Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 21, 1902, Image 2

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Bohemia Nugget
1,1! 11 W. lIUMtY, Jtailor and rroi'r.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove tnttrcstlng.
An anarchist llrod tliroo shots at
King Leopold, of Bolglum, but hurt no
A mntnor of eroat brilliancy foil
no Loxlngon, Ky., causing conaldera-
bio excitement.
Venezuelan govornmont troops aro
roptirlod to liavo won an Imjortantibat
tlo with tho revolutionists.
Senator F.lklns, who ha heretofore
fought reciprocity with uuna, nas come
out In favor of tho measure.
Congressman Babcock has declined
to enter tho speakership race and has
thrown his support to Cannon, thus as
suring tho tatter's election.
ThoAmorlcan Federation of Labor
adopted resolutions against tho ship
subsidy bill and demandod a repeal of
tho law requiring marine englneors to
glvo notlco for quitting work.
Secretary Hitchcock Jhas determined
that a forest reserve shall bo created In
tho Blue and Strawberry mountains, in
Kastern Oregon. Tho reservation will
bo made on an entirely new plan.
The Southern Pacific has signed a
new agreement with the telegraphers,
train dispatchers and station agents on
tho ontlro system whereby an advanco
of 10 por cent in wages Is granted.
In Ills rcp6rt on the army In the
Philippines, Genoral Challeo upholds
Genoral Bell.
A large furniture fartory at Boau
harbols, Quebec, was burned, entailing
a loss of 1100,000.
Tho Amcricanjederation of Labor,
now In session, Is considering a plan to
pension men of 60 and over.
A Swedish sailor on tho transport
Eumner jumped overbojrd to save the
ship's flag and was drowned.
British Columbia accuses the
United States of stealing thousands of
tqnare miles of territory near Portland
Tho official returns from tho recent
election in Pennsylvania show that
tho Republicans elected their governor
by a plurality of 150,410.
A gang of robbers operating in Ely
rla, N. Y., were interrupted and In
the fight that followed one officer was
fatally wounded and one robber killed.
Four of the mon injured in the furn
ace explosion at Lebanon, Pa., have
died, making the death list eight.
Many of the injured are not yet out of
Members of the German relchttag
camo to blows In a debate over a bill
General Chaffeo was tendered a re
ception in San Francisco by the busi
ness men.
Southern Pacific locomotive engineers
have asked for an advance of 20 per
cent in wages.
The war department has announced
that additional barracks to hold 416
men will be built at Vancouver at once.
General Bliss has gone to Havana,
where ho will work lor the early adjus
men! ot differences on the reciprocity
Tho war department will reduce the
cavalry down to 60 men to the troop.
At present about 00 enlisted men are
in each troop.
A porter in a 'Now York hotel has
been found guilty of robbing the guests
for a number of years. He has about
$16,000 in stolen jewlery.
President Gompers, of the American
Federation of Labor, saya that unless
trades unions change their course tho
day Is not far distant when tbey will
all go to pieces.
The trouble in Morocco promises to
become a eerious affair before eettlod.
The country is without a cabinet. Eev
oral powers are Bonding warships to
protect their interests.
Klmer D. Bryan, formerly of Illinois,
has been appointed superintendent of
education lor the i'hlllpplnes.
The secretary of tho navy has direct
ed that the army transport Hancock
proceed to New York, where she will
be usod as a receiving ship.
The monitor Wyoming, nearlng com
pletion at San Francisco, will,be turned
over to tho government November 20.
Forty prisoners in the Arizona peni
tentiary ovorpowered the guards and
escaped. This is the second delivery
in a month. A new prison is being
built in the solid rock of a mountain
The 28th annual convention of the
American Bankers' association is In
session In New Orleans. Thero are
about 100 delegates and COO visitors
present. Seattle wants the next meet
ing. General Owen Summers lias been
made commander-in-chief of the Spanish-American
war veterans. Tho
National headquarters Jwlll be moved
to Portland. Colonel It. U. Savage,
elected commander-ln-chiof, was com
pelled to resign on account of ill health
and the honor fell to tho vice com
mander. General Summers.
The chief of ordance of tho navy rec
ommends tho establishment of wireless
telegraphy along the entire Pacific
The annual report of Assistant Post
master General SVynne favors a greater
appropriation for the rural ,mall deliv-eryj-outes.
No trace can be found ot B. F. Kgan,
(ho Great Northern railroad man who
was lost In tho inountalnu near Bolton,
Mont., a week ago.
All Christmas presents entering tho
Philippines will be subjoct to tho same
dutyasothor goods, according Jo ad
vices issued by tho war department.
General Chaffee has reached Ban
Frauolsoo from tho Philippines.
Destruction In Ouatcmnla tlreater TJian
That on Island of Martinique.
