Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1902, Image 7

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tit Htr- Wr. Wm. n, Huntington, IHtw York.
Wlmt arc llino atorlra wn lirar nlnml
(hu "iircnd of in uncontrollable! taelon
for gamlillng? la It twllil that tln-rv
arc lcilrr of unrli'ty In nil tliu clilef cllli'a
of tlio rniiiilry who ti'tiil llii-lr comitrnaiict.'
la riirnu of aiiiuaiiiiriitx that arc agnlnat
I In- tit law of the land? .What avnlla
mientlra III our Iraillnic tit Ira analnat pool
room mm policy shop, If behind iloora
which in) iIfH'cIItp venture to paaa audi
tiling nc tlii'au no nil? In our modern
eocli-ly there la need of lliu aplrlt nf Ola
riillup, l( not, wlmt la to become of
Will, Miitt.Uv tnln m mara Ira.
Illl. IIUNTIMiiON. .mi,,,,. W, ,, ,Uy W1t., N,y Kn(j.
land mratlci not ottr friendly Id Christianity, inaile liold to
rail tliu "liarklmnn nf our clvlllinllon" turned liy common con
arnt from a )nljr ilny to n linllilayi with marring1, the corner
alone nf the family life wlilcli In ita turn la Dip corner atone
of Hip atate--wllli holy wedlock generating Into mere faat nnd
loose contract ami wllh lorn of ileauro ao otiilillirrarut nnd
oiniilliolent aa to linro ulilltcraloil I lip rery lanilmarka of de
cency, who shrill aoy that lliv fall for a revival of the aplrlt of
discipline la lll lluiciH You moy atnrt at my speaking of Dip
anclal life of our (rent rltlra aa rnllliiic for renewal. Hut it la
fly a, tr. rtrhlim, J. r. Morgtn't Right lor
HtjXv " ' TWHU t am Interested lit Young America, anil
hVST?! J I "llr I"' I""n ahead ami
Wi-k! i r""0 '" "" fr""'' i'','in' ,ri' ''")' '""
or optHiriuiMiica, ah mm a young iiiqii
who ha lirnlna and health need In do la
to Inkp nilvntitflgo of the chance offered.
Nor arv tin npKirlunlllea HmllPil to any
cup line or occupation. Thpy arv found
In every direction. It la more ami more
true, however, that a hoy mint fit him
aelf for aoine aKrlalty. Therefore, he
mint Urn) out aa mum aa he can what he
la apeclally adapted for ami pitch Into It.
I u. w. i LiiKinn. don't want to work hard. They prefer
to take thliiga coy- atay up late at night and Me alx-d too long
In tin- inumlnir. They never can Ki t ahead In that way. Tlmea
and roiidlllniui may change, Inlt the old rule remain that there
U no aucceaa nllhout vrerlaatluiily keeping, at It
Or W. X CHrlitopttr. H. p., Vnlfnltr of Wlnotu
The medical iiiati of to day comhala the aamo dla
eaaea, which hi profrnliinal forefathera faced n cen
tury ago. hut he entera I lie conteit hclter inned, and
to haa inure aurci-wea and fewer defeat, Hut the
medical man a century hence will atlll face the aainv
dlaeiap that arv foimlit to day, and hi annamciila
rliim will he atlll better. Hence there muat lie looii
liolea In the medical knowledge of to-day. There certainly
ire many and atrium onea which carncat effort la atrWIug to
clo. What are thpy! A mere attempt at enumeration would
occupy more apace than la placed at my dlanoaal.
