Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1902, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
I.IJt! W. 1IKN11Y, l:lllor .n.l Prop'r.
s. r
, yontliSlld thMr'iflrst yehrfntcoHcgo
nro nut the only fresh man.
1cn Rood for genius, but It could not
liavo !)oon n comfortnblo family to live
In. Mont argument Intended to con
vlnro Is n dead fnlluro, heranso the per
sonal pride of the antagonist Is n roused,
mti! hn im nlllv fcfYiinirthoncil III 111. ntvti
position. Tills, again, Is not n Rood 1,11,1 Institutions In tlio city of Wash
thing, It usually menu's ttint '"S'011 nllJ ?'mrs of Congress havo
tbo hnlilt of seeing only one side bf c,,,,,c 10 srti ull'm 1,8 nl,10,, 1,,u lllosl
n subject la continued. Tliere nro two ,,ralr,1,,, ot ",c,r iwrqulsltw. Thu in in-rvil.iniT tvimiimr ,, greenhouses from which the turners
llouqucta Are Rutillol lloniillfilllT to
ConurrBuiicit nml Bc.intor
Cut flowers nrc supplied Krnlultously
by Uncle Sam, to n nntuber ot persons
Hut nlniost nny'polltlcal doctor will I .bom or iint.Mu.t n n,., n i., ti. In question come nro maintained prlii
odinlt Unit tlio trust evil Is evil. llloon. People who cannot nrguo with- c'l'nlly to supply the city pnrks with
LI I '. ', , , U
Arctic explorers do not succeed In
finding much except one another's remains.
nnd when lio camo out ho wnn so for
conn that I know tlio giuno was. lit my
own hniids,
"Don't Imnglnn that I Intended to
1:111 him In cold hloud. It would only
Imvo liven rigid Justice If t had dono
so, hut I rotihl not hrlng myself to ,do
It, t had long determined that he
stumltl hnvo n show for hln llfo If ho
chose to tnko advantage of It,
"Among tho many billot which 1
hnvo flllod In America during my wan
itorlng llfo, 1 was once n Janitor nnd
sweeper out or tlio laboratory at
CHAPTHR VI. I Cumberland. OVOr III! till fitlinr tttilo
lllUUll. VTHilU M IIU IIIIII1U. UIK1IU 1,1111', - . ., , ....... .- ..,. ... ...
.... i.-.i. t.. ...... 'the plants wlileh Make lliem anel. nl Our nrlnnimr-'. rui-lnn. nalilnnrn 111 "0 river. When OIICO I found thltin York Pnllm-n
never to do 1L Those wlm cnnnot ito ! feature uf the city's bcmity throiiRhout ot apparently Inillcnto any fo- HUt 1 km)w that I had thorn at my "Ono day tlio professor' wnB lectin
........ ... .J S. . the rreaier imrt of tt.o tear. Afier the roclty In his disposition toward our- " tug on poisons, nnd ho showed his stll-
...mum inn iu iniuuiiu nnfiHiieui i - .: .t . . lanlvn. I.,. .., i I t hn.i . ..... .. ,ini. ..... .ii.ii i .. ... n...i it
, . ,, i white Homo Is aminlliHl tho imanltiil I ,v 4 vju iniuiiK iiiuivuii iu.uii . ...mi niwnu hit iionru. mill (Here I ,,v lln iiiniiiiuti, ito iiu vinivti
should also be dlscouraBcd, and equally "i. Vr- l I VA J V t . i - ,oea ' """""d l n miulo manner, wa. no clmnco of their rocoRiilslnR which bo bad extracted from omo
Wllththoitosslblooxcentlonof (bore- """"""J nuenuon nro inoso who , ,." .. ... " ... .1 nllJ MP"od his hopes that ho had me. mouth Amurlcnn arrow poison nnd
nil 11,1., iuiv, mini pue ll iuiu mat uuei ma- . . - ----- 1 1 KUOSS VOUVO ROInc 10 tAKO 1110 U1UII I BttW Illy OllllortllllltV. I WAS I III. ' "V", hmuu livillll. ini'mivn
tlvcs, br political party, or churcli. has i ot "'tmocrs or iuo cnoinci. ma to tho police station," ho remarked termtnod that they should not escnna 1,10 "UUo ln w,llcl1 t,lU lroi"rntlon
certain faults, to refrain from pointing Pwmo and legislative members to Shorlock Holmes. "My cab's at mo again. w I'cPt. and when thoy wore all
ttw.iu i,uiiiii iiijni'it i,j ii iiiiiii ui ll,
all things.
Mr. liner has not us yet expressed
liny fear of what may happen to a
innii who dies rich.
out that tho other jwrson's belongings ! collle J1"'"
hnvo faults Just as Imd. ct this proves
nothing except that human nature Is .
Imperfect nnd that the pot Is always
This custom, wblcU has the door. If you'll loose my legs I'll
Hnmt.1 niA. t ..11 .1 I
.?"r.f V. " S,.r,UHU,'K U' ". ',U "l " "K"1 ! "n4. on,.9" 011 t0 i xvnrked tills nlkalolil hitii sii'ml .
.,.Vlo.ll!.C .'C1'IU.. '" Jlli'.f?!! ' I thouRhto nssiirnMmsMf l'ttmB'hnv I f0i? .t!S,?i.. .'' hoK Uh iI'ihnlMr'pllI 'mndo' without
nnd round. and the White House con- ! tZl n.aeo , n Hdng so WW
servatory. other gnnlenor. are those of cht" ',TUJ tanTtfmV&V0 KOt b0,",,, f'1"1"'! oach hayo n draw out of one of
mo Acncumimi uonnruncnt nna tnoi.i.- . v. v ' i " m... ' . . inrno uoxca. win q i vai mo iiii inni
HOO worth of gold In an old pot than I,r"" ' call the kettle black
to novo written "Paradise I-ost." ;
I Researches In modern science con.
