Photograph' -Cl .It BIIC Willi III , Gallery ooiMWMirf j f " act for the ft NOW Ol'tiN NOTICE FOK PUHUCATION. Untied States tand Olllcc, i i n ., oiiioiv. Noll 1 hereby given that In complb unit1 witn tne NoricK ton puhlication. United States Unit Office, lto'elauy, Orrsoii, Oct., 0, 100. Notice In hereby given that In coinpu aci 01 An tlio New backgrounds and ncces gorica. Best Lenses and Cameras. 15 ears experience 8 years in Portland. work, ntiiritntiit the net of inn with llie lirnvlMnns of the line 3. 1H7S. cnlllloi "An loinmwsol Juno .1, isis, eniiiici. alnnf HiiiIht mint 111 llin ni't lur tin' aale of timber Unit III Minlna ( f".,li(,iri.ln (lnv,ui. SlulM of CaI i ll ill . Ori'i!On. Nevada IIIHl mid Wellington Tcrrltorv,"ascxlcnded ' Washington Territory,'' as extended to to nil the Public Uml Stales by act of nit I lie Public Unit State tiy net of A u AiidflU 4, 1S02, Kihtar O. Tobty, Ei.i-l.lSftt,Marlli V. Kltig.otCrwell, of Kiigfiic. Coiinlv of lame, State County of Ijiiio, Statu ol Oregon, of Oregon, has this fay Hied In thisultlce ha- this day Hied In this office his sworn hid sworn statement ro. aoou. lor ine sisichieni .o. .winiorme mi.cuaru ui 'Township 23 Sooth, of lUligv 2 U'wl. purchase of the ., NIC J, A Lot ISA IX the N, SK. AN, SWtj ol Section Xo, ' . tr... o.V.l I 1, . tt .....I O ...I.I.. C.....I. ..Ml ... V'.vt Ol P-CC IJ, 11 A, COlllll, Ol II I . nmi inn iimiiii Mvtim, mi i.iiukv .. mil offer proof to show lint tin" laivd , and will otter ptoof loshow-that tholund ought In more valuable form timlier , sought is more valuable tor it timber or r Mono tban for agricultural purpose anil to establish ma claim iu smki lami before Marie L. Ware. U.S. Commis sioner at Kngene, Oregon, on Tiies ilav, tlio rd day of Deo., HHtt. fli names as wilnewe : X. It . .Martin. John I. Palmer, J . W. Parrlsh, of Cottage Orove, ljine Ck. Nothing but first-class All work guaranteed. Lowest prices, call and examine Ore., J D Damnum, Eugene, Lnnc Co.. i Oregon, work. Any and all persons claiming adverse- j. ly I fie abovo-deserlll lamli" are re- nnnnmt!. Mmcnnlp hall West quested to rile their elnima in this ottlee Opposite Masonic nan. w est or Mon nh (Uy q ,xv hh side, Cottage Grove. T. Uhiihiiw. Kegister. stone than for agricultural lmrnoses.and , to establish bit claim to raid lan. I before . Mario I. Ware, I" S Commissioner at Kngene, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Slltay or Dec., m. ' He tiamosas witnesses: I ula It. Ilotut. of F.ngvne. Lane Co. : Ore., James 11 oilman, of Kngene, Uine Co.. Oic. hiiiina t-altinmn. ot t;rs. ' m oil. Uine Co , Ore., James X. Itamlle, of hairmonnt. ljine Co.. Ore. ' Anv ami all m'rsons claiming advene iy the nUtvoMlewribeil lamls are ' ii'mfti-rl to tile their claims in llii otlko i on or iMoro sail ;iist tiny oi ioc., J. T. llRiiMiKs, ltcgistcr. NOTICE Kilt rCIILlfATION. DaHwikIUiitow. mudtnt, Cuhlf r. i The first Moral Bank OF COTTAGB GROVK, OrK. . . . . , will offer proof to thow that Ihe uml MHiihtlf Paid 'J ) Capital, S25,O00.0O lmorTlnl,T for It. tlmtwror ttone than fur acrlenltural i,urrmM an.1 to fwtabltvh hl etalm lo m,I ImimI liefore I' . K . IUMir.1. t.S I'nltft sum UtHl omer. Rwburit. On.. Aug. to. IftV. Mt(r li IwKbr tn that In eM4laner wlthth riruTltlona tf (heart of Oonitretof June a, IS7K. entltlMl "An Act for the rale ot Timber Lannt In Ihe Ptatwof Oallhirnta. Ore iron. Nevada ami Washlni-lou Terrltorr." a eitemle.1 to all the lnbtlr IjiihI Stanea bjr art of Atlffuiit t. It&i, lllijamln F. Klter. ot Saleta. I'mmljr ol Martflll. Stale ot Oregon hat thin day fltal In thlt otnee bit iworn tateient No. mt, for the parehaie otthe SW4 of Seetlon So. J, TDnlilpa)Siutli,ot llann 10 Went and XOT1CK KOU Pt'llUCATION. Money to loan on approved security Exchangee coM, available anv n thcUnitcd Stale Unitnt .State Land Office, ltoscbnrv.Ore.. Aug. lit. UHtf. Notice, is beiebv uiven that in compli ance uitli the provisions of the 'act of LoiiKrocs oi J line a. isi, entiiicM - .n Act for the sale of Timber IjiihIs in the States of California. Oreiron. Nevada. ami Vasliini:tonTerritorv..'nsextendcd to all the 1'nblic Umd Slates by act of niitum an.1 t eMubll.h hl l Aimiljt 4. IMC. ri'nilliMHi A . tlrunci'.ol UimI lieforelK. Ilaar.l. I. S V,,.tm m Piiimti if lii,w. tdti, of"fx".wr l-n'r-" Oregon has this day tlliM in this olllcc iienu.eiai.uiiiiriir his sworn statement No. 3340. for the jlaco , , ' K,'tri H-r '. Werhier. c. L. purchase of the SK 4 . of Section No. tl, ' JWrfirlfSri. .dverlr .he to ..ship WSouth.ot HangeSAVand xvill aooTe uecriteii lanu are re.inettM lo nie uuer orvui iu euun iiihv me mint euuui thelrelalmalnthUoftleeon orWfore nklTlh l, more valuable for its timber or stone il.jr of November, ise. f visit DR. JORDAN'S orit f MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 7 1081 MARKET IU SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, J. T. 11 a u i i. Hfflfter. NOTICE FOlt la'lU.H'ATION. ThlrrM)AJU.Umloftl 1 in u oric 08. JOROAN-fBlVATE DISEASES TiI nri aod Hl4lt " ireJ Mtn who r aufftrtag i frum lh elTwta of Toatbfal indl. W crUKi)S r urfM i 0 et)oi; rli-n, tnrr 1 Trm. KrrrMtandphrBtri iliMtrtlm. f ctloi; MfraaM(errhp, trtMiir- fi mf VrlitMlInc- . llf CQtubtuatlon of i rrrtMlf, of grmmt carmtlrv power, tbt Doctor iiMiDrnn(fu nil irraimn( loai 1 1 Will Bo I A only afT.ird ImmfdUU r-JI'f, bat orBU)tnt f cur, i urn yucwr now lioi ciwm uprnrtn . mlraelf", but N well known to b it Ilr and I 0 la bltMpecUltr DlMHwta mf Mta, rm m Hin . UU UU HI f niUKIlN inW) tan iTtMu without then of Jltirnry. Triwf