In
the Cow Creek canyon, the wn-cker
wiim MUinmouod from Portland, but
It wiim noon Monday In-fore the
truck huh repaired tounablo traliiM
to piiMM, The Injinvd man wiim
Stephen llmnaker. whone place of
iVHldeuce Im not known. He wiim
brought hen mid IiIm Im liolug cant
for at the Sherwood hotel. HIh left
arm Im broken in two phtccM, two
rlliM a iv rruHhcd mid then' Im a bail
contiiHlou under the eye. He Iiiim an
honorable (Uncharge from the Third
I nlted Stilton Cavalry and wwht
vice lu the I'lillluplucn. He iiImo
carrleM a card iim a inemlM-r of the
iuIucm' union, but n-fiiMCM to give IiIm
addn-MM, iim he iIocm not wImIi IiIm
mot her and mImIci- to learn of IiIm iuIh
Imp. The attcndlngpliyMlclnnoplncH
that he will pull through all right.
Mciim' paulM worth $i ?l!
worth $:t New Ston:i iIoom eiiMt of
Whlte'H Cream Vermifuge, not only
killa wormx, hut reinovtvi the innrnx
nud Hliiiie, in which thev build their
ik'hIh; it brines, undipiirklv, n hcinthy
couilitiuii nt the Ixxlv, where moiiiik
oiuinot exist Sfto nt New Kra Drui;
Sale On Millinery.
A HiirpiiMlng ivductlon will 1h
made on each hat Mold WedneMilay,
Nov. "fl.
Don't forget tho date and lvuiem
ber It Im for one duy only.
Tim Mimhkm Nhwi.ami.
Nov. I'd, IlKXI: "I hud rheimintlmu ln-t
winter, wimiliirtii in beitsix ueeksitrieil
iivcrvtldni!. but not no relief, till n
friend uiivo men pint of n bottle of Hid
In nl' tMinw l.luliuent. I used it, mid
Kot two nioie iHittley, It ciuol iiionml
I luivt-n t felt nny ilieiiniutiani xinco.
cnu rei-ommeiiil imuiw i.iiumeiit to m-
tho het 1 i i i mi-ii t on enrtb for rhemun
IIhiii." I'flr ihemnntlc, seintlc or n'eii
i iiIkIo piilnx, rub In Dullard's Snow I.lnl-.
mi'nt. vou will not eull't-r long, hut will
bo grulilletl with n Kpenly mid ellt-ctivo
eiue. Sne, 5Ui nnd fl nt New hni Dru
Quito A Scare.
Wediiembiy evenlnt; nbout elht
o'clocU, what en me ueitr liolug houic.
tiling Hvrloua took plnce ut tho ChhIi
tlrocery when HomethhiK went wronjr
with im electrle lljrJit nnd tipon turn
ing It off It iK'iltcd tho Wrnpplnt? of
tliovonl nnd refiiKed to Ih turned off
or put out. It wiih pulled down nnd
i-urrled out Into tho fctivet where It
Hlixled nnd hlHsed until Mr. Abrnnw
whh culled uii, nnd xhut It off by
twlHtluK the wltw toBether, which
Heeiun to botho only way. However,
It occiiHldtu'd qulto n Hcnre nnd rt-
Htiltcil lu Ktunk Whwlor .uVttlitK
olecttic hIkk-Iv nnd u twvoivly burned
Moii'h Imtn 50o. 75v,fl, New store
!l tloorocitHt of poHtotllco.
United HtMten l,iind Ollice,
HonohurK, Die , , 1102,
Noll lit hereby rIvon thnl in compil
ii ii uv iilth the proviMKinM of thu net of
ConurinK of .liiiiu :i, IK7K, entitled "An
Act for the mile of Timber l.ninli In the
ttblti'H of (Jul I lorn in, Ori-K'ili, NcvhiIii,
mid U'lmlilnutnn Territory,,' iinnxtcinltil
In nil the I'llhlic l.miil Htiiloo by net of
A lig(i I 4, Nil IIhiimiii Hoe, of
KliK'.'tii', Coiuily of I.hiic, Htnto ol
Oil'Kuli linn thin lnv llled in til It ollice
liln Mtrorn ntHlciiiciit No. -, for the
piirelnoni of I lie NK '4. of Section No. :il,
Tinvin-lilpr.'H(iiitli,.,lllioini;l W mid will
Hirer proof lo hIioh Hud t Ik- ImihI wniiflit
In more- vidiiubld (or im timber or itlonu
iIihii for Hitriuiilluriil purpimw Mini to etc
tnbllnh bin elniio t, hhIiI IhiiiI Inifore
Mnriti I,. Wore, I'. (.'ominlwdoiier nt
Kiiueiin OrcL'nii, on Siitnrdnv the Mth
Inv of I'tb., IWM.
lie iiiiincB im wiliiciifi-H :
MHrlin IIhiikuiihiiu, Alice M. Uroner,
Mary Amlemon, .Mutt Andcn-oii, of Kd
Kcne, lim Co., Ore.
