Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1902, Image 6

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utii W. lltltyRY,
tidli'or and Proprietor.
, . L. ...
l'nleredat the rtlirtfe at Outage tlrdv,
Oregon Hefonrt iliti Mall Inal'e r.
"llli.i-rlpllnli irlre.l.ftn. In n'Unnri-
Ai(vlrlMlir I'Hlea limi'i known lipnii
Til IB I'Al'KII la VeM on flic at K. t'. Dralo'e
A.lrntl.lnit na, WandM Merchanti KX
change, Han rrntifliK'o, California, where con
mot. for adrcMUIhe mi I made for It.
I'kidav, Octodjir 31, tgo2.
Hoidlrtg up railroad trains and
robbtiiu exnrcss enrs doesn't seem
to be a very profitable business of
Timber land entries " in The
Dalles. Lakeview and Roseburg
land distticts are to be suspended
forti time pending investigation of
alleged fraudulent entries by entry
Someone lias just made the dis
covery that otic of ths first anties
of the legislature, if called together
in special session will be to elect a
United States senator. If this dis
covery is correct it will doubtless
put a quietus on the special .session
ngitution with which we have been
wearied for some time past.
The Eugene Register solemnly
affirms that its recent article advo
cating a Blue river and Siuslaw
railroad, has attracted attention and
several parties have been on the
ground looking into the merits ol
the project. It is our opinion that
the Register man is only "joshing"
about the whole business as they
evidently were about the Great
Central. Of course we would be
only too pleased to see Eugene get
this projected road but really we
are unable to determiue just when
the Register and Guard are joking,
Rcscvolr Being Constructed.
Work Im protfrcHHlnrr rapidly thin
week on tlie new rewervolr junt Hontli
of tlio Hiiv mill of I.oiik & IIIukIiiiiii,
It, will lie nevernl hundred feet In ill
mitcier anil will ilont tlio Uw
brought In overt). &. S. H. Iiefotv
thoy are limited up tlio log way Into
the mill mid will bo 11 wonderful con
venience. The track tntlienorth end
of tlio mill will lie extended nlniiKxide
tiie renervDir iiinkliiK the nnionuiiiK
of lojpi n very eimy tiwk.
Knott Mining and Milling Co.
The nliove nilnliije eontimiiy lm
Jitnt lieen lneorior.ited mid Iihh In-
Hiied 11 Hiimll pniHHV(iiM brim full of
fnctH mid figure reKimlliifr tliU tlie
oMext intiiltiir iiniliort.v In nil Ho-
The company In Incorporated with
11 capital mock of $1,000,000 divided
Into 1,000,000 tdmtvN of $1 each of
which -100,000 chaivH are set nnlde iih
treaxury stock.
As our xpnee In limited till week, a
further description of thin projierty
will lie ulvrn hi 11 later Issue ot the
Oregon Corn.
A. .1. Amlerxoii, of Star, wax a
pteaxtilit caller 5nt thin winetiim liit
Saturday, lirliiRlnr with him xevernl
enroot tut nice yellow dent corn iih
one ever mw, grown on IiIh farm on
Itow river near Star. Mr. Anilerxon
had I111t.11 few acren, but It made a
Hplcndld growth and I ripening In
nice linjte because there ha lieen no
front up there yet to kill the Mtalkn.
Till Mold of corn I only one of the
ninny thin hhkoii, nearly all otwhlch
liinv iiiade a splendid growth mid
will yield tilinndntitly. It In lielng
clenrly demonstrated that corn of
the right variety can lie successfully
grown In thin locality atiuont every
Women's Reading Club.
The Women's Rending Club of Cot
tage drove In comparatively n new
organluitloii, having lxvn orgaulied
only about three weeks.
The object ot the club In to put In
nn afternoon 01 eaca week in tlio
study of V. S. history with the his
tory of Oregon, supplementary, and
In having a good social time. The
club In composed of eighteen mem
bers and meetings are held every
Saturday nttcruoou at the residence
of some lnemlier. Pleasant and
profitable afternoons are thus made
of every Saturday afternoon anil In
terest In the club mid the study In
which they are engaged In increasing
with each meeting.
The DanceA Success.
Uugcnc Vs Cottage tlrovc.
The first football game of the sons'
on to Ik played at this place will lie
played on Saturday, Nov. Sth, when
theC. .M.A. boys will meet the Hu-
gene high school team on the local
gridiron. This promises to lie a fast
mid furious gumc.