fllteJ br a ExprC Il4le1 ir for Uwptur. X quick and radical rwrtfor Pllr. riar and nttala,br Dr. Jordan's tpeclal palnlm mtthoda. ri'l'ttT WtH ar,rUlnTa lHa.fH JMM A ovravwftf opinion ot biiromplatnL A f v(U Ottnranlre a jVO&TIVM CZ75X to W I ' Cniiiiati'.n FHKK an trfetly prlrata. . CIUBOEJf VERY XXJLBQSABIJL ' TrAtmcutrrona)lerb7ltur. , writ f..r Rook. pniMtormr or , I HARnuaE. MiiLEBFuai U-TaloaU bookfor rata.) Oatiorwxtta OIL JORDAN fcCO 1011 UrkttUi.r UnlttH. Statw Luml Otlkv, Uowilmrv, Orv., OtU St. UKtf. Notkv U hervlty given that In com pliant ith tin provlntonr of the Act of roiigrtttft of .IuiK:t, 1S7S, en titled "An Act for the nale of Tlmlier IumIh In the State of California, Oregon, Xevwhi ami Wanhlnprton Territory," tw extended to nil the i'uhlic 1am Staten by act of Auirust 4. ISU2, Jetw W. Pnrrlth, of Jef fernon, County of Marion, State of Oregon. Iuih tliln tiny llletl In this i otllce Kvoni statement No. :J?-?7 for the lmrelmw of the Lot :i, 4. 5, IS & 7 of Section No. :w, TownHhip 2:1 South of Kange 1 uvtainnvill oner proof to hiiow Wntermeir, of Engetve,. Urn- " -T -' l than for agricultural iiurnoes anil to cs tablish his claim to saiit luml before Marie L. Ware, V. S. Commissioner nt i Kticcne Oregon, on Friday tlio 14th ilavof Nov., 1902. He names as witnesses C. A Co.. Ore.. Charles Cani.ibcll. of Hiver ' sitle. Calif., M. Ixughmiller, of Kngene, Lane Co., Ore., George I.uce, of Ivison, Iane Co., Ore. Any anil all persona claiming adverse- , ly tlie above-describeil lamls are re quested to tlio their claims in this office on or uelore saltl Htn tlay ol .Nov., uv.'. i j. i. uitirxiEs, Kegisier. NOTICE FOK PUHLICATION. NOTICK l'Olt I'HUdCATION. Ihdtwl StntCH Inid Office, ltOMelntrtr, Ort., . HKi. NotUv la h'ftl.v Klven tlmt III emu plltiiuv with the'pnivlHlniiH of the not nf Coiigrvxa of Juno il. 1S7S, entitled "Alt net fur the tmlent HiiiIht lntida lu the .State of CnlKiirnlit, OrKOii, Nevitdn, ntiil WnHliliwtnnTorrltor.v," iih oxteiidtMl to nil the TuliHc Knliil Stntw tiy net of At;tiHt 4, INIS, Wolf Sunder, of Kngvne, County nt I jtne, Stale of Oivmm Iimh thla tiny tiled lu tlilMiitfkv hlaaworuMtnte ineiit No.iUOt, for the iuirvlinw of the S lj NU oi N 4 SB of Section No. S, Twjk 111 South, ot ItnltKV S West uml will offer proof to rthow that the Innd Motiuht la more valuable for IIh HiiiIkt oratono tliiin for uuriculttirnl liuriiOHea. mill to en ttibllal. bla claim to aubl Inllil lafnr ilnrle u Ware, i .s, Coiniuliwloiiernt Kuuvne, Oruiroii. on Momliiy, the 17th dny of Nov., 11KW. lie nmtiea iih wltnenxeH: Jom'pli 11. Wllheltu.ottloaheii, Ore., J. Clllao.i, ot rieiixatit II III. Ore., Itoliert Kreeii.nn. Kit Com'iihuver. of uoaliett. Oivkoiii Anv uml II luiwiiiim i.liilmliti- ml ...... ...... .- . It.' ...(.... .f .... vetxely the iiliovo-deHcrlbeil Imiila nrt viitieattl to tile tlie r elnluiH lu thla nt! lit- on or lieforv aahl 17th day ot Nov., ltltW. J. T. llitiiiiiKH, IteKlster. NOT1CK FOlt lH'lll.lCATION. United State Uml Otllce, Kosolitin:. Ortvou. Sent. , UMx. Notice Is herebv irivcn that In com plianeo with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lamls in the Suites of California, Oreison, Nevada, anil VashiuctonTerrllorv."as exteniliMl to all the Public Iitnl States by act of Auizust 4. ISy.'. ltobertT. Itimls, ol .May ger, County of Columbia State of Ore., lias tins ila v tiictl in tins oiuce ins sworn statement No. 3.VH7, for the purchase of the SK i;, of Section No I'll, tow nshiii L'l South, of Itatigu D V. ami will otter proof to show that the luml sought is more valunblu for its HiiiKt or stone than (or agricultural purioses, ami to establish bis claim to said laml before the Itcinster ami lteceiver of this office at Itoseuuru, Oregon, on Wednesday the AithmaUne Brlnri Imtant Relief And" Pfrmanfnt Cure In all Cmu. SUNT AllSOUJTWA' lRKK ON HHCUIl'T 01' POSTAL. Tin-role nothing UVe Aslhiimli'iie, It bring Instant tellel, even In the nit c,ue. It clues when all else (nils. The ltev. C. I'. WKI.I.H ol Villa Itblge, HI., says: "Ymirtrbil Isittlc of Aatliliiiilene iicclved In gisxt eoudlllon . 1 cannot tell von bnw tlianlc fill 1 feel for the pood derived lioni it. 1 was a slave, chained Willi putrid sote throat iiiiilnslhuiii for ten years. I despaired 't ever Mug cured. I saw your ailvcitbemeul fur the cute of this ilienillnl and loiineiitlng disease, asthma, Htn thought you bailuvetspoken.viiiirselt, but resolved togivu it a trial. Tinny surprise Ihe tihtlaclcd like a charm. Semi me a full-slued Imttle." We want in senit to every sultcrcr a trial treatment ol AMhmiilcnc , similar In tlieono that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it by until I'O.SI PAID, Absolutely Free of Charge, to any suirerer who will write Inr It, oven on a postal. Ntiver inlud. though you aroilespairing, however bad your case, Asthtnalcno will lelleveanileiiio, The wot se our ease llui hiiim uii ant In biiiiiI It ll.iitot iti.livi. Wrltllllt IlllCtl. llll" dre-sing 1)11. TAFT ltltOS.' MKDICINK CO., 7 liasl IllOllt St., N. Y, City. SoM by nil Druggists. 9 FllNCD 1 i ron UN ? I m"i" i NOTICK FOlt ITIIMCATION. I'nlteil Mtuti'H lentil Olllce. Itiiheliurir, Ore.. Sept. 