. ... . . .. I tlmin In lmlil r,,f ll.n Mrn.l itntln.lnrt
A woman never can unuersiana wuy ... ,.,,, ,, "' "jr , no mm, khiiiir wuu ....uH vu wcoki i orovu uoninu remained
a man buys a new Derby hat that, ns Promises. Human beings are to live Iwtnnlcsl gardens. The latter nro uu- undlsRulse.1 admiration nt my fellow, them every day, nnd novor onco w Til bo nultn
fni . .1... n eo l lust like his old UW. l'o Ills that tlcsh Is belr to J t'19 Jlrrctlon of tbo Senate Com- odRer. "Tho way you kept on iuy them sepnrnto. Urebber himself wa J - JaLi . 2 .i0
";. ' " are to dlsnnpcnr nnd portions even ' """co on i-iornry. -ine ganiens or the iron was a caution.'
tlonth mny have no terrors. Bxiierl I "cpnnnicm 01 .lgriciiHuro are ueroicu ou nna Detter como with mo,'
ns deadly, and n
drunk lmir Dm .!, ,i q ... iKvmi m ill less noisy, umn iin iR ncmss
If King Leopold hears what Marse ments are being made by the State of.1" 10 c K"wln of plants other said Holmes to tho two detectives.
1 ... I , ? .... . 1 iVimI I I rflll flriVA vim an til T AatM.U
Wntterson said of tho "four hundred'
ho will tako tho next ship for New-York.
v... ... .i.........i.. ..... i .... tlnin tlornl. I I can drive you." said Lestrndo.
nn.i ,,,n of t.i . i. The flowers from tho White Houso ..aoolI nJ Orcgson can Como In-
::. r . . : . ' T"..-:u "..v''... m with me.
You. too. doctor; you
1. n .1 1. t.. ... .1 .. .. t . - .1
wctd0thCr!attraud,noaV.v. but .... V" h-"' "1, "I'i
never saw tho ghost of a chance; but ' "" """" 1
toMhiiThr?". " w" nrororono than twelve, nnd
tout mo that tho hour had a most - ...n.i i.ii. ..i.... .i.....i . . .....
The AmcrUail l'log.
When Kreednin from livr iiHiiintnln tialglit
Unfurl'd hnr stsudard lu tlio sir,
Hlio toro the nmro robe of nlulit,
And sot tin stars of glory tlivrst
Hits mingled with Us gurgcouo iljis
Tho milky bntdrlo ot tho kls,
And striped Its pur cvlestlnl whits
With trcnklngn of tlio morning llulit
Then from his mnnnlou hi tho sun
Hlio cnll'd her vnglo-lionn'r down,
And gnvo Into his mighty hand
Tlio symbol ut her chosen land,
Majestic monarch of tho cloud I
Who rvnr'st ntufl thy regsl form,
To hoar Urn tvniptit truiiipliivs luiul,
And svo tho lightning Inner drlvon,
Wlini strlvo tho witrrlori of tlio stornx
And rolls tho thunder-drum of Iiorvvii
Child ot tho sunt to theo 'tU glvou
To giinnl tho bnnner of thu free,
To hover In tho sulnhur-sniokr.
To ward nwny tlio hnttle-stnike,
.Mill tlil Its hli'iiilluga shhin sfnr,
I.lko rnlnlinivs on tho cloud of war,
Tho harbingers of vlctoryl
The woman who worries over leav
ing her children to tho enro of a nurse
the human body In the best posslb e conservnuiry are useu tor uniiy uecorn- hn taken nn interest In t hn rn "omo. My only fear was that this 1,1 . " B ll' " .V " '
condition. Hy menus of respiration Jloiis of the executive mansion and It "nmy as MlcTto Jls.""0 W client m"ghrburst a llule S '? 'ftWn'iSa
calorimeter the healthful demand for , ls ff functions and all other or- i assented gladly, and wo all do- t0? oon nill lon,vo y work undone that I could havo shmitod out from
food by different pcrsous can bo dinary occasions that the supply of the scondod togother.
dbes not get very far Into society now- known. The man who Is eating too 1 Pnr, greenhouses Is drawn uion. m&do no attempt
l'eary was about 400 miles from the
pole When ho was forced to turn back.
1'our hundred miles Is a long way
where there nrc no sidewalks.
Tlio American heiress wants quality
uur prisoner ... " iiiuiiit, i ws uriving r OTitniimi
to csenro. but "P nml tl0W11 . W Terrace, as tho .... ftnv of vo . ..--.i.,.,,,,. imvn nVer
King of tho lirnvol llir folds ilull llr.
Tho .Inn ut Impu nml trlupmph liliih,
When speaks tho signal trumpet-toiix,
And tlio long lino coinvi glenmliig on
Ur.i rut tho life-blood, warm nnd Wet,
Una dimmed the gll.tenlng bniouvt.
- - - -- . i - -- -- - ------ .. .. ..- - ii hut ill Tim L'linupmr i iiirn ivrr ... , ... . .......
much or unsuitable food-food that Through this sourco of supply not nu cppeU caimiy into tnocab which "... '".w,."Fn ,,,Dy. nr'.1 nlnod for n thing and longed for It .V""i.,7..r'.".".a"" ' v "
dWs not supply muscular tissues or ; Inconsiderable amount that would oth- wo o. u,wen mm ...- -n , rturlng, twenty long years, nnd tl.ei, Ah(, "' ' T " ' ""
encrgy-enn snow nt once wbat to """ " im spem ior uowcra lor ,, ,v ,, :."T'-'- "l-resontlv nmn h, ,..""'"""" k '"".Catch war nml ..iiV.nM. (r,,,,. n,
. aa. a . . on ail VI UIUUKUL II H III UI- " ...w nn"l,u ' WnilM lltiififtitnml rAllnirsl ...... ....
