Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 07, 1902, Image 3

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U I,
Some of tho HuppciiliiKK About
Dr. I.nwc ot'iilo-niMlcliill r.tiKi'MC.
It. .1. .1 en n I ii wh I 1 1 1 front Porlliinil.
IMI. Kliy Im mIi-K HiIh week with
CIiiii-Icm llniiii'iui wiim a piiHHi'imiT
In I'lirtliiiul IuhI .Miindiiy.
Sen tint lilginhl f Tlu'Chi'iiiiHInro,
TIih.v offtir some ImiK'ilH".
A HhiiiitliiK Kiillcr.v Im being nis'iied
up In llm A lieu building I III" wivk.
Ally, .luroiiic Knox Im itlleitilliig
court In Hugi-no this wit'K.
, ,, ,
Call at II, ( . M"'"'" ' !m
ami see the llnest lliu- of Jewelry In
town. --.
M. U. Uhv's lirothi'ifrnii. liar-
, , ii.'T.i.i. .1 ,....,,.....,
riMiiurg is visiting in--.-..-.
' Tk, Wnderwo,,.. w- ljr
to Hiikimio Momlay where hi. went to
HITVl" Oil III" Jill J
MIhm Stewart niturneil IiihI I'rlilay
from llrowiiMVllln where she Iiiim Iki-ii
visiting her paivntH several wtvks.
A stock of goods Iiiim Isvii pill III
Isiltoy building on Main street for
nuirly oieiipleil by Vance AIIImoii.
.lami'M Jennings Im ilowu 'from Ito
hernia for the winter. Mr. Jennings
will put In IiIm lime thlM winter In
Southern OreKini.
Ilailileu anil Money have oiH-neil
lip a ws'ollil hallil Mtoivlllthi. Iiullil
Imk ui the wiwt Mlile formerly oc
inpleil ly the Niikki'I.
Our HMMiivcr I.. ll.Samlot left laMt
wvtk for I'ortlaml when, he Iiiim ih
ceploil a poxltlon with the kovitii
inetit iim Interpreter of Herman.
French anil KimilMli.
The iiorthliiiiinil overlaml wiim
admit nine Mourn Into Momlay morn
Iiik on acfount of a frelKhl wrtn-k
thlMMhlo of ItiiKohurn In which one
man wiiMMllKhtly Injureil.
The Drain foothall team piimmmI
throiiKli hem IiihI I'rlilay eliroiite to
KiW-ne when) they met the I'.nitvne
IiIkIi hcIiooI team on the k'rl'llrnn
ami were walloM'd to the tuueof."'.'
There will Im- a tlranil MiiMk Itall
given ThankMlvliiK live. Nov. J at
Miirtlu'H hall uiuler niiMplrtw of Calla
pooya Trllio Iinnroveil Onlcr of Iteil
men. TIcketM t. SiKitatoiM AV
(looil iniiMle, uooil onferaml k'"I
time Kimranteeil to all who may
participate. Com.
When It roincH to iiKrli'tiltiiml pro.
iluctM the l.oraue M'oplean ntrlctly
lull anil ilou't you ever forjii't It.1
The animal falro hehl there alwa.VM
attract atteiitloii ami an atleuileil
liv Mople from far ami near, l-axt
week A. Crow wiim over from l.oraue
Hill I li-tl. hi HiIh ciltlre a line naiiinle of
com ralwil on IiIm farm. iiIho nome
excellent iiiiIiici'm ami appiew. .Mr.
, .i. iu..i
Lniw rKtiimt umi .iij 1
u-eneral exhlhlt at the fair lint wiim,
harriil from iwIvIiik "" tlT
prltcM which hlMexhlliltM won.
MOUliAN Mim. Nellie II. Morwiu.
iikimI t!l yi'arH ami U montliM, Nov.
I, Wi.
MrM. Nellie II. MorKiui wiim the
ilaiiKliterof Mr. I.ora A. Skinner of
I .oh AliKi'k'M. Cnllf., hut formerly ot
I'ortlauil. She wiim marrleil to Dell
Mommi of the linn of llrehailt vV
MorK'in of the New Km DniK Store,
In Portland on the ImI day of Octo
Iht, IINI1, mid they have made their
it'Hlilence In thlM place ever Hlnce,
whem they have made many warm
trlemlM who Mlncerely Mympathlu.
