4 SB Sumo of ttio Happening About Town During the Past Week. Koike, The (Vynliil ColiHollilnloil Mluliur Co, will hold their minimi Mtock holdcro mcethiir hero Nov, BStli, nil. Dm Kit totihrht. I)r. mill Mm. Willi vbdled Hiiireno nitiutmy. For ilniRH nnil pittciil iihmIIcIiich iiciihoii DriiK ('ii. J, II. Crow wisx over from I.oriuiii Hnttinlny. Diirwln llrlxtnw tniiiMiicli'd bind iii'hh at Eiikviii' Miiinlity. V. II. Mitrlln vIhIIoiI (lie ooiinty 1 ; . I .Iiim. IIci.hoiiIh .nJo.vh.KU tin .iiitiww. ivniy, Mirinuriv oiuiu irum um ihiih iiiih witk. Viimuifnl) i'nu In Hmfitt Intit tvtwil .... 1 , . I i,' wiim u county Wt iiuiirn iit'iiitiiMvuj rviimiuu i urn miuir mHi run llrdfiy. Intifnjtiii it 1 iliul iiiiuM 1 fit t tit intlni i ' n,,,v ' Dr. Lowe, tin, optician. Ih coiiiIiik tiki noriiiiiiiiinii piiHHiMiKi'r wiih mum. nee iiiiich hi next Ihhiii1. I'ViTiil Hoiii'M into v oiiiutiiiiiy morn Atty. Yoinijr witH trmiHiiclhiK bind U'HH nt Uiikciik Wcilncndiiy. A Mrn. Ilryiui. n( Wnllii Wiilln, Ih ..i .1 i.... i.. i... ..it 1 1... .-....t ..f m .... m. ,......., ..... " - KCIUMUI ,IIH HM hlHt Hlltlinhiy. tllu Uitl t In Ititfillftls it'll ii fu I Dr. .MrAlllxtcr wiih up from Kiiucni' tfiuiltlK Um'U of .. vliltwl lit home : ,aMl M"m,,,i" " ITi.f. HHlcuml I...hIi..-hh. over Hundiiy. j MIhm Nuvn I'crkltiH wiih up from ii,.i...h .... i f ' KiWiie nnil vIhIIciI In tli city Hun. IiIh trio to "Olii MlHHOiirl mul nil t It ! .ioniiiii i-iuiiMou mul rmiiny orriciiN lint Hill vMted frlfinlH lu-tv IumI Mini' iii'hh ut ICitin-ne Wcdncrtdiiv I'rcHlili'iit .1. I,. lHoy wiih In Ku wny from Pike." (It'orKi) Cooloy Ih over from I.itko county thin week vlHlthig IiIh hither mul nroiiicrH oi iiiih pnicc. U'Htou UwIh, who Ih In the I'm ploy of llio llnotli-Kclly Co. at Co liiint, vlidted itt home Hutiitiiy. iluy. Jitmi lli'iui'iiwity mudc u ImihIui'hh trip to ItOM'Imrir t!ii flint of the week. Herman T. Dow, the timber Ioni um .I,.,. llL..rl,,,M nnnillnimnwl ! ' " 'minimi Hie CIllllll.V will fiom'the I'hllllp'H ivrildciico 'into the! l,"'K""-v' Lurch letddcncu on the went nlile. LdiiIh II. Huliiliix Ih now auiiHHiiyer at (.ottitKe l i rove. .Many uiiKliinil 'rll'llllH WlHll III lit HIII'I'I.'HH In all thn t.Tin IniplleH. Oakhiuil Owl. The uiuii or woman who net-iln uImhhoh anil faltn to ciiiihiiU Dr. I .owe imtH n ilent In their head where the liiimp of Koil Judgment hIioiiIiI Ih. Kd McDonald, of KiikIiiiiw, who nun lieeu In the hoHpltal at Lunelle for'neveral weekn with a liiully lirnlHcd hIiI( returned homo Hiindny. .Urn Yotmp'r, the fnmoiiH outhiw, committed Hiilclde hint Hiiuilny atKt l'aill, Minn. IHh riudi act wiih duo liiru'i'ly to ileHpoiiiluncyaudlll health. Kveryday there are N'oplu In our cltv looking for IiiihIiiwh omiiIiikh and had anyone a denlre to kvII they would i-ertiilnly have an opportunity to do ho. Kiihvoii thueyen, cnny on the now. uhiHKeM IHUmI hy Dr. l,owe. See him next Monday and Ttiiwlay. Oet.'.'i and MS atHherwoiHl llouw. CoiihiiI. t nt Ion iHfree. Mm. HerlMTt Knklil U vlMltlllir rela- tlvcH III Hpoknnu when nlie exHtH to remain hoiiiu time. Mr. P.aklu in now ellnllilii to the married uien'H lllKh Old I.oucHomo Chili. The Hutp'lio Carnival wiih a howl lui; HiirrcHH fliinuclally JiiiIkIiik from the report of the hoard of dlrecton which hIiowh n Imlance of f 4KI.1I af ter all exiwiiHeH are paid. Thero will Ik a danw nt the ohtii Iiouhii thin (Krlday) eveuliiK tor which the KiiKeiio orchwtra will ftirnlMli iiiiihIc Uveryhody Ih Invited to attend what proinlncH to Ik' adrHl rhiHH iliinte. Thw total ecllpHo of the moon hint ThurHday uvenhiK wiih vIcwimI Ii.v a lurKii iiuiiiIht of our towiiHH'ople from HUtrt to IIiiIhIi. It ntarted to eater the nlmilow hooii alter ekht o'cl(H"k mid ciimo out In-foro twelve. The trial trip of eiiRlne No, 1! of the OrcKim & HoiitheiiHtern