Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 10, 1902, Image 2

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Editor and Proprietor.
leredftlthu wtnffle lit OntUye Ofuve,
Oregon a i Second Clam mall maritr.
4uJnrtlilliili titled AO, In niltmicr,
AilvertMiig IUt mm'n known iiimmi
this tanm utfii ftitnt). vuh
AdrertlBng Agency, fit and SB Merchant! fix
change, Ban ftanmario, California, where eon
ractlnRadrcttittngean beinade for II
Fit I day. Ocrojifm to, ixa.
Atn'oiiR the many other changes
to tols'q place nt UoseburR lately is
a newspaper change. The Plain
dealer has been ptitcliascd from Mr.
Conner by n newspaper man from
Texas by the name of H. H.
Brooks for a consideration of $3000,
who will assume editorial charge of
the same retaining Mr. Conner as
associate editor and business man
ngcr. Mr. Conner assumed charge
of the paper three years ago, since
which time it has rapidly forged to
the front. The new management
will equip the office in first class
shape, in fact good enough they
ay tor a city three times its size,
tid spare no efforts to make it the
best paper in Southern Oregon.
Success to the new firm Brooks &
The democratic convention of
New York, of which Hill was a
leading spirit, recommended as a
means of relieving the present
strike situation there, that the gov
ernment take possession of the coal
mines and operate them, making
such compensation as a Iward of
arbitrators might see fit to allow.
Isn't this quite a radical step for
the sober eastern democrats Jo take?
There is certainly a way to regulate
these mines, other than by owning
and controlling them.
iflajMrn. V. A. iSov,lio
inlto 111 Ih how cimvnloMolnn.
Mr. Comor brought lilHjnmlly homo
InHtThurmlny vvo from the CivhwoU
hop yard.
.1. A. KIIimIkv ami family moved to
tliolr now ivhIiIoiico In tlio Urovo liiHt
Uov. Unnl liter and wife ami Simile
llurcliani and lunilly took illuimr
with Mr. Jno. tilttott Sunday.'
Howard Miller whh unite 111 Inct
veok'.wlth pnoitinuiila but at lata rv
porta whh Htonillty Improving.
Mr. and Mr, ftoo. Thomiwoii r-
tunuxl lust WediKwltvy from Mr.
1'row'n hop yaiil In tlu'Slulaw val
a fiilokdlil Hormou to a good xIkmI
audience here last Sunday. Ho will
lie with u again the-lth Sunday o
IIiIh mouth.
Vhoe fault Ih It that xuoh a mil
siukviih timt Hlaughtor hoiiM.1 I at'
lowed to llourNh? Of all ntiomiim-
tloim that wore over allowoil, wo
think that slaughter lien, as elosoly
tltuntotl hh It Ix to the public high
way, otfeiiMlvo a It van lto both
night and Htnell, I one of thogivatowt
tiulsaneOH It ban over boon our mix.
fortuno to haw to encounter If
any doubt our word Just (ileum1 take
a drive tnt there, especially If the
wind In blowing from the pen to the
road, and HoeorHinoll If w are not
correct In our statements.
Thanks to the rush of business
and the demand for space, our edi
torial columns are necessarily
crowded full of other matter and
the editor hasn't a thing to say.
It is certainly quite a relief to him
and perhaps it is no less a relief to
the readers; nevertheless it is a ne
cessity just now.
The Roseburg Review is this
week adding a new Cottrell cylin
der press to the equipment of the
officel Progress and improvement
is the order of the day among the
newspapers throughout this part of
Bohemia Attracts Attention.
In a letter to Andrew Heck re
cently from Seattle, Wm. N. Jack
son, formerly of Bohemia, tells a
few things of interest to the boys
up in the "diggings" showing
which way the .wind blows at
present. Among other-things he
fiays: "I have talked with a num
fcer of people about Bohemia and I
find that it would be very easy to
get quite a boom started as people
are interested. "Don't fool away
anot your claims for a song as
they ere bound to be valuable and
there'll be a time, perhaps in the
spring, when you an make a good
thing out of them. You have no
idea how crazy people are 'about
mining and there is a boom on for
Bohemia and you should be in on
it. That group of yours will make
you comparatively rich if you
handle it right.
