Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 07, 1902, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
I.ISIt W. llr.NUY, Killtor n.l Prop'r.
Perhaps llio salt
trust was snttctl.
If procrigtlnntlon Is tho thief of lime,
whnt docs' lie do with tho stolen goods?
If our returning Arctic explorers will
kindly cut out tho lecture sequel nil will
ba forgiven.
"Would You for FIvo Million" is tho
nnmo of one of tho new plays. Is It
necessary to nskl
The Isthmus of Panama Is tho vermi
form appendix of North America. Ah
operation for appcndleltls might help
Those ministers who are nslng mov
'lng pictures, professional whistlers and
other devices to attract congregations
should try tho gospel occasionally.
Word comes from South America that
n now volcano has been discovered In
Pern. It really was not needed. There
wcro craters enough and to spare al
ready. Who can blame King Alphonso for
getting mad when his mother goes and
gels married to her Master of. Horse
a sort of livery stable fellow, as we mi
derstand III
A Chicago" advertiser wants "young
man with rising qualities for mercantile
establishment" Probably a euphemis
tic way of saying that the youth will
lw required to run lite elevator.
"Hooks do not make men," declares
President Iladtcy of Yale, and that Is
true. Most men arc making books,
however. If we may Judge from tho
publishers' advertisements of now nov
els. One of Mr. Carnegie's employes Is
charged with the theft of about $100,
000 from his employer. It speaks well
for Mr. Carnegie's Scotch thrift that he
missed so Insignificant an amount from
tho cash drawer.
The official figures of Canadian Im
migration for the fiscal year ended
June 30 last show a total of about
70,000 Immigrants for the year, of
whom 22,000 were from tho Unl
ted States. It is noteworthy that
this movement of our people Into Can
ada Is ' Increasing rather than dimin
ishing. A few years ago we were all wearing
stiff, llat-brlmmed straw hats. Then
came an era of flexible ones, later narrow-brimmed,
thick and rough ones ap
peared. Last spring there was a sud
den appearance of Imitation Panama
hats as sudden and unaccountable ns
the coming of seventeen-year-old lo
custs. Whence did these hats come?
What was the ultimate cause of their
being and why did so many people buy
them These are questions which no
social philosophy can fathom. They
constitute part of the deep mystery of
An English wit made an epigram to
describe the climate of London: "In a
line day, looking up a chimney; In a foul
day, looking down one." Quite as clever
was the remark of a London "cabby,"
when Informed by n brother driver that
lie bad as a passenger "a pal of the
Shah's what they call a sun-worshlp-cr,"
"I suppose he's come over for a
holiday," The coronation days bad their
humorous side, as the cabmen could tes
tify, and even the Oriental, hunting for
the sun In a London fog, might forget
his defeated desire to worship if he
beard himself called a "pat"
Americans are plunging ahead In
business channels with amazing ener
gy and rapidly and arc restless unless
engaged lu stupendous enterprises
which monopolize all their time, brains
and money. This extraordinary activ
ity Is rapidly developing the resources
ot the country, but It certainly Is not
conducive to long life among the peo
ple. Conscientious physicians aro be
coming tired of warning business men
that they are exhausting their vita) en
ergies too early in life and arc calni
- 1S-P2itsting the fees which are given
to keep wrecked constitutions working
a little longer.
A student ot the Chinese In New
York City notes the fact that when a
Chinese sues an American he must
perforce take the case Into the regular
civil courts but t'"t when one . Chi
nese sues another' tho- general public,
hears no tiling ot the 'litigation. It Is
settled by Chinatown's own mayor,
who, although bo has no legal means
of enforcing his Judgments, Is so hack
ed up by Chinese public sentiment that
any man who falls to abide by bis de
cision Is ostracized. This seems an
odd situation In an American city, but
It Is, after all, but an application of
the doctrine of "extraterritoriality" by
which Americans or otber foreigners
In China may scttlo their disputes be
fore their own consular courts.
A memorial bell Is to bang- In tho
belfry of tlie Congregational Church
in llarpswell, Me., where the late Kov.
KMJah Kellogg ministered for half a
century. The young people who read
hlo stories or declaim his "Spartacus"
havo their own way of remembering
blm. Those who beard his striking
sermons or profited by his helpful pas
torate will' welcome the sound of tho
bell a call to prayer and praise
whether tho tones reach tlie natural
ear, or only charm tho Inner sense
born of the Imagination. The sea and
shore lines ot his parish, the lovely
environment of a typical pastorate, did
not limit bis ministry; and the bell
which Is to send forth Its message of
bidding and benediction from Its home
on Casco Hay- will have Its. mission for
dwellers In far distant parts of tho
' "Th"o corn crop,"' remarked tho oth
er day an old employe of the Treasury,
who has been dealing all his life with
tho great movements of currency
throughout tho country, "baa more to
do with tub flnauces than any other
American product To see how things
arts coining out, I nlwnys watch the
corn reports." Tho reason that tills
cereal has so Important nn nuiueuco
upon tho national prosperity Is not
lmrd to find. No otlicr crop enters so
largely as does this Into other things.
