Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 24, 1902, Image 6

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-r. "HiLUU-i:
NUGGET, cottagb QRoviii ow-aoN.
Cdltor And Proprietor,
- L n" r.
Erilaredal the poalofllce at 0tUge drove,
oriunn Second CUss mill mat'.sr.
rjuliaerlptlm rirlr. I.RO, In tvnnr.
AttterlMne; IUImmw1 known npon
TIIIB VKVm U Vepl on file t K l!. Urate's
AitrtriUlnjt Agmet. ''' Merohanti Ex
change, Mi mnw, California, whom con
.raeti tot advertlilnf pn beinrte for II.
Friday, Octobkr 17, 190J.
The ltttle town of Gardiner is to
have 11 newspaper in the near future-
a bran new, live, six-column
paper, which will doubtless fill a
"long: felt want.'
Jno. M. Kelly has severed his
connection with the Drain Non
pareil. The destinies of this sheet
will hereafter be presided over by
V. G. Rogers, of Gardiner.
We arc in receipt of the Vol 1 No 1
of the Curry County Recorder, a
new six-column folio paper pub
lished at Gold Ueach. Oregon, by
A. J. Krantz. Success to the new
bark launched upon the journal
istic sea.
The success of our president in
arbitratine the coal strike hasH
caused the old world to marvel at
his power and wisdom, yet, had he
not been somewhat crippled in Kis
recent collision with a street car,
there is no telling what he could
have accomplished in half the time .
An epidemic of suicide has struck
San Francisco and as a result over
forty persons have taken their own
lives there during the present
month. From this cause alone the
death rate would amount to one of
every 800 each year aud it seems
to be steadily on the increase. The
cause in most cases is despondency
caused by disappointment in love,
Mining and Enctneetlng Review,
Cottage Grove, situated at th
head of the Willamette valley, 6ao
miles north of San I'rnucisco, and
143 miles south of Portland, on the
line of the Shasta route of the
Southern Pacific railroad, is one of
the most enterprising towns along
that route in Oregon. It is an ideal
town, being situated in a section of i
country eminently adapted to agri
culture and stock raising, and less
than forty miles from what promises
to be the greatest mining center on
the Pacific slope, the Jsohetuin Mm
ing District- Two good wagon
roads connect this district, lying in
a southerly direction from the town
and the Oregon and Southeastern
Railroad Company, is rapidly con
structing a railroad into the center
of Bohemia district. Already has
the track been laid and rolling
stock placed thereon for a distance
ol ten miles and by January 1, 1903
it is expected the line will be com
pleted the remainder of the way to
near the Champion mine, one of
tue properties ol the Oregon be-
i.i r " ' , 1
curiucs oninaiiy, wmi ncaii
quarters in Portland and New York
Cottage Grove is a pleasant place
aud its people are of that sturdy
and intelligent class winch goes
happily along in its quiet, energetic
way, with n knowledge of the sur-
roundmgs which enables them to
utilize their advantageous situation
It-i chinches, school buildings.
blocks are svmetrical, substantial
and arc up-to-date in style and
architecture. Its stoned streets are
wide, and the town is lighted by
electricity and has a fine water
The Southern Pacific is building
a fine depot at a cost of 516,000
which will also be used as a pas
seuger station by the railroad which
penetrates the Bohemia Mining
District. The Southern Pacific
Company is doing here what it
does all along the Shasta line,
helping those who make an effort
to help themselves, while increasing
its own business, au example which
The vear 1002 has seen many the city of Portland might follow
improvements and much solid, sub- with profit. Chief among the many
stantial erowth in Cottage Grove enterprises at Cottage Grove, and
and .Bohemia but it is only a fore- one which merits the approbation
runner of what 1003 will be unless and encouragement of all interested
all indications fail. Every town in in the tuture prosperity of the sec
the coast country is growing now tion, is the Bohemia Nugget,
as never before, and our locality
has several times as many rich
natural resources as almost any
other locality within the state, for
growth and development.
weekly newspaper, its columns al
ways filled with choice reading
matter, sensible editorials and the
latest local news. Its mining items
are always the latest and reliable.
