Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 21, 1902, Image 1

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Devoted In the Mining, Lumbering and I'tirmlng Intermits of this Community, to Good Goveniinciit, mid Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 45.
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Mines mi
1 M
ovoTod to o'dhcrhlt. Nofo. rvrvA
1 AJii
tbms 0 tcnerlnreKojrro Mining Mon
I'roflU of our lrentc.t Ncimurce arc
l!tioyed tiy NonrcsldenU of
Tim uli(vi In it fm-t to In ivkivI It'll
yet a fact iit'ViTtlick'HM.
Ort'Kimhiux have Mill Idly li.v dur
ing; tint liiHt fuw yi-ni'M, mid, In tlielr
li'tluu'Ky, (rum which they uro JiinI
nviivorllitf, huvu nllmvi-d iihIiIiii Ih
of foivlxii hIiiIch toi-tmii In ami tuko
iiin litrKo iiortloii of viilimhlt tlnn-la-rliim!
rluht under thi-lr iiiim. Of
ctiiuno IIiIm wiih Ih-ciuimi they did
not Invt'MtlKiito tliu mutter mill
not ivuIImi tlit' viilut of thew htmlx
mid tint timber upon them, which
Jiiim liici-eiimil woiiilerfully during
flm pUHt few uiontliM. "Ti-mlerfn-t"
Imvii eoiuo hoti from nil the vnrloiiH
tute of the t-ffute eiiHt, anil Inive
tiikou up OiIk IiuiiI with 11 view of
njMviiliitlon oil tliw iIiiiIht which
tliey knew wiih IhviiuiIiik waive .In
tlioeiiMt. Tim rtutdcutH lire JiiNt Ih
kIiiiiIiik to rendu the vnlne of tliu
Ikt laud mid are taklnir up html now 1
which they would not look at a few
ycaiH iiko whim they could hnve had
the ItcMt In the hind. .
To a certain extent, at IciihI. the
Maimi U lH-liif rv.entcil In OrcKou In
n-Kard to the mhilUK IiiimIiuiw, it I-1
thoiiKh the mhiliiK liiiMlueHM heiv Ih
lint In Hi Infancy.
A KCiitlcmiiu wholuiHlii clutiKe a
lurKU aim paying proiH'rty, to con
verHittlnn with the writer, recently,
inailit the Htnteiiieut that not one.
tenth id tho iIIvIiIciuIh weif dU- ,v. y. .ker. who owiih the Mln
trllmted amoiiK reHldentH of the ,.rM kIiik Kroup of milling cIiiIiiih on
Htate. Am tliu Mtatement Mounded a Hormt Heaven envk In the llohemhi
llttlit uim'iiHonalile to im we nmde In- .lnln DUtrlct. wiw a pleitMant
ipilry n-KiirdliiK; theMitmt: mid found lall-rat thin Hanctum the tlrxt of
IttolMi ahout correct. The K-ople W(vu. He lx down from the dUtrlct
of Ori'Kon havu hint reat oppor- l(i lay In a winter Mtipply of pro
tunltlcH to takii advautiiKi' of cheap vhoiw which he In wnilliik' to the
InveMtinent of Hood Mtin kM In minim; mmw llH f,lMt UM tu.y Mri. ,.rciaMcd.
proNTtlcM hut have failed to avail .Mr. .Inlker In not at work at pre-thenim-lvcM
of the opportunity with ,.t ,M ,IW. iroK'rty lull Im at
,,thn nwult. that the promoterM have xn,rfc aM) foot ttiniiel on the
Im-cii compelled to lloat MtockM for itVcrlilt' proKTly which he Iiiim con
development purpiwoM union-,' cant- tracteil for from K. .1. Hani. Am hooii
crn iM'ople. The rcMiilt iMthat little UM . nninheM HiIm coutruct he will
of the prolltM of mliihiK rciuiilu hi the 'contract mom on the Maine pro'icrty.
