Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 03, 1902, Image 5

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    p of he
potmcs snouin ivriiY w
liy Mamii A. llama, Uiillnl Mate Xtnatnr tmm Ohio.
If you ilii hut iriuktt It n point In Interest
yimrorlr III polities nillvi I tiioniiti
work fur lliu beat prliii'lples niiil lu sup
purl tin' heat eiiliillilates, you ore Hut I
rihhI rlllnii, Vuiir roiintry la a -.! l.-u-Hull
ill lliillllilililla. 1 1 H power results
from tin' iiiilini ijf lliio liulltliliiila. Your
roiinlry ilrn yim Ireinenilotia ki'lii'fltt.
It pmii'i'iK inn In tin- piiJuyiiMMit of yuiir
II f . jour lllivrty nml jour happiness. It
Itunnla jour limne, your fiinill)', IhiM up
It 1 1; ti lilenl for you nml jour children.
Wlint ri'liirii tin jmi miikv fur nil this?
Tlilnk tlm matter uvcr. 1 Vuil liuii'
ally tlilnk yim tin lis inileli na yuil aliould iln?
Tin' iinvi riiuii'iit of )inir country liedna wllli tin' nrliililxir
hooil rn i ii' u ii lliv rniirua Hint la lii'lil Jilat n few Mock from
where )'iu live. Il orka iii f rum lliv raiicm In lh illy,
iiiilnly, Mlate nml national conventions', from lliv township
Iward tu I lie t'lillvil Hlules Homo of Iti'ii i-utut I Vfx, lliv
Hinatv ainl lliv While House, I lu yim iitti'ml yutir caucus?
Ilu Jim rnm tu know when nr where It will he lu-ljl ? Would
yini Klvu up yuiir least liiiirtiiiit business nr amlal iniiaiu'
lilelit In ntli'inl It? Let i'ii cli tnnn answer tliea iiU'slliiiu
fur liluiMlf. Tin' iiiiiii ivlin ilmn nut ilUrluirirv IliU plain iluty
U lint Hie iltlii'ii In- should In', I'ullili'ii would m (in a blither
pintle If nil I lli' illlri ua Inleroaleil tlieiuai'lvea III till) caucus.
If ytm want tu ilu Mimi'tliliiit fur yuiir roiiutry you always
hate tlm oliiiucv If )imi ii 1 1' In "illlli'. Nil doubt you ivoiilj
Ifspoud lu ii rn 1 1 in n I ma. Of iniirse yuu would, yuu any. Then
why iliiu'l )ini ti'Minl tu tlu liii.'al I ran ii ml 7 In lliv uinltvr
nt working fur llii lutereala uf tlila ruiinlry there limit bo no
itlallui'lluii between classes. ICnrti liwili na n tunii uiual 'lu 111
duly, tlv muat prutv Hint In' la worthy uf lliv nurfritKv liy In
teresting lilmai'lr In lliv go eminent uf bit own couimunlty.
By Ctntral X. J, Morgan,
Will rilurnlluii save tlm remnant uf Aiuvrliun
luilliiuir Yva, na lui'ii mul wuuii'ii; nut na trllica.
Tliv llnlliili na n i- lllln r, illatlurt, ni'pnrillv ai'lill
tiarlniriiiia I'l-uflo arv iIimiihimI to illanpiipnr. Iiiitliiiilaui
la nil mmrliriiulaiii mul muat' pnaa nwny.
I'.ilili'nlliui la lliv ulily Iiojk- uf tliv nil tiicu nml
niuui'ii: Il offer tlu'iii aiilrntluii. TIiumi tvlm mcrnl It
Mill Ihi aiiM.l na American cltlieiia. Tliuav wliu refuav It will
Wlmt I ini-nii liy Ililt la Hint It la luvtllnblv Hint tliv liullmia.
Ilkv nil oilier i-liiui nl In our untliuinl life, uiuat lieconii) uli
orlnsl liy tliv untie. ii nml Iimv tlielr illatlnotlf e railnl x'cullurl
tlia. lliv nut' exii'i'lluu tu til pruliably lieiiiir tliv lieitro.