IIIIU U UlllilJH, HO 1MM11V 11 .......M.w
of bushels of corn never leave tho
farms on which they arc raised. Near
ly all the domestic animals depend
upon It Moreover, the commercial
uses to whleli It Is now tut are won
derful and diverse. When the wheat
crop Is light. It U a comparatively easy
matter to push up cent a lcsw cxpon- f
slvo product Into some of Its places;
on the other hand. If the corn crop Is
dcllclcut Us substitutes entnll extra ;
cost, nud no derange tho agricultural
markets. Thus tho question nr!sng
. , . .
mrce-qunncra oi u.e ra . . . .
has five times exceeded two billion
bushels. Last year It was only about
three-fourths of that amount, it,
i ,t.v.i t.
cd the two-bllllon mark by nearly three
hundred million busltols. This year
to be still larger. It
-,ii . ..,
aborigines who brought their little
baskets of corn to the early English
settlors If they could but know that,,"' """ ."h: : tho
In spite of the white man's boasted magnetism. Ithln right ho
progress ot three centuries, their s.m-
? f fctt.
abounding commerlcal life.
The stnld London Chronicle is sol.
cuinly discussing the question. "Should vo minutes, ana men w inoui ir..i
Women Work?" Just as If women had ent for almost the remainder of the
not been doing the world's work since hour. A slight attempt nt artificial res-1
creatlou. Tho first suggestion of labor , toratlon of respiration commonly used
lu all history Is In the securing of the l eases was resorted to. luen
apple eaten by Adam and live, and It Dr. Llttlefleld and his discovery were
was Kvo who picked that The ex- called Into requisition, thin an hour t
ample then set has been pretty welt , the boy revived and is to-day living.
followed ever since The Eves are tho I According to the doctor s theory the
apple pickers yet It Is true a few principle which wo call life exists cv-
women play the role of Idle butterflies erywherc. It will not enter Into cnem--but
what of It? These are the ex- leal action and combination with other
ceptlons that mark the rule. The great elements and form new compounds, nor
majority of women toll unceasingly U It the result ot chemical action or the (
and with llttlo direct reward. Man union of any definite number or kluds
at Uie end of his day's work can count of compounds. It can neither be created (
up tho money he has made and meas- nor dcstroycE It can be excluded rrom
uro tho result Woman's day's work the organic body and then bo coaxed to (
has no end and no tangible profits. Ucr return In all Its fullness and complete-,
only jMiyment as she goes weary-hand-
ed and empty-handed to rest Is In the
heart-satisfaction of having done well
a little more of her unending labor of
love. There is nothing more pathetic,
were it not so common, than the sight
..... . .
so orten seen or me uaru-woriting,
conscientious mother who literally
weurs out her Hfo in unheralded toll,
thankless nnd not expecting thanks,
She has no "eight-hour day." Even a
twelve-hour day would be a boon to
most wives who In the care of tho
house and children nre always "doing
overtime" without thought of extra
pay. Among the savages the women
do all the work, their lords employing
themselves only In the chase and In
war. The progress ot civilization has
consisted largely In getting man to do
something for a living, and this prog
ress has come through mothers' train
ing ot the sons to share a part ot their
burdens. Man has devoted much In
rcntlve genius to labor-saving devices
that render more easy tho various de
partments of production that have be
come fixed upon man. But woman's
work still remains and must ever re
main much the same endless round of
labor by hand nnd brain. No machine
can do her work no; no; her work re
quires a heart in It Her work Is to
make the home a haven of rest for all
but herself, who knows no rest this
side of heaven. Her work Is to Im
plant and nurture the seeds o man
hood nnd womanhood In the souls of
her children, that fruits may bo borne
long after she Is gone. Should woman
work? Well, when she ceases to work
civilization will shrivel and disappear
like a sheet of tissue In a flame.
Namea of Cities that Are Variously
founded tir the Public
The suggestion has been made that
the proper pronunciation of the name
St Louis should be finally determined
before tlie opening of tlie Louisiana
purchase fair In that city, and It Is
urged the council of St. Louts or even
tho Legislature of Missouri should
pass upon the question. It Is pointed
out that an Immemorial dispute over
the. proper pronunciation of Arkansas
was settled by the Legislature of that
State in 18.31, when It was enacted
that the pronunciation should be " Ar
kansas'," and the State lived happily
ever after. The name St. Louis was
bestowed by the French when the
place was settled, and the French pro
nunciation Is Loo-ec, to rhyme with
the name of Admiral Dewey. The En
glish pronunciation Is "Lewlss," prac
tically rhyming with tho word Jew
ess. Tho suggestion, once made, does
not of course, halt lamely at St Louis.
When tho dispute' Is settled there It
Is proposed to ask Kentucky to declare
whether the name of that Common-
jypal th's chief city shall be Loo-ey.
vine or Licw-is-viup. Anu Illinois
might settle the point whether the
name of the thriving city of Jollet
shall be pronounced as the French ex.
plorcr after whom It was named did- .