railroad wiih made Wedm-wlny to mid from the iiul of the road. Thin eiiKliie Ih a .win nlHtor of No. 4 which Iiiih Inrn In uh on tho rondforHevenilinontliH. The football kuiim at Kiikviic hint "iitiinlny lietwiwii Alliany mid the of O. did not coiuo fully up to ex litt'tutloiiH of tho crowd. It. wan very tmno iind rumiltcd la a Bcoro of 0 toO which wan really n victory tor Allmny. Tim coiiHtructloii of n new olllce tnilhlhiK-14 tout hy ' feet lor the linn of I,omr & IlliiKlimn Ih well under way thlH week. It Ih located Junt north of J. C. Loiik'm Mtoro iutohh the track mid when completed will I m a Hplpiullil olllce building. I'u run 1m iK'warol Newlect of child ren entailH uttoiithem a bitter herl tiu?o throiiKh ll'c. Many a child Ih unJiiHtly termed dull and Indolent mid accuHed of llcfectlvo lntelliH:t whem defective vIhIoii Ih the nolo cailne of trouble. Dr. I,owo Iiiih for 10 yearn iinide a HpiH'lalty of lltthiK kIiihuch to chlldn'ii'H eyen. Tliu NiijtKt man would llkeneveral conU of wood on HUlmcrlption. We urn not. particular whether It Ih hard orHott wood If it Ih cut Into Htove wood leiiKtliH, Kliould the wood atiiouutto more than you wlnli to pay on HuhHcrlptluii we can niHle a few 'pluukH" with which to pay you tliu illffemnce hi ciihIi, CurtlH Yealch killed another llnu youiiK black bear out oiiAiIiiiiih burn a few iiiIIch went of town hlHt Tiich day. WwIiiCHday ho brought It to town where the chiviihh wiih taken chnrKO of by llurtel & Veatcli, liutcherH, who iIivhhciI It and put Homo of tho choice Hteak on tho iimrlict. Thn mlnoi-H and mining moo nro licKlunhifr to urrlve from llohemlii liavliiK llulHlied their Hiimmer'H work In that camp. However iiiiiny will remain tlioro ilurlnj? tho entlro winter, uh ipilto a number oi 'the leading camim will continue ilcvelopmeiit work roKiinlloHH of winter and Uh deep hiiowh. KupplleH lire IioIiik riiHlied In every day for the winter. There Ih no doubt In anyono'H mind that our little city and the llo liciula MlnliiK Dlntrlet arc uttracthiK more iitteution thlH fall thnnot'er bcloiuln their hlntory. A Kliiucout tho hotel rcirlHtct'H ami n Htroll about our Htreota will coavlncft anyone that 1,. II. HIIL'IC IIH'.lltlt' llM'llll'll I'll lumlila minium claim In the llohemla .-viiuuiK DlHtrlct. I'or mire ilruuH and carefiillv tioiiudeil pn-HerliitloiiH call at the lleiiHou DriiKCo HHtoiv. MIhh Marie riiompHOii, one of the hlKh hcIiooI tfiichci-H, vUlled her nome in KiiKeiie IiiHt Kuntliiy. Kchool tabletH, lead in'McIIm, h-iih. Ink, piiH!ror any tiling elne In thin line at the lleiiHou Drut; I'o'h nlore. Mrn. .1. II. Ilrowu wiih up from Ku pneKaturilay ami Sunday vIhIUiii' her daughter. Mrn. Uv W. Henry. Mr. ami Mm, Arthur (1. Vouni;, for merly of the CiihIi (IriK-ery, were up from IhiKcne Siiuilny ami Mouilav una vIhIi. We have a couple of line roouiH front Ink: on .Main Htnvt above thin olllce which can Ik- llxed up for ik eupmicy on Hhort notice. Dan lleck came down from llo hemlii a wiVk or two iiko and loft HiIh week for lllaekliutte where lie will work during the winter. Win llcnuctt Iiiih reHliruetl IiIh iiii- hIIIoii In Hie poHtolllce and the work there Ih now U'lnir done bv C. .1. Howard and IiIh able deputv Chan. Duttoil. The wroiiK lawn-H will ruin the ntroiW"t eye. Dr. Lowc'h kIiikhch Htri'iiKtheii the eyen and brain. Siv him next .Monday iind Tumilav. Oct. J7 anil 'JS. The football game at KtiKcne WnliieHilny iH'tween Wliltmiin Col li'Keaiid the If. of O. rcHiiltcd ilia wore of I! toll In favor of the Htate lliilverHlty boyn. Many who have lioiucHteailed IIiiiIm'I- laud aru Ik-coiiiIiiit aliirined for fear of IohIiijc It Jiy contcHt and n iv proving up on It an tlmlHTclaluiH ornre having their In-tter IiiiIvchiIo HO. The eiiterprlHhiK llnu of (iarmaii & llemenwiiy have recently built quite a comuioilloiiH