New York, Nov. lS.-Astoundlng
rovelatlons of great loss ot llfonnd prop
erty by tho eruption of tho Santa Maria
volcano aro bolng nado daily, sys a
cablegram to tho Herald from Guate
mala City. Irruptions continue. Many
hundreds ot human beings perished and
the destruction of property Is considered
greater than that In tho Island of Mar.
tlnlquo by tho eruptions of Mount
All of tho ostatos In tho neighbor
hood of tho volcano nro burled under
volcanic ashes, which reach to tho tops
of tho houses. Tho richest coffee es
tates aro completely ruined. Tho
principal lorers aro tho largo coffee
planters, mostly United States citi
zens and Germans, whoso properties
aro ruiucd.
Two or three craters havo boon
lnmu.1 nn thn chin nf tho volcano.
Thoro was no eruption from the sum
mit, rumico and ashes were carried
chloflr in the southern and western
directions. Tho sea has a coating of
volcanic material extending for many
Tli. In., nf tlm rntfiwi frrtn. rlilrli In
GuatoTala's principal export, has com
pletely demoralised commurco nnu gov
crnment finances generally. Tho no-
iIaub) ntnAr riiwnfl U'hlrh Is the
fu. I I - J F "
only circulating medium, ha fallen to
7 cents gold for ono paper dollar.
Prices for all necessities havo risen
to prohibitive figures for many persons.
flirt attirtrtttna nrt trvlnt? in fnlrn the
dealers to send goods at tho usual
prices, but the condition of affairs is
such that business Is entirely paralyzed.
Violently worded handbills and posters
aro boing circulated.
Americans Discover Prehistoric Cavern In
Mountains of Mexico.
Hermosillo, Mexico, Nov. 18. A re
markablo story, duly authenticated, ot
the discovery of hidden Aztec treas
ures, has Just been reported to the gov
ernment authorities at Teplc by Rev.
Pablo Martino, tho parish priest ot
The priest makes a statement, which
Is concurred in by several reliable wit
nesses, that a "party of Americans,
beaded by an archaeologlc expert, who
gave the name of Heverick, arrived at
Yesca several weeks ago, and went
from that place into tho mountains,
accompanied by three Mexican guides.
The archaeologist obtained his bearings
by means of a chart which ho Is said
to have copied from an Aztec stone
tablet in tho National museum in tho
City of Mexico. He located a vast
cavern in a mountain near Yesca. Im
mense stone images stood about this
chamber. In one end was a handsome
altar, above which burned a bright
flame, supplied by natural gas from a
crevice in the wall. In a chamber ad
joining this main temple was found a
great store of ornaments and ntensils
belonging to the Aztecs or some other
prehistoric race.
Twelve burros were required to trans
port the articles to San Bits, where
they were shipped to San Francisco, ac
companied by the Americans.
As such articles cannot bo removed
from Mexico without tho consent of
tho government, an investigation is in
Coal Attorneys Put lllm Through Lively
Pace Stood Examination Well.
Scranton, Pa., Nov. 17. President
Mitchell, of tho United Mineworkers
Union, occupied the witness stand
throughout both sessions of tho coal
strike commission Saturday. For four
hours and a half he took the cross-tiro
of two brilliant attorneys of the coal
companies, and ended the day with few
scary as a result of the battle. David
Wilcox, of New York, of general coun
eel for the Delaware & Hudson com
pany, and Wayne MacVeagh, of Phila
delphia, who is representing tho Penn
sylvania coal company and tho Lehigh
coal and iron company, were tho prin
cipal questioners, and they put hun
dreds of questions to Mr. Mitchell. Tho
best nf harmony prevailed between tho
lawyers and the witness. The mem
bers of the commission took the same
interest in everything, and frequently
interrupted with questions, that tliev
might have a better understanding of
what was Doing said. The afternoon
session was moro interesting. Mr.
MacVeagh a cross-examination was, as
a rule, very keen, and while he assured
Mt. Mitchell be was not radically op
posed to him, he did not miss an oppor
tunity to place Mr. Mitchell's reasons
for hotter conditions In the anthracite
coal field in a bad light before tho com
Negroes Contest State Constitution.
Norfolk, Va., Nov. 18. In the
United States circuit court today John
Wise, formerly of Virginia, now of
New Yorn, on behalf of William Jones,
bdgar Lee and Jonn lilll, negroes, filed
a petition against the state canvassers,
asking Iho court to restrain the board
from canvassing the congressional vote
of the state on the 24th Inst. The
board is headed by Governor Montague.
The petitioners allege that they woro
refused registration under the new con
stitution, which they claim conflicts
with that of the United States.
Storm of Dust and Balls of Fire.
London, Nov. 18. According to a
special to the Mail from Sydney, N. 8.
W., an extraordinary dust storm lias
been experienced in Victoria and New
South Wales, Darkness enshrouded
tho city of Melbourno at noon yester
day, and balls of fire foil and set lire to
several buildings. The people were
thrown into n state of panic, as they
thought the world was coming to an
end, A similar cloud of red dust hung
like a pall over the city of Sydney.
Son Succeeds Father In Congress,
Paris, Tex.. Nov. 18 A snecial
election was held today In tho Fourth
congressional district. Morris Shepard
ueing elected to congress to till the un
expired term ol his father, recently do-ceased.
Commercial and rinanclal Happening of
the Past Week Uriel Ret lew of the
Oronth and Development of Various
Industries Throughout Our Common-wealth-Latest
Market Report.
Tho burglars who blew open tho sate
at Helix a tow days ago havo boon cap.
lured and a portion ot tho stolon money
nnd goods reeovored.
Twonty thousand ot tho 75,000 book
lets advertising Lano county havo been
printed and are Jin tho hands ol the
advertising department ot tho Harrltunn
company for distribution In tho Kastern
Georgo Smith, colored, who murdered
his white wife in Portland, has boon
sentenced to hang on December 10.
Fifteen days' time has been granted to
prepare a bill ot exceptions to bo used
in an appeal to tho supremo court.
Georgo L. Dillman, etato engineer
for tho examination of land applied for
tiudor tho Carey arid land act, expresses
tho optnion that prlvato operations
will not prevent government work, as
tho amount reclaimed Is small com
pared with tho total area ot arid land
in tho state.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Ackerman has decided that as soon as
a parent or guardian moves into a
school district with thd Intention ot
miking it his .bona fldo residence, n
child ot such p'arent or guardian Is en
titled to free tuition from the time he
moves into the district.
Linn county farmors are preparing a
protest to be presented to tho next leg
islature against the proposed change of
the game law, under which upland
birds may be shot from September 15,
instead of from October 1. Open seas
on betoie October 1 means at a time
when the farmers aro busy with har
vesting and they deciro to have an oven
chance with hunters fiom tho cities.
The Three Sisters canal company has
filed in the office ot tho stato lAnd
board an application for contract for
the reclamation of 30,000 acres ot arid
land lying in the western part of Crook
county. The tract is located between
tho mountains known as the Three
Sinters and the Deschutes river. It is
proposed to Irrigate the tract with
water from trlbutarlbsof the Deschutes.
The Tallant-Grant packing company,
of Astoria, has filed articles of incor
poration. Tbo Multnomah county delegation to
the legislature, at a meeting held last
week, indorsed a 1500,000 approprla
tlon for tho Lewis and Clark fair.
Eugene'haa asked for an increase In
mall carriers to meet "the growing de
mand for free delivery.
Two million feet of logs were swept
away in a Lewis river freshet caused by
tho recent heavy rains.
Tho work of installing the now ma
chinery at the Mountain View mine,
near Baker City, will soon bo com
Tho 1002 hop crop in this state will
amount to about 85,000 bales. Of thin
amount less than 20,000 bales remain
in the hands of the growers.
A bill for'the nomination of political
candidates by tho voters has been pre
pared for the Oregon legislature.
An experimental salmon hatchery is
In operation on the A I sen river, in Ben'
ton county. The past season has prov.
on so successful that it is likely to bo
made a permanent station.
A custom quartz mill will toon be In
operation in the Quartzburg district
Contracts have already been secured for
reducing ore sufficient to keep a 20
stamp mill in constant operation
Hugh O'Donnell, a pioneer mining
man of Baker county, agod 05 years, is
The Waldo smelting and mining com
pany will put in a 100-ton smelter at
once at its copper mines in tho Waldo
district. A smelter at Waldo will bo
of great benefit to tho vast mineral dis
trict ot that tection, as, aside from
treating the ores of its own rninoa, it
would also do a general custom busl
ness. A number of good mines of that
section will be able to do their smelt
ing at home and with much less expense
than heretofore, as the ores had to be
sent to California.
Wheat WallaWalla, fl8QC0c: blue-
stem 7374c; valley, 70c.
Barley Feed, 121.00 per ton: brew
ing, (22.00.
Flour Best grade, 3.60(23.70: grah
am, (3.003.60.
Mlllstuffs Bran, (10.00 per ton;
middlings, (23.50; shorts, (10.50;
chop, (17.
Oats No. 1 white, (1.1201.15;
gray, (1.101.12K per cental.
Hay Timothy, (1011; clover,
(8.00; cheat, (89 per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 6080c
por sack; ordinary, 50 65c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, (1.76
$2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, (3.60(3
4.25; per pourd, 10c; hens, (404.50 per
dozen; per pound, lie; springs, (3.00
3. 60 per dozen; fryers, (3.603.00;
broilers, (2.002.50; ducks, (4.60
6.00 per dozen; turkeys, young, 12K
13c; geese, (6.00(30.60 per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 15
10c; Young America, 1610K ,
factory prices, lQlJic less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 30332c
per pound; extras, 30c ; dairy, 20
22c; store, 16318.