Any and nil pen-mm cliiliuiiiK nilvvriHi
ly the rtlMire-deHTiheil IhihIm nre rt
ipiccled to II lu their clHinin In thht oldcc
on or U-lore miid I Ith dny of Feb., IIHJ.1
J.T. ItiniMiXH, lU'Kifter.
Unllcl Mntcf I.hihI Oirict,
ltMHrhillg, Ore,. Nov. IH. HH12.
Notice i hereby itnen thut in oouipji
ii nee with the protmiuiiH of the net of
ConurcKMof Jmif . IB7H. entitled "An
Act for tht? Milttul Tinilx-r liainln in tho
StnteM of CnllfiH-iiiH, Unitoii, Nevudn,
mid WnehbiKton Territory," iim ex
tended to nil the I'tiMir I.iiihI StnteM hy
net of AiiKUMt -l, IHW, Jaintu W. Smvey.
of KnKvnu, Co, of l.nin-, Stnle of Ore
Kon Inn-till ilny (Hi -I in tliln oirice bin
Hwnrn f tiiteincnt Nk. :0)2, forthepui-chui-e
of the W4 W I -I'iiI. Section No. .'!:
in rowiialiip SSt)iilb, of Khiikc 1 Vet
nail will oiler pnnif Id r-lm Hint the
III Mat i-onght in mure vnluublo for iti
lliulier or utoiic tlmii (or ntrriciiltiiriil
puriKH'eM.Hlid U tvtnblnih Iii elniiu to
mini land before Mnne I.. Wurc, U.S.
f!fiiiiiiitiiloiier nt Kinfene. Lane Co. Ore-
i iron, (hi U'ednevdny tlx- I ltd iluv of Feb.
He niuni-M hh witnci-i-eii :
Aimtin lt(Mt, of KiriiiKfleld, LaiicCn.,
Ore , JmiifH Itnudh-.of I'liiriiioiuit, Ume
Co., Ore., John Senvey, Jei-ne Senvey.of
I'.UKcne, Una- Co., Urcpni.
Any mid "II iH-rMjiiH chilmiiii! ad-
veri-ely the IiiiiiIm nre ic
niiwtiil to tile their cliiimi in thin olfice
mi or lM.-fore Bald 11th dny of Feb., 190t
J. T. ISniiMiKM Kexirter.
Iind OIHt'e nt Itoi-ebiirjr, Oregon.
Nov. 10, HrOS.
Notice in hereby itlven that the follow-
itig-nnmed reltler hn tile-l notice of bin
inlci tion to make llnal nrnof in nliniMjrt
of IiIh claim, nnd thai i-niit proof will be
made before Mnrlel, . Ware, U.h. loin-inbi-loncr.
nt liigene. Oreuon, on Janu
nrvlt, 1H03. vii: Flwmd I,. II Hand on
II. K. :, HH7I lor tne mi i -r. t4, .i
X SK '4 A It 3 A 4 See. 18 T. 10 Si., K
7 W.
HeiiiiiiH-M the follow ini! witnein lo
prove bin eonlliiitoiiM renidence iiion
nnd cultivation of paid land, viz:
KdKiir W. Iloselton, of Mound Ore.,
Sylvt-Hter I-fwis. of Panther, Ore.,
Church A. Steven. Walter J. Holland,
of Crow, Ore.
J. T. lliuiMir., HegUter.
l(n(CRt'RI). OltKOON.
(K-luWr lllh lU.
Nellce ut Hiullr.tlou at thu Anacond. UoM
MliiliuCiifui-mirot JWiliemU, a i-rL.tu our
tiurMlim, aQtiiic by and Ihrouirli lia trumrer
C. 31. Yiiiiuk. ffir a patent for tne Ocm C'onwili.
IATI!l (tCAKTI Claim, Hohemla MinliiR l'l
irlrt. (.an? anil IHniflavcounllea, Orirmi
IliruRE Tim Uxnr.ii
Htatlm I.M) Orrirc at
Koncncan. Oar.. IHtii.