I-'Irirt rome the great problem of hereillly. Slany obacure
nertoua dlaeiaei, of which I'rlcdrlch'a alalia la a type, tiow
b)' their lecurreticp In aeteral gcnerallona of the aame family
that they ire hereditary, but why they are hereditary la utterly
unknown. To what eileiit tuhvrculiiala la auhject to heredi
tary Influence la Ktlll In illapute. Initially with hla endow
ment of life by heredity each one benra from the aame aourco
tendency to a certain mode of death. Some thliiga of thla
nature are known, but not enough. Krcu a aatlifactory claaal
ficatlon of the tendendea themaeltea la not at hand,
Neit to heredity the problem of nutrition are to be noted,
nd till-in are not coinprlncd entirely In fooda and their dlgcx
tlon. What liocumea of the food after III dlgeallou nnd no
orptlou? The llrer takea care of aome of It, but what It doea
In llila direction pliyalologlaU hire not yet heen able to deter
mine aa fully aa could bo dcalred, Then certain aocille-4
duclleaa glanda act Uhju the blood lu n way to Influence nutrl
Hon. Nutritional nbiiormalitlc reault In tiumeroua forma of
aelf-polaonlng, both acule and chronic, of whoa nitur we
need murh fuller knowledge. When will the laat word be anld
on illaliptea, which la one of theae irelf-polaonlnge
Infecllona allow In many way the Incoinplettneaa of our
knowledge. The apcclflc germa are known for tuberculoid,
pneumonia, malaria, diphtheria, and aoine other Infection!.
Hut Hie apcclflc orgnnlama are not known which produce
nmallpox, chicken poi, meaalea or acirlet ferer. It la not yet
known why tho great remedy for diphtheria, antitoxin, folia
ao often to prevent one of the great danger of the dlivaae,
pokl-dlphtherltlc paralyala, ThU barely louche upon the many
medical problem crying for tolutlon, and whove aolullou would
nut only amplify the conception of dlaeaee but would aid dlag
noala and inrldi therapy.
Tho cnj of I'realdent llcICInley exempllflea one of the
limitation of dlagnoala. There 1 no mean now known by
which the unique complication of gangrene In that cue could
hare been determined during life. Tho medical profeaalon
ciirrlea tho torch of medical light, but the commuulty beira
the burden of tho irtiortcomlng.
una. ht An ton.
Br tllfbitH Cd Slmnton.
The frequent demand for divorce aim
ply mean that we have not yet reached
the Ideal marriage alate. Divorce I a
challenge to our prraent ytem. Urolu
tlon ha been the law of life. The rela
tion of the aezea ha paated through
many phaaea and I likely to pi through
many more.
I would recommend every rational man
and woman thinking and writing on the
mibject of divorce to run through their
life experience, atimmon up all the divorced people they know.
gnilge their moral Matu and, If poaalblc, the Influence of tbclr
Urea aa write", apeakera, nrtlata and phllanthroplat and aea
If they do not compare favorably with the beat men and women
of tlirlr acquaintance. In my own circle of friend I can recall
at moat two doien all aa gifted, moral and refined men nnd
women aa I ever knew. Hut few of the women married again.
aim tlioae who did hire been exceptionally nappy In uclr new
The rapidly lucroaalng number of dlrorcea ao far from
allowing a lower atate of morala prove exactly the reverae.
Woman li In a trniidtion period from elavery to freedom, and
ahe will not accept the condition In married life that abe
haa heretofore meekly endured.
When the mother, with her ateadfaat love of home and chil
dren, demand relcnae, we may reat aaaured her reaaom for
aundcrlug the tie aro vuIDclent to heraelf and ehould be to
aoclcty at large.
Br Hu Ting rang. Cln HlnltUr mt Wtiklugton.
1 want to enter a alrong plea for the
admittance of women on the juriea of the
varioua law court of tho country. The
disadvantage of the preaent ayatem wa
brought home only recently, when a
woman wa placed on trial charged with
murder. Thl woman waa, I believe from
the evidence produced at the trial, guilty
of the crime which wa brought agalnrt
her. Nevertheleas becue he had the
advantage of eminent counxl and be
cauie abe wa young and beautiful ahe
'scot free." A woman told me that the
would have rendered an entirely different verdict
I think that when a woman I placed an trial If not the
Judge at leant tho Jury (hould be wholly corapoicd of women.
I-t each ex try and convict the member of Ita own ex.
I would like to warn women who enter a profeaalon agatnat the
evil of becoming unaexed. Itetaln your charm, retain your
geiitlenea and remember that, although you have a profea
alon. you are atlll a woman.
wu Tina rARa,
wa allowed to go
A California Maehlno Unit Cut ami
Threads l() Acre a Day.
Aluuiitf tho iirmluct of Uiillforulit,
nay tho Amcrlcnn Mnnllily. la n oim
bluct! automobile linm-atrr nml llirinti
or, which bnn been nt work on tliu
Pacific lope, doing It Mrt toward
paracrine tho great cnip of W)2.
