Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 07, 1902, Image 6

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IJdltor nhd Proprietor.
Entered at the pnslomce t Cottage Qruve,
Oregon m Second nasi mall mai'er.
Subscription prlii,sjI.M, In ndsnnrr
Ad vrriltlnr Itntra inm'si known upon
THIS .'AfRlt ti kont nn Me
J, 61 HIKI W
Mt). Call far
iraeit far advertising run la nude for II.
Ailvrlltnir ArMiftr
rtaKDgc, emi FreuclM-o, California, where t
t E. 0. Drake"!
Merchants Kt
Friday, Novkmbbk 7, 1902.
To 1i!m other nclilovcmenlH Tlieo
tlotv HooHovoU now luliltt tluit of
l ulling IiIh imrty out of n vewiUvp
mill tiiiconitortnbleuxcftvnuoii. TI10
rviml.l.ciiii victory In Now York nntl
In the doubtful coiiRtvrwIoiml dl
trlctH of tliv north In lilmlohur. Three
thoUBht nrv In the public mlud
Uvrlff, trusts ami the conlstrlkt uuil
oil every one of the three, oscopt for
the president, Bentlinent lmn lieen
forming njs;iiliiHt hl .mrt.v. The
donilnnnt forces In the republican
pnrty hnvu liwn too cloudy allied
with the great protwteil trusts, and
knowledp? of thin Ih too deeply
rooted with the people to 1h dlsl
jiuted by nnytliluK Mr. ilnmm and
hln school could nay. Hut lor the
preiddent'n Una stumlfor the iH.o.le
and iigiilnt trust and tariff abuses,
the fifty-eighth congress would have
teen democratic by thirty to fifty
majority. The .irocoetllngs agnlust
the northern securities merger: In
the face of threats by Morgan and
Hill, and the favorable mention of
tariff reform as a principle, and of
revlHion us a practical policy, have
Htnyed the rising tide of discontent
with republican subservience to
trusts. The anthracite strike ban
proceeded very largely along these
name Hues; for the great Interests
thutshowetl arrogance and restlve
uesa under the presiileut's actions
are much the same as thone that
have orgiintzeil and supported the
railroad and IndiiHtrlal trusts. He
would lie a mail of nerve who should
offer to defeat the president for re
nomlnntion after yentenlay'H snatch
lug of victory from the Jaws of de
feat. Oregonlun.
Wo are more than pleased to see the
Kugene lteglster forge to the front as
It in evidently doing now it we iunj-
Judge from Its advertising col 11 m us
Its press dispatches '.nil Its added
pages which give It quite the apienr-
mice of a metropolitan dally. The
eoplo of Eugene are Just awnkenlng
to tlie fact that they have In the
Ileglster one of the liest mid most
enterprising little dailies In Oregon.
New IIilRcr Anil IManer.
Lux! Snturcln.v Long mid lllugham
received a llrst-elnss and uii-toilnte
planer and edger which Is being put
Ih place In their mill this week to lie
rendy for buMness as soon as the
logs lieglil coming In out the O. & S.
K. in sntllcleiit nuantltles for the
steady run of the mill. Considerable
other work is being done at the mill
this week also, enclosing the build
big, etc., getting It rendy for a big
winter's run. The new reservoir Is
now completed mid will lie ready for
business ns soon as rnlu enough falls
to till It which will probably not lie
long. The side track has not yet
lieen extended to the reservoir but
will lie shortly. The new ami neat
little otllce near J. C. loug's store
building Is nearly rendy tor oocu
pancy mid when occupied will Is? a
handy location for headquarters tor
this enterprising llrm which will
doubtless have mi extensive lumlier
business In the near future.
Pastime Whist Club.
The newly organized whUt elub
met for the tirst time Inst Tuesday
evening nt the Woodiunn hall where
they bold a short business session af
ter which several hours of whist
were Indulged In until about 10SW.
n elegant lunch was served by the
committee on refreshments, Mrs.
llehne and Mrs. Patterson, to which
nil did ample Justice. About UStO
the game wns susicntlcd mid the
points counted up. It was found
that Mrs. Abiiiuismid Mrs. JlcClel-
Ian had tied for the tirst place which
Mrs. Abrmns won on the draw. Jt
wn.4 also found that .Mrs. Unrmau
mid Mrs. Long lnul lKVIl Credited
with but four points each thus tie-
lug for the Inst place, which tie was
decided in fnvor of .Mrs. Long who
reselved Inst honors, tlliests of the
club were Miss Stewart and .Mr. It.