Noilrv U hervliy Riven that the Anaconda
(ioW Mliitni Conn-any ot Hohemla. a iirirali-
rorporulloll. oricanixi-u ami exiaiinK (inner aim
Y VlllUe Ol 1U0 law Ul IUV tm.v ut virgin.
n. nrliwiiu.! ndWe and i.lnre of ImitneM
olineiawaol ine iiaie oi urrm,
al Kugene. Une counly Oregon , aeiinit by.
ihrniiirh ami under Ha Ireaan-erC. M
who- li-tonli-elj wild KuKene. Lane county,
Oreiriiii. ha Aleit annllralion for i-alrut for Hie
(it ni Conanlldaleil Uuarll Claim, rllualeil In
Ian rountiai Ori-Ron, ami ilcilitnuleil by Ihe
slil iintoa alltl nmdal nlat on tile In tht offllH
a Mineral hurvoy No. IIS, ami Ijtiik' In ii-rllnn
11 inwiivhli.-JEI anuth. ranus Nn. 1 t-ait. the Mill
(!em rmisuililatcdtliiarti Claim, rwitUtlni; nf
tke Slide lode minliiK rlaim, rUlmli.K l.'
linear feet theretif Ith turfare iirouml a
himn tiHii the o Iclal pUt on file tn thla
nitlceeirei-i a ponfllot of 2.(l aert-a vtltli the
VchuvIiu lode mlnlng-rlalm. which contllotlni;
areata hereby cxcludVriiof the KecnloitemlnltiK
claim, rlalmiiiK W linear feet of Ihe atri linle
with surface irriiuliil aa aLovrn illmn the aald
plat- anil of ine Gem mining claim, elalmlnir
hnifeetof aald loile with aurface ground as
shun n iihiii said orllclal nlat. The niaituetlc
variation Isfrom JoileBlo Jlile tS mln earn
The tald Slide lode U (U-scrltieil as follows:
llcKtnnliiK at corner No 1 a pout 3, fret Iouk. I
Inches souart- set is Inches In the ground
scribed 1-413. a tlr'.n Inches illameter bears H
1 dee w 1?- feet. A tlr 21 Inches diameter bears
.1 17iW,rV it feet both faced audscrlU-dl-lU II T
The mineral monument erected In survey No.
'.BU bears tl 73 de SJ mln K 7117 let. The1,
section corner on line between sections 11 and
II. of In 38 a. rle Willamette Meridian, bears
SMdeif l.Smln w 7 -3 It.
Thence X W (leg 11 mln w 1X1 feet to miner
no 2; thence N SI deg E .VD feet to coiner.
No 3: theuc south Miles' 15 mill east l.Vio feet
to comet So 4i tlienc south 51 den est mil feet
to corner N. i: thence n.uth K! deit l mln
west S9.1 feetloeotnci Nol and platv of liegln
nlng, and contalnlngescltislve of the rontllct
with Ihe Vesuvius milling claim. 17 isiDacica.
The iteco lmlc Is dcscrlliol asfollons: llegln
tlltig at corner So 1 a it 1 feet long I Inches
Miunre set to Inches In the ground scribed 14 u.
A tlrs Inches In diameter liears norlh 31 (leg
east 31'. feet. pine 1 inches In dlamoter
bears south I1. K .'s! feet, both faced and scrlld
1-113 It T. The', section cotnei leteen sees
llalid 11 Tp'JS 8 It 1 E Sears south 27 deg I.tmln
K nwi feet Theme north 7s deg IS mln WM9
feet to cor So 2: thciuv north SI deg K (9W feet
toeurKnS: thence south 71 deg a) mliiK sufi
locor So 4; thence son thill (leg W Bifl to cor
No land plaieof beginning, and containing
The Oom lode fsdescrllied asfollous: Begin
ning at cor So 1 Identical lth cor SoS Keen
lode and with H K cor of the IiH-atlou. The
section (Hirnerliet ecu sees; It and 11 tpM8 It I
K bearikolllli IW ileir III mill KSMIli tlieuco
north TJdeg'.Mmln W !74tt locor SoJ; theme
north 51 (leg Ki-ft tucorSoJ: thence sotith?-
lU'glMmln r. I37IU incur o incnce Miuuii-i
degwtatift tocor Sol and place ot isiginnuiK
mid eoiilalulng Id.sIS acres.