To Trade.
A high grade t 0. Smith or Colts
double barrel, lmmmcrlctw shotgun
either 10 or l'Jguage.foryoungstock,
Kiiiiulre at the Nugget olllce.
if Business Briefs. g
Drugs at llenson Drug Co's store.
Lowes Madison Sounro Co. will lu
hi towii soon.
A tine lino ot clocks lust
east at H. C. Madseu's.
from the
Muslck Ledge Traced.
The Hinwntlin Mining and Milling
Company uncovered n new ledge 'on
their fine property in Bohemia last
- week which the,- have traced out and
proved to lie the extension of the rich
Mustek ledge. Assays on thin lodge
at the place of discovery run from
$10. to $73. per ton In free gold.
Supt. Russell has traced tlip ledge
from the place of discovery to the
ojienlng on the Mustek ledge and
westerly, finding t hat-It forms a con
junction with the Vesuvius lend on
the Wisconsin claim which Is also
owned by the Hluwntha company.
Development work this season has
proved this proerty to be even rich
er thnn the company hnd anticipated
when they took hold of the samelast
aomo very line secimens were re
cently tnken from the mine showing
free wire gold visible to the naked
Work will lie pushed with energy
all winter and from present prostiectfl
enough ore will have been blocked
out ahead to keep a 0-stnmp mill In
continuous operation.
1 lie grand ball last Friday evening
at the opera house In this city, wan
ttilte a success from every point of
view mid reflects much credit upon
those having the same in charge.
No trouble or exiiense was spared to
make the occasion one of the most
enjoyable of the season, lionce the
success. The Kngene dance orchestra
j of three pieces, McKlroy on cornet,
I Dllhird ' on piano and Walker on
violin, furnished the music for the
I occasion, which all pronounced as
I good as the most fastidious could
iiiosire. une supier, winch was
I served at Willson" restaurant was
I quite elaborate and most satisfying
to the Inner mail. After mipiier the
dancers tarried until late in the
morning when they dtHiSersed voting
this a most enlovable dance.
Whist Club Organized.
There nre quite a number of whist
players In the city who think there is
nothing like that good old game.
They have had In their hearts for
some time a strong desire to try pro
gressive whist as a menus of passing
uway some of tlio long winter even
ings now at hand.
Tuesday evening about a dozen
of the memliers of the club met nt
the home of the Nugget man where
ways and means were discussed,
officers elected and committees appointed.
Frank Rosenburg wns elected sec
retary and treasurer nud Leo Henry
iirvHiueui. iiugn uenne was aji-
polnted committee on arrangements,
and the following committee wns
appointed on refreshments: Mes-
damcs Iiehne, Patterson .thrums and
The club Is compod entirely of
married iieoplo and the membership
at present Is as follows: Mr. and
Mrs. Abrnms, Beluie, Oarmuii, Henry,
Long, Lurch, MeClellan, I'atterson,
Kosenmirg mid Wall.
The club starts out with flattering
prosjiects of many most enjoyable
evenings. It will meet every alter
nate Tuesday evening at 8350 O'ejock
rtt the Woodman hall.
Why The OverUnd Was Late.
The following from the Grants
Pass Observer of last week will ex
plain why the northbound overland
was nine or ten hours ttehiud sched
ule time here last Thursday morning:
The regular southbound passen
ger train No. 15, due In Grants Pass
nt 10 o'clock, was two hours late
Thursday morning. The delay was
caused by a inlshup that occurred to
train No. 10 that left here atSSSion
Its way north. Train No. IK wns
running at a. high rati of sliced
going down the grade north of tun
nel , when the axle of the engine
broke, letting the driving rods loose.
In nn Instant the old locomotlvs I
was throwing great pieces of steel
wildly In all directions and wns en
tlrely stripped in a remurkably short
time. J-ortunatcly neither the en
glneer nor fireman were Injured mid
were found ut their-post of dutv
when the long line of conches came
to a standstill.
A fresh and comnlctu line of irroxv
erles atSklllmau and Uenson's.
Several Urovoltos took In tlio font.
ball game at Eugene Wednesdny.
For pure drugs and carefulh- coin.
pounded prescriptions call at the
lteusou Drug (Jo h store.