.10 nnt what changes to make to e- sia.e uuiners runs wen up uno vcry ,hort ,mo (0 0lr ,,cllt,nntlon brought out, and after n tlmo Drobbor Rh l n c rm It to' . . F1""?'
cure the needed iKmcflts. The United . h hnndrels nnd sometimes even thou- We wero ushere.1 Into n mnll nnd StnnRerson followed It nnd drove V?.? And when tho csnnon-mouthlnga loud
States Rovernment. too. is carrying on """Is of dollars. The floral decorations chnmbor. where a pollco Inspector ofF ' whipped up my horso nnd kopt trnmlfllnL- n,l .,Vv T,, in ilimlilili M"" 1,1 wllJ wreaths tbo battle-shroud,
iinorlniinta lniln- it,.. niT..xt n. ...I. for the Prince Ilenrv dinner, wbleh I noted down our nrlsnner'n tinmn nml Wllliin sight of them, feellne 111 nt I ... ... 7. I n gury labres rl.o and (all
mi. n,iitnrnfinn. i,i. Were most plnliorntp. wnnlil lm-n rout I tho names of tho men with whoso I case, for I feared that ihey wero go-1 ... i ..... t
nnu mo impecunious nooiemau u lw.. ,. n, .... ti.noo If nurchnso.1 In th It.iwer tunr- murucr no nna ucen ennrgeu. '" A" '"' meir unuriurs. WriW nml
quanuiy. linug me iwo logcuier auu ,. . , , ..,. ket. As It -n tho ronl oTnon.llnim d. luo "ciai was a wnue-inceti.
tho result Is a matrlmonal merger. wm etermnc tIle TaIue or harm 0j J the floral decorations was only n.fow
,, , , , many nnicies or aiei wnosc v rtucs . uuuureu.
Me. leal science ha, not yet dlscov- ro nQW qtlcitloIle ,tclK)rt. MmJ
.T B" . '" . i.u, from ltomo ,0 ,he cffect that ft prom. f.
, gory labres rlio and rail
i could seo old Johni:Lk'i?0.f.!1,0,,m,,,1,'l',,,l','"ll
. . lucn uiall thy it moor alauct's slow.
lm. "At Euston station they got out. nnd "7" JVJ . "". VJ,n "'"I And cow.rlng foe. .hall .Ink ta...ih
emotional man. who went throuch ? Icft " hy to hold my horso nnd fob ..... n. tain . t ,. ,.n i n,i.' ' ' gallant urm that strike b-;low
his duties In a dull, mechanical way. owed them on to tho platform. I room All tbn wav thev wero nhend of I 'A' 'or'1 meweuger of death.
the doctors, like the rest of us prefer nent ph,lclaII thcre u makl I
to look for It through a long-distance rnll.n,. , ,h .,h ,' I A USE OF WATER AT MEALS.
telescope. i m ...... ... ... i V
Iierson's sleep. The results show there
King Alfonso wants to rebuild the nre certam Pcr'xl when the sleeper
Spanish navy. All right. Alfey; re- ls more, "wakened than at oth-
i.nii.i if i. ... r.m ,n i.n. i-n.. ers nD' V c of a specially design-
have It rebuilt be careful that It shall 1"ent It can be known at Just
never ret lutn n nl.t wlmt tlu,P n raan oaSU ' St not to
, ' ... . : I...... , i,. ... . - , . 7 lutJiu. .ii mo vi.y .in y wuru iiiieuii ui i
"Tho prlsonor will be put before J10"" "icm nsk for tho Liverpool mo am. ono on n'ch .i,,0 o .., hono
the ranglstratoa In tho course of tho In .nnd tlio guard answer that ono " lied up at t o houso in H,o nf I''"
week." ho said; "In tho meantime, 'nd Just roiio. and that thcrb would non road 1,10 1 Thy .tar. .
a y y
The Duchess of Marlborough, It is rc-
to bo of royal birth. There arc others
In this country who are descended from
a long line of ferryboats.
Mr. Jefferson Hnnn hnvn von nmv not bo another for lomo tlmo.
thing that you wish to say? I must "Stnngcrson seemed to bo put out
warn you that your words will bo n llint but Drebbcr was rather
taken down and may bo usod aRalnst P'ensed than otherwise I got so
vml" CIOSO in tnpm In tlin titlatln .lint I
Dr. Kcllx U Oswald Insists that the pVa cot n iwl M n n nu.. could hear every word that nasscil !.
nvoldauce of water nt meals Is a mere prisoner said, slowly. "I want to tweou them.
sanitnry superstition." it Is not possl- tell you gentlemen nil about It. urcuuer sniu tnai no had a llttlo
hi fnp fliiv nrtrmnlli .nnellliilMl t.t.m.t. I 'Hni1n'l vnil hnlfnr rnJnrva Ihnl tnw I bUSlneSJ. Of his OWn tfl llo nml tlilll If
. . -a-. , j - , - . ' . " , . . , . - , : I 1 nlllilf(IBt) 11.1 IIIUIIKIII " ll 11,111 1 1J 1 ll ll
rise. Word comes from Paris that being to cat his way to the first qunrtcr 'ourr trial? asked tho Inspector. tho other would wait for him ho would t tll0 llotoi tiat ho hail mentioned.
Germ-proof houses are at hand. There Instalment of a modern dinner of over- 1 majr ,"ever b? ,!rl,c'"" h. ..B"M 'nil1' . . . . ... for ho Rot out without another word
keep I
oa! on ocean waro
llrlxton rond. t ' l" ""n" " ra ,,,r""
"There wan not n soul to ho soon,',;' Y l "" ,?,,. f ,'.
nor n sound to bo heard, except tho "wr''' ru,l'1 t1'0 1 ;
drlpplnR of tho rnln. When 1 looked Al f f i"1.1 w"71r'1'
In nt tho window. I found Drobbor all, I.'?,1 10 U"''IJ 7' rck.
huddled toRethor In n dninkon sleep.) Jf, c . L" ,wnllJ",r1 ' " .
I shook him by tho arm. 'It's tlmo to. '"V ' 0,lco'u ""
ro out.' I .aid. ".1 ,"" ,0. I'l'i''l.irs By
" 'Alt right, cabby said ho. ,n triumph o tr hi. clo.lug ry. ,
I supposo he tboiiRht wo had como
: win i; 1 the kalsVr " -'uences g TlVn't suicide , am thlnkTu" S!"JK they tV&ttf
n- 1 . n-n itdm 11 HULlUl i
C n.l. ........ I . . . ' I , 1 ,, . . .... ., I "
l'laj of the frvo heart'a hope and hniuet
lly ongvl haiid. to vulor given;
Thy .tars hnvo lit tho wvtkln dome,
-vim an my nui-a wr uorn m nouieii.