A new double roll Campbell power
President Roosevelt is the most press attests to its prosperity. The
talked of man in the wide world (Leader is another weekl v. well pat
today which fact is due largely to ronized. which endeavors to please
his recent solution and probable the public by eivinsr it fresh and
settlement ol the strike in the an- newsy matter.
thracite coal regions of Pennsyl-1 The citizens justly boast of the
vania. The leading papers and I rapid growth of Cottage Grove and
the most prominent men ot the old the high character of those comtntr
World are astonished at the success to find a home. Within the last
o( the president of a republic in two years many new business blocks,
bringing about a settlement be- dwellings and other edifices have
tween capital and labor which the been erected, many now are in
monarchs of Europe with all their course of construction, and it may
alleged power could not do. As truly be said by the building of the
Americans we are proud of our Oregon and Southeastern railroad.
"strenuous" president Who al- the opening up of the mining dis
though a man of action, is also a tnct, along with various other
man of deep thought and mature natural causes, will Cottage Grove
deliberation. in the next three years more
than treble her nresent nonnlntion.
tm. j: !. t. 1 I ' 1 1
x uc uiaaupuiiumcm suuwu uy
the democratic papers throughout
the country, over the pea eel ul and
sudden termination of the great
coal strike is not to be wondered at
when we consider their woeful lack
of nolitical thunder in this eonores-
. " - . . . 1 rn 1 . . r " r, . . .
sional campaign. They bad de-1 l"v urv" nuuuieiwieni nu
neuded on the discontent and actual road Company have rented the J. C,
suffering throughout the country
Progress on the Railroad
Building; to Bohemia.
that is
caused by the great strike, to elect
a democratic congress. But now,
with a peaceable solution of this la
bor problem in sight, the Philippine
question practically settled, the
silver issue too dead to skin and
Long warehouse In the yards near
the S. P. depot und partitioned It
off for a freight depot, general nnd
local ofllce find are now occupying
the Mime. Already the buslneim of
the company amount to connller-
ahlo In both pasnciiger and freight
"general prosperity" abroad in the tralllc and the local officials are kept
they have indeed a forlorn
Advertising pamphlets are being
issued by all the leading towns in
Western Oregon for eastern circu
lation by means of the Harriman
Emigration Bureau, in accord
ance with the pledges made the
officials of that line. It seems that
our little city, which made its
pledges with the others, has been
very negligent of this important
matter and let it rest until now it is
too late to accomplish much. We
quite busy attending to the rnpldly
Increasing ImihIiichh of the company.
Another engine hat) been added to
the equipment of the road and a
track Ih lclng laid Into a fine tract
of timber a few mllea from the city,
in which Long & Bingham will op
erate their new donkey engine.
Everything Is progreHsfng nicely on
thin road and as soon nn spring
opeiiH up it will bo pushed right on to
the proposed terminus nt the head of
Champion creek.
A largo amount of Iron, ties and
other building material 1m plied up at
g Butlness Briefs.
Drugs nt Benson Drug Co' ntotv,
A ttvsh anil completo lino of groc
eries nt, Mailman ami lienson s.
Kownil tlrove Men took In the foot
bull game nt Kugcne Wednesday.
For watches, clocks and Jewelry
can on iiavidson lor good goons,
luu win unit prices rignt.
For groceries go totheuewirrocv
of Sklllninn & Benson's nt Clement
old stand west of the bridge.
Davidson will repair your wnichos,
clocks nnd Jewelry nt the lowest
prices. All work warranted.
i wisn 10 can your attention ton
very lino line of yarns Just oonel.