Mtate. The riiMtern K.-ople, whoin;, continue work during the en
we havu Imvii wont to call "Miickei-M" ; n. winter.
n thooni'M who am now larnely m,.. Haiil Im the principal Htock
piMikuthiK the hulllon." I hhlcr In thu ItlvcrHlile, the Vcmu Iiim
With a very hiiiiiII itmouiit of cnpl- m the Uregon and folorodo, all of
tal rcalltcd from the nnlo of HtiK'kH, W,C, ,m puhIiIiik work with all
thnv coinpunlcH now oerntlnK: pohmIIiIc mkH'iI ami will continue tlur
iiiIiicmIii Ori'Koii, one at Sumpter, K t, w(t.r wlth a full force. He
one at llliin Hlvcr and the other In H certainly leervlnii of jcreaf cn'dlt
.thoKrcat llohemla AIIiiIiik DlMtrlct. ; f,. , cnterprlHi- ami puhIi In ilevcl-
are now paying iiiviuciiiih iunricriy, ;
ht Miian, that amount to iiimv
than the Mtock Mold at orlgluully.
I'or liiMtaucu, thu Mtock of ouo of the
couipanleH wiih offered In Oregon at
-IctM Mjr Mliam tlini- yearH ago. Ilur
lug thu piiMtycar thU Maine company
Iiiim paid 4 1-'.' rtM. iht mIiiiiv iuar
tt-rly dlvhlcnilH to Km HtiH'kholdcrM,
which It. coutlnucH to do, Scan-ely a
dollar of On-gou money wiih Invented
In thin Htock originally, hence hut
Ilttluof tho dlvhleiiilH art- In-lng paid :
On-gon M-ople. ".Money umkeH !
iiimiev" nun in iiiillilnir 1 llilaMi,'
true iim In mining. The men and
women of thlMHtate who have money,
mid that emliraccH the larger portion
of our population, hIioiiIiI tvmedy
thin condition of affalrM and enahle
tlu-MO On-gou compauleM to ilevrlop
their proM-rtteM with Oivgou capital
auilthi-u when the dlvldumlM U-glu ;
to coniu nicy win no pant to tno
n-HlilentH of thin Htate and not hu
wnt ahroiul.
Them Im hilt oneway toaccompllHh
thin and that Ih to wake up to the
opportuultlcH of tliupiVMuut time nml
Invent lllit-rally In theHtoukH that are
now hclug placed on the mrrket at a
vory low llgun-. Theiv Im no mining
camp In the world that Iiiim iihiiv
pr(MiilHlng,priiH'rtlcM than Iiiim Do
humla nor ouo that iicciIm capital
moro hadly.
C. At. A. Dand Concert.
TIc.kotH are now on hiiIo at tho.N'ew
Kra Drug Mton-, for tho hand concert
to Im given at tin-, opera hoiiMehero
on tho evening of ThauliMglvlugday.
Wo haven't a program of the Maine
at hand, hence are unahlo to give a
IIhI of tho HclcctlniiH nml other
features of tho entertainment which
will niako It the Ik-hc concert over
glvon hy local talent In our city. Ke
uuro your neat early.
T. W. .lonkhiH Im In UoHohurg ii-pro-
Houtlug tho"Moiloi'u llrothorhood of
America," a fraternal Ixmollclnry mo-i-Ity
with ht-adnuarterH at MiimOu
City, Iowa. Doth men and women
aro admitted on an equal IiuhIh.
HoHolmrg Itovlew.
Got ii frco giimplo of ChiuiilH-rlaiii'a
Kloiniu'h uud I.ivor Tablcta nt Henaon
Drug Oo'u driiii store. They uro easier
to take nml more pleasant In uilV-ct than
plIlM, Then their use In not followed hv
euimtlpitloii as In often tho case with
p.l.H. I ten II I ill' nine, '.'fit' per hox.
Mroma I
I'ree Alllflntc Ore liilloliemln.
