Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 24, 1902, Image 8

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United 8utca Iinil Olllcc,
. i t 4 . , ii,.,
iiocctiurg. urrKun, oepi. ou ijm.
Notice ia hereby given Hint In conipli-
United States I-nnd Olllce, United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. l!t, M2. Rosolnirg. On'., . 1002.
Notice Is liervliv irlven tlint In com- Notice Ik herehv ulven that In com
nre with the provisions of of ' pllauee with the provision or the Ipllnnce with the provisions oft lie act
nl liinV .1 fl ""Air Apt At JlltinSl- 1STS. CI1. I (it CollirTCSS of Juno it. 1S7S. entitled
act tor tho saloof timber lands in tho t.-tied 'SVn Act for the sale ot Tlmlier i "An net for the sale of timber hinds
States of California, Oregon, Nevada. IjiiiiIs in the States of California, , In the States of California, Oregon,
and Washington Territory," as extended I Oregon, Noviuln, luul Washington Ncnuln, and Washington Territory,"
to all the Public Land Suites by act of Tel rltorv." ns extended to nil the , an extended to all the Public Land
August 4, 1892, Fdgar O. Tobey, ! IV tic IJtnd.Statee by act of AiiRUHt I StateM by net of August 4, 1802,
nf linironi.. Onnntv of I-ni.p. State ' 4. lSiii' Ida M. .Macdoaald of AHhlaud. Wolf Sanders, of Eugene. County
nr iln-mi, IxiailiU iUv itlo.1 In "llilanfilre I Cuintv of AhIiIiiiiiI. State of Wlseon- of Inline. Ktnto of Oreiron has thlM
sortes. KJebt Lenses nnd Cameras. I his sworn statement No. 35i0, for the sin, has this tiny tiled In thin olllce day tiled in thin office hlSHWornstntc-
purchase ot tho Sis sj, ol section o. as, nor sworn siniomeui , ior mo niyiii .o..mM, tor me liurciiiise in inc
New backgrounds and ncccs-
Towiislihi 23 South, of llanro 1 V. anil
will oirer proof to show that the Inml
sought ia mom valuahlti for its tlmlier
or none than for acrlcultilrol purposes,
and to establish his claim to paid lanil
purcham? of the SK Jt NK , U S Sli H
& Lot 1 of Section No. 4. Township
20 South ot liniigv S West and will
offer proof to show tlint the laud
souirht is more valualiletorlts tlmlier
I before Marie I.. Ware, U.S. uoninus- or stone tliiiu (or agricultural pur-
I t .......... .....1 ... .......1.1I-.I. I..... ..,..(,.. ft..
- i, 1 ill i i ... sioncr HI migunv. vivun, m nif i,:rT nun nj vniuiiiir.,, ill-, viciiiii ,
xt .1 i .. r,Uca ' l'v thf SSnl iUv of Dec., IPOS. ' said land before llnrle 1 Ware, 1'. S.
Nothing out nrsi-ciass He names as witnesses: : Commissioner, nt 1-igene, Oregon on
N. II . Martin, John H. rainier, J . w, Tuesday the SStli day of Octolier,
Parrish, of CotUtgo Urovc, inc l:o.. i!V2.
Ore.. J D Damnion. Kuircne. Lane C0..1 She mimes as witnesses:
Oregon. M. H. Totts. of Holly, Linn Co.,
Any ami an iiersona claiming auvcrse urx1.. unve .iurpuy, in .iiiui, uiiio
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage .Grove.
inieateil to Hie their claims in this otilce ! Oreiron. M
on or ueiorc saiu jam any oi ieo., iwx. i .Montana,
J. T. nmixiKs, ItegUter.
ly tlio- rtbovcMlcscrllHsi lands are rc- Co., Ore.. John Slurpliy, of Kukv'UC,
. iiuiKway, oi itoieiuuii,
Anv atidall nersons clalmlni; ad
versely the abovtMli-scrllieil lands are
reouestetl to tile their claims In this
otlice on or K'fore snld SStli day ot
.1. T. lluiuiiKs, ltestster.
Paid :j Capital, $25,000.00
Untlct Suto Unit Outre,
KoflarK, Or Aur. 25. uut.
NiiiIm III hetbr fflrn Ihntln rnmt.llnr
I with the rrottilom of theaet ot Conittrssol
Jun I, IS.S, entttlJ "An Act for the Mlf ot
i Timber Lunni In thSimca( CulHornU, Ons
Hon, KcTKila itnl vhlnton Territory,"
strm1eItoitU the l1ublte Unit sum by act
of Angiut t. 1WJ, Irn)amln F. Klicr. of sltm.
; Connty of Marlnu, stats of Orrpon hat this ilay
j nlisl In this office his sworn statement No.
SIM, for the pnrehafe olthe 8W, of Seellon
United States Ijind OtTice,
Koseburg, Ore , Aug. 20, 1902.
Notice is hereov i;iven that in coinnli-
if the 8W. of Section i.i '.S.i .. . ..
No. i. Township 30 south, of Ban 10 West ami anw iiu mo iiua , n .v.
will oner oroof lo show thai the lamlsouihl Is Congress of June 8,lSi8, entitletl "An
more valuable for lis tlmbertir stone than tor Act tor the sale of Timber Lands in the
iW."" ..Pfi'FfTi.?LVS. f,""?!?".," States of California. Oregon.
and Washington Territory ascstemlvi!
TthtUj-of NovemWr, mi. to hit the Public mik States by itol
He iiAmei unties. . u i: t ....... ni
Exchanges sold, available anv ,Maeo j0VnPom t fWim. oreiin: ' Kugenc, County ot Lane. State of
I Any ami all persons clalmlnit adrerseiy the Oregon has this dav tileil ill this otlice
' Z JCS,. hi sworn statement No. 8340, for the
tiarnfNovrmir.iaL Durchase of tho SE tj . of Section No.l),
J. T. Bridois. Reulrter. iTownshlp20South,olltange8Wandwili '
Money to loan on approved security.
in tiieUnltcd States
S NK W &N S SK of Section
No. S, Twp. 20 South, ot Hiiiiku
8 West, and will offer proof to
show that the hind soiiKht Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than
tor aurlcultural purposes, anil to es
tablish his claim to said land U'tore
Marie L. Ware, I'.S.CommlsNlonerat
Euiwne, Oreiron, on Monday, the
17th day of Nov., 11K2.
