Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 07, 1902, Image 5

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Whntl llio licit n fileml cnn lis
To any soul, tn you or mo 7
NoJ only aliclter, comfort, rcet
Ininoat rrfroliiiit-nt, until pressed,
Noninly a lifliivnl gulilii
To tlirvml life's labyrinth nt our shin,
Or with Iiiva'm torch lend on Morn,
TIioiikIi tin-no do iiiiicIi, llii-ru yet la mora.
'I'liu heat friend la nn atmosphere
Wnrni with nil Inspirations ilr.r,
Wherein wu breathe the In mo, free brnilli
Of llfv Hint lintli no tnlnt of death.
Our friend la nn unconscious (inrt
Of every trim lout of our heart)
A strength, n growth, whence w derive
God's health, Hint keeps thu world nlltrn.
I.ucy l.nrcoiu.
Love's Reward.
1111,11' liud known lir over ao
long, ever since alio nil mi hero, it
little, roae-llpiied chllit. Ho drow
her to school on hi llttlu cart, ho
tniiltht her to rliln when older, mid
when her fnvor was no lonicur to ho
won by snowy kitten or sugared
Hwi'iitiiiciitM ho hml tnlil nt her feut n
mini's strung love, n henrt thnt win
hiiivu mill loynl mill trno iih steel,
Anil alio kIio thought of thu face alio
hail aeon for llm llrat tlinu hut ouu
short month ho fore, thu dark, hand
somo fa io thnt hml lighted Into n look
of .Involuntary admiration nt night of
her, tho fucit of the wealthy city stran
ger Hdgur Reynold.
Only ono month ngo, nnd ntrendy tho
ItiNtroiia eye lin'd leitrncd to watch for
Ida coining, already the girlish heart
hud learned to Ihroh nt hla voice.
And hu? No wonder hu wna fusel
Milled liy Hint freah young fnee, nnd n
thu tluy went liy ho milled to see how
tho lovo of thu Woman crept Into tho
Innocence of tho child. And ao when
Philip Howard naked her for her lovo
alio hnd no heart to Rlvo him. HIio told
htm ao with womanly tetiderneaa nnd
pity, nnd he hud left her presence n
very and, very allenl man.
Tho following dny broke fair nnd
bright, wl..i golden aimllght oil tho hill
top nnd Jiino-tliuo mint" In tho vnlley.
Along tho white, winding rood lead
ing to tho village. In the coolneaa of
tilt? dewy morning, walked Florence
Tho lilrda nru singing thotr inntlna In
tho tree toia; llio brook U laughing na
It rlpplea o'er Ita K-bbly lied, la tho
inldat of nil thla glorlou aylvnn beau
ly tho clnatlclty of youtli reaascrt It
self, nnd tho girl's atep grow lighter,
her henrt linppler, till alio nlmoat for
geta her little tronblea.
Ill tho vlllngo alio iwat her letters
nnd turna to retrace her stepa. Hho
meetH ninny lnborcr on their way to
work, nml ench mnii touches Ida lint
mid amllea plenanutly ou seeing tho
bright, pretty fnco. for, young na alio
la, alio Ima spent tunny houra helping
with kludly olllcea nml gentle pity
their wives and llttto tinea.
Coming home, alio imaaci a houso
thnt atniida In It own groundaa
hoiiao with anowy curtnlna, atrelchlng
vernndna nml a well rolled tennla
ground nttnehed. Il la fnr more pro
tentloua thnn her own coay house. And
well It limy bo, for It la tho bonrdlng
home of thla ruatlc Itttlo Tlllngc. It la
rilled with fashionable Juat now who
havo fled from tho cruah nml bent of
tho city, nnd, among olhera, Kdgnr
At tho gate a andden thought strikes
her. The houiukeepcra Itttlo child la
Tvry 111. Hho will go In nml Inquire for
tier. No ono anvo tho aorvnnt cnn Imi
up yet Hho puahc open tho gato nnd
nolacleaaly lllta up tho garden patlj to
tho rear of tho home.
Hho nerompllahea her mlaalon nml la
returning, when ahe seca llntterlng on
tho pnth lieforo her n aheet of creamy
noto pniK-r. Bho plcka It up nnd
glnnccB around. It uuiat havo blown
from a window left open on retiring.