with the hiiMliaml In thin IiIm invatcHt
iR'n-avemeiit. The rt'inaltiM were
taken to I'ortland on the Monday
iipou train and were Intrnvd In the
(lleiiwood cumetery In the family
lot where Mix. MorKiin'H fathur In
Due nlKlit. Thui-Mday. Nov. 'Jilth
Twenty M?ople headed hy the Ki-i-at
MoKanliiHM the worldV KivatcMt cor
nottlMt, lianlo kliar, Mwwt NlnTiiml
vldlliilHt. MImm l.lxile I'arry the
champion lady cake walker of the
wiirld liavliiK taken the prltt' lit
Simlnaw, .Mich. (IreateHt mimic ami
four-voiced hIiikit. MImm I'attl Mr
KanhiHM the HWeeteMt hallad Hinder
llvliiU'anil nioMt verMatile coloivd K'lrl
lM-fort) the pul dir. The Kiiiiioum (leor
ghi quartette, and lit teen other MrMt
cIiihm and up-t4i-ilato perfornirrM Our
nIiikIuk dxcoIm, ilauceH Kn-at, coini
illaiiH funny. Do not iiiImh tho free
concert at opera Iiouhh at h o'clock,
Seata now on Hale at iimiiuI plmr.
ArtlcluM of Incuriioratlon were re
cently (llrd with t)ii) Ncey, of Htak
and the county clerk of the Drain
Lumber Co.. ItoMebuiK LuiiiIht
Co. and the J'acllle Cedar andShliiKle
Kncli of thcMO compaulcH Im Incor
porated with a capital Mtock of
iil.iHMi, the IncorporatorH Mntf (Iro.
Kerr, W. ('. .IoIiumoii and V. M. Kb.,
all well-known cltUeiiM of thin place.
The obJectM of eacli omnpiitiy, mh tv
uu In (he urtlcleM of Incorporation
ait) Identically the nanio fn MiiliMtauw
iim (oIIowh; To nmnufneluro, Hell,
buy ami deal In nil kludH of IiiiIIiIIiik
material; to have, power tobuy land;
to Iumhu, operate ami build plnntH
for the miuinfacturu of all klnilH of
litilldlnK miiterlal; to erect wlmrvrH,
etn; to owi iml oporate HteainboatH,
bnrircw. wharvcM. boardliiK Iioukcm,
hotulH; to eiiiiKo In the Ki'lie.ral mer-
ClllUldlMU bUMlllCHH, it.
It In umlcrHt ood that thin company
orcomiianleH, wlUeiiKiiKU In tholuni-
lior and hIiIukIo btiHlncHM on qulto an
uxtuiiMlvii Hcalo In Lane and DoukIhh doubt to erect jnlllHiit
k 11, till
ami otiiur poiuiH,
extond to the coiiHt, probably to
-in ii.iu iii nn rill i in i' and alouir the
Unooftho propoHed (hvat Contra.
Tnwii During the I 'nut Week.
Ili'icl the iiiIiIh In till ihmiii.
Ally. Iimi Young IhiiImmiiIIiikciiiii'I
I'liH'cllI glass (or wi'ilillngprfwwilH
III II. )'. .tlllllHCII'H. 12-11
Imiiiic IIIiikIimIii wiih lip from I'nrt
lilinl the llixl of (lie wivk.
A fresh mill I'Olilpli'lo line of gl'iii'-
Ncm nt Nkiiiimiii mill iii'iiHoii'H,
Miss Stella llrou'li. of Kiueeue.
vImIIi'iI ill the editor's Iiiiiiii' ImmI Hun-
iln.v mill .MoiiiIii.v.
i ran at a II. u. A in w'm h ncwMtori'
''''''I '' line Ilm. ..f Indies' anil
i . .
Call at at II. C. MmiIwii'm newstiiri
; J . " ' .v T. ' . '
tit.. I .... I
IIKI'I"7 nilllHIIJ 11111 1117 l Ullt'JMI
K,.,lrt mihI returned Monday.
JlXto&X "'
W)l ,irl.a court.
Messrs. KohliiHoii, of Cohiirg, mid
lllll, of I'ortlmnl, wcru In thccltv
hist week the guest of Dr. (Ifo. Wall.
While here they look u Jaunt or two
In quest of the wary China pheasant
lint hail lit tlfxiim-w. They returned
"A. II. listen, of Providence. It. I..
11. II. I'listcr, of Knsl (In-ciiwlfh, II.
I., Frank Nlmoiids, of North Adams,
.Mass., anil tiro, W. I.lovil. stook
IioIiIitm ami olllclalH In tin CryMtal
Consolidated Mining Co.. arrived In
tin. city hiMt I'rlilay anil left Satin
ilay for lliihitniht where they will
look the proH'i-ly over.
The .MiiiIIhou Square 'I'heatre Co.,
that nhoweil In Ktigciic all Inst week.