He mimes as witnesses:
Joseph H. Wllhelin.ofdoshen, Ore.,
J. Calllson, ot l'leasant Mill, Ort
Holiert Ftwiiiau, Ell Conenluiver,
of (losheu, OreKiui,
Any and all icrsoti elalmtiiir ail
versely the above-descrlled lands arv
retiuestetl to tile their claims In this
office on or liefotv said 17th day ot
J. T. HiiliMiKH, Iteijlstor.
f visit DR. JORDAN'S onkat
IkM Ul a SmaOkJ
Thslsrtw) Aaalamlrnl Vrissai ;
la tat Warli.
the olds.1 bpaciallst a the FaeUa
TnaiV nea aa4 al4dlr
saen whl ara uffr)ni A
fran tbe effsets of yoeUiriU lodl. r
crcuoas ar llifw,, li, uiaturar a
yaara. Wsrrtriisandr'tirslcatlxbltllr.lBM.
riHer, LmiHs.Iim4 in .11 lttcmptu
caUmis; NBrmlrrhe, rrMl.i.r. g
J f VrlNHllMV, !. Ity a eeaibliiatloa of ai
7 remedtaatotsrwatcnrstlTa pewer, tha Poctor T wim Bl
onlr affix immriiiu rrll.r. but arsaaiiaat
cura. is, uoexor does sl claim to perform
mlractea. txit M well knowa to be a fair and
la blsspecUty Dlenaea f Mask
..-. inorwirnir arsaicaica iron
6 tha iriUM libout the uss of Jlarrar;.
Trnaaea SttMl by aa EirerL Baulleal
ran" sor iiaaiara. A qaKr and radical
cvrsfor lllra. riaanrs, and FlBalaa,by
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stono
than tor agricultural purposes and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
I'nlted States Lund Otlice, Marie L. are, U. S. Commissioner at
Koseburg, On?., Aug. 18, 1002. .Kugeno Oregon, on Friday the 14th
.V.lll.' IN IIUIVl,, Itl'II 111111 111 IU1U 11UV Ul A!U linj-.
pliancu with the provisions of the lie names as witnesses;
Act of Congress of June. 'I, 1S7S, en- C. A. AVintermeir, ot Eugene, Lane
titled "An Act for the sale of Tinnier Co., Ore.. Charles tjamnuell, ot Kiver
, Lands In the States ot California, side. Calif., II. Loughmiller, of Eugene,
uregon, Aevmia ami nsiitngtoii uine ure.j tieoree i.uce, ot ivison,
Territory," as extended to all the Lane Co., Ore.
I'ubllc Land States by net ot Aagust ' Any and all iiersons claiming adverse
4, 1S92, Oeorge O. Mncdonnld, ol Ash- ly the above-described lauds are re
land, County of Ashland State ot quested to rile their claims in this office
Wisconsin him this day filed In this on or before said 14tli day of Nov., 1902.
otlice ins swom statement fto. .ei J. l. iiridoes. negister
lorthepiirchftseof the E)NE. NWI
yt ,b a ac . its jj iv ot section so.
12, Townslilii 20 South of Ilange 8
West mid will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valu
able for Its tlmlier or stone thnn for
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish tils clnlm to said land
A Dr. Jordan spadal palaleas nethoda.
T xTrnv m .m.i,iiwi.MiiiMMtn I
A mir ktMfrtopOdjmtti blsconiplalnt. A
Y W4 trfU bwtrmtn a l-O&ITIV CVJtM a f
flflTV MM Mdl UsaiWnlr
ciiAaajca tkrt MXASOtrjiMijc.
m H AHH11U mm MAILED fin LA-TUSaUkk
rVWb Ml lAATtMm LaUtff WIIW
i On. JORDAN li CQtOSt UarUttUt.F.
1A .b..fc. aj.SJ
United States Und Office,
" Koscb'urg, Oregon, SepL24. 1902.
Notice is hereby eiveu that in couiuli
tiefore ance with the provisions of the act of
Aianei. ware, L.iS. Commissioner, Congress ot Junes, li8, entitletl "An
nt Eugene, Oregon on Tuesday the act tor the sale of timiier lands in the
'JStli day of Octolier. 1902. States of California. Oreiron. Nevada and
lie nnmes as witnesses: Washington Territory, as extended to
M. li. 1'otts. of Holly, Linn Co., all the Public Land States by act of Au-
Ore., Dave Murphy, of Alma, Lane gu8t4, 1892, Lydia C.Tyrrell, of Portland,
Co., Ore., John Murphy, of Eugene, 743 Johnson St., Co. of Mnltnomali, Slate
Lane Co., Ore., M. A. Itldgwny, of of Ore. has this day tiled in this office her
IJ f ....... ... X n,M l
Any and all ix?rsons clnimlnir ad- lingo ot the SE H of Section No. 30. Twn.
verscly the ubove-lescri.beJfinds nre.21 Southj of Range 8 West und
requested to tile their claims In "Ih'Is will offer proof To show that the
otlice on or ttefore snld 28th dnr of land sought is more valuable for its
Octolier. IMC.
. J. T. OittpoEH, Register.
United States Land Office,
Dotted Stales Land Office,
Rosebunt.Ore., Aug. 22, 190A
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with, the .provision rI 4ha, aeLoL Contreaa of
Jane I, 1S78. entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands In the States of California, Ore
gon. Nerada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tbe rubile Land States by act
of Augusts, 1892, William Werhter, of Balem,
County of Marlon, Bute of Oregon, has this
day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
S31I, for tbe purchase of tbeNwi being lots.
S, 11 and 12 of Beetton No.l. Township 20 8, of
Ran., in U'm, n il u-ll 1 nffi. r. , , . )
that the Und sought Is more valuable for its 1 Washington Territory," as extended to
: Au-
He names aa witnesses: 1 this dav fileil in nfHpa lipr aurnm
JohulonToer'ore"' myer I statement No. 3320, for the purchase of
Any and all persons claiming adversely the i the NW 1-4 of Section No. 23 in Town-
aixrve nrscnueu itnii, are requesiea lo nie Blili, o. "11 N Koncre n A V nml will
their elalms In this office on orbefore said :th "IS'llF'ZCu.?.?.,' f ......
oay oi November, rsuz.