Those doughnuts, ustlike"mothe
usei to mane, nt rnriser s mike
two doors east ofpostolllce,.Maln St
Speeltil orders, pies nnd cakes, any
old kind, promptly tilled at Parker's
bnkory. While you ntv ordering try
1 nose iiougnnuis.
T. It. Parker, the baker, all kind
of bread, enkos rind pastry. Second
door east of postotllce. Main street
Cottage drove, Ore.
Beware of air dried or linlf il
flooring, celling and rustic. T
Booth-kelly Lumber Co. are making
special prices on kim-uned lumner,
When von wake un with n bad tnato
in your month, go at onra to Hcnra
Drug Co.'s ilnig store and cet n free
sample of Cliuinbcrlniii s Stomach um
Liver mulcts, one or two doses w
make von well. Thov nlj euro blllou
sick liratiaclio ami constipation.
Blue priut maps ol any townshii:
in Roseburg, Oregon Land District
showing all vacant lands for soct
each. If you want any information
from theU. S. Land Office, add res
Titlk Guarantee & loan Co
Fon Hunt.
A six room house In West Cottage
Grove. Inquire at this office.
A pair of child's shoes. Loser can
have same by calling here, Identity
ing same and paying for this notice.
Writing Material.
All the little things you need to
make your writing desk look liter
ary you will nnd Here, and n nice
variety, too.
Benson Drug Co
Laundry Closes Down.
The Cottnge Grove laundry, which
has been holding forth In the old
racket store bulldfng near the roller
mill on the 'vest sides has shut up
business The door Is closed and the
rooms are empty nnd lonely, the
equipment having been removed to
some more promising field where the
boys will not Insist on steninlnundry
This institution did good work
nnd had n big business nnd we could
not imngine way it suseuded oper
ations until we missed some of our
old reliable towels from the iegs In
the piess room and were Informed by
the foreman that ho had taken them
to the laundry some time ago. Then
we began to "catch on" why this fn
sutution closed down. Had our
foreman used good horse senso he
would have known lietter than to
linve sprung a half dozen printer's
towels on the laundry in one wee
nnd would have tried one nt a time
and iwrhupa they could have handled
it. Anyone who knows what
printer's towel Is, will not wonder,
after reading this, why the laundry
quit, just ix'lore going to press wo
learn from Jim Par-shall, that our
towels are soakIng-4n the creek near
the mill nnd that they are looking
better. We will wait until spring
and If they are not clean by that time
we will !e forced to purchase a new
may taice this matter up this winter the nresent end of the road about
ourselves, and get out a pamphlet eleven miles from this city, and the
clearing and most of the grading Is
completed to a point aqout half a
that will be be a credit to our city
for general circulation. The bust
ness men here will back such a
proposition we feel sure, but it
takes more time than was given
this fall to doit justice,
mile above the mouth of Sharps
creek, which Is about sixteen miles
from this city,
The first of the week several officers
and stockholders In the Oreiron Kiv
lOday uregon IS lllte the young curitles Co. arrived In thocltv from
college graduate who has just Now York, and, accompanied by
stepped into tue arena to battle Supt, Morphy and Behne, are mak
with the world. Like hira she. lngatourof Inspection ot the road
feels She has reached the zenith of andtha mlnhnrnronertles Iiillolifimlrt
uer power ana giory out as tue that belong to this gigantic corpor-
oaysgpoy ana sue comes in con- atlon, expecting to return this even
tact witn me progress 01 me age ng,
sue win una mat wim aaaea years
her experience and growth make
her the solid citizen of state, wiser,
better, grander, more comprehen
sive of her real position in the
sisterhood of states until she reaches
the full stature of a commonwealth
the peer of any in the realm. Her
Order Of Washington.
A. couple of gentlemen from Port-
laud have been In the city since Inst
week In the Interests of the ''Order of
Washington" a new Insurance order,
1 ,1., - .