'M. ll"li. Nolhvla hereby i;lven Hint In com nllaiiiK wllb tbeiirovlHlotlH of till' act eiitiiicu NOTICK FOlt IHTIII.ICATIOK. Unlleil Stutes UimI Ollltv, Itoteburg Ore., ()jt. It, ItHtt. Notice Is herebv alven thai in coin- iiibi.HHi with tlio tinivlsloiiM of the act of Congtessot Juno :i, 1.S7N enillleil ".n ou oiiKtVHH oi June.i. eiittiic" act lur the sale ot t niber bonis In the "All net for IbeMtile tittllltlicr blllil III t lie KtntcKor ('ullfiirnia. wivKon, Nevinla, uml WnaliliiKton Territory . mm iivleiuleil to all the Public lj.nil Slatea by net of Auuust 1. InoHM V. ToIh'.v, of ICiigene, t'oimtv of Lime. Stale ol OiVk'iin. Iuih thla iluy tiled In thla olllce her MWortiHtitteineut No., for thcpni thurH of the SKUnfSec :il lu Tp No. ii S. Kmige No. Went, uml will offer iirnof to allow that the luml sought iMinorevtilunlilefiir.lta tltnlier or atone tluin for aur ciiitiirui tuir iiOHeHi.iul toeatalillHli berchiltu toaald iaiiil la-fore .Millie I.. Van, V. S. Statt of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," as extended to nil the Public, liiiil Status bv act of August 4, 18W. 1'fliT lturkhart of lllooiner. County of ('hlnnuwa. Statu of Wis., has this day lllcd in this otlicu his sworn statement No. .Stl'IS, for tho nurchnso of tho H tj of Section No. 10, Township !M Sotitli, of KangoM Went ami will oiler prool lo rhow that the land sought is inoru valuable for lis limber or st-ne than or agricultural puriMwes, ami ,n establish Ills claim to saiit lami ocloro the Keg- Ihler ami Itecetverol this olllcn at Itose J. K. lllack.of Fulton, Ore., I). W. K.ciiaruson, u . j . Maiittnter, oi bi, Helens. Ore . A. I. llutler. of Klkton. Oregon, Anv anil all claimini: mlverse I v the above-ileccrllHil lamls are re iuesteit to tile their claims iu this ollicu on or ix-tore sunt mil nay oi Alar., 11103. J. 1. iihiimiks, Kegisier. NOTICE FOlt rUHLICATION. burg, Oregon, 011 Tliurnlay the ifillli day at KucxMie, Oii-uon, oil ot Feb., UK0, 'TueHilay, the tflnliluy of HeceinlH-r. lie names ns wituesHca: IMC William Moore Itonoburi. Oro.. Nick She tniineH aa wIUichmck: MiNire. Walton Ore.. Sou Cartieuler. N. II. 'Mart lu. Join. I). Palmer. .1. if Snlpher Springs. Ore., lVter A. 1 W. Currish, of Cottage drove, lun liircli, of Hosehurg Ore, Co., Ore., . I. I). Dainniiin. of l.llKelie, Any anil all ersons claiiniuga.lversii- ImeCo., Ore. Iv tho alKive-ilescrilieil lamls ato re- I Anv ami all liersuiiH claliuluir ml ipiesttnl to lilo their claims in this olllce j verwly the iiliovi-ilewrllH'il Ii.i.iIh atv reotlcHletl to iiieiucir ciiiiiiih hi hum olllce on or before nab I tftril ilay of J. T. llltllioK.a. IteKlster. on or licforo said 'M day of Fell,. IlKM. J. 1. ilKiixiKs. Keglster. NOTICK FOIC I'UHLICATION. United States Ijind Office, Itosebunr, Oreeon. Sent. 24. 1U02. Notice is herebv civen that in comnli that the luml aouuht la more valll- a nee with the provisions of the act of nine iur iih nmoeror Krone 1111111 lor longrcvaoi Jiine.i, 16i, entltuii All agricultural purpose, mm to estulr- act for tlio sale of timlier lamls in the NOTICE TOR PfBMCATION. UnitfJ Slatea Lan.l OBlre, RoMburx, Ore., Auk. 22, lan. Notice Ii herrby given that In compliance with the proTlMoni of the act of CongrYM of Jnne s, 1S7B. entltleil "An Art for the naleof Timber Lands In the Stateaof California, Ore gon, Nera1a and Wahlnjrton Terrltorr," as extended to all the rublte Land 8tatet braet ofAuguiM, 1832. William Wrtiter. of Salem, Conntrof Marion, State of Oregon, haa this dar filed In this office hi. srora atatement Ho. 3314, for the piinhawof the Nw i4 being lots 5, , It and 1 J ol FecUon No. 3. To nihlp3) H, ol ltanre 10 Weit and will offer nroof lo shnir that the land aonght l man raluable for its timber or stone tttan iot and to eitabllsh hrs claim liuli lib claim to milil laml licfore Marle 1 Ware. C S. CoiiiiubuIouer, nt Eugene, Oregon on Moiulny the 12th tiny of January, VMS. He naiucH an witiicxncx: N. H. Martin, of Cottage Orove, Co., Ore., Oru WUhou, of Eu gene, Lane Co., Ore., J, W. Houck, of Cottage Orove, LjineCo., Ore., It. S. HiiHton, of Eugene, ljine Co. Ore. Any and all pcraona claiming nd vernely the ubove-dexcrltietl lamia are reiueHtel to file their claim in thla otllce on or licfore aahl 12th ilnv of Jnniiarj-, 1D0.1. J. T. IlitincEK. Iteiater. United State Ijunl Olllce Itoaeburg. Ore.. Aug. 2. 1WI: Notice la lieretiy given that lu com pliance with the provlaloiiH of the nolo: rongrex ol Jtinvn, ims, en tltleil "An act for the wile ot flintier Statm of California. Oreuon. Nevada and Iauila In the State of California. Ore WHsIiinuton Territory, as extemteU to I gou, .Nevaila, anil aalilngton Ter. all the Public Land States by act of An- rltory," a extended to all the Public United States Uinil Office, Hoseburg, Ore., 8pt. 11,1 1103. Notice is bercTiv given that in eom lillance with tlio provisions of the act . Congress of June 3, 1878, entltleil act lor the sale of timlier lamls lu tl.i NOTICK FOK PCIII.ICATION. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Slates Laad Office, Hoseburg, Ore., Aug. 35th. 1902. Notice is hereby given that in com- j gliancc with the inivisims of the act of ongress of June 3, ISTS, entitled ''An i art for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Orem. Nevada ami i 'cXrpno ''""K1?," Territory," ..s extended to mto aald land before 1 all the Public Land Stale bv act nf An. C. K. HaMnLU. 8. Conrmlraloner at Drain, EUBt 4. 18U2 Uetta XI ToIm-v of filer , Oregon on Friday the Trhaar of Sorember.lWJ j JsTli J 'n u ' Henameaaawltrmvr. County of (niliam. Mate of Ore., has n. y. Klr, p. I-. Klter. A. P Homyer. C. L. 1 this day filed in tbw offica her sworn I Anrand all pernons aboTe deaenbed lands tnel dar kusU, 1892. Lydia C. Tvrrcll, ot Portland, 74S Johnson St., Co. of Multnomah, State of Ore. has this dav tiled in this office her sworn statement No. 3523. for the pure base of the SE i of Section No.30,Twp. 21 South, of Kange 8 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and lte ceiver ol Hits oil ice at lloselmn;, Uregon on Monday, the 2nd day of Mar., 1903. sue names as witnesses: , William E. Frudhointne, Henrv C, Prudhomme, James J. Tyrrell, George r jicunniocK, ot rortiaii-i, uregon . Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to Hie their claims In this office on or before said 2nd day of Mar., 1903. J . I. Iiatimiis.icegister. NOTICE FOlt PDIJLICATION. Land State by act ot August 4, 1S92, .Myron It. l'ott. of Molly, County of l.liin, state of uregou. Hit lay filed it. till olllce hi wtateinent No. .'till, for the nurchuxe of the W Wti of Section No. 12 in Township No. 20 S., Haiige No. 8 u ., anil will offer proof to show that the laml aougl.t 1 more valuable for It timlier or atone than tor agricultural purpose, mid to cm taniiHii in claim to Haul laml lieforc Marie 1 Ware. V. S. CominlxHloiier at Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, on Tueaday, the 11th ilay of Nov., 1902, tie name a wiineHKe: tieorge Mncdoimhl. of Marcoht I-ane Co., Ore., Dave Murphy, of Alma, Lane Co.. Ore.. John Muriiliv. vjiiurie Jiaynew. oi Kngene. tire Any ami mi neraon clu tiling nil vernely the above-ilexcrllail lamia are rooneated to file their claim I., till otllce on or before atd 11th, day of xov.. iwk!...i. t. IlitiimKM. IleglHter, I'nileil Slates Ijin.l Office, ItixvhiirL Ore . Anir. 2Alh. PSIS. Nollcti Is herebv giwn thut in ciuii- pllauee with tlie priivlsluns ol III- ,u t ol Congrefs ol June 3, 1878 enlltltil "An id for the rale ot timber lamls In the States of Ciililnrnia, Orecun. Nrvoiluuinl WashtiiKttiu Territory," as extended to all the Public uiml States bv act of An gnat 4, 1892, Augusta M Tohcy. of F.u L'ene. County ot Lane. State ol Ore,. Iim this day tllcil in this office her nnnrn ,. o . i tit iv niniviucii. ,,u. h,Ui iui ,iiu iiuii:iitiii,. in Kan cc No. 2 w. anil w III offer 1 .i...ui.. i.Ja ..' ,u i'..t- i.i.. . ... ... . i , iiicor i-i in cvviiuii i.ii. in tm iibiiiii u-Zinlhi: "t inXcTB ' .""! N B and will ,i .. .t... t . ,,' ol er prtxil in snow that tun lami rough1 ,I,.BI . .r fBr' ,,,t"r? I'W", a.'" , is more valuable for Its timber or stone Z r: LT UfZSnrS that. p,.r,,..s,a.,.! to i'.7....r . .. . Xr "v..,,;,; etalillsli her via in lo salillam iwlure V-T:1.'1;. ?'?!'"" i., Mon,Uy Ut Maile L. ware. U. H. "Cni :o.. kngene, O egon. Wislnes.lay, 0. w. Haines, w. w. Haines.of E.urene. , "'S.""" '!' J-Ph'Hchlee. ot K (,1 "id Eu eue. I,,,.e C ..uuiKiiuniB.ure. Dr.... V. llai.,11., ..( .-,.l...m.i..l Any and nil persons claltnlng nilvcisc , , ' r, .,,, j..T1,..v in... Oilliain Co.,()re.,Nalham T. Wilson, of State of California, Or.on, Ne'iula, and WashiiiiEton Territory, as ex tended to all the Public I -a ml States by ' act of August -I, 1892, Kebeeca I). Halm- , of Ml Vanihlll St., Portland, CWMull State of Ore., has thisibiy lllcd iu tills u(-' ticeherswurnstatc.neiilNu.3l40. for tlm I i till Purchase of the SW V SE K W SWK, en W H sw StciYon No. 2 Inrii. No. i SOS"" Kange No. 2 w. ami will offer iy the auove dcscrllMNi lands are re- piested to Hie their claims iu this otllce on or licfore said 1st day of Decemlier, iiruv. .1. T, IIlllIMIKH, Kkuistkii. NOTICE FOlt I'UHLICATION. IjiiuI Office at Itfselmrg. Ore., Octotier 1, 11K12. I statement Xo. 3226. for the tmrchaaaof tlce I lierelir clven that the w.Vr1iK.,2fti,rW:ithe NWI-4of Section No. 28 in Town- followlng-iianwl ettler ha filed relalmalnthlnoSleeon orbelore satd7tb ' ship No. 20 iL Eance Ko. 5 W. and will notice of III liitentloj. to make flnnl ol November, una. offer proof to show that the land sought ' P.r(0' uport f 1.1 claim, and J.T. T1HIXJU. Begllter. I. l...t.I Unit unM nrm.f ,111 Iui ,,, l.,.f... IB uiuic i.iu.uir iur ilh liiiiijt fir Huinn . ,..wv muni: uviuii i than for agriclutnral purposes, and to , Marie L. Wire, V. H. CoinmiHHloner, I eetablisli Iter uwm to said land before Marie L. ware., V. S. Commissioner ! at Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 12th day of Sov.. 1902. She names as witnesses: Edgar O. Tobey, Augusia M. Tobey, NOTICE FOR PUHUCATION. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, itoeeuurg, uregon, Uct. 22, 1902 Notice is lwreby given that iu com- pliauoe with the provisions ot the act of I at Eugene, OrvRon, on Novemlier 20, 1902. viz: Herliert At. Dotv on II. E. No. N117 for tle EJjtt' Sec. 20 T. 20 a., it. it ot. He name tlje Xollowlng wltnee United Stales Uml Office, Kosebure. Oreiroti. Oct. 3. 1902. Notice is hereby iziveu that it. com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor tne sate of tltnlier land In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Politic Lund Stntea bv actofAugusH, 1892, Geo. M Fitzgerald of Perdi.e, County of Douglas, State of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for tlie eaio of timber lands in the in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wellington Territory, as extended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1892, Ardella Mar tin. of Cottare Orove. Co. of Lane. State of Oregon, bun this day filed in this office i her sworn statement Ko. 3725, for the j purchase oi Ihe NE 1-1 of Sec- tion No. 30, Township 23, South, of I Itange 1 West, and will offer proof to ! show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber ur stone that for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to eald land befoie L. Ware, U. 8 gene, Uregon, on Natbam T. IViillsou.of Eucene. Lane Co Oregon. James R. Staudle, of Fairmont t, Lane Co Oregon. Any and all personsclaiming adverse-1 0rt" ly tlie above-described lands are re quested to Hie their claims in this office ! on or beforesaid 12th day of Nov., 1902. J.T. UitiDaEs. Kegisier. 