Yea. thero U-ouo directly overbeaiL
Hho Is about to tako It to thu house
keeper to return to Ita owner, when her
eyes clinneo to fall on two words writ
tun In a firm, bold bund, "Florenco
Thome." It la but n abort letter, nnd
tho girl, forgetting all honor In tbo In
tonally of her surprlae, rends every
word of It nlmoat beforo alio knows
what alio bns done. It runs:
"Dear Will Expect mo back on
Thuradny. Am llred of rusticating. It
would, have been mi uubenrnblo boro
were It not for nn awfully pretty girl,
flirting with whom has helped to pitas
tho time. Hho Is the daughter of Allen
Thome, tbo millionaire's brother, you
know. Mnda a fool of himself by
innrrylng a school teacher's daughter
yenrs ago. Florence Thome Is a shy,
wild rose poor, pretty nnd proud ns n
princess-hut I couldn't afford to ruin
Iny proapects for her, you know. Much
na I could do to keep from losing my
henrt In earnest. Had half n mind to
throw over Agntha Vero's thousands,
but pshaw, tbo bunk account carries
tho dny."
Thero Is llttto moro rotating to busi
ness matters, then tbo loiter closes
with tho hastily scratched signature,
"lidgar Reynolds."
Tho girl stands stiff nnd rigid In tho
bright morning sunlight, n great star
tled horror In bor eyes. All tho pretty,
childish benuty dies In tho strained In
tensity of that gnzo.
Hnrkl Is thnt somo ono coming)
For a moment sho lifts her bnud to
bcr head In a confused, helpless way.
Then, crushing tho lottcr Into her
bosom, sho turns and fllos fast as bor
leaden weighted feut will bear her
down tbo path, through tho gato, along
tbo dusty blgbwny homo.
Her undo camo to her on receipt of
l'hlllp Ilownrd's letter, stating how 111
alio wns, bis lonely old heart warming
with lovo toward his brother's orphan
child, As for Kilgnr Itoynolds, ho hud
heard of bor Illness with his usual well
brod Indifference
"Poor little tblngl rcrhaps It's tho
best way It could hnvo ended after
nil," bo said, and so, congratulating
himself, ho bad gouo back to towu,
while Philip Howard, far out on tbo
broad Atlantic, a Bolf-mndo cxllo from
homo and friends, carried In his heart
of honrts tbo picture of a lovely, wist
full girlish face, with shyest pansy pur
ple eyes.
Threo years afterward , James
Thorno's palace homo Is a blnzo of
I , I
Oil cloth trays may bo considered a
cheap nml sloppy auhatlliito for tho
real thing, hut If you will try them
onco when limiting bromide or vclox
prints you will contlniio to uao them
for Hint ptirpoae. Apart from the smnll
eiiMt which emililiw one to hnvo na
ninny Irnya around ns solution ttaed,
there la the cleuiillneaa. Htalna on
prints nro common nntioynneea when
one tray Is uaed for various purposes,
Procure n few rough wooden frames
about threo Indies deep and na large
ns dealred for the size you work, a
yard or two of white oil cloth mid a
few tai-ks la nil that la neceaanry.
Tnke n piece of the oil cloth
four Inches larger ench wny than your
frame and lack It around the outside
ono mid n half Inches from the edge.
The surface la not ao llablo to scratch
your prints, nnd It la easy to clean
when through with.
In Ida nddreaa before the convention
of the Photographers' Association of
America, I.uclns V. Hitchcock said thu
following, which Is excellent advice for
any muutuur: "(let your Impressions
from nature, nnd don't try to iiiiiuufnc
luro them In cold blood. Art la largely
n matter of seeing. It la tbo same old
story of a young student starting out
with Ida sketching outfit, nnd walking
four miles to find something to paint,
nnd the master doing beautiful things
In Ids hack yard. Not that everything
Is beautiful, nml worth painting, for It
Isn't but thero nro tola of beautiful
things thnt you will pass every dny
because, you have not the eyes to see
them. Ki-oji on tho alert for heutitiful
combinations mid arrangements nil the
time. You are Just as apt to see them
In the street cars as anywhere clue, mid
If you aloro up a reserve of souvenirs
of this sort you will do more original
nml better pictures. It la fur boltur
thnn copylug what another fellow sees
nnd does beforo you."
There Is n wide difference of opinion
is to whnt Is the perfect negative. Of
course, the experienced worker will
mnko a negntlve for a certain paper
tnd with a certain object In view, thnt.
light and beauty. The mnsslve doors
nro Hung open; the perfume of tho
flower flouts out oil the night nlr. Thu
soft, brilliant light from the chande
liers, through curtains of mulicr luitln
and creamy lace, stream forth on the
street tieluw.
Bho hna received them nil with a
sweet, luierloua grace wholly her own,
and la walking away, on n partner's
arm, when alio looks up mid aees be
fore her a latu nrrlvul-Kdgar Hcyu
olds. The dark, debonair face Is handsome
ns of yore, nnd It brightens ns If with
now life when ho sees her.
