Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 24, 1902, Image 4

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K. Fa
Bohemia Ntlgget
sVKH Yf, IIICNHY, ICdllor mi.l ITon'r.
- ucnnts-DnnuTno:'
R w R
COTTACB GROVE. . .ORJEGON. tncssonm-r Ms ."arrived1 h
sf -f; 7tnr iTT3 "2 rcono ( tua cngagomenl riwar Oils pi
PVPIMTQTlN'THl? IVA VtwccVtliw 'KovotrTnifln't tw,Fs'
JwYWIOUr 1 IIQ Lf I Lutici.t,, bringng neWi tllnt l
government Porccs ol Venezuela Score n
Victory 3,000 Dead and Wounded.
S ft ft- f
Ik ft
Comprehensive Review of the Import, tovoral days of terrible fighting, 0,000
ant Happenings of the Past week, reikis nndor Genoral Mcmloza anair
Presented In Condensed Form, Most doned U16 flold, having toll red from
Likely 10 prove interesting.
CommcrclAt and Ftnanctal Happntngs ol
tho pistLWtek-llricf Review of tbr
..1 . ...... 1. .. ,
urowijr aniiuvciopmcni o anoiu
British arroy officers say 'tlm Araorl
caii horses aro far better for cavalry uso
than any other thoy can obtain.
Two convicts In tho Leavenworth,
Kan., federal prison 'filed oIT. their
thacklos and worn about to escape when.
Tho treasury donartmont has askod
for offers of property, for tale in Now
York for ueo to oroct'th'o now'pbetoiTlco
building on.
Ocean vostels Railing front Atlantic
ports aro being delayed somewhat on
account of their Inability to secure
coal promptly.
Sanitary conditions in tho Philip
pines aro rapidly improving. Cholera
has boon gotten nndor control and is
rapidly dying out."
Franco Is facing a serious labor situ
ation. Every union'' man In tho nation
may bo called out o gain a universal
eight hour day and an old age pension.
Dr. William II. Bates, a well known
Now York physician, who disappeared
last August, has boon found In London.
Ho says his mind has boon practically
n blank since that time and ho did not
know -lils own Identity.
The elocution of Murderer Beldlng
will tako place at Portland October 31
1 i
Tho Ilaytlan rebellion la at an end,
by the submission of the revolutionists.
Secretary of U10 "Treasury Shaw has
announced that ho will bny $20,000,000
cf 1025 bonds.
The 20th annual convention ol the
National W. O. T. U. Is in session at
Portland, Maine.
A now panol of 160 talesmen has
boon railed to secure the Jury for tho
trial of Roland B. Mollneux.
A collision between two trains In
Ohio resulted in both engines being de
molished and SO persona injured.
Sir Thomas .LTpton'a challenge to
race for the America a cup lias been re
ceived by Ino New lork yacht club.
ThSLprlncIpal Issue before .the mln
era convention will be provision for
men thrown out of work by the reten
tlon of nonunlonlsts.
Tho grand Jury found an indictment
for murdor in the first degree against
William Hooper Young, who is nndor
arrest at New York for the killing ol
Mrs. Anna Pulitzer.
Industrie Throughout Our Common
wealth Latest Market Report.
A ralo of ot' hops nt
cents is rcporWd from lUUal,
A franchleo! haiwbeon grantod for
another tolepllguo luia from Baker City
to Sumpter. f J
their last position, six mllos from Ln
Victoria, Friday night, retreating in
tho direction Of Villa do Cunt. Ac
cording to President Castro the killed
and wounded number 3,000.
Curing the last days of tho fighting
uio. lAmn-rainrn rom 10 110 oearees. 1 i
. j .,
nnil a vlnltnr tn tho ftfflnfl nf the .on- I Several schools In TVilk pnimtv linv
Mgement declares ho never saw such a been unablo tcVoponJ in account of tho
terrible spectacle as was presented br " to
the battlcflold. A com panyiof Portland inon 1ms pn
tl. iv..,. I chased tho Gold Chloride mine, nluli
which is said to be duo to tho personal w,llos eae ?2 P??- 'or, 7'00,
0 of 1 resident Castro, who. twice, systematically dovelopisl by tho now
with a Mauser
at tho head of
crcd a serious
in his hand,' charged
his soldiers,-Irconsid4
setback to tho ratieo of
owners. St u
tho revolutionists.
Mine owners and oiwrators in tho
Biker district JiaVo organised for tho
purpose ofsecuriug a changes in tlio ro-
A courier from Valencia, who arrived cent onlor of tho secretary of tho In
here tbdaVf repbru'fimi up toA-cstor- terior creating the Eastern Oregon for-
. ' cstrcservo.
day that town, was not in tho hands of
tho revolutionists.
Tho report of Superintendent Leo o
wo state penitentiary snows that on
PANIC IN BALL ROOM. October 1 thoro wero 300 convicts in
Uio institution, 1U loss than at tho bo-
Building Resulted B'nnlng ol the quarter. llio earnings
Fire In Albany, N. C.
In One Death and Many Injured.
Albany, N. 0., Oct. 21. Firo broke
ont shortly before 11 o'clock t .night
in tho Tower & Drooks store, one of the
largest in the heart of tho business
section of the city. For a time the
entire dry goods section was threatened,
for the quartor were $4,240.40 and tho
total expenditures wero $14,740.09.