1 to prove hi oontlliuoii reidence Oregon, has this daytlleil in this office upon aiidcuIUvation of wild laml, viz: Arthur Addiaon, A. II. AiIiIIhoii. I. I. Imiiaii, John White, of Lorune. J. T- IliuiMiKK, ItegiHter. bis sworn statement No. 3580 for the purchase of the 8 M NE V.. Loin (I A 7 oi ccci.oti .no. ;hl townstiln L'U. Koiith NOTICE FOK I'UBLICATION NOTICE FOlt I'UHLICATION. 5WIIW, 11.11,, V ay of Jan.. 1903. Sim names as witnesses : K 6 Huston, Ora Wilson, of Eugene, Ore.,N Martin, of Cot'age Grove, Lane Co.. Ore., J W Parritdi, ol Jefferson. Ma rion Co., Ore. Any aud all iiersousolaiming adverse ly tne aoove-ueseriueu lanus are re United Staten Land Office, ttofccliitrir. Or,,.. th IQli' Notice la herolrjr given that In compliance with the proriiluiM of the act of Congrtiot Junes, lirfs entitled "An act for the talent timber lawu in metiiattn or Calllornla, Ore gon, Nevada, and -waiblngton Territory," as ex tended to all the I'uMIc Land Slate, by act of AugUft 4. IK92. Laura A liiv. of Kirpn. Countr of Lane, Htal. of Ore., has tnli day filed In Iblaoaiee brr iworn atatement N'oSISS, Section Not, lu v. and will ittTmr C,., .f -.iir, i. ii x- I HimwiMi ineiana lODgni ii more btatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, valuable for it. Umber or atone than for agrl and WatUiiugton Territory," as extended , coltoral purtowt, and to eatabliih her claim to ll .1.- r i i. laid bind heiom Xtarie 1.. War IT ft t'ntn. lymiuiciuimc jjiii.i Dimes uy BCIOI mluloncr .t Hnr.n.:Vl,.n nfkn?.. .k. United Stales Land Office, Ko-ebure, Ore., Aug. 2Sth, 1902. Notice is herebv nivcii tlint in com nil. ande with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act lorthesaleof Timber l-nii-ln In the States of California, Oregon, Nuvada, and Washington Territory.' as ex tended to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4, 1892, James II. Haldwin, of Portland, Kox723.Co.of Multnomah, State of Ore., has this day died in this office his sworn statement No. 333(1. for the purchase of theHE of Section No. 34 in Tuwiiship No. 31 S, Itange No. 2 n est. aim will mwr nrooi to allow Unit tne lami eougnt la more valualile for Its timber or stone than for agricultural tiurioew. ami to etftablinh bis claim in said laud licfore Starie L. Ware. U. S. CoiiimitMronerat Kmrene. Oreuon. on Monday, the 17tli day of Novemlier, lin;. He names as witnessca: John A. Vnnconlen. William Viini!or- United States Ind Office, Uosebttrg, Oregon, Sept. 30, 1902. Notice is herebv.uiven that in comnli Mnrlft ance villi i.lir nrnviainna rtt rim hki n - - I . I " ' -. " i.ipiui ihh vum .rj i.uiu mil Commissioner at Eu- I Congress of JuneJ, 1878, entitled "An i 'orthepurhMilthellEl4 of Be ii Monday, the 12th ' act for the sale of timber lands in the lTuIiLli1 of Kange No.8 Wet4 and will offer proof lueiiuw mui uie tauii soiignr is moruval liable for itstimber-or stone tban for air ricultural nuniom-H. and to estnbliiili bin claim to said land liefore the Kegisier and Keeeiverof this officn at Itn-Hlinro te::8,ll4lrdav t,,u Nt" di,y itczw, He names as witnesses; T i i Vii ' t i i i William Moore, of Itosebunr. Ore.. A y ' " 1 P""""". elaimlng ad tri,. r...i.i.. iii.. n... 1II..I.....1 1 vercciy lire umve-uescrineii lands are ftl"7K ! . their claims in this lasMxe.ofW-alton.Ore. .i.TOnor wiorosaii. lll. any ot ov,, 1.... .wS ..II ....n I..I-.I I nil ,oi sung VIUIIHIIIU IIIIVCrBt'' iy ine anove-uescriixi. lanus are re J.T.IIii.iMiKH, Keulstcr. August 4, 1892, IlruceL, Ilogart, of , sth day of AprtLTraus i.ugeue, vXKiuiy oi Lane, mate ot Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 3563, for me purenase o. ine ar., ot ectlon 'J ..." w...-w.., luimn mid I v .110 I'Uiciiucv UI lllU Or,, Ol CieCllOn quested to Hie their claims Jn this office No, 20, Township 20. South, of Ranee 5 nn nt luifn,A onlil I'lll, nl Id,. lOAO II' ...III Ztr..- r .1 -i on or lmioro said 12th day of Jan., 1903 T. Uridcibs. Itegister, NOTICE FOK I'UHLICATION. United State Ijmd Olllce. KoHeburg, Ore., Oct., 23, 1902. I Notice I hereby given tlmt In coin-! pumice wita tne proviaioiu of the Act of Congre of June 3, 1S78, en titled "An Act for the wile ot Timlier IjuhIh In the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tw rltory," a extended to all the I'll' -He LnndStiite by act of Atigiwt 4, loir- urn w iisoii, oi J'iugeue. County of Lane, State of Oregon, has thla day Died lu this olllce her h worn Htateinent No 3728 for tho lnirchaHo ot tho NWK8E Jf & Lots I, 10 & 11 of Section No. 30, Township 23 South of Kunge 1 Wet and will offer proof to allow that tho land Bought Is more vuluabloforlt timber orutono than for agricultural pur poacH, and to ctabllMh her claim to wild laud liefore Mario 1. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon on Monday the 12th dny ot January. 1003. She names aa witnesses: It. S. Huton, of Eugene, Oregon, J. W. rurrlsh, of Jefferson, Marlon Co.. Ore., J. D. l'almor, N. II. Mur- tln, of Cottage Orove, Iaiio Co., Ore, West, and will offer nroof to show that the land bought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ids claim to 1 said land before Marie L. Ware, 17. I S. Commissioner at Kugeuf, Oregon, on Monday, the 22nd day of Dec, 1902, 1 He names as witness: Frank Gilbert, William Gilbert, Ed Kelly, of Lorane. Iino Co.. Ore.. James F. Handle, of Fairmount, Laoe Co., Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad verm ly the abovu-describeil lauds are ri quested tnfile their claims In tliiaoffic on or before said 22nd day of Dee., 1901 J. T .IliiiiKiKH, Kegister. she ii inc. .a wilneahea. N. 11. ilanln.i. W Paroliu. John V. Talmer, J.K. lonng. of Cottaue Qroie. Oreirnn. Anyand all fieriioiia claiming adveriely the aboe-decrtbed landa are reoueated to flle tbelrelalme In this office -on or before said Sth day of April, xsm. J T. BRirxin.IlegUter. quested to file their claims iu this office on or lielore said Htli day of Mar., 1903, J. I, HiiiiKiKs, Kegister, NOTICE FOK I'UHLICATION. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are requested to II lo their claims In this ottlco on or before said 12th dny of January 1003. .1. T. Diudoes, IteeUter. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United State Land OHlee. Koieburg, Ore., Oct. 18, 1W2, Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the nrovUlona of tbe act of ('ongreai of Juues, WIS, entitled "An aet for Hie naleof timber landi In the State of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and WaabliiKtou Territory," aa extendetl to all the Public land States by act of Anguat 4, 1S92, William S. Uilbert of Portland. County of Mnltnomah, Bute of Oregon, haitbladarnledlnthli ofllee hli unm .i. i! ment No, nil to for the purchase for the S Is BE '. 4BH BW ot Section No. 8, Townthlp 'h B.. ol Kange 3 went and will offer proof to .how that tbe land nought It more valuable for 111 timber . . .7 . : . " tuf "snouiiuraj purpoiies, ana to eitablliu hli claim to said land before Marie L. Ware, U. 8. CommUiloner at Eugene, ISes'0' " Mond,'r "-"Sih day of January, !.,,M wltnesae: William Wltte 0I Amoi, Ore., Herman T. te,.iMp.nlhlM''Co,t, Orove, Ore., U Eugene, Oregon, .idSI l2fr?ni c's'mlng adversely the fi"iT dfKritied landt are requeued to (He their claims Inthliomce on or before said Mh day of Jan., 1V03. J.T. IIiidou, RegUter. NOTICE FOlt I'UHLICATION. t'nlted State Lrfinil Office, ItOHeburjr.Oiv..Ketit.lS. 1902. Notice I herein- trli-eu that In com lillance with tbe provision of tho net ot uongre of June ihffff, entitled "An act for tlie wile of timber land in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, mid WiudilngtojiTerrltory," ii exieiiiiei. to an me I'liiMic L,aii(l State by act of AltgiiHt 4.IN92, Dunel W. KIcharilHon, of St, Helen Co. of uii I u m Dia state of Ore., ha fill tlay Hied lu thl office hi Hworu tafjueut No.3538forthepurcliaheof tlieKWof Sec No Township 21 H of Ifjingo 9 ie,,u. i ...hi ....... ... j... "vi nun vin unci jnuuj III hiiow that the land Houtrht I mini' i-nln. able for Its timlier ortone than for agricultural purposes, uml to estab IIhIi Ills claim to said land befoiv the Itegister and lteceiver of this olllce at United Htatea Laud Office, KoMptillrir. lira l,if ',1 11.,, Notice la Lerebv viveii that In cn,rti.ll.,M with the provliloiia of the act of Congreaa of NeaU, an4 WarAlimton Territory ex- a" (Iw riiblic land BtatOH by act of nigijiiiic i uuir jjoiu ntttu'i ujr art 01 NOTICE FOK PUHUCATION, United States Laud Office, Uopeburg, Oro , Sept., 12, 1902, Notice Is hereby iriven that In com pliance with the provision of tho act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale nf timber lands In the mate ot calllornla, Oregon. Nevada land, Co. of Uoltnomati, state of Ore., lia thlt iay nieu in inn omfie ma awom taimnt ' avju, for the punhaw) of tlie w U NE 'i, BE H h E 4. 4 NE ,1 SE i ul uen No. Mtn TwS No. 21V its wand (till offer proof toiliow that the land Bought la more valuable tor IU timber or atone than for agricultural purji'ea, and lo eatablUh ui L'la.ui in aaiu lanu oeioreine ltegmer and Itei'elVer Of till offlCM At ItOhllhlirir. n,Mfnn nn llAnri..ili.iJ i , . I iiv iininv n w 1 1 11,-PMM, : wllllain K l',n.lh,.,,,nu. J.,.,e. I T l, .Villa C. Tvrrell. Cct.c p. StcrHi,,,-,.!.- miiaiiii, uie, Any and all trNim clalmlnir mlvnru'lv if, abovu-deiicrlljcd iHiid am r,vinw,iiul tit claliniln thisornce on or befVH-e.ald 2nd dar lit Im r H.t-t ' J. T. Ilainecs, Regliter. NOTICK KOU I'UIILICAVIOy. United State Luiul Ofrt. c Itoaeburg, Ore.,8eji(. 12, iwu. August 4, 1892, Knchid Sunders, of I'.uiicue. County of Lune. Slate of Ore., has this day filed iu this olllce her sworn statement No. 8141 for tlm purchase of the NE M NEMof Section CiO. H 111 lOWIIS I II NO. K. Itmnrn 3r. 8W,and will offer proof to show thai the laud sought Is moro valuable for Iti timber 'or stone than for ngricultlirii. purposes, and to esfablish hor claim t said land liefore Mario I,, wnro. II S. Commissioner at Eugene, Ore gou, on Monday, the 17th, day of Nov,, 1UU.. She names as witnesses: Josenh W Ihe III. Robert l'rciwmm Eli Copehhuver, of Goshen, Ore,, J, Cal lison, of Pleasant Hilt, Oro. Anv and all itciemiM lulrnliwr hiIvupmi. iy me uuovo-iiescriixiii iiinus are ic- Kiik'cne. ltne Co.. Oie. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly uie anuve-uescrllMii Isntls are re questeil to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day nt Nov., 1902. J. T. I iiIimiks, Itcgixtiir. NOTICK FOK PCIILICATIO.V. Unlleil States liml Offic. , Koseburg, Ore., IIK12. Notice is hereby given that Incompli ance with tho provisions ot Ihe act nf Cougressof June; II, 1878, sntitleil "An Act for Ihe sale ot Timber I-inil iu the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended lo all Ihe Public Land States bv act of August -1, 1892, llertba McQueen, CottaiioUrove. Co. of Ijinc. Stale ol Oie- gnu has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No, 3303, lor the tun- chime of the 8J NE 1-4 of Section Nn. 4. In rbwimhip 20 South, of Kunge 2 West and will offer prool to show that the land sought is more valuable (ur It limber or stone than for agricultural,anil lo estalillsh her claim lo salt! land before Mario L, Ware, U. S limmiaslnrior at Kngene, Iinu Co. Ore gon, on Saturday the 1Mb day of Nov. 1902. She names as witnesses: Merman T Dow, Josenh Schlee, Sol Davidson, Ii. W. McQueen, of Cottage urovo, Oregon. Any mid all nursnns clalminu ml versely the above-described iandsare ie iiuustcil to lilo their claims In this officii on or lielore said loth day of Nov., 1902. J. i, inuixiKH Kegister NOTIt'U FOlt I'l lll.lCATION. United stittvH l.ninl Ollli e, lloscbiiig, Otv Sept. II. ILoii, Niil.Ko la tioii'by hUimi I In. t i(i eom. pllmite Willi tin rt IsIiiiim of (lie nit id t'ongie nt Jiiiii'3, SN, en. titled "An ni t fur llui rale of tluihei' laml lu the Stute of t'lillliirnla, div Him, Nevaila, uml WiinIiIiikIuii 'It'l' rllorv," iihivnIi'iiiIi'iI lo nil the Public Lfiul Slate by act of Auniist I, IMI2, .Tlr. Olivia W Ivukliiiilt'ntthgtifiroMi Co. of Lime, Stale ol Ore., Iuih thb day lllcd lu Hit olllcc her swuri, stilleiili'llt No. itltis, for the pinvhuw ol the i: Ur. i, nt Sivtloli No. ill III Township. o. ins.. Itiiime No.aWcHl ami will otfer proof to hIiiiw tlmt Hit In Mil sought Is more vallialile lor IIh timlier or stone than for imilcnlliiial pui piiBCH. ami to estalillsh her claim tnxahl hind lafoiv the Iteglstec anil lteceiver lit Itopcliurg, Oivgoi) mi Tliuiviluy, the Mhihiyof .lamiun , 1IKI3. She inline a wlllieNi: llerlK-rt Kuliln. Geo. W. McOiuru, lleiiiian T. Dow, JoNeph Sbtiv. of t'ottuge (Iriive, Oiv. Any ami all ieivon clulinluu; uil versely tliialine-ilit.i ills il liuulan reiMieli'il to Hie their claim In Ihl olllct'im or la-foiii said Mb day of .Inn., llsct. J. T. Ilmiiui;. lleuUlcr. NllTICK FOlt I'l ltl.K ATION. I nlteil Sliiltm IjiiiiI Offlie, ItOM-burg. Oiv., Aug. lo, HI2 NotUv I heivhy when Hint lu coin plluiuv with the proihlotiM of the net of CoiiKtf of .lune.M, 1S78, en tltleil "An act for the sale of Timber Laiiil lu the Stale of t'nllforula, Ori-gou, Nevada, ami Wubliigi,n Territory," a eleiidci to air the Piibllo Land Stnti' bv net of August I, INK, John It. DeNeul. of Stafford. I utility of Cbickaiua, State of Oiv. gun has (bis day lllcd In thl ,,f,v his sworn statement No. It'lM ftir the puithuseof Ihe Si, X I, of Kvetlmi No. 31 In Tdwiishlp Xo. 21 South of Itnnge Xo, ,s W. ami will otfer proof to show that the laud Nought Is more valuable for It (IiiiIst or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish hi claim to said laml Is'loiv the ltcgistcr ami lteceiver ol thl office at ItiiM'biirg, Ore., on Wednesday the .'list day of IKvciuInt. 1902. lie iiuuicH us wIiiccn: Volney Ervln, Smiford ZtTU.SInioii It. de Xnl. Portland, Ore.. Ilooll. .tone, Klktuii, Ore. Any uml nil s-ious claiming ad versely tlie above ilew rllsil lauds are rtiiucMitil to Hie their claim In thl ofllce on or before said :lls( dav of Ihwiulier, IIHI2. .1. T ItltllitiKM, Itegister NOTICE FOlt IT PLICATION. 1'nltcd Stute IjiiiiI Ofllce. toM-burg. Ore., .ug. 21, iww. Nollce Is here by given that lu rum pliance with the provision of tbe '.V.'? l,.;.,,,,.r,r? "'.'". 1N7N, mi. titled "An Aft for the sale of TlniU., i-iii.iM in ino ruate ot California. Oregon, Nevada ami Washington '7,ru'.V' .'ii ',J'dl to nil the . 1 'V l,-iTHtitl1. Uy.nvt August I, ivy. l.dwlii D, I'KH i.rnf v.Z.. -.11 irwttlia County ul ' Ijiiio, State of tlregon ha HHI.UIIJ nn". in iui onice i.i MWoru slnteiueut No. tutoi. forth., purchase of the II S' S ' V.V SW HWJ,' of See Ion N... II, Tt.wnshlp 20 Sinitl of Itiingeft West ami will otfer proof to show that the land sought I more valuable for Us tfmlier or stone than for ngrlcultiirnl ptirpos.., ami o eMtnlillsh his claim to said laud lieore Marie L. Ware, V, H. Com-inli-s oner nf Eugene, Ore., on Satur duy the Ml. day of Noveinla-r, 1902. He names us witnesses: Nn.ue N. Kuti.le. of -alnuount, iv.. Jieorgt. .M. Miller, of Portland. '".J : , ISiuitli. of Eugene. Or... (leorge W llson, of Ltirmie, Ore. An.y nnd all iiersuus claiming ail versely tbe above dcscrllsil lands are iviiuested to Hie their claims In thl office on or Is-fore said Nth tlay of November, HKr.', 1 J. T. Iliiimii:, Kegister. NOTICE FOK PtIHL It AT ION. Cnlteil Slate Laud Office, Notice Is hereby given that In com p Ir ice with t he provisions of Ihe Act .iff ongrtjsso June 3. 1S7N. entltleil "An Act for Ihe sale of Timber Ij i Ik ii the Stntes of California. n..V; .. e....i.i ....... c""p NOTfCErOlt l'UIII.ICATION. United Blti- Uml Olllce, Imiehlirir. ()r.irnn fin, In II., Notlcsla liurebr clien that In COtll llll.ttCA llh tlm provlaioni ul the aet of L'oiigreii ol Juno S 1H7K, entitled "An Act for the naln of iiiiLcr irfiii.miii mo mate oi i;amorius, ore. gon, Nevada, and Waslilnirloii Torrlio.v " H. eitended loall the public land ataloa by act of Aiigujl l,lw. Harney May, of llarrliburg, ..'