It la Impoaallitr thai tbu Indiana tbuuld maintain tlulr
trllMl iiranlintliiiia with aeinrntp Kuvvriimvuta, beluit a ort uf
lialloti within a nuiluii. and linvv their own it'cullar civlllxa
tlulli It la liiilli uiiilealrablv slid llnoa.M,le.
litliKMlioii la tliv mei if brliiitliiK tlic liullvliliml Indiana
Into ailrh rclatloiialilti with our national life that thvy will
dealrv the amp HilliKa wbleh lliv wlillv (iroplv dvlrv. They
will ndupt our Identa ur Individual liiii reaav tu think and
fri'l lite Indiana nui! feel and think only oi American cltlteiu.
iiunlntniifv na rnmimri'il wIMi Hint of hi a furefntliera la Klmplj
enoriiiuua. 'lliu niiUiiliitiiiici' of nuy liuay man In tliv liuny
lilvv of Iweiillelh ceiitury Indiialry nrv numlierid uut by Ilio
eorv nor liy the liuudrvil but by the Ihoiiaand,
". Willi an Inereaaed hiiuiniilUirlanlaui under which turn
are inorv truly brotlu-ra tbnii vver beforr, there la no need In
ordinary raaea fur lliv rormallun of frlemUhlp'a link, at leaat
oa n meana uf mutual aucrur and aupport.
3, .Monnver, the very wear ami tear of modern lift. Ita
cenaeli'M ninl liicreiialnif atnuitlo III the teeth of ever llerwr
coiiiietltlun In nil wnlU of llfr. Hip effort that la nci'dml tu
gain a livelihood or mnke a nnr nil thi-ae leave aranty lel'
lire and kiiiiiII linlliinllori for fi...iilng new frlendablpa or even
kfcpliitr up Ihuav already formed,
KrleiiiUblp how ever, perliapa lina not changed an much In
degree aa In kind, No arguiuenla are needed to eatnbllah the
iiilmltled truth Hint the aoclnl luterruiirav of the aexea, which
now MUppllea an miiny of tliv cloaca: and moat exalted frlend
ablpa, wan In former yeura far leaa antlafactory than under
modern ilvllliiitlon It baa now become. Indeed, In moat caaea
It wna Klmply uoh'Ctlatciit,
And In Ihla great and nlmoat magtcaf tlcvatlon of woman
kind mentally, phyalcally nml morally, la to be found what I
cnllvd Juat no iv one of tbuav providential compcnaitlunn that
are frequently to In. mil with when at flrat alght onu la apt to
luiagliiv that audi nml atich a virtue that (luurlahcd lu tho good
uld tlmea la beginning tu fall Into decay.
ny J. J. mil. IrctliScnl of Urtat .lorltrra Kallwar.
J lie uniy aerluiu ubjeetluu lu aiHt'alK'd
trtiata haa been Hie method of creating
tlivni-not fur the purcne uf mauufiictur
Ing any public cuiiitnodlly In the Aral
pbioe, but for tint imrjiuav uf telling
alieavca of printed aecurltlea which rein
rtaelit nothing uiur Ihau guol will acd
proaprcllvv protlta lu the pruinotvra.
If II la the dealrv of tho general gov
ernment, through Cungreaa, tu prvveut
the glow Hi of audi curnurntluna. It haa
alwaya aeeiued to me that a liiiplc remedy wna within Ita
reach. Under I he couatliutiuiial provlaioti nlluwlng (Jingrv
tu regulate cimilnrrce bvtivii'ii the Htalea all lUlnpniilra desir
ing tu trnnaart bulnrn out of the Hlatv In which Ihey are
Incorporated ahould be held lu a unlfonn provlaluu of federal
law. Tiny ahould tnll.fy a nmuulaalou that their capital atock
wna actually pnld up lu cnali or lu pruperty, nt a fair valuation,
Juat na tliv eapltul of the mittonnl bank la certltliil tu be paid uji.
With that almplv law the leuiptatlon tu maku compan'i-a Uf
the piiriHiav of aelllug proatiectlvv iiroflla would be nt an ibd,
and at the name time no legitimate bualneaa would aufTvr.
nr Hrprctcnlallra Robert O. Coutlm, or Iowa.
I cannot ace any naatired hnpplncaa for
the Culinn people, and I mean, uf courae,
tummerclal tiruaperlty when I any thli,
eicept through anueantlun, I have al
waya Im-IIvvciI that to be Hie only eolutlon
of one uf the moat vexatloua problem
that haa ever confronted the people of
the United Htntea, tu wbuin Culm looka
aa a tlilld toward Ita parent. The men
who rcprcacnt the bualneaa liilereala uf
Hie lalunil have alwaya favured annexa
tion, and to-day they di al re It more than
ever, I think It rather premature when
Cuba la atiokcn of ua n iwaalble Htute In
our Union. That la na remote that it la
"out. "il.M. wairtc of nlc t0 ciMer It.