Football Games.
On next Saturday, Nov. 10th, the
0. M. A. football team meet the Eu
gene High School team at Eugene,
instead of this place as was an
nounced last week. Altho the Eu
gene boys have everything In their
favor and will uo doubt have no
dlfllcult task In defeating our boys,
yet we believe that the C. M. A. team
will hold them down lietter than did
the Drain Normal team which wns
defeated 52 to 0.
The boys also have a game matched
with Itoseburg to lie played nere on
Thanksgiving. This promises to lie
a way up game and should not lie
Owing to the unusual activity In
our Job department mid "Uncle Bill's
Letter" this week, we have lieen
short ou help which has necessitated
a shortage on news. We were de
pending on extra help In the compos
ing room but were disappointed, yet
we had rather go to press on time
than to delay the paper until our
regular force could "catch up."
At. E. Church Services.
Itev. 0. X. Feesc, of Fall Itlver.
Kansas, who has recently beeu trans
ferred to this conference from that
place, will occupy the pulpit here on
next Sunday morning mid evening.
Itov. Feeso has received this appoint
ment from the presiding elder, for
this conference year, instead of Itev.
Lee, of Coon Hay, who was appointed
but could not come on account of
sickness. All are Invited to attend
these services.
C. M. A. Band Concert.
The C. M. A. band wlllglvea grand
concert at the opera house here on
the evening of Thursday. Nov. 27th,
which Is Thanksgiving. The boys
ait) getting In pretty good shape now
mid this concert will be well worth
the time and oxpeuse required. Se
cure your seats early as there will lie
n big crowd here ou this occasion to
see the, football game and the hall
will be crowded.
Hiawatha Samples.
The Hiawatha Company received
some very fine samples of ore this
week from their property. There
were two lots one from the uper
mid one from the lower level both
free milling mid run high In gold.
This company will continue work all
whiter on their two tunnels and
will have a sulllclent amount blocked
out by spring to put In a mill, and
can easily liegin paying dividends.
They have hundreds of tons of ore
like the samples received mid will,
undoubtedly within twelve months
lie one of the liest companies in the
Sale On Millinery.
A surprising reduction will lie
made ou each lint sold Saturday,
Nov. 15.
Don't forget the date and remeiii'
lier It Is for one day only.
43-2t The Misses Nkwi.anii.
Odcll Carries New York By n l)c
creased Majority and' ArKan
saw went Democratic.
The election Tuesday resulted In a
victory for the republican party.
The estimates are tor the next con
gress, Sort repiibllcnus and ISO demo
crats. The republicans have gained
largely In the western states but
linw lost some In the east, tlovernor
Odell of New York who won the
sttite by 110,000 In 1!KH). only carried
It this election by nbout 10.000. lllrd-
sall, who was nominated by the re
publicans to succeed Speaker D. 11.
Henderson, was elected by about
;m majority mid the republicans
curried the state by about 73,000. In
Nebraska the republicans have won
nil except iierlmps the governor and
two congressmen. The republicans
won Kansas by 40,000, carried the
state of Illinois by ,1,000 mid gained
:t congressmen and Arknnsnw went
democratic. The republicans won
the state of Washington entirely.
L'nlted slates Land Office.
Itosebur?. Ore.. Oct. 2H. lwr.
Notice la herebr given that In comnllanre
with the Drorliions ot the act of Cons-rets of
Junes. 18(8, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lauds in the states ot California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ai
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of Augusts, 1MB, John W. Cubit, of Eugene,
County of Lane, State of Oregon has this day
filed in thlf office hit sworn statement No.
3771, for the purchase of the NK i
of section ;o. -i). Township 23 south, of
lunge 1 west and will offer proof to show that
the land soutcht is more valuable forlts tlmlipr
or stone than for agricultural purposes and to
establish his claim to said land before Marie L.
Ware, V. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon,
on Saturday the 17th day of January, 10V3.
lie names as witnesses:
Ueorite W. Hunter. Charles II. Pollock, of
Eugene, Oregon, James N. itandle, of Fair
mount ore., Austin itoot, of Springfield, Ore.