I.. . ... . .. . . .. . . - i . mm lu niim ucaiun ...... lu nvi.i, ' .. . . : .
n"r L ;i,8VC.k. ,OKCl'or- Dro1- him steady, for he was still a llttlo. vr ?t that standard .hocll
It Is Indeed startling to learn that
London now proposes that the mistress
ICS. 1 am. I answered. UIUIIU. I tmnl rnnm t ult-n vni. mv mnril
Then put your hand here." he said. " could not catch what Stanger- L.i th0 way. tho father and daughter
lt. out swearing, and reminded him tha ...lVn nfcrnally dark i
con. ho was nothing more than his paid amplnK al)0ut.
said bo,
blngle-storied houses are to be the for a cooling diluent, and before the Ho turned his florco dark oyes upon answered that tho matter was a h"V "wi on wo enmo to tho
lmulnl. Tlioou tinn.n. 1 I...II. 1 nf Ik. .nn.l !.- I U ...... .... . I .Inllnfn nun ....1 .1... ... IUI Illl.Vy. IIUII . S""lu lu lnu
. ... . ... iv w uu... . v.. v. iu owut. vvu.ov v. . in. i jiiu B uo .1. I'll .1113 11111 1 UUV3MOU. I " . u.iu mill nu tuusk KU I ,lnAp I nnnnn.l II n,.l l.lm Inln llm
I - l'u"3 ml luvu null; UUU lO bt-l . UNUIUIH lUC UrjJCUCJ Ui InJ.IllVV U13-
on gravel. The roof will bo tiled, not tress, but he sufferer is warned to for-
Suited, nml tho trlmlniri Trill r..t. ' lvir tt nnl Paifnun. Ortlimlnr o,.... I With a "HlllO. motioning With
i-i ..v .... i , . , . ..I., i... i.itnanacieu wrists toward nu chest.
aliflll en l.i In nnm linn- lrt I - "L .u u ...n.inx. t uuuii... niullTB Ul I'll II I r .. i.. , i .
- " -v . .i ... . , . . . , .. . . .ii uiu nu. uuu uvcnmc nL uncu con-
. .. ... .. ... I , mini i. ... i.itii iki cunirs in .rnn. irnni lniiiiiciiir- inni t imoionnp .tin . ... i . ..... .-
me maiu. is u possioie mat xne worn- ,, . . ' " ,, , i . TJ . . scious or nn extraordinary throbb ng oorvant, anu inni no musi noi pro- We'll soon bavo a lluht" I said
en's clubs have not settled all that? Just n.D,J act"!n-. Th will proved that the water Instinct Is wrong. ana commotion which was going on sumo to dictate to him. strlkin. a mn?ch and nuttlnir It to a
-....! ut. -. a-uusio utui u. I luBiucn i .nut, tuu dli ciui guvu ji ut i vnx-caiinio iilch I hnu oroucht with
of striking them at right angles. There it? In the silence of tho room I could fas i a bad Job and simply bargained mo .Now Enoch i)r(ll,bpr; i contlnti-
hove Greenland proved nn island by " l" Y " pmce ,or u,scaso- roml Tbe most specious of these arguments near a auu nuraming nna ouixing iua ." u" '' "N. turning to him and holding tho
t iniiian.n, ii.n. w t . m t, rar uw, conira me assurance from isthe alleceU risk that the Introduet on iirocreuoa irura mo same u. i-miu iijum nun oi "ni'i- M int tn mv own face 'who am I?'
..vm.vumm. i. .u.u ..c uuc i , i. .. . ..-- . .,. nrlvfltr. hnlal. In u. 1,1.1. nl.l.A. I - . - ---- -
night last week, fearful lest It might "J?"T T. .iS ?. ! ?' 'd W! ? u n,e the a ' Why." I cried, "you have an aor- answered that ho Vould bo back on
VrTr X " "JT.." , "Ur.a.. .Vn.n.S.TJ tic 3niMnl- tho platform beforo eleven, and made
- f "fj vvuaiuuua VUIV tut: IUUV1B Ul lilL' ll,.l K Ur.UUIL I tar I. ..Va !. .tl It. M . I I I h n WtiM mil rtT t a n alnllnn
A man has committed suicide leav- fa8t,nS- .By..thls chcaP Process bodily But Is It not evident that those organs placidly. "I wont to a doctor last "Tho momont for which i had wait
. . . . , ... . ... . . . 1 ...a il.ll .u uiSHUIWar. Till! 1 1 in frt lir. chrki.lil lu, nlls.ti.-t Ms ni. va.a In .1... I .h.i.l I. . - 1, . .1 .1 . 1. . . I . I .rl an Inni. hn, nl in. I . T .....
lug ll UOIO fil) lllg: I nave JUSl lOUOU 1 - - r " , - " .u.n n uuut ... auu u. iuiu uio will ll -b ""- "J whv K Jwnrd tllj Not T.lie Plvlno,
out what an a rk I am." If fliln sort nt I ""-"-" on- n new . decision or tnnt controversy? was Douna to Durst Dororo mnny dnys my enemies wuoin my powor. TO- ".,17. -)..,n, i I carco. As if all these assurances were I Dr. Schrodt. the author of "Natnr. I passed. It has boen getting worse gother thoy could protect each other, snip 1 rip,
wuuMvi-uw. I .. i. ,. ... I ... I . I 1. t ...... I l.t.l D n. v thnv n . . . I I ... .. I I . . . . i ,, ,
drcwa may ston worrrlmr about over- "ul "uu .u i me wonu living. Hellkunde' holds, on the contrary, . " ' S ?" ''.V1" "' ",r.".....1' ' . Kln r-,lwl" as is on Known,
- " - Inn Illltinla nlir.lnlnn .... .. . ........ . I UUHUin 0 UUUUPieUU ID IHD U1U UU. UWl. llVWUVUr. Willi UnUUfl UTO-ll. ......1. I ..,..... 1 In .11 n....... ..1.1
I u vuuiu iur mai our uici is not nan uuia enoucn. J.... . ........ ... i . .". i " ...... m.imi mini
Where hrvnthv. th too but fall, hn.
foro u.,
With frwdoin'. soil beneath our feet.
And freedom's banner streaming u'or
-Jtweph II.Mlman Drake.