The bono and ainew of the ialnud, the thinking men there,
who have Hie bear-lutereata of their country at atnke, dealrv
a political alliance with the United Hlntca, fur without It they
cannot occupy n poaltlim which glvea them atandlng commer.
clnlly with other ciuntrli-a. 1 fear the flrat outbreak will come
from the Inhorlug claiw, and nuch a hapivnlng would bo moat
dlanatroui. Ia-1 Cuba come la aa a territory before Internecine
Mrlfe brlnga back to her once mure the devaatatlun and mlaer
ahv auffervd through Kpanlah tyranuy.
Thla Menna You.
If yott ImVo tint yot liml n snmiln
tin (i I Monop'ilo aplcna wo wnnt to talk
to you. W nro wi poult I vu Hint no
otlinr liraml ol file? will romtrtro
with Monoiolu-ln atrutiKtli, purity mid
(rntrancii tlmt wo will K'liil you u full
wiiight -or., tin for re. two cotit atiunji
ni il tlm niiiini ol your (jrocr. Tlioiw
linn rotnll for 10 to 2(1 cent a cacti, no
Hint II wo didn't tlilnk you wcnld
(uiiillmin uidiitf Motiopulo cplcos we
couldn't nfford to innku tlilanffer. Send
In your ntninp mid groter'a iianio nt
oncu, Addroti Wndliatna & Korr JJron.,
1'ortlnnd, Oregon.
A Kuaalan Law.
No nutnlnn In allowed to rntnrn to
Ida rmtlvo country If liu liuawlillo away
clianiyl bin religion.
IIiiiiiIIm'h Wlzitrd Oil latllon fiiccciw
fu I.' iK'itiint I'll" from nu ciuau wliat
uvur; wny nlioul I you li without it.
A Mountain Town.
Tlioro la a town of 000 Inhabitant,
on tlm top of tlio Jlouut ol Olives.
CITC rmlni.tlf CwfM 5o Ilia or nervoaiDiM
alia ftu. flr.1 !' a ll. kllM'aOr.Al N.M
."UaMar, rVn,rri'ltllt8.noiiUIIMUaiKttrMl.
wa. iia.ll.lj nuaB.i.u..iAriiiaurbiu4if.u,jra
A Cough
" I have made a most thorough
trial of Aycr's Cherry i'cctoral and
am prepared to (ay tint for all dis
ease of the lungs It never disap
point". "
J. Early Flnley, fronton, O.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
wc never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. Wc
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
Tarn alia I 2k., Ik., SI. All Cratilsli.
Aa It Seemed.
"Wliat'a Ida Imainesa?"
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You llavo Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
"fa yonr wlfo over ficcnlcsn with
"Kliu miys alio la, but I liavo reaion
to douLt It."
Cooaalt yoor doctor, tr ha lava Uko tt.
than do aa lia ara. lr ka laifa 70a Dot
to uko It. than doit't Uk 11. Ha knowi,
Loava It wltb hint. W ara wllUm.
J. C. JtYKIl CO.. Loall, Mait.
t. J. Illl.t-
Br Mar. J. Hudion, tlrlllik faaartat
There la an apparent decay uf fricudahlp, and If
ivv linulre Into Hie renmin uf Ihla I think wv might
attribute it tu une or other of all of tho following
ailaea ur clrcuinatiinceai
1. In theav diiya of rapid communication by aea
and land, In the triiiueut and luceavuint cungregatlon
and coligeatlon of human Ix-lnga for of bual
neaa and plcdaiire which la audi a characteristic lu the ngv In
which wo live, the numerical lucreoav of every mau'a ac-
By rrtiUcnt Harper, L'nlrertltr of Chicago.
The feeling growa atrouger In every quarter that
Iho college courae, nt leaat for thoae who are to en
gage in a profeaslon, muat be ahortened. Many men
who arv preparing for a prufeaalon arc distinctly In
jured by the last year or two In college. There are
nnr men for whom the college atmoirphcre, aa dla
llugulahed from that of the professional achool, la not
a wholesome one. Men who In college Idle away their time
lu many caaea find the more etrenuoua life of prufvaaloual tralu
lug exactly aullrd to their needs.
