V 9 IHBOBB MM Some of tlio Happcnlngi About Town During thelMst Week. FROM THH MONMOUTH NORMAL. Dr. Lowt iK'HliHiilli'tnii-KiiKi'iic. Miiyor V. W. ClirlMtnmi wiin In Umi Will DhvIiImoii vImIIiiI Kmicmu tho c"-v ",Hl """""' II. 1". Hliilth untile ii IiiihIiii'hh trln In KtlKi'lM 'ii Monilny. (.'nil nl II. C. .MiiiIhcii'h neiv More 1 1 I'm t of I ll( tvii'lt, I'Mim cut kIiimm (or Wi'tlilliiirpivwiittf at II. 0. MiiiIhuii'm. IIMI lllll.v IIIukIum wiih ilitwn from llu imiiiln IiihI I "rliht.v. .IiiIiii linker Ih visiting IiIm brother In Knloni this u irk. ' McI'IkTI UllKlli llll' IIHHM.VtT, WIIH III tliKvll.v IiihI Krlilny. (1111 MtmdtiWM wits down friini Ho IiimiiIii lint llrnt of tlio'wivk. itml Ilic llin-Hl linn of Jewelry In town, j.'-1 1 Kmc nil of I'nuik HiwiiliurK's little KiriM nnvn iHi'ii itiiie in with M'lir luthiu. I'm ilk .Jorilun returned Tni-sdny uflcriinon from unhurt IiiimIiichh trip norlli. .Mlrlmel (IimjIU. .Ir, from llolicinlit IiihI rtiitiirilny. U. O. Knmtii'l umi I. A. I .like, of Jiincllini, wen-In the i lly Kiiltinluy. A new millinery Htoclt Iiiim Ihvii UH!IK'il lip In I he Medley hulMlnif tlllM Week. The Mimke hIkhv Hint wiih here lul l-'rlility nml Hittnrilny In nt IviiRene thin week. .Mm. Dr. I'nlni'.of Kiiki'Imi, Is visit ing In I lie rlly the guest ol .Mr. nml Mm. W. II. AlirmiiH. MImm .Mnrln TIhiiiiimihi. lonelier In the liulillc si-hnul ul our illy vlnllcil nl I'.iiKeiie InHt Kiinilny. Ally. I.. I". Harris wiin In tlictlly Monilny evening on legal IiiimIiichh, returning Tut-sdny iiiornlnir. Clmnli'f (lie youngest hoii ol ('..I. Howard, him Imdii ijultu nick with Hcurlellnii lull h Improving. Wnller 1 1 ohm nml wife, of ICiinene. who him Imi-ii vlaltlug hero several ilnyn. returned lininoHuiitlny. Mr. Kl .lonos cniue over from Oonii IiihI Hittnrilny returning to work nt the iiiIIIh Monday. l'o 1'rlln, who wits formerly n resident of thin pliiee, hut now of Dmln, wiih In the city the llrnt of the week. W. II. (Inrmitn wits ipilte hulls. Mr. nml Mm. llv lllinrhiini wen. wiih ilitwn ;ilown from lloliemln Hutunliiy nml ruiiuiuy. .Minors tiro arriving from llnhemln everyday, iiillllng tln diggings for Hid winter. Churliiy Vnn Deiilinri: returned Monilny from u IiiihIikkh trip, to the county win. ItufiiH Dllluril wiih In the city the llrnt of tlm week lonltendhlnhrollier Hubert's funernl. llnrwlu llrlntow. pi-cnldeiil of Hid Klml Nntlonnl llmik of thin clly, n I limed Hunilny Irom n Hum iIu.vh liiintueHM nojourn at Portland, A red hot howling content In on In'tweeii the liowlern of our clt vmul u iluli from lloolh-Kelly mill No, I, which will lake place next Katiinlny In the n I ley h here. Mr. mul Mm. Inane TIiiiiiiiih went tlown to ('roswiill hint Hunilny mul attended the wedding of Minn Dora catch, n nlnter of Mm. Thomas, They returned Monday. W. C. Conner, of the ItoHchlirg riiilnilealcr, wan in t lie clly tliellmt of tla week visiting hln parents who reside near town mul truiisiti'tlug liilMlueHM, Mr. t nnncrreportM ugrvnt building boom on for hln town mul seems to have rent faith In the fu ture of t lav place. A Mm. O'Connor nml iluiiKhU'r, of pom-'il hint I'rhlny nml Snturil.iy Imt I ri.mtllln. Ort'.. lir tlil wiiH Imck to hln pont of iluty fu the w.i-k. leaving rl.lny. They n old inVni Mmiiliii- I nclKhliom mul frli'iuln of Harney Miotv jionuuj . O'Neill nml lire on n ImihIiichh ileal In (leo. Kerr, one of the I'ncllle Tlm- ln;r Coiupany'n oIiIIkIok clcrkn, In ipilU) nick nml nt prewnt limler it phyHlc.lmi'n enrw. .Mr. nml Mm. U-ntor Toxer nml CIiiim. Murtlli went to Cn-nwcll Hun ilny to ntlciul the wcddliiK' of.l. II., Martin to Minn Dorn Vcitlch (limnl. Kcllx Currln lirounht In n Mm load ; of Iiokh hint Monday anil nohl them to llurtel .V Watch. Their were ten I III the loiul nml they nveniKeel aiillin , the city which, II elowd will miike them n-nldcnln of thin the llvllent Utile city In OrcKon. Mm. I'hllllpn. of Mountain Home. Idaho, nml daughter Mm. I'mmle