Tlorciice MIbs Thornol" lie bits
sprung forwnrtl eagerly, and, regard
less of the presence of others, held out
both bauds.
rioYcnco Thorno looks up nt hint la
calm surprise. Hho docs not smile; sho
does uC. cry out. No tinge of tbo rose
Hush dies from bor fnco. Tho pansy
purple eyes do not droop; tho Illy hands
do not tremble. Ho she lays her baud
n moment In bis. coldly, courteously.
"Have you come back ut last at
"Yes. wo returned a fortnight ngo,"
rlngB out tbo clear, silver voice. "Cup
tnlu Arthur, will you tnke mo to tho
ballroom I"
Hho hows n trlflo haughtily to Kdgar
Heynolda, nml leaves tho drawing room
on her partner's nrm.
Tho night goes by with tho rlpplo of
laughter, thu crash of music, the trend
of dancing feet.
Kvcrywlicro admiring eyes follow
riorenco Thome, nnd her undo looks
fondly on and smiles to sco the world
bow down before hi darling.
"Hucb wlt,BUch reparteo, such match
less gracol" they sny. "Hho Is the
beauty of the season."
"Ono dance, only one," pleads Hdgar
Reynolds, "for tbo sako of old times."
Bho laughs, that clear, happy laugh
of hers, ami leaves him.
Ho stands where sho bns left him
nnd looks after her with hot, angry
Ho bus staid single and let Agntha
Vere's bank nccount slip through bis
bands for tho sako of this girl and
James Thorno's wealth.
Oh, uo now for pno hour of tho
old dominion.
Ho seen a servant approach bcr In
tbo crowd, sees bcr bend bcr haughty
head and follow blm.
"I must hnvo It out with her now,"
bo says, clutching his hands llcrcely.
"I must awnko the old lovo to-night If
IIo follows bcr through the long, gas-
If It stills his purposo Is n perfect neg
ative, although It may bo useless for
ether papers. Hut It Is to dispel tho
Idea In tho mind of tho beginner, thnt
a perfect negative must bo crisp and
clenr, blnck mid white. As moat nmn
tours mnko "snap shots" and these
nro ns n general rulo under-exposed,
they are especially llablo to turn our
black and whlto negatives, more es
pecially If they uao prepared develop
ers, which are mostly bydrokliione. on
account of Ita keeping qualities In solu
tion. Now hyilroklnone Is n harsh de
veloper and only suitable for negatives
that havo received ample cxiiosure,
Ortol Is a good all around developer
for snap shots, where pyro Is disliked,
hut, with all Its staining finalities, pyro
can be excelled. Pyro and metol In
combination la n developer that can b
adapted eually to long or short expos
ures by diluting the developer and n
much under-exposed liegallvo cnn bo
made to yield n fnlr print by leaving
It In a diluted pyni-metol developer
until well stained through the tllin.
Kuch a negative Is a dlsupiiolntnicnt to
look at, hut tho print Is better than
the negative In detail and contrast.
Thy amber color of n pyro developed
negntlve, although thin, mnkes It a
slower printer thnn a much moro
dense, black and white negative devel
oped In hyilroklnone, metol, amidol or
roillunl. In the perfect negative there
should bo only absolute opacity hi the
very highest lights, such ns the
glancing of the sun on the crest of the
waves, and absolute transparency only
where the lines require to be pure
blnck. Between these two extremes
these must be even gradations through
all the tone-) and half tones. Over-t-XKjstiro
tends to produce the middle
tones nt the expense of the lights and
shadows. Uudcr-cxiosure gives tho
extremes nt the loss of the half tones.
Thus In a known case of undcr-cx-postiro
tho pyro developer by Its stain
retanls tho printing and tends to bring
out on tbo paper every bit of detail
thnt Is In the negative, whllo black
and whlto negatives, although rapid
printers, do not do themselves Justice
ou paper. Camera and Dark Itoom.
lit room till, parting the velvet cur
tains ut tho end, she enters a cool, dim,
shadowy alcove.
He la Just behind her, but draws
back quickly In thu shade of a tall,
flower crowned pillar ns be aees a man
turn from thu marblo mantel at the
farther end of tho room, against which
be bad In-en leaning n man bearded
mid brouxed and travel stained.
"Oh, Phlllpr
Thu girl sprang forwnrd, a gleaming
light lu her eyes, a vivid color In her
' kittle I'lol" ho anys softly.
It was tho old ict name for bcr when
sho was a little child. When sho grew
up a "fair girl graduate, with golden
hair," she was "Miss I-'lorcnce." Now
the old name sprang first to his Hps.
lloth her slender white bauds rct In
his own not reluctantly now. Tho
man In tho shadow of the velvet por
tlero looks ou with compressed Hps.
Ah, he recognizes blm now bis ruatlc
rival of three yenrs ago.
"Little I'lo," ho says again, nnd this
tlmu hla eyes arc suspiciously moist.