It docs not acem that the Harvard plan of three year
meets with general favor, even In Cambridge, although, accord
ing to the otllclal report, 40 per cent of the men now graduat
ing from Harvard College finish their academic work in three
years. It would seem to be a better plan to allow those who
du nut contemplate a profeaslonat courae of study to take tho
full four years of Work In college and to arrange for the other
claaa to count their early professional work aa a part nt the
work accepted fur the bachelur'a degree. A great forward
step )n the direction of this policy baa been taken In the reeeut
aetlou ot'Yalc. This policy has been adopted as the basin for
Hie organization of the schools -of medicine and law In. the
University of Chicago. It la the most practical solution of the
problem which confronts ua and btda fair to be the commonly
accepted eolutlon within a abort tliuo.
. . . Br George O. William.
v,Mcn who are truatej with such large amuunta
ought, not tu be tuo yunng, fur temptations aro strong
er w.l(h the young than with those who have arrived
at'limre mature years and have experienced the eeTure
trials if many temptations.
It goea without saying that men who are truated
with large amuunta of securities oueht to Im. hotter
Pjjld thitti those whose duties are of lea Importance and whose
iKialtlolia are Without aneclal reananalMlliv It... . r.- ...
f character la concerned, a nun of principle ought to be Just as
afv to be trussed with a million dollars as with one. In my
lldnd It lr a iiiifatlon of th man and not of the salary.
Eczema, Psoriasis, Sals
Rlhueom, Tetter and Acne
Belong to that class of inflammatory and disfiguring skin eruptions that
cause more genuine bodily discomfort and worry than all other known
diseases. The impurities or sediments which collect in the system because
of poor digestion, inactive Kidneys and other organs of elimination are
taken up by the blood, saturating the system with acid poisons and fluids
that ooze out through the glands and pores of the skin, producing an inde
scribable itching and burning, and "I can chaerfullyendorso yoor S.B.S.
the yellow, watery discharge forms aa a euro for Eczema. I ws troubled
into crusts and sores or little brown wlth t0T..Sa ,tr,t1 .m;.ny
1 1 : - -1 - .1.- 1 rr 1 : remedlea with no trood effocta, but aftor
and white scabs that drop oil, leaving n,ln(r a r8 w tottloa of 8. s. s. was entire
the skill tender and raw. The effect y relieved. Wm. Campbell,
of the poison tuny cause the skin to 313 'W. Contra! St., Wichita, Kan.
crack and bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy appearance; again the eruptions may
consist of innumerable blackheads and pimples or hard, red bumps upon
the face. Purification of the blood is the only remedy for these vicious skin
Washes and powders can only hide for a time the glaring
llcmislies. H. b. i. eradicates an poisonous accumu
lations, antidotes the Uric and other acids, and
restores the blood to its wonted purity, and stimulates
and revitalizes the sluggish organs, and the impuri
ties pass oil throueh the natural channels and
relieve the skin. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood
purifier. It contains no Arsenic, Potash or other harmful mineral
Write us about your case and our physicians will advise without charge.
We have a handsomely illustrated book on skin diseases, which will be sent
free to all who wish it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Oiu
We extract, crown and bridge teeth
without Inllictliig pain, Our methods
are modern and meet with the approval
of the most exacting. Call and see us.
Examination free. Fees reasonable.
Iloth 'phones: Oregon South Z31: Co
lumbia Xs. Open evenings till 9. Sun
days from 5 to 12.
u.nnil u'.iiuen lii (lermuiiv nro now
making beautiful mul nrllatlc orna
ments nml liotiauliuld uteimlla out of
tin. Apparently tho first to utlllxo
her tnlcnta In lllln direction wits l'rnu
Clara Hopiiennitli. of Ilcrllit. 8I10 fush
loned nrtlatlc tin vnaca. and since then
she has mndu n beautiful Imitation of
a clustor of allvcr thUtlen, which hns
been bought by tho Klnff of Houmnula.
Tin Is nn citny metnl to nmnlpulnto,
and any woman who Is a good nrtlst
will hnvo llttlo dllllculty In slinplns It
oh alio dealrea. Tho design must first
bo carefully drawn on tho tin, or rather
punched In It, and then na cnrcftilly
cut out. Only n few tools nro needed
for tho work, and tho necessary skill
In tholr uao can soon bo nciiilred. As
decorations for article of mnjollen and
wood dollcnto tin ornnmcnts aro now
booomlnit popular In Germany, nnd al
most all of them nro mndo by women.