Im la our city thlM week ami showing
to good houses every evening. This
Im a first-class eompany ami put on
good playM. They are Honiewhat
hamlleapyeil HiIh week, however on
account of losing a couple of their
M'ople at Kiigenc.
Siimlay, Oct. W, a lireiiHt pin con
taluluK picture of t wochllilivii.a hoy
ami Klrl. I'lndcr pleiiMe leave at t IiIm
olllce ami nrelve rewanl.
To Trade.
A IiIkIi icraile I.. C. Smith or Col In
iloiihle liarrel, lialumerleMO hIioIkiiii,
either III or IL'kuiw. foryoiint;MtM-k.
i:niiilreut Hie NiiKKi't olllce.
HcconiesSole Owner.
S. i:. l.uuiliT t IiIm wei'k purchitMcil
Mr. IIIvcii'm luteivMt In the furniture
Htoiv In Schleef'H liullillnt,' of which he
now Ih-coiiii'm Mole proprietor. Mr.
ftiveiiM retahiM IiIm
Intercut In the
Ntore on the ciihI utile with Mr.
if. i..
Card Of Thankn.
To the many kind frlemlM of Cot
taKe drove who anxlHted iim mmiIiI.v
ilurlni; the n-ceut IIIiicmm and miiImc
ipirni drath of our wlf-mnl daiiuh
trr, we iIchIiv to exprtM our heart
fell IhankH.
Dm. i. Moiiiian,
Mum, I .on a K. Skinnkii.
Resolutions Of Condolence.
linker Circle No. 11. LnillcH of the
(I. A. It., adopted the following n-no
WhereiiM, llrother K. ami SlMter
1C. . I. Miller mouriiM tlielitxHof their
mod, Howard Miller, who pumhciI
from thin life OetolxTil.
ItCHolveil, That the LadleH of thin
Circle extend to the iH'reaved father
ami 'mother and ivhitlvcH oui'Hlncere
Hympathy ami altho' our hearlH are
More and IiIiviIIuk; yet limy the
thought of the glad iviinlou on the
other xliore lie a comfort to thrm In
Maiiv L, Koiick, I
KI.MIK Siiaii, Com.
Lochia IX'tton. )
ornciiRS ULUcrm).
At the mwtliiK of the board of di
rector of the lA'ltoy Mining Com
puny, on hiMt WedncMilay, for the
election of otllcerH for the eiiHiielug
yeaiV'l. L. Leltoy wiim (wlectedpivM
Ident and Dr. tleo. Wall wiih elected
vice preHlilent. F. (I. Khy, who Iiiim
Ih-oii acting mm Hcvretnry and tiviiM
urer of t IiIm corporation hIiico 1(h or
gaulxatloa one. year ago, wiih re
elected to tho pOMltlou and the dlivr
torn ordered that a vote of tliaukH
be npivail upon tliu mliiutcH to Mr.
Khy for IiIm iilllclent work ami nriln
iniH Inlior In bohnlf of the company
during tho pant year. Kvldently Mr,
Khy doMcrveH tho thaukMof the com
pany, for tho U'ltoy under Mr. Kby'n
manigemeiit Iiiih forged to tho front
rankH mid HtamlM today, although
but one year old, iih one of the HafcMt
ami HouuilcHt corporatloiiM In the
State ot Oregon, and tho Mtock Im
readily Helling at 15 cciitHOi'A ivntn
above par. The Ixdtoy Iiiim a good
record, It Iiiim good minora! and will
bo a dividend payor In a very nhort
Notice Im hereby given, That the
tiniloi'Hlguoil Iiiih Ikhjii HiIh 4tli luy of
Ootober, 1IRK1, by order of the County
Court of and for Lauo County, l))v
gon, duly appointed aduilnlHtrator
ottho eHtiito of A. V. Hancock ilo
roaHeil, all ikthoiih having ulaluiH
agalimt the OHtatu ot Hald dcveaHcd,
are hereby notllled to piwout tho
sauio with proper vouchem, to tlio
umlorHlgiiod, at tho olllce of F. 0,
Khy, Councilor at Law, at Cottage
Drove, Oregon, within hIx moutliH
from tho date ot thlH notice.
Dated October iwa. n. K. Law-
Cnthollc Church,
Father Doyln, reii'hlly of (IriinlH
I'iimmIiiii now having (jharKo of-SI
loMeph'M i liiiiili at ItoHelmrg, will
every fourth Sunday of the month
give HorvlroM here mid wImIich to an
nounce tlmt there will lie High Miihm
In Hie Catholic church at 111 o'clock
Kiiuilay morning. Nov. Uiiril. Con-
frMMloiiM will be heard ami coiiimunlon
given any lime befori iiiiimm ami con
feMHloiiM will bu heard iiImo on Saiur
day evening from " to mvt.
