T"TM"3s 2SS l TllK AIIVI!IITIINll MUMt'U m nkat juii rniNtmo. w ay? 5(2 W W W J&5 Devoted to the Mining, I.timlicrliiK mid I'lirniiiif; Intercuts of till Community, to Good Government, and Hustling fqra Grub Stake. VOL. IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1902. NO. 44. KcturiilriK Prom Nome, I'urnlnlied "Die Intormntlon, BOHEMIA Ji NUGGET. i 1 r''-' i I St H V, - 7. aodM ' Dovofo d To D6horVlTv Nofoj and INSI'IJCT MINUS OP IIOIIISMIA. Party I'rom the limit lour tlio Dis trict and nra Well I'lcnitcil Willi the Outlook. Mention was mtule in our' columns Inst week or the nrrlvnl from the cant of a party consistlne; ot Georj-c W. I.luyil, A. II. ncKm, S. H. l'oster mid I'riuik Slmouds, from Mas4ncliUHetts and Khode j Island, also of their departure the following day for the Jlohcmin Mlnlue District, whete they put in a week making an Inspection of properties uicre iiiciutiiiiK tne Crystal Coiwolldutcil and the Ho hernia, both of which Mr I.loyd in intercstcil in ttitc extensively. The party returned to this city on Monday, rcmniniiiK here a short time before leaving for their return trip home. , The visitors who accompanied Mr. I.loycl were more than pleased with the outlook and especially of the property which they came to especially Insiiect, that of the Ho hernia Gold Mining Co. which fact is best evidenced by their actions immediately upon their arrival from the district. They at once proceeded to it telegraph office i where Mr. Hston authorized his broker iu Iloston to purchase too, ooo shares of the stock oi this com pany and Mr. Simonds authorized the purchase of Sio.ooo worth of ; stock in the same company oy those whom he represented. The party left Tuesday on the southbound train for home via San I'rancisco, Salt I.aUc City, Cripple Creek and Denver, which plnccs they will visit a short time on their return trip. These gentlemen who accom panied Mr. I.loyd on his trip through Hohemia were surprised beyondjneasure at the extent anil richness of llohemiaand willdoubt- DlirOOSCfl The following short description of the liohcmla Gold Mining Co's property is from a recent dispatch to the livening Telegram from this place and indicates the condition of things iu that camp and the pro gross ol development on the prop erty: "On the properties of the Ho hemia Gold Mining Company ex cellent work has been done, and on the Gold Cross claim ore bodies . lmvc been opened up which are the largest ore bodies ever seen. At present it has shown for a length of 500 feet in the tunnel, and the face of the tunnel is iu good ore. There is no reason to doubt but what the oielxxly will "continue for a long distance'. Mr, Higgins, the super-1 Intcndeut, has done his work in 0 1 . 1. !!!. I...- I Iiiosi wurKiuumiKc uimiiici. mm nun erected most commodious buildings! upon the Hohemia Girl claim. All i the supplies for the winter are now ...am Mr. Higgins is running a V . . , -I .1tti tmiiif.1 frnni Hit- Iniver end nli the Hohemia Girl along the vein. This tunnel will be about 800 feet vertically below the Gold Cross tunnel, and there is not any doubt but what enough ore will be opened up to last a lifetime. A conservative estimate places the amount of ore iu sight at not less than 50,000 tons. The company contemplates erecting next spring n 106-tou plant on the Horse Heuv eu creek, a short distance below the Hohemia Girl tunnel, where sufficient power can be obtained to run the mill every day in the year." Test A New Kxploslve. HiiccoKHfiil tests wero recently nimle ni'iir (JlovHuml, Ohio, of a new ex p(iHlv(! culled lintlmmlte which Is tlio Invention of Prof. 11, M. llittlm wuy of WcIImIidio, Ph.. itiul. may 1 10 tlio imwiH of hoIvIuk till' question of . iixploslvcH In intuitu; 11ml of iviIiicIuk tlio diingor to a minimum. To (loinoiiHtintc tlioabHOlutosafot.v of tlio now uxploslvo It was pounded iiiwiii mi iinvll. 