I'roni llli'iiitim-circulated by mlu-
Ink eouipmilcH, oiM'riitlui: In Itolieuiln
OlHtrlet, working upon Imw; li-dcH,
mmiy have Kahied the luiprexHlou
that there lx no frtv uiIIIiiik ore mid
t Tift t nil the leilKvrure liuxe. Thlx In
mi erroneoiiH Iniph-wliui, dm Im Is-ln-
proven tiy the development of
neveral ledwM In the illHtrlet, foiv.
moHt of which may Im im-ntlomil
the leilne on the prii-rly owjied
ami oH-ratet tiy the Hiawatha Mln
liiumul Milling Co. of thin city. The
development work during: the punt
Mil incr Iiiim proven that the oxl
dlu'd xoni'M reach to very Kreat depth;
nml the character of the on mid I hi
milliner In which It ihi-iii, li-mlx
t Iiiim. (xK'rleuceil In milling to In1
Hove thill It w'll continue free milling
to a depth of many IiiiniIiviIh of feet.
The Helena mid the .Mtixlcl; iiiIiich
have iHTiiti'il for xevcral yearH on
free milling on nml have miulc their
tH'vcrul owner mid oiN-rittorx
wealthy. i'iyliiK their Mtmk holilei-H
moin ney In dlvldeuilM thmi they
I 'ould poxMllily have realUifl off the
I "a amount of money InveHtnl In
'J" other ImimIiicmm than mluliux.
Ho, ttMlay, anyone InveMtliiK money
' hi Mtock In any hoIIiI well iimniiKeil
uilnhuc company, lit llohemhi I tlx
' I'ave a letter xhow than In the
I""' to reap rich ami limiiUom.) re-
tuniH In the near future.
On Horse Heaven Creek.
oping llohemla.
Thu tloldcu .Sllpix-r Ih unother
proM.-rty on Horxe Heavuu enrk
that IM Mtcadlly forging to the front,
mid upon which work will progn-MM
during the winter with a gooil civw.
TIiIh proK-rty Ih owned li.v Kugcnu
anil Junction people whomv (level
oping It Into a llrnt cIiimh mlneaH
ruphlly iim poMHllile, Theiv Im lotH of
good on- In Might mid 'vuIiicm run
i hluh In Momu of It.
The MuyllowerU another good
i,roH - rty on Moot- Heaven cn-ek
that Ih Mhowlug up well and upon
which work Im progn-MMlug at a
rapid pace. It Ih owned hy 1', K.
Ivly and othern, of Kelno, WiimIi,,
which place Ih iiImo licadquurtcrH of
the compmiy.
.Mr. .lulker Im ilrm hi the Im-IIcI that
the inlni'M on thin creek, although
HomeillHtauce from the central imrt
t, ,Htrlct, mv among the mont
promlHtug ofthe entln- dlntrlct,
Mhowlug up, an they do, ImmcuHo
ledgcM and good valiu-H. Kvhlently
old llohemla Ih a much iniiiv exteu.
Hive dlMtrlct than wiih once iln-mneil
Crystal Consolidated Ulectlon.
The MtockholdcrH of the CryMtal
I'oiiHollilateil Mining ('ompmiy met
for thu ivgular miuual cUvtlou of
iilllci'i'H liiHt Saturday at their iiIIUvh
In thin city mid electeil tho following
dln-ctorn for the euMiilug year; 111
n-ctorn, (leorgi W. Z-loyd, II. 1
Scott, Kilwanl S. Nowhall. I". I).
Wheeler and Kntnk .Ionian, tloorgo
W. l.loyil, of lloHtou, m pn-Mlilent;
Kdward S. Nowhall, of Uvuii, Mumm.,
Ih vleo-proHliUmt: 1). Wheeler Im
ttviiMUit-r and I'rank .Ionian Ih kcc
Tho ix-portM of the vatioiiM olllcerM
forthupiiHt year weiv found to he
HatlMtaci'ory In every particular, ami,
although tho work dune on tho pruv-i-rty,
which ctniHlMtH of nearly WH1 fitit
of tunneling for thin year, Iiiim cunt
couMlileralilu. the tluanccM of the com
pany woro found to Im In llrnt cIiimh
Work on tho Mountain (.Ion claim
Ih progroHHlng rapidly and the new
tunnel on HiIm claim will be the mala
working tunnel hi tliu future, mid iih
vory rich ore Iiiih been encountered
on thlH tunnel, tho HtockholderH aro
elated over tho future proBpeetB of
the company.