Zhole-ya-or whether It shall ho called
Jolly-yet All this Is exceedingly stlin
ulatlng to the mind which keeps reach
lng out for wider fields, llko the mind
of a man afflicted with the habit of In
discriminate punning. There aro plen
ty of other towns which need attcn'
tlon. The namo of the city of BeaU'
fort in France, Is pronounced Bow-for. !
A town in North Carolina, named after .
It is known ns Bowfort, while one in I
South Carolina Is called Bu-fert A
noted French scanort Calais. Is nro-1
nounced Kal-lay, wbllo Its namesake
up In Malno Is called Kal-lls.
Whcro Womon Aro.Fuvorcrt,
At'tW old-fashioned Inns and restau
rants In Sweden It Is customary to
charge less for women than for men,
on the theory that they do not cat so
much. At souio hotels In Sweden a man
nnd a wlfo are charged ns one and one
half persons If they occupy the same
room. A husband and wlfo may travel
as ono and one-half persons by railway.
ana aiso uy mo post routes, rurmslilug'
their own carriage.
Tlicro ought to be a law agalust ,wh-'
Indian Pliy.lcln.1. Discovers lh Prlic
clplc of Hilsttnce.
Dr. a W- I.HtlcllcUI. of Alexandria.
Intl., Ilas discovered tlio principle of
J,, of restoring life to
nnl,ulM ivltlnli unit
nary tests proved to
bo dead. The doc
tor has revivified,
time and ngalu tiles
which have been
dead from half an
hour to n day. As
phyxiation, drown
ing and other
means of death
havo been resorted
to In his experi
ments, and so long
.11.. M ft ...A Illl'lltlS W
, uch &Wa nm, bumblebees,
f a"M,u "" " , . , . I,,,,,,. '
' h"f nudfJ M , w" eB" I
ntll he has succeeded P JwJ""'" J I
life mice, rats and cats which were to
l ; .doroformcd and !
, ,.. ....,....,...
ty mluutcs, after which It was covcreu
, magnetic pov d, w
W f M
"rownck" TO. theory w, so-
and "drowned." The theory
verelr tried during the winter months,
when a boy was under the Ice for forty-
ncss. Tnis lire pnnc.pio m ,
diffused throughout space and needs
only the proper media to causo It to ol.
Jectlvely manifest Itself. It Is, as be
believes, the underlying first claus of
all things pnysicai anu numinu jwvn
.1 'Til 1 U I.ifl ll S
as a Tuiuwie T,
me." he says, "to believe that this lire
principle exists nt all times and Is co-
existent with creation. Therefore when
the Bible tells us that God breathed Into
man's nostrils the breath of life It states
a more profound fact than we have
heretofore been able to appreciate.
j Wa tTirint for the Flrt Shot Fired
at taeaieaeoi . icxauuru.
n. J. Williams, cashier of the First
National Bank In Shelby. Ohio, enjoys
the distinction ot having the first shot
fired at the siege
of Vlcksburg In
1SC3 aimed at
h I m personally.
Mr. Williams was
born in Marlon.
Ohio. In 1S42. In
1801 he enlisted
In Major Ink's
battalion In Mis
souri, and served
for eighteen
months. He re-
enlisted In the Sixty-ninth Ohio, and
held tho office of quartermaster ser
geant At the siege of Vlcksburg ho
was on the staff of General Burbridge,
of Kentucky, and as the army marched
up on the bills surrounding the city be
was ordered to go over and take pos
session of a farmhouse as a hospital.
He rode away with a few men, and as
they passed up tlie lane to the house
two Confederates opened Are on them
from the place. None of the men were
Another curious coincidence In con.
nectlon with this Is, that when Gen
eral Pcmberton sent a flag of truce
Into the Union lines with a proposal of
surrender the men were taken to Mr.
Williams' tent and kept wbllo General
Grant went over their message.
Mr. Williams has been cnsbler of the
First National Bank of Shelby con
tinuously since the day of Its opening,
April 0, 1872. He Is, therefore, serving
bis thirty-first year as cashier.
Ingenious tf Incorrect.
The Spaniards visited the country
now known as Canada before the
French, and made careful searches for
gold and silver, and finding none they
often said aca nada (there is nothing
here). The Indians, who watched
closely, learned this sentence and its
meaning. After the departure of the
Spaniards, the French arrived, and tho
Indians, who did not want their com
pany, and supposed they also wero
Spaniards come on the same errand,
were anxious to Inform them that
they were wasting their time by stop
ping In that country, and so they In
cessantly repeated to them tbe Spanish
sentence, aca nada. The French sup-
Tviap.1 fhnt thlfl rmuttjintlv rpenrrfnif
.nrt the nnme ot , -,...
nnd the -.11 lt Canada, a name
It has borne ever since. Se non o vero
e ben trovatol
It has borne ever since.
Spoke from Experience. I
A man wbo tries to uphold oil his
statements with tho prop of personal
experience is pretty sure sooner or .
later to find himself In difficulties. 1
"Wfiat kino ot posts suouid you say
Pd better bavo ror my piazza7 nsiccd
a summer resident of tho oracle of
Bushvlllo. "Cedar?" I
"No," was tho Instant reply; "not
'less you want to pay for poor stuff.