With appropriato ceremony, Acri
cultural hall, dexlgned to facilitate and
advance exporlmvnt and instruction in
agricultural lines at tho Oregon agrl
cultural college, was dedicated at Cor
vallis uctober 16. Addresses were
and only by most horoic wort on tho h"ado hT Governor Geor, Congressman
ITonguo and a numbor of others. The
practically confinod to the building In
which tho firo started. One fireman
I attendance from outsldo tho city num
berou eoveral liundred
Genoral Oorbin says tho American
soldier easily excels those of England.
Alabama coal miners who have been
out for 10 days, have returned to work
There were 4,500 men Involved. Tho
terms were not made public
A last train on the Vandalla railroad.
in Indiana, collided with an accommo
dation, resulting ln the death of two
persons and-serious, if not fatal, injury
oijtnree puiers.
."United-States.' Minister Oowen bos
asked bot one or two tent
tdrvoneiuolarj wateTsior the' better
protection of Americans. He says the
situation' Is grave.
Santos Dnmont has offered to go from
Pt)ris to San Francisco in an airship.
in case be is successful, be wants
prize of $200,000. He is now at work
on) an airship suilahie for tho trip
Officials of the transport service be
lieve that the transport Seward has
met with an accident and is making her
way across the Paeifio under sail. The
Seward left Seattle for Manila over two
months go, and has not yet reached
nor destination.
An incendiary fire at Klamatbon,
uai., caused a loss 01 $oou,ooo.
An American has been placed in com'
mand of the Colombian gunboaVBogot.
A lake steamer bound for. Buffalo
foundered during a heavy storm. Ten
of the crow are missing.
"Pro8ldent Itoosevelt'ls very anxious
about the reply of the miners to the
proflosltldri'bfthe'operators.""" '
It is probable that Roosevelt will
recommend a permanent tariff com1
mission in his next message to con'
gross. . i .
London is much alarmed" at what
they fear Is a move on,the part of J. P.
Morgan to secure control of the London
At a mooting of the stockholders of
the Commercial cable com nan v. Clar
ence Macksy was elected as president
to fill the vacancy caused by tbo death
of bis father,.
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, Is very
raucn opposed to the plan ol tlio coal
oporatora and thinks It should be
turned down by the miners.
A Toledo, Ohio, steel plant has
closed down for want of coal,
A French aerouant and his compan
ion were dashed to death while experi
menting with an airship at Paris.
Belgium miners jiavo gon) on strike,
claiming the trouble In tho United
States has raluod the pilco of coal and
they should get some benefit.
Sir Michael Herbert, tho new British
ambassador to the United States, has
been received by President Roosevelt
and has entered upon his duties.
Ex-Queen Liltuokatanl has loft Hon
olulu' on her way to visit tho United
States. It la bolloved that tho intends
to pross her claims to the crown
was killed and a number injured.
At tho time tho firo broke out a
dance was in progress in a hall on tho
top floor of the bmning building. Es
cape to tne street was cut on by the
fast spreading. flames, and. 25 young
men and women were lifted out of tlio
front windows and helped over adjoin
ing loots. Tho shrieks of hysterical
women created much excitement, but
cool headed firemen soon carried them
to a place of safety. Eeveral women
wero burnod, but none were seriously
Ten minutes after the firo was dis
covered flames were pouring out of
every window, and neighboring build
ings were ablaxe in many places. The
Mnnicipal telegraph company's build
ing was badly econ bed, the windows
being shattered by the intense heat and week was in every respect tho most sue-
tne irames twisted out ot shape and 1 cesslui ever held,
four proposed amendments to the
Oregon constitution will bo before the
next loglslaturo for its endorsement
These amendments wero proposed bv
resolutions approved by tho last legls
laturo, and thoy must receive the ap
proval of another legislature bofore
they can bo submitted to a vote of the
people. The proposed amendments re
late to tho state printor, city chartora,
elections, state institutions ontsldo of
Salem and repeal of anti-Negro .section
ot constitution
The asssesor's roll of Lincoln county
shows an increaso ot $138,854 ovor
that of last ycir.
The First National bank ot Baker
City has been designated a United
States depository.
The fruit fair at Hood River last
The forest rangers in Southern Ore
gon have been called in from fighting
fire, there being no furthor need of
The rnsh for timber claims in Lako
and Klamath counties continues,
Many of tbo locators are coming from
eastern statso.
William Barkis, a Southern Oregon
The new viceroy of near WaIdo ut week- He to
this state in the early 60s.
It was two hours before the flames
were fully under control. It ls'itnpos
sible 'to iecn're any estimate "bMJfe
losses tonight.
Chinese Viceroy Asks Missionaries Not to
Travel In Disturbed Districts..
Pekln. Oct. 21,
Eio Cheun province, Tsen Chun-Soan,
reports that the Boxers have not been
suppressed at Cheng Tu and two other
centers and he asks the ministers and
missionaries to refrain from traveling
in central Sze Chnen at present.