Till linrrcatcr Include mid In pro
pelled by an automobile ImvlnR a HO
homo power t-nglne. The reaper cut
Ita denomination Is 13 cents; Ilenjn
lulu Hnrrlvou occuplen tliu center of
tho field.
Thin will lio tho flrnt 13-ccnt atnmp
ever IhhikhI by tho United Ktntc! up
to 1H7U n ntninp of tho vnluc of 7 cciiIh
lind been In lino ten jenru, lint win
illHcontliiiieil when tliu rntu of foreign
Hintiit;o wnit reduced to B ccntx. Tho
now Itnrrlnon atnmp uill lie little uceil
In iloiiicntlc mnllH. It liwimiicu la tlio
outcruwlli of tlio Incrcimed forvtjin
notions of postngo atampo. Wnshlna;
tou correspondence. New York Even
ItiK Tost
'Wanted Another AVIfb.
A traveler In 1'cruln tells tbe follow
ing: "My hunthl walks Into tbo reran
' dn. lie Is an aged man, wrapped In
' n Ionic black cloak and wearing a green
' turban, denoting lilm a acyd, or a de
scendant Of tbo prophet Ho Is very
polished to-day; bis beard Is dyed tbe
brightest orange with honna and be
tells n siring of beads while bo wnlts.
We plunge Into stories of tbo Callphat
mid dictation written from left to right
with n reed pen nnd presently the rea
son of bis smartness Is told. Ho has n
favor to nsk. Would It plcaso mo to
adrnnce lim three months' pay In order
to buy a wife Ho Is old nnd be Is
poor, yet he haa fallen a victim to the
moon face nnd stag eyes of a damsel
of U, but her dowry Is large. 'Wliy
do you not support your old wlfer I
Inquired steruly. 'Sbo Is crippled and
nearly blind; you do not giro ber suffi
cient sustenance and I send many
things to ber.' 'Sbo Is too old,' bo re
plies, with a shrug. 'Sho Is ugly as an
afreet; added thereto sho has no money
nor children and of what good la an
old woman unless she Is rich?"'
a swath 30 feet wldo; tbo barley heads
aro caught on n moving belt 48 luetics
wldo, and carried to tho threshing de
partment of tho machine. A half mln
uto after tho boss sings "all right" and
the Juggernaut begins to move, grain
come pouring Into tho thresher's bin,
not only shelled hut carefully cleaned.
Tho grain Is transferred Immediately
to sack, which aro sowed and removed
from tho maehlno as soon as 12 aro
ThU mighty product of Amcrlcnn ma
ehlno making la CO foot long, weighs
over 100 tons, and cuta and threshes
under favorablo conditions as much as
100 ncroa a day. Kour horses aro lu
constant uso supplying It with fued
oil nnd holler water. It defies hills of
any reasonable grndo, and travels at an
average rato of threo and a half miles
an hour. Tbo great whools promluont
In our picture hnvo tiros four feet
wide, with ridges ono and a half Inches
Tuoso harvesters aro mado near Oak
land, In California. Men that farm on
a large scale camo from neighboring
States, and from as far caBt as Knnsns
to sco tho maehlno work. Threo glnnU
of tho snmo typo wero mado In Cullfor
nla nnd sent to Russia for uso on tho
Broat groin fields of the steppes, hut
tho train carrying them wns seised by
tho lloxors und sidetracked for two
Tho l'lrat l'.vcr Taailod Will Fooil lie
I'luccd on Hale.
As soon ns tho dlo-proof of tho first
of tho now series of United Btatus post
ago stamps U approved by tho Posti
maBter Ocnerul plates will bo made
and tho stamp Issued to tho public.
registration service; It will cover tho
postngo nnd rcgltitratlon feu upon n let
ter weighing one-half ounco nnywhero
within tho limits of tho Postal Union,
which now Includes practlcnlly all tho
organized nations of tho world.
Htninp experts who havo examined
tho drawing for tho now stamp Bay
It will bo ono of tho Quest specimens
of a postngo Btnmp over produced, not
excepting tho famous Columbian se
ries nnd tho Pan-American sot. In ad
dition to tho usual "United States of
Atuorlcn" nnd "Postago Thirteen
Cents," tho Inscription "Series of
11)02," together with "Harrison" and
tlguros giving tho dato of his birth
and death, appears upon tho design,
Tlio portrait was selected by Mrs.