wartdioiiKe la the rear of the brick they occupy, nmile ikwh Hiirv by theexteiiHlon and Increawof their htiHlucHH. ThroiiKh mlHtako the following JiiiIkvh namcH were omltteil from the write-up of the Oregon Mineral SiiringH Fair: Mrn. Win, llnluhrhlge of Klkhcad, MIhhch Myron I'Iiht mul Krnilue Veatcli, of Cottage drove. Don't forget Dr. Lowe, KugeuoV well known oculo-optlclmi, will lx In Cottage drove ut the Sherwood 1101140 110x1 Monday and to noon of TucHilay, Oct 27 anil US, If you nwil gltiHWH don't fall to have him tent your eyen iih he may not come again thlnyear. Van AIIIhoii nnil lilii Hunting moved their burlier nhop Into their new ipmrtei-H iktohh tho ntreet WedueKiliiy evening. Among other new (IxturcH they have added to their equipment Ih a bran new por celain lined bath tub which Ih "a thing of iH-nuty," J, A. CoiihIiih, of Now Hartford, Iowa, wiih a lileiiHiiut culler at thin Huiictum WcdiicHiluy. Ho Ih on a tour of the wcHt mul It Ih IiIh flint trip to the count which he IIiiiIh of much InteroHt. During IiIh Htny hen. ho iHHwapplngyariiHwIth A. l,lncoln mid other old time ucipiatntanceH of the cunt. The'bnHket Hoclal given by the DaughterH of Itebekah'H at the ban 1 1 not hall IiiHt Saturday evening wiih not an much of a huccchh uh wiih dc Hlnd owing to tho Odd Fellow'H Kooret hchhIoii, which hung lire until a lute hour, during which time tho weary ouch went home. Howuver, wo iiroillet that tho next attempt will I io a llatterlng huccchh. Tho now building on Mala Htreot iut up by AIIIhoii ami MiuIkcii Ih al lium! completed and will be occupied by them thlH weekv It Iiiih lioen lifted throughout wltlieli'Ctrle llghtH, now awntngH have been put up and the blllhlliig put. In flrnt cIiihh Hlmpo In every iTHpcet. It iiiIiIh much to tho appearance of Main Htreot mid will alforil tho Iio.vh iih line rooniH uh thoy could ilenliv. John Lingo, aged LM yenrH, and Jane Lingo, aged II- yearn, brother and NtHter, rt'Hldlng near Junction City, were brought to KugenoFrhlny morning and examined for humility before County Juilgo II, It, Klncalil Selover. They were both ordered committed to tho Iiikhiio asylum, and uepury nneriii n. i,. jtnwn aim n. . Hylnnd rook them to Snlem thin afternoon. Iloth have been lmbccllcH from birth, twinging the mailt of a conHiiugiitiieouH marrlago. Eugene (luaril. Line-up At Drain. the town Ih full of transient people i nil i,v iir. 1.. w. iimwn ami v. I iieivri,v an mi- loin', iiiuii ui .,,. nrouioru than travelling men making tho iimml rouiulH. Some dityn ih inany uh fifty aro fed at ouch of tho two leading IioIcIh ami half uh many nt other plneoH li town, till trim HlentH. The autumn dayH am hoiv. Tho nun HWlngH Hoiithward uh ho pIIoh IiIh courHO acroHH tho dome of luuro "mi illmrH down. IiIh irohlcn UIhhch on tho ileecy veil that nature HtrotcliCH twlxt the earth and Hky to hldo from Tho following Ih tho llnq-up of tho vlowtho tearHthat coiiHtnitt fall It football team: Small, CjFlnnlty, L. fiutuiuii HeuHon and tho winter , iinwinv it (1 McKihbon I. t through. And nature cl.ui.gCH ..'.'H . aIIIhoiV It T Fniereon L F Cur ircnt coat ol green for ono llko AUIhoii, Jt, i i-nierson, i is.., uur- '.acoli'H with Uh many colorH-patchcH rln, It. H, Cnpt.; Hlalr, L. H.jGrlllln, l ore of yellow, tliero' oi gold, mid . , n.s Tnylor, T,i IIIH, Q. .tronkHof brown ft cnuy nulltilo- lgncd, artlHtlc, Htich iih Ho alono can make who wouvch In nuturo'H loonl. II. Hnwloy, J. McKlblion, Thomp- Kiigone HeglHtor. I son. great big double IIhIciI, well fed duffer called at the "Central liar' hiiIooii WcdncHilny uiorulug ami iihIomI of the genial, whole-Houleil proprietor Juo. Crowley, the iiccch- Hiiry coin to piiri'lmw Homethlng with which to iiih-uho the lillliger of u "poor cripple, exlilliltlng the Htiinip of an itrni to iiiako IiIh ntpicHt more