Since I have been outside and
talked with mining-men I am more
elated than ever over the prospects
and realize more than ever the im-1
port ii nee of securing a good hold in
lioUemiiaiid Jiangiug on. There
is 00 other mining district in which
oneik so sureof success as in Bo
hemia. Much interest is shown
Hiere dii that district- and everything
regarding it is listened to with interest.
Oct. 5, lltOi.
The pastures need a continuation
01 tne rain very iiaiuy.
Miss Minnie Comer Is attending
school at the Divide.
Mrs. F. A. Clow Is still suffering
with the rheumatism.
Curtis Vontch and Joan Miller were
luckyonough to kill acunpieot lioars,
a mother and her cult, Sunday after
noon ou "Adam's burn" and they
weren't hunting ltonrs at the time
The rock crusher' was xected In
this section yesterday but owing to
the slipiiery condition of the roads
Uh coming was dclayod. When It
does get here however and we get
our road thoroughly rocked, we will
have a regular iMnik-vard drive to
We are pained to jiote the death of
Howard Miller from typhoid fever
which occurred at fi n. m. Monday,
Oct. 0. Ltutt ivvfc he was reported
as Improving In strength, but the
Improvement was only ficticious.
Ho had the best of nursing aild all
that loving hearts and willing hands
could do was done to save him If
possible but the dread edict hud gone
forth and lie was compelled to yield.
Howard was a good neighbor, a
grunt mini, agooii noiramrTr loving
husluuid. He leaves to mourn his
untimely dentil, hlsfatheraud moth
er, a brother, (Jean Miller.) a sister.
(Mrs. Minnie Ashby,) a young wife
to whom he was wedded only last
March, and n host of frlemlH who all
unite In extending' their heartfelt
sympathy to thebereavedones. The
funeral services were held at the
Christian church, by itev. Heck of the
I'resbyteriuil chUrch, after which the
remains were laid to rest In the cem
".Sleep today oh early fallen,
In thy green and narrow lied,
Dirges of the pine and cypress '
Mluglo with the tears we shed
g & fBu.Infcw 'Briefs? f S
- -o
For watches, eloektt and Jewelry
call on Davidson ton good goods.
You will Ibid prices right.
Davidson will reimlr vourwatohos.
clocks and Jewelry' nt the, lowOst
prices. All work warranted.
1 have Srt CotMWold sheep tolot out
for one or more yours on shares.
Mils. II. 14. HHnroiilySnglnnw, Ore'
Those doughnuts. Just llki)"inuthcr
used to make," nt Parker's bakor.v
two doors oast of lostollloo,. Main St.
Sieelnt orders, pies ami cakes, any
old kind, promptly tilled at 1 'inker's
bakery. While you are ordering try
tluiKO ilougimuts.
T. It. Parker, tlio baker, all' kinds
of btvl, cakes anil jiastry. .sveonu
doOroastot postollUv, Main stmit.
Cottagitirovo, Ore.
Ilowaro of air dried or half dry
lloorlmr. oolllmr and rustic The
Ilooth-Kelly I.umlierCo. are making
sH-clal prlws on klln-drlod lumtH,r..
When you ttk up with n bad tnste
in your mouth, go nt ouo to Hciukiu
Driig Co.V dmir ptoro nnd Kft a Ireu
sdinple of ClnimlH'rliiSn's Stonmch and
Liver Tablets. lno or two dosen will
make you well. They ido euro bilious,
nick hiitdache anil eoutilitioii.
Blue print maps ol any township
in Roseburg, Oregon Land District,
showing all vacant lands for 5octs
each. If you want any information
from theU. S. Land Office, address.
Titus Guarantkk & Loan Co,,
The excitement incident to trevellnit
and ehance of fool and water often
brings on diarrhoea, and for tins rencon
no one slioulil leave homo without
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
anil Diarrhoea hpineuv. ror sale uv
I.voiis v Aiipletrate, Drain. Ilcnimn
Drue Co., Cottnce Grove.