Now Officer I'or 'Hie UKoy.
I1', 0, Khy handed In hlMrt-Mlguatloii
the MrMi of the week iim wen-tary and
tn-aHiin-r of the I-ltoy Milling (!om
pauy, which poMltliin he Iiiim held hIiicc
the organization of the company hint
year, and will now devote IiIh entire
time to IiIh law practice and looking
after the IntcreMlM of the Hiawatha
Mining Co., In which ho Iiiih Im-cii In-tcit-Mleil
Mince Hm orguulxatloii.
The ill reel i iim Immeillately elected
Mr. Italph Whipple to Mtrci-ed Mr.
Kliy, who Iiiim Imvii dulv liiMtullcd.
Mr. Whipple Ih a young man of Hlcr
llug worth, a practical mining man
and a hiiMliieMM man of cotiMlilerahle
ability. Wt feel couthlent that he
will look after the liilen-Mtn of the
company In a ItiiMlueMH-IIke iiimiuer
ami that the l-ltoy Mining Com
puny will continue to uroMM-r aw It
Iiiim under Mr. KIiv'm giildamv, dur
ing the piiMt year.
Now that Mr. Khy will devote IiIh
tlincto the Hiawatha, wo look for
that extfllent proM-rty to forge to
the front and Ixroine In-tler known
than It Iiiih Imvii, All It ikviIh Im ad-
vertlHlug mid thin It will certainly
get under Mr. KbyV can.
Hourlnjc Atlll Changes Hands.
ImiieH I'm-Hhall, who purchaMi-il
the Cottuge drove llnurlng mill hint
Mprlug of the former owner, Mr.
Stone, Hold tho xaim-hint I'rlihiy to
Mr.liM'ph SchouiiiH, of Salem, who
Immediately took charge of the
Maine, n-talnlng Mr. Howard, who
Iiiim Imvii Mr. I'arMhall'M miller mIiicc
he haA owned the mill, who will
continue to pn-Mlde over the Hour
making department.
Mr. ScIioiiiiih Ih not hiniMcIf u prac-
tlctl ttourmlll man, hut Iiiim Imvii In
the naw mill ImihIiichh nearly all IiIh
life, which, with a miller like Mr.
Howard lu charge, itMHun-M thu
Mople of HiIm city of the very lient of
Hour and the mont coiirtcoiiM of
The ut-w proprietor of the Homing
uilllapiM'iirM to Uiii nplenillil young
hUMlm-MM man mid coiiich well nvom-
inctiiliil from IiIm former home at sa
lon, the only xerloiiM objection to
him IM-Ing that he Im a xlugle man,
and t IiIh can ciiHlly Ih overcome hi a
city containing iih many pretty
young glrlH of marriageable age iih
iIik-m Cottage drove. ..--.
Mr. I'arMhall, wo regn-t to Htate,
oxMvtM to return hooii to IiIh former
home lu lloyd county, NehraHka.
which liK-allty Iiiih Imvii IiIh home for
many yearn prior to bin coming went
hint Mprlug. The editor of thin paper
came from an adjoining county
about the Maine t Inn- lant nprlng and
knew of him and hln icopic, hence
ha ten to hoc him leave thin locality.