Git pino. Pino will last ye a hundred
"Aro you suro?" asked tho summer
resident, doubtfully, I
"Sure I" echoed tho oracle. "I novcr
stato a thing without I can provo It
I've tried 'em both. Tried 'em twlco
on my south porch, I tell yol"
A'glrl raves oyer the beauty of an
apple trcjf'lnybloomf bufa 'boy waits
uutlf tho blossoms are apples.
!j, ii,. t y lm r '
' An expert Is a mini 'whoso Ignorance
overshadows that of ordinary men.
!!itftT sr
TAUT II Chapter VI Continued.
"Ho gaied at mo with blearod,
drunken eyes for n moment and then
I saw a horror spring up In them nnd
couvulso his wholo features, which
Bhowed mo that ho know mo.
"I had always known that von
gcanco would bo sweet, but had never
hoped for tho contentment ot soul
which now possessed' mo.
'"You dog!' I said. 'I havo hunted
you from Salt Lako City to St. Pet
ersburg, nnd you havo nlways escaped
mo. iMow at last your wanuenngi
havo como to nn end, for elthor you
or I shall never soo tomorrow's sun
"Ho shrank still further away ns
I cpoko, and I could sco on his fnco
that ho thought 1 was mail. So I was
tor tho time. Tho pulses In my tem
ples beat llko slodgchnmmors, and 1
bellovo I would havo had n fit ot somo
sort It tho blood had not gushed from
my noso nnd relieved mo.
"Ho staggered back with a livid face.
and I saw th perspiration break out
upon bis brow, while his teeth chat
tered. At tno sight. 1 leaned my uack
against tho door and laughed loud and
"'What do you think of Lucy For
rlor now?' I cried, locking tho door
nnd shaking tho key In bis face. 'Pun
ishment has been slow In coming, but
it has overtaken you at last.
"I saw his coward II lis trcmblo ns I
spoko. Ho would havo begged for hi
life, but ho know well that it was use
"Would you murder mo?' ho stain
"Thoro Is no murder.' I answered
'Who talks of murdering a mad dog?
What morcy had you upon my poor
darling when you dragged her from
her slaughtered father and boro hor
away to your accursed and shamclcsd
" 'It was not I who killed hor father,'
ho cried.
" 'But It was you who broko her In
nocent heart' I shrieked, thrusting
tho box beforo him. 'Let tho high God
Judgo between us. Chooso nnd cat
Thcro Is death In ono and lira In tho
other. I shall tako what you leave
Let us seo it thero Is Justlco upon tho
earth, or It wo nro ruled oy chance.'
"Ho cowored nway with wild cries
and prayers for mercy, hut I drow my
knlfo and hold It to bis throat until no
had obeyed me.
"Then I swanowed tho othor, nnd
wo stood facing each other In sllenco
for n tnlnuto or moro, waiting to seo
which was to Itvo and which was to
"Shall I over forgot tho look which
camo over his faco when tho first
warning pangs told him that tho pois
on was In bis system? I laughed as
I saw it, and held Lucy's marrlago
riug in front of his eyes.
"It was but for a moment, for tho
action of the alkaloid Is rapid. A
spasm of pain contorted his features;
he throw his hands out in front ot
him. staggered and then, with a
hoarso cry, fell heavily upon tho
"I turned him over with my foot
and placed my band upon his heart
Thero was no movement. Ho was
"Tho blood had been streaming
from my nose, but I had taken no no
tice of it I don't know what lt was
that put It Into my head to wrlto up
on tho wall with It
"Perhaps It was some mischievous
Idea ot putting the pollco upon a
wrong track, for I folt light hearted
nnd cheerful, I remembered a Ger
man being found In New York with
'racho' written up abovo him, and It
was argued at tho time In tho news
papers that tho secret societies must
havo done it.
"I euessed that what puzzled tho
Now Yorkers would puzzlo the Lon
doners, so I dipped my finger in my
own blood and printed it on a conven
ient place on tbe wall.
"Then I walked down to my cab
and found that there was nobody
about, and that the night was still
very wild. I' had driven somo dlj
tanco, when I put my nand Into tho
pocket In which I usually kept Lucy'i
ring, and found that It was not there.
"I was thunderstruck at this, for It
was tho only memento that I had t
her. Thinking that I might havo
dropped It when I stooped over Dreb-
bers body, I drovo nacic, anu leaving
my cab In a sldo street, I went boldly
up to the house for I was ready to
daro anything rather than loso tho
"When I arrived thero I walked
right into tho arms of a pollco officer
who was coming out, and only man
aged to disarm his suspicions by pro
tending to be hopelessly drunk.
"That was how Enoch Drobbcr camo
to his end. All I bad to do then was
to do as much for Stangerson, and so
pay off John Ferrler'a debt.
"I knew that ho was staying nt Hal-llday'-i
private hotel, and I hung
about nil day but ho never came out,
I fancy that ho suspected something
when Drebber failed to put in an ap
pearance. "He was cunning, was Stangerson,
and always on bis guard. If ho
thought bo could keep mo off by stay
ing in doors ho was very much mis
taken. I soon found out which was
the window of his bedroom, and early
next morning I took advantage of
somo ladders which wero lying In tho
lane behind tho hotel, and so made
my way Into his room In tho gray of
tho dawn.