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to
said lanu before tlie liegister ami Ite-
ceiver ot mis otlice at itoseuurg, Uregon
on Monday, the 2nd day of Mar,, 1903.
She nqmeras witnesses:
William V PnulhnmmA ltnr P
llosetnirg.ure., Aug. 25tli. 1902. I'rudhomme. James J. Tyrrell, George
,tL"."r !;.v!.A;'"i J" Jtcunntocit, ot rortiani. uregon.
phance wuli the provisions of the act of Any and all persons claiming adverse
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ' ly the above-described lands are re
act for the sale of timber lands in the quested to file their claims In this office
SFif9.0' California, Oregon, Nevada and on or before said 2nd day of Mar.. 1903.
J.T. BmixiEs, Register.
). T. Baroou, Bcglster.
United States Land Olllce,
Rosebunr. Ore.. Auc. 18. 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that In com.
I offer proof to show that the land sought!?;. iVis, y . i CO"'
, is more valuable for its timber or stone 'A"1' ' "V. ,vJr,l1S!B3 ' te
! "Zl ?! B,?"CLVi?Ia V?'A" "An Act tor the sale of TImiK.:,nd
t. United States Land Office,
Roseburg Ore., Aug. 13, 1902.
Notice is hereby civen that in coin-
Sllance with the provisions of the act of
ongress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
o August 4, 1892. Joseph R. Hills, ot
(town or city) Jasper, County ot
Lane. State of Oregon, lias this day tiled
in this office his sworn statement No.
3209, for tbe purchase of the SE 1-4 SE lt
of Section No, 14, Township 20
South, of Range I West, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, establish his claim to said land
before Marie L, Ware, U. 8. Commis
sioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday
the llth day of Oct., 1902.
He names as witnesses:
George M. Blackburn, of Springfield,
Oro., William Tate, of Zion, Lane Co.,
Ore., Henry 8. Tilton, of June, Ore., J.
8. Hills, of Jasper. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to Mo their claims In this
office on or before said llth day of Oct.,
IPOS.;; . .
J . T. Bbipqes, Register.
lace Marsh, of Eugene, County of
uiue, suite ot uregon, nun tins tiny
filed in this olllce his sworn state
ment No. 3259 for the purchnso of the
She names as witnesses :
Edgar O. Tobey, Augusta M . Tobey,
i-vaumm i. vi iiisou,oix.ugeue, janaix
Oregon. James N. Handle, of Fairmount,
Anv Tn'd 1 allrsonsclaimingadverse- S'M0?,0- !MJnTiS?,8h,l1
ly the alx,veidcscribed landf. are re-
quested to tile their claims in this office .; Va VnnrY. Vnt ,i.t. fJ is- si
on or before said l"th ilav of Nov in0' pougut Is more vnllinble for Its tfm-
on or ueioreBatu lto day ol gov., 1J0-. ur or Htone tlmn jQr (lsr1culturn,
f- J,B,DaES "eg'eter. ur,,0(leH ,, to estnlillsh his claim
- to said land tiefore ilnrle L. Wnro U.
H. Conimissloner, Eugene, Oregon, on
Aiomiuy tne lutn clay of .Nov., 1902.
He names as witnesses:
Louis I'eschl, Louis Kclinfliouser,
enry w, Jinrwli, Frank I'eschl. of Kti
UuittM Slates Lintl Office,
Hoseburx, Orison, Sept. 27, 1902.
Notice Is hereby uivuu- that In com-
pliancu with the provisions of the act of
Congress ot Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
net lor tlio sale of liuilier lands lu the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and WashingtoiiTcrritory," as extended
to nil the Public Liml States by act of
August 4, 1892. Robert T. lloals, of May
gcr, County of Columbia Stale of Ore.,
lias tins day tiled in tins otiico ins sworn
statement No. 3537, for the purchase ot
tho SE V ' Section No 20, township 21
South, of Range 9 W. and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable tor its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register und Receiver t( this office
at Roscburs, Oregon, on Wednesday the
4th day of March, 1903.
He names as witnesses ,
J. E. Black, ot Fulton, Ore., 1). W.
Richardson, W. J . Slaughter, of St.
Helens, Ore , A. I. Butler, of Klkton,
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
I v the above-described lands ure re
quested to file their claims in thU otlice
on or ut-lore said 4th day ol .Mar., uhki.
J. T. Bripues, Register.
Aithmalenc Bring?
IrutAnt Relief
In all Caiei.
and Permanent Cure
Thera Is nothing like Astliiiiiilenv. It brings
Instiitit tellvf, even In Ilia worst canes, it cures
whuiiall else falls,
The Rov. 0. F. WKU.8 of Villa lildge, 111.,
sitys: "Your trial IhiIIIu tit Asthiiiitleue received
In giMxl euiidltlon . 1 cannot tell vou how thank
fill 1 feel for tlio good derived from it. I n n
slave, chained with putrid sorolhroiitaud asthma
(or ten years, I despaired uf ever liulug cured. I
saw your advert Iseinuiit for the cure ol this
dreadful mid tormenting (Urease, imthmn, mid
tliouglit you liadiivvrHpoktinyuursell, but resolved
toglvu It a trial. To my surprlro the trial uctcil
Ilka a charm, Hciul mo n (iiII.sImiI bottle."
Wo want to send to every sufferer u trial treatment ot Astlnnalene.
similar to the one thiitcuriHl Mr. Wells. We'll send Itbymitll POST
PAID, Absolutely Fri-e of Charge, to tiny sufferer who will write lor
It, oven on a postal. Never miiul. though you nrodcHpnlrlng, however
bad your case, Asthiiliileuo will l el love und cure. Tho worse vourcaso
the more clad we are to send It. Do not ilulav. Writu at once, ml-
dre-slng 1)R. TAIT KllOS.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th St.,
N. Y. t'ity. Huld hy all Druggists. at
NOTICK rtllt I'l'lll.lCATION.
I'nlteit flales Unit Oltlie,
Hiieetmrg, Ore., Align! W, IK'J.
Kotlre Is hereby given thai In rnmUnef
wtlhttte rrtivlslons of the aet of ItolitfiwR of I
June s, ism, eulllleit "All Act for
the sale ol Ttmter Uiuls In the Stales ot Call.
lornla, Oregon, Neraila, ami Washington Ter
rllorr." aa exteliiletl to all the I'utille IjiiiiI i
Slates by art ot August I. UWl, AiirusI K. i
iiomjrer, oi raiem, iMiuni) oi anon, niaieoti
Oregon, has this ilar tllel In this oDIee his ,
IheHW i. ntrVtetloii No, i. Timiislili.SiiSimlh, ! as
oi nance lu nasi aitti win onur urooi in snow '
Unlleil Htates Lund OthYc.