!' .Un.'V Hl,,e O'saon. ha t ilndayflled lnilil omrelila .worn atatement No. lor Ilia tnirnl.aii ,.r fltn ull1 .i ........... ... n, ,Mr,, rniiau Hem, aim win "nor proof lo how that Ihe Isndwiught I moro mi ii. iiiiii.iriir.iiinuiiiaiiiiiraKrU'lll I ii"! piiriioatt,andioelMIliliii claim totalil land before Maria L Ware, I' H Commissioner at hiigene Oregon, on Thurxlay the Slh day of January, inn, lie inline a wltncnaca: Jamee N. Handle, elKalrmoiint. Ij,ne Co., Ore., (.. L. Morris, of IIarrli.burg, l.liin Co., Ore., Amtln Kofit, of aprjiiKflelJ, lane Co., Ore. (leorge W. Hunter, of Kngene, iJiue Co. Ore. Any anil all Mranns claiming adverrely the aliove-dwrlbcil lanl are reouonted 16 lilo their claim lu thla office on or before aald Slh ui , miiiiof, J. T. llaibogs, ItegUtcr. .Niiviiilii ,,,.,1 i " """"'KtourH'rriiorv," synl'".1 'V"", ".K' 1,,,,,llc - ' ISIlttCH lV lift nt n.Mi.t t 'ww;M.Mliir..fiwii; ,.i'iM,JI,"V,V"!1!' f Oregon mV. this day tiled In (,U ,,111,.., .,1? J'"' of the N. N H of Sitlon No. 2. To vnshlpyi South of Kmigu 5 West mid will offer proof to H.ow fl at he laml souirbt. nine. ,., 1.1 . . '.. HinlK'r or stone than for agrlcultiiral purposes, and to establish his claim "'"v. L. S. Cot Is Uuer at Uu- gene . l-im'Uo., .Oregon on Satl.r. y theHth day of NoveiulKir, 1IM)2. ii witnesses: c. rA'tV1 tcth'1i ".'i Mm"'""'," ' "nrker, of Euircne Lane f;. Ore., James' It a, f '','f Knlrinotint, Lane Co., Or,, T Luckey, of K,IK,,U,( ' l,lA:y 'V!'1 elaln lug a,l. tersely the abbve ilewrii...,! i..f?..'. '. reiittested to tllu their claln m lii ii,iu olllce on or, said citii , y ' f Novemlier, 1002. 1 01 J- llmiiuns, Itegister. NOTICE FOK l'lTIILICATION. United States Land onice 1 osebiirg, Or.,, t 1,711m-.' ?. U,'J'"-V Klvt-ii that In col,,. nsiiinsoftiioat.t entitled timber lauds pliance with the'provb of Congress of .J,t, ; "An lid f,,c 0 . Intlu sfaiofVi ,, J "SS Nevada, and WashlngfonT err to?v NOTICE FOK PUHLI0ATI0N, Notice Ii I """"ia,"io..,;'i. i.iuo.. -, . ... ,,., ... uilil. nonce 11 iiereuy given tnai in coinr. ance 1 !"." ino iimir ciuihim in 11 s onico 1 ," ' . .7 , l",.'." wllh the Ilia act ul .,J.,... nn rl,f. un,l 1711. .1 xt.. ,,, i Julie 8, I87S, entitled -'All Junes, IsTsJemltlcd "An.otfor thewtfof tlm: Tv it.. .J, i,"..,, ...' I "'" JS"?' ,n..'.n?.,H"!' KOHOliiirir.Oreiroii.mi U'cdiicHtlii v ihn 4th day of ifarch, 1903. S!n.u&iJ!'u':.Ki lie nanie ns wltni-HMi. I ....., . ,Uu .i."v;, r.".."' H. T. Itolll. Ilf fllVirei. (In, W I CountV of ljine. StatA nf Ore., ha Ihl.d.v Hl.f iii ,ui. umte in aworu laiciiieiu rto, aia lor iub uurcnaBtt ill in iii l. n M 4 ai ivi. Nw i See, No. 2 In Tp. 'JOB,, llange No. 7 W., anil will United Btate Lnd Offlie, ItOHflblirir. Oru.. flc, II inn hereby given that In compliance i ac. i uoilgri'lH Of act lor tna hia nf oi uaiiioriua, oro. iim lerriiory," uu Btatei by i W. 1 Slaughter. 8t Helens. Ore.. J, E. Ulack, Eulton, Ore., A. L. HtUler, of iviKiou, ore. Any aud all jk-i-soiis claiming ad versely tho above-described lands art requested to file their claim In title office on or lief oru said 1th day ol March, 190. I T. ilHiiniES, Itegister. . .v........ .pi me . uuuu iiuu oiaiei by aet ofAugii.U, Isw, Albert (1, Hovey.of Eugene, I oun y of Lane, Blato of Oregon, l as I "Oi day filed In thla office Ida sworn state- ofTer proof toshow that the land sought Is more vaiiiauieiur us iimoeror stone inan loragricui turaluurDOaca.and land before Marie L. ware, U. 8. Commissioner a. cuacue. (irernn. nil iiifmiiav. iiia unii day of Pec, 1WJ. lie names as wltneiaes: J. M. Itandlfl. flonrvi, llpP,lliiir nf pre.,T. C. wheeler, of Baglnaw, Ore., Oeorge' uuni ui .iiua, Jit3, NOTICE FOlt ITJULICATION. land Office at HoburK, Oro., n.i ki inn Notice Is herebv elven Ihat o, f,.uV.u,ir,'... named settler has filed nollce of his Intention ii J1.!1". "I.1 P".1' !", '"Pr-ort of hi claim, and that said proof will be made liefore Marie L. Ware. U. B. CommlmlnnAp at Ifxva,, fi.. ii "nlffl jmj. tii ..uceua iiangnmau, Vrm wldnw nf William If I ........ . .. I 11A nn ll v v H,m i. , i.'. 'Jvl j "11 .2"SS.'1 I He namca as wltnaiui. S.Tlt.leV.r''""' ""' " lljjrm.nT. now.of Cottage Orove, Oregon, la nimu Ilia Inllnuflno. ulln..... ,. . I I. II. IfOVer. Of KUlfene.Orairnn. tn.nnh Uain..' hi. continuous residence upon and cultlvi , O,0o"e 0r. Ore., William Wllt.'of Amo.; meilt No. l!(il,U. for tl.a mipnha.A nlll.. .1 li.., . of Hecllon No. 10 i No. 23 B, llange n! i j. .. """""ii'imii 10 snow mat the land sought Is moravaluablo for Its timber or stone hail for agricultural purposes, and lo etabllh .h, ffalm to said 'land hifnri AlarlO li. Warfl. .1 R f.nn,rr,lH.lnu. . fS'' 0re(!on' " UonttYi ll' Ma day of Jan., FoitllENT. Any and all person, claiming adversely the lionofsaldnind, vU: Ore. , , , aboveeserlbed land, are requested to file thelf . William w.Altebery 0. J. Warblnton, Jo. I ..Anyandalll'Srapns claiming adversely Ihe A Blx ropm house In West Cottage eUtmaintbls office on or Ufor,ald 2nddaror ,'' ughman, I'carl Hafilry, of rieaaant fi,? iUU ",re reoueiled to file ,.. t.,,.,,1-.. . .i.i.. m 'Dec.lcOJ, ' 11111, Ore. " " thelrelalm, in this office on or before Mid Mb Orove. Inquire at tills Olllce. J. T- Ilaiwig, Itegister. J. T. Ilaipoas, Register. 7 oUan., 1KB. J. T. liaiDon, Regliter. Htate by act of August -1 lo92 w Ham (lawley, of Aberdeen & ('hehllsSte.nVisi; Hied lu this ofllce his sworn it S KVfel!,M. No. M.TOWllHh lo snow llim proof to sought Is ,,rr... ii.... ,v :""i ...i n 1,10 "l"d (hnber or stone tha it ' v Zc f, purposes, mid fo nut. Ii.n:,?,...." '" tos.ild land befo,v Marl , 1." w U. S. (JominlsHlonor at Eugene of Nov,'; iZ,y tl''''' d"y ue nainesn ieliii,.u.w. '-, 1U-.?,lll(,'l'lll(I,W.H.'siitberInnil viirXH'"1"." ,,l''',My"H "lniliiK ad versely the aboviw escribed hunts J rt;.j..ested to. Hie their claims Yn' thi A OIUIIIU ill. Illl'l lll'ilulti IT II ate.... ' bind. f iii,;., ' ' V; nimier- AnV . VO., OIU i lieu iaiiil iitv on . -,.,. n 1, ;. .: ": V'" mm- Nov.. 1002. " Mm '"Vol J. T. Hiiiikii:, Itegister, I'VlUNI), A pair of child's nhmw. r u, Imvo Bamo by calling hen. t,inw... liiKsniiioftiid paying forthlu notice.