Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1902, Image 1

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    7 ,
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Devoted lo the Mining, Lumbering nticl Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 4a.
ybovorbd To Bherfilt. Noro.3 nd 'X
Awvt of tfenerof IryroPorro MinlnrJ Mon.'"i
1 , from hum nun in inu imuiv.
wT.llBfcWi 1 fa f ' Tn 1 1, iii 1 11 11 1 nt tin' oij.Tiniiarj
y 1 i7" Ik-IiiK taken, ami CnttiiKf rov hn
(liittiiKt) drove, Oct. 11', HM)'.'.
At HiIh writing thu Hiiniiil ill uvtlvii
ImliiNtry In filling Ouwilr mill our
rapidly urnwlnu; 1ft tit? city Ik hint
furuliiK to tint Irunt In Kriimlii'iit
mill HiiliHtuiitlul Ntriicttirliil ami ImihI
iii'mm mtcrirlw. Allot tin1 iiihIwjim
on our mcrcliantH IiuvihIoiiii 11 rindi
I11K trndit ami many Uiiii-m lliclr
Iiiki'M of clerlot liuvo found It- nmn
Mitry to work nlghtx and KiimlayH to
keep up with I lie Mow of order com
lug III from tlu Million ami outlying
(llMtrlotH, to nay nothing of the ever
lucrviiHlng volume of trudtiovcnHtoued
liy tlm iicw-vomcrN In our mldxt. It
In fid limited Unit oviTiVXI hoiiIh havu
liven adilcil to ami Ufoinc llxtiuvx In
thlH rniiiiniiully during tin- punt
Our Him graded public ncIiiioI, with
llM COIIIHtl'llt corpH of tt'lclll'IH, h
how giving liiKtructlou to over ituo
pupllH and will continue to wntter
jn'iirln of knowk'dKii torn full term
of ulna iiioiiIIih:
Our mnv depot In completed and
occupied, and thu ground) Htirrouml
lug II am Moon to lm lllli'il In alid rt
cclvu a top iln-HHliig of crmdifd
granite ami other I'lnlHilllHlimeutH.
Tim roiiudlioiimi of tlm new rail
road llau tlmtlHMtrutchluK out from
here to llohemlu It about llnlxlieil,
ami tlm wroml engine for wrvliti 011
thin road Iiiih arrived ami Ih-vii rdicl
tcred In the new quartern to nrelve
a bran now coat of Hhliilug palal.
The Long & lliiighnm muwiiiIII
firm luut received thin week and for
warded to their timber tract on
MoHby creek for active nervke a llrM
rhuM portable engine and cUlpiiietit
for logging, which will greatly fa
cllllatu the output of line IiiiiiIkt
from thlH mill In the future. 1
uluiHtluon now hucIi iim law never
Imwii equaled In all of Itn piwIoiiHi
hlMtory. Theru Ih no boom heir, but
thoKrowth iMMteadyaud HiibHtnntlnl,
and tho feeling ot (alth la thegtvntj
poiwtbllltloM of the future In Hocure.
llolicmlu DlHtrlct Iiiih made ureal i
Htrldea thin wiwon. Work linn been,
douu In that camp that It wih
thought a your ago wiw ImpoHHlhlei
of iiccompllHliment with thu mcnm
mid muthodH at hand. Development ,
liaM Imhjii KTiicnil thriaiKhout tliell-l
trlct.auda wealth of trennure Hum
Ikjii uncovered. New ImmIIch of rich
ore am liclnj? brought to Unlit every
wwk. A few ftkcptlcM iih renanlK the
-wealth of llohumla could Im3 foiiml a
low yearn iiko, but the Unlit of thin
mvimou'h uvuntH have Mlloacod their
klckn mid the "knocker" In fant
KutthiK to lm a thhiK of thu pant.