(Tola) continued.)
tho did not act. howovcr. with undue nre
ward saying he ha. raised the dead and demonstrates that orcnnlc wnrmt! a'c "ou,,fc. It a..n.! on' ,y pmn8 WCr0 n,rcauy ing to flying ships, nnd of peclally Is bo
It was Zola's misfortune that though and can do It again These are only a will soon reduce over-cold beverages to how soon I go, but I should like "There Is no satisfaction In YcnJ ,,0?,,uJi tn f!11-,I)l1"'" '
,u.i..uii,iiiuiiciiuiiiuiii ,Z,.ZVZ ,7 "in rcuuii.-ucr-iiu uevernges 10 now soon I go. but I should like mere is no satisfaction In ven: I n . 1 . J i .
his novels wera vrrlttpn fnr mfnrmi. I few of the hopes held out by modern th r!i?ht mmlliim onri ihni n irnirin,, in i.... .nm. n. n. i,.i.... nnl... iiu, v.. ii.. i; elloiui. A tow weeks belnro tho coio-
.-- ... . - - r. -- - . . , .- ----- " -.1.,..., I .U .VU V IUIUU .bVUUK. mv uuoilli;., I f, " U.I.VOD ...u U '. V .1 1 J . I i ... mull Ul .. 4. , 11 I.I.
they attracted not reformers, but muck science, but there Is still opportunity , which nothing but fresh water will sat- behind me. I don't want to bo ro- rcallzo who It Is that strikes nlm. and ",,t ,". " ,1oxto1n,lv,,l,'1 rumoro.1 that
hunters. Clean-minded folk declined ,or oluer wonaers. me most nelpless Isfy Is a clear proof that the stomach mombered as a common cut-throat." wny retribution hnd come upon him. II""' q-im u up is minu
uvaiiu auu lue mo arreu nava rmuin to .nn..inr. .Mm ...... i , i ine insDocior sua ino two aetec-iiiau my Diaas nrrnnccn uy wnicn 1 1 .w an-iviiiiiauj mn umw juuhk uih.u-
to cheer up. expect perfect resolution ' nnd n deflclener of mnl.tiiro u baa a hul"l discussion aa to I should havo tho opportunity of mnk- Ian In ono ol his aerial flights; that lie
to' wade through undeniable filth to
dubious social reform.
of health and the Joys of new life.
Tho Gregson Incident, ln which a
British officer was whipped and ducked
because he wns "socially undesirable,''
seems to Indicate that the lesson of
the Boer Avar on tho worth of "social"
standards ln armies ls not yet thor
oughly learned.
! .. . . the advisability of allowing him to Ing tho man who had wronged mo un- had, In fact, mado all arrangements for
distress win sub- te hls .torv derstand that his old sin had found his travol through tho air. A certain
' " x- lcs: w "Do you consider, doctor, that there him out. wu .nown sclontldo poer aske.1 his
Ino Ivltl I. ...... a ... r..m.. ' T ....... ,1... ..m. .1... l..n... 1 . r
gy and asked
'Who can tell me what a nerve is?"
I know," said one little tot
Well, wbat Is It?"
It's what makes the tooth hurt
Tho experiment which the govern
" nient has been making In enlisting sail
ore for the navy from tho Interior of
the country has been successful. Sev
eral hundred farmers' boys from Kan.
sas, Iowa, Kentucky nnd Nebraska
l.avo been In training on the ships Lan-
carter and Hartford during the past when h. .hn .nn.h..i...
.few months, and heir Instructors say This created a laugh, and a number
..that they, nre making excellent sailors. 0f other answers followed, when a lit-
Most of the boys got their first smell tie girl, who Is usually depended upon
of salt wutcr when they boarded tho . nP ni- m im.i . ..
Rlillia - a I ""i s.v.j, ijuw
BUIIIS- ' flon.' mluoil hnr nnlnll ..., .n.l ..l.i.
. H(,Mv. ..,11. DUIU.
"I know the answer, teacher; I can
tell you."
"Vou may answer, Emily," said the
teacher. "What Is a nerve?"
Just wait, and that
side, Insists Professor
subtle chemistry of the organism will Is Immediate danger?" tho former "It chanced that somo days before n,.t..i. nn. ,.,.i .fi.r ,n...
Quick An.wer. from Ktuderarten ' 'cuiuaiiy unu mTOng lo .aluty .a I r i;!rV. ... if . , I whether tho rumor concerning tho royal
. . niuuia t t-tfii f iniopnn unu . iiid. t n niniL i-i'riiti in v iiiiirii ih ; in iihihiiilt iivi'i hiiiiii iiiiii kiih lnirini . ...
1 I r."' ...VCr " :J ., ;;;..":. ..-" . aerial voyat-e was roally true.
a At in i.t niriin v fit ti i n in i m ii ik i tnnn win triFAunv i " wi -- i "n"!! wi. imu uiou tiiu n uj ui .. aa
a certain roo.,yn .muergartcn con- - - - T": ,1 7v,tem haa made "In that cal!C- " ' cIcar'y our ,,ut'- ono ot tllBm ln "lago. It was V'.r" r'V,, ! ,
tains during the school term many a r' e "i''taale In tho Interests of Justice, to tako his claimed that same evening nnd ro ward, laughingly, "Is It likely that I
bright little folks, and their answers anolllcr frced Ioan on ie reserve Btatemont." said tho inspector. "You turned. But In tho Interval I had Ink- would tnko this (lying ship trip? The
to questions are often very amusing. nuu ,uuue lUB are at liberty, sir, to give your nc- en n molding of It, and had a duplb coronation baa not yet taken plsio, and
On a mornlnir not' lone mm n,. hn.i "uffercr a little more comfortable, count, which I again warn you will cato constructed. I can aseuro that I wlh to woar mv
teacher was giving a talk on pbyslolo-1 though also a little leaner. Even thus be taken down." "By means of this I had access to at I earthly crown boforo I put on tho
rrv nnd nskml- uie uisappoimeu siomacn will mage , i u in uun, nun your leave, me ileum ono upoi in nun great ciiy wiicto otlior.r'
shift to lead moisture from some other 1 Prisonor sain, suiting mo action to I count rciy upon uoing rrco from in-
. ... . . .... J lhn vnnl "TI, I a onnnrlem nl mlnn Inrn.nllnn STnur In nnl rirnl.t.n. In
pan 01 me organism wnere it is less ,7, v" At.dlclne ol fioo. n.rit.