Itoselmrg, Oiv.. Sept. .'III. 11HI2.
Nollciils heivli.v given that Incom
pliance with tbeiu'ovlHliiim of the net
of Congress of .liine.'l, 1S7N, entitled
"An act for the sale nt tlmlier hinds
In tht Stales of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
extended to a t in I'll hi e
I .ii ml Stiites liv net of Amriist 4.
Umber or stone than for agrleultiiral mities I nesK . i oiiey, OI l.llgeiie.
United States Ijind Otlice,
' ltoseburg. Ore., Aug. 20. 1IKTJ.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the
net of Congress of June 3, 1K78, en
titled "An act for the sale of flintier
lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Public
Ijtuil States by act ot August 4. IKrJ.
Myron It. Potts, of Holly, County
of Linn, State ot Oregon, has tills
day filed In this olllce his sworn
statement No. SMI, for the purchase
ot tne v x w s dissection .no. 1L'
In Township No. 20 S., Range No. 8
W.. and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought !s more
valuable for Its timber or stone thnn
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land licforc
Marie L. Ware. I'. S. Commissioner
ut .Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, on
Tuesday, the lit n day or .Nov., UWJ
lie uiiiucs us witticsscs:
George Mncdonnld, of Murcola,
Lnne Co., Ore., Dave Murphy, of
Alum, LnuuCo., Ore., John Murphy
Charles Mayhew. of Eugene, Ore.
Any ami an persons ciiiiniinir tin
versely the nbove-descrllied iiinds are
rtHiuested to tile their claims In this
otlice on or before said llth.jluy of
.Nov., liar-'.,.!, i. jiuiixiKH, negister,
that tho laml Bought Is more aiuatile for Its
ami lo establish his rlalm tosabt laml Iwforv . Comity ot 1 .11 lu. Stiite ot On'iroil
sji llI;h?h,'I,i,!!v.v.!l ,mM ,1i1h ' "hti in this oime her
it,; ' ' swonistatemelit No. , for tliopin-
lle names as witnesses- chnse of the S NK H, & Lots 12
j LLK1;!!LL1,h,1l!,li!, Wl ,VkI""' c' U i ll 1:1 s,i'tlm No, 0 In Township
'tT-mr'au'tiVXmlng a.lverwly th , Nw. 23 H. llllllgv No. 1 West, and Will
abnve ilesrrlbel lalnla are nximtel to Ale Offer proof to show that the lit II (1
.V-tlviU,..i?J,i"snr?,"! ' "I't 'th sought IsiuiirevnliiiilileforltM tlmlier
u yoI "",,'r''' j T.iuiiHits.iiegf.ter. ,r stone than for agricultural pur-
iiosesaiid toestiilillshherelaliutosald
i laud liefotv Mario L. Ware, lT. 8.
i Conimissloner at Eugene, Oregon, tut
I Tuesday, the 23rd day of Deceinlier,
i UHI2.
She unities as witnesses;
N. IL'Martlu, .lohii l. Palmer, J.
W.. Parrlsh, of Cottag drove. Initio
Co., Ore., .1. D. Daiumoii, of Kugiuie,
liueCo., On1.
Any and all Nrsotis claiming ad
versely the above-descrllHil hinds art)
requested to tile their claims In this
olllce on or ls'fon said 23rd day of
Diwmlier, 1902.
J. T. llltlli(ii:s. Register.
I'nltnt states Unit Office,
ltoseburg. Ore.. Aug. 1. l''J.
Notlee Is htrebr given that In eomi'llanrv
with the provisions of the art ol Congress of
June 3. IMS, entltleil "An ael lor the salent
Timber Lamls In the states of California, Ore.
gun, Nevada, ami washlugtou Territory." as
esteniletltnall the I'ablleuiml States by art
ol August t. ixi.', Charles I. Johnson, ol Salem,
t'oiinlr ol Marlon, Mate ol Oregon has Ihls tlajr
niel lu Ihls oltlre his sworn siaiement No.
StlJ, lor the purcliaw ol the NK U belug lots 7.
s.v, lootseeilon No. 3, Tow rishlp '.V south, ol
Kange lowest ami will offer irool to show that
the famt sought Is more valuable lor Its tlmlier
or stone than for agrleultnral urae slut to
establish his rlalm to saM laml ttefore C. .
llasanl. lT, S. Commissioner at firaln, Oregon,
on rrtday the "Hi tlar ol November, l'."'J.
He names as witnesses:
II. r. Klser, P. P. Klier. A. K. Ilomyer. w.
Weehter.of Salem. Oregon.
any am! all persons elalralng adversely the
above tlerltie.1 tamls are retietrt to (Me
their elalms In Ihlsoltloe on orliefore saht ?th
ilayof November, IISU.
) T ilsll.irs. Iteglsler.
United Stales ltnd Office,
Rwuburg Ore., Aug. 'JAth, I 2.
Notice is here'iy given that lu cum
pllaucc with the jitiivleious of the t of
Cungress of Juno 3, 1878 entitled "An
ct for the sale ot timber lands in the
Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
l'nlte.1 Slates latinl Offleo.
II...).... IS (f.W
Notleelsherebyglveii'lhatTiiimilianrewiih , Washington Territory," as extcndcl to
inanroTisionsoi inaaei Lonarvasoi Junes, lain. . nil iik, I'niiiii. iiti.i Nfui.ta itv m., r,i ah.
enlftle,l"An Aet lor the saleot Tlmlier Latxls .tll-, j iwir' Aih.iisIa M Tnlv ..( t.'n.
lnlhe8taiesolCalllornla,,"a4 ,Nr- Augusta M loUey. ot l-.u-Washington
Territory." as eilemle.1 to all the ; gune.Lounty of ltno, Statu of Ore,, has
n. , this day lllnl in this offleo her
jU I statement No. 3325, for thu purchnso of
United States Land Office.
Rosebunr. Orenon. Sent. 30. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in coinnli- 1
nnce with the irovit!ons of the act oi ..'....,? n 1
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An versely the above descrilK-iI lunds are
act for the sa e. of timber lands in the requested to file their claims In this
STi w 0lCa UornIa'.,"'R,on. evaila. fllce 011 or In-foa- said 10th day of
and Washington Territory," as extended vov. kk)-
United Btates Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 13. 1902.
Notlco is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the act of
Congress ot Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act tor the sale ot timber lands in the
in tho States ot California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,7' as
extended to all the Public Land States
by net ot August 4. 1892, BettloE, Hum
phrey, of Eugene, County of Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day riled in this office
her sworn statement No. 3210, for the
purchase of the 6 NE 1-4 & Lots 1 A2
of SectionNo. 4, Township21, South, of
Rangefi West, and will offer proof to
show that the land Bought la more
valuable, for Its timber or stono that for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land befoio Mario
L, Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Eu
ctmo, Oregon, on Saturday, the 1st
day ot Nov., 1902.
Sim names as witnesses:
James N. Handle, of Fairmount, Ore..
Charles Hemming, Henry Cogill, of
Bpringfleld, Ore., L. L. Whiteon, of
Eugene, Lano Co., Ore. ' -
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described kinds are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or bsforesaid 1st day of Nov., 1902.
J. T. Bhipoes, Register.
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1692, Bruce L, Bogart.ot
Eugene, County of Lane, State of
Oreiron. has this dav tiled in this
office his sworn statement No. 3553, for
the purchase of the SE H, of Section
No. 20,. Township 20, South, of Range 6
West, and will offer proof to show that
the land (ought is more valuable for its
J. T. ISitiiioKs, Register.
Land Olllce ut Roseburg, Ore.,
Octolier 1, 1902.
Notice Is hereliv irlven that the
timber or stone than for acricultural followliig-iianied settler luiH tiled
puTposes, an'dTo "establish his claim to 1 notice of his intention to make final
said land before Marie L. Ware, U. 1 Proof In support of Ids claim, and
8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, I ""it wild proof will lie made In-fore
on Monday, the 22nd day of Dec, 1902. ",lr"' " , v' uoiiimissioner,
He names as witnesses : ( 'lt Eiigeno, Oregon, on Novemlier 20,
Frank Gilbert, William Gilbert, Ed 1 1"02-.!: Herbert M, Doty on II. E.
Kelly, of Lorane. Iine Co., Ore., James 1 ',,8)r1L',orftl10 K w X Kt'u- - T- -0
i'. itauuie, oi rnirinouni, L,anu jo,
Any and all persons claiming adversi
ly the above-described lands are ri.
quested to file their claims in this offic
on or before taiil 22nd dav of Dec, 1001
J. T .Bkiooes, Register.
United States Land Olllce, Roseburg, Ore.,
..... . Oet. W.1SW,
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, lifts, entitled "An act for the saleof
limner lauus in me siaies oi caiuornia, ore'
S R. 5 West.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon mill cultivation of said laud, viz:
Arthur Addison, A. II, Addison, I.
P. Innmn, John White, (if Lorune,
J. T. DmnuKH, Register.
United Btates Laud Ofllce,
ltoseburg, Ore., Ih, uwj.
Notice la hereby irlven (hat in fvimtillanra
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Kim, jvevaoa, ana p ashlngton Territory," as
extended to all ma PublloLand States by act ;", . euiiueu --.sii aci ior ine taie oi
of August 4, luw. William 8. Ullbert of Portland, ; timber lands In the Scales of Cat fornla, Ore
County of Multnomah, State of Oregon fon, Nevada, and was ilnglon Territory," as cx
haa ttafa dav fllni in ihi. nffim i.i. .(-i0I i tended to all the Public Land States by act of
mem on, ooiuior me purcnase ior ines. . '1 v 'T-.'r '-""t " .uBi.ii,
ABBw'iiotBectlon N0.8, Township -h 8., ol S!ju.n.,y ,?'. Llli"!' ' eV jy.'u
iisumiwMi ana win oner proof to snow that
tbe land sought Is more valuable for Its timber
1 show that
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Marie
1 ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Kugene,
Oregon, oil Monday the 6th day of January,
lie names aa witnesses:
William Witt, ol Amos, Ore., Herman f.
Pow, Jossph Schlee.ol Cottage Grove, Ore., U
Whltson, of Kugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons alalmlng adversely the
above described lands are requestel to Ale
their clalui In this office on or before said 6th
Jar of Jan.. 1903. i
J.T. Bridges, Register.
August 4, IHV1, Ijiura A Lowe, of Kugene,
(Jountv of laiic. stale OI ore., has this ilsv
Hied In this office her sworn statement No 312:1.
ioriue purcuaseor uenci oi necuon
Townthlp No 23 8, Range No 1 w, and will offer
prool to show that theland sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agrl.
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before Marie h. Ware, U. S. Com
missioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Monday, the
6th day of April., 11103.
She names as witnesses:
N. 11. Martin. J. W. Parolsb, John 1). Palmer,
J. . Young, of Cottage drove. Oregon.
Any and all parsons claiming adversely lhe
above-described lands are requested to file
lhair claims In this onion on or before said Sth
jdayof April, 1803, J T. BaiDusi, Register.
United States Lund office,
Rosebunr. Ore.. Aug. IK. 1!(02.
Notice Is hereby given that la com
pliance with the provisions of the act
ol congress ot junc:i. li, entitled
'An act for the sale of tliiilsor lauds
in the Htntes of California. Oreiron,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the I'ubllc Lund
.States by net of August 4, 18U2,
Louis I'eschl, of Euirene, County
of Lane, State of Oregon has
this day filed in tilts office his
sworn statement No. Jl-W), tor the
purchase of the N i Njj of Section
Ml. .14 In Townslili) An. I'l fSontll
of Range No. 8 West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its tlmlier or
stone than tor agricultural purposes.
nun to estaiiusn tits claim to said
land lHjfore Marie U. Wan-, V. H.
Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon on
.Mommy, tnuiutu day ot .Nov., jure.
He names ns witnesses;
William Marsh. Carry W. Marsh.
Frank I'eschl, Louis Kcliiifhoiiser, of
rmgeue, urvgon.
Any and ail iiersons claiming ad
versely the above-descrllH'd lands are
requested to tile their claims In this
office on or In-fore said 10th day of
Nov.. 1002.
J. T, 1!iiM)(ii:h, Register.
Hulled Slates Und Ofrhe,
Roseburg, Ore., Kept. 12, 1KH.