Thu HuurlHoMlnliiK Company, lo-
caUd 011 the eant hIiIo of Adaiiin
mountain, iiud eoiiHlntn otelKht full
clalniM, eoverliiR about lil acivn o(
Hplumlld mineral Krouml, In dentlued
to Ihi onu of the lMnt paying prop
ortiOH In the llolioinlu Dlntrlot.
Stuch money linn almady Ikhmi ox
IKimled In ileveloplnt; thin proK'ity.
mid the cnmlltlou of thu property
today mom than JiiHtlllcn thu outlay
(or thonhowliiK made mont sratlfy
IiiKto the inauiiKument. The main
loile, which travurnen the entlm
IeiiKth of thu company'n lioldliiKX. In
nearly iericmllculur, Iwtween well
defined IiiuibIiik and foot wall, and
him a width of over IS feet of hlfjh
Krodo ounrts of an averaiw o(15 per
ton. A tunnel In tliln vela Ih how In
over xn (cot, the entlm leiiBth In
iinrtx, the face of thu drift lieliiR now
In hoIIiI quartx, and from which tun
nel between XW ami 8000 tons of ore
havo Iwen taken mid aru now on the
dump avalthi(f ivductlon. Many
IhoiiHiiml tonn of ore can bo (doped
lown ami taken out through thlH
tiuinel when It nhall Ihi reUlred
Another tiiunel on thin property In
Ju over 100 foot, alno In nolld tpiartz,
and Ht Hi nnothur tunnel In bolnnin
on the HOiith eml Of thu property,
which In looking Due, mid thu otv In
lmprovlii?andepthln gained. Theru
juw four other lenHor (uiiiioIh ontliu
jir,oKtrty ami all am In line (piiu tx.
VruparatloiiH am UrniK iiiiulo to liw
.Htall a mill mid concentration plant
ji Hliort dlntimcu lower down In thu
canyon, ami a ntilintnutlal whkoii
road'han recently Ikhiii niailu (or two
liillon to thu wnmhounu ntatlou of
thu nuw railroad, ho iih to facilitate,
the tninHporta'tlon of thu hfavy and
necexHury machinery fpr the r.'duc
tlon plant, When the mill In la-
stalled a tramway will bo erected to
carry the oren from thu main tunnel
to the mill. It Ih iiIho proponed later
oil to ntart a long tunnel from near
tho nilllHlto, which will tap the om
boilleH at a vortlclu dejith of nearly
StxH) f?t, and (rom which common
noliit.thu (jntlm worklnun of tho
property pan 1 readily and ccortoiul
cully made. 1'hln company Iiiih mi
abiimlance of wood and water for
all mining purponen, and every ml
Juliet that kim'h to mnke a big mine
ami 11 long ami miktomhIiiI dividend
payer. Annayn from thin properly
run from fl.SO to Wil.'.-IO,
Albert JohiiHoii, mlultig hiimtIii
teiulent of the leltoy Company, wan
III town thin week attending the
mooting of the board of dlm'torn of
the company ami alno the aiiuiml
Hurling of the Klocklioldern In tliln
fine proH'rly. lie nayn that it full
crew of two mIiIIIm am colinlautly
employed, that the liiHtalluieut of
tho new compmnnor plant In com
plete and In active ocratlnii ami
working to a churiii. ThN plant
coiimIhIh of 11 thirty-live home power
boiler, two I'yneralr compreMnorn,
two water U-yner ilrlllM, etc., and
the air In being conveyed for nome
MM) feet to the face of the tunnel.
The lower tunnel Is In about S.V) feel
on the vein ami the face of the drift
In In one of copper und lead carrying
a high percentage of gold. The
drill am putting. In hovoii foot bolen
and bmaklng about live feet to the
xlilfl, the tunnel In the clear In-lug
(1x7 foot. All work tin thin properd
in to Ihi conducted In thin tunnel
until the main om chute In reached
under the rich niirface cropplngn.