O. It. I-nrson. of Itav Villa. Sundiiye
ltiver, tape Uolony, conducts a store
tvnicsl of bouth Africa. at ulilcu can be
iiurchajed nnrthini: from the proverbial
niHille to an anchor. J Mis store is
situateil in n valley nine miles from the
nearest town. -Mr. Jjirson says: ' 1 mil
favored with the custom of farmers
within a radius of thirty miles, to many
o( whom 1 have supplied Chamberlain's
remedies All testily to their value In
a household w hero a doctor's advice la
almost out of the question. Within one
mile 01 mv store tne population is per
bans sixty. Of these, within the past
twelve months, no less than fourteen
have been absolutely cured by Chamber-
am h (Joimli UeinrUv. nils must
surely be a record." For sale bv Lynns
iv Applegatc, Drain, lieiison Uriig km,
Cottage (irove.
UjiltMStJibi Land tJllltf
ltimelUi'i!i??Tini, til. I IKK!
Notice Is hereby1 irlvoil that III otilll
pllnnoo with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Juno It. 1S7S, entitled
"An net tor the sale of tliulior lauds
In tlio Stutes.uf ;allforna, Oivgon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
us extended to all (be Public Land
State liy act o( August -L WII
llrtiuOaWley, of Aliordevii. Counly o(
Chehalls.Stato of Wash., hits thlsday
llloil la this otllco his sworn stnto
luent No. .tliii', for the purchase, of the
K U K i of Section No. itO Tiiwnshlp
No. IS S, Hnugo S W and will offer
proof to show that the land
soiiirht Is iihiiv vabmblo for Its
! timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, aud'to establish his claim
to said laud lx'foiv Mario 'I., ware,
V. Si Commissioner at Kiigono,
tnvgon, on Tiiui-siiay, tno win day
of Nov., 1IM2.
IInaiuosns witnesses:
.1. V. Sutherland, W.S.Suthorlaiul,
Archie M. Itlchanlson, V. It. Suther
land, of (llentoiia. laitoCo Ore.
Any and all orsons claiming ad
versely tho nhovo-ilosorlltod lands aix
reiniostod to II to their claims In this
otllco on or
Nov.. 11X11'.
J. T. II111110KS, lleglstor.
m s.
-n mv 'ww.
jtusojinrg, uix Aug iM. UK)!!'
otlPo s I OnMiv ixlveTrthiiflli ormt
plliiico with (ho provisions oftho Aet
of Congress of Juno;!. 1SS. entitled
"An Aet for tho sale of Timber Lauds
In tho States of Cullloriila, Oregon,
Novatbi, uii,l WashliigtonSori'ltoi'y," t
asoxtondod to nil tho Public Laud!
Stales by net of August I. isir.',
Ooorge M. Mlller.of Portland, County
of Multnomah, Statoot Oregon, Ims!
this day tiled In this oillco his sworn
statement No. SUI.'l, for tho purchase
of tliti W N !i ot Section NO; '.',(
Townsmp -.-i souin or nangA n west ,
and will offer pitiof to show that the
laud sought Is moiv vabmblo for Its.
tlliilver or stone than for aurrtculttirnl
purposes, and to establish his claim
uisniii mini m-toiv .Mario I,. Wiuv,
L. AVaiv, l". S. Cominlssloiior at Kii
gono, Lano Co.. Oivgou 011 Saturday
thoHth day of NoveinlH-r, twa.
He names as vltuosses:
H. 1). Jtossles, ol Moiimouth, Polk
Co., Ore., M. S. llnrker, of Kugono,
Lano Co., ()iv Jainos Handle, of
Falrmoiint, fino Co.. Ore., T. C.
Lackey, of Kugono, UinoCo., Oiv.
Any ami all persons elalmtntr ail.
before said '.Mtli day of versely tho abbvo dos'rltiod lands uro
liMiuosteii to 1110 tliolr claims In this
otllco ou or liefort said St It dav of
NovouiIkt, llKtt.
J. T. lllillioits, lleglstor.
Unltel Stales IjiikI Otrice,
KosebiU)?, Ore., Aug. Mh, UK):'.
No.tico Is hereby kvcii that in eoinpll
aiulo with the provisions ol the art of
Congress of Juno II, IH7S, onfitled "An
Act lor tho sale of Timber Lamb. In t lit)
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
ami Washington lerritory, 111 ox
tended to all the Public Uinil St.iten bv
act of August 4, IS'.):', James ll, IlaMwin,
of Portland. ltox"23.Co.of Miiltiiomah.
Statu of Ore., has this day Med In this
olflce his sworn statement No. ftl'til, for
Pnltod States Land Office,
Itosoburg, Oiv., Aug. I'l. 1IN12.