Much la Ilcliltt Done Toward a Hotter
Tho proscnt administration Is opposed
to flics nml Is lighting them through tho
Department of Agriculture. Dr. How
ard, chief of tho division of entomology,
Ii tho general directing tho campaign,
which Is bolng prosecuted nt present
chiefly by tho distribution of pumpulots
telling about nil sorts of lllcs, their vari
ous Habits and dangerous propensities.
For tho hotter study of thorn 2,300 were
caught In kitchens nnd dining rooms In
oil parts of tho country and put on trial,
says n writer In Harper's Weekly. Of
those, 08 per cent were common houso
flies. Tho hottso fly does not blto or
sting. Tlio greatest danger from him
arises from his neglect to wlpo his feet.
Ilu Will trump over tilth and Infected
mutter and straightway track his accu
mulation over anything that any near
by family may bo having for dinner. It
Is easier to dscourngo llles ttltpgothcr
tlion to teach them butter lmlilts. Gen
eral Entomologist Howard talks of 0
wnr of extermination, but tho llrt mul
most practlcnb'o thing to do Is to teach
people l general n iuc nB loslblo
atom Utesi when and whero tuoy breed
nnd why they are dnligc roux. ' It Isiwell
known Hint Kindle ore great nurrn'rlip
of lllcs. It Koi'iiiH Impcli's to nttl'liVpt
to rrgulnto stable so tlilit 'lllcs won't
breed In them, Init n good deal can b'o
dune by tho imu of knowledge! nlftl of
aetisc; and whero stables ure so llaced
tlm their lllcs nro purtlL'tilnrly. annoy
ing the tio of chloride of lime will help
mutters very innch,' The cmit-eviitrnl
truth n limit lllcs nml the danger from
them seems to lie, tho cleaner tlio place
lliu fewer the files mid the lees il.ingir
from those Hint are there. Common
llli'M do not secreto poison; they merely
curry It. Don't leave nny potion nround
where they can get nt It. limy llltli:
keep gnrlmgc In proper receptacles, mul
remove It promptly.
For tho love of n poke bonnet nnd tlio
belief In tho blood and lire doctrine of
tho Salvation army, aa tniiRht liy the
lads and lnsslea lu nil and blue, MUm
Nclllo Johnson, n fair llevorly. Musi.,
miss, will stand In postofllce square. In
that city and In a fervent appeal vylll
Invito all slnuors to como to tho foun
tain 'of tho Lord, and bo saved.
Vor nil tho years the army has been
In Hovorly, the army has fow moro In
teresting recruits tliuu bonnlo Nclllo
Johnson, Ilccauao she believes that she
has been called to the worK, Miss John
son leaves business llfo with a bright
futuro boforo her and casts her lot with
tho soldiers of Christ who go out Into
the hlxliwnvs nml tiv
fallen back Into grace.
I His new recruit up to a fow days
ngo was oinnlorixl na n in,.,... 1...
a Iteverly concern, but now she has for
aaken tho pages of figures ond tho
nerve-racking problem of a trial bal
anco for that of tho Instruments nnd
nppcaia or tho Salvationists.
Mini Johnson's parents do not like
her decision, and her minister. Sunday
school teacher nnd friends liavo tried
ti) prevail 111)011 the elrl to !,, .1...
army, but sho would sacrifice every-
nuns ior 1110 snuo or saving souls.
Arabian CofTco.
Tlio Arabian coffeo maker, having
lirepared liU tire of charcoal and placed
near It a hugo pot containing water,
takes a few hnndfuls of green coffee
berries, carefully culls out all Imper
fect berries mid foreign substances and
then places tho best of the berries In
an Iron ladle held over the flro. The
berries are permitted to roost until
they begin to smoke, nnd are then,
while still unchnrrcd, placed In a small
mortar nnd carefully brayed with a
pestlo closely fitting too cup of tho
The berries nro not ,nn.n...
duced to a dust. While this process
una ueeu going on a small pot has been
half filled with tepid water from the
largo pot and placed over the' flro.
When the water In the small pot hns
begun to boll tho broken coffee ber
ries aro thrown In, nnd tho boiling I
pormltted to go on for a short time,
tho decoction being stirred with a
spoon when It shows signs of boiling
over. Tho coffee Is then served In
small cups without cream or sugar.
Dogs of War.
Thcro aro numerous Instances on rce
,ord where dogs have displayed won
dorful Intelligence In wnr, when car
rying messages while lit action and
whon acting as carriers to points or
stations at a distance. An olllccr of
my acquaintance, while campaigning
against Indians In tho Northwest,
would always collect n few dogs from
each settlement ho tfasscd through and
tako them along to tho country of tho
hostllcs. When Importnnt to send back
messages at n tliuq when It was Impos
sible to got a soldier through tho sur
rounding tribes, theso dogs, with pa.
pcrs attached to their collars, wcro dis
patched to tho settlements from which
they came, and thus olllclal communi
cations wero passed along to headquar
ters. New York Press.
WISE BROS., Dentists.
208, 209, 510. Ill, 21J, J13, railing Bids;.
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
Little Liver Pills.
Bluot Bonr Signature of
2e Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
roundod 1H70
A Horm School for Ooy
Military nnd Manual Training
Wrllo for llluatratod Omlaloguo
Ho Pure Food Liw Nestled
It everybody used Bplcei, lUWng Powder.
Coffcci and canned guods called
the Purest and lint obtainable.
Portland. Orezon. x
Joliea anil Jnlteleta Hint Are Rnppoacd
to lluve Ilecn decently Horn Hurl una
nit lliilima Hint Ars Old, Corlolia nnd
Laiiuhnlite The Week's Humor.
Traveler I want n bed for tho night
Clerk Haven't got 0110 lu the house,
"Got one out of tho housor
"Oh, yes."
"Well, I'll take that. Where Is It?" '
"Out In tho back yard, air. It's thef
strawberry bod. Don't roll over on tho
berries. Good-night, sir."
Qnlto Different.
1 Wesley Yo' look troubled, Hastus!
Itaren't you got dd nerve to propose to
Hastus Oh, I popped do question,
but I ain't got de nerve to question pop.
Anthracite Coal.
It is catimatcd that, allowing a yoar
ly output of 00,000,000 tons, the stock
of anthracite In Pennsylvania will last
80 years.
Mothers will flna Mrs. iY'lnslow's Sooth
Ing Nyrup the best remedy to use for tbelr
Children during ine teething period.
rish Sauce.
A dollclous fish inuco to servo with
full or meat is made by putting six
poonnful of water to four of vinegar;
rat on tlio flro, thicken with yolks of .
I two eggs; make hot, not trailing, and i
, t l.f
squcuzu 1110 luuu ui jian u loiuuii uviuiu
I solving.
One Co ml Hand Nichols A Shepanl
Separator, ilie 10-CO, with wind stacker,
only run 40 uais; a barsaln. Inquire ol
Toot Morrison St., IVrttanJ, Or.
Very small and as easy
to U3te ns augan
rnn Ttir nnupif unit
I "TiUJ?U MU.TKAV.Iia'.tTVI.I. jj
Professional hypocrites confess the
sins of others and overlook their own.
Forty years ftjo and after dw yeari
of use on the eastern coast Tower'a
Waterproof Oiled Coats were Introduced
in the West- and were called Sliders by
the, pioneers and cowboys. This fr&Mc
nune has come Into such (eneral use that
it Is frequently thoujh wrongfully eppBed
to many substitutes Tou want wz enune
Look ior uw ajn or ws t un. ana
the name Tower on the buttpra
1 MACinHauaMviuowAw
Bost on Earth
JsfCstnM It Ii mailt of the Lhu nutter 11 ptitnlMw
to buy. Tit inmiufiirliirm nLwoluiely pnr ll
to U pr rent bov ih ntiirkvt prlc ut btfit
frtlrt or watnui tlmtter for the prlvllptfof onl
ine over anil klminluc orT Khm premn of tht
wijiou atock, wlilcli Israrrltnl for 1 tn i yetirii bi
lure mtvklnf which tiin an tnrMiniiiiiii
ol stock of nrarly ou mtltloa dollar.
MITCHKLL Wifioni ar nititiri.tuM for
quallt7 proportion, tlulalt, trutli and Usfl
W hr tafc chancM on any other?
"Why-not (el Ih bestf-A Ml'lVIIRLU
Mlloholl, Lowm A Stmvar Qo
rotUautl. beatU. bokaufta atolM.