Mr. I'amhall Iiiih no fault to Hud
with On-gon, hut, on the other hiiud,
In well pleiiMcd with the country and
IK-ople. HUouly iviihoii for dlnpoH
lug of hlnjiroiierty hen and return
lug to XchriiMka In on account of hln
two little glrln who Htny with hln
parentn, anl, ronnetpit'iitly cannot
Ik with liliu unlCHM ho ivturnn to
that country. Hln parcntH havu
Imvii hen-noveral uiouthn on u vlnlt
but will nd lira hooii to NebritHka
and enjoy one of thonc mild ('.') win
torn for which that ntate In noted.
However, wo look for Mr. Pamhall
and IiIh pan'titn back to Oivgou lu
the Mprlug JiiMt an nun- an rain lu
On-gon, yet hIioiiIiI they not return,
we wIh1i them nil abundant pron-K-rlty
In old NebraMka.
Ttmnkaglvlng Football flame.
I'ht-C. M. A. football eleven of thin
city, which In, by thu way, one of
the iM-nt n-aniH of their weight In the
Htate, an Mcheduled to piny thu high
Mchool team of ltoneliurg at thin
lilace on Thanksgiving day at 2i)
p. in,
.Thin will lie one of tin-mont hotly
contented ganien of thuMcaHou iih the
ten niH a iv quite evenly matched and
In nplemlhl condition for the game,
nml having met on the gridiron on
pivvloun oci'iiMlonn, will ntrlve to
mIiow their former rlvnln for foot
ball honoi-H, that they haven't for
gotten how the game Ih played but
have rather learned a thing or two
Mince hint they met.
The C. M. A. hand wlllglvoa grand
concert In the uvenlng at thu oiHni
Iioiimo which will bo thelx-nt over
given by thin baud and well worth
the time and money neccHHury tt
hear It. Nobody nliould neglect to
attend thlH concert.
Important Notice.
Any pemou hiring a Mingle neat
buggy Kml allowing moro than two
IH-monH to rldo lu Hiimont ouo tlnio
will Ih clutrgcd tloublo prlw and pay
nil damngCH tv tho buggy. Tho
above appllcn to all imckn, carrhigt-H
or Hprlng wagonn, Only two per
houh allowed to rldo lu one Boat at a
If vou have bail cold vo-i need a
good reliable medicine like Chamber-
Iain's Cough lieniodyto looaen and re-1
novo it, nun tonuiiy too irritntii n hiki
Intliimiiiation of the throat and liing".
For "ale by Lynn A Applegale, Drain,
m-nann Drug Co., Cottnge ttrove.
Howling Alley Opens Up.
The new bowling alley on Klfth
Htnvt, Mltuati-d JiihI I nick of thin
otllre, wiih oM-ned up IiihI Saturday
aft'-rnoou and won kept running
Mlcadlly until a late hour, when tho
crowd 'finally i1ImmtwiI nml went
holm. During the afti-nioon hoiiio
fairly good M:oreM wen- made In the
gmne of "c(cked hat." which mcciiih
to Imj the old n-llalili- game of t.iln
Mfvtlon of tho country whero the hlg
gmue of "ton pIiih" in alniiwt un
known. When It Iiiih Ih.vii played,
'twaM played with hiiiiiII IiiiIIm and
noboily Mtvim-il to know how to
mako urn; of the large n-gulatlon
"ten phi" IiiiIIm with linger IioIcmJ
However, we In-lleve theH-oili lien!
will like the game of "ten plan much
lKtter than any other game they can
play on an alley when they huvi(
learned the iimo of the hlg halln.
Tho alley In provided with t-hvtrk
llghtM, which give a Mpleiiilld light
with which to Mi- to play. It Im,
alno provlikil with noatM to ac
I'oiiimoilate all playcrx and HMvta
torn, a Mtovo with a good warm lire
within, mid, an then- Ih plenty of,
room, Itlna gotxl place to do hoihc
of your loafing during aftcniooiiM '
and i-vi-nlngH of the coming long and ,
dn-nry whiter when you haven't
much to pitHH away the time.
The nlloy will Im om-ii every day
except Sunday commencing In the
forenoon at ten o'clock, during which
time you and all of your friend are
Invited to In. there whether you play
or not. (,'omo and watch thu game.
The iK-rmaneut prlci-n will Im ton i
ccntM ier mini for "ten phiM" uud '
Mc-vcu mid one-half iviitn rt man for j
"cocked hat" "four back" or any i
other game n-iulliug lenn than five J
plnn and not in on- than thnv IiiiIIm.
TliCKt prlci-H will Im Mrmaucnt anil
will not break any iiiau up, Ten
frmncH will Im counted a game, not
live or Mevt-n iih Im the cam In mont
howling alleyH.
Nov. Yl, ll)i.
Our two lK-al butcherx, C. W.
Caldwell and .Inn. Anhby, an- kept
Iiuh.v Hiipplylng the lucreahig city i
demand for fn-Hh country Inrf.
drandnia llalM.-M.-k celelirateil her
"(ith birthday yenter-lay, Nov. lltli.
drandnia and draudpa Wluvlcr and '
Mr. and Mm. Hunch ate a birthday i
dinner with her.
Our hunterx retunieil from the;
l'lne 0M.-nlngn hint wtvk. They i
wen not an fortunate In nccurlng
game iim they would have liked to Im;
(only wearing one divr) but had
McadH of tun, and tlielr apiM.-ttten ,
wen not dlminlnliel by their trip.
Owing to tho Incn-UHlng weakm-Knl
ofTlion. ltichanlMon, the nclghbomj
aHhombled nt hln ronldence today to.
hold an old tiiHhloned chopping Imv. ,
I'arlylo Lamb, of Knten J'ark, I'ol.,
in viHiting wiui inn counin v. w.
Caldwell thin week.
A chilit of Mm. lieo. T. Itencoii. when
getting his usual Saturday night bath,
stepped hick aealnhtu hot move which
huriatl him uevercly. The child wiu in
great agony and Ida mother could do
nothing to 'pacify him. Itemeiiibering
that the had a bottle of ChumberlainV
I'aln Halm In the houi-e, nhe tlioiiKht
the would try it. lu lessthun half an
hour after iiniilyini: It the child was
quiet Mid asleep, ami in leas than two
weeK8 whs wen .irn. iteneou is a wen
known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain
Itulm U an untisentic liniment and
especially valuable for Luirns, eiitu,
1 t.. t. ..t 1... 1
lfrilll-i-9 Ullll f-ruiii'.. l ui sate uy t..uiio
Applegate, Drain. lHisou Drug Co.,
Cottage (irove.
Ileal rllllllf.l mi i-niie iu lue sbiu
ileibrianrteelvv prnut mirnllon. work
Inir trita made on ore Samples of one to flitjr
iHiuuilt todtlf rinliu' the moat auliable inelh
mlaol treatment. ITlieionappllrallon.
ditorneu and f,'ounselor-tit-Law
Special allenllou tlveu lulhe law otMlnei.
rimt National Hank Itiilldlug.
GO 'Hl
For F(is?u'oiinf)lt Dressmaking.
OolJ, Stiver, Copper. Uail.eaoh l.W
llolil ana Silver . ..1.50
Hold, Bllver and Coppe 2 SO
Hold, Silrer and Id '-'.w
Tin.. 8.W
AH work done carefully, anil ttralxht bail.
nea or none Mall union tollrtteit.
Fof iiuro druijij uud cnrefully com-nouiuU-d
ptvHcrlptlotiH cull ut the
IteiiHon Dniff Co'h 8toro.
Wc have the Ijcst lot of garments 3
: Suits, Jac ets, Coats for Women,
iur on 1
The Newest thing. We order these any Size
or Color and have them in 24 Hours &
for you. Our Prices are all right, Uniform
Profit same as our other lines. When you $
get a Cloak from us you get just what you w
pav for. f
We don't mark them up j'vst b-:ca"se ve tl,ink tiwy win bring
the raised price.
Grocery Store;
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats.
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you lire earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will meet All Compellou
In 1'ricen.