With a woman's quick erceptlon she
sees It mid withdraws bcr hands.
I 'or a moment she Is n shy girl again,
for alio knows how, In splto of wealthy
suitors and n countess' corouct, she has
faithfully guarded tho lovo awakened
three yenrs ngo tbo truo lovo that
nourished when tho false lovo died.
"Have you no better welcome, Flor
enceno gift of love? Have I loved
nnd wnlted In vnln? Oh, my darling!"
"Slleucel This lady Is my promised
It Is Kdgar Reynolds, whlto with
rage, who speaks, hut riorenco turns
to blm with bcr calmest, sweetest
"You nro mistaken, Mr. Heynolda. A
pretty girl with whom you flirted three
yenrs ago helped to pass tho time, but
sho was only n shy, wild rose, and you
could not nfford to ruin your prospects
for her, you know."
As sho speaks she draws from her
breast and bands blm a sheet of crum
pled paper.
Then sho turns to tbo lover of her
childhood, girlhood, womanhood, and
lays bcr bauds In his, and ho clasps
tho flguro In Us trailing satin robes
closo lu his strong arms as "little Flo"
cries out In alarm:
"Ob, Philip, you havo crushed my
flowers I"
And ldlgar Reynolds goes forth from
tbo room nnd forth from their lives,
nml for onco truo lovo has Its royal re
ward. Wavcrlcy.
' J
Insects Who Preferred Iltitr to the
' Call of Pleasure.
A swarm of formica pratcnsl was
closely pressed In It nest by an army
of the same species, nnd crowd of
alarmed defenders Issued from tbo en
trance to tho neat mid Hew to tako
part In the fight. Like Hatan, tho
tempter of old, I placed near them n
drop of honey on a piece of paper, say
a writer In the International World.
At any other time the honey would
havo been covered In a few Instunts
with ants gorging tbemaclres, but this
time numerous working nut enmo
upon It, tasted It for scarcely a second
mid returned to It restlessly threo or
four times. Conscientiousness, the
feeling of duty, luvsrlably prevailed
over gormandlsm, and they left tho
honey to go and lie killed whllo defend
ing tbo community. I am bound to
own, however, that there aro auts less
social In whom gormandlsm does pre
vail. Compared to tho manner of other so
ciable animals, and especially to those
of man, tho manner of mils exhibit a
profound nnd fundamental aggregation
of fact of convergence due to their so
cial life. Let me mention devotion, the
Instinctive sentiment of duty, slavery,
torture, war, alliances, tho raising of
cattle, gardening, harvesting, and even
social degencrosccncc through tho at
traction of certain harmful means of
miliirmcnt. It would be ridiculous and
! erroneous to sec In the fulfillment of
this series of acts Individual reason
ing, tbo result of calculated reflection
analogous to ours. The fact that each
Is fixed and circumscribed within ono
apeclca, as well as the fatalistic char
acter It has In that species, proves thl
suiieraliuudantly. Hut It would be as
grave a mistake to refuse to rccogulzo
tho deep natural lows that are conceal
ed uudur this convergence. Is the case
different as regards our actions, though
they aro Inllnltely more plastic and
more complex Individually? I do not
lielleve It.
I have been unable to give more than
a short sketch of tho social life of anta.
Let each one study It for hlinaelf and
bo will experience in doing so the deep
enjoyment that comes from sounding
the secrets nnd laws of nature, while
nt the snme time be will enjoy the most
delightful satire upon human wretched
lies, and will perceive nt leaat tho
main Hues of a social example that we
ought to be nblo to Imitate, though wo
cannot do so on account of the too largo
dose of egotistical and fcrocloUB In
stincts that wo have Inherited from our
n anonymous physician who bas
written some "confessions" for the In
dependent tells this story about him
self: "I received a request to call
from an old pntlent who was afraid she
was taking scarlet fever. I responded
nt once. The patient was one of two
elderly sisters whom I had attended for
many years. I greeted her In the sit
ing room nnd noted ber pulse whllo In
the act of Blinking bauds with ber. Hy
some witty remarks I contrived to
mnke her laugh, which enabled me to
see her tongue. Then I said In a play
ful tone: 'If you will get me n glass I
will treat you to somo of my patent
soda water.' Bhe did so. I put a tab
let In tho water, and she drank It I
want you to know that I take pride In
my original methods. I try to educate
my patients to like, nnd not to dread,
tbo visits of the doctor. In this case
all of my work bad been done without
the direct knowledge of tho patient,
and I felt very good over It Bo I bade
my patient good-by with extremo
cheerfulness. Bhe looked surprised and
then said: 'Of course, you will couio
upstairs and seo my slsterr 'Not to
day,' I Bald. 'Qlvo bcr my respects.'