For watches, clocks and Jewelrr
call on Davidson for good goodn.
You will find prices right.
For groceries go tothenewgrooerv
of Sklllnmn & Benson's nt Clement's
oiti stand west of the bridge.
Davidson will repair your watches,
clocks and Jewelry at the lowest
prices. All work warranted.
We wish to call your attention ton
very fine line of yarns Just oeiicd.
Kaki.n & BmsTow.
School tablets, lend iieuclls, pens.
Ink, pnioror anything else In this
line at the Benson Drug Co s store.
Those doughnuts. Just like "mother
used to make," at Parker's bakery
two doors east of postolllce,Maln St.
Special orders, pies mid cakes, anv
old kind, promptly filled at Parker's
baker?'. While you are ordering try
those doughnuts.
T. R. Parker, the baker, nil kinds
of bread, cakes nnd onstrr. Keemwl
door east of postoffice, Miiln street.
lounge urove. ore.
Beware of air dried or half dry
flooring, celling and rustic. The
Booth-Kelly Lumlier Co. nre mnklnir
special prices on Kiiu-uneil lumber.
hen von wake un with a bml tnsio
in your mouth, cu at once to Benson
Drue Co.'s druc store and tret n free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
1.1 ver Tablets. One or two doses will
make you well.- Tliev a so cure bilioim.
81CK neauacne and constipation.
United States Land Olllce,
RiiHObnrg, Ore., tit. WW.
Not Ice is hereby given that In com
pllamv with the provisions of the net
of Congress of June a. 1n7S. entitled
"An net for the sale ot tlmlior hinds
In tho Status nt California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
an extended to nil the Public l-anil
States by net ot August I. isstt, Wil
liam (iawley, of Alieiilocn, County of
Chehalls.State of Wash., has this day
tiled In this olllce his sworn state
ment No. .HHtf, tor the purchase of the
U!U!, ot Section No. 'M Township
No. IS S. ltmigo S W and will offer
proof to show tjmt tho land
sought Is more valuable for Its
tlmlier or stone than for agricultural
purposes, mid to establish his claim
to said laud before Marie L. ware,
I . S. Commissioner nt Kitgeiie,
Oregon, 011 Thursday, tho :Mth day
of Nov., 1002.
lie nmnesns witnesses:
J. C. Sutherland, W.S.Siithorland.
ArehloM. Richardson, 1'. II. Suther
land, of Uleiiteun, Lane Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the ahovo-dcscrllHMl lands niv
reouonted to tile their claims In thin
olllce on or before said th dnv of
Nov.. UHi.
J. T. ItmiMiKs, Register.
United Mutes Lund Office,
Rosohnrif. On.. Ainr. ifith. W02.
Notice ia hereby uiveu Hint in coinnll-
nude with the provisions of the net ot
Congress of June !l, 1S78, entitled "An
.et tar the mile of Timber Lands in t 10
bttitrs ol California, Oregon. Nuvadn,
ami vt iishliiKton Territory." 114 ex
tended lo all the Pnlilii- ljiml Slut,. In-
net of August,-!. 1802. Jiuno II. Bnldwiii.
ot Portland, Box TIT., Co. of Multnomah,
State of Ore., linn thin dnv tiled in thin
office hia sworn ptnteineiit No. II3;it), for
uiu pnrrnniie 01 llieh. 'ioleel on .o.
31 in Tow nship No. 21 S. Riingo No. 2
esi. nun will oilur ni-iu)l in hii
the land nought is inoiu vahuihl
timber or stone tliiiu for ngric
pliriHiseH. and to es Uiblish 11 el.iini t
niu inml before Mnrie L. Ware
I1. . oniinifsioneriit l-.nirene. Urivon.
on .iiominy, mu utii nay 01 .November
lie names in witnesses:
John A. Vnngonleii, William Vnngor-
uen, j on 11 i.rowiev, umiiei iirtiniuiiigii
.ny iiihi an (R-rsona clulinliig ml
versciy 1110 auovenleticrtlHHl inula are
renueated to file their eluiine in tliia
office on or before paid 17th day of Nov
J.T.lhiiouKs. Reginter
tinlled States Land Olllce,
ltosebiirg, Ore., Aug 20. HHKi.
Not leu In hereby given that In com
pllriico with the provisions of the Act
of Congress of Juno !l, 1STS, entitled
"An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds
In the Stntes of California, Oregon.'