Notice is hereby irlven that In comollance
witli the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, isn, eniuiea --Anaciinr me aaieoi tim
ber lauds lu the 8tales of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the PublloLand Stales by act of
rtui inwi Allium ucvicr, ill raiaiiiouiii.
County of lane, Mute of Ore., has thlsday filed
in mis ooice nis sworn siaiement ro. siu ior
the pnrchaseof the Lots I,2,3iA WU NJj
Hee.7to.2lnTli.-J0H.. Itanne No. 7 V.. and will
ofTerproof to show that theland sought is more
vainauie ior ns uinoer orstone man loragrieui.
tural ourisses.aud to establish hlselalm to said
Isnd before Marie L ware. U. 8. Commissioner
at Kugene, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2nd
day of Pec,, I'M.
lie names as witnesses;
J. M. Itandle. (leorira flreedlne.of Talrmonnl.
Ore.,T. C. wheeler, of Kaglnaw, Ore., Ucorgo
.,U.U, ... OtU'B, IIS.
Anv and all (.arsons rlalmlnir (lia
above-dew-rlbed lands are requesteil In file the!!
clalmsln Ihls office on or beloresald 2nd day or
Pec. .102. '
j i T- jiainoKs itegister.
Public Uii'l Hlates by act of August I, Kw.
touts Hi-halbouser, ol Kugene, county
Ian fltala of Oreeou has (his ttav nlcd
this ofllce his sworn statement No. 327, for the
nrchae ol tne s i. oi section
in. as. TownshlnSl Houtti.of Itantre S West anil . t .i.... i..
,111 offer iiriwl loshow that the land souirht la . I'""' .""" ' i ""gii:
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for Is more viilimlile Ior Its llmlMT or stone
agricultural purposes, and to establish his than for agricultural purHMm, ami to
ri" l.!oneV .1'' '' to .afdland Is-fore
Monday tbe 10th day of Nor. Irj. .Mario I,, nine, U. B. lilinuissioner
ue nimnsis mtw,; m r.ugene, uregon, on eunemiav.
f ; the 12th day of Nov., 1W02.
sm uii ,MirAr,n. min. duo iiniiu-H as w uncases :
the alve-,lescrlbel lands are reonested lo die l-lgar 0. Tobey, of Eugene, Initio Co.,
their claims In this oWce on or before said loth i)r tai,, V Itamlli, nf K,ilr,i,,ni,ii
darnf Nuvember, 1!J. Y"3'' i"'"? 4- J5".n.",0l.0' ;ilriiiount.
J. T. Han-its, Itegliitr. iJtne u -.. wre., tteiia .M. iiiihiv. (iiei
U'.n.,. Marsh. (?arv W (armh.
1'escni, lauis rescni, a.ugene, ore.
llieMi 1M nl election ;o. 'JM In lownshlii
No. 20 K., Itaiigo No. ft West, and will
iGllliain C..()re..Natham T. Wlliu.n.of
t Eugene, Lnne Co., Ore.
. Any and all persons claiming udverse
i ly thu ubovcilciicrlbed lands uru re
iltieiited to file their chtlmsln this office
1 on or la-fore said 12th day of Nov., 1002.
' J.T. IIriihikn, Register.
United Htates Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Me.
United States Laud Olllce,
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 18, 11)02.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
ot Congress of June II, 187H, entitled
"An net for the sale ot tlmlier hinds
In the States lit California. Oreiron.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Iind
States by act of August 4. 1802. Notlco is hurcbv irlvoii that In coinnli
Frank Peschl. of Eugene, Co.ofljuie, lanco with the provisions ol thu set of
HtnteofOre., has this dayllled In this Cougrcssof Juim.'t, 187H, entitled "An
office ids swonistatemelit No..T.111 for I Act tor the eule of Timber Uinds in the
the purchase of theS X'A Of See- Stales of California, Oregon. Nevada,
tloil No.. 2tt lu Township No. 21 S.,,uiid Washington Territory," as ex
Rllllirc No. H West, llllll will offer tended to nil thn I'nhlio l.nml Kluloa In.
proof to show that thu land sought act of August 4, 1802, Bertha McQueen,
is more valuable for Its tlnilsc-r or CottinroGrovu. Ijiiip. Statu ol On,.
stone than for agricultural purposes, gon has this day tiled in this office her
and to establish his claim to snld 1 sworn statement No. STIft'l, for the pur
land lK-foroMarlo L. Ware. IT. S. Com. I chase of the 3 NE 1-4 of Hectlon No. 4,
mlssloner at Eugene, Oregon, 011 1 in Township 20 Koulh, ot Range 2 West
Monday, the 10th day of Nov., Mr.'. , and will offer proot to show that the
lie names us witnesses: ( land sought is more vuluablo for its
Wallace Marsh. Can W. Marsh. 1 timber or stono than for inrrli-nllnrnl
Louis I'eschl, Louis Schlitholiser, En- piirioscH,aiid to establish her claim In
gene, Ore. said land before Marie L. Ware, U.S.
Any and all iiersons claiming ad-1 Commissioner at Eugene. Lane Co. Ore-
verseiy me iiuove-iicscniicii iiimis uru gon, on Pitttirilay the lfith day ol Nov.,
ivilllt'Mit'ii (.1, 11117 1 lit 11 (.lilliiis 111 lllinjiuu
United Hlulcs Lund OthYi',
Uosebuig, ()it' Hepl. II, IIHI'J.
Notice Is heivby given tlutt In t'tiiu
plluiuo wllh the provisions ot thu
not. of ('(iiigivss of Juiuiil, I87K, en
titled "An net for the sale of timber
litlids lu tlio States of Calltoi nlu, Ore
gon, Nevndn, and Wasliliigton Ter
ritory," tiM extended lo nil the I'nl Hi
Laml Slates by act of August I, lNiJ.