"I woko him up and told him that
tho hour had como when he was to
answer for tho Hfo bo uad taken so
long before, I described Drobber's
death to him. 'arid I gave him the
same cholco of tho poisoned pills.
Instead of grasping at tho chanco
of safety which that offered him, ho
sprang frpm his bed and flew at my
throat In self-defense I stabbed him
to tbo heart. It' would havo been tho
same In any case, for Providence
would never havo allowed his guilty
hand to pick out anything but tuo
"I have llttle'more to say, and It's
as well, for I am about dono up, I
went on cabbing lt for a day or so.
Intending to keep at lt until I coull
savo enough to tako mo back to
"I was standing In tho yard when n
ragged youngster asked If thero was
a cabby thoro called Jefferson Jloro,
and said that his cab was wanted by
a gentleman at 221B Bakor street,
"I went round, suspoctlng no harm,
and tho next thing I knew, this young
man hero had tho bracelets on my
wrists, nnd as neatly shackled as over
I was in my Hfo.
"That's tho whofo of my story, gon
tlcmen. You may consider mo to bo
n murtloror, but I hold that I nm Just
m much an offlcor ot Justlco as you
So thrilling bad tho man's nnrrn
tlvo been, and his manner was so Im
pressive, that wo had sat Bllont and
Evon tho professional detectives,
blaBo as they wero In ovcry detail of
crime, nppenrod to bo keenly Inter
ested in tho mnu a story.
When ho had finished wo sat for
somo minutes In a stillness which was
only broken by tho scratching ot l.ea
trade's pencil ns ha gavo tho finish
ing touches to his shorthnnd account.
"Thoro Is only ono point on which
I should llko a llttlo mora Informa
tion," Sherlock Holmes said at last.
"Who was your accomplice who camo
for tho ring which I ndvortlscd?"
Tho prisoner winked at my friend
."I can toll my own Bocrcts," ho
said, "but I don't get other peoplo In
to trouble I saw your advertisement,
nnd I thought It might bo a plant, or
ll might bo tho ring I wanted. My
frlond volunteered to go nnd seo. I
think you II own ho did It Bmnrtly."
"Not a doubt ot that," said Holmes,
"Now, gcntlomen," tho Inspector re
marked, gravely, "tho forms of tho
law must bo compiled with. Un
Thursday tho prisoner will bo brought
bcroro tho magistrates, and your at
tendance will bo required. Until then
I will bo responsible for him."
Ho rang tho bell as ho spoke, and
Jefferson Hopo was led off by n couplo
of warders, while my frlond nnd 1
mndo our wny out of tho station and
took a cab back to Baker street.
Wo had nil boon warned to npponr
beforo tho magistrates upon tho
Thursday: but when the Thursday
camo thoro was no occasion for our
A higher Judgo hnd taken tho mat
ter In hand, and Jefferson Hopo bad
boon summoned beforo n trlbunnl
where strict Justlco would bo meted
out to him.
On tho vory night after his capture
tho anourlsm burst, and bo was found
In tho morning stretched upon tho
floor of tho cell, with n placid smllo
upon his faco, ns though ho had been
ablo In his dying moments to look
back upon a useful Hfo, and on work
well dono.
"Grcgson and Lcstrado will bo wild
about his death," Holmes rcmarkod,
as wo chatted It over noxt morning.
"Whcro will their grand advertise
ment bo now?"
"I don't sco that thoy had very
much to do with his capture," I an
swered. "What you do in this world Is n
matter of no consequence," returned
my companion, bitterly. "Tho ques
tion Is, what can you mano pcopio
bellovo that you havo dono? Never
mind." ho continued, moro urigiiuy,
after a pause, "I would not havo
missed tho Investigation ror anything,
Thero has been no better enso with'
In mr recollection. Slmpto ns It was,
thcro wcro several most Instructive
points about It
"Slmolo?" I ejaculated.
"Well, really, It can hardly bo de
scribed as othcrwlso, said sncnocK
Holmes, smiling nt my surprise. "Tho
proof of Its intrinsic simplicity Is that
without nnr heln. savo a row very or
dinary deductions, I was ablo to lay
my hand upon tho criminal within
threo dnys. "
"That Is true," said I.
"I havo already explained to you
that what Is out of tho common is us
ually a guldo rather than a hindrance.
In solving a problem of this sort, tho
grand thing Is to bo ablo to reason
buckward. That la a very usoful uc
camnllshment nnd a very easy one.
but peoplo do not practice It much.
Ir. tho ovcry day arrairs or nro 11 is
moro usoful to reason forward, and
so tho other comes to bo ncglocted.
Thcro nro fifty who can reason syn
thetically for ono who can reason an
alytically." "I confess," Bald I, "that I do not
qulto follow you."
"I hardly expected that you would.
Let mo sco If I can mako It clear.