Why.' sho said, looking mystified nnd
startled, 'how strangely you talkP
'Strangely?' I echoed. 'Why?' 'He
cnuso I sent for you to prescribe for
my sister and you decline to see ber.'
It flashed over my mind In an Instant
I had prescribed for the wrong sister.
I wob entirely too clever."
Johnnie's Checker Story.
Taw he got tit' checkerboard,
An' 8nya, "Now, come here, sin,
We'll spread th' pleeea on th aqusres
An' allow you how It'a doue."
So I aet down, an' he moved first,
'Neil I give htm a rami.
Ncn ho jumped me, sn' chuckled out,
"Jest beat mo cf you can."
'Nen I moved one, an' he took that
An' said not to feel aore.
Jest then I acen a zigzag hte,
Nen Jumped au' I took fourl
My paw ho rubbed his chin, an' thought,
An' aaya, "Um-nt-m, lemme aeel"
An' when he moved, I asw ray jump,
An' that time I took three.
'Nen paw ho moved another man,
An' hitched up to the board.
I took that too, while maw looked on,
An' maw aay, ahe Jest roared I
'Nen paw th' king-row's where he wants
To get Hko anything,
Out 'fore ha knows where I am at
I says, "Paw, crown that king."
'Ncn I Jest moved the way they do
Down there at Orlggses store,
An' first thing paw knows bo ain't got
No checkers any wore.
'Ncu paw glta up, an' slams tho board!
I can't aay whnt ho aild
Twna aoraepln' "bout "amort Aleck klda,"
'Nen he sent me to bedl
Womau'a Home Companion.
Iron Turnod Into a Nowapapor.
A foreign paper tells of an experi
ment It was made to see bow quickly
a tree could bo turned Into a newspa
per. At 75 a. m. n trco was sawed
down. Just two hours later it una
been converted Into pulp mid paper.
At 10 o'clock the first printed, and
folded, copy camo from the press. In
J45 minutes tho treo had been turned
into a newspaper. It now becomes the
Yaukeo to beat that record. Perhaps
It lias boon beaten, for something of
the sort was dono In Now York several
years ngo.-'-OlncIunatl Commercial
Plainly Stated.
Mr. Yornlng If you will only mar
ry rao, I proinUo you I'll mako you a
good husband.
Miss Do Termlnd Never fear! If I
dceido to marry you I'U mako you that
Philadelphia Press.
For year the fertile soli of France
has been cultivated mainly with the aid
of cow and oxen Instead of horses.
Now, however, In conscqucnco of tho
Introduction of American agricultural
machinery, horses are rapidly coming
Into uso on French farm, and, na In tho
case of the machinery, America I
called upon to aupply the larger part of
tho demand. American horse arc alto
purchased In largo number for the
French army.
One of the most remarkable and In
teresting products of German chemistry
I tbe cubic Inch of radium lately pre
pared for Prof. Curie. It coet $2,000
and required the use of several tons of
barium salts. It shines like a lamp,
alto exciting phosphorescence In other
material like zinc sulphide. Bo ener
getic I this action that a email particle
light up a mass of zinc sulphide a thou
sand times as large, and this phos
phorescence continues a considerable
time after removal of the radium.
The terror of cattle, dogs and wild an
imals beforo tho eruption of Mont I'elcc
adds to the evidence that tbe senses
of tbe lower animals are unlike our
owu. Tbe late Prof. S. Beklya, of Toklo,
kept pheasants to study their behavior
beforo an earthquake, and Prof. John
Mllno testifies that their screaming
often gave notice of preliminary tre
mors of an earthquake that were unfelt
by human beings. This being tbe case,
It seems not unlikely that tbe creatures
on Mont Pclce beard sounds and felt
vibrations not perceptible to man.
It has been long known that tbe colors
of butterflies are Influenced by temper
ature. Experience during tbe last ten
years has given Dr. H. Fischer some
startling resultH, and have shown not
only that cold seasons may produce new
butterflies from tbe old, but that ab
normal heat may yield tbe same varie
ties, the changes being due to retarded
development Extreme cold, moreover,
brlugs out other variations that may
appear also In extreme beat He sug
gests that these varieties of extreme
temperatures may become permanent
ut a future stage In tbe earth's evolu
tion, although Slandfuss contends that
they never were and never will be any
thing but singular freaks.
Within tbe last fifteen years the new
Industry of "fox farming" bas been de
veloped In Alaska. It originated In tbe
deslro to preserve tbe valuable blue fox
from extermination. Tbe experiment
was begun by placing twenty foxes on
an unoccupied Island. In tbe course of
a few years some thirty Islands were
thus turned Into fox ranches. It was
found that the animals soon became
sufficiently domesticated to cease fear
ing their keepers and to assemble at
feeding places. Eight hundred or a
thousand foxes arc Included In a ranch.