Notice Is heivb.v given that hi com
pliance with the provisions of tho
Act of Congress of Juno:i, ls7 en
titled "An Act for tho sale of Tliulior
Lauds In the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," n extended to all the
Notice To Tax Payers.
The C. Al. A. Band.
Bears Killed On "Adajals Hum.'
WJjlle limiting cattle In the hills a
few lullori west of town !at Sunday
In wiuit Ih known tin the -"Adam's
'Iluru," Curtlss Veatoh ran onto a
big Muck .bear and a cub u-jjlch he
started Id young palrof HtaghoiimlH
anil Hiiepnwii dog in pursuit or. Do
ing ou komuback ho followed and
soon cuuie hji with thcin mar tho
bottom of a canyon where the lienrs
had made u stand. The horse refus
ed to ajiproaeJi Cio bears, which,
Judging from tbe commotion, were
on tho ground, 'jnd as ho was un
armed he deemed jt advisable tolwnt
a retreat and secure reinforcements.
Ho rode to Deuu MJlter's nlneu iibonr
a mllu and a half distant, where nt
secured uenn and Ills trusty rlflo and
agalu starting for tlio Held of action.
When about half way they met the
hounds returning but tlio excited
bark of the shepherd told them that
tho game wiw still then, and sure
enough, upon their arrival they dis
covered the beurs high up In a big fir
tree abd tho shepherd dog vainly at
tempting to reach them. The old
jH-ur was about fifty feet from the
ground and the cub above her. Kho
had no doubt stood t:ie dogs off to
enable tho cub to make his escape up
tins ttxf, when she hud done likewise.
A Jiiglo shot brought tho old hour
down, with her troubles ovor, but
fill Pllll f'JIIIln lllleil tvlfh n l.v.,1....
Jog and full ofrlght, of which thodogs
gaypdm plenty before ho -was dls
patched. And Sunday' was pot a
good day for ln-ars either.
jLouiS H. Sandbi,
. ASS.tVl$ll,awl AY ALT ST.
Prompt and Accurate
KetuniK Oiiarauteedt
At the regular business meeting of
the hand lastMondnj" evening Chas
Cochran was re-engaged as lnstruc
tor for a term of six mouths nt a
salary of forty dollars per mouth.
This indicates that the boys mean
luinlness and have decided on a win
ter of activity -am progress even tho
It does tst them something which
they may have to "dig up" out of
their oiro jtoekets. The boys Just
returned last vvtek fnim an engage
meat which tliej- filled with credit to
themsflres and nr city and propose
now to settle down to sternly winter
work, which proposition should lie
I encourage by every business man
and citizen la ourlty, not entirely
by kind words aud compliments hut
lu a more substantial way. The
boys will need funoV and If they see
fit to give a eouceri this whiter, as
Is the custom, theXugget man will
lie one of a dozen business men to
pay tho boy fttSO eacb for tickets
enough to supply his own Immediate
.family with reserved seat.
Nbw tJitocuuv Ktouu.
A new grwery will Iks opened up
on the west side In a short time by
Frank Sklllmnu and J. S. lienson
who have purchased tho small .stock
of elgars and candles of A. D. Jjoltoy,
which building they will occupy,
They are both hustling and enter
pibdng business men and Will doubt
less conduct a first class up-to-date
grocery. Wo wish tho new linn all
kinds of success,
Moiik Tkams Wantui).
no can use aii.uie teams we can
get to Imul oro from tho Helena mlno
to tho'eud of our track. The teams
now on the road cannot take the.oro
away as fast as It Is mined. Address
w. F. Moiipiiv, Oeneral .Manager O.
& S. K. It. It., Cottage Grove, Ore. ,
WANTJ!". .
Goats wanted from one to three
years old. Address Postmaster at
Elkhead. . 9-31
A pnlr of child's shoes. Loser can
have same by calling here, Identify
ing same and paying for this notice.
llie second and last payment on
1901 taxes Is duo and should Ih paid
Iiofore October (itli, VMS. Costs will
beadded thereafter. All taxes should
lie paid In full tieforc that date.
Sheriff JcJlVvx Collector of Lane Co.
Important Notice.