&Xrog"Pr"i "is a coast order, Its headquarters
being In Portland, which Is the homo
Have only begun. When more
belt lines of commerce thread our
valleys aud climb our mountains
Oregon will bound ahead with gi
gantic strides like to which our
present progress is as the child
learning its faltering footsteps.
Mrk our prophecy. Register.
of most of Its officers,
It admits both ladles and gentle
men on nn equal looting and has
many new clauses and features
which make It uvery desirable order.
Wo havo not leamed with what
success the organizers are meeting,
Regarding Vacclnatoln.
We give the following from a medl
cnl authority upon the (mention of
vaccination as a precautionary
measure against smallpox, which
may have a serious run In our city
this winter unless much caution Is
There nre many cases in Eugene
nnd there has been some talk of clos
ing the schools. The provision of
the state law requiring uny pupil at
tending school to bo vaccinated may
be enforced there:
From March 9, 1890 to June 0,
1902, there were C91 cases of smallpox
In the Chicago Isolation Hospital
Of these 6-13 never had Isjcn vaccl.
tinted 8 had typical old marks mnde
In childhood from 10 to 50 years pre
vious to the attack; 48 had some
kind of an old, doubtful or imperfect
mark, wild to have been the result of
a vaccination iierfonned many years
before. Not one of the 591 ik-thoiis
had lteefl vacclnnted in accordance
with the requirements now known
to lw necessary for protection
against smallpox. All patients were
carefully examined by three ex
perienced physicians for evidence of
vaccination, ana the record here
given can le relied on as correct.
These figures show that over 90 per
cent of the cases came from the few
unvaeclnated who -are either too
Ignorant, too careless, or too stul-
bOm to avail themselves of the posi
tive protection to Imj had by vaccl,
Lund Ofllce al Iluwburr, Ore.,
Sept. 18. )9Q2.
Notice U hereby riven that the fntfnwlnir.
named tettler bti Sled notice of hl Intention
to make final Drool In auDoort of hla Malm.
and tbat aald proof will be made before Marie
h. Ware, U. 8, Commluloner, at Eugene, Ore.
on November8, lixu, rli; William Jr. Jeffrei
on If. E. No. 8M4, for the Nw H, Bee. 26. Tp. 19
8.. It, 1 weit.
He nauer tbe following wltnenaea to prove
hU eontlnnoua residence npon and cultlvi
Hon of aald land, via i
Thomaa Barbre. of Zfon. Ore.. James V
Orlffltb.of Pester, Ore., Ora Carter, J. Cartel ,
of Lowell, Oie.
i, t . naiuoae, jtejciiier.
1'nltod States I .ami Office, I
ItoHoliurg, Ore., Aug l. Mil'.
Notice Is hereby given tlint In coin
pllrnee with the provisions of the Act
of Congress of June !l. 1S7S, entitled i
"An Act for the snle of Timber lentils
In the States ot California, Oregon, 1
Nevada, mid Washington Korrltory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by net of AugtiNt 4. 1SDJ,
United States Land Oiriiv,
Koselmrir. Ore Aim. ffitth. IWs,
Notice is heroin- uiven tlmt in com nil
smlo with tlio provisions of the art of
Congress of Juno 3, 1S.8, untitled "An
Aet lor the sale of Timlier lunula In tlio
Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wnshlnifton Territory. a ex
tended to all tlio Public Uind State by
art ot Auciist 4. 1K92. James II, Hnldwin.
of Portland, Box 723, Co, of Multnomah,
Statu of Ore., has thin day II led in thin
office his sworn statement N'o. 3330, for
the purchase of theSK !-4ot Section Xo.
Township ifl South of linage 11 West
nun win oner prom to snow tlmt llie
land sought is more valuable for lis
t Indie r or stone than tor auileultiiral
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said laud norore. .Mm-io I,, Ware,
L. Ware. IT. S. CnininlNsltmt'r at Ku.
gene, Unto Co.. Oregon on Saturday
the Nth day of fsovemlior, 11X12.