Our AatiaWftU nd aUlt-Kx V L.Trr n1' ' -Milli)MSfniiiiS4rk
iiih V OPEN r
UU 0ll Ukil UkUtt DKSTUOVIiU. On bott tun
Al't'ly to NlIHAN 1IICKFOKO,
AnoiiNsr, Wasiiutos. P. 0.
tD BcstUmgh Sirup. Taalea
rnr lw fciaa r telutu utlu Ftm miXh rr 8rlfit.
AirtcUU U Etftctiia. unrlviW. Ovr "IV&rWKMUb
lafttrwitloa fur Wouion ouly" VHUtt la pUta toilox tt
V, V. N, U.
No, 4O-10OI).
Jfnilge How Is It you'ro not going
out yachting with Clinrllq again?
Dolly It took both his haiiils to man
ago the boat September Smart Set
How Can It?
Kddlo (aged G) Say, pop, ain't the
world round?
His Pop Ye,
Eddie Then how can It ever come to
an end?
In the Wrona row.
Lady Customer Glvo me a package
of Imlrptns, please.
Green Salesman You'll find those In
the hnlr mattress department, madam.
Ohio State Journal.
Stern Mother Were you In swim
ming. Hobble?
Hobble-What If I'll say res?
Stern Mother Why, I should whip
Hobble Then I refuse to answer.
Ohio State Journal.
"Dolly Is golug somewhere with that
young man this evening."
"Yes, golug to sit with him In the
hammock. Illght after dinner sho went
upstairs and put on a dark shirt waist."
Portland Oregonlan.
The Southern Phlloaptier.
"You look happy," ventured the tourist
"Couldn't be moro so, stranger' re
plied the lanky native.
"Didn't tho lightning strlko your
"Yes, hit tho wcodptle an' split up
enough kindling to last six weeks."
"How about tho cloudburst''
"Oh, that raved the old woman a
week's washing. Just hung the clothes
out an the water did the rest.'' -
"Hut the earthquake?"
"Well, that saved some more work.
Churned up all the milk aroun' luto
bjitter. Nature Is man's greatest help,
The Lady Did any one call while I
was out?
The Maid No, ma'am.
Tho Lady That's very Btrange. I
wonder what people thluk I hnvo an
"at home day" for. Moonshine.
A Hot On;.
MHoholl Wagon j
UEN writing; to advertisers please
an en vi oa itu ppr.
Cholly In what profession would
tou Uko me to distinguish myself?
Miss Klddem Oh! Any nt all a life
long explorer In Africa, for Instance.
Scheme that Fulled.
Tom (teaslngly) Would you bo sorry
to hear that I am going to marry
Mayme Indeed I should.
Tom Why?
Mayme Because I really like Edyth.
Not Kiactlr Compliment.
Hewitt Ignorance Is bliss.
Jewctt You'd better get your life In
sured. Hewltt-What for?
Jcwett You're liable to die of joy.
New York Times,
Appropriate lixpreeslon.
Itcglnald Miss Wose, don't you think
my Imported Egyptian cigarettes are
Miss Hose Yes, they are perfectly
At the Minstrels.
Bones Yeas, sah. Ah kin prove dat
Noah dtdu't take enuf to cat on dat voy
age. .Tnnibo How kin yo' prove It?
Iloucs Don't da good book say ho
only took one Ham? ?
Wetl Watered.
Btuhb You complain about these
streets belug damp. Why, I know a
city where the streota aro always a
field of water.
Pcnn What city Is that?
Stubb Venice.
Lovf'a QolJen Dream.
Sho And will you speak to papa to
morrowi dear?
He (lu dismay) Obi Don't, darling
don't wake me up I Puck.
Th Ml? editor wna troubled, Mit tu
say angry.
"HntiB It nil," he exclaimed, ni h
rend the letter atldresapd to hl dv
partmi'tit, "my wlfo luta litQ,nsVliiit
mo tlmt i)tii for Hi" last wwi
nnd I rPfuaml to he lwli;,Td " lto
looked at tlm letter 4iKi'i t jifmp'd
out of his chnlr. 'Tlrtimlor mul nm."
ho rrUil, "Ita lirr hmul writing, tim,
Now thnt sho tins lrarnv! the tH v.
she'll tnnlto ni itt; vefjf awlnl,
household nml hlati ricn! iiueailnn tlmt
comes tip, nnd I'll ho rlajtit on lisud tu
take tho btnme If I make ft mistake.
I'or a long tliuo ho remained buried
In thought. Then he resigned. llinok
Ijn Knglo.