'twos thrown 11D011 tho lire and as 11 llnal test waHplaccd Iu it tin box and 1III0 lmlletH tired through It. It Ih said thatthoex PIohIoii can only take place when a dynamite percussion cup Is used. Homo of tho explosive wiih next fnjwm Into a cuke otlio and exploded. Circular pieces two Inches 111 iiiiimoier wore blown from Hill boiler plate, cutting tho plato clean, 0110 and 0110 liulf ouncoH of the explosive being simply placed upon tho pinto mid detonated Iu tho open .air. A oner miiiid l-eirulatloll ilflliy h!i( wiih oxploded within iv receptacle and tln H:.oll blown Into iv thousand pieces. , . 1 ... ... ... ...A.K.Mr.1 ,,.. ir. W MvTZX Hohemia Mining District in good to this and other procrties 3 S.. t h where there arc at h?,.L.i rnni.al Mr .level, met present three producing mines w.th , , lfiimtm mum. 1 tit- tnii(rnl is mma -2S oncrivi Infor-tajr fo MlrUnrj Mon iOI'1'ICIAI. HUI'ORT ON RIlSliRVH I 'ore sin of the Cnncoile Kcnervc, and AllnlriK In tlio Various Mln liiK DIMrlct. Wash inhton. Octi aO. Accord ing to late nud thorough examina tions mnilc by rcprcucntntlveflofthe Geological Survey, the total stand of timber In the Cascade Potest Reaervc slightly exceed 50,000, 000,000 feet. The total nrca of the reserve, .1,883,588 netcs, is classified as rnllous: I'orestod, .l.iOijOt acics; burned, 377.171 acres; open, 366,7.16 acre; logged, 5,589 acres; cultivated, 630 oi res; water surface, 27,568 acres; glaciers and barren, 4), 120 acres. The quantity of timber of each variety in the reserve is given below: Species Red l'ir, Noble l'ir, Lovely l'ir, White l'ir, Subalpiuv l'ir. Spruce, Yellow Pine, White Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Sugar Pine, White Hark Pine, Ued Cedar, Incense Cedar, I'wet. lt. M. 27 088 89s 000 3 a.. 033 000 3 37- 2j,j O00 1 rXVt 085 000 160 541 000 242 999 000 3 -145 07 000 689 746 000 689 639 000 13 375 000 3 120 000 914 578 000 63 465 000 5 346 000 4 368 398 000 5612 693 000 126 848 000 I 915 Ooo 14 000 294 000 Mflikn Cedar, Mmteu Hemlock, l'Attou Hemlock, Tamarack, Juniper, Oak, Cottonwood, IIOIIIIMIA UISTKICr. 'I.oggint; has not been catricd on within the boundaries of the south ern extremities of the reserve, thai is, the section examined last season 3272 square miles, embracing por tions of I.iiuc, Douglas, Crook tiud Klamath counties. Considerable gen crolly free millinjf gold ore on the surfuiv. but runs into base as they descent. This seriously retards all work, as to ship ores to the smelters at present is impracticable; but a railroad is being surveyed from Cottage Grove iu that district, and when it is iu oK ration it will open up one of the best mining districts iu western Oregon. At present considerable capital has been in vested, and more will be forthcom ing when railroad connections arc had. Another ' promising gold mining belt is located at the head of the South 1'ork of the 1'nll river, just over the divide on the North I'ork of the Willamette. This dis trict was only discovered last sum mer, oud as it is in its infancy, very little can be said as to its perma- nciicv. r. i r .1, ....... i- . 1,1 ct. nearly all of the web en ?PB of !c C"s.ea''" "u""nLi!!51 . s"v ' " "e m rulges local attrnc- tutu fu n crrnnt flint in lull fow so great that in but lew r---- places can a needle be used, the at tractions having been observed to reach as high as 29 degrees' voc ation. Iu 22 and 23 N, t and 2 H, over 6000 mining location arc in existence, upon which mining as sessment work is being done. This is known ns the Hohemia Mining District. Considerable agitation is being carried on to have. these townships restored to the public domain, principally from the fact that the land is neatly all covered by mineral locations. The same district is very heavily