Any jierson hiring a single seat
buggy and allowing more than two
persons to ride In same at one time
will be charged double price and pay
all damages to the buggy. The
above applies to all hacks, carriages
or spring wagons. Only two ier
sons allowed to ride lu one seat at a
United Stutes Land Office,
Hosoburu, Oregon, Sept. LM. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress ol June 3, 187-S. entitled "An
act for the sale of timler lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land Slates by act of Au
gust 4, 1802. Lydia C.Tyrrell, of Portland,
78 Johnson St., Go. of Multnomah, State
of Ore. has this dayllrd in this otlice her
sworn statement No. 3523, (orthe purc
hase of the 8E M of Section No. 30-Twn.
21 South, of Itance 8 West and
will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish lur claim 10
said land More tho Ilegieter and Re
ceiver of this offico at Koobiirg, Oregon
on Monuay, ine L'nci nay ol .Mar., lDUf.
snu names us witntsrH:
William K. Pruilhoinme. Henry O.
Prudhomme, James J. Tyrrell, George
r jicunnuK.'K. 01 roruani. Urciron .
Any and all uersons elaiuiimr adverse.
ly the above-described lands are re.
i-ueted to tile their claims in this otlice
on or before euid 2nd day of Mar., 1003.
j. 1. diiiihieh, aegister.
Public IjhhI Stales bv act of August
:i. 1NI2. Kdwln I). Itosxlnr of i;m,.ii,.
the purchase of theSK olSe:tioii No". County ol Lnm State of Oregon has
Ml In Township No. 21 S. ltango No. 2 thta day tiled lu this office his sworn
w est, ami win oner proot to mow mat suuonient mi, ;kjm, tor tlio puivhasi
the land soilght Is more vnluablo lor its of tho UJJ SW ti,V. sW MW 't of;
!':Mw r
M Irternational
ovelty YokeSuii
tlmlier or stone than for agricultural
pnrHses, and to establish his claim to
said land liefore Marie L. Ware
1". a. Coinmissionerat huge lie, Orego
011 Monday, the 17th day of Noveinls
He naines as itnesses :
John A. Yangonteu, William Yangor-
den, John Crowley, Daniel llruinbaugh,
oi ioutigutirove. uregon.
Any and nil persons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lands nre
repuested to tile their claims in thh
office on or lic(orusaiiM7th day of Nov.,
J.T.ltuiiKiK'. Heglster.
Uultnl States bind Office,
uoseliun;. Ure , ept., 12, line,
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the 'provision of the act of
congress 01 June 3, IS7s, entitled "An
act for tho sale, of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory, 'as extended
to all the Public Ijind Slates bv actol
August -i, 1802, ltachtil Sanders, of
Kuuene. County of Lnne. State of
Ore., has this day tiled in this office
her sworn statement No. 3411 for the
purchase of the NK 1-4 NK 1-4 of Section
No. 8 in Township No. 20 S. Kan ire Nc
8W,and will offer proof to show thai
the land sought is more valuable for iti
itinncr or stone than tor agrieultura
purposes, and to establish her claim If
said bind l-etore .Marie L. ware, t;
s. Commissioner at Lugene. Ore
gon, on Monday, the 17th, day of Nov.
She names as witnesses :
.lon'Pll Willielni. Hobert r ri'Pliitlli.
r.u jixmeniiaver. 01 tins hen. Ure.. J. t'n
llsnn, ot Pleasant Hill. Ore.
Any nnd nil persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands nre n-
quested to file their claims In this office
on or before said 17th day of Nov., 1002
J. T. IlliliKiKS. Heglster.
Section No. 31, Township 20 Soulh
of ltango ," West and will offer proof
to show that tho laud sought Is
more valuable for Its tfmher or stone
than for agricultural purposes, ami
to establish his claim to said laud
la'foro Mario L. Ware, l S. Com.
mleslonerat Imgvno, Oiv., on Satur.
day tho.Sth day of NovoiiiIkt, 1002.
Ho names as wIHiosm's:
Nuiiics N. Handle, of Falrmoiint,
Ore., George SI. Mlller.of Portland,
Oiv., K. C. Smith, of liiigono, On-.,
George. Wilson, of Lorauo, Oiv.
Any and all iktsoiis claiming ad
versely tho above described lands aro
reuuestod to file tliolr claims In this
offico on or Ivofoiv said stb dav of
NovoiiiIht, 1002.