. . . . .. .. . . .. I makes mo easily tired, and the tus- that houso wns tho difficult nroblnm meaicinc 01 nog iiaras,
soreiy ueeoea auu me aistrcss suusiaes, we ba(1 bM'aB hour hn. not whlch I had now to solve. Mttle Kthol, aged -I, and her grand
uiougumeeiingoi vague uiscomrort re- monded matters. I'm on tho brink of "Ho walked down tho road and mother wero great churns. Ono day
Tho. baste which various scientific
gentlemen make to announce that
Peary's last expcdtlon Is not n failure
betrays a prompt recognition that the
general estimate Is likely to be that
way. Peary's expectation of conquer
ing the polo did not thunder so loudly
ln tho preface as Baldwin's did. But
It was nevertheless predicated on tho
confident assertion that by preparing
uascs 01 suppiy nna arranging for a
mains, suggesting that tho sort of the gravo. and I am not likely to Iiu wont Into ono or two liquor shops, tho old lady was taking a doso of modi
muuiiiiio ranmutuvu imu me lower an- to you. livery wora i say is ine no- staying tor neany nail an nour in tno cino and tho child inquired:
mentary duct is not exactly what the solute truth, and how you uno It Is last of them, "Grandma what's 'at?"
stomach wanted. a matter of no consequonco to mo." "When ho camo out ho staggcroil "That la medicine mv dear "
I With theso words, Jefferson Hope In his wauY, and wns ovidently pretty ., .i'.". i ' ' i "mi," 7.i
What Ago Is ne? leaned back In his chair and began woll on. Thero wns n hnnsom Just In ( a w inauo 01, Kraiiiima
The Navy Department ls trying to the following remarkablo statement: front of mo nnd ho hailed It. ., 111 01 leel alm ro" aniJ bancs,
nnswer the question: "How old is 1 can vuch for the accuracy of tha "I followed It so cloio that tho noso I0?."?1 Krn,1dma.
Hear Admiral Thomas O Belfrldiro ro- aubjolned account, for I bavo had ac- of my horso wan within n yard of his 0,t B"ndmn, said Kthol, as hor' fa h. m r inn ,, ,"!.,. cess to Lostrade'n notebook, In driver tho wholo way. big. eyes openol In wonder, "Is It
ureur is ne vj or iuui mo records .. ... .i. ...... ... , ..... ..i.i i n.... i i in.i. .i. i...i..ii
.In nnl innw nnrl 1lnn A In.l I a 1 " un-u yiinuimi a num. nuiu inn I .Ifw 1U111UU lltiusn IVUIUIIUU OIIUKU lunuu VI llllio lint, uni.Di
"When anyone ls too fresh m, mam-1 w win not mi. Ti. .7,7 u n !?. "wn e,aclljr aa lncjr woro ut' ana ."??'? J!"0" !!!".
ma snvs 'Oh what n nnrtnl' ... . . , . . . . . lerou. ray asioniaumoai, wo lounu ourselves . punnv Moo
ma oajs, un, wnat n nervel hoilv'g bus uoss how nlil hn In Tlnl no n n.n.n'i m.i.i, n.ii.. in ..... I 1...1. i .i, ....... i ,..1,1.1. i. .i 1 a 1 unny moon,
The lesson ended after a desperate ! lm .nipri tho nnw in irir .mi m,,.i vh r hnimt thn nun" h in. Ln Ono summer evening a llttlo girl was
effort tO restore Order. BrOOklvn ' li.rn Imnn ul Inn.l IK .l.i .I... "Il'a nnnili-h Ihnl Ihov worn CIllllv nil "I .mil. nnl Iminlnn whnl hla I. Inn. I OUt doOrS WSSllIng liOf fCOt. AftOr ft
I v " " - J .... 11 will U. 1 11 11 1 ..... r, ..... ... wu.u ' . 1
taBle. time, the sunnositlon la tht ho i. hn. the death of two human beings a tlon was In returning there, but I wont whllo iho happened to look nt tho
.... . .n ma ..... fflthllf flTtH A t 1 lH aP ti 11 A tUttt flirt I iltl M l tlllllil Ittl 1 P flnh A ll II tl 1 frt.l I mnTiTt . til fit lltlllllp R fttl . flllfl il1mnAl
Petroleum as a Hevcrago. IWecn UU ana 1W. ine Admiral S Old- h . th.r.fnrB. forfeitud thelp own UhmIi nr n from Iho hmiu. TTn on. Inn nml mn Inln llm limito n. fnal nn aim
Tho Medical Societv of i..i. h.. ' e son. "car Aumirai 'i nomas O. Bel- i,.,. .,. ;i, ... , ,1 f"-,- ,V , C?. 1..:.. TV.".. ...: "'.r.i .. ..
steady advance that icy citadel wa exnr.ssed the onlnlnn ihni 11 i. n. . tridgo, Jr., owns to being GO years. Tho Wn,..., i, " -111 : ff.. T Z . .1.".. . n" roV V ""ul L
certainly attainable. Yet in the finale sarv to ndoDt some men.iirn. .n.i... wn'or Sclfridgtf was born In Hub- ImDosslbla for mo to secure n convio- nleaao; mv mouth cel. drv'wllh thn ..... .1.,.: ....".
It comes to tho snmn ronIi a. 11. ...... .... .. j - hardston. MaBS. Phllailnlnhln Prn.a iu ...ln.1 ihnm In .n unnri inii,!.,;.! DI'I'U uuu auu rounu
, ii.v.1?. .nu muiuiiug Binuau 01 petroleum, -. . . . . .
I HrlllVInn Al Aral II wna .
V " " mat Hlnirul.r Rlc-.,. ft,, T.n..l...
Trn.n.inn .... .... n I tlils-uablt had sprang up from the In. I n. .k. .i. .. . -JJ "
...rfa ."u iuccu Ol I ....nanil Inrnltnn nn nln.h.1 I . ' v" .a v iivur 0 11 U- www " ' " ' ' ...... . .,,6 inni, mum, wuwil duiiuviii Ilium imuu 1
Khcba asked Solomon to thread an lt L,S "S . , Imposed haD0 lg B Btoe with this singular In- 8ani0 Drcbber, and broke her heart nolso llko peoplo struggling to ontcr
tlon against thorn In any court. talking,"
"That girl that I spoke of was to "That's better," ho said. "Well, I
have married mo twenty years ago. waited for a quarter ot an hour or
She was forced Into marrying that more, when suddenly thoro camo a
llko thai."