timbered with red fir. In the southern end of the re serve sheep are sometimes retained on the range as late as October, and iu such instances great damage has been done. It is recommended that for the better protection of the grazing lauds, sheep should not be oeruulteil to remain within the re serve after September 15, as their presence alter that Hate seriously ! injures the crass and young growth. I lie only ticmunu ior iimuer within the confines of the reserve is iu the Hohemia Mining District, where tho mines consume large quantities of fir in operating their stamp mills, and in the near future, with railroad connections .this will increase. Last year probably w acres was cut for firewood for one company alone, New Locations, J. U. Kggon locates Mqlly OHmm claim lu Uohomlit milling district. J l.iAvo and Peter 0. Yledinulo cato Moorhvnd claim In Itohemtn ills trlet. Ira Hivwley locates lUg Mogul claim In llohomla district, Tile liiwt KMipl( lo leave Ninne HiIm fall piiKwil tliroiiKli Portland r ieiitly mi their way tolhelr homes In tin various HlntcM. The Ohio which left 011 OetolNirl7 was the IiihI ship to leave the harlnir which Is now frozen overllniM cnlllnir off eonimiinleatloii with the outside world until next sprliiu. AmoiiK tliime eurotitu homo from the ley north wax .1. ,M. IOKan from Htocktou, ('nllf., who has put In the pant four yeurM there ami luiNii't acquired any Krciit itiiiount of wealth either. In sis'iikliitf of the northern Kohl fields hesuyH "Tills riliiulni; after now Kohl llelds, In far more of a loiter?' than the actual InvoMtlnj; In u regular lottery Would Is1, and after four years of hard work I pronounce Kold H-ekliiK nl Nome a pitmi that Is not worth the candle. Vet koM Is found every where Iu that locality, lint t lie cox! of netting It out Is ho heavy that fow mlncrx make anything. About ,MHHI perMOiis have mh'hI the past season lit Nome mid vicinity, and tills niiinlxT will dwindle to :KKl liy the time thou- doHlrliiK to ko south leave the town. Of those who n- liiulii Home can work their datum all winter Ki'ttliiK out gravel which will frewo moIIiI In the dumps until the thaw coiiioh next July, when It can Ihi HllllcCd jiff anil the Kohl siivihI. A fow will content UiciiikcIvih In lilllny: the time away la town, lint they will have a dreary time of It." It will thus lie seen that minion In the "AhiNkn Oold I'IcMk" Ik not a Miire thliiK nor U It n niiap when wo take Into coiiHMenitton theexenm, the risk of total failure mid the tor' rllilo expoHiuv and prlvatloiiH iieces- Hiiry to mroinplHi anything Iu fields that are not already over-run with pronjWtorH. It Is a fact that 110 Held lit the world offers Krvntcr ImliiconientH or Ichh rlskH and prtvntloiis to the lillnerM tliau iloen old ltohemln rlht heiv In Ijiuo and ItoiiKhiM coiiutli-H In which a goiHl claim Im willy worth more to the mcritKe miner than all the wonderful poxHllillitlcM of the Kiild IIcIiIk ot Alaskn mid llrltlxli Co lumtila. It Im true that It titkeH time and money to reallre oil niont 01 tne pro)M'rtles of Hohemia yet It Ih a fact that money Ih coming thin way anil InvuHtmeiitH arc lH-lnif' nmile In property there at a much greater rate than uvcr Is-fore In the hUtory of theciunp.. All that Im nipila-d to convince the moMt skeptical that the alleged falmloiiM wealth of Hohemia Im not a myth, Ih a thorough luveMtlKatlou such an has Ixrn mmle iIiIm Heasou by doiu-UM of liiveKtorx and mining men of many years exis'rlence. They have all returned with the sume story and this story Ih slowly lint Hiirvly tvaehlui; out and iiermontliiK the world of capita! which It Ihuccvh Hury to reach In order to make Ho heinla what imtiuv Iiiih done her part towanl.a rival of the worlds fa iiioiih Cripple Creek district ot Colo rado. 15. II . Ingham, one of the three owners