Nevada, nml WnshlngtoiiSerrltory,
an extended to nil the Public Laud
States by act of August I. ISIli,
(leorgv M. Miller, of Portland, County 1
ot . Multnomah, State of Oregon, han
this day filed In this ollloo his sworn ,
statement No. iWl:t, for the purchase
of the N. i N V of Section No. 2.1
rownsnip'.'i Miiitn or itangv a went
nnd will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for Its
tlmlior or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said laud before Mario L, Ware,
L. Ware, lS. Commissioner at Ku
gone, Lnno Co., Oregon on Saturday
the .Sth day of November, 1002.
lie names ns witnesses:
K. I). Rosnlos. nl Momuouth, Polk
Co., Ore., M. S. Barker, of Kiigouc,
Lane Co., Ore.. James Itauillo, of
Falrniouiit, Lane ('o., Ore., T. C.
Lackey, of Kiigcuo, lniie Co., Ore.
Anv mill nil imisiniid .ilnlmliii. ...I
vcrsov the nbbvo deserllHil lauds niv
reiittesteil to file their claims In this
olllce on or before said Mil dnv of
Novoinlier, llKtt.
J. T. ItiiiliiiHs, Itoglster.
Pnlted States Laud Office,
ltosebiirg, Ore., .V,ug. -'I, 1002.
Notice In hereby given (hut Incom
pliance with the provisions of tho
Act ot Congress of June :t, IS7S, en
titled "An Act for the sale ot Tlmlior
IjiiiiIs In tho States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," us 0x101111111 to all the
Public Iwind States by act of August
!li 1NI2, ICdwIn I). RoHslor of Kiiirono.
County of Ijuie, State of Oregon litis j
iiiisiia.v uieu 111 nils olllce Ills sworn
T5he "International
ovelty YokeSwt
United State Uiul Olllce,
lioseburv'. Ore . Sent.. 12. 1002.
Notice ia hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision of tho act of
ongreaaouunea. liH, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber landa in tho
Mates of California, Oregon. Nevada.
show'thst Bttttemciit No. SUM, for tho purchase
lo for t, t,w h W K SW H Wx of
riciillural J :". 2 S""tl'
"i innifie iiesi nun H iii oner prooi
to sliow that the laud sought Is
more valuable fur Its tfinU-r or stone
thnn for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said laud
liefore Marie L. Ware, P. S. Coni
tnlcsloiicrnt Riiuvue. Ore., nn Snine.
day the Mil day of November, 1002.
110 mimes as witnesses:
Names N. Randlo. of ritlriitmmt.
Ore., (leorgv M. Miller, of I'orilnn.l.
Ore., E. C. Smith, of Kngene, Ore.,
doorgt' llsou, of Loraiio, Ore.
Aiiyanii an iersons clnlmlng ad
versely the above dcscrllHil lamln
requested to file tJielr claims In this
office on or In-fore said Stli dav of
NovemU'r, 11MK.'.
J. I . IllillxiKs. Iteglster.
Blue print maps of any township
in Koseourgr, uregon Land IJistrict,
showing all vacant lands for 5octs I
eacn. it you want any information
from theU. S. Land Office, address.
Iitle Guarantee & Loan Co.
and asliington Territory, 'us extended
to all the 1'uhlic Iind States by act of
Atignat 4, 1S92, Ruchvi Sandera, of
r.uuene, County of Uine, State of
Ore., has this day tiled in this office
her sworn statement No. 3-t-ll for the
purchase of the NL' 1-4 NE I -lot Section
.No. 8 in Township No. 205, Range Nc.
SW.nnd will offer proof to show that.
the laud sought ia more valuable for itt
limner or atone than for agriculture
purposes, and to establish her claim tc
earn land beloro Miirin I. wum. II
S. Commissioner at Eugene, Ore
gon, on .Monday, the 17th, day of Nov,
She names as witnesses:
Joseph Willie hu. Robert b reeinun.
Eli Coehhaver, of Goshen, Ore., J. Cal
iison, of Pleasant Hill, Ore.
Any and all iersona claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are in-
quelled to tile their claims in this office
on or before said 17th day of Nov., 1002.
J. 1. JiimxjKM. Kegistcr.
VEATCH At Creswell, Ore., on Oct:
i, juu.-, jirs. .Marian Veatch.
wife of S. E. Veatch.