Salmon from The Umpiim,
.Iiiiimm I'm-Mhall, lately from Ne-
briiMkii, and K. I-'. Hiulth irturni'il
tlic Hint of the week from down on
tho I'mpipia river where they had
I ice 1 1 Mcvcral ilayM flMhlug for hmIiiiiiii.
Mr. I'arMhall, altho from a pralr'o
country driuoiiMtrated the fact that
hn could IImIi a little bit anyhow and
Mticctvilcd In landing quite a iiuiiiImt
of line Miiliiiiin trout and miiIiiiou,
amoiiK which wiim one weighing hIx-
leeii poiimlM.
Of coiirni. we received a fine hm'cI-
men miiIiiiou from .Mr. I'arMhallM
catch iim we came from IiIm liKiillty
In old NcliriiMka ami know JiimI how
to upitriH'late a good thing of thin
Mr. rarMhall Miiyn that there are
IIhIhtimi'II down then making ?." pei
day and w-IIIiik mmIiiiimi at ldc each.
Robbed In Aledford.
A man calling hliiim-If W. F. I'ad-
Kett on Siimlay morning reiiorted
that he had Imi'U roliln-d of fU'O and
two MM.'ket kiilveH the night iK-forc.
while mmIii'p In one of the lodging
Iioiikch of Mcilford. lie nald that he
had Imvii worklngln KiiMtern Oregon,
and wiim oii-IiIm way to Lane comity
In Join IiIm family, near Cottage
drove. The Minn he limt reprcHoiiteil
IiIm Hiimmer'M work.
I'adgett frequented the miiIooiim
about town Hometlme prerloiiHly,
drinking and Hhaklng dice, and he
thlnkHthat one of IiIm newly-found
compmiloiiM, who Iiiim hIiii-o made
liluiK'lf Hcarce, Im the guilty party.
He clalniH that the window to IiIm
room wan ralwil whl'e he wmh
Mliimlierlng and IiIm pautalooiiH.
which he had under IiIm pillow, rifled
of their coiitculH ty the midnight
ma milder. Town Talk.
Nov. ft, 1IK.
The preMcnt cool weather Iiiih
cailMed quite a lively movement In
the MtiH-k line. .Ino. Klllott, Jim,
AmIiIi.v C. W. Caldwell each
HlmiKhterlni: a Inrf. the two litHt
lliriltloned IIIho killing Home fat hogM.
...... . ...
Milne Ol I lie IIICK.V town people Will
now revel In Uvf frenh from the
lieo. ( inner and family returned
hint Satunlay from their Mummer ho-
Joiirii In the iiioiiutaliiM.
'' ,,",, " " "v-
lug home ycMterday he WIIH HeUed
T, , ' , .
With a fallltlllK lit mid fell from the
wngon In mi ....coiimcIoiim Htate. Dr.
Scilicet WIIM IlltHtllv Htllllllioiieil and
....i....ui .1 ...... Ho,. I .i, i.iii x ...-
incut. At prcHcut wilting' the pa
tient Im iIoIiik an well iih could Ik-ox-IM-eted
but the Dr. hii.vh the trouble
Im canned by exccHMlve iiHt of clga
ivtttw, and glveH but few )ioh'h of
full recovery uiiIcmm their line Im iIIm
coutliitiril. Itenieinln'r the nervier to Ih held
at the hcIiooI lioiiMe next Sunday
Singing hcIiooI wiim organized lant
Saturday evening to Iki held every
Saturday eve at the nehool houne for
a term of 12 weekH, Mr. leu fucker
h to Ih! the teacher.
Mr. and Mrn. V, Miller, of the
Drove, npent TueHilay with their hoii
Mrn. V. A, Clow Im mending hUiwI.v.
The toot of the rock criiMher Im no
longer heard In our locality the crew
haying gone home.
Mrn. Walter Wheeler wan a pleiiH.
ant caller at the hcIiooI ymtenlny.
Mr. llenuettV horne wiih Hiulilenly
taken quite nick while he wiih going
to Loralie hint TueHilayt but fortu
nately the attack hiMted only a abort
From tlio Ati'lilxon, htui Dully Ulolie
TliU la tho M'lifon when the woinim
who known the beit rfinrdiee tor croup
In In itcuiiind la every neighborhood.