ol the urouse Mountain Gold Mining and Milling Co., ope rating nine claims in the Hohemia District, this morning received a letter from the mines informing him that during the last few dajs a 10-foot ore chute has been un covered in the Grouse Mountain which shows remarkably well. It shows what miners term nugget cold in large quantities, small meces tue size a pin neau una amer beinir panned out regularly and the quartz contains some rich ore. Tins chute ts at present 302 feet long and neither end is in sight. This is much better than the owntrs expected. They looked for 0 three-foo.t leuge but instead uncovered one ten feet wide. Mr. Ingham is naturally el.ited over the news received irom tne mines. His partners are 11. h. Hawlev and I. C. Klopfenstem two well known and experienced min ing men.- Ktigene Guard, Logger's Narrow Uscape. While at work u a logging camp 011 Kali creek on Wednesday of last week, Samuel .Stlers, 11 logger, hud t miraculous escape from death by living criiHhed under an linmeiiHo log. lie wiih snaking logs down it Htecp mountain side with u foui-horso teuin nnd while thus engaged a largo log Htnrted to roll down the Hide ot tho mountain. Ho anil tho horse were caught under tho log and hor ribly crushed. Two of tho horses wero killed Instantly, nnd tho man was Hiipposed to Im dead whun ex tricated, lint revived under treat ment, and It Ih now thought ho will recover. All that wived him front In Htunt denth wiih the horses, ho being caugh under them and they serving us a cushion for him. When you wake up with a bad tasic In your mouth, go nt once to ltuiison Drug Co's drug store and got a freo tuiliiplo ot Chilinboi Iain's btomnoli and l.iver Tablets, Ono or two does will make you well . Tlioy also euro bilious ness, sick headache mid constipation. .Much favomltle eoniinent has Iki'ii nlveil Hlierlff Wllliern on III remark- aliliM'iiptliruortlH1 iiiuriirrr 01 llen ton Tracy hint Hiimiiiernnd now, that lie has Ix-ou couvleted and rn'ii tenci.'il. more uivdlt t tin ti evur Is Klven him. all of which Is proliahly lll.-KTVfd. It In prulialily not xencrally known that the Information fnralMlu-O .Mr. Withers ami whldli was tlit- meaiiH of aiqirelienilliiK tile criminal was ur liUheil liy W. W. I'iM-liriiii, of HiIm city, who accidentally (Uncovered some facts Iu retard to thlK. "tin- horn" Kumlilcr llert Itay Heaton. who was lu CottnKc.'Irove nciirlya week iM'fore he wenf to Jiinctloii. j Tho pedigree of tlio' man and some of Ills former iiMxochitt. won- looked lip ly .Mr. Coshrao, who wems to lie' quite a hand at defective work, and the Information plawd In thohands of the sheriff, who acting upon It, j secured this mini llcatou. .Mr. I Cochran Iiiih Died a clnlm for the, reward, ami will donlitloHs have ; no trouble Iu convincing the procrl authorities of his rightful claim. j (idltor I'ltch .Suicides. Charles A. Pitch,' editor and oik of j the proprietors of the Itkovlew Herald, committed suicide last weok, choosing the morphine route. Hoi was the fusion candidate for state j printer In ISM and formerly run a ' populist jiaK-rnt''Orugoii City where! lie was qulio a factor In politics,! being in effective writer inula good public Hiieakor. He had been lu I.akovlcw but two years at the time of IiIk denth mid loft Hianv wiinn - frleiidH who njoimi his untimely tie-f' ...I V-.. '. t.. !.-...! f, 1. 