At tbe proper nge a certain number are
killed for their pelts. Tbe business ap
pears to pay very well, and It Is sug
gested that other fur-beaxtng animals
might be domesticated and propagated
In a similar manner.
That a certain portion of tbe blind
may be taught to see Is Indicated by tbe
striking success of M. Heller, of Vienna.
When brought to him three years ago,
two Hungarian boys, aged seven and
(lvo years, could see nothing, but their
eyes appeared to be normal. Their
training began wltb looking at a bright
disk In a dark chamber. They learned
to distinguish this, and tbe younger
boy, who progressed more rapidly than
tbe other, was then shown familiar ob
jects against tbe disk, tbeu lines and
figures, and finally was able to read.
I-ater be was made to recognize the ob
jects and letters by daylight. Another
examination showed a defect of the
retina, and It was concluded that the
field of vision wits so narrowed that the
feeble Impressions reaching the brain
attracted no notice before tbe unusual
ItathlcM Depletion of Plues Ilroucht
to Notice.
Tbe first organization of turpentine
men, known as the Turpentine Opera
tors and Factors' Association, which
recently held Its first annual conven
tion In Jacksonville, Kla, was con
fronted by the question of complete
annihilation of their business, due to
the ruthless tapping of young trees
nnd the rapid depletion of pine forests.
Ten years ago Norfolk, Va was tbo
great naval storo port of the Industry,
two years ago Savannah and now
Jacksonville, and next Tampa and
then what? X'rofessor Ilerty of the
United States Department of Forestry
has been called upon, and was present
at tbe convention.
Newspapers In the South have pre
sented able articles on this same sub
ject for years, but the writer has seen
young trees no thicker In diameter
than- eight Inches boxed; once, twice,
yes, three times, so that a step ladder
was used for tbo top boxing, and the
strip of bark left was lusutllcleut to
gather the sap to feed the tree. Tbe
life of a turpentine tree after tbo first
boxing Is about two years. That means
that after tbe sap bas been taken tbo
third time the tree must either be cut
for timber or It dies. A trip through
the pine forests of Georgia and Florida
will demonstrate tbe reckless manner
In which the boxing bas been done,
and, worse still, where clearings havo
been made no effort has been made to
check tho growth of scrub oak and
saw palmetto, which effectually cboko
, tho young pine rearing Its bead where
.Its parent stood. Gradually tbe oper
ators have been driven south, and to
day It Is estimated that nt least ono
hundred camps aro located In Florida
alone, and about fifty camps In Geor
gia. I Nino hundred operators were at tbo
'convention. Each man bas cither
bought or covered wltb options more
or less pine forest, and In spite of bis
knowledgo of what the future will
bring Is rapidly killing tho gooso wltb
the golden egg. Tho end Is near In tho
turpentine and rosin industry, a rew
I moro years will sea a tremendous rise
In theso commodities, nnd no effort has
yet been made to restoro tho depleted
I forests of. Virginia, Georgh, Alabama,
North Carolina or northwestern Flori
da. Tho "fat pine" Is Indigenous to
these Slates; It grow rapidly, but Is
easily exterminated by the more stur
dy plnnts which spring up In tho forest
"A Miserable Millionaire" I'onr.
'orth n Pathetic Tale.
Money docs not mako men happy,
dear Lady Hetty, tbough tbo want of
It may make them unhappy. The fol
lowing letter, which ha been address
ed to me by "A Mlscrnblo Millionaire,"
Is a curious document:
"Sir Poverty Is to happiness what
hunger Is to food; It Is appetite. Tbe
sltnplo pleasure delight the poor, and
those are Innumerable. Elght-and-fifty
yenrs ago I was born In a cot
tage, wltb no hope or prospect of rising
above tbo position In which circum
stance bad placed me. A a laborer
I passed my youth; would that my
millions could reproduce that happy
timet It I sufllcleut for the present
purpose to add that I emigrated, pros
pered, and eventually amassed a colos
sal fortune. I now live In palaces, and
am wretched!
"Care Is my master. I bave a multi
tude of Interests, and In many direc
tions, and my mind Is never free from
anxiety. I am In continual dread of
losing somo of tbe money which I
havo so painfully acquired, and a
thousand and one unexpected occur
rences could materially affect my
fortune. The raid Into the Transvaal
cost me a quarter of a million, though
I was not concerned In that despicable
"That Is but one source of my mis
cry. Money Is made to be spent, and
I do not know bow to spend It Intel
ligently. It requires special Instincts,
education and training to enjoy tbe
artificial pleasures which money can
provide. I bave collected many art
treasures which I do not understand.