Mrs, Olivia W EnkliiofCotlagedrovii
Co. of I .tins. Stale ot Ore., has Ihls
day llled In this olllce her sworn
statement No, IPIIW, for the iiiirehusu
of the EUEkof Section No. ill In
Township No, 111 S,. Itnngo No. 2 West
and will offer proot to show that tho
laud sought Is more vnluulilo (or Its.
tlmlH'i' or stono tlmn for agricultural
purposes, nml to estnlillsli her claim
to said laml ' Is-fore (he Register nml
Receiver at ltoseburg, Oregon on
Thiirsdn.v, the Nth day ot January,
She names as witnesses:
llerU'i t Eaklu, Geo. W. McQueen,
lleriiiau T, Dow, Joseph Shlcc. of
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Any nml all persons claiming ud
versel.v tho abovi-descrllK'il lauds are
reiiuested to llle their claims In this
olllce 011 or Is'toiv said 8th day of
Jan.. urn,
J. T. IIiiiimikh, Register.
United Stales Und Offiin,
. Koseburg, Pit , Sept Jl, loiu,
Notice li liereby glten lhal lu coiupllaiiiK
with the jirovMons nil hi- acini CmigreM ot
Junes, 1T, eniltlnt -Ansd fur the salrut
tlmlier lands In theHiatcaiilt'alllninla. Oregon,
Nevada, and Waihlngiou Tvrrlttirv.1' asei
tended lo all lhe Public laudstalra by act ot
August 1, ltM. Henry ( Prudhoinme, ol hirt
land, Co. ol Mullnouiah. Stale ol (lie., has lh
day nlcil In this ultlie his swum slaleiariil No.
aXM, lor the purchase ol the w UNK Ji,MK ll N
K '4, . NK 1,'SK U ol hw No. JO hi Twi.Wo.JI H.,
Its wand will offer priail to show lhal the laml
sought Is iiioie valuable fur Us limber ut sloue
than tor ag(lciilluialKiriHiss. and lo establish
hlsrla.iutoMld land beliite the Register and
Receiver nl llns iintce at llimburg, Oirgen,
on Muuds) the 2nd day of March, IKM.
lie iiatnta as wlluesscs'
William K. Prudhorotne, James J Tyrrell.
I.ydla f. Tyrrell, (ieurge K, IcCUiiIihtb, of
Any and all iiersons claiming adversely lhe
above-dciM'ilheil Isnd sie KKjurslcd tofllelhetr
clslmslii thlsoltlc 1111 or before said 3ml day
of Mar, Had.
J T. llsll-iu, Iteglsler.
United States liiul Office.
Rosehurg,Orv..Sept. 1H, 1IHI2.
Nntltv Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act.
of Congress of June :i, l.sTN, entitled
"An net fur the sale nftliiiU-r lauds
lu the States of lallforula. Oreiron.
Nevada, ami Washliigloii Territory,"
ns extended to all the Public Land
states li.v act of August 4,1802, Dane)
W. Richardson, or St, Helens Co. of
Culiiiubhi State of Ore., has thlsday
llled In this office Ids sworn statement.
No.ILVlsforthepiinhitseof theSWJtf
Sir No IH, Township 21 S of Riinge 0
U'est ami will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valu
able for lis tlmlH'r orstour than for
agricultural purposes, nml to estab
lish his claim to said html Is-forc the
Register and Receiver ot this olllce ut
Roseburg, Oregon, 011 Wednesday thn
4th day of March, 100,1.
He humeri as witnesses
R. T. lloals, of Mayger, Ore., W.
F. Slaughter, St Helens. Ore.. J. E.
Bluek, Full Ore,, A. L. Butler, or
Elktou, On. .
Any mid all s-rsons claiming nil.
versely thealiove-descrllH.'d lauds iirt
reoucMtcd to llle their claims In this
office on or More said 4th day ol
March, Mm.
I T. IIuiikikh. Iteglsler.
1 iff lie on or In-fore said 10th day of
Nov., 1802,
J. T. IIiiui(ii:h, Register.
Shu names ns witnesses :
Herman T, Dow, Joseph Schlco, Hoi
Davidson, O. W, McQueen, ol Cottuge
iirovo, uregon.
Any und all persons claiming nd
versely the flliovo-descrilicil lands are 10.
quested to llle their claims In this office
on or oeioru said linn day 01 noy., lwz,
J. T. ItiiiniiKS Register.
Land Oftico at Roseburg, Oregon,
Sept. 18, 1002.
Notice is hereby irlven that thu follow
ilig-Hamed settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final in oof In suimort
ot his claim, and that said proof will be
mauo ueiorc jiane i ware, u, . uom
mlssloner at Euucno. Oreiron. on On.
tober 27. 1002. viz: Wade 8. Millar
on his II. E. No. 8764, for tho NE 1-4
V 1-4, W l-Z SiW 1-4, BCC ti,T),21 li.,
11. .1 iv est.
Ho names the following vdtnesses to
prove Ills continuous resilience nnon and
cultivasion ot said land, viz:
rraiiK veaich. James rapp, John
Veatch. B, F. Adams, of Cottairo Grove.
J. T. Biiipois, Register,
United Htates Und Office,
ltoseburg, Ore., Oct. 11.1WU. ,
Notlcels hereby given that In comiillance I
with the provisions of the actol Congress of1
June 3. 1B7H. entitled "An act for the sale of I
timber lands In the Btates ol California, Ore.
s-on. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as '
extended to all llie. I'ubllc Und Slates by sot I
lAugnm.i, Alberto, nnvey.oi eugeiie,
Coo nly of Ulie. Bute of Oregon, has '
this day filed In Ibis office his sworn slate-, iinilnrslirued bus Im-oii this 4th dnv of
ment Ni. !(ta. for lhe nurchase of lhe FM HW i.i y.'i'h'iU" 'Hx' u"? .V" ."'
of section No, 10 TowiishlpNo. 23 h, RangoNi,: uctoner. nn, iiy order 01 1110 t;ollllty
west, and mil error nroof to snow mat the 1 i;ourt 01 anil lor 1,11110 county, tlre-
stone than
Notice is hereby given, That the
for acricultural nurnoses.
esiaoiisu nis claim
and In
lo said land before
Marie L. Ware. U. H. (iminissloner at Ku
fene, Oregon, on Monday, the Alls day of Jan.,
lie names as witnesses :
Herman T. Cottaire drove. Oreiron.
-II. II. Mover, ol Kugene, Oregon, Joseph Kchlee,
of Collage Grove, Ore., Wllllum Wltte, ol Amos,
Any and all persons claiming adieriely the
above desbrlbed lands are reuuesled to file
the! rclalins In this office on or before said 6th
day of Jan., 11103,
J. T. IIkiikieii, Register.
Land Ofllce nt Roseburg, Oregon.
Sept. 0, 1002.