Anvandall bersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
tueircUlms In thlsomceon or before said 17th
dayot January,
i. ibiiiks, jiegister.
Uulted Butts Land Office.
uoseuurg, vregon, Oct. 'a, 1902.
t Business Briefs. - J
Drugs at Benson Drug I'o's store.
A tine Hue of docks lust from the
east t H. C. -MtidK'irs. 4;'-it
For drugs alld patent medicines
see lienson irug t o.
For pure drugs und carefully com
pounded prescriptions call at the
Benson Drug Co's store.
For watches, clocks mid Jewelry
call on Davidson lor good goods,
ou win tmu prices right.
For groceries go tothenewgrocer.v
oi .NKiiiuinu & uenson s at t lemeni
old stand west of the bridge.
Davidson will repair your watches,
clocks mid Jewelry at the lowest
prices. All work warranted.
We wish to call your attention to
very flue line of ynrns Just opened.
School tablets, lend pencils, liens,
Ink. paper or anything else in tut
line at the Benson Drug t'o's store.
Two good wagons and two good
teams together with harness to
trade ou house mid lot.
J. T. Dkspain.
Beware of nlr dried or half dry
flooring, celling mid rustic. The
Booth-Kell.v Lumlier Co. are making
special prices on.KiiiMineti lumiier.
When you wake up with n bad taste
in your moulli. eo at once to uenson
Drue Co's drug store and get a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach am!
Liver Tablets. One 'or two does will
make you well . Thev also cure bilious
i i r. i . i .. . :
nes?, sick neauHcue anu i-uusiiiutiun.
Get u free sample of Chamberlain
Stomach and Lirer Tablets at Benson
Drutr Co's druz store. Tney are easie
to take and more pleasant in effect than
pills, then their uee is not louowed uv
constipation as is often the case will
-in.. r i : ... . i
lima. nrKUiur gizr, nz jrcr uua.
Blue print maps ot any township
in Roseburtr, Oregon Land District
showing all vacant lands for socts
each. If you want any information
from tbeU. S. Land Office, address
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
Writing Material.
All the little things you need to
make your writing desk look liter
ary you will nnd here, and a nice
variety, too.
Benson Drug Co.
If vou have a bad cold you need
;ood reliable medicine like Chamber
ain's Couch Remedvto loosen and re
lieve it, ami to anay the irritain n ana
innatnination of the throat and lunus
For sale by Lyons & Applegale, Drain
lienson Drug Co., Cottage Orove.
United Slide Istnd Olllcc,
Itoseburg, Oreaun, Oct., 10. 1004.
Notice Is hm-uby ijlvcn that In compli
ance with the provision of the net of
Conj!resuf Junu 3,1878, entitled "An
lU'tforlhe fide of liiulior lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
nml Washington TerrltoiyV'n extended
to nil the ruhllu Land Mutes by nclef
August 4, 1808, Henry M. Wilson of Ku
gene County of Luno. State of Orcgoil hits
this day tiled In this otllce his swum
statement No. 3(131, for tho purrhnseof
the S ,S NV l( & W SW Jt
of See. N(i. 12, Township SS Smith, oi
linage 2 West, and will offer proof to
show that tho land sought is mote
valuable for its UuiIht or stone than foi
agricultural purponcs, mid to establish
Ids claim to said laud lieforu Marie I,.
Ware, lT, 8. Commissioner at Kn
genn, Oregon, ou wcditoday the itlijday
He names as wituesseii;
James N. Handle, ot Fall-mount. Die.,
JatiiM Itoffmtiu, Annie Wilson, of Ku
gene, Ore., Austin Hoot, of Springfield,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the aliovo-deterilied lands are re
(nested to lllo their claims iutldsolltco
ou or before said 7th dav of Jan., HKVI.
J . T. IlniiHiKH, lteglster.
Bowling Will Soon Commence.
Workmen have lieen putting the
tliiUhlng touches on the bowling
alley this week for sure. Electric
lights are lK'Ing put In and every
thing tlnlshed up in first class shape.
When the balance of the supplies,
which bavo lieen ordered over a
month, arrive, the alleys will lie all
ready for business.