ImprcHHlve. Of coiitho John Htarleil to "dig up" but HOiuethliig about the fellow ciuiwil John to be u bit HiiHplcloilH and he priM-eciled to lavcHtlgatc the matter. The liunky 1 1 1 1 1 v-1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 OllJiH'teil, llllt .lOllll HT hIhUmI. with the rcHiill that thr fel low wan found to Ih the iiiMWHHor of two good Hound ariiiHiiml iiIho legn which he made iihc of by "hiking" for the wooiIh, where hu nmile IiIh (IImiip IK'iirance. Hvery day or two the town Ih "worked'' by Homebody ami no liivcHtlgntlon Ih made iih to whether the unfortunate Ih a fake or a fact. lt iih all profit by JoIiii'h experience and Ihi hiiiv we are giving to Houie ilewrvlng unfortiiuate. To Organize (jun Club, livery mini in the city that liiipeiiH o Ih- the owner of a hIioL gun ami Ih apable of hitting "a flock of damn" Ih rtiiicHtel to Ih; at tlilw olllce on next TueHilay evening at 75') to help irgaulze a gun club. No ipiallllca- tlou iih to iiiiirkKiumiMlilp Ih reiiulred, n'liieinlH'r. Ready Tor Iluslncni. Frank SkllluiHii and Jan. lleiiHou have Jimt ojK'iied up a lirau new HtiK'k of grocerli'M In the C'lemcut'H blllhlliig Jimt ucroHH tho bridge on the went Hide where they will Ih plenwil to meet nil old and many new ctiH' tomerH when they am In need of any thing In their line. TIicho gentlemen iH'llevu (Irmly In printer' Ink mid our rciulci-H will hear from them throtigl our coliliniiH In the montliH tocome, Cauitlit A faker. KTItlCKKN WITH I'AKALVSIS. HeliitiTKuu drlliictt. of thin nlucu. hiik triclcvn with niirlial iiiiriilvnlii mill cum- ilutcly lout the uxe of one nnil unil Hide. After Miik treuted hy mi enilnent iliynlcliiii (or iuiton while Hithoiit re let, my wife recoiiimendiMl Cliumbvr aln'H ruin lUlm, mid utter lining two HjttliM ol it lie 1m almost entirely cum). Oko. It. McDonald. Man, Ixiksii county, W..Va. fvveral other very reliinrknlile rurm ol partial pnrnlyHin have Ihi-ii t'lrected hy.the use ol thin liiiiineiit. It la niont wldelv known. xmever, iia n euro fr rhcimmtiaiii, iiiriiinn nnil hriiUea. Hold hv I.voiibA Appli-gute, Drain. Ileiiaou l)riig Co., uoiihko iirovo. NOTICK Ol' AI'I'MCATION Foil MI.NKUAI. PATENT. ItiMiBCua, Omimx. OrtoWr nth inn. N'(ttlia t ftlilill.tluti itt the Anpnmla OnM Mlulnx roinnjr ol lbilieiuU, k prldte cor IMimiiuu, aciing uj auu inruuvn ut iri'aiurer M. Yoiinff. (or a itcnt (or the Okx CoygoLi. HAIHD grRn claim, lloliainU Mining ! rii-i, ine auu uougiui roatuiri, orvvou. nirom tin I'nitii. Rtatu Likd Orrirc at Itixiacao, 0i., Octo ber h, lu. Notice Ii Iicrebr Klren that the Anaconda dol.1 MliilnnComMinyi( llobvtnla. a wlrate corimratlon. iirrantteO ami exUtloff umfar ami ut virtue oi wie iawa oi ine aiaie oi Oregon, wllb ill .rlncl4l oince and place ol btulneu at Kujceue, Iine county Oiecon, acting; by, tbrouKli and under Ita treasurer C. M. Yountr, whow MNtomce la aald Kutene, Laue county, Orenon. haa Hied aiinllcation lor intent (or Ibe (ietn Cniiaolltlatcl ljuarti Claim, situated la tbe Itolienua Mlnlna Dutrlct. Lane and lKua laaiiunllaa Orcfton, and dcalcintted by the livid notei and otllclal plat on flle In this office aa Mineral Hurrey No. U, and Ijrlnr lu aectlon II lonmlilpzl loulb, range No, 1 call, tbe aald (lem Oonwilldaled guarti Claim, coniUtlnir o( ine nuoe toue niiuinr claim, eiaimiLK iwu linear feet tliereot with ur(ace Kround aa shottii ujioii the o Iclal plat on die In thla omcecxcet.i aeonnicioi i.wi acrea won ine Vri urlua lode mining claim, which confllctlna' areala hereby excluded ;o( the Reco lodemlnint; t'laiiu, riaiminic oav linear icei oi ine aaia looe with aurlace ground aa ahoun uinin the aald iai-anu oiino item mining claim. Claiming 371 leet o( aald lode with aurlace around aa pbowuupon aald official plat. Theinagnetlc Tarianon irom an uck lo si oeg l mill caul. ine