J. T. UliiluiKs, Itegls'tor.
United States Laud Office.
Koeburg, Oregon, Sept. 27. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that 111 com
pliance with tiie provisions of the act of
Congrenriof June 3, 1878, entitled "An
ict for the sule of tlmbur lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ana vt asiiiiigtoiuerrltory, us extended
to all the Public Lund States by act of
August , ixii, uouert 1. itoais, ot atay,
ger. County of Columbia State of Ore.
has this day tiled in this otlice his sworn
statement No. 3.137, for the purchase of
1... DP 1 nf Co...,... hyn an . ....1.1- 1.1
,iid uu -4, vi ucliiuii yj iuminuii .1
South, of ltango 0 W. and will offer
prooi to snow that the land nougat is
more valuable for its tiinl-er or stone
than tor agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
tlie Iiegiater and Hecelver of this office
nt Jtoseuurg, Urcgon, on Wednesday the
iin uay oi .narcn. luu.i,
lie names as witnesses, -J.
K. Klack.of Fulton, Ore., D. W
Hlchurdspn, W. J, Bluughfer, of St.
Helens, Oro , A, L Hutler, of Jilkton,
Ally and all persons claiming adverse-
I vine aoove-uescr ued lands aro re-
ijuestcd to lie their claims in thlj, oflieo
on or before said 4th day of Mar., 1 003.
j. l, aiiiixiKH, Kegleter,
Pulled States Land Office,
Hosebiirg, Oregon. Sent.. 24. 1002.
Notice is hereby given tliat in cumuli.
unco with the provisions of the act of
congress ol June. I. 1878. entiil,! ".in
act lor the sule ot tlmlier lands in tin
States of California, Oregon, Nevndu,
anu onsiiingion lerritory," ns extended
oniiiuo i-iii)lti: blates by act of
August 4. Ih02. James .1. Terrnll .ntl'nrt.
1 nJ. CountvofMiiItnonial'i Stntunfflr,,.
gon, has this day filial in this office his
sworn statement au. lor the pur
chase of the NWJ SKJ. N J. SW1-4.
SW 1-4SW l-4ofSeclionNo.20Tonsli'p
21 Sof Itange 8 W, nnd will offer pro jf to
snow that tint land sought is more valu
able, fnrits timber or stone than foragri-
uuuurui purposes, and to establish li s
claim to said hind Iwforu the Itegister
anu neceiver at Koseburg, Uregon, on
.lioimay tne 21111 nay 01 .March, 1003,
lie names as wltnesm-s:
William K. Prudhomme, Henry C.
Prudhomme, Lydiu C. Tyrrell, George
r. .uriiintoi'K, 01 roriiunu, ure.
Any and all persons claiming adverse.
ly tne aoove-iieacrue'l lands urn re
quested to me their claims in this olflc
on or before said 2nd day of Mar., 1003.
J. 1. liniiKiKM, itegtsier.
Pulled States-I-uinl Offico.
Itostdiurg, Ore., Aug. IS, 1002.
Not lee Is hereby given that lu coin'
pllutico with tho Provisions of tin.
act of Congress of Juno 3. 1H7S, en-
tltktl "An act Tor the sale of Tliulior
Ijtnds In the States of California.
Oregon. Nevada, ami Washlin-ton
Territory," as extended to all the
Public l,uiul States bv net nt Am-n-l
4. 1S02. John It. DoNeul. of Stnfbrnl
County of Clackamas, State of Oiv
gou has this day tiled lu this office
Ids sworn statement No. 3243 for the
purchase of the Hii N of Sivtlon
No. -14 In Townshli No, 21 South of
ItaiigoNo. S W. and will offer proof
to show that the hind sought 1st
mure valuable for Its tlmlier fir nitntui '
iiian tor agricultural purposes ami
riii.iii iiih ciaiiu 10 said laud
lioforothc lleglstor and Iteeelver of
this offico at Itosoburg. Ore., on
Wodiii-sday the 31st day of DcooiiiIht.
Ho tiaiues as witnesses:
Yolne.v Krvlu. Kanforil y...L- Him,.,.
It. 1I0 N11I, Portland. Oiv.. Monti.
Tones, Klktou, Ore.