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. lienson, when
netting his usual Saturday night hath,
stepped buck against a hot stove which
burned him severely. The child was In
treat agony and his mother could do
nothing to pacify him. Remembering
that she had a bottle of Chambcrlain't
Bain Balm lu the house, she thought
she would try it. In less than half an
hour after applying It the child was
quiet and asleep, and in less than two
weeks was well. Airs. Benson Is a well
known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain
Balm Is an antiseptic liniment and
especially valuable for burns, cuts,
bruises aud sprains. For sale by Lyons
A Applegate, Drain. Itenson Drug Co.,
Cottage Grove.
Notice Is uerebyglveuthat IncomplUnce.wltb
nruvlslons at ttieaet congress of June 3. 1878.
euiuicu "au ..- u iiicMiD mi iiinuer lanus
the provisions oi
untitled "An Ac
In the Htales of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud
Washington Territory." as extended to all the
roblic Land -States bjract of August 4, 1892,
Charles II. 1'ollock, of Cugune, County of
Lane State of Oregon has this day tiled In
this office his sworn statement No. 3775, for the
Rurchase of the UK ! of Section No.
o. 20. Township 28 South, of Range I West and
will offer proof tushow that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said laud belore Marie I Ware,
U. S. Commissioner at Kugeue, Oregon, on
Saturday the 17th day of Jan. lt"B.
lie names as wuimsses:
John W. Cubit, Ueorge W. Hunter, of Eugene,
Ore., James N. Handle, of Falnnount, Ore,,
.AUSllll JVUUV, Ul Dpii"C!U, vie
Anv and all persona clafmlnir
the above-described lands are requested to file
mvir nanus m tui uint-e on or oeiore said 17111
day of January, 103.
J. T. IImuou, lteglster.
When you buy Coffee
Spices, Canned Goods
Fruits, Rice, or an'
other of the many
things to eat, in the
Grocery Line
Of course you want
them Clean and Fresh
United Stales Und Oftlce,
Itoseburg, Ore., October 28, 1'Mi,
Notice Is hereby given that lu i-ompliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, emitted "An Act for
the sale of Timber Lauds In tho States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the l'ubllo Und
States by act of August 4, 1892, Frank II.
Wheeler, of Cottage Qrove Co. of Lane, state of
Oregon, has this day filed lu this otllce bis
sworn statement No. S772, for the purchase of
theBEJi of Section No. 22, Township 22Bouth,
oflUnge 2 West and will oner proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Us
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land before
Marie L. Ware, V. H. Commissioner at Eugene,
(Iregou, on Thursday the Uthday of January,
lie names as witnesses!
J. K. Young. K. U. I'hIUIps, Ellis Ilobluson,
Jonl'aluer, ot Cottage U ove. Lane Co,, Ore?
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lahds are requested to ale
their claims In this office on or before said 15th
day of January, 1909,
j. i . uxiogis, lteglster.
West Side
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Allison & Hastings,
We nro now located In our
Saw ininrterH, oppoHlte tho
l'ostotllce, and rinpectfully
Solicit tho patronage of all
Who denlro liint-cluHH M'ork,
United States Uind Office,
ltoeoburt?, Oro . Oct. 1, UKll.
Notice is Iterctiy y.ivi that lu coni
pliancv with thu iirovislona of tho net of
Conurci-s of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for tho alo of timber landu in 1 1 if
Stiitea of California, Oregon. Nuviuta,
and AVashliiRton Territory," im ex
tended to ail tho I'ulillu l.ntul State by
act of Aui!U8t 4. IS'.)'.'. Carrio M. Ilovov.
ot KuKDiie, County of Uine, Statu of Ore
iron, has this day tiled in this office her
uwnrn statement No. 3622, for the pin
chase oi the S SW 1-4 A SW 1-4 S lh-4
of Section No. V.'. in Tp 20 S, Itanne 2
West, and will offer proof to ihow tlia
the land fought is more valuable for it
tlnilier or tono than for
purposes, And to ctatilUh her claim to
laid land before Marie U Ware, U. S.
Conuui'sloncr at Kugene, Oreson,
on .Monday, the oth any of Jan . , 1003.
She names a,witneses:
Herman T. Oow.CottaBO Grove. Ore
Albert G. Ilovev. of Kuiiene. Ore.. Jos'
enh Schlee, Joseph K. Yottnir, of Cot
tai!0 G rove. Ore.