One ol the moat terrlhto thiiiga in the
w oi Id In tube awakened in tho middle
of tho nli;lit by u whoop from one of the
children. The croup ruimiliea nre al
murtt ns sure to 1h lost, in easu ot croup,
iih a icvolver ia sure to be lout in caeo of
ljuilar. Thcrp used to ho mi old
fashioned remedy for croup, know n uo
lilvo oyriipnnil tola, but nome modern
mothers nay that Chuniberlain'a Cough
Itemed' i lietter, mid does not coat o
much. Ilcausea the patient to "throw
up tbo phleyni', quicker, and gives re
lief la a shoitei tline. Hive this remedy
aa aooa aa the eroupy cough apjie-Aia
ami It will prevent tlio attack, ll never
(alia mid ia plcaaant anil cafe to take
l-'or aide liy Lyons & Applegato, Drain,
llenaou Drug Co., Cottage Urove.
Prompt attention paid to Mining Uuilneii
Cottaok Grovk, Ork.
Mtornoy-at-Laxv o o o
: OfBce on Main atreet !-
Cottaok Grovb, Orb.
Wo have on hanu a largo stork of
kilu-dried tlooriug, celling and rustic in
grauos i z aim ;i. uut u m.ik'o yo
special prices.
IlOOTIl-Kltl LY I.UUBatt Co.
, Tlnltixl Htm Und OHIi-e,
IlofohiifK, Orn., Oi l. . KKCi,
Xoflcola hurehf ill veu tlmt In com
plhilii'o wllli the provimoini of the net of
l Y'iiKriww of Jiliui , IM7H, eutitlHl "mi
nut fill the H I H of UiiiUt l.uiiln In the
Hliilim of CiillforniH, Onyoii. NoviiiIh,
m ml Windihiifloii," imi'Jli-iiili-il IohII the
1'ilMlo l.unil Htulm by net of AnnI I,
KimiiH N. fiHllr.iiniii, of (;iiell,
Colintvof Lane, Stilt'- of Orraou, linn
UiIhiIiiv Illnl in thin olllce lier nworri
stilteuiviit No. ,'illlw, for the purcliHm of
the H i HK Ui&lili KW 1-1 of Heetlon
No. 2, Towiinhlii UK Mouth, of Uni(t 2
nem, unil will oiler prool to cliow
Hint the land noitxht " more vhIiihIiIc
for I in timU'r or kIoiii- Uihii for ituri-
I'lilliirtil imrpoiitM, hihI in cotHhllnh her
clnlin to hhIiI hind hoforv Marie I.. Ware,
tT, H. CuiimlHiioiiiir l liuxi-ue, Ortrxon,
oiiWuiIikihIm)' tlni .'lint ilny of Dw.,llM)l'.
hliinmiMK ii n wit inn-ex:
Jiuiii N. Itundle, of t'liirinoiint, Orc
Kon,.lHmuHlfoiriiinii, lulu Itlliaid of Ku
Knu, Oregon, Mnrtlm V. King, of Ciex.
well, rroii .
Any iinilall perimiM i-laimiiijf inlverK
Iv tliu iibove-ilixKjrfbnl htmla are re-
qiiuntixl to file their claim, in thin olllce
on or .Hot day of Dec.. 1002.
.1. J. 1IIIIIHIKH lltnltitor.
Unlle.1 Ml. In UimI omer.
S'l.llce la harpljtr irlmii tlist In inint.llaiii .
llh Ihpiirrirlnliina nl Hip wi n( CnnirreM ol
Jui.flS. IrrTH. i-litlllM "An Ait n.r ll,Mlnf
Tlrnlxrr IjiiI Inlhe Hll. ..l " ulllnriiU, Ore
tn. Svil. unit Wialilniri'iii Trrr Unrjr."
Ill.'ll III ll lh I'll 1)1 1' tjllirl HUlKliT HH
nlAuxmn, nwj, iMic e I'uui , nl KiiK'ne,
OMiriljriif IJllie, HUlIf nf i 'r.-fiiin, fijm tljja ilr
fltM In fhli nlilt-i- lir ntorn ltttin.tit .
tf.isinr ins iiireiiwi in Euwyi Hoetinii
.fi. vi III liiwnBnill w ivfUHli nl lutflllit l
I W. mil will nffer nriM.f In .hiivr thai ll, Un.1
iMMiKiii m mure; imp inr in iifnlrfT or 'tone
man inr aicrif iiliurai ,urii,ff ami in e-tari-ll.ll
her i-ImIid In lalil lan.l Iwlnre Harle I,.
ei . I ' 1'""",,,WI"'"J, r.uKcnr. I'rrKUIl nil
f-Hiiiiiiaj- ino inn nar in January ."K.
rm names ai wiineaava:
John W. I.ubll. charlaa II I'ulliK-k Ku-
tne. Orritiin. Iim W. IUii.IIc. t Falrmmml.