Any nnd nil persons ehilnibiir .
versely the above descrHs-d himlsaro
riHIIIosteil to tile their eliilniu In 11. I
offico tui or liefotv said 31st dav of
December. 1IK)2.
J. T llltllidiM, Hoglstei-
dttometj-at-Law o o
OHIi-eon Main street
1 II 10. showing n nice
line of new Pall Stuffs nt pop
ular prices, and we invite you
to call nud cxnmliie-tlic same.
Online Flannel
, We made nn exceptional
good bin in these goods,
We e'c plncinR a lot
of them 011 sale at
l5c. yd.
Just received our new
I'all line new shades and
itHv to S1.7H yd.
Dress Goods Z
in thin line,
them over.
Come and look
'1' YOU wnl to ha right "In
It" this lesion, older an
" International" Yok Suit.
This suit Is an original creation of
ml Chicago, the largest and moil
reliable tailoring concern In the
world, for whom we take orditi.
It Is the imniteit anil nobbiest
ult ever deilgnrd for .men's wear.
O001I drciiers all over he
United States men who appreciate
anil want the latest and best ate
ordering It, and why not you J
We'll be glad to tell you more
about this splendid suit If jott'll
drop In to see ui and we'll show
you the "International" simples
of over 600 itylUh pattern at tbe
lime time
i lllmll kIvcii with every
ft. 00 juitchasc nt ottr .stoic
until Priday, Oct. to, 100a.
on that date we will
Give Away
A I.iullcs' Gold Killed
Watch, HuntiiiK Case Save
Your Tickets.
to quarter Cotton pr. 75c
11 quarter Cotton pr. fi.oo
to quarter Wool jir. $3.00
11 cpinrtcr Wool pr. 5.00
Our Shoes nre cut to fit
the fect, nud don't cost 11 hit
mote than the other kind.
Our line is deigned to
reach every shoe need.
mi k Haw.
Wherever Yon Go
You will sec the host dressed
men wearing
Clothes Mmlv in 1 lie Dust
They lutye the IiJirnmrks
of Fashion. Yon can't
he well dressed ami
Wear Anyothers.
Wp are Recognized as Leaders of
lien's Fashions in Clotlies.
Under Odd Pcllown Hall
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Rough Lumber,
Saoikaw, Or-
United Blalei Uml onlce,
llMiplinrtf. I lr tl, 1,.,,
Notice Ii hereby ln Ilmt In compliance!
with the Drovljhin. nf tli hpi tt fV,iiirii,M r 1
Junes, 17, entltll "An net fur the inlentl
iiuiixT ihii'in in me MnienoM'aniurnia, Oregon.
,SeviU ami WajhlDKton Territory." ai e-
tended tin II the I'ublla Un, mate bract of
viiiieu., ire. i:n,nM ,v. uiuii. ,ir K..n.
County of Une, Htate of On-goii, haa thla
"lay (llel lu Ihla o!Hc hla awoni atateinent No I
alJK. for the purchase of the Lota II, au, 21 It'llul
nee. nooin Towninip WOVSH, ItanKe No MV
anil will offer proof to how that the laml
aonirhl la more valuable for III Umber or Mone
"" ior axrieunurai purjKuci, anu In Mtab
Ilih hla claim to aalil land before Slarle U
Ware V. H. Commlmloner at Kugene, Ore
Kon.mi Momlay, IbeHth day ofii'oy,, )MU.
Jlenameaaa witneaaea:
N. II. Martin. J. IV. J'arrlih, John I), l-almer,
J. K. Young, of OollagB (J rove, Lane Co., Oregon.
Any and all run claiming adreraely the
atMiveleMrllwd land! are roiuealed 16 Hie
,iic,r I'laimi ill rn. iihini ii,i tir ,,i,im hmki 'j ih I
,17 oi iiuv., jyi,
JTIIaiwira, Iteglaler.
BoiierrLia. t
Latest Dcsips for
Tall and Ulintcr.
Autumn Novelties at
Prices Lower, than ever
4 -
MalnKt., Cottage drove.
Pro rietor,
Choice line 6f IJtjuors
and Cigvs kept on
jiand. vtr patroiwge
is respectfully solicited.
It will be to your advan
tage to call and examine.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Hemenway & Burkholder.
Cottage Owe,