Pa Knew. '
docs 'abfcnt-inindod
"Pa. what
the houso. Next moment tho door mnnn?"
took tbo marriage ring from her was flung open and two jnen np- "Mv bov. Hint's easy. Did von ever
tneately pierced stone, and that he did' llTtnTJ1 ta 'cr.ptlon. which was no doubt Intended OT.?,r
so by means of a hair tied to a living ,"". 7, T V,7 v. , . "ol tor tho Information of stragers travel-1. , R luo "!B",UKU L.i Yt. "or wns 'iunB op." . ,m 1 n' My hoy, lhn
worm. A long sewer In an Ohio far? tboea!f.:.tl10. ba .bc!n Pwlent , by ,he road: "Take notice tw ?oaa.?n.Bor . 1"$:: ono of wh?.!rM -Drcbb?r ttn stop to think?"
.... i ,. . . , i nuinu .iiiiu iiiuTiuuDijr in curiam UIS- .i. .1.1. ..... ,. ... . ii... '"n auuun. aval, u,wn inni ruijllue uiuwr "HI uuiiej wiluif wiiuiu 1 nvna ll i
tcrj recently bocaine clogged, nnd a lrIcts nml hatJ g read ' ub . " .when this stone Is out of sight It Is ring, and that bis last thoughts should had never seen beforo. )(0".' .. ., .
sou of Solomon camo to tho rescue. not safe to ford the river." This recall bo of the crime for which ho was pun- "This fellow had Drcbber' by the And your tl.oughfs ran on?"
...a. . . . ...v j'vhvivuui uau i i. ..n,n.. tfi .... ...i. i t . . i i. j I . I vim "
does not become brutal, only morose, r ... . " "ua."?ut .. ...... . F"ar! a"4 .7."n7..-c-S,-c?-f? "Woll H.i.. .1
nintnna a , , w uaye uwu cruuicu uj uruur oi a Bur . vaiiinu ii. uum wmi inc. i ueua vi ino muys nu kuvu mm a buuvu i -
v....w- j'u; oamuo it a
Tying a long ball of twlno to the shell
of r. mud-turtle, ho put tho nnlmnl into
the entrance of the sewer and turned
w . , Donur uuu lumeU ....,.. the efforts of notrnlonm nrf.l. ' ui iuouo ill .cill, 1U1S
on n stream of water. Tho turtle bur- .Ton he bunmn svi to Faversham. If
, veyor of roads In Kent: "This Is n and haTe 'oI'owed him and hid ac- and a kick which sent him half across Nows
Indianapolis'frPil VlnlnHnna nt , 1, . ...,,. .
;":;:...;;.;.".. uuue.u A. oottmg md or m Ene...ioa.
..... in mn iiYiuf. a swau ana i i.. .n . m.i ...
tss r-sr ,te s frur
Sccoud Small
nm nl nvni nr n nn I n nn fa unfit f I tl,. mmm.I
i .u . .... .. . uijuiu i' a 11 vj favurBaaia, jr you : :. : . . :: " i ....
rowd his way through the refuse, was " .T7, . agr can't read this you bad better keen the m8' 1u.d.L,1a"T "r,1 ,you P?unJ...n? crLoa- anaKlnB 11 Proof Positive.
wmereu on; nt each manhole, and ".main road." , d. ,.moow' a. ikeiv cnouirh. n hn.T iirii' ' Lady-You say you wero a soldier
French Happy Homo Broken Up. I knowing that my work In thla '.'Ho was so hot that I think ho an ' ' broi" ' J" ,ato war7
A Parisian ladv has been mZnlL wor,(1 ls donei nnd w0" dono Thor wou,d have thrashed Drobbor with hla Trnmp Ycs m.
1.. -ll. ? ..niioo ,n i...n T t F" bave i by my hand, cudgel, only that tho cur staggered Lady-How can you prove your
. v ,-w..v . . lining -jnero is nothing left lor me to hopo away down tho road as fast as his bravery T
I Dome, consisting of M hens. CO encka. fnr nr in iinim 1 .,,...1., ...... i.i ti. ... .. . I t.. m... m. . m.i.i. ....1 m.
A character In ono of Arthur BhttMmrTuSLJi1W.. 1 ,,KCOn8' a, Bat' 4 Catf.' do.K8' " lar-'17,1. ric" ...?. po5' aa Ul ?0c' and V- B0 wy light your ga.ollno stovo for you.-Do-
irno Hnnlv'a iinvul. ..m 1. ........ ... I , . , , . . ...'v. . . uuu-. mi unu u uuitu Biiiitu uirus, jier in ii "na iiu iuuii:i iur uiu sua, no uaiieu mo nnu jumpea in.
Ills Knrly Manual Labor Oara the I arrl.t.r Much Hatla faction.
The late I). W. Itlchnrdaon, In an
nddrcas to working men, declared Hint
work, manual work, and that, too, of a
resolute kind. Is absolutely necessary
for every mnn. Ho spoke nlso of thu
Importance ot doing one's work, nol
merely to get It dune, but with a feel
ing of prids In doing It well. In this
connection ho said:
I was Invited not many year ngo to
a lecture at Ht. Andrew's University,
nnd to listen In tho evening to n lec
ture by another man, like myavlf, nu
outsider. I wns not personally nc
qunlntcd with this other man, but I
knew Hint he Oiled an Important Judi
cial otllcu In Scotland, and was consid
ered on of tho most able and learned,
as well as ono of tho wittiest, men In
that country. Ho choso for his sub
ject "Self-Culture," and fpr an hour
.held us In a perfect dream of pleasure.
Por my own part, I could not realise
that the hour had fled.
Tho lecture ended at 7 o'clock, nnd
nt 8 I found mysolf sented nt dinner
by the side of tho lecturer, at thu
house of ono of tho university profes
sors. In tbo course of tbo dinner C
made somo reference lo tlio halt lit
which the cxcrclsca of tho day hnd
boen held, how good It wns for sound.
and what a Uno structuro to look upon.