1.. ims-. .111 I'mim- in itiKm-i H inn rash net. PKESSCOMMUNTS. The lest show of tho season. lor tagi la Prairie Dally (Iraphic, Janu ary L't.ltHK!. McKanhiH with the Alabama War-lilel-H Is without doubt the fluent colored organisation 011 the road; a I setter show or liner singing bun never Ik-cii heard In Toronto. Tor onto World, Sept. 11, 1001. "The McKanhiH Company hIiow wuh a good one. The singing of .MIsh Put tie .McKanhiH, tho. vermtlle entertainment f ,M1kh l-utry and the Violin playing of .McKiiiiIiih were Hint' exceptional featureH." Kverett Itworil. Aug. IS, l'.KIL'. Important Notice. Any iK-rson hiring a nlnglo seat liuggy and allowing moro than two iwrsoiis to ride iu same at one time will Ihi charged double prlco and pay all damagi-H to the liuggy. Tho above applies to all hacks, carriage or spring wagoiiH. Only two jHir MOiis allowed to ride lu 0110 scut at a t!mo. "ClIlllSMAN & ItAMIH. liet u free mmqilu of ChninlM'rhiln'H Stoniiu'h mid I.lver ThIiIcU nt I!enon Drug Co's drug utore. They aro ensier to tsko nml more loumint in eirect than pills. Then thuir 01-u is not followed bv constipation uh i often the easo with pills. Hegulur size, 2oc per box. HTKl'l'KI) AGAINST A IIOTSTOVK. A ehilil of .Mrs. lieo. T. lleiiooii, when getting his namd Satunlay night bath, ateppisl bok against a hot stovo which burned him eoveruly. The child. una in great agony and Ms inothor could do nothing to pacify him. Itouivinbcrliig that she had u bottle of Clianibcrhiin'r Pain Itnlm in the house, hIio thought oho would try it. lu less than halt an hour after applying it the child was quiet Mid asleep, and in loss than two weeks was well Mrn. Uenson la a well known resident of Kellar, Va, Pain Italia la an antisiiptio liniment and especially valuable for burn", cuts, uriusos nun sprain", ror snio uy i.yoni! & Applegato, Drain. Unison Drug Co., Cottage (irove. HERBERT LEIGH ASSAYlilt A.N'l) MKTAM.UMH8T KuoH.s't: Onuuo.v. liettlqiilwihliimiyuniielii tbe Stale. i.leliyiiiiiUi(ctTe rouit ullialton. workJ lK)Uiul 10 ifctcriuliie ih nuxt inltablB moth- II K 11.11 II .VIOVII HIV mini,... vt nv ..... ml oHrealnit'lil. rrie on uppuration L. T. HARRIS Attorney ami C'ouitseloidt-Law Bptclal atttiillon Klven lnllie.W ulMlnei. first National Hank lliiildlng, KUUKXK, OUK. ao 1$). MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. main struct Cottagh Grovk, Oris. L G, HIGGINS, . ASSAYER . (IHAXTS I'ASS, OltKOOSi CHARGES: , Gold, Silver, Cop(er, IaJ, each. 11.00 .1.50 .2.60 2.M 3.00 Hold anil SUvor. Oold, Hllver anil Coppe Oold, Mirer and Uml . . Tin All work done carefully, and ttralfht busl neM ur nono. Mall ordura iollcltet. ! BEST IN 10WN 1 , ZZ I BAKIN & BRISTO W. luiiiiUiUiiiiuaiiiuiiiiiiHiiuiUiiiiwuiiiiUiaiaiiiaiiiiiuiiiJUiUiUiiiiaiiwaiiuu WE SELL j fj I Kl JACKETS, CLOAKS and CAPES. asas,M5 MONTE CARLO COATS, The Newest thing. We order these am Size or Color and have them in 24 Moiil'S for you. Our Prices are all right, Unifbrm ' - . Profit same as our other lines. When you get a Cloak from us 3-011 get just what you pay for. - We dOll't mark them Up JVst because we think they will, bring the raised Jjnec. . , . THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a full line of Staple and Fancy goods, Grauite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats, Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will be a pleasure at all times to show our goods and you are earnestly requested to call and examine them. Will meet All Coiiijietloii lit I'rteef. 1 GAROUTTE & METCALF, ! 0HfcHri to Skllluiim A 0rtHiH) j COTTAGE GROVE. ORE l J. E. YOUNG Attorn oy-at-Zaw . . omee on i!a(n itreet, Weit SWe Cottaqk Grovu, Ore. A. H. KING j Attorney at Luw,: (WTTAGK GltOVK, OllE. I NOT1CK KOU PU11LI0ATI0N. United States Land Office, Kosebnrg Oro., Nov. 3, HH)2. Notice is heroby given that in com pliance with tho provisions of tho act of 4 I87H nnllllwl "All .ct for tho talo of timber lamls ill tliolgust 4, Annie mrsoii. oi r.u- States of California, Oregon, Nevada and 1 gone. County of Lane, State of Oregon, Washington Territory, as extended to' has this day Hied Iu this office his sworn till tho Public Land States bv act of An-1 statement No. SG33, for the purchase of gust , m (.trove. Co, Hlla J. Woodard, of Cottage . of Lune, State ot Ore., has 110.1 1,, tl.u nineH her sworn this day illcd statement No. 3873, for tho purchaso of the E h W K of Sec No. 26 in Township No. 21 S.. Range No. 3 West, and will offer proof to show that tho laud sought Is more valuable fqr Its timber or etone no than for agricultural purposes,, anil to establish her claim to said land bcfoio to the Registor and Receiver of this ollice at Roseburg Oregon, on Friday, tho tho 22nd day of May, 1003. She names us witnesses : William Klmbull, Ilarvev Taylor, William llrown, Ambrose L. Wooiluid, of OottiiBO Urove, Lano Co., Ure. iVnv and all persons claiming tulverse- Iv the above-described lands are re- quested to tile their claims In thisoirico on or ueiore Baiu iaiiuuay 01 .ny, iuuo. J. T. .tannics, Register. Wc have the best lot of garments Suits, Juo cts, Coats for Women, Mises, Children, Men and Boys to he found in town. If you want the Latest Styles you do, ifyotir'c iu a normal state you should see our assortment of above lines of goods and also our Winter Under wear, all made iti the best possible wav. Reliable Materials, Trim- S mings, etc., Tailored by the Best Skill. You will miss it if you buy your Pall or Winter Outer or Inner Garments without first seeing these. Our New Stock of I'urs will soon be open for your Inspection. LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING f: Cottsijrc Grove, Oregon. W. S. Chrismas. The Fashion Stables rORNER MAIN and SECOND STRUCT, COTTAGE OROVE (.hrisman & Bn:-S, Proprietors. and YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME At the IimmiliiL UUIJUi. - " II t 1 H K I Where the meals are well cooked and well served and the beds aro (?ood. ITS CLEAJV THROUGHOUT. Ami vou'll rind werything homo-like without home inconveniences. ' Come ami stay as long as possible. FINE. LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS Freo to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. Tho host aver Served in any Hotel in tho City. N. D HARDY, Jtt'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. Nonri: for i'uhucation. United Mates Land Otlicc, Uoseburg, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with tho provisions ot tho act of Cougios-sof JuiibS, 1878, entitled "An , act (or the sale of timber lands in the' States of California, Oregon, Nevada, 11 ml "Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Lund 8taten by act of An- thoWV, SK W & M swl-4 Of Section No. 12 Township 23, South, ol Range 3 West and w offer moot to show that the , land scught ts more valuable (Or it , timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to cstablish.hls claim bo- foro .- arie L Ware, U. . Cointnilonec, 1 at KiiL-ene. Lane Co. Oro , on Wpdnes- Slav the 7th day of January, 1003, Ho names as witnesses : James N. Handle, of Fairmoiint Ore gon, Austin Root, of springlleld, Oregon, James Hoffman, ol KugeMo, Oregon, Henry 'M. Wilson, of Kugene, Oregon. .ny aim an persons claiming uuverse ly tho above-described lands are re quested to lllo their claims In this office on or oorore sain 7tn day ol Jan., ltius. J. T. Hkiooes, Register. Buy your gninn Hrlntow. need ot Kitktn & 3 j5 Eli Bangs. Also own ajjd ppperate the Bohemia Black Butte Stage Lines First-Qass Turnouts, Double or Single. Reasonable Prices rnnr il I rl I I I HI AM l i?n H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk. Repairing at reasonable charntl. All work guaranteed tl rat-claw, Watcnei, Clocka ami JewelryatLoweitrrltei , COTfAGB QltOVK, OltE. .1. A .lullVfillV anil P II RP.V ; AttorneilSand Counselurs-at'LaW , "'("!ci"ri ''"" BpecUUrtentloinitveiitoMlnln,-orpoiallon 1 Mereuiii. u. una jiercauuie law. Office over Oariimn a Hemeuway'ilWe. C01TAGK GROVE. ORK. BARKER & PERMAN t'ROI'KIBTOItK OK THE EXCHANQE mM .OBALKKS IN PINK WINKS, UQUORS, pidARS. Matuiireel, Um0r