Notlceja hereby given that tho following-named
settler has filed nollco of
his intention ta inaku final
tionproofin support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made heforo
the Register and Receiver at Roseburg,
Oregon, on November 4th, 1002. via: :
Edgar I. Hewes on II. E. No. 10087, for
tho N 'A SW J-4y, N SE H Sec. 2, Tp.
218., R. 6 West.
He names thu following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of snld land, viz:
T.J. Hewes, D. II, Dement, of Peel,
i .. , 1,... 1 1 1 1 , . .. ,. ,
.irKVII, uuinua svciiiuiis, nus ,I1IIUI,U1
Drain, Ore.
j, T. uiuiKiEs, negister.
gon, duly appointed ndniliilstrator
oltlie esluto 01 A. v. Hancock de
ceased, nil iH'rsoim having cIiiIhih
against tho estate of said ileceased,
are hereby iiotllled to present thu
same with proiMr vouchers, to the
undersigned, nt the oillco of F, fl.
Eby, Councilor at Law, ut Cottngo
drove, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated October 1002. I), K. Law.
sou, Administrator; F, 0. Eby, At
torney for Administrator.
United titalcs Und Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct.3, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in coin-
iillHiieo witli thu provisions of the act of
Congress 0! JuneH, 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale ol limber land lu thu
Wales nf California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
leiidcd to all tho Public Land Htates by
uclnfAuitlll4.1802. Oro. M Klln-rald
uf Perdi.u, County of Douglas, Hlate of
ureguti, mis this daylllisl In this offico
Ills sworn statement No. :tAM) fop tl,
piirchnse of thoHJ, NE, Lots II A 7
of Section No. ,'iO. Township 20, South,
nf Range No. 8 W'tstj and will offer proof
,.,niii,n iiihs sui; mini nougiii is inoro vai
liable for itstlmlH.-r or stone than for ag
ricultural nuriHises. and to i.sUbllali lilu
claim to said land before thu Register
nun iicceiver 01 mis olllce at Itoselmrg.
Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th day of
March, 100,1
He names as witnesses;
William Moore, of Rosehurg, Ore.,
Arthur .Tonkins, of Perdue, Ore., Micheal
obcr, of Nulphiir Sjirings, Ore., Nicho
las Mime, ol Walton, Ore,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described Iambi urn ro
ipiesUil to llle their elalms lu this office
on or before said 14tll day of Mar., lU0.'i.
J. T. BntiHiKs, Register.
United HUites Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Sopl. 11,-1002.
Notlcels hereby given tliut in com
pliance with thu provisions of the act -'
Congress of June !t. 1878. ciititlnl "a.
uctfortlio saloof tlmlier lands In ,t
htates o California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washlnston T,.rrlirv ... .. '
tended to all the Public Und Btates hy
iU8".,f 'Jm.' 1. "allies
o 381 Yamhill St.. Portland, Coot Mult
HtutooIOro.1hastlil8diiy llled in thlsof
fico her sworn statement No. !I440. for tha
purchase of tho HW V BE &, V. ii HW U
HW H HW V. of Bectton No.'a ,fr N?.'
."08 of Ranee No. 2 w. nml;
proof to show that I hn hunt un,,i,i i
nioru yiilunblo for its timber or stono
thnn for uuricultn rill llllri,lu,,u n..l . ..
establish her claim to said laud heforo
Jiunuj.. ware, U. H. Coinmlssloncr at.
Limeuo. OrPL'on. mi Mn,l., 11...
i...r, r....... .:.t : ,;:.. n-
.iiy ui (uL-oiiiuur, iuu-.
Slid nuines as witnesses.
Two good wagons and two good
teaiiis together with harness to
trudu 011 Iiousu and lot.
J. T. IiKaiuiN.
United Btates Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon Aug. IS. lwu.
Notice Is hereby given that InuniiiptlHUL-u
with the provisions ol tho act of Congress of
June 11, 1MH, entltleil "All Act for lliesaluvf
siiiiuvr iiiius iiiino maiusoi i an loruia, 1 ire
gun, fiavaua. aim iiasiiiugiou lorrilory," as
extended lo all tliu Public Und Stales hy art
of August 4, iswt, Oary W. Marsh, of Kugene,
Couuiy of U110. Hlate of Oregon, has this day
llled In this Dili 10 her sworn slalemunt No,
Ufa for thepurrhuKuol thoHUN Uot Hectlon
No. 'Hi In Township No. 11 HuilOi of Raugo No.
8 W. and will oiler proof lu show that I lie land
sought Is more valuable for Us 1 1 ruber or stono
than for agricultural iinrposi and tu cslah.
Ilsli her claim to said land before Mnrlo !,.
Ware, U. H. Commissioner, Kugene, Oiegon on
Monday the lOtli day ol November Mr!.
She names aa witnesses:
Ixnili I'eschl, Iiuls Scliafhouse Wallace
Marsh, Prank I'eschl, of Kugene, Oregon,
Any and all persons clulnilug adversely lhe
abuve described lands are requested to file
their claims 111 this olllce oil or belora said 101 h
day uf November, llsj.
J.T lUUMts. Register.
Fine residences, choice- lots, busineia
blocks for sale Jsrome Knox A Co,
0. w. Ilulncs, vv.w.Hiiliics, of Eugene,
Ore.. Herman Dow, Joseph Hclilco, nf
Cottngo Orove, Oro.
Any and all nersnna idnhr i,,,. ...i .
ly tho above described hinds are ro
iiiusted to file their claims in this oillco
?po" ""Id ll tiny of December,
J. T, BillllUKS, RKdlSTKII.
juiioii, iss. entitled "An Act for the iili o
llinbor lauds In tho Stales 0! allloriila ii,
gon, Novade and Washing,,,, -ri..',." .1? .)re-
tended to all lhe public land stales i.i'
August llli WW, luter p Kl-.r oislu. Ac.'
ol fiarlon o?;,, , l a.'i . afini,'i; ,,n .
Jh.t tfiolandVinighlls-VaV e' 'uab o'Vrh?,W.
tlinberor stoiiutfian for agrloultiuai J,?Ll.
'k! 'u. CKn'JarSaf :
Oregon, on Friday, ntf" Cl'X'l',
lie names ss witnesses:
JohnlinVo?rH'.'.erS;o,rri't'r' wh'.0. L.
olttoe "Ut "M
J. T. DgiooM, Register.