Most dcodIo. If you describe a train
of events to them, will toll you what
tho result would bo. Tney can put
thoso events together In their minds,
nnd nreuo from them that something
will como to pass. Thcro aro fow peo
ple, howovor, who, ir you told tnom n
result, would bo able to ovolvo from
their Inner consciousness what tho
steps woro which led up to that re
sult This power Is what I mean
when I talk of reasoning bnckward,
or analytically,"
"I understand," said I,
"Now, this was n caso In which you
woro given tho result and had to find
ovorytblng elso for yoursolf. Now,
let mo endeavor to show you tho dif
ferent 8tepa in my reasoning. To bo
gin at tho beginning. I approached
tho house, as you know, on foot, and
with ray mind entirely frco from all
Impressions. I naturally begun by
examining tho roadway, and thoro, as
I have already oxplalned to you, I
saw clearly tho marks ti a cab, which,
I ascertained by Inquiry, must have
been mado thoro during tho night I
satisfied myself that It was a cab and
not a private carrlago by tho narrow
gauge of tho whcols. Tho ordinary
London growler Is considerably less
wltlo than a gontloman's brougham,
"That was the first point gained. I
then walked slowly down tho garden
path, which happened to bo composod
of a clay soil, peculiarly sultablo for
taking Impressions. No doubt It ap
peared to you to bo a more trampled
lino of slush, but to my trained oyos
overy mark upon Its surface had a
meaning. . ,
"Thoro Is no branch of dotoctlvo
sclonco which Is so Important nnd so
much neglected as tho art of tracing
footsteps. Happily, I bavq always laid
groat stress upon It, and much prac
tice has made it socond nature to me,
"I saw tho heavy footmarks of tho
constables, but I saw also tho tracks
of tho two men who had first passed
through tho garden, It was easy to
toll that thoy hnd been beforo tho
others, becauso In places their marks
had beon entirely obliterated by tho
others coming upon tho top of thorn.
"On entorlqg tho houso this Inst In
ference was confirmed. My well-booted
man lay beforo mo. Tbo tall ono,
then, had dono tho murdor, If murder
thero was.
"Thero was no wound upon the
dead man's person, but tho agitated
exprosslon upon his face assurod mo
that ho had foreseen his fato beforo
It camo upon him, Mon who die from
hoart dlsoaso or any sudden natural
causo novor by any chanco oxhl&.t
nRltntlon upon their features,
llnvlntr miHTed Ilia dead man's llpj,
I doloctod ft Blltthtly sour smell, nnd
I camo to tho conclusion that ho had
had poison forced upon blm, Again
I nrguod that It hnd beon forced upon
hint, from tho hatrod nnd fear ex
pressed upon his fnco,
"By tho method of nxcluslun I ar
rived at this result, for no other hy
pothesis Would meet tho facts. Do
not Imnglno that It was n vory un
henrdot Idea. Tho forclblu adminis
tration of polBtin Is by no menus n
new thing In crlmlnnl nnnnls. The
cases of Dolsky, In Odessa, and of
Loturler, In Montpollor, will occur nt
oneo to any toilcologlBt,
"And"liow enmo tho great question
as to tbo reason why, Itobbory hnd
not boon tho obloct of tho murder, for
nothing wns tnkon, Was It politics,
then, or was It a woman?
"That wns tho question which con
fronted mo, I wns Inclined from tho
first to tho latter supposition, Politi
cal assassins nro only too glad to do
their work nnd to 11 y.
"It must hnvo beon n prlvato Wrong,
nnd not n political one, which rnlled
for such a methodical revenue. When
tho Inscription wns discovered upM
tho wnll I wns mora Inclined than
over to my opinion.
"Tho thing wns too evidently a
blind. When tho ring wns found,
howovor, It settled tho question.
Ctcnrly tho murderer has used It .0
remind his victim ot somo dead or nb
sent womnn,
"I had already como to tbo conclu
sion, since thoro woro no signs of n
struggle, that tbo blood which covered
tho floor had burst from tbo murdor'4
noso In his excitement.
"I could percclvo that tho track of
blood coincided with thu trnck of his
toot It Is seldom Hint nny man, un
less ho Is vory full-blooded, breaks
out In thin wny through emotion, sn I
hninrdcd tho opinion that tho crlmltul
wns probably a robust and ruddy
fared man. Events proved that I
Judged correctly,
"Having left tho house, I proceeded
to do what Grcgson had neglected, I
telegraphed to tho head of tho pollco
at Cleveland, limiting my Inquiry to
tho circumstances connected with tho
marrlago of Enoch Drehbor. Tho an
swer was conclusive
"It told mo that Drebber had np
piled for tho protection of tho law
against nn old rlvnl In love, nnmed
Jefferson Hopo, nnd Hint this sama
Hope wns at present In Kuropn. I
know now that I held tho clow to tho
mystery In my hnnd, nnd nil that re
mained was to secure thn murderer.
"I had already determined In my
own mind that tho mnn who hnd
wnlked Into the houso with Drebber
was nono other thnn tho mnn who had
driven tho cnb.
"Tho marks In tho rood showed me
that tho horso had wandered on In n
way which would hnvo been Impossi
ble hnd thoro been nny ono In charge
of It.