He mimes as witnesses:
i:. I), ltesslos. ol .Monmouth. I'olk
Co., Ore., M. S. llarker, of Ktigeno,
lAw Co., Ore., James Handle, of
Falrtnouiit, Unto Co,, Ore., T. 0.
I.uckoy, of Kugcne, ,imt Co,, Ore.
Any and all iK'rsous claiming ad
versely the ahlive desorllH-d lauds are
requested t,o Mo their claims In this
ollltvoii or liefore said !th day of
November, llKhf.
.i. r. liniiHiKH, lteglster.
United States Until Office,
llosebnnr. Ore.. tit. lw:
Nutleo Is herebv irlvon tlmt In coin.
pliancy with the provlHlons of the act
ofComrress of Juno !1. 1S7S. entitled
"An act for the sale ot timlier lands
In tlio States ot California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to nil the Public I.auil
Ilmti f 3,ivl.. ,,r AlutMliMiti f 'ittmf - ,,t I tleitnm lllt,p ,f l.,rtl,ii,,t l'.,t,nt. !
Chelinlls.Sta'te of Wash., has tlilsdny ot Multnomah, State of Oregon, litis
mod in tins office ms sworn siuio- tuts uny uicu in titts ntiuv ills sworn
inont No. .ttH'J, tor the lnircliaso of Iho I statement No. !l.-li:i, for the purchase
li s li S otisoctlou iso. im i-ownHitip Ot UIO W. S N Ol W (III No
No. IS S, Hango S W and will offer Township ai S
uroot to show that the land
sought Is more valuable lor its
timlier or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish Ids claim
to said land liefure Marie I., ware,
V. S. Commissioner at Kugcne,
Oregon, im Thursday, tlioixith tiny
ot Nov., UK)'.'.
He unities ns witnesses:
J. U. Sutherland. W.S.Sutlterland.
Archie M. Itlchardsoti. U, II. Suther
land, ot (llentena. Initio Co.. Ore,
Auv and all isrsons claiming ad
versely the.above-deserllMd lamlsare
retiuestiHi to iiiotiietr claims in tins
otllce on or Is'tore said 111th day of
NOV.. 1UU.'.
J. T. HittiMiKs. Itegistei'
Unltiil States Land Office,
Hosobtirg. Ore., Aug. 21, IIXCJ.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of Junelt, 1S7S, en
titled "All Aet for the sale of TIiiiIht
IjiikIh In the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
Public Ijtinl States by act of August
It, lNf, Kdwlu I). Itessler of Kitm-ne.
County of Luiie, State of Oregon has
34 in Townsli n No. 21 S. RailRO No. 2 "' "' U " .ViiV ; """"t
WeM, and wilf offer proof1 to .how that "VtCTuiv vl u 't' Fi""',
the land sought Is mora valuable for its " , ' h.S X. .SV) , .iVl .'l'
timber or stone than for agricultural " rV'iv ' V'V1 ' 2'
ptirto9CH, and to establish his claim to '"' '.W Jv ". '"cr proof
ial.l lan!l l.fore Marie L. Ware. "!"Xj,JJu '"' HO,,Kl.,t U
ii s . rn.,,,,.,ni !.., ii, niort! valuable for Its tfnilHT or stone
r.usone. Ureiroi
on Monday, the 17lti day of November,
Ho names as witnesses:
John A. Vangorden, William Vangor-
ucn, Joan Crowley, Uanlel llruuilMiiigli,
ol lOttaKelirove. Oreiron.
Any ana an persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
repucated to file their claims in this
offico on or before said 17th day of Nov.
J.T.llniiKiEs. lteuistcr.
thtin for ngrlciilttiral purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
Is'fore Marie L. Ware, lT. S. Coin,
mleslotier at Kiin'tic. Ore., on Hutiir.
day theSth day of November, 1902,
ne liaiues as witnesses:
Names N. Handle, of Fulminant.