Over looo tounof coiicetu rating ore
In now on the dump, uml thu re
nerven am living blocked out (or
futiim Htoplng when required. Abun
dant Hiippllcn for contluiioiiH work,
ample ami Hiibntautlal ipmrtern for
the men employed, with everything
In flrnt i-Iiikh hIiiiK', ami the property
of thin company In the nnt of con
dition, with a bright future ahead,
the nhamholdern of thin excellent
proierty have nothing to fear from
their luvcHtmciit and may rent
annumd that another year will ro
wan! their faith In llolicmlu, and
cnieclally in the U'ltoy proiK-rty
with rich dividend. The Oregon
Sf-curttfon' CfinTpitify lA'ruuntiig full
force on all of lln vurlounproicrtlcH.
At the Helena No. 1 all of thu Icvcln
am being driven with himimI, and In
thu No. 5 level a new body of rich
nhlpplng om Iiiih liccn ojienod up, an
aUo In the No. 7 level. The mill In
running ntendlly on high-grade 6m.
At the Helena No. S the long tunnel
Iiiih a (till (ace of om. At the Call
poola tunnel work In going ahead
with all npeed mid In mont natlnfac
tory. At the -Mimlck the mill In
grinding away ami turning out the
iiHiial quantity of bullion. New
hodlcn of Iiiihu om am being niKMicd
up and much tonnage In awaiting
traiiHportatlon. ICntlmatenam ladng
Hindu now (or the now electric plant
to Ih erected at the wnmhounu on
Champion, creek, which will (urulnli
power (or thu proponed machinery
to Ih luntalled (or running tho big
tiiiineln from thu Champion llunln to
connect with the Helena and the
Milnlck mlnoM.
lteportn from thu Judnou Hock
priqn-rty am very flattering. An far
an development Iiiih progmnned the
In'Ht ot mnullH have followed. The
lant 100 (eet of tiiuuul run on thin
proiR'rty madoau excellent nhowlug,
ami the (acu of the lower tunnel In
now In Holld tpiartz.
O. O. (lllbertnou camu out from
llohemla today ami mportH that
tho Oregon-Colorado In running u
full crew, mid tho main tunnel In In
now over itr0 (cut iutiuartx, and the
face of tliu drift In In nolld om of high-
grade carrying montly vopper and
gold. -Therein now over:ilM) tonn of
hhlpplng om on tho dump. Work In
progmnnlng finely ou tho new wagon
road being coiwtructod (or the main
traveled road at thu Munlck, ami
will noon l) completed to thin lino
property. Kverythlng In and about
tho property of thin company In In
excellent nlmpo and highly gratifying
to tho manugemeut.
Work on thu ltlvcmldo group In
going abend on the lower working
tunnel, which In In now about .10 (out
mid looking Hue.
At thu VoNtivltin mine a dill crow In
at work, and tlto prtqiorty n not
only In tho lient of nlmiH, but In
every portion of tin' mine the om In
Incmanlng In volume nud vnltio iih
work progroHnen. All tho worklngn
of tlilHHplemlld proK-rty am In hw
Hillllng oro, SupplloH of all kludn am
Udng put In (or a (nil wlntor'H work,
nntl too pronpectn (iirinm uuq proii
i-t- wnt noviir ho iroml.
liiMirv .loluiHon. lMiiiularly nud
nleiiHantlv known throughout tho
Mitlm tllHtrlct iih "Dutch" In down
thin week Irom Iloltcmln. Hw Iiiih
Jimt ctnniiluted a contract on thu
Ophlr tiroiiurty, adjoining thu Mu
nlck, which In owned by 0. 1', AiIiiuih
ami otherH, and in now under bond
for a largo hiiiii, and uayn that thin
Hue nronort.v In In too bent ol Hliape,
mid will In thu futiim maku onu of
thu dividend nayoro ol tliw gmat ttw
trict. "Dutch" will again return to
thu IiIHh In a (ow dayn and hcu to It
that the drllln am kept hot until
thu ttiuu tho ChrUtuuiH IwIIh nltnlt
New Hoard Of Directors.