And did you like tho way In whlctt
tho stones wero laid lusldet" I askeil
my new friend.
Immensely," I replied. "Tho man
who laid tboso stones was nn nrtlst
who must have thought that his worlc
would llvo through the ages."
"Well, that Is pleasant to hoar," ho
said, "for tho walls nro my aln daclii'."
Ho had tho Scottish accent when ho
wns In earnest.
"Fortunato man," I replied, " to havo
tho means to build so fine a place," for
I thought, naturally enough, that, be
ing a rich man, bo hnd built tills hnll
nt his own expense, and presented It to
tho university.
"Fortunato, truly," be answered, "but
not In that scuse. What I mean Is,
that I laid every one of thoso stone
with my aln hnnd. I was a working
mason, and tbo builder of tho ball gave
mo tho Job ot laying the Inside stone
work: nnd I never had any Job In my
llfo In which I took so much prldo and
so much pleasure."
Whllo this man was working with
his hands ho was working also with
his brain. Ho took his degree, went
to tho bar, and became a man 'honored
throughout the country. Wo npplaud
cd his brilliant lecture; but those silent,
beautiful stones beforo him, which
echoed our applause, must, I think,'
havo been to him ono cheer more, and
a big ono.
buruo Hardy's novels said, in nnswer to delphla Itccord,
ouiiii.-uuuy who wauiea to argue witn .
him; "When I see two men arguing ' Crime lu Iluono. Ayres.
I see two donkeys In a treadmill. Write Buenos Ayrcs has Issued 1U criminal
out what you want to say and I will go statistics for 1001. They Include 00
homo and think about it." Tho appll- murders, 2-14 attempted murders, 1,710
cation of this trenchant remark will assaults, and over 0,000 thefts, b'urgla-
Idt about uluo out ot ten of those who rlcs, and .swindles.
Indulge, In arguments. They rarely do .,
touch good, They nro of use to certain WUcn n mttn Tns u,p a """Inesa the
temperaments, because they aid In fa- pTr,B nay ,U I.1'"? ,n large clrcl ot
clllty of expression. It Is said that frlellds.and f" accounts begin to
Oladstono acquired his command of ?Tmu ato ln bls ledgcr be beoa to
believe It.
language from tho custom which ob
tained lu his fanilly of arguing every If the wish Is father to tho thought,
yui-auuu, ouiuu uuu ivai, it umy uuvu J tue UlOUgUl must De mnny
neighbors objected to being kept nwako 'oIIw thom. When I got to Lon- " 'Drive .mo to Hallldny's prlvato
nil night by the cats and dogs, nnd to i,Di1 m 1OC.K0.1 wna auoul em"iy. an( hotel.' said ho.
being roused un ot nn uiieartblv hour 1 muB.i iurn mjr uanQ lo wlien 1 aa "'" ln8l(10 W
l, lhn nn.wln. nl .... nnnli. I ""."'"" ""
troit Free Press.
Cltlman J, bear tho Poplcys have
bcr It passed tbo first six months of
its llfo In a lint. Philadelphia Press.
A wouiun's idea of a bargain Is some,
thing she can't afford when she needs
It and which Is offered at a reduction
when she has no use toy It
Takes It Out In Trade,
.l, m Inn.l .n ,lll. !,. .1... ABCUin 1 11U.1CU IHUI BIT, JWOSOmiUl
. . -. . - - - . i. 1 1 1 j uvui, juni(ivii hm nun j i. j inn. . . ,
"Driving and riding nro as natural I feared lost at this last .moment mv lias becomo a regular attondant at
A. .. , .. . I . T . 1 I .11 1 . . ill n
iu mo no warning, so i nppuoa at a aneurism might go wrong. cnurcu, iriiuu uiu nu De. rungioiir
cab owner's ofllco, nnd soon got em- "I drove along slowly, weighing in I llrownlo JIo didn't. It's just husl.
and ho's
- I - . - 11.11 HI lll.U I, WU, HI 1.V1, . V.l V. . ,...1.
" . inno navo my last intorv ow witn mm. i.ii..i,i,. i.,
Thoro wnn seliTbm much ovor hut If i.n nimn.i ...i,.... it. la ...t... i,."''
. .. . i - . ' . . .
. - . . -" " " . ' f. ' I QUI UIU IHU l U UIU 111 1U1 UIU, 1 lm..nlkl
Tho hardest lob was to lnnrn mv wnv i"rt. ..... . ,1.1.1, .,. i,i impoa.iDie,
. . . 1 . . ... , u .v. u. mn 11..,. Bvitnu .1111. I .
about, for I reckon that of all tho again nnd ho ordored mo to pull up Brown Do you think she is a clover
mazes tnat ovor woro contrived, this outsldo a gin place Ho went in, leav- girl'
city la tho moat confusing, ng word that I should wait for him. Bmlth .Urn-ml Hather too good
They woro at a boarding houso at Thero he romalnod until closing tlmo, looking, don't you thlnkT
moved out near you. Have vou ro.... i ploymont' waB to brIng a certaln my own mind what it was host to. do. ness with lilm. Ho loanod Key.
their baby? Isn't It n tiny BtHomlt., tsum a wook to.ibo wnf. "d what- t miBht take him right out Into tho Gassawny 10 somo tlmo ago, and
Subbb ovor tbot 1 B,Eht koop ,or a"d "JtnJ??J had to tnko It out In pew rent.-r
Judging from tho Sample.
A Congressman who thought that ono
of the great uatloiinl parties was trv.
Ing too bard to find nn Issuo when
there was no Issuo In sight, rebuked
his opponents by tolling this story:
A client of mine ling n large family
nnd nccordlngly is rather pressed for
money, Ho enmo to mo Joyfully one
day, declaring that lie had found oil
flowing from a spring on his land, nnd
bringing mo a sample,
Tho bottle bo brought was ono which
ho bad picked up in n hurry somewhere
nbout the houso. I forwarded It to mi
export chemist, nnd my client and I
waited with a good deal of Interest for
his report of tlio nnulysls. in a ,illy
or two wo got this telegram: ,
"Find no trnco of oil, Your friend
linn struck paregoric."
What ornery peoplo thero uro In tho
worldl But you can't reform them.