I only know whnt they cost, and the
cost represents to me their value. In
my library are stored tbe best editions
of celebrated books, but I have neither
the Inclination nor the time to read
them. My butler, gamekeeper, coach
man, cook and the captain of my yacht
are masters In their respective depart
ments, for I know little or nothing of
tbe management of a big establish
ment the rearing of game and the
beating of covers, Uie art of cooking,
and the government of a ship. Tbe
sense of Inferiority Is always active
though t am the nominal superior. Tbe
finest wines require the finest taste
to appreciate them, and my taste la,
like my nature rough. My friends
bave been chosen for their social val
ue; they are the best which money can
command. We nave nothing in com
mon; they are companions, not friends.
My wife, who formerly took so great
an Interest In whatever concerned me,
now devotes herself to society. My
Imagination breeds disturbing thoughts
every Instant of the day; my wife Is
asbamed of me, my son Is eager to suc
ceed to my estates and fortune, my
friends arc designing, my servants are
swindlers. I am alone and In the way.
I was Immeasurably happier when
from day to day I dodged starvation.
"Hut this misery Is mostly caused by
my being an upstart! I find those who
were born rich are only apparently
happier. The wealthy are always pre
paring to be happy. 'When our new
bouse Is built.' 'When my picture gal
lery Is complete,' 'When my vlscountcy
has been changed to an earldom,'
'When my daughters are married'
so it goes on, and death calls before
the last element for happiness Is
secured 1"
Pecullarand Wonderfully Constructed,
but Horrovretl from thg Indian.
Tbe mention In a press dispatch from
Farmlugtou, Me., describing a drown
ing accident of Lake Mooselookraa
guntlc recalls to mind tbe fearfulness
and wondcrfulness of tbe aboriginal
titles with wlhlch some of tbe charming
lulnnd waters of tbe Pine Tree State
are burdened.
Those who urge the retention of the
Indian nnmes of American localities
and natural features havb much reason
on their side. Certainly those who bave
substituted for then modern English
names have seldom been happy In their
selections. Hut Buch aboriginal local
names of lakes and mountains as Med
dyberops and Passadumkeag and Slsla
dobsls Hashahcegan, Umbacooksus,
Mollccbunkcmug and Mooselookma
guntlc can command unreserved admi
ration only from enthusiasts. They are
undeniably cumbersome and hardly
likely to strike euphoniously on the un
prejudiced ear. Possibly tbey are ro
plete with poetic suggestions, but tbey
don't convey them very clearly. Theo
dore Wlntbrop bad tbe poet soul In him,
but he strove In vain to get poetry out
of the names of some of the Maine
lakes be loved best Mooselookmaguntlc
suggested to him only tbe effort of an
Indian hunter, with on exceedingly Im
perfect command of the English Ian
guage, to tell bow he bad unexpectedly
shot a moose, and MollecbunkcmUg sug
gested to him nothing more romantic
than tbe thought that the lake had been
named by some woodman nftn- bis
Inamorata, bis short-faced Mary, his
Molly of tbe chunky mug.
Now nnd again the residents of locali
ties afillctcd with such names as these
petition the powers that be to change
them to something better fitted for or
dinary dally use and are therefore
abused as vandals by all cultured per
sons In other parts of tho country. Hut
It Is possible, that the most cultured per
sons would sympatblzo with the van
dals If they had to summer and winter '
with Mollechuukemug and Mooselook-1
maguntlc nnd the rest; bad to say all '
that every time tbey were asked
whence they camo or whltber tbey were
going; had painfully to write It nil out
every time tbey sent forth a letter or a
telegram. Rochester Democrat
Madge How In the world can she
call her bathing dress modest?
Marjorlo Probably because It's' ao
shrinking. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Fust Tlmo Over Sea.
A message travels over an ocean cable
at about 700 miles a second.
Somo little people can eat a mighty
big meal.
Nature. Nature Is Uod's book. Iter.
Dr. aregg, Presbyterian, Urooklyu,
N, Y,
KnowledgeIt Is beat to havoknowl
edgo with our zeal. Her. I Moore,'
Akron, Ohio.
Not Chrlstlan.-Tbo system of busi
ness nnd commcrco to-dny Is not Chris
tian, but heathen. Rev. A. W. Hitch
cock, Worcester, Mass.
Ijtbor, Heforo tho coming of Christ
In tho world labor was totally de
spised. It Is truo that labor Is a pen
alty nttnehed to human nature. Her.
J. J, Donlnn, It. 0 Hrooklyn, N. Y.
Rights of tho Publlc-Tho tlmo I
past for arguing as to who Is rl.ilit In
the strike. It Is tlmo to consider the
rights of tho public-Rev. A. H. Chal
mers, Congregational, Now Ilnven,
Truo Life. Tbo reason why wo hnvo
so little true life I because we do not
look for It near enough at homo. Wo
think other places better than ours.
