ft? n S 7IZ f HlK ti.VMIIMINU MKIUI'M S 3g.:.'...,.......al 1MB NCAT JOII MINT!J. m OBHBeB0BlBCB!iaaBi Devoted In the Mining;. I.tiiuhciiiiK and I'liMning Interests of this Community, to Oood Government and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VO. IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 190a. NO.- 39. BOHEMIA MUG GET. I.imij," nnil llltistlimii V' sui'Pi.us LKrniK to I'aciiic MINER. Collate r.riive, Sept. 25, hjoj. After three week), of travel thtouuli Coot county and n'sllort sojiiutn 011 the ocean beach, where the blue wuteM of the Hacilic lave tlm .shining inds at Umpire City, and the cooling zephyr from the -rrtpil waves inviuoiatc anil de light the senses and put new vigoi 1 t into ojib's anatomy, I find myself I tnnVV Fit tin iiti-riit Isfiii?. 'wide . s.wakc and vigorous young city of Cottage Grove. Improvement has been rapid in the short interval of departure and a rttli and litntle is met with on nil sides. A number of fine build ings have been finished and oc-, cupied in the interval and many' more arc in course of. construction ! and rapidly neariiiK completion. Our new miw mill on the edge of town is now in full swinsr and turn- lug out a large compliment of Him- ber daily, and the mill being built) n short distance up Mosby creek is, putting on the finishing touches . and in about thirty days will be inr.iii.o r.nt ii miotn of lumber. : This makes five large saw mills in active operation in and nbout Cot tage Grove which are daily turning out hundred of thousands of feet ol prime lumber and employing a large corps of men in converting the raw material into marketable values and great wealth. The new railroad is slowly but surely spanning the intervening distance of (hirtyfivc miles between Cottage Grove and the magnificent mineral zone of Hohemia. Over ten miles of this road art; now com pleted and operated by two daily trains to lied rock on the Row river, carrying the bulk of freight to the. mines and returning with heavy laden .cars of logs for the saw mills and hundreds of tons ol high grade base ores to be for warded to distant points lor smelt . lug and refining. A force of men are clearing the right of way for the new road through the forest at ', the other end, while other lorces are blasting out the stumps and rock cuts and preparing the grade for the laying of more track. Development in the Ilohemia Mining District has made great strides dutlng the past six mouths and the activity now prevailing is bringing the district to the front with- leaps and bounds. An im mense amount of work lfas been and is being done In all sections of the camp and results are being realized far beyond the most sail iuluc expectations. Mining men from distant climes are looking toward Hohemia and the emissaries of capital are seeking bonds on partly developed prop erties widi a view to future pur chase, Values are ranging upward as the ore bodies are coming to light, but. splendid properties can be acquired now for nominal figures that later on will not be considered for a moment, The farsighted opes ore industriously getting in on the ground floor at the present time. That Bohemia, in another year will j be a banner camp there is not the .least doubt in the minds of those ' qualified to jttilgci The advent of the Oregon Se- ' purities Company to the district u siiw Mill l.:y TimiIii o Oregon ttitn us S.ooo.ooo of cai ital an ' the inauguration of sciii.i! much needed enterprises for the speedy development of their magnificent properties and the economic treat ment of their ore bodies will work wonders for Ilohemia. make mighty fortunes for themselves and speed the day when the whole woild shall know of the gteut treasures In that grand mineral zone and learn to hail the magic wdrd'VHoheiuia" oh the .symbol of fntntne .- J. I. I.eRoy tdttiiieiUthis week from tlitrLeUfly uroiicrty mid :e IKirts the completion of the drill plant and the .s.nisfoctory working I ol tlte same. ' Tlie recent outer 01 S.ooo pounds of giant powderhas arrived at the mine and has been securely stored for future use. The new Lcyner drills are starting ofl well and prove very successful un der the management of Mr. CHfte; of Denver. Drifting on tlte ledge will lie prosecuted vigorously from now forward. Everything in and nbout this splendid property is now tti the best or shape anil tlie tttturc lias indeed a bright outlook. One of the fine properties located on the west side of the Ilohemia I District and running from the Fair view creek up the mountain towards old Ilohemia and Fairview is the Jtnlson Rock group of nine claims. This group has three well defined broad and highly mineralized ledges running through its entire length, the central lode being a' coutinun lion of the famous Muslck lode. Tunnels and surface openings have been driven on each of the severgl claims 'comprising this firottp with most flattering results. Samples of the ore taken from the various workings of this group and sent to the most reputable nssayers and metalurglsts of Portland, San Fran cisco and Salt Lake City give re turns varying from $151 .60 to $188, 90 per ion. A long tunnel Is now being started on the central lone a: the lower end of the group and is in over 100 feet now the face of. the. drift being in solid quartz. which will tap tlie ore Homes ai a great verticle depth from the rich surface croppings. As work goes forward on tills group it will take its place in the front rank along with the many now famous prop erties of Hohemia. A letter from Secretary Jordan, of the Crystal Consolidated Com pany, who is now at the mine, gives n most glowing account of the work now being driven and the result showing up. The main tunnel on the Mountain I.iou claim is now in oet 150 feet on the ledge and in high grade quartz, the entire length A crosscut has just been made showing ten feet of solid ore with values much increased as depth is attained. A large force is con stantly at work and the progress being made and volume and values of ore being encountered are very satisfactory to the management. New and commodious bunk aud boarding houses have' been com pleted for winter occupancy and all is now in readiness for continuous work.' Large beanis. for the new mill are being gotten out and the frame work will be in readiness by the time the machinery shall have arrived. The Crystal is surely destined to be one o( the great rolue&of Bohemia in the near future. Renorts from the Sunrise groups are verv flatterintr and work is mil South I jixtcni a i being energetically proseiu'ril. The Hohemia Gold Mining Cora-, pany, under the management of. lieo. v. Lloyd, is doing extensive .work 011 the Gold Cross and Ho hemia Girl claims, with flattering results. On the west slope of Noonday ridge over 500 feet of tunnel has been run ou the ledge in continuous milling'orc from start to finish. Ou the north side of the ridge, a tunnel 100 feet long has been driven, which gives the oper ators a much greater depth than at ths former workings.. Alnrce bunk and cook liou.se has been erected and every precaution is being- made for continuous work throughout the winter. Prospectors are daily coming into town with rich specimens from new fields in every -ection ol the district. llxhlblt At liURenc. The exhibit of ores from the Ho hemin District at the Carnival grounds at Eugene last month was both extensive aim orustic. con siderable attention was attracted by the manner in which the large amount of ore was arranged to catch tlie eye of the mining man. It could not have been better ar ranged, and the committee in charge, Mr. Mel Watuer and Mr. Herbert Leigh, arc to be congratulated on the excellent result of their labors. The exhibit represented a relief mnn of the district uivinc all the mountains and canyons correctly, each property beingsbuilt up of ore trom tue mine It represenieu. un it! the booth were the various pros pectus of the Bohemia companies lor free distribution. This exhibit was pne Bohemia can well be proud of, thanks to the enterprising men interested in property there and the untiring efforts of the couiuiiuee in charge. Let the good work go on brethren, and never let up on advertising Bo hemia pr at least in putting its ores where they can speak for them selves in the interests of this great district. For every, dollar you spend in development 'work, spend another one for advertising. One is as important as the other in a district like Bohemia where it takes money to get the yellow stuff out. Bohemia An Extensive District. Richard White came down from Bohemia Monday returning Wed nesday. He reports everything looking fine up there this fall and says many interesting things' about that great mining district. Mr. White has a group of five claims on FairvlewCr'eek about a mile north of the Benson hotel in v hich he has great hopes for the future. According to his investigations and those of others with whom we have talked, the Bohemia Mining Dis trict is much more extensive than is supposed by those not familiar with the district and we will not be at all surprised if 'within a fev short venra ierrit6rv. now con sidered Cut of the district will be scene of active raining operations. dot ft frea enuiplo of Chamberlain's Stomach mid Liver TabletH at llontou Drug Co.' drug store, Tiey aro easier to tuke "nil inore.pleaiant in effect tliui pllta. Then their. Ua not followediby constipation ns Ih often the ejie with pllle, Regular ttue, 26c. per bx. funeral of John Wliltenker. 'I'hi' IiiiiitiiI of Jlii). Whlh-uker, Ore Koii'm llrMt governor, wiim dmiliicted itt (tin fiiiill,"ii'Hl(lcncc In Kimciifli'iNt MiiiiiIh.v fit JiV) n'eloek li.v lir. J ,0 vi rilism, nvlor of the Kilwciml cliurcji, nfli-r wlileli thereniiiliiM -n-interred In (lit! MiiMOiilcreiiiuterj-iit tlmi plwe. Tlic lerriiionleH vi;W I" I'lmrip" of the !' mill A. .M. Willi tin- KiiIkIiIh 'l'cni(Iiir lid iwOitii, tlw Win- 1-oiIkc liniinl rlli-M ImjIiIk iiwmI. VIhHIhk Kir KiiIkIiIh unr present It tit nmii.v imrtM of Wexteni ()n-Kiii mid tln IiiiiitiiI wsih attended by IiiiiiiIiciIh of In foruiwr f rlcmlrt 11111I i(jclati,i throughout the Htnti-. Honorary luill liriniTM liml lifAii wlii'tisl from ilirciiwiI'M former iiMMocliiti iiM fol Ioum: iiv. T. T. (fwT. Hon. '.. V. Moody, Hon. li. V. jliuvir, Hon, li'ii. I:. ('liiitiilM'VlHln, ll'iti. .M. r. ilcuw. Hon. Itlcliunl William, Hon. ItnfiiH.Miillory, lloii.TliouiiwTotiKiii;, Hon. Hinder HiTiiimi, Hon. Rodney Stott. lir. Itiifferty 11111I Col. .Iok'IVhI. The netlve pull Ix'irorK were: T. , lli'iiilrlclfH, K. i. Colonmii. It. M. Vcnti li. J. I'. Ciirrln, I'. V. Unburn iiml S. M. Vonin. . Teachers And Tlielr Work. Ju tin hHiooI report of hint wek we stot Hoinoivliiit lillxi-il on the teilelierx mid tlielr ssi'mle mul by ttny of correction pulillxli he follow In ho that our redder, ami iwieel (Uly Hie put roim of the m-IiooI, iiiii.v imilerMtmid the jinrt er1orined li.v with of the tiwlier in the higher Kriukf: KOIIHNOON. Mr. llrlswi: Alscelinrf loth striule: jteoinetry, lltli KrudV. MUh White: Writing ami HK-llliik', sth khiiIu; Krmiininr, Ittli. MIhk Ia-ii: Itcadlns;, "til smile; IiliyKlolosrv, 7th strath 7th frrnile; rnllMthenlcK, Ttli Krade. ItlM'BriM. Mr. IlrlKKw: .Mental anil arithme tic, Sth Kraile: arithmetic. 7th s;rade. MIhm White: Literature lIMltli Kraileilioiikkis-pliisr. lUtli s;rade. MIhk I -en: HiHtory, 7th scraile;; ph.VH. jtt'o., ilth Kraile. NOON". Mr. ilrlsrsH: History mid civic. Sth Kriide; mental, 7th. MIhm White: (Iramumr; Ttli s;rade; hlHtory, Uth sjrade: eallHthenlcH, sth "I'lU'Ul.tfrjl'to M!hh U-a: IthetorlPT tOtlr srrnile; Solojiy, lltli srrade. 1IKCKHM, Mr. IItIsm: Alstebra, Uth Krmle; hUtory, lUtli grade; hlntory lltli srrmle. MIkh White: (ieoKrapliy,7ths;raile; wrltlnjt, 7th srrade: physiology, Sth Krmle. .MIhm Ia-ii: laiiKiuw, Sth grade; llteratun-, lltli grade; spelling 7tli grade. NOTICK FOIt PUni.lCATION. t'nited Sttiten IjiiiiI Oltiiv, Itosobiirg. Ore.. Sept. 3, 1U02. Notice Im hereby given that In com pliance with the provlxiiuiH of the act -of Congrvwi of .lune:i, 1$TS, en titled "An act for the fiile of tlmler IiuiiIm in tiie State of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Waliliigton Ter ritory," an extended to ail tlie Public Land State by act of AugiHt4. ls'Ji, Mrs. Olivia W KakinofCottagi'drove, Co. of Ijine. State of Ore., Iiiih tlilw dav tiled In till olllci' her Kworn Htateineiit No. :CRS. for the purchase ot the KSBSiit Si-etlon No. :!4 in 'rowiixlilpNo.il) S.. llange No. 2 Went and will offer proof to hIiow that tlio laud'Houglit Is more valuable for lt ilmlioi- or Htone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish lier claim to said land liefore tlie Register and Iteeelver at Koseburg, Oregon on. Thursday, the Sth day of Jaiumry, 1002. yho names as witnesses: HerlK-rt Kukln. Geo. W. McQuwn. lleriuau T. Dow, Joseph Shlw. ot Cottage Grove, Ore. Any and all ierons claiming nd-vernelv-the nbove-ilencrilied lands aro niniested to file their elaiins In ths olllee on or U'Joiv said Stli day of Jan., 11)02. J. T. llitimiKs, Hegister. NOTICK I'OIl ITHMOATIOX. United States Land Office. Itoseburg, Ore., , 1002. Notice is hereby given that in com pi I a nee witli tlu provisions of tlie act of Congress of June :i. 1878, entitled "An net for tlie sale of tlmlier lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, it ml Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1(0)2. Wolf Sanders, of Ungene, County of Inline, State of Oregon has this day Hied lntlilsofflco lilssworn state ment No.:H(U, for the purchase of tlie S NE & N SK K of Section No. 8, Twp. 20 South, of Itange S West anil will offer prtiof to sliow that the laud sought Ih more valuable for its tlmlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, uul to es tabllsli his claim to said laud In-fore Marie L. Ware, I'.S.CommlHslonerat Eugene. Oregon, on Monday, the 17th day of Nov., 1902. He name iih witnesses: Joseph 11. Wlllioliii.odloshen, Ore., J. Calllaon, of Pleasant Hill. Ore., ltoliert Fwman, Kit CoiKJiihaver, ot Ooshen. Oregon. 1 Any imd U iiersous claiming ml voraely the nliovii-ilescribed IiuuIh are reouestcd to llo their claims In tills office on or before said 17th day of Nov., 11)02. J. T. lliiinoKH, iteglstor. , , , . t . If In neeil ot dentnl work call on Dr. Mncv, now permanently located in the ur. Snnpp building, Main St., Cottngi OroVe, Oregon. I BEST IN TOWN 1 I BAKIN & BRISTOW. I uaiiUiaiiiiUiaiUiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiii;iiijWiUiiiuK iiir pr Larjre Line, up-to-date Goods also samples of t We doit mark THE OLD RELIABLE 1 Grocery Storej" Caries a full line of Staple and Fancy goods, Granite, 1 Crocker', Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats. , Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. j It will be a pleasure at all j times to show our goods and you are earnestly requested to j ' call and examine them. ' mil meet All Competion ! I in 1'rleen. I ! SKILLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to Baker & Johnson j COTTAGE GROVE. ORE ! J. E. YOUNG Attorney-at-Law Offlw on Mln street, Wct Side COTTAGK GROVK, ORK. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, OOTTAOE GllOVE, OJtK. NOTICK FOtt PUBLICATION. United States Lanil office, HoscburK. Ore, Aug. 20, 1002. Notice is hereby given that incom pliance witli the provisions of tlie net of Congress of Juno 8, 1878, entitled "An i. Y i,n anln nf Tlriilr Lands in tlio 0.1 U'uulilni.lnn Territory." aa extended I ...... B , rT , , to all tlio ruuiie i.anu Diuma u u August 4, 1892. AVllllam Harrison, of Cottage Ufovo, County of Lane, State of Oregon has tills day tiled in tliisollico Ida sworn etatement No. 3330, for the pur chase of the Lot No. 11, N H a W, 8V H SV )i, of Section No. 2, Township 22 South, of Range 2 Writ and will offer proof to show that tlio land sought la more valuable for its timber or Btone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ida claim to said land boforo tlie Marie L. W are, U. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Monday the 17th day of November, 1002. lie namea as witnesses s D. II. Wriimbaugh, Jamea Lebow Thomas Rawllnga, William AVestcarson,' of Cottage Grove, Ore. Any and all peisona claiming ad versely the abovo-descrlbod lands are requested to Mo their claims In this office on or before said Ut)i day 01 Nov., 1002 J,T. Bhiixiks, Register, We have the best lot of garments Suits, fac ets, Coats for Women,. Misses, Children, Men and Hoys to be found in town. If you want the Latest Styles you do, ifyour'e in a normal state you should see our assortment of above lines of goods and also our Winter Under wear, all made in the best possible wav. Of the Most Reliable Materials, Trim- 3 niiugs, etc., Tailored by the Beat Skill You will miss it if you buy your Kail or Winter Outer or Inner Garments without first seeing these. Our New Stock of Furs will soon be open for your Inspection. JACKETS, CLOAKS and CAPES. MONTE CARLO COATSy The Newest thing. We order these any Size or Color and have them in 24 IIoill'S for you. Our Prices are all right, Uniform Profit same as our other lines. When, you get a Cloak from us you get just what you pay for. them up ivst b-:c"vsc the raised price. LEADERS IN tt H.ri W. S. ClIRISMAN. The Fashion Stebles rORSER MAIN nJ SECOND STREET, COTTAGE OROVE (71iisman 5L Bnls, Proprietors. and YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME pbjt- IMPERIAL HOTEL. Where the meals are well cooked and well nerved and the buds aro good. ITS CLEAN THKQtJGIIQUT. And you'll find everything home-like without home inconveniences. Come and stay as long at possible. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROMS Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. Tlie boet over Served in any Hotel in the City. N. D. HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. BRING IS IE BABIES.! C. J. MILLER of this tewn will present each ami every tmby UNDER ONE YEAR OP AQE brought into his store dur- - ing this present year, A FINE GOLD BABY RING Call at his Store and make application for one of the rings. Also look over the fine display of Jewelry which he has on hand. Wo have on hand 'a large stock ot' kiln-dried tlooring, celling anu rusiiQ in grades l 2 ami 3. Let us mace yo special prices, VoOTIt-Kcl LY LUMBIK CO. 3 1 ve think the-v wil1 br5ns MERCHANDISING ijU;oxc.jQi:eiroii, Eii Bangs. Also own and opperate the Bohemia Black Butte Stage Lines First-CUis Turnouts, Double or Sfnjle. Reasonable Prices H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakkr. Repairing at reasonable charge!, All work guaranteed fltil.cUii. Watehei.Cloeki and Jewelry at toweit 1'rleet COTfAOe GROVK, ORB. J. C. JOHNSON and F. .0 EBY dttomeysand Gourisefors-at-Law Speclat attention given to Mining, Corporailoa and Mercantile law. Offlce pver Qarraan Si Kemenwajr'aitote, COTTAGE GRQVU, ,ORK. ajjj-. n - BARKER & PERMAN fBOl'BIETORS Of THE EXCHANGE ,wmgW . i . l j jjr i . PEALKU8 IK FINE ' WINKS, LIQUORS, Cl'dARS, Main street, CotagOr, Or.