CONGRESSMAN W1LBER SAYS WHITE HOUSE OF A HUNDRED YEARS AGO, NOW BEING RESTORED iiiiiix-jjaasswii 'liiijiuM Gray ? J Bs iiwipiMieaaaaaaawaaaaaiieiaaaiiiiliaiiiiluijsiJi 1 (To Tlio I'oTtl-iifi Modlcliio Co,, of Columbus, 0.) "Pe-ru-na is All CoiiKruiiiiinaii J, I'. Wither, ol Oncontn, N. Y., writes: The I'crunn JMcdlrlno Co., Columbus, Ohio: Ocntlcmcn "I'craundcd by a friend I liavo tried your remedy and I have almost fully recovered nfler the use of a low bottle. I am fully convinced that I'oatuin In n.l you claim for It, nnd I cheerfully recommend your medicine to all who aro afflicted with cntnrrhal trouble." David I'. Wllbcr. IV.rii'iiM a rrMtlvrMiil Cnr.ror U.liU Sir. 0. V. (llvt'ii, Himux, N. II., vice prnslili'iit of tliu I'ustlmo boating club, writes! "Wliunuvor tho rohl weather eota In 1 linvojor years iintt been wry nuro to ralcli a eovoro cold which Man liartl to throw off, ami which would Ituivo alter t'ltoeta on my constitution tlio moit of tha wlntor. "Ijtst winter I wai atlvlrod to try I'tinum, nnd within flvo days tlio cold wai broken tip and In flvo dnyi mora I wan a wull man. I recommended It to several of mjr frliimla and all speak tlio highest prnlio for It. Thero la noth Itii; like I'crunn for catarrhal affile tlon.i. It I well nigh Infallible ns m cure, and I gladly endefto It." C. I'. (llycn. A Hlnrcr fartd 1'roiii of Mr. Julian WolaillU, 176 Honeca itrrct, llulfalo, N. V., la coriojpondiiiK nosroUry of tlio Hangorlust, of Now York; li tlio loading second Law of tlio Hangerlust, the largost German alnj;lng toluty of New York and aleo tlio oldest. lUta Corn Oil the Cob. j'l ran lilto an apple as woll aa I could when a child, anil I can. eat corn oft tlio cob aa wull aaany person allvo," (aid a lady sixty-night yeajs.pld and a customer of Wiso ltrotliera, tho famous dontlita, of I'ortland, Oregon. h'lio had boon fitted with full eels of npiior and lowor teeth by Wlto llrotli era, and waa perfectly aalonlihed to find that alio la now aa well auppiliHl with troth that abo ran use aa alio waa when a lltle girl Wine llrothora havo ruvolutlonliod modern dental inethoda. Thero la no more pain to bo foared by pooplo who liavo their teotli attended to, and the coit la very tonlurato. They make a great spoclalty of crown and brldgo work, and oven when It la noccssary to take out all of tho old tooth and put In full now acta, the reault la almply wonderful. Tho falto tooth, of couroo, cannot bo told from natural ouoa, and the person using them ran do ovorythlug he, or iho, could do with natural tooth. Tlio sots of teeth aro inndn to fit tho gums no perfoctly that thoro la no slipping, and tho atrength of tho posjlblo blto la Juat llko that of a natural healthy wt of teeth. The exporlnrco of the lady ctutomor hero relattxl can bd yours If your tooth need attention. No' ono ran afford to postpone having their tooth nut In or der. No ono need Buffer a ainglo day longor bocaueo they liavo lost the ueo of their own teetlw Wo hope our roadora will carofnlly watch tho advortlsomonts of Wlte llrothora In tills newspaper, and bo persuaded to consult this iplen did dental Institution. A aiJJy Iniect. "Your mamma," eald I'apa Moth to his etdost eon, "la tho giddiest Insoct I know." "Why, papal" ."Alio la continually attondlng cam phor balls." Detroit Kroo Tress. CIYQ r-rmantatl' rllO an.rHrat. r Ourwi le RU neMoo-neel I.,'. utanf nr. Kllae'idrtat Hem It Kit B'J.OO trial llll end trrafc be. D-,U.II.KUl.l.l4..UIArchflt..rbU4.ltUfc'I, Por Other to Enjoy, Brown You should do something to contrlbuto to othor pcoplo's enjoyment. Jonos I do; I'm always making a fool of myself. Now York frees. AN OLD SORE months of diligent and faltliut use of external remedies that the place remains as defiant, angry and offensive as ever. livery chronic sore, no matter ton-what part of the body .it comes, is an evidence of some previous constitutional or organic trouble, and that the dregs of these diseases remain in tho