Cottage drove dun Club.
A meeting was held at this office
Tueudny oventng and the organlia-
tton 01 a gun club porfected which
will be known as the Cottage Grove
Gun Club having for Its object the
usual objects ot gun clubs. Tho meet
ing proceeded to elect Lee W. Henrv
president and Henry Veatch secretary
and treasurer of tho club. A com
mittee composed of Jno. Barker, F,
w, ami iahi . uenry was ap
pointed to secure sultu'jle grounds
for target practice mid to get tlio
traps in place for next Tuesday after.
noon at three o'clock when the first
practice will Iw held.
Tho membership fee was fixed nt
I for tho present and tho price of
bluo rocks at 1 cU to members and
2 cU to outsiders.
Tho regular weekly practice will be
held nt throe o'clock on every Tues
day afternoon In which all memliers
nnd outsiders are Invited to partici
pate. Wo have the material In our little
city for the lieet gun clubs In tho val
ley ami from which after a few weeks
practice we can eelect a team that
Will not take- a back seat for any
Whoever wroto 1111 tlin Iin.i., r-,..
. -.U...1UI.
mimv uruve louiuau trains inMt-Kii,,
day from Drain for the Oregonian is
the biggest liar or the biggest igno
ramus In Boventeeu states mid
wouldn't know the truth If he was
to meet It In tho mldiltn ,iin,.,i
Instead of the tcum from here ou
weighing Drain as was tnt,.,i in n,ia
account of tho ram ti. xr 1
School team outweliri,! - ..';.
tW,m ouUJd- of tho city of Portland. I fi truth is' mSKnnu'rvmi; '
Mariah Ellzalietli Knox was born
April 20, 18J in Hancock county, III.
She crossed the plains In 1SS! nud
settled with her parents near Albany
where they resided one year, moved
to Lane county and settled a mile
and a half east of Cottage Grove on
.what Is now known as the Hurdlng
place. She was married to Sylvester
Veatcn Junuary 25, 1853 to which
union wore born seven children, all
but one of whom survive her. They
are as follows; I. H. Veatch mid
.Mrs. Maggie Martin, of Craswell, R.
" .. witch, Mrs. J. I. Thomas, Curtis
and Dora Veatch, of this city, .Mrs.
Veatch was converted In 1S72 and
Joined the Cumberland Presbyterian
church soon after of which she has
remained a faithful memlier.
Mrs. Veatch lius been failing for
several years mid her death wns not
The funeral was held at the Pres
byterian church at this place Wednes
day morning after which tho remains
were interred in the cemetery west of
Many kind nnd sympathetic friends
01 mo deceased nnd tho surviving
iaiuiiy were present aud assisted In
the last sad rites, when all that was
mortal of a faithful wlfo and a kind
loving mother was laid to rest.
United States Land Office,
Roseburc. Orcifon. Sent.. 24. 1002.
Notice is hereby iriven that in com nil.
ance wltli .the provisions of tho act of
loii"ress of June 3, 187S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
Ki-.iia t f I ,-r : .. n x- ,
The excitement Incident to traveling TvJhuS'AnfXuZEl
f.riwS nT. o(te" " all the Public Land States by act of
brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason August 4, 1892, Jamea J. Tynell, of I'ort-
n?uUi le?V? .,,0?.'.. "''i0".1 0 Uni County o Multnomal. HUUoof Ore-
,1? Tl"'",'!, ir 'e by statement No. 3521. for the pur
ky"V. ,:VPJ,,eKaie' Drain' ,!;n8on chase of the N W V SE i, N h Jiv 1-4. v., v-uuuku uiuvc. I SW 1-4 Hv 1.4nfKllr,n V oil'r n.l.l
I .,, C .III. a 11, 1 ...111 . I
- 1-1 ouiiiuiigan it.anuwiiioiierprooi to
AT VPICALSOUTH AFRICAN STORE "" '"V"'nu soiigniis more valu-
ft t r (i, fin o 1 able forits tinber or stone than foragr-
o'i V V1: Sun, ay cultural purines, and to establish his
ir. S TS-' C0?'lV " cUi,n t0 W 'nd ' RogHiter
n'n'r .7..t nn j . f,-,Y.- V. .1.11 ."PCe.,yer l. KUUn. UregOn, Oil
' T , mi' : 7 .Montiay me .'mi uay 01 .March, 1003.
"needle toan anohor." This atore ia ii ...i. . '
. i ii , ., , .1 I .1. iiuiiiviiii, w i,ui;ani.-e
valley iiiiib iiiiies irorn wie William E. I'rild hoiniiie. Henrv n.
nearest town. 31r. lrson aaya: "I am Pruillinmm,. l.v.n n Trri t:L
rutted States IjiiiiI Offliv.
Roselnirg, Ore.. Aug. IS, 1!H)2.
Notice Is hcrehv i.lvnii tlmt In
pllaniv with the nrovlnlonn nf tin.
net of Congress of Juno.'l, l!7 on-
imeii - ,ii act lor the sale nf Timber
fluids In the States nf CnllfuMil,,
Oregon. Novuda. alid AVnulilint..i.
Territory," as extemhil to all tl...
Public IjiiiiI States lie net nf in.11.1
1. iv.,ouiiii a, iioeni, ot .staffonl,
lountyof Clackainns, State of On--gon
has this dny tiled in this offliv
his sworn statement No. .'I2I.I for the
purchase of the SJ N of Section
No. .U In 'lownslilp No. 2l South of
ltangoNo.8 W. and will offer proof
to show that the land sought In
num. i-filtmliln r.n. lu i...t....
", , y ii" iinniei lirnillllO!
than for aurlciiltiiral niininui.u mni 1
111 enuiiiiisii ins ciaim to said land
iieiore the ICeglntor and Itivoiver of
lius oniiv at iioseinirg, Ore.. 011
Vtcdncsdiiv tho .'list line ifli.u...iiiiu.
He names as witnesses:
Volne.v Ervln. Sanfnril '., mb Minn 111
R. de N11I. Piirtliiml. On. it.witi.
Jones, Elkton, Ore.
Any mid all nersoiiH eliiliiiliii- ml.
versely tho above lands are
rill nested to II le their IiiIimm In
office on or In-fore sahl-:ilst day of
Docomlier, 11)02.
J. T BiiumBH, Register
W C WW. showing a nice
Hue of new Fall StuflT at pop
tilnr ptices, nud we invite you
to call nnd examine the siiine.
Outing Flaiiiiol
We made nil exccptionnl
good buy in these good.
Wc ere plncitiK n lot I
of them on sale at J) (
lf VOU wnt to In llitht "In
It" ttili iciiun, ordtr an
" Intctiutlunal" Yoln Suit.
Thli tult It an original creation of
ami Chicago, the Utgett and most
reliable tailoring concern In the
wotlil, for whom we laVe order.
It Ii tlio smallest anil noblileat
suit ever ilcilgneil for men's near.
Good dicaicra alt over Iba
United Statei'-men who apprecUt
and want the latest ami beat art
ordering It, and why not you?
We'll be glad to tell you mere
about Ihli afitcndld aull If you'll
drop In lo ace 11a and wt'll abow
you lh.c "International" aamplea
of over 600 atyllih pattern! al Ibc
lame time
10 quarter Cotlon pr. 75c
11 iuiutcr Cotton pr. i.oo
to cfimrter Wool pr. f$.oo
It (jtmrler Wool pr. j.oo
Our .Shoe nte cut
the feet, nnd don't cot
more thnn the oilier
Our Hue is detuned
teach every shoe need.
A Mi 001)$
to nt
n bit
corrAdi! ORovR,
J" 1 v.m Vi ?c; ffr
Oetn free aamnln nf ('lmnilM..I,,l,,'u
Stomach and I.ivcr Tnbleta at Benson
Drui; Co.'s drill: store. Tliev urn,.
to take and more pleaaant in eirectthan
pillij. Thnn their uai la not tiillnu.wl Im
constipation as la often tho cimo with
pilla. Reiilar alze, 25c. is-r box.
1 S?,3:8
Griffin &
has been made by iih in hc pur
chase of a line of mechanics' tools,
nnd we're thus enabled to give'eus
lomcfs the benefit in cost. Wc
lmve recently increased our slock,
and arc olTering substantial iudiicc
nienls to purchasers. HvcrythiiiR
111 Hsht and heavy hardware at
rock-bottom prices. Kxccptioiinl
bargain!, in all departments. Come
nud see for yourself. No trouble
to show goods.
Veatch Go
favored with the euatom of farmer
within a radius of thirty miles, to many
of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's
remedies All testify to their value in
a household where a doctnr'a' nilvlrn is
almost out of the question. Within one
nine 01 my store the population IB per
uana nixiv. 111 innee. wiiiun tne naat
twelve months, no less than fourteen
have been absolutely cured by Chamber
Iain's (Jouih Kemeilv. This must
surely be a record." For, Ba' by Lyons
Aiiiiiecaic, urain. neiidon jjruguo.,
oiui;o urove
K. McClintock, of 1'ortland. Ore.
Anv and all nersoua elulniinv mlverKe.
ly the alxive.doscrlled lands are re.
quitted to file their claims In this olllce
on or before said 2nd day of Mar., 1003.
J. 1. jiniiHies, Keuister.
United Slutti Lunil Ofllre,
HiMlmrir. Orp th tfirr?
Kotll-e ll herebv rlvmi tliat 111 I'imiillmii-A I
With the Drovlllona f the art if CnnirrAui nf I
Juno S, 1S,, ontilleil "An not for I lie wile oil
Ijind OIDee at Itowburir, Ore.,
Ri.t ia imyi
Natli-e I. hereby tlta that the followln'ir-
niiici jias iiiri nuiii-e 111 jiir inienuon
In make final proof In aupport ut hi. claim,
i" pruoi win ue mane iieiore urie
... "me, v, n. txiininiHioner, ai r.uKne, ure.
on Novembers, iwu, via; wllllam II. Jeffre
00 11. Vs. No. 8816, Jor I he Kw a, See. 26, Tp. 19
a., ji. 1 wen.
ne uamer tne loilowliifr wltneufcei ui prove
in. vuiitiiiuoui reiiuenoe upon ana cuiiiti
lion ol mIiI land, vl: .
Thomai Jlachre, i( ZIon, Ore., Jamea k
Orlfllih.ol limur, Ore., Or Carter, J. Cartel
u. .Aincii,irc.
J. T.IIaiuaaa, IteKiiter.
w, .0, n, uiiiiiic "Aiiw:t mr iii Hie di 1
Umber lands In the Rlalei ol California, Oregun.
Nevada and Waahlnxlori Tcrrltorv." ai ex
tended lo all the I'ubllelJtnd KUtea bract of
hlnvton Territory," ai ex-
illblli. Inil HtatM liv apt nl
Auxnii 1, law, I'&arlea W, Uiue. of Euaene.
CoUlltV nf IjnB. HfafM nt (lri.irnti. h. thl. I
day filed In thli office hta aworn itatement No
for the piirrliakeof the total I, 'Al.'il A22nl I
ow. rmuiii iowninip noetn, nanire no 1 w 1
and will offer proof to show that the land
Kioiflit Ii more valuable for III limber or atone
ior agricultural nuriKiwi, aim to eilab
lUh hli claim to laid land before Marie L
nare .'. n. (joinmii.lnniir at Kmrpiiji. tin..
iron, on uonnay. Iher.lh day of April, JKB.
HenameiBii uliiieHMs:
v 11 1 r . . , , 1 , ,..,. r ...i
.V -"'iiv " - Ai11.11, yuiiii ... 1 aimer, I
J. K. Younif, of CoiIukb Urove. tone Co.. Ore
gon. I
Auyanit all trion claiming advereely the I
above-deacrlbcil Undi are reueited to file I
their Clalma In thla ntricn nn or lrfrnm .nf,l r.thl
najr OlApril, HUH,
1 T llaitKiEs. IteKiiter,
A Place Where
Everything is Right
Most Exquisite Ribbons. New
New Laces and Trimmiiia.
Immense Neckwear
Our stock of Dress Goods has never been more
Complete than at the Present Time.
llon't Fail To See The WoiMlerful
As.soriiiieisl of
1 i
'fi r. 1
Allison & Hastings.
Wo uro now located in our
New oufirteru, opiiOHlte the
I'ostolllce, nnd reHpeetftilly
Solicit tho imtroituge of all
who desire flrst-clium work.
9 I
Bohemia i
Main St., Collage drove.
Pro rJetor,
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
). ifc .jc 'Jf. 'Jii 'J'.u 'Ji'. "Jf. 'Jf.'Jf. dfc
II 7jL
T-Trm I'm -ixr it JB, 1-.'i 1 -a