Eggs Z5(03Uo per dozen.
Hops New crop, 22026c per pound.
Wool Valley, 12W16c Kastern
Oregon, 814Ko; mohair, 2628o.
Beef Gross, cows, 33'Ao per
pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 67c.
veal yoonc.
Mutton Gross, So per pound;
dressed, 6c.
Lambs Gross, SHo per pound ;
dressed, 6Ho.
Hogs Gross, 6X6c per pound;
dressed, 7(3 7 Ko.
Little Doubt that Thousands Were Killed
by a Volcano In Ouatcmnla,
San Francisco, Nov, IB. That
thousands ot lives havo been lost ns.a
result ot tho outbreak ot tho Guate
malan volcano Bantit Maria Is tho be
lief ot coffee merchants ot this city,
based on tho dollnltu news ol it torrlllo
explosion, brought hist evening by tho
steamer Newport, Tho steamer got thu
hows ot tho disaster at various points
Lulong tho coast, and whllo exact Infor
mation Is lacking, all Indications aro
that tho catastrophe la ot the most ter
rible nature.
Whllo the Newport was at Chnniper
Ico, a lotter was received from tho
factor of that district, a German nnmoil
Kauffmitn, announcing that tho vol
canic peak ot Santa Maria, 40 miles
inland from that port, was In eruption,
and that all tho coffco districts ou tho
eastern slopo ot tho rango, In tho Im
mediate neighborhood ol tho mountain,
had been utterly destroyed, and that
thousands ot llvos had, In nil proba
bility, been lost. Tho lotter continued!
"Tho towns of Palmar, San Felipe,
Colombia and Coatepoc nro nil ruined.
Ashes aro seven feet deep In tho Uncus
and towns. Mud, stones and lava havo
fallen all over tho country. Houses
have been crushed by tho weight ot tho
vohanlc matter that has fallen upon
them. Katalhulou. Mazatouaugo and
Quezaltenango havo not suffered so
much, but this calamity is ouly begin
ning. Wo have mud nnd ashea in
Retulhulcti. There Is great loss ot life.
Cattle nnd horses are dead by tho
thousands, (amino and pest aro ap
preaching. God hlp us."
Late in the afternoon ot October 25
thu people of Santa Maria telegraphed
to tho president of Guatomala, saying
that they were groping In total darkness
that had nulled upou them at noon.
Ashes were falling thick. They asked
tho presldont what was happening.
This dispatch was sent, apparently,
lust before tho eruption, and not n word
has been sent since. Tho wires ol tho
telegraph havo been destroyed, and tho
fato of those who asked that quoslloii
of the president of Guatomala is n mys
tery profound and ominous. It Is
thought in Champerlco that thero aro
nn survivors In tho town ot Santa
Maria, nor yet in any of tho towns
that Ho iion the eastern slopo ot that
mountain of belching mnd and lava anil
smothering gases. It may be a second
Tho area in which thoso towns aro
situated covers 30 miles in a half circle,
and il is estimated that tho sggregato
population Is 30.000. Tho town of
Santa Maria contains 10,000 inhab
itants and tho other villages uro said
to average 0,000.
Four Men Killed, Forty Injurcd-Dulldlne
and Contents Wrecked.
Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 15. Tho ox
plosion of a largo bollor, without
warning, in scrap l'uddlo litrnaro No
3, at the wett works of tho American
iron and stool company's plant today
caused tho death ot four workmen, and
about 40 others woro moro or loss seri
ously injured. Tho phvticlans at tho
hospital express the opinion that saver,
al of tbo Injured will die.
In an instant after tho explosion thu
eiitiro placo was black with ilobris.
Tho wreck of the nlno immediate pud.
dling furnaces was complete. I'll) el
clans were called from every quarter nf
the city, and hospital ambulances and
other vehicles werehurrle-i Into servlco.
The offices. of the works wero at once
converted into a hospital, and a corps
of nurses from tho Good Samaritan
hospital wero brought to the scone.
Into this temporary hospital tbo
maimed and scalded wero carried and
given attenlon. Somo havo their eyes
burned out, others their hands blown
off. It is feared the list of- dead will
be materially increased when the ruins
of tho nino wrecked puddlo furnaces
nro oxplored.
The boiler, which was n 200-horeo
power, broko squarely In half. Tho
roof collapsed from tho shock, and the
flames from tho puddle furnaces nndar
the wrecked boiler set fire to thodobrls
Tho fire force of the company, however,
had the flames extinguished In 15 min
utes. Engineer Prevents a llold-Up.