In making mention of the Iiltoy
Htockholdern' meeting held early thin
month wti neglected to give the
minion of the new illrectorn or any
partlcularH regarding the progmnn
ami plann of the company, which
wan due to the (net that we. wem
nhorl on npace.
Thu following am the illrectorn
eluded (or thu (-timing year: .1. I..
Iltoy, A. D. U'ltoy, Dr. I.. W.
Ill-own, W. C. JoluiHon mid Dr. Ooo.
Wall. Thu new olllcem will not Imj
liiHtnllod until NovcmWl. At that
time tliey will electa pmnldent, vice
pmnldent ami Hecmtnry ami tman
uror. It In Minted Hint them will lm
a nllght chaiigu In the olllcem, an
thmo new illmctom wem put In thin
time. The work done during thu
pant yearcoiiMlHtn of tunneling work,
luntallatloii of air comprennor drllln,
new ImildliigH, etc. The prenent
fliianclnl condition of the company Ih
very natlnfactory tothentockhohlcm.
l-'roni the prenent plann tho company
inn outlined for the enniilng year,
they cxiMi'tto accoiiipllnh tin enor
iiioiih amount of work In the way of
developmeutn. The tunnel -will lm
driven In on the ledgen uml they are
going to tap their big hodlcn of ore
at enormoiiH depth. Thin proicrty
lien between the Helena ami CryHtal
Compauy'n iroivrty, ami In on thu
mother lode of thu dlntrlot.
Pleased With Tho Prospect.
II. Wnvnougli, of AKtorla, re
turned hint Tliumtlay from a tour of
lnnMftloii thrtiughoiit the llohemla
Mining Dlntrlct In the IntercntH of
hluiKelf and other Antorla Invt-Htom
In llohemla mining projHTtlon. Mr.
(Ireenough expn-nnen hlinnelf an mom
than pleaned with llohemla and tho
projHrtlcH In which ho In Intennted,
liiclmllng the Ioltoy which ho tlilukH
In making very rapid progmnn nlnee
the liiHtallatlou of thu new Ixyner
air coinproMMoc and drllln. llefom
returning homu ho ulno vlnltetl placer
mining proimrtlen In .lonepldiie
countyln which he ban nome dock.
Grants Pass Railroad.
Col. Draper In n U'tter written to
the hoard of trade, ntaten Hint by
January ljt It In very likely, they
win nit re uianem in niniim njr in."
ginning of tho laying of the trackn of
the new railroad Imtwccn (Irantn
I'ann ami Crencent City. Ho alno
Htaton that thu flrnt mutter they will
have to connlder will lm the building
ot the bridge acronn the Itoguc In
thin city. The Imgluuliig of thin
work will virtually mark the Imglu
nlug of the actual construction ot
the Hue, as thin will lm thu key to
the railroad. Obnerver.
Sale of Public Lands.
The total proccedn from the.uale of
public landn la Oregon during tho
lineal year Juki ended amount to
f.MO.Oil which In a wonderful lncmane
over the pmvloun year which wan
$:UU,1KS. Thenu amouutH go to tho
emdlt of our ntnto ami will tm lined
Hometlme In the future In tho cou
nt rue Hon of Irrigation calialn, roncr-
volm and other necennary Irrigation
workn within Itn ntnto. The total
receipt from thin noutvu lant year In
the country wem $U,Stll,US7.
Putting In New Switch.
For thu pnnt week or ten dnynlt
largo gang of workmen havu In-on
liuny tu tho ynrdn'of the S. I', lty. at
thin placo unloading dlrtnnd imttlng
In a now nwltch lietween tho nuw
depot ami the m.tlu track. Later It
will lm tilted In ucronn nil tho trackn
with tlccompoHcd granite which will
in prove Itn npimarancocnuHldurable,
making It onu of tho neateHtmid
bent depot mid yardn In thin part of
Mammoth Apples.
Inane Taylor brought In three
largo Dnldwln npplen lant Saturday
tho largent of which weighed 18oz.
They worn grown upon the farm of
liln Hou-lu-law, J..1. Slinpnon, who
rcnldcH near Divide, upon trees that
wem net out fourteen yearn ago, and
bear tentlmony that nice largo np
plen can lie rained In thin vicinity Hint
will-rival thone of nnynpplu country
In tho world,
A Oood Show Coming,
Lowen Mudlnon SquawTheatmCo,
will oimu a week eugagoment at tho
opera hounu commencing Monday,
Nov. 3. During their Htay In thin city
they will prenent a ropertorlo ot tho
latent ami moat popular comedlen
ami draman, now mid pleiiHlng upocl
ultlen will tie introduced between tho
uctH. Itenerved neatH now on wvlo at
tho tiHtial place.
WeU Side Harness Shop.
A new auil flrnt rlann line ot Italic
ami Homo Illankutn havu Junt been
mct'lveil at. thu Went Hldo Harnenn
Hhop and they am In-lug nold at
prlcen within the much of everyone
Call and neu them.
1'imnk I.Kllov.
Important Notice.
Any pernon hiring a nlnglo neat
buggy mid allowing mom than two
pcmonH to ride In name at one time
will lm chnrgetl double price and pay
all tlamagen to the buggy. The
above, appllen to all hackn, carrlngen
or nprlng wagonn. Only two (mr-
nonn allowetl-to ride In one neut at a
ClIltWMAN & IlAMin.
Why wns Lot's wife turn
ed into a pillar of salt?
Because She sto)jKtl
to KubberiNcck.
But she was not to blame,
she thought she was passing
Rubber G-oods
Of all kinds for sale.
Attorney-at-Law ooo
: Offlr on iUln itrt
Cottaob Grovk, Ore.
Rough Lumber,
uxi -pei Mi. at.
Saginaw. Or.
5 We have the best lot of garments -3
Suits, Jac ets, Coats for Women,
rt -t.1 -W . 1 T
iviisscH, uniitircii, men aim uuys
to be found in town. Ifj'ou want- 3
the Latest St3'les you do, ifyour'c 3
in a normal state you should see
our assortment of above lines of 2
goods and also our Winter Under- 3
wear, all made in the best possible 3
Reliable Materials, Trim-
mings, etc., Tailored by the Best Skill.
You will miss it if you buy your Fall or 3
Winter Outer or Inner Garments without
first seeing these. Our New Stock of 3
Furs will soon be open for your Inspec-
tion. ZS
Large Line, up-to-date
Goods also samples of
The Newest thing. We order these any Size
or Color and have them in 2'A IIOUl'S
for you. Our Prices are all right, Uniform
Profit same as our other lines. Wnen 3'ou
get a Cloak from us you get just what you
pay for.
We dOIl't mark them Up Just because we think they will
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Louis H. Sandoz,
Prompt und Accurnto
Ketunm nunrnnteetl.
Cottage Grove,
Ileit Equipped Mruftlre In the Stat. Sam.
nlei br mall rccelvu nroiniit attention, work.
Inic tests made on ore Samples of one to flftjr
Htunus 10 ueiermine ine ihimii buiimuic uictu
ols ot treatment. 1'rlces on application.
Attorney ami Counselor-at-law
Special attention ulren to the law ot Mines.
First National Bank ItulldiiiR.
GO 10
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
GoM, Silver, Copper, lead, each 1.00
Hold ami Slfvor." 1.50
OoM.HIIrerand Coppe 1M
Oold, SlUer and Iad 2.NJ
Tin... 8.00
All work done carefully, anil straight busl
nets or nono. Mall orders solicited.