Iter. Dr. Ulsbce, Unlvcrsallst, Ronton,
Modem Faiths. There ore those who
believe In so-called "modern faiths,"
but they are all false. Franco attempt
ed to dethrono tho Hlblo the result
was the French revolution. Rev. H, II.
Recmsnyder, Tlffln, Ohio.
Religion. Religion demands all from
very man and yet no moro thnn each
man can give. So you lovo God with
all your heart and with nil your soul,
all your own'nnd yet nil his. Her. Dr.
Uyrd, Methodist, Atlanta, On.
Increase tho Power. Kxperlenco
teaches that you cnn have educated
villains; that education without sancti
ties of religion or restraints of morali
ty Increase tho power for evil. Rev.
Dr. Dana, Presbyterian, Philadelphia,
No Climax. Sin has no climax. It
gains In speed and momentum as It
goes. Frightful Is the Illusion that
some future situation, hero or else
where, may render tho choice of Gotl
less difficult Her. J. C. Smith, Indian
apolis, Ind.
An Age of Thought Ours Is an age
of thought and thought means the en
largement of men. It has been so In
all creation. This earth was not made
In a moment Tbo story of our old
planet Is in Its growth. Iter. Dr.
Prince, Methodist Carlisle, Pa.
Wisdom. Thero Is no finer nttrlbuto
to wisdom than when Job says that It
cannot be gotten for gold. What Job
says of wisdom will In Jewish Judg
ment be applied to trno education, for
wisdom Is only the fruit of the best
education. Rabbi Lyons, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Purchased Man. It Is a end thing to
contemplate, but true, that Christ bad
purchased man from perdition, whllo
man preferred to remain In tho hands
of tbe enemy. Christ did not'enforco
payment because man was endowed
with free will. Rev. Dr. Crawford, To
ronto, Canada.
Divine Purpose. Tho sacrifices of
the past reveal, dimly, somewhat of
the divine purpose for humankind, but
they foreshadowed all too dimly tho
tremendous purpose pf God. The gist
of God's purpose Is that all men may
be saved. Iter. M. P. Flkcs, Raptlst
Baltimore, Mil.
God's Fatherhood. When men have
fully learned that God's fatherhood
means their own brotherhood, when
the universal reign of righteousness
shall bave dawned, we sball not be
here to detect and correct our blun
ders. Our work, must be dono now or
never. Rev. C. J. nail, Denver, Colo.
Fullness of tho Gospel. In Christ we
see all tho fullness of tbo Gospel. Tbe
glory ho bad with his Father, If Paul
were alive to-day he would not forget
the unsearchable greatness and riches
of his Savior. When wo see the beau
ties of his life we do not see how con
descending he was. Rev. J. Povey,
Congregatlonallst Detroit Mich.
Embodied Thought. A man Is ns re
sponsible for bis thoughts ns his actions
In fnct, a man's actions are but his
embodied thought. Wrong doing feeds
on wrong thinking. Coarse thinking Is
the nearest kin to coarse nctlons. Right
thinking about Christ brings right
thinking about every relationship of
life. Rev. Dr. Harlan, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Spirit of Christ Tbe spirit of Christ
Is a spirit of seeking and searching. It
Is a spirit that cannot rest until success
has crowned Its efforts. Ask yourself,
Is that the spirit of me? Yet we call
ourselves Christ's disciples. If people
bave lost their habit of going to church,
what does It mean? It means that they
are suffering from a diminution of spir
itual Interest Rev. Dr. Alsop, Episco
palian, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Suffering. Suffering Is a great school.
Wo learn our best lessons lu this school
of suffering. We learn, for Instance, to
love truth nnd to know It by suffering
from errors. Wo learn to love righteous
ness as we suffer from sin. Hut tbo
greatest lesson wo learn from our ex
perience In life Is the great central les
son of obedience. Do you know that It
Is the hardest thing lu the world for you
and mo to become obedient as we pass
through the school of Buffering? I bave
learned obedience by the things I havo
suffered. Not only do wo learn the los
Bon of obedience In tbo school of experi
ence and Buffering, but wo really de
velop and consolidate our character.
Rov. Dr. Macl.aurln, Rochester, N. Y.
In mnemonics this Is perhaps tho best
thing out It Is related of a reporter,
who bad to write about A. It Colqu
houn, the wcll-knowu engineer. IIo
was told that after Mr. Colquhoun's
nnuio should bo placed tbo letters "M.
I, C. E." Member of tho Institute of
Civil Engineers.
"That's easy to remember," thought
tho reporter. "M. I. O. Ii spells 'mice.'
Can't forget that."
When bo gave In til copy lo tbe edi
tor, however, the letter after Mr.
Colquhoun's name wc "R, A. T. S."