HnrrlBou and Is said to havo bcon tlio
lato President's favorite. When tho
Postofllco Department ordered this
now series It asked tho Treasury De
partment that spoclal efforts bo mado
to provldo stamps that should bo not
only distinctive, but Indlcattvo of tho
progress In tho engraver's art lu which
tho United States has becomo famous.
Tho Ilurcnu of Uiigravlng nnd Print
lug Una tutored Into tho spirit of tho
occasion and will produco tho best
work of which It Is capable.
When tho 13-cout stamp Is issued
thoro will bo only threo ellgiblo ox
Presidents who havo not been honored
with n place lu tho postal gallery of
tho nntton, during tho last forty years
Johnson, Hayes and Arthur. No liv
ing ex-Prculdcnt Is, of course, eligible
President McKiuloy's portrait now ap
pears on tho now postal cards. It Is
understood that lator a chnngo will bo
mado, and that his likeness will bo
placed on ono of tho principal denoml-
Stitillulno In llointiay.
A Swedish consul at Horabay says
that "becauso of their fear of sanitary
Inspection and modern methods of pre
venting and curing disease tbo natives
of India in vast numbers are tho vic
tims of plague. In consequenco of the
hntrcd and fear of hospitals and med
ical men tbe population of Bombay has
decreased -10,000 In tlio last ten years,
wbllo tho Increase lu tbo whole of In
dia In the same time was about 15 per
cent Ilombay now has 700,000 people.
Tho hospital and general medical scr
vlco lu India are of the best and do
much good In the affected districts In
spite of tho prejudlco which prevails
against such things. The plague Is gen
erally fatal without the most skillful
medical attention. Tho natives In their
Iguorance seek only to bo left to die
In peace. Tho ancient traditions of tbo
country aro extremely dlUlcult, almost
Impossible, to eradicate."
A 'Wonderful Itny of Light.
Albert Nodon reports to tho French
Academy of Science his discovery of a
hitherto unknown form of radiation
analogous to tho X-rays and tho rays
from tbe metal radium, but differing
from them In striking particulars.
When rays of light fall on a thin metal
plato the newly discovered Invisible
rays are found to emanate from tbe
back of the plate, as If tho plate sifted
out part of tho rays and lot others
Charging Women tioss than Men.
At tho old-fashioned Inns and res
taurants In Sweden It Is customary to
charge less for women than for men on
tho theory that they do not eat so
much. At some hotels In Sweden a
man and n wlfo aro charged as one
nnd ono-half persons If they occupy tho
samo room. A husband and wlfo may
travel as one and ono-half persons by
railway, and also by tho post route,
furnishing their own carriage.
You can't convince a girl that she
Isn't ha lovo until after she gets him
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Golds
, in His Family
! and Grip
rrj -
A Letter From the Executive Office of Oregon.
Teruna Is known from tlio Atlantic
to tlio Pacific. iCtter of congratula
tion and commendation testifying to
the merits ol To-ru-na as a catarrh
remedy nro pouring In from every atate
In tho union. Dr. Hartman is receiv
ing hundreds of such letters dally. All
classes wrlto tlioeo letters, from the
iilghost to tho lowest.
Tlio outdoor laborer, tho Indoor arti
san, tho clork, the editor, tho states
man, tho preacher all agree that I'o-ru-na
I) tne catarrh remedy of tho ago.
Tho stage and rostrum, recognizing ca
tarrh as their grcatett enemy, are es
pecially enthusiastic in their pralso and
Any man who wishes perfect lioalth
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh Is well nigh universal ; almost
omnipresent. Pe-ru-na Is the only ab
solute safeguard known. A cold is tho
beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to euro colds, Is to cheat catrarli
out of Its victims. Pe-ru-na not only
cures catarrh, but prevents. Every
household should be (UppIIed with this
great remedy for coughs, colds and so
Tbe governor of Oregon Is an ardent
admirer ol Po-ru-na. He koens It con
tlnually In the liouio. In a recent let
ter to Vr. Hartman ho says;
Btato of Oregon,
Kxccutivo Department,
Baleln, May U, 1808.