I'hllllnn. of Alleumi county. Mich.. arrived In the clly Hunilny from their lioincnanil will liuiKo tlivir mime in ColtiiKC Hrove thin winter. They nn mot her mul nlnter of Ileal Mntate Awnt 11. I'hllllpn. mul come here for their health. ouch. i Darwin llrlntow went down to Kiivprul rich HiMchiieim of oiv from I Kma-ne Tiiewlny to iH-tirewiit at au HmdohlCronn wciv 'iroiiKhl In from Imporlmit mectlm: of the kitMtvrii lloheinla the llrnt of tho wtvk nml Uir. It will 1h rt-niemlH-ri'i that phu-eil on exhlhltlon nt thcHhcrwood Mr. llrlntow wiih elwtcil to the Im L.,.,1 portunt olllre ol Worthy (Iriiml ... .... , 1 MiiHler of the 1 State recently, which Atty. Miilloy mul wife ivtiirneil i miv uux hU ireneiuv turennnry from Hum-no Hunilny. Mr. Meilley n.rl (MVnnloiin. Iiiim Ui'ii nttetulluj;. court nml Mm. i .... Tllllh IIINrill 1 1 Iv IIIIIII euroule home Monday from llonwell HprlliKH, where he hud taken hln wife for n two wtvk'n Hlay nt Hint fmiionn heultli renort. ..Mm. (Illnlrap lutn iKt'ii ncrlounly troulileil with rheit inatlnm for wvcrul yenm mul we hope nhe will Mud irllcf lit the cura tive powcm of thene nprliiKn. A. Itlm-low, who Iiiim Ikvii a rent lent of the Dorcii'i iielKhhorhooil for neven or elfsht yenm Ih iiiovIiik onto the tlooilrlch plme two or three tnllcHfrom town. Mr. lllgclow for nierlv llveil In Sherman county, Ne ItriiHKU, nml Iiiim lived In Tuiiiichmcc, hut he Htn.VH In Oregon ultho he nold hln farm over a yeur uko exiKt'U liiK to move to Kantern Oregon. Verily, the count country, with Itn mlntH ami Hiinnhlne, hath clmruiH too niimeroiiH to mention. Jliilley vlnltlnit her pari'tilM who n- Hide then. (X A. Nelnou rnlncil a lot of line llahlwlu applcH on hln place near town thin Hcanoii If we tuny Jiulue hln entire npplecrop from the one he left at thin olllw one iltw hint wwk. ThoC. M. A. footliull team of thin city uxiH-cteil to mcvt the Dmln team at thin place next Hal unlay hut for Home reiiHon the Drain team Ih minim to come. Tho Drnlu tenia wan (lefeateil by llonImrr Innt wivk ll tod. The loolhall Kmnc iH'twevtl the Unlvemlty tenia nml the AKHciilttirnl t.'ollcKe team of CorvnlllM at the lat ter tilnct hint Hnttirilay renulted In neither team ncorliijr. Them tcntim will (lotibtlenH mit't nunla thin wiihoii mul ilwlilo the unit tor. Frank Wooloy Ih IiiiIIiIIiik a new cot ti won hln lot ami niljolnlnir hln renldfiicv near the raltroail upon which work Ih ImjIiik punheil rnplilly. When completed It will tlotihtlwn Ik forn-ntiiH Trunk can't live la two llOllHOH. There will lie hctvIccm lioth morn IiikiiiiiI eveuliiKiiext Hunilny at the MiithodlHt church. The piiMtor'n moniliiKHiibJect wllllH.','The.Natloiial (.hrlntliln." Kvealnj; Htibject "With put Occupation" or 'WnrmltiK At A HtrniiKo I'lre." Them will bun (Irani! Mank Hall Klven ThnnkHKlvluK Km Nov. nt Mnrtln'H hull under mmplcen of Cnlla poovnTrllH Iniliroviil Order of Ited then. TIckelH fl. Hiuttntom iV. Oooil mimic. kooiI order ami a kooiI time KimraaHvil to all who tuny participate. Com. I'rniik V. Tnlklnttton, a prominent liiinlnenH mint of Hnlcm, wiih In the city liiHt Friday ami Saturday look Inj? after hln extennlve InteivHtH on (Jharp'H twk ami lullolieinla. From heivlie went to Hun Franclnco to HiK-nil the winter with hln family which hud preceded him. The Upwortli league hail a well attended and eutniiHtantlc meeting hint Monday lilKht. It wiih decided to hold a ThunkHKlvliiK nervlre on TliaukHRlvluK tiny, nml n ThnnkH Klvlnir entertainment the nlRht be foro If a Hiiltnble proKrnm In time vnn Ik iiinile. Heyernl pernonn Ik--came memlM-m of tnln youiiK people'H Oruauliatlon. .ImucH Toetoi'H, of Tivtem' ci-eek, Wiih a pleimnnt caller at thin olllce Tuemliiv. Mr. Tcetem In one of the old time ivHldelltH of that nectlou having wttled on the beautiful trout st mini that bourn hln iiuuie, many yeain iik. Althouuli a fulthfiil Iron, clad democrat Mr. Teelem taken con Hlderiiblo Htock In the NiiRitot hh a niiiVHpnper and keopH In kooiI Htand (UK on oiirHiilmcrlptlon bookn. Hlullwooil nawed Into Move wood loiiKtlrrt Ih helm; nohl at l.oiiK &1HHK liaiu'H hiiw mill at forty conta per tier nowadnyH, An luventment of a tow dollar m thin Htuffwlll proven wonderful hiivIiik In fuel iih noon iw It liecoau'H dry euouKh to burn roadlly In a cook Htovu. Slnbwnod at fort v centH per tier will Ihj a boon to tlio people nore who are nltimted jo afl to take advnntngo ol It. T. W. JoukliiHwnB a pleanant caller at thin olllce Friday leavliiK the nocoHHUry coin to keep him Hiipplled with thin hoiiHoliold uecenHlty ftir tho noxt year. Mr. JenkliiH left Monday for lloneliurK wheix) ho will rotnnla a few weekH In thelntorcHtHof tlio Modora Urotherhood of America. i.'.,. ii.nn, hit will iro over la the aotwdlay connfry; to remain iliirtlitf ii. wintjir In the InterentH of tliw lodge, New Mining Company. The Coiinolhlateil Mlulnix ami Milling Conipuny filed artlcleniit In corporntlon with the m-cretary of Htate hint week ntHalum. Thin new company Incorporate for 2(H)1t)(KI amlKlvenC. U, .IoIiuhoii, Win. Weeh termulA. F. Ilonieyer iih Incorpo ratom. It holdn nine clalmn ada cent to and IiicIiiiIIiik the llennou hotel proiierty In lloliemln mul In prepnrliiK to put Home Htock on the miirket for the further development of Home of Itn valuable cIiiIiiih. Found Oullty Of Murder. The trial of llert lleatou for the murder of llenlon Tracy nt .1 unction hint Hummer came to an cad at Kit none lnnt Friday when the Jury re turned n verdict of murder In thowc onil dei;m ami Jiulue Hamilton wn teuml lilm to a Hie term in the ivenl teutlnry. On Monilny Sheriff Wlthom took 111 in to Halem wlietv ho will "do time" for IiIh crime. Then Ih quite a a fccltiiK In KiiReiie nml .Itinetlon, when everybody In luteivntcd In the cune. Hint he hIiouIi! lmve Iiuiir for hln cold-blooded crime, nml perluipn he would hut tor the fact that hln conviction wiih a ntmlt of clrcium ntantlal evidence only. ' Robert Dlllanl. Hubert Dlllanl, who dltil at hln home uenr thin city on Saturday Nov. 8, HK12 at the iiRe of (IT yearn, :i montlix ami II dayn wiih a native of Mlnnotirl, and cronHcd tho pluliiH with hln father mid mother In ltal mid located In l.ane cimnty where he niualneil until IiIh death. He wiih married June 1, tSTij, to MIhh Mary ICiikIuiuI, who Htm'iven him. He united with the I'nniby. tetiiitt chiin'h In S70 umi luut Ihh'ii a prominent ami conwlntcnt tmniilHr of tho church ever Hlnce that tliiK. Hln fnullH were not nival faultH and Withal ho wiih a genial, Kvueroun henrtiMl Kentletuun, a tjootl neighbor, klml liiiHband and a niaa who will bo greatly inlnHcd In the coniiuuulty In which he Iiiih ho long n'nlded. He wiw cloncly related, to the Dlllanln for whom the utatlon elRht nillew Hgutho! HonetijitB. wan named, am wan ac(niln(of our tovlinmen V". 1. and Finns Dlllanl. IMItor of the llohemla NiikkcI: DenrHIr Thlnkliur tlml iierliiipnyoii would like Home iiuwh from one of Hie nlale liiHt It lit Iimih I have vent u red lo write Home Iteiiw of Kcncral Inter- enl from the Oitroii Hlnle Normal School located nl Monmouth. I entered HiohcIiooI nt the Im-kIii-nliiK of the year. On the llrnt morn- liitf, Kept. Ill, nt nine, o'clock, I'tvnl dent lletinler comliii'ted chuvlexer cIhch In the anKeiuby room on the wr Olid floor, IlenldcM the Htuileutn, a number of townnin-ople wen preeiit by hhcIiiI Invltatloim. After nil In len-ntliiK lulk by the pn-nhlent, we weiv l veil direct lonn iih to nwntrn. Iloii, etc. Thone HtmlcntM who were fortunate enough to get their ntudy curdn iniule out iM'fon noon (mil the n-iuulmler of the duy to neml an they ph-iiMcd. Hut commit htm from the ('hrlntlan Annoclutloiin met every motor mul hell hi I the new HtmlenlM find congenial boarding placeH nml n'nilerany other mailed aHnlntauce. Then followed the n'gulnr routine work of the nchool. Mont of the ntu denlM feci that It In nccennary for them lo complete the niiilnil work In an nhort n time iih piiHHllile and ho lake from live lo neven HiihJcctM for a nomcMtor. l'hln In of eoume tnon' than they can do luntlcu to although they mi-iii to do fair work In nil of them. We have Jun't llnlnlied the llve-weckH-cxaiulnatloii.iinlt Inealled, ami the average of the work w'uh good. Many Mople would perhupn like to know Homethlng of our excellent corpM of teuchem, nml no I will give their nanicn and the HiibJectH tnughtd rn'Hldeut Itennlcr, niKtiul methodn; II. II. lliicklimn, pnychology, hlntory and I'lillonophy of education; MIhh Hut hill, Kngllnh lltcnitunelocuilon: A, I'. Cmiipliell. htntory, mutlie miitlcH; It. ('. Fivucli, prlnclpul train ing dept. methodn; Mm. I'ennrll rhetoric, grummiir; Mm. 1'n-nch, cliemlntry, biology; 1. O. 1'owell, inutliemutlrn, book-keeping; (. A. ForticH, phynlcnt training; Minn Hlg glun, drawing, tuiinlc: I.. A. Hobln noil, pliynlcn, iniitlieliiutlcn: Minn Hnillh, Mr. Mnhoney ami Mr. Allen, critic teachem. We have neveral up-to-diiteHtudent orgmilintloiiH nucli an literary ho. cletlen mid athlcllc ctubn for both ladlcM and gentlemen, a prohibition league, Chrlntlun nnnoclutlotiH, orn torlal anniM-hitlonn, mid a nchool baud. Several of thene brought honor to the nchool In their Inter- ncholantlc ndatlonnhlpH hint year. We do not Intend tolH' Injliehluil thin yeur ami our foot bull ami banket bull tcauiH nri' almnly hard at work preparing to win nnown. The liiunlc teacher In milking a nHt'lalty of chornn pructlce once a week a id the Hinging In chapel Iiiim noticeably Iniproveil In conmnuente. I hud meant to tell you of the pretty town of Monmouth, no well nltimted, In thin In-ailtlfnl valley with the low-lying Count MountaliiH on one nlde mul the hiiow KukH of Hie ('ancmlcM on the other, to lie the home of nucli a nchool; but I'm nun Hint npnee forbhln. In my next we hIiiiII have had time to ui-compllnh noinctlilng worth the telling, but I'm nun that I've aln'iidy hnd time to catch nomelhlng ol the fraternal nplrlt which clmrnctorlioH every .Monmouth ntmleut. Monmouth. On.. Nov. 1IKU. OSK OK TUB TWHI.VK STIUIKNTH Fiiom I.a.ni; Co. NOTICK FOR I'lIII.ICATION. Unlled StiiliM Ijii.iI Onh e. Uotebutg, Ore., Oct. 0, 11)02. 1 Niillcoia hereby given Hint In coin l hi nee with Hie provlnlotm of the net ol . t'onicreeii of Juno 8, 1B7H, uutlllcil '"am ( net lor the tnln of IIijiUt IiiihIh In the Klnleii of CnHfortiln, Orcgoii, NkvihIhJ ami WnkhliiKloii," HUexIvMili'd to nil Hie! Public bund HtHlc by net of Aiigimt I, ) 1M'. Kmiiin N. Bnltztiiun. of Criiwcl 1. 1 (bounty of I.HH0, Hlnte ol Orcou, Iiiik llilniliiy linn in tmn olllce tier nwiirn ntiitemeiit No. 3010, for lh purcliaiio of the H 14 UK 1-4 8 HH l-t of Section So, 2, Townnliln 2.( WoutJi, of llniiiro 2 Went, mid will olrvr nroof to iliow Hint tlio land nought In mor;; vnlunhlo lor na 1 1 inner or none tiiiia tor nun cultural iurHMei. ami id cMnWlim lier clnlm to mild laud before Mnrle I.. Wnre, i, n. coinmiiitioiicr ni t-.tixeiie, uriuoti, on Weilnetday the Hint ilny of fec.,1U02. t-hf nnmea n wrltnemen : JnnivM N. Itnnille, of I'mrmoimt. Orc- gon, Jninex Hoffman, In In II Komi ol Ku itene, Oregon, Mnrtha V. King, of Crin- well, i regno. Anvnnilnll ncrnoin claiming adverne Iv the nhove-ilencrilnil Ininln urn re. uueeted Iodic their chilnu in thin olllce onorbcforenalilfllatilayol Dec. 1002. .1. I. IIRIIHIEM Itl-glKter. ;j-:fHH5-ife--- jr. y. :: :f: -Jr. &MHbrqHr&ifryH -'Mi$ Ulectrlc Light Improvements. W. II. AbntniH, the proprietor of the electric light pluut, Iiiih had a font of workmen buny for noiue time putting up tlie m-cennary polen ami wln'H rovnhvd for two curcultH la- Htead of one which linn Ikvii In tine heivtofon'. They um nlno n'palrlng and Inntulllng another dynamo, than doubling the cnpaclty of the plant and euubllng them to give iih good IlghtH an can lietHt'iuvd In any city In Oregon. Thin mow wan made neceHnnry by the wonderful Incn-une In their bunl neHM during the pant year or no which Iiiih grown with the city, and will warrant the outlay nccennary for the Improvements. It giH'H without naylng that Mr. AbraiiiH o.icctH to ki-ep pace with the .growth of the city and nlno that the'icoplo of Cottage drove an 1h- gtnillngto nppni'late the plant mid pntronUo It ncconllngly which pat ronage In duly appnvlated by the proprietor. Damaged lty The Rain. Owlhg to the mvat heavy ralan the O. &. H. Iv. track wan Homewhat daumged out at Chatln'n cut about nix allien from town ami the tralnn dd not make their uhiiiiI ruim on Siitunlay and Monilny. However, the ilmunge wan npalu'd and the traliiH an now running iih iihuiiI. Theilmuage wiih due 0ntlnly to the nettling of the road lied which wan canned try tho ralan iih Ih always tho cane on grndcH that have Junt Ikhui put. In. The new track out to Long & lllugham'H logging camp wiih nlno Homewhut damaged but not nerl-ouBly. A DANOKHOU8 MONTH. Thin Is tho month of coughs. coUlu mid uiMite ciitnrrh. Do you cntcli cold easily? I-inn yuumeii noatue, wunii iicKlltig in your thnmt and au annoying rough at mgiii7 I nun, you tuiouiu alwnys nnve handy, ii bottlo ol Mallard's Horeliouml Byriin. J, A. Aiulorson, 851 West 6th St., Halt Lake City, writes. "We use Hal hint a Ilorehound svrui forco chs audi colib. It gives lininudiato relief. Wo know It's tho bout remedy for thene trouble". I write thla.to Induce other people to try thjs pleasant ,and elHcleat reuieily." I'ftc, BOound lint New Eru Drugstore, NOTIOK KOH I'tJIII.ICATfON. United Blatei) Ijind Olllce', Honeburg, Oregon, Oct., 10. 11)02. Notice in hereby given that in cumuli- unco with the provisions of the net of Congteimof June 3. 1878. entitled "An Act for the mile ol timber Inudn in the Ktflten of California, Oregon, Nevada, mid Wiinliliigtou Territory, 'ns exlemleil loulltliu l'ulillo 1-niel stnien by nclot Angimt -1. 1802. Henry M. Wilson of Ku- geneC-oimtv offline, hlnlu ol Oregon has this day filed In this olllce his sworn nliitemeiit No. 3M3I, for the nurclinne ol I he H 4 NW H A W SW K offcief. So. Hi, Townnliip 'J3 South, of tnnge J est, nun win oner prooi to show t lint the Iniul nought is more vnlnnhlo for ilir tilnlmr or stone than for agricultural purinMen, ami to twtuhlish liln claim lo sulu land i-lore Jlorie I. Ware. U. 8. Commissioner at Ivu gtiiM, Ori-gini, on wcdlienday the 7th day oi jan., iuu.1. lie iinmes ns wltnenses: .lumen N Itundle. of Kalrtnount. Ore. Jniiicit Hoirman. Annie Wilson, of Kit gene, Oie., Austin Hoot, of .Springfield, uregon. Auy and all iersons clnliiiluginlrerse ly tlie alKivoileHirljel lands are re uuested to Hie their claims In this olllce on or Iwlore said itn uav ol Jan., IUUII, t n it, i, I A. oitiinir.n. ibi?i;inivr. CHANGEABLE STOCK. if Or r J, Here you get thing.t when thcy'rs fresh. Our business is so big thnt we move lofct of groceries and keep ilicm going. Always a fresh, lot coining. Always a fresh lot going out. We Have Time For Tour Order. T." And will handle it to the best Advantage. Ii you're in Hurry let us help you. a AT PACIFIC TIMBER CO'S STORE, Under Odd Fellow's Hall. - COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON. notick ron i't;iiLicATioy. Unllrd SUIM Unit OHti. Ililrr, Orn.in Oct. 3s, IV"! Kntlr U hirt,i rlrsti thai In fAmi.llaii, with thV iTiirWnin Af th art of CiMicreu ul Junol. IMS. emltlrtl -An Art for His m1 of Tllnlr imiilBIhe Hteo CallluniU.OK- fon, vts. ami natiiiaiMnn Territory, sllrixlnl In all llr Illbllo I -unci Ktatcal.j- act ofAUKUtlt. vm, Jlnl I'. Cubll.ol EuKtnr, County of Ijine, Stale of Oregon. Iiaillili ilr flleil In this office lisr.swom sutement No. 877 for the pnrrhaM ol the K w V of Hecilon So. 3 In Tiixu.hll. No. 3 Soudi of Kama No. t W. ami will ofler iroof lo nhow that the lamt aouslit Ii more Taluablf for lit ttmtr or stone than for agrlrnltural puriea- and to vtal llh her rlalm lo .aid land before Marie I.. Ware, I 8. Comnilloner, Kugene. Oregon on paiupiar iue i.in aar oi jannary tajb. Hhe names as witnesses: John W. cubil. Charles II. I'olloek. of Xn Rene, Orviron. James N. Kauille.of Kalrmnunt, Ore.. Aliilln ICoot. of HnrlDaHelii. Ore. Any and all persons rlefmlns sdrervelythe above described lands are reiDeted lo tile llietr claims tn lbloniceonnr belore said llh iiar ol January. ust. J. T nsibacs. Reirller. XOTICK Ol" At'l'l.tCATION roif JII.VKItAI. l'AT'T. ItoeKBCno. Obxikix. October llih IW2. Notice of anullcallon of the Anaconda Gold Mining Comiany of llohemla, a prt.ate cor poratlon. anion by and through lis treaturer C. M. Vounr. for a iteiil for the Okm Coxmiu- hated Qi ikti Claim, Uohemla Ulnlng Ills- net, uineaua oouiiss cououes, Oregon mroKi Tilt L'mitsd Statu Lxhd Orrin at Rosebcko, Ore.. Octo ber vnn, iwz Notice Is herebv given that the Anaconda (told Mining Company ol llohemla. a ortrsle eoriiorsiion. orgnnlxeu ana esullug under and bv virtue of the laws of the state of Oreiron. with Its prlnelil oRlce and place of bustneM at nugvne. iJine rimniy uregon, acting or. through and under tit trvasurerC- M. Young, w hone iMMofflce Is said Kugene. Lane countr. Oregon, has filed application for teut for the Gem I'ontolldaled lurli Claim, tliual.nl In the llohemla Mining District. Lane and Doug las couutlss Oregon, and destgngteit by the Meld notes and oltlrlal plat on tile In this office as Mineral Hurrer so. ta. and iring In section 11 low nihlu2B south, rsnse No. 1 east, the aald Oem Consolidated Quarts Clstm, consisting of the Slide lode mlnlug clslm. clalmlLg l.Vi linear leei increoi wiin suriace Krounu as shown uKin the o.lclal plat on tile In this ofllceexcent a ronfltctof 2.004 acres with the Vesuvius lode mining clslm. which conflicting aroais nereDr esciuucu:oi ine new louemining claim, claiming SW linear feet of the said lode with surface ground as shown upon the said lilat' atidofinetiem mining claim, claiming 1871 feet of said lode with surfsce ground ss shown upon said ofilrfal plat. The magnetic variation Is f rflli 2o deg to 21 deg W lnlti east The said Slide lode Is dcscrltN.-d as follows: lk-glnnlng at corner Sola post S1 feet long, 4 Inches squsre set is Inches tn the ground scribed 1-IU, fir 20 Inches dlsmeter bears S. 1 deg w 191 feet. A nr 24 Inches diameter bears 8 Hdt'gW 41 fcelboth fsced andierlU-dt-4U IIT The mineral monument erected lu survey No. 2J3 bears 8 72 deg Si niln 7147 teet. fuel, section corner on line lielween sectlous It and II, of IpSIs, tl e Willamette Meridian, bears 8'jadeg Umln w7lli Thence N W deg U mln w lsifi feet to cotner no 2; thence ? M df R H fioi) feet to comer, NoS: thence south 52def 15 mln east loiW feet to corner No 4; thene south M deg west 900 feet to corner No. i: Ihenre south SJ deg so mln wesllKgl feel toeorner Sol and place ol begin ning, auu cuuiaiiiiiigtxciuMiu oi iue eonitit with the Vesuvius mining claim, 17 l acres. The llcco lode Is dei-erlbct as follows : llesln- nlng at corner No 1 it 4 feel long 4 Inches sijuare set IS Inchesln the ground scribed 1-4 IS. A tlr8 Inches In diameter bears norlh 21 deg essl 31a feet. A pine 10 Inches In diameter bears south I1, KM tt-ct. both farmland scribed 1-113 IIT. Theli secllon corner belueeu sees llandllTpaaa HI K UarssonlU27deg 11 mln K UWi feet. Thence north 7 deg 15 mfii W.WJ feet Id cor No 2;tl'iuv mirth M dog K luafeet tociirNo.l: I hence south T7 degSOmluK Mil tocor Noli thcuce south. U deg W initio cor No land place of beginning, and contatnlng .S acres. TheOein lode fsdescrlbetl asfollous: Ileglu uinuiit iir No t tdeiuleal tlh cor No 2 Ueco loile ami with SKivr of the location. The t. H'Ctlon comer betneeusecs II aud lltp23Slt I K U-ars south SD dee S5 mln K-JHSfl; thence uurtli?Jileg2i)mtn V 1271(1 tocor No 2; thence north 51 deg K mill in cor No 3; thence oulh72 deg'.X)inln K 137411 locor No 4; thenro south 51 deg wceiaft Incur Not and place ot beginning ami containing 10.812 acres. The not area lor which patent Is applied (or ot tho said Oem Consolidated Quarts Claim, after excepting the said conflict Willi the Ve suvius lode, which said conlllcllugsres Is not Claimed by ilioappllcmii. is I0.1i! acres. 1 lie lull lev ol iochiioii oi ill, an iii ouue uiuu la of record in the olllce of the t nnnly Clerk of Douglas Couulr, Oregon. In Vol.5 page 12a llec onls of Mining t'lAlms for said County, and I also of reconl lu the olllce of Ihe County Clerk Oregon, lit Vol Noll pagesA i ii gon. The notice ol location of the Itecolode Isof of Ijine Counlv. Itevordaof MIiiIik uregon jatms for Lane County. reconl In the olllre of Ihe County Clerk ol Lane County, Oregon. In Vol No 4 page4tti! ltecords ot Mining Claims forsald Lane Counly, Oregon. The notice oi locanouoi ineiicm loue isoi record in I lie olllm ntlhe County Clerk of Lane Counrv. Oregon. In Vol a page mo ot i no rci of Mining Claims oj ljuie County, Oregon. Tl.n oreaiimcil ireueral course or direction ol the safd Gem Conwiltdated Quarts Claim rein Is northwonierly and souiheasterly as shown niton said otllclnt plat The said Oem Consolidated Quarts Claim conflicts willLthe Vesuvius lode as aforesaid and the Kawu mlnlug claim adjoins on the south. Any and alt persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises, or any portion thereof so described, platted, and applied for. are hereby not 1 lied that unless their adverse claims are duly tiled according to law. and the regulations thereunder, within the lime prescribed bylaw, with the Itegliler ol the United Slates Laud Ottlce at Koseburg, Douglas County, Otegou. they will be barred by the provisions otthe law In such cases made and provided. . J. T. lttttouKs, Register. Date ottlrsl publication, October 17, A.J. 1302; Pate of last publication. December.- Ayl). 1802. Common Rough Lumber, S7 pea? M.at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw. Ok. NOTICK FOU FUKUCATION. Unitetl StatW! ltnil Office, ltoseburc. Ortvon. Sent. '.'4. 1902. Xotlcu is hereby given that in compli-1 anee wltli tlie pruvlsiuns ol the set of CoiiKreee ol June3, 1878. entitled "An act for the Bale of timber lands in the i Stnteu of California, Oregon. Nevada, i and Washington Territory, 'as extended to all the Public IjiiiiI States bv act of Aujrimt 4, 18ltt. William K. IVudfiotne.oI ! l'ortlnnd County of Multnomah State of I Oregon has this day filed in this ottlce his sworn stHteii.ent No. , 3522, for tho purchase of the fractional t SVfof Section No. SO. ir. Township 21 i South, ofKange8 West; and will offer i proof to show that the land sought la more , valuable for its timber or stone than fcr agricultural purposes, nnd to establish i his claim 1 1 said land before the Key ietcr and Keceiver of this olllce nt Host-1 biiru.Oreuon. onSIonday, the2th day of .Mar., 103, Henry C rnidhome, James S. Tvr rell, Lydia C. Tyrrell, and Ueorjse McClintock allot i'ortlaud, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advera ly the aliove describeil lands are r quested to file their claims In this office on or before euid 2th day of Mar , 1003 J.T. Briixies. Register. - ce'arsieaT Griffin & Keen Carvers For Your Thanksgiving Tnrkeys. of all shapes and stales arc now readj at Griffin & Vcatch Co's. Don't spoil a nice, plump turkey at j'our Thanksgiving dinner by try ing; to carve him with a poor knife, or carve yourself by using a bad fork that won't do its duty, when we will sell vou a set at $1.25 to $4.00. Veatch Go NOTICE FOU rUBMCATION. United States Land Olllce, Koseburg, Oregon. Oct 9, 1002. Notice is hercuy given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon. Nevada nnd Washington Territory," as exte- ded to nil tlie Public Land Slates by act ol Au gust 4, 1802, Iula IS. liond, of Eu gene, County of Jjine. State of Oregon has this day tiled in this office her sworn statement No. 3618 for the purchased the SV NE 4 & 8, NW 1-4 of Sec No. 2, in Township 23 South. of Uange2 W. nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atnnntlinn for agricultural tiurnoseg. and f to establish her claim to said land before Mnrie L. Wore, U a Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday the .list day of Dec., 1902. she names ts witnesses: Emma N Snllzuinn, Martha V. King, of Creswell, Oregon. James N Handle of tairmount, Uro., James uoiiman, ot Eugene, Ore. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this ottlce on or before said 31st day of Dec., 1902. J. T. IlRtDoss. uegister. PIPER & ANYTHING YtflT WANT. in the way of Hardware, .Tools and imblements, you can find at our store. Are you going mining? See our Stock of Tools and Sup plies before you make your pur chases. We Keep evert'thing a Miner needs. VAN DENBU "We Suit the Hard to Suit." Pon't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that The Cash. Grrocery Co. Carry the cleanest and most Complete line of .roperies in the city. We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege tables in season. The Cash Grocery Co. NOTICE FOU Pl'lUilCATION. United Htntett Lund Otllce, Kowliurjr. Ore., Sept. Otis. 1002. Notice l hereby Klven that lu com pliance with the provlHlmw of the net ot CoiiKtvrw of June 3, IS78, en titled "An not for the mile of tlnilwr Innilrt In tho Stiiti of Cnllfoniln, Ore gon, vcvntin. mul vi nriiiuiKion ter ritory. n oxieniieu to mi iiw aiiu llc Lnnd StnteH by net of August 4, 181)2, WiUliim W. Unities, of Eusi'tie, County of Lime, Statu .ol uregon lm tills day Hied In this olllce iuk HworiiBtnteitient No. 3414 for the pui cluiHO of the Lots 3 & 4, S NW & NW SW J, of Sift Ion No. 2, Township No. 20 South, of Kiuiko 2 West mul will offernroof to hIiow that the liunl nought Ii moiv vnluablo for Its tltn-j ber or Ktone tniin tor iiKi-icuitunii purpoHOM, mul to t'rttiililfuli IiIh claim to mild land liefore Mario L. Wnre, U. S. C()ininInloner nt Kiikviun OivKon, on Slimdny the I8t, ilny of lHv.. 100-'. ! He tinmeH ns wUiiohwh: 11. T. Dow. JaniesSlileo, of CottiiKO, tirovo. Ore., Charles Haines, .lolur 4g iiiiliwH. nl Kiiirenu. ure. n Any anil all iH)rsOns tlaimliiK nd- versclv the above-ilescrllieil minis are reiiuested to tlio their claims hi this olllce on or U-foiv said 1st day of Dev., 1U02. .1. I . lluiiuiKs, tU'Kister. SOTICE'OU I'UllI.lC.VTIOS. United status Land OAlro, Itnssburir. Ore.. Oct. 28. l'AM. Notli-u Is hereby ulyen thst in compliance with tlio urovtiliius ot the set ot Congress of Junes, M, entltleil "An set for the ssleuf Timber Lands tn the States of Calltornla, Ore gon, Nevsils. suit MsililuKton Territory," as extended loall the rublleLand Slates by act otAinrilsH.WW, John V. Oublt. 01 fcuuene. toiiniy 01 tjine. oisieui unrsuu lllinlln this onloe his sworn staiement No. 11771, lor the purvhas ot the M. ii at Secllou No. SO, Tonlislilp IB sonth, of Rsugel west ana win oner proona snow inst ,l faml snuirht Is muru valuable forlts timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before Marie U Ware. V. S. Cominlsstouer at Kugene, Oregon, on Saturday the 17thdsy ot January, 1WM. nonsinrsaswwueaasa; (ieome W. Hunter. Charles II. I'ollock, of VntiA nn.fl.nii. Jmuss N. ltaiidle. of Kalr- mount Ore.. Austin ltoot, ofSprlngtleld, ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands Kte requested to tile thelsolaitnsln this olllce on or before said 17ib Uayot January. WW. . .. I 4 4tnt".l9 stviiV' J, E. WHEELER, Prop. aVsVasVaW'a"sV3 TO " ft We manufacture all kinds of Milling and Mining A Screens, and furnish all kinds of belting. Water Wheels of Every Description. AU kinds of Flouring Mill; Ware house anil Feed Mill Machinery. It will pay you to congu.lt us tn S. person or by letter before buying. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. CROFUT, McAYEAL & CO., First St., - - Portland, Oregon, f ft MteftS SVlPPYfl ovis 33oliemia, Oregon. . General illerchanriisc, I!liIlcvK, Tools and AmiiiiiiiisJoii. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLJES & GETTYS:: ft..