The net area for hlch patent Is upplled for
ol Ihe said tleni Consolidated Quarts t'lalin.
aueri-acepiuiK ine ,nm "" -:v ,w.
snvlns lode, uhlchsaid iKiiillletlng area Is not
claimed by tlu-appUcanl. Is 4ii.liactej.
ti. i...if,i nf lot.Milnii nf the said Slldelinle-ls
of record In tho omi-c of the tunny Clerl of
Douglas j ouniy, tircgo .m "" i'e""
unlsot Mining Claims for said County, and Is
also of record In the ollice of the County clerk
of Une County. Oregon, lu Vol Noli i-agea
llecordsof Mining Claims for Une onnty.
-fen'otlce of h-callon of tho Rccolode Is of
record In the ntlli-c ollhe County Clerk ol l.ane
County, Oregon, In Vol So 4 iage ion Hecords of
Mlutng Claims forsald Une t'ouuty, Oregon.
The notice of locution o( the (icm lode Uof
record In the otllce of the Comity Clerk of Une
Counry, Oregon. In Vol 5 page .101) of the records
of Mining Claims oj Une County, Oregon.
The presumed general course or direction ft
the said Uein Consolidated Huatli Claim en
Is northwesterly d southeasterly as shown
upon said iiltu-lal plat. . ,
S i... tul.1 cum i-oiikollitalcil Onarta Claim
eonlllcts with the Vesuvius lo.lo -s aforesaid
and the Fawn mining claim adjoins on the
south. . ... , , .w
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
mining ground, vein, lode, premises, or
any portion thereof so described, platted, and
applied for. are hereby nolllled tha unless
their adverse claims am duly Hied according
to law, and the regulations thereunder, within
the time prescribed bylaw, with the Register
ot the 1'nlted Htutea Unit Oltlco at llosebutg,
Douglas county, iiregou. iney win oe oarrou
by tne provisions otthe law in such cases
made and provided.
J. T. Uridum, Register.
Hate of Drst publication. October 17, A. 1. 1B.
Date of last publication, December.- A 11. 19ttt.
Drtiftn nt llenson Drug I'o'u utoro.
What are you going to have for
Thanksgiving? If you don't
know we can tell you, as we car- '
ry everything to make rou give.
Thanks. Come and See.
Under Odd Fellow's Hall, - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON.
Rough Lumber,
ST pex M!. at
Sagikaw. Ok.
United rUntm Land Ollice,
ltoeehurp, OreKon, Sept. il, 1002.
Notice i hereby i:iven that in eoinpli-
niice with the provii-iiniK of the net of
Coiiuresn of June 3, IK78. entitled "An
net for the Kale ot timber lands in the
Statin of California, Oregon, Nevada, ,
mid Washim-lon Tirritory." a extended
to all the I'liUlic l-iiid Stale hy act of
AiiKimt 4, Ihttl. Willmm K. rrnilhome.of '
1'iirtliin.i Oiunty of Miiltnomab State of I
Oregon ha thin duy llled in i
thia ollice Iiih vnoru Mateo. ent No. I
3.0'.".', for tbepnrclnife nftlic Fractional
Sffti of Section No. 10. ir. Townshiii 21 I
South, ofllane8 Went; nnd will offer
proof to show that the land K)in;ht in more I
vuliiuble for its tiuilier or atone than fcr 1
auriuiilliirul piiriioi-en, nnd to estalilisli j
Iim claim t aaid land before the Hey
ieter nnd Heeeiver of thin ollice nt ltort
bun:, Oregon, on Mondav, tlie'.'th davof
Mar., 100S.
Henry C l'rndhoiiie, .laincn S. Tvr
rell, r.ydin C. Tyrrell, and Uenriie
McUliulock all of 1'ortliin.l, Oregon.
Any nnd nil (lersoim elaiinini;, advent
Iv the above described hinds are r
q'uested lo lite their claims in tbii office
on or liefore mid 21 h dny of Mar , UK!
.1. T. DiMixiKK, IteKieter.
United Stnten I-and Ollice,
Hoselitirji, OreKon. Oct 0, 1002.
Notico i liereby given that in com
pllmu'o witli the provisions of the net of
Confret-s of June X, 1878, entitled "An
net for the nle of timlier lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada anil
Washington Territory," as exte- ded to
..II tl.n 1I..1.H.. I a,,. I l,v ui't nf All.
i n" ('"- !