Tho Pernna Medicine Co. , Columbus, 0.:
Dear Sirs I havo hod occasion to
uso your Po-ru-na medicine In my fam
ily for colds, and It proved to bo an ex
cellent remedy. I havo not lud occa
sion to uso It for other aliments.
.Yours very truly, W. M. Loid.
It will bo noticed that the governor
says he has not had occasion to uro Pe-ru-na
for other ailments. Tho reason
for this is, most other ailments begin
with a cold. Using Po-ru-na to
promptly euro colds, he protects his
family against other ailments. This is
exactly what overy other family In tho
Unltod States should do. Keep Pe-ru-na
in the house. Use it for coughs,
colds, la grippe, and other climatic
affections cf winter, and there will be no
other ailments In the house. Kuch
families should piovide themselves with
a copy of Dr. Hariman's froo book, en
titled "Winter Catarrh." Address
Dr. ilartuisn, Columbus, Ohio.
Detter Than Home Canned.
Bomo people think that the only
really good canned poaches, apricots,
cherries nnd tho rest aro tho ones which
nro canned at homo. Tho reaton theso
IiCoplo think this Is that they havo
navor tried Monopolo canned peaches
and apricots nnd clurrlcs. If you will
buy a can from yoar grocer and don't
think they are oven batter than your
mother over put up, we'll not havo an
olhor word to say to you about Mono
polo, If your grocer doesn't handle
.Monopolo groceries send us his tiamo.
Wadhams & Korr iiroj., Portland.
May Not De.
Wigg BJones has patented a new
Wagg Thero ought to bo monoy
Mothors will find Mrs. tflnitow's Sooth
ing Bymp the best remedy to nss for their
Children during the teething period.
Certainly Seemed Strange.
"Yes," sho explained to Johnny,
"wu have askod God for a little baby."
Not long after twins arrived.
"Well," commented Johnny to his
father, "It's mighty funny that yon
didn't know how big an order you
For coughs and cold there I no better
medicine than I'lso's Cure for Couiump
tluu. Price 23 cent.
Dividing the Blame.
"I koo It stated that the Alps have
cost 301 lives In tho past ten years."
"Yet it doesn't seem quite right to
put all tho blamo directly on the Alps."
"Why not?"
"Don't vou think most of them wero
killed by tho climb-lt?"'
Bad Coughs
" I hid a bid couth for six
weeks and could And no relief
until I tried Ayer't Cherry Pecto
ral. Only ono-fourth of the bottle
cured me."
L. Hawn, Newlngton, Ont.
Neglected colds always
lead to something serious.
They run Into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Don't wait, but take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
just as soon asyourcough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
Tan tin I Jit. Ite., It. All dnfrlttt.
Conanlt your doctor. If bo an tako II,
than lo at ho lift. If ho toll you not
to uko II. thon don't tiko It. Ilo know.
Loot It with him. Wo aro wllllnr.
The Remark was Ambiguous.
"That young man has a brilliant
future tiotore him," said the phrenolo
gist. And the little Hoston boy who was
having bis bumps examined polished
his tpoctaclei and exclaimed:
"Pardon me, but you open up a very
Interesting field of Inquiry. Whero
else could my future be if It wero not
before me?"
Genuine Philosopher.
"Craps all burnt to flinders?"
"No rain In sight?"
"Not a drap."
"Tootally mint, ain't you?"
"Teto tally!"
"Well, what air yon n-smllln' over?"
"I'm smllin' at the prospect of tbe
sheriff comln' to levy on notbln'l"
Atlanta Constitution.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bignaturo of
Few Savers In Sheffield.
Not 10 per cent of the largo wage
earners In tho English cutlery trado
save a farthing, declares the Lord May
or of Sheffield.
For frost-bite, chllbains, tore and lame
loin's, stlffnoss of muscles try Ilamlin'n
Wizard Oil. It won't disappoint you I
Simple Rule In Harmony.
A mingling of tho two colors a
green veil disposed over a blue hat, or
knots of velvet ribbon of the combined
shades, gives tone to the simplest toilette
It to the right of every child
to be well born, and to the
parenta It must look lor
health and
How incon
ceivably great
is the parents'
A responsibility, and how important mat
drIfejall no taint of disease is left in the blood
WILill to be transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most
-or-uiw jtlaMe 8U0erjng( ani marking its little body with offen
ive sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes, glandular
swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity.