Frankfort, Ind., Nov. 16. Four mon
attempted to hold up tho south-bound
Monon express at Orclono today. The
train slackened speed on striking tor
pedoes on tho rails, but when tho en
gineer faced four revolvers lie threw
open the throttle. Tbo four men fired
rapidly and often, but all tbo trainmen
and passengers escaped Injury. Sheriff
Corns and deputies afterward caught
tho men, who gave the names of Charles
Johnson, James Mock, Frank Smith
and Hurry Gray. All claim to livo
in Cincinnati.
Wants Foreign Soldiers to Leave.
Shanghai, Nov. 16. Unusually
strong artlclos aro appearing in tho
Chinese novtspapors doclaiing that by
the withdrawal of tbo British troops
from Shanhal to Wol Hal Wei, and tho
withdrawal ot the Gorman forces from
here to Klao Chou, the Independence of
the Yangtso valley Is still menaced.
The Chineso want the British and
Germans tc got out of China altogether,
instead of merely evacuating bhanghal
and withdrawing to their respective
garrison stations in China.
Forty Persons Still Missing.
Wellington, N. Z Nov. 15. Foity
persons who woro on board the British
steamer Ellngamito, which was wrecked
November 0 on ono of tho Threo Kings
islands off the north coast of Now Zea
land, aro still missing, In splto of tho
careful search which lias been made on
tho coast and Islands adjacent to the
tccno of tho wreck. Tho wreckage from
tho Ellngamito has drlftod to a great
distance from the point whoro the ship
was lost.
Successful Airship Trial,
Nantes. France. Nov. 16, Tho air
ship built for tho brothers Plerro and
Paul liliaudy made a very succossuu
trial today in this neighoorhood. Sev
eral free ascents and descents wero
effected, accompanied by evolutions in
all directions over tho fields and woods.
The flying machine returned each time
to Its point of departure at tho rato fo ,
26 miles an hour, -mere wero jour
persons in tho car.
Operators' Attorney Shows That lie Will
Attempt to Prove by Mitchell's Own
Testimony That Organization In Irre
sponsible Non-Union Miners May llo
(liven a Hearing,
Pcrnnton, Ph., Nuv. 16. Tho Antli-
rnclto Coal Strlko commission np)olnt-
ed by President ltoocovolt to nrhltrnto
tho differences existing botwecu tho
nilnoworkors ot thu hard coal fluids ol
Pennsylvania and their employers yos
torday began the hearing ot testimony
by which It will dotcrinltio whether tho-
workmon aro receiving fair and Just
wages for their labor, nnd whether their
condition should not bo Improved
Tho star witness tor tho minors, John
Mitchell, presldont of tho Mlnowork
ors' Association, took tho stand in tho
forenoon, and when tho commission
adjourned nt 4 o'clock in the afternoon
ho was still under flro of cross-examin
ation by David W. Wilcox, general
counsel for tho Dulawaru A Hudson
company. It was n trying day for tho
miners' leader, but ho scorned to stand
tho tost well. Thu heaviest flro of
cross questions was aimed at him late
In tho afternoon session, and Khun tho
hour of adjournment was reached Mr.
Wilcox was still propounding questions
nnu testing Air. Mltcholl memory.
Tho opening of tho session was a
notable day In the annuls of tho law In
thn uper uuthrnclto region. Tho
commission's Hi-slons aro being hold In
tho beautiful room of tho Pennsyl
vnula supcrl r court, which Is now
sitting in Philadelphia. Hanged
around threo tables In front ot tho seven
commissioners, who occupied tho
judges' bench, woro no less than 30
lawyers, 24 of whom woro looking alter
tho interests ol tho mincownurM.
During tho day Mr. Wilcox aiked
Mr. Mitchell many questions as to the
policies of tho union, tho method of
calling strikes, thu ability of the union
to maintain dlsclplluo and prevent the
mombers of tho union from violating
tho law, and also as to tho liability of
Iho union breaking contracts. It was
npparent to many ot thoso present who
understood tho situation, that .Mr. Wll
cox's object was to attempt to provo by
Mr. Mitchell's own testimony that tho
contention ot tho companion that thu
miners' union was an Irresponsible
organization, and that trade agreements,
thorelore, could not bo safely entered
Into, was well loundod.
During tho hearing tho statement
was brought out for the first tlmo since
tho lato strlko was begun that the
union had disbursed (1,600,000 among
tho union and nonunion mon who woro
on strike. Ono of the questions which
camo up before tho commission was
tho advisability of hearing counsel on
behalf of tho nonunion men who re
mained at work during tho strlko. At
torney J. J. Lenaban, ono of the at
torneys for tho nonunion men, asked
tho commission what his status betoro
tho arbitrators was. Judge Gray in
formed him that tho question would be
taken tinder consideration, and that
an answer would probably bu given
bini today.