"Whoro, then, could tho driver bo,
unless ho wcro Insldo tho houso?
Again, It Is absurd to suppose thnt
any sano man would carry out a do
llborato crlmo under tho vory eyes, nn
It wero, of n third person, wbo wns
suro to betray him.
"Lnstty, supposing ono man wished
to dog another through London, wlint
better means could bo adoptod than
turn cab driver? All these considera
tions led mo to tho Irresistible conclu
sion thnt Jefferson Hopo was to 00
found among tho Jarveys ot tho me
tropolis, "If ho had been ono thoro was no
reason to bellovo that be had censed
to bo. On tho contrary, from his
point of view, nny sudden chanco
would bo likely to draw attontlon to
"Ho would probably, for a tlmo at
least, continue to perform his duties.
Thcro was no reason to stipposo that
he was going under an assumed nnmo.
"Why should ho chnngo his namo In
a country whoro no ono know his
original ono? I therefore nrganltod
my street nrab dotcctlvo corps, and
sent them systematically to every
cab proprietor In London until thoy
ferreted out tho mnn that I wanted,
"How woll thoy succeeded nnd how
quickly I took ndvantngo of It aro still
fresh In your recollection. Thn mur
der of Stangerson wns an Incident
which wns entirely unexpected, but
which could hardly In any caso havo
been provonted.
"Through It, ns you know, I camo
Into possession of tho pills, tho otlst
enco of which I had already surmised.
You sco, tho wholo thing Is a chain ot
logical scquonccs without n break or
"It Is wondcrfull" I cried. "Your
merits Bhould bo publicly recognized.
You should publish nn nccount of the
caso. If you wont, I will for you,"
"You may do what you llko, doctor,"
ho answorod. "Soo horo!" ho con
tinued, handing a paper over to mo;
"look ot thlsl"
It was tho Echo for tho day, and tho
paragraph to which ho pointed was
dovotcd to tho case In question,
"Tho public," it Bald, havo lost a
sensational treat through tbo suddon
death of the man Hopo, wbo wns sub
poctod of tho murdor ot Mr, Enoch
Drebber and of Mr. Josoph Stanger
son. "Tho dotnlls of the cbbo will prob
ably never bo known now, though wo
nro Informed upon good nuthorlty
that tho crlmo was thd result of an
old-standing and romantic foud. In
which lovo and Mormonlsm boro u
"It scorns that both tho victims bo
longed, In tholr younger days, to tho
Latter-Day Saints, and Hopo, tho de
ceased prisoner, halls also from Salt
Lako City. If tho caso bad had no
other effect. It at least brings out In
tho most striking manner tho effic
iency of our detective force, and will
servo ob n losson to nil forolgnora
that thoy will do wisely to settle their
feuds at homo, ana not to carry mom
on to British soli.
"It Is an open secret that tho credit
of this smart capture bolongs entirely
to tho woll-known Scotland Yard of
ficials, Messrs. Lcstrado and Orcgson.
The man was npprchondod, it appears.
In the rooms of a cortaln Mr. Shor
lock Holmes, who has himself, as an
amateur, shown soma talent In tho
detectlvo lino, and who, with such in
structors, may hopo In tlmo to attain
somo degrco of their skill,
"It Is oxpoctcd that a testimonial of
somo sort will be presented to tbo
two officers as n fitting recognition of
tholr sorvIcoB."
"Didn't I toll you so when wo start
ed?" cried Bhorlock Holmes, with a
laugh, "That's tho result of all our
Study In Scarlet to get thorn n testi
monial!" "Never mind," I answered; "I havo
all tho facta In my Journal, and tho
public shall know them. In tho moan
tlmo you must mako 'youreolf con
tented by tho consciousness of suc
cess, llko tho Roman mlsor
" 'Populus mo slbllnt, nt mlhl plaudo
Ipso domi Binui no nummos con
tomplar In area,'"
She Ho declares ho loves thu Tory
ground I trend upon. He Ahl I
thought ho hnd his eyes on llio estate
-Harvard Lninpotin.
Hubbubs-Why nro you snenklng Into
tho houso so quietly? Coimnuto-Hh-hl
Tho cook bns company, and I do not
wish to disturb them.
"I cnu safely say that 110 mnn over
nttomptod to hrlbu im, gimllenu'li."
"Don't bo down benrtcd, old chnpi
your luck mny chnnge."
Clllmnn-I seo you rnlso your own
vegetables, Hubiirbniillo-Nol I slm-
ply plant n small garden so ns to keep
tbo chickens nt home, Llfo.
Tbii Lnwyer I really hope I don't
niinoy you with nil these questlonx.
Ills Fnlr Client Not nt nil. I'm used
to It I hnvo n 0-yritrold son.
Ho I fancy men bellevo In friend
ship rnlher moro thnn women do. She
-Possibly, but Iho grout trouble Is It's
generally their own friendship they be
llovo In,
Wlseuin-Hoiiestly, now, did you
lenrn nnytlilng while you wero In col
lego? Graduate Um-iii well, I learn
ed how to slate my Ignorance In scien
tific terms.