Ore., Aiialln llixit. uf Hprlnirnflil. Ore.
Allf ami all lxtaiina elaitnlna: aili-enelv the
bnie rlrerrllxcil landi are reiielel to ni
iiiiirrnimi in inn iimi-e on nr ixlnre fam l.lh
liar in January, IPti,
J. T IlKibrnai. Keiriler.
Ir.vk.-... ii... ...
OouAkt llth hat.
Nlitli e ol ai'l.lll-atlun of the Anarnmla linld
MlnlnrCun.iianriil liolienila. a rnr
iKirailmi, acting br and thrnuicli lu treasurer
C. 51. YmiCf, Inr a intent lor tbo Uim CoKanLl
imrti QCAitre Claim, Ii., hernia Mlnlnx IH-
niri, ijineami inHiic.aa cnuniiea, orirvn
llrrixi THE I'XITEII
htatih Orricit AT
ltimru. ot. Ot-u-
ner tn, im
Nnlteela liereliv ulten that Ih Inininrf.
I Hold Mllllor Cilni-nrol llohemla. a nrlTate
ruriMirat.oii. onraiuxeu ami nxiitina; umier ami
Iit rlrluenf llietawa nl the late o( Oreson
with III ,rllielHil ornra and elate of kuilneaa
at Kuneiis, mus eountr OreKon, aetlna; by,
i tl.rouxh and amler 111 trea.urer C. M. S'liurifr,
whiw mlonii-e If aald Kuptene. Ijinc eountr.
' o renin., haa rlleil anidleation lor l atent lor the
(iem ronaollilaled Qiiarlf i lalia, liuatet In
I Ihe Uol.eiula Mining lilatrn-t jnt and Ixiar-
taaronutlta Oreiron. and iteairntteil by Ihe
I Held notea and nDlelal i.lal on rile In thla offlee
I aa Mineral purvey nu. in, ana Ijluie ill evllon
' 11 townalili2Saoiith, ranxe .So leaal. the faid
tlem runanllilaleil Ouarti Claim, ronalatlnr ol
1 lae Mlde lode mlnlnir elalin. elalmlLir raai
linear teei ii.ereoi witn anriace irrouud aa
i ahoitn ujion the o.lelal lai on file In thla
1 onieeeireid a conflict o( i.iiit aerei with the
. Veaurlua Imle mlnlnaTctalm whlph mnrtlotlti
areula hereby eieludnl :ol the Keen Iwlemlnlnit
claim, clalmll
una; ..Kl linear feet of the raid lile
; with aurfare arround aa iLonti aiNiu Ihe tald
tital' and of ihe fiein tnlnltie rlalm Ultnln..
; fa, (ec, u( M(1 l,e lth anrfare kround m
' .,'n.""."',".n..ld.0,?d, t'.l.1- Tiiemamietic
laiiaiiun iioiu uen in oea; i.i mm eaal
! Ihe aald Mlde lode la dearrlbed aalollosa
i llefflniilin ai corner No 1 a jnt 3i feel lony. 4
J Inehea uare mi 1 lnrhe In Ihe icroiiinl
r.liTw 'iAnri'$r&&
1 H ndearW 41 feetbolh faeml andaeHlll.4U II X
1 ine mineral moniliHeill erecleI 111 flirver o
wlh.7. V,nVr on m."belee U-eMon. II .ml
H. oftijaa. rle Willamette Meridian, U'ara
HiBitecl&mln w7Mfi.
Them-e N jgdeir Vi mtn w 1i feet to corner
, tJLJiTAMtSnlSi
1 1" enriierNolithencMiuthSliteirwritnu) feet
tncoriier No. 5; Ihenee ouih w detc an mtn
uvucarin .zueK jo in in r. 7117 reel, me i.
wmijm leei ineoriiero i aim oiace ol tejrln
nlnir, and iiinlalntnicexi-lualTe of the runnli-t
who ine veaoviua minina; claim. 17 UWaeree.
The Hero lode la deaerlUol aafolloaa: ItefTln
iilni: al corner So 1 apoal 4 feel Ionic 4 Inchea
iuare aet 18 Inehea In the Kroiind aerllxnl 1-411.