Pennsylvania Railroad Announces Volun
tary Advance of 10 Per Cent.
Pittsburg, Nov. 17. Nctlces signed
by J. M. Walls, general superintendent
ot tho West Pennsylvania road, were
posted In tho officos of thn company nt
Alleghany today to tho effect that an
advance of 10 por rent would bo made
in wagos of all employes permanently
In tho servlco of the Pennsylvania sys
tem east of Pittsburg who are now re.
colving less than (200 a month, to take
effect from Novombur I, 1UUZ.
Robert Pitcalrn, assistant to Presi
dent Cneeat, ot the Pennsylvania road,
said that almost tho entire working
forco of the system east ot Pittsburg
would le advanced. Tho announce
ment of tho advanco in wages was en
tirely voluntary. About 12,000 men
on the Pittsburg dlvlflon will bo ben
efited by tho ralso.
- To Investigate Religious School.
Washington, Nov. 17. Tho appeal
of tho Cuban children who recently ar
rived In New York destined for the
Universal Brcthcrhood school at Point
Loma, Cat,, but who woro dotalnnd
until tho charactor of the school could
be investigated, has reached tho treats
ury department. Commissioner Gon
oral of Immigration Sargont is in Ban
Francisco, and Secretary Taylor has
telegraphed him to procood to rolnt
Loma and mako an Investigation ol tho
character of tho school. Tho appeal
will await Mr. Bargont's report;
Dishonest Hawaiian Officials.
Washington, Nov. 17. Official re
ports of defalcations by two promlnont
officials of tho Hawaiian govornmont
wero received by the secretary of the
interior today from Uovornor Iiolo.
William II. Wright, treasurer of the
govornmont, admitted that ho woh
f 17.050 short, and tl. u. wrigiil, cuici
clerk ot the dopartmnet of public works
of Hawaii, Is charged with tno em
bezzlomcnt of (8,272. Tho former os
capod on tho steamor Alameda, which
railed from Honolulu September 20
for San Francisco.
Municipal Telephone System for Sale.
Now York. Nov. 17. Tunbrldgo
Wolls providod on the opening day of
tho present century mo nrsi municipal
telenhono service In this country, and
now, says tho London correspondent of
the Trlbuno, It lias heen ueciuoa to sou
(ho whole system to tho National tele
nhono company. This decision glvos a
great shock to tho agitators of schemes
for breaking tno control oi tno company
through municipal ownership and com
American Colony for Canada.
Toronto, Ont., Nov, 17. Tho On
tarlo cabinet has accepted the proposals
of a syndlcato, ropresontod by J, I,
Kgan, of Rock Island, III., and Judgo
Cutt, of Chicago, to placo 12,000 Amor
lean settlers on 2,000,000 acres ot agri
cultural crown lands In Ontario, and
the aggrooment will bo signed in a few
(lovcrnor McllrlJc, of Washington, Asks
People to Observe Nov. 17.
Olyinpln, Wnih., Nov, I I. Stato ot
Washington, h'xecutlvo Dopni Intent,
Olynipla, Proclamation by tho Gover
nor i
"Whoroai, tho presldont ot tho
United States, following n tlmo hon
ored custom, has designated Thursday,
tho 27th day of November, 1002, its n
day ot festival and national thittikn-
giving or tho manifold blessings of the
past your, now, therefore, I, Henry
Mcllrldo, governor cf tho statu ol
Washington, in accordance with custom
nnd by vlrtuo nt the poncr vested In
mo by law, do hereby appoint Thurs
day, tho 27th day of November, 11102,
as a dnv ol thanksgiving ami prayer
throughout the statu ot Washington,
nnd do earnestly recommend that the
people, in grateful recognition ol Iho
many blesslngi wo am now enjoying,
coal ho from tholr usual avocations nnd
dedicate this day to deeds ot charity
nnd brotherly lovu,nnd In tholr churches
and tholr homes rowilor pralto nnd
thanksgiving to thu Giver of all gixid
"In witness whereof I hno hereunto
ret my hand and mummI tho tout ol the
stuto to bo affixed, this 12tli day ul
November, A. D. 1002.
"HENRY .MullltlDK."
Vice (lovcrnor Wright l)lue Situation
nnd Makes Suggestions.
San Francisco, Nov. 14. Luku K
Wright, of tho Philippines, shaking ot
tlnauclal affairs In tho Islands, mild In
nn Interview that the money market Is
continually fluctuating.