A tie UiiilcrJtuoil It.
Smith Whew nro yuu living now?
Ilrown In St. IxjuIs. Hvor been
thcro? 1
IlrowTt Well, come over and' spend n
week with us nnd you'll nover live
anywhere else
Smith Why, Is tlio cllmnto mat to
tal? Chicago Nows.
Coxr In Nnnie Only.
Cholly I'm awfully tlred-and want
to rest n bit
Cnrryo I'hcn don't sit In tho coxy
Ilia Only Keiiieat.
Judeo Tho Jury hns returned ft ver
dict of guilty. Ilnve you anything to
say for yourself beforo sentence Is
Prisoner Oiily ono thing your honor.
I trust you will sco your wny clear to
deduct tho tlmo occupies! by my coun
sel's speech from my term of Itnprlsou
mcnt Ncnrlnir the Airo I.lnilt.
Flrstiilght-Mdllc. DoKInuor Is bill
ed as having appeared beforo niau of
tho crowned heads of Europo. I won
der wlio they wcro?
I'rontrow All thoso who reigned pre
vious to the beginning of tho nine
teenth century, I Imagine.
Ooml Advice.
Hlx Green sent ?1 to a man who ad
vertised to Impart Information that
would cnnlilo any ono to suvo money.
Dlx Did ho get tho Information?
Hlx Yes. The advertiser wroto nnd
told him not to send nn? more.
Took It for Ornnttd.
Guide (nt the capltol) Seo thnt man
across tho way? That Is tho speaker
of tho house.
Jay Orccn Dew tell! Heow long hes
his olo woman been dead huh?
"How do you sell your wood?"
"liy tho cord."
"How long has It been cut?"
"Four feet"
"I moan how long hns It been slnco
you cut It?"
"Not a bit longer than It Is now."
Ilia Obaervntlon.
"There nro two critical periods In
every married woman's life," observed
tho bachelor philosopher.
'Put'mo next" said the very youug
"Ono" replied the b. p. "Is when sho
has a hired girl and the other Is when
she hasn't"
Ilia Kxpcrlence.
Hlx They say that every h.arty
laugh adds a day to ono's life.
Dlx Don't believe a word ef It
Hlx Why not?
Dlx A man kicked nt least a week
oft my life recently becauso I laughed
when a banana peel upset him on tho
A Pointer -You
can sometimes see pretty well Into
the future If you get tho right focus ou
tho past Puck.
How lie Frit.
"Is It a severe attack?" asked bis
"Is It?" said the dyspeptic. "I foi'I
as though I had eaten everything ever
mentioned lu n cook b-ok!" Puck.
Too riilloiophlr.
"It's terribly warm," said tho person
who could not suffer In silence.
"Yes," answered the uiun who Is so
good-natured that ho. Irritates. "Uut
It's a great comfort to thluk that you
aro not In danger of being arrested for
forgetting to clean the snow off your
sidewalk." Washington Star.
A Mortal Iinoniy.
"Aunt Sally Is a good old soul, I sup
pose she hasn't an enemy In tho world."
"Indeed, she hast I know one. Sho
onco spoke of Miss IJIcachblood as 'that
girl with the sandy hair "Puck.
But Not Hutlaflor.
The Author This Is all nonsense
about tho literary profession being un
healthy. The Poet Of course. Why, It Is tho
greatest appetite producer In the world.
Whero Thieves llldo Money.
According to Chief of Detectives Mil
ler, there nro curious changes of reun
ion among women criminals, juat as
among their more honest sisters, says
tho Philadelphia Ilccord. "Take, for
Instance," said he, "the matter of how
women pickpockets conceal upon their
persons tho coin which they steal. Did
you ever know that tho place of con
cealment varies with them from year
to year? Back in 1800 they hid U In
tholr hnlr, and m searchlug a woman
thief the head wos always tho first
thing to be examined. In tho neigh
borhood of 1800 they bid It In their
shoes. Try her shoo first, rotas,' I al
ways used to say to tho female search
er In handing over a woman thief.
Nowadays they hide It In a small pock
et sewed on tholr skirts In Just about
the place whero on a man's trousers
the little watch pocket is sowed, and mntrous find ou seven out of teu
iwomen thieves pockets of this kind
invisible patches tlmt n lay mind would
bo bound to overlook."
Some women show their age and
some cover It with a coat ot paint