The emperor's reception at tho sum
mer palace today was attended by tho
diplomatic corps except in tlio case of
A Liberty, Marlon county, hop grow
er was offered 24 cents for his hops
last Saturday, which ho refusod.
The Astoria Fir Lumber Company, of
Astoria, has filed articles of Incorpora
tion with n capital of $100,000. The
company will install a sawmill plant at
i 1 l. a r . i .
... -J . . I i" ""l" inuepenuence is
the British minister, 6Ir Ernest Satow,' nracticallv statlonarv. Tlnfro soem to
bo having declined all social intercourse I bo a decidod opinion among the grow-
on account of the miscarriage of Justice er0 that the price will advance in a tow
in the case of the murdered English "N8'
missionaries, Bruce and Lewis, in Ho- A rich strike has been reported in
nan province, where tho responsible V.10.1." ? LV.mine' ln the aroon,hrn
, v . , , . r ujsixiui. mu owners are connueni
officials were excutpated and ignorant tbat they havo tho aMDg of a g001
peasants were ueneaucu. I paying mine.
The negotiations for the departure of
the International troops from Shanehal .nmg oy electricity will be put to
have been interrupted. It appears thah 0 ,norou8 t6" by the Ilalsley-Wkborn
Great Britain before consenting to the h0??"'1 in ,as.tern 0reg"-.
evacuation desires a more definite ar- raac""ery win oe run oy eioctnc
rangement in. regard-to her-status-in F!wer' J J. should prove prqfltablo,
the YanetBO vol ev and mnrn n.( v jd jirui.uiu ni.n ijuko n numoer oi
stipulations concerninz non-alionation ?ther. ompanios wll put in plant!
Transport tirnnt to be l ilted Up lor the
Work Pumping Machinery Will b
a Duplicate of Largest Typo Used by
the internment Will be Ready (or
Use Knrly Next Year.
Reciprocity Treaty with United States
About to be Signed.
Havana, Oct. 18. Business men who
havo been called In to consult with
President Palma on tho proposod
Cuban-American commercial treaty feel
assured that tho cabinet will npprovo
the proposition ot tho United Stales,
and that it. will bo sent to comrross
within n few days tor adoption. There!
Is (oino tear that tho radical clement In
conttresa will nhltwt tn iii.iirnvlt.ff nt
coaling stations without being Informal , WlnBtonf Oct. 20. Reeognlrlnir
clearlj- of tho Intentions of the United ,ho ,lm,mnJ ,or R dw clm,mo1 l ,'
States with regard to tho enforcement 1 1,mu" 01 11,0 vommum ttver, tocrotary
ot tho riatt nm(m.lm.m. itooiuas ttmiioilMKI 1110 Chlej ol oiv
Tho commercial treaty submitted to " W!r convert tho army transport
uuba by Washington Is practically tho wraiu into n sua iirougo, and to com
Miss tariff schedule, which was drawn menco operations on tho bar at tho
upjiist botoro tho American inllltnryl
d xur vr , r; f the
force airalnst nil other nations, but itlves 0'1 ' 'Iwrs that recently
tho United Stntos n dllTorcntlal from 20 vlsiteil tho mouth ot tho river. Ills
to 00 per cent. In return tho United projiOBod to scour out n
r. r"" ,taiM iwt joi'i g
When thts has lieen coinnlelod. tho i iiikn ti,i yesterday,
.WW UH.H.. ... .IUIV1I IU .1IU WMUIIVI - - I -w W. ..... - ' " 1.1.
uIkI hv llm Itnlll ....II.. 11.. dm D will liruhnhlv Ihi llinxl In mntii. niuimtiiril linvn lint HililroiMiil tint Mill. rOKOIIiamU
boguining there was a stiong incllna- tnlnlng and ileoponlng tho channel mi- union, or us oincers, in maKing
tion to reject tho proiKisltlon, but It til tho jetty la completed.
con.lderluB that the bill was .o.l h V" "" wmi complete urwg
tl.n i.n... nf .....(.. i... . w..V. "'8 machinery oi tno suction typo at a
.www. t '' U..I nt . M..i unit nnn 'ri . I - ,
Ington, mora cannot be. offered at
. , a ,.-.. '
Miners do not I'nvor I'ropbultton of Coal
Operators- Unfnlr, They Say.
Wllkoibarroi r".f Oct. 15. from A
thorough ciitiVass of thu sltuntloii as It
exists tonight thoro is uvory iiidlcntloil
that tho now arbitration plan proHired
by tho presidents nr tho coal raiiiMii
les for ending tho uilnors' slrlko will
not bo amipted In Its presenl form.
There Is n division of opinion among
the strikers, but thorn Is no doubt that
u majority foot that tho offor to havo
tho president of tho United Slates
eoloct an arbitration commission along
tho linos suggested by the opurutnm In
not fair, and that it unduly limits tho
board. Tho miners, It Is safo to say,
will abide by the advice of their na
tional president, In whoso Judgment
they havo tho utmost confldeiu'o.
President Mitchell decline to say
how ho personally looks upon the prop-
niilllnn. lint timlilit tin uivn In the lirnml
w. .1 to.' ..... ..- n i
(jm,,,,,,! 0 tho following statement!