system; or, it may be that some long; hidden poison perhaps Cancer has come to the surface and begun its destructive work. The blood must be purified before the sore will flit up with healthy flesh and the skin regains its natural coior. u is through the circulation that the acrid, corroding fluids are carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it Irritated and inflamed. S. S. 8. wilt purify and tm stnirtinnt blood when all sediment or other hurtful materials are washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to the diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh begins to haye a healthy and natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sore heals. S, S. 3. is the only blood purifier uovvrni duui m.jt " - varo aoro leg- and was t roa to 4 by the bt pbyalolana but reoelvod nobaneMt. Our drurs-lat advlaad bar to try S. 0. 0.. wblob aba did. Pourtoon bottlaa ourod -bar and aba haa baan wall over alnoa, J, B. MAJIOLD, oa Canal Dt., Oohoaa.N.Y, tilled physicians for which no charge Diseases free. THE drwiTT specific co aihuu,' p. NOTHi FRuismyouiUf FOOD il Hens Uy is. Keeps tSem Ujlng. It cures "PlS'1" 1 me VOHXLANO BEID It miki Uliuiei, U lirengineni ysung tnibK,, nys ini'"i "---- You Claim for It." QOWL D.F. WILDER. mat urur vnrir a ' In 18UU the Hangurluat celebrated lin flftiotli nnnlvoirnry with a large cele bration In Now York City. Tlio follow ing li liln testimony: "About two yenra ago I caught a no vora cold while traveling and which tottlod Into cnlntrh of tlio bronchial tubes, and co affect! my volco that I was obllgod to canrol my engagements. In distress I was advlsod to try rorutia, and although I had novor iimmI a patent liiodlcliin before, I Mint for a bottle. "U'onla but Illy doscrlbo my nurprlie to And that within a few daye I was greatly relieved, and within thieu weeks I waa entirely recovered. I am hetor without It now, and tako an oc casional dono when I feol run down." Julian VYcIsalotz. If you do not derive prompt and rat (factory reaulta from the uao of I'eruna write at onco to Dr. JIartanm, giving a full atatomcnt of your case and ho will bo ploaiod to glvo you bla valuable ad Vice giatla. Addreaa Dr. Hartman, proaident of tlio Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. A Hani Pillow. Weary Willie Modern Improve ments may be One, but they have their drawbacks. Tired Traddlcs I'or lntUnco;7 Weary Wlillo Whon a fellow enoaks Into a stable to rleop nowadays ho finds nothing In It but balod hay. Judge. Mothers will flna Mrs. tVlnitow's Booth. InK Hjrrup the beat remedy to usa for their children during the teething period. He Stay at Home. Mrs. Gosilp I snppoeo you'ro caro fill to mako your husband tell overy thing that happens to hlioT Mrs. titrongmlnd liettcr than that. I'm careful to roa that nothing happens to him, l'hlladelphla Press. I do not beltere l'lio'i Cure for Con uiiiitlon has an equal for coughs and roldi, Jonw X. Horn, Trinity tinrliiri, Intl.. Fab. 13. 11)00. Ills experience was In Mines. "Did you over salt sheep?" asked tho farmer of tho now hlrod mail who caino from Colorado. "No," replied tho new hlrod. hand. "but I've had considerable experience In Halting mines." Ohio Btato Journal, , Difference!. A fow cents a ran Is all thodifforenro In prlco thoro Is between having a cheap can of fruits or vegetables and having tho best thoro Is, 1. o., Mono- polo. Thoio's a much greater differ onco than that In tho quality, In the purity and In the contentment that it brings. II you don't know whoro to got Monopole grocerlos, wrlto ns and wo will tell yon. If you do know, don't lot blru sond you any othor kind. Wo aro particularly proud ol Alonopolo spices, coffoea and Unking powder. Try thorn. Wadhams & Kerr Uios., i'ortland, Oregon. In 1905 A. D. Mrs. Uptodatefto maid) Marie, vou need not sot out tho capsules for Mr. Uptodato's dinner. I havo rccolvod a mnrconlgram that ho will not bo homo until 10 o'clock, as his Bantos-dumonto bile has had a breakdown. Judge, Will sour the sweetest disposition and transform the most even tempered, lov able nature into a cross-grained and irritable individual. If impatience or fault-finding an ever excusable it Is when the body it tortured by an eating; and painful sore. It is truly dlscourntrinir to find after that is cuarauteed entirely vecre table. It builds up the bloed and tones up the general system as no other medicine does. If you have a sore of any kind, write us ana get the advice of experienced sad is niade. Book on Jllood nnd Skin CO, Vgrtland, Or., Oaast Agaula, TMC. I i tlUHTH at Wblta Houee functluna ? mil will trareree tlio colonnaded ilho west aide, wero tha orlnlnnl the vast wing until after the Civil War. Tho whig to tha west of tlio building, which connect the new cxecutlro offlcea with tho White House proper, serves ns a perfect model for tha reconstruction of the colonnaded walk upon the vast side. This waa removed during the ad ministration of President Andrew Johnson. Tliouitli the old cilia of the White House showed these two wlnns, It was doubted by many If any such an addition ever stood to the east of the Hiecutlve Mansion. This dotiht waa put to rest by the workmen uncovering the original foundation anil by naineroua people In Washington who distinctly remembered it existence. This restoration la the most null-Hill made lu connection' with the historic structure. ABANDONS SOCIETY. Illcls Man to Ilevnts I1U Life to Dwell re lu Uie Hlume. lilwnnl 0. Conte, formerly a IJufTalo stock speculator, bus forsaken business and hecomo a tenement-house dweller. He l now living in tho old Wood build ing In Scott street, t lint city. Tho room he occupies Isdllnp Idated and scanti ly furnished. Ills food la of tho plain est, ami he wears clothes that are f a d a d nnd tat tered. Tbts sudden niwAiiu a coatk change In the for mer speculator's roodo of living Is not duo to business reverse. He Is now worth J 100,000, Is known ns a shrewd Inventor, and several of tho more Im portant Industrial enterprises bear bis name on their directorate. Coato has seeu fit to abandon his pursuit of wealth solely to aid the poor people of lluffnlo's tenement-house district. Several years ago, through the ofll- cos of n society organized by wealthy people, for tbn purpose of relieving tho touoiuent-bouso conditions, he beenmo vitally Interested hi tho solution of tho social problem. Orndually hlo Interest In tho work drew him awaj from bis business Intercut-., and bis friends wero not at all surprised one day when ho announced that hereafter ho would dc- voto tho greater part of his time to tho relief of tho poor pcrvous In whom he had Interested himself. Little by Uttlo ho lost his Identity In tho soclul circle In which he had mov ed; ho was absent from tho social gath erings, nnd could no ruoro be relied upon for nctlvo participation In tbo thousand and ono movements inaug urated by society. In fact, bo became practically a rccluao. It was whllo society was commenting on tho unusual niul luieiplamatiic courso he hud tnken that his mother, practically bis only relative, died. On her deathbed, sho gave ber approval of tho life ho has chosen. The salo of the Coato homo followed her death closely and Edward Coato severed all connec tion with the life In which he was rear ed. Then ho bvcamo a social recluse In fact Gathering only aulUclent house fur "nlalilnga as befltted tho new homo he hod chosen, bo moved to tho old Wood building. In Scott street, where he has lived over since. This occurred two years ago. And here Edward Coate, son of n wealthy family and recipient of nil that society can glvo In tho way of advancement and refinement, choos es to upend his days. Ho hopes some day to build a borne for these pooplo who full under Dame Fortune's ban a placo wbero thoy may llvo and earn tbolr living by means best suited to thclt ability. MAN WITH THE 01,000 BILL. He Hecnred Smaller Money bjr art 1st geiitoua Scheme. Of a man with a thousand-dollar bill In bis pocket and no smaller amount of money a story has been written that traced him through many experiences and took him to tho vcrgo of starva tion, Hut, as a matter of fact ono man who had nothlug smaller than a thousand-dollar bill got through his dilllculty very easily In Now York a fow nights ago. Ten of theso coveted promissory notes of tho United States had been paid to him 'In tho aftornoon. In tho pursuit of busluess and a modicum of pleasure ho had, after the receipt of his $10,000, spent tho last dlmo ho pos sessed other than the big bills. Ho was with soma friends, any one of whom could nnd would havo accommo dated him with sufficient money for his needs, but a discussion arose about what ho would do If ho wero a stran ger lu tho city and bad no money other than that which was In his pockot "I wouldn't caro If I woro dressed ns a beggar," bo Bald. "I can got all I want so long as I havo a thousand dollar bill In my pockot" "You would be arrested or turned down If you tried to use It," said ono. "Thoro aro hot many places whero $1,000 In .cliiuiffo rls kept handy. Bo lides, moat ' peoplo would bo shy of taking siich n bill from any of us. Wo don't look as though wo carried $1,000 bills around In our pockets." "Weil' said tho tuau with tho $10, 000, "I'll bet that I can spend' my money ns freely ns though theso were $5 bills Instead of what they aro, and COLONNAOtD WALK ON TMt WtiT, . COHNCCTINJl TrlC WHITE. MOO IT. ANDrXCCUTIVC durlns tlio winter will enter by the way wing bclnif restored at tho east side of Hie bullillnir. These two wings, one upon conception of Thomas Jefferson and stood for aomo yeara early In the laat century, I won't liavo any trouble about It, either. I'll get cbango tha first time I try, too, or loso tho bet And I won't go to nny man who knows me." Tho wager wns accepted, and tho man with $10,000, taking one friend with him, wnlked out to a pawnshop. He said to tho clerk only this; "I have received $10,000 In ten bills They aro mine and wero como by hon estly. It Is dllllcult for me, a stran ger, to get a thousand-dollar bill chnnged. Hero nro tho ten bills. Look at them. I need some money, and I want to pawn ono of these bills for $X. If you are afraid of mo call up police headquarters and I will satisfy the people there by papers that I can show that I am honest Or, If you like, call up Mr. , who paid tbo money to mo, and ho will tell you that I am all right" Tho pawnbroker looked at him keen ly for a second and then said; "I never took money as a pledge, but you aro sober and seem all right and you can have the $25. Glvo mo tho thousand-dollar bilL" Tbo pawnbroker examined tho bill carefully, says tbo New York Trib une, and then, to tlio astonishment of tho others, took another thousand-dollar bill out of his safe and compared them. Then, Just as he would mako out a ticket for a ring or a watch, ho Issued a ticket for a. "thousand-dollar-bill," turned over tbo $i!5 nnd closed tbo transaction. ( HOW HUSBANDS ARE SPOILED. Boiue Women Muke Them Bclfleh and I ForixetCuaBlilerntlou forOthcr. I Men can not bo chivalrous and self- denying If women do not clve them ! the chanco or cultivate thoso noblo ' iiunlltles. Instead of this somo fondly ' foolish wives encourage their husbands In Idleness and selfishness by- not de manding and even Insisting upon that attcution, consideration and help which every woman, much more a wife, may claim from a man, says tho Scotsman. Sometimes It Is a woman's "highest pleasure" to bear all ber husband's burdens. To secure this highest bur den sho makes him weak, Inefficient and childishly scltlsh. If sho had tak en a proper stand and respected her self and her sex during tho first year of married life things would have been very different "To bo over beloved one must bo ever agreeable," so It Is most foolish, ns well ns wrong, for a young woman, when married, to lay asldo those graces and accomplish ments that won her her husband. It Is this sort of thing that made Swift say that "the reason why so few mar riages nro happy is because ynuug wo men spend their tlmo In making nets, not In making cages." Think It tho husband gained, that all Is dono; Tbo prize of happiness must still be won. And oft tho careless And It to their r cost The'lorcr In tho husband may bo lost Young wife supposo you were to como down lato one morning and find tho coffee cold, what would you do? Her husband My dear, I should mnko It warm for you. Of courso a husband ought not to expect much when ho Is uupunctual at meals, but still It Is never safo for a wlfo to dlsregnrd tho precept "Feed the bruto." Tbo following remedy has been sug gested for a dcllcato wlfo; "For n slight beadacho glvo her n dozen pairs of gloves; If It grows worse, a new gown. In extreme cases a now bat has been known to produco Instant ro llof. For nervous debility, a new borso and carrlago; for dullness, a theater tlckot; extreme weakness, a trip to the sea; norvous Irritability, Invito tho Hon of tho season to dinner." Wo do not adviso a man to begin his married llfo by administering drugs In this way, for tho domestic pharma copoeia would noon bo exhausted, but there Is ono thing ho ought to do, and that Is to abstain from nagging (men can nag as well as women), arousing Jealousy and every other action that may even remotely lnjuro tho health of his wlfo. Who has not heard of a Imd-bus-baud beadacho, or ono brought on by tlio worrying; and fault-finding of a solfish mail? A man Is always bound to protect tbo health and hnpptncss of his wife, but this Is especially tho case during the first year of marriage. And tho wlfo, on her part, ought for tbo sako of others, ( not for her own sako, to think ruoro of her hcnlth than of dancing about from ono kind of of tlia old eaat drive, now being opened, dissipation to another. Ignorance of tho laws of nature does not make a young woman more Innocent or better In nny way, nnd It may destroy or blight her married life. SALES OF BOGU8 BEETLES. Hundred of Collector Dapd by Stale- era of Fraudulent Specimen Many an English and American col lector with more money and enthusi asm than knowledge of natural history has In bis cabinet specimens of beetles which are beyond anything that nature over attempted. They ore the victims of a 'beetle-faking Industry which turns out annually thousands of tha fraudulent bugs and manages to sell them In this country and elsewhere to amateur naturalists at high prices, and the dupes show proudly to their friends as extremely rare Insects, as Indeed they arc, for they are like nothing else In the animal kingdom. Tbo manufac turer of beetles does not confine him self to giving to his specimens rare and strange colorings, but be makes them up from fragments of other beetles In tho manner which strikes his fancy, and this fancy Is often very whimsical Indeed. Nature, especially In tbo tropics, produces beetles of strange form, but never so strange as those which come out of tho shop of man. Auotlon sales of damaged collections of specimens of beetle are attended. and tbc collections bought for almost nothing. These Injured specimens are dlsmem bcred and their various parts put to gether again at tbc fancy of the faker. He takes a beetle's body, and from a collection of several parts of beetles be fore htm, spread out on a whlto paper, he deftly affixes a bead here, a wing there and a leg or two where ho thinks they will look quaint He works rapid ly, using a clear liquid glue, tbo com position of which Is a secret of the trade, and which Joins the various parts Immediately so that they cannot easily be pulled apart, and so closely that even with a magnifying glass It Is difficult to sec whero the Joining Is done. The coloring and Imitation markings are dono with small brushes nnd other Im plements designed especially for the purpose and are made permanent by plunging the built-up Insect Into a bath of some secret solution. When the work Is completed only nu expert naturalist can detect the fraud, and sometimes even an expert Is fooled at first and thinks ho has stumbled upon a now specimen of coleoptera. ROBIN TACKLES A HAWK. lied Itrcnat's Drove and Bncceeefut Fight to Bavq a Chicken. It Is well known that tbo hawk, no matter how fierce and big ho may be. has no terror for the kingbird. It Is n common sight In the springtime, when they aro brcedln?, to see ono of theso plucky Uttlo chaps mercilessly following, pecking nnd driving away a great bird of prey a dozen tiroes Its size. A merchant who was camping out on tho Chelsea Mills learned that the kingbird Is not the only small bird bold enough to attack and drlvo away tho robbers of tho air. Tho man was approaching a farm yard ono morning for bis supply of milk, when a commotion among the poultry drew his attention to a largo hen-hawk which was sailing away with a good-sized chicken In Its talons. Tho poor old hen was doing Its best to prevent tho raid. With much squall ing sho ran along and t tried to uso her clumsy wings In flight after the thief. Just as tho hawk rose to tho level of tho treo-tops a robin, which had evi dently been taking measures to assist tbo ben mother, sprang from a limb right atop tho hawk, with a shrill cry of rngc. So florcely did tho gamo red breast use Its sturdy bill upon tho hawk's back, at times even alighting upon It to peck to better advantage. that after a good deal of maneuvering, finding It Impossible to escape this per sistent too, It dropped Its prey and turned upon tho robin. But the bravo little bird was by no means fighting for lighting's sako, and as soon as tha chicken had been restored to Its mother darted back to Its tree and began a song of rojolclng. Alcohol and Oranges, When peoplo crovo for alcohol, tho orango euro has been found of service. Tho Julco Is expressed Into a glass nnd should be taken Just as It Is, pure. Tho acid In It Is a remedy for the dis eased bodily stato which has produced the craving for drink. "My hslr was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor slopped the falling and restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look, old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayers Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. II.Matem-. AlWnttbU. If Tonr drnrffht emnnot ennnlr on. eend as on dollar and we will eipreee Ton a bottle. lie stir andj-lre tha nam Of your nearest eipresa ofifce. Address. J. C. AYEU CO., lAwell, Mass. Bast on Earth Ceranat ll la made or the bet mauria! poibl lobar. The manaraclorrri abaotoutr par II loUpero( above tba market prlco olbeal trad re oTwaroa timber for tho prtvlltfeof mi liar ortf and aklmmlna off Ino cream of the Waco ttock,wblcblearriod for S to year bo Kr, maklaf op. wblcb moans a Inrattmeoll wood stock of orarlr one mUllon dollars. U ITCUKIX Wacom aro aniorpaaaod for qualltr, proportion. Solan, atreofia and lUU roealaf. Why take chanoea on anr othor? Wbr-oot r?t Iho butr-A MlTUItRLt. M It aha 1 1, Lmwlm SlmrBr Oav foftlaad, boalUe, bpokaaa, Astnta Jrer7Kbr JOHN POOLS, PORTLAND, ORE. Foot l Morrison Street. Can rtra jou the best barralns In Boilers and Enclnes, Windmills, rumps and Gene ral MaeMnerr. Wood Hawlnr llacsjnu a epecuny. He us before traylnr. An Absent-Minded Confession. "I snppoeo," said the pattoa to the milkman, "that yea view the coming of winter with feelings of regret." "Indeed I do," answored tho milk man. "It Is really very hard," goes on the patron, "to find suitable paatara In the cold weather, no doubt?" "Yes j and then the pump freezes so often." Judge. At Laat. The landlady was speaking, "llr. Barneatorme, how do yon like your eggiT" . Iha tragedianVfaco relaxed into an expression of joy. "Hard-boiledl" ho cried. Until that time people had wilfolly mistaken his taste. ikltimora Herald. The well posted druggist advises you to nae Hamlin's Wiutrd Oil for pain, for be knows what it has dono. A Bumper Crop. Hubbubs You juat ought to see my crop of corn I It's the moat promising In all the Loneaomehuist district." Townloy You don't say! If you have moro than two messes, don't for get me, will youT X.adles Can Wear Shoee One alio smaller after oslnr Allen's Foot-Ease. Cures swollen feet. Ulsters and callous spots and hot, acnlnr feet. At all Urunlsts. 2S& Trial package FkEB br loalL Address Allen 8. Olm- sled, LoKor, N. V. ' " Definite Measurement. 'Do you think tho world is growing any better? "I'm absolutely sura of it," answ ered the monopolist. " Why, only flvo years ago I made only a hundred thous and a year. Today I am making that much a month." .Washington Star. I Swim. Atfelable PreparatlanibcAs slmilatlng thcFoodantlRcfJula tlng the S tornado oiidBowols of Promotes DigcalloaChccrfur ncss andRest.Conta.ns neither Ojiiumforphino norIiacraL INOX'NAIIC OTXO. jaf-eUAr&IMXZPtTaaX Mtlt.SJk- VSSliAtU Apcrfecl Remedy forConsUrvi Hon, Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca and Loss OF SlEBR Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. sWaiDramiranEgsi exact copy or wrapper. Mltokoll Wagon, u Best umcnBTrnp.-Taatoaoooo. uef--l i 13 la time. Hold r "rorfHH. j I ASK YOUQ DEAttS FOB THC MADE fAMOUJ BY A DEPUTATIO EXTENDING OVED MODE THAN, HAIP A CENTUDY. TOWERS tarmsnts end hats ere mod of Ui keft materials In black or yellow for oil kinds of wt work. MTUf ACTION li CU1MRTUD V YOU J7KX TO thc tir.-i r-. the, citu 1 1 IL. tfll VI lllb I lOt I. 1. A. U.1UWCW LU, taUJIUN. VA33. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY foftland, Oreion. founded MM i Roma School for Boys. Hllitary and Mannal Trilnlaj. Writ for illustrated Catalonia. ARTHUR C. NnWILL, Principal L. DOUGLAS $3&$32 SHOES 9 IV. lj. Dane-Ins nhnes urn Mm stun. tlftrd of the world. This is the reason W. I. Douglas makes nnd sells moro men's 3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers. W. L. DOUGLAS S4 8HOE8 CANNOT BE EXCELLED. ,1,103,820! liVcSia, J2,5M0,000 rJ Importii and Amtrlcan fnrfsen, Htal't Pltint Calf, tntmfl. ttx Colt, Calf, VM KH. Ccrw Colt, Mat. Kangaroo. Faat Color Kjolrta naed. Caution I aonnln bar W. L. TOUOUajr " ; nam and prlco atAmpod, on bottom. ey nan, toe. extra. jituM. vaiatoffjr, W. L. DOUOLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. DR. G. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT ThU worxlrfal CM DM doctor li emii4 pYttbecaa- h cure ropl without opera tion tbau an kItm up todl. H cares with tboM wondtrfol Cha nts herb, roout, budu, bark and Ttrttablct that aU nil ret r nn knowa to madleal act Dfln ihlteoanttr. Through. tht as of lho barmlea rvmea. this famous doctor knows to action or over too different remedies, which boiQocmfnllr oses In dlttertm dlaeaaea. JU guarantee to enr nuarrh, asthma, luar, throat, rheumatism, ntnrouitness. stomach, llrer, kidneys, etc t has hnndmls of testimon ials. Charce moderat. Call aod se him. Ittferttaf owl Pi' lit- allr writ 1W biauifcs aatf circulars. 8nd4cntsfn ramp. CUrittUIa TATIOX JtDHllKS THE C. SEE WO CHiHESE MEDICINE GO. UZM TfalnT SC. PortlanaJ, Oregon. r Mtntlon paper. FREE ELEGTRIG BELT OFFER whh linear CoQaaa9rr rait wuiita vJfirffiw UilUkLSiaU aUTIKJUTUQ CtttkUT UUTBIC BELTS t Tl lllirtitin !. far, aft Ik 1 bj reaaer or iui ppr. a u stftiar, rj MMMtUUjrr..u COSTS ALMOST K0TKI((O-iw4 wiin non aii oioer .reaimenu. (am aititr . trie twlta, FBva-a)i mI -edU fill. t)l KK CCRI tW ac uuoua..u. ..r. r.r .u I,-"r! " ,"-"" . f" leta I aa.atlal aalal.aa.. ml tali ad. out aai Taxia entile ealeel mi sad mall to at. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., CHICABO. THE HEW PEHSIOfT LAWS apply to Katiiih Bicxford, ATTOBKIT, tlASUlKOTOH. x, p. jr. it. No. 431003. II EN nrUIac to adTertlser plus menuon. vus paper. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years TMI CIMTaUNOMfAHyf MaTtt VOM VITV. Br, It, Ml, Bears the i Signature m A