"Is your fnmlly foud of cereals, Mr.
Jumpup!" "Oh, very! we're reading
sovernl In thu Pnrlnr Portfolio now,
nnd enti't Imrdly wait from week to
week."- Philadelphia Bulletin,
Cassldy-Hlilop klekln' nbout yer
bard luck, tniiiit Koine mornlu' ye'll
wnko up an' find yersel' fnmnus.
Cnsey-Fnltb. O'll bet ye whin Hint
mornlu' comes 'twill be mv luck to
ovcrslupo ini'scl'.
Mrs. Hiram Offen-I hopo you wash
ed thn llsli thoroughly before you put
In on Iho broiler. Delln. Del In -Hh tire,
what would lie I he use of (hot, nm'am?
Hasn't It been llvlu' lu thu water all Its
lolfo?-l'hlbnlel'hln Press,
"Oh, well, my denr." observed ho (o
his wife, "you will find Hint there nro
it great ninny worse men In tho world
thnn I nm." "How can you bo so
cynical, John?" replied bis wlfo re
proachfully. Syracuse Herald.
Hllns-Ko Zeko won't have niiylhtng
but first elitss literature? Cyrus-No.
Why, ho wouldn't even subscribe to n
mngnzlnu becnusu bu snw "ISntcrcd ns
second-clnss matter" ou thu front
Superintendent It Is our usual cus
tom to let a prisoner work at the snina
trnde In here ns ho did outside. Now,
whnt Is your trade? Shoemnker,
blacksmith or "Please, sir, I wns
n traveling snlestnnn."
Constnnce I nm going out In Algy's
launch. Penrlope-lliit nnplitlin launch
ei nro very dnnserous. Omstance-I
know It. lint Algy gnre me tho cholco
of either going out with him oil his
itnpbtbn launch or hi salllwiat.
"I seo a crank out West announces
bis Invention of n 'theater hat for la
dles that will shut up when tho cur
tain rises." "If he'd only Invent n
box pnrty thnt would do thnt ho'd de
serve n medal." Philadelphia Press.
"Here's a letter from Mlrandy nt col
lege She says she's In lovo with Ping
Pong." "She Is. hey? Well, she'd bet
ter glvo him up. Wo nln't goln' ter
stand for no Chlnniunn marrying Inter
this family." Woman's Homo Com
panion. Mr. Bklnner You'll hnvo to wait n
wbllo for your wages this week. I
can't pny you to day. Clerk-See here,
now, thnt won't do, sir. I've got to
live, you know. Mr. Skinner Non
sense! Whnt put thnt Idea Into your
heud.-Chlengo Tribune.
Ijuly (to furniture clerk) I llko the
Louis XIV. and thu Loul XVI. designs
equnlly well. It wouldn't do. I sup
pose, to hnvo tioth chairs In tbo par
lor? Clerk-Oh, yes, madam; they
would harmonlzo well-only two years
difference, you see Judge.
Teacher (to class In geography)
And who knows whnt tho pcopio who
llvo In Turkey nro called? Class (unan
imously) Turks! Teacher Itlgbt Now,
who can tell 1110 what thoso living In
Austria aro called. Llttlo Boy Please,
mum. I know. 0trlcbcs!-Judge
Hasty Harry-Wat youso flshln'
here wldout any halt for? Don't youso
know dat fish won't cut a bare book?
Strenuous Stove (scornfully) W'ntt
Don't youso see dat tf do fish dou't
bite I ain't got to go to do troublo o'
takln' 'cm otl'n d' hook. Where's ye
pcrfcshloual Instinct?
"Ob, maw," said tho 10-ycar-old
hopeful, "do you sco how wet my
clothes nro?" "Yes, young man,"
spoke mamma, sternly, "nnd you hnvo
been In swimming," "No, maw,"
"Then how did you get wet?" "Why,
somo boys wanted mo (0 go In swim
ming, nnd I ran away so fast I per
spired." "Young man," said tbe Irish magis
trate, as a youthful prisoner was
brought beforo blm. "I would advlso
you to mako a full confession tf you
wunt to get off with a light sentence,"
"And If I dou't confess, then whut?"
asked tho young man. "Oh, In that
event," rcpllod the magistrate, "I shall
probably buvo to acquit you for want
of evidence"
Tho Flrst-Borni "Yes, It took my
wife nud mo and my mother and my
wife's mother nud two sisters nnd nn
old aunt of mine nnd half n dozen of
our cousins to pull our first baby
through till lt was 2 years old." "And
did tho llttlo ono become stronger by
that tlmo?" "No, wo had another by
thnt tlmo, nnd camo out of tho dream."
Chicago ltccord-Hcrald,
Itoom fur Moro Improvement.
Prison Dlrector-Wlmt, you here
again for burglary? When yoti left,
hero threo weeks ago you sold that you.
had bocomo n much better man.' "
Prisoner Yos, sir, but I want to bo
come better stllll Heltcr Welt
Canvasser I would like to see the
lady of tho house
Mistress Certainly. 81m in Ivnplrl,,,.
back lu tho kitchen.
Fishing cultivates patience. Ladles
will plcnso tako notice