,. ,., "1 fully appreciate with what anxiety
tho pooplo of our country aro awaiting
- ' 1
President Announces. Coinniltlon of Six
Men, to Whom All lllfferfncss Be
tween Coal Operators and Miners Will
be Referred- (loth Sides Itrpresvntcd
--Work Now to Begin,
their public statement. It Is therefore
Impossible for tno to statu tho attitude
of tho minors at this tlmo. I am now,
ns I havo aluays boon, deeply tolloltous
of tho Interests of tho puhllo mid the
wolfarro of tho nilnonorkors who havo
United States Now Leads the Wort J -
1901, 866,165,140 Short Tons.
Washington, Oct. 18. Tlio United
Washington, Oct. 17. Tho great
anthracite coal strike Is celtlod nt last.
A cominlstlon ot six wrsons, w'llh n
sovonth Carroll I). Wright as record
er, will adjust tho differences lietweoii
the oKiralors and tho minors. l'ro.
dent Mitchell, ol the Minors' Union,
will tako the iiorcssary measures to rail
tho itrlko off. Tho president will. urge
tho Immediate resumption of mining,
and tho operators aro expected tu begin
noil week.
Announcement that the great strike
was off was mndo by focrotnry Itoot
with oxuborant KlKd humor at tho
Whltu llouso shortly alter 1 o'clock
Orgnnltod labor has a rep
on (ho commission in tho
person oi 1.. r;. Clark, grand jPliloI ol
tho Order of Kallroud (,'imdtictJira,
imlmxl as a xoulologlit. Tho jiri'slilent
added lllihop Spalding, nl Illinois, lo
tho list ot live members suggoitotl by
the ooratnrs. As named, thu commis
sion Is jvorfcctly satisfactory to lxith
miners and operators. Assent of tlm
minors was glvsn through President
Mitchell and Mr. Hargont, commis
sioner of Immigration, ami of tlm
oioratora through Messrs. ltobor Da
mn and GiMirgo W. I'orklns, ol the
liankliig firm ol J. P. Morgan A Co.
cost ot about $100,000. This sum will
' "?. 1 "10 ' PPropruioi wr i,, 0I1 trlko ,or tll0 ,mlt IIvu ,
ill Jiruvlllg WIO uiouiu oi ino uoiumuia I A fnrl,.nl ...,.. ,1.. nn.lll,...
V; and Intentions will lo Issuml Just as
Every effort will bo tnudo to haslon soon ns no orn In tuln.exilim nf tlm full
thooutllttlngof tho Grant. To this lineniilnu nf tlm lirminHlllnn nf tlm
cnu it is proHed to pnwuro pumping oorators."
nnciiinury which is mo unpiicaiool tho The rank and filo of tho miners view
largest typo now usnl on uovornment tlm new inn in .1 1 rr..r... i
oiaios gooiogicni survey estimates tho dredges, the vessel Ittclf will nipiiro Thoio who aro opimb.hI to acivntlmt tho Statement by Cortelyou,
world's production ot coal in 11)01 at m niieraii.ns. llthorelsno delay now offer look upon tho ciH-rators lit- Washington, Oct. 17. Tho follow
800,165,140 short tous. Tho three , ."""""S 19 machinery tho Urant ost move as a counter proposition to ling Is tho olllclal statoiiiwht announcing
irreatcoal nroduclmr countries nf ti.n 1 Y v r , , "l""""""" r. .micnoii- onor 10 ariiiiralo made in tho close o Ihe great coal all Uo.
cui prwUuciug couniriLS Ol tho cnr v nozt voar. Thadrmlir numni-li n. It .n t....u.r... 1v1.11. 11 u--.i.. 11 n...- . - ...1.1. i
11 . ........ .1 ....- n'-o 1 ...w .w... ,v ... . .. .ii.w iiuiiru ut ntinii-i iiivr n (.TiinuriTiiiTi nun .nr.
worm are tno united Stales. Ureut erv wi II have a cnim ctv of "S.nnn riili n llin- ti,..w .1... ..n.. I,i..i.n ,
Brltainand Germany. Austrla-IIung. yards of sand per day of 10 hours. Tho and pick out what thoy nil agree to bo with ruiirescntallves ol the coal opera.
ary comos fourth, France fifth, Ilelglum f1 ,50Ug . 11 J" ""P""01' in many flans. tors, tbo president has apiolntil tho
i , . . . huge bins aboard tho Grant, ami when A eroat mmv nf dm .trll..r. tl.L.L-1 t.,ii,,u 1.,,. ,,,i..i,. i i.,i..
country, notwithstanding Its vast area ,ie? nre fl'lwl ''l vessel will steam out tho proposition should In) nccepte,l,'and consider and pass upon all ipiesllous
produces only about 0 L) . "t l J"P vatcr nnd iluin,. tl.o sand and that tho miners should trust to I rsl- at Issue between the operators and
much coal as tho Unltod States. Prior "a",1'0 K, t dent Iloosovoll to do tho best ho can miners In tho anthracite coal fields!
tol800 Great Britain led anions the I. 7. . , ' urn er 1110 conumo,.s laid down by tho "Brigadier General John M. Wilson.