(Sueoessori to Hklllman A Oaroutte)
Office on Main afreet, Weal Side
Attorney at Law,
United Status Land Olfiee,
Kosobiirg, Ore., Nov. 7th, 1002.
Notire is hereby given that in eompll
undo with tho provisions of tho net of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act tor tho side of Timber LhiiiIs In tho
States of Cnlifornin, Oregon, Novndn,
ml Wnshington Territory.1' us ex
toniloil to all the l'ublio Uuul States by
act of August 4, 1892, Clarence. A.
Parker, of Eugene, County of Imiw,
Statu nt Ore., has this day tiled in this
office his sworn statement No. 3'JIO, for
the purchase of the NV i of Section No.
12 in Township No. 20 S, Itnnge No. 2
West, and will oiler proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable, for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
puriMsei, and to establish his claim to
salit land before Marie L. Waro,
U. 8. Commissioner nt Kugene, Oregon,
on Monday, the 2nd day of ,1-obinary,
He names as witnesses :
Albert K. l'arker, Andrew J. Ciiuan,
Albert K. l'nrks, It. 0. Doyle, of l'leas
ant Will, Lanu Co., Oregon.
Auv ami all persons claiming ad
versely tho abovo-descril-ed lanifs aro
reimested to tile tlielr claims lu this
office on or before said 2nd day of Jan.,
J.T.llKimiEs. Register.
Misses, Children, Men and Bo3's 5
to he found in town. If you want 3
the Latest Styles you do, ifyour'e "5
in a normal state you should see
our assortment of above lines of 3
goods and also our Winter Under- s
wear, all made in the best possible
way. 2
Reliable Materials, Trim- j
tilings, etc., Tailored hy the Best Skill.
You will miss it if you buy your Fall or 3!
Winter Outer or Inner Garments without 5
first seeing these. Onr New Stock of zS,
I'urs will soon be open for your Inspec- 2
Cottagre Grove, Oregon.
The Fashion Stables
(.'bpismai) & Bans2s, Proprietors.
NVhero tho meals are well cooked and well served and the beds are good.
And you'll tlnd everything lioine-liko without homo inconveniences.
Come and stay as long as possible.
Freo to our CoininercialTrade. Try our Sunday Dinner. Tho best ever
Served in any Hotel in tho City.
N. D. HARDY, MJgr.
United States Land Olliee,
Uoseburg, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1002.
Notice U hereby itlven that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lands In the
! States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
' and Washington Territory," as extended
to all tho I'uiilic I .and States hv act of All
i gust -I. 1802, Aimio Wilson, of Ku
j nene, County of I.ane, State of Oregon,
I has tills day lllwl in this office his sworn
! stuteineut No, S033, for the purchase of
tlio'i,8K 1-4 A KU swl-4 of Section
No. 12 Township 23, South, of Itiingo 3
West and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
uirposes, and to establish his claim le-
ore arte I ware. U. s. Comiulssloner.
at I'.ugoiie, l.iiue uo, Uro , on edues
I dav tho 7th day of January, 1003.
I Ho names as witnesses :
James N, Handle, of Fairmomit Ore
gon, Austin Root, of spriugtleld, Oregon,
.lames Hoffman, nf Kugene, Oregon,
Henry M. Wilson, of Kugene, Oregon.
Any and till persons claiming adverse
ly the ubove-deHcrihed lands are. re
quested to file tlielr r-lnims in this office
on or tietoru sam Yin nay ot .Inn., 1UU.V
.1. T. IIkiihikh, llegister,
Iluy your khibm need of Knkln &
Eli Hangs.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Qasi Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices
ttei-alrlng at reaaouable cbarvea.
All work guaranteed tint-elan.
Watchei, Clocka and Jewelrr t Loweat Prices
Httorneusaiiil Counsehrs-at-Law
Special attention given to Mining. Corpora! :nii
and Mercantile Uw,
OlliceoverOannan & Ilementfay'aitere.
Halnatreet. Vollage Utoi.T,