Any and all persons cliiiinlnt; nil
versely tho aboveMlefcrilieil lamls are
rtiiuested to lile their claims in till
office on or before-said Ath Hay of Jan
J.T. llKtiKiiiK, Kei:ister.
Unltwl States Land Office,
Rosebtirc Ore.. Oct.. 31. 1002.
Notice is hereby isiven that in com
uliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "Ar
act for the sale of timber land in the
States of California, Oreuon. Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of Auetist 4. 1892. Cary A. Woolcy. of
(town or citv) Fairniount, County of
Lane, State of Oregon, has this day Hied
in this office her sworn statement No.
3S54, for the purchase of the SW 1 t
of Section No. 'M, Township 20
South, of Range 2 West, nnd will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land
before Marie L. Ware, U. S. Commit
rionerat Kugene, Oregon, on Tliursda,
tlie -I'nil day ot January., lutu.
She names as witnesses:
Lelon Woolcv, of FairinnuntiLane Co,
Ore., Lowrey hnglantl, James Kailforil
John Kirk, of Cottage Grove, LaneCo.
Any and all persons claiming ad
verscly the above-uescrlbal lands are
requested to file their claims In tin
otnee on or before said 22nd uny of Jan
J.T. Ukiuoes, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburz. Oreiton. Sent.. 24. 1002.
Notice is hereby elven that in com till
ance with the provisions of the act of
uongress oi June a. 1H7H. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California. Oregon. Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the rubllc Laml ntates liy act oi
Aucust 4. 1 sir 'James j. ivrre II. ol 1'ort
land. uountvol.Multnomali HtateoIOre
gon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement, io. mzi, lor inc pi
chase of thoNWK SE N 8W1
SW1-4SW l-4of Section No. 2uTownship
21 H of Range 8 W. and will offer proof to
show that the land Bought is more valu
able forks timber or stonothan forngri-
itiruoses. and to establish his
claim to said laud before the Register
and Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on
.Monday the 2ml day oi larcli, WVa.
tie names as witnesses :
William K. I'rudhomme. Henry C,
I'rtidhomme, Lyttia 0 . Tyrrell, George
.Mcuunioric, oi roriianti, ure.
Any and all nersons claiming adverse
ly tlie above-descrlt'Oil lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or oeiore said -'nd day oi .Mar.,
J.T. lliiiiMiKH, ileglster.
United Htates Land Office,
Itoseburr. Ore. Ih. 1902.
Notice Is hereby siven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cona-resa of
Junes, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timoer taniis in tne raaies oi i;aiiiornia, uregon.
ievaua ana asiilligton territory, as ex
leatoauine 1'utiiia i.anri eiaies uysci ui
rust 4. 1892. Charles W. Lowe, of Eusrene
Countv nf fjine. Htate of Oreeon. lias this
day filed In this office his sworn statement No
3122, for the purchase of the Lots If, 20,21 4 22 of
dcc. itnoin lownsnip noao, liange iioi v
and will offer proof to show that the land
nought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
man tor agricultural purposes, anu m estan-
nsn nis ciaim to saiu iani ueioro Mane u
ware U. B. Commissioner at Kuffene. Ore,
gon, on Monday. I be 6th day of April, 1WJ0.
N. II. Martin, J. W. 1'srrlsh, John D. I'almer,
xoung, oi cottage urove, wine i., ore-
Anv and allrerBons claiming- adversely the
aboveleserlbed lands are requested to file
ineirciaunsintiusonipeonor ueioro saia oin
y of April, 1MII.
J rilBiuars, lteglster
Saloonn j
JlalnBt., Cottage Grove.
Pro rietor,
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
band. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited,
f i" j'' A f' f- f
Shoes, Underwear, Hose, Hats, Furs,
Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Skirts, Boys'
and Men's Pants.
Ladies' Skirts Worth from $1.50 to 2.50, only $1.00
Men's Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Mens' Underwear "
60 to 75c
go at
go at
go at
One XiOt of Misses jSTntm'nl "VSrool CJuclerweai'
SOc. u Suit.
Ladies' Combination Underwear 35c a suit.
Best quality Ladies' underwear, all wool 90c each.
Men's heavy all wool underwear $1.00.