How can parents look upon such little sufferers and not reproach
themselves for bringing so much misery into the world ? If you have
any disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed,
healthy children i Cleanse your own blood and build up your health, and
you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures
of life, but have discharged a duty all parenta owe to posterity, and made
mankind healthier and happier.
There is no remedy that so surely teaches deep-seated, stubborn blood
troubles aa o. a. o. n scaiuiesuui even ucicuiuu
poisons, and removes every taint from the blood,
and builds up the general health. If weaklings
arc growing up around you, right the wrong by
nuttinir them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It is
a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and can be taken
by both old and young without fear of any bad results.
Write us about your case, and let our physicians advise and help you.
This wilt cost you nothing, and we will also send our book on blood and
kin diseases. THE SWIfT SPttCiriC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
rlTH l-trminasnr Cured
alli oftor ant dir'i om-oC llr. Kllao'a (inml Hum
Zmtmt. S-ad for PUB E 8'J.OO trUl botU. tod mt.
Mind Over Matter.
Mrs. Jenks How did yon manage to
keep cool j esterday? It was so hot.
lire. Brown Why, I went out shop
ping for Christmas things. Detroit
Free Press.
Is 1 11 I 1 II I I I I III
to time. Sold br druggtw.
A Stay-at-llome Traveler.
Strangor What wondorful tales otd
Blinks relatosl Ho must havo been A
great traveler in his day.
Native Ilo was novor outsluo tho
county In his llo, but, you toe, his
mind baa wandored foi years.
Ills Suit.
Hodge I've got a suit of clothes for
every day in tho week.
1'ougo (suspiciously) I never aoo
you wear any but tho one you have on
ilcxlgo (cheerfully) That's the salt.
little Liver Pills.
Bflust Boar Signature of,
tf PuvSmJIo Wrapper Below.
Toy null d u eT
to ttkj) u ngas.
jm I oKirumu w(itfMjMivit
as cat I Tartar TeffetaMi
We extract, crown and bridge teeth
without Infllotlng pain. Our methoda
are modern and meet with the approval
of the moat exacting. Call and see u.
Examination tree. Feea reasonable.
Both'phonea: Oregon South 231: Co
lumbia 3G8. Open evening till 9. Bun
dra from 9 to 13.
WISP RROS.. Dentists ao. aw, mo. maw. 21s. rati nrBidg.
vv iC5t-r DKWOij LCiIllSLi. Cor. Third aadWaiMngton 81.
war a? - jffi
WWfim Lou
cts Q&tsilyt
Acts Pl&!sat"ly
fVcts Beneficially
ts-tr.vily as a .Laxative.
ip of Figs appeals to the cultured and tho
iirmml nnrl tnthp hpnlthv. because Its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func-
as it is wholly free from every objectionable
quality or substance. In the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they aro
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most oenenciairy.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
laville., Ky, new York.iH.Y.
Cor obit, by oil drusftfi'-ata, rice fifty cents per bottlo
Foot ol Morrlaon Street.
Can gin you the best bargain In Holler
and Engine. Windmill. Tumps and Gene
ral Machinery. Wood f awlnir Machlnea a
apeciaJty. Bet ua before buying.
We will pay a dividend of 2 per cent per
month on money (110 up), payable monthly ;
good tecurlty. CtUarwrl-e
L. M. DAVIS, President.
242 Washington St., City.
W1U tell you. It he haa tried them, that
the best Bplcea, Halting l'owder, Oolleo
ana lannea uoous paexca are mo
The label la a beautiful blue. Beware
ot tmlt&tlona.
Portland, Or.
Bargains in
FOIt SALE Supply ol Military Full
Pres Coat, White Helmet. (8plked),
White Belts, suitable for Band, Lodge,
Quartcrraaatcr Third Regiment,
There- is no" aatiafoction keener
than being dry end comfortable
when out; in the hardest storm.
If he will rot you .
cur frco c ctolouiio of flwiiimts and hat.
V. V. N. V.
Hu, 4-t0O.
l-ixTUEN wtiUaar to advertise re ploiu
ananUoa till papor.