world's coal producers, but during "'' " . . K rou,u . eu- coal-road pro. dents. Unlto.1 Slates army, retired. Uto chief
nited 8talee ni...iti. -ri .. i T. . .."........,,, ,,un ,,, ny in ouginrois, u. o. a., oasningion,
has made such remarkablo incroaics in I --ti.t . ,1 ..mi " ,. . imi minors, and that Is to reluso to accept I). C., as an olllcer ot tho engineer
i-oal production, duo principally to Use I irh-l- 7 if -rlr-VYT: I pm.?. P- n counter mrp, of either the military or-naval
unprecedented act v ty n tho Iron and . m t h 7 j.-.-. .v-. ,,.ui0iuii, emixHiying sotim in 1110 serviro 01 the united males,
steel and other metal trades, that It I?."!? f nt '0nTlh 10 ""If ral w.a.v.oa --'" conlalne.1 In the orators' K. W. Parker, Washlnton, I). C,
an oiixirt mining englnutr. Mr.
Int iolrnn nml , B "ynm"r " I'rocuru m vcbsoi 01 pioposlllon, embodying romo of tho
trades that it '!nt lonK"' to covor 0Tcr,,l wavoa U-.mUom contnlncd In tho operators'
nd of ll Vm fl'""'?01"1' 80 Dlotlon 0,11,0 offr- Ouo propoltlon snggoatwl Is
Ion In lioi " !Sat J'oold 1x3 ro,lucwl to the minimum, that tho oporatora, tho miners and tho
ion in 1UU1 ex- ti1(( Onint. 44R fi-nt nno- .n.l .11 fn..i ol.t... ...i' . . i
now stands far In tho lead
petitors, with a production
ceoding that of Great Britain by 470,
005,038 short tons, or 10 per cent. Up
to mo cioso oi luuu tho coal production
of Great Britain and her colonies, taken
togciner, still exceeded that of tho
Unltod States, the excess in 1000 beln. i,. ' ..:
1 nnQ QOK .. I. . . i . I w- nut-.
u,uvu.u.u Diiurb luur, uui mo enormous
output of the coal mines of this country
last year exceeded by about 20,000,000
snort tons tho cntiro output of Great
urilatn and her dependencies, Including
India nnd the Transvaal. Ol tho out'
put in 1801, the United States produced
Tho Grant, 445 feet long, and 40 foot
beam, draws 10 foot when light and 25
leet when loaded. Her tonnaco Is
6,500. Having been built as a freight
er, she is more substantial than othor
army transports, and Is woll suited for
prosldont each select a numboi ot mon
to act as a board. This was mentioned
by President Mitchell, but ho would
make no comment on it.
Aged Men Killed Two Assailants, but were
Badly Injured Themselves.
Cloveland, O., Oct. 10. In n farm
houso two miles from tho vlllsgu of
Kocheitor, In Loralno county, a terrible studied deeply on social questions, anil
I'arker is chief statistician of the coal
division ot tho United Statos geological
survey, and editor of tho Engineering
nnd Mining Journal, of Now York.
"Ooorgo Gray, llmlngton, Dela
ware, as a Judgo of a United States
K. K. Clark, Cedar Ilsplds, Iowa.
grand chief ol tho Onlor ol Ilallroad
Conductors, as a socloloirlst. tho presi
dent assuming that, for the purposes ol
such a coromlisiou, the term socloloziat
means a man who has thought and
Wilson and Wright Discuss Work of the
Commission with Roosevelt.
Washincton. Oct. 20. .Rrlo-aillnr
33.80 per cent; Great Britain and her General John M. Wilson, tho military -ttlo fought tonight botw eon sged has practically applied his knowledge
dependencies 30.80 per cent, and Gor- mombor of the coal strike arbitration brothers named Meach and six dosjier- "f homas II. Watklns, Scranton, I'a.,
many iy.42 per cent, or conih ned commission, anu uoionei Carroll V. ntn rohl-irs. A. . r ,.,,!( i... i,...i,. "" pracucaiiy ocnuainioii wiui
84.14 per cent of the total oroiluetlon. Wright, rocordor for tho commiss on. . , .i ... . j. . . .. the mining and selling ol coal
I. . - .... i i n ti tn ljiii riiiiiHirn vnrn mm in ti.i n ii..i. .. . ... .
iiau an exicnucd conierenco with rrcsl-1 l nmrap -nun npsimug, i-eoria,
SOUrFRIERG AQAIN. dont Iloosovolt today. They discussed " rre'y lauiny wounded, and two Illinois. Tho president has added
pretty lully tho events leading up to r - orouiors wero nauiy iiisnop iaidlhg's natno to the com
jnd shnorn n i.i.n.i et vt.,... tho .'appointment ol tho commission. I minion
. r. and tcntatlVHlv snmn fn "or" ru iire oi uio .iieacil uroth- "Uarro I). Wr uhl has Imin an.