Ore., lleorge M. Miller, of Portland,
Ore., K. C. Smltli, of Kugene, Ore.,
Oeorge Wilson, of I.orane, Ore.
ny mm an ersnns rlalmlng ad.
versery the above descrllKHl lauds are
mittested to lllo their claims hi this
offico on or Is-foro said 8th day of
Novemls'r, 1902.
J. T. IlitiiKiRs, lteglster.
United States Land Office,
Ituseburg, Ore , Sept.. 12, 1902.
Notice is herebv given that In com
pliance with the provision of tlio act of
uongress ouune 3, i78, entllieu "An
act for the sale of timlier lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory, 'as extendi
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Kachol Sanders, of
h.uuene. County of Lane, btato of
Ore., has this day filed in this office
her sworn statement Nn. 3441 for the
purchase of tho Nh 1-4 NE 1-4 of Section
No. 8 in Townshiit No. SOS. Itaniro Nc
8W,and will offer proof to show thai
tho land sought is more valuable for iti
timber or stone than for nericultura
nurrxwes. and to establ sh her claim t(
said land before Marie u ware, U
S. Commissioner at Eueene. Ore
gon, on Monday, tho 17th, day of Nov.
She names as witnesses:
Joseph Willielm. Kobert Freeman.
tM lyopennaver, ot tioslien, Ore., J. Cal
lison. of Pleasant Hill. Ore.
Any and all arsons claimlne adverse
ly the. above-deecrlbcd lands aro re
quested to Hie their claims in this offico
on or before said 17lh day of Nov., 1902.
J. 1. jjridoks. itt-gtater.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, Sent.. 24. 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that in coninli-
anco with the provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timlier lands in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. IS, 1902.
Notice Is herebv lrlven that In nun.
pllance with the provisions it the
act of Congress of June 3, 1S7H, en-
uueti "An ncnor tnusaie oitiiiiIkt
Lands In the States of Cnllfnrnln.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington '
Territory," as extended to ail the!
Public Laud States bv net nt A lllrtlut. i
t. ink, j onn it. juertoui, ot Stafford,
County of Clitckamits, State of Ore
gon hns this day filed in tills office
his sworn statement No. 3243 for tho
purchase of tho S)j N Jj of Section
No. 34 in Township No. 21 South of
Range No. W. and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timlier III- Mtlllllt
than for agricultural purposes and
to establish his claim to said land
lH.-forethi' Register and Revolver of
this office at Roseburg, Ore., on
Wednesday the 31st day of Decemls-r,
He names as witnesses:
Volne.v Krvln. Snnford Zenk.KI twin
R. de Nul, Portland. Ore., llooth
Jones, Klkton, Ore.
Any and all persons elalnilmr nil.
versely tho above described lands are
rcouested to fllo their claims In tlilu
office on or Ix-foru said 31st dav of
Decemlwr, 1902.
J, T IiiiuxiKS, Register
Gets free samnlo nf Clininlmrliiln'a
Stomach and Liver Tablets at Benson
Urug Uj.'s drug store. They are easier
, I In takll uml mnrnn l ,1... ..
if 1 p Kf?r Terrltorv." as exlon.led pin,,. T)lBI1 tlipir' ,, ,, ot foowe, by
Aucust 4. 1892. Jam en JaTvrrelLoi Port-1 ..n a t..i r.- . t.
i'iiio luminal tjlAfj, pVT UUIi
oveltv Yoke Siit.
We areshowitiK nice
Hue of new 1'nll Stuns at pop
uhir prices, itittl we invite you
to cnll nntl cxniiiinc the same.
Outing FlaiiEM'l
We mntle nu exceptional
Rood buy in theie goods.
We ere phiciiiK n lot J .1
of them on snlc nt Jy (,
YOU wnl lo h llll "I"
II" itili ststoii, order
"lntetnllont" Yoks SulU
Thli lull Ii M original tttlon of
OK1N0 COMPANY, l Nw Yoik
ml Chicago, the largeil and moil
irllahle tailoring concern In lbs
worhl, for whom ordU.