"A bill to afford tho necessary relief
was presented to congress, hut not
pasrvd," said he. "I think tint lor
the benefit of the comment) Iho niattur
should again bo taken tip nt the next
session ot congress. It has been tug.
gutted that a Flllpln dollar of silver
should ho Introduced Into the Irlumls.
fhla dollar should bu worth actually
60 cents ol our gold money. I think
such a coin would remedy thu present
financial situation. Such n monetaiy
system would bo similar to tho ono now
In uso In Japan."
"It has boon suggostod that a limited
number of Chinese say 100,000 be
allowed to land In the Philippines
Do you think tholr prceumo would
relluvo thu present labor shortage?"
was nskod.
"I would not llko to see tho doors
thrown open to tho Chineso. Skilled
labor, yes, It limited, would reilniiily
provo bonotlclal. Somo ot tho Chinese
aro very clover, and thoy would bu nblu
to tonch tho Filipinos many of tho In
Governor Wright, accompanied by
his wife, loft for tho Kust Thursday
Republicans Win n Sweeping Victory All
Through the Island.
Honolulu, Nov. 7, via San Francisco,
Nov. 14. The eloctlons yesterday ro
sill I od In a victory for tho Republican
ticket. Prlnco Jonah Ktihlq Kalanl
anolo, the Republican nominee, la
elected as delegate to congress, and tho
Icglalatuio will bo Republican In boll
houses, In spite of flvo homo rule sen
ators holding ovor from the last log Is
laturo, to three Republicans.
Hie result of the election, It Is tliouht
by Republicans, will bo tho end ot thu
homo rulo party. A division ot tho
voters along tho lines of Republicanism
and Democracy, as on tho mainland; Is
now exportod. It Is also regarded nn
disposing largely ol tho rnco Issue and
tho issuo of roynllsm In Hawaiian
politics, for tho cam pa In of tho ileloat.
od candidate, Delegnto to Congress It.
W. Wilcox, was largely based on his
record as a royalist and on race feeling
Will Search for Lost Treasure.
Bnn Francisco, Nov. 14. Tho
niirnniMn mavi Hint llinrn In fin Innanr
any doubt that tho object of tho
schoonor Louisa u., auoui ready to sail
fnr thn flntith. In to nttflmnt tn rnmvnr
a part ot tho treasure lost in 1802 by
me uurning oi mo juciiju wan
stoamer Golden Gato off Manzanlllo, on
tho Mexican coast. Tho wreck of tho
flnlilnn flntn f-nllsnd tint lnnn nf 20.0 llvna
and a property loss ot (1,750,000.
Allien oi mis amount was in mo lorin
of bullion, nnd a considerable quantity
oi u was nuvor recovered.
Dig Chinese Fire.
Victoria, I). 0., Nov. 14 Mall ad
vlcos from China report n flro at Kwul
lln ICwang SI, causing groat loss of llfo
and property. Tho flio, which origin
atod In a flrocrackor shop, spread nnd
burned several hnudrcd houses. Many
Chlnseo woro burned to death. Tho
flrn burned houses nit around tho
Christian Alliance mission, which wai
nnsrathod. Tho result of this freak of
tho flro Is that many Ohlnoso heve
come since to tho mission building to
tie bsptlzod.
Little Hope of Finding Egan.
Spokane, Novombor 14, Tho hopos
of finding riuporintondent Benjamin v.
Kgan, of tho Uroat Northern railway,
continuo to diminish. All tho largor
searching parties hayo como In without
finding traco ol lilm. Somo oxpcrl
encod woodsmon under pay ot thu rail
way company aro exported to koop up
tho search Jor eight or lu days moro,
and thero are also Individuals who aro
searching in the hope of gaining thu
reward offered, but hopo is small. ,
Pennsylvania Mine on Fire.
Shamokki, Pa Nov. 14. Tho Burn-
sldo shaft, which employs 700 mon and
boys, was discovered on flro today. All
of tho employes, got out In safety. Tho
mlno Is owned by tho Philadelphia A
Reading coal and iron company. Tho
flames wero extinguished this evening,
and tho mine will resume work to-1
morrow, I
Lender ot the Mine Operators Claims the
Average Earnings of the Men Are Not
Less Than In Other Callings Requiring
liquid Skill nnd Training- Eight-Hour
Day Impracticable.
Washington, Nov. 13. President
litter, of tho Philadelphia V Reading
coal nnd Iron company, lina filed with
thu anthracite otml strlko commission
tho reply ot that coniany to the state
ment madu by John Mitchell, presl-
lout ot thu Mluuworkors ol America,
concerning Iho points Involvod In tho
iinlhiucito t-oal strike. Following Is
thu toxt ot Mr. llnor's statement)
"To tho anthracite coal strlko com
iiiIhsIoiii Tho Philadelphia k Heading
coal and Iron eompnny replying to thu
demands of John .Mitchell, representing
certain niithtacltu nilnuwnrkers, says:
"l'hut It owns 37 collieries situated
lu tho Munition of Schuylkllf, Noithuit.