us wora. un leaving the Whltotlouso, "7""' "'"-j --ii", "winiuii ri-wiuer oi ino commission,
General Wilson sa d It wm vnt i aooui iv, anu jams, agiM (JO. Thu
eruption ot tho Souffriero volcano com- oarly to discuss for publication u10 old men ore said to ho rich. While
monced last night. During the preccd- work of tho commission. Ho Indicated J ... . "10 ..' " wa" ",r'
t.. .i n. a - .i . I Hint ttm tu-wtv wntili l n-.,n.,i..wi rounded by three robbers nnd bonnd
.uKiiuyearm uoroors, apparently too f'... finln- n ti,. Il,.w l,.l,.wl t i:
iiusiiiiigwn, oui wnen anu wnero its r, .-.-....- .. v, ..omu
I.) i,n l.nt.i .t.i.n. Meach Into Insensibllitv. John Moach
experienced in the central and northern which would bo worked out hv thn worked Jilrnself loose from tho bonds.
part of the llsland. At 8 o'clock last whole commission. It Is known that "owoter, and seizing a shotgun, can
tho commission will not btnlii Its labors "? "Ppn "o three burglars
formally until the minors shall havo w" wuro " thosnfo. lie shot
Ight there were Indications of an orun
tion. Kumunng noises we:i hoard
Thoy Increased when the roaring vol
cano bolchetl out its deadly contents.
This eruption was followed bv a brlof
lull. Then, from 10 o'clock till 4
clock this morning tho upheaval con.
agreed to It. Lator in tho day . W.
Parker, tho mining export of tho com
mission, called at tho Whito House
with Dr. David T. Day. of tho ecoloalc
al survey, and formally accepted his
tinued. The outbreak was accompanied appointment
by an Incessant and confused cannonad- Mr. Parker remained with tho presh
ing. Thoro wero incandescent clouds dent and Colonol Wrleht for a'considor.
and sparkling matter elected. After 4 able tlmo. It Is not vet announrml
o'clock tho , disturbance gradually do- how tho expenses of tlio commission
creased, but the n iso of the boiling will bo paid. Tho civilian mombors
cauldron Is still audlblo at a distance, will bo ontltled to a per diem to be
fixed by the president.
tno of them to death and fatally
wounded tho third man. Thu three
companions of tho men, n ho wore w atch
Ing tho houso, realising their dangor,
immediately got away. Tho robbers
secured no money.
J ho wounded robhor refuted to make
any statement as to identity.
But He Will be the Alan who Really Runs
the Arbitration Hoard.
stipulations concerning non-alionation
of territory In that region.
; Roosevelt Doing Well.
Washlngton.Oct.2i; While PresI-
dent Roosevelt was unable to ro to
Oyster Bay to register his vote for the
November election, he will go homo to
vote. The president is progressing
finely toward complete-recovery , and la
now able to move abopt "without crutch
es or even a cane, but his physicians
have advised him not to travol any dis
tance ox nt least two'w'oek's. ijor this
reason lie'wilt ' be Unable to attend the
inauguration of President -Wbodrsw
WllaonuOfi PrlncAtnm nnlvomllv nl.
though he had epxressed his particular
desire to bo present when President
Wilson Is installed.
fael is ono of the greatest items of ex
pense in operating mines in that section
of the state.
Wheat Walla Walla, 04c; bluo-
s torn 08c; valley, 06ie.
Barley Feed, $20.00 per ton: brew
ing, izi.uu.
Flour Boat grado, 3.00Q3.C0; grab
am, $2.853.20.
MlllBtutls Bran, $18.60 per ton;
middlings, $23.50; shorts, $10.50;
cnop, lit
Oats No. 1 white, $1Q1.02; gray,
racist! per cental.
Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,
V.ou; cueat, per ton.
Potatoes Best Bnrbanks, J5Q70c
persacic; ordinary, 6050c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $1.75Q
2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.5013
Earthquake In South.
Chattanooga. Tenn.. Oct. 21 A dis
tinct earthquake shock, accompanied
by a muffled rumbling like distant
thunder, was felt here this afternoon at 4.25; per pourd, 10c; hens, $404.60 per
6 O clock. The chock was of esveral .1 riviin nnp rrttini1 1 tn smtnnn s O sTA
soamds duration and shook houses very 3 per dozen; fryers, $333.25; broil-
percepllbly. Doors and windows worb ers, $22.50; ducks, $5(36.50 per doz-
rattled and many people rushed from en; turkeys, young, 1012c: g.oso,
their homes in fright. At Lafayette, $00.50 per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 13M3
Go., the shock was felt severely, the
earth seemed to heave under the feet
of pedestrians. Reports of quakes
have been received from a numbor of
towns in Tennessee and Georgia.
-ri r - . .- ,
Dewey Is Honored.
Philadelphia, Oct. 21. At a mcoting
Dr. William Rlddlck Whitehead, one t(day ol tho board of governors of tjie
14c; Young America, 14 14 J$;
jactory prices, Jbjiu less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 2730i
por pound; extras, 30o; dairy, 18
20c; store, 12015.
Eggs 22K27.)c per dozen.
JIops New crop, 21023c por pound
Wool-Valloy, 12K15c; Eastern
New York Bank Palls.
Now York, Oct. 18. The failure ol
tbo banking house of Oilman, Son &
Co., of 02 Codar street, this city, was
announced late today. The liabilities,
it was said, aro less than $200,000, and
it was added that no other New York
concern would bo affected. Tho bus!
nefB of Gilman, Son & Co, was largoly
in larm mortgages. J ho houeo was
foundod In 18C0 by Wilnthrop S. Gil
man, who came horo from St. Louis
ffntnniorn i t, . . . , to ,oU'0 any Vint upon which there is about serving longer in Greece, and
complete surprise, the firm being noted U dispute." was willing to got out of tho Toy In
Spokane Man Trsniferred from Chile at a
Loss of $3,500 In Salary.