I trnal 4. 1R05. Tula II. Bond, of hu-
ene County 0( MQ, Stute of Oregon
l.rtu .1.1 .1.... llln.1 1., tlitd nrtii. lir au-nm
stutement No. 361S for the purchase of the
SU. NE i Jfc S.. NV 1-4 of See No. 2, in
Township 23 South, of Kange2 W. ami
will offer proof to show that the hind
sought is more vnbinble for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpoi-es, anil
to establish her claim to said land before
Mnrie l. Wnre, U h Cominissioner nt
Kugcne, Oregon, on Wednesday the 31st
day or Dec, 11)02.
hIim mimes. &8 witnesses :
Emma N Snltxuian, Martha V. King,
of Creswell, Oregon, James N Handle of
I'liiriiioiint, Ore,, Jamca Hoffmnn, of
Eugene, Ore.
Any nnd nil persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this ollice
on or before said 31st day of Dec, 11H)2.
J. T. IlniPflKH, Hegister.
United states Unit Ollice,
lUisborg,Ote..oct. , 1!!.
Notice Is hereby ghen that In compliance
with Ihe provisions of the act of Congress ol
Juno3, ISiS, entitled "An act for the saleof
Timber Unda In the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August I, IS!, John W. CuMt, of Kugene,
County of Une. Stateoi Oreron has thlsday
llled In this office his sworn statement So.
3771, lor tho purchase ol the Nr. l
of Section No. 20, Township St south, of
Kange 1 west and will oiler proof lo show that
the land sought Is more valuable fotlts timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes iund to
establish his claim to said land liefore Marie L.
Ware, V. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon,
on Baturday the 17lhday ot Jamiat)-. Won.
lie names as witnesses:
George W. Hunter, Charles 11. rolhick, of
Eugene, Oregon, James N. Kaniile. of hair
mount Ore.. Austin ltoot, of Springfield. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aUivo desctlbed lands are roiuested to tile
tlielrclalmsln thlsotliceon or before said 17th
dayol January. Ill . ,. .,
J.T. IIhiikihi, ItegUter
United States Lund Olln-e,
Hoseburg, Ore , 1002.
' Notice is liereby given that In com
pliance with thu provision of the act of
Oongiess of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the wilool timber lands in the
States of California, Oiegon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, 'tis extended
to nil tho Public Land Mates by act of
August , 1S92, Alice M. Croner, of
Eugene, County ol Lnue, Stnte o(
Oro. hni tbifl' dny tiled in this ollice
Her sworn stntoinont No. - for tho
pttrclmBO of the W h NE 1-4 of Section
No. 22 In Township No. 22 S, Hango No
1 W, nnd will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more vuliiuble for lit
timber or stone than for ngrlrtilturn.
purposes, ami to estaoiieu uer riaim k
said land liefore Mnrie U ware. V
S. Commissioner nt hngene, Jre
eon, on Satimluy, the 1-ttli, Jay of Feb.,
Rim nntnos ns witnesses.
Murtin Ilitngenson, Matt Anderson,
Nils Hanson Hoo, Mary Anderson, of
Eugene, J.nne Co., Ore.
Any nnd till persons claiming adverse
ly the nbovo-described lands nre te
nuested to (lie their clniins In this office
on or before sal I Uth day of Feb., 1003.
J T. ItitiDOKS. l(euistei'.
:: :f: ft - ft ft : :j: :t: :: ::
-y :i:
e Mut tne
m . . -m
1 on't take our word for it,
The Cash
Carry the cleanest and
Griffin &
in the city. ' . '
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
DO 0i USE wcvIerV? i
We tuamifncture all
Screens, mid furnish
I 49 First St., - - Portland, Oregon.
(general illcrchaiidist,,
PrSinevs' Tools and
bive us a call and we will treat
x h-hM:-
Keen Carvers For Vour
Thanksgiving Turkeys.
of all shapes and styles are
now reach' at Griffin &
Veatch Go's. Don't spoil a
nice, plump turkey at your
Thanksgiving dinner by try
ing toearvc him -with a poor
knife, or carve yourself 03
using a bad fork that won't
do its dutv, when we will sell
you a set "at $1.25 to $4-.00.
in the way of Hardware, Tools and
imblements, you can find at our
store. Are you going mining?
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs
ww - m i j mm
nara to Miit.
but call and be convinced that
G - rocery Co.
Complete line ol
kinds of Milling anil Mining
all kinds of belting. '
Water Wheels of
Every Description..
All kinds of Flouring Mill, Ware-
house and Feed Mill Machinery. a
It will pay you to consult us in
person or by letter before buying.
you right.