A lira InchM In diameter bean north 31 deg
rait 111) feet. A pine 10 il.uhea In dlameler
boara aoulh 't K , Ki t, both fared and aerlll
l-IUIIIT. Tl.e'4 Mellon rorner beiHeen wea
II and II Tp IB 8 U 1 E bean aoull. i! deic i. mln
KIMifetl. Theme norlli W deir Ii mln n'W
feet In cor No 2: thence north M K ISM fri
tocorNoS: llieureaoutb77 derail rain K ,VWfi
loror n i. ineure iick w evil to cor
No laud tdacttnf lieKlntilnff. and i-oiitalnln?
Theoem lode ladeirrltieil aafollnua: Iieeln.
tilnujal cor No 1 Identical ulth cor No 2 ltccu
lute and with HKcor of the location. The'-,
aerllon corner lielu ecu reri 11 and II tp2J8 It I
Kbraraaoiith .w deir Si mln K :WM; theure
north 7-JileK'J.iiuln l.-Cllt to cor No T. thenre
north 51 deg EiUMi toi-orNoS; thence aoiilhrj
deisaimlll E Willi toeor No 4;thenre aouth.M
degwiSMt tocor No I and place of beginning
and containing HUvln acrea.
Tb nt'l area for uhlch paleut I. applied for
of the anld (Jem ConaoHdateil (uartt Claim,
after excepting Ihe aald contlicl with the Ve
anvltii lode, which aald eunttleting area la not
iialiued hy theappllcaui, Ii 40.10U acrea.
The notice of location of the aald Slide lode la
ol record In the offlre of the County Clerk ot
Uonglaa I'onnly, Oregon, In Vol. i page 1SS Her
ordaol Mining Clalma for aald I'onnly, and la
alao ol record In lite onw-e o( the louuty Clerk
of Ijiih County, Oregon. In Vol Nod nagoSA
Kecoruaoi inning uaima lor LAiie i4niuty.
The notice of location of Ihe Keen lode liot
niHinl In the ornce of the Coutitv I'lerk ol fjane
Cotinly, Oregon. In Vol No 4 page 40U itecorda ot
Mining Clalma foraald Ijiue County, Oregon.
1 lie nonce ol lorauonor the oem lode laol
record In the omt-e of the Connie Clerk of Lane
Couurv. Oreiroii. lu Vol IV tiage 30!) of the rerorda
of Mining Clalma oj Ijtne Couiily, Oregon
Tl.e nreanmed general course or direction of
the aald Item CoiiKilldateil quarli Claim vein
la uorlhuuterly ami aoutheaalerly aa idtnwn
upon Mid onUlal plat
ihe aald Item Conaolldated Onarta Claim
conflict wllli the VcauYlua lode aa aforewlil
And the Kami uilnlug claim a.ljolna on the
Any andall iKTMina claiming adveraoly Ihe
mining gnmnd, vein, lode, premlaea, or
any lHirllou thereof o deacrlbed, plalte.1, and
applied for, are hereby notllled that unlem
their adveraoi-lalina are duly hied according
lo law, and Ihe regulallona thereunder, within
tho lima nreaerlbvd by law. with the lleirtater
ot IheTtiited Stale tand omce al Itoaeburg,
Ikiugiaa uouuiy, urexon, iney win bo barren
by Ine prnlilou of tl.e law In auch caaoa
made and prorldet,
J. T. llmiHiiji. KegUter.
Dale ol Ural puhtleatlon, Oeiober 17, A. I". I'm:,
Date of laal publication, lleremher, - a. !. )'-'.
Griffin &
r&'. 'fi-:f; ! -Jr. ;t; i): :f;
BLACK t- 8-4. m
Under Odd Fellow's Hall, - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, f
IT -Jr. -t: t x ;: :;:
United State Land Office,
. Koeeburi!, Oriuun, Sept. I.M. lOO-.'.
Notice in herein- L'iven that in coinnli
once with the provision of the act of
CoiiKriHHi of June 3, IK78. cntitlnl "An
act for the Hale of tlinlwr lands in the
.S la tea of California, Oreuuli, Nevada, .
urn Washington Territory, as extended
toullthe I'u Id ic Ii nil States by act of1
August -, 1802. William K. rrudhonie.of -I'ortland
County of Multnomah State of I
Oregon has this day II led in
this oltlco his sworn utateii.ent No.
3522, for thepurchace of the Fractional
SWJi of Section No. 'M. ii, Township 21
South, of Itanue 8 West ; and will oirerl
proof to show that the land nought is more 1
valuable for its timber or stone than fcr
agricultural purposes, and to establish ,
his claim t said land before the Hey
later and Keceiver of thisollicc at Iioi
burK, Oregon, on Monday, tlieL'th dayof
Mar., 1003,
Henry C I'rndhonie, James S. Tyr
rell, Lydia C. Tyrrell, and tieorge
McClintock all of Portland, Oregon. !