Iwrhtnd nnd Columbia, and that It did
oporitto, previous to thn strlko Inaugur
ated by tho United Mlnuworktirs of
America, 33 collieries and four wash
cries, uml that nt that tlmo It had
2(1,820 omployos lu nnd about tho
"rhu demand for '20 per cent In
crease iikiii thu price paid during thu
year 1H0 1 to employes. Mirformlng con
tract or pleco work' la arbitrary un
reasonable and unjust, this company
don Ion thvro Is such similarity butMoon
tho mining of bituminous and ot atith
radio coal as to mako wages paid, In
out) a staudaid for thu other.
"This company denies that tho pres
ent ratu of wages Is lower than Is paid
In other mines lu tho same locality
nnd coutiolled by liku conditions.
This cxmpnny Is not Informed as to ll.u
average earnings In tho bitum
inous ooiil Holds, but It avers that near
ly all of Its former employes wnu dur
ing tho Htst flvo months worked In thn
bituminous mlmi havu returned to tho
HhthriirllH rtal regions, preferring to
work lu Iho unlhruiltu mines.
"This comuy denies that 'tho rato
ot wages In the anthracite coal Holds it
Insufficient to compKiisutu tho mine
workers, lu view ot thu dangerous char
actor of thu occiiatlou In relation to
accidents, liability to serious ami perm
anent disease, the high death rato ami
the short trade llfo Incident to this em
ployment.' "This company further denies that
,tho children of Iho anthracite mine
workers nro prematurely forced Into Iho
breakers and mills Instead ot bulng
supxjrtod and educated tion tho earn
ings ot their parents, because of tho
low wages of such tiarcnts,' or that such
wagos aro below thu (air and Juat earn
ings of mlmwirkora In this Industry,
"No hoys nru employed In and about
tho mines and breakers In violation ot
tho natutos fixing tho ages of employ
ment. In addition to provisions tor
education, omplo hopItaln for tho caro
of tho sick and Injured nru maintained
In tho nnthracllu coal regions. This
company avers that thoro Is not any
where else in thu world a mining region
where thu workmen havo io many com
forts, facilities for education, general
advantages and such profitable employ
ment. "In genoral wo dony, In so far as re
lates to anthracite mining, 'that tho
10-hour day Is detrimental to tho
healthy llfo of tho mluuworkors; that
shorter hours Improve tho physical,
moral and mental conditions of tho
workers, nnd that shorter hours In
creaeo tho Intensity and efficiency of
labor.' Wo admit that tho tendency
ol national and stato governments anil
of labor organizations is toward shorter
hours, but deny that a working day of
less than 10 hours will bo of real ad
vantage to tho workmen ungaged In and
about the anthracite mines and collier
los. In exhausting work n day of 10
bouts Is loo long, but there Is no ox
haunting labor which Justifies a reduc
tion of hours of work In tho anthraclto
coal niliios,"
Claim They Are Badly Treated on Plantations-Dole
Denies It.
Washington, Nov. 13. Socretary
Hitchcock has received from Governor
Dolo; of Hawaii, n statement denying
reports ot Ill-treatment ot eoverul
thousand Porto Rlcans. Tho laborers
went to Hawaii at tho solicitation ol
tho Sugar Planters' association, anil
the complaint was mado by Pedro 3.
Agostlnl, fahcr of ono of tho workmen.
Tho governor says, after an Investiga
tion, that tho tlosiro of como of the
laborers to return to Porto Rico results
from homesickness, Influenced by
Imaginative persons, and will stibsldo
with tlmo, and that tho condition of
tho Industrious I'orto II loans is satis
factory and tholr hoaltli improvod.
British Naval Station In Pacific.
San Francisco, Nov. 13. Advlcos ro-
colvod from FIJI state that tho British
govornmont Is preparing to establish,
a naval coaling station on tho Island of
Suwarrow, In anticipation ot tho con
struction of tho isthmian canal, Bu-
wartow Island la to tho eastward ot
Samoa and north ot tho Cook Islands.
Tho govornmont of Fiji will this yoar
import into thoso Islands 720 JOaBt
Indians ub contract laborers for tho
Bugar nnd other Industries thoro, ap
plications for that many having boon
Working on Cuban Report.
Washington. Nov.
Wood roturnnd "In Wnnlilnnl
and at onco resumed work on his report
oi iiiu occupation nnu govornmont of
Cuba, Ho says ho has boon absent ton
lorn? to sneak will, nnv nr,i,ni ,Mi.nAt
knowledgo of prosont conditions In Cuba
with tho prospocta of tho Island. Ho
has not vet noun Mlnlatnr nnnii.l.
has ho had onnnrtnnltv In .11
situation with officials of tho Unitod
nates wuo aro luiiy informed.