Notice ot Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice Ih lioroby Klvon that the mi
nimi incetlnn ol the ntockholdcm ot
the Cryntnl Consolidated, Mining and
Milling Co. will bo held In this city on
Novemlier lttU 1002 and not the 25th
nH wan previously advertised thru
theso colninim by mistake;
I am now prcpnrod to take or
ders for
Fall and Winter Styles und
Samples Just Itccclyed
Von are Cordially Invited to
Call and Kxniniuo Same.
Corner 8nl and l'latto Streets.
It In need ot dental work call on
Dr. Mncy, now nermnnently located
In tho l)r. Sntvpp buIldliiK, Main
St., COttnRo Qrovo, Oregon.
Grocery Store'
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware, j
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats, ,
Hay and everything the ,
farmer or the housewife needs, j
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange. j
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Vllt meet All Competlon
in I'rlcen.
(Successors to SkiUman & Garoulte)
W. S. Chrisman.
Eli Bangs.
The Fashion Stables
Office on Main street, West Side
Cottagb Grovk, Ore.
Gbrisinan &. Barts, Proprietors.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
Fint-Qau Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices
Attorney at Law,
At the
Where the meals are well cooked and well nerved and the beds are good.
And you'll And everything home-like without home Inconveniences.
Come and stay as long as possible.
Free to our CouimercialTrade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best ever
Sorved in any Hotel In the City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
United States Land office.
Uoseburg, Ore., Aug. 20, 1003.
Notice ia heiouy given that in com.
nliunce with the provisions of tho net of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act tor the eale of Timber Lamia in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory as extended
to all tho I'ubllo Land States by act of
August 4, 1892. William Harrison, of
Cottage flrovo, County of Lane, State of
Oregon has this day tiled In this office his
sworn statement No. S3S0, for tho pur
chase of the Lot No. 11, N K 8V
8W ti 8V U, ot Section No. 2,
Township 22 South, of Itange 2 West
and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought ts more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Marie L. Ware, U,
8. Commissioner ut Kugene, Oregon, on
Monday the 17th day of November, 1002.
lie names as witnesses:
I). II. llrumbaugh, James Lebow,
ThouiaB Ilawlings, William Westcarson,
of Cottage Grove, Ore.
Any and all poisons claiming ad
versely the alovedescrlbed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 17th day ot Nov.,
J T. Briooks, Register,
United States Lund Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com-
Bliance with the provisions of tho act of
ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
States of California", Oregon, Nevada,
and WnshinetonTerritory, asextended
to alltliel'ubllcLantl States by actolAU
gust 4, 1802, Annie. Wilson, ot Eu
gene, County of Lane, Statu of Oregon,
has tii a dav tiled in this office Ids sworn
statement No, 3633, for the purchase of
tno w 6BK l-i & !. Bwi-i oi eecuon
No. 13 Township 23. South, ot Range 3
Went and will oiler nroof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
finrposes, and to establish his claim be
oro . arle L Ware, U. 8. Commissioner,
at bugene, ltne Co. ure.,on weunes
day the 7lh day of January, 1003.
lie names as witnesses i
James N. Handle, of Fairniount Ore
gon, Austin Root, of Springfield, Oregon,
James Hodman, ot Eugene, Oregon,
Henry M. Wilson, of Eugone, Oregou.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tho above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims In this office
on or before said 7th day of Jan., 1003.
J. T. Uuioqks. Register-
Retiring at reasonable charges.
Alt work guaranteed nrst-ciau.
Watches, Qloeks and Jewelry at lowest Trices
J, 0 JOHNSON and F. .G EBY
Attorneys and (o'unselors-dt-law
Special attention, given to illnlnf, Corporation
and Mercantile Law.
Office orer Carman & Ilemenwaj's store.
Buy your gross seed of Enkln &
-r0I'IET0Ba OK
Mala street, Hollas;" drat m.