Anyand all fiersons claiming advers- ,
ly the aljove described lands are r' ,
nested to tile their claims in thii office
on or before said 2tli day of Mar , 1003
J. T. IimiKJEM, Register.
Unite.) States Land Ottice,
Ito-eburg, Oregon. Oct 0, 11)02.
Notice is hereby given that in eoin
plianre with the provisions of the aet of
Congress of June 'A, 1878, entitled "An
aet for the side of timber hinds in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
ull the Public I-anil States by act ot Au
gust 4, 1802, Iula It. Bond, of Eu-
f;ene. County of line. State uf Oregon
las tills day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 3618 for the purchase of the
SM NK VfA St, XW 1-4 of See No. 2, in
Township 23 South, of Hange'.' W. and
will offer proof to bIiow that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land before
Marie L.. Ware, IT h Commissioner at
Kugenc, Oregon, on Wednesday the 31st
day of Dec., 1002.
she names as witnesses :
Kmma N Saltzman, Martha V. King,
of Creswell, Oregon, James N Handle of
Fnirmount, Ore., James Hoirman, of
Kugene, Ore.
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly tlie above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims In this oftice
on or before said 31st day of Dec., 1002.
J. T. Uridoes, Kegister.
United Suites Land Olllee,
IloxelinrK, Ore., Sept. Cth, 1002.
Notice Ih hereby irlven tlmt In com-
pllniiee with the provisions of the
net of C'oiiKresH of June 11, 187S, en
titled "An net for the sale of tlmlier
hinds In the States of California, Ore
Kon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Pub
lic Land States by act of AiiKiist 4,
1S!2. WlUlani Haines, of Eugene,
County of Lane, State of Oregon
has this day filed In this olllce his
sworn statement Xo.34H for thelnir
chiise of the Lots 3 &. A, S NW V &
.ill BoW a otseotlon o. 2, 'lownsiuii
No. 2(1 Sotith. of KniiKU 2 West and
will offerproof to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for its tlm
lier nr stone tiian lor agricultural
purposes, and toestablfsh his claim
to said land liefore Marie L. Ware,
V. S. Commissioner at Eugem',
Oregon, on Monday the 1st, day
of Dee., 11)02.
He names ns witnesses:
H. T. Dow, JauuwShlee, of Cottage
Grove. Ore., Charles Haines, John
liaiues, ot Kugene, Ore.
Any and all iiersons claiming ad
versely the nbove-descrllied lands
are retitiested to file their claims In
tins otiico on or neiore sain isi nay
of IK.. 1IHW.
J. T. UitiDiiKs, Heglster.
has been made by us in the pur
chase of a line of mechanics' tools,
and we're thus enabled to give cus
tomers the benefit in cost. We
have recently increased our stock,
and are offering substantial induce
ments to purchasers. Everything
in light and heavy hardware at
rock-bottom prices. Exceptional
bargains iu all departments. Come
and see Cor yourself. No trouble
to show goods.
Veatch Go
Winn BBis ClollM s milm Him 8gw
Wc outfit men every tiny atitl
They go from here sliowing
"Their Good QtiaTTtles tiud
Ple.'tsetl with" what wc Ti a ve
That will give a good standing to
You as its wearer find that will
Show its Quality all through its ";
Save You Money Too.
:: :;: Mj:
-1 -la L
4 On the campus of the Cottage Grove High School, k
that the intelligence ot an individual depends first K
upon liis or her intellectual capacity; secondly, upon e
the Literary company he
Wii I bk.Nlbtf i Hi! LiitikAuka
tthe Cottage Grove Book Store
Where the latest j)roductions of
all the best Authors are kept
In Fiction mid in Fact.
Also a full line of School Books, Papers and Peri- It-
l1- -TJ '-T-
' -T- "-T-
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
llon't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Casli Grrocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line oi roceries
in the city.
We keep a full litie assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocerr Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
We manufacture all
Screens, and furnish
.fl. A.1 af
49 iMrst St., -
J3oh.emia, Oregon.
General Merchandise,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat
rl th ih tli Mi i
k X -t
a .x. .ie.
-r- -T- -T- -T- -T- -l
in the way of Hardware, Tools and
imblements, you can find at our
store. Are you going mining?
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs.
1 V
kinds of Milling and Mining
all kinds of belting.
Water Wheels of
Every Description.
All kinds of Flouring Mill, Ware
house and Feed Mill Machinery.
It will pay you to consult ns iu
person or by letter before buying.
- roruana, uregun.
you right.