It It the matlcst and nobWut
ult ever dulgntd for men's wear.
Good dreners all over Ibe
United Stales men who apprecUle
and wanl Ihe latest and belt ar
ordering It, and why not you 1
We'll be gUd to tell 70a nrt
about this iplendld lull If juH
drop In to ttt ui and wt'll ikow
you the "Internstlenal" sapafles
of over 600 ityllih pattern at Ike
lame time.
10 quarter Cotton pr. 75c
11 quarter Cotton pr, ) ts
10 t)u:irtcr Wool ju. 5,yoo
1 1 (junttcr WimiI pr. fs.ixi
Our Shoes tue cut to fit
the feet, nntl ilou't cent n hit
more than the other kind.
Our line is designed to
reach every shoe need.
j Hrittin &
has been made by us In the pur
chase of a Hue of mechanics' tools,
nnd we're thus enabled to give cus
tomers the benefit in cost. Wc
lmve recently Increased our stock,
and arc offering substantial Induce
ments to purchasers. Hverythitig
in light ami heavy hnrdwarc at
rock-bottom 'prices. Exceptional
bargain in all departments. Come
and sec lor yourself. No trouble
to show goods.
Veatch Go
land. County of Multnomah KtateofOre.
gon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn .statement No. 3521, for Ihe pur
chase of theNWtf BK'i. N 8W1.4
8W1-4SW l-4of Section No. 20TownBhip
1 oof Range 8 W. and will offer nroof to
snow mat ins land sought is more vain
able forits timber or stone than foragri-
cultural purposes, and to establish Ids
claim to said land before the Register
anu necc'iver at Jioeeuura, uregon, on
jiunuuy me inu uay 01 Jiarcn, iwh,
no names as witnesses:
U illiam K. Prndhomtne. Ilenrv C,
'rudhonime, Lydia O. Tyrrell, George
, .iicunniocic, 01 roriiami, ure.
Any and all nersons claifninif adverse,
iy tue atxtve-ilescrll-ed lands aro re
quested to file their claims In this office
on or before said 2nd day of -Mar., 1903,
j. 1. uiiiixiEs, lteglster,
United Btaiea Land Office,
Icuhnrir. Or. th. l!irrj
Notice la herebv riven tbat In comnllanV-e I
with tbe nrovlllona of the act of Conaresa of
June 3, IsTs, entitled "An aet for the aaleofl
limber lanas in the states or caitiornia, Oregon,
Nevada and Waihlnaton Terrltorv." aa ex. I
tended to all the Public Land BUtea by act of I
Auguii 4, isra, vharlea w. Lowe, 01 Eugene,
County of Lane. State nf Oreaon. haa thli I
day filed In thla office hli iworn italement No
am, f or the purchau of the Lota M, 20, 21 A Kof
wcjupuin lownsnip novas, itanfe no i n
and will offer proof to show that tbe land
aonsht la more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for arrlcnltnral purpowa, and to eitab
llih hli claim to aald land before Marie L
Ware V. S. Cnmmliilnncr at Kuvene. Orn.
gon, on Monday, the 6th day of April, VJtXl.
N. If. ttartln. 1. W. l'arrlih, John I). Palmer,
j. xoung, oi i;oitire urove, jne t-o., ure-
Any and allftereona elalmlne adverielv the I
aoove-nescriuea unai are renueiiea to nie l
tbelr clalmi In this ofllce on or before aald Cth
day oIAprll, rXn.
J T BstDou, Rcsliter.
im Designs for
Tall and Winter.
Autumn Novelties at
Prices Lower than ever 9
e It will be to your advan
tage to call and examine.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Bohemia j
MalnBt., Cottae Grove.
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept" on
hand. Vour patronage
Jf is respectfully solicited.
Hemenway & Burkholder.