Men's Pants $1.25, 1.50 and 2.50 worth more
To show you the Prices tire Low will sell lOO l'nirs
Ladies' ami Misses Shoes at :5e 1 Mlil OV iJ
Fairs for 81.00
50 l'nirs of Child's Shoes nnd Slippers lSe.
Misses' School Huts :i5c worth ti()c.
Ladies' Hose J- psiirs for 25c. Regular 1 0c ones.
Handkerchiefs 5e and 10c wortli 10c nnd 15e.
Doors East of Postoffice
A Place Where
Everything is Right
Most Exquisite Ribbons, New
New Laces and Trimmings.
Our stock of Dress Goods has never been more
Complete than at the Present Time.
Don't Fail To See The Wonderful Assortment
Offering. I
of 1
Cloaks, Jackets, Capes, Furs
Hemenway & Burkholder.
tSSSSSSSSS--""KI'T-' vs..-i- fw
Unlteil Btates Und OMra,
ItuKburK Oreon, Oft, 2, IWi.
Notice la hetebr Klren that In fompllaiicf
with the provisions of the act oi congress 01
June 3, ia. entitled "An Act tor the sale ot
timber lands In the states ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," asei.
fumled to all the nubile land states by art of
August 4th im, Qeorge w liree.ii iK. i rair
mounlCo.olUne,stateofOre,liasllilsdair filed
In thlsofflce hissworn slateraent No, 3815 for the
Unlleil Slates Und (Mire,
Koseburg, Ore., Oct. W,
Nollre Is hereby Klven that In ociinpIUnro
with the prnvlslonn of the act of Congress of
llnlte-l RUtes Und Offloo,
Itoneburg, OreOqt. tV.lWl,
Notliu Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ofthe act of Cniigtuxsof
Junes, 1S7H, entitled "An art foi the saloof
1......H IU7U ant IIMl MAtlstm Kir IIIH Kit III lt
i T:;vr. u-o- caiK,,,,, . hr: iiuiu?;ii nm ne BiHioBoi i.uuroriiia, or.
Sf Ae,ni,?ii'J iferhort llorrtiin f Coltara A.,Wu,t. miu Aleiandcs V. llettersworlh, Jr.
urchase of the N ti N Up' No 'PJ H
s in
for ai
nd to establish his claim
that Ih
I nffar ttriiof to show
nd sought Is more valuable for Its
of range 1 west, and
hAiann anuani
mber or stone than fi
agricultural purposes
m to said land before
... ... ra it. h rnmtri i, niirst Kusrene
Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day ol January,
He names as witnesses:
iii.!. Uatieaon. of Irvlnir. Ore.. Uben II,
Vounir.of Bnrlngfleld. Ore., William Ollstrap,
of Kugene, Ore., Henry Matteson, of Irving,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above described land are requested to Ale their
claims In this office on or before said 17th day
of January, 180J. ....
j. i . jiaiouvs, jiegister,
has thlsdayllleit In this office hissworn state.
ineni no, ,wi, lor iiie.puri-iiasu .
ofHuctlMi No.TownshliNo 23H,
....... .1 ...III nfl.. nnuif In ,hAUf I
sought Ismore valuable for Its timber or stone
thau for agricultural purposes, and to estab.
Ilsb his claim to said land before tlarle I-. Wsrc,
II M Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the'Oth day, of January, oo.i,
He names as witnesses,
William T. (lordon, of Kugene, Una Co. , Ore,
Herman T. Dow, Joseph Bhlee, of Cottage
((rove, Oregon W. M. wlillt.of Amos, Une Co.,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
auove-descrltied lands are requested to tile
their claims In this Office on or before said Wth
dayofJamury, 1UW.
J. T. IlEiDois, Register.
liable for Us Umbel or stone than for agricul
tural puri-ascj, ,ni u establish hl claim to.
said laud before Matls-h. Ware; U. H, Commls-.
slonerat Eugeuei ijuie Cb., Oregon, oif tfatur.
day tho 11th day of Jan., iwa.
He names as witnesses:
Austin Itoot, of Hprtnglleld, Oregon. James N,
Handle, of Kalrmoiint, Ore., Jumes W, Houck..
of Cottage drove, Ore.,0. W. Hunter, of Kit'
gene, Ore.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Died
their claims In thlsofflce ou or Wore said nth.
day of an., 1803.
1 T Ilmnots Ileglster.