aiu miue lone i ueacriueti aa ioiiowbi Iiegliinliic at corner No 1 a pout 3U (cet long, 4 lnchea aouare aet IH lllchea In Ilia around acrllivd 1-IU. flr J Inchea diameter bean 8. iieirw m leet. A nr zi incnea diameter bear Udce W 41 (cetboth (aced andicrlbedMU UT The mlucral monument vrecte.1 In (urrer No. 2JVbearir7'.liieir w mln K ,1X9 Icrt. The I, section corner online betneen acctlona 11 and it, ol , si a. rie nuiami'ilo Meridian, beart VtdcKlAllllll w 730(1. Tbenco N &2 dee 1A lulu w 121 (cat to corner i, 'll thence N .11 deir K ,VX1 (i,et to corner. NoSl Ihcnceaonlh Udeg 1J mln east 1W0 leet to corner No ttthene south M deg weitaou (ect lo corner No, S: thence south Kl deg so mln weal 8lH (eel lo corner No I and place o( begin ning, and conlalnlnKexclustre o( the conflict with the Vesuvius mining claim, 17.009 acres. The Keco lode ii described aaiollowii Ileglii' nliia at corner No 1 aiost 4 (ect lone- 4 lnchea xiuiiru set 18 Inches In the ground scribed 1-413. A lirS lnchea In diameter hcara north 31 deg east illl (cel. A plnu 10 lnchea In diameter bears aotilh 4' Kfo (eel, both laced and scribed i-HJ ii i, ine'i aecuon corner ioieen seca II and II Tl. 8 It 1 K bears aonlUCT deg 47 mln Kir.l7leet. Thence north 7S Ucg IJ min VN9 (eet in cor tin thence north 91 1ck K kis reel toeorNuSi thence aouth 77 deg so inlnK AVtlt locor No 4i Ihence southM lieu W IVJSIt tn cor No land plaioot beginning, and conlalnlug nacres, Thedeui UhIo lsdeorlltcd asfollowa: Mceln- ntng at cor No 1 Identical with cor No 2 Item lode and with 8 K cor ol the location. Thel, Kcctton corner betn eon seca U and II t23H u I i:ix-r south ludcg 1U mln K SOlild ; thence north TJileg'.Minln w 137111 locor Nog; thence notlli 91 deg K Uialt lororNo.1; thence Kulh7J ilcxSOinln K l.t74It tocorNo tithenre routhSl ilotr w Kft to cor Nol and place o( beginning nil cotilaliiliiir 1Q.K12 acrea. The ltd area ior wnicn paieni is apoueo lor I tho aald (lem Consolidated (luarti Claim. (terexeeKtliiK Ihe aald coutllct with the Ye. anvlua Imle. which aald conflicting area tanot lalined ny inoappiu-aui, ii 4u.uo acrea. The nonce oi location oi ine aaiu Mtue 10.11. ia I rciHird In tho orlico o( tho I'ountr Clerk o( PouKlas (Niunty. Oregon, In Vol. ft page 123 Hoc ordsol Mining Clalma (or said County, and la also ol record in ine oniceoi ineiiouniy Merit ol Mno l onniy, iircgon, in vol nou lmgoiwi llecordaot Mining Clalma for Lane toiinly, liregou. The nollco o( locAllon o(tho Reco lode liof record in tho olllce oil ho County Clerk ol (jitie County, Oregon. Ill Vol No 4 page 40U Record! of Mining Clalma (orsald Lane County, Oregon. The notice ol location o( tho Ucni lode liol record In the oClco ol the County Clerk ol Lane of Mining Claims oi !.auo County, Oregon. The presumed general course or direction ot IheaafdUem Consolidated Ouarta Clalui vein Is iiorlbnesierlr and loutheatterlyai shown upon said official plat. The aald (lem Conaolldated Quarti Claim conflicts, with Ihe Vesuvius lode as aforesaid and the Fawn mining claim adjoint on tho outh. Any and all persona claiming advorsely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises, or any portion thereof so described, platted, and applied (or, are hereby notified that unlosa their adverse claims are duly tiled according to law, and the regulations thereunder, within the time Jircscrlbud bylaw, with the Register ot the United Htatoa Land Office at Rnoturg. Dousltt County, Oregon, they will lo barred by (he provisions of the law tn inch onset made and provided, J. T, IIridoxh, Register. Date otflrst publication, October 17, A. l, 1002. Date oi last publication, December,-- a. D. 1902. Everything Iteli Clean SKILLMAN & BENSON, West Side Cottage Grove, Oregon. NOTICK tOil I'lMIMCATION. United fjtnten Uml Utlice, ItOKcburK, Oregon, Oct., II, 1 1102. Notice la hurehv uiveu Unit in coinnli- ii nro with the provlaiona of the net of ConiirCKH of June .', 187A, entitliil "An net for tliu ante of tlinher mini in the Stale of California, Oregon. Nevndn mul iisliliiflDii territory, n extemleil to nil the I'liblic IjiimI Htntea by net of Au liiiHl l, IKU'.'