Washington, Oct. 10. Henry I,
Wilson, of Spokane minister to Chllo.
has secured a European mission, but at van "'nn'il as commandant of
a great sacrifice of salary. Ho cots a I.,."'.'.- ""v'. .1P.U'!',BIH'
Thomas O. Selfrldxe. Sr.. Oldest Llvlnr
Officer of His Rank,
Boston. Oct. 17. Rear Admiral
Thomas O. Belfrldgo, Sr.. U. 8. N., re
tired, la dead at tho McLean asylum at
Wavorly. Ho was probably the oldest
living officer of that rank In any navy
In tho world, and (hero Is no ctlmr
navy which had two ndmlrals, father
and son, both retired. Tlio elder nil
mlral was born In Massachusetts, and
was appointed to tho navv from that
stato on January 1, 1818. Tho son,
Rear Admiral Thomas O. Belfrldgo,
was born Fobruary 10, 183(1, and Jolnod
tho navy nt tho aeo of 15. Thn saiyui.1
eldost son Is Commander James Russell
Solfrldgo, born July 11, 1840, and In
tho navy slnco 1804.
When tho civil war broko out Com-,
mender 8olfrldgo was too far advanced
In years to accent actlvo dulv im.
and again in 1873.
... i -ft-". ... iuiu. in ino inLinr trair
Washington. Oct. 20.-Hon. Carroll B,ml,nr Pn ,n urocco at $0,500 n year, all retired officers wore withdrawn l,nm
I). Wright, as recorder of tho commls- wniio his prosont position pays $10.- actlvo service, and Admiral HolfrM
sion to arbitrate tho anthracite coal dls- 000. This could not hovo bcon brought ro,tIel nt Georgetown, 8. C, but for
pute, will not havo a voto. The f o - about had not tho m nlslnr in many years ho pa d annual visits in
lowing autborltivo stotomont Is made: Grcoco kindly consented to retire. In 8nn 'rnclsco, whoro ho had two soils'
"ino commission Is so const tuted order to mako n acea for snvnrnl nmnl. residing.
that it will require a two-thirds vote Minister Francis was not particular
Army to be Reduced.
Wflfthtnvlnn fW 17 fl..l- III I .
That means that Colonel Wright is ordor to promote John B. Jackson, now issuod by tho war department tomorrow
not to bo regarded as a mombor of tho first oocretarv of tho omlmsav nl H.rii.. nnlnrlni. n..t ...J..i.. , . .
commission in passing upon questions Tho pressure of Wilson's frlonds to got duced to the minimum aothorltod bv
at issue bofore it. An official of tlio him a placo In Europe, and tho induro- law, 50,000 men. With tho practical
Unalaska Schooner Wrecked.
C-aHli. 1 Q Tl.n1lllt trn.l..l..
j ..., j w . , Aw. ,UgiwUu.luu h, nu uniwiai uj ino uiw u jimuo in Europe, nnu tno induro- law, ou,uuu men. With tho practical
schooner J. P. Ward Is a complete war department, with a great deal of mont to Jackson to eocuro llio Chilean cessation of outbreaks In the PhllltJ
wreck In Inanuda bav. Unimak Inlnml I exnorioneo. s.ihl! Imlnalnn uJ.IM. I. ....n, 11 enn I l 1. .... "'".I"
Bohring sea. Her passongors and crow J,In all mi'ltary boards and courts than that of Greece, hrnmrht ni.m,i. nfl,',lonn ti. . ' J. .n..
escaied through tho greatest good the recorder has no voto, hat ho Is thochango. Again, tho Chilean mlsslon Urmy Is about 07.000. The cavalrv
fortune. Five of the nnmborcamn near man who runs tho hoard." I has aIwavh Iimii! . .i ..mi 1 '.
starving to death atler reaching : land Colonel Wright will keep the rec- portant than Greece, and Wilson's toXmln
I'll rt Iril Ifl ra e tliA ill.nalnr ham nhln ,A I n nl a oiimmstn tnn.A- x-.... ..a It . I At..-.. 1. 1 1 . . I . . ' vvvi( tl UUilti
1 A , , . i . . . -1 " " .,i.iiI., uiiv mo wuuuuw, iiiii.uKii urougni about by port ixiavonworlh. Kan., whoro tho
llV nnnlnln niinrljiB r.ln.liitncif m..l.. nr.lnra nf tl.A ivtmml..lAn ....1 I ..h... I . , , -1 . ... . ! ..nil,, niiuru 1110
, ,7 , " w.ww. .uu.....wg.ul. 1.WHK1JIH H.wo. ,.,c.ouiw, in uui cunsiuored a pro- commands will bo kept to full slzo for
of tho steamer Portland, which reachod prepare its report under Instructions. motion. 1 educational reasons
port touay. Thoy wore conveyed to
Dutch Harbor by tho Unltod States
revenuo cutter Manning, which rescnod
uvo oi tno survivors.
Coal Speculators PflnlcStrlck'en.
New York, Oct. 18.-
poutlca causes Riots. President Is Himself Airaln.
D T fi T . . ... I .... .
uuii .uau. i . it,, uci. 1U i'lmrn Wnali notnn tl in i. i i .
ore rioting and shootlnea at nollllesl UnonnvAH ...i ..t i'h .
meotlngs in sovoral town, yesterday, for tho first time since tbo operation-
Tho most fmrlnim flliilii.KnnA ..... , I. - I . i , ... . ii.iuh
ho has
of the most distinguished physicians Thomas Jefferson memorial association P'r?0?' BHC' mofl,r. 2928c,
"""J- prosiuent, and the board consists of Mutton Gross,
tjovonieen peroom iv uuuor wimi , ...ouira-nuui eacu oi mo original dressed, oc.
at Indianapolis for robbing graves, it ia states, tno district of Columbia and Lambs Gross. 3Ho
. . .. , . , .. . i . . inA'ii. . l.l ... i . .. . I . . ... --"-"i -vaw
IS believed tno remain ot at ivs iuu.uo (noiioo, jus werrjiories aro dressed, 04c.
people have been stolen, ine granq represented by lion, Mark A. Smith, Hogs Gross, 0h7e
Jury ia Inquiring Into tho matter. ,of Arizona.
I dressed, 77c.
por pound;
per pound;
Navy to Take Over Transports,
Washington, Oct. 20. Actine Secro
tary Darling, of tho navy department,
conforrod with Secretary Itoot. Quartor
....... n I T...1I l i Im - . . ,. ' ...w Mini VI
Coal dealers Glllesnio. chief of onclnnnr.. .1 iZI. n, il,rn.t n.lnZ. '""i"'". r! 'UI urmou .on 18 'f Ihdlanap
who have been speculating In cargoes of department todav 'will. real to thn Hnn, hU. Vn7r 7i Z r...'. .V".0," " l".0.."r", '." ' '
soft coal for future dellvorv aro reported transfer nf tl.n Vn v i ir"" '7" .," Vt""7," "r PU01 c- l8 has appar
panic-stricken ovor tho outlook tor V. recovered a argo amount of its
speedy resumption in the anthracite lonr nee, 1 In -.T-.i-X iVJiuTt " ms" . 1n" I ""H "? longor !) to use a
fields and a numbor of largo lots have sorvipe to tho n.vy department use . "The t'iir o Federals and 11 p7e dent weTou? for a drlvihror'.0
been dumped upon tho market. Pr ces as hosn ta or reco vlmr shins. Ar. nlkr..,.,. ,n..n.i,i a. h."".11 ,wont or 0 .drlvo through
of bituminous have declined from rangomenls for tho transfer of jurlsdlc shots wero fired In various oars of the lours On h'l. vf.. i tVi
around $10 lo $5.60 a ton. Domestic tlon oeor thn trnn.nnrii rn i.i . Lu ..J Z L'l i.i. . ..!..?a"B.0 11,0 oa": "P.1'1? retlTn ' woilf owr to
sizes of anthracite still bring $18 to ly completed today.
.u, nut mis can last put a lew days
in viow of tho ponding settlement. Macedonian Uprising Spreading,
strong llox Stolen. Danish l.ln,1. inn n-
-n...l. i .... . "F'
v iwvuriu, ii, v .uui. ill. .ininrmn. l llnnnnlmnnn n.. 11 mi.- . .
iln?".! IfMr,",!.t...b "..y. "7 1'C.8l0 Of tho
6b500gSldIms,to W
.!... .. . .1,.. oi.f - i .; ' .. o.l. -- m uu UllllUd
' wiiina unu manna atatos, i'remlor rinnnlrn-
London. Oct. 20. Ai1ulrn
Shaw Duya Up More Bonds. hero from Salonlca. Enrnnnnn T.l-
Now York, Oct. 18. It was reported datod Mondav. Oct. 13. rnnni-t il, l '
on tho slock oxchange today that the surrcetlon in Northorn Macedonia to bo
DTOmmir-iuiij nwuiurjr uuu uuukik snroauimr. J. lie leiegrntiii wirnn haun
Kuvriiuiuii "onus 10 mu amount oi been
$ 16,000,000. Qn the host of authority Moln
It was stated today that a syndicate had Ish r
arranged to sell n hlnek nf tlf) 000 finn lunn
w J v UU UIUDICU irUIl LOIlBIflniinnn I tn Hit ntl. nnitna im u amm ll.iV ... A -.1 I 1 I . -rv.mvw
I ica Immediately. I gnment of' oZ' " S i ' WUh n0 Bmnteoo(,
CUt in SOVOral nlacos lintunnn Mimmi.r'nn.n nn l,n. l. ii..., ...
dk and DJumbala. and manv Turk. onJ Ken in V"..?"'u",or " ".""W
reserves nt Salonlca havo "airendv mn Zp.n' V""' "JT JTL !" u "-'wo alternatives, I.I.H.. i.i..t' . T. : yj .. " u4 wiuitjuiior mo coBsion oi the islands, or an
icrotary of tho treasury.
prlco is bolievod to bo about $137.60.