.Murtlm V. Kini;. of Cnewell, County of l.nne, State of Oregon. Iiiih thla (lav lllcl in thiaoflice Ilia aworn atutement No. 3017, for tho purchase ol the N!4 SVM AN SWJf .if Suction No. 2 Towimhlii 'i'tHouth, ol ItaiiKU ' West, mul will oiler proof toahow tlint the land nought la more vnlunlilo for tta limlier or atone tlinu for niiricultural purK,aea,nnil to eitnbliah Ida claim to kiiuI hind before the llejiistcrnnil Itcceiverof thiaofricent Hofvhtirir, Oretcon, on Wednewlny, the .flat day of Dec., W1. lie nninea ne witiicaaea . Iuln II. Hoiul. of ICiiirene. Line Co.. Ore., JaitieH lloirumn. of Kniiene, Ijine Co., Ore., I in lis ia N. Snltzrnaii, of Creo well, I-iiiie Co , Ore., Jumea N. llundle, of Knirinoiint, IJine Co., Ore. Any ami all peraona cIiiIiiiIhk mlverne the nhoro-deacribed Innila nre rc- Hiested to tllo their clalma in this oflito on or before aaiil 31 at day ol Dec, 1002. j. i. imiiKjka, iti-Kinor. CLEAN FRESH STOCK When you buy CofTcc Spites, Canned Goods Kruits, Kice, or xiny- otlier of the tiiftny things to eat, in the Grocery Line Of course you want them Clean and Fresh AT OUR STOREC NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Htntea Land Office, Kfwoburij Ore., Out. 11, lOttt. Notice ia hereby eiven that in com pliance with the provisions, ul the act of CoiiKreraof Juno 3.1878 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Statea ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended tonll the 1'u hi I c Land Statea by net of Aimuet 4. 1802. Peter Ilurkhart of Itloomer, County of Chippewa, State of wis., has tills day filed in tins office hla aworn statement No. 3638, (or tho purch aae of the S W M of Section No. 10, Township 20 South, of iiangeu west nmt win oner nrool to now mat the land souglit la more aluable for its timber or sfne than or agricultural purposes, and vo establish hla claim to said land before the Keg later and Receiver of this office at Rose- burg, Oregon, on Thursday the 2Gth day ii f eu., iwa. He names nn witnesses: William Mooro-Rosebunr. Ore.. Nick Moore. Walton Ore.. Sun Carpenter. of Sulpher Springs, Ore., Peter A. liurcii, ol uoseuurg ure. Any and all persons elalmlngaJ verse- Iv the nboveAlcscribed lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before eaid 20 day of Feb., 1003. J. I. liRiiHiEg, uegtster. NOTICE FOR PURU0ATI0N. United States Land Office, Rosebnrg, Ore . Oct. 0, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevndn, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by net of August 1, 1892, Carrie M. Hovey, of Kugeue, County of Lane, State ot Ore gon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 3022, for the pui chase of the S)i 8W M & 8W 1-4 SE 1-4 ofBection No. 12. In Tp 20 8. Range 2 AVcst, and will offer proof to show thai the land souglit is more vaiunuie ior its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to tnid land before Marie L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Monday, the 5th day of Jan., 1003, blio names us.witnesses: Herman T. Dow.Cottago Grove. Oro.. Albert U. Hov'ev. ol Eugene. Ore., Jos eph Schleo, Joseph E. Young, of Cot- tuge urove, ure. Any aim all persons cinuniiig au- vorseiy the nuovc-uescritMM lamia nre requested to tile their claims in this office on or beforo said 5th day of Jan., 1003. J. T. llRHHirs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Rosebttrg, Oregon, Oct., 10, 1002. Notlr-o la herebv elven that ill compli ance with tho provisions of the net of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol titular lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territorv'as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1892. Henry III. Wilson ot Ku- geiioUountv ol l.nne., otate oiuregon mis this day tiled lu this office his sworn Htutomuiit No. 3034. for the nurchaso of the S ft MV li & W X SW V of Sec, No. 12, Township 23 South, of Knnge 2 West, ami win oner proot to show that the hind sought is more vuliiublu for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish Ills claim to sain lanu oeioro ainno u. Ware. U. S. Commissioner at Eu gene, Oregon, on Wednesday the 7tl;day ofJiin.,1903. lie names as witnesses: James N. Itnndle, of Fairqiount, Ore., James Hoffman. Annie Wilson, of Lu geno, Ore., Austin Root, ol Springfield, Oregon. Any ana nil persons claiming adverse. Iv tho above-described lands ure ro- nested to II lo their clalma In tills olllce on or before Bald 7th day of Jan., 1003. J , T, llimxiKS. Register, Rend the itildn lit thin Inane. JEROME KNOX Mtorney-at-Laiv Prompt attention paid to Mining- Dullness Cottaor Grovb. Orb. faW. :: :): :: : -3 3: 11 'T. Ml II Mil 9 PLEASIN CLOTHES For Well Dressed Men. When we buy our Stock wc are Anxious For Rare Quality and Right Prices. We arc Anxious to Procure for our Customers lv-LU" THE BEST THERE'S QUALITY STYLE AND FINISH in these Suits and Ever' Buyer Speaks of MAJt'W his Pleasure in owning them BLACK K m-' TPot the ISTect TWi T)a.vs it- 4:- Read real estate bargains of Jerome Knox & Co. We will sell our Regular's" $15 Suits for $11. AT PACIFIC TIMBER GO'S STORE, Under Odd Fellow's Hall, - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. NOTICE FOR I UI1MCATION. United Rtaten Iind Olllce, Roi-eburg, Oregon, Sept. 21. 1002. Notice is hereby given that in eouinli- nnce with the provisions of the net of, (VnffreiM of .Tumi H. 1K7H. entltleil "An ' net for tho sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Xevuda. and Washington Ti rritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802. William E. Prudhome,of Portland County of Multnomah State of Oregon lias tins uay tiled in this olllce his sworn staten.eiit Ko. 3.ri22, for the purchase of the Fractional S M of Section No. 20. in Township 21 South, of Range 8 West; and will offer prool tosliow- tliat tne land souglit is more valuable for Its timber or stone than fcr agricultural purpoxes, and to establish his claim t. said land before the Reg ister nnil Receiver of thisoflice at Rosc burg, Oregon, on Monday, the 2th day of Mar., 1003. Henry C I'rndhome, James 8. Tyr rell, Lydia C. Tyrrell, and George McClintoek allot I'ortlauil, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advers! Iv the above described lands are r- quested to file theirclainiB in thii office on or uciore sain -'in nay oi .nar , J. T. ISiniMiKs. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uniteil States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Oct 0, 1002. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act nt Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the Public Land States by act ol Au gust 4, 1802, Iuln It. Bond, ot Eu- f;cne. County of l-ane, State of Oregon i as this day filed In this office her sworn statement So. 3618 for the purchase of the 8H NE M& S NW 1-4 of Sec No. 2, in Township 23 South, of Range2 W. nnd will oner prool to snow mat me lanu sought is more valuable for its timber or stonotlian for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Marie 1. Ware, V b Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon, on Wednesday the 31st day of Dec., 1002. she names as witnesses : Emma N Saltzman, Martha V. King, of Creswell, Oregon, Jame9 N Handle of Fairmount, Ore., James Hoffman, of Eugene, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or tielore sum sist uay oi liec., iws. J. T. IJridgks, Register. e '- -ii! -if ri- lA- ! -1- L. ,-L. j iit -j. I On the campus of the Cottage Grove High School, that the intelligence of an individual depends first upon his or her intellectual capacity; secondly, upon the Literary company he keeps. YOU FUSNISH TUB CAPACITY Jt Cottage Grove Book Store Where the latest productions of all the best Authors are kept In Fiction and in Fact. Also a full line of School Books. Pacers and Peri. odicals. OXE DOOIl WEST OF rOSTOFFIGE. jS- 1- i- t 'i' "" ''- 'i -T- " -T- Jf- -T' -T- -T- -T- -T- -T- -f- -T- -T- -K NOTICE FOR I'LULICATION. United States Land Otllce, RoHelmrjr. Ore., Sept. Oth, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the actot Congreiw of Juno 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Statea of California, Ore Kou, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory." as extended to all the Pub lic. Land States liy act ol August 4, 1802, William W. Haines, of Eugene, County of Lane, State of Oregon has this day filed lu this olllco Ids sworn statement No. 3414 for the pur- wlll offerproof to show tlint the land sought Is more vnlualilo for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said hind liefore Slarlo Ii. Ware, U. S. Commissioner nt Eugene, Oregon, on Monday the 1st, day of Dec, 1002. He names as witnesses: H. T. Dow, Jomes Shlce, of Cottage Grove, Ore., Charles Haines, John Haines, of Eugene, Ore. Any and nil jwrsons claiming ad versely tho above-dcscrUied lauds aro requested to tliu their claims In this otllco on or beforo said 1st day of Dec., 1002. .1, T. llitiiiiiKH. Register. PIPER & ANYTHING YOU- WANT. ; in the way of Hardware, Tools and Jmblements, you can find at our store- Ark you going mihing? See our Stock of Tools and Sup plies before you , make- your pur chases. We Keep everything a Miner needs. VAN DENBURG "We Suit the Hard to Suit," Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that Tlie Cash Grrocery Co. Carry the cleanest and most Complete line oi roceries in the city. We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege tables in season. The Cash Grocery Co. J, E. WHEELER, Prop. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllce, Roseburg, Ore., Oct.0, 1002. Notice la hereby civeii that in com pliance with the provisions ot the act of Comirens ol June 8, 1878, entitled "ah net for the mile of tlmlier lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington," usextended to nil the l'ubllu Land Stales by act of August 4, 1802, Emma N. Sultziuan. of Creswell, County of Lone, State of Oregon, hns thin day tiled in this otllco her sworn statement No. 3010, for the purchase of the 8 U SE 1-4 AS SW 1-4 of Section No. 2, Townshln 23 South, of Rango 2 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to suldland Wore Marie L. Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday the 81st day of Dee. ,1002. She names lis witnesses; James N. Itandle, ol Fairmount, Ore gon, James Hoffman, Iuln Hliond of Eu gene, Oregon, Martha V. King, of Crea well, Oregon . Any uiulall persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to II lo their claims, in this office on or before said Slat day of Deo., 1002, J.T, Uridqks Register. DO VOU USE GHlWV? We manufacture all kinds of Milling and Mining Screens, and furnish all kinds of belting. Water Wheels of Every Description. All kinds of Flouring Mill, Ware house and Feed Mill Machinery. It will pay you to consult us in persou or by letter before buying. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. CROFUT, McAYEAL & CO., 49 First St., - - Portland, Oregon. TOUEftS' SVlPPXrt flOVlSE Bohemia, Oregoii.. (icucral Itlci'cIiniMUsc, ? ftliiici'S7 Tools and Ammunition. Fine